Disrupting the Order | Pastor Keion Henderson

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Luke chapter 1 verse 5 the Bible says there was in the days of Herod the king of Judea a certain priest named Zacharias of the course of Abia and his wife watched this was of the daughters of Aaron that's very very important that his wife was of the daughters of Aaron and her name not as important as where she came from but her name was Elizabeth and they were both righteous before God walking in the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blamelessly so they are walking upright they are blameless and yet they have no child because Elizabeth was barren and they both were now well stricken in years last verse and it came to pass that while he executed the priests office talking about Zacharias his father while he executed the office before God in the order of his course so here's what here's what's happening God is getting ready to start his journey to Calvary this is where it starts but he needs somebody to Harold are to tell the people that the Messiah is coming because it's been prophesied in Isaiah that one would come before him are you with me so far well guess who that is who said it John the Baptist John the Baptist is the cousin of Jesus right now at this time before this Elizabeth was pregnant with John six months before Mary got pregnant with Jesus so they got to know each other in the womb before they got to know each other in life how do I know the Bible says when they came in the room their babies leaked it's very important I want you to understand what's going on and and I'll explain it a little later but when John was born he was born at a time where nobody was obeying God they were not obeying God he was born in a time where church as usual according to the priesthood was corrupt but because nobody had any reason to say anything because sometimes sin makes you silent people saw what was going on Rome but they were like well I ain't no better or so since I'm in saying I'm just going all right let me is there anybody here that you you've opted out of correcting somebody because currently you are not correct so nobody can say anything except for Zacharias and Elizabeth they have a baby John messes up everything today I want to talk to you about disrupting the order some of y'all are accustomed to status quo and you think because you ain't living right you can't say nothing and you'd think that because you haven't accomplished everything that you set out to accomplish that you shouldn't say anything but is it possible that God brought you into that circle to disrupt their order do I have any planet shakers in here today who am I talking to do I have anybody in here that know that God sent you to shake it up do me a favor and touch three people on your way down and say I am perfect but I'm about to shake it up I'm about to shake it up I'm about to shake it off I bet you some of y'all have had this conversation already have you ever felt like this kind of the same shape as everybody kind of the same education but just felt like something made you stand out just most people without the ability to see color wouldn't see the difference there was something called the butterfly effect the butterfly effect says that a small change well somehow caused a larger change somewhere down the line that's the butterfly effect and it's the most brass tacks explanation it's the idea that they say that if a butterfly were to flap its wings in California that sometimes the storm that happens in New York is the result of a lot of butterflies flapping their wings and that when travelled across the nation it's called the butterfly effect that something happens here that causes an even bigger change here I was telling our staff that if a boat is on a trajectory and it is just one degree off it won't know that it's actually off course until it gets miles away because a small degree of disruption doesn't seem like much of a problem at all at first but when you add one degree for every step once you get to the place where you should be at the goal it is as far to turn around as it is to go back see one small decision here can have huge ramifications in the future every once in a while God will do something subtle that most people will take for granted and not recognize that when you are patient and let God have this perfect word that that little difference will mean something huge in the future you know why most people don't save money because they think what good is it to save five dollars what good is it to save ten dollars if you saved it every day by the time you get to the end of the year you have 3000 almost 700 dollars now you're cooking but if you look at it from the perspective of it's only ten dollars then you won't respect it because it's insignificant but three thousand six hundred some odd dollars fifty dollars it's not anything until you have something that cost two thousand dollars it's not anything until you have something that costs three thousand dollars it's not anything until you have an emergency where oh my god if I had just saved a couple of dollars every paycheck then I wouldn't be at the mercy of somebody's interest rate I wouldn't be at the mercy of somebody's attitude or wouldn't be at the mercy of somebody's injustice because I did not respect the little thing I'm getting ready to go somewhere because when John was born he wasn't nothing but a little fetus but when his mama pushed and gave birth to him he would change the trajectory of the world the world that you and I live in was eternally altered when John the Baptist came into the earth his mama gave birth to him and Bible says according to Luke chapter one that he was born at a dark time when the Bible says he was born at a dark time it is not talking about chronological hours it is not talking about that he was born after the precipice of midnight it is not talking about him being born when the Sun goes down what it is saying that he was born in an immoral season he was born at a time where men were turning their back on God he was born at a time where everybody thought that they were the Messiah because they had a few people attending their church so he was born at a time that everybody thought that they were anointed everybody thought that they were palled everybody thought that they were Zacharias everybody thought they were the Messiah and do you know how I know that everybody had a chance because if everybody didn't have a chance according to their I the inherit would not have ruled that all two-year-old babies be killed because they didn't know who it was so they thought oh my god it could be your son it could be your son it could be your nephew and so he said every Jewish baby two years and younger kill him until we find out who this Messiah is and if we kill them all then we won't give them an opportunity to reproduce he heard this after the Magi had went and visited a young boy in Bethlehem and he got the news this is Herod the Great who is now the king of Judea he got the news that there was a young king that was going to be born and he wasn't really concerned about kingdom he was concerned about his position because he says that he was Herod the Great and since he was Herod the Great then that means there could be no king greater than him so he made sure that anybody who had the potentiality to be king that he would kill them no matter if they were two years old three years old four years old four months old it was the first abortionist on earth he did it in mimicking Pharaoh at the time of Moses I told you that the Old Testament concealed is the New Testament revealed it is the same story in a multiplicity of applications Pharaoh wanted to kill Moses and Herod wanted to kill Jesus the same thing at the same age at the same time for the same reason because anytime somebody thinks that you can replace them they want you dead not necessarily physically but they'll be smirched your character that they'll they'll try to get you fired at your job there go and say look things about you behind your back and tell people you know what I see you hanging around so and so the Lord told me to tell you be careful with the people who around you yeah okay that means you too just so you know you do know that not only do you have to be careful with people who tell you about bones you got to also be careful with the ones who bring you them he says he says listen they they are they are there he's born and he's he's born at a time where and I need y'all to follow me on this now I'm not even getting in a rush because we're gonna preach this for a while so I need you to get the foundation the law watch this the Bible says that the law was until the birth of John that means that the butterfly was in effect the law was there and when John came he disturbed it see most people know that Jesus says I didn't come to abolish the law but I came to fulfill that but I hate to tell you that before Jesus was ever born John was already the Bible says the law was until John when John was born he was the first one to say I know what y'all saying but there is one coming there is one coming and I have been sent to be his forerunner in other words I have been sent to make sure that everybody knows in every direction that he is coming who do men say that I am some say thou art John the Baptist John says please don't confuse me with him I am NOT him I am just one sit before him to let you know there is one coming Herod that is greater than you there is one coming that is the chief Cornerstone there is one come who is the balm in Gilead there is one coming who is a healer there is one coming that makes the Sun the rule of day in the moon to rule the night and I know that you have your gods and you have learn'd idolatry in the confines of the pyramids of Egypt and I know that you've learned your which and language from bill and I know that you've learned your lingo from all of the al dilatory that you have been introduced to but I'm telling you that there is one coming that's greater than anybody you've ever prayed to this one that is coming face off with bail and and took wet wood and burned it up and bail couldn't even burn it up when it was dry y'all not here with me today there is one coming and I just came to tell you that whoever you have in your life that is helping you to do this little thing and helping you to pay that little bill and helping you to keep your mind together sometime and and answers the phone every once in a while when you call him and you are overly dependent on them I'm telling you there is one that came that if you would if you would tell him all of your problems there is one that comes that that can provide for you when you don't even have employment there is one or I wish I had somebody and maybe you got good friends but let me tell you a good friend does not substitute for a good relationship with God just a little talk with Jesus sometimes you got to talk to people all night with him to understand but God is so smart just to look talk with Jesus there is one come and touch somebody say he came he came and when Jesus came and when John was born watch this shadow became substance don't you miss this because before John the focus was that Mount Sinai and the focus would shift to Mount Calvary do you see how the shifting of the focus half because they were looking to sign now because that's where Abraham took Isaac and that's where Moses saw the burning bush and so that's that was their mountain of Transfiguration but but the focus had to shift because there was no blood shed at Sinai see y'all don't want no real preaching I'm learning it I'm learning it you just want to touch your neighbor and get a blessing but baby I'm gonna give you some word today there was no cross at Sinai that nobody was a shadow because a father had to take his son up a mountain Abraham had to take his son Isaac up a mountain and out of Isaac will come Jacob and out of Jacob become the 12 tribes well then the focus shifts from Sinai to Calvary because the father Jehovah would take his son Jesus up across who would be the new Israel pointing to the New Jerusalem and out of him will come a new nation god help me in this church now this nation is now quantifiably different because he was the King of the Jews but we're not Jewish so how do we get in how do we get in the blood what can wash away my sins not the ten commandments not the law not a rosary not a confessional booth y'all not gonna talk to me what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of Jesus now if y'all were really saved I couldn't say blood and you not lose your mind I'm so sick of folks out in church about a blessing I don't know what to do what you call a blessing is gonna break down in three years what you call a blessing is gonna need a new roof in a couple of years what you call a blessing is gonna be sick in a couple of years but when you got to blood the blood allow you to walk into a car lot and they say you got a 500 credit score but we don't know why your credit score went through the blood or make you walk into the doctor and they'll look at the report and say last week we saw spat on your lung but this week we can't find out - somebody slap somebody say thank God for the blood and it will never it will never lose its power how do I know because it has covered those of us who are in this room today and despite our sins and failures I am on assignment tonight to tell you that it is time for you it's a disrupt order touch the names I'm getting ready to disrupt order I'm getting ready to disrupt order I'm getting ready to stir up the order I've had so many poor people in my family but I'm disrupting the order I've had sick people in my family but I'm getting ready to disrupt order prostate cancer stops with me because I'm getting ready to disrupt order drug addiction stops with me because I'm getting ready to disrupt your order fatherless children and my family it's about to stop cuz I'm getting ready to disrupt order and let me tell you you don't need an example to be one you better hear what I just said I am coming to tell you that God is calling you to do something that you have never seen he's calling you to be an example and you've never had an example nobody your family has ever been rich but you're about to because God is getting ready to use you to disrupt order everybody in your family has gotten a divorce but not you because you're getting ready to disrupt somebody say shake it up shake it up and so Christ takes center stage and now Gentiles have been woven into the fabric of the salvific power of Jesus Christ I just wish you knew that you shouldn't be saved I just wish you knew that I wish you had read your Bible and found out that before Jesus only Jews had a right to the Tree of Life and I wish you knew that the wages of sin was death and the gift of God was eternal life and I wish you knew that the one lie you told was enough to go to hell and I wish you know that Jesus took the focus from cyanide which was the law where Moses got the Ten Commandments and shifted it to Calvary where Jesus took the nails so that we the leaves of the tree might be for the healing of the nation and now we have been grafted into the fabric of salvation without Jewish descent now here is the problem am i helping anybody here is the problem this happened inherits life before Jesus because Herod is the king in these dark days Herod the Great I've been to Jerusalem they showed us a mountain I said wow look at that mountain they said let me show you something the mountain that's there they said it used to be over here when Hara was alive he leveled it and built once so that he could show God he was superior that's why I think that every Christian needs to go to the Holy Land you need to see what you're reading about literally there was a mountain near the Dead Sea that Herod had slaves to break and then reassemble so he can show God he builds mountains - oh god help me in this church today the first thing I want you to see is that Herod is the king of Judea he is not a Jew how can you be the king of the Jews and you are not a Jew he leveraged his authority in Rome and got it through politics the first thing that God is calling us to disrupt its politics some of y'all need to get up and go vote stop sitting at home timeout I don't follow it close let me catch you up to speed it's jacked up you have turned a blind eye so the first thing God wants us to disrupt and we sit back and we let people who do not have our interests at heart sit on our judicial branches and put our sons in jail for the same weed they smoke how is it that a judge can sit on the bench and have him a joint for his glaucoma and then put your son in jail for 50 years y'all don't want to say no but I'm so tired of us complaining and we won't vote we won't get engaged in politics and if we don't get engaged Herod will continue to sit on our throne here it was not a Jew nor was he in the line of David he had no business being King but because he had a good stump speech because he had a good campaign bus [Music] he was able to gain authority and positioning and did not have the best interest of the people who he governed y'all not okay Herot was so ruthless that when he thought his wife was going against him he killed her don't get no ideas brothers you ain't no king you gonna go to jail forever and then two days he killed his sons he killed his relatives anybody he thought was trying to get in your service he killed him because you'll always know a person who cannot handle high positions when they cannot handle competitors you don't deserve to be king when you have a jealous spirit you don't deserve to be king or queen when you can't see nobody else win as if God is running out of resources and that if he don't bless you he won't have the earth as the Loess the fullness thereof and they that dwell in just touched on their design jealousy you may be I want you to win it's more fishing to see it you can get a man and I can get a man I ain't gonna be mad at you because you got I get sick of people running how she get a man and I can't get one cuz you she ain't jealous and you are you got to be okay with other people being blessed you can't try to kill everybody it looks like they bout to come up and come over matter of fact the only way you can stay in power is to keep people in power somebody say politics John was born when in darkness but yet he was the light which lets us know that our circumstances shouldn't not detect our detect our depict our greatness he was born in an immoral time he was born in darkness and yet he was the one that signed the light on the one who was coming see what happens to most of us is we always continuously allow our circumstances determine who we will become I guarantee you right now some of you all in here right now you had a attitude when you came and didn't have nothing to do with none of us in here it has something to do with where you came from and you came right in here and let the people out there determine how you were gonna sit in the house of God you came in here you were mad you had your arms folded you didn't speak to nobody when you walked in because the boss some agent mad you didn't speak to the usher you didn't speak to the greeter you got married at the parking lot man cuz he told you to park somewhere where you didn't want to park you got mad at us because she told you to take your purse off the seat unless somebody sitting next to you did you get mad at me because I told you to touch the name but get over yourself and stop being upset in here because of what happened to you out there I need somebody over the next 30 seconds they devil I'm gonna stop giving you victory everywhere I go imma stop giving you victory everywhere I go you're not gonna make me sit in church for 30 minutes and miss what God has to say to me devil get out of my mind get off my back get off my children get out of my money get out of my spirit can I get some free people in here right now to take control of your own attitude and atmosphere and over the next 20 seconds give the devil everything you got and let him know that I've got authority to tread on your head your greatness has to stop being limited by what's around you John was born in darkness and he was still in light you can work with ignorance and still be nice can I say something else you can be married to mean and not become mean [Applause] only reason why I speak to him cuz he ain't speak to me you can do better than that you got to stop allowing what people do to you ain't say done to me trying say nothing to him I don't know I don't trust him and he don't trust me I don't respect him healing dessert when he deserve it when he respect me than I respect ya and you don't understand yet you're messing up your greatness because you're allowing what's around you to get in you he was born in the darkness and he was light I'll declare now decree and I propel you to be light in darkness I tell you you're the salt of the earth you don't know who you are you're supposed to walk into a mean environment and everything on a shift when you get in there can I tell you the reason why everybody in your office is evil and it don't shift when you walk in is because you are too if you had light you lighten up that darkness if you a nice you to run the devil the hell out of there it's the same when you walk in there cuz you are the same snap somebody say I'm different be angry that's cool but sin not the difference between you and I I get mad I just don't react the same people cut me off in traffic I'll be doggone if imma go 90 trying to catch up with him am I gonna kill you you better slow down and just let it go some of y'all chase them all the way you chase it from Sugarland to pearland to catch them to let them know they cut you go they're gonna come to church and ask God for gas money something wrong with me I know I'm praying all myself it's time for the church to disrupt politics you've got to care who your congressmen are you've got to care who your senators are or you will let Harwich sit on the bench I'll hit let Herot sit in the office because you would not get up and do something about a right that people died for how dare you allow people's skulls to be fractured and you stay in the house and say I don't care my vote don't matter it does matter do you know why there are no grocery stores in your neighborhood because you don't vote do you know why it floods in your neighborhood and don't flood in other areas because you don't vote if they don't take care of your neighborhood you get your community together go down there and get everybody in your community together and y'all vote them out of there and get somebody in there who will do what you say because they work for us and we don't work for them and when you recognize that so it's early voting you can go anywhere and vote all you got to do is take your ID and you need to do it I voted this morning my mother and I went my daughter my wife we went in wrote it this morning it's our responsibility if you couldn't vote you'd be marching can't voting won't move there was a study that said that if all of the Millennial women would vote there whoever that bloc voted for that's who would win but by and large millennial women are so disengaged in this process I'm just tired of it it's getting on my nerve I don't want to hear about it but then when they kick your son out of school get your John Brown hind parts up and go cast about it did you hear what I see it did you hear me what I say number two God is causing us to disturb politics the first second thing he's calling us to shake up his parenting see Zacharias was blessed because his mom and daddy was right the Bible says that Zacharias was a priest there some nough said that at the time that John was born there were at least 20,000 priests in Judea 20,000 preachers in the city how in the world he got 20,000 preachers and everybody going to hell but there was one walking righteous in the sight of God I guess that's what John got it from cuz his daddy was walking righteous in darkness John got it from his daddy you be surprised how much your children are like you oh it's gonna be good Lord it's gonna be good some of y'all can't stand your children and they jess standing the heifer she thinks she a woman if you're grown get your own let's go back and talk to your mama you like to fight just like her you talk back just like him you be surprised what they learned it from it's amazing that you get you become a parent you forget what she was you get the parent get to being a parent all of a sudden you start thinking that you know you start believing that you're perfect and and you forget that any honest parents on here come on now how did your boy you you you you you was trippin dog come on now you yeah you got a couple of tattoos that that we can't see that you tried to get it taken off but it was hurting too bad so you left it half on a half-off come on parenting has lost its art I don't know what happened when parents thought it was proper to be friends I just want to be friends with my daughter so that way when she decides to do something at least I know what she's doing I'm gonna let her boyfriend come over my house and let them go up in the room because at least she's here with me nobody no 14 15 year old got no bids time about dating and a boyfriend I just don't want to constrict him like my mom constricted me so you want to give him free down it is not your job to give your child freedom it is your child your job to give your child direction you keep talking about being different from your mama but look what you had on Tuesday she didn't do that bad she didn't do that bad she might not have let you date that less thinking nappy hair boy when we was 14 - you ain't never forgave her but you're still in church on a Tuesday night she might not have gave you what you wanted but she's still in church on the Tuesday she might not to let you kiss him she might not let y'all dress alike and go down there to the to the fair she might have not let you do she didn't let should go to move in shame that's your whole head look where you are you can do a lot worse than being like your mama she fed you she clothed you kept you out of jail sometime you don't win a few times they say no about Zacharias and Elizabeth was 80 years old do you know why God picked him do you think God wanted to pick 80 year old people to have a baby he picked them because he couldn't find anybody with character so he had to settle for age he looked for somebody 20 couldn't find him live with somebody 30 couldn't find him lift what he had to go all the way into the eighties to find some people who are too tired to see I wonder what is it about you that God keeps looking over and selling for somebody less qualified because you won't bring to the table what it takes to shake stuff up and be great he had to settle for age / character because those were the only people he could find they were not as educated but they were blameless they were not famous but they were blameless they didn't have a whole lot of money you could tell by the way John's rest y'all don't read the Bible you could tell about what John ate John didn't even have a change of clothes he hadn't got a haircut in all them years he ate honey and locusts you could have no daddy his daddy didn't have no money he was a priest if he had no other job he didn't have nothing but yet God picked him because it's parents shook it up it's John I don't care what anybody else is doing you gonna live right I don't care what the mother little boys is doing down there at the school you gonna pray I don't care how they dress you're gonna pull your pants up around your waist and put a belt on your butt y'all not here with me today I don't care what the mother the boy is doing but you're not gonna have no tattoo on the sin of yo foe heading on the back of your neck y'all don't want to talk to me y'all don't want to talk to me I don't care how much you love him you better not get his name tattooed on you at no 18 years old [Music] I don't care about y'all get mad at me because the Auto Panther needs to be back you need to grab your lid John and say you got an opportunity to be great if you'll just keep yourself together you got an opportunity to do something great if you'll just keep yourself together God wants to use you and he wants to use you in an extraordinary way but you still got to be light in darkness you don't have to do everything that everybody at the school is doing you don't have to go to the movies every weekend you don't have to go out all the time sometimes sit down and read a book some weekends put something in your head y'all not free with me y'all not gonna pray with me today I'm telling you this is good but y'all want to hear something else and I'm telling you right now that parents it is your responsibility to protect your job so that God can use him or her sometimes you just got to say no no you can't go you don't have to be going every weekend no you can't go or yes you can go but their room better be clean before you leave those dishes better be washed and their trash better be taken out and people who can't clean their room should be able to stay out past midnight I know y'all don't want to say man cuz your mom did that to you and you want to be their friend you're spoiling your John can't nobody tell them nothing and God can't use them God says it's time to shake up these parents it's time to shake up air and I know y'all uncomfortable don't mind what I'm talking about some kids but I'm talking about you now you want to sit here and look ashy I'm talking to you if I was talking about get him to the altar so they can get their grace together break up tada all you'd be up here with a more effective Jesus of finally speaking to the preacher to speak to these bad kids but now I'm talking to the ones who raised them don't dive no boy no playstation phone here and got nothing over a deal on this report card or you have told mine a Playstation you lucky you got food so y'all need to take them cell phones any listen I I wish I just feel like doing a pair of the class right now cuz also them I know I'm right because you're sitting up here crying I know I'm talking good they on the phone to three o'clock in the morning every time you wake them up they don't want to go to school they tired cuz you're too lazy to go up there to make sure they sleep or maybe you want them to think you really are you ain't yeah if you only three y'all got it but it's cool they won't bother me I won't bother them that ought to be something I can tell you this right now my mother I never saw my mother would a man she wouldn't marry with I didn't get introduced to five people and was told they was my uncle I can do that too so you won't good children but you won't shake up the parenting there are some disciplines you have to have as a parent if you want John to be able to be in touch with Jesus I don't care if you're young they did not actually be here whatever sacrifice it takes to make sure that you raise your children right it is your responsibility I'm in my thirties I'm not bad as you better slow down and another one so you should see your face something I like see these baby boomers they know I'm right you youngsters ain't too sure if I'm right yet but you'll find out in five years I'm right snatch them up early I was with Dave Rams the other day he said he told his kids he said I would if I were you I'd act right because I really could get rid of you and make another when it looks just like you I mean I really could just like get rid of you and make another one that looks just like you the reason why I'm telling you to take care of him is because Herod is after him Herot wants your son Herod wants your daughter and he will use opioids he will use drugs he will use sex he will use a grown man and your young daughter and then you'll be bringing him to me those children are important you love your children don't you gospel love the world that He gave His only begun son he sacrificed himself you cannot raise a child without sacrificing yourself there's no way to raise a child comfortably God says I'm shaking up the politics I'm shaking up the parents lastly I'm shaking up the priest the religious priesthood had been corrupted by Herod because he bought his preachers and he told him what to say and they couldn't preach the truth if they did they would be killed see I ain't gonna bother her I'm gonna stop talking about sow I see she telling the truth priesthood was messed up he bothers me in order to be a doctor you got to go take the Hippocratic oath it'll be a lawyer you got to pass the bar exam ought to be a preach all you gotta do is be the same some people ain't been called to preach what happened was somebody came up to him you look like a preacher and then they came and confessed it don't study don't fast don't pray don't get no revelation no manifestation don't exegete the text don't study context culture don't look at syntax don't look at eras tense don't know Hebrew Greek don't know linguistics punctuation marks don't even know English and we have relegated the highest office in the land to anybody who can hoop the preacher used to have to be called Sam you used to have to go to his house and if the oil didn't flow he wasn't the one now people want to be a preacher because they think they can drive the car that we drive now they want to be a preacher because they think they can dress they see a financial benefit from it and they don't recognize that anytime you see a preacher that has extremely benefited that doesn't rape the church is because he has another stream of income that's feeding him I think you need to know that the church don't own my house I own it I don't have no partners I don't have no housing allowance the church don't buy my cars I buy my cars and the reason why I decided because I just decided that I wanted to have more money than y'all was willing to give me so I opened me up some businesses and got me some companies and got me some streams of income so just in case y'all start trippin me and my wife can still go to bed and wake up Church ain't never bought me a suit Church they never bought me a car Church they never bought me a house as a matter of fact can I tell you the truth every piece of furniture in every office in the back came out of my house i furnish the church it didn't furnace mine oh I wish I had some i furnish the church the church didn't furnish my house I furnished it every couch in the back came from my house when we bought this church Jackie will tell you they sent a u-haul to my house took all the furniture out of my house and we sat on the floor while it was furniture in the church I didn't have furniture in my house to furnish this church and they gonna ask me I can get a suit now I earned it I earned it I worked for free for a year they didn't give me nothing I can earn it people say you know he preached for money and he he took all the money well you asked me this question how in the world I took the money and the building got bought how did I take the money and a ten million dollar building has only four million dollars left on it after four years I couldn't have been taking the money how can I take the money whatever he's all 60 staff members have been paid on time every time how could I took the money there's not ever been one check Lake bounced in the history of this church we owned everything we got every light is paid for every speaker's paid for every bus is paid for every chair is paid for no outstanding debt other than the loan on the building everything else is paid for I earned the right to have a shoe every once in a while come on talk to me somebody some of y'all be sitting out there hating but didn't ask you God to bless you you better ask him to bless me because it all flows down if you want me broke you better get used to it if you want something you better celebrate it get your neighbor - I want my pastor doing well even if you don't mean it you better say it cuz I'm gonna do it yes I am my wife don't drive whatever she want to drive I remember when she was walking I remember when we were living in one bedroom apartment I remember she have a stove to cook food on whatever she won't she gonna get I [Music] [Applause] made up a long time ago I ain't gonna let no Church run me into no corner to be who they want me to be and then when I die you have another one in 30 days the devil is a lock everybody who thinks that you made me I only ask you to do one more thing make another one when you do that then I'll believe you and there's a whole song in the church that says this before I take it back I tell y'all that and more to it I ain't scared of y'all ain't never been ain't gonna start nothin you got to be cold mophir you got to be chosen that stop running up in this light does it do two things it'll burn your aunt at exposure you better stay out there there audience where you can hide and keep on sinning and won't nobody know it you can have three boyfriends out there well nobody know get up here they'll find out and one lady time about her kids was mine I ain't meet her to the kids was nine now how'd it work better stay out there don't food this thing up here just saying this ain't this ain't what you want cuz I got lost I just went all the way off didn't it I have I just went what would I say oh okay yeah the priest I just went off Steve is your job to keep me you to security you posed to keep my mind right man oh yeah okay so i'ma let y'all go Zacharias was a priest John came to be the voice because the priesthood had been corrupted so God uses the crucifixion to adjust it so the reason why he is the high priest is because he did away with the priesthood because it had been so corrupted it could not be brought back so prior to Jesus you had to go to the priest to atone for sin okay Catholics still practice this you would have to go to the priest and say father I have sinned this is what I've done but the problem is is that the person you are confessing to and we have fact if you watch the news it's just as corrupted as the one who's confessing so God says I'm gonna do away with that I am now the high priest and you no longer have to go and tell a Sinfield man about the repercussions of your sin now you can say father I stretch hallelujah I came to tell every person in here today that the next time you need to pray you can go to God for yourself touch on them say I'm the priest at my house every one of you have been given the royal priesthood over your home that means before you ever bring your baby to the altar you should have prayed over them in the bedroom I decree and declare you need to go to Walmart and get you some olive oil and put it before the Lord and touch every doorknob every window seal every steering wheel I dare you to put it on your child's head while they're in the bed I dare you when your husband is acting up just pull oil on him wake up in the morning he got grease all on his face tell him I don't know what happened it must have been the Lord he is the high priest so the veil has been torn and now you can go straight to the Father because the focus is no longer on sign now it's on Calvary are y'all here with me today somebody shout I came to disrupt it you have been called to disrupt the order destroy the plan and rebuild it and there are three areas that God is calling us to politics parenting and priesthood if you can do it in the community if you can do it in your house and you can do it in the church and you've got to be in all three of those places and somehow we think that now all we have to do it is in the house but not at church or at the house at the church and not in the house off okay I don't have to be in the community your call to all three your neighborhood is your responsibility your church is your responsibility your family is your responsibility and we got to stop outsourcing our deliverance to politics and politicians and government programs and although they are supposed to do the bulk of the work because they got the bulk of the money you got to do your part no more status quo you got to be a different kind of parent one that is an example for your children and the best way you can taint nobody perfect but you got to do the best way you can let me tell you something I'm gonna say this and it's gonna throw you off and I'm done I'm not saying that you're gonna do everything right but you need to make sure that you do everything right in front of them what music do you listen to when they ride with you it's okay to listen to Drake when you buy yourself but when your three-year-old in there with you everybody can't be in the club getting tipsy when your three-year-old is in the backseat they sleep they don't hear subconsciously don't cuss in front of your children don't drink don't smoke in front of them if they don't have the habit let him learn it on their own come on y'all I my mom was 65 years old I never seen her drink I never seen a smoke ain't never heard of cuss time I heard her cuss was at me and I was grown I deserved it I'm telling you you can do this it's gonna be a sacrifice maybe you never heard this before maybe it was a tough pill to swallow but you needed it the things that you need are not always easy to digest I made up my mind a long time ago I would never be the kind of pass it occator yield to yo I would never just cater to what you just wanted to hear I'm gonna tell you what you wanna hear and what you need to hear I found out in my life that that's what people loved about me - mos I used to hide from it she get up there and I've been preaching 23 years I used to get up then just tell all this stuff and then got home like that wasn't what the Lord wanted me to say art I've been called to disrupt order I've been called to be different [Music] I've been called to be different they know who John was until it was all over and they might not know who I am and said I'm long going and that is fine with me because my purpose in the earth is not to satisfy people my purpose in the earth is to find rejected people and let them know that God can use you in spite of whatever has happened to you and your life if you're here today and you believe that you can call to disrupt some order just stand to your feet I'm not gonna have you come forward to stand wherever you are if you believe you are disrupted like like God sent you there to shake that thing I appreciate you too is there anybody here that feels like God is calling you to disrupt some water you're not like anybody in your family you're not you're not like anybody your family who am I talking to you know when you come around it'd be like where she come from any black sheeps in the family how many of y'all feel uncomfortable when you get around them just you can tell they looking at you and judging you it smell judgment on them you'd be looking at them you don't like me and I don't like you either I found out something that I want to share with you really think people don't know but they do know how great you are they do know and they can't figure out how you raise those kids by yourself and they had help in a struggle they think figure out see you really think that they looking down at you they really admired her they can't figure out had in the world that you make $10 an hour and raise those kids and not lose your house are you and and and I made such and such and I couldn't do it so you think they looking down on you but they really admire you how is it that you didn't give your daughter nearly when I gave my daughter but y'all still close and man don't even talk to me they can't figure it out and you think they judge you they really are admiring you and what they don't know how to say is you're an awesome person you shook it up you're world changer you were the rejected stone and now you are the chief Cornerstone and no weapon formed against you was able to prosper and you have overcome by the blood of the Lamb now the word of the testimony and you were patient when you wanted to cuss and you stood still when you wanted to run and when they broke your heart you wanted to break their neck but you stood still don't tell me you didn't want to get even don't tell me you didn't want to get back don't tell me you didn't want to put that business in the street but God hell just say no you're bigger than that I've got a bigger purpose for you I can't have you fighting about is that I didn't assign you to I can't have you fighting people who who don't I can't have you do it I've got a bigger thing you you you got to introduce somebody who's coming be not weary who am I talking to be not weary and you're well doing for you will reap a harvest if you faint enough and every ten that you've tried had a purpose to it and every heartbreak you felt had a purpose to it because God came to shake up the order because had you been comfortable you would have stayed and you would've did what they did and you would have acted like they acted and you were too spoke the same language that they spoke good God called you out from among them and caused you to do something else and he puts you in the wilderness and he puts you in isolation and he made you lonely so you would not depend on them so you would say what a friend I have in Jesus all of my sins and griefs to bear what a privilege it is to carry everything to God in prayer but I have any God chases in the room [Music] you watch what I said it'll come to pass you were the only one in the family who thought you were the least they always knew it was something special about they always knew it they didn't say it to your face but they said it behind your back and you made it and you survived with scrapes you made it tears coming down your eyes you made it hard in your hand you made it feelings and your stomach you made it hating your own reflection and you made it still not welcome in certain parts of your family still not welcome in certain section still not welcomed but you made it because God was trying to show you never needed any of them now what you have to do you just have to go ahead on and settle on the fact that you're different you're different we ain't number to ban a misfits in here you're different you're not the same I've got two minutes of prayer in me every person who knows you're different I pray over you for two minutes and I'm gonna let you go if you know you're different I want you to meet me at this altar you should know you're different you should know you're different but you you got to go ahead on except then you gotta accept this it's not always a comfortable feeling being hot you know how I went to that meeting guys and those passwords in the room thirty of them were Caucasian two of us were black really didn't know I was listening to him like they were giving their testimonies a nice thing this is gonna blow your mind we're giving a testimony said once Superman said oh my god God has been good to us we just bought 500 acres cash [Music] one person said Oh God we had a 70 million dollar fall but we were able to raise it my guy said oh my god we got some property and they asked seven million dollars worth of back taxes on it thank God we were able to pay it off in 18 months see what happens when you get around people when their problems blow your mind when the stuff they struggling with is something you ain't never even dreamed about but instead of being envious my faith is stretched at home I can buy 500 acres I can ask God for 70 million dollars and he'll do it in 18 months he's no respecter person it's no secret what God can do what he's done for us you can do for you and I recognize it everybody at that table was odd just like me one man came up to me I never met him in my life he came he said there's something about you he took his shoes off and said I'm gonna stand and pray with you because there's something about you and it's like standing on holy ground like Moses he put his hands on my shoulder and it began to pray and when I looked at him I was amazed because you know when they all gave their name I was googling him every time I heard them say hey my name is now that I I will Google him like oh lord have mercy get off my phone they're all called to break the cycle we're all called to shake it up and then they begin to share their stories and this is what I want to pray for you because once I found out they were odd and they were telling their stories and all they had done then what followed was how much pain they had gone and I realized that God never used anybody greatly who didn't suffer great listen to this God can never bless you above your pain tolerance wherever you start hurting that's what he stop stretching how bad can you hurt before you break and that will determine how God I have had some painful days I've had some stuff hurt me so bad that it has wiped out months of my memory I know you may be tired of standing up but I'm ministering to somebody I've had some pain that happened to me so bad that my family will come and ask me do you remember such-and-such and I can't even recall it I can't even remember people I'm related to and I'm not joking I can't remember the day I can't remember what we lived at that time I can't remember the season all I remember was the pain my sister Kiana she's around here somewhere it's my only point of reference to where I used to hurt because we were so close in age that wherever I was hurting she was remembering she has to remind me you went to school with that person I shall remember that painting the Eurasian memory I've asked some stuff happened to me that only my mom knows about it if I began to tell you right now you would weep for what we had to survive but don't feel sorry for me cuz I got double for my stro such a name say you'll double is coming your double is coming your double is coming we pin million do a fortnight but joy comes in the morning can I pray for you what I want you to do you got three minutes and 22 seconds and I'm gonna let you go you've got you got to work on this thing you got to let it go because you've been called to disrupt a thing but you can't be a disrupter if you're disturbed come on y'all just come on get in that steel place you you're almost there I want you to just demand the devil let you go come on just demand it come on demand him the let my mind go get your hands off of my self-esteem free me so I can be free free me so I can be home give me my mind man give me my spirit back give me my soul that's tired of crying I'm tired of weeping free me free me free me God hates you free me there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus free me I can't help my children if I'm bound free me I can't minister to my life if I'm confused free me I can't I can't support my husband if I'm still Janice free me can't be a good father cuz I'm still mad at my father can't be a good mother cuz I still hate my mother free me I've been called to the star and not be disturbed free me from needing to understand why it happened free me from the need to understand why it happened I don't know why that happens to my mother I don't know why that happens to my father I don't know why that happened to me I don't know why that happened to my daughter I don't know why that happened to my son but I do know all things watch again cleanse us with hyssop give us a fresh Oh win and a fresh oil or you got another minute 18 seconds you ought to be praying for you you pray for you can you not watch with me for one minute come on open up your mouth come on come on open up your mouth come on open up your mouth come on come on come on come on come on open up your mouth open up your mouth come on somebody go get free tonight somebody's gonna get free everything I'll sing it sing it with hold and nothing with hold and nothing [Music] really give it to the Sun is set free is free indeed the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green he leadeth me beside the still waters death appear no evil not because I'm in vain but because thou art with me thy rod our staff they come with me that prepares a table in the presence of my enemies it's running over that somebody release a praise because surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life lift up your voices you've got a shadow pray Alicia - you worship come on ha [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] holding at me I gave it to you far fresh [Music] in this place ish do it today Oh God like only you can pray the gift of the Holy Spirit arrests and by the name of the Father son release [Music] be the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit I'd knowing you to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ [Music] I pray the gift of utterance and prophecy would enter your spirit holding a cylinder all - we cylinder walls we Surrey there also say that you've lost [Music] who the Sun is set free is free indeed God filled our barrels allow us to get home this planet shakers in business and politics at home in ministry let everything we touch respond to the oil Jesus see folks I'm buddy on your way out tell him I love you [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh ah so love all to thee Oh [Music] I ah Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] Oh sure well the chair Oh Oh Ritalin [Music] [Music] ah [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 81,310
Rating: 4.8296776 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Pastor, Relationship, worship, Bishop, faith, God, grace, forgiveness, bishop, pastor, god sermon, power, savage jesus, truth, jesus sermon, prayer, universe sermon, amen jesus, amen, pastor keion henderson, believing in god, beautiful day, sonofgod, jesuschrist, preaching, christianity, evil spirit, god's word, Disrupting the Order, Disrupting, parents, priest, keion henderson 2020, pastor keion henderson 2020, bible study, keion henderson church, church, keion henderson new sermon
Id: IMLP0nwgVM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 7sec (5527 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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