The Complications With Surviving | Pastor Keion Henderson

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[Music] oh so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] [Music] welcome to lighthouse we're glad that you're joining us so grateful to be your choice before we get started with this service this is what i need you to do comment like share start a watch watch party get your friends get your family connected to this because we gotta have an awesome time in the lord tonight you're not gonna want to miss it let's go good morning lighthouse it is a gift to come together and commune with god as one body so wherever you are let us come together and do this thing and unwrap the gift together as we go to god in prayer heavenly father you are god beside you there is none other you are our redeemer you are our fortress you are our help you are our god there is no one on the earth like you and in a year where everything has changed you are the only thing that has remained the same you are god and so we are a mature people oh god that when a hospital is full of sick people we can still call you healer in the middle of a recession you are still a provider you need no help outside of yourself to be god you still are god the unchanged you step in and out of time but you've never stepped out of your character you are god and we're mature enough in the last month of the year to open up our mouths and give you worship and we adore you you are unchanged coronavirus did not change you uh corrupt government did not change you you are god and we worship you so be god and sit on the service and we thank you god that you change not so we await your next move it's in jesus name we pray amen that created his mighty and doing all things well come on [Music] yes [Music] [Music] victoria [Music] glory [Music] foreign you are the king of kings you are the everlasting god you are wonderful god you are [Music] excellent [Music] for you [Music] come on give them praise right where you are if you know we serve almighty god of your come on and bless him hallelujah glory to the name of the lord jesus he's a mighty god glory to your name scriptures tell us on the same day that jesus was to be betrayed he took bread with his disciples and i want you to get right now although we're used to being in church and we have our elements this is an opportunity that you can begin to go and get elements from your home you might have juice or water you may not have crackers get some get something go get it now with your family we're going to do this together and jesus with his disciples he took bread the bible says that he break it i want you to get your bread and break it and they took eat body says they took the body they broke it and they took it in remembrance of him says after the same matter he took the cup which is the new testament of his blood saying this is my blood which was shed for you he said take this drink all of it in remembrance of me here at the lighthouse church as we take our blood in holy communion we lift it up as a symbol that the blood of jesus is over our head i want you to know that that same blood that was shed on calvary is over you it's over your family he said take this cup and drink all of it in remembrance of me [Music] for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup we show the lord's death until he come amen god bless you does anybody want to honor god with your life to be a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto him [Music] this is my [Music] my heart i will shove [Music] all i give you [Music] praise [Music] [Music] come on declare it to honor you [Music] lord with all my heart i worship you [Music] i give you praise [Music] it's in you let's stay right here let's sing that one more time i want you to get that in your spirit come on say this is my desire it's my desire to honor you lord [Music] i give you praise [Music] it's in you oh come on let's raise this up i love this lord i give you my heart is that anybody testable [Music] lord have your way in me that's it [Music] i live for you alone me i live with you [Music] i give you my soul [Music] [Music] i give you my soul [Music] oh [Music] give you my soul [Music] i give you my heart i give you my soul [Music] oh yes god we give you our heart we give you our soul we will surrender it to you oh god i give you my soul [Music] yeah that's someone prayer right there come on let's declare that one time i give you my heart i give you my soul i turn it all over to you lord i realize i can't handle my issues i realize i can't handle my problems so i surrender it to you oh god oh god i surrender it over to you i give you my heart i'll give you my song hey come on say lord i give you my heart lord i give you my heart the lord i give you my sword [Applause] [Music] i give you my soul [Music] hey come on come on give it over to him come on surrender you're all to him come on bless him where he's god and he's god alone come on hallelujah i give you my soul [Music] [Music] yo that's all i can do i have no other choice but to believe you god my god i have no other choice but to treasure it's all i can do hey i have no other choice but to believe [Music] [Music] i have no other choice [Music] [Music] i no other choice but to believe you god i believe you god come on and bless them right where you are hallelujah i hope you enjoy praise and worship i hope you enjoyed us going before the throne of grace i'm excited about being here with you yet another sunday can you believe that this year is almost over i don't believe that god brought us this far just to leave us i know it's been difficult i've been watching the news with you i've been i've been frustrated with you i've been high with you excited with you i've been low with you i've been in with you i've been out i've experienced all of those things but nobody told me [Music] that the road would be easy but i don't i didn't even intend to do that belief he brought me this far to lead me i didn't even plan to sing that but somebody out there just needs to know [Music] you just can't give up now [Music] you come too far from where you started started from [Music] nobody told me that the road would be easy [Music] i don't believe he brought us this far to leave me somebody out there just be encouraged that god is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him you you can be tired and this is just me talking i mean we're here live for service and i got a sermon and i've got to move on but i just can't give up now is it all right to worship him come too far from where we started started from nobody told you [Music] that this road wouldn't be easy and i i don't believe he brought us this far to leave us hallelujah exodus chapter 18 verse 13. exodus chapter 18 verse 13. the word of the lord says this and we're reading from the king james version of the bible the word of the lord says and it came to pass on the moral that moses sat to judge the people and the people stood by moses from the morning until the evening when moses is father-in-law and i want you to put a pen there and when moses father-in-law saw all that he did to the people he said why is this thing that you do to the people so stressing it's why are you sitting alone and all the people are standing in front of you from morning until night moses said unto his father-in-law because the people come to me how many of you all ever feel overwhelmed because you say i didn't go they they came to me they they asked me for the advice i didn't go to them they asked me they asked me moses said they came to me to inquire about god when they have a matter they come to me and i judge between one and another and i do make them know the statues of god and his laws and moses his father-in-law said unto him listen i'm talking to some of you all who think you can do everything at the same time i'm talking to you who think that you can keep continue to carry this weight that you're carrying i want to tell you what jethro said unto moses he said the thing that thou doest is not good thou will surely wear away both you and the people basically if you keep this up he says verse 18 the c part this thing is too heavy for you that you are not able to perform it by yourself he said here now the voice my voice as i give you counsel and i want you to hear me hear my voice as i give you counsel i'm talking to you just like his father-in-law was talking to him hear my voice as i give you counsel god shall be with you you don't have to do this alone be thou for the people to godward that thou mayest bring the cause unto god he says teach them the ordinance and the laws and show them the way that they should walk and the work that they should do moreover thou shalt provide out of all of the people able men such as fear god and men of truth i hope this message helped me holy ghost it's for anybody who's watching me who feels overwhelmed who feel like giving up who feel like you're in between that rock and that hard place who feel like if you don't get some help right now you're just going to collapse under the pressure who am i talking to that that person who has to do everything for the family the one that everybody depends on the one who has the house that everybody comes to over the holidays the one who has to pay and help everybody to overcome their financial instabilities the one that has to pray for the family who am i talking to that person who has to do it all this is what i want to talk to you today because you come through a lot you went to school and you got your degree and whatever you did you came through it all here's the message the complications with surviving the complications with surviving without getting into a long introduction today's introduction will actually introduce the text from the moment of inception israel has just survived a lot you know 400 years of slavery they've been in the wilderness for another 40 years and when they come through the jordan river and get ready to enter into canaan you would think after 440 years of struggle they would come to rest and they did at a place called rephidium but after that rest came another war deuteronomy lets us know in chapter 7 that when they get there that the canaanites and the jebusites and the amorites the bible says seven nations that are stronger than them they are all waiting because canaan isn't empty even though it's theirs so thing can be yours and still not be empty a building can be yours and another company can still be in it a house can be yours and a family can be living in it and we know at the lighthouse church a church can be yours while another church is worshiping in it it doesn't have to be empty for it to be yours israel has survived a lot and at the point of this text with all of the things i've named there are some other things that they've survived namely the plagues the ten plagues that's that god sent as a way of getting them free but but i want you to see how oxymoronical or sometimes just to position wise how difficult this can be because here god is supposedly delivering israel out of egypt and yet israel has to suffer through the same plagues that are going to lead to their deliverance what do you do when god's deliverance also equates to your pain what do you do when it looks like all hell is breaking loose but god is actually trying to break you loose and you can misinterpret the outcome because you are affected by the experience you you'll misinterpret what god intends to do because of what god is doing he is allowing israel to go through the plagues and the passover and and the exodus all of this is happening and god has literally brought pharaoh after all of these years of anger and frustration and retribution towards his chosen people god has finally gotten to the moment of reckoning and truth and has finally brought pharaoh down to his knees and i i don't know how this message is going to go but god just told me to tell you that your pharaoh will fall to his knees that whatever has been holding its steady cold grip over your destiny that at the name of jesus [Music] every knee must bow he literally wakes moses up in the night and told moses and aaron now is the time for you to leave where you are and go and worship the lord that you have requested to release you could you imagine all of these years that pharaoh has told the israelites ain't no god i'm god all of these years that pharaoh has told israel i am the chief cornerstone all of these years that pharaoh has told israel that the buck stops with me that god has finally broken him down and pharaoh wakes moses and aaron up in the night and asks for forgiveness and say i know what i said but not only was i wrong but i am now giving you permission and insisting that you get up and go worship this god that you've been talking about you would think that when your enemies fall to their knees that the natural progression of events is that you would rise to your feet but there is always listen to me there is always a complication that comes with surviving that that that if you have the audacity to become the bread winner of your family in spite of all that life has thrown at you that will not come without a cost that if your church and your business has survived this pandemic you have no idea that a second wave and a possible shutdown or or an ensuing shutdown in your state would take place who would have thought that you would be right back where you started after having already survived where you were but there are some complications that come with surviving that there are there are some things you have to deal with when your coat is purple when your coat isn't purple nobody throws you in the pit when your coat is white pharaoh and his army doesn't chase you potiphar's wife does not accuse you of rape you don't go to prison some things happen to you because of the color of your coat when you have a musical gift david that's why that's why when you've been picked to be king some things come with the territory so now you got a king who wants to kill you not because you're a bad person but because you have been uniquely gifted and and you were shorter than your brothers and and you had freckles and your hair was red and you were nothing more than a shepherd and somehow the prophet samuel found you and you became the next king in waiting and now i am angry with you because my name is saul there are some complications that come with being a survivor some complications that come when people try to kill you and it didn't work some complications when you get fired and you don't lose your house help me holy ghost some complications that comes when the enemy gets upset when he has thrown his best shot at you and and everybody who's watching me right now just shouting your house it didn't work the road ahead of israel the the road ahead of them was crowded with with with watch this new trouble here's here is the word of the lord i hear it and it's for you the road ahead of you watch this is crowded with new trouble and old enemies that that's what's that's what's in front new trouble and old enemies hidden in the middle of every victory i hope you're listening to me right now don't tune out look in that screen look at me right now this is a word of deliverance listen hidden in the middle of every victory is the seed of the next battle oh god i got i got to have your attention i got to have your attention i i was i was when i started today i came out here to preach a sermon uh i just got a download from the lord this is a message this is a message hidden in every victory is the seed of your next battle when pharaoh said watch this when he said let the people go god did not lead them on the road through the philistine country which geographically was the shortest route from point a to point b the bible says in exodus chapter 13 verse 17 god said if they face war they might change their minds and return to egypt listen so god led them around by the desert road towards the red sea why would god not take people who have been going through over 400 years of hell and high water and 40 years of circular motion why would god not send them directly to the place where they were supposed to go why would he take them around another 40-year journey why would he not send them on the direct route i've got an answer that i believe that fits right within the text why would god send them on a circular route it seems like god is mean it seems like god is aloof it seems like god is out of touch god i have been beaten with switches and blades and have had to build houses out of straw and brick and we have had to wait on on pharaoh to feed us and we didn't know if we were going to eat we were stripped of our last names our brothers don't know our sisters our sisters don't know our brothers can you not see what this 400 years of slavery has done to us god if you love us get us out of this now and send us exactly on the direct route why in the world would you allow us to go through all of that only to add insult to trouble why would you send us in a circular route why would you not send us right through the philistine country god says tell the people that i was forcing them to confront an even greater enemy than the one that they had fought god says i didn't send them through the philistine country because if you remember we've already had that battle don't y'all go to sleep look at me he says he says we've already had that battle we've already gone that way we've already had the battle with the philistines we've got we've got all of that the enemy was there waiting to fight them and god says i'm not going to send them that way because if they go that way and they see another battle they're going to turn around and go back where they came god says i said to god i said why then did you send them around god said the reason why i sent them around is because there was another battle that israel had to fight that that if i had a sent them on the direct route they would have been fighting the philistines instead of fighting the real enemy i said god okay well then who is the real enemy he said the real enemy of israel at that time was israel the real enemy of israel at that time was them because their mindset had gotten to the place of complaint and their mindset had gotten to the place of ungratefulness and their mindset had gotten to the place of holding a grudge and being angry so i didn't want them to defeat the philistines and not defeat themselves so i sent them where there was no enemy so that the only people they could fight with was themselves so that there was no other battle except for the one that was in front of them and then the lord gave me a revelation of the spirit and if you were ready for this sermon to get started it just got started here's what god told me to tell you whenever the victory takes a while it's because you're in the way he says whenever it takes a while it's because you were in the way the reason why it's taking you so long to get out of poverty is not because i don't have blessings but i am still working on your spending habits the reason why it's taking your relationship so long to get to the place where you can be happy is not because you're married to somebody who doesn't understand you is because they are married to somebody who doesn't understand themselves help me holy ghost he says the reason why it is taking you so long is because you're still you're still trying to deal with pharaoh and the philistines and i'm trying to get you to deal with you oh i know you don't like this one i'm gonna take a drip this this listen this this is tea i'ma sip it i'm gonna sip it while you think about what i'm talking about i know i don't have any amens right now and i know you're not running around your house clapping and i know you're not saying preach reverend right now you're staring at me looking at me like here he goes again yes i am here because this year is getting ready to end and you've been blaming covet and you've been blaming social injustice you've been blaming politics and all of those are enemies but god says 2021 ain't going to be about the ex-president it's not going to be about the next president it's not going to be about congress and senate it's not going to be about pennsylvania georgia wisconsin it's not going to be about florida and ohio this next battle is about shantae and larry and keon and jacob and you and you and you look at yourself and say i'm in the way whenever the victory takes a long time it's because you're in the way i got bible when the woman who had the issue of blood when she kept going to all the doctors and spending her money doing it her way it lasted 12 years when she met jesus the bible said she was healed immediately yeah the man who was on the bed for 38 years the one who kept on saying i have nobody to put me in the pool but when he got in the presence of jesus the bible says he was healed immediately when they were in john chapter 2 and had run out of wine and they said bring me some more wine and they couldn't find it and all of the inebriated saints were upset because there was nothing else to drink but the moment that jesus said bring the pots to me the water was turned to wine how fast immediately why because when you do it god's way and you do what he says when he says and how he says and sometimes you gotta take the long way around but god says whatever it takes a long time it's because you are in the way i want to do it exceedingly abundantly above all you could ever ask or thinking i want to do immediately but sometimes i've got to teach you the lesson before i can give you the deliverance and and here israel is wondering why god why would you take us this long way around god says because i needed you to confront yourself i just want i want to know is there anybody who's watching me today that will ever get into a season where you're not so ready to confront pharaoh but you're ready to confront you pastor you don't know what pharaoh did to me does it matter because if what pharaoh did to you can be undone but how you perceive yourself then pharaoh loses in spite of his efforts the israelites walked out of egypt but egypt never walked out of them and so since egypt never walked out of them then the reason why god took them the long way around is because he did not want them to take egypt to canaan and i wonder who i'm talking to who's still walking in circles because god doesn't want you to take a grudge into the thing you're praying for who's still walking around in circles because god doesn't want you to take the mindset that you took out of bondage into deliverance don't ever forget what i just told you that whenever the victory takes a while it's because you are in the way the bible says that the visit of jethro to moses came right here and it is the theme of this chapter moses now you got to understand this that moses actually lived in jethro's house for 40 years he didn't become the emancipator of of the israelites until he was 80 years old he lived there for 40 years now i found out something interesting i found something history look at in exodus 18 the bible says jethro is said to be moses's father-in-law do you see what i see now this creates an issue this creates an issue i want everybody open your bible this creates an issue because in exodus chapter two in exodus chapter two the bible says that real is the father-in-law of moses so now we got two so we've got ruel who's the father-in-law of moses we got jethro who's the father-in-law of moses to add further go to judges four and eleven and the bible says that hobb is the father in law of moses now i'm confused i'm confused is jethro his father-in-law uh is israel his father-in-law or or is hobb his father-in-law or or does moses have some wives we don't know anything about or or what's what's going on here what why does he have all of these father-in-laws and the reason why i'm dealing with this issue is because the scripture is not short of critics and there are people right now who criticize the scripture as being inaccurate because of moments like this and the bible says that he has all of these father-in-laws and and and critics see the occurrence like this and think that this provides proof that the scripture is to be discredited but if you look at judges 4 and 11 and it says that hobb is the father-in-law of moses everything that you read in scripture has to be judged just opposed to context and culture watch this not only must you do that with context and culture you must also recognize which linguistic path you must take is this greek is this hebrew or is this aramaic and according to our text we are in a hebrew season help me holy ghost and the hebrew language listen originally had no vowels there were no vowels so it would be like me putting a word on the screen uh lighthouse and taking the eye out and and taking the o out and taking the e out and then pushing all of those letters together and asking you what does it say well if you've ever watched the show uh say like wheel of fortune when you have to fill in the letters sometimes people blurt out a name but it's wrong based on their perception and whenever you read a word that has no vowel then the word is subject to the perception of the one who who yelled out the answer you better hear me so if the hebrew language had no vows and then you go back and read these names in the original text then what you have to understand is that you check the rationale is that some of these words were actually the same words in hebrew but because they were missing the vowels people misinterpreted what was there so that means that in the language that hob and jethro were actually the same word but because it was missing the vowel people misread it y'all better hear what i am saying in here today now where does this fit into your life they looked at it and saw something that was not there and called it something that it was not so when you look at it it actually suggests then that possibly that rual hobab and jethro were actually the same person so he did not have a multiplicity of father-in-laws he had one father-in-law who was misjudged by other people who read him and what i'm trying to tell you today is that you should never let someone's misunderstanding of you contribute to the misunderstanding of yourself that when somebody looks at you and they can't read you because of what they think is missing and when people look at you and can't read you because you don't have what they think you ought to have and you don't have the attitude they want you to have you don't have the skill set that they want you to have don't let them look at you and judge you by what you're missing because even though his name may have been missing a few letters jethro was still who he was and i am here to tell you today that no matter what you are missing you are still who you are no matter what you don't have you are still who god made you to be no matter what you think you need god still said that you the head and not to tell that you above and never beneath that you are a lender and not the bar and i came to tell everybody in here you don't have to have money to be a lender i'm trying to get you to figure out how to def to define yourself that even though you don't have money doesn't mean you're not rich it means that god has something in the storehouse that he's getting ready to open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you don't have room enough to receive i declare i decree and challenge you today not to allow somebody's misunderstanding of you to contribute to the misunderstanding of yourself somebody shout i'm great somebody say i'm enough somebody say i'm more than a conqueror no i don't have a mansion no i don't drive a bentley but when god gets through with me i shall come forth like pure gold i might not have what you have but i got what i got i might not live where you live but i have what i have i might not talk like you talk but when i talk things happen i might not know five languages but when i call on the lord he knows how to answer my prayer is there anybody in this place today who understands that you don't need somebody else to understand you for you to be who you are he is jethro and when you are misunderstood i want you to know you are in good company because they misunderstood jesus and they didn't understand jesus and and this is what he does he says um that even though you don't understand me i am still the alpha i'm still the omega you can figure it out when you figure it out but i am that's one thing i love about god once he says i am he didn't put anything after that he's just i am so whenever somebody says i am that means whatever you put after that they are that i am bread when you're hungry i am water in dry places i am money when you need resources he says i am never allowed somebody's misunderstanding of you to contribute to the misunderstanding of yourself scholars misunderstood jethro but he still was who he was and just in case they don't understand you you are still that's right you are still who you are you may not have the degree yet but you are still who you are you listen listen to me watch this thank you holy ghost you are always what you will be you are always what you will be you don't get to 60 and become a billionaire and not have that in you when you were two jesus didn't become the messiah when he died at 33 unto us a savior was born he was who he was when he was born and you are who you are even though you don't have the fruit you are a tree without proof you are blessed without proof you are favored without proof and when god gets done the devil gonna have to apologize for what he said about you your enemy is going to have to apologize for what they said about you i'm telling you by the time god gets done with you all of those people who bullied you in high school are going to have to come and ask for your help you're going to hire people who said that you would never make it i'm telling you right now it didn't look like it when you started it didn't look like it when you in the back of the line every person who left you because you didn't have what you what they thought you ought to have and you didn't make the money that they thought you shouldn't make and your weight wasn't what you want what they wanted it to be but guess what when god gets done with you they're gonna have to look through this camera lens and see you on tv with your business and with your structure and with your organization looking at what they walked over because they left it before god was finished with it they got a clock in here blinking right now i ain't finished because i hear the lord talking to me right now the struggle that we have right now is that we are talking and not teaching this is the day that the lord has made and we ought to rejoice and be glad in it i just wanted to pause right in the middle of this message to thank all of you the thousands of you who make sure that we can do ministry on the level that we do it for the amount of people that we can do it for we could not do what we do without you there is a you in lighthouse and that means all of you all who are all over the place doing exactly what you need to do as god has commissioned you and you do it out of the generosity and the kindness of your heart and that is not to be understated nor to be overlooked i just want to say a special thank you and follow the notes of encouragement that you sent in for all of the notes that you say you know what pastor thank you you've changed my life we read those and on occasion we get a chance to respond to the many many hundreds of those who come in every weekend we thank you so much and i want to give a special thank you to people who have given gifts of generosity like miss davis from detroit and miss beverly birch from colorado and stephanie dyer from new york and mr christopher samuels from washington state i saw you i appreciate you and i thank you for making sure that we are able to through your generosity to reach out and feed the hunger and the less fortunate and do all the things that god has called us to do as a ministry i want to thank you for your support they're getting ready to put a link up right now and those of you all seven 800 of you who are lighthouse 2.0 members who are doing watch parties in different states and cities all over the world thank you because you're helping us to propagate the gospel of jesus christ to those who may hear it and believe listen if you mail it in if you text it in if you bring it in if you give the fire then however you do it it is appreciated now i gotta get out of the way because god has more to say but i just wanted to thank you and listen i want you to repeat after me and i want you to say this with all enthusiasm vigor and vitality i want you to say it say i yeah as i move towards greater i will accept all divine ideas thoughts are concepts that will connect me to my destiny i believe that what jesus christ has done for me is bigger than what anyone has can and will do to me and because of his full gift i will lend to many nations and borrow from none get ready for a harvest of overflow here's the word you are you are and always have been what god created you to be jethro jethro loved his son-in-law he loved his son-in-law he lived with him for 40 years you let anybody live with you for 10 years four times you got to love them some of y'all got kids that you won't let live with you 40 years they got to go at 18. some of them 17. he let a grown man who had a wife and kids live in his house come on y'all don't 40 years 40 years that moses was in this ice box because they ain't had no refrigerator then eating up all his food 40 years kids running around their door 40 years you got the father-in-law not father 40 years he let him live with him but you don't spend that kind of time around people and not learn them can i just say this right now some people cannot work on what's happening because they didn't pay attention to what happened you struggle in the future and in the present because you did not study the past jethro watched moses he he he was intrigued by him and he paid attention to him and and he saw him he said man moses you are a survivor man did anybody tell you about the story about how you were born did they tell you that that pharaoh wanted all of the male babies beneath the age of two to be born and and your mama gave birth to you and hid you in the river amongst the reeds and pharaoh's daughter found you and she took you home and pharaoh was looking to kill you not recognizing that you were living in this house the whole time moses you've been through a lot man you you were there you didn't you know we were struggling while you were living in that that good palatial palace but but you didn't get too far from us because we remember one day you looked out of the window and you saw uh one of the uh uh israelites being beaten by an egyptian and and you went out there and you killed them and you buried them in the backside of the desert and moses you've had a speech impediment you moses you have been through a lot you have survived a lot and because you have been through so much you are now called by god to be the emancipator of israel isn't that good news that i am finally rewarded for all that i have been through it seems that this is the moment where you should be shouting this is the moment where you should be filled with jubilation this is the moment where you ought to be excited but everybody's clapping for moses but i'm here to tell you that moses wasn't clapping for himself because he finally realized that people treat you different when you survive because some of y'all know what i'm talking about when you were on your job and you were on the same level with everybody you worked with you got invited to lunch but when you got elevated to supervisor then the camaraderie evaporated because people can't handle you going up when they're still down and moses everything has changed because now all of these people who were with him now all of a sudden moses has complaints coming from everywhere he's he's on another level and and and and he's a survivor and he's been through a lot and and now after observing his leadership style jethro looks at him like a father and i hope that you understand the purpose of this message today he looks at him and he sees how busy moses is judging everybody and can you imagine moses is there and there's lines of people and lines of people who are waiting in line for moses to take care of their problems because he's a survivor because you know moses went to college and i'm talking about you and moses got money and moses got more than one car and and moses has nice clothes and moses moses moses and i'm talking about you i just want you to put yourself in there and and moses got his own business so he can't be broken moses drives a nice car so he got money so if he says no to me it ain't because he don't have money it's because he's being mean and moses got the perfect family he's got the husband and he's got the wife and he's got the picket offense and he's got to walk in closet and he's got he's got so people look at you and they say well you have all of this and so life must be good for you and moses is saying within himself you don't know the cost of the oil in my alabaster box moses is is saying you know what y'all are weighing me down everybody now needs me for something everybody needs me to be happy isn't it isn't it true some of you all are looking at me right now that that you are the person that people can beat you down and they still expect you to have a smile on your face and and they can take from you and never give but they expect you to be grateful about giving to them who am i talking to out there who who feels misused and overused and under-utilized and under-appreciated but but yet people keep asking more and more and more of you that's the complication with surviving that there's a cost at not letting life take the life out of you that when you are a breadwinner and when you are an entrepreneur and when you have strong faith people don't understand that sometimes underneath that strong faith is the weak insecurity that just because i can come out every day and smile doesn't mean that my heart doesn't get broken i know i'm only talking to a few because most people in the world are users but there are some people who are watching me right now you know exactly what i'm talking about everywhere you go somebody expects something out of you everywhere you go somebody expects more and more and more and after you give more they want more and and you ought to be happy to give it and you ought to be excited about it i it's a personal testimony for some of y'all it's the complications with that come without with with not dying in your in your wilderness the complications of having the will to survive is that people feel that they don't have to check on their strong friends that that they don't have to that they don't have to pray for the pastors that they don't they don't have to pray for their preachers and moses moses got a lot on his shoulder and even though he's an insecure stuttering murderer who has been ripped away from his heritage he's standing there like a zombie doing everything that everybody needs him to do go to work but come home and act like you're not tired i'm talking to a mother right now who goes to work and works eight ten hours a day has to walk in the house and do homework has to play games with the children and nobody takes into account that you have just put in 16 hours and you got to be up in 10 but everybody expects you to perform just like you have the day off and i'm talking to a father who has had to go to a job and his character be assassinated by a boss that doesn't appreciate him as a man and has to walk through the door and then be berated and yelled at as if he did not just deal with that all day long and come to a house where nobody speaks to him and he walks through the door and nobody appreciates him as the king of the castle and yet you're still asked to provide and that you should be happy to do it and i'm talking i'm talking to somebody in this place who knows what it feels like to be misused and somehow you found joy in the fact of being misused because at least somebody wants to use you this is moses with all of that on his shoulders still with a line of people asking him for more tired worn out almost homeless for 40 years what do you need i got my own issues but you know god built me to put myself on the back burner you know there's just some thing people say not not to cuss you out and be stingy i'm just telling you right now people always put themselves on the back burner because when you have been in the backside of the desert so long you don't know how to operate when god now puts you in the forefront moses but thank god and i just hope god sends you a jet throw somebody who will come to you and say if you don't change what you're doing you're going to wear out oh this is a message this ain't a sermon i hope i'm your jethro right now i i hope i hope i'm here to if if you don't learn to talk about your emotions you're going to have a stroke if you don't stop walking around that house when everybody can tell you how they feel but nobody allows you to tell them how you feel you're gonna wear out if you don't stop going in the corner and just saying i'm just gonna soak it up and deal with it and get over it and not talk about it and and and two hours later i'm just gonna come out and act like nothing happened if you don't stop doing that you're going to wear out you're gonna damage your spirit your soul your intellect and eventually your physiology because everybody in the house gets to say how they feel but nobody wants to hear how you feel and yet they still keep piling it up on you and you're going to where i'm your jethro telling you this is not going to work don't do it anymore speak your truth let it out you've got to do it because your method although it brings you peace it can also bring you to an early grave and what you call peace is really just silence it's not peace because your olympic brain is scanning for troubles all day long and and you're looking at who's using you and and who doesn't appreciate you and and you're looking at what well why is it that i do this but nobody does that for me somebody's somebody's getting ready to get a breakthrough right now but i came to tell you these are the complications that come with surviving and if you don't figure out how to handle this weight and this load that is on your shoulders i am telling you what jethro told moses this is not good for you and you will wear away you're going to wear away you're going to wear away jethro what do you mean it's my job to judge i have been picked by god to be the supreme judge what do you mean this is my job this is how i'm built this is how i am i've been like this since i was a kid just because you've been doing it a long time doesn't mean it was right moses you have the whole weight of an entire nation on your shoulders all of the responsibility of judicial friction has been placed on your shoulders and the bible says pastor remember he was judging from morning tonight you can't do anything from morning to night and not wear out you can't worry from morning to night and not wear out you can't think from morning to night and not wear out what you're doing is not good i know it's your coping mechanism but it's going to kill you oh help me holy ghost who am i talking to at home today or am i just talking to myself is this me just given my own testimony or has god given me a word for somebody at home that will tell the truth and admit that even though you are using this as a coping mechanism it's also your casket that you feel worn out but you can't admit it that sometimes you don't want to come home but you can't admit it that sometimes you want to drive around the block six times before you go on the driveway but you can't admit it because if you admit it they're gonna accuse you of not loving them but but but can i just get somebody to understand that if you just keep doing what you're doing you're going to wear out help me holy ghost help me help somebody holy ghost i didn't i didn't intend for this to happen but but i know when there's a shift in the atmosphere i know what god is telling me right now and and maybe it was good that i was afflicted that i might know the statues of god but i am speaking to somebody who is watching me today that you have used a mechanism and a cocoon of survival but if you do not release the pressure the pipe will burst and when it bursts you don't get to tell the water where to go when you have a pipe that's whole you can tell it come up the pipe come through you can give it direction but when it bursts it just goes wherever it goes and that's why that's why you can't control your temper and that's why you go off on everybody that's why that's why sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down and that's why you don't understand yourself because you've used this method of judgment and you've used this methodology so long that you don't understand that you are a broken glass and every time somebody drinks from you they get cut so jethro comes up with a suggestion and i got one for you and i'm not gonna make it up i'm gonna use his it's in verse 13 he says how are you doing what you're doing moses can i ask you whoever you are look at me can i ask you how are you doing it william how are you doing it sarah how are you doing it mark how are you doing it larry how are you doing it jessica how are you doing it i don't know who none of those names are but the holy spirit gave you your name to me how terrance are you doing it he says moses how are you how are you doing this all day he says if you fail it won't just be you everybody depending on you gonna fall too he says you're going to wear yourself out and everything connected to you he says but there is a divine judge who is just waiting for you to cast your cares upon him he says there is a divine judge who never gets tired of universal legislation he says there is a divine judge who makes everybody pay for what they did to you there is a divine judge where you can lay your grudges down and go about your day and god will make sure that evil has to pay for what it did to you that there is an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth he will make sure that you if you cast a care he says don't be weary there's a divine judge that can do administration for the universe but you are going to wear out if you try to get even with everybody who got on you help me holy ghost exodus 18 he says be thou for the people god word that thou mayest bring the causes unto god here it is i'm about to give you a lesson oh help me i'm about to give you something that's going to help you and god gave me this for every overwhelmed parent if you are an overwhelmed parent just comment right now in the section if you're an overwhelmed parent especially for those of y'all who are homeschooling right now the ones that got them running around the house and and i know you thought that they they thought they don't even want to be at home with you so don't get this twisted you don't want them home and they don't want to be there with you either they they don't want to be they don't want you all in they face and in their business and messing up their zoom calls running around in the back with no clothes on everybody's tired of each other the kids used to want to come home now they want to go to school everybody's sick of each other so jethro says i'm about to show you how to survive i'm about to show you how to handle it this is for overwhelmed parents listen to me this is what he said and thou shalt teach them the ordinance and the loss this is why you're overwhelmed parents you do too much doing and not enough teaching you do too much saying and not enough teaching there's a difference there's a difference between telling a child brush your teeth and you getting your lazy self up in the morning and brushing their teeth for them mimicking and monitoring proper teeth brushing so that they will have an instruction and not instructions your children need an instructor and not instructions he said teach them he said teach them the problem that we have in our society today is our children are required to do too much without example he said teach them teach them teach them how to make up their own bed teach them how to pick up after themselves teach them how to wash their own dishes i know you don't want to hear this but i'm talking to you right now teach them how to vacuum the carpet teach them oh pastor i don't have a vacuum let's go old school we used to have to sweep the carpet with a broom you can do it teach them how to wash dishes because if you don't teach them one day they're going to get in the real world and live with somebody who mama taught him and there's going to be a conflict because you have a taunter and a border i'm talking to somebody right now this message might be longer than you got battery on yo on your phone you better charge your phone up cause i ain't done yet they got a clock in here blinking right now i ain't finished cause i hear the lord talking to me right now the struggle that we have right now is that we are talking and not teaching says teach them teach them the ordinance moses the reason why they stay in your line is because you keep answering without teaching you give them water they can drink for a day you teach them how to go get it they can drink for a lifetime the reason why you have recurring problems and the same people at your feet is because you keep answering problems without teaching them solutions teach them teach them everybody at home shall teach them i know that's your little baby and they got hazel eyes and brown hair teach them i know they're cute and they ought to be on a gerber commercial but as soon as they can learn teach them yes ma'am no sir may i please have can i have teach them not to interrupt adults when they talk teach them teach them how to do their own homework teach them how to police themselves teach them that's what moses said he says because if you don't teach them you're going to wear yourself out how many of you you feel overwhelmed is because you have not yet learned to legislate nowhere in the world you ought to have a house full of six people and don't nobody help you do nothing the devil is alive i know you didn't work nine hours drive two hours in traffic and gonna come home and wash dishes and you got 15 year old kids in the house by the time you get home the dishes ought to be sparkling like mr clean when you walk through the door now i know some of y'all gonna be mad at me i know you're gonna be mad at me i know you're gonna be mad at me but i'm not telling you what i'm saying i'm telling you what jethro told moses he said teach them the ordinance and the laws teach them how to do it themselves because when you teach somebody how to do it themselves your line won't be so long when you get home everybody just waiting on you what we gonna eat and and and instead of you teaching them you just say well when i get home we'll see let me tell you what my mom used to do y'all want something to eat all right go in that freezer and take that chicken out and put in a sink run some hot water in there it ought to be thawed out by the time i get home because i'm not going to come home and unthaw chicken for people who bit my mama had us trained she had us ready to go and you might call what uh what i'm saying old school but let me tell you something it'll keep you from getting worn out every person under the sound of my voice listen to what i'm going to say next he says teach them the laws and show the way wherein they must walk for themselves and the work that they must do so what he's saying is are you listen to me he's saying don't vacate the chair just elevate the seat let me show you what my mother used to do so my mother used to make sure that we had to clean the bathrooms on our own and we had to switch now back then in my day because i'm old we didn't have fabuloso like your little young thundercats got today and and we didn't have oh y'all got a kaboom y'all got all kinds of stuff in sprays that you don't even have to wipe you just spread on that and eat the stuff up by itself no we had two things we had comet and ajax now that's what we had and let me tell you we had so much humidity in our house that it would clunk up into a ball at the bottom you had to shake it to break it loose because it was always some more left in there and and we had to wash everything with and this is how mama know we did it right because if you're old school you know that comet and jack's it it leaves a residue so the way she knew it was clean is that we rinsed it over and over and over and over again until there was no more residue and here's what mama told us she she didn't clean the bathroom for us but she did say i'ma come in there and check on it and if it ain't how i like it you're gonna have to do it all over again she was teaching oh help me she was teaching she was teaching and now at almost 40 years old i still put my sock together in pairs in my drawer and i still fold my t-shirts and i still do everything that she taught me because when it gets taught to you it gets down inside of you and now i'm doing what she always wanted me to do she wanted me to do it without her supervision and what you're going to have to do in your life so that you don't wear out is get the people in your life to the place where they can do what you show them without supervision so now they know how to pray if moses don't call a prayer meeting now they know how to fast if moses ain't fasting now they know how to get a prayer through even if moses isn't praying and i'm talking to every parent i'm talking to every pastor i'm talking to every ceo you gotta elevate your seat you gotta make sure that you are able to legislate the things to the people that god has put in your life and i know why we don't do it it's because we say stuff like if you want it done right then you got to do it yourself but the problem is is if you have to do everything right yourself then nothing gets done right at all it takes time to get things done right if i had to hook up the string for this sermon for you to watch it live and then edit it so that it could be up on youtube for you to watch it by the end of the day it would never be there on time because i can't write the sermon preach the sermon film the sermon and edit the sermon and have it ready for you on time so i have to legislate for people to do what they have to do to ensure that the experience is available to you and you have to do the same thing in your life you have to do the same thing in life you got to make sure that you elevate the seat here's what i'm telling you what you need and i know that you might not like what i'm saying but i'm gonna keep saying it what you need in your life is less deliberation and more discernment more discernment because this is what he said in verse 18. and i love you enough to look you in your face and tell you what jethro loved moses enough to tell him he said if you keep doing it your way verse 18 thou will surely wear away i'm telling you as the watchman on the tower today that if you don't change your strategy you are going to decay into exhaustion you're already tired you sleep eight hours and wake up like you only slept too you wake up at nine o'clock time about who is early huh you're tired i remember one time i was on vacation when we could go places and i remember i had this pain on the left side of my back and i remember going on vacation i said man i don't even feel i don't even feel it it's it's not there i started saying myself i said i'm healed in the name of jesus so i'm healed i don't know what i did but i'm healed got on the plane got back here and started hurting again and i started thinking oh that wasn't pain that was weight because when i was in a place where i didn't have nothing to carry i didn't have the pain and when i got to the place that represents weight it came back no injury comes back based on location it comes back on psychological positioning that's why you're tired that's why your back hurt you ain't slip no this you're wearing away you don't need surgery you need a strategy that ain't headache it's called stress you're wearing away i don't know who this message was for i know that it was for somebody this is the kind of message that only your daddy can tell you and as god put me on the watch as the spiritual father for every all of the thousands of you who are watching me now live and who will see this message i know you survived and i know you're strong i know everybody depends on you but i'm telling you that if you don't teach them if you don't legislate if you don't find another way of dealing with your anxiety you will wear oh well you got to find a therapist or a counselor some way where you can get that stuff out so the pipes don't burst jethro was telling moses you got to draw a distinction listen to me between being the legislator and the judge what's the difference a legislator makes the laws and a judge has to sit there and judge and watch for every infraction could you imagine how hard it is to be a judge to have to sit there and listen to an entire case where both sides presents a set of facts as they see it and you can't miss anything and you gotta have jewish prudence and you gotta you gotta have merits and you gotta have you gotta have all of this stuff you're just judging that's what some of you all are doing right now you're judging everything judging yourself judging everybody around you scanning for infractions i know i do it looking for inequality and instability and anything that surrounds you i've been there i'm telling you oh it's a cumbersome task that will wear you out when you've got a god that says give me your cares i care for you perhaps i thought about this pastor torrance perhaps this is what contributed to moses's outburst when he struck that rock i always wondered why would he do it one step away from the promised land he probably never took jethro's advice and just kept on internalizing everything that everybody said all the time and at the moment of truth his pipe burst and he struck the rock [Music] and is it possible that moses never made it in because he couldn't get egypt out of them teach them just protect them teach them i'm going to make this statement it's going to be a tough one but it's nonetheless a true one talking to parents again you cannot protect a child that you will not teach see if i have a child in my arms and there's a threat i can protect them [Music] see if i've got my daughter in my arms i know to look both ways before i cross the street and she'll be safe but now she rides her bike in the street without me and if i don't teach her to look both ways before she darts out into the middle of the street chasing her dog then i have failed to protect her because i failed to teach her you cannot protect that which you do not teach jesus disciple says to him lord teach us how to pray don't just pray for us he said teach us how to pray and god says yes our father which are in heaven see the reason why he teaches them to pray as john taught his disciples because he knew one day he was going back to be with the father and there would be no more personal prayer meetings that peter james and john were gonna have to learn how to pray on their own you're a survivor you've been through many dangers toys and snares but their complications with being a winner with being a survivor and i pray right now that the peace of god will come over your life and i want you to look at me and here's my prayer for you it is my sincere prayer that god would send you a jethro who will say to you if you don't change how you're doing this thing you will surely wear away somebody who will speak truth to power somebody who won't be afraid of your response to the truth if you keep operating with this thought process if you keep arguing with everybody who argue with you if you keep clapping back with everybody on social media if you keep coming down to the level of all your haters thou shalt surely wear away don't vacate the chair just elevate the seat god in the name of jesus i pray for my brothers and sisters today that you would bless them with a jethro who will observe their strategy and tell them they are cracks in the foundation if they don't do something about it soon [Music] that it will create an imbalance in their life that they will never be able to overcome this is the year of balance send the jethro that will balance our work ethic so that we are not worn away in jesus name we pray hallelujah and amen god bless you i love you thank you for being here with us yet again and we'll see you on tuesday god bless you an amazing service we just experienced the world was fantastic and i believe and i know you are being blessed listen there are many ways we can partner with this world because the bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god but also faith without works is there there are a lot of things we can do to propagate this gospel and one of the ways we can push this out is through our giving and there are many ways we can give there are many ways we can multiply the echo of what you just heard and you have all the information at the bottom of your screen but there's something very important than just giving we want you to give your heart to god we want you to give your life to god and if you are or you've participated in this service and you want to give your life to jesus you have all the information it's time for you to come back home this is what we do this is why we do what we do because of you because of souls that's why we do what we do i i don't want to live without saying a word of prayer because i believe your best days are still here so let's say a word of prayer father we just want to say thank you for what you're doing in this season in this period for everyone connected to me i begin to decree and declare that they are moving into a season of surplus a season of favor a season of promotion provision protection like never before this week this moment today shall be the best day of your life the best week of your life in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen listen i love you and there's nothing you can do about it see you next time bye hey what's going on lighthouse 2.0 family you are our online family and i can't wait until we can come back together so you can get offline and at least once or twice a year stand in line and come and see me in person listen we've created a portal where those of you who are part of the lighthouse 2.0 family can congregationalize communicate and talk to each other they're going to send you a link on how you can be a part of that it's going to be amazing so now you get to meet your counterparts from atlanta and from new york and from florida and from california and from michigan and illinois and indiana all of you all will be able to come together and it'll be just like you're on online church i'm so excited about it i'm grateful to our team for creating it and i am more grateful that you're going to join meet us in the lighthouse 2.0
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 52,325
Rating: 4.9391074 out of 5
Keywords: The Complications With Surviving, Keion Henderson, complications sermon, The Long Way Around Part 2, the lighthouse church of houston, pastor keion henderson 2020, keion henderson new sermon, keion henderson sermons, keion henderson 2020, keion henderson church, bible study by pastor keion henderson, keion henderson message, keion henderson sermons 2020, keion henderson motivation, lighthouse sermon, latest sermon highlights, lighthouse church live stream, lighthouse church
Id: tTC-v8h_uYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 15sec (5655 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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