There's been a change of Plans | Pastor Keion Henderson

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raised in this place [Applause] [Music] somebody say that my worship is for real and I'm not the wigs that I live with this thing up I don't have time to do it for you tell your neighbor I do this in my car you should see me on 59th sometime [Music] they get on my nerve at work I go in the bathroom and I shout some of y'all do it in the kitchen at home while you watching dishes before you knew it tears are coming down your eyes when you think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he has done for you [Music] little too much [Music] and then for too much not holding any grudges I've been through birdshot I'm not gonna let you ruin my next year and then they need a starter yet I've been through had enough New Year's that didn't go my way I'm having their problems I had enough sorrow and enough pain relevation go to second Corinthians chapter 2 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 5 set second Corinthians chapter 2 verse 5 the word of the Lord says but if anyone has caused sadness he is not saddened me alone but to some extent not to exaggerate he has saddened all of us as well the punishment on such an individual by the majority is enough for him so that now instead you should rather forgive and comfort the person who hurt you [Music] this will keep him from being overwhelmed by excessive grief to the point of despair you mean to tell me when somebody hurts me I should care how they feel [Music] for this reason also I wrote to you to test to see if you are obedient in everything if you forgive anyone for anything I also forgive him for indeed which I have forgiven if I have forgiven anything I did so for you in the presence of Christ so that we may not be exploited by the devil we are not ignorant of his schemes I want to talk on this subject there's been a change of plans just touch the neighbor on their way down to the seat to say I'll explain it to you later but there's been a change of plans hallelujah to the Lord Church there is something intoxicating about new things the Bible even supports the idea for getting those things which are behind I press toward the mark for the upward the newer called old things have passed away and all things become what new this is that time of year people are are exchanging three things in this season they're exchanging clothes cars and circles you and your closet right now figuring out what's not going into the new year and you're getting rid of old stuff and you're giving it away making room for what new things if you watch TV right now there's all kind of year in sales trade your car in give us your car and we'll give you a newer model and we won't raise your your pavement because there's an exchange on all things are becoming new and some of you will have already made up in your mind that you're not going into 2018 with the same circle you've already made up your mind you're not you these these people who have drained you year after year after year you've made up in your mind I'm not I'm not even going to call them if they don't call me I don't mind if I don't hear from them because I'm going into the new year with with new things but I'm amazed and everybody's going to make new year's resolutions they're gonna get rid of cars and clothes in circles and some of you of us even going to say we're gonna lose weight it will say it we're gonna lose weight just matter of fact about show of hand how many of y'all said you're gonna lose weight in the in the new year I'm amazed I'm amazed at how many people have decided to lose weight but won't lay aside every weight that that's so easily death beset us and so many of you will jeopardize your future because you idolize your pain most people keep a record of wrong and and Paul specifically says in first Corinthians that love keeps no record of wrongs other words the idea that you can love somebody and keep a list of hurt is an oxymoron at best that that's a love a person is to forget how they hurt you I know this is not gonna be a popular sermon but I I'm showing you how to make sure that 2018 is a good year because let me tell you you're not ready for next year until you can forgive the person who hurt you this year you cannot take any old anxiety any old anger any old pain into the new year because if you take old hurt into a new year you return the new year into your last year and so whenever we refuse to let go of pain we give the people who hurt us a double victory when we refuse to forgive we give them a double victory we give them the first victory when they hurt us and the second when we allow what they did to hinder us see somebody can hurt you without hindering you oh god this ain't gonna be a popular sermon but it's going to help you what we've got to learn this new year is how do I let somebody offend me without hindering me and how do i how do I let them go how do I let the pain go how do I let the hurt go and still continue to move about my life and how do I get to the place where I stop exaggerating my pain and how do I get over this hump this hurdle that I've been dealing with in my life and I looked it up the Latin word for for emotion is actually disturbance and so whenever you have a person who is extremely emotional they are actually is disturbed I don't want to I'm trying to say it without saying it whenever you have a person who is overly emotional you actually have a person who's actually overly disturbed and and the inability listen to this the inability to forgive is an emotion that represents an amplified thought pattern that has more to a disturbance in other words anything that makes you angry is something that you keep thinking about over and over and over again and and most of us can never move forward because most people never live in the present they either live in the past or in the future and let me tell you in order for a grudge to continue to stay in your life it needs time and you cannot heal time with time you have to leave time in order to heal time I'm explaining this all in a minute in other words whenever you are hurt you have to leave where your mind is and put yourself in a different position other than where your thoughts are because whenever you stay with your hurt your hurt will stay with you god help me in this church today there's somebody just touching them say it's gonna be a hard one today it's gonna be a hard one listen the key to psychological freedom is to decide that in spite of what the present moment presents you have to work with it like you chose it no matter whoever hurts you you got to work with it like you picked it you got whatever they say to you you gotta say to yourself well all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord so if they left me they were supposed to leave me if they lied on me then that lie was supposed to unearth some if they left me out there to drive then God must wanted me dry it left me out there by myself then God wanted me to have a season of isolation the next time you get hurt I want you to make up in your mind I don't know what it is but you got to work with it like you picked it slap your neighbour say work with it like you picked it if you come across a bad man work with it like you picked it if you come across a bad woman work with her like you picked up even after you find out that they are not full you you got to work with it like you picked it because God has something in that crisis there's gonna take you to the next level I wish I had somebody in this church today I'm gonna get through this thing because most of us have got to stop living in the past touch three people to say stop living in the past I want to say something to you right now that you might not understand but you'll get it after I finish nothing ever happened in the past oh god help me in this place nothing ever happened in your past can I say it for the third time nothing ever happened in your past when it happened it was the present and nothing will ever happen in your future because by the time it happens it'll still be now y'all not here with me today there was only one time in your life it is now that's why the Bible says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen now is the time that when they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth somebody's slap their neighbour said you got to learn how to live now you got to stop hoping for a man and just be glad that you don't have one because God is actually trying to do something in your now that will help you in your tomorrow I wish I had a church in this place today stop always looking forward to getting married and start shouting about the fact that you don't have marital problems stop always looking forward to the next day and just say this is the day that the Lord asked me and I'm gonna rejoice and be glad in it I want some of y'all to get out of your future and definitely climb out of your past and just start shouting thanking God for now I used to be sick but now I'm happy I used to be feeling but now I'm successful in and if you can get out of your past and stop hoping for your future you can be happy today that's why the Bible says here's a very present help in the time of a storm everybody's always looking for tomorrow and the best time you'll ever have is that's why everybody the devil always wants you looking behind you God says Prince toward the market you're always looking behind you the markets never where you left you can't leave your head in a relationship that is over because whatever you have focused on a relationship that's over you're over if you leave your mind with the person that left then that means you have given them the double victory of being able to control you and they don't contribute to you and why in the world are you letting somebody control you that don't pay your bills why are you allowing somebody to control you that said they didn't like you why you allow somebody to control you they're left here if they went out from you they must not have never been with you some of the hurt that you have is actually a blessing and not a curse some of the people you trying to hold on to didn't want you and you want them and now you have a false sense of reality thinking that because they don't want you that you are worthless but what you must understand is that they will work for us not worthless as a person but worthless has the relates to your purpose they got you to a certain place let your mind for a certain process and once they were done you gotta let them go such an Emerson I'm not taking old people into a new year the Lord says press toward the mark I wish I had somebody in here that would tell the devil I've got to change the plans all of my life I've been working off a grudges and hurting all of my life I mean yeah I've even been I've even been successful using pain to push me but but I'm gonna change my motivation strategy I don't need pain to motivate me I need purpose to motivate me I used to work to try to get even with people who are not who are not there for me and I wanted to show my father that I can succeed now it'll have to show him I just got to show me there's anybody who uses pain as an indication of progress will also be subjugated to defaulting bets of because most people are addicted to what got them there and so will you use pain to get you there you have to have pain to survive there because you can never use a different mode of transportation to a place because when you use complaining to get to the promised land you complain once you get to the promised land because the subconscious tells you that your complaining is what got you there so when you read this chapter and I'm almost done cuz I got preached three times a day when you read this chapter it is exceedingly difficult to read I bet when I was reading to some of y'all was like what is Paul saying if you do this and you do that yet in parentheses if you care if you don't believe it's it's so convoluted it is so confusing and and and even the sections where we're subject matters remain it is fairly inconsistent in oxymoronic oh and it is frustrating at best and there's interruptions of tones and change and there's a frustration in the syntax and in the grammar and the reason why I believe it is that way because hurt is the same way hurt is so confusing most people in here today whatever hurts you you can't even remember the details about it all you know is who did it but you don't know what they did if you ask them what happened I don't remember but I just know it was bad if you have actually most people what happened they can't give you the details why because hurt is it's convoluted it's it and it's subjective in other words most of the things that hurt you are from your perspective and you think that everybody did this and everybody did that and that that's why when Paul comes to this section of the scripture if you recognize as he does two things he doesn't say what the man did and he doesn't say who the man is because God wants us to know as the Holy Spirit in and invited him to write description and inspire description he want us to know that no matter what's going on in your life who did it ain't important and what they did ain't important and the reason why most people can't move on is because they're always on who did it and what happened who did it and what happened girl let me tell you what she did and she did it on purpose and she did it on purpose how you know because I can just tell do you understand how crazy the masses how you know cuz I can tell tell what so he's angry he's hurt but he doesn't mention the person nor does he say what the person did and this is why most of us can't move along because we're not happy until everybody knows who hurt us when somebody hurts you you got to tell everybody some of y'all get on social media and make posting and let me tell you what he did you are not hurt you are immature oh you didn't hear what I said it takes a mature person to be hurt and care about the person who hurts you love covers a multitude of sin see the problem with most of us is that we are not in love we are in less which is why we exposed them when they hurt us [Applause] I'm so tired of seeing people break up and then get on the internet and tell everybody oh let me say about the baby they hand let me tell you about what they did you're not heard you're immature tell your neighbor find another one shut up [Applause] Hertz in silence hush your mouth it is not anybody's business what your husband did to you it is not anybody's business what your girlfriend did to you you know one later with him shut up [Applause] how you gonna date in private and then expose in public you don't want nobody in your business and then go put them in it oh I came for you I'm coming for you you didn't send for me but I'm coming [Applause] but at any point number one I got ahead of myself I just got angry just looking at some of you obviously [Applause] and I'm glad we don't know what he did but something allows us say if you really study the context and culture of the syntax grammatically what actually happened is this man who hurt Paul did one or two things either he slept with Paul's stepmother which means he was sleeping with Paul's mama's white daddy's wife at the same time she was married to Paul's daddy or this was the same God that had had created the rebellion and said that Paul was a fake apostle but nonetheless whatever he did he offended Paul and the problem is is the churches mad at a man at her Paul he ain't did nothing to them and I guarantee you that some of y'all the person you mad at ain't did nothing to he mad he mad and see them you're not mad at your husband you mad at the person that hurt you before you met your husband and since you don't have the courage to confront the person who hurts you you confront the person that's with you the reason why most of us can't work out our issues is because we're working out Oh issues with current people I didn't hurt you you were insecure when I met you I did not make you this way I did not make you this way truth be told you were worse than this when I met you I've actually helped you Oh y'all don't want to say man if you can't say man just say house up in this place today so Paul says to the people and this is something y'all gonna have to do if you all 2018 to be successful he says I want you to reach out to the person who hurt me I want you to care more about his feelings than ours now you ain't ready for 2018 if you are not ready to forgive the people who hurt you in 2017 and the word says stop exaggerating it wasn't that bad they lie to me so you a liar - what is the problem it just it's just honest I have zero tolerance I'm a realist people around here making you pay for line and only difference between them is you ain't caught them in their lie yet [Applause] you better than me because you caught me you better than me cuz you caught me hold on a little while because yo yo yo truth is gonna find you out - walking around here with show holy self tell me I can't believe they were unfair to me unfaithful to me you are out of your mind he said yes quiet as a church mouse in here Pino cotton he said he said I want you to care about the person who hurts you lest he be too emotional and lose his faith I want you to reach out to the person who hurt you see here's a problem with most people we think the person who hurt us ought to come to us Paul says no you have to reach out to the person who hurts you and this is why you never get to the next level because you sitting there waiting on an apology and it ain't coming and when they do come it ain't gonna come in the form you want it such as ever say don't wait reach stop waiting on somebody to call you and tell you why they hurt you you go out there say listen we need to talk I need to know why you did this to me because I didn't deserve it I didn't do anything to you I was nothing but good to you I need to know why you hurt me they're not coming you've got to reach out Lord just saying that's not what I'm preaching tonight I'm getting y'all together tonight we're gonna shout tonight but I'm just saying the church had punished this man they wouldn't let him do nothing they wouldn't let him on a deacon boy wouldn't let him in the choir wouldn't let him be an usher cuz he messed up never mind that all the people who don't want them on the board messed up too I guess I can't stand to see people be in love for years and years and years and didn't get hurt and just start exposing folk just start telling all your business would you shut up please all the old business ain't none of ours I love you too this is like what's your society just posting stuff on the internet let me tell you what you got to mess up your money the more you focus on the past the more you make a self out of it most of us don't recognize that we have made our hurt a golden image and we bow to it every morning you have made your hurt an idol God and you worship it let me tell you what an attitude is an attitude is nothing more than a silent argument that a person has to draw you into a conversation that they can control that's why people walk around with attitude is all day they walk around one cuz they want you to say what's wrong so they can give you a whole synopsis on the conversation that they had in their hair that you've never been invited to so people walk around with attitudes all day long to draw you into a moment that they can control that's why you gotta learn to ignore attitudes let them have one walk right past me one good morning I wish you would I wish I would sit here to have a conversation that I'm gonna lose anyway I wish I would sit up here and stoop down and actually what's wrong I've asked me what's wrong for the last five weeks you don't want to tell me you're gonna suffer by yourself until you suffer to the point where you die because I refuse to die with you just walking around a house what's wrong with you nothing all they want you to do say what's wrong then they want to tell you this whole conversation that they've had in their head that they did not invite you to you will never win that conversation because you were not invited you got to learn to ignore attitudes for however long it takes and fellas for some of you that means I'm trying those distances I'm trying to keep it pg up in here but fellas you know what I'm saying she gonna have attitude you gonna have to be good is just a slow class all y'all get what I'm saying do I need the chalkboard do I need a smart border y'all get what I'm saying man up you cannot find forgiveness in the past it is not there when people are always telling me I'm searching for my purpose in life I know they live in the past because that's what they're looking for purpose are they're always hoping for the future which is why they can never find themselves because they are never in the past or the future they are always now that's why God says to Abraham he says when Pharaoh gives you any lip tell them I am that I am notice that God is always a very present help notice that God never says he was oh that he will be anytime he refers to himself he is because he never began and he began before the beginning began he always is which is why God is the propitiation of sin because he is the only human that always is that's why you and I can't be Jesus because we were and are and will be but he is you understand what I'm telling you he is he always is that's why people say what Jesus he was 2,000 years old not true because the Bible lessons know in the beginning that that that he was there in the beginning was the word he was there he he never began only only just trans morphed himself into human flesh so that those of us who were flesh might be the righteousness of God but he was 100% God and 100% man at the same time he was and is and is to come encompassing all timeframes simultaneously that God is in the future the past and the present all at the same time because you cannot survive when the pass is your supper the pass cannot survive in your presence it can only survive in your absence which is why most people always leave the moment and go back to what happened because it's the only place they can find purpose though it helped me in this cold church today it's it's the parody of the prodigal son remember the prodigal son was doing all right in his father's house then he went to the future I want my inheritance look at how he loses his present going after his future he goes out to his future prematurely and now he's eating in Hall pens because to get to your future prematurity is to revert back to your past he cannot eat the slop of the future nor can he eat the bread of the past because he not he's not able to stay in either Lane and he's comparing himself to his brother and now what was once his he's saying how many of my father's servants have bread to eat and how many of them have me to eat and Here I am in the hall pin you didn't have to be in the hall pin if you would have stayed in your present but because you wanted your future prematurely now you're you've spent all you had in the riders living and whenever you eat your dinner in the morning you have nothing to eat when the night comes he he's in the future and here's the problem he's in the future with a past mentality so you will mess up your tomorrow because you haven't fixed your head so here he is wanting money that he hasn't even a strategy for so he spends it on prostitutes riders living why because he asked God for something he wouldn't prepared to handle you asking God for 2018 why would God give you a great next year if you don't have a good mindset going into the new year this is why I'm preaching the sermon because everybody always gives up on the previous year hoping for the clock to strike twelve thinking that when when when this one the clock strikes twelve then everything is just gonna be magical the only thing you got to remember is you taking you with you you got to stop relying on 2018 and stop relying on 2019 and you got to rely on you anger it's okay you do know that God says you can be angry and sin not the problem is that anger should never be vindictive it should all be always be redemptive that the only person you should ever be angry at is the person you want to redeem if the person is not worth keeping they are not worth of getting mad with do me a favor touching them and say if you ain't gonna keep them don't get mad I'm not getting ready to be mad at somebody I ain't keepin I'm not about to use my mind to somebody I'm getting rid of don't be mad just get rid of them are y'all listening to me no sense of getting mad just get rid of them it but why you why you making me miserable why do I have to walk around and be subjugated to your immaturity and the fact that you cannot get over it I told you I did it I admitted I did it not either it is your opportunity to get over it or leave me alone let me tell you something most of the people you hurt don't have the courage to leave you they're waiting on you to leave them I mean sometimes we forgive 70 times 7 what does that mean he says the Bible says that if somebody hurts you seven days in the road and he says you need to forgive him seven days in a row there is never a hurt that God says you should not forgive but wherever you don't understand how bad it was I might not understand how bad the hurt was but I do know how perfect the cross was anger caused Cain to kill Abel anger always turns into something else oh god help me in this church today Cain got mad because Abel took us a good sacrifice to the Lord instead of him adjusting his offer and he killed his brother that's what most people do instead of Justin they try to kill the person they're jealous of you could have a simply just adjusted your offering and then God would have accepted that you kill the offeror instead of doing something with your offering I'm preaching you know how to appreciate cuz it sounded like we're in a Presbyterian Church right now y'all ain't got y'all ain't said a word that's how I know I'm getting down I'm about to change the name of the Church of the lighthouse Presbyterian on the rock Catholic assemblies y'all sitting out there ain't said nothin call yourself charismatic and and nondenominational disquiet matter of fact let's take communion right now I will Moses got mad and struck that rock he let anger keep him out of his promised land you remember Haman came in and everybody about is set for Mordecai and he was mad that Mordecai didn't bow to him and then he plotted to get Mordecai killed this is what most people do when they get angry 10,000 people bow 1 1 1 didn't and you're gonna focus on the one who didn't bow instead of the 10,000 who did because anger always causes you to focus on what doesn't matter haven't you noticed how many people love you how many have ins you notice how many people want to help you haven't you notice how many people God is sitting in your life and the only person you can think about every day is the one that don't support you as many good memories that moment is you and your husband had and as many good days you've had you mean to tell me the only day you can remember is the day knee hurts you you mean to tell me one bad day is worth five good years I'm all up in your face and I don't care y'all have been to Mexico you then got a new house you got new cars you got juicing together and you mad about to one day and what y'all get this idea that that y'all gonna be married all these years and ain't nothin gonna happen we told you that how do you think you're gonna be married to to somebody thirty years and ain't going ain't goin like nobody but you you ain't that fine they don't like somebody yeah I'm gonna keep it real because y'all playing with me up in here you think they ain't gonna be attracted to nobody you don't think nobody gonna come across them they gonna say this the wife I got and it's the white guy want me to have you don't think that's never gonna happen you that bad you ain't cooked all year what do you think you deserted [Applause] well you ain't had a job all year you think shag on me one do you think you all let you think she ain't gonna leave let me tell you something right brother come at the right time when her mindset is in the right place I don't care she'll choose ugly over fine Oh Lord don't make don't don't that don't make me do it don't make me do it you'll be looked at his belly be all out here you have four legs and dragging around but he'll rob ahead and run some bad water you'll be out here finding sick time about where she gonna go I keep playing you'll find out matter of fact it's a couple of brothers bend over your house this week they're to take that job [Applause] stop letting people tell you ain't nobody gonna watch you but me the devil is alive the devil is elastic so let me say that's a lie cuz if I put myself back on the market I'll be sold in a few hours don't you play with me it ain't that don't nobody want me is that I don't wanna film slap your name is I'm a good catch I'm a good catch [Music] Oh nobody want me you crazy I turn this swag back over this all go have your I don't turn it off you better leave me where I'm at [Applause] [Music] social never say instead of paying attention who didn't bow pay attention to who did Jesus on the other hand is beaten crown of thorns put on his head 39 lacerations to his back and yet he never says a word which means you don't have to speak every time somebody hurts you Nick I want you to type that in my notes because I want to say that again in the second service you don't have to say something every time they poured the hair from his face he never said anything they put a crown of thorns on his head he never said anything they they beat him with a cat-o'-nine-tails on his back he never says anything you don't have to say something every time somebody hurts you sometimes you must suffer in silence because the Bible says in this life you will have trials and tribulations you will have trouble you will be left your friends will mock you they will turn their back on you and it is all a part of the plan if I'm helping you put your hands together and praise God in this place Jesus never says a word and when he does finally open his mouth Eli Eli lie about nice and he says my God my God why hast thou forsaken me Father forgive them for they know not who they're doing it - that's the real exegesis of the words they knew what they were doing they just didn't know who they were doing it touch the lips have the devil knew how much ignored not have he leave me alone if those folk at the job knew that I was getting ready to be the boss they'd be nice see the problem is this people don't understand who you're getting ready to be they're treating you based on who you are give your neighbor high-five so you better quit trip because you don't know what I'm about to become God has promised me the kingdom he has promised me the keys to the king Pilate says boy you do you know that I got the power to crucify you I'll let you go in my head Jesus looks at him and finally opens his mouth say man you ain't got no power except the power that my father gave to you cannot help you the only power where people have over you is the power the only power that they have over you is the power you have given them in 2018 you gotta take you you gotta take your power back you gotta stop letting people mess up your week you gotta take your power back you've raised your children the fact that they didn't listen doesn't mean you're a bad parent you gotta take your power back the fact that you got a divorce doesn't mean you're not a good woman it means that it's time for you to take your power back so what you lost your job you never meant to work for anybody anyway you got to learn to take the power back you're walking around depressed every day because of how somebody treats you why if you treat yourself better you wouldn't recognize how bad they are treating you the problem is as most of you are waiting on somebody else to make you happy and they don't have the ability to do it because happiness is an inside job and you got to encourage yourself in the Lord as a matter of fact I want you to spend the next eight seconds speaking will or you'll say self you are something else you are going to the next level self you are an entrepreneur self you are a good mother self you are a good father self you have been the best wife you could be self do I have anybody who will start to encourage yourself if you've been a good mother going in shower if you've been a good father go ahead and shout if you've been a good husband go ahead and shout if you've been a good wife shot if you've been a good employee shout you got to learn to encourage yourself come on give yourself some praise and just thank God that as crazy as you are you haven't messed up the whole thing yet [Applause] watch what listen what Paul says y'all got three minutes Paul says I urge you to reaffirm your love for him he says this is why I want you to do it to protect the one who offended you from losing his faith wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute Paul hold on bro wait a minute you mean to tell me that you're saying that God says that I have to initiate the forgiveness with a person who offended me so that he won't have grief did you hear what I just you have to forgive the person who hurt you so that they don't hurt that means you have to care more about the person who didn't care about you someday so ain't nobody here like man that's crazy anybody here than me like lawyer what did you did you make this one when you was unconscious so the Bible says Paul says away with the Ministry of they got what they deserved this is what most people think that whenever they do something wrong to you and something bad happens to them they think that's God repaying them for what they did to you so they say well he got what he deserved you know what I've asked myself why is it that when people hurt you they should get what they deserve but when you are disobedient to God you should get grace [Applause] when somebody crosses you they get what they deserve when you cross God Lord just if you let me out this time whoever prayed that prayer Lord if you just Lord if you just if you just this time I promise I won't ever I ain't never kept that from you got to get the ministry of they got what they deserved out of it it'll be like it would be like you argued with your husband he go around a bit hit his foot on the toe see you got what you deserve God God don't like ugly all the time I'm friendly Cindy joe said all the time rep all the time she said pray for me Reb you know you've been at church long time not revving Rev you know it anybody would call him rep say you can't want the person that hurt you to be hurt you want the person who hurts you to be helped that's the way you're ready for a new year there's been a change of plans I'm going to change the way I see trouble I'm going to change the way I see hurt I'm gonna change the way I respond to pain I actually want the person who hurt me to be helped because of their not help they're gonna hurt somebody else Paul says take them back I don't know who this is for in here right now I may be talking to a woman God says take them back [Applause] what are you going Bridget no I'm just playing no she got to go to sermon almost override she got to go get the room set up I'm just messing with you go ahead on now go ahead all night God says take him back take her back your sister take her back your best friend the one that hurts you take him back I ain't never had this many sermons preached in the sanctuary all they want everybody preach in a day I'm gonna get all y'all the license before this sermon over with take them back but they cheated on me you've been hiding money take them back [Music] don't fish the hair now it wasn't it wasn't messed up earlier the devil has tricked us into thinking that cheating on us on each other is the worst thing that can happen in relationship and I can give you 15 things worse we first sent in our mind then we sent in our body one of the things my wife and I try to make a practice of is we talk about all the horror stuff we talk about all of the hard stuff all the stuff that people act like ain't never gonna happen in life we talk about all the hard stuff and sometime we'd be crying talking each other I didn't threaten her life but I ain't going away ain't never gonna leave I'm gonna tell you that right now I told him she tried to leave me and I said if a man come to you and say what's your phone number I said give it to him your bank account and then and then after you give him that number telling you got two numbers didn't get my bank account enjoy yourself but we come in [Applause] man come and try to get my wife I'm black are you sure you can take care of both of us because I like some expensive stuff brother I got to have a car - she can't be right here driving nothing new and I ain't got nothing new ain't leaving that girl CS Lewis said we all agree that forgiveness as a beautiful I didn't till we got to practice it everybody want to talk about forgiveness and how much the Lord forgave and it was a good sermon until you had to preach it how many of y'all ever had to forgive I'm talking about really forgive how who will be honest to say it's a hard thing to do you know why it's hard because you're forgiving like you're innocent the only way forgiving is hard is when you approach it like you ain't done nothing wrong ever forgiving is easy when you recognize how many times you've been forgiven you got to stop going into it like you haven't done anything you got to start thinking about a look at all the stuff God has forgiven me for at least I could do is extend grace to somebody else come on Church you're not perfect you haven't done anything right everything right I'm not saying I didn't mean anything you haven't done everything right you you haven't crossed all of your T's and dotted all your eyes you got to stop entering this thing like you haven't done anything wrong the Bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God you have come short and the fact that you are still here today is enough for you to give it why because God can't forgive you until you forgive them your forgiveness is tied into your forgiveness you got to let them go and I didn't want you to go into the next year with all of this hurt and pain because it's over if you're gonna hurt in 2018 hurt over the stuff that happened in 2018 not the stuff that happened in 2015 and let me tell you this last thing and we're going to stand and go home this is what he says this is why you have to do it so that no advantage would be given to the devil whenever we don't forgive we give the devil an advantage of our life and that's why he keeps wearing you out not that you're not a prayer warrior you're not you fasting but you won't forgive and when you won't forgive you give the devil advantage in your life and you will lose tailee to an enemy who has already been defeated where did we receive forgiveness at at the cross okay do you all remember when Jesus was on his way to the cross and the devil started using Peter and Peter tried to get in the way of the cross and he basically was saying Jesus I'll die for you you don't have to do this I'll die for you what does Jesus say to Peter in the book of Matthew Satan get behind me why does he call him Satan because he's getting in the way of forgiveness anybody in your life who's telling you that you don't have to forgive is a devil anybody in your life who encourages your anger is a devil in your life anybody who tells you had a right to be mad and if I was you I would did they're a devil pastor Devils my momma anybody who encourages your anger and tells you not to forgive is a devil in your life and you got to do what Jesus told Peter it don't mean they can't preach Pentecost don't mean you can't restore the brother-in but at that moment and when that doesn't work he starts to use another one because now one man tries to keep him from the cross another man kisses him from the cross Judas turns him over you don't have to do none to him he hung himself with the two people that would talk about in the story of salvation that he deals with his people who kept trying to keep him from the cross that's why he calls Judas friend because his betrayal got him to the place of forgiveness I want to know are you willing to have a whole nother miserable year because our forgiveness i-i-i don't do a lot of things well but all that stuff go real cool I think that and this is the honest truth and my wife should tell you I think the long as I ever been mad at something was maybe a day or two we have never in ten years of relationship when mad at each other all week all month you got to go you know most most couples when they get mad at each other they go sleep in different rooms in the house when you go to your mama house let me say to all of the mamas in here stop Nettie old daughter come to your house when she mad at her husband send a bug back home you're making it too easy for beating on and all that day and doing the bargain of Cinna home say go home - shut up homie work it out always running so people always run in ten years of mayors my wife and I you know most couple sleeping we never one time she's sniffing another bed but I got up on women and stuff in there with she left me one time she says you get on my nerve and and I don't know if I want to do this in the more she grabbed a covers off the bed and went up to the guest room and I went right behind and laid down that's the truth didn't I baby I came right up there with I say you ain't a girl please we're gonna go to sleep mad but you ain't finna sleep in another room I don't mind as a devil workshop whatever you're gonna think about you're gonna think about it with me sitting here you ain't gonna go upstairs and get a gun and then come back downstairs and kill me you go if you get in this bed and move imma feel you sit down sister now you better lay down Bible stand stand your ground this is Texas now sit down we don't we never stormed out of the house and left and are like I'm not trying to tell you to be like us I'm just telling you that we have these hard conversations so that when hard stuff happened we already know what we're gonna do and how we gonna react and all that kind of stuff we're not perfect we fight like everybody else but we fight fair that's one thing I can say about as we fight fair like my wife I don't call her out on her name she don't call me out of my name I've yet to ten years I've never called her anything but Felicia never called her out her name never put my hands on her I wanted to one time I I did I had let me tell you what happened we was we was outside one day outside the house and we got their argument and and sister Henderson said some slick oil and I went out to grab her and hit my arm on the nail on the side of a wall and scraped my arm and the blood came that see there you go with their spirit of that's that spirit in you that's that's clearly you talk about guess what she get I just preached what was you at see see how y'all think that some happen and what in the Lord that was my damn self I reached out to go grab and and scrape my arm up I said well that didn't work and here's a crazy part just how you know she loved me after I did it then she wouldn't house and got me some been days and wipe the blood off ain't that crazy we're gonna made it this long this far never hit each other never called each other out of name never left the house never did none of that stuff now I don't know what's gonna happen not tomorrow I'm just telling what ain't happen yet I said this and then something happened to y'all like real said he'd never do that I didn't say that I said it hadn't happened but do you know that if you visit your future psychologically you can be ready for when you arrive that you have to visit trouble so you can be ready for I want to tell you today you got to change your plans you got to change the way you handle conflict and you got to stop giving all of your time to anger because anger cannot survive in your presence it can only survive in your absence stand to your feet I'm gonna pray for you thank you soon I'm gonna pray for you because I know that unforgiveness is a hard hard hard hard stronghold at the devil has on us as a people if you want me to pray that God will give you the spirit of forgiveness raise your hand I just want to know more pray I'm gonna pray for you do me a favor for the sake of time and I don't want to cause the traffic jam of the next lyrics would you just hold your neighbors hand I'm gonna pray for you [Music] solidarity we just we're gonna pray for you together [Music] you're looking at two people we've we've come over many dangers toils and snares both of our lives before we met each other rocky we didn't we didn't meet each other perfectly fit each other bruised and battered and we met each other with all kinds of insecurities in when you don't heal yourself before you hook up with somebody else you end up hurting a person you hook up with so we had to get over all of that kind of stuff we took us about five years to be honest it took us about five years to to get to a place where the rocky places were kind of smooth and out and we didn't know where we were gonna make it in we threatened each other four or five times the divorce and we were gonna leave each other and walk away from each other but we recognized that what would it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul mate and sometimes you think you can get rid of something to find something else let me tell you whatever you find gonna be just that's worse if not worse than what you left they may look better but they're gonna be more crazy they have more money but they'll have less time you might not have the same problem but you have another problem yes you just have to learn to love the one you wish just touching them say learn to love the one you win and that also means learning to love yourself god I pray right now in the name of Jesus that you would shower the spirit of forgiveness in this house that you would allow our hearts and our minds to coagulate around the concept the principle of getting over and not staying in wise man stumbles but he gets up again god I pray that you would get us up off of our proverbial spiritual knees and get us on our feet so that we can stand on solid ground that we would build our house on Christ on Christ the solid rock we stand all other ground is sinking sand up great then you give us a strength to forgive our fathers and our mothers and our siblings and our co-workers and our cousins enough anybody who's hurt us God prayed that you would then you a sinner our temperatures and our tempers that we would not be in near-death experiences because of traffic jams and and all of the small things that bring us to being the ugliest some people I pray God that you would speak to our hearts and then the most difficult
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 89,462
Rating: 4.853354 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, worship, bishop, church, lighthouse, lighthouse sermon, keion henderson, pastor keion henderson, bible, elevation church, god is everything, god sermon, study bible, god, jesus, forgiveness, pastor, faith, love, bible verses about faith, opportunity, lighthouse worship, lighthouse family live, waking faith, perseverance, resurrection, sun stand still, open door, power of success, There's been a change of Plans, change of Plans, holy, glory
Id: et1CBExmq2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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