I'm in the fight of my life | Pastor Keion Henderson

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[Music] would you remain standing for worship [Music] our worship is purely biblical Psalms 23 to be specific it says this the Lord is my shepherd he goes before me [Music] he's a defender behind me and because of all those things I won't fear and I'm filled with anointing and my cups overflowing no weapon can harm me when we add it all together the summonses [Music] because she's my cafe [Music] let's sing that one more time come on get that in your spirit say hallelujah [Music] [Applause] seize my cafe she always got through mountains and Manly's his joy is refreshing restores my soul come on real being right here we say this mercy and good [Music] said he kills me as soon they'll see his glory that one day I'll see him face [Applause] go walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil city's ladder you'll never leave me never save me so hard my cupboard she's my alpha and my Omega is right there in the tweener he's my Oh [Applause] come on right here your spirit lives on so I will your spirits he really is the patient my victory victory your spirit [Music] spirit [Music] I'll be er well because he's living inside of me passes understanding [Music] Oh [Music] let's think that one more time everybody come on hands up like this and we say well we say hallelujah if you know you're not alone just we didn't open your mouth and declare and say this cheese by car come on one more time they're gonna see Holly hi I'm Madeline come on come on you're speaking against the person say he's my comfort and he always let's do it one more time everybody in the building say hallelujah you're not alone come on there's power in your declaration you speak those things because they are and we say that she is my copper candy always come on let's give God some praise in this place love this song let's give God appreciation for this music team god bless you thank you for leading us in the workshop something about that song you know there is a difference between the song and the sound always holds me close I think that sometimes when you sing a song you have to escape your situation and listen to what I am NOT alone [Music] he's my comfort always those hallways always always did you know that you can be with people and be alone but what a friend we have in Jesus all of our sins and griefs it's a bear look at your name say what a privilege it is to carry not just something see you can only tell people something but when it come to God you can take [Music] what a privilege it is to breathing to God in oh I shouldn't start a pet o what peace we often [Music] what needless pain we bear and here is why Oh because we do not carry everything to God in prayer [Music] First Samuel Chapter seventeen First Samuel chapter 17 verse 38 and saw armed David with his armour first thing you're gonna have to do in 2019 is be careful who you let dress you care for what you let them put on you I don't care if it's a title you you look like you post a preacher that ain't my armor you're supposed to be a pastor that ain't my armor be careful what you let people put on and he put a helmet of brass upon his head also he armed him with the coat of mail what what when that mailed I want you to get in your mind like a chain okay all these little small chains that's heavy and it will keep the tip of a blade from being able to put penetrate right and so he put that on and David he girded himself in his own armor and and he went and here's what I want you to look at verse 39 and I'm gonna be paraphrasing this because I want you to get it it's something it's one word in there and and and this is what David said I cannot go with with your stuff for I don't have to prove myself and he took it off see some of you all are gonna have to take off what they put on you and you're gonna have to stop trying to prove yourself but it's not gonna be it's not gonna be easy I want to talk on this subject today I'm in the fight of my life touch everybody on your way down to your seat in touch tell them I am in the fight of my life you may be seated in the presence of the Lord is there anybody in here that has never heard of the fight between David and Goliath I didn't think so because whether you are Christian or agnostic whether you practice Catholicism are you an atheist everybody knows this story because it has warped in something more than a biblical narrative it has become nomenclature for the underdog right the big guy versus the little guy and all of us know some story whether it's in your own personal life or whether you've seen it on television whether it's a movie as always this this thing against a power and a person right and and you right now sitting in this seat I don't care what degree you have I don't care what your savings account looks like I don't care how many stock options the company gave you I don't care if your window is overlooking the Galleria or if you're watching online overlooking some famous park in your city or town everybody gets to the place where you're facing something so big that need you need some help to fight it you'd be in church all of your life and I have been but being in church your whole life is no proof that the church has been in you your whole life now let me just back up and say for some of y'all I know you want us to think that you were saved the day you were born but for some of us we holding on by the hair on our chin and we are so grateful to still be alive do I have anybody here today I was raised in church my mother who was raised in church but everybody gets to that place and for me it was around College where I was like you do I want to keep up with this thing I went to college and I missed the Sunday and when you miss one too is easy once you miss a month the Lord is my shepherd I remember my mother called me and she said boy you better get back in church I raised you in church he was my excuse but mama I can't find one that was like the one we was at at home she said something to me that changed my life she says if you find the church like the one that was at home then you are the same person who left home touch will never say you might have to try something different the church that I went to could fit inside of this church some of the things that we do were not allowed in the church that I grew up in I was raised in a situation where we we knew doctrine but we didn't know the Holy Ghost and I couldn't figure out why I couldn't beat my Goliath I couldn't find out why I couldn't slay my Giants because I kept throwing scriptures out of them but David did not defeat his giant with a scripture and for the scripture is the sward he defeated him with oil see the holy girls can do things that your intellect cannot do anybody ever prayed under the unction of the Holy Ghost I mean have you really I'm talking about have one of those prayers and the Holy Ghost coming that bathroom or that bedroom or that kitchen or wherever you start praying and before you know it you shouting like your Sunday morning crying like it's Tuesday evening that Holy Ghost is translucent he'll get in your car with you you'll be at a red light shouting and praise and don't even know it turn green and people are looking at you wondering why you're sitting still they'll understand that's what it means when the Holy Ghost arrests he will arrest your attention and it is my prayer today that you recognize that even though you might be small in the natural that if you start operating in the oil that God has poured on your life your your Giants will recognize that it is not the size of your weapon for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God do I have any Bible readers in here through the what pulling down of strongholds we wrestle not against flesh and blood but of spirits of wickedness in high places David is in a battle of his life he has a calling but he expects it to come from the person he sees God calls him his father ignores him God sanctioned him his father left him out in a field now I would I would I would let you know that I know how you feel that sometimes you don't receive the accommodation the appreciation the applause from the area you expect it but I mean to tell you that the harvest doesn't always come from the place you sold one way for now we're having a conversation how many of you all have eaten orange in the last month or two guarantee you it didn't come from Houston which means you don't always eat from a local harvest the green beans you ate didn't come from here the potatoes that you ate didn't come from here which means sometimes in life you can feed from a seeds you didn't sell from an area you have never been David doesn't understand at the moment that what seems to be an interrogation is actually an interview he thinks that he has been forgotten he thinks that he has been rejected he thinks that he is not as important as Jesse's other seven sons what he doesn't understand is that God has contained him set him apart from the rest because he intends to do something with him that he's not gonna do with them and I came to tell you that the reason why 2019 has been so hard is because God intends to do something with you that he doesn't intend to do with them and while you have seen them seem as though they have been winning all year God says the race is not yet to the Swift nor the strong but the one that endures to the end and I came to till one hundred and fifty of y'all even though tomorrow is New Year's Eve it's still enough time for God to make this the best year Oh y'all didn't hear what I said there was enough time for God to still make this the best year of your life and I speak prophetically that something's getting ready to happen in the next 24 hours that's gonna make the last 11 months worth that give your neighbor high five and say hold on they that wait on the Lord I've been waiting all year for this blessing I've been waiting all month to find out what God is getting ready to do in my life and eyes have not seen watch this don't ever forget this if you if you if you keep a lot how many I'll keep no some stuff that I say all year write this down there is always not sometimes everybody say always there is always an event that precedes an appointment the Kingdom of Israel is his appointment the fight with Goliath is the event and you have to survive your event in order to arrive at your appointment that argument that you and your wife had that was the event 25 years marriage is the appointment did you hear what I said that attack on your body that was the event but the testimony is the appointment that that that spousal abuse was the event but recognizing that you don't need a man to survive is the appointment that that that marriage that God didn't tell you to get in that was the event surviving their divorce and write in the book y'all not here with me today getting fired from your job was the event having a miscarriage and a stillborn baby was the event giving birth to the next president god help me in this place was the appointment that's what David said it was good that I was a flea event that I might know appointment the statues of God slap somebody said you got to survive you event come hell or high water you got to survive pain you got to survive tears in your eyes you've got to survive foul bankruptcy but still survive lose your job but you got to survive when my mother and father forsake me and this will I be confident slap three people to say you got to survive let it rip assess the car but don't lose your mind sell your furniture so that you can pay your rent but you got to survive sell that necklace and those earrings so that you can start their business but you got to survive I will let nothing separate me from the love of God neither height nor depth nor things to come I'm in the fight of my life and it seems like while I'm fighting for my life my children are fighting me have you ever recognized that whenever you pick a fight with the devil then everybody that suppose they've been stealing and silent and quiet and everything's going well and the moment you get ready to fight for destiny everything start acting up the dogs start barking funny the fish swim upside down everything goes crazy but Nehemiah you gonna have to stay on that wall you're gonna have to watch fight and pray I'm telling you because in this next season if the only thing you can do is fight you might as well stay here you're gonna have to be ambidextrous you're gonna have to fight and write and pray and initiate you're gonna have to do all of this at the same time because this is the year of all y'all not here with me today this is the year of expansion you're gonna have to expand in your thought process you're gonna have to expand in your mind you're gonna have to expect you're going to to be able to do more than one thing at a time you're gonna have to go to Bible study and work on the same day and not just come when you off are you ain't gonna say man but say ouch this is the year for you to do more slap your neighbor and ask them how bad do you want it well let me get on through this the first thing you're gonna have to understand you're in the fight of your life how many of y'all fighting right now this the fight of your life am i right you fighting for your mind your peace your happiness and how many of y'all are made up a declaration I ain't gonna let nobody mess that up I hope y'all follow me on Instagram I put a post up and I really mean this I need some of y'all to change the way you pick your friends so you can stop cutting off everybody every year every year you start January God told me to cut everybody a Wyatt why you cutting off everybody you need to cut off your choices maybe this is the year for you to walk alone David was in the field he had nobody everybody's escaping the field to get in the crowd but the anointing is in the field the anointing is in the field you have to understand first of all if you're in the fight of your life this is the first thing you have to recognize you ready the timing of the fight if you trace your history you will find out that you've been fighting at the same time every year I bet you I bet you if you go back and trace the arguments with your spouse go back and check it y'all argue about the same time every year about the same stuff I bet you if you go check your money you start borrowing from your savings account to your checking account about the same time every year because you start running out of money and now you gotta borrow from you every year it's the same cycle and what you have not yet recognized is that the devil has found out your rhythm and he shows up at the same time every year but since you don't know the timing you're always shocked everybody say the timing the timing okay let me prove it now watch this the devil attacks Israel by attacking so because salt has become arrogant right and now God demotes him here attracts his oil but if saw hadn't been paying attention he would have known he was gonna lose the oil anyway because when the oil came the saw the Bible says that Samuel brought it to him in a flask a flask is a man-made object when David was anointed it was not in a flask it came out of a horn the horn came from the animal that God created notice that the people were supposed to be ruled by priests if you don't believe me go check the record God gave them Eli and after Eli he gave them Samuel both of them were priests but they looked over in Babylon and saw that they had a king and then they asked God to give them a king because they wanted what everybody else had because they were trying to prove themself y'all not listening to me so watch what God does he gives them what they asked for are you crying over what you asked God give me a strong man okay what ain't gonna let you do what you want to do y'all they don't say man God give me a wife that makes money okay but she ain't gonna be a chef [Applause] [Music] god I wanna be a mother give me children okay but they're gonna be hard and greedy so y'all can have them but you're gonna have to produce your own container you're gonna have to because I'm not going to give you anything to hold my oil for your choice what God is really saying is I'm not obligated to bless your choices I'm not obligated to protect you from what you picked y'all gonna say man ouch I need something that's the last Sunday of the year give me all you got I don't know what you're holding a man's for this is the last one the timing of the fight okay James watch this so so so we do know that Saul right now is unstable emotionally because he has lost his all and he like oh my god not only am I losing my all but I'm losing it to this kid losing it so he's unstable David is unproven he done nothing so I saw like y'all he killed his so I only killed a thousand but this unproven do then kid 10,000 right so he so Saul is unstable David is unproven every time the devil attacks you you're either unstable are you trying to prove yourself yeah I'm not here with me today these are the two times that the devil always comes into your life when something is unstable or you are unproven and so then when you're unstable then what you do is you try to prove yourself and any time you're trying to prove yourself you have taken your eyes off of what God wants you to do some of you all are right now you are so disappointed because you keep trying to prove yourself you keep trying to show people you a good person you keep trying to prove how much you love them you keep trying to prove to them that you're on their team and they don't see it and you're frustrated and now the devil is attacking you because you're unstable and unproven you don't believe me let's go find Jesus in the wilderness for forty days I remember he was hungry he hadn't eaten in 40 days and the Bible says that the devil shows up and test him and tempt him why because his appetite is unstable and his Messiahship is unproven and so the devil steps in and tempts him and says prove yourself jump off this cliff and if he would have jumped off the cliff the devil would have had him because he would have tried to prove himself and God Jesus looks at the enemy and says for it is written I don't have to prove myself are you with me today just touch three people to say I don't have to prove myself I don't have to prove to you I'm a good person if you haven't figured that out by now that is your problem I don't have to prove and I'm a Christian by the way I dress and the way I shout and they shall know we are Christians by our love y'all not praying with me today I don't have to prove I'm rich and go buy shoes I can't afford and buy a house I can't afford I don't have to prove that I'm somebody just to get the same kind of car you got I'm waiting on God to bless me so I don't have to look rich I can be rich I need somebody in here slap your neighbour say stop trying to prove yourself stop spending all your money on hair and nails and ties and clothes and shoes trying to prove to everybody that you got something they will know you got something when they see your names and for y'all not here with me today I speak a Forbes blessing over this house that God is about to do something in the area of your finances where you go stop dressing rich and be rich you gonna stop drinking wine and on the part of the wine factory do I have somebody in here who knows God's about to do a new thing because you're in the fight of your life don't buy a Toyota this year by Toyota stop you're in the fight for the future and one thing that young people don't know is that you're older you is counting on the younger you don't let your 35 yourself let's go 50 yourself down don't get to 50 and don't have any energy and you back us out of your ankles a week and you got a sciatic nerve all the way down to your foot and now you don't have any energy when you could have set so 50 year-old self up in your 35 year old body slap somebody say I'm in the fight of my life I'm gonna fight in my life because my daddy left me in the field and I'm trying not to feel rejected I'm gonna fight of my life because my brothers are talking about me I'm in the fight of my life because the lion and the bear tried to steal my sheep I'm in the fight of my life because I'm short and I'm facing a giant but I will win this battle oh I want to tell somebody you're gonna win slap somebody sent me to fight of my life I'm an alcoholic because I saw a qahal in my house I'm addicted to drugs because I was raised by a drug addict I'm addicted to sex because my mother was promiscuous I'm in the fight of my life what I said is biblical the Bible lets us know that when Moses sent the spies to the land they came back and said we saw Giants Oh y'all not here with me today they came back and said we saw Giants in the land and when Moses died and God says Joshua Moses my servant is dead and he put Joshua in charge the first thing he told Joshua's to do was to to enact and kill all of the Giants now David is fighting a giant because Joshua went there and killed all of the adult signs but left the babies alive and let me tell you even your baby problems are gonna grow up Oh y'all it ain't nothing but a little bit yeah then look I ain't gonna grow up and be a big thing and now Giants watch this David it's fighting what Joshua didn't kill I got a question for you what Giants are your children fighting that you didn't kill when God told you to Oh God I know you ain't gonna say man but I'm preaching for real not what demons do your children have because you didn't have the courage to deal with it all your chores are gonna be poor because you won't budget yo money now what Giants are your sons and daughters facing because you killed some of your Giants but not all of them this is a new year I decree and declare killing it all kill it all kill it all touch me let me say kill it all kill it off I don't care what it cost you kill it all kill it all the the the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force I don't care if you can't sleep kill at all I don't care if you don't eat three square meals a day kill it all I don't care if you gotta go to the movies by yourself kill it all I don't care if you got a date yourself kill it all I don't care if you got a compliment yourself kill it all I don't care if you got to lose weight just to make yourself feel good kill it all get all of that rejection out of you get all of that insecurity out of you forget what your father didn't say forget what your mother did say give it all the time it the time okay so where does the Bible say that the fight takes place it takes place in the place call SoCo now don't forget this the place where they fight is exactly geographically ten miles away from Bethlehem where David grew up and ten miles from Gath where Goliath grew up miss this so the Bible lets us know the fight takes place 10 miles away from where David lived and 10 miles away from where Goliath live ok all right this is a slow crowd alright but ten miles from David 10 miles from Goliath which means the fight took place right in the middle because the devil always shows up when you're in the middle of something just when you in the middle of getting your credit together here he comes just when you're in the middle of getting your life together here it comes slap somebody say that that's how I know I'm almost there because the devil is attacking me the devil always comes in the middle the Bible says Peter was walking on the lake in the middle of the night in the middle of the lake and the storm came because storms always come in the middle and let me tell you whenever the devil attacks you he's letting you know that you are closer to destiny then you are history slap somebody to say I'm in the middle which means it's gonna take the same effort to go forward as it is to go back I don't know who I'm talking to but I'm talking to somebody who says if it is 10 miles backwards and 10 miles forward imma use all my energy pressing towards the mark you better tell the devil I refuse to go backwards if this don't cost me the same amount of money if this don't cost me the same amount of sleep if I Baloo's my friends anyway I'm gonna do it going forward [Music] somebody shout I'm in the middle the devil always that should know how close you are to where God wants you to be because he always attacks when you're in the middle of something when you're in the middle I'll read in the book that's the one that he attacks you in because that's the one he doesn't want you to finish when you're in the middle of writing your business plan that's the one that's gonna win because that's why he attacks whatever he attacks you in the middle he is letting you know you're on the right track who's in the middle of something he just identified to you he didn't know it you're on the right track Jesus was on his way to the cross the devil attacked him while he was in between two thieves because he always attached come in the middle somebody shout I'm in the middle somebody shout I'm in the middle of something I ain't got time to be depressed I'm in the middle of something I ain't got time to be broke up about no break up I'm in the middle of something I ain't got time to be walking around here frustrated I'm in the middle of something I ain't got time to be going on Facebook trying to come in to everybody I could have used those 30 minutes to write a business plan I don't know who I'm talking to but for every negative comment that you want to reply to online can you get a notepad in a composition book and write you out a vision you don't have time to go back and found out what they said about you you're in the middle of something I'm in the middle of something the devil always attacks yea though I walk through the valley see the shadow of death was in the valley because the valley by definition is in between two mountains he always comes when you're in the middle you got to find out the timing of the fight but you also got to find out the type of fighter you got know who you fighting you don't you don't bring a cannon to guerrilla warfare see that's why America and our allies that's why we were losing Vietnam because we were over there fighting with with with reconnaissance and they were hiding behind trees snipers that that's why Isis was a problem because you can't you can't blow up people who hide among civilians see they changed the game on us all not here with me yeah they changed the fight but you got to understand is that the devil is like Isis what he does is he hides in the house of people you love he'll get in people you care about and he knows if he gets in people you care about you can't kill him because you really love God help me in this place today so he's changed the game and so now you can't take a butcher knife to a war that needs a scalpel this is the year for you to surgically remove people stop cutting everybody off and just kind of so when you take a knife and cut everybody off you're also cutting away the people god bless you it so what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to take your circle of five friends and find the one that don't belong to get you a scalpel trace around your good girlfriend trace around the one you don't really trust but you can count on trace around the one you know asleep with your man but you won't just have your man around them and get rid of the one that ain't got no spiritual application get rid of the one that don't pray get rid of the one that's jealous of you get rid of the one that talks about you get rid of the one that hates on you and by all means get some courage in 2019 stop firing everybody about ticks ask them where you can meet them look them in the face and say I'm done with you will you get some fortitude and stop getting rid of everybody with a direct message and go right to a face and say I'm done with you most people are scared to in relationships you just starve them leaving the other person wondering what happened you got to walk right up to him and say I can't stand the way you lie I don't like the way you treat people you're not growing and we're done by [Applause] David if Joshua had completed the job you wouldn't be fighting Hebrew says lay aside every weight this year I don't want you taking any Giants with you it's just a small problem yeah but if you leave it alive long enough it's just the baby bins right now but it'll be a 550 at a minute that's my dude man I love that dude man somebody say the type of fighter the lie says watch what he says y'all choose somebody let them come down to me y'all pick anybody you pick I can handle it choose somebody anybody pick your best fighter send him on down here so David is the likely candidate David says I got this but watch what David does Goliath sales come down here David doesn't go because he understands when you're going into a new year you got to stop going down to the enemy's level Goliath says in the valley see you don't already know you don't even know they already lowered in you they may be taller than you but they're lower than you y'all sent somebody down here Davis said I'm not coming down there I'm not gonna come down to your level so you can beat me with experience did you hear what I said I'm not coming down there I don't know what you have in that Valley I don't know what booby traps you got down there I don't know what you setting me up for if we gonna fight we gonna fight up here in this next year you got to stop fighting on their level stop conversing on their level stop dating on that level stop marrying on that level you got a friend up stop trending down your conversations got to go up come down here no I ain't coming down there you come up here we ain't gon see each other come down here you've been going to church your whole life and now you dated somebody who got you down there you ain't been all year you've been tithing your whole life and you let somebody call you down there now you think it's a trick oh now you're quiet I know I'm preaching now come here come here Church look at all of the good things that your parents and your forefathers instilled in you and then you get with somebody and now you down there doing stuff you were never taught nobody taught you to talk to people that way nobody taught you to treat people that way you got in a relationship that calls you down you were raised better than them don't miss it you heard you were raised your parents raised you and everybody in here no matter how good or bad you think your parent was at least you are here they could have aborted you they could have gave you up for adoption and those of y'all who were given up for adoption somebody found you stop stooping down to their level you're much better than that because you have a non-typical favour it's number three touch somebody I've got a non-typical favor the kind of favor that's on your life listen you might not even recognize it but if you just start thinking over your life man listen the favor that's on your life the favors the favor do I need to do I need to start calling the role that's the whole preacher will say are you you can use your imagination the stuff that you walked away from the fact that every year you go to the doctor and you get a clean bill of health huh that yo liver still work your lung still breathing and huh you walked away from that relationship you have crazy but you ain't all the way crazy looking yo-yo car startup every time you pray how many y'all got the kind of car Lord I ain't got time to be late they told me if I'm gonna be late one more time Lord when I get this car please Jesus take over the engine the kind of favor that pays the rent every money don't know how you're gonna do it you send your church in the school Monday through Friday and they make it home every day that's family that's favor all of these school shootings that's favor because that oil makes the death angel pass over I'm speaking a non-typical favor I'm telling you right now you're getting ready to see it counsels getting ready to skip generations lupus skipping a generation hypertension skipping a generation and like us who the folks say sugar diabetes skipping a generation because you're gonna kill your Giants and your children not gonna have to fight the lion Joshua I hate to tell you Goliath was your responsibility not Davis some of y'all in the fight of your life but it's fine because you gotta you gotta oil on you he anointed my head with oil do you know when David was in the field now let me tell you something this is something that the Lord showed me pastor torrents if we go back to chapter 16 we find out that David was the armor bearer the soul pastor resident y'all remember he was playing the heart he was soothing the demons that saw had inside him because he was emotionally unstable so God used an unproven boy to minister to an unstable man he's playing the heart in chapter 16 we get to chapter 17 David is in the field which means he's been demoted before he was promoted just think about this a couple of chapters ago David had been called through the field because he was friends with Jonathan who's the son of the king and now he is in the kingdom he is the armor bearer to the king Jonathan has relinquished the idea that he would ever succeed his father and have settled on the fact that David is gonna have his job the King couldn't deal with that so he sends him back to the field he was demoted most people think that he went from the field to the palace no he went from the field to the palace back to the field can you trust God when he sends you back after he pulls you up oh I know you can trust God when it's looking good and when you get a new job and you're making $2.00 more per hour but can you trust him when the job but goes overseas and you have to go back and work for less than you were making god is good winning in the house is he good in the repossession God is good when you got a new car but is he good when they come and take it and you got to go get a cash one he was demoted sister right but here's the deal when he was in the palace he wouldn't write no songs when he got back to the field he took his pen now to say it the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want your best work is done in the field most people in here don't want the field you don't want the field and when you don't want the feel you're actually messing up your blessing how do I know the scripture says I'm blessed in the I'm blessed in the city and I'm blessed in the field what you must understand is that God blesses you in the field so whatever you've been left out of it's a blessing oh don't miss this touch somebody say being left out as a blessing because sometimes being left out sometimes being the coat that's tired up on the pole on the street that has never been ridden is the thing that God is going to ride into Jerusalem in on Palm Sunday being left out is a blessing being rejected is a blessing not being picked is a blessing because God is going to send one person to pick you just gonna make up for everything that overlooked you I don't know who I'm talking to but slap your neighbor say in 2019 I'm gonna be somebody's choice in 2019 something good is gonna pick me in 2019 some don't snatch me up I don't know who I'm talking to you ought to give three people a high five and say ready get ready for action get ready for choice get ready to be picked getting ready for God something good about to happen I said something good is about to happen I said something good is about to happen some y'all ain't getting it look at your other people look at everybody who got to look a little twinkle in the eye and just look at him something good about to happen something good about it happen somes good is about to happen something good is about to happen some good about to happen something good about to happen so all this all these swords have been thrown at me something good is about to happen because they that wait on the Lord something good is about to happen something good is about that I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread something good is about to happen turn around and look at the neighbor behind you tell him some good is about to happen now make it specific something good is about to happen to you some good about to happen and your money something's good about to happen in your family something good is about to happen in your steamer something good is about to happen in your vision somebody shout good thing why because you have a non-typical favor all things work together for you good matter of fact just make it personal and begin to prophesy to yourself all things work together for my to somebody sake now my family my house now resources my vision my patience [Applause] [Music] something good about to happen I can feel it in the air I can feel it in the air something good it's about to happen let me tell you how I know something good is about to happen that's how you know you got two minutes let me let me let you know how you know some Goods about happen so right before he gets ready to get into the fight his brother Elliot who was almost picked your biggest enemy is the one who was almost picked whoever you get the job over you better watch for him whichever one are your girlfriend's in your circle the one you get married before you better watch her watch what he says Mary says what you doing here I'm paraphrasing if you go back and read it I promise you I ain't lying i rated a thousand times he's like you posed to be in the field cuz what's you up in here for you ain't one of us you you have London you know almost said I'm telling you I suck this wrong with me something but some of y'all get what I'm how many y'all know what I'm talking about all y'all don't get it what's wrong with you people y'all get it over there y'all get it over here y'all get it back there say you ain't posed to be in here we in the house you posed to be in the field the lie assess y'all gonna send this little here's what the Bible says ready stankin freckle-faced sheep smelling food to fight me this is how you know you're close they try to discredit you Davidson I ain't got to prove myself let me give you my resume first of all I am the only somebody's around here they kept that they kept that is she and by the way while y'all was in there eating grapes a lion and the bear came and tried to take one of the seat and I went over there I killed the lion and I killed the bear open up the mouth took the sheet back and put it back in the fold I left the 99 and went after the one and since I left the 99 and went after the one God left a seven and came after the one all I'm trying to tell you is that whatever you want God to do for you second you got to do for God first what are you gonna leave behind so God can leave something behind to come and get you he says your life says all right come on now let's go he says all right take this this all my soul take this home David says I don't fight in nobody else's clothes I fights in my own stuff and I don't need your helmet I don't need your sheets see some of y'all haven't recognized who you don't need yet you are still dressed in fake friends and dressed in bad relationships you think you need them to survive and God gave you everything you need he says I don't need none of it you ready smiling up there cuz David pulled that smooth stone out hey I can hear them telling them said good laugh and I got fired but I'm gonna need but one start winding it up I can see your life sitting there light what that the thing gonna do let's go I see in the spirit I saw the hand of God he left a rock go to rock gossip and God let it land and guided it right on the only thing that was exposed I came to tell you everything you ain't met this year you gonna hit it snap you'll never say everything you aim it you go hit it every business you Amen you go hit it every go you Amen you're gonna hit it somebody shot accuracy but the Bible says after he hits him in the head he takes his sword and cuts his head off why because everything you aim at God's gonna give you he aimed at the head and God gave him the head God told me to tell you in 2019 you gonna get a head I don't know who I'm talking to but for the last three years you've been behind give your neighbor high-five and shout neighbor in 2019 God told me to tell you you gonna get ahead now you prese like you behind but I need somebody who got the head of your giant to lift up your voices and begin the shouter lift up your head oh ye gates and be he lifted up ye everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in I gotta leave y'all now but there's somebody in here who's in the fight of your life you might ask the question what do you do when you're in a fighter I got one word for you y'all ready for it do you know what you're doing you in a fight look at your neighbor and shout neighbor God told me to tell you the thing that you do when you're in the fight of your life y'all ready for it Lin I decree and I declare that everything that comes up against you shall be condemned do I have any winners all I do is win and my hands go yes who will win yes who is Wyeth have somebody [Music] look it's a neighbor for the last time some neighbors I've decreed and I declare that no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper tell your neighbor everything is gonna be all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] you already look at somebody in sound neighbor I don't believe he brought me this far just leave me [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you got a fight we have to fight he's fighting you he's fighting you body your mind your confidence your children but you stand there and do nothing fight back you deserve to have peace stop caring about what people think about you trying to prove yourself and doing everything of course well you know you just got out of relationship you shouldn't be in one right now they don't know what you should be in stop proving yourself that's why you got in the one you shouldn't have been in because you were trying to prove yourself you don't need all of that how you know what I need this ain't the time for that it might not be the time for you but you know the rhythm of your life you know the timing I wouldn't do it if I was you good cuz you're not me but i'ma do it cuz the Lord said this is a year of expansion Church I'm gonna tell you some of the martyrs gonna blow your mind and I'm don't nobody know this but pastor Torrance he's the only and Jackie the only people I told when God gave me the vision all year I had to planned out and just two days ago I promise you this God's honest truth the Lord came to me in my prayer and he told me double it he said ee I gotta be honest when God said W I got nervous and then God showed me somebody who was quadrupling it and I said yep I'm a W I'm gonna do exactly what you told me because without faith it is impossible to please God I see EE for you might not mean with double for her II don't matter whatever you left just double it no it stopped competing stop trying to prove it just double what he gave you wouldn't double what you already have help you don't need double what he has you might not be able to handle double what he got he might not be the handle double what you have but whatever you got the word of the Lord is whatever you ain't meant you're gonna hit it if you're in this place today everybody's standing where you are just the workers don't nobody move I'm gonna do this in 30 seconds if you're in here today this is the last Sunday of the year you got to be like a tree planted by the rivers of water Lord whatever you do in the she's [Music] god bless my sister come on lighthouse make it a big deal [Music] the cigarette case do it is there anybody else in Yong and I didn't even extend the invitation what they said is I just want to be connected I want to be connected this is where I want to grow this is where I want to raise my family god bless you [Music] come on say it again say Lord Lord Lord say Lord of your blessing god of your blessing nor if your passing [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] bring it down let me tell you the power of connectivity y'all remember in October come in come out yeah I remember in October we brought this lady after church I remember her and we pray because the devil had attacked her body with breast cancer slap your neighbors say cancer free snap your name no y'all not to be praising God [Applause] say don't do it coriander [Music] this year we will expand and do greater works than the one who came in Jesus name we pray on your way out close three people to tell them I love Li done you can do it rise Lord whatever you're doing [Music] [Music] maybe I succeeded little something from the floor to the middle you think I want
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 94,868
Rating: 4.8606491 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, I'm in the fight of my life sermon, pastor keion henderson, waking faith, life, temple, Thankful, pleasure nature, lighthouse sermon, sermon by pastor keion henderson, my god, prayer, lighthouse family, Pastor, amazing story, Relationship, worship, Bishop, faith, jesus, God, grace, forgiveness, sermon, bishop, pastor, god sermon, power, strength, missionary, savage jesus, universe sermon, amen jesus, joy of god, sermons, relationship
Id: -Jc_ueqFhgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 49sec (4429 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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