No More Limits - Part 1 with Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons

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[Music] hello everybody welcome to the believers force of victory I'm Gloria Copeland and pastor George's back with more good news about our finances that's right Gloria or thank you it is so good to be with you and Happy New Year thank you we are now into the year of 2016 yes and we were I'm sure that there's a word there from brother Copeland but I was just sitting here we were talking about 2016 and why don't we have a word okay why don't we have a word for 2016 why don't we call 2016 the year of great faith the year of great faith how about sounds good a year of great faith so that'll be our word for this new year this will be a word for you it's the year a year of great faith 2016 and I'm so excited to be on the broadcast with you again Lord I just get I literally get tickled just being with you on this broadcast because of the things that that I'm looking for quotes from you yes I have to be careful when you're here yeah well you got some great quotes and this is Gloria this is this is the 49th year of Kenneth Copeland ministries I mean we're the ministries right at 50 years old right I mean 2017 lay next to next year will be the 50th year of I believe it I believe it let's just name it it is the Jubilee year the Jubilee year 50 year so we'll put we'll put that in the biggest year biggest year ever so next year 2017 they started in 1967 and what a journey it has been and you all have I can't imagine it how long oh it's 49 this year Wow and I came so yeah okay well I came in 1976 the ministry at that time was nine years old nine years nine years old and we had 12 people on staff at the time and I was a youngin I remember you George you were flood I did George is pretty short I guess his legs had grown out oh I remember naughty you know I lived with aw in veneto Kenneth's parents for a year before Terry and I got married and Nani gathered up my clothes and gave them to the goodwill you just didn't quite have that prosperity message well you guys were working on me from day one and I'm so happy for that I'm so glad Gloria had no idea you'd be such a blessing out of all out of all the families and all the places and all the world the Lord put me here and I look back on I look back on the my 40 years here and what a privilege and honor it is and I have been a good student of yours and Kenneth and still em well I just I am so grateful to you if there if there was a job that came up we just said well let's do it what else George you've won all of you being let's see I started with the art department the in-house art we need an art department an art department let George do it and then we I started hiring artists and then the the girl who was doing the editorial part was having to leave so she left and so I took over that part the publication's department and then when Kenneth started writing partner letters we took over that part and I was traveling on the road he does write his own letters Peter does not write Kenneth Copeland's letters and over the years I have just watched the growth of this ministry and the thing that I believe that's been so compelling to me is the development of your faith studying the way you and Kenneth have developed your faith how you've grown in faith when I was here you had a by the time I came you had a 421 airplane airplane but before that single-engine before that station wagon yeah and and to see what God has done what God has done with their faith is the same thing that God can do with your face and that's what we're going to be talking about over these next two weeks yeah he can produce it whatever it is send that again if you can believe him for it he can produce it George always costs my isms if you can believe him for it God can produce it that's a fact and then the thing that was really the challenge in this ministry of the beginning was yes we don't borrow money well that was a big one well that's what I stepped into and I came here you don't you had already made the decision in 67 about not borrowing money and that was that's a foreign concept to so many people do you remember when we figured up if we borrowed money on everything how much interest we would have paid over these years in excess of 42 million 42 million dollars of interest that this ministry is open to the gospel that's right that's awesome that's right well you have you have really been a standard for us to watch and to study throughout these years about how not only how to believe God but how to enlarge your capacity for faith how to break through every limitation that there has been and I look back on where I where I was when I first came here in 76 and I look at where we are now and this is truly the ministry that faith in God built and how much farther along we are than where we were back then and how much more God has for us Lauria we have this by the way is our two hundred and eleventh broadcast together on just talking about prosperity and prospering and all of the notes once again that we are teaching from on these broadcasts are available to you online the information is right there before you and we have had in excess of hi half a million half a million outlines of the broadcast and so you've not been doing this since 2011 since we've been teaching together since 2011 and what a thrill it has been to do that my faith has grown my faith is developed and Gloria what we're talking about is a message that has been in development in me for a long time and the time has come to preach it and we're talking about no more limits we're talking about enlarging our capacity to believe God for everything that he wants us to have amen you know larger capacity the decision to the reason that we've been blessed is because we walk on the word and we did we spent a we saved about 40 million dollars in interest yes we've done we've like nothing that's right and and you've taught us so much about faith and that's what we're gonna talk about in these two weeks we're gonna talk about how to develop our faith how to enlarge our capacity that's good in the scripture let's took a look take a look at our foundation scripture for this this is Isaiah 54 verses 2 & 3 and it says enlarge the place of your tent I did that let you sure do let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitation spare not lengthen that cords strengthen thy stakes you shall break forth on the right hand and on the left thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles and make the desolate cities to be inhabited you know when we were building our home here on the property yes and we were already committed of course to pay cash for it right it's a nice house and and Ken I would say well Ken I was doing a planning you know the blue plant right look I didn't do the blueprints but I did the tell the architects what I want so I said Ken you know the longer see we were believing and pay cash so we didn't just build it right away I said the longer we have here before we start building the bigger the house gets right because I could think of was just a dream dream own so we dreamed up dream on he said dream on yeah it's a dream dream and that's what we need to do Gloria week and I'll tell you why this this particular series of messages are so big on the inside of me something has changed around here something so huge so big I'm watching I'm watching you and Kenneth preach like you've never preached before I'm watching the two of you travel like you've never traveled you try you did some traveling in the early days but these two are traveling all over the world preaching the gospel if I'm if I'm correct about this brother Copeland turns 80 this year like 2016 and he is an example to us we need we will don't tell him but we we look at him and see what he's doing now and he's more on fire than I've ever seen it I've been here 40 of these years and he's more on fire more filled with vision and the Lord loves to preach more than ever he does he does and the Lord what I've seen is the Lord has challenged us he's challenged me he's challenged you we've got to come up to the next level of believing him the next level of prosperity because he's put some huge projects in front of us I mean for instance I wrote this down in Kenneth Copeland ministries we are believing for and maybe by the time this airs we'll have the citation ten plus that second aircraft the Lord spoke to brother Copeland about a word that he gave him the 19 cash yes cash we could get a second one today that's yeah the kicker is we pay cash we pay cash for it and we will every available voice that is a word that brother Copeland received back in 1976 I believe it was to take this this uncompromised meshes message of faith from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around and put it on every available voice and the Lord stirred him last year he talked to Terry and me about this talk to you about talk to all of us about it but the Lord stirred him back up about putting this ministry on every available voice well right after brother Copeland committed to do that the opportunity for Dish TV came and so now we are broadcasting 24/7 on on a network believers voice of victory network 24 hours a day Gloria this ministry is preaching 24 hours a day but we are we are stretching our faith we are enlarging our capacity because I heard brother Copeland say this himself he said well dish TV's not that that's not all he's talking about DIRECTV's talking about XM TV or XM radio he's talking about every available voice we are having to enlarge our capacity for faith to see it happen and we're doing the same thing with the church we've got we have a move of God going on right now Gloria I'm so excited we've got we've got a move of God happening at the church it began in August of 2014 and it has not lit up and we're believing we've got a building over there that we're finishing for this for this for the kids we're believing for television the church now has its own broadcast we have our own broadcast we're taking we're taking what you and Kenneth taught us is your broadcast on its own dish it's on the network it's called life on the mountain I like that okay life on the mountain and we just put it on there and Gloria here's what the Lord said to us this was not too long ago why should Kenneth Copeland ministry have only one broadcast why not have multiple broadcasts especially when you have your own and listen to this you may not know this because I just found out the other day but do you know that we you and I have a spin-off broadcast George it's called the prosperous life really I like that and what they did was they've taken all of our teachings on prosperity and they've made it a separate broadcast so all that to say the prosperous life we have a broadcast we have a broadcast all right now I'll tell you one other reason why I'm I'm stretching my faith and enlarging my capacity to believe God brother Copeland had a word for the church some years ago that we would be a church of 10,000 well and we'd have a we would have AZ for him this is easy for him to say but I you know I trust the Lord in him yeah have a church of 10,000 well and we'd have a 10,000 seat facility well just last year brother Copeland went to Nigeria and the he has upped the goal what are you ready fifty fifty thousand I'm gonna quote Kenneth Copeland okay go ahead so I was I was watching him preach after he preached in Nigeria at David or you know post Church ice I watched him preach then in South Africa at Rhema college search we were watching it online and I happened to turn it on right at the moment where Kenneth Copeland's said this this David a yet opposed Church in Lagos is running two hundred thousand on Sunday morning they have four services in a building that seats four for services that seats fifty four thousand Kenneth Copeland's said I'm gonna get me one of them and he said I'm not just talking I've got my faith on the line glory be to God EMI C is headed towards a fifty thousand seat auditorium with a hundred thousand member congregation and we will have it very soon look what he's doing for you my faith is is enlarging he said and one of the reasons why is Philippians 4:19 but my God my God shall I'm just that's awesome I just know Gloria that the only we do you don't have to go by property we don't have to leave this place we've got we've got plenty of property to do it I mean you and Kenneth have followed the Lord for the only no we could yes this is was a former military base and an individual had bought it now we could have said well you know that's just too much we don't need that much land yeah but we weren't thinking about a fifty four thousand see daughter to know we were at the time and and all the buildings that we have seen you don't know you can't you just can't cut God back you got to do what you're told is it okay you just can't God guys you don't know the vision we don't have the vision that he has he has give us you can see it and I am just so stirred in my spirit Gloria about where the Lord is taking us and where the Lord is taking you and in these last few moments let me just read a couple of things to you the only limitation to our capacity to believe and receive they're the only limitation rather is our capacity that's right George to believe in receipt that's the only limitation yeah there is no other limit it's right there how the only limitation is point number four the only limitation that we as our capacity exactly right to receive here's a is that you have here our capacity to believe to believe and receive that's it that's that's true that's it glory the only limitation and for instance Kenneth said this any one department at KCM has the faith potential to believe God for it and tight for the entire year's budget any one department here yeah we we have the capacity cuz we're believers all of us we have like we have over the years over the last few years the church has been continuing to contribute in towards the Southwest believers convention we have our faith on the line to pay the whole budget I'm in agreement with you well we do we've got the faith going you pay the whole budget agreement with us that they are yes bill Winston said the supernatural is no longer an option it's going to be a requirement so we're gonna have to enter into the supernatural realm and they had given us like two minutes here and we haven't even covered the second page but listen to this Paul gave the Thessalonians of faith challenge and he said to them he said we continue to pray night and day praying for you earnestly asking God to let us see you again and fill in the gaps in your faith that's point number two there at the what translation isn't that's at New Living Translation fill in the gaps that's in your favor so they were limited in their faith they needed to come up to the next level Paul knew exactly what to do to get them to enlarge their faith capacities and if you go from 1st Thessalonians the 2nd Thessalonians that's a two-month period that's a two-month period between the first book of Thessalonians the second and they did something to enlarge their capacity and listen to listen to what Paul said he said in verse 3 and second Thessalonians what they said we're bound to thank God always for you brethren as it is meet because your faith is growing exceedingly and the love for every one of you is abounding different translations of it says your faith is growing abundantly it's growing more and more your faith is growing phenomena your faith is flourishing it took only two months for their faith capacity to go to the next level it took training it took exercise it was a strategic plan now we've been me you you take you take these two weeks with glory and me and and your faith will come up if you stay with us if you order the product that we have our faith is good god I've got I've got a motive behind this I've got a motive behind preaching this Gloria I want my faith to come up to the next level and let me just read this to you this isn't the last part down there at the bottom this is from brother Copeland's book on the laws of prosperity I've been reading that again Gloria God has a highly organized system to meet the needs of every facet of your life the world's system of meeting our needs works exactly opposite from God's system God's system is totally adequate the world's idea of anything is very limited at best and stands a 99.9% chance of being totally wrong as believers we must be careful not to limit God in our individual lies to what the world says is so he is not limited to your job unless you limit him to it remember not to limit God to only what you can see and understand with your head when the entire world is completely destitute God will still have plenty and make it abound towards you whatever is going on as he is so are we in this world so don't be afraid to become a cheerful free hearted Giver Lauria our faith our faith is coming up you know when we started this broadcast just a few minutes ago our faith was here it's just going up another less even you are the best researcher George this is it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger I really believe that the Lord showed me something about these elections and and who is going to be elected and they're all ears it's it's based on when God sent Samuel to Jesse because Saul was through as king I believe it says in that scripture is talking about don't mourn for Saul anymore he's done he has been he's done and so he went to Jesse and he lined up his sons and went from one to the other this one looks good this one looks good and the Lord saying no I have not chosen this one I don't look on the outward appearance I look on the heart that's what he said so finally he got to the last one and said what are do don't you have any more sons I mean we've run out of sons he says I have one left he's in the field and he's tending the Sheep I have one left is nobody I have ya and he came in from the field and when he walked in there was an immediate witness that this is the one David was the one what a great man of God so what are we looking for for President of the United States we're looking for our David we are looking for the one who will tend the Sheep we're looking for the one who is anointed has the anointing who will stand in that office of the White House and will will unashamedly praise God look to him and see to it that the new birth of our nation becomes a reality so father in Jesus name we pray over the elections this year and we thank you Lord God we thank you for God's person in that office in Jesus name Lord we're looking for the spirit of David the spirit of faith someone with the spirit of faith to come into that office and to do exactly what you desire for them to do someone who will be obedient to the voice of the Lord who will follow the word of the Lord and father we honor to you that this nation is not going down but this nation is coming back up to its rightful place there's a new birth in our nation and we take hold of it and father we honor you for that and thank you for your your person in jeeze this name amen amen now it's extremely important with the primaries that are coming up that we all vote that we all exercise our faith and we all vote and we all listen to what the Lord tells us that's right that's right yeah exactly I'll tell us his oh boy that just came on us before we went on the air today and it was like this this is the presence of God just came on us to pray over this so you'll be in agreement with that and read that scripture about David and Samuel we're looking for David we're looking for the one that's right and you know you guys right you can't always see it but knowing you can't see it yes it's inside yep but the Lord will reveal to us he will reveal to us what to do and so what before you go in to vote pray ask the Lord to show you exactly what to do that's right do it and we'll get God's man in there amen blessing will work the blessing be manifest and we'll see it happen well Gloria wow that was really something we are we're talking about no more limits we're talking about enlarging our capacity to believe and receive from God there are a number of projects that are going on here right now at Kenneth Copeland ministries I've never in my 40 years this is my 40th year at Kenneth Copeland ministries I have never quite seen the as many multiple projects going on reaching out to the world as we have seen the same thing is happening in those new avenues keep turning out they do don't they HP they do they do we have to fulfill that call and so what what the Lord has challenged me to do and what I've challenged our church to do is for us to enlarge our capacity there is a faith capacity on the inside of us and you and Kenneth have really proved this out before me in all of these years that I've been with you I've watched the two of you believe God over this ministry and we went from one phase to another to another to another to weekly television and then daily television and then believing God for a citation 10 and your faith has been enlarged and I look at the two of you now and you guys are operating from a massive faith level and so all of us can come up that way the only thing that keeps us back is our capacity to receive that's the only thing the only limitation is our capacity to receive it and we have to break through it takes what you know what determines that capacity for one thing just what is God told you to do mm-hmm if these don't you to do something even if it's outlandish you're not go on every available voice and preach the gospel even if it's just big you can't even imagine if he's told you to do it he's already ready to back it up that's right financially or whatever gift you have to have exactly to be obedient you and Kenneth were obedient you know as I remember now I was not a natural that speak you know I always rather shy but I had to get over it you got get over it Gloria you got over it and you have and you've I was thinking about this Gloria there is there's an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that's still going on at our church it's over a year old now and there are healings and deliverances and miracles that are taking place and you obeyed God way back I believe was 1978 was your first healing school and you've been doing healing school since then well you've been teaching us training us showing us being an example before us and now on property right now this is another thing that's going on that we're just we've just continued to enlarge our faith for and that is in in in 1978 I believe it was brother Copeland had a vision for this place yes he was something that the Lord told him about the revival capital of the world and one of the things that would take place here is there would be healing services seven days a week well we've been praying on that and thinking about that and just putting putting our faith to it well in the New Year's Eve service of last year Copelan in just a sentence said to the congregation there those of you that have churches you'll begin to have one service will begin to run into the next service and he said some of you begin to have healing services and then he said he said this church is going to have healing services every day of every week before the years out did you say oh good I said no I said we'll take it we'll take it hallelujah well in September of last year Gloria we began healing services every day right now on this property I Scott we have now healing services at the church every day isn't that something if someone were to come here from anywhere look looking for healing they would whatever day it was Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday we have we have healings right but what we're having we're stepping up our faith we're enlarging our faith and it is time for us to step up our faith this the scripture of the foundation scripture Isaiah 54 verse 2 enlarge the place of your tent let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitations spare not lengthen your cards cords strengthen your stakes so you'll break forth on the right hand and on the left so what we're doing is we are enlarging our faith enlarge your capacity enlarge the capacity in the natural to believe God to see God do things and we talked about yesterday on the broadcast we talked about how the Apostle Paul in talk to the the Thessalonians about increasing their faith enlarging yeah developing their faith and it took two months and he said to them he said your faith is growing phenomenally well one I think one translation says exceedingly it doesn't exceedingly yes exceedingly and so you know through through training in development and through listening to the word and we'll get into all of these things our two weeks together are all about you enlarging your capacity to believe God enlarging your capacity to believe God for debt-free house a large in your capacity to believe God for a debt-free car enlarging your capacity to see you doing things that you've never done before a healing of an incurable thing yes I mean yes medicine it may be in Kerrville nothing's incurable with God so you enlarge your capacity to receive a healing from heaven yes God takes anything if you only have one leg he can give you a leg I mean it's just amazing that's right I can do that's weird I can do anything you can believe in for we have a testimony in our church of a of a family this is recently a family a grandmother and her grandson drove here from Oklahoma and she came specifically one morning for prayer and this is the way the services have been going we're right in the middle of our music worship time and she walked up to the altar she was ready she was ready she walked up to the altar with her grandson her grandson was having some lung problems and her husband was back home he was going to have surgery the next day and they were going to amputate his foot Oh Mike it was that serious we spent quite a bit of time working with her praying with her praying over the son and then at one point we had Kelly was in service that day and so the grandson we had the grandson come on the platform with us and Kelly came up and she said get me some oil so we got the the anointing oil she anointed him and said you lay hyung lay hands on your grandfather tomorrow in the hospital and he'll be made well well he did that and that week we received an email from the family they did not have to amputate his foot now they amputated his little pinky toe and I said Lord what about that and the Lord said it'll grow back grow back well two months about two months later he'd been in the hospital they sent us pictures of him I mean it was just it was just amazing the impossible was being done he came to church on a Sunday and I had him come forward while he was on a walker and he was moving pretty slowly looked kind of dark well we started ministering to him and Gloria he was transformed before our eyes yet we and we would we'd minister to him and go minister to somebody else come back around to him and he was standing at one point with his walker and he started dancing he started dancing and we watched before our eyes a supernatural transformation that was taking place all that to say what we're talking about is enlarging your capacity to receive everything that God has for you if it's healing in your body if it's an incurable situation the the capacity of faith on the inside of you will lead you to the place where what looks impossible is no longer impossible father we pray right now over everyone who heeds needs healing in their physical body it doesn't matter what it is it doesn't matter what is going on we release our faith right now for the healing power of God upon you if you're in a hospital right now Jesus is working on the inside of you right now and that healing power if faith is rising up faith is rising up on the inside of you that that that faith that says all things are possible well you are walking in the place and the realm of the limitless possibilities of God you rise and be healed in Jesus name faith that says I take it I take it I have it now I mean when you when you develop your faith and you're looking at somebody right now I have been actively been doing this for 40 years since I came to work here this is my 40th year and I've been listening to you and I've been studying the word and meditating the word and just here recently with all of these new assignments that we have and the things that we're doing in the church I just knew the Lord was challenging me he says you're gonna have to step up your faith so I've been listening been listening to the word I've been listening to a series that you taught it's called faith school we're all bring it on the broadcast and Gloria I can I can literally sense my capacity for faith enlarging it's growing it is III just sense it on the inside my faith is growing how is it growing it's it's growing by the Word of God I just keep feeding it yeah and there's a difference there is a difference this is this is soul food right here and all of these outlines by the way these are available to you right now just go to KCMO org the information is there before you we've had over a half a million of these since glory and I started teaching on Prosperity back in 2011 people are interested in knowing they're interested in knowing and yeah and there's also on BV ovn there's also a program on there called the prosperous life what they've done here in the TV Department they've taken all of the teachings that glory and I've done they've repackaged it with new opens and closes and Gloria you and I now have a broadcast together called the prosperous life great so now let's talk for a moment let's go over to numbers 13 and we'll just talk about this this whole account of this despise that were sent to spy out the land God gave them an assignment and there were 10 spies that limited God this is the whole thing right here week we've got to get beyond our limitations gotta get beyond limiting God and what he can do he can do he can do and fulfill anything that he's called you to do if he's called this ministry to go on every available voice if he's called you to do it he didn't intend for you to do it but that's right because his writings are big they are possible they are you know there are different levels of faith we learned this in the word there was no faith I know we started believing God for groceries that's where it begins yeah that's where it started there's no faith there's little faith where you are there is also what is called great faith great faith as a matter of fact that great faith so moved Jesus when the Centurion came on behalf of his servant to be healed and he said Speak the word only Jesus says I have not seen such enormous faith that's what the greek says for great faith great great thing in the Greek it's enormous enormous mega mega mega faith so I'm pressing in we're pressing in to mega faith we're pressing in to enormous faith you have all the faith that you need residing on the inside of us and you received it when you were born again but that faith has to be developed it has to be trained has to be acted on and the the spies that were out there in the land they were and I'll just go through this quickly you take a look there on your notes on Part B in in verses 1 through 3 and you can take the notes and study this out but in verses 1 through 3 of numbers 13 these men were certainly they were sent to search out the land of Canaan so that so they were to possess it to take it but in verses 25 through 28 it was a good land but yeah it was a good land but and but just negated everything they said but there were giants in the land we were like grasshoppers that's it glorious that's it sometimes you know you come up against the problem a giant problem and you feel like a grasshopper yeah but you're not a grasshopper if you're in God God's in you but there was somebody in that troop named Caleb hail and Gloria when I get to heaven I want I'm gonna go up and meet Joshua and Caleb those two represent to me mega faith enormous faith I like what you've got here in your outline it was a good land but yeah a good land but most of them but didn't weren't ready for it but Caleb yeah what is ready he was ready he was ready we have to be ready well we've got to be ready for whatever God says to us and take it by faith father I'm ready I'm ready for whatever you have it says in Hebrews 3:19 so we see they could not end and why because of unbelief unbelief he did oh he took it and it says in Psalm 78 41 they turned back and tempted God and limited the Holy One of Israel we cannot limit the Holy One of Israel so Gloria look at your second page yeah good it's interesting that Caleb was ready he heard and he was able but the others could not enter because they weren't they couldn't see it couldn't see I couldn't they couldn't let their faith go they didn't see it they just saw the Giants the Giants kept them out of the land before they ever came in contact with the giant yes just the thought of them and what the way it is just the just the the fear of the John the fear of the Giants but with Caleb in the look at your second page and they've given us three minutes so in in numbers 14 Caleb had a spirit of faith yet we see in verse 7 through 11 the limiters I call them the limiters wanted to stone him what was it that set Caleb apart why was it easier for Caleb to see himself taking the land why does it seem easier for one person to believe and receive than another and it says in verse 24 of numbers 14 but my servant Caleb because he had another spirit with him and has followed me fully God spirit him will I bring into the land where into he went and his seed shall possess it what was the spirit that he had it was the spirit of faith Caleb had the spirit of gate Hiba faith he believed God and he was ready he was ready to take the land even before he went out to spy the land I'm ready to take the land gloria when brother Copeland take the land when when brother Copeland says and I have become this way in this ministry 40 years whatever he says goes brother Copeland has a word from the Lord about going on every available voice that his vision becomes my vision we are going on every available voice I'm ready I'm willing and that's what caleb was in the scripture in 2nd Corinthians 4:13 we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken we also believe and therefore we speak Caleb removed the limits and enlarged his faith capacity to take what God had already promised yes you and I need to do the same thing we need to remove the limits enlarge our faith capacity and take what God has promised so what we're going to do starting tomorrow Gloria we are going to begin to take you on a journey of how to enlarge your faith how to remove the limitations glory and I are going to take you step-by-step in seeing you come up to a new place a believing God for whatever he wants you to have amen that's awesome George this is going to help people because it's it we know we've been there mm-hmm and you taught me how hallelu you taught me how and that's what we're gonna do and other people that's right because of the Word of God in their eyes in their ears get down there glorious comes out their mouth hey Lori it's so good to be with you I just get so excited being on the broadcast with you you say the greatest things well I get excited write them down and they're wonderful the glory ism's yeah we hear more glorious you have a lot of fun between broadcasts here yeah well I'll tell you we are we're growing in our faith we're developing in our faith and we're taking these two weeks with you talking about no more limits enlarging your capacity to believe and receive from God to grow bigger where your faith is concerned my faith is growing my faith is developing glory and over these last few weeks after listening to some materials that I've been listening to and and just studying and it just I can it's like on the inside there's a growing on the inside that's taking place and it really it fits the the scripture here in Isaiah 54 2 and 3 it says enlarge the place of your tent and let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitations they're not lengthen night cords strengthen thy stakes for thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left and your seed shall inherit the Gentiles and make the desolate cities to be inhabited we are enlarging our capacity to believe and to receive God and we want we want what's on us to jump on you I mean it's been busy around here al aliy things the things that are going on that between all the things that we're believing God for and the move of God that's taking place and we've got really Georgia if you want manifestation above what you have you're gonna have to stretch you're gonna have to reach out there and stretch is that right or what if you want if you want manifestation beyond beyond what you had what you have if you want manifestation beyond what you have you're going to have to stretch otherwise it's gonna stay the same otherwise it's going to stay the same hallelujah I made sure I repeated it so the writers can write good I wanted in the notes Gloria that's brilliant thank you very much thank you George so we are we are enlarging our capacity to believe God to receive from God and I probably said this before but weekend I first heard the word from brother Hagin ken was going to oru as a 30 year old freshman and we had des but we didn't have much money I mean we could live from month to month but it we begin we begin to hear brother Hagin and we were in Tulsa when he had those seminars that were 10 days long and that started us off and then of course the first one he had was that was that a church and I think it was a week or so but whenever he had a meeting we never missed you always there if it was icy we'd slip we'd slide we'd get there we wouldn't think about missing the world we were hungry that's how you did it and God fed us and you know and taught us how to work how to walk in the word so if you want manifestation you have to stretch you're receiving through stretch and how do you save you you safe from the written word you you really run the word in your heart but you're the written words what really start you off this is a great setup for what we're talking about it and what we'll talk about the next three days where we're going to be talking about the power of total immersion yeah totally and that's what you did that's what you and Kenneth did you completely and totally immerse yourselves in the Word of God that's right in those meetings with brother Hagin you know I'm sure they were advertised I'm sure people knew about it but not everybody went I don't think he ever in those early days I don't think they ever had to turn people away nothing there no very big place but you made a decision you and Kenneth made a decision of no return that you were going to take this word I believe it was that I wasn't it Nani that gave Vanetta that gave you the tape of brother Hagin yes you can reel-to-reel o reel-to-reel you can have what you say I think that was right and I believe that's the one that just as I understand it it put Kenneth on to the coffee table he was so excited and you started you started this this journey of total immersion being totally immersed in about that but we were broke we were desperate no answer so that was the obvious thing to do but we didn't know he's you're not totally sure we just knew that we need help well there's a quote in here I want to give this quote to you it was actually Billy was quoting Billy brim was quoting David Barton David Barton David Barron and this is point two on your first page God loves to communicate his absolute limitless goodness to all the only thing that limits him from his parting imparting his goodness to any human being is that person's capacity to receive that's the truth I found that to be absolutely true there it is right there I'll hear the word you know and they think well you know you have to spend time in the word for it to get it you depart and come into his mouth with power yep getting your ears yeah and people think well I just I go to church I go to Sunday school that's not enough a little a little dab a little dab won't do you won't do you Lori to God hallelujah we we see here desperate so we we were really good we were hung you were digging in yeah and that's what you have to do like you said you know we didn't have anything so far as the world yes goods are concerned yes a tocar rent house project we're in the house and we got but but brother Hagin was having those seminars when we are living there and toss up Oh Gloria we got the glory of God we got the word the faith came and as I understand the story those are the only times he really had those quarterly seminars he had ten day seminar in days or every quarter what she's a night and day and we'd slip slide and buy ice was there we wouldn't we did not miss whatever we had to do do you remember when we had thirty days of glory here on the property Gloria came to me one time and said she said to me George what would it be like for us to have church for 30 days and you said let's try 1998 September of 1998 30 30 days we had meetings we had means in the morning and we had meetings in the night the only time we had off was Saturday morning to do the laundry and then we were back to it again and I really believe it was I believe that those thirty days of glory catapulted us into a place that we needed to be that was total immersive that's right total immersion there is I'll read these couple of statements to you we have a greater we have a greater capacity we have a greater faith capacity that has remained untouched underutilized and underdeveloped that so spiritually there are no limits to what we can do no limits to what we can have so the question here is and this is what we're launching out in the next few days how do we break through the limits and enlarge our faith capacity we do that through the principle of total immersion you said it you said it even when you get totally immersed in the word mm-hmm you have to stay total you have to stay tuned faith doesn't station yeah yeah well in the same way that you eat by hearing you have to eat every day yeah to stay strong and that's that's so good you know brother Hagin has talked about people having they'll have three three square meals a day and one measly bike snack a week yeah in the word and that just won't produce we're looking for something that will produce the results in our lives I'm in total immersion we'll do it and you know when when I first met Terry at oru we we started dating each other and she introduced me to Kenneth stapes and I started listening I think the first thing I listened to was the I have returned record album yeah yeah that was the first thing I actually heard of Kenneth and then she started giving me these tapes well our relationship developed and by the end of the year we were engaged I mean God was moving this thing along well I came to Fort Worth at Christmastime the Christmas break and sat down with with Kenneth talked to him I kind of got the court cart before the horse he's supposed to ask the father-in-law first before you but anyway we were moving along and he asked me he said George what do you want to be what is it that she will I'm you know I'm 22 years old he says what what is it what are you aspiring to and I said I want to be a man of God that was the right answer and I remember his look he was like like this he said I'm gonna give you my Bible course I thought Bible course I thought maybe he'd give me on early probably yeah this is 1976 okay so I'm thinking about a little quarterly you know a little a leaflet or something at best so I got back to oru and went and a few days after I got back to school from the Christmas break they called me from the post office and said come get your boxes and I just found this out recently your brother Richard nice was the one who packed my boxes and you had a piece sent me he Kenneth Copeland's sent me every tape album that he had every message and I tore into those boxes and I started with the first series the image of God yes and I listened and I listened and I listened and I listened and I listened and I listened and I did not put those tapes down I still say I still have in my collection some of those original ones because I gave many of them away as I got involved in this but talk about glory when I that at that point in time I guess you could really say in in January of 1976 I started to become totally immersed in the Word of God and that's the way that's the way my faith has grown through these years and the scripture the scripture for biblical the biblical principle of total immersion is found in in proverbs chapter four if you look at verse 20 through 22 it says my son attend to my words and that that you could say give attention to give attention to exactly focus focus on the Word of God that's what you and Kenneth did you are so focused on the Word of God so my son attend to my word incline your ear to my sayings do not let them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart why for they are life under those that find them and health to all of their flesh how do you keep them in the midst of your heart by inclining your ear and keeping it in keeping it before you that's it really Gloria when you boil it down that is the major key to the development of our faith you can't let the word I heard somebody say one time you can't take a faith vacation and hearing by the word and hearing by the word a couple of these notes that I wrote where you don't want to take a face vacation no you don't know this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith yeah and once you have a taste of victory you sure don't want to go back once they think once you have a taste of victory you don't want to go back you don't want to step back that's gonna become a glorious in here okay so what I did was I found first of all with all the new faith projects we have going on I realize that I need to step up my faith I want to come to the next level I I want to that there were some as I wrote here there was some chokeholds that needed to be broken there was some limitations that had to be conquered so what I did in point three I began to meditate on what I needed to do to enlarge my capacity to receive all that we're standing for and glory what the Lord did was took me right back to the basics you don't meditate on the things you need you meditate to enlarge your capacity to receive you don't yeah you don't meditate on the things you need you need you don't meditate on the things you need you meditate on what it takes to enlarge your the Word of God concerning that that's right if you if you notice I'm repeating it I'm doing it for the writers because they're writing these these gems these gems we get good things Coria you you tell me all the time you see you need to Rihanna you need to write a book about this you need to write a book about that we need to put together a book of your glory isms that's what I need to do so the Lord took me back to the very basics of what you have taught me I'm telling you guys I'm just telling you what they taught me I'm just I just put it in a in a two-week format but this is exactly what they taught me and so the Lord took me back for the last 40 years of what you've taught me and the Lord and I am glad this is my 40th year in June of this year will be 40 years at Kenneth Copeland ministries done an awesome never you know some people think to themselves you've been in one place for all that time never a dull moment never in 40 years there there's there's never been a time where we all sat back in a boy we're done with this for a while no the Lord told me to implement a total immersion program that would help me break through the limitation we did we didn't know what that's what you're doing it was a total immersion program you know glory the very first time we know and enlarge your capacity to receive yes that's how you do it I remember before Terry and I started dating we were she was on my sister wing at oru and isn't that convenient it was very convenient and we were we have been acquainted with each other but we weren't we weren't like connected to each other yet and right before that happens she invited her brother wing to come here her dad speak it was at a church called Sheridan assembly and and it was brother Hagins meeting I'm sure you were that 68 or 16 it was well no it was seven it was 70 75 Oh much light was in the fall of 75 and so that that night the place was packed it was overflowing they put the oru students in the choir loft yes set in the choir loft right behind and and so she said my dad's preaching so I went to hear him preach and they introduced Kenneth Hagin and I heard the word Kenneth I thought well man maybe that's her father so that wasn't her father and they introduced they introduced Kenneth Hagin jr. I thought well that no that's not her father so that finally introduced Kenneth Copeland and honestly that night my life was completely changed I got I got filled with the spirit that night praise God he was preaching about the force of wisdom and how you draw up that wisdom by praying in tongues and there was a supernatural connection that was made that night I was hungry for that word and so we had what I had to do from that point on what we had changes when you do everything everything what we have to do Gloria in the process of total immersion total immersion is the process of renewing our minds in order for your faith to come up to the next level you're going to have to renew your mind to the word you're going to have to renew your mind to what God sees in other words you're gonna have to change your mind to agree with what the word says yes yes you have to change your mind to that and and that scripture I'll just read it to you it's not on the notes here but it says in Romans 12:2 be not conformed to this world be transformed by the of your mind so that you can prove what is that good acceptable and perfect will of God exactly that's it so in the last few minutes of this Gloria why don't we these are broken up into paragraphs let me do one you do one will comment on it but this came from brother Copeland's book on the blessing of the Lord that makes rich he has no sorrow with it and it's all about the renewing of your mind and the enlarging of your faith and the principle of Total Immersion I'll read the first one for the word to produce results in your life you must give it your attention by spending time studying it and meditating on it how much attention do I have to give it brother Copeland that depends on the kind of results you want 10% word will produce 10% results 50% word will give you 50% results 100% word will give you 100% so result that's what happened to you and kind of things also when you were going to brother Hagins and you were studying the word and kenneth was with brother roberts on the road you were studying the Bible you were you were totally immersed in the Word of God I was well Kenneth says when I first began learning about faith as a student at oru I needed major results fast so I jumped in at the hundred percent level I like that I like that we we need to jump in at the hundred percent level he said I used a technique that I'd read that the US government used to train translators during World War two called total immersion at the beginning of the war there wasn't time for translators to become fluent at a normal rate to speed up the process they were surrounded 100% with the language they were learning research proved if they didn't here speak anything but that language it literally made new grooves in their brains and they became fluent in six weeks or less hallelujah in that all that's awesome praise God read that next paragraph glory well I was thinking about that the Lord spoke to me this is still kinsmen he said son if you'll do that if you'll totally immerse yourself in the word and give yourself to it for just a period of a week it will your interface isn't that it will change the direction of your life your life will rise to a new level and will never go back nope he said I decided to put it to the test I got my Bible my notebook and a few tapes on faith I had my brother Kenneth E Hagin and set up a study hall for myself in our little garage I told Gloria well you when you called me for a meal if I'm not there in five minutes you and the kids go ahead and eat I was going to feed on the word go ahead Gloria well uh let's see that for M I was reading a barrel locked myself in there for seven days mmm the only time I came inside was to eat every once in a while and to go to sleep at night when I did come in the only thing Gloria and I talked about was faith and the word we didn't discuss anything else for the whole time when I was out there listening to a tape in Kenneth Hagin referred to a scripture I'd stopped the tape I'd read the whole book that contained the verse then I turned the tape player back on and started listening again by the end of that seven-day period exactly what the Lord had said came to pass the word became a solid foundation in my life glory that's exactly what I did when I started listening to Kenneth at oru and I still have the notes at home of the writing one thing after another after another after another go ahead read that that next one word in one week the word changed my thinking I mean it doesn't take long you don't get them all in a week it doesn't you got enough to change your thinking that's right in total immersion that's right it revolutionized the way I saw things I didn't know much brother Copeland says but what I did know was embedded so deeply that you couldn't beat it out of me with the bat from the first time faith became my way of life I didn't live by faith just now and then just now and then when I found myself in a crunch I did it every day in other words it wasn't aren't going but winning trouble came he got in it is that the way you take that's it that's it and so Gloria we are we are to totally immerse ourselves in the word God if if you're really serious about your faith if you're really serious about living that friend if you're really serious as we are around here there are challenges that the Lord has put before us we've gone from a 10,000 seat facility to a 50,000 that's believing for a fifty thousand seat facility and the Lord said to me your faith but buddy your faith needs to come up a little bit so that's what I've been working on and that's what that's what we are doing here that's what you need right there glory to God Gloria I'm so glad that we're on the broadcast together you know you said to me this was in 2011 when we started teaching on Prosperity and I said you know you just can't exhaust the subject of prosperity you said let's try you're doing it so we're trying to exhaust and there is no exhausting the subject of prosperity so this is day 214 they 214 and today George you're a walking prosperity well I've had some really good teachers you know you and Kenneth have been you have been outstanding in my life and I just so appreciate what I appreciate what you have deposited into my life and how my life has been completely changed by this message and you know you and Kenneth brother Copeland their you you two are really you're something else you are well we don't know for sure what you are something else I mean just seeing the way you are you operate in your faith and the integrity that you walk in the love for people and the compassion for people that you have and you are a constant example not only to me but to all of our family all of the kids we have a great thing we really do and nobody's mad no and and for instance I was thinking about Jenny Kelly's one of Kelly's daughters and she's she's getting ready to start an orphanage in Greece I was thinking about Jeremy and Sarah and how they are just launched out onto their ministry and Cody and Aubrey and what they're doing and just all of them all of the family no no rebellion in this family and it's the Word of God that has been taught by Kenneth and Gloria to us is now being passed down to our children's show that's that's where it's going and and really you know Aubrey's daughters I Lee and Kalyn they love watching Wichita slim Thanks so enjoy have to tell Ken about their oh oh man and and what was it the other day we saw Kenneth on TV and and Kaylin said that's my papa so they love they are trained to love the Lord with all of their hearts they're trained in the Word of God Kenneth had a word for Kaylin at her baby dedication baby dedication and talked about Kaylin I leave a baby yeah she's the baby and she's now she's going to be she will be turning 3 here very soon or she's already turned 3 but I Lee who's her older sister she's 5 well Kenneth prophesied over the two of them and call them the healing sisters thank God so we just we just fortify that we just nurture that we just talk to them about that and just talk to them about what they're going to be doing and let they listen to the word every night all right you know that the girls had been with us for a week or so and and and we have this peaceful praise CD that we played it will know it's yours you and Kenneth and you there's music and then you and Kenneth read scripture you not on this one oh and when we play it for them every night and they're hearing you speak the word into their lives and they have their their faith is growing out it's developing now we're talking about that we're talking about no more limits okay no more limits it's time to break through the Lord has given us some big assignments here at Kenneth Copeland ministries at the church and he's giving you big assignments too if you're daring enough if you're willing enough to take those to break through whatever limitations there are and to enlarge your capacity to receive everything that God has set before us and we're learning how to do that yesterday on the broadcast we began talking Gloria about the principle of Total Immersion that's what you and Kenneth did when Kenneth was at oru and you were listening to brother hey going over to his place for the ten-day seminars those 10-day seminars were catapulting you into your ministry you were totally immersed and I'll tell you the more you didn't miss any of them I mean ice on the road we just slipped our way over there we had well that I'm convinced that those 10-day seminars expedited and accelerated you're stepping out into ministry it's a foundation it was the very foundation for it I would dare say also yeah and I would dare say that had you not done that it would have taken you a lot longer but the Lord spoke to you in 1967 but he had us there that he had you there he had you there and it was available to you many people miss this there'll be meetings taking place and they don't go for whatever reason they don't go and we don't realize our lives our faith are built upon one message on top of the other on top of the other on top of the other until until those messages grow on the inside of us I remember hearing one time about brother Hagin telling this story and he was preaching somewhere and he was preaching on mark 11:23 and he said a man came up to and said when are you going to move off of mark 11:23 and brother Hagin looked at him and said when you get it that's right so this word has to be preached and preached and preached and preached until we get it until it lodges down on the inside and we have to become what we're talking about today single minded we have to become single minded on the Word of God renew our mind and tell us how to think what to say and you'll come out what does the word we use the phrase a lot what does the word say about that what does the word say about that we'll be watching the news and we'll just we'll just speak to whatever situation there is and we'll say there's an awakening for that there's an awakening for that there are things going on right now in all parts you don't find the strongman I'm the devil in a certain situation or prey for those individuals I mean you have to approach how to bind and loose when you are immersed in something you become what you are immersed in when you are single-minded on something you are you are single-minded on what you become immersed in and I like the fact that we are immersed around here in the Word of God oh yeah I like the fact that we talk faith around this place we talk faith in our families we don't we don't submit to sickness disease poverty lack but we we submit to the Word of God thank George there's about 30 what is it 30 something 36 maybe children grandchildren right grant mmm-hmm they're all well yep and they all love God and they're they just you know not one rebellion why because they were raised in the Word of God they were raised in the world yes so we've learned and I learned this a long time ago I learned this from you and Kenneth a long time ago about becoming single-minded on the Word of God and the scripture for that is John James 1:5 through 8 it says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God that gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him it's available it's available but let him ask in faith nothing wavering nothing wavering for he that wavers is like the wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed for let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways says they're a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways one time we were in the dining room over at the headquarters building having lunch with a group of people as you and Kenneth and tearing myself and several others and so during this lunch Kenneth got up he was going to go get something to drink or something and I he had his Bible open to this chapter and I looked over there over into his Bible and he had written down there next to the phrase it says a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways a single minded man is stable yes in all of his ways that's right a single my stable on the Word of God so this right here this principle of Total Immersion becoming single-minded I am single-minded on the vision that we've been given by the Lord for this for this ministry I'm single minded on the things that Terry and I are believing for and actively we were there things glory that we declare every single morning every morning every morning we say this to each other we declare the Word of God we begin literally begin the day with the Word of God we'll say and we've been saying this for several years now I'll say we are expecting our greatest blessing ever today because of great grace is upon us all we have victory over death we have a manifestation of the love of God we declare the glory of the Lord over this day the manifested presence of God the manifested goodness of God the manifested power of God and we'll just go on and it is and it's in me and it's popping out it's coming out from me I have Tyler's right I'm we are Tyler's and we declare the windows of heaven are open over us and the blessing is pouring out we rebuke the Devourer God is rebuked the Devourer say oh no man anything no debt whatsoever so we we are we are when you become single-minded on the Word of God it takes your attention off the doubt it takes your attention off the lack and it puts it right back where it should be on God's Word a person who stays single-minded on the word will enlarge their capacity to receive from God that's what happened amen that's what happens and we couple of days ago glory we talked about Caleb and in numbers 14 24 it says but my servant Caleb because he had another spirit with him had followed me that's fully yes that's it right there levels of blessing yes when you that fully there's no limit he followed me fully he followed me fully him will I bring into the land wherein he went and his seed shall possess it Caleb Gloria is is an example to us of faith when you think about Caleb you think about a man who was just focused totally focused before they went into the land he was focused that's what God said that's what God said Caleb stayed single-minded on the word for 45 years hallelujah 45 years this man would not let go I call it bulldog faith he bit down on the vision and would not let go of it until it was time to go into the land and I read from Joshua chapter 14 you have those scriptures there before you on your paper from Joshua 14 this is about Caleb and it says he says I was 40 years old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me to Kadesh Barnea to spy out the land and I brought back word to him as it was in my heart nevertheless my brethren who went up with me made the heart of the people melt but I wholly followed the Lord my God he was focused focused focused focused on the Word of God and it says in verse 10 and 11 and now behold the Lord has kept me alive so the Lord knew what he was of course yes what he sent him that's right that's why that's why he sent him and he ended up in the archives of heroes we're talking about him on worldwide television right now Caleb and so these 45 year these 45 you think about that Gloria standing in faith for 45 years you know what what that says and now behold the Lord has kept me alive as he said these 45 years hmm now listen get this part ever since the Lord spoke this word to Moses ever since he spoken ever since he heard it yeah yeah yeah Moses spoke it he heard it he stayed with it you have to stay with this oh yeah you have to stay with this there are a lot of voices telling you things aren't exactly and you know this thing on the news and that thing only news and all our investments are not going to be any good and right no we don't pay attention to that mm-hmm no in the kingdom of God first of all then the others yes we do that's just extra but our main investment is in our tithing and our sink that's it nothing in the world can affect that can't touch it can't stop can't diminish it it's there and we get the benefit and we stay so single-minded on that Gloria that when when you are single-minded and you become immersed in the Word of God and your faith begins to develop and grow on the inside less and less will the doubt and the negativity affect you you'll hear something and and it will it'll roll off your back I mean it will just roll off your shoulders and it won't it won't affect you it won't bother you on the contrary you'll know exactly what to do and my my quest is to become so full of the Word of God that anything that happens my first response is what is the word say my first response is is whenever the devil tries to put the squeeze on you the only thing that comes out of you is this is the victory that overcomes the world even my faith that's what comes up and out of you and that's one of the scriptures that we declare every day Gloria this is the victory that overcomes the world now listen to this about Caleb still here in verses 10 and 11 he said these 45 years ever since the Lord spoke his word to Moses well Israel wandered in the desert and now here I am this day 85 years old yet I am as strong this day on the day that Moses sent me just as my strength was then so as on that's right yeah and yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me just as my strength was then so is my strength for war both for going out and for coming in I am so inspired by the supernatural strength he has supernatural strength and he never took he never took his eyes off the goal he never took his eyes off the calf Canaan land off the Promised Land he just kept focused on it he kept focused on it you need to keep focused on whatever need that you might have you keep focused on your debt freedom you keep focused on paying off that car you keep focused on coming into a place where you aren't living from paycheck to paycheck and you're not you're not living from build a bill but you need to be focused on the fact that all of your bills are paid according to his riches in glory I was I was doing bills the other day glory and there was once a time when I was doing bills and I've done the bills that our household ever since Terry's tried to fire me a couple of times and she's taking it back but she just kept coming but there were times when I'd have to sit and figure out well I can pay part of this now and I can move that over to that month and do we've come into a place Gloria where every pay every every time we pay our bills they're paid in full and one of the great things great thing about it is we don't want our house we don't have some some crazy mortgage on the house that battle was won you know there that comes to me right now there are two things that you can order that will help you that gloriam taught and I've taught on the broadcast we did a series called 21 days to your debt freedom and I'll - if you're interested in getting out of debt and you want to get totally immersed you get a hold of that and there there's another one called how to believe God for a house yes we did 10 days of how to believe God for a house and you get those two things you put them together and you listen to that and you get totally immersed in the word whatever you do get get your self single-minded and focused on the word of on those were great service projects there were great things that I mean you taught me and then we taught them in verse 12 this is the second page now therefore give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day for you heard in that day how the anakin were there and that the cities were great and fortified it's right here on the top of this there we go I was looking at the word that he was that it inspired him oh the word that inspired him it may be that the Lord will be with me and it I shall be able to drive them out as the Lord said the the spirit of faith was all over this man he's 85 years old and he says let me Adam let me Adam I'm ready for war I'm gonna do whatever and I really as I get older Gloria I aspire to be that way I aspire you are that way I am that way I aspire to continue to be that way in this this script I'm reading that will is emphasizing the italics it may be that the Lord will be with me hmm and I shall be a vice shall be I shall be able to drive them out as they said yeah well the Lord will be with you as long as you're with him as long as you're acting on the word the Lord will be with you and that's good Gloria as long as you be with him that's good that's good this verse 14 he Brahm therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh Zeit to this day because he wholly followed the Lord God of Israel you know that I'm Makenna sight no I didn't know where can is can can azides around yeah yeah you are a real gonna cite Galatians 6:9 says and they amplified do not lose heart and grow weary and faint and acting nobly and do right doing right for in due time and if the appointed season we shall reap if we do not loosen and relax our courage and wait don't quit we need to be so focused on the Word of God to become immersed and the more focused you are the greater your faith will become the stronger your faith will become and in the last few minutes here we'll just go down through some of these scriptures single minded proverbs for 20 my son attend to my words consent and submit to my sayings I do not let them depart from your sight that's single mind this is very important Scripture that single minded I find that when abri is correcting her girls especially Kahlan she will be correcting them and they'll try to look off and and always saying look at me look at me look at me stay focused that's what God is telling it look at me look at me keep your eyes on me here in verses 25 through 27 in proverbs 4 let your eyes look right on with fixed purpose and let your gaze be straight before you consider well the path of your feet and let all of your ways be established in order to write do not turn aside from the right hand or to the left remove your foot from eagle the evil in the message translation that verse 27 says ignore all sideshow distractions I'll see that says ignore all sideshow all distraction all distractions this says consent and submit any more attend intention to give attentions yep instead of what the world says the bank says the news says give attention to my work you know that's where victory is charged that's where it is you don't give attention to his words you're doing a walking super that's writing tree the more the more focused you are on the word the more your capacity to receive within less and the Lord you know dealt with us about giving the Word of God first place place and final authority and those two things brought us victory whatever we've asked for we receive we might not have received it in 24 hours but we received this move we're living in it we're riding in it we're flying in it we're wearing it whatever flying it wearing it that's right you stayed single-minded on the Word of God and you are still single-minded that's what I love about them so much that my my my my so where are you here I think I think we're the end of our teaching that's look at that three three two we're talking about enlarging our capacity to believe and receive from God everything that he has for us and to break through you know we've talked about past that they do you know know spiritual capacity you can't know physical capacity you know you can work out in the gym and get so big but spiritual capacity yeah well you can you can though where the spirit man is concerned there is no limit to the growth of the development of our spirit nor is there limitation to the growth of our faith so you can believe you can believe for whatever it is that God wants to have for you and your spirit man can enlarge and grow bigger and bigger your vision in an orange yes if you have the word in your heart to back it up to back it up you've got to have the word in your heart to back that up that's right because you're you're running on empty if you don't do you think you can just come up with a vision and without the Word of God without the father's involvement in it just do it you can't is your spiritual capacity yeah that is your spiritual capacity and one of the scriptures that we read about this is we're studying on how to develop our capacity for greater faith is in Proverbs 4:20 my son attend to my words incline your ear unto my sayings let them not depart from your heart not from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart their life unto those that find them in health to all of your flesh so for for the most effective results in the development of your faith it's going to be it's going to take becoming more immerse totally totally immersed continually immersed something you can just say okay one month I did it and next month you don't know you're got to keep them level of believing that level of faith but going you know Terry and I have done this for years and years and we've done this for our children we've done this for ourselves always have we had a tape player in the early days a CD player an iPhone connector next to the bed and for the kids and I can remember at a very early age playing CDs or tapes rather back then for Jeremy all through the night it was a continual play recorder and just played the word the word was going on all the night all the night long same thing with Aubrey Terry and I do that to this day I mean before lights go out I have the word that we're gonna play turn that on and you just continually keep the word going and it will feed you it'll feed your faith it is the principle of Total Immersion and Gloria let's turn over to Joshua chapter one this is the one of the premier scriptures that talks to us about becoming totally immersed in the Word of God Joshua was facing an overwhelming situation Moses had died he was stepping into his place and he was headed for war the next morning and we see the instructions that God gave to Joshua and we'll find here in a moment that the most important thing that he had Joshua to do was to become totally immersed in the word so he didn't have years to go to school no he had to do it right away completely immerse himself in the Word of God to get him over into the Promised Land we find for instance there's a there's a God part in a man part to every project everything that we're doing there's a God part to what we're doing here at Kenneth Copeland ministries we're believing to go on every available voice well there's a god part to that and God provides the outlets for us well but we need to be using our faith we need to be totally immersed and get and get to the point where we don't we can't get to the point where we say well we just can't afford that no you know that'll finish you off thing there is there's vulgarity in the negative in the natural realm there's also vulgarity in the spiritual realm and that that can't afford it is a dirty word it's you know don't don't let your corrupt don't let your communication because and we don't say that around here because we do whatever God calls us to do and we have all the money to be able to do everything no he doesn't he didn't say go on five stations and preach the word what'd he say I remember radio I was here I came to work here Gloria in 76 and that's when you and Kenneth were we're just beginning radio and the instruction that the Lord gave to Kenneth was get on every available radio station every station and we ended up it was in excess of 600 stations across the country and around the world and then the Lord spoke again and said go on on weekly television and so we went on the Sunday broadcast and then he spoke again and he said go on daily television I'm thinking about I'm thinking about when we go up to Arkansas we drive up to Arkansas there's a Denny's that we drive by and that's that we talk about it every time we drive by well what kind of joke around with each other and say you want to go to Denny's and get a vision that's what happened that's what happened that's what happened to you and Kenneth when you were coming home one time from a trip a long time ago and you stopped at that Denny's for breakfast and all of a sudden television didn't seem impossible the light went on how did that happen that that was the total immersion in your faith was growing your faith was developing that faith on the inside was bubbling up to the place where you finally reached the point where you and Kenneth looked at each other and you had faith television he came out of that Denny's on TV you did and I remember you tell the story you came home well I was there you came home and you told Doug Doug is Gloria's brother and he was the executive director for many years and you came and you announced to Doug that we were going on weekly television and I mean word spread throughout the the ministry back then and here we go here we go we start taping the meetings and go on television well the Lord provided for that and he supplied but you when when we're talking about that weekly tell him that was a big gun to use a phrase mm-hmm to do something like that you got to have some big gun faith to do that I mean we're not playing around this is serious business and there is so much more that the Lord has for us here that is to be done and so all of us all of us are in this pursuit of enlarging our capacity to believe God and the way that God enlarged Joshua's capacity to get on over into the promised land it is found right here and look with me at verse 8 look at verse 8 well in verse 7 well in verse 6 be strong and of a good courage for unto this people shut that divide for an inheritance I will swear in to their fathers to give them only be strong and very courageous that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you turn not from it to the right hand or to the left so that you may prosper wherever you go now that scripture right there is talking about what we talked about yesterday and that is becoming single-minded don't turn to the left don't turn to the right stay single-minded on the assignment that's how you do it 8 is how you do it and this is what you taught me this I learned this from you preaching to me and I learn from God's will for you this is God's formula for success that's what Gloria taught me this is God's formula for success right here this book of the law the Word of God shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein for then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall have good success that's right so that is what God that is the very foundation that's it that's it we keep coming back to this keep coming back to it keep coming back to it he said look at the next verse there tells you what you have to do that have I not commanded you be strong and of a good courage do not be afraid fear no fear neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with you wherever you go hallelujah and that's what Joshua did he he continued to do this he continued to become immersed in the Word of God and that word built on the inside of him this fortress of faith it built within him this this there nothing is impossible and that's the way we have to be Gloria we've got to be that way nothing is impossible to us nothing a fifty thousand seat facility with two services of a hundred thousand people that is not an impossibility that is something that we we lay hold of and we take it we receive it getting on every available voice finishing the buildings that we're finishing doing the things that we need to do we are staying out of debt having having supernatural there not but I have seen you and Kenneth fight through every battle that we've had financially and we have come out on top on every one of them and we're in a momentum there's a momentum here Gloria there's a momentum of faith on this property the momentum of faith in the church I'll tell you some of the things that are going on in the church we had a meeting last year we had a meeting a prayer conference terry and patsy cameneti lynn Hammond was here Billy stop by mark and Trina Trina Hankins came by and they all helped us with this meeting and at one point I'm standing on the platform and I'm watching I'm watching mark Hankins was having a Holy Ghost service the last night people are running around the auditorium they're shouting they're cheering and I'm standing on the platform and I'm looking at my wife and Lynn Hammond and patsy cameneti walking down the chairs on the chairs laying hands on people and people going out everywhere you you were out preaching when that was going on and I'm telling you there is the tide of faith and the glory has risen around here in an unprecedented way but we can never for go and give up on the very principles that bring us to such a place and that's it right here we do not let the Word of God depart in other words don't stop speaking the word that's a key another key I meditate so if you're gonna speak it you're gonna have to put it in your eyes in your ears you have to get it down yeah well this book of the law this word of God has to get down on the inside for it to come up or stand outside and so then we meditate on it day and night and then we do the word we are doers of the word of God and God said you take this and you go in and you will prosper I want you to go to the second page Gloria because I want to take them through something very quickly that would would normally take a long time but we're gonna have a miracle now what I wanted to do particularly on this broadcast was I wanted to share with them in just a short period of time this this debt debt freedom the pearsons new house / debt-free immersion plan now I'll tell you what happened very quickly we were living in a house and the Lord told us to fix it up pay it off and give it and I member of the day that I came to you and Kenneth I came to you first and I said this is what the Lord has told us to do and he's the Lord has told us to so our house and you looked at me and you said that's a big seed that's what you said you said that's a big seed so I went to Kenneth I sat down with him I said the Lord has told us to do this he looked at me and all he said I mean he was a very short statements that my in-laws gave me he looked at me and he said are you in Terry in agreement oh yes we are in agreement together you know something Gloria it Terry some two years before we sewed the house she came to me she looked at me with those Kenneth Copeland eyes and that look and she said what would you think about sewing our house I answered her two years later well you had to think about it I had to think about it we were we were two years later we were in a meeting in England you and Kenneth were preaching in Bournemouth we had gone to the meeting we were flying back we were on take off from London and the spirit of faith hit both of us and I turn to Terry and I said it's time to so the house that spirit of faith was working on the inside of us and so but then we asked what's next and that's when the pressure started about that well we said the house that it's okay you know these images of living out of a car started coming to me and that fear started and so we had to ramp up our faith for the next step and what I've done is I've included a document in your study notes which this this is a document that the Lord gave gave to me this was this was written back then the exact format of how I wrote this I'll give this to you and it was called how to develop your faith for debt-free living and I wrote on it no more limits and these this was this was back then when we were believing for it and I wanted you to have this I wanted you to be able to have this and let me just let me just read a couple of statements from it the Lord spoke to me and he said he said first of all you've got to meditate on the word and in Genesis 18 14 is anything too hard for the Lord and I said no I wrote no in numbers 11 23 in the amplified has the Lord's hand ability and power become short toward it and inadequate and I said no and in Matthew 19:26 with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible Gloria those were just a few of the few of the scriptures and some things that the Lord spoke to me about that well we did that we that we're talking about totally immersing in the Word of God we did that that was the first thing we did the second thing we did was we totally immersed ourselves in dr. Leroy's Thompson's series called money cometh oh and brother Copeland series called the laws of prosperity Gloria we listened to those tapes back then we listened to him in the car we listened to him around the house we listened to him everywhere we went we went on vacation to visit my parents and we had all of those with us and we listened and we listened and we listened and we listened and we listened and we we I preached in the church debt freedom that was the second thing we did and then finally we I wrote this down here in our notes we totally immersed ourselves in God's Word and this is what I did I located and meditated on 191 scriptures that prove that God supplies this is the document that's a hundred and ninety-one scriptures it's included in your notes all of the different ways that God says Lossless Gloria what you were seeing there was someone researching out of a determination I was determined we were determined to be debt-free we were determined to live in a debt-free house and that kind of determination demands action it demands it demands pressing in faith to back it up it is it is a good fight or you blah say that again you know have the faith to back it up you blow your blow if you don't have the faith to back it up and so as a result of doing these things as a result of the basic Total Immersion program that the Lord gave us he gave me he gave me words in scriptures to look up he gave me series to listen to he gave me these hundred and ninety-one scriptures and those were just the three basic things but we were totally immersing we were confessing the word we were meditating the word and the outcome of that was our spirit was strengthened our faith was growing our minds were renewed our lives were transformed our capacity to believe God for more enlarged and today this day Terry and I live in a beautiful debt-free home I'm telling you this works it works it works and we're but we can't stop at a debt-free home work we're believing for things on this property that need to be done yes that need to happen that need to develop a need to grow we have a message that needs to go to the entire world on every available voice and but and we have the faith we have the faith capacity to believe it in a men glory amen God if if you got the viven you the vision yes you could God's given you the vision he intends to back it up he knows things take money that's awesome George thank you for sure praise God glory George and I'll be right back ever wondered what it would be like to have Kenneth ax Gloria Copeland study notes now you can for this week's broadcasts you can download your own copy of what they're teaching follow along with the key teaching points scriptures prayers and even interactive questions to help you go further in your study of the word download your free easy to use outlines for the believers voice of victory broadcast now at KCMO org slash notes we're here for you limitless infinite boundless having no more limits the no more limits package by Gloria Copeland and pastor George Pearson's will help you cultivate and strengthen the spirit of faith within you you don't have to wonder where is it going to come from or how am I ever going to have enough you can put your trust securely in God and fully focus on his unlimited supply totally immerse yourself in these messages of faith with the no more limits CDs or DVDs and study guide the study guide includes all of the broadcast notes and extra teaching materials also included in this package is faith school a 5 CD set by Gloria Copeland teaching you how to strengthen your faith to live without limits live life without limits order them no more limits packaged on CD for $34.99 or on DVD for only $39.99 go to kc m dot org slash TV special or call or write today you were never created to struggle with everyday life God has called you to live boundlessly enlarge your faith to breakthrough whatever limits have held you back and receive God's unlimited supplies receive all that God's Word provides for your abundant life order them no more limits packaged on CD or dvd yet KCM gorg / TV special for call or write today the most important decision that you can make in your life the most important decision is to make Jesus the Lord of your life that's right I know that you made that decision I made that decision and everything changes after that it really does change your capacity changes yes now if you don't continue on in the word it everything's not going to change but you have the ability to receive revelation knowledge by the Spirit of God that's right that'll change every Gloria when I made Jesus the Lord of my life I remember exactly where I was as I'm sure you do and I was standing at the top of the stairs at my parents house I was 19 years old and I just I just stood there and I said Jesus come into my heart and everybody has a different experience with that with me I literally sensed a wind blow through I felt lighter on the inside and what happened was he moved in I mean the Spirit of God just moved in and upon me and from that point forward my life was my life was transformed I started going to church I started hearing the Word of God I and by the time a few years went by I was at oru and then he I was here and I just kept studying and studying studying but it begins with this most important decision to have Jesus come into your heart and that's what glory and I want to lead you in right now if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life today is your day just put your hand over your heart right now and say this after me Heavenly Father Heavenly Father thank you for loving me thank you for loving me thank you that Jesus is my lord thank you that Jesus is my lord I asked you to come into my heart I ask you to come into my heart change my life changed my life transformed my life fans forum Allah and I give my life to you and I give my life to you and you lead me and guide me you lead me and guide me all the days of my life all the days of my life in Jesus name Amen amen well we are the Brady Spolin Tom Brady and we are not living in the United States of America but originally as you can tell from the accent from Northern Ireland well in my former life I was a police officer I served in the Royal Ulster Constabulary in Northern Ireland and I joined the force in 1987 I was nurse that's a general nurse and I had worked in the security as well and then was only after meeting Paul that then we started going to church again and we made a statement as whenever we start to have children we need to be right with God and then somebody handed as this tape of Kenneth Copeland's and said to us I think you're going to enjoy this but don't tell don't tell him did I give you this because it's quite controversial but when I took that cassette home I'm telling you there was a light went on on the inside of us we wept and we said this is it this is the more that we knew there was and we kind of then started like a prayer meeting every week and then Kenneth Endora at qiyam and remember Gloria Steinem on the platform and she said if you don't have a word shirt tears start one and that was really in our heart to do that so that was like from that September that's when the church started and balmy north and the growth started to happen and truly just over the years we just saw so many people come through the doors and so many people's like to change Wow 2005 actually brother Kenneth and sister Gloria had came to Northern Ireland and they actually are dentists West they were there then in the July that same summer our firstborn eldest son he was killed in an accident they were out friends were actually having a birthday party there was like 10 of them and they were out on the road and he Iike met on the road on a bicycle and man and a car him the thing was when we got there we knew he was gone but the Word of God kicked in and what happened over the next days and months was not like a normal funeral or a normal grievance or a normal situation where you hear of people's loved ones going home the Word of God took up on us and I'm telling the instead of us being broken and bitter the the the word in us would lift us up like nearly like a bubble and we met with pastors George and Terry Pierson's and pastor Terry said something that day to us that we've never forgot and she says you know we're at war and when you're at war unfortunately there are casualties we were taking ground in Ireland and we knew that the word was working mightily and this was not an attack against us personally we never took this personally but we did see this as an attack against the word to stop us and brother Copeland called aside in such West believers convention 2005 that was in August the spear Lord had spoken to him and one of the questions that Karan had asked the Lord was Lord I just want to know that you've spoken to Zachary exceedingly about what happened I heard the Lord earlier this week I heard him said again tonight you did not lose your son he's moved and he's come here with me says and he and I have talked about this and he and I have discussed it exceedingly and for that one thing that my wife had asked the Lord I just need to know that you've talked to him brother Copeland our spiritual father comes out not knowing it but by the Spirit of the Lord to tell my wife the Lord has spoken to your son exceedingly about this thing I believe that's par and I believe that's connection the battle cry is this is that Jesus has given us the victory there's no matter what the enemy means for harm God will always turn it for good today we have the wonderful privilege of pastoring living Rivers millennial church in Tulsa Oklahoma and nine years later thousands of people's lives are being impacted thousands of people's lives are being changed because of a message that was imparted to us confirmed for the Copeland for sister Gloria I tell you our hearts will always always always be thankful and grateful to the code words they give their lives to read us and now we get to give our lives to reap others we so love pastors Paul and car and they're wonderful wonderful friends and partners of this ministry and the comment that they made their faith grew larger than the storm that they face that's awesome in their faith enlarged so much bigger than what they were dealing with in what they were facing and they came out of that whole situation just totally victorious and that is it's a miraculous thing it really is you know Gloria on today's offering day I want to do something here just a little bit different I want to agree right now for all of our partners for their debt freedom yes and to believe God to stand in faith with them you stood on the Scriptures in Romans 13:8 - oh no man anything but to love them or to as it says in the amplified bible stay out of debt but listen to this scripture this is Deuteronomy 28 in verses 12 and 13 the Lord shall open unto you his good treasure the end the New Living Translation this is Deuteronomy 28 12 no I just opened my violence of that the heaven to give reign under thy season to bless all the work of your hand that you shall lend unto many nations and thou shalt not borrow and the Lord shall make you the head and not the tail you shall be above only and you shall not be beneath if you hearken to the commandments of the LORD thy God so sister glory and I want to agree with you right now for your debt freedom for the for the release of that for your debt free phone car whatever it is business for you to get out of the debt situation if you want it if you if you want to take it and I'll I'll just tell you this before we pray and today the thing that really set me free is something that Kenneth preached during that thirty days of glory that we talked about and he said he said the moment that you make the quality decision to be debt-free God sees you debt-free if you need to make that decision right now we're gonna stand in agreement with you say this after me in Jesus name in Jesus I make the quality decision I make the quality to live debt-free debt-free father I stand on your word father I stand on your and I declare my debt freedom and I declare my debt freedom the abundance of the Lord has come to me the abundance of the Lord has come to me I am a tither and a sower I am a tither and a soul and I am a Reaper and a harvester I am a Reaper and a harvest and I received my debt freedom and I received my debt freedom right now in Jesus name Amen amen our partners are debt-free glory to God in Jesus name I don't know how much time we've got that when Ken and I'm sowing the word to stay out of debt yes we had quite a bit of debt that we owe them cuz that's just the way he did things you borrow money if you bought a car you've made payments if you baltimore-washington seen your face made payments so we believe to be debt-free and we it took us 11 months to be debt-free and we paid off every we paid off the bank we've laid off there everything we had yes but in 11 months yes we were out we've never gone in debt again that was way way back and that was that was a lot of money back then and in the natural it probably would have taken you no telling how long super natural debt cancellation I'm saying that right now there there are people right now experiencing supernatural debt cancellation in their lives in Jesus name you receive it you believe it you take hold of it in the name of the Lord Jesus now listen sister glory and I are going to continue on with this next week so this is Gloria Copeland and Jorge Pierson's reminding you that Jesus is Lord you can watch this believers voice of victory broadcast again at KCM dot org remember to download your FREE copy of the study notes at KCMG org slash notes [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 49,324
Rating: 4.8120103 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, week@once, george pearsons, wao, gloria copeland, kenneth copeland, faith, prosperity, finances
Id: L-U1e_QxbYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 30sec (7110 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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