Supernatural Provision - Part 1 (Living in the Realm of God's Superabundance)

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hello everybody oh good news pastor George is back welcome to the believers voice of victory we're going to have a great time talking about what is it faith for supernatural provision praise God all right that I'm so excited about this time that we have together I'm always excited about sitting down with you and the Word of God so I hear you are just so hungry for the Word of God and you have instilled into me and all of our family this hunger for the word and that's why I'm here today is to stir up that hunger in you that she stirred up in me all of these years low these 38 now years my goodness well I'll tell you Gloria I'm excited about what we're getting into in these two weeks we are going to be talking about supernatural provision praise God and the Lord has just had me really focusing on this about the supernatural and not just supernatural provision but the supernatural in general yeah but what we are focusing in on is supernatural provision because you and I began a hundred and sixty-one broadcasts ago a discussion of prosperity that just keeps going on and on and on and on and so let's do this let's pray over this together and I want you to begin to release your face yes for the supernatural expect the supernatural and we'll get into this and find out exactly what the supernatural is all about and exactly what supernatural provision is available to every one of us I like there are things that are available to us Gloria that we've had no idea that belonged to us in in God providing in ways that that go beyond what the natural mind can think so I'm ready okay how about you all right father we pray over this time together and we thank you for the supernatural we thank you that even though the economy may be saying one thing and the job market may be saying one thing Lord you are saying what we need to hear you are doing what need to do you are providing in the way we need to be provided for and you're doing it supernaturally above beyond over anything that we can dare ask or think and glory and I come into agreement today that in these next 10 days we are our spirit is becoming enlarged to receive all that you have for us everything that you want us to do everything that you want us to accomplish and begin to have a miracle mind begin to have a supernatural mind supernatural thinking and thinking out-of-the-box thinking out of the limitations and father we honor you and thank you for this time together in Jesus name Amen amen and I do I want to thank you in Canada and Gloria and Kenneth you and Kenneth your Gloria that's Canada for what you have imparted into my life all of these years you've been such a tremendous blessing to I am a ministry to the people I mean this this was our deal let George do it well George can do that when I when I get pastor when I yeah you can't let him pastor when I came on the scene here Gloria I was already hungry I had already been listening to the tapes that brother Copeland was preaching and I was ready and raring to go on and I have never stopped learning I think that's one thing that's so important about no matter where we are we never stop learning we never quit taking in and that's why the Lord a key to victory right that's the key to victory is you don't stop you keep going with this people and and something come out that the Lord has had me pressing into and you know the Lord has had many of us pressing into this pastor bill Winston had a word from the Lord about this year that this year would be the year of the supernatural that's right brother Copeland had a word some few years ago and and we'll begin with that right here this word that brother Copeland had and were jumping off into this with this word rejoice and renew your faith in the supernatural I meant Lauria I was looking through some of my notes some of the things that I've collected over the years and I found this and this one phrase right here rejoice and renew your faith in the supernatural it lit a fire on the inside of me that has not quit and I'm looking the other large our strength the joy of the Lord is our strength so we rejoice and renew our faith our faith renew our faith what that says to me is perhaps we've we've backed off a little bit on believing for the supernatural of using our faith in believing God for the things we need and so we are renewing our faith for the time for the time for it is the time for the words and the faith and the preaching that has gone on before us to come to pass and to come to full maturity we will stand up and say surely the glory has come down praise God Lauria I am renewing my mind in this I have made a determined study in this to listen to to read about to study and to prepare myself for the supernatural supernatural provision really you can take this in so many different directions talking about supernatural health supernatural favor supernatural deliverance supernatural protection and we need all of that in a time like we are in right now glory we've never seen a time like we're in right now all of the things that are going on on the earth we need to know how to live the supernatural life the truth Wow oh wow I think of things that I don't even want to mention it but things I see on the news oh yeah and I think I never thought I'd see that when somebody would do a thing like that exactly I mean it's it's like we're right on the edge we're right on the jumping-off place of the catching away of the church and the tribulation coming in and it's the devil trying to bring fear into our lives and in a time like the we need to know how to live the supernatural life we've got to live we must live the supernatural life yes all of these notes are available online somewhere that came from that was oh that word that was from brother Copeland d so this is interesting December 24th 2005 we were it was Christmas Eve at your house oh and whenever we get together and we just know as things happen Christmas Thanksgiving whatever it is just I just remembered that it was it was Christmas Eve of 2005 and we had one of those times we got together for Christmas we had our wonderful meal we ate we opened our tremendous presence and then we sat down with brother Copeland and he began to open the word and we have received on Christmas Eve messages from the Lord the the the state of the nation I mean and this one this particular Christmas Eve he incurred the Lord encouraged us to renew our faith in the supernatural praise God Rinda rejoice praise God and renew your faith in the supernatural for it is time for the words and the faith and the preaching that has gone on before us to come to pass and to come to full maturity we will stand up and say surely the glory has come down Wow and that goes right along now think about that was Christmas Eve yeah 2000 2005 so it's we should be well into this well into it now well into it's right and so these notes are available to you online just go to the home page click to the picture of glory and meet it'll take you over to the broadcast and to the notes that we're doing and I want them to say this every day I want your supernatural provision testimony we do we want to know what God is doing over and above in your life that new house that you receive that new car that the Lord brings to you the provision for your family for your church healing healing coming to you soon burr naturally yeah supernaturally so let's talk today about what is the supernatural when you take the word supernatural and you break it down it's very simple the word super means over and above beyond higher surpassing or outside the nets like outside the natural it's it's something that comes to us it's something that happens to us that is outside of this natural human limited world so that's super then natural means it's the lower or below or limited to the earthly realm conforming to the ordinary course of nature it is something that is deduced by human reason alone rather than by divine revelation now remember these notes are available to you so you need to get these that's what the natural is so when you put the two words together Gloria you have in Supernatural you have something that takes place outside of the natural world it's something that is over above higher and beyond the ordinary course of nature I'm looking for the Serena it is miraculous it is the miraculous and I'm looking for it every day every day I'm told this Russian told us before in the broadcast but every morning when teri and I get up before the lights go on and this is just what we've been doing this for the year we started earlier this year and and I've gotten into the habit where I will get out of bed I'll go around to her side of the bed and in the dark I will begin to declare we are expecting our greatest blessing ever today because great grace is upon us all this is the year of victory over death it is the manifestation of the love of God we are walking in the supernatural the glory of the Lord is being declared over our lives our church our ministry could you come on over to my house yeah Gloria it's awesome I do that every morning in in the dark and then lately what I've been doing is I will say and let there be light bang I turned the lights on and that's what happens every day but I'm telling you Gloria it's working it is working it's working we declared healing over our bodies prosperity over our lives finances over our church and we are expecting the supernatural we're expecting the supernatural provision we did have to get into a place of expecting not being you know and certainly when we pray expect it to come to pass and now well you'll think will it take a long time no we're in the supernatural we're in the super new super is over and above that's Israel that's it thank God that's it over and above the net you've got a start-up area so here the definition of supernatural provision is an unlimited overwhelming supply that comes from above oh that's what supernatural provision is it's unlimited it is an overwhelming it'll overwhelm we into it no end no end no rationing of it no it's no rationing it is what we need in spite of what's going on around us we have supernatural provision that's available to us the scripture here in James 1:17 in the amplified every good and perfect free large and full gift is from above and it comes down from the father of all that gives light that's supernatural yeah provision the message translation every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven and like we said before it comes glory the supernatural provision comes when the situation the paycheck the economy the job market and others are saying there's no way to meet this need it is humanly impossible but but but God but God he has listened this he's got unusual ways unlimited avenues of provision that supersede all the natural limitations he can multiply the bread and fish he can do it yeah we've seen it in the scripture we've seen it all kind of sick we've seen it Laurita God bill Winston says faith gives access to the supernatural so we have to use our faith for this we have to believe this and one of the things that we're offering today on the broadcast is a series that bill Winston did called the supernatural church for CDs over and over and he says listen this if you put things off in time I hit hand wrote that down at the bottom if you put things off in time and are looking through the natural progression of time you can't operate in the supernatural now the supernatural only operates by faith and faith is a higher law than tongue then time that's absolutely true that's a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle let's look Gloria at Ephesians got that right Danny chapter three living in the realm of the super abundance and that really is the subtitle to our series that we're teaching supernatural provision living in the realm of God's super abundance a man God's super abundance we're familiar with this scripture if he's 3:20 if you do you have your amplified there is that your aunt Dave take a look at that Gloria Ephesians 3:20 in the King James Version it says now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works within us Gloria Ephesians 3:20 what's that mean now to him who in consequence of the action or because of the action of his power right that is at work within us so this is done they're not gonna happen for every Tom Dick Harry I got the power gotta have the word working on the inside yes so now where was I looking verse twenty first wing now to him who by consequence of the action of his power that is at work within us is able to carry on his purpose yes they're super abundantly I like that word far over and above all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers desires infinitely now and in on anything that's right info no and no and our highest prayers desires thoughts hopes our dreams faith will bring your dreams to pass George Fay weavings bring your dreams to pass I got goose well I do too I'm just up here right now praise God in Christ we're here all generations forever and ever amen amen I I did an amplified Greek an NIV combination of that scripture it says this God is able to do super abundantly immeasurably more oh yeah quite beyond what is normal or regular without limit and then some on top of that exceeding abundantly above an infinitely infinitely beyond awesome when you're operating in the supernatural you're operating in a different place you are we are and supernatural provision I wrote this down will unfix a fixed income God has ways to provide first Gloria and I'm making this available in the notes this is something that I did some years ago when Terry and I were believing God for our house I was thinking about when we were believing God for a house you're thinking about that - yeah and how he provided well one of the things we're going to talk about it'll be next week where we were paying cash for it you're paying cash believe and pay it out that's right five or four years we will need to pay cash for it we're gonna talk about English right on time right on time Orion will be talking about how to believe God for your supernatural house there is a supernatural and available so such a blessing and I provide here there's a list of scriptures 21 ways that God supplies 191 scriptures if you go right go to the website get the notes of this you can print these out you 991 scriptures George he did a little research I wanted to know I'm increasing my faith I'm believing God for the supernatural and he's showing this to us well our our time is running short on this Gloria my goodness let's answer this last question you're right there in the vicinity of Philippians turn to Philippians 4 Philippians 4 and we're looking at verse 19 even though we are aware of this scripture we must allow the revelation of God to keep coming to us to keep shining on us it says in Philippians 4:19 but my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus the glory of God in the days when we needed everything that was my big my big stick right that was it was glorious big stick right there the I like and I wrote down in my notes glory and amplified Greek translation and my god will liberal go for it supply yes well to the full your every need according to his riches that's right according to what's going on in there that's right according to his riches in glory that's it so it doesn't matter if the economy's bad whatever's happening around you we're not connected to that that's right come on how not connected to that we are connected to that George Leroy preached me happy supernatural provision supersedes the impossible it absolutely flies over in miracles the miraculous and I want to give a quote here as we finish up the today's broadcast my goodness this went fast no wow we need to believe custom more time here's this is this is something that I took from bill Winston I heard it on television first I recorded it and then I found out that it was on a series that he taught that we are offering oh good listen to this Gloria listen to this he says the supernatural takes us past the impossible through the unbelievable Oh into the ridiculous as God is bringing you into this supernatural he's bringing you into a place where the supernatural is no longer an option it's going to be a requirement that's right for you to get what God has for you it requires the supernatural you know the blessing get so big people do say that well isn't that ridiculous I didn't need that big hats I didn't need that new car that's just ridiculous they had a good car my goodness my goodness and then listen to this we just gave seconds left on this but but brother Copeland during the Southwest believers convention this year on July the 1st that was a Tuesday the Tuesday at 3 p.m. he gave a word from the Lord I wrote it down here at the bottom yeah page 2 down at the bottom second page there it says listen to this we have already entered the supernatural environment that God has been looking for all there is right all these years we have entered we've already entered here's what I've done Gloria as I was sitting there listening to him and others I will something will strike my spirit and we knew Carlene and I the producer knew that we were going to be teaching on this way back during the Southwest Convention and when he said that I text her right away she was in the truck producing I text her right away I said I said make a mark on that we need to keep that need to keep that Wow and so we have entered in to Gloria the Supra now already there you and I have entered into today the supernatural environment not if you're not there you need to get there just jump in it's like a pool just jump in it's here here here that's right we are talking about supernatural provision electic God has ways to provide for us there over and above beyond what we have ever thought or considered before but we are considering those things because our minds are becoming renewed to the supernatural we are becoming renewed in the sense of our faith being renewed to the supernatural that's the word that brother Copeland had for us rejoice and renew your faith in the supernatural praise God we aren't talking about supernatural always all of these notes are available to you online just go to KCM or click onto the picture of glory in me and it'll take you right to the broadcast and to our notes all of these notes plus what we don't get to on these broadcasts are available to you and we want your supernatural testimony yes amen I'm asking every day because I just keep hearing more and more it does help people it does help people to hear what God is doing for them we'll have a testimony that will show I think sometime next week about a partner who purchased five houses debt-free god that's that's super nice one time I think it's a no I think it's at one time they bought it for their kids raised that is supernatural I've got a beautiful house that's right praise God well Gloria yesterday we began talking about this and enlarging our faith for the supernatural and and and the supernatural provision being provision that comes from a higher place in a higher way super unlimited supernatural no boundaries I mean up and over that's what the supernatural is all about today we're talking about something very important because when you talk about supernatural provision you always have to come to this and that is we must recognize who is our supernatural provide absolutely yes we must recognize that an honor it and honor him in that Philippians chapter 4 let's look at that again we began we ended up there yesterday let's take a look at it again Philippians 4:19 my God shall supply all all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus you know the glory of God I heard a death Nishan one time about the glory of God it is the presence of God heavy with everything yeah yes that's right that's the glory of God the presence of God yeah I'll read a scripture scripture sure things will stand out - sure now this says he'll do that he'll do that providing by Christ Jesus yes so he's the source he's the source can handle it exactly by Christ Jesus it's not by my strength your strength all we have to do is flow in line with him believe the word baby that's right believe God and you'll bring it to pass it's our trust in him our confidence in him our faith in Him our faith in the word of what he said and what he provided it's by Christ Jesus then we get into the power by Christ Jesus oh that's good open the door that's it that's it exactly on you Jesus loved us just as much when we didn't when we were so porous brother how can you say that we couldn't pay attention yeah he loved he did but we didn't give him any opening with faith you know because we didn't know the moment we began to find out about failure we begin to prosper and we begin to believe God we got out we didn't give him an opening with faith it was there all the time it was there he had it but we weren't there we weren't believed you were we didn't know but the moment we started believing yeah God we were in that little rent house in Tulsa with Ken was enrolled in school I was home with the little kids and we had a know just like a project TypePad old friends right Oh Furniture old car but we had a car you got a car and when we begin to hear Kenneth Hagin teach about faith yes all that all that poverty just went out the door we believe God for one thing at a time and then we saw we were also believing God to do what they said in the word yes so at the same time we had nothing we saw the scripture about borrowing money yes yes yes yes we thought we were John down yeah but actually it just is still holding you back it makes all things possible yes because you're not limited and he's you're not limited to what the bank will do you're not imited to who will do this or what but you're limited nothing at all because Christ Jesus meeting your needs according to according to his riches market not what's happening your mother Lauria but his riches in glory heaven is always got a great economy yes glory never had every session they've never had a depression that's right they've got so much in heaven they just pave their streets and go that's it that's where that's where I received from that's the family it's hardly my receiving right there that's it I'm in the fossum I'm born into the born into that we are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ are we are part of the royal family we are law and he is the source he's he's the source and I'll think that's why all things are possible to him that believes that's right because I'm believing yeah I'm believing that as well we this Greek translation that I found my god will celeb release apply fill to the full cram furnish satisfy finish and complete all of your needs employment requirements lack and business according to his riches his wealth his money his possessions in glory by Christ Jesus amen there it is right there yeah no limits no limits that's what supernatural is it doesn't matter what's happening in the earth it doesn't because we're not we're not receiving from earth it does if we received from the earth in a way but after God gives it to us now you just said something there we're not receiving from the earth we're receiving from heaven that's right like we were all right I got a revelation come on like we were already there like we were already cause we're born of God heaven is our home right now if I left this body I'd go right to heaven yeah I mean it's my home right now so wait wait I'm getting goose come on wait we live in in a heaven reality yes even though physically and in the flesh we're still in the earth right we're in the spirit we're in the spirit and we get in we get our faith it's a spiritual force it changes anything from the Word of God for Prosperity Wow for healing for peace and relationships family members my momma I preached myself at he is our source and the source is heaven mm-hmm the riches in glory limits no limits by Christ Jesus man all limits are taken off that's right all boundaries are pushed away we have available to us everything that is written in his word and he has fully supplied it that's why it says in that the 23rd psalm my cup yes good George that's a good description it showed my cup and we have to expect that every day he daily it's a way of life yeah it's a way of life and he daily loads us with benefits what the scripture says not believe it and it's supernatural it's a supernatural act awesome he is our source we must settle that you must settle today that God is your source his word is our source I found this scripture Gloria 1st Corinthians 8:6 and the amplified it says yet for us there is only one God the Father Oh who is the source of all things for whom we have life oh mama and one Lord Jesus Christ through and by whom are all things and through and by whom we ourselves exist limitless limitless limitless he is our source now I like this word that brother Copeland delivered this was at the Washington DC meeting November 11th of 2010 we have a Washington DC meeting come on coming up here quick but listen to this word that he delivered don't look to the government for your supply don't look to other people for your supply no no pastors don't look to your congregation for your supply Jesus is our source the blessing of Abraham is our source and the word is our supply good we're driving home one point today and one point only that God is your source of supernatural provision he is our supernatural provider let's say that three times together he is our supernatural provider he is our supernatural provider he is our supernatural provider now George I'm not just telling you something I read in the newspaper we've lived this out for yes you have years 40 plus years yes and started out with nothing you know just a little rent house on down there on the close to the river in Tulsa and when we B we needed a car we needed everything every suppose everything but God would begin to get in the word we found out about faith from brother Hagin ken was in brother Roberts meetings listening to him preach about healing and yeah we found out it belongs to us and we just took what belongs to us and Gloria you you have to know this Terry and I Kelly John yeah Marty Jeremy Sarah Rachel Lindsay Jenny me I'm listing off all of our family members we've been watching the two of you all of these years you've been doing it yourself and we have been doing it and one thing that we have noticed about you of many things is that whenever this ministry has been through a tough time and I was executive director during one of those particular times you never went on the broadcast and begged for money you looked to your source source that's right you look to your source and every time our source has been faithful for how many years 40 plus years 40 plus years glory to God 45 46 yeah babies will be faithful forever in eternity where we're headed for 50 years as a ministry after years I'm hardly 50 years old I know well I'll tell you time flies when you're having fun it does we have all of these years because we've watched you in Kenneth make God the source of this ministry the source of your life and we've watched God faithfully supply and provide and you have to get that mentality of him being the provider yeah we have to that has to renew our minds and I took it yes exactly and let me read this to you turn if you would glory look over at Genesis chapter 22 and this scripture is talking about God being our supernatural provider and this is Abraham and Isaac when Abraham took Isaac up to the the to be sacrificed and the Lord provided for him in verse 7 it says but where is the lamb for the burnt offering Abraham said my son God will provide himself a lamb for the burnt offering so he's Abraham is recognizing right there who the source is AHA my God will provide that's right my God will provide and you need to say that you need to say that in the face of whatever you're facing right now my God will provide my God will supply my god is supplying right now we need to get into this now mentality we need to get because it's already provided it's already ours so what do we do and we we take it take it we receive it yeah in verse 13 Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and behold behind them was a ram caught in the thicket by his horns and Abraham went and took the RAM and offered him up for the burnt offering instead of his son the offering was already there the offering was there but what if he had he lifted up his eyes and went to the warden to me to me Gloria that the lifting up of the eyes is symbolic of us lifting up our faith yes that's looking look at him lifting up our eyes to the Word of God instead of to the natural and and seeing ourselves as not having and not being able to have but it's available to us right now this is available you can see it when you don't have it yes I always go back to that law house in Tulsa first an early good we'll just little bitty things you know it's taken him card and maybe third hand furniture and I had to look up had to look up and when you look up you're looking to God you're looking to heaven you're looking to the word you're looking to the supply you're looking into the impossible you're looking from the impossible up into all things into the spirit into the spirit so in verse 14 this is what I wanted to look at in Genesis 22 verse 14 Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah year--a as it is said to this day in the mountain of the Lord it shall be seen in one translation here Gloria it says Abraham named that place the Lord will provide shall be seen when you're praying yes they'll be saying it shall be seen I believe God for a house it shall be God or I'm believing for a car I'm believing to know what to do with it shall be seen shall be my supernatural I praise God the message says Abraham named that place God year--a or God sees to it that's where we get the saying on the mountain of God he sees to it Christ because he's the source oh man he is your he's your supernatural source of supply amen glory let's take a look at the second page as we finish up again the moments have ticked away my mass on this broadcast and if you go to the next page of your notes there this is an exercise of faith that you can do the Lord God who is our supernatural provider one of the names of God is provider so this is what I did I did a practice of this as I was studying this everywhere you see his name adds supernatural provider after it that's good this will renew your mind to God's supernatural provision and so what I did Gloria is I went to Deuteronomy 28 and I looked at several scriptures there and in verse 8 it said now it says the Lord shall command the blessing upon me but what I did was I put in parentheses the Lord my supernatural provider yeah oh yeah shall command the blessing upon me in my storehouse and in all that I undertake and he my supernatural provider will bless me in the land which the Lord my God my super natural provider gives to me that's how we get this down on the inside of us and receive everything that God has for us in verse 11 yo go ahead verse 11 and the Lord my supernatural provider shall make me have a surplus of prosperity through the fruit of my body and of my livestock and of my ground in the land which the Lord my supernatural provider has sworn to my father's to give me Wow it's a done deal Gloria why don't you read verse 12 Glory's gonna do the exercise right here the Lord my supernatural my supervisor provider open to me his good Treasury that's the big treasure that's a big Treasury it's good Treasury the heavens to give rein of my land in its season and to bless all sales Oh the work of my hands and I say yeah I shall lend to many say many many many nations but I shall not borrow I shall not borrow now we've operated that way for years ma'am time and we've lacked nothing no good thing no good thing to God be the glory he is our supernatural private provider he is your supernatural respecter of persons last couple of scriptures here some sixty-eight nineteen blessed be the Lord my supernatural provider who daily loads me with benefits even the God my supernatural provider of my salvation hallelu Wow George that's awesome and then here's second corinthians 9:8 the amplified translation and my god my super natural provider is able to make all grace every favor and earthly blessing come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation and the last point that I put down here our supernatural provider has unusual ways and unlimited avenues of providing that supersede all the natural limitations now go to your third page go to your third page here we go word from the Lord through brother Copeland November 10th 2011 flash flash he the Lord said I have a great store house much more has been stored up in the storehouse of riches beyond your wildest dream that I've laid up for you before the foundation of the world much more has been stored up there than the church has ever called for I have never held back on my church saith the Lord the God of Plenty I've made it available to you I put it in my word I gave you promise and stood behind it with the blood the precious blood of your Savior but there's been a backwardness in my people about laying hold of the things that I provided for you but I will say this there's a people in the land there is a people around the world there's a people strong and mighty growing much stronger and much mightier and more bold to lay hold or bow till a home and put their claim of faith on the things that I've laid up for you and it thrills me saith the Lord because it's been yours all the time the circle of supernatural provision the circle of supers you cannot break the circle of supernatural provision as Gloria said and I will quote her she said just moments ago if you aren't tithing and sewing you're not living in the supernatural if you're not tithing and sewing you're not living in the supernatural so you cannot break the circle of supernatural provision so Gloria starts talking about that song made the circle be unbroken and we looked it up and we decided to rewrite the song so here's the first part of the song that we have rewritten okay are we ready you're singing with me no you don't want here we go may the circle be unbroken and the bless and yet a flow in down from heaven into my heart supernatural provision is my part everybody may the sir I want to work on that some more okay so we can I believe wow that's great that and we decided that this first song that you and I have ever written together it is so maybe we could get Kenneth to sing it you never know saying it was so good he might do it he might do it okay if I got up and sang it he'd probably go home get under the chair you can sing well all that to say there is a circle of supernatural provision yeah this circle can't be broken and the way it's broken is when you quit tithing and when you quit sewing you can't sit around and talk about any supernatural provision and not not engage in the very foundation of supernatural provision that brings it yes you can't engage in what brings it into your life tithing is a supernatural act that produces supernatural results sewing is a supernatural act that produces supernatural results and giving giving is a supernatural act if we look here at Galatians 6 take a look at that Galatians 6 and verses 7 and 8 in the amplified it says for whatever a man shows that and that only will he reap for he who sews to his flesh his lower nature sensually will from the flesh reap de clay de decay and ruin and destruction but he who sews to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life tithing and sowing our supernatural acts that's right those are supernatural act they are not tithing is not a natural thing it's a supernatural thing we use money to to give in our tithing yet tithing is done with words we speak over that time we believe God over that time and that tithe does something it opens the windows of heaven and it allows the blessing to be poured out the supernatural act of tithing and sowing will result in a supernatural harvest of supernatural provision in spite of economic conditions hmm that's what you need to have going that's what you have to have going for you know the natural and the supernatural yes glory yes yeah and the harvest is always greater when you're dealing in the supernatural realm tithing results in the open windows of heaven sowing results in the hundredfold return now take a look here at the bottom of your page Gloria I included this word from the Lord through brother Capps yes and I want to read down through it until we get to the very last line okay it says financial inversion will increase in these days for you see it is my desire to move in the realm of your financial prosperity good but release me saith the Lord release me that I may come in in your behalf and move in your behalf as men walk in my word social they walk in the ways of the Lord oh yes there will be some who say yes but God's ways are higher surely higher than our ways and we can't walk in those ways it is true that the ways of God are higher and they are higher than your ways as the heavens are above the earth but I'll teach you to walk in my my way so you could say there I'll teach you to walk in my higher ways I never did say you couldn't walk in my ways now learn to walk in it learn to give so show the inversion of the financial system revert and social it be that the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to all the world and there shall be no lack in the kingdom now look at that very last line Boyet and those that give shall walk in the ways of the supernatural we receive that Lord we thank you for those that give shall walk in the ways of the super cool a blessing will not be broke the circle of blessing will not be broken it will no matter fit it'll manifest in supernatural provision it'll it will manifest if we are if we are faithful tithers and I know that you and Kenneth are faithful Tyler's Terry and I are faithful Tyler's we tithe on everything because we want and we'll move over into this as we look over at Malachi chapter 3 turn to Malachi chapter 3 we are we're talking today about the connection to supernatural provision that your tithing and your sowing has Gloria there are so many people that fight tithing they look for every way they're fighting their abundance they're fighting their abundance and they're looking for every way that they can to get out of it to avoid it and to not do it I'm looking for every way to be involved in me because I know according to Malachi chapter 3 that if we bring in verse 10 if we bring the tithes into the storehouse for meat in his house prove me now herewith saith the lord if i will not open the windows or the windows there in the hebrew is flood gates flood gates if I'll not open the flood gates of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it all and I'll rebuke the Devourer for your sake he'll not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine castor fruit before the time in the field saith the Lord of Hosts and all nations shall call you blessed for you shall be a delightsome land says the Lord of Hosts pour you out a blessing in the margin it says empty empty Wow empty out Ray's God there's no limit then look at 13 in America yeah your words have been stout against me o fast the Lord God I have the right words that's right go stay positive that's right and expect believe God expect for these things to happen expect them to happen I expect that when we give our tithe I'm expecting supernatural provision I'm expecting yeah windows of heaven to be open the floodgates pouring out of Heaven's Treasury upon my life why because he said it that's right he said it expecting it's there there's a scripture in Genesis 14 that talks about Abraham tithing or Abram as he was called then and it says after he tithes the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision saying fear not Abram I am your shield your abundant compensation and your reward shall be exceedingly great oh I like it I take that I receive that I receive that as well that was the result of time Belford you sacrifice yeah God gave him a good word he he tithe and the word of the Lord came to him people don't realize that when they tithe they can have the word of the Lord come to them you can be in the midst of tithing the tithe and Terry and I spend time at home together praying over our time we got that from you in Kenneth the two of you spend time together praying over the tithe before you you give we do the same thing now we pray over that time worship the Lord and we do we worship the Lord with it and there have been times just like Abram when we've been in the midst of worshiping the Lord with our time that we will have a word from the Lord I mean the the the heavens open up yeah and that provision pours out and that provision comes sometimes in the form of a word from the Lord direction that we need to have so he said I am your shield your abundant compensation and your reward shall be exceedingly rate that's Genesis 15 1 I like what Leroy Thompson said one time about that scripture he did some research on that the one that that Abram that God said I'm you're exceeding great reward and and Leroy Thompson said that the research that he did said I am your rapidly increasing money supplier oh boy I like that I mean you're rapidly increasing money supplier so Terry and I come before the Lord as at either in the name of it either expecting supernatural provision expecting God our supernatural provider who is our rapidly increasing money supplier amen and to us it's happened over and over and over again the supply the supernatural provision that God has for us is astounding and I want to give a short testimony here about Kenneth Copeland ministries all right and you remember this we all remember it that we're here at that time in 1984 in 1984 the ministry was 1 million dollars behind now by the time I became executive television veil right television and so forth now a few years later in 1989 we had a 10 million dollar deficit but I believe and that's because of the daily broadcast that we went on but I believe that what happened in 1984 paved the way for supernatural provision for our ministry in 1990 when we crossed over that 10 million dollar deficit we let me back up I'm ahead of the story got to put it in a chronological order get it straight okay so KCM in 1984 83 was experiencing a 1 million dollar deficit so brother Copeland went to the prayer cabin in January of 1984 to pray and he went before the Lord and he said Lord were a million dollars behind we need we need a million dollars and the Lord said to him and I have it quoted the answer he prayed the answer came the Lord said tithe K seems income ten percent off the top and this information that I got Gloria I have in my files at home a letter that you wrote the partners in 1980 at the end of 1984 sharing this very thing that's where I got my information from and what you said was it was not the answer he was expecting but he willingly obeyed in the financial situation turned around the supernatural act of tithing paved the way and produced supernatural provision for Kenneth Copeland minute always never been that situation since have we well we have and it was a few years after that I was the executive director in 1980 1989 and during that year that was the year that we went on daily television and another big step follow my goodness it was a big step of faith and I was sieving six days a week I was sitting in my office one evening and I was with my calculator figuring some things up and I looked at it and I went we're behind a couple of months in our TV bill and if we keep going in this direction it's gonna escalate more and more and we reached by the end of 1989 ten million dollar deficit we were several months behind in television it's not good to be several months behind in anything let alone television but we used our faith we believe God we would gather the staff together we would worship the Lord and one thing that we did not quit doing then was we did not quit tithing 1984 we began tithing and kept tithing 1984 income income of the ministry and kept tithing and 1984 five six seven eight 1989 is when we hit that 10 million dollar deficit but we we kept tithing all the way through even through I can remember times Gloria when when we were building the administrative building here and had to shut it down for a while because of the finances we did not quit time and cash did not quit tithing and all through this this is a word from the Lord for you all through whatever you're going through don't stop tithing that is the access to the supernatural provision and the wisdom that God needs to get to you in order to get out of the situation that you're in right now do not shut off the blessing in your life by quitting your tithing we never stopped I never stopped times and we never failed to get out of the situation never failed so when we reach the ten million dollar deficit in 1990 we were believing God nobody said it was fine no but we we Gloria we kept tithing all the way through that we did not stop when you think you can take that money and use it to apply to something else don't do that that belongs to God that's his he wants to take that and do something supernatural with it in your life to get you out of the situation you're in we didn't quit tithing and in January when you look at it in the natural when you look at it in the earthly realm it was going to take us almost two years to get out of that but God thank God but the supernatural provider by by May of that year our accounts payable were paid in full and on July the 10th 1990 at 9 o'clock in the in the morning your sister jann brought me a check to pay off the final bill of the television from that day that deficit was over hallelujah that was supernatural so we got out of it and how many months this six months six months within within the time we hit the 10 million it was six months six months and we didn't tell people no no we didn't announce it we didn't raise money we didn't do anything except use our faith and we kept on giving we kept on giving we kept on giving when you reach that place in your life where you're finding yourself in that financial difficult place you start looking for places to give you start looking you start looking at your time and you hold it before the Lord and say Lord this is my time you are doing something with this we are rebuking the Devourer together he is not stealing from us Gloria this is a supernatural act that produces supernatural results and it is the very foundation of what we do to produce the supernatural in our lives praise God we've proved it out front over and over again now turn quickly to second Corinthians chapter 9 that is that is tithing you can't break the circle do not break the cycle of giving and tithing because you'll shut down the supernatural okay quit you can't do that God a place to work in 2nd Corinthians 9 6 through 8 amplified remember this he who so sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly he who sews generously that blessings may come to someone will also reap generously and with blessings let each one give as he has made up his own mind purposed in his heart not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion for God loves he takes pleasure in he prizes above other things and is unwilling to abandon or do without a cheerful joyous prompt to do it giver whose heart is in his giving and God is able to make all grace every favor and earthly blessing come to you in abundance so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation now we've walked in a miracle for what how many years have we been doing this it's 47 we walked in a miracle for 47 years and God always has brought it to pass glory to God the answer hallelujah every time time I'm arranging my margin oh my goodness we've got we need to show that Carlene will show that on the on the broadcast this is a big page here okay here's one last example of the supernatural act of giving Isaac they were in a famine situation in Genesis chapter 26 there was a great famine in the land it was dried up they were not producing crops but Isaac in Genesis 26 12 and 13 he planted crops in the land in the same year he reaped a hundredfold because the Lord blessed him and then it said the men became rich and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy very wealthy so really Gloria to some wealthy very very wealthy he was he was reaping harvest when no one else was that's supernatural that is supernatural harvest that's supernatural provision so how men we began the broadcast today don't break the supernatural circle made the circle broken keep tithing yeah keep sowing and reaping supernatural harvest terian i've been talking about the supernatural at home we speak about it all the time supernatural health supernatural wealth supernatural favor supernatural deliverance supernatural protection we need we need from heaven everything that heaven has to offer which is above over and beyond the natural realm of the earth how does the Bible describe that days heaven days of heaven on earth that's it that's why we that's it and and God supplies all of our need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus that's the supernatural that's supernatural provision believing God and receiving from places we never thought possible before people limit themselves to how God can provide and how God looking at their situation looking at their own what they've got going it's supernatural provision the whole idea of this this miraculous extraordinary provision of God will unfix a fixed income absolutely it will bring people into a place of freedom financial freedom in their lives and I'll quote bill Winston here he said the supernatural takes us past the impossible it's really unbelievable into the ridiculous as God is bringing you into this supernatural he's bringing you into a place where the supernatural is no longer an option but it's going to be a acquirement it's what we need to make it that's right that's what we are going to need to make it in these times famine or no famine economy whatever direction it's going job market supernatural provision from the supernatural provider sets us in a place of everything completely being met and supplied to the overflowing point to the point where you're shouting it's too much yeah I like what you said about into the ridiculous you know people that don't appreciate preachers yeah and Christians even that that are born-again believing God sure and they'll they'll see somebody be blessed they might build a house it's bigger than what somebody else thinks they ought to have and they'll say that's that's just ridiculous yeah that's ridiculous Auerbach you know a good car or an airplane our rocket ships I want it and people say that's just ridiculous he didn't need that rocket ship well that's that's the blessing that they're calling ridiculous units or whatever it is an increase that's right and it doesn't matter on a social status where you are doesn't matter what neighborhood that you're in God will change the neighborhood God will move you out of the neighborhood God will provide you with everything that you need because he is a generous loving father and we have to renew our minds and renew our faith the word from the Lord that brother Copeland gave a few years ago 2005 talking about you must rejoice and renew your faith in the supernatural tribe and that supernatural breaks all limitations pushes the walls there's no there are no limitations with that so that's what we're talking about and that is what we are renewing our minds in and these notes that we're teaching on they're available to you go to KCMG org go to the picture of glory and me click onto that you can go right to those notes you can print them out download them so far we've had we've had almost 400 thousands and you since you and I have started this that's awesome back in 2010 400,000 downloads of those notes people printing them out using them sharing them ask them to write us and tell us or test thank you I want your testimony of super natural provision I had several of them over here here's one here's one Gloria this is from Lagos Nigeria Lykos which is you prosper in Legos oh my goodness you are prospering this this particular person said I've studied your 40 days of prosperity the 21 days got some 21 ways God supplies the blessing of Abraham these are all teachings that you and I have done and he said my company just won a contract of nine hundred and eighty seven thousand dollars and we've been paid over half a million dollars today I'm telling you in Legos that's like 50 million oh that's huge oh it isn't that great that's huge so we want your testimonies tell us what God is doing in your life that that reaches the ridiculous I mean just reach this reaches beyond what you've ever known or heard or seen because Gloria we are we are believing with them right now for the supernatural man I'm believing for supernatural houses cars finances clothes whatever is needful in your life God will supply it for you now people think you know natural people that don't listen and believe the word don't they might hear what we say and think well that's easy for them they they've got this they've got that listen we started out with an old car and a little tacky red house and early goodwill furniture Terry and I we really began to hear the word and it changed everything we were the same way I took her I took Terry this was I think it's right after we got married I took her out for dinner one night and we went to a place you might remember this over near Dallas called southern kitchen oh yeah I took her to southern kitchen and we had just enough money barely for a tip I was really I was really concerned we took my parents out to dinner at Cattlemen's you know over there in off of Main Street this is after we got married my parents came to visit us I was taking him to dinner I was not quite sure if I was gonna have the money to pay for our dinner it was that thin and I was so relieved that night that my dad said let me get dinner George oh okay dad I didn't have enough to pay for that meal but those times have changed anywhere you want those days are over forever because we've learned how to walk in the supernatural and the bless in the blessing in the blessing of Abraham we've learned how to do that and we walked you know we knew how to walk under the curse yeah all right bills you couldn't pay all that but then we learned how to walk in the blessing that's right everything change everything change everything for anybody that's it that's right fight it so what we're going to do today and tomorrow we're gonna spend some time in the Old Testament and we're going to look old testament examples of supernatural provision we really really need to pay attention to what they were doing because we should be expecting so much more that's true of what's our America we're under a better covenant with better promises and so if they can do it in the Old Testament we can certainly do it now right here and right now so let's take a look at a few of these Gloria Genesis 26 we'll start there we talked a little bit about this yesterday but it bears repeating in Genesis 26 1 there was a famine in the land it was hard times hard times and and Isaac was getting ready to leave when the Lord said stay stay in this land he said in verse 3 sojourn yeah hard said stay stay because he wanted to do the blessing was the blessing was right there for him that's why we have to listen to the Spirit of God verse 3 sojourn in this land and I will be with you I will bless you I will bless you unto you and unto your seat I will give these countries and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham thy father so he told him to stay in that country listen it does not matter what is going on in your city right now it doesn't matter where the economy is you are Gloria I just wrote an article for the believers voice of victory magazine which will appear in January and I called it the untouchables oh good I like it called it the untouchables and and we are we are protected in the household of faith from all this stuff that's going on around us all the things that are helping protect the blessing surrounds us anymore and and Isaac was going into this situation with that blessing and I wanted us to see there is a blessing wall yeah that cannot be scaled it can't be knocked down we can tear it down ourselves with us right down bad words but there is a blessing wall that's available to believers in Christ Jesus that you cannot be torn down and it keeps no matter what's happening out here in the natural it keeps us protected from all that is going on out there supernatural protection is available to you you have to be at either yes our work and believe the Word of God to believe the Word of God got to put in your eyes and ears and that getting it heart where it talks to you that's it just do that's it that's it hallelujah well Isaac Isaac obeyed God and it says in verse 12 Isaac sowed in that land and received in the same year a hundredfold and the Lord blessed him and the man waxed great and went forward and grew until he became very great what made him great the blessing did yes until he became God says very great it is very very yeah it's big glory it's huge it's huge hallelujah he had possessions of flocks possessions of herds a great store of servants and it says the Philistines envied him and the point that I just they price it he doesn't need all that he doesn't need all he doesn't need all those people working for him but you know eventually they recognize that blessing on him look over there in verse 28 the these these these guys came to him and they said we saw certainly that the Lord was and we said let there be now an oath between us even between us and thee and let us make a covenant with you and they send verse 29 says you are blessed of the Lord we admit that you are blessed that's a great scripture in 28 they saw the blessing I saw the blessing and it was so great that they knew only God could do it oh my god I saw the blessing Isaac was walking in the supernatural he was walking in a place where it was it was a bad economy around him but he was the only one that was flourishing now if you're doing it right the blessing can be seen yes it's not hidden it can be seen it can be you know in this day that you can see and that day they could see the blessing that's right see the increase that's right what they have then they had lots of herds and flocks what do we have well we have all kind of things land houses whatever but the blessing can be seen the blessing hallelujah and there's no limit to it glory to God I was in South Africa here recently and I had the opportunity to have lunch with some partners of ours over there they live in a beautiful debt-free palatial home in a a resort area of Johannesburg and the Lord has exceedingly blessed them and the the man the husband shared with me what he grew up in and he was he was in abject poverty when he grew up he was in out in the country I have he didn't own a pair of shoes until he was a teenager I mean how bad it was and the Lord the Lord the blessing was on him to such a degree and now he and his wife are flourishing they're flourishing great in that nation on the word of God on the word of God and God is no respecter of persons he'll do that for anyone in South Africa he'll do that for anyone in Australia he'll do that one anyone in England he'll do that for anyone in the United States who will believe his words stand on it walk out the blessing and believe that God has supernatural provision available for them that's right and that's what happened to Isaac God can make things come to pass anywhere that's right Laurie that same hundredfold return I was taught by by one Gloria Copeland about the hundredfold return in 1978 and I've never forgotten it a hundredfold return is working for me all the time all the time that's right that's that's from Gloria's book God's will as prosperity you need to get it Alleluia the hundredfold return is working in spite of what's going on it's not it's never even affected no the hundredfold return and your increase supernaturally is never affected by what the government does what people do what times you're living in what the stock market does that's living in the realm of God super abundance realm of the miraculous miraculous power and that's what happened to isaac there and that same thing can happen to us this was a supernatural yield hundredfold i did some study about this and found out that even even in the most fertile areas of israel the harvest was no greater than 25 or 250 fold that's interesting this a famine you write that down for me so not right now but i want to have that that's good is that that's on your notes yes yes interesting interest that's that is the blessing miraculous and supernatural increase increase increase i'm living in the supernatural me too amen listen i remember living in the natural it was a pit that was that was pretty for such such an oppression such in people and you didn't know what to do no no that's right try to find a good job try to do this try to I mean we when we first went to Tulsa we had just what we had you know cash what we had cash yeah and I remember going to grocery store and I'd get what I thought I could pay for and then I would pray in tongues and pray in my spirit pray that when I got up there I didn't add it up as a win you didn't have those little calculators in you know so often I would believe God I could pay for what I had in my basket and I could I never had to put anything back but I believed God and now you know when I go to the if I were to go to the grocery store I wouldn't it wouldn't be a challenge you wouldn't be yeah to pay for it yeah and there are some people out there right now that that is a strain a strain in their lives and God can get you out of that if you just believe his words start where you start where you are no matter where you are if you'll start start right where you are we're with you we're believing with you we're agreeing with you that you are walking in that supernatural provision that God has for you in the same way that he provided for Isaac he's providing for you if you're Tyler a sower then you call in that harvest in the name of Jesus you call in the supernatural harvest into your life that's right we never increased really until we started tithing faithfully mm-hmm and that puts you in a place puts you there God yeah God owes you something yeah how come because he said he'd give it to you yeah he said when is it heaven be opening and the blessing and beyond the tither and all kind of good words like that's right so it's really like God owes you something he said well I don't think he should say that well I don't care if he said it you he'd give it to you if you do so and so then he's gonna give it to you he's gonna give it to you always pays his always owes always always and that we said yesterday that's a supernatural act tithing is a supernatural act whatever duties thank Superman financially until we became toddlers yeah and when we became faithful toddlers it'll look like we need the money more in God did well did it anyway Isaac was a tither I know that how do I know that because Abraham taught his children yeah well that's right and Abraham was a tither sure Isaac was a Tyler pray so it works no we're blessed it works and I'm a tagger let's take a look at another one here over in Exodus chapter 16 in let's see what am I looking at here Exodus 16 and verse 11 it says in the Lord spoke to Moses saying I've heard the murmuring of the children of Israel speak to them saying in the evening you shall eat flesh in the morning you should be filled with bread and you shall know that I am the Lord your God and it came to pass that that even even the quails came up and covered the camp and in the morning the dew lay round about the host and when the dew that lay was gone up behold upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing as small as the hoarfrost on the ground and when the children of Israel saw it they said one to another it is manna which said what is it what is it what is this for they wished not that it was and Moses said to them this is the bread which the Lord has given to you to eat Lauria that was supernatural provision in the wilderness that is God providing it was so supernatural that they didn't know what what it was I didn't know what it was they couldn't identify it and and I'll read this to you Psalm 78 23 he commanded the skies to open he opened the doors of heaven he rained down manna for them to eat he gave them bread for him from heaven they they ate the food of angels God gave them all they could hold he released the Eastwind of the heavens and guided the Southlands eyes mighty power he rained down meat thick as dust birds as plentiful as the sand and the seashore he caused the birds to fall within their camp and all around their tents the people ate their fill he gave them what they had craved and then it went down I read this in Deuteronomy 29 I've led you 40 years in the wilderness your clothes have worn out upon you and your sandals have not worn off your feet that's supernatural that is that is supernatural now glory we don't have time today to go through all of these but I mean we see here that Elijah was fed by the Ravens we saw here that the the prophet went to the woman and said make me a cake first and she did and she had a continual supply of flour and oil and she ate a full year that's supernatural that is super prophet could put down over that yeah give me your first he could have made the front page the news this this point here when he was fed by the Ravens I thought this was fascinating he said the Lord says I've commanded the Ravens to feed you and I read a commentary where it says those provisions were ready prepared the bread made and baked and the fish boiled broiled or roasted I never read that that's that's from an exposition of the Old Testament is that right so we see we see and and I just have it's supernatural Gloria our children are walking in the supernatural I got to tell you this today as we're taping this today I Lee is four years old she turned four years old Aubrey's oldest daughter I'll bring Cody's oldest daughter turned four years old and she you know you can ask for all kinds of parties what kind of a party do you want and you can think of all the different Mickey Mouse or whatever parties you know what she asked for and you know what she's getting tonight a Moses party a Moses par she asked for Moses party did you know what a Moses party well no but we've we have figured out what a Moses party is it's a baby George have a baby Moses party and the funny thing was that Aubree is preparing the popcorn for the party and she looked up manna and there's a picture of what what manna would look like and it looks like popcorn on the ground so I Lee has asked for a a Moses party I mean the supernatural work our children we are walking in the realm of the miraculous we are and we're pressing into it more and more and more that has been my quest that I've been working on this now for for some time but really intently here recently to see the supernatural teach that to our congregation to help them walk in Supernatural provision supernatural healing supernatural deliverance supernatural protection supernatural favor it does belong to us and we are to live differently here on this earth people because as Jesus is yet that's right what you just said we are supernatural people we're supernatural people because as Jesus is so are we in this world this world that's Scripture that's right good that's right and I've been pressing into this seeing God is my supernatural provider how he is supplying for everything that we need to see the the demonstrations of supernatural provision come alive I mean in our lives in your life in the life of our church to see God moving in such a way that he wants to he desires to and supernatural provision you know we looked at this before about the word super being above over higher a higher realm it's a higher place that we have to walk in the natural is limited to the earthly realm but the supernatural goes up and over all of that natural is limited to natural ways the natural ways but the natural is limited to natural ways unlimited in supernatural ways unlimited in supernatural ways I know that the scribes are writing that down right now in the studio that is that is so important that's that's excellent Gloria that's excellent thank you even even those of us that know things we let natural get in our way so we do so we don't do that anymore George we've got to brakes who know let's not we've got to break through the limitations and and get beyond the the limited thinking that we've had and get our minds renewed to the natural get beyond the natural super supernatural provision is an unlimited and overwhelming supply that comes from above yeah it's the kind of provision that is available to every believer especially when the situation or the job market or the paycheck or the economy or others are saying there's no way to meet that need it's humanly impossible it is humanly impossible that's why it takes the supernatural it's why it takes the supernatural unfix a fixed income that's why it takes the supernatural to be able to move into a debt-free home that's why it takes the supernatural to become debt-free well now how did we how did we get to where we could get results in finances we went after it we went to invest it yes we did we said it was yes now we need to do that in the supernatural we've got to do that with Nationals there for us God's people have always had supernatural manifestation yes yes so let's get on the ball George do it all right let's do it what we did yesterday and what we're doing today is we're just looking at some examples of Old Testament supernatural provision and yesterday we covered a couple of areas we weren't able to cover it all because there's so much but the notes are available to you online click to the picture of glory and me on the KCM website and it'll take you over to where the notes are the outlines are and you can print them out they're absolutely free you can make copies share them study them go over them and and we want your supernatural provision testimonies police yes we want to know the unusual and unlimited ways that God is supplying for us to us we must have those because they're encouraging to us as we read them I mean we're going to be showing next week a story about a prison minister who goes into prisons with our teaching outlines and he teaches those the in prison about prosperity and he's going to be sharing on the broadcast and a testimony several instances of how prisoners guys who are making $11 a month in prison God is prospering them one of them one of them has land that struck oil oh thank you Jesus isn't that good and he's been teaching them about how to prosper so even point being even in prison no matter the circumstances no matter the circumstances even in a prison situation you can prosper and Gloria if they experience supernatural prosperity in the Old Testament we should certainly be experiencing supernatural prosperity in the new we should be walking matter where you start it doesn't matter I mean we can vouch for that yeah yeah yeah yeah it beginnings beginnings ok first Kings 19 we'll take a look at a couple of these new ones that we don't cover get the notes you can study it out for yourself first Kings 19 4 through 8 we're talking about supernatural sustenance food that sustained Elijah we find here in verse 4 but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness came and sat down under a juniper tree he requested for himself that he might die we were talking about that before the the broadcast today that he had a hard day yeah it was a rough day that he might die and he said it's enough now O Lord take away my life for I'm not better than my father's and as he lay and slept under a juniper tree behold an angel touched him and said to him arise and eat and he looked and behold there was a cake baked on the coals and a cruse of water at his head and he did eat and drink and laid him down again and the angel of the Lord came again the second time and touched him says arise and eat because the journey is too great for you he arose and he ate and he drank and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto harab the Mount of God Gloria what we just saw here is Supriya he didn't pay the need for 40 need for 40 had strengths its strengths glory he had strengths I meant and and this this whole picture is a picture of the supernatural act of God he didn't have anything to eat there was nothing there so the angel woke him up and said look there's food for you to eat and then he had he was sustained forty days and forty nights on a meal that he email one meal angel food angel food not angel food cake but I know it's angel food why and if you look here on your outline here it's a number three over on the outline we were talking yesterday about this exposition of the Old Testament John Gil's exposition Rick Renner recommended this to me now listen to what he says about this all this while he had no other sustenance than what he had taken under the juniper tree from whence he set out which must be supernatural Firdous said a man cannot live without food beyond seven days for food either staying in his stomach all this while or however and the nutritive value of it is by which he was supported and held out until he came to Haran so that is a supernatural act there of food being provided and just supernatural strength he was operating on that that's available to all right that's the kind of supernatural that's available to you and to me let's turn to 2nd Kings chapter 4 second chiang ching ching ching cap chapter four and we're looking here we're familiar with this particular account there was a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto elijah saying thy servant my husband is dead for you know that thy servant did fear the lord and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be the bondman and elijah said to her what shall i do for you tell me what do you have in your house and she said then handmade has not anything in the house except a pot of oil and he said go borrow the vessels abroad of all thy neighbours even empty vessels borrow not a few and when you're come in you shall shut your door upon yin upon the sons and shall pour out unto all those vessels and you shall set aside that which is full she went from him shut the door upon her and upon her sons who brought the vessels to her and she poured out and it came to pass when the vessels were full and she said to her son bring me yet a vessel he said to her there is not a vessel more and the oil stopped then she came and told the man of God and he said to her go sell the oil pay your debt and live you and your children of the rest this was a super natural act that took place she took all that she had in her house which was not much and then the the the prophet told her to borrow these vessels and began to pour out of the oil and the poor the oil just kept pouring and it kept pouring and it kept pouring and it kept pouring grace God there was there was no end to it until they came to the end of the pots that they had and the thing about this Gloria is that she had enough money left over from that think about this she was a woman who had nothing the creditors were coming to her to take away her sons and the profit came and had her take what little she had and begin to pour and that was a supernatural faith that was a move of faith and she had enough people might have said had they known that Prophet took her less exactly and didn't didn't do that but multiplied that she had enough money to pay off the creditor to save her children and to live the rest of her life of her life glory - she lives that that wasn't the whole saying if you will that was a that her husband worked as one of the sons of the prophets for Elijah he was important to Elijah and if you will you could you could really call this a retirement program he set her up for life he set her up for a my god that was a supernatural act second Kings 4 and verse 7 go sell the oil pay all the debt and live you and your children from the rest 2nd Kings chapter chapter 4 verse 7 of chapter okay yes and live off of the rest she was she was set for life Gloria that was a super natural act she avoided bankruptcy she avoided bankruptcy in the name of Jesus I'm speaking to those of you right now that legally are facing bankruptcy and we are declaring the word of the Lord over you for Supernatural provision to keep you from having to go into that bankruptcy situation we are declaring that father I declare that over our partners and our friends in the name of Jesus that they will not have to go through this bankruptcy but God you are supernaturally getting them out of that situation you are supernaturally getting the finances that for them to pay those creditors and we declare it in the same way that Elijah did this through the word of the Lord for that woman the word of the Lord is declaring that over the people right now those that have ears to hear you take hold of this word you take it you believe it and you receive it and you take hold of the abundance that God has for you yes there are those Gloria right now that are facing what seems to be impossibility where their bills are concerned some of them are facing there they're facing situations we there is a foreclosure involved they're on the brink of foreclosure we are declaring the supernatural over them right now that they will supernaturally not have to foreclose on that house they will not have to move out of that house they'll be able to keep it and they will flourish and grow and grow the hand of the Lord is upon them to do this blessing is working the blessing the blessing is working upon them in Jesus name thank you lord thank you lord yes yes it's working god it's work it's working 2nd Kings chapter 4 here's one and I mean glory they just we just don't have time to go over all of these but it's just one example after another of supernatural adhesion in the Old Testament in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and then in verse let's see in verse 42 we have here yet another example of supernatural multiplication supernatural multiplication and we find that in verse 42 there came a man from baelish Elisha and brought the man of God bread of the firstfruits 20 loaves of barley in full ears of corn in the husk thereof and he said give these to the people that they may eat and his servitor said what should I set this before a hundred men he said give the people that they may eat for thus saith the Lord they shall eat and shall leave thereof so he said it before them and they did eat and left thereof according to the Word of God this was a man who was bringing his tithe to the man of God to bless this was the time that he was bringing it got multiplied that got multiplied and his servant was the one that was didn't have any faith he said in the New Living Translation he said what feed a hundred people with only this but Elijah repeated give it to the people so that for this is what the Lord says everyone this is what the Lord says my everyone will eat and there will be some left over oh that makes all the difference you think so this is what the Lord says first remember that verse 44 the New Living Translation and they gave it to the people and there was plenty for all in some leftover just as the Lord had promised supernatural but we have to be obedient to the Lord to do what he tells us to do Gloria we had a car we were believing for a new car a newer car and we had a car many years ago and it was really the first car the first new car that Terri and I had and our children were growing it was that one of the first SUVs it was a Dodge Caravan it was an early SUV and we used it and we were we had gotten to the place where we we sensed that we needed to sell it and get another car we tried to put it in the newspaper and tried to sell that we could not sell that car it was a good car so we met together as a family Terri Aubry Jeremy myself Jeremy was probably 12 at the time and we're sitting around the room praying about what to do with this car and Jeremy spoke up and he said I believe the Lord spoke to me and he says we're supposed to sew this car to our school so Terri and I looked at each other we heard the word of the Lord from our 12 year old the word of the Lord came and you know what we were obedient right to that command and that was many many years ago Jeremy turns 35 this year that think about it think about that but that's back when he was 12 but you know what we have never lacked for a car praise God never lacked first that's the way it works she just do what you're told and we sewed that car joyfully this and it brought it brought us right into the Supra that's what happened with this man and I wouldn't be surprised if there were in this instance 12 baskets full left over that would not surprise me whatsoever turn the second king salmon was over 24 hours later it was over was over there was plenty for all yeah I think that was a permanent situation yeah right minute permanent breakthrough permanent breakthrough famines out of here famine famine is gone we're look at that scripture second Kings chapter 7 yeah in verse 1 Elisha said hear ye the word of the Lord thus saith the Lord tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria then the Lord on whose hand the King leaned answered the man of God and said behold if the Lord would make windows in heaven might this thing be and he said Behold you shall see it with your eyes but you'll not eat thereof tomorrow about this time tomorrow about this time everything's going to be different tomorrow about this time everything's going to change only for our 24 hours from now a 4 hour miracle 24 hour now everything is going to be different that famine was over 24 hours later there was plenty for all plenty for everyone that was a supernatural life yes it was that was super nice who was God then was it Jehovah was it the same God that we have today glory to God today our God our God Oh Howard oh yeah let's thank you Jesus by this time tomorrow everything is going to look different praise glory and I are seeing that over you as a word from the Lord Irish if you will take it 24 hours from this moment things are going to look different in your and better and better and better it's going to increase it's gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger in your life Thank You Gloria we just have a minute or so left let me read this last one to you this is supernatural restoration and this was job job's life was turned around and in job 42 we know the story of Job we know it took place who know it happened and in the message Bible in verse 12 God blessed job's latter life even more than his earlier life he ended up with fourteen thousand sheep six thousand camels one thousand teams of oxen and one thousand donkeys it says in verse in verse the next verse he also had seven sons and three daughters I mean God restored supernaturally restored a man when it looked like everything was gone and everything it fell he's doing the same thing for you even though it may look like everything is gone in your life he will do the same supernatural restoration that he did with job he had seven sons and three daughters he named the first daughter dove the second one cinnamon and the third dark eyes this is the message translation there was not a woman in that country as beautiful as jobs daughters their father treated them and it's equals with their brothers providing them with the same inheritance and listen to this Gloria the message translation job lived on another hundred and forty years living to see his children and grandchildren for generations of them no matter what has happened in your life supernatural restoration is available to you supernatural multiplication is available to you supernatural acceleration this time tomorrow it's all going to look differently Gloria may we plowed through all of these but what I'm wanting us to get a hold of is God wants us to live in the realm of the super abundant supernatural blessing the blessing the blessing the blessing that's God's desire for boys it's his will for me and I'm walking praise God hallelujah oh thank you Jesus awesome Oh father we thank you for our time together we thank you for the manifestation of the blessing the supernatural and the glory in our lives or in Jesus name Amen hallelujah Amos guys God Gloria Wow I like wow wow the information is the manifestation we got it we got information is the manifestation the information is the manifestation Wow we got it for it we got it Alleluia Wow thank you Jesus Georgia now be right back [Music] the supernatural takes us past the impossible through the unbelievable into the ridiculous that as God is bringing you in to this supernatural he's bringing you into a place where the supernatural is no longer an option but it's going to be a requirement for you to get what God has for you it requires a super nature God has awesome ways and unlimited avenues of supply that supersede all natural limitations they're all part of his supernatural provision for you the supernatural provision package includes a 10 part series with Gloria Copeland and pastor George Pearson's and large your capacity to believe and begin receiving on a higher level than you ever thought possible also included our two bonus CDs by pastor George that will take you higher in your understanding of the word and help you access God's unlimited storehouse the study notes of all 10 sessions are great for teaching small groups or for your personal Bible study then get ready to go to the next level with the supernatural Church CD series by pastor Bill Winston a dynamic teaching that tells you the exceeding abundance that's available to you now when you purchase your package you'll also receive the supernatural provision confession card free tap into God's unlimited storehouse take the limits off and live in the realm of God's super abundance live in the realm of God's super abundance order the supernatural provision package for only $39.99 and discover the unlimited ways God can provide all your needs log on to KCMG org slash TV special or call toll-free 800 670 395 and request your package today receive the supernatural abundance that only God can supply for an additional 10% off order the supernatural provision package online abundance is under the blessing black is under the curse so the first step to being blessed healing money what all your needs meant is to get out from under that curse what should you do by receiving Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life you get out you know you're still under the curse if you've never received him because he's the one that redeemed you from the curse the law the scripture says that and that curse included poverty lack and sickness so if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life you're just in a hard place I'm telling you I wouldn't go back then you couldn't give me enough money to put me back in that place before Jesus was Lord in my life so if you've never done that just do it now with all your heart say Jesus Jesus I receive you as my Lord and Savior I receive you as my Lord and say take my life and do something with it take my life and do something with it Jesus name in Jesus name Amen amen I say that way because that's what I said to him I never knew he'd do this with it but I offered it and he took it glory to God and the blessing is working it's ready to work in your life you just say right do right and you'll have plenty of right blessing Alleluia Loree to God God will meet all your needs we have a free salvation package never made Jesus the Lord of your life - until today will you let us have you let us send this to you or if you just feel like you need the knowledge well we'll send it to you free and postpaid it's got two brochures on how to study your Bible you need to get on the so we could say on the on the bandwagon you need to get in the supernatural and you do that by finding out what's in the word putting it your eyes and ears getting in your heart and saying it out your mouth and standing for it glory to God so if you'd like to have it just request the free salvation package and get in a good church that preaches the word we don't go to church because that's the thing to do we go to church because we want to hear the word we want to grow we want to walk my faith and increase glory to God there are things available to you right now in the realm of the spirit saith the Lord that's far beyond your ability to reason it out so lay aside the reason raise up your faith and exercise your faith and gratitude towards me and I'll show you things that you take your mind off while to grasp praise the Lord blessed is the man who fears the Lord who delights greatly in his commandments wealth and riches will be in his house and his righteousness endures forever son claim God doesn't promise us New Testament believers physical prosperity just spiritual but the truth is you can't separate the two that's why Jesus says if you'll seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness then all these material things will be added to you he knows that the spiritual and material realms are connected when you get hold of the gospel and begin to prosper spiritually you can begin to prosper physically and materially as well as a born-again child of God dare to reach out and receive the riches that belong to you my favorite Scripture in the entire Word of God is Ephesians 3:20 now unto Him that's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think came to San Antonio Texas the Lord gave us the privilege at that time to with cash buy a condo for my mother three brand-new houses for our daughters and our home all week cash debt has been something that has not been a part of my husband in my life for 10 years that's what being out of debt gives you the ability to do is to listen and then do what he tells you to do go where he tells you to go bless we talk to the place billions are available and it is truly not without knowing and reasoning and believing that God can move you into billions well God moved us into Millions we got the privilege of just honoring the father for what he gave to us and when we did that he just opened up the windows of heaven and it was Ephesians 3:20 and it was fun after all those fun and exciting things were going ok Lord we're ready for a new level you want to be able to just be challenged and continue to see the Lord God work in your life and the Lord Jesus Christ be the true reality he is truly who you want to honor he is your substance and if you got too much you got to go up and you gotta give and it's so much but he just teaches and he brings the revelation through ministries like Kenneth Copeland and through Gloria Copeland and through George Terry the family and you just we have the privilege of hearing it and then putting it into action and see God where he is without limitation what do you want what I'm amazed at that one testimony Janet she entered into the millions and then one bought that she bought five houses debt-free I mean you could see you could see the glory of God all over her when she's talking Gloria I know I got excited I did too we were we were watching the head it was like both of us were my goodness we need to know this lady yes well she she's a faithful partner of Kenneth Copeland ministries and we want to thank all of our partners she's debt-free she's walking in the supernatural and the abundance of Almighty God and you know how she got there she got there by sowing she got there by tithing she got there by using her faith and believing God and you can do the same thing today is offering day on the believers voice of victory thank you partners for the faithfulness that you have in giving the faithfulness you have in sowing into this ministry and here's our scripture for it's the same scripture that Janet just quoted from Ephesians 3:20 now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can dare ask or think according to the power of God that works within you I mean that's what God is wanting to do for you in your giving in your sewing and in your reaping praise God ever do that for me he knows how he knows how I'm right there he knows how that happens to me this is what we do in church when somebody gives a good testimony they say that happens to me all the time I like Washington they say victory campaigns still going on at the Hilton Memorial Chapel if you didn't get there yet you're late but come on and Woodbridge Virginia it's always a great meeting the Spirit of God has so much freedom in that place it seems like ken preaches tonight I'm teaching healing school tomorrow we'll be praying for people to be healed if you're believing to receive your healing make every effort to be there build your faith in the Word of God you can also watch services online on KCM dot org get up and do something get that word in your eyes and your ears you'll come out strong Georgian I'll be back next week week two of our study on supernatural provision don't miss it this is Gloria and Jorge reminding you that Jesus thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory for this week's broadcasts on DVD or mp3 on CD go to KCMG org or call or write to us today remember this week's product offer these ministry tools are designed to help you get the word working in your life so you can experience all God has for you if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today be sure to request your free salvation package this will help you understand who you are in Christ and how to start living your new life and victory you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 72,897
Rating: 4.8351102 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, week@once, george pearsons, wao, provision, bvov-youtube, gloria copeland, supernatural, finances
Id: lX-6MVXOeVo
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Length: 117min 40sec (7060 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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