MIRACLES on the Mountain 2020 | Thursday Night Miracle Service

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what will faith do for you I believe in the real power I'd live in a rural heck of the Holy Spirit I believe the word works there's got to be a point where you begins I believe I believe [Music] come on let's give God praise everybody it's time for miracles on the mountain hallelujah we welcome all of you here we welcome all that are watching us right now from the top of the world of the bottom all the way around the middle what a night we are going to have tonight are you ready are you ready say this after me we declare glory of the Lord over this service tonight the manifested presence of God the men efficient goodness of God the men invested power of God we believe we receive signs wonders miracles the station's demonstration the holy spirit holy spirit welcome in this place in Jesus name come on give praise to the Lord everybody [Music] [Music] by all the rest if your promises let's [Music] [Music] Oh thank God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the spell [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] to something [Applause] [Music] stop [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] always [Music] to the south [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for three [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] for this great night tonight thank you Jesus we'll turn to somebody right now greet them welcome them and then you guys can be seated [Music] thank you lord there is an air of expectation in this place [Applause] it's so good to see the Lord doing miracles among us miracle days are here again hallelujah and we do we welcome you to Eagle Mountain International Church right here at Kenneth Copeland ministries the revival capital of the world and those of you who are here for the first time just raise your hand I want to see my mind welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome we are so glad that you are here if you are here for the very first time there is a card in the seat pocket in front of you if you just take that card fill it out and you can either put it in the basket as we receive the offering or you can take it out to the lobby and we've got a registration area out there and we want to bless you with the gifts before you leave this place today we are so excited anyone from overseas that has come to see us overseas overseas where'd you come from Australia Wow pastor Terry and I will be in Brisbane in March for the Spirit led prayer conference we're excited about coming back to Australia anyone else from overseas way back there way back there where are you from Nigeria hey welcome who else who else pull us over here yes where are you from London welcome Wow anybody else back here out of out of the country overseas anybody anybody on this side overseas I'm not talking about across the lake okay somebody's a lot of a lot of hands are pointing where are you from Australia another Australian welcome welcome we are so glad that you are all here for this this is very exciting and we want to welcome all of you that are watching us right now on whatever outlet from Kenneth Copeland ministries victory Channel Facebook all of the different outlets of Kenneth Copeland ministries in Eagle Mountain International Church we welcome you from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around the middle give them a great hand everybody well before we have Billy Burke come out tonight we're gonna receive offering so it's offering time glory to God open your Bibles to Ecclesiastes chapter 11 Ecclesiastes chapter 11 just go to Psalms and then go to the right Ecclesiastes chapter 11 and I was thinking about this as I was preparing for this offering tonight and the one of the things that that we do here glory and I as you know we teach on the believers voice of victory broadcast and we have a great time with each other and I remember this was a number of years ago that she and I were taping a broadcast one day and she said something as she's so well yeah in her gloria isms that she comes out with but we were talking about finances and she said George you know this you can sew your way out of financial pressure you can sew your way out of financial pressure and I thought about that that day when we were doing the broadcast and I actually turned it into one of our broadcast that we have done because it was such a powerful statement no matter what kind of financial pressure you're facing right now you can sew your way out you can sew your way out and you can tithe their way out and we're gonna begin tonight Ecclesiastes 11:4 it says he who observes the wind will not so he who regards the clouds will not reap we find that when money gets tight pressures on it's always a temptation to cut down on your giving it's a temptation to cut down on your tithing don't do that don't do that don't cut back on your tithing don't cut back on your giving it seems like at the time that's the logical thing to do but there's a kingdom principle that we all have to observe and that's sowing and reaping and how important it is and how God gives that to us in order for us to get out of those financial pressures in those situations therein know what we do is we cut off the flow of God's financial blessing just when we need it the most when we hold back and don't give so the right way and I like this I'm not sure if glorious editor I did but the right way to defeat and act the right way to defeat an attack of lack is to sew your way out it's to sew your way out a number of years ago and actually it was in 1984 the ministry here was 1 million dollars behind a million dollars behind Kenneth and Gloria have seen God provide over and over and over again we've seen it happen over and over again but it seemed like at typists at that time this was a pretty tough one to get through it seemed like somehow or another we were stuck they weren't able to get out of it by the end of the year there there was a deficit of over a million dollars so brother Copeland went before the Lord and this is the way the conversation went Lord I need a million dollars the Lord replied no you don't you know you think about that and you think lord I really do need a million dollars and Lord said no you don't and what the Lord brought to brother Copeland was something that Jerry Savelle had taught and that is when you talk to the Lord about your need he will talk to you about sowing seed when you talk to the Lord about your need he's going to talk to you about sowing seed so in that turn to proverbs chapter 11 I'll read this to you and tell you how that story finished up in proverbs chapter 11 and in verse 24 it says well I'll I'll read it from the King James from the New Living after that there is he that scatters and yet increases there is he that withholds more than and meat but that tends to poverty withholding will tend or lean towards poverty the liberal soul shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered also himself I like what the New Living Translation says of verse 24 give freely and become more wealthy be stingy and lose everything it's very cool it's very clear it's very plain well when brother Copeland was having that conversation with the Lord the Lord said to brother Copeland that the red ink on the books was not the only thing wrong there was a bigger problem behind it and he showed brother Copeland exactly what to do and that was the Ministry Kenneth Copeland ministries needed to start giving 10% of the ministry's incomes into other ministries other ministries that were reaching other people to give that 10% so how how do you how do you solve the problem of a desk deficit by giving well as chemical pimen distri started sewing that that 10% that million dollar deficit began to disappear it began to disappear and we have continually sewed 10% of the income of this ministry since 1984 and Kenneth Copeland ministries right now is stronger than ever before it is stronger stronger the word is stronger finances are stronger and we're getting stronger and stronger and that that's the key that is a major key that took place in this ministry and we saw actually over 10 percent we definitely give the tithe from the ministry but then we sew over that and and last year alone last year alone Kenneth Copeland ministries sewed over 15 million dollars into all different ministries crisis as you know the victory channel that we have we do not charge the broadcaster's to be on that channel and so we pay for all of the airtime and that's another part of the seed you see I'm a field inspector as the CEO also of the ministry I inspect the fields and I'm looking at all the places where we sow seed and just like Joseph did he went out through Egypt and he was inspecting all the fields while I inspect these fields and these fields are producing we do things in aviation we get where aviation is concerned we give the air time to all of the broadcaster's we give in to all different kinds of ministries and we have found that as we give give and it will be given good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom so as we prepare to give into this offering tonight I wanted to let you know you can sow your way out of any financial issue that you are dealing with and if there's something right now we come into agreement with you we come into agreement with you here and those of you that are watching us now even you know there are there are physical miracles there are relational miracles and there are provisional miracles and we're in agreement together tonight for provisional miracles not only that the healing of physical bodies but we're believing with you for financial miracles to take place and financial miracles take place when we sow the seed prime the pump get that seed in the ground and then we reap the harvest so let's pray together father in the name of Jesus we will pray over everyone who is here tonight and lord I pray over all of those who are watching from around the world and we from that word that sister Gloria gave we can sow our way out of any financial pressure and as we sow tonight I thank you for breakthrough as we sow tonight I thank you for manifestation of supernatural provision coming into our into our lives and into our homes in Lord we magnify you for that and I thank you that as they give in to Kenneth Copeland ministries we glorify you and praise you in - Kenneth Copeland ministries Eagle Mountain International Church Kenneth Copeland Bible College we glorify you father for the multiplication of that seed and and that 10% and more 10% of everything given tonight is going right back out to minister all over the world father we thank you for that we praise you and glorify you in Jesus name and everybody said amen if you would like an envelope there's one in the seat pocket in front of you if you're on the front row just raise your hand okay here we go we're gonna break away just for a second before you go because we have some information for you but also to give you an opportunity to give Greg Stevens my friend Tim Fox that's great to be back together again and Billy Burke will be out in just a moment you're not missing anything at all let's go ahead and give them the information of how they can give and that I've got some it struck yes and stay with us because we got some really good instructions if you want a text to give tonight text the word TV event and the amount that's on your screen two three six six zero nine the word TV event and the amount three six six zero now if you've never used it you'll have to set it up the first time yes but then it's good right and then if you want to give online which if you're watching outside the United States this is the only way you can give EMI see org slash TV event you know I'm pastor George said a moment ago there's an expectation absolutely there's an expectation for healing but you ought to have an expectation for your giving where you're some back room you were in that room to say oh yeah anything can happen tonight yeah and when it does we want to know about it so I have the homegroup iPad with me those of you on Facebook you'll just type in your testimony directly and I'll have it right if you're watching on EMI CTV right in the chat room my wife Michelle is monitoring that we have a team we have a team and if in any other way you can email it how do they do it EMI c.org / testifies right there on the screen emi write it down emi c.org / testifying they'll put that up during the night that's right if you have a testimony of what God's already done for you we want to know what we do anything have people watching with you in your home you got a little watch party we want to know that where you're at and and all that it's gonna be a great night oh it's already been a great night it is gonna be a so let's go over it again if you're on Facebook just type it in I've got it directly if you're on our website type in the chatroom and if you're watching any other way emi c.org / testify okay you're ready cuz it's gonna be a great night we'll see you toward the end of service alright here we go bless you everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] are you ready for America but you please Kamui birth tonight [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] parth again when we get everything or everything let's let the band go silent I want to here with these people to leave I know what you guys believe because it's important that you're here tonight to believe not just for prayer had a man in Pittsburgh in a wheelchair 20 years I said tonight you walk he said Billy don't embarrass me I came for prayer I said okay I'm gonna pray then you're gonna walk Billy you're embarrassing me I said I don't want to embarrass your I'm letting you up and hiding here tonight your night he said Billy I can't walk if I could walk don't you think I'd be walking and and it's amazing the number of people that just get comfortable watch this with prayer expecting nothing because prayer makes you feel like you did the right thing but if you if you if you believe but you don't expect you really have unbelief it has it just has a skirt on it's disguised come and put your hands I'll bring to sing this again come on say Holy Spirit I'm here in the crowd and yet you see me by myself help me send their faith signal to heaven then if you don't touch anybody else here tonight you're gonna ring my doorbell tonight give him a big big shotgun [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] every hand up of a place c'mon say Holy Spirit tonight right here in this place I ask you I receive from you a touch from heaven in my mind that the voices be silenced in my body let the pain disappear and the disease with it I'm walking out of here different than the way I walked in here I've made up my mind leaving with a miracle [Applause] [Music] really this parsley way through this star [Music] [Music] come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit [Music] come [Music] [Music] [Music] giving one big praise can you do that all [Music] you may be seated there we go down okay you know I heard you singing that song looking for a miracle which really means that you're expecting and tonight is a great night it begins the first of two nights so you have time tonight to get something from him a download a beginning of a miracle a middle of the miracle I mean there's some portion of this and to marinate in this all night I mean it's amazing I think of this girl in Fort Myers I prayed for years ago she came in and used at the convention center there and there was a word of knowledge that someone was having a neck that was continually cracking it was very painful and so out of the audience emerges this young girl probably 18 19 years old and she came walking up look very normal to me and she said that to me she said my neck has been painting and cracking you know most of my life some kind of deformity I said no more deformity I touched her on the stage she goes under the power so she's laying under the power and I just laying there and I said how are you doing down there you everything okay she's I can't believe how good I feel my neck isn't cracking anymore this is she's crying she's crying because of this wonderful healing touch that she received now as she fell she had these green pants on they were like a green Jean material and in her falling under the power her one pant leg came up pretty high like that and I saw from looking at her it wasn't discernment it was observation observations what I see with my eyes discernments what I see with my spirit and they're different and so as she's laying there and I see her pant leg come up I see she has metal braces on both legs metal braces I didn't how far off they went and so I saw the braces and I said to her again I said are you sure everything's okay she said Billie Burke I am so I you don't know how much this Knick bothered me I said okay I said anything else you need while you're down there come on when the cars up on the rack come on somebody help me when and she said to me though I'm so thankful I said well what about these and she said what about what now she's talking to me on her back and she said what I said what about these shoes what about what I said these and here's what she said oh those what becomes common to you becomes invisible you just live with it's normal for you you don't really need a miracle in your mind because you've learned to treat something live with something and we're happy that maybe a stage in your miracle but at some point you should want everything that Jesus suffered for come on come on [Applause] he just didn't die for you he was tortured those stripes that we say so all by His stripes about his suffering they had asked Billy Graham are you afraid of death and building ramps that I'm not afraid of death I'm a little concerned how I get there which he was aware of the suffering of Christ so whenever we're pressing hinder for whatever kind of quality of life so many things aren't terminal but they mess you up and there's nothing too small I said there's nothing too small if jesus healed Peters mother-in-law a fever and he sought proper to break her fever and heal her you know the man in the Mark 3 had a withered hand he could live with that so it's not a matter of who's terminal and and who's this and who's that we don't rank disease and we just rank the fact that it's part of the curse and we're entitled to what to tap into Calvary come on say Calvary say I'm I'm connected to Calvary care there's no taxes on that come on say Calvary care and it's very important tonight that you get a hold of maybe something in my life has become so invisible one girl in Chicago said I man I shoot five needles a day into my stomach I'm a diabetic I shoot five needles a day and I'm just tired of it I said well I'd be tired of shooting five needles a day and my stomach too and she came up just on the premise of the fact I'm just disgusted because there was a little bit of Hope that began to permeate that service I'm believing tonight that it throughout this meeting and tomorrow night there's gonna be a level raised this gonna cause you to sag got to jump into this and believe for my diabetes or my blurry vision and I'll tell you one one real quick one here that really it still resonates within me and it just happened a few months ago in Tulsa we were to church there and God was healing people in the audience I wasn't touching people it was just people you don't need me to pray for you you I'm praying tonight you're gonna get healed right where you are but you got to share it with everybody that's the deal come on I get healed where I am but I share it with everybody and we'll have people on both sides over here that you can get up in and make sure that that testimony because that gets back into everybody else it encourages other people here tonight but God was healing people in the audience one man said my double hernia is gone he shouted out my double hernia is gone and someone else at all my back I can move my back now whatever so God was moving through the audience and about three rows back I noticed a little boy that one real little probably 15 16 you had these red bright red glasses on and he just kept going like this with his glasses [Music] and I thought that was kind of strange I couldn't figure out why he was doing that and finally he chipped one away then he got his mother's attention he went mom mom she said would you be quiet this is a service he kept going like this and she said would you stop that he said mom I can see better without them then I can't with them [Applause] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one might one my point is he didn't wait til the end to get prayer he something looking for one right now and so she she got stood up and she said Billy Billy Billy Burke delivered my son says he can see I said well maybe he can mom maybe he can sometimes God moves ahead of what the parents know can you say Amen and so we brought him up on the stage put him right there in front of everybody we took his glasses off and we did what he was doing he said nope I see better without him that I do with them no I see better without him he was doing what we sang looking for a miracle so tonight while you're sitting here before we get started even praying for people God's already began to move in many of you and I'm expecting you to have eyes clear up for tumors to disappear hernias to dissolve back to be healed war roads to be healed come on somebody help me and [Music] I mean when lashes came out of the grave and they say how did you get healed he didn't say a preacher prayed for him and the eldest couldn't help and there was no music he said I heard a voice tell me that I was alive come on say a voice came in to that dark place and told him to come out of that tomb and tonight that voice is turned loose in here to get many of you that have been suffering a long time with something maybe like the girl with the bracelet by the way that story after we said that I said what do you think about these braces she said but I've had them for so long I said would you like them she says of course not I said well then let's try to walk without him she said but I can't I said that's before tonight see all of your days that you ever believed or didn't believe was before this moment on one day the Israelites decided to doubt that cost them 40 years come on say one day of doubt cost them a season of 40 years well if one day of doubt can cost you 40 bad years one day of faith can give you a lifetime come on [Applause] it doesn't matter how you started it matters how you finish and everything in between so tonight could be one night where you just get a hold of I believe that could just wipe like this man in Pittsburgh who was arguing with me but embarrassing him finally I said okay here's the best deal that I have I'm gonna touch you the power is gonna go through you and then you stand he says I can't stand either I said well you're gonna try to stand aren't you he says well now that you've embarrassed me in front of all these people yeah might as well so I looked at his caregiver who was holding the wheelchair he said don't look at me please don't look at me so sometimes it's hard to find people the one that they're to really believe that God's going to do something at the moment so I touched him and power hit him it knocked the whole chair back yeah I said come on hurry up stand up peace I said stand up and he stood up his legs was shaking and he told the whole church these words I don't believe this I said what do you want to do now he said do you think I could walk I said I don't know you're standing try walking so we began to walk across the front of the church and the whole time he walked he began to say the same thing I don't believe this is happening I I don't understand this miracles aren't made to understand miracles are made to insult your intelligence miracles are men I can't explain this all I know is God did this come on say the Holy Ghost did this come on say the promise from heaven did this and I'm persuaded that he's able to perform come on say perform everything he's promised give God a big big shout come on yes [Music] so he waited for me after the service I was got in the parking lot and he was waiting for me and he didn't have the wheelchair and he whispered he wasn't as very dark and I was I had some people with me to try and help me get to my place safely in dark places right and and he came walking over he wasn't walking pretty but he was walking he was a little stiff but in that chair twenty years he came over to me and he said could I ask you a question I said sir I should just be happy he asked you a question I said sir okay what's your question he said how'd you do this I I said I didn't do this I can't do this if I could do this I'd be in the hospital he and I use him he don't use me he uses me I don't use him if I could use God that way I'd be in hospitals not at Eagle Mountain Church this isn't a switch that you turn on come on say they're his gifts they're the gifts of the Holy Spirit and we yield to him and we need him and is based in the Word of God and it's all working together come on somebody better give him a big big child [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do we have anybody here that was healed that the last miracles on the mountain or one of the miracles on the mouth and this is number four this is the fourth miracles we have anybody can you come give me a couple people here that were touched your heel than the last any one of them one two or three I mean some yeah come come I want to hear you've maintained you've kept we've had some amazing miracles here as you've seen on the television door this man's kept bring him over and bring him over he's had it he's had a miracle we got a microphone on him this lady right here yes she said her husband was healed uh-huh that the last miracles on the mountain what happened he was here two years ago and when you touched him all the pain that was in his leg went away and then when you came back the next year you touched him again and then all the swelling that had been in that leg for four years went away and I have pictures of what it was like before and what it's like now and he was going to come tonight but he his truck he was afraid of getting another healing three healings might be a whole lot here it's so important that that you have to you have to promise God that you're going to be sentenced to a life of continual gratitude it's the one thing that I can say that will keep that healing solid in your life so many people get a healing touch but they don't end up healed come on say they get a healing touch but they don't end up healed in somewhere in between they forget where that came from they may think they went to a meeting or they had a preacher pray or they was in a service or they they stood on a promise this is all connected to a person not just a promise but a person come on say a person that person is Jesus the Christ and when they came out of Egypt they crossed through the Red Sea they had a party and they were grateful all those years 400 years in Egypt and then to come through a miracle like the Red Sea and Merryman pulled out that timbrel they had a blast and they sang horse and the rider come on say horse and the rider come on say the disease and how its carried was thrown into the sea it's the last time they thanked them manna fell from heaven they praised him not water came out of a rock they praised him not quail manna I mean there was all kind of great miracles after the Red Sea but the Red Sea was the last time they took a time out lifted their hands and just praised him you don't need an instrument you don't need a church service I mean from your bed to the coffee pot you can praise them come on somebody help me come on [Music] and all I'm saying however God touches you tonight and a lot of people are gonna get healed there tonight and tomorrow night even more and I'm just sharing with you this this one little that I've learned in 42 years of this ministry and from my own life for my own life of being healed of brain cancer lung cancer is that just that just to look up and believe that there's a real person in the third heaven he's in your heart by faith but he's in the location tonight he's omnipresent he sits next to the father who's on the chair and the Holy Ghost is seven spirits are before the throne and this is a concert concerted effort tonight that God's after you and he's after what's bothering you and so I'm asking you tonight as we sing as we worship as we pray for people I want you to be checking yourself this man in the city we're in he reached down inside of his pocket that field is double her knee and when he when they were gone he let the whole place know that that double hernia was gone he didn't even need a microphone and I'm saying that's how you ought to be ready to go to that the moment you sense come on say at the moment that there's a change I want you out of your seat than up here don't don't here don't I mean don't hinder the flow if he's healing you now we want to hear about it now he's just not that big of a deal it is a big deal everything's a big deal like this little boy here that had the glasses on he still has no glasses he now goes without glasses in the same meeting that carried a lady in on a bed and she was so used to being on the bed I said well tonight you leave without the bed and she says why is it because we need the bed here and she's know I need the bed I said no the bed was to get you here tonight he makes you walk makes you strong and she said you mean that can happen in one night yeah it can happen in one night it can happen in the blink of an eye your blood pressure can change forever come on your blood for your sugar count can change forever somebody better get a little bit happier [Applause] and that what happened here and what happened here what happened here what happened you know for l5 s1 oh that firstly I wanted to pray for that lady where she had come here damn please you you're you're not in charge here come on get up here what's it oh you have an assignment she has an assignment she shows a great seat every time give her a god bless you come on yeah so your husband had that both both those healing miracles and he's doing good now yes he's great yes and how are you doing I'm okay and you're here tonight for what reason just I'm always anywhere when you're close by just to be in the meeting yes see that means you're hungry enough to get a deposit come on see I need a deposit tonight I need an impartation tonight to be unlike me and be more like him you could leave here tonight I mean with your motor running you can leave your you leave your tonight with the desire to touch people to activate the gifts in your life to believe for every relative that you have even the ones you're having trouble with come on say Amen wow this is amazing we thank you dear Jesus we thank you we thank you Ranger what happened to the city arranger quickly ma'am what happened um I had l4 l5 s1 back issues I couldn't get out of bed I was in so much pain and I l4 l5 you couldn't get out of bed how are you here well I came here you you think it real I Preston yes absolutely then what happened I was sitting out there in the back and you called it out and I instantly was pain-free and it had been ever since [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I believe in celebrating if the world can party they can have a piggy bank and give out world awards that are temporary yeah they're temporary we get crowns here that we've cast at his feet I'd rather get a crown for serving him that I and that why do we cast those crowns at his feet when we see him we don't want the crown when we see him it's game over come on somebody amazing that's an amazing so that's no per l4 l5 yeah and it was bad it was bad it was really bad I lost my job I couldn't I couldn't I can't do it here's the stuff that we don't hear the effects of pain the effects of bad eyes or ears you can't even qualify for some jobs or you'll lose your job and you lost your job because I couldn't do anything I couldn't get out of bed without pain it's hard to believe people that are healed when they tell their story to comprehend where they were at that moment convinced my friends to come but here you mean yeah and what they say you know they don't they don't even believe and I'm like I'm Catholic and I love the Catholics I love the Baptist I love everybody I love we're Kingdom here okay we're Kingdom we was in a service last weekend in Bradenton and there was a Catholic in the meeting a man I met and he can't his wife brought him he had never been in this kind of a service well he was completely blind in his right eye so he's sitting way in the back and he after when he came up he said I come he starts saying you know he said I've never been in a meeting like this I mean people laying on the floor people falling over the chair he said I wasn't taught destiny this is a little bit too much for me he sat back there just that wasn't kind to you he said all of a sudden Marana I came open my right [Applause] [Music] how did that happen he says thought maybe that man up there knows what he's doing they said llama Catholic he says how can you split he said see we have all marvel at the front of our churches so it wouldn't be comfortable doesn't fall on marble and he was he was clearly honestly befuddled and he couldn't argue because here's God either by beaten by faith in His Word or by faith in His mercy you may have to get a mercy miracle tonight most of the miracles in the New Covenant in the in the Gospels was mercy miracles because he hadn't gone to the cross yet so they had to have faith in His mercy and savart Emmaus the ten lepers a Sabra Phoenician woman all of these they came and saying have mercy so when he said go your way your faith it was faith they heard about a man who didn't hold anything against you they heard a man who didn't heal you because you were good but the healed you because he's good come on somebody help me come on cuz but by the very fact that we need a miracle we may have broken the law somewhere who knows we may have done least a few things wrong in our life hey the lady print and she came with an option tank and she was dying with emphysema holes in her nose could hardly talk unless is man were you here for a miracle she said well I'd like to get a miracle but she said you have smoked all my life I said well God don't smoke yeah I know he don't smoke but she said I didn't look where it got me so why would God want to heal me whenever I help myself get here I said because he's just not into curses he's just a good god and he wants to heal you anyhow and she said you mean in spite of all my smoking and all that you mean you still think I don't think I don't come here and do a meeting because I think nobody needs to know what I think but they need to know what I know come on somebody help me here and when she fell the hose came out of her nose the tank went over and she's laying on the floor on her back and that's the hardest place to breathe and Miss Jane Boyle said to me as she's laying she was saying you know she said I shouldn't be able to do this it's amazing how these miracles have a way of just did that really happen and some people have to figure it out on the way home room that wake up the next day sometimes there's a delayed reaction I'm telling some of you tonight here I don't know I don't know which 10 of you is gonna get a miracle which 10 of you is gonna get a miracle but this touches me because you got this one last year I think in this last year I think it was the year before and you're still kept in oh yes I wanna give her a god bless you give her a god bless you yes what happened here I I had a surgery and they nicked my bladder they nicked your bladder can you believe I can't wait to hear this one they nicked her bladder so how'd that what that do well I have to pee all the time oh can you edit that out edit that out don't pull ups are pretty awful okay dear hurry I didn't like it so what happened that was affecting it with you constantly constantly yeah almost like incontinence yeah like incontinence like totally like if you breathe you put okay okay and you called up that goes a couple years ago I've been coming here to every miracles on the mountain yeah and um so I come up and you're like oh you need a miracle I was like yeah I guess it's the bladder his Lord told me come up and I really didn't know it was Nick yes there's something about that come on I know you know what his name is [Music] oh gee [Music] man ha master master master see [Music] the fragrant [Music] hey just a minute just a minute ma'am so you're okay there's no more of that you're okay you're it all stopped no adult pull-ups let all heaven and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you man what happened to you well a number of times I've come up uh-huh and I always got something in addition to what I came for but extra yeah and I would come back and thank you and then something else would happen oh well no the next for the last time yeah I came to thank you and I did say you were teaching on the holy saying in the spirit what to do and so I said I'd never been slain in the spirit I wanted to you wanted to be I wanted to be well you did your power thing but I pastor pastor where do you get these people it's just mountain air that's here use that power thing I don't have any power I have enough sense to tap into his power come on say not by might not by power but by your spirit saith the Lord once you have that go through you once you have a real experience with being flame and that tent you'll know a man can't do that you'll know you'll know that's not of this earth I mean you I mean you won't live for a feeling we walk by faith that we take every feeling we can get you know in the journey and it's amazing how if that's never happened you let that happen to you let take that experience that all of righteousness might be fulfilled that's what Jesus said because John the Baptist said why why you know why you why am i baptizing you Jesus you should be baptizing me and Jesus said that all righteousness in other words that everything I'm to experience here on earth in this body I will experience it and this should be your heart everything he God wants you to experience I mean the good stuff the good stuff he has things for you to see you haven't seen yet heeeh sings for you to hear you haven't heard yet he has six voice for you to do you haven't done yet come on say I'm just getting warmed up saying so what tell me what happened was you slain that night yeah but standing up right over there okay and one of the KCM / huh huh you know person okay a friend I'm standing right beside me huh and I didn't know about I just was standing like this as far as I knew I knew I could move uh-huh but I didn't want to cuz that's dealt the Holy Spirit I knew that I was slayed in the stair mine I didn't know what was going on except that I knew I could move if I wanted to yeah and then all of a sudden this man starts coming toward me yes man a man the man and there were men behind him and he was dressed kind of like a gangster and I turned out to be Satan and he was sneering at me mama and I said yeah and there's more to this because the last time when I told you this you did that and you never heard the rest of it you think this is an easy job I know I know [Music] amazing amazing you go to church here right yes sir uh-huh so anyway what happened was you know her I said hurry with the story okay yeah anyway so ice pointed that huh and I said I know who I am I know who I am and you can't do that anymore and he had to say that a number of times and he he gradually faded and the next one came and there were about five of them all yeah we're doing warfare right in there yeah and every single one of them got fainter and fainter one the last one just I hardly had to say anything yeah and he left yeah and I was so free yeah and from that point on that time [Music] [Applause] what happened man what happened Sharia and you called out l4 l5 v l4 and 5 with rods with rods and I came running to receive my miracle you had rods in your bag and I you didn't even have to touch me then morning just came over him and the pain was completely gone I was having paralysis again in my right leg huh and ever since that night that was February 29 uh-huh last year yes I'm pain free oh my god [Applause] [Music] amazing before that so you had surgery before that that could not correct it right and I had been tested to see if the rods are still there down I just know they're gone that would be an amazing I believe they are going lady that's amazing though Wow yes ma'am right here quickly what happened to you um two years ago you were here and called out bone on bone in the knees bone on bone in the knees yes and so I took my healing then and I haven't had no problems with it the pain is gone and since then I've participated in the 5k race [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy hole holy every hand oh come on oh come on holy holy holy Oh as we lift our heart [Music] holy Oh [Music] I think that's amazing don't you you can do what you told anybody about this touch your dear Jesus touch Oh touch your again well the Holy Ghost yes right here ma'am in the green yes what is this tumors tumors and shingles no pain they just left yes but I need a healing in my eyes what's the matter if your eyes bleeding fogging is been going on since October since October but so back here tumors all gone that's been verified right yes and that was last year two year last year what church do you go to Victory Christian and hazel takes us anywhere hazel uh-huh we're so glad you're here so glad you came back for some more yes different Holy Ghost touch these eyes finish this miracle tonight let her eyes become so clear these Healing your eyes right now he's healing your eyes right now we give him the praise we give him the praise we give him the praise open your eyes till the clear on oh my they are aren't they [Applause] [Music] version I had cataracts you had cataracts probably still have them but I can see and read I don't need the glass you don't need glasses I don't need him I signed I fill out all the small she had cataracts and now she don't need glasses what do you think of that I believe it is are you happy about it are very happy because they couldn't operate this said they couldn't operate because they said they'll still be changing because I'm still very young but I was praising for mom because she got healed when I go she healed up she she couldn't walk in her feet but you told someone there was a lady here that that you were praying for yeah and you said done then my mom she heard that the whole speech I said get up so so he hit it said here for her it hit back there with your mommy on come on [Applause] that's amazing so a night when I keep the Sunday you say if anyone had a healing to get up and run around and she wasn't here but I said I'm gonna run for her and when when I went back to I didn't want it I said I'm gonna run but he said you know how the enemy is he said you're gonna look stupid nobody else is getting up oh but I finally did and then I saw a lot of people aren't you something and I went around when I went back to my seat yeah I was just praising and when I opened my eyes I could see everything so clean [Applause] [Music] I've actually been healed quite a few times in the past few years although the last time last year I was healed of a gluten intolerance food allergies and intolerances you know I couldn't go out with my family to a restaurant you know I wanted to hang out with them but you wanted to hang out with your family yeah but you know who wants to sit there and watch their family eat and you know so I came to the service and I got healed and I actually had birthday cake from the actual clan birthday [Applause] come on come on come on that's it that's when you know you're healed right when you can eat birthday cake yeah so if you told your friends how old are you I'm 19 you tell your friends about this yes what they think your friends you know something okay you know some believe but to a point and then some are just you know they kind of you know their delusion rush it off you know like oh okay well you know they don't exactly put your hands up honey all the days of your life you'll know the Holy Spirit all the days of your life well you know the Holy Spirit [Music] what what what happen to you well the last time I was here all these bones are crushed and medals in it you got rid of the metal you got a little devil on my back you got rid of COPD out of my lungs I can sleep at night but you said God put a deposit in me when you knock me down the last time and I'm waiting you said come back and you will finish that deposit on my [Applause] [Music] Oh holy holy come on the singing holy holy I want you to sing those work come on Oh only [Applause] [Music] but [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] holy freshest we know it come on fresh we have to worship Him come on Brad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] precious [Music] you know when you take your car to the carwash if you drive your car through the carwash you've expected to come out cleaner don't you you expect it to be different how is it that we can come into a meeting where we're hearing these stories were these people walked into a meeting and walked out different and and he's no respecter of people he that he serves the hungry that that man that's reaching that woman that is reaching I'm telling you he is after whoever you don't have to be famous a celebrity you don't have to be a rich you don't have to be an inventor you just have to be a hungry person that that wants someone to help you that where no one else can and be humble enough to admit it come on say God helps humble people and we had a big NFL player came in big football player 300 pounds that they were cutting him from the team he stood at the altar I said if he falls on anybody he'll kill the catcher's so I look behind to see who was catching them two little Spanish guys were behind them now third line I thought I was one time I said maybe you shouldn't slay this person I had to stand on the stage to reach up to him and he looked at me tears coming down his eyes do you think this couldn't work he'd you I'd like to get my job back I'd like to play but they're telling me I'm not qualified to play I said look at me look at me your coach is your coach the general managers the general manager but God is God [Applause] so I touched him he went under the power he buried these two little guys you couldn't see them the one guy's hand was LEM coming out from underneath the body so they had to roll him off with a guy and that little Spanish guys he's her Holloway that's it I see you up cases I'm alright man I'm all right and he got up and he played this last year he played this last year not what I'm saying no matter who you are how famous you are if you're humble me to walk into a church meeting to walk in there wasn't a lot of people there in that meeting he didn't care he needed help he walked in one way walked out another way got his job back we serve an amazing god people I don't this man here now tell me one more time slow motion you came you had metal you had metal we're in the middle bumped my head burn off that night I couldn't even stop the fire from burning I mean it was bad you know the meeting oh no I'm talking about when I walked up here yeah and you've done your electrical deal on me [Applause] [Applause] this is what this face news likes right here say where were you from were you from from the hill that's Texas and you got healed that night all that stuff let's go there did I come down here my while I brought my wife to be healed yeah instead she pushed me up here and you healed the God healed me yeah she come to get Hill from my authorized and Baker cyst and a bladder that fell down uh-huh okay and but she was praying for me to get healed and tricked me into getting up here but anyway I slip at night I get good sleep at night now and I wasn't getting no sleep I had to set up to go to sleep [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this has have to change your life it has I mean look my wife don't let put over me too much no more you'd believe your sense go to bed and that's what I do which snoring in that chair and go to bed so now I don't snore cheer I just go to bed and not a fart it's a miracle I'm telling you it's a blessing to make when you sit and you can't breathe if you lay down and you've got to sit back up real fast to catch your breath [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] this guy here and any of you here there's always people in an audience like this that doubt it that don't believe it don't come to me go to him I double dare you to go to this guy right here that's where you settle this because he felt the electric he felt the fire this guy got the whole burrito right here I'll kill you come on hey hey hey and I mean this is something that maybe we grow into some of us maybe it's not your season to say I gotta see for myself I know when I was slain in 1962 for the first time as a boy in the Kathryn Kuhlman meeting I couldn't get up it was so heavy yeah it was pinned to a marble floor and I thought I died I thought I'm I'm as dead but I can't be dead because I you know and I looked up and I saw her and I thought if I'm dead she came with me and you know and when I got up I went I went home healed but I said to my grandmother I said you know this is amazing I said but I want I want what I felt again she would just be happy that you're healed celebrate that the cancer is gone I suck a dick here's what I here's where I was at that time I'm glad the cancer is gone I'm glad I'm gonna live but I want that again that's just where I was living and walking at that time of course you grow and that doesn't have to be all that you live for but like I said earlier you want to get everything according to life and godliness and if you get touched by God in the way like he says like he did here he's back his wife tells him to go to bed and he listens come on somebody I mean it's life-changing it gets the real one and there's a lot of stuff today that you know you don't know what kind of fire it is strange fire or real fire whatever but I love with this guy's story and and it's that they have metal disappear do you understand that I mean sometimes you need to stop and get a little cranial with this little cerebral with this and how does that disappear well he just does it he's the master of it all it's happening to some of you right this moment COPD is being healed right now COPD where are you COPD come to me quickly COPD where are you come bring this man to me hurry how long you had this sir how long you had it 20 years how's it affecting you right now I can't do anything real strenuous you know I have to rest more often well I would like to run around this room yes [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] something's [Music] [Applause] well the powers over that lady right there go lady go hey Dutch look at her back we'll get her back [Applause] can you come over can you make it she is so consumed at the moment what condition is this the COPD Oh ma'am pardon me how are you right now good [Applause] singing hey he touched me and since I met my blessed Savior that's a sequence that made me come on I will never cease who never cease to praise copd turn come on this dude in concert he touched me everybody [Music] Cement he's right here but I made it you did it I did it you couldn't do that before well I wouldn't you wouldn't Amade it where do you go to church juris wheels Jerry Savelle we [Applause] I just started going there you just started going there you took a night off to come here though you bet right nope you don't mind Jared um we're on the same team that's true that's really true Wow what do you think about this God's good you how you breathe how you feeling I'm good your breathing is excellent no I'm a little you're out of shape that's a lot better and now bring me this lady here guys she's been down two times and she's really ready I believe come here sweetheart come here come on sweet her she's she's really half out of it here I'll tell you your way [Applause] [Music] the best cure for depression the best way to get a load off of your mind there's more to this than what you think too many people consider it shallow not if you're under the power his power if you're under Rome power yeah if you're under his power there's something that he sweeps out and something that he puts in I'm telling you that it's amazing you're you're feel so different and and wow my god it's over ma'am what do you want to do now I mean what do you want to do do want to run back to your seat or what do you want to do I'll just walk by you just walk back I just have to make the skirt it is no see [Music] what he's done [Music] come on put your hands up he'll do it for you come on open [Music] there's no secret [Music] see what God can do he's healing a Crohn's disease as a Crohn's disease being healed this Quran says he's being wonderfully touched right now by the holy ghost quickly I want that person to come and see me Crohn's disorder in the intestine you need to get up here quickly it'll be gone tonight it'll be gone tonight you came in one way you're walking out another way hurry come to me nothing to be embarrassed about Crohn's disorder quick there's a lupus healing as well was the healing of a lupus come to me quickly amazing and get out of that seat don't wait does that person's coming here she comes quickly give her a God bless you right over here come on yes get repeat god bless you [Applause] bring me this way to be right here ma'am this lady just went down the this little precious lady right here that little precious lady yes just a minute ma'am she's kidding come here you okay you're getting run over by everybody Oh pick up the speed we move slow enough cuz I want you to see this what look she can't even hardly stand leave go over guys I want to see if she can stand just leave go over okay so how's your breathing you came up with COPD correct how's your breathing at this moment right now it's great it's a great it's great and you see a difference oh yes I was saying you were what I was singing you were singing how great God is and you couldn't do Peru and you couldn't do that before and were you free yes I could say but I get out of breath yeah and now you're not oh you want more [Applause] find your way back here we're done with you sir thank you thank you what's going on sweetheart what's going on lupus lupus tell the people all painful that is it's debilitating uh-huh it's taking every piece of my life away and you're losing my hearing you're here I don't hear bugs that I can be in here I have a long list well the Holy Spirit called the lupus so where do you hurt where are you hurting at this moment my ears and my shelter attorney now yes you're sure I'm very certain jacket this check [Music] [Applause] I can breathe [Music] powers all over you oh look at this you couldn't do that come on do it again and I just wanna praise you and leave I love ya you're watching it and [Music] [Music] yo ho ly name [Music] [Music] I love you everything's to me [Music] exalt your culture and me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my COPD how long you had this uh we old bunch blows them through where's that girl here I want to make sure where'd she go so where's your pain nowhere about your ears what's that yes mahadji rubes now it's not ringing it's not ringing it's not ringing I'm over here either you can hear I can hear and it's not ringing yes Irene somebody give God a shout [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sir-sir what are you ready for this sir well I don't wanna mess with you during all ready I'll get been ready ever since I was eight years old hey here's that song you had this that's what the doctor said it was a pity how's that thanking you right now it's a little hard to breathe well you won't be having any trouble in a couple [Applause] let's get him up come on come on get him Wow Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what do you think of that well it's magnificent ah fantastic thank you Jesus thank you you weren't like this before you couldn't do breathe my life I couldn't breathe real deep I can't breathe properly then how can you how can you test it you don't know how can I do what them sort of if you wet how can you test this to see it what's different when I little bit demand my clay on my left side instead of my right and I can breathe good although if you lay on your left side doing the lay on your left side just go ahead right here sir have a spot right there there you go next time required the fall on the left side when you go down under the power this is precious these precious what's that oh yeah oh yeah what look at him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] straight [Music] to be you okay what else do you want what else do you need you well you're exerting yourself you haven't done in a long time right you did a little have a little seat here we'll get you a seat okay he's good some of these meetings will reveal that you're out of shape I'm sorry I'm sorry they just will you run around this sanctuary one time to prove you're healed and then you may die because you're the shade come on somebody that's not our problem we got healed of the disease use your healing to get in shape a little bit keep the blood moving through your system you know I didn't mean that right of course you didn't when Kate Kenneth was watching I didn't mean that you know I didn't mean that what's going on right here I came for my mom my mom's healing or the crumbs crumbs you're here for your mother yes she has crumbs yes we'll get over here I'm waiting for the person in the auditorium with Crohn's is that person here with Crohn's we're come to me young man let me get this man first quickly you have Crohn's yep come here how long you been fighting Crohn's for the last 15 years 15 years tell the people how that's affected you your intestinal yeah it actually hurts a lot so I can't eat a lot of the foods is it hurting now yeah I mean when our I take a big meal are a good meal so it hurts then you can't process it properly yeah two three days your body can't break it down yeah and it's hurting now yeah and it's hurting right now yeah you're sure yeah check it [Music] what it's a [Applause] yeah it's pretty good yeah give God a shout come on [Applause] come on get that guy with the sister over there right here you what this is your your sister Oh your mom has Crohn's Crohn's you have Crohn's you're fighting Crohn's you are right here what's that what's that let's get a mic on here guys I started with a pain in my side and I went to see the doctor yes and she said you got Crohn's disease and he said I need that surgery I said no I don't believe that yeah and I started having a diet but I cannot eat many things because they do it's over you know do you know I didn't make that up God called that out cuz he loves you yeah he wants you to serve Him yes is that a good deal yes by the Holy go oh it goes come on man what's this right here what are we had room what do we have with this woman is she okay you okay ma'am what's going on with you I'm fine what's the matter yeah with the hunter with Crohn's okay diarrhea that's not good yeah that's not good and I tell the doctors there's a lot like the breasts leaving right now rough on the breast that lump it sleeps leaving it's gone the lump on the breast where are you the lump on the breast come to me quickly where are you don't just wave your hand and me get up out of your seat come as it used to be dark how long have you had this how long six months did you check it did you yeah that's nobody have you checked it since you've been sitting here yes and that goes we've pressed enter we were died already so check and see oh my what he's not there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it's all gone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so it was in 2017 June of 2007 uh-huh and I was at my knee was hurting really bad and I was pregnant at the time huh and you called up pigeon-toed ah and so I came for our son okay and as I was waiting in line a whole bunch of other people were there yeah and I said well Lord I've obeyed and I and we got as far as we can and and our job is to obey so as I stood there I felt my ankle shift you know the ankle shift yes sir your bones move yes sir and then I felt my knee uh-huh and then I felt my hip bone shift here lady and then I felt um Catherine are my baby she dropped and then I started going through some contractions and I said no this is good because everything God does is good Oh mom this isn't gonna you know we were close to a deliverance service right there [Applause] I'm glad I'm finding this out of year later I'll tell you that so so then that was the end of that and and I came up for testimony yeah that's Sunday morning yeah tell you and and so my knees have never bought that me never bothered me in a man my ankle nothing I've been able to keep up with the kids and everything imagine put your hands up Potenza you're gonna see the glory of the Lord the glory of the law is gonna appear to you get ready for this in the living room in the living room somebody give God a shout come on that lady right there you're okay you're good good good what do we have this young man right here come on young man what's going on here I have a testimony get you so last year you had prayed for my knee I'd heard it and like the inside of the knee was like week and like hallow yeah you paid for it and like the strength came back to ya and like I can do everything now without like you know so the key is you can't keep these to yourself these are stories come on see everybody has stories God gives you stories to tell your stories people can refute what you believe in the Bible but they can't refute what you say happen to you because it happened to you and when your story is needed I mean I do public meetings this is what the main thrust of our Minister is but I love when I'm trapped with people 35,000 feet off the ground and they can't go anywhere and I'm sitting right next to them you can do everything by taking offering come on somebody say man we're in a taxicab or in a train or you know in a rent and rental wherever in the airport so much in the airport wherever you go there's people there suffering everywhere please hear their cry please hear their cry please hear those if you can't if you don't want to do it yourself say I know a place where the eagle's nest come on somebody I know a place where eagles fly and they land on the mountain come on I'm gonna take you to the mountain tell people where to go that's where do you live young man where do you live here in Fort Worth where do you go to church here right here you've already landed here I think it's incredible I think it's absolutely incredible there's another lady with the gun we have more than one lump on your breast maybe that's why you didn't answer me answer the call is that you two did you check the other one it's what you didn't do you want to check the other one too you want to go in the bathroom right back here okay go back there you'd better for you ma'am is that you is that why you're standing up ma'am huh I'm sorry you've a broken what will c'mere Bri that'll do come on well she's in a sling they're gonna do a replacement how did you break it I fell okay two years ago Oh what's a long time to have that yes I've had three surgeries on it is it hurting now yes it's hurting this moment yeah I can't raise my arms yeah I can't raise it you can't do what I can't raise my arm I can't really let me take this off you minute just let me on unhitch how do you unhitch this right here tell me show me what you cannot do I'm a huge to see this what what can't you do you can't do what I can't raise my arm this as far as I could raise it okay I can't raise it behind my head okay I go to the beauty shop every two weeks because I can't do my hair although we can't I can't raise my arm I see that bones have deteriorated in my show right and he's gonna do it why why don't you come here tonight so you know the Lord would touch you then they did touch you let her down let her down let her down just later ma'am you're okay you're okay the girl was named Joan Greene got healed right about in this spot right where your land your name [Music] baby food yeah I can't hear you come over here one is gone one is still there but what one come on over here put your hands up when he took one away one is still there let's go one more time for this to go okay put your hands up come on say Jesus I give you my all thank you from this day I surrender everything to you I say you have me more than anybody you have me more than by that other big ups will see that go man what's your first name when Trent put that arm back just put it down to floor just put on the floor and then just to take it back a little bit your name [Music] bring her up guys bring her up like [Music] amazing you're amazing you are amazing you're amazing you have an amazing party but I can't you can raise it yeah yeah but I can't do it by myself in the meeting so much I can't I can't I can't I can't don't say that see I can I can't look at you but you're doing it what you it's up did you do it I know but it's up yes the doctor can get it up okay my therapist can get it up okay and you can too and you can tell here we go we're gonna swing it get rid of swinging it your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's pretty good that's pretty good it's pretty good give her a got back you come on Leoni what's going on here what do we have here your hands were healed what happened when I my friend invited me here uh-huh and when I was I show her my finger and I would go like this on it would be stuck so your damn bones wouldn't come back up the right they call it chick off your finger was froze yeah and it was really painful look and now you got a flexible frame what do you think happened God healed me got you man yeah but when I was here down there but to talk to you yeah yeah the enemy said go back and sit down because it's not here well then I see that we don't name any room enemy god that's exciting never fun like that and my knee was hurting too and now that's not hurting look and I couldn't do that me you couldn't do that before it was really painful when I was sleeping at night yeah it see like somebody using a knife and now that I born and no it's done [Applause] [Music] you [Music] Dano diagnosis severe asthma whoa and then they act on COPD all kinds of crazy things cause it's affecting you sir I've shut down I'm on SSDI and I got a machine back there somebody has a pacemaker in you had a you have a pacemaker in or a defibrillator that it's not helping you that much [Music] come on hurry sir hurry sir I didn't hear that [Laughter] oh don't you love everybody I'll tell you well sir what happened I have a face maker and and I have arteries that are blocked I'm having an angiogram this next week I've already had three stents placed in my heart right and they're saying that those arteries are already very blocked again huh huh they're open you'll be leaving here with open arteries he'll everything open here for the power at riddled Atma come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes ma'am thinking so I didn't come down there you were singing yes up on the stage yes oh that's your group up there huh what happened on the lumps in the breast and I they were still there when I last checked they're still there the one on the left hand side was smaller on the left hand side was smaller last year when you were here I was healed of endometriosis I had different types of lumps but these just pop them you were healed of endometriosis Hilda endometriosis last year and different types were lumps in my breasts and a few years back I got arches you got arches yeah my brother and I we had we had a meeting here two years ago and I think there was 13 people if I remember that came in with flat feet and left with arches [Applause] [Music] this dangerous out here [Applause] Wow come on they're in the purple lady get that purple woman over here what's going on here Chris given the lumps in the breasts and I have I've gone through treatment you have treatment you've gone through it and what happened you still have lumps yes how many is there still there if it takes that long to find them I don't think they're there okay what do you think of that it's gone [Applause] to me [Music] [Music] [Music] and because he come on [Music] what I want to do [Music] [Music] her eyes were removed so she has no eyes okay and we're here because I'm taking her back to Houston with her eyes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know really when Kenneth Copeland had that vision in 1973 this is what he envisioned and then glorious vision was that there would be 24-hour what was George 24 healing school 24 hours a day we have to have shifts shifts I'm telling you this world is screaming for help people are screaming it with their feet to get into our borders remove the political you know faction from it people are looking for help looking for refuge Breck said people looking for refuge and help the cry in the earth the Bible says the whole earth is groaning I'm glad that there's a place called Eagle Mountain Church come on somebody out man come on pastor George and Terry come on [Music] I mean because set these meetings decide every with Ben this is the fourth one we're gonna run into a meeting they can't be stopped we're gonna run into some it may be I don't know it's gonna be two nights it may be once a month I don't know but this place you're gonna get a reputation if you keep this up sure can they get a reputation what do you mean go there and you'll get healed these are serious illnesses here and we're just scratching the first night I want some of you to sleep on this then I can come back a little bit more aggressive to learn night I don't want you to spectate I want you to imitate I mean be like that cats a Catholic can sit there and just get healed in the audience with design then so can the Protestant so can a Jewish person so can an atheist we people come that aren't even born again and get healed we have strippers that came in with gonorrhea and syphilis and they get healed we're living in the outpouring come on say the outpouring does the outpourings no respecter of people gods after a harvest and he's after some signs and wonders that aren't just in the church but walking into Starbucks with a story to tell you know or wherever you grace yourself for food and putting and drinking whatever but listen to me this is this is already were knee-deep in this and then gods have tried to move your faith needle in your worship needle and and I know he will I just know that he will and this lady can't mean for this tells me that the faith levels rising she's coming to get new eyes oh my word [Applause] come on [Applause] and we're streaming all over the world it wouldn't surprise me of tomorrow night they fly in from every state in the Union it won't surprise me tomorrow night if you come and you can't get a seat because you came too late come early tomorrow night I'm telling you come early those of you that are watching my internet get a plane here get a ghetto bird pay somebody with uber to get you here and if they say where are you going does it take me where the action is I know the car will end up right here man come here precious of you you had your eyes actually removed surgically is that correct yes and so under can I just take a peek at what you look like there do you mind okay no not just lift them up a minute I want to take a peek I see you I see you I see you so you can't see anything yeah any light no no light no shadows yeah no nothing yeah so what if I told you you would see light tonight great would that be nice for you to see like that be happy yes okay we are gonna oh there's the dog my god who's the dog something grabbed my hand there was the dog [Applause] I didn't know what makes sense now that I know the dog is there but I didn't see the dog precious yeah amen you're gonna hold the dog here minister I'm gonna get up underneath your eyes okay Holy Ghost we thank you well there's the power mem I felt the power that's the Holy Ghost you feel the Holy Ghost man huh she feels the Holy Ghost going in her body she feels the Holy Ghost people there's nothing quite like that please don't criticize that until you can have that experience yourself she's having the Holy Ghost go into her body Lord let there be in life oh come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] as we lift our hearts before you come on as we before as a token [Music] oh come on every voice in the room holy holy let's go [Music] come on every boy Tommy no broken [Music] right here mmmm right here [Music] no no I go ahead my eyes removed I didn't see total darkness I saw brightness that was a reminder of God's presence okay that okay something happened and now I see different colors like green Oh different [Applause] [Music] it's coming man let's go [Applause] that's pretty good colors but they're gonna get better gonna get better amen Oh let me get this guy to have right here [Music] let me get this guy right here come on holy holy I want the guy in the pink here come on let you go the pounds on you man [Music] [Music] [Applause] what do you need sir generation but I want it gone own it goes that how bad is that twenty to fifty you're in the right place I got the picture that shows us twenty to fifty so I can I can just thank God for the healing that so tell me how the difference in your vision now the with them what do you see now it's already different I mean my left eye yeah sucks I can't see her stinks nah yeah I can't see out of my left eye at all and I can see your eyes out of my left eye [Applause] [Music] [Music] so you're the guy that screamed back here you scream for him so who's this your dad and what was the condition he has a pacemaker defibrillator okay it's clicking so bad it's keeping him up oh he came because he wants to get rid of that que he wants to walk without the cane and I can give you a list of how old is your dad 83 83 he's got COPD - heart valves can you hear me can you sure I can hear okay he what he can't talk well listen to me the Holy Spirit has you all he's all over you he's gonna heal youth in the yes you know that yeah you're gonna walk without the cane yes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh give him some space here please give him some space please what sir just get him up what's your dad's name Jon come on Jon just start walking Jon don't think about it just walk just walk Jon let John wall hey John I got a catch John over here John John think just walk just walk take your time just take your time you're trying to go too quick just take your time walk to me that's it I like it I like the rhythm I like it so does that hurt when you walk does that hurt when you want you're walking without the cane but does it hurt no it doesn't hurt okay can I get them straight or can you hold on lady my god the problem yes my this crowd here they just [Music] she wants to get you straighter you want to be straighter yes but you're walking without the cane you have hit that part of it then there's no pain no what do you think so far I think it's great who are you from Ohio anything Ohio [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] go down bend down and come just follow me just follow me look at me just follow me it's amazing how you've straightened out it's amazing so pick your leg up you can pick your leg up for me can you pick it up just give it a shot you're 83 come on give it a shot [Music] okay forget that exercise move backwards can you walk in it can you walk back a little bit you're gonna go forward now let him go forward please let me be please let me be in charge please let me be here go backwards whoo you will you amazing [Applause] [Music] how did you feel yourself getting strength you just you just stood right up see your bones are moving that the Holy Spirit's moving your bones that's what Ezekiel said when you prophesied the bones they move what do you want to do sir what do you want to do I want to help you what do you want to do what do you want to do I don't know [Music] thank you thank you raise you see see when you don't even think about it you get straight when you think about you know think about it your body just gets strength I think I could straighten up [Music] you are great you do miracles there is no one else like you [Music] there we go come on you and I here we got you are great Numerical so great there is no one else like you there is no one else white come on everybody [Applause] you gonna come back tomorrow night huh you gonna bring him back tomorrow night it's amazing what's happening there yes what basically he has been telling everybody that he will come back walking better he will get rid of the cane I told you he has been telling everybody [Applause] [Music] amazing [Music] thank you [Music] ah [Music] [Music] come on everybody [Music] ah [Music] let's sing it come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this might be tighter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] another lead-in you've what now I have a defibrillator okay they want to put another lead in right go get rid of it and my wife needs a new heart valve somebody has a brace on around your waist it's a waist brace some kind of a waist brace under your clothing a waist it's a waist brace I saw I can describe it as where are you tonight God's gonna heal that kid's gonna heal you come up with you and the brace come quickly come quickly where's the person in the green come on ma'am you got the brace on what's going on there are you taking it off what's going on tell me what's wrong you got a wet [Music] you don't want to have surgery might get oh the powers all over you mean Holy Ghost is on you huh you walk that God just called you out I don't know you I don't know you but he called you out do you understand that everything changes tonight cool bruh ba da ba da da [Applause] [Music] I can't wait for her to get up I'm telling you that right now how you still up here okay my back is hurting is hurting yeah okay well probably cuz you're stretching it you haven't stretched it for so long yeah that's what's going on you're getting healed that's called a healing pain that's true that's true whenever you haven't when you grow an organ your organ will hurt then when we have when we see stomachs come back or lungs grow back or whatever those organs they hurt when they're coming back in even when you start eating right they'll hurt if some of you would either broccoli your organs would think what is that green thing coming down here they've been shocked you're hurting a little bit my back okay you mind if I touch your back here no okay just let's stretch it me straighten this back up a little bit what's that feel like better much better you like that right there yes you just grew about two inches right there I'll tell you oh my shunryo watching this I just felt something move back you I don't know what that was your hand my it wasn't moving sir you're supposed to have him being faith in believing right yeah okay let's do this right okay yes cuz you told all your friends you were gonna walk out of here tonight we're just trying to help you do that I want you to okay come on you see I yield I yield to the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit in my body and my by every crooked thing straight everything kirkin me straight in Jesus name in Jesus name just walk back there not just walk just start walking sir stay with him can you walk you need some help take his head thank you Sam [Music] he likes being straight [Music] you straighten right up [Music] you see it you see them come on hallelujah [Music] this is my store this is my parade my you guys gonca all the day [Applause] busy this is praising [Music] Oh [Music] this is this is bye [Music] praising [Music] working amazing let me go what's going on here putting it once a night why are you here there's all kinds of diagnosis things insulin resistance polycystic ovarian syndrome sugar is elevated thank you sir hernia hemochromatosis was your hernia still there yes sir how do you know yes need to really look for it sir but they're unhealed [Music] [Applause] amazing it's amazing that happens so quick you got the hits on you right now yeah some of these things you can't rush I mean if you want to be man-made then get in the flesh you rush it you know I know we're here tomorrow night I want I want this to be as real as we can you know because I believe I believe this is real and I want to dis plate as much as we can you know we're human vessels and we're not perfect this is the only way I know how to do this I'm just grateful that Pastor George keeps bringing me back to do it you know thank you I believe it and actually we're this is a team concept I mean tomorrow morning Terry's gonna be preaching don't miss that ten o'clock tomorrow morning ten o'clock right ten o'clock tomorrow morning and he thought pastor George talked today was great these two evening services but there's a day coming I don't know if it's this week but there's a day coming when they'll be there'll be people that won't want to leave the property it'll get that heavy that thick I'm telling you people are looking for a refuge for presence and every time I know that I've been here this place exudes a breakout of glory look what's happening here tonight and she's just frozed here and look at this her husband gets healed instantly this thing disappears then he pulls up his shirts how many men do that in church come on huh I don't see anybody do that right we don't want people that do things like that but he did that to show that it was gone you girls saw and we all saw that right what'd you think of that what'd you think give me this what do you think what did you think is it something that's unusual that no case it's awesome which is amazing amazing these were front row people wonderful he's healed huh he's normal Jesus supernatural it's a miracle it's amazing what's your name come here would you work here at Victory what's going on with you you're doing social media as you and this go away you work here yes you're on payroll hmm put your hands up what Jesus we give you praise bury treasure hidden talent created streams and rivers you haven't discovered yet get ready there's more to about the burst out of you come on somebody give God a shout come on Wow dummy hit test right here come on [Applause] Wow amazing give me the big guy reader than the Bronco physic what's this guy doing here my work got a winter coat on you okay tonight cold cold I have a belt on it's to hold my catheter bomb we have a built underneath right here I mean if you have a what a wrap yes where's the lady over here that had the wrap get her Robin get this I don't think she spoke English did she does she speak English she was just really worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb you are [Music] who hire you let her go guys let it go the power's owner worthy [Music] you [Music] come on are [Music] [Applause] [Music] these is the land on the power also fell [Music] come on hold are you would your wife go [Music] look you guys you guys are being yoked together so evenly spiritually you're gonna be in the same place you're going to be in the same level there's no longer going to be a distinction in spirituality you're gonna be so evenly yeope that's gonna scare you you're gonna think like each other you're gonna feel for each other you're gonna serve together one's gonna be oil and one's gonna be wine do you hear me oil and wine right here come on somebody give holy how are you we'll take that off man gonna take that off [Music] you are we just walk back there just walk just walk look at my walk walk just walk [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where do you go to church uh-huh that this will be experienced the heaviness the weight of this anointing tomorrow morning when you wake up you're still going to feel the effect of tonight and it's gonna steer you in a different direction you hear me this is they're gonna be the best season of your whole life yes the best Resurrection Sunday come on the best Palm Sunday the best summer everything ahead of you is better than ever before a greater glories ahead of you come on give God a shout oh my god [Applause] come on right here you get hurry hurry [Applause] we'll get him - what's going on ma'am what's wrong they said many years ago that I had severe cataracts but I've been believing God what do you mean you have cataracts yeah you sure that's what they are did you make that up with the doctor tell you it's have to tell me he said you've cataract yes so you're blurry very blurry it's very oh there's the power mem right there let it go the Holy Ghost [Music] he's putting ice F revelation 3:18 iced Abbas on you ma'am he's putting ice that one in revelation 3:18 I've anointed you with I there's a breast cancer being healed a carpal tunnel being healed Oh Lord there's a prostate cancer being healed quickly come up here quickly those three quickly all the powers on that lady right there she [Music] her eyes are clear that's the first time in about almost 30 years I haven't been able to drive a car now I can get my license and drive [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hussy hussy moto Simona Hashimoto Hashimoto who you husband elating listen to me that's gonna end tonight thank you well I'm gonna touch you the power is gonna hit you that's me yes sir I receive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] calm down don't you calm down yes you're okay yes look at me you okay give me put your hands on mine just lay them lay them just lay them on my hands this has changed your whole body chemistry has changed there's no more Hoshi in you you have peace what's your wife's name shine now you better get you're gonna have a new wife tonight much better she's chasing you run the kitchen would be better I tell you that okay she'll calm you all right here yeah that's the new you thank you I'm gonna drop these down and stays that way it just stays that way it just stays that way it just stays there I need to some space Rick you're blocking the camera right this way Rick go this way thank you the state that way ma'am don't do not think about anything other than just standing right there for the moment not tell you people this is pretty amazing stuff huh these are the hardest meetings to close you feel like you're grieving the spirit just by closing a meeting come early tomorrow night this is streaming there's people right now making reservations to get here they're sick people on the way here they'll take your seat and your lunch to come on somebody help me here look at this people look at you see this guy's husband what do you think of that oh praise God praise God praise God she's healed she's healed follow them thank you yeah yeah calm down calm down [Music] amazing it's amazing isn't it you feel different don't you that's that's gonna go man just that's gonna go everything's that this is the beginning thinking this works the whole way through your body thank you lord she's breathing just take some deep breaths he's the same [Music] [Laughter] [Music] my Jesus my on my it's amazing right here Jesus my Jesus [Music] my where's my favorite part come on your name is [Music] come on say that name [Music] wonderful name [Music] check it it's better it is I got to tell you something I'll Beverly like that long time you what I haven't been ever lay like that for a long time really so I didn't want to get up you don't want to get ours and joined out because I always have to have a pillow took my neck is bad doctor doctor wouldn't operate because my lungs but I believe my necks okay [Music] I don't know who's happy here I [Applause] [Music] he's amazing I pause because I I see I've been in this a long time I see it God's been good to Billy Burke and good to this work but I never outgrow knowing that's him that does it I'm in awe I'll go home tonight yet again and say how'd you do that how did you do this knowing that he does anything but yet never letting become so calm and I don't say anything again common creates invisible miss and the great Kobe Bryant who flew in the helicopter a routine visit to Staples Center with the copter full of people and what was routine you know we we take our next breath for granted the thing that you could do tonight that would help you the most is get that spiritual healing on the inside and give your life to Jesus tonight that's I assume in no meeting that everybody's you know everybody thinks they are but you know on that day when that last breath was taken I think it's every 60 seconds 83 people slip into eternity that's probably going up since that statistic but so really tonight would be a great night on the coattails of all of this how could you say no to Jesus how could you say no to surrendering your life to him and signing up for something different I mean felt like in life you didn't sign up for where you're living I didn't sign up for this I didn't sign up for broke I didn't sign up to be unhappy they didn't sign up the cheap people and manoosh my way into deals this is not what I signed up for this is what culture made me become culture will shape you if you let it but when that Holy Spirit comes into you don't be afraid of that tonight that's what these people are letting happen and when you let him wait when you let him move in you he just takes you down a road that you couldn't take yourself down it's a wonderful thing and you'll never know it until you experience it it's really a wonderful journey and that's what it's really all about is the journey it's not just about going to heaven it's about the journey the people you help while you're here taking as many people to heaven with you or getting people healed or getting people to hope that they can have a better life that they can have a better life a dad bought us a girl to our meeting in Fort Myers and she was 5 foot she wanted to be 5 foot 2 5 is what she was her dream and she was only 5 foot and they came to get to grow 5 inches in church on a Sunday night at that and I thought I just looked at the dad he said well we just believe I said great we believe tuned he said well this gets started she wants to grow 5 inches I mean his faith was up there you know he really believes and so I looked at the young girl nested so she signed to be five five I said okay we're gonna go for five five buses lord help me I need just help down you're really a lot the night cuz you never know where God's working with people we know all things are possible you don't want to be caught believing that some things aren't then maybe we have to grow into all things maybe we're believing some things tonight but we need to grow into all things so I thought what's gonna happen here I'm I'm in these meetings all over the world and I'm telling you it's it's it's amazing to me I'm the number-one person that leaves impressed I never want to live one day where I'm no longer impressed so I touch this girl she falls so she's on the floor and she says daddy daddy I feel my legs growing good them growing well he runs up with the tape misery they brought a tape measure to church I thought oh wow so I said just get her up and the dad comes down he has his friend up there and they put the tape measure under her foot you know and they take it up she was 5 foot and he goes oh baby 5 foot baby 5 1 baby 5 2 baby 5 3 baby 5 4 and she's just so excited and he stops he says baby 5 4 and she looked at me like she was just I said four inches all I have in me tonight that's all I got in midnight I said if you can find another Church in Fort Myers that can get you that other Ridge but all I got is four and she looked at her dad dad one five I know honey he's trying the man's trying when are we just gonna go ballistic when are we gonna preys on the whole way home when are we gonna say I'm going back to churches are starting this week I'm gonna read my Bible I'm gonna give my life back to God I'm gonna get rid of some of the people I'm hanging with I'm definitely putting those magazines away I mean I'm gonna sell out for God what I've seen tonight this is meant to persuade every one of us that guy that guy where'd he go he lifted up his shirt where's the end and that her need this the priest over there I mean that's amazing that it's gone he had a big hernia right worse naval this he couldn't find because it wasn't there I'll be thinking about his stomach there the whole time I go home there tonight and then this precious lady's all the tremors are gone it's amazing and that amazing you have to be you have to be happy I hope so I'm standing in front of all these people I know I know but if you look in that camera you're standing in front of the whole world right there get here tomorrow night however is watching whoever's watching this if you're within a radius of driving distance please come if you need to get an early flight do that tomorrow night is gonna be amazing over-the-top it this just broke out so quick then I'd come out of the gate so quickly there's such an expectancy here and I I anticipate that we're gonna hear so many stories tomorrow and you never even made it to the front you never even made it up to the front the dead breast cancer ever come up to the front that she come up you're the breast cancer come to me quickly I'm glad you're here where you from ma'am from where Oklahoma how long it take you to get here I just don't have powers to it hands just two and a half hours tell me much you can sir well it started in the breast and it metastasized to the liver and so they tell me it's terminal they tell you it's terminal thank God I know I know so tell me what's going on you got lumps you got pain what you did now the liver has caused its cause cirrhosis of the liver which is what all of this bloating okay and so you're just comforted or what yeah yeah they have to drain it off for anytime they have to drain it yeah they just keeping me comfortable but God so you came here tonight I came for a miracle you came for a new liver you came for a new left I love this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's more you want to do as a human but you can't so you have to trust the Holy Spirit's work your trust in him has to grow the same will you trust in the written word that has to grow your trust for he's the great helper he we were handed over to him when Jesus left as I give you another and he hand this over to the helper come on put your hands up say thanks for helping me come on come on say you're my all-time best helper you're the Holy Spirit and I need you every day to walk with me and talk with me and call me your own I'm making a decision tonight to be more cooperative with you to be more yielding to give a better ear to pick up some healthy habits to live longer and stronger from this day on come on give him a mighty praise come on huh this is the prostate cancer right here both both of prostate cancer point five right now you down the wet point fire down to zero so you're down to zero what's this boss very kind sir twelve you're at 12 mm and had they done surgery no they can't do any surgery there what they can't do they can't do surgery I guess you have to get a miracle debt that's right it has to be a miracle cuz now I didn't take this up I didn't dream it up and I heard it yes it's called yes it's done [Applause] inside you have what cataract in this cataract in the right eye and he said it with any year this one would he said what but then a year this one would cataract he said within a year he prophesied to you about your other eye okay he said you'd have one in that eye because of just an optometrist said that right so how bad is the right eye it's blurry it's blurry pretty bad you saw that levy just a few minutes ago right get clearer vision no better year to get clearer vision than 20/20 right now the whole egos beautiful beautiful Cheryl beautiful mm we give God praise we give God praise here you are really he's just bringing you down from some real stressful stuff there's a piece about to hit your life your blood pressure's been spiking that's the pressure behind your eyes by the Holy Ghost [Music] just softly hi just softly huh [Music] [Music] [Music] 2013 so seven six seven years thirteen that beat better minutes seven years right no 2013 2020 yeah seven years yeah seven years that much stage four and it's in my liver cuz in your liver to put your hands up let's believe tonight okay sir this isn't hopeless hopeless he's gonna heal you yes he forgives you and he heals you yes right right His grace abounds on you correct all right come on say thank you for the grace for the forgiveness of all of my sins wash me clean watch me clearly goes totally go wash me clean yes but that mighty touch [Music] Bible says he will forgive and cleanse their different one forgiveness one is cleansing their different you're doing great aren't you you feel different don't you stand up both of you stand up it's amazing what God did for both of you took your hernia away and you go to church we're right here do you are you involved are you involved you're trying to get involved you'd like to do whatever [Music] amazing amazing what's going on here man you okay what's the matter well this left I know what it's been over 10 years I'd like to say I never see I get again your left eye yeah I can't see you're blind in your left eye he said that never so Jude the doctor that's what he said he said you ever see how long you been blind the net is 10 years someone needs to come and get those hearing aids that's come on you got hearing aids in both ears and God wants to get in here you wanted to take those hearing aids that hurry up hurry up before we close hurry up come on get up here we have a whole nother night to go [Music] by the Holy Ghost by the whole oh the power man that's the power of the Holy Ghost in that I to give you praise we give you praise he's healing the rods and the cones he's healing the rods and the cones oh my open up [Music] huh [Music] lord I love come on let's tell them I love them tonight Lord so holy ghost take it away a little bit [Music] huh little bit up here come on [Applause] lord hold it hold I give what now uh sure syndrome okay so it I'm legally blind okay I can only see part of your face okay I thought I can't hear without these without what what do they call cochlear implant uh-huh okay so if you take those away take them away and give them to art into our rushar here can you hear me now can you hear me I can hear you you can't hear me at all I I'm expecting to walk out of here with my healing dog all you gotta do is trust me and I'm healed [Applause] cochlear implants have that's interesting interesting what's his name boy Elmo ah Loy and those were fifty thousand dollars fifty thousand oh we could pass them on to someone I'm sure we could pass them on to someone they recycle them are they fifty for both yes fifty for both so $25,000 each that's his second set insurance pipe part of that this set not the other and were you guys from LaVon Texas where LaVon Texas North the rock wall so you can't hear me at all which is an Indian Loy oh why hello I'm gonna put my fingers in there okay for alloy holy ghost break the Deaf and the dumb [Music] biggest oh my god get him up get him up get him up hello hello hallelujah okay hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus is Lord Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus you don't hear it we're gonna go in again okay Wow he was born this way no at two two years old and he and his brother have the same genetic disease losing their vision in their hearing well then we're gonna break this curse right amen his curse break this curse Holy Ghost we give you the praise the Deaf and the dumb we break its power would you the clown crap on his ear can you bend down so we just bent there you go [Music] what's good that's good that's good is his eyes open spring him up freshest guy [Music] hey come on single batter people [Music] halleloo [Music] hallelujah yes No yes one more time we go [Music] [Applause] my feet we break that devil break that down break that [Music] be thou loosed be thou loosed come on take you Jesus my village [Applause] [Music] time for me [Music] [Music] okay okay okay [Music] bring him up bring him up [Music] I'm believing this is going to be like the fig tree okay and we've sold that seat tonight and you're coming tomorrow yes and that anointing is gonna work all night in this man okay and we're gonna see this fruit tomorrow night okay you don't hear that okay [Music] he can't well he's really this can be a great miracle tomorrow night [Music] we give you such praise dear Jesus there Jesus faith it worketh by little there it is there it is he could be healing the ice first he could be healing the ice first wow that's wonderful eyes Wow dizzy really and he wants a big yellow truck [Music] [Music] I see wow you see five [Applause] so many better [Applause] one five for you to question me I guess mmm I'm okay I'm okay me zero Wow [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay Carolyn [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see there's a lesson here I was moving on the years but God was moving on the eyes you know so protocol mattered there I was working on the years he's working on the eyes you got to get on the same page you might be working on something he's working on something else boy what's holdin gone up you're not getting on the same page you saw it right here that's the grip what you say okay so what do you want to do ma'am is 10 after you need a wife oh really I've got a bad Nicky I've got yeah who's it your mother where do you go to church man you're a Baptist how'd I get in here tonight how did you get in here actually i'm karis manatee does your pastor know you're here no but II wouldn't mind it but I didn't care static and my daughter is and I I'm always in the church but that's my church well I'm glad you're visiting we're happy to have you we we absolutely adored the Baptist you don't believe everything the Baptist is not that they teach do you believe this oh yeah okay that's what we count that's what matters that's what I'm talking about Church my husband yeah it's got it please the husband I get it I get it but let's pay attention to your healing right now okay I won't touch it I don't have to you're afraid why cuz you're a Baptist you're afraid is that why you're not a Baptist you're a Christian give her a god bless you come on I was just having a little bit of fun with you that's all you are having fun with me so were you were you hurting ma'am maybe one day your ears your neck look better your neck what's the matter it's God is it hurting now no is it really hurting check it yes I'm not gonna touch you I won't promise they won't touch you touch me okay now you want me to touch you then okay just check your neck check your neck please it's right here it's hurting right they're not real bit it's going away it's yeah you've been healed standing here then that amazing isn't that good just give the Baptist a big God bless you come on come on you've got a big shout we're almost done people what do we have here more you just flow how much you pay for those know how much you pay for that one they came together and I I have to put batteries in calling you up front here's another favor batteries - what's this they find what did you just say I got what did you just say I said well how did you pay for both of these how much Oh the law allowed me to pay for them they already paid for I already paid for yes so can you here without them I can barely look thank you Jesus Oh Lady you're gonna hear ladies you gonna hear my word we're the precious lady what a precious lady [Music] we've been paying the price in the wrong place you would pay the price in the right place baby come on give God a shout bring her up guys come on hurry [Applause] hallelujah yes Oh hallelujah what somebody you've got come on [Applause] come on walk around praising them come on go she got [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's going on what's the matter I can see what odd I do not see the wedding you can't see well okay yeah that's why who is this your mother who is this your mother-in-law where do you come from you go to church where we we're going to church here that was 10 to 15 years ago 15 years ago you came here yeah okay well I'm glad you're here tonight what's your name sweetheart what's your name Bridget Bridget who whose uh whose are ya so you hurting now Bridget were you hurting Bridget my leg are you sure they're hurting are you sure check them yeah check him for me what what Bridget come on come on let me take would you Bridget come on come on come on Bridget my god oh my god please my god just take a step come on Bridget hmm take a step you can do it you're good girl come on you good go God's with you Bridget God's with you the Holy Spirit's with you take another step come on don't do tongues right now just oh my god please up here my god just try again just bring it come on Bridget you're doing great look come on Bridget you're done this you're doing I've got me you're doing that you're doing it oh my god you promise you won't it there comes a girl ok ok we're working a miracle she's praying in the spirit you take her Oh big man you gotta look at me look at me come to me come to me focus a little bit bring my gosh look you did it look at you just did give her a god bless you come on everybody [Applause] we're working a miracle with regice with the chair underneath her okay calm down Bridget calm down bridging them right here I'm right here I'm right here just receive them right here just receive I want you to receive the love of God okay you're a good girl come on you're a good girl good girl you're good girl he's healing you're inside Bridget he's healing you're inside you've been beat up pretty bad on the inside the bruises he's healing Bruce he's healing the bruises on the inside no one who ever do that to you again no one Topher you know what I'm talking about [Music] you've overcome that with a great woman to overcome all that he heals your inner man he sets the bruised three he releases that verbal violence those words that have gone down in you for years he heals you tonight he heals you tonight it's the weight of your soul that drags you not your feet but he the snare of the Fowler you've been set free from the snare of that Fowler your soul has been set free tonight she's liable to take off from you get that inside okay Bridget I know you do I know you love them all right look here okay come on you okay yo there you are yeah there you are you see me good yeah let me see you good please do you see me go you see me good come on down calm down no no no calm down just calm down look at me open your eyes [Music] holy ghost just holy ghost Jesus Jesus Jesus thank you Jesus Jesus jeez he breaks the curse Jesus Jesus he breaks the curse jaw he plays the cookies he breaks the curse Meucci jeez get away just look at this this is deliverance it's amazing then that amazing you can hear now-u you got the hearing I had hearing but you got you had hearing aids you know and now you don't have them no but I got a prosthetic leg well numb where did your ears are okay I came here to get a new leg okay but you got your ears first well this is a rough crowd then I got tell you what he got his ears open the now he jumped down to the prosthetic leg ins not even enjoying the ears first people that's not the way this works celebrate every victory don't don't get this and go to that take a moment take a day take a night go home and praise him show God that you're grateful that he did he opened the guy's ears that you the wife who you and in the end yes isn't that amazing how long has he had those hearing aids he's hearing me from there for five years I I got him from the service from jet engines huh I got it from the jet engines we're talking and look how far away we're talking here let's give God the big praise for that healing Wow [Applause] [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] let's everybody move in can you move in tonight what a great great awesome night that's amazing sir I'm amazed I'm amazed come on gathering can you do that can you gather in just a little bit how you doing there young man what's wrong I'm up here come up on stage right here so what what brings you here tonight I want to be blessed I want the hundredfold blessing all that you got I want to I want to be radical I want to be that electricity the power I want that anointing I want to shake the world with the power of God drink the cup though amen cement Marshall said you want they want to sit at your right hand and Jesus said have they drank the customer everybody wants the power but have you drank the cup you decrease he increases it can't be about you it can't be about me the more it's about me the less power there is but I'm hate what he's saying is he's hungry for more he should be hungry for more written word more praise do what you know to do I mean the faith in the word faith in the moving of the Holy Spirit that's the bridge to everywhere faith is the bridge they get you to where you want to go and you know where that comes from correct he's hungry I like that hunger I like it look at me where do you go to church now in Huntsville I mean yes in hunchy I'm from Conroe what's the name of the church the ark the ark who's the pastor Luke Cunningham when you've been going there for about two years put your hands up quickly thank heaven they raise your hands towards this young man up here hmm when God's giving you a very aggressive personality you're very much as an aggressive person you go after things in a hard and the fast way it's kind of wait that Moses was but God's got to put a saddle on you to use you he's got to put a saddle on you and if you'll let him tonight begin that process there's no limit to what he can do with you the way up is down I surrender I surrendered my time my energy I surrender my eyes in my ears I cut myself off from that which would create mixture since I may know your voice and know your power everybody put your hands up let's pray this together with this young man because this is for many of you as well eyes are clearing up right now come on if your eyes are clearing up wave at me there's eyes clearing up right here now they are they're clearing up over here then you pull us over here your eyes are all clearing up over here anybody over here we're huh how much how much take clear up Wow over here big guy what do you mean you're good huh but what you with your eyes or what you just happy right here 70% clear Wow anybody back here right here yes sir what is it sir okay he's just knows his eyes are clear beautiful over here anybody else way over here yes sir yes ma'am her I had a cataract now it's the same as the other eye over here man yeah man what yelling out spots are gone on your eyes 30% clear 100% clear she a double vision now you don't somebody better give God a shout come on [Applause] [Music] Wow Wow come on just say with me say Holy Spirit I surrender tonight I yield every member of my body my eyes my ears every part I want to be a slave for Jesus a prisoner of the Lord from this night I'm giving everything I have to You Lord Jesus come on somebody go somebody give God a big shout come on [Applause] [Music] you know what I'm amazed what God has done tonight let's give God a big 30 second praise come on come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with me and he talks with me and he [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] pastor Billy know how much we appreciated him being with us tonight [Applause] here again and I am with Wynn watching testimonies all night long now on every available voice and I have a pad right here with Facebook here's a lady that was healed from a hernia here's someone look at this a bump on their head a lump on their head just disappear Christ God and you look at more of these here those that say cataracts yeah yeah mammogram can breathe now crazy here's Lois heal from Crohn's disease problems with her eyes blurry vision gone right wrist was healed of carpal tunnel promises easy yeah this is just Facebook right we also were monitoring every available voice all the other media platforms we have yeah and God has moved all over the nation and all the way around the world and I believe right where you are as far as well that's well know this is the proof we absolutely do and I love what we get to do don't you just love the thing I enjoy so much about ministry is watching God touch people in a night like tonight when we watch God touch people all over this room and all over on the internet and on the network it's just it's just so gratifying to watch and what Billy said you never take for granted no you know the goodness and the mercy of God and it continues tomorrow continues tomorrow tomorrow morning manager Terry Copeland presidents of the Eastern Eastern Time 11:00 a.m. 10:00 central rot teaching about healing that's right so you don't want to miss that tomorrow morning let's run it again tomorrow night night eh 8 Eastern 5 Pacific 9 Pacific so we'll see you tomorrow yeah and I know that you're healed the healing power of God is a work in your body yeah right now yes let us know let us know emi c.org slash testified the morning Jesus is Lord [Music]
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
Views: 24,175
Rating: 4.8778625 out of 5
Id: KflTA9t7r_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 37sec (12997 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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