What's The Best Rice-A-Roni? Taste Test

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(rooster crowing) (growling) (wheel spinning) - [Link] Welcome to "Good Mythical More." More rice, more rice. That's what you've said and we're responding, in real time. - [Rhett] But first, we're going to do a ten word story. Daryl, (laughs) - Loves, - his, - furry, (laughing) - biscuit, - 'cause, - it, - satisfies, - his, - his what? Oh my gosh. Daryl loves his furry biscuit 'cause it satisfies his (both laughing) You're making this way too difficult. - No it's like a bull horn, blow into it. - It's like- (laughs) (tries to blow) - Daryl love his furry biscuit because it satisfies his... (sputters and laughs) What? Just say a word man. - I don't know, I want it to be so perfect. - No it will be, whatever you say is gonna be great. - Daryl loves his furry biscuit because it makes him- - No it satisfies his... - It satisfies his... Ow! (both laughing) What are you doing? I didn't know it was there. It went up my nose man. It satisfies his soul! - I'm sorry man, - What? I closed my eyes and I went like that and all of a sudden there's a, I put that in my mouth! - Right in your nose! Whoa it broke off in there! - Did it break off in my nose? - It used to be, it used to be pointed, I think. - Daryl loves his furry biscuit 'cause it satisfies his soul! Man, am I bleeding'? - Nah I think it just cleared you out. - Think it just, oh my God. - That was a fun, look at this, I got my ricer, I got my rice. - And I got the Ron. We're gonna eat every box of Rice-A-Ron that we could find, - That was a lotta fun. - And we're gonna rank, 'cause you guys have been asking us for weeks now. - Yeah yeah yeah - Hey Rhett and Link what, - If, Darryl. - you tasted all of the Rice-A-Roni's and ranked them? - Yeah yeah yeah yeah. We heard you. - 'Cause I wanna know, - We heard you, we heard you. - We heard you. - Yeah. - When I'm looking for the rice and the roni, which one should I go for if I don't want to get them all? - Is this is still a San Francisco treat? - Yes I have confirmation. - Where's it say that? - Right there. (moans) - It's got the freakin' trolley car on the front homie. - It's still the San Francisco treat. - That's not just a frame. - Who grew up with Rice-A-Ron commercials that they said they're a San Francisco Treat? - [Stevie] Oh heck yeah yeah. - Heck yeah she did. - Okay all right okay. - Stevie did, everybody did, by show of hands... - [Stevie] Can we talk about, - We can talk about whatever you want. - [Stevie] I like you have to be such a bad ass in my opinion to wear the necklace that you're wearing in real life right now. - That's right. - [Stevie] Like, for people to be like, - Hey man tell me 'bout that. - [Stevie] what's your necklace and for you to be like, it's a piece of rice with my name on it. - It's a piece of rice with my name on it. - Are both of these beef or? - You wanna a read it? - Is it two of every one? - [Voice] Yeah yeah. - [Stevie] Don't you think? - You want to lean in and read it. I'm not gonna remove it from my chest. You got to get your face really close to me. - All right so we're starting off with beef. That's out of focus. I'm gonna move it back here. - I was actually given one of these, - Thanks for givin' us so much. - I was given a rice, a Rhett, a Rhett rice before. I didn't want to say that and make y'all think that I wasn't really appreciative of what you gave me. - [Stevie] Did it look like? Was it so expertly? - Yeah it was basically the same thing. - [Stevie] Oh, okay. - I gotta tell you Josh, this is better than everything except the ranch. - [Voice] Alright. I'm not like in competition with Rice-A-Ron, like, you said that like it had like emotional weight. - You know what I've never really thought about the fact that Rice-A-Ron is pasta and rice mixed together. - Is it? - Yeah that's noodles. The long stuff is a noodle. - No it's not. - Yes, it is. - No it ain't. - [Voice] It is, yeah it's vermicelli it's like a, - It's rice and roni. See that's, it finally makes sense. After all these years, this rice and roni. Rice-A-Ron like macaroni, but Rice-A-Ron. - [Stevie] I've never in my life experienced Rice-A-Ron before. - Well you want, we got some. - It's rice and vermicelli. - [Voice] Oh, I didn't know that thanks. - It says it says it right there. Is that what you just said? - [Voice] Yeah a little bit. - Why isn't it called? - You didn't say vermicelli? You said something else. - Why isn't it called Rice-A-Chelli? - You did? - Yeah. - You did. - Why isn't it called Vermin-Rice. Can we have another one? - Rice and vermin. Alright so beef is the number one slot right now. - Beef very good. (dishes clang) - And now we're going for - your spoon almost left the building - cheddar broccoli. Oh, now see, look at that. I bet this has got cheddar and broccoli. Hmm. - That's pretty good. That cheesy is hard to beat. I think that cheesy beats to beef. - [Stevie] But why would you choose that over mac and cheese? - You like rice. (laughs) - I don't like this. The broccoli doesn't taste great to me, but it tastes accurate. - Okay. I don't feel that strongly about it. You think beef's better? - I think, taste the beef again if you want to. I think the beef is better. - I got a lot of tastes brother. And also if you're from San Francisco, I think that if you're from San Francisco and you live there, you feel like you gotta be, you gotta stand up for your city. And so you're like, this is the San Francisco treat. If I'm going to treat myself tonight, I better do it with Rice-a-Ron. - I once went to San Francisco and I hopped my way onto a, a dinghy car. What are they called, the trolleys? Onto the trolley. - Do you have the dinghy car? (makes dingy noise with mouth) - And I did not - You know when it will be here. - I was confused and it turns out I did not pay. And neither did my three children or my wife, five of us just hopping on. - You're like isn't this like public? Paid for? This is the best one. Chicken is better than beef. - That's good - It's a kind of creamy. It's a kind of creamy. - Move, make that a reality. - Look at it. You know we're kinda makin' a trolley car right here? - Yeah we are. - A train. - [Stevie] Did you have Rice-a-Ron growing up? Like, was it a thing in your house? - It's not something that we ate a lot of. - My mama, if it said San Francisco on it, she was like, we're not going to do that. - Check, check this out. Just want to remind, y'all, buy one of these on mythical.com by October 16th. So you enter in the golden tee of mythically giveaway. You're guaranteed to get this just for, because you're buying it. - Right. - But what you might get, - What you might get - What you might get is this. And if you get this blue one and there's only gonna, there's only one of these, it's hard see, boy it's, - You'll see it if you get it. - Isn't it weird how the, is that just the screen that I'm looking at? - Stevie, what are you getting? - [Stevie] Yes - If you get the blue one? - [Stevie] I believe, thanks for putting me on the spot, but I think it's the year of, every single thing that we put out at mythical.com you get one of those things so free merch for an entire year. - You might get this one. This one may be the merch one. - That's orange. - [Stevie] No, the blue I've confirmed. - Okay The blue is a year free mythical merge. The orange - The orange which I call bronze - [Stevie] is a virtual taste test with Rhett and Link. - Who were they? - [Stevie] Rhett and Link I think. Oh, the guy with the rice thing around his neck. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Yeah. He's cool. - So you might get this - [Stevie] And then of course the gold - And then you'd be the only one that's right here, guys - Good Lord. This golden freaking shirt, isn't eight, it comes with an $18,000 check. - $18,000 because - Well you get the shirt and then we'll send you the check. - I mean, can you believe that (chuckles) three different ways to win - For details go to mythical.com. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. - Okay. (bowl clangs) What do we got now? - Oh, this is a rival. This is the chicken that you love plus the garlic. - Oh! - That you love to hate. - This has gotta be the best one. - If you like garlic, it's better. It's very garlicky. - I like, yeah Like I like garlic. - They did not hold back. - I like to eat a lot of garlic. - I like if it says garlic that you go all the way, - then close talk. Oh goodness - Yeah. That garlic is strong. They bring that. - [Stevie] Is there, are there pieces of meat in this? Or is this broth, like a broth that, you what what I'm saying. - There's no pieces of meat. It's just - This is country cheddar. - It's just juice. Oh my goodness. - This looks like a winner. - It looks like freaking country cheddar looks like cheddar grits almost. - Oh man. I'd eat that. I would have eaten this a lot growing up. - My kids need to find out about this and just ruin themselves. - That is so good. It tastes like grits. You're so right! Like a cheese grits, man. - Wow. - Country cheddar. It goes right to the top in my Rice-a-Ron book. - I wonder if there's a country cheddar and garlic. - Well, we got a lot. You know what? You can mix the country cheddar and the chicken and garlic together. - We'll do that at the end. - [Stevie] You gotta push a, push your, Yup. Because we can't see your tops. - This is getting real difficult. - You know, what? Do you want to not block yourself? We can, - Oh, well there's a lot. - Oh fine whatever. Don't don't be like fine, whatsever. - Whatsever. What? Whatsever! Whatsever again? - Creamy four cheese. Oh gosh. - Man we got more cheese. - You're messing with us now, Josh. - [VOICE] Hi. I found out why there's vermicelli in that. Also when I started talking I heard a bite of one of the rices. - Uh huh - Now we're getting started to talk, I feel like that - Don't stop now. - Yeah my point is, it is modeled after Armenian rice pilaf because Rice-a-Ron is co-founded by an Italian immigrant and an Armenian immigrant back in San Francisco. (dishes clank) And so they kind of marketed this traditional Armenian dish as like a thing to put on, you know, American dinner tables across the country. - So the Armenian dish had rice or, do you mean - [VOICE] This has both vermicelli and rice. Like it's toasted vermicelli, but like adds flavor to this pilaf. And now you have your country, garlic, cheddar, chicken, rice - I've been sleeping on Rice-a-Ron, man. - [VOICE] Oh yeah. - For a long time. And I got to say creamy four cheese, Not as good as country cheddar. - Cause cheddar is strong. - But it's the second best. The cheese is so good. - Yeah. Ya know Rhett I love it when we when we agree without even thinking about it, - Right? - Herb and butter, Herb and butter. That's the, that's what they call us. - Hmm. Hmm. This is not as good. - As anything else we've tried. - This is the worst we've had. - Yep. This sucks. - That was an easy one. - You know what? Discontinue this. Just bull crap. - Yeah. Y'all don't need to be making that. We'll put it behind a microphone so nobody sees it. - Bull crap, man. - Yeah just call that bull crap flavor. - What do we got here? - What is this? This is some sort of wild - Long grain and wild rice. - So there's no vermicelli - Yeah. There's no for vermicelli. - This is just two types of rice. This is some linear cuisine bull crap. - No, no, this is good rice though. It's better than herb and butter. - My mom growing up, she would get these lean cuisine boxes and they would have this type of wild rice and it would be like chicken and wild rice and so few calories, so much frustration because I would eat it, because I'm a latchkey kid. I would, you know, I'd unlatch the key and I'd go into the freezer or the fridge and I get out the box and I'd eat it. - The lean cuisine? - The lean cuisine. - What do we got here? - And uh, - I'd put that next, next to last by the way. - The sauce on that chicken was pretty good though. - This is Parmesan and Romano - Oh! - Cheese. - Now we're back into the good life. - God man. I'm just thinking about all of - Call Steve Winwood, - all the mixes and matching that I'm going with Rice-A-Ron later on. - Oh, this is the whiteness under there. It's from what? - My kids are going to come in and they'll be like, why is dad so excited to be in the kitchen? Why is he dressed like a chemist. - Kids? You gonna dress up like a chemist. - Yeah. - To make rice? - I'm mixing Rice-a-Ron. I'm gonna come back with the perfect combination - This is underwhelming. - Yeah it's not as good as I wanted it to be. - I'm going to put it higher than the cheddar broccoli though. - Oh yeah. All day long. (Link talking under breathe) - Yeah. It might be better than beef, but, - Help me out man. I like beef. I liked it when I tried it having not tried anything else. - It was also the first one you're right. First time is the deepest. First cut is the deepest. (bowl slides on table) It feels like the first time. (bowl clanks) Like the very first time. - Favorite hair metal band. Josh, go! - [VOICE] Ratt. (laughs) - Two T's? - [VOICE] Yeah yeah. - Alright, I got you. - [VOICE] You're not going to round and round baby. - This is just rice pilaf. Why did you decide to get them more boring as we went? - [VOICE] What? Sorry, I got Ratt on the brain now. I couldn't care less about the Rice-a-Ron. - It's better than herb an butter. - Urban butter? - Herb and butter. - City butter. - [VOICE] It's my second favorite metal band. - That city butter sucks. - I hate urban butter. (laughs) - I want country butter. - Tastes like exhaust Tastes like asphalt and concrete. - Those apartment cows just don't do it. - Getting lost in the system. - Very, very different consistency of milk. What is this? Now I want y'all to know that we are - This is Spanish rice. - We're now to something that's a bonafide side to a meal. Like we've been treating all this as if it's you just go and give it to your kids and tell them to live a few months. Now we're like making a meal. - This is really good. This is really good, but it's not nearly as good as real Spanish rice. - Hmm. Hmm. - But it's up there. - Is there a tomato sauce in this? - [VOICE] You have to add the tomato sauce yourself. You're supposed to add a can of crushed tomatoes or diced tomatoes. - Okay. - Did you? - [VOICE] But we added something tomato. - In it, it, it. - [VOICE] Ya know? - It's pretty good because you can also add sliced avocado and some black beans. - You can add anything you want. That's the, There are no rules when it comes to Rice-a-Ron. - This, this goes, like what is that right there? - Meat. - Beef. I think it goes ahead of beef. - Okay maybe. (mumbles) If I left you alone with just a bunch of Rice-a-Ron and an endless source of water and a stove, how long could you last? - How many enemas do I have? - I think if you drink enough water, you can, you'll still make you'll. You'll still, make your business. (laughs) (bowl slides) - Still do a good hockey? (laughs) Okay. What is this? Stir fried rice. I told you that's what my Aunt Vicky and my nanny would say. They'd call it a hockey. And so that's a running joke with my children because they can't believe how I was raised. - Oh, so, in other words, they don't use it seriously? - No they don't. - Hmm. This is really good. I begin to think that Rice-A-Ron is pushing the rice on us a little too hard. Like, what else can we do? Stir fried rice. Spanish rice. Wild rice. - This is almost as good as the Spanish rice. And we have a gap right there. It's perfect for it. - Perfect. (bowl slides) - Dang. How many? How many more? Oh, this is the last one. - This is the last one? Is it going to beat the top? Daddy? - Guys. - This is jalapeno cheddar. - Oh my gosh. It's got a black box! They freaking got a totally a different box for this one. Y'all ready for this? (bowl clanks) - Hmm. - Hmm. It's not cheesy enough. - I put that song in your head. Took Ratt right out of there. - [VOICE] (sings) - It's not cheesy though. I like the spice though. I want to mix this and country cheddar. - I don't even discern too much heat. - You keep eating it though. - Everybody clap your hands! (claps) - See now that's in your head. This is not, this is a disappointment. It's not spicy enough. - Not as good as I wanted. - It's not cheesy enough. It's, It's where does it go though? Cheddar broc- - It's better than Parmesan Romano cause that was really underwhelming. - Yeah. Put it right in there. - They went so hard with country cheddar. Like they went so hard with it. - Yeah. I mean, - It's so much cheesier. - The trolley - Than everything else - The trolley is going like 90 miles an hour, just into a block of cheddar. It's blam! - It's, look at it! It's almost, you can't even see anything besides cheese anymore. - It's just like, all, you know, it hits the shore and then everybody's just catapulted to Alcatraz. - Uh huh. - That's what's happening. We are pleased to announce - That the best Rice-A-Ron flavor that was available to us on this very day is (in unison) Country cheddar - Rice and creamy cheddar cheese with other natural flavors. (upbeat music starts) You can make it with a piece of unspecified, meat and salad. - Enter the 2020 golden tee of mythlicality giveaway before October 16th for your chance to win one of three extraordinary prizes, including $18,000, no purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Visit mythical.com now for details.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 933,260
Rating: 4.9481769 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: Tx3BSqifG3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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