Sweet Flavored Coffee Creamers Taste Test

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(rooster crowing) (creature roaring) (wheel spinning) (clearing throat) - Welcome to Good Mythical More, Let's sample some decadent coffee creamers together. - But first let's take a selfie. This one's called, 'Yup, Definitely Food Poisoning'. - Imma go full hood for this. (groaning) - Oh no, yeah yeah. So whatever you ate is now the thing that you're gonna have a hard time eating. Is there a, - [Stevie] Broccoli. Stevie, that happened to you recently. You ate broccoli, - [Stevie] Yeah. - And then you got food poisoning, now you can't eat broccoli? - [Stevie] Yeah, broccoli's not gonna be making an appearance in my fridge for awhile. - Raw or cooked? - [Stevie] I mean it was steamed, but steamed to the point of like still nutritious. 'Cause you know if you overcook something. - So it ruined both raw and cooked for you. - [Stevie] Yeah, it just ruined broccoli for me. - Wow. - I wonder if there's a term for that. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Like a German word for... - Poisoning the food well. - Don't liking... - [Stevie] Don't liking. - Don't likinging something when you get sicking from it. - [Stevie] Ugh. - That's it! That's probably it. - That's not me impersonating any German person, that's just me not being able to talk. - [Stevie] Let's see if you get food poisoning from any of these coffee creamers. - Yes, we're gonna guess. - You know what we're gonna be doing? We're gonna be drinking our coffee with these creamers out of these incredible mugs, or travel mugs, that we just, we just won! Ha, ha! - Have these been washed? - You think we just get access to all the products that we have here? No, we have to win them, fair and square. (off-screen laughing) - And are they washed before? Smell in there. - I think it's washed. - Hm, am I just smelling my mouth? - Are you a washer of things that you buy? Like if you buy a shirt do you wear it new, or do you wash it and then wear it? - New. - Well, drink out your mug. - Yeah, because there's no difference in that. - Some people wash their shirts. Anybody wash their shirt - [Stevie] It depends on, - before they wear it? - [Stevie] if you like, buy underwear or something, you wash 'em. - Well yeah, you calling my shirt underwear? - You wash your underwear before you wear 'em? I don't. - [Stevie] Really? - No, how am I supposed to know those things? - [Stevie] See, to me it's like the proximity to, anyway, here's the creamers you're gonna be tasting and then this is like your bank that you can choose from when you're guessing. International Delights Almond Joy, Cinnabon, and Coldstone Creamery's Sweet Cream, - We can't smell 'em, we have to actually taste them. - [Stevie] Coffee mate's Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Snickers, and Dove Dark Chocolate Almond, and finally Starbucks' White Chocolate Mocha flavor. - Hm, okay. Now I am a coffee and creamer man, but, I am a purist when it comes... - Yeah, not flavored coffee. - ... to the creamer. I abstain, I'll go so far as to say I abhor flavored creamer. - [Stevie] It just makes me feel too naughty. I can't allow myself that pleasure. - Oh gosh, it's so sweet. - Well you gotta try wearing your underwear without washing it if you wanna feel naughty. - Well do that, and then return them. That's when you get real naughty. - Oooh! Wear a bathing suit in the dressing room without underwear on and put it back on the rack, that's real naughty! - [Stevie] Do not do that. You know what else I've recently discovered I don't like because it makes me feel too naughty, is croutons. Like, it is, I'm the only one, - My wife will take some croutons off of a salad. - [Stevie] I'm the only one I've ever met that does not like croutons. But it just doesn't, - Oh well, Jessie takes them off because of the carbs. - [Stevie] Well yeah, that's what's in the back of my mind, my subconscious, but I'm just like this is supposed to be a healthy experience and these things are ruining it. Ruining it. - Ruining it. - Ruining it. - Okay, I've got it narrowed down to three. - This is tough. Is the coffee burnt? Or does the creamer taste burnt? - I don't know. - It's very sweet. Of course all of these are gonna be sweet. - All right. - [Stevie] You want a three two one? - Yeah, let's do a three two one. - [Stevie] Kay, three, two one. - I think it's the Dove Chocolate Almond. - White Chocolate, I think it's white chocolate. We both picked up on chocolate. I'm gonna say white chocolate mocha. - [Stevie] You're both incorrect. - Oh, it's Snickers? - Snickers. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Yeah, I knew that, that was my other guess. - I did not get a um, - [Stevie] Like is that not the naughtiest thing? Like what, you're going to put Snickers in your coffee in the morning? Like you're going to just wake up and put Snickers in your coffee? I need to be a Snickers in my coffee person, that's what I need. - I mean, I bet you the people with Snickers in their coffee are happier than people without Snickers in their coffee. - [Stevie] I think so, it's such a bold choice. - Listen, guys, we're gonna be saying this about all of these though. - [Stevie] But it's a candy! - They're all decadent. - All right, so I gotta make sure that this is... - It's not a perfect system. But this is a perfect mug. - Oh man, yeah, it's like holding a can. If it was two cans stacked on each other, but it's a coffee. Right? - [Stevie] It's just, we put a lot of time and energy into picking that very specific vessel because we wanted a lot of room, you gotta be able to hold a lot of coffee in your mug, you want it to fit in your car, what is it called? Cupholder. And also the top is really cool because it's spill-proof if you close it tightly enough which is another factor. - It's low profile too. - [Stevie] And it's just cool looking. - You know what? I'm gonna put my money where my mouth is right now. Look at that. Look at that, I'm doing the dangle. - [Stevie] That's a lot. But look at it, it's holding. But that's a lot. - Oh wow. This is one of two different flavors. Which one is it? It's very clearly one of two different flavors. - You taste some cinnamon in it? - Yeah, it's either Cinnabon or Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Let me just really get a good taste. (laughs) Really good taste. - Woo! Again, it's like, if I don't think of this as like a normal coffee I can enjoy it, there's nothing to not enjoy here, I know what it is though. - I think I have landed on my guess. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Cinnabon. - Cinnamon Toast Crunch. - [Stevie] It's Cinnabon. - Oh, what was the difference? - It's more icing-y. I don't know. - [Stevie] Have you had a Cinnabon lately? We've talked about cinnamon rolls lately. A roll versus a bun. - A while back, yeah we talked about - [Stevie] A Cinnabon, whoa. - Preferring a cinnamon roll icing over a Cinnabon icing. - I think when you're first getting introduced to coffee these are all very very helpful things, like I basically started drinking coffee in college, right? And I remember I would get a lot of cream and a lot of sugar. - I would use honey. - Honey, yeah, throw it in there. And it's the gateway. And I'm not really a black coffee guy, but I don't put any sweetener or any sweetener in my coffee when I drink coffee. - By the way, if you wanna make sure that you can get this Mythical Society cloak, the official, one and only, Society cloak, you gotta sign up for 3rd Degree Annual or Quarterly Plan by September 30th in order to be eligible. And then it'll come to you right when you need to have this cozy sweatshirt material wrapping your shoulders and wrapping your head up. You're gonna want to have done it, so do it for the end of this month. Now the color, we're gonna ignore, cause that might mean... This one's good. This one's the one I like the most. Hm. - Okay, I got a guess. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Dove Dark Chocolate Almond. - I was thinking White Chocolate. - [Stevie] It's the Dark Chocolate. - Yeah, I tasted a little bit of bitterness - It didn't seem that dark, bitterness? - Of the almond and the dark chocolate. I was picking up on that. - Coffee mate, duh. Do it up. - Coffee mate is got lots of like, deals with people. Wouldn't you like to be the Coffee mate person - This is tasty. - Who has to go figure out who's gonna mate with Coffee mate today? Like, you have a board, you know it's a board in your room, in your office, and you go and you start putting all the products on there and you're like hm, who do we want to mate with today? Dove! Let's mate with Doves. No, let's mate with Dove. Dove chocolate. That's how it goes. - That's how they do it. Just like picture different animals, this is twisted. - [Stevie] Yeah but also Coffee mate's owned by Nestle, which also owns a lot. - Yeah, everything that is on the board is just Nestle stuff. But there's still somebody who's making that decision. You think it's a robot? You think it's a robot Stevie? - [Stevie] I do not believe it is a robot. - I just think your monogamy frustration is showing. Monogamy frustration. - You're like, tell me about mating with doves. - No, I'm talking about Coffee mate. - Are you? - Coffee mate mates. I think your monogamy frustration is showing. 'Cause you're the one who brought it up. - I've seen you looking at doves. - Link wants to mate with something. - I thought that's what you said. - I've only had one thing! You're only letting your friend have one dollop of cream and he wants four? You and your monogamy frustration. (off-screen laughing) - I am not frustrated in any way. Sorry I brought it up. - Dove chocolate man. - [Stevie] It's best if we have a prolonged awkward silence after this. - I would, I mean, - I'm trying to get my ratios right. - With chocolate? You're not incorporating chocolate into your mating rituals? - You were talking about a guy looking at a board, and it was a Dove. - No, Dove brand. - Oh. - You should incorporate chocolate into your mating rituals. - I don't like this at all. - Well that's interesting. Considering I think you like what it is. - Uh, no this is... - [Stevie] Look at how on the coffee mug that the little flappy stays on the thing and doesn't hit you in the nose when you drink it. - Oh, yeah. - You know what? I've got one of those blender bottles. - It goes all the way back. - And it hits me right there in between the eyes every morning. Every morning I mix my smoothie up, and beep, I'm like, what am I, a dweeb? - I can't even make it flap over, look. - Put some tension in there. - Never gonna happen. That one's bad, I'm gonna guess Almond Joy. - I think it's Cinnamon Toast Crunch. - [Stevie] It's Cinnamon Toast Crunch. - Yeah. - What? - Yeah. - I didn't taste any cinnamon in it. - Yeah, it's not as good as the Cinnabon. - No, it's not. - I was expecting it to be good but I was like, there's a slight cinnamon in it I guess. - Now we've learned it guys. Wow, what a let down. Cinnamon Toast Crunch Coffee mate should be the best thing ever. What the crap? - Look, the Coffee mate person had Cinnamon Toast Crunch on the board and said, I wanna mate with that today. That's what happened. That was a moment in history. And now here it is, and now that person is watching this episode of Good Mythical More because somebody who's like, the daughter of a friend of a friend sent an email, and then they sent an email, and then it got back to the person who makes the decision about what they're gonna do with Coffee mate, and now we're talking about them sitting in a room with a board, and what's gonna mate with Coffee mate, and they're like, that's exactly how it works. How did they know? - Don't loop me into that, 'cause I still don't know. I will observe, I love the top. The top of a Coffee mate is like, it's like Maker's Mark. It looks like melted wax. And the way that it opens, it's really inviting for a nice pour. - Hold on, is this the new one? - [VOICE] No. - No, okay, that's more of the same. - See, it's just, psychologically, it just, - It makes you want to put it in things. - Yeah, it makes you wanna - Pop it? - Mate it, with coffee. - Pop it, put it, mate it with your coffee. - All right, we'll trade this out. We still haven't had the Almond Joy. We haven't had the Sweet Cream, and we haven't had the White Chocolate. - You know what? We're going to eventually. - 'Cause I'm thinkin' I'm really gonna like Sweet Cream, 'cause I mean, I prefer just non Sweet Cream, and that seems like it should be close enough. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we're getting our ratios down pat. - I feel like a coffee scientist. - You can also drink it without putting the top on. - Oh. - That's another option. - You're gonna know what this is as soon as you taste it. - I think they've just all blended together too much. - No they don't. I would've thought you wouldn't have liked it. - So you're saying this is Almond Joy. I have a hard time tasting the... - The almond? - The coconut. Is there coconut? - The coconut. - [Stevie] It's not Almond Joy. - Oh. - Well, okay. - They're all blending together for me. - All right, I guess this is, it's gotta be Sweet Cream. - [Stevie] It's not Sweet Cream. - It's White Chocolate. - [Stevie] Yeah. It's the only Starbucks one that you've done. - It doesn't taste like White Chocolate Mocha. - Wow, they got a nice, oh see, they've got the same type of lid. - They made it too. - 'Cause they knew how psychologically inviting that was. But they went with like, you know, more of a Starbucks-ised container. So this is very inviting. But, I don't know. - It looks. - I don't get it. The after taste is a little white chocolate-y, but, I don't know, it's not working. Maybe it's after tasting the other ones. - I haven't found anything yet that is gonna replace regular just half and half for me. - I'm getting a little impatient, I'm just gonna do, pssh. - Okay, well, we'll see how that works. - And a little bit of this. - I'm gonna double spoon it. That doesn't work either. - I went through a black coffee stint. Where I was like, I kept taking my creamer down down down to try to get myself ready to just be a black coffee man, because there's just something, there's a pride associated with just aww, no thanks, just black. You know? - There's a sick pride. - It seemed like the type of person I wanted to be. And then I realized, you know what, it's a sick pride. - Ooh, that's good. That's Sweet Cream. - [Stevie] Yeah, it's Sweet Cream. - That's the best one. - That's the best one. Because there's no associated flavors. - Yeah. Look at that. - So now we know the last one's gonna be Almond Joy. - But it's Coldstone though. So it's, there's a little flavor. - I gotta taste the Almond Joy just because I'm an Almond Joy fan. - Hm. - And I need to know if I need to be putting Almond Joy in my coffee. - It's also the less sweet, wouldn't you agree? - Oh yeah, it's just a little bit sweet. Even though it's got sweet in its name. - Yeah, I go and visit my dad and his wife, and they don't drink coffee but they have all these like, flavored pods and stuff that they'll drink recreationally. - Flavor pods? - Flavored coffee pods and flavored, you know? And then they put flavored cream. It's no longer a, - Have you talked to him about this? - Well it's their house. Which one is it? - Have you said, this one. Have you said, I don't want your flavored pods? - Well, I got up in the morning, I mean this was a few years back. - Oh yeah, that's so clearly Almond Joy. - I got up in the morning, I just went and I bought myself a coffee and I came back and so they were like, oh, just tell us what kind of coffee you like and we'll get it. And I was like all right, - The kind you have to leave to get. (laughing) - I was like, just non-flavored. So it, you know. I tried to not impose, but. Ugh. Man. - Even as an Almond Joy lover. - I gotta go back to the winner. - Uh, as an Almond Joy lover, I'm not really into that. - Yeah, that didn't do it for me. - You know what I'm into? I'm into this mug. I got into it five different ways. Maybe seven different ways. How many creamers have we tasted? - [Stevie] Seven. - Gotta go back to the goodness. - And all seven times I put my mouth on this incredible mug, I was thankful. I was thankful that I wasn't renting it and I owned it. - Mm! Yeah. Congratulations to International Delight, not the Almond Joy, but the Coldstone Creamery flavor. You're the official, if we have to do it, creamer of Good Mythical More. - [Link] Cloak yourself in mythicality with our newest Society exclusive item, a Secret Society cloak! Sign up for the 3rd Degree Quarterly or Annual plan by September 30th at mythicalsociety.com to be eligible.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 667,545
Rating: 4.92944 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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