Is White Claw The Best Hard Seltzer? (Taste Test)

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I love that they have seemingly started to include alcohol taste tests in the realm of things they do.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/weschester πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rhett’s dedication to his job is truly admirable πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Invincibleheadphones πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

hey rhett!

the opposite of sparkle is dim

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sissinou πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

While tapping the top of the can probably wont help prevent it from exploding if it is shaken up, tapping the sides does.

When you shake up a can, bubbles form on the sides. When open, the bubbles rush to the top, pushing the drink with it and causing the drink to gush out.

Tapping or flicking the sides a few times will release the bubbles, allowing you to open safely.

I do it every time i open a can. A great way to freak out family members is to shake a can vigorously, then flick the sides. They expect an explosion, but it does not happen. Theres a good Steve Spangler Science video on YouTube if anyone is interested in seeing it exhibited instead of testing it for yourself .

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pontzer002 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I miss read the title as Hand Sanitizer when I saw the notification.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HazelTheHailey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Is White Claw truly the best hard seltzer? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat electronic music) Good Mythical Morning! If you're one of those people who likes to sip a Mango White Claw on your stoop, well this episode is for you. - Well, I would, but I don't have a stoop. And what is the white claw in White Claw? Is it from an arctic fox? Is it lucky? - I don't have any of those answers, Link, but here in LA, White Claw is all the craze. It's accounted for over half of the hard seltzer sales last summer and then it triggered this chain reaction because now there's all kinds of brands that are getting in on this thing, but which one is the best? Well, that's what we're gonna find out today. It's time for, we're gonna taste some seltzers that are hard and don't worry, we've got our proper ID card, which proves we can drink these legally, because we're old. Like, in our 40's old. - We have done the HFT 4.0. That's the helmet flavor tester, 'cause you know how we do. - Now we're going into this completely unbiased, because neither of us have ever tasted any of what we're about to drink. But just in case you're wondering, hard seltzer is basically just flavored sparkling water that's got about 5% alcohol in it. That's all it is. - And what we're gonna be doing, is we're gonna be tasting the top selling brands and the most popular best selling flavor for each of those brands, in order to determine, by ranking them on this board, what is the best hard seltzer out there. In the end, that number one spot is gonna have the privilege of being sipped hard by Stevie. (Rhett laughs) Off camera. - Wow, okay, let's get a seltzer. - [Link] Kicking things off with Bud Light Seltzer, mango flavor. - All right, Chase, release the seltzer. Woo, man, I usually don't drink in the morning. It really wakes you up. Okay, I'm getting some mango, I'm getting some alchy. - The mango, it's kind of mild, you know? - I can turn to look at you like this. - The fizziness is kind of mild. I was hoping for a little more on the fizziness scale. The mango is also mild. - The mango is very reminiscent of like mango flavored stuff that you like-- Like the mango flavoring you put in your Soda Stream, so to speak. - Yeah, I don't think this is going to the top. I mean, this is the most economical. - Not bad. - $1.04 a can. - They got into the game very recently, February 2020 Bud Light was like, we gonna come in, we gonna try and dominate this game, 'cause we're Bud Light. Y'all doing okay. I mean, I have nothing to compare it to, literally. So I'm just gonna be like, yeah, let's put it right there. - 5% alcohol by volume, 100 calories. Let's start it at three. - All right, now we've got Truly from the Boston Beer Company. This is the blueberry acai flavor. - Nice looking can. Release the liquids. - That blueberry coming strong. - Gush of flavor. - Less of a bite here. Like, I might be fooled truly into thinking that I was just drinking blueberry seltzer water. - When you say bite, you're talking about the alcohol. It was very alcohol forward with the Bud Light. - I knew there was alcohol in this, this one sneaks up on you. You get a couple of those and then like you're four or five deep in at your party, the company party, no doubt, and then all of sudden, you're like, hey, oh, you like that Truly that contains alcohol? And you're like, it contains what? - What? I love you, boss. - And then everything starts moving in slow motion. And you make some commitments that you probably will regret. - It's got a purdy can too, but I think it's-- It's the same amount of alcohol, 5%, the flavor's really good. - It's better, man. - It's definitely better than the Bud Light. So we're gonna throw that Truly into second posish. - But you know what, I mean, what are the chances that Bud Light also makes it? You know, what if that's the case. - All right, let's go ahead and move it down. - Well, I mean, I'm just conjecturing. - We'll move it back. - Heads up, today is the last day to join the third degree monthly membership of the Mythical Society. And be eligible to receive the exclusive Cloak of Mythicality. Now after today, in order to get the cloak, you're gonna have to join as a third degree quarterly or annual member by September 30th. Go to for all the deets. - It's a comfy hooded blanket. You know you want it. Now we got the Smirnoff Spiked Sparkling Seltzer. This has got 4.5% alcohol. - Little bit less. - It costs about $1.33 a can. - At least they got a fancy little silver bottle. - Bring the gush. (Chase laughs) - Um? - Cranberry lime flavor. - This has a cleaner, like I might have gotten into the cleaner instead of the not cleaner. Like somebody put a bucket out and they were mixing some cleaner in it, Mr. Leon was getting ready to put his mop in there to go clean up some vomit in the third grade class. - I don't know, I think you're just tasting-- - You think I'm being too hard on it? - I think you're tasting the cranberry and lime together and it's more of what I expected. I still think it's better than the Bud Light in flavor, but it's not that great of a flavor. I'm just reacting negatively to the Bud Light having the alcohol taste. - I didn't like the Bud Light. - Let's move this down. - The only one I've actually enjoyed so far is the Truly one. - But you like it better than the other one, leave it there, I'm not gonna argue with you with that. - We could signify that there's a wanting gap here. - A wanting gap. We want to fill it with something. - Probably another hard seltzer. - Yeah. Okay, now we got White Claw, the big boy on the block. Now mango and black cherry are the most popular flavors. We are trying mango. - Yeah, and it should be noted that it's the most expensive one we're gonna taste today, $1.67 a can. So we'll kind of perch that there. All right, scratch us with the claw. (Chase laughs) The most effervescent. - Way better than Bud Light. - Well yeah, I think that's what we've said all along. - But I'm saying, that's mango flavored. Like the mango that they're using in this is better than the mango that they're using in that. - Isn't it more sparkling too? - It's so sparkly. I mean, I can almost see it sparkling. Look at me, look at me. Your eyes are sparkling. Your eyes are sparkling after you drank it. - Actually, my eyes are watering because I burped and then it came out of my nose. - Oh, that's what that was. - You know how sparkling water does that to you? - Dude, this is good? This is good. You may have to have a taste off between that and Truly, but my initial response is I like it a lot. - Yeah, that it's a little better. And I mean, I like the logo too. It's got an ocean wave, like getting hit with some sea. - But it doesn't have a claw. It is white though. - Maybe the ocean-- Oh, that's what a white claw is. It's a freaking wave. - The white claw. An ocean wave. Did everybody else know that? - Launched in February 2020, they spent 40 million dollars on marketing of this puppy, it's Corona's Hard Seltzer in the blackberry lime flavor. I like the sound of this. Flow. - Now before I tell you how this tastes, I will just say, you put 40 million dollars into this in February and then the world is completely obliterated by something called corona. That really sucks. And the thing is, is that, there's a lot of dumb people out there who I guarantee you quit drinking Corona because of the virus. I don't know, man, there may be a connection. There could be a connection. Can you prove to me that there's not a connection? You can't, don't get it. - I think I can, but I'm not going to. - It's not bad. - I mean, it's very sparkly. And I like really sparkly stuff. - I didn't know that about you. I didn't know you liked-- I'll be more sparkly around you then. - The more sparkly the better, man. - I'm surprised you hang out with me. - That's what I've been saying. Can you sparkle a little more? - I don't consider myself sparkly at all. In fact, I kind of consider myself the opposite of sparkly. What is that, just dull? (laughter) - You said it. The blackberry lime is not meeting my expectations of actual flavor. - It's better than the bottom two. I don't know if it's better than Truly. - Yeah, I think what we're doing is-- - [Rhett] I don't think it is. - We're putting the light at the end of the tunnel. We're moving the Smirnoff down. - I feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for them for coronavirus being called Corona. - Listen-- - Give them some sympathy points. Let's move it to this side of the circle. - Okay, that's about all we can do for you, Corona. - And finally we have Bon & Viv, the grapefruit flavor. - Now they claim that there were the first hard seltzer. Launched as spiked seltzer back in 2013 and then rebranded in 2016. - Let's find out. - Let's give it a taste. - Oh, I like grapefruit flavored things. - I do too. The combination of sparkliness and grapefruitiness is just ultra refreshing. - Oh, that's good. - 4.5% alcohol by volume, so I mean, if you're mixing words here-- - If you're watching your alcohol intake by a half of percent this is the one for you. - About $1.05 a can. But I really like the taste of it. - I feel like it comes down to these three. I feel like we have to do a little tastidee, a tastidee of these three. - Well, we got this one again. I'm gonna take another little taste. - Okay, I'm closing that up. I'm moving to just mug pouring at this point. - Oh gosh, that went on the floor a little bit. And all over my pants. - Pour that out. You're gonna smell like hard seltzer the rest of the day. - Yeah, I'll open this one. And then I'm gonna go and I'll pour, you ready? - Hold on, that's what's happening? - No, that's not what's happening. - Chase was like, no, don't let that happen. - Just a little taste of Truly. - Okay, I'll go in the same order here. - And then I got another mug here for the-- Hand me the White Claw. - That's good. - It's been a while since I've Truly-ed. And White Claw-ed. I mean, the Truly has the effervescence, but the White Claw brings a little bit more. It's got some nails on it. - White Claw is better than Truly. - Agreed. - That's what just happened in my mouth. - And then, the Bon Vivant-- (crew laughs) Bon Von, I think that that-- (crew laughs) What you doing over there? - I'm just pouring out some stuff, so I can-- - No, I can just go in this. She's empty. - Yeah, I'm empty, so I'm going in here. It's fine. - Yeah, I'ma do that. - Oh, I like that, man. - Bon Vivant, one more time. - It's better than Truly in my mind. It just moved ahead of Truly. - Agreed. Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased and buzzed to present-- - Hold on, we didn't taste these back to back. - I agree with this. - Let me just see. - Make sure now. It's got the bite. - I gotta be sure about this. I just wanna be certain. (crew laughs) I take my job seriously. I'm doing this for the people. Everybody's depending on me. If I get this wrong, we're gonna get letters. (Link laughs) It's not easy. Hey, this is a hard job. (crew laughs) Okay, I agree, White Claw. The one that everybody's talking about. It is the best one, and that's why everybody's talking about it, y'all. - But that Bon Viv, you should give it a shot, 'cause it's a little bit cheaper and a little less alcohol. (Rhett laughs) If you're into that. - [Stevie] You know what's so weird, is I just happen to have the White Claw mango back here and ready to sip because it won. I can't push this button on the mic and open at the same time, so listen close. (can opens) - Okay. - Okay, I heard it open. - [Stevie] Ready, here we go? (Stevie slurps) - Oh God. (Stevie coughs) - Okay. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - I was expecting something else. You know what time it is. - Hey, Rhett and Link, I'm Molly and I'm from Greenville, North Carolina, I just graduated with a bachelor's in science and criminal justice, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - I'm looking at that article. Trying to figure out what that's all about. Congratulations. - Well, congratulations. - You're a pirate. ESU Pirates. Click the top link to watch us try Jelly Belly flavored sparkling waters in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - Cloak yourself in Mythicality with our newest Society exclusive collectable item. A secret society cloak. Sign up for the third degree monthly plan by July 31st at to be eligible.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,152,647
Rating: 4.9435048 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, gms2020, good mythical summer 2020, white claw, truly, hard seltzer, Topo Chico, coca cola, coke
Id: wR13dtACTMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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