How Does Bumble Work? A Beginner's Guide

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hello everybody steve from and today we are talking about how bumble works now bumble is one of the hottest dating apps for quite a few years now and unless you've been living under a rock you probably have heard about it now look in a nutshell the short answer of how bumble works is it is a location based app which allows you to like or swipe right on another profile if they do the same if it is a mutual like then a conversation can start the difference with bumble compared to some apps like tinder for example is that all of the power is in the hands of the ladies now that was its big drawing card its big difference when bumble first hit the market it was all about empowering women giving the reins to the women allowing them to be the one that dictates the conversation but really the big difference there is ladies are the ones who starts the conversation now fellas you need to be patient and wait for your match to message you first because if she doesn't within 24 hours the match will expire and you won't be able to have a conversation now that's the very short answer of how bumble works there is a little bit more to it so bear with me now today we're about to be going through everything you would ever need to know when it does come to bumble and how it works what it is etc etc but before we get to that just a side note if you're not entirely sure whether bumble is right for you or not at the end of this video i highly suggest that you go over to and take our free quiz that quiz will tell you exactly what dating app suits you best but we're here to talk about how bumble works so let's jump straight into it now just one thing to address quickly this video will be focusing on bumble dating more so than bumble bff and bumblebiz which is bumble's approach to helping people find friends and find business partners and mentors respectively but i thought for the sake of this video we're already going to go through a lot so let's just keep it narrowed in on bumble dating but really the features are for the most part pretty similar look bumble is very simple to use if you've used tinder before it's not too much different the same rules apply it is location based you are viewing profiles within your vicinity you are liking or swiping right on those profiles they are hopefully doing the same to you and if they do if it is a mutual like you can start a conversation there are a few different rules that do apply when it comes to bumble for example like i mentioned before if unfortunately your match does not actually send your message within those 24 hours guys unfortunately that match will expire on top of that if the female sends a message to the guy and the guy does not send a message back within 24 hours as well again that match will expire now there are a few different caveats and things that come into play which i will get to a bit later for example we can actually do a rematch after it's expired but at the bare bones of it that is how bumble works and essentially what is its drawing card and makes it a little bit different to what is out there today now bumble is very simple to get set up it's one of the most popular apps out there so just head over to the app store or the google play store whatever device you have to download it now once it is downloaded let's talk about how you build out your profile once you've got it downloaded and ready to go you can click on the little person icon which will bring up a page so you can select edit profile now bumble does give you a little bit more to work with when it does come to say fleshing out your profile a little bit more now those things that bumble includes are my move makers about me your work in education your basic info and of course your photos now first and foremost your photos you can choose up to six photos you can import them directly from facebook directly from your phone's camera roll or you can take them right on the spot now with bumble you don't have to select up to six but personally i do recommend that you do at least four or five in fact with most of these parts of your profile i do suggest you fill them out as much as you possibly can there's nothing worse than an empty profile now another feature that it seems a lot of apps are starting to actually copy is something called my move makers which is basically allowing you to choose from a selection of questions and answering that on your profile for example some of these questions are two truths one lie my third grade teacher would describe me as or my perfect sunday looks like your about me is essentially just your bio like you would have on tinder or it's complete free form and you can write what you would like your work in education that one's pretty obvious your career and any of your education and your basic info which is your selection to a few very very simple surface level type answers these are used to help people set filters for example you put in what you're looking for your drinking habits your smoking habits your religion your politics and things like that you don't have to answer them all but i do suggest you put in as many as you can to give you a bit of an idea of what some of the answers are for example the question that says what i'm looking for you can select relationship something casual marriage or don't know yet after that on your profile you can connect your instagram if you would like and finally you can connect your spotify to display some of your favorite artists so all in all bumble does give you quite a lot to work with when it comes to actually fleshing out your profile and giving your potential match something to actually hopefully start a bit of an ice breaker like i mentioned before there is nothing worse than a bear profile that gives you no indication of who that person is so if you're about to use bumble i highly suggest that you fill out your profile as much as you can next let's talk about what other profiles look like now on the main swiping screen which is where you can browse through profiles that are suggested for you you will see that a profile looks like this when you first have a look at it and when you open it up it looks like this just under your potential matches profile picture you will see they're about me as well as their basic info listed below if they have their instagram connected that will be displayed below that as well if your potential match has taken the time to fill out everything we just discussed before then they should have quite a few different features for you to hopefully start an icebreaker and allow you to start that conversation off on the right foot now that you know how profiles work let's talk about how the actual swiping and matching work now swiping if you're unaware is essentially saying yes or no to a profile a right swipe will be a yes whereas a left swipe will be a no now keep in mind when you are on the main swiping screen the profiles that you will view are completely dependent on what you have set your settings as in which profiles you will view what i mean by that is the gender that you're interested in the furthest distance that you're willing to basically match with someone within and their age limit or age window that you are wanting your match to be within now once you are happy with your preferences you're on your swiping screen you come across a profile that you do like there are two different ways in which you can like that profile number one is you can go ahead and just swipe right and that will initiate a like the other way is to click on the person's profile where you will see a love heart display click on that and that will serve the same action as a right swipe now bumble can be a little bit touchy sometimes so if your finger did accidentally swipe that profile left when you wanted to swipe them right you can simply shake your phone and that will undo the left swipe just keep in mind that you do only get three of these per three hours so just use them wisely but i've personally never had to use more than three so i don't know why you would next let's get on to how the matching works as i mentioned before very very simply when you like a profile they like you back it's a mutual congratulations people we have a match now what happens after that really comes down to the genders involved now for this video let's just focus on when a guy and a girl do match on bumble now the whole idea of bumble is putting the ball in the court of the ladies so they are responsible for opening up the message they have 24 hours to do so or the match will expire and no conversation can start like i mentioned before as well the male does have 24 hours to reply after the female has sent her opening line after this has occurred you can message as much as you want there are no restrictions now in my opinion not only just putting the power in the court of the ladies but also giving this time limit is one of the reasons why bumble is so effective giving a little bit of a sense of urgency a little bit of a kick in your step so to speak i think gets things off the ground a hell of a lot better rather than people sitting there for days or weeks even before even sending a message and or just going ahead and ghosting now one thing is you can actually extend that 24 hour period as a guy when you are waiting for her to send you that opening line now that is actually a paid extra and we will get to that a little bit but i did just want to mention that now if you've heard about bumble before maybe you've heard about something called the match cue and you're wondering how that works your match queue is the row at the top of your conversation screen now when you do click on the little speech bubble icon you'll be taken over to your conversation screen you'll see in the upper left hand corner a little card which will display a little green number just below now if you do have bumble boost you will be able to see what this profile looks like if you do not have bumble boost you will see that this little card is blurred now once you do actually have a match that match and any other matches that you do have within that last 24 hour period will be displayed to the right hand side of that match card in a little circle that circle will have a yellow barred outline serving as its countdown meter the closer you get to the 24 hours the more you will see that tick down that little number within the green circle is actually the number of people who have already liked you if you do have bundle boost like i mentioned you will be able to view them all if you do not it is just a big tease and unfortunately you won't i mean that's what bumble is trying to do at the end of the day so you go ahead and upgrade now just keep in mind guys that there is actually no time limit when it comes to liking a profile back after they have liked you for example you don't have 24 hours or anything like that but just keep in mind let's just say that you have bumble boost for example you're going through all of your likes you see somebody that's liked you a month ago there's a much better chance that that profile is not going to be active and it's going to miss the 24 hours as compared to you actually liking the back once it's fresh now once the conversation starts let's just say you're a guy and she sends you a message to open the conversation up you will now see that that little circle that's displayed her profile picture will now be moved into your conversation tabs where you can click it and open up the conversation at any time now you might have seen on bumble people that have the little blue tick which is basically a profile verification this is just making sure that you can have zero paranoia when it comes to your match potentially catfishing you you can rest assured if she has that blue tick that they are who they say they are that's because bumble moderators will manually screen a selfie and compare it to the other photos on a profile basically to verify if it is them or not in order to verify your profile simply go over to the edit profile button click that and then you'll see a button saying verify your account simply upload your photo as per bumble's request and submit it now once you do so you should shortly receive a confirmation of your verification or a rejection now i do highly suggest that you do go ahead and verify your account in a world of catfish and you know people pretending to be who they're not going that little step further to just make sure that your potential matches mind is at ease that you are who you say you are it can just mean a few more matches now if you've heard a bit about bumble at this point you might actually be wondering well how does the algorithm work now if the algorithm is something that sounds a little bit too technical for you still hear me out it is very interesting how your actions determines who you potentially match with now the algorithm is actually very very similar to tinder's algorithm which is the elo score and it contains just a few rules of basically where you will stack up in the rankings of things based on some of your actions now first and foremost the profiles that you actually see first which will be at the top of this swiping card are going to be profiles that have been right swiped more what i mean by that is very popular profiles will appear right near the top of the swiping deck on top of that profiles that have like to you already will be scattered in there as well now bumble doesn't actually learn about your swiping habits instead it will just show your profile and vice versa to a wide variety of people something that is quite similar to tinder is that when it comes to swiping on bumble if you are swiping right on everybody that will hurt your chances that's because bumble might pick up that you are a bot or someone who is just using the app wrong and give you a shadow band or delete your account one other thing is also you don't have to be currently active to be shown and display to other profiles in fact inactive profiles are still displayed on bumble one other thing that is quite different to tinder is you might have heard that deleting your account on tinder can actually hurt your elo score hurt the algorithm these days with bumble that isn't the case so if you do want a clean slate you can do so and not worry about that on bumble now just a quick side note if you have stuck with me up until this point i would really appreciate if you did go ahead and press the thumbs up button if you are liking this content and if you are new here consider subscribing but moving on now you might be in the position where maybe you're wanting to spend a little bit of money on a dating app and you're wondering is bumble boost right for me well let's go through exactly how bumble boost works and what it contains bumble boost is bumble's paid premium version of bumble it is an upgrade from the free version essentially what bumble boost is made up of is three extras those extras include the b-line rematch and busy b now b-line is what i explained before where you are able to view every single profile that has already liked you now rematch is a great feature if you are someone who is quite busy essentially let's imagine that you are a guy a female essential message but 24 hours has passed by you're busy you didn't see the message and the match is expired well at this point you can select the rematch feature to open the conversation up again send your message and then you will have 24 hours to hear back from your match but maybe just apologize for being a daylight now busy bee we briefly explained right at the start of the video that's the feature where essentially you can extend the 24 hour period in which you are waiting for your opening message now if it's getting towards that 24th hour you can select this extend the 24 hours the match will now appear in blue that match will also be notified of this now when i use this feature and keep in mind i've been using bumble for quite a while now anytime i've used this feature where i've actually extended that time i find that it gets a really good response rate that's maybe because not that many people use it all that often and it will show your profile as something different compared to others i.e you'll have the little blue check or the little blue circle around you so those are the three different features that essentially makes up bumble boost now one other thing i do find is when you do have bumble boost set off you do tend to just get a few more likes than usual now bumble has also even introduced a further tier on top of that called bumble premium now essentially that's just made up again of a few different features for example you do get one spotlight per week now spotlight is similar to tinder's boost feature which is essentially just putting you at the top of the swiping card for a half an hour limit now this will obviously get you more likes than usual so use that sparingly but it's a great feature to get once a week on top of that you will receive five super swipes to use every week super swaps is just like a super like it's they've almost copied the name even on premium you can also change your location just like tinder's passport feature you can also set your profile to incognito mode so no one can actually view you and you do get all the features that do come with bumble boost ie rematch beeline and busy b now it is damn expensive it's much more expensive even than tinder platinum which i make lots of jokes about being quite expensive now i recently completed a video where i used tinder platinum for one week to see what the results were like right now i am not using bumble premium i'm using one step below which is bumble boost and even on bumble boost i got more likes more matches than on tinder platinum but looking at the cost of bumble premium i don't know if i would ever upgrade because the price here in australia at least is we're looking at just under 23 a week now for me tinder platinum was 65 a month which i thought was ridiculous but that price there for bumble premium that's pretty damn steep keep in mind though prices do vary quite a lot depending on location and a few other different factors but right now i am on bumble boost i'm paying just under 14 per week so again that's not cheap but i have found the impact it has on the amount of likes that you do get is far greater than tinder platinum as of the point of filming this video there was a few different ways that you can go about actually paying for your membership one way is to do it weekly like i'm doing probably not the most cost effective way secondly you can do it monthly or you can do it quarterly so every three months or you can do it in one time payment which will be your lifetime now as of filming this video the prices that i last checked for somebody in the us were as follows one week was 10.99 one month was 24.99 three months was 54.99 and lifetime access was 149.99 now keep in mind all these prices are in us dollars now that's essentially how bumble works but just another couple of things what about the user base what i have found on bumble when it comes to what people are looking for there is a decent mix now tinder a lot of the time does get that connotation as being a hookup up and maybe a lot of people do think that bumble is maybe just a step above that at the end of the day guys from what i've noticed at least it's not all that different from tinder now i would say on bumble compared to tinder that there would be slightly less people looking for a hookup but obviously many more people looking for a hookup and something casual then dating sites like eharmony for example now guys that's really how bumble works that's pretty much anything you would need to know before going ahead and giving it a go and if you're still at this video by now the best way to find out about any of this stuff guys is just by going downloading it and giving it a try yourself throwing yourself in the deep end is always going to be the best way to learn if you're still not sure at this point what dating app is better for you and guys in my opinion there probably is one better than bumble for you i highly suggest you head on over to take our free quiz like i mentioned the link is in the description go ahead and click that take the link now and who knows what dating app will be suggested if you have enjoyed this video today whatsoever it has answered your questions it's given you some information about bumble that you mightn't have known before this i would really appreciate if you did take the time to maybe go and press that like button it really does make a difference and look if you are new here i would appreciate if you did go ahead and subscribe i'm bringing you many many more videos over the coming days just like this so if you do like it go ahead and press that subscribe button as well as clicking the notification bell head on over to which is your resource for everything online dating but until tomorrow's video guys be safe be well i look forward to it and i will see you later [Music]
Channel: Dude Hack
Views: 27,139
Rating: 4.8875504 out of 5
Keywords: bumble, how does bumble work, what is bumble, bumble tips, bumble profile tips, bumble dating, bumble dating app, does bumble work, bumble algorithm, how does the bumble algorithm work, bumble boost, bumble beeline, bumble match queue, bumble premium, how much does bumble cost, bumble cost, bumble date, bumble profile, bumble opener, bumble bio, online dating, dating, dating app, best dating apps, is bumble free, is bumble good for guys, bumble for guys
Id: bBaORAgZw5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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