Surviving the Shift | A Powerful Sermon By Pastor Keion Henderson

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spirit of the Living God we say yes my circumstances look like nose our circumstances look like nose but we'll still say yes yes to your will yes to your way do what only you can do work in spaces that only you can work we are in need of your touch and the spite of it all we say yes in the name of the Lord Jesus to Christ everybody who loves them say Amen just do me a favor just say yes just say yes I want to take you to the book of Exodus chapter 33 Exodus chapter 33 and I'm gonna start at verse number one Exodus 33 at verse number one here's what the word of the Lord says it says and the Lord said unto Moses depart and go from here you end the people which you have brought up out of the land of Egypt unto the land which I promised Abraham Isaac and Jacob saying unto thy seed will I give it and I will send an angel before you and this is what the angel is going to do is going to drive out the Canaanite the amorite the hittite the perizzite the hivite and the jebusite this is going to be a complete job unto a land flowing with milk and honey listen to this he says but I'm not going with you because you're stiff neck lest I consume you and when the people heard these things they mourned and no man did put on his ornaments I want to talk about something that I think will help every person in this place because contextually Moses has gone from a child to a prestigious position this text is on the heels of Moses looking out of the window and seeing Israelite being beaten by an Egyptian officer and Moses said enough is enough and he's willing to put his position on the line for loyalty and you see him go down to a shepherd and they laugh at him but they don't know that all of that is a part of God's plan because eventually he would become the Emancipator of Israel had Moses folded under the pressure he would have never realized what God had for him and for every person in here who was going from point A to point B my word for you today is survive the shift that's what I want to talk about today touch three people and encourage them because they don't know they can do it tell them no matter what's going on survive the shift did you hear what I said survive the shift I'm gonna say it once again sir bye the shift hallelujah to the lamb of God so can I catch you up on what just happened so Moses how many of you know who he is just about my namesake so Moses is the guy that God chose to lead the children of Israel from the precipice of the wilderness and to as you read it when I read it the land that he promised Abraham Isaac and Jacob Abraham being the father of the faithful he gives birth with his wife at a no age to a son named who Isaac Isaac gives birth to a son named Jacob Jacob then has 12 sons which we derive from what we call the 12 tribes of Israel years have passed Israel because of their stiff necked persona and really what what God is really saying is and the reason why he's called them stiff neck he's saying I am your God I delivered you out of the 400 years of slavery and then 40 years in the wilderness and you're still worshiping idols and so your head is Xfinity your stiffen that you you haven't turned to me does that make sense you you haven't turned in the direction of your help that's why David you never heard a guy called David stiff neck even though he was hard head why didn't why don't you hear him called David stiff neck because no matter how hard David was he still lifted his head to the hills so this is a this is a rebuke about lack of worship and not the lack of perfection he says he says I want to help you and I'm going to help you but I'm gonna change the game because you changed the rules and Moses has fled Egypt and I'm looking in the text and he has just killed a guy and bury him in the back side of the desert so this Moses that we shout about this Moses that we praise God about I hate to tell you he's a convicted felon I know you want to be like Moses and you want a double portion but oftentimes God uses some of the worst people in the scripture to do some of the best things that have ever happened which is good because somebody in your life some religious cohort some traditionalist somebody has told you that there is no room for you and they make you think that you know we're just serving God and he only uses good people I want you to look in your Bible and find a good person who used God doesn't call qualified people he qualifies those whom he calls Moses was not qualified but God qualified him because Moses had something that the other guys didn't have see Moses wasn't caught up in the culture myths most of them care about the fact that all of his rooms had furniture in it Moses wasn't wrapped up in the title one day Moses looked out there and saw that they was doing somebody he knew wrong and Moses gave it all up because Moses was more loyal to the people than he was to himself Moses says I'm not going to sit up here in this high place and see you mistreat people who came from where I came from and stay up here he's the Emancipator so he leaves comfort and goes to calling let me tell you something every time God calls you it's away from your comfort it's it's comfort is not the proof of the call Comfort is proof that God is about to call as he never calls you to a comfortable place he calls you from comfort to chaos to see if you will trust him to be peace in the middle of the storm for peace ladies and gentlemen is not the absence of noise but it is the presence of order which means that real peace does it mean the storm stops real peace means I've learned to be content no matter what state I'm in your peace is your responsibility it is not your circumstances responsibility it is not your spouse's responsibility it's not your situational situational a being it's it's it's just something you have to decide it to absolutely have it's not gonna come you got a manufacture it it's not gonna appear you got to make it you got to learn in the same no matter what goes on in my life I've learned there with to be content Moses has left after seeing a fellow Israelite being beaten and Moses has basically said I'm over it I'm going down there I'm getting ready to put it all on the line because they need my help and even though I am in Pharaoh's house I am willing to give all of that up and he takes a job that Egyptians laughter he goes from being in Pharaoh's house and he takes a job at shepherding see and if you do the study there was one job that Egyptians thought was deplorable the worst job that a man could ever have was to be a shepherd now it's amazing that that's the worst job that a man could ever have but God has a history of picking them to do his work David was tending sheep when God found him here Moses is shepherding Jethro is she matter of fact he's such a low sheep herder that he doesn't even have his own she he's sing after somebody else's she and yet God picks him I can tell you right now the lawyer you are the quicker God to find me it's hard for God to find high people because there's no place to lift you if you're already Hardy in spirit heed the basis you by asking you to swallow your pride the lower you are the better you will be because God is not looking for people who've already arrived he's looking for lost people so he can give him directions I don't know who's in here today somebody may have told you that you got to have a degree or you've got to have connections or you have to be this or you have to be that and some of that is true but let me tell you there's a remnant of us in here today that will tell you that we were none of that when God found us we were not polished we had no degrees on the wall we were not rich we were not famous but we were willing do I have anybody in here that says I didn't have all of the abilities but I did have the availability and I just told God if you will use me then use me until you use me up where are all of the available people out in this place Moses was a murderer but he was available he was available he he was available he didn't have an attitude because you know when you're wrong you don't typically get to walk around arrogant you know when it's only when you think nobody knows you walk around with your head up in the air but he's a murderer and he's hit him in the backside of the desert and God lets them know he knows all about it and now all of a sudden that pride is gone now he walks away from the job and he goes to help these people and he wants to bring them out as a nation and and and what he doesn't recognize is that they they're laughing at him because he's a shepherd but but they don't understand that God is really about to use his life's experience to help him with his life's calling because he's now shepherding sheep but in a few moments he will be shepherding people what you must understand watch this everything you go through is basic training you are basically being trained in your struggle because everything that you learn in your struggle our strengths are going to need in your success that's why when you go down to the valley you cannot turn off all your sensibilities you cannot become evil you cannot become arrogant you cannot be detached you can't shut down and be emotionally unstable when you're going through trouble you got to turn on your sensibilities you have to be keen you have to be aware you have to exercise the fruits of the Spirit because God is teaching you the skillset that you're going to need to lead in the next situation based on the struggle that you have in your current situation everything that you're going through is basic training for everything you're going to so don't cry don't fall in the towel don't quit because God is teaching you how to survive where you're going and he can only teach you how to survive where you're going by teaching you how to survive where you are and most people turn the channel when they go through struggle wake up when they get to success and then think you're going to win but you miss class you miss class so you're going to flunk the test and you're going to tell the teacher why did you surprise us with all of this information and the teacher is going to say this is what I taught our semester you're failing an open book test because you are not paying attention in the struggle everything that you need for your next test was taught to you in your last struggle Lord help me in this church today and while they were laughing at Moses the Bible says Moses found favor can I help you all this morning is there good the Bible says that Moses found favor in the eyes of the Lord Moses is being laughed at by the people and right after that the Bible says Moses found favor in the Lord and God says Moses don't worry about it I have known you by name he goes from Prince to fugitive to shepherd to leader he survives all of those shifts you most of us if we went from from from Prince to fugitive we quit Church God ain't real like why God let bad things happen to good people God ain't real if God was so real that wouldn't happen to me have you have you ever heard that I'll say at that then he goes watch this from fugitive even lower to Shepherd but the real plan is to take him to leader God couldn't take him from Prince to leader because he would have been the same kind of leader that he saw so he's already a prince - a terrible leader and if God takes him from Prince to leader he will be the kind of leader that he saw so God has to take him away from the influence and the only way he can get the influence out of him is to take him down into a struggle struggle wiped off the influence and then God could lift him because he was a clean slate what you don't understand is the reason why God cannot take you from where you are to where you want to go is he has to erase the tape before he can record the new information you got too many ways and too many opinions and too much stubbornness and too much anger and too much anxiety built up so God says I'm gonna take you down here so you don't have nothing to be arrogant about I'm gonna take your man so you don't have nobody to complain about I'm gonna give you nothing so you can get down here and be appreciative because it is only there that I can lift you up [Applause] and you got to survive your shifts and somebody made you believe that once God starts lifting you you'll never dip down again once he starts blessing it'll never be a problem again once the pain stops then you'll never hurt again and the devil is a lie sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down sometimes you cry and sometimes you smile sometimes you feel like going to church and sometimes you don't feel like going at all but what Moses did is he survived all of his shifts no matter what was going on in his life he's still worship no matter what was going on in his life he's still prayed no matter what was going on in his life he stayed faithful no matter what was going on in his life he kept his head up no matter what was going on in his life he's still fast it matter what was going on in his life he still went to work no matter what was going on in his life he still spoke well of people no matter what what's going on in his life he kept a smile on his face no matter what was going on your life can I help you you need to stop getting hot on being hurt stop walking around here trying to get sympathy and trying to get attention and lift up your head so God can turn your situation around [Applause] [Music] if Moses didn't fold then you can stand it's one thing to go from your apartment to get any Victor to live with somebody that's bad but from being in the palace to living in the wilderness like that's the big gap from living in your house to go and live with your mama but he kept going and the first thing that he does in his wilderness in his shift y'all ready for point number one in your shift the first thing you need to make sure you don't do is settle for substitutes that's the first thing are you with me so far the Bible says that the Lord told Moses to leave where he was and go towards Canaan then he promised to Abraham come on class Isaac and Jacob do you remember that God had already promised Abraham way back in Genesis that I'm going to give you a land that's flowing with what milk and honey well we know that's Canaan so Moses is to lead the Israelites into a land that was promised to them before they were born Moses gets to lead them into the Promised Land but because they were stiff necked because they was hard head imma save y'all mama knew my mama a hard head maker yeah I knew she I knew your mama knew my mama watch what God tells me because your heart head I'm gonna keep my word but I'm gonna take Oh God let me say it this way that's just he says he says I promised Abraham Isaac and Jacob so watch this this is what God says regional Bible I'm gonna keep my promise but I'm gonna take my presence that's what he says I got proof he says I ain't going with y'all because you're too stiff neck and if I come imma kill you that's what he meant by consumed have you ever served somebody you got to be glad I ain't show up because had I came he said so i'ma let you go but I can't go with you cuz I'm gonna consume you imma kill you cuz y'all done got on my nerve all these years I've been talking to you Joker's for 400 years you didn't get that then I gave you another foot of your test you didn't get that I'm gonna go ahead on but if you don't want me there you don't sit for me he says so what I'm going to do is I'm going to send an angel to go with you can you see Israel oh my God he's so good he's so good he's he's sending us with an angel everybody is in jubilation everybody is excited but but but I could understand if the angel was replacing a person he's not sending an angel in place of a man he sent in an angel in place of himself so when God is the option and he sends an angel you didn't just win you had to settle for a substitute because you did not respect the original oh god I'm getting y'all don't want to help me in this place today you see sometimes you can get fooled into thinking that a good option is a god option and there is a difference a lot of y'all are in some good situations but it is not the situation God had for you you better stop settling for substitutes yes you got a nice apartment but you got a ranch anointing hear what I said yeah yeah you got a nice look car the Lord did bless you but he had a jet oil on your life and you better stop walking around here settling for substitutes and being glad because you got that for you second I'm a sinan angel they are happy why in the world are you shouting about an angel when you could have had god oh god I I know this thing that's gonna be a tough one but I'm almost done I ain't got my sermon left isn't it amazing that they are around here excited because they got an angel traveling with them and that is a good option but are you excited about the fact that you got an angel when you could have had God Himself where Boheme you have settled for the shield's of brass because you did not have enough courage to tell the people that he lost the shield's of gold where Bohan was a king they walked in and she Shaq had ransacked the kingdom and took all of the gold and shields and as opposed to being honest and we're and realizing and telling the people that that we got robbed under my watch what he does is he creates some fake shields out of brass and puts them in place of the golden shields to make the people think that nothing has happened and I'm wondering how many of you all have your brass shields because the thing about brass is has to be polished every day to look like gold and that's how you know you got a fake thing as you got to work on it for it to look real you gotta shine it that's how you know your relationship ain't the one God has for you because you got to work on it too hard you got to walk around and act like you're happy all the time and you got to walk you you don't even like being around each other unless else is with you every date is seven couples because none of y'all like each other so y'all sit at a table with 14 people just to survive each other brass shields you settle for substitutes you settle for company instead of a destiny you don't want to be alone so you'll take anybody he'll take you you settle for a substitute and now you're asking God why is it not working because it's not what I had for you you got an angel but you could have had me you got a male but you could have had a man you got a female but you could have had a ruby you're settling for substitutes because you're thirsty and you're hungry and you won't wait on me and now you've got a deal with the substitute I want everybody to say this shout wait until God gives it when God gives it he'll take care of it when God gives it he'll shine it when God gives it he'll finance it when God gives it he'll maintain and wait on the Lord and they that wait on the Lord stop being afraid to be alone [Applause] stop settling for substitutes ain't nothing like the real thing baby Oh y'all don't know Marvin come on now God says I'm gonna keep my promise but I'm taking my presence do you know the presence of God is so important that when Eli heard that the Ark of the Covenant had been removed which represents the presence of God the Bible says when the Ark of the Covenant remove and he had heard the news that his son hophni and Phinehas had been killed the bible says he failed day any church that doesn't have the presence of god is dying the bible also says that fiddy asked his wife which is his daughter in law when she heard that the glory had been removed the Bible says she travailed she went into giving birth that the glory got removed so bad is sin hurts her early labor and she has a child and dies before after giving birth to him and names him Aqaba which means the glory has gone she names her child off of the situation and here's something for every woman in here today you got to be careful what state of mind you're in when you give birth because you can mark your child by your mindset she says the Gloria's gone she names him Ichabod the glory has left and then after she gives birth to him she dies because the glory is gone can I just help us before if I don't get to nothing else I'm talking about us selling for substitution we come to church and we settle for fake glory we come to church that we sell it for a fake worship we come to church and we settle for a fake praise God says I don't want to fake worship I want real glory I'm tired of you just worshipping me because you want something from me and I need somebody who worship me in spirit and in truth I don't care how you feel I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth I wish I had a hundred people in here that knew that even though it ain't going well you ought to worship well even though you don't feel well you are a hollow whale even though you don't have what you need you ought to shout until you get it why because the Bible says that the glory has gone and Moses understands that the glory is gone so what he does is he packs up the tip and moves it outside of the camp and pitches it in another place now this is not the tabernacle that were constructed with the gifts of the people this is a separate camp that Moses has set up outside the tent just as a satellite location he opened up brews downtown and this is where they worship I thought I was just preaching this for nothing he opens up brews downtown but the people in the main temple were upset because they thought Moses had abandoned them because he had another assignment and Moses says no this is not that this is my assignment and this is my assignment and God had me to do this because the glory has left the temple the glory has left the tabernacle and the reason why this is necessary because had you been doing what you needed to do this wouldn't be necessary had the sound been so loud from here it would have drawn but because the building got nice and the parking lot got bigger your worship got quieter because you almost became stiff neck so I had to redevelop myself to show you that this is about me and not about you and the Bible says that he began to worship but watch this the people got upset some of them went to the new Tabernacle to worship the others the Bible says read the scripture that they stayed home and worship from their own doors how arrogant are you to tell God I'm going to stay home and worship and you come to me I thought that we were supposed to seek his face I thought he was a rewarder of those who diligently why is it ladies and gentleman it's shift that we're in why is it that we now require God to come to us it used to be their will I seek your face and now our churches have become so seeker sensitive that we've made everything about worship convenient for the attender when the only superstar in this place is Jesus Christ I hate to bust your bubble but I am tired of building churches around people we need to build it around the presence of the Holy Ghost when you build churches around people you lower the air condition for one group and then they leave you raise it for another and then they leave you turn the sound down for one group and then they leave you turn the sound up for somebody else then it's too loud I've just decided God whatever you want it's what we're going to give you and when I am lifted up I will draw all men unto me I want people to stop being drawn to the church and being drawn to God draw me nearer Oh bless it what true that precious bleeding side Moses got his work cut out because he's dealing with people who've been spoiled of it too now all the songs they wanted have been sung up until now they had a quaint he went to a praise team they put screens in the tabernacle put lights and people start saying oh we get commercial Church ain't what it used to be it used to be all you needed to come up there and get a word have a tambourine we still got that you don't take all that why is it that every organization gets to grow in the church gotta stay the same that's what Starbucks about my house they closed it down for two days they remodeled it now the lines are longer than ever I didn't hear nobody going over Starbucks I'm about why y'all put this new furniture in here and what did we need these new coffee machines for I just believe that God was in the old coffee machine why do we watch every organization Excel and get satisfied with us being still Moses tells the people we ain't settling for fake glory watch this I'm gonna tell you how important the glory was the Bible says I would drive out who the Canaanites my rights here Vikes Shep your sights I'm gonna drive all these nations out now you can go to do to Rama D chapter 3 and chapter 7 he'll be saying the same thing he said I'm gonna drive out all of the people who are now in your blessing and I will send an angel before you God says I am going to send an angel before you to wipe out the people who were in Canaan ahead of you now I'm gonna send the angel so will you get there you don't have to start our fighting I'm gonna take care of it so will you get there you can start harvesting this milk and this Honey I want you focused on the pleasure of the blessing I don't want you focus on the fighting of the blessing so when you get there I would have already driven them out it seems like to me that they should be shouting the Bible says that they were Mourning why are you mourning and God has just taken care of your problem why are you mourning and God just paid your bills why are you depressed and God dried up your student loan what are you complaining about oh I know the problem because I can give you the provision but if you don't have my presence I'm trying to get y'all to understand you've been seeking stuff and all you need to do is see God happiness ain't in clothes happiness ain't in cars happiness is not in a mansion happiness is not in a 401k happiness is not in cryptocurrency happiness not in a diversified portfolio happiness is in the presence of God in his presence there is fullness of joy I wish I could tell you how important what I just say it was that your house would be better if you got his presence in it you got to get you you got to get the presence of the Lord in your house you got to get the presence of the Lord in your cubical that's why when some of y'all get to work you know you ain't supposed to be talking about God but you turn up that's inspirational music real low on your computer and you be over there just rocking and moaning and you try to make sure don't nobody see you why because you understand the power of the glory and there's some of y'all in here right now the only reason why you survived is because you bought the glory in that office you bought the glory on your floor you got the glory in the lunch room how many of y'all are just shout in this place I take the glory with me every where I go when I'm driving in the street I got the glory in my car have you ever worship so much that the people in the car beside you was looking at you like you were crazy but you didn't give a dog all about what they thought tears were coming down your eyes and you wish you could roll down your window and tell them what a mighty God we serve do I have any really Holy Ghost showing up have you ever been washing dishes and got a cricketing in your spirit that and almost lost your mind at the sink I wish I had somebody in here I have been walking in the hallway at my house and that thing hit me and I almost danced until I lost my mind why because I need your glory somebody shot God I need your glory somebody shot God show us show glory don't settle for a substitute you need real glory authentic glory authentic worship not manipulation in the spirit you keep whooping your children I bet you if you start worshiping with them yep your your whooping and your fuss Adam but you won't pray with them when is the last time you grab Joe baby about a hand and say we're gonna go to God in prayer and ask them for the glory y'all not here with me today you ain't gotta say man but you can say ouch when is the last time you got so family in the huddle and put your arms around their shoulders and said baby we gonna pray these Devils out of this house Moses said we need to press us we ain't settling for bail that's a substitute we don't need bath set that was Egypt that was a substitute ain't nothing like the real thing Jesus even said it in mark 8 what does it profit a man to gain the whole world a substitute and lose his soul you need the real thing we need to ask God show us your glory show us the impression of your Holy Ghost worship ought to fill your house the only time you worship shouldn't be a church people who worship a church alone worship at home that's a substitute real worshipers worship at McDonald's I'm telling y'all I have worship in h-e-b who am I talking to in here say I'm such a worshiper I'll start off clowning and playing around but then I mess around to get serious and did everything will be over y'all ready playing with me I'll be singing a song called myself just joking around and before you know it I'm in there shouting on one leg and tears running down my eyes cuz I need his glory and that stuff is contagious I remember winning my my daughter ruined Kaitlyn cuz we prayed her a mother either one of us will pray with her every night before she go to bed and one day she was in there friend she would normally say God bless I start to recognize the older she got the less I was in their prayers when she started off young she says they bless mommy and daddy now she say bless rain boat that's a fish bless our money that's a dog me and her mom and they're getting that somewhere blessing my granny and my Pookie she blesses all these people and one day I was sitting in there listening to her pray and the glory came in and she said God and blessing my school and blessed the teachers and she just kept going and going and going and going why because the glory can teach what you can't teach the glory will get ahold of you and to give you a quickening in your spirit the Gloria get a hold of your family the Gloria get a hold of your mind the Gloria get a hold and I wish I had somebody in here and the reason why you need the glory is because all have sinned and come short of the glory and since you came short of the glory now you need to give him glory [Applause] and since you're short you need to give it every chance you get they lost the glory the Bible says that they didn't even put on their ornaments you read that they didn't put on their ornaments well ornaments it's actually jewelry everybody who who has jewelry on everybody should be most of us you got a necklace or earrings some huh all right well say something I actually questioned y'all send up there movement how many y'all got Uriel I said how many I got really I was like you can see we got jewelry why you asking dumb questions jury for a man or woman is his glory watch this so the Bible says that no man or woman put on his jewelry in other words since God had took the glory they didn't put on the glory so the lesson here is that if you don't have glory coming out you don't deserve to have glory God says I promise you if you give me my glory I will give you some glory if you give me what I am do I'll give you what you think you deserve it is an exchange program the more you give it to God the more he gives to you he said again the more you give to God the more of it he gives to you he said again the more of it you give to God okay the more of it he gives to you see you're going to go home and get on your knees and start praying about it God says if you'll give me the glory I'll accept for that's repentance Oh God y'all not here with me today the more glory you give me the more repentance I will assume and the more glory you give me the more glory I will give you I'm going to give you about 60 seconds so give them some glory now some of y'all go stand at the tent of your house and give them glory but the rest of us whether we're online are in the sanctuary we're going to stand on this hallowed ground and give God come on that's a praise I said give him glory open up your mouth open up your heart open up your spirit you can't be worried about your denomination right now you got to give him glory you got 20 more seconds that sound cute but it ain't glory and sound cute but it ain't glory let everything every black thing every white thing every Asian thing every Latino finger let everything that has breath [Music] now watch this I ain't got time to talk about it I'll do it after next service you can't settle for substitutes and number two you got to break away from the crowd the Bible says that Joshua went into the tabernacle you ain't got to sit down I'm done and I want y'all to give me my cue you actually talk to your neighbor all day you better say something give me a hand give me a hand I ain't done it all sermon you don't know how hard it's been for me to not tell you that I've been struggling up here said y'all like your now until you ain't talked to your neighbor you just anti-social don't say bout nobody you want to talk to cuz next service you don't do it so he is Joshua it's in the Tabernacle worshipping Church is released now Moses interest into the tabernacle and starts to worship God and the Bible says that a cloud of glory hovers at the door of the tabernacle remember he had already told them that I'll give you a pillar of cloud by day and I'll give you a pillar of fire by night so the pillar has rested at the door of the tabernacle and they start worshiping churches over church is released everybody goes home not just Allah Justice I will bless the Lord at all times and it's praise shall continually be in my mouth all magnify the Lord with me let us I guess they know it let me exalt his name because sometimes you got to worship by yourself and everybody had left and Joshua was in the tabernacle worshiping himself and then I learned something and I want to put this in your spirit is it not true that Joshua is going to be the next leader okay alright so Moses is the leader now Joshua is the next one in line so God is testing Joshua because he says now Israel is getting ready to go into a war but before Joshua I put you in charge of the war I want to see how you handle the warship before I let you lead the people in battle I got to see if you can lead them in praise I need everybody in this place that is asking God to take you to the next level in the year of elevation we know you can lead in the financial department we know you can lead in the managerial Department but God says before I trust you with the company can I trust you in worship if you can't leave your own worship you can't lead a company I need somebody to leave those section in worship right now and bless the Lord in this place if you got to do it by yourself come on worship worship Russia [Applause] it about something come on in Russia I'm not giving you no music to hide behind this has got to be an authentic glory every day will be like Sunday every month like the month of May Hosanna Hosanna in the highest somebody ought to give him glory from the rising of the Sun to the shedding of the same he's worthy to be praised [Applause] glory don't need drums glory don't need a b3 glory don't need a keyboard glory don't need a bass glory don't need a guitar glory just needs a voice and lift up your voice like a trumpet and give your God some praise you might be the only one on your row you might be the only one in your section but God says if you'll step out by yourself now I'll make sure that I put you on a level by yourself later if you're a handle the worship I'll handle the war [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah caste I don't know how to worship hallelujah is the highest praise hallelujah hallelujah glory to God glory to God in the highest Oh ash a balk your God you are the pot and I am the clay God I'm not asking for anything I'm just thanking you that's your more than enough you are the Rose of Sharon you are the lily of the valley we give you honor and glory [Applause] one thing I shall seek after that I will dwell in the presence of the Lord all of the days of my life the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life whom shall I be afraid when evil men even my foes come upon me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and fail though a hosts shelling shelling camp around me and this would I be confident that I will dwell not visit but I will twelve in the house [Music] [Music] [Music] we give you glory have your way in this place Holy Spirit - families such relationships fix broken hearts renew renew minds bring us back to our first loan restore unto us the joy of our salvation no more shame we will walk in the newness of life we'll give you all the glory give you all the other and give you all the praise [Music] [Music] you're [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] never given the glory which was the full weight of yourself never came to the knowledge and the salvific experience of the Messiah you've never confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus or perhaps you've done all of that but you're outside of the fellowship tikona Neal you're not involved in the place where you serve and you give your gifts and your talents what we're saying today is join the army while the blood is still running warm in your veins the old man is created for wisdom but the young man is created for war and some of y'all gap years left on your body you've got a war for God God says I want to see if I can trust you in the war and the worship and if I can trust you in the worship you'll have me in the war the Bible says that the pillar of the cloud came that was God returning his presence back to them he had given he had taken it and then he had given it back because God loves you so much that he doesn't want to in perpetuity keep his self away from you he wants to return but he can only return where you're willing and if you're in this place today and you're saying God draw nigh unto me as I draw nigh unto you I want to join this ministry I want to give my life here I want to give my time here I want to raise my family here I want to grow here wherever you are you can either come and shake my hand all you can find one of these people with a sign they'll take you out of this door to my right but you can come as you are but don't leave like you came so if you're in this place today wherever you are if you want to walk from the back the front wherever you are we all came for you today lighthouse let's give them a hand there give them a kerbs god bless you my sister come on lighthouse make it a big deal make it a big deal makes a big deal [Music] Oh [Music] somebody else hallelujah come on lighthouse make it a big deal these are family members make them feel welcome [Music] before I give you the benediction and prayer blessing over your life is there anybody else who says you know what I want to come just a little nervous I don't like those crowds I don't like being in front of people let me tell you if you're no less involved because you don't come up here I just availed myself to do that but if you just they have a room that's out there is so many people I'm looking at least 10 of them right now one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven people twelve who can tell you exactly where to go with one of these signs you don't have to come up here that's fine just go back there but but don't leave here the way you came let's stop that's all I ask spirit of the Living God cover us remove every stain you're the master of our souls you're the reason we're made home we thank you God that we're surviving our ships and we won't settle for substitutes and sometimes we have to break away from the crowd but it's alright because you've got something for us and we may go from Shepherd to fugitive but we will eventually be leaders and we thank you God that you have not forgotten about us in Jesus name we pray if you love God how they man folk somebody in your way I'll tell them I love you there's nothing to do about [Music] [Music] yeah [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 79,724
Rating: 4.854001 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Pastor, amazing story, Relationship, worship, church, Bishop, faith, jesus, God, grace, success, forgiveness, sermon, lighthouse worship, best worship, evening sermon, bishop, message, pastor, christian music, god sermon, power, strength, missionary, gospel, savage jesus, waking faith, truth, jesus sermon, jesus worship, prayer, universe sermon, amen jesus, amen, joy, pastor keion henderson, pioneers, official, Surviving the Shift
Id: nq6lUnvJkb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 33sec (3813 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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