Heirs Of God – Who You Are In Christ

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hello everybody I'm Gloria Copeland welcome to the believers voice of victory our pastor George is back and he has got a lot more lessons on prosperity what numbers discharge Lori of today 131 days 100 131 days a 131 pastor has talked to us about prosperity there is no reason for any of us to be in lack that is that we leave it we receive it we take it well you know the last time that we did this or the first time we taped I said to you you can't exhaust the subject of prosperity and you said let's try we're still doing and we're still doing it 131 days later grace God every prosperous 335,000 outlines have been downloaded from these sessions that we have done together over the low over these 131 days from this little studio out here and the cut in the country exists that is amazing isn't it 335 received it that's right you know what we want testimonies to I have heard oh good you like to hear a testimony I have one listen to this one pastor George and Gloria my wife have been greatly and my wife and I've been greatly blessed by her broadcasts on debt freedom we have a completely different perspective as we listen now because we are living in the afterlife life after dead hi that's good I remember that last summer we were blessed to walk into the bank and pay off our mortgage in full right God God showed us his purpose to establish his covenant in the earth his plan which is discipline and diligence his provision which is his riches and glory through Christ Jesus and his payment in full now that that would preach right got it that would precise rate that every day that's good that's awesome right we went to the bank parking lot and shouted together right in the middle of town we're debt-free a mile stone marker that we will never forget we paid off a 30-year mortgage in 14 years we will never go back now we only ol of wherever we go isn't that awesome so often we can show that love because there's money in our account instead of the bankers that's the way at all and this came from a pastor that wonderful great isn't that good oh I appreciate where he's gone thank you Jesus I believe there's been a lot of people and and we want them to let us know yes let us know your testimony how you got out of debt that you did get out of debt and so on and if you just didn't pay attention the first time here we go again here we go again prosperity is more fun than poverty and debt amen I think we could safely say that I think we can safely say that for you appreciate all that today all that research that you've done to give it well I've done certain and it's interesting to note that on the research that I do I'm researching Kenneth and Gloria I research their research there their materials their books their CDs and this series that we're starting today is actually has actually been inspired by one believers voice of victory article that you wrote we're going to spend two weeks on this topic one article and one article and it came from the April 1996 issue that he said of the believers voice of victory and I was researching this I was actually preaching on this topic in church and I went online and I looked up on our website anything that had to do with receiving our inheritance and it brought me to an article that she wrote and this is the article by Gloria Copeland called receive your inheritance and this article absolutely inspired me to do this series so what we're gonna be talking about good over these next two weeks you and I are going to be talking about be airs of god receiving our inheritance in Christ praise God not just I just like that and it's great being God it's receive and receiving our inheritance in Christ so I want to begin with this we're going to start with Galatians chapter 3 as you turn there though let me read this to you Gloria this is what you wrote and I'll be reading different parts of this article throughout the two weeks but this is what you wrote in the article listen to this have you ever been invited to an attorney's office for the reading of a will I haven't this is what she said I haven't where I come from there was never enough money left for the relatives to fight over when somebody died when I read that I laughed out loud most of the people I knew didn't leave wills they left bills oh my but then you said this but glory to God that's not the case anymore I became heir to a fortune more than 40 years ago in Little Rock Arkansas when I gave my life to Jesus at that moment I was born again into the richest family ever known I get excited just reading about that right now like that I I was born again when I was born again into the richest family ever known I was born into the royal family that owns and operates the universe amen I received an inheritance so vast it will take me all of eternity to fully comprehend it I saw some George I like that now okay so you went on you continued some people get excited about tracing their natural family history they'd like to know if they have great people in their family tree because it makes them feel like they've come from good stock you and I ought to be that way about our heritage as believers our ancestors are the greatest men and women who ever walked the face of the earth we can trace our lineage back to Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph King David all the way to Jesus think about that those are our forefathers right and then you wrote this now wait a minute you might say these are Jewish men they lived in Canaan in Israel you're an American from Arkansas you're not part of the family and then you wrote well not physically but spiritually according to the Bible yes I am and if you've made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life you are - I was born into a rich family you were born into a rich the second time I was born that's right that's exactly right that's exactly right and you said here you said I became heir to a fortune when I gave my life to Jesus I want us to look at Galatians chapter 3 Galatians 3:13 14 and then verse 29 and let's take a look at that it says this Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of promise of the Spirit through faith now let's look at verse 12 the most important things you can learn yes it is you've been redeemed from the curse because every bad thing poverty sickness yo every bad thing was under that curse so I'm free hallelujah that's one of the first scriptures that I learned when I got here in 1976 I learned this scripture that I was redeemed from the curse of the law and that curse includes poverty sickness lack every bad thing every bad thing I mean you name it you name every bad thing and we've been redeemed from that bad thing I guess that's what you could say really the curse is every bad thing yes Jesus has redeemed us from every bad thing right and it says that he was made a curse for us so that the blessing of Abraham thank God for the blessing of Abraham Deuteronomy chapter 28 what a magnificent scripture that is we're renamed and we're blessed if we're in Christ that's right that's right so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith and now look at verse 29 this is exciting verse 29 and if if you be in if you be Christ's then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise sorry to God Lauria we are very fortunate how great now those things that very thing right there is what we learned when we were broke disgusted sorry just like the song says oh man we learned that we've been redeemed from the curse poverty is a curse you you don't know that that's right if you beat Christ or I wrote in my Bible here if you be in Christ in other words if you've made Jesus the Lord of your life if you are in Christ then you are you are I'm circling the word are right now you are Abraham's seed you know I did a search on this one town I know but I don't I can just be you know I'll you Begley tell you about this but if you if you don't know who you are in Christ Jesus you're like those people that have inherited a lot of money but nobody knows where they are oh and the in this move certain will yes they have all of this blessing that's not all of this these goods that's a property but where are they where are they people the legal people don't know where they are to to let them know it and that's the way most Christians are they've inherited healing they've inherited prosperity you are so right I have inherited no being in a position of no lack right right but they say you don't know what so you're gonna tell us it's Gloria that's what we're gonna talk about this week said a couple of the days we're going to have the reading of the will good I need to hear this every day I'm gonna read the will you know let me read a couple of translations of that verse 29 in the amplified if you belong to Christ are in Him who is Abraham seed then you are Abraham's offspring and spiritual heirs according to the promise amen denote the New Living Translation and now that you belong to Christ you are true children of Abraham you are his heirs and God's promise to Abraham belongs to you okay don't be mad at me because I'm wealthy I inherited it that's perfect God don't be mad at me because I'm wealthy I'm increasing my inheritance be mad at me because I'm increasing I've inherited that's it oh that's good that's right we're heirs we're heirs God verse 29 the message translation since you are Christ's family then I like this you are Abraham's famous descendants yes heirs according to the covenant problems that awesome or what I'm Abraham's faith you've already preached me happy George hallelujah you said in your article Gloria you wrote I became heirs to a fortune when I gave my life to Jesus people don't realize like he just said people don't realize that that all that the father has became ours when we were born again we became heirs of God children of the king with the right to partake of our full inheritance so I get one of the books I did our articles are forgotten now what it was exactly yeah but I gave examples of people who had inherited but nobody knew where they were yeah and they or they might have been living in poverty and yet they were wealthy right nobody knew where the heirs were glory to God I wrote this down in our notes we know many don't realize that their heirs that's right many believers do not realize that they are heirs of God and God's full and here they are I wrote here they're ignorant of all that belongs to them in their inheritance and you know you're talking about people that that are heirs and don't know it or they can't find them listen to this this wasn't a headline from a December 30th 2012 issue of the London's Daily Mail newspaper here's that here's the headline homeless man who didn't know he was a millionaire is found dead before he could be told of his fortune body of heir to 300 million dollars oh that's a good article yeah he was heir to $300 or discovered frozen under a railway bridge I did not Gloria I don't mean to laugh at that it's not funny he doesn't care but but there's what I just thought about when I read this there's so many believers frozen under the railway yeah we got to remember that that that they don't they don't know what belongs to them they don't majority Oh majority of them don't know believers don't that's right born-again but they don't know what the Bible says many don't realize their airs they're ignorant of all that belongs to them and their inheritance and there are still others that don't know how to take their inheritance try that's right I was in that condition at one time in my life but then I found out how to receive and that it was God's will for us to prosper kids I found out found that out that we've been redeemed from the curse of poverty and within 11 months we were out of debt completely out of debt was born in debt I think now 11 months after we got found out been redeemed right we were out of debt and we've been out of debt for all these years hallelujah you all have taught me about who I am in Christ what is mine in Christ and you've taught me about being an heir of God so listen here is the purpose of this study this is what we're gonna be doing for the next two weeks it's important there are three major points and and to just let you know all of our outlines that we're preaching to you there they are available to you online go to the picture of glory and me on the website click onto it and it'll take you to all of these outlines you can have them download them reach them preach them these are being awesome I've taught these in church just think George that goes all over the world these are going all over the world and so far 335 thousand people have downloaded these notes so listen here's the purpose this meant number one we're going to renew our minds and we're going to see ourselves as heirs of God heirs to the fortune number two we're gonna discover what is included in our inheritance some people don't know they don't realize that's what's in their inheritance and number three we're going to learn how to take receive inheritance a man we're gonna learn how to receive that inheritance and so we're going to thaw out good George we're gonna thaw out some folks don't know a man I mean think about that well everybody even if you know it you know have the grasp of the top big right you need this is stuff you need to listen to over and over because because trouble dead lack all kind of things taxes whatever it is it's time to eat your lunch yes that's continual the cursus continue the curses continue believers have to be continual that's right faith that's right and believe God and not let the curse in blue because we've been redeemed from we've been redeemed from it I was watching during that time I was studying this I was putting these notes together and one morning I got up I was getting ready for church on a Sunday and I turned on the broadcast the Sunday broadcast well Kenneth starts preaching and he said he said I want to tell you a story I thought well this is interesting I've never heard him quite say it like that but he said I want to tell you a story about the Queen's servant and about how the Queen's servant had retired and began to live in abject poverty did not know what belonged to her until somebody read to her what was left to her by the Queen we're gonna play that right now here's brother Copeland telling us the story it's good about the Queen's servant we'll be right back there is a story of that that's true of one of the Queen's hand maidens work for all of her life illiterate woman lovely woman knew God but didn't know how to read all right and came time for her to retire she's getting on up in the age and so they retired her she didn't have anything she felt like she'd been well taken care of all of these years and she finally just kind of drifted down and drifted down until she wound up SiC living in a popper Shack no money not enough food to eat and people got worried about her and some of them got together when it got a doctor and taking her in there and told him said she won't come to the doctor she deceased appalled woman she doesn't have anything well they didn't know who she was well the doctor comes in there and shir nuts malnutrition and and just just just bad health all the way around from deep poverty and he's ministering to her and he sees up he sees a certificate plaque looking thing hanging on the world curious that's not usually hanging on the wall of a poor person's shanty with the Queen's seal on it and he wanted to see what this is he goes over there it was her total stipend it was her total retirement funds and her behalf by the Queen to live anywhere she wanted to live taken care of with her own servants and everything she could possibly have but she considered herself unworthy you know and it came her time she's old so she just had to get out of the way she didn't know she had been taken care of she couldn't read the thing and nobody read it to her I expect they're those that read it and didn't believe it their people read this and don't believe it he said lady this is horrible so he he gets her up and gets her an attorney and they get this matter straightened out and the Queen heard about it and got involved and came and got her well I'll tell you what we serving somebody more than the Queen I'll tell you what our Big Brother's Dee Christ of Nazareth and he is our blood kin and he'll come and get you get you out of there if you just learn to call on what is your treasure pastor George's here was the good news of abundance blessing increase no lack no like oh maybe from the curves they gain from the curse rays God we're all ears even if you know it you need to feed on it that's right keep it moving keep your face strong in it glorious yeah keep feeding on it I remember Keith Moore years ago talked about this you know he he led healing school for brother Hagin and he would not only teach healing school but he would watch brother Hagins healing videos all of a sudden he found himself healed praise God and he thought to himself that'll work for Prosperity too so we started doing that so you keep feeding on the Word of God prosperity some people get all bent out of shape over the prosperity message oh yeah but it's in the Bible and it's part of the the Redemption from the curse of poverty yes we're redeemed from the curse of poverty I will loo yes right and I I don't know we were broke we were somebody said so poor they couldn't pay attention and we heard about getting out at we heard about prosperity that we were redeemed from the curse and we saw the first thing we did was go after paying our getting a getting out of debt right right and ken was in debt when I married him so we got out of debt and just whatever ya did dead on his tricycle is that said I think he must had dead on his tricycle but anyway it took us 11 months to get out there it was it worth it absolutely absolutely man God helped us because why we've been redeemed from the curse of lack and if you're gonna stay and dance you're gonna pay for something two or three times that's right and that's right it's just better to just paradise bought our last house with cash and then we renovated it and it took five years to renovate it believing God for the cash all the way along how long would it take to pay it off it done it all thirty-year we'd be paying it over and over again I rest my case there you have it she rests her case [Laughter] that's it is the truth it is the truth and we need to and this is what we're talking about on the broadcast these two weeks we need to develop a a mentality a mindset that we are heirs of God and heirs to God's fortune amen and it's available to us it's ours it's right that's right and so many believers do not know that they don't realizing it and they're fighting it tooth and nail I am an heir of God think of people that have gotten all bent out of shape over the prosperity message being preached well they're still just struggling along doing the best thing do and we're living in the blessing I like what you said don't be mad at me because I'm wealthy that's I am here did it that's right I like that so what we're talking about in this study and these outlines are available to you on KCMO argali all they have to do is go to the website look for the picture of glory and me click on to it it'll take you over to the outlines and you can download all of these outlines plus the extra material that we have provided I put I put an article by you an article by Kenneth an article by me all of this is available to you absolutely free man so we want to make that we've so far on this series that we've done on prosperity 130 this is day 132 we have had you all download 335 thousand of these outlines hallelujah Wow and you you would be honored if the pastor's would preach it preach it want to preach it friend Ettore to God give it to whoever you want to hallelujah the purpose of our study is threefold to renew our minds to see ourselves as heirs of God that's the first point second one is to discover what exactly is included in your inheritance yeah I know that's important I know it's important at the reading of a will when people are all gathered together that they want to know what's what's in that will and then the third point we'll get to this later on next week we're gonna be talking about how learn how to take that inheritance how do we receive it we excuse me we talked yesterday about a man that was frozen under a railway died in abject poverty and did not realize that he was heir to a 300 million dollar fortune went through his life didn't know a pauper and didn't realize and did not know that he was an heir of God well how many Christians do that yeah oh you know ken and I we we didn't I married Kenneth and his notes oh yeah and oh yeah and that was just a way of life you know you if you've not got a car you'd borrow money for it you were gonna get a suit you charge it and so when but yeah but we had her brother Hagin and we knew that we were supposed to do what the word says just real newb we we've gotten that message so one day and you most didn't heard me tell this before but one day I was just reading doing my daily reading and I came across that scripture that says keep out of debt keep out of debt how will we ever have a house that's right how we ever have a car you borrowed money for everything you charged your clothes you know everything at the and not and that was like before MasterCard there wasn't much American Express or anything like that you what you had an account at the department store in the old days and I thought what will we do we do but we said okay we're going to do whatever we see in the word so we said we're gonna we're not going to borrow any more money we're gonna get out of debt and we're not even gonna think about the future about you know we're just gonna do that one step at a time and within 11 months we were out of debt we paid off every debt and I don't know from there I don't know how how it went but you know we like for nothing that's right you never borrowed no I never borrowed again and it's just it was just not awesome thing what would still being dead only probably be about $300,000 by now yeah well justjust on this building the the main building that we have here had we borrowed the money to build that building we'd still be paying on it right now how many times over was it worth exercising faith for it was absolutely you know Kenneth is said this he said borrowing is a replacement covenant it's going to the world instead of going you have to make a covenant to borrow really big you gotta sign some papers it is it's the umbilical cord he says to the Babylonian system it's the umbilical cord to that system and and being able to walk debt-free and having the awareness that I am an heir of God and that makes all things possible yet though you don't have to look at your bank accounts they do I have enough money you got enough faith it lifts you you've been feeding on the word of gift you've been feeding oh thank you and you're saying the right words yes yes Isis they're ready to come out that's right pay the for the car to pay for the house you just have to yield to developing an air of god mentality oh man it'll lift you up it will make all things possible it will it will let's take a look at Galatians it's it comes in the blessing with no curse oh that's good believe God the blessing maketh rich adds no no sorrow or you could say no curse no curse to it praise God like that let's take a look at Gallade chapter four and in this session today we're just going to simply be talking about we are heirs of God and you need to make a determined decision today that you call yourself an heir of God glorious say this after me I am what you're working on there okay so I am an heir of God heir of God and you know tomorrow we're gonna be talking about being joint heirs Amen that's right yeah but I'm in the air of God you say that out loud I am an air of God does something on the inside take a look at this in Galatians 4:4 it says but when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them who were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons and because you are sons God has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba Father wherefore you are no more a servant but a son and if a son then an heir of God through Christ glory to God that's good George you said this glory and this this really was the inspiration for these two weeks it was an article that you wrote in a a April 1996 edition of the believers voice of victory 96 and one of the things that Gloria said was I became heir to a fortune more than 40 years ago in Little Rock Arkansas when I gave my life to Jesus at that moment I was born again into the richest family ever known I was born into the royal family that owns and operates the universe I received an inheritance so vast it will take me all of eternity to fully comprehend it you know most of the partners have heard me say this but probably some new people out there when I when I hear that I think about where I was that day yeah I mean it's indelible in my thinking yes we had brentd our leased a house a little house in a nice area and we didn't have anything to put in it we didn't have any furniture but we could make the payments on the house so we're gonna get all this furniture stuff you know how that is and I was I was praying that day and I had seen and reading my Bible and I'd seen we had already said we're gonna stay out of debt you know I mean no we'd already said we're gonna do what the word says that's how far we were right we'd learn that and so then I'm just minding my own business reading the Amplified Bible one day in that little house in Tulsa a red house and I saw the scripture keep out of debt I think that's what the amplified says keep out of debt stay out of there bummer how would you get anything you know that was just a way of life and it still is for a lot of people you see but back there then it was what the way of life for most people you charge things at the individual stores instead of having it right MasterCard you know and and that was what came to me but I'd already made the commitment so that I'll do whatever I see in the Word of God and instead of tying me up it turned me loose it all things became possible that's good glory writing it down but I didn't know it at the time but I was obeying God and what I saw in the word and so from there on when we needed anything big huge little we believed God and it was an overnight but when you buy a house on credit it takes about 40 years it's not over naughty that's right but this way if you'll just hang in there and do what the word says and don't let me and be patient let patience have her perfect yeah you can do anything go financial and were in any other way what happened to you that day that you discovered that Scripture you began to develop that mentality that you were an heir of God and that God would provide you with that house or whatever at the airplanes that were needed for this ministry what there's not one thing about airplanes I was thinking a matter of frigerator oh well yeah you know I didn't have refrigerators yep food on the back porch when it was cold I mean it's just awesome but the deal is just what you say there whatever it is yes God can do it he can do it if you'll give him faith to work with because we are heirs of God and air is one who receives an inheritance by right of birth something belongs to us something something belongs to them and I read this scripture proverbs 13:20 to a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children and last year at the believers Convention Jesse Duplantis I mean all the speakers just stir me up but Jesse got on there and he started talking about his daughter and his granddaughter and he said my daughter and granddaughter will be taken care of for the rest of their lives simply by right of birth their heirs their ears amen and Gloria that just really that got me thinking about this that got me started developing once again that heir mentality being an heir of God and Jesse who is a human being saying my daughter and my granddaughter I am building and amassing a fortune for the two of them that's exactly the way the father sees us well think about the blessing in the curse the blessing Abraham got the blessing and he was to pass that blessing dance yes and that blessing that one just words it was substance everything good yes and then the next generation was to pass it down and that's what that's what the blessing is that's what the blessing I mean our children shouldn't have to start over in poverty like we did that's right we know about the blessed we know we know that arcs a lot of people but it's because you haven't tried it because you'd like it and it's part of heritage it belongs to it belongs to the blessing you know in Deuteronomy 28 if you've never studied it you can come up with a lot of insight right he says if you'll do these things you'll be essentially this is a short very you you do these things and you'll be blessed and he gives all the blessings listings in the city blessings in the field blessing here blessing here if you don't do these things if you don't obey the word of God the curse is out there see the reverse is there I mean we were under the curse when we found out about the blessing but the blessing got us out from under the curse God and because of increased healing not just money but health it's all right it's all part of that inheritance Jesus Jesus Lord of your life I was watching I'm sorry go ahead because I'm gonna repeat this again the reason it's available to all of us if we're in Christ Jesus is because Jesus himself took the curse and redeemed us from the curse so that we could live under the blessing in the Old Testament there's the blessing there's the curse and the blessing but it's not spiritual blessing it's material but in the New Testament it's the it's the curt they're the curse is still working but the blessing belongs to us because Jesus himself yep took the curse you you said something in that article that I read you said I was born into the royal family that owns and operates the universe so I want you to look at in the last few moments of our broadcast look at first Peter chapter 1 we are heirs by birth yes in the same way that George Pearson's and Elaine Pearson's were the heirs of the horse and chessy Pearson's that's a state my parents passed to you that was passed to us in the same way that the George and Terry Pearson's estate did you work for that I really didn't who did work for that my mother and father okay did we work for the blessing no ma'am who did work for the blessing that was Jesus he took the curse he took hers oh you're so good we could really sing glory to God he's God and it's we enter our inheritance simply by birth I was thinking about Prince William and his wife and last year they had a baby and I was so excited about this they named him after me yes yes they did Prince George but I was looking at the the news coverage of Prince George and looking at him on the picture on the cover of People magazine and all these magazines you know and I thought to myself there's going to be a day if that child wakes up and goes wow yeah look and I'm heir that child is heir to the throne but then you said I was born into the royal family that's right that's right we were born the royal family family the father and it says in 1st Peter 1 3 and 4 it says blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead to an inheritance Oh hallelujah incorruptible incorruptible undefiled that does not fade away and it's reserved in heaven for us all right it's ours it is ours we are heirs of God praise God and we became heirs by royal birth or your to dilling the earth we became heirs yes yes and it only gets better from here yeah the amplified bible of that says you know we've just even if you're very prosperous in the earth you just begin to gone to touch prosperous describe your driveways not gold yet that's right and your house might not be a mansion but we're there that's right glory to God amplified and it just gets better when we leave we just we just keep going higher that's this manifest amplified bible it says be we were born anew into an inheritance which is beyond the reach of change the NIV he's given us new birth into an inheritance amen and I'll just finish it up with this this last statement in Christ Jesus we are heirs to the vast fortune of our loving Heavenly Father simply by being born this is the 133rd day of prosperity with pastor George Pearson's and he's here to keep going I don't we don't know how long we're gonna go but we're gonna keep going how many days it'll be I don't know but the Lord just keeps revealing good stuff too it does it's just endless isn't it the information the revelation of priority and what he wants to do in our lives it just keeps going and going there's no question about it it is the Lord's will for us to prosper always that's right that's the way it was in the Garden of me that's right God's will for them to have an abundance of everything yes ma'am I blew it but it was still here well let's not blow it we're not alone we're taking it we're taking it hallelujah we first of all let me let me read this quick testimony up to you prosperity testimony that came to us and you you be sure to send us your testimony it was really blessed glory and may we know and this one's very short it says dear pastor George and Gloria when Saul was troubled he called David to come and play the harp in the same way when my mind is troubled i watch you on TV [Laughter] it really is oh my god really is yeah but now here's the deal don't wait till your trouble no don't yeah exactly because you can stay up all the time yes keep up that's good hallelujah Gloria we're talking about being heirs of God how exciting could that really have an inheritance in Christ Jesus and it is well Billy uses this biblical word Magnifico Magnifico and I like the way she says it magnifico and that's what God's inheritance is yeah it's over above beyond what we have ever experienced in our lives that's right and to quote Gloria Copeland don't be mad at me because I'm wealthy I inherited it I'm an heir you're an heir I'm a joint heir yes glory to God yes well I haven't you know reached that place well I'm not talking about I'm not just talking about in the natural in a supernatural we get in the supernatural when we get in God that's right and now you begin to believe God for what you need whether it's a car a house a healing whatever it is yeah and and you as an heir these things will manifest if you do what if you take it by faith now and you know that includes not just prayer but that includes talking yeah you can't keep talking the problem you can't keep talking lack and experience the blessing you have to talk the blessing you say well I don't know much about it well that's why we have the Bible glory to God and there are good good things to read Ken's got some good things on the blessing we've all got that on the blessing and the scriptures full of it you should see just the notes margin and my Bible you need to show those you just say all those things revelation elation from God I study the word every day do you yes ma'am every day every day read it first thing in the morning is it something I've read before I've read before do I need it again today I need it again today amen amen go for it George we have all of these notes available online you have to do is go over to the website and to click on the picture of glory and me and all of these notes are available to you plus other materials that we mask on in printed form that you can download and study this you can download them now and study them and when they watch the broadcast they can have these notes right in front of them with and you can make your own notes and you can go ahead and and use these to teach others at trial perhaps you have a Sunday School class or you're a pastor feel free right use it use it we receive that as a gift from the Lord and we believe you receive a hundredfold revelation they miss you so just to all of us and told us to use it take it do it that's right already that's awesome Lori this series was an inspiration from an article that you wrote in a 1996 believers voice of victory broadcast broadcast magazine called receive your inheritance and I read that and I began to dissect it look into it look up the scriptures and now we're studying it it is taking two weeks two studies one article that Gloria Copeland wrote and let's review a couple of things first of all we talked yesterday about being heirs of God and we use Galatians 4 6 and 7 it says because you are sons God has sent forth his son the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba Father wherefore you are no more a servant but a son and if a son then an heir of God through Christ isn't that good where's Gloria you wrote in your article I became heir to a fortune more than 40 years ago in Little Rock Arkansas you remember that time I remember that time buddy believe me when you gave your life to Jesus at that moment you said I was born again into the richest family ever known I was born into the royal family that owns and operates the universe or e to God there I was nothing but a rollaway bed and a metal table Ken ladies it was rented and a type of kin laid in high school shop yeah and a black-and-white TV of course everybody's TV was playing hot in those days but ours only had a picture about this high when all the way across yeah and it wouldn't change you couldn't get it to go up it's just there I was but then you said I received an inheritance so vast it'll take all of eternity to fully comprehend it we've been born again into the royal family of heirs as heirs to our Father we learned from first Peter 1 3 & 4 we are heirs by birth one translation says he's caused us to be born again to an inheritance an inheritance that is imperishable undefiled unfading kept in heaven for you glory to God so that's what we have yes oh oh yeah it's reserved beyond us but it'll manifest in the earth if you exercise faith that's right that's exactly right no I know because we've done it how do you know I'm healed um well praise God minded I don't feel like I'm as old as I am I use the news like the Eagles hallelujah no not at all not at all okay so we learned yesterday that we are heirs of God today Gloria we want to talk about now being joint heirs with Jesus I like that tourney let's look at Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 and look at with me verse 14 through 17 we're gonna be learning today about being joint heirs with Jesus thank about that I mean you've got to get the revelry of that the mentality of that I am an air of God but I'm also a joint heir with Jesus if you're born again if you're born again and that's what it all hinges on that's right is the new birth the new birth makes you born into that royal family that's right hallelujah it's a fact so Romans 8:14 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God if you've not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and if children here we go now verse 17 and if children then heirs heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus if so be that we suffer with them that we may also be glorified together my god owns all the cattle all the silver my father is as Kenneth says he does own the realist ah yes to give Kenneth says that my father loves me and he's rich rich rich so it says here the father has it all he has access owns it all and then this says that we're joint heirs joint joint heirs with him Loree to God that is that's right that's right hallelujah if children then heirs heirs of God joint heirs with Christ now I looked up that word joint heir in the greek gloria and it means one who is in union together with an inheritor one who's in union together with an inheritor and i thought about this is a good example Terry and I because we are married we are one to get on that beautiful evening in August of 1977 when we were married we became one that's right earlier that day whatever I had in my checkbook was mine whatever she had in hers was hers but that night when we were married everything Changkat all we merged everything merged that's the miracle of marriage that every everything becomes one and that's why Paul talked about the marriage union and liking it to Christ and the church fused together well Terry and I were fused together when my my dad passed away first and then my mother a few years later after my mother passed away my sister and I discovered what a good investor my mother was and we were so pleased didn't quite know everything that she had invested in and so the time came when the inheritance was being given out and so I received my portion of the inheritance but Terry and I were joint heirs together because when that came in I didn't hold on to and say Terry this is mine that's not yours no we're one together so that inheritance because we were joint heirs we both received everything because we're one now think about this in the amplified bible if we ever are his children then we are heirs also heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ sharing his inheritance with him praise God joint heirs joint heirs with Jesus I like the New Living Translation together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory Wow so we we need to develop a mentality and understanding that we are joined together with Jesus we are joined we are in Christ yeah we are in Christ he isn't us and everything he has belongs to us let's read a couple of scriptures go to page 2 Gloria on your notes there and in Ephesians chapter 2 verses 6 & 7 in the amplified translation it says this he's raised us up together with him made us sit down together giving us joint seating with him now notice that phrase joint seating we are we are joined with him in the heavenlies sphere by virtue of our being in Christ Jesus the more we know Gloria who we are in Christ Jesus the more we will have a revelation of that inheritance that belongs to us from the time you were born again you were a joint heir yes but you didn't partake of the inheritance exactly you found out that it belonged to you which you got out of the Word of God and then you begin to partake yes yes hallelujah and I'm still learning way too I'm still we have not yet plumbed the depths of all that belongs to us that's right you know we are here we are in 2014 and I know it does doesn't it and brother Copeland received a word from the Lord about this year this is the year of victory over death and manifested love alright well we're learning more we're learning more and more and more about what is ours what belongs to us one of our one of the inheritance points that we have we have victory over death amen we don't have anything to fear we have nothing to fear in Christ Jesus well been given joint seating with him by virtue of our being in Christ he did this that he might clearly demonstrate through the ages and to come for the ages to come the immeasurable limitless surpassing riches of his free grace I'm talking about when did you we got victory over death when we receive Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives that's example we were born over again it was death Adam sinned into life we got a new birth yes you know people think that's just a term of religious to know that happened you were born over again over again and you came from death had a dead spirit into having a life spirit that's right in Christ Jesus that's right and if you got in the word then after that happened everything changed and I like what Kenneth said one time he said when you were born again Jesus moved in actually with everything he has you're instantly born over again yeah but if you don't find out what the Bible says you stay a baby now if you've got babies in your family that's so do you know they can't produce anything good I have diapers that you have to change and all that but they're not out there producing well that's the way it is with with babies in the in the church right if you never in fact I was born again for a good while before I begin to learn a thing same here and and so nothing happened supernaturally right well when I got in the word and I begin to act on it say it we believe we receive it talk it things begin to change the light and things still change when I apply the Word of God glory to God and we his inheritance it says here it's immeasurable that's a good way limitless hey either passing anything yeah let's take a look at this in the last few minutes of this broadcast these go by so quickly glory know Hebrews chapter one let's look at Hebrews chapter one we are heirs of God joint heirs with Jesus we need to receive everything that belongs to us and I found I found something in Hebrews one that just startled me and in Hebrews 1 verses 1 & 2 it says God who at sundry times in divers manners spoken time past unto the father's by the prophets has in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he has appointed heir of all things but it says woo glory to God heir of all things by whom also he made the world's so we find here that Jesus is heir of all things Gloria this amplified translation listen to what it says who a point he was appointed heir and lawful owner that's the amplified so it he had it to give he's got it Oh glory to God how he living translation God promised everything to the son as an inheritance Gloria he has it all he has it all no listen King Jesus let me read let me read through these scriptures alright get this I'll get this thought out romans 8:29 says this for god knew his people in advance and he chose them to be like his son so that his son would be the first born among many brothers and sisters he's the first born we are second third the junior Julian whatever it is they're worse that to learn and then in Colossians 1:18 he's the head of the body we've got a huge family he's the head of the body the church yeah he's the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead so we established here that we are part of the family second more and third born fifth born jillian's yes born now we just read it in Hebrews one he's the heir of all things so let me present this statement to you and this is number four there in in your notes okay section see if Jesus is the heir of all things and we are joint heirs with him that makes us heir of all things we have inherited everything that Jesus has inherited and the scripture says we are raised to sit with him we're raised to seven in heavenly places we are Gloria we are joint heirs with Jesus who owns everything he's the lawful owner of everything and I read it to you one time if Jesus is the heir of all things and we are and is and we are joint heirs with him that makes us heirs of all things as well praise God isn't that magnificent oh man that's crazy that tremendous amen so how do you get that manifest by faith by saying you take the Word of God put it in your eyes get it in your heart and say it with your mouth you can't keep saying the wrong thing and expect manifestation of the good goodness of God and the blessing God supernaturally that's where you have to get you your mind your thoughts your eyes and your mouth your heart and your mouth in line with the Word of God and say what it says in Jesus name and you'll begin to enjoy have it in your life whatever is promised in the Word of God we're still in prosperity we're gonna be in prosperity all the days of our life in the earth and then if we know Jesus we're gonna really being that's right think about it my driveway being gold in front of I mentioned you're a gold driveway it's beautiful though awesome awesome awesome we should have days of heaven on earth shouldn't we that's according to the Bible we can experience days of heaven right right and I believe in that yeah I do too Dean from the curse poverty's is not an issue sickness is not an issue that's right Jesus himself that's right or my sicknesses and carried my diseases and by his stress field and it also says if you have this in your note I'm gonna say it first he redeemed us from the curse that's right which means the curse of poverty curse of sickness every bad thing you find Richard nurse I've been redeemed from it no no Jesus Christ you you've preached me hallelujah free from the curse praise God well Gloria were talking about being heirs of God I mean on these broadcasts and the inspiration came from an article that you wrote in the believers voice of Maggie magazine years ago 1996 called receive your inheritance and that article by the way is available on KCM org you can you can look it up on our website get a copy of it yourself as well as all of these notes all of these notes from the series that we're doing are available on on KCM org just go to the picture of glory and me smiling at you click on to it and it'll take you right to all of the notes that you can download print study that is very generous print them out give them you know pastors you could have a series in your church on being heirs of God receiving your inheritance in Christ and make duplicate copies and just give them to all the members of your church and have them follow along with the notes we just want to get this word out hey man that's as many ways as we possibly can and by the way this is appreciate this from our whole series that we've been doing these last three years on prosperity day 134 yeah we've done a lot together you have given us so much revelation on prosperity and we take it and just before we went on the air I thought about two things I wrote this down something that you said at the first of the week concerning our inheritance in Christ don't be mad at me because I'm rich I inherited it first of the week we're just before we went on the air this came to me and I wrote it down the great thing about our inheritance in Christ you don't have to contest the will and it doesn't have to go through probate that's right it's ours right now Lori to God it's a done deal so let's review a couple of things Gloria first of all we looked at Galatians chapter 4 verses 6 & 7 because you are sons God has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba Father which means my father loves me wherefore you are no more a servant but a son and if a son then an heir of God through Christ praise God we established first of all Gloria that we are heirs of God we are heirs and as you wrote in your article you said I became heir to a fortune more than 40 years ago in Little Rock Arkansas when I gave my life to Jesus you should have been there oh man at that moment you said I was born again into the richest family ever known yes I was born into the royal family the royal family that owns and operates the universe I received an inheritance so vast it will take me all of eternity to fully comprehend it and we found out from the Greek that the word heir is one who receives an inheritance by birth by sonship and we've been born again into the royal family that as heirs to our father's kingdom you could say that I receive by desperation [Laughter] knows his story but you you had to be there jolly appreciate it yeah nothing in the house nothing no stove no refrigerator electric skillet I picture though no it was potatoes in a coffee pot that's where I cook potatoes and you kept Ronald rented rubber band rented a metal table ken made in high school a couple of lawn chairs I got from a mother's web can you know that photo up yeah convenient see and a television black-and-white television that one bad back there then cuz there wasn't color but our little TV was about this big and it had a picture like this they went all the way across like those Beverly Hillbillies just sit and The Beverly Hillbillies were new and your food was outside on the porch in a box yeah when it was what it was wintertime that's right Gloria you you have been real I got over it praise God Jesus help me and you learned about being who you are in Christ yeah what your inheritance is and first Peter one three and four tells us basically that we are heirs by birth so the new birth if the new birth if you are born again that means that you are an heir of God Lansing belongs to you yes again that's right that's how you get in line for the blessing that's right you make Jesus the Lord of your life and he bore the curse for you which you read about and Deuteronomy everything Bad's under the curse relax it's everything bad he bore the curse you know you need to know what's under the curse so you understand all the good stuff this is your blessing yeah he bore it for us so that we might walk in the blessing yes one is everything bad the other is everything good and it's because Jesus is our Lord that we get in them I was with Billy last year in Israel and we looked at the Mount of blessing in the Mount of curses we were right there looking at those two mountains were those were the declared now we look at Deuteronomy 28 yeah the blessing one through 14 and then 15 through the end of the after is the curse of the law if you turn down the blessing then what's left the curse then okay so we learned that we are heirs of God then Gloria we looked at Romans chapter 8 okay Romans chapter 8 verses 14 through 17 and it says for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God you've not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you've received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father My Father loves me hallelujah the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God we are the children of God you know I was thinking about that and thought about my own parents that whenever Terry and I would go to New England to visit my parents take the kids with us it would be summertime or winter sometimes both Christmas or summer and I would walk on the drive on the property they had about 15 acres of land and beautiful home and I would walk into that home and I had a sense that I was the son I would kick my shoes off I'd go to the kitchen yeah make myself at home not too many people could do that but a son could yeah and I just had an awareness that's a good way to look at it I had an awareness that I was the heir of Horus and chessy Pearson's not that I wanted them to leave not that I wanted them to die but I just had this awareness on the inside you know yeah and they're all in this together in other words yeah and that one day years from now that this this would belong to my sister and me and sure enough that time came and it happened not that I desired for it not that I wanted it but it just happened but we were the heirs and my mindset changed so much where that was concerned well the more you read the word the more you study the word the more you have and an inner image the inner image of being an heir of God what belongs to you of what belongs to you and it says here in verse 17 if you are children if you're children of God if you're born again then you are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ we are not only heirs of God we are joint heirs together and we learn that that we're joint heir from the Greek is we are in Union together with the inheritor amen we're joint heirs with the Anointed One we are joy what did heirs were the Anointed One God hallelujah the New Living Translation says together in Christ we are heirs of God's glory I like that Wow and we read several scriptures Asian's to 6 he raised us up together with him he made us sit down together giving us joint seating with you to God now where was that a thing that's that's Ephesians 2 6 and 7 that's great and it goes on to say so that he may clearly demonstrate through the ages to come the immeasurable limitless surpassing riches of His grace and face God so the ages yeah yeah but then there are ages at ages and ages tell we're just preparing now for what for the ages to come and we can in this age that we're in partake of our inheritance all that belongs to us amen because we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus amen I received that now yesterday we looked at Hebrews 1:1 and two I'll read it to you Hebrews wanted to God who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in times past unto the father's by the prophets has in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he has appointed heir of all things and we are heirs of him we are joint heirs we are heirs of God joint heirs with Jesus Jesus is heir of all things so and I wrote this down if Jesus is heir of all things and we are joint heirs with Jesus we must be heirs of all things as we are that's good so today I just want to talk about the fact then we can go back to Galatians chapter 4 where heirs of everything we are heirs of everything that the father has in his kingdom if we're in the body of Christ if we are in the body of Christ if we are born again then we're heirs of everything when when my parents passed away I became the heir of everything my sister and I became the heir of everything they had the house the land the cars the finances nothing was left out right at the reading of the will because you were heirs because we were heirs at the reading of the will they didn't go through it and say now this is not yours this is not yours no according to the will and I have a copy of my parents will according to that will everything right belong to us well according to this will this is the will of God everything in the will of God everything everything belongs to us Gloria when I came to Texas actually is before that when I was at oru Terry and I were dating we got engaged I met you and Kenneth Kenneth sent me every cassette tape he had back then it was called the the believers Bible course yeah there was a basic believers Bible course and then the believe the Advanced Course he sent me everything on cassette I my mind was being renewed two things that I didn't know belong to me healing I did not know it belong to me because I grew up in a place and in a mindset that well God may have put that on you for some reason maybe that's his will no when I got here I found out the will of God it was God's will and your book was one of the first books that I read when I got here God's will for you in that book is a chapter called God's will is healing yes Gloria I started reading that and I found out that his healing power praise you Jesus was mine that's right everything everything glory to God and have you been in good health I've been in good health I've been in good wealth I have lived a wonderful life the blessing is lessening it's the blessing so we're heirs of everything and let me read a scripture to you Galatians back to Galatians chapter 4 in Galatians 4 it says in verse 7 you are no more a servant but a son and if a son then an heir of God through Christ I I was studying this out in preparation for church and for this and I found this Scripture I was up in Arkansas doing this I was studying this out up in Arkansas I was in one of the smaller cabin and I just I can remember sitting at that desk because what I do is I hunker down and those cabins up there and I I dig into the word revelation I was sitting there when I read the New Living Translation of this scripture and it startled me listen to it it's where are you yeah it's this one right here this New Living Translation since you are his child everything he has belongs to you isn't that doesn't that say it all I stood up right I said I take that yes I take that everything he has belongs to you since you're his child you got to be his child by being born over that's right that's right death into life from sin yeah into the new birth and now you're an heir I'm an heir a joint heir it says in the air in a joint air and my inner image of Who I am I woke up this morning Terry and I say something to each other every morning it's based on the word of the Lord from last year that Kenneth gave and we we do this in church and we also do this at home it may be pitch black in the bedroom but from one side or the other you'll hear the voice rise up this is what whoever is the first to say it and we don't whisper it either in the dark we'll say it I am expecting that's my greatest blessing ever today because great grace is upon us all isn't that good swing it against our bike I am expecting my greatest blessing ever today because great grace is upon us all so you say that before you ever hit the floor I great habit we set the course of our day by the words that we speak in the same way that God said let light be and light was we declare we are expecting our greatest blessing ever yes a World Cup academy award never before had blessing we are expecting it every day because some people wake up and they say oh no another dumb day I gotta go through but not when you know the world not when you know the word you know the truth and so this scripture you walk in the blessing you walk in this blessing since you are his child since you are his child everything everything everything he has belongs to you listen to the message translation if you are a child you're also an heir with complete access to the inheritance this word boy complete access complete exit in other words you don't have to wait till you die nope nope there's already been a death that I need this inheritance there was a resurrection after the death but the inheritance was already bought and paid for right that's right - god that's good that's right and do you know what the inheritance is the inheritance is the full scope of God's provision it encompasses everything it does spirit soul body financially socially and let me just giving me how many minute two minutes oh my goodness let me just read a couple of things Gloria okay Ephesians 1:3 all praise to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly realms because we are united with Christ second Peter 3 for for His divine power has bestowed upon us or you could actually say bequeath the word bequeath means to give or leave by a will used especially a property his divine power has bestowed or bequeathed unto us all things that are requisite and suited to life and godliness that leaves nothing else all things all things how does it come through Jesus through the inheritance the full knowledge oh the full yeah the full knowledge partial personal knowledge of him who's called us by into his own glory by means of these he has bestowed upon us his precious and exceedingly great promises thank you Jesus my goodness it one translation says His divine power has given us everything we need praise her life and godliness I saw our inheritance includes everything we wouldn't ever need here's two more scriptures because the time is running out revelation 21:7 he who overcomes shall inherit all things Christ God and then finally Psalm 103 bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all of his benefits he forgives our iniquities he heals our diseases he redeems our life from destruction he crowns us with loving-kindness and tender mercies he satisfies our mouth with good things so that our youth is renewed like the Eagles today everything man that belongs to you in your inheritance because you're an heir of God in a joint heirs hallelujah we're gonna I'm just gonna look here at our Week in Review and this is about me coming from me I became an heir to a fortune more than fifty years ago in Little Rock Arkansas when I gave my life to Jesus at that moment I was born again into the richest family ever known I was an adverse poverty married to a man who was in it with me Kenneth Copeland I was born into the royal family at that point I was born over again to the royal family that owns and operates the universe the family of God in that good I received an inheritance so vast it will take me all of eternity to fully comprehend it man that's something the purpose of our study yes think about it think about it as dad Clark used to say to renew our minds and see ourselves as heirs of God to discover what is included in our inheritance you know if you don't know it you can't partake to learn how to take our inheritance we learn from Galatians that we are heirs of God from first Peter that we are heirs by birth yep we were born into born in born again is this inheritance yes Romans 8:14 through 17 says we're joint heirs with Jesus you couldn't get any bigger than that that's right he has everything he owns everything Galatians 4 says that we are heirs in the New Living Translation we are heirs of everything glory to God hallelujah and we access our inheritance by faith in what God says in his word that's right glory that's right awesome teaching praise God we are talking about being heirs of God yes and let me remind everybody that all of these notes are available on KCM Johnny I'm out yes ma'am and just go to the picture of glory and me click onto it these notes which have been prepared for these daily series are all printed for you are all together for you all you have to do is download them and we also have other materials an article by you by Kenneth by myself and we want you to get your mind renewed right let's try as to being an heir of God a joint heir with Jesus knowing that your heirs of everything and today on the broadcast Gloria I want to answer the question when can we access our inheritance good well can we when can we access that inheritance and you know it's interesting how there have been major Wars fought over who gets what yeah that's right and the the inheritance that we have in Christ you know you know this sometimes people put it off to heaven Oh frequently yes when we get to heaven what what's there for us to be healed when we get to have yeah yeah and so they will have a nice house yes to heaven it's ah that's right it's always in the future yeah it's always out there beyond reach beyond what we can actually grasp and people I read this in a book one time where people get messed up on the tenses tenses te NSE is the tenses past tense present tense future tense tense usually they if they don't know the word they leave off the middle part present present tense yeah yeah and it's it's mostly all future tense when can we access our inheritance the answer is right now oh now is faith the substance of things there you go that's it evidence of things not seen glory to God now the access ya know and that's important it is that's important to realize it when we really need to access that's right that's exactly right so I just wanted to spend this time on this broadcast today talking about the fact that we are heirs of everything now today say it no no we are heirs everything now so let's start with this scripture Colossians chapter 1 12 and 13 and it says we give thanks under the Father which has mmm-hmm made us meat or able you know to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light who has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us from the king translated us into the kingdom of his dear son so we see here in this verse we have two words the King James says hath the New King James has basically it's saying to us that he has already made us able to be partakers of the inheritance right now that's right glory to God right now yes hallelujah in verse 12 the amplified translation it says he has qualified us he has qualified us he has made us fit to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints now we're made fit were made for by the new birth yes yes and if you you might say well I've never been born again well you just stick with us and we'll tell you how exactly right before this is over we don't have to wait for heaven to claim our full inheritance our full inheritance belongs to us now now a man I would say that that is probably one of the most important words in the Bible the word now now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen by usko now our inheritance belongs to us know that try Gloria let's run through some scriptures let's do a Bible study alright let's do it let's do a Bible study let's look at Acts chapter 20 we'll start there Acts chapter 20 and verse 32 acts 20:32 we're talking about our inheritance is now it belongs to us now there's no probate court there's no contesting the will it's yours every thing that Jesus paid for is yours now the judge has said it's yours it's yours now glory to God it's a ruling yes it's yours now it belongs to you acts 20:32 do you have that there we'll read that to us actually now brethren I commend you to God and to the word of his race which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified or that are set apart sat apart so we get this inheritance it becomes a reality by our spending time in God's Word and learning about it yes and what happens when you spend time in God's Word faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and then you lay hold of it faith to believe it faith to believe thank you Lord what is - the natural mind impossible yeah - the natural man how can this happen how can it be this inheritance that belongs to us thank you you you do you meditate the Word of God on it and becomes a real reality to you that's right if you never know then you receive you just yeah the earth comes but you have to know what's in the will you have to know what's in the will the word build you up and the word gives you your inheritance I like the amplified bible your rightful belongs to you it belongs to you your rightful inheritance and one translation simply means says the inheritance so it belongs to us and it belongs to us right now that's important that's important on let's look at Galatians 4 Galatians 4 7 and it says in Galatians 4 7 you are no more a servant but a son and if a son then an heir of God through Christ now I like this message translation it says if you are a child you are also an heir yea with complete access to the inheritance how did you get to be a child I received Jesus as my lord I was born again born into this inherit and it keeps coming back to that doesn't it go rest we were born into it Amen we we buy right of royal birth the royal family by right of royal birth we have been born again into this family it cannot be contested cannot it cannot we have been born into the blessing and I really like this message translation if you're a child if you are a child of God if you're born again child of God you are also an heir with complete access oh don't you like it total access to the inheritance we don't have to wait till we die no we don't oh that's good no we don't oh you don't have to wait tell anybody else dies either don't have to die to get it no be done God to get it for us yes but he didn't stay dead he did he was raised from the dead and he got the victory for us glory to seated us with him yes that's right joint seething in heaven that's what it says and now we have this complete access total and complete access to the inheritance that belongs to us man now next week we will spend the week talking about two things one what our inheritance is and two how do we take it that's what we're gonna talk about next week that'll be great right now you need to know it's yours healing is yours now that's right prosperity is yours now peace from God is yours now n oh hey you know WT now I was what I just thought about glories when I first came here first came to Texas I was we were in Lake Arlington at the office there and your brothers made such fun of me Doug and Richard both I was I was I was a Yankee and I came back to thee you've adapted quite I love y'all anyway okay I came back to the the duplication room where they made all the tapes and I was looking for granddad mm-hmm Kenneth's father and I went back there and I said has anybody seen aw yeah and Doug and Richard and the rest they were on the floor laughing at me w/w doesn't he know it's W sounds just like my brothers so the point that I'm making is it millat your inheritance belongs to you right now that's right and Oh W right now now we're coming to you live for goddesses let's look at Ephesians chapter one Ephesians chapter one it says in verse 11 oh let's back up to 10 in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ which are in heaven in which are in earth even in him in whom also we have obtained an inheritance have obtained his past test his we you could actually say there we have already an inheritance being predestined according to the purpose of him that works all things after the counsel of his own wheels god amen I like the New Living Translation of that scripture because we are united with Christ we have received an inheritance from God we have received it you know it's possible to be an heir of a great fortune yeah and if you didn't know it you couldn't receive it you couldn't receive it if you might have done something to some for some just somebody that was a nobody and something good something somebody you didn't even know very well and your name was in the will and your name being the will glory to God and they they either couldn't find you or you didn't know yeah or you you refuse it yeah and that's what some believers do or some Christians you have to know what's in the wheel yeah and how does faith come by knowing what's in the wheels faith comes by hearing that's right hearing by the Word of God that's exactly right and that's what we're doing in these broadcasts where finances are concerned where prosperity is concerned and it's working you know I thought this was Kenneth that said it but then I read it was brother Hagin that said it and I thought it was brother Hagin that said it and it turned out maybe both ffs Buswell that said it Bosworth Bosworth and thank you possible Bosworth and faith begins where the will of God is known that's it yeah faith begins worth when you know the will of God and how do you know the will of God right there right there from anywhere any situation any bad place and find out the will of God whether it's healing or finances or believe in God for your family you can find out the will of God and take it receive it that's right say it that's believe it and say it yes and you can change any situation it's ours now glory to God Ephesians 1:18 it says here the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and know what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints he wants us to know it so we can enjoy we must know it taste bought it he's paid for it now we have to find out about that and receive it or take it that's right the New Living Translation of that Scripture I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance has been given to his people that's excellent that's it right there that I mean that sums it up right there I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance he has given I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance that belongs to you right god that's the will of God glory to God and this last scripture here first Peter one three and four whoo that's a good one yeah let's just read it here go ahead Gloria let's be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance we have an inheritance Giorgio's incorruptible and undefiled that fadeth not away reserved in heaven for you glory to God the heritance wait first of all it says we've been we've been born again into this inheritance it's incorruptible undefiled it doesn't fade away it's reserved in heaven for us not to be stored there but to be received the NIV translation says into an inheritance that can never perish spoil or fade kept kept for us hallelujah look at this the New Living Translation we have a priceless inheritance an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you pure undefiled beyond the reach of change indicating already to God everything Jesus paid for as a result of his death burial and resurrection is available to us right now nothing can change it nothing can change not not depression not inflation not political parties not this nothing nothing we're dealing with heaven it's ours right that's right Gloria Gloria there's a testimony that we want to show oh good it's a man named Farrell Kaiser and he was a man that was born in abject poverty I mean this this man this partner of ours was just just went from a place of deep poverty learn the word came to our I was pretty Nate LaSalle word came to our convention in 1979 at Anaheim and now this man is walking in the fullness of his inheritance you've got to see this so take a look at this glory that'll be right [Music] my name is Farrell Kaiser from enterprise Alabama I have a wife her name is Glenda two children Christy and Lee three grandchildren I've lived in South East Alabama for 58 years my mother came out of the early days of Pentecost in southeast Alabama got saved in 1936 I grew up in deep poverty my daddy was a sharecropper he in later years he got a job at a sawmill and then worked at a cotton mill in a textile plant my mother and dad came out of the Great Depression but the Great Depression never came out of them and then so I've been raised in that that he rehearsed it all my life and I heard it till it built those walls inside and developed my thinking into poverty thinking but in 79 I walked into a Christian bookstore in Dothan Alabama Anna picked a book off the bookshelf called the loss of prosperity and I found out as I studied it it opened my heart Anna I got knowledge of God's Word and it was by brother Copeland I didn't know how to walk into blessing I didn't know how to believe God by faith for the promises of prosperity now found out real quick and when I was studying his book that prosperity is not just a lot of dollars it's the ability to use God's ability to meet the needs of mankind whatever those needs are spirit soul and body it took two or three years before the breakthrough came financially and we got our general contractor's license begin to bill because we're applying the laws of prosperity the business went extremely well made a lot of money we were Tyler's brother Copeland taught me that the tithe is the 10% but tithing is done with a mouth and so my wife and I we would take communion and we would a tithe our tithe make our profession of faith over our time and we never spent a dime on advertising but we'd always do a little bit extra for our customers and they would tell on us and so word of mouth and and uh people trusted us and we gave them no reason not to and in 1990 I got so busy preaching I didn't have time to build no more and I went to a believers seminar in Birmingham Alabama at the Boutwell auditorium and on Friday night the Lord spoke to me said now's the time to go full-time in the ministry and we did you may have never looked back I minister to the local church two things the Lord spoke to me to major on and one was faith and the other was on the the Holy Ghost the baptism of the Spirit and we have seen thousands thousands of people baptized in the Holy Spirit in our meetings over the past 23 years in the early days when I first listened to it when I was driving at war out yell or Pentos I God dropped it my spirit that we would need an airplane to minister and to keep up with our schedule I have a couple of ministry airplanes and I have a runway in my backyard so I can fly out of my house so just about anywhere we sold I seen a sizable seed into a Jewish ministry ten months later received a quarter of a million dollar harvest we were able to pay off everything we paid completely out of their investment debt and everything the Lord just put us in real estate in so we purchased blinging we have rentals and I have property in Florida that we financed for people and help them get a home I'm able to be a blessing because I heard the message of prosperity in 1979 and I've never give up on it I feed on it every day it's why I'm out here now I have as a partner of brother Copeland I am a pro taker of his anointing and that's why I fly I have an aviation annoying that's why I have real estate I have real estate anointed that the blessings because of the anointing attracts it they they chased me okay I slowed down and let them catch me I'm living the abundant life I have joy unspeakable and full of glory [Music] rick has done an in death in-depth study of what happened in that time leading up to and including the garden of gethsemane all the way through the resurrection you won't want to miss these special broadcasts as we discover syns last will and testament reveals all that will be recessed from a loved one's life work that includes approximately five hundred billion dollars in cash six hundred thousand triple-a rated bonds do you realize that you are an heir to a fortune 20,000 as a child of God you have a royal birthright a police and a family that owns and operates the universe you are a joint heir to operate inheritance through Christ Jesus fears of God packages a timely teaching series on DVD or CD accompanied by study notes of each session by Gloria Copeland and pastor George Pearson's 10 messages that will open your eyes to all God has provided for you don't leave your inheritance on the table receive your full benefits that Jesus paid the price for you to have understand God's will and your part in his plan see yourself as God sees you receive your full inheritance today order the heirs of God package today for only $24.99 received the 10 day teaching series taught by Gloria Copeland and George Pearson's on DVD or CD along with the study notes for each day go to KCM org slash TV special or call our toll-free number discover your royal birthright as a child of God learn who you are in Christ and what is yours in Christ for an additional 10% off order your heirs of God package online you know in the earth because of Adam's sin any by the way both of them there is the blessing and the curse the curse came when man disobeyed God in the garden and opened the door to the curse but then there is the blessing that belongs to man and that came when Jesus paid the price for the curse and the sin that was in the garden and but every one of us if we want to partake of the blessing we receive Jesus as the Lord of our life because he's the one our Savior he's the one that took the curse for us says he became a curse for us and he redeemed us from the curse of sin that came in the garden so if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life you haven't been born over again and that's what has to happen to get rid of the curse that came in the garden does that make sense alright so just say this just say if you want to if you're ready to make Jesus the Lord of your life just say Jesus Jesus I receive you I receive you as my Lord and Savior as my Lord and Savior take my life take my life and do something with and do something with so myself into you I sew myself into you in Jesus name Jesus ah receive the blessing and the promise now that's what happens to you when you get born over again that old curse gets out the sin goes out you are born again the righteousness of God glory to God and now you have to find out what belongs to you you're a joint heir with Jesus now you're in the church or in the his body but until you know what the book says about what belongs to you you won't to enjoy the blessing so we've got some things for you to help you understand more about what happened to you and who you are in Christ Jesus we have a free salvation package and we want to show it into your life if you'd like to have it it's a book called he did it all for you and two brochures on how to study your Bible so then this is your this is the blessing this is full of the blessing you got to find out what's in here to enjoy it it's kind of like the health care thing you know you you have to read it to find out all the deals but this is a blessing it's right it belongs to you in Christ Jesus come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event living victory Orlando faith encounter Champions Gate Florida April 18th through 19th with Kenneth Copeland and dr. Steven and Kelly Swisher living victory Las Vegas faith encounter Henderson Nevada may 30th through 31st with Kenneth Copeland and dr. Steven and Kelly Swisher the 2014 Peru victory campaign Kenneth Copeland will be in Lima Peru June 6 to the 7th at the Eduardo dae-hwa's Coliseum Farrell overcame a poverty mentality he renewed his mind to the Word of God he believed who he was in Christ Jesus and he took hold of his inheritance and now he's living in the blessing hallelujah George is going to receive the offering today pastor George and then we're going to pray over that often didn't believe God for you you know our inheritance gloria comes in so many different ways revelation is an inheritance early this morning early this morning I got up and I was praying over the offering for today because I figured you'd ask me to do this offering and you know there's so many different directions that you can go with this and the Lord spoke to me and said this remind them of what Gloria said about the hundredfold return tell them that and this is I'm saying this because you preach this in 1978 and you said the hundred you brought up that revelation and since then this is what Terry and I have been saying to each other about our giving the hundred fold return is working for us all the time yes Amen that's right Gloria that was an inheritance that you left for us as it were it has worked has worked yeah and it'll work for you as well I was reading this scripture from Genesis 26 Isaac sowed in that land of famine in hard times hard times and received in the same year a hundredfold and the Lord blessed him and the man waxed great that means he is very he increased went forward grew until he became very great for he had great possessions of flocks of herds in a great storm in a time of famine so the circumstances didn't have anything to do with his blessing that's right the bless that's right overcame all the circumstances so I wanted to let our partners and friends know first of all how much how much we appreciate your giving oh it's just words cannot describe how much we appreciate what you do for this ministry and on everything you so you need to be believing God for the hundred fold return odd and coming to you now coming this life in this life in now in this time Mark chapter 10 now in this time does that mean when bad times bad times that mean in a recession in recession up down all around now No Oh W yes sir now praise God you know I want to pray over your finances father in the night George and I agree as touching the finances of the people that are listening right now we but we speak a hundredfold into your life we believe you're blessed and prosperous and increasing in every endeavor the blessing is working in you and on you now us and Jesus Jesus name Amen now you say I take it take it this is George reminding you thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory for this week's broadcasts on DVD or mp3 on CD go to KCMG org or call or write to us today remember this week's product offer these ministry tools are designed to help you get the word working in your life so you can experience all God has for you if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today be sure to request your free salvation package this will help you understand who you are in Christ and how to start living your new life and victory [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 6,913
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, week@once, bible, kenneth copeland ministries, wao, christian, bvov-youtube, gloria copeland, ken copeland, kenneth copeland, kenneth
Id: -RfLgHh0pYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 45sec (7125 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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