Common Sense Gun Control is Nonsense | Change My Mind

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I used to like crowder and watch his vids, esp. gun control videos, until he started posting videos with racist undertones and acting like a child

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SadChoppaHours πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Never forget that one time Crowder threatened to call the cops on a guy painting a mural because he was debating him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gyar6178 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
what happened with 911 in the nsa act where they started monitoring potential terrorists so are these people considered potential terrorists who knows but they would still be able to purchase firearms if you're a citizen of the u.s i thought it was for the patriot act and that's one of the i changed my mind yeah um no time for a new installment of change my mind where we rationalize our positions on controversial topics as always comment which topics you'd most like to see in the future today well you've all heard former vice president joe biden talk about this in recent days gun control are you proposing taking away their guns and how would this work i am we can ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and you shouldn't be able to exploit loopholes and evade criminal background checks by buying online or at a gun show to gun owners out there who say well a blind administration means they're going to come for my guns bingo if i'm elected and are i'm coming for you hell yes we're going to take your ar-15 we all know the proposed gun control is unconstitutional there's no such thing as a gun show loophole and assault weapons it's not a thing this time on campus when i showed up everyone was having a good time oh piss off i didn't say i liked people but just for that i prefer tcu you must have never had a frog leg in your life was frog leg is that a thing what i'm french canadian we have frog legs at our golden corrals forgotten they're not even joking it's a place called newport and vici's which had to be shut down for gross healthcare violations they had frog legs it was like a first station is that a thing like what's the tcu smu crockett the dining halls i'm sorry i'm not privy to your your local regional sports references for crying out loud then go to schenectady oh yeah you know about the uh yellow tree what i'm told [Laughter] so good in fact that the local cops arrived tried to kick us out said we couldn't film there then i realized it was a public park last i checked the first amendment still applies so i did it anyway what are they gonna do well you'll see nothing here's evan oh you're evan okay hey evan nice to meet you sir all right so evan do you mind moving in a little bit just yeah yeah all right i don't know you think that uh i'm not hitting on you anything so uh we've done broad sort of general i'm pro second amendment champion uh like i was saying earlier we didn't expect uh the executive or the executive order so we didn't change a sign but these are the executive orders right here if you're not familiar with them um you can peruse them because we want to make sure that look i'm not what we do i don't know how familiar the last thing i want to do is like i gotcha yeah and i don't exactly expect everyone to be familiar with them so you can kind of look at them uh and i think that it's nonsense particularly from what i understand that you're a fan of is the uh the national red flag yeah i do want to talk about that all right so clarification question with this red flag law does that not make a national mandate of a red flag law in 60 days or they can't make a match this is basically sort of setting a template and then eventually they're going to try and a lot of it is executive orders and then some of it is also pushing congress for example they want people to be pushing legislation manufacturers they want that was something but i don't think you could do that through executive action but then the national red flag law you know he's trying to exert pressure and he wants to start with a template yeah yeah so my opinion is that we should have a national red flag law and obviously the process for it needs to be like regulated through a court system to make sure that it was just fully like enforced to take their gun like take the guns away and i would assume that you would believe that that is government overstep um well i think we already have that system in place it's not a red flag law okay what is that then so have you purchased firearms yes okay so you know about the background check yeah you go through okay so you know so i i think we're starting off on common ground then because at the time when he gave executive orders he said people buying guns without background checks that's not true you know it's not true i know it's not true um and with that background check they're making sure that you are of age right they're making sure that you're not a criminal right now in this country you cannot purchase a firearm legally if you're a felon if you're a violent domestic abuser or if you've already been adjudicated mentally defective uh by a judge or court of law i think those are pretty good standards and i think if we want to talk about filling in the gaps i would be open to hearing how you would do that and it not be a violation of constitutional rights but this right here uh goes far beyond that scope i mean i think that's a pretty good standard yeah where we know okay felony we agree domestic violence that's a violent domestic views that's violence for example like he also said like oh you know domestic music if you're talking about like people getting into a tussle or people being verbally abusive that's very different from an actual violent domestic abuser you can't legally purchase a firearm and then if you've been by a court order ajudicated mentally defective you can't purchase a firearm how would you add to that i guess so what i would add to that is first of all the reason for it is like you say constitutional overstep like personal rights overstuffed by the government and with all the gun violence that's happened this year as you probably know it's been like four times the national average like in previous years and so violence period yeah yeah not gun violence okay so i would say that that is similar i wouldn't say it's like perfectly the same to what happened with 911 in the nsa act where they started monitoring potential terrorists so are these people considered potential terrorists who knows but they would still be able to purchase firearms if you're a citizen of the u.s yeah and you can pass that background check because by the way i i thought it was for the patriot act and then that's one of the i changed my mind yeah um no okay yeah so a couple of i'm just trying so no to the patriot act notice spying on americans and uh no to everything you just said let me explain to you why okay crime has been consistently going down right yeah crime is going down before the assault weapons ban is going down after the assault weapons ban we have one year with a blip oh wait a year in 2016 with a blip and this last year with a blip okay you said it was gun crime it's not it's for the same reason there were two billion dollars just in business damages hundreds of officer casualties dozens of murders and thousands of arrests at the riots that took place over the summer alone okay i'm not disagreeing with you the homicide rate went up 2 000 in portland i'm not disagreeing with you that the violent crime went up over 100 percent in places like new york and minneapolis or milwaukee where they defunded the police but to suggest that that's because of uh law-abiding american citizens who own firearms i mean there's a reason that more black americans have purchased firearms in the last year than ever in american history and i don't think that stripping people who are the victims of these riots and this increasing violent crime is a solution okay okay uh i mean is that fair yeah that's fair would you agree with me that there wasn't a sudden rise in just angry white mass shooters that there is a correlation with one year spike and that can be directly i mean traced to the defunding of police the allowing of violent riots i mean i i would say that that's a tough one i'm just trying to get my thoughts together um well look i'll tell you this assume i'm not lying statistically it's undeniable yeah yeah it was the most violent song i believe that you're telling me the truth or the summer of love as i said in seattle oh god yeah so i still it's still about the psychiatric background i know that gun violence might not have gone up but i still think it's a problem so how can we fix that and there are loopholes as you would probably know what loopholes well you said first off you said you support the red yes national red flag do you want to talk my yes proposal so yeah why do you support a red flag law beyond what we already know which is right just i need to clarify so felon violent domestic abuser mentally by a court you want to add to that with a red flag why uh i would like to add to that so um doctors if they know that their patient is a harm to themselves they have to report that to the police if they mention anything of that so why are they then allowed to continue to have their guns if they know they are a danger to themselves because just because you're reporting to the police doesn't mean anything's going to happen right so and you know something like you're saying that's it sounds like you're saying if a doctor reports to the police they should immediately come and take your guns away no no no i think there should be due process and that there should be like it would have to be proven through like psychiatric evaluation that these people are suicidal are trying to like hurt some other people than in like a mass shooting type thing but you would have to show evidence with it and not just have it be like yeah you just argued against red flag laws that's fair no no seriously like you just targeted that's what mentally adjudicated mentally defective so the process is but self-harm right you report it and it goes through a process the red flag laws and by the way this is sort of funny you brought up a doctor i have some examples here we'll have all the sources on the website just again just assume i'm not lying to you there's a doctor i believe was in new jersey new york who actually had uh his patient because he wrote bad yelp reviews had his guns taken away yeah so again that's why you like you're saying you need those processes of okay and we have those that's why a court needs to deem you you know adjudicated mentally defective is the term a court needs to deem you however the red flag laws that are proposed and i think what we're having here is you maybe are thinking red flag laws or something different because if you're saying hey someone who has already displayed a violent behavior or harmful behavior and it's proven through a system of evidence and they go through a process where i would assume that you're saying they can uh they can face their accusers yeah right yes however red flag law is someone reports you they can come and take your guns in the middle of the night there's no trial you've been charged with no crime no evidence and you don't get to face your accusers and then after a certain amount of time you go to court and maybe they'll let you get them back okay do you think that just because someone hasn't committed a violent act yet that they should still keep their guns until they do uh yeah i think that if someone has not caused harm to someone else or themselves or it has not been proven like you just said a psychiatric evaluation and then facing your accusers right yeah which is something that we already have yes i don't think that you minority report and take someone's gun someone guns pre-crime do you do you think you should be able to take them pre-crime because then who determines i think that's criminal act i think it's then in the sense of national security like the patriot act where if they are planning on committing these like crimes and they have been proven through these processes like how many people with that but we already have that as my point right right right law is beyond proving it right the whole point is right now this can be proven for example if you make a death threat yeah that's not red flag law you can bring that into court if someone has started hurting themselves right someone attempted suicide that's in court right away if someone already is a felon tried to harm someone else then we go through the court system red flag laws completely bypass the court system and put first off police lives in danger because they're going and taking guns think about it who don't know who don't know they always kill the dog you know that happens all the time how many times do you see a report and i'm a dog lover i don't know about you so they kill the dog they take your guns and uh then maybe at some point even though you've been charged with no crime you may get your guns back do you think you think that's okay because no that's not what i'm arguing so i didn't exactly know that before um coming in here but i think that we need to open up the psychiatric evaluations more in our current systems because i personally don't know how many people get like court adjudicated like insane to where they can't have guns and there's probably a disproportionate amount of people who are insane that just haven't gone through that system yet that need to be filtered out through the system i think i think you're pro listen i think you're probably right that there are probably some people out there who are mentally uh okay i say defective unstable okay all right i'm gonna go with defective uh but yes mentally unstable people who we don't know yet but here's the issue we just had someone come out here not the only issue but this is something to me and i would like you to entertain this thought for a second the person who sat down before you emily said that we need to have more mental health care in this country yeah and i agree with someone who suffered from depression my whole life i think that we need to uh destigmatize seeking help i don't think we need to glorify mental health issues for example i don't want to be considered a hero because i have depression it's something i have to deal with however let me give you this situation these red flag laws like as you see proposed right this is from the white house website again this is not mine you can go to the white house dot gov and read it or um that's it might be from their briefing room yeah yeah no problem um someone who has concerning thoughts maybe let's say someone who is very depressed someone who has considered not wanting to live anymore someone who's embarrassed about their mental health issues um do you think they're more or less likely to seek help if they know that their constitutional right to protect themselves could be taken away if they admit to their mental health shortcomings [Music] you'll discourage people from seeking out help yeah but can i bring up something else of course uh so if you sign up for in most states where medical marijuana is legal once you receive your card you can no longer legally purchase a firearm yeah which i think is ridiculous i mean it's a problem with federal laws and statements yeah and so does that make people who would like to use medical marijuana to treat themselves does that deter them from doing it because they won't be able to have their firearms well they just lie and so that's my issue right exactly people just so there's a loophole agree there's no point for a red flag law people just lie exactly yeah so it doesn't sound like you're advocating red flag laws you're advocating what we have yes and a process to make it more thorough right which i understand costs money and takes time right which isn't very efficient but i think it's what's needed like what's necessary but you would agree that the red flag what we're talking about because i think you maybe had this sort of perceived idea of what a red flag law was i could barely overhear you while you were talking to george and that's where i got it from well george doesn't i don't know if he's still here george doesn't stop talking um but what you perceived a red flag law to be but i just want to make sure that i understand that now understanding that a red flag law means that your family member your friends your doctor can have people take your guns away not being charged with a crime not facing your accusers no due process you'd be against that i'd be against that okay so you're against biden's proposal yeah but but i also i support what you're saying yeah you're saying too those people should be able to still go to the court system and mention like put in a formal thing that these people are unstable and then make them go through processes because just because you haven't gone to see a psychiatrist whenever you have schizophrenia doesn't mean you don't have schizophrenia it's true and just because the jls ex-girlfriend says yes schizophrenia doesn't mean you have schizophrenia true but i think you should still be checked well i think i think that there should be uh a process which is not incredibly invasive otherwise you would just have everyone who's a lover scorn saying schizophrenia you know you have schizophrenia you're crazy you're crazy right there needs to be a track record and look there i think we would also have to accept that living in a free society you're never going to catch everyone and i think that it's a far greater sin and this is something i think has never talked about considering that there's half a million on the low end to 3 million defensive uses of firearms each year in this country and there are only 14 000 homicides each year in this country way higher in a black lives matter peaceful summer mind you i think it's a far greater sin to take away firearms from the overwhelming number of people who use them responsibly and defensively yeah in order to try and catch something and look you're never going to have a perfect society it's a needle in a haystack probably it is a needle in hand but i do agree with you yeah in that if a doctor can recommend it and someone is goes through the court system i think for me what's super important i think we both agree here is yeah is there needs to be due process a charge and the ability to face your accuser and in this case defend yourself and defend yourself yeah yeah um that's not what they're proposing and to me it's terrifying yeah i understand that yeah evan yes evan evan i appreciate it i think we just came to some common ground i think i think i somewhat changed your mind by accident by accident can you hear me can you give me a hug no all right thanks joke's on you i have povich would you look at that evan inadvertently changed his mind there's plenty more to get to but i want to let you know that none of these episodes take place without your support and especially now that the entire channel has been demonetized indefinitely consider going to get yourself some slick threads uh we've got some cool new designs dropping soon thank you so much for the support no foreign caliphate we're funded by viewers like you actually on with the show i'm sorry what was your name again george george that's right george how's it spelled g-o-r-g-e okay because it's also we have a friend george j-o-r-g yeah jorge but he said he prefers george fair enough um so they announced six uh executive actions and um then some proposals to congress that they would like to see past you ask me which one is most concerning to me so let me just sort of uh set this for people who are tuning in we've done pretty generic or i should say um i guess i should say more broad to change my minds in the second amendment i wanted to try and focus on some of these new laws because a lot of people haven't been talking about yeah no that's why i asked because i actually don't even know about them either okay so the one i think that you were talking which one is most concerning to me is red flag laws and if you want to read this do you mind reading it out loud i mean you can read it for yourself it would help if you read it out loud so it's this one right here all right uh red flag laws allow family members or law enforcement to petition for a court order temporarily barring people in crisis from accessing firearms if they present a danger to themselves or others the president urges congress to pass an appropriate national red flag law as well as legislation incentivizing states to pass red flag laws of their own in the interim the justice department's published model legislation will make it easier for states that want to adopt red flag laws to do so right so could you go over like the implications of that like what so um first off do you want me would it help if i expound upon the count yeah please okay so what a red flag and it varies from state to state uh but that's why he wants to eventually he's expressed the interest in having a nationalized form of federal red flag law and what that means is effectively there are gaps right now right between for example if you're a felon or if you're a violent domestic abuser you cannot purchase firearms right what red flag laws aim to do is expand that where a family member a neighbor a doctor could report well not even just related for example there have been some doctors or work associates could report you as someone who may be a danger to yourself or others and so in that case um the government could seize your firearms then i do see why that's concerning yeah well the argument let me give you the argument that they present is you know if you look at um i can't remember what shooting because i know they sort of bleed together i think it was uh the one in el paso uh but there were several shootings where they said well they called the fbi right and this person shouldn't have had a firearm okay and so red flag laws would allow us to close that gap where it's this person's dangerous they can be reported and their firearms can be what they would argue temporarily removed so if people are reporting a person right yeah like do they have to like is it on certain grounds that it has to be like legitimized like do you like what's the process that's the question okay right that varies from state to state for example i think it was in new jersey you had a a doctor flag one of his patients because he kept leaving him negative reviews on yelp and uh the guy had his firearms removed so this is the issue right is it it varies across some states and many states don't have red flag laws at all but no because i think it's pretty clear right if you've committed a felony or if you're a violent domestic abuser that's another little bait and switch that biden pulls like domestic abusers shouldn't be able to get uh firearms if you're a violent domestic abuser you already can't if we're talking about someone who got into a verbal argument with their wife you don't i don't believe that you remove their ability to own a firearm but no it's uh it is subjective and the issue that i have with it that's most concerning is they take your firearms right there's no due process okay you're not even charged with it you don't have to be charged with a crime enough to be charged no you don't have to be charged with any crime let alone convicted you don't have to have been even mentally diagnosed or adjudicated defective and you are not even there for the hearing you have no opportunity to face your accusers then several weeks later what they said several weeks later you'll have a hearing where you're allowed to make your case for getting your firearms back so it's after you've already been punished it's after they've been taken away yeah yeah no i do feel like that's an abridgement of the second amendment rights that's that's why i wanted to ask about red flag because i actually hadn't heard about it i yeah i understand your concern then right and i i understand the reason that people would think it's a good idea because they go well those people are mentally insane i mean it's different because like if a doctor i guess notices a potential danger that their patient might pose like i don't know i see it being justified if it's something like you have a patient that's schizophrenia or something right right someone that could pose a danger but i feel like they would need to have already expressed yes exactly a potential to harm others in order for you to like legitimately take away their firearm right and and we kind of already have that standard of crime right fellaini so this is just more on top of it yeah and i think also you know we say a lot of people say well we have a mental health crisis in this country well let me ask you this let's say you're suffering from depression let's say you're suffering from you know i have family members who have bipolar disorder but they're not violent yeah do you think that knowing if your doctor says this guy's bipolar and they could take your guns away do you think it would make people more likely or less likely to seek mental health assistance definitely less yeah you know what i mean like we've all had rough times like i've suffered from depression in my life i talk about it pretty openly but i know that if i knew that someone a doctor could subjectively say danger to himself i'd probably keep it to myself so it's these laws of you know the rules of unattended consequences for the clause got it and uh does it surprise you that you haven't heard more about it honestly considering i mean yeah that does seem pretty sweeping i'm kind of surprised i haven't heard about it yeah well this is this is from the website and we make them all this is from the white house website their own press briefing are there uh like what else was in this ghost guns ghost guns okay ghost guns in there that's a big thing that's the word now ghost gun you have a problem with ghost guns you tweeted about them right i don't have a problem with coasters you don't have a problem no i just say ghost guns are not it's not really as far as it being an actual threat right now an existential threat to the united states america the way i understand ghost guns is that they're like you have different parts right and then they're assembled but it's not serialized it's not like recognized federally in some sort of registry i feel like that does pose a danger right well there is no federal registry or not our federal reserve no but this is important because the serial number uh it can only trace the firearm to its original point of sale it doesn't trace individual individuals so i think that matters and people start off with it and what it is and if you look at the actual legislation you look what he put especially before he ran for office right the idea of ghost guns first off it's it's legal for you to make firearms at home it's not very difficult you have you have some piping and some copper wire you can make a shotgun pretty damn easily believe me i've had friends do it i wouldn't recommend it sure yeah that's legal though you just can't sell them now here's the issue with ghost guns as they're saying you know you can buy a receiver you can buy an upper and effectively you can put a gun together with kits however you look at their proposed follow well proposed auxiliary legislation it's basic it basically makes it impossible to purchase any gun parts online because it could be used for a ghost gun yeah but what if i have a safety that's broken no i might not be able to replace the safety what if i want to change the display to wherever you originally bought the gun in order to do that right no not if you make it difficult and illegal to purchase parts under the guise of the main ghost guns and that is proposed wait but okay like if you want to buy a safety for say like or let's say like a slide lock or whatever it is but yeah the point is they would they want to make it increasingly difficult to purchase fire parts okay if you did want that and you want to do that legally safely whatever can you not just go to where you originally bought the gun i'm confused no not if you want to cut not if you want to customize your gun not if you want to change something on your gun for example what extent so for example i have a revolver okay uh that i really like and i have i have some guns that you know more for practical purposes and some that are sort of heirlooms and the trigger was pretty rough and so i got a trigger spring kit and i switched out the trigger i did a trigger job that's the kind of thing which could very much be illegal under the guise of ghost guns which don't make up any percentage as far as we know of crimes committed right now and that's the fault is the idea that well these crimes are being committed out there right now with these ghost guns ghost guns in other words i want you to think there's this epidemic of guns out there that people are creating or 3d printing it's just not true okay it's just not an actual threat matter of fact the closest thing that i found was they said 30 so i was trying to do research on this and it's impossible to find the closest number you find is they say well 30 of all guns now recovered according to atf for ghost guns i said well that's a lot and i realized almost 30 of all guns recovered in california were ghost guns and so i was sitting there trying to find some data saying well that's interesting good amount of guns though right if it were true yeah so i was sitting there going well that's interesting that's only in a gun free state effectively gun restrictive state like california here's what the truth is first off there's no official report it was a verbal report given to an nbc reporter from the atf okay and what they were saying was 30 of all guns recovered usually from crimes in california were unserialized meaning that that also includes guns that were bought out of the back of a truck where they would have scrubbed the serial number which is all illegal firearms so that's used as the basis and i encourage you to research it no paper paper thin that's literally why i sat down like i don't know that much about this i wanted to see because here's the thing like i'm on the left but i'm also pro-gun okay like i definitely respect people's rights to have a gun but i mean i do feel like something like ghost guns do potentially present a danger you know i just potentially present a danger however and then for looking into this sort of risk reward ratio potential dangers would you also agree that there's a potential danger in giving the federal government the authority to ban which parts are allowed to be purchased for the fire sure yeah i mean like i would have to research it yeah although yeah especially when you know that it's based on a dishonest premise you know i mean we have a president out there right now who when he issued these executive actions if you watch his conference said we need background checks you said you're pro-gun do you own any firearms i don't know so you've never gone and purchased a firearm i've never purchased firearms okay do you know that they all require background yes yes so when you have a president who listen i i'm not in the business of describing motive but i've got to believe that the president knows that there are background checks for guns so i've got to say that there aren't yes i did not know that okay yeah he said in barack obama they said they're the loopholes the online loophole if you mean that you buy a gun illegally that's not a loophole if you mean that you just go and buy a gun outside of a gun show in a trunk that's not a loophole go to any place here that sells firearms any gun shop any gun dealer and they will require a background check and a photo identification so when he predicates his physician on a lie like that regal that's not true anyone who's purchased a gun knows it's not true and then they use numbers like a huge percentage of ghost guns and you go home a second that's not true and then the package the totality comes with and you can't have magazines over 10 rounds we can no longer sell gun parts and red flag laws right that's that's really concerning to me okay and so um yeah i would encourage you to and i appreciate you guys toward the left but uh sitting down having conversations this is the kind of stuff that doesn't happen enough like i'm to the left of democrats left like yeah yeah um would you put me in the gulags if you had your choice definitely not because i also believe in individual liberties so well he can't be that far left no i it's never existed in any leftist country that's existed i would tell you research libertarian socialism you might learn some things i know plenty about libertarian socialism anarcho-socialism and i think that these are oxymorons and make noises yeah i wish i could talk to you about that because i totally don't think they are i feel like you can have you can have liberty okay pause one second because maybe we can talk about this i just want to make sure no one else wants to talk about the gun and then uh is anyone hey is anyone else looking to talk about firearms so this is where george and i wrapped our conversation on common sense gun control but don't worry we'll have another segment with george on libertarian socialism coming soon spoiler alert he didn't actually change my mind but before we go on to our final guest uh i had to take a moment to deal with this beautiful brave young woman i just want to ask how is my face pollution it's not really nice oh i don't want to talk to you i know but that's pretty rude i can literally leave i don't want to talk to you i just got into grad school i'm not talking to you you just find why i'm not talking to you but i'm just curious when you say like someone's oh okay all right it's a joke okay it's a joke and it's because you disagree with me yes it was a joke i'm gonna face this pollution i don't want to be feeling so no it's okay look well you're being filmed because you're in a public area i just want to make sure that you're okay with that homonym as well okay but by the way we didn't expect former vice president joe biden to declare war on the second amendment over the weekend so we had to do an impromptu sign change yes we're just that crafty and our penmanship is that awful now on to emily emily you wanted to talk about firearms so i wanted to say you know we have this general um i'm pro second amendment change my mind which is more broad however uh we just changed the sign right now that's why it's written um like andy from toy story under buzz's shoe we didn't expect by new issue sweeping executive actions and so i wanted to specifically talk about this in relation to what is proposed as common sense gun reform which of course i believe is nonsense um particularly as it relates to joe biden's executive actions now are you familiar with the ones he just issued can i take a look at yes absolutely so this is from the white house uh directly and the ones in bold those are kind of the actual actions and then there's descriptions of them and if i understand you specifically wanted to discuss mental health in the issue of guns but you know if you want to read these uh no rush you can peruse them does it say what these strategies are it's kind of like the green new deal thing where then it's just everything they're after and uh give us your money the thing is obviously we should have gun laws because you can't just buy a gun willy-nilly right but this seems a little dude this seems ridiculous in the sense that it's not actually creating any change okay i'm gonna put this on top not to to uh hide it from you but just to make sure that it doesn't blow away it seems ridiculous that joe biden is is using his executive orders almost like what's the right word a dick i wouldn't say it like that okay i'm sorry in in a sense that it's almost like abusing this yeah you shouldn't it for the wrong reasons because what it really is is it's a mental health issue so they should be doing mental health advocacy in schools instead of this if they're really worried about school shootings and things like that yeah you go to the root of the problem it's not guns but we should we should have gun control but we do i mean i know a lot of people that have guns that don't have a gun license especially here in texas and you need a gun license but you shouldn't have to have a gun license i'm saying when you purchase a firearm you have to get a bat you go through a background check you can't be a criminal or a violent domestic abuser well why shouldn't we have gun license like instead of instead of like like in the same sense of like a driver's license yeah well because driving is not a constitutional right but i mean you need id to purchase a firearm just as you need id you should need id to vote um so i think that you should have to present identification to make sure that we know you're of age we know that you're not a criminal we know that you're a legal citizen but if you have you ever purchased a firearm i have not okay so we actually did this one time where we didn't change my mind and there were a couple of lovely ladies who were to the left and uh they didn't know about this and so we went to go purchase a firearm with them we took them to the range kind of educated them a little bit and then i said hey which one did you prefer and they preferred this firearm of author ppq and they uh attempted to purchase it with a long background check turned out they couldn't because she wasn't 21. so 21 for a pistol in texas uh you can be 18 for a long gun so no we have we already have background checks if you want to uh conceal carry in some states like texas you need a permit see that's all fine with me but the issue is the issue is it's like it's mental health so i just want to make sure we have comments so you it doesn't sound to me like yeah that law-abiding citizens should be able to purchase firearms okay and i don't i kind of think it like hinders somebody's rights but the fact that like i know that i know some people that are schizophrenic that have a gun and i don't think that should be allowed and is that part of the is that part of the is that part of the background check or is it not well no you have to be so again there's a standard and this is the problem with red flag laws you have to be i believe the term is uh adjudicated mentally defective by a court because look okay i know people i have let's say friends and or relatives who have bipolar disorder they should absolutely be allowed to own a fire yeah because you're a functioning member of society when you have not all well yeah not all some of them have severe bipolar disorder some of them have bipolar disorder uh that is not i mean like when it gets to a point of severity then then i think that there maybe should be somebody checking in on that well i think there should be people checking in on that and that's the issue where again you're talking about the severity of a court order and particularly it that's pretty easy uh to substantiate if this person has already uh either committed a crime or even a step further committed an act that was very clearly dangerous to themselves or others but maybe not necessarily a crime you know what i mean that's something that would be on the record um the issue with for example red what you're talking about is mental health and so they use that to sort of warp it into red flag laws the issue there i think that's wrong yes but a lot of that is it's predicated on the idea of mental health they go well look we have a mental health problem and so why can't family and doctors flag people with mental health issues it's like yeah but now your rights are removed even though you've not been charged with a crime and you haven't been able to face your accusers you lose due process it's like they're almost manipulating uh mental health just for their own gain and jordan not george greg abbott passed some law like i think last year in texas schools they were like okay we care about mental health but in reality it was just like an elective it was basically just for show okay so i guess my my question is do you mean you think that mandatory mental health courses would so i think either in in schools i think definitely in high schools and middle schools you should have a either course or you should have a licensed psychiatrist or a licensed psychologist on campus at all times that's actually trained and like actually knows what they're talking about and actually provides a safe space for children yeah and that's what we need in the schools and if you did that in every single school school shootings would go down i think if you had armed security guards in every single school and because that's the one thing that's very consistent you know it's like anywhere from the low end 95 to high in 98 of all mass shootings and current gun free zones so places like schools churches i don't really think that a social worker is gonna well i mean the schools here have armed um some of them my my high school did but the thing is i think it's almost making it a safe space for children and i don't think necessarily an armed guard versus a psychiatrist or a trusted like mental health advocate but if someone wants to go into that school and shoot it up you don't think that space is safer by having armed guards it is safer but i think you can make it even safer by having mental health because the kids that are the people that are shooting up schools they're the children that go to those schools yeah yeah well a lot of these cases by the way lies kids one of the commonalities too is like the the strongest correlation and i know i took humanity's 101 to correlation causation but when you look at 95 98 occur in gun-free zones another one uh is the vast majority something like 80 to 90 something percent of these mass shooters didn't have fathers in the home and that doesn't get uh fixed by psychologists in school but it could help it could help it could help but i think if we're getting to the root cause of the issue particularly with mental health really what we need to talk about is the nuclear family unit and the proper rearing of children it starts with families before we get to communities or public schools i mean look if more funding more resources and public schools would solve this problem then you know the best schools in the country would be places like chicago or detroit or washington dc it's a system that just doesn't it goes into a black hole that is government i think we need to take it upon ourselves and what concerns me with laws i guess it seems like we agree is this again bestows more power to the government to remove people's individual rights i have no problem with having psychologists on campus i do have a problem with where we say mental health someone shouldn't be allowed to purchase a firearm outside of the realm of what we have which is officially adjudicated mentally defective because not long ago gender dysphoria was considered a mental illness yeah and now gender dysphoria is just considered the symptoms of gender identity disorder however it still comes with a 42 attempted suicide right right transgenders doesn't get any better if they go through the surgery and hormone replacement nowhere else so do we say well you're transgender you can't have a firearm because you're 42 likely to attempt suicide no you shouldn't go off of those things i think what you said about the the court-ordered thing i think is is a good standard a good standard because it already exists but but you're talking about helping improve mental health period regardless of laws yes regardless of laws what it would do is just it would just reduce the amount of children that are at the point where they need to do something horrible i think so too and i think but more important before that is having parents in the household yes but i think it an easier way to solve that problem or at least chip away at that problem would be to implement use money that you're putting towards these things to put executive orders to put the counselors in schools because you're not going to be able to go into somebody's house and give them a father no but you could remove uh you could remove laws that accompany the welfare state that encourage uh single parent households right to get twice the benefits you could uh remove some of the laws in the books that actually discourage depending where you are um family why not do both okay yeah i think that's a good i think that's right if we were if you were to offer me yes it's a waste of money but what we both agree to it's also grossly unconstitutional yeah yeah i mean look like i i think that i understand where you're coming and this is one thing i will say look and don't because women sometimes get offended when i say this women naturally are more empathetic than men okay women naturally tend to be more empathetic walk a mile in people's shoes um and that's a good thing however i also think that sometimes what ends up happening and this is what happens with laws like these which i'm sure is largely drafted by harris and biden said okay and signed it whoever's puppeting them yeah exactly got no strings to hold me down um is doing it under the guise of empathy but it can end up causing more harm than good um and i think it's very important that we look at people's constitutional rights we look at the fact that the only equalizer for example for a woman with a guy for a for a woman to ward off an intruder or an attacker is a woman with a firearm women are going to be weaker than men this is true they're over 500 000 to 3 million defensive uses of firearms each year a huge percentage of those are women and laws like this would allow someone to say i don't think that someone will say my ex-wife she's a crazy how often do you hear that right and then go we're taking away your guns you can come get them back obviously it has to be founded right but it doesn't with these red flags you have an example in new jersey where a doctor got uh a patient's guns taken away because he kept leaving bad yelp reviews i'm using the most extreme example to make a point but this kind of stuff happens yeah because some states are really loose with it i i think in any situation where you have a peer being able to report another peer you're going to be abused it also seems orwellian yeah isn't it scary yeah it's just why are they using all of this money when they could be it just this this country needs more mental health the kids are not all right yeah i think if we have more uh mental health we'd have far fewer liberals far fewer bidens because they seem to think this is logical this is sound reason it's yeah well thank you so much emily yes emily i appreciate you sitting down thank you very much and uh thank you for taking the time there you have it folks where do you line up on red flag laws ghost guns just comment below let us know and uh stay tuned for our next installment on voter id and why opposing it is kind of racist well you're still here on the internet that's a that's a miracle this is long and there are no cats playing piano or midgets on tricycles but uh look there are other change my mind videos you can click here there's some new ones coming up and if you want to support the show look you you guys all know about mug club but you can get some of these fight like hell shirts at that's the best way to support us um also if you know someone in qatar with oil money my number is not hard to find
Channel: StevenCrowder
Views: 2,145,757
Rating: 4.9404573 out of 5
Keywords: steven crowder, crowder, stephen crowder, louder with crowder, LwC, mug club, Change My Mind, Crowder Confronts, comedy, politics, news, liberal, libertarian, funny conservative, current events, fake news, Dave Landau, gun control, gun reform, joe biden, red flag laws, joe biden gun control, joe biden executive order
Id: Y45-_HE91Us
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Length: 43min 6sec (2586 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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