Supernatural Provision - Part 2 (Living in the Realm of God's Superabundance)

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hello everybody I'm Gloria Copeland welcome to the believers voice of victory pastor George is back talking to us about how to continue to prosper down here in this life amen right that's right we got that wrapped up but this life we can prosper that's right we can we can prosper right here right now because as Jesus is so are we in this world and he ain't poor no no he's not he's doing quite well he's healed he's whole he's well and so are we that's right and we're getting more more healed more well more ho and more prosperous every day and we appreciate this word you're giving us this week well Gloria it's great to be with you on the broadcast again and this is our second week we're talking about supernatural provision super natural provision I know that's right and once again all I learn from experience stand by stand by it doesn't matter where you start doesn't matter okay yeah born-again filled with the spirit yeah got on the Word of God and we've prospered ever since that's the formula right there isn't it let's go home thank you for joining us on the broadcast today you got everything you need right then man it were Oh but Gloria we need to we need to renew our minds in the hallway yes and that's what I'm doing with this supernatural provision is is just studying and renewing my mind and helping you to renew your mind that's why we have all of these notes available to you all of the outlines really Gloria all of the outlines for every one of the 165 broadcasts that we've done this is broadcast 165 166 excuse me and all of those notes are available on KCMO or just go to the website click on to the picture of glory and me it'll take you right to all of the notes that we're teaching on this broadcast and we want your supernatural provision testimony yes we want to know what God is doing in your life the unusual things the amazing things that are beyond the norm things that God is doing and let me just read a couple of quotes from last week's broadcast and we'll pick up on what we're talking about this week today supernet and I've got this one glory I'm just reading from my notes from last week's supernatural provision is an unlimited and overwhelming supply that comes from above it is the kind of provision available to all believers especially when the situation the job market the paycheck the economy or others are saying it's not humanly possible it cannot be done that's right it can be done supernatural provision will unfix any fixed income supernatural provision the Lord has ways to provide for us that we've never even considered before we really should take the time to sit and just meditate on all of the ways that the Lord wants to provide for us as a matter of fact if if you go to the website print out the notes included in the notes are these two pages I did a study one time on 21 ways that God supplies 191 scriptures and I was doing this when Terry and I were believing God for a house we had just sown a house we were believing God for a house and I got determined to know how God provides I found 191 Scriptures of various ways that God provides yeah here that's for you to ask and there you receive bill Winston said this he said the supernatural takes us past the impossible through the unbelievable into the ridiculous as God is bringing you into this supernatural he's bringing you into the place where the supernatural is no longer an option but it's going to be a requirement it's going to be a requirement for us in these times that we are in to trust God in the supernatural mention that I was reading book yesterday what were you reading I'm going to tell you oh but it was a bath okay the client of the dollar the decline of the dollar oh so we know we need to know how to operate yeah but it's all I mean there's always been financial problems yeah and if it'll those the Word of God will overcome every situation yes so if whatever is out there whatever is coming whatever is before us for the tie there in the sower we we're gonna be are everything everything's gonna be all right every solar because we're we're not depending on this this world's financial status we are connected our tithe and our sowing in our faith yes believe believe but that connects us to heaven heaven never knows a recession it never has old problem no forgotten the word they use it never has the dollar decline right and so when our sowing in our our giving and our tithing yes connects us to an entirely different system than I was reading about in that book mmm-hmm only declare was on the decline of the dollar entirely different system right glory to God that's what we are not this was never gonna fail you know that's right that's right and the Lord is wanting us to tap into everything that he has available to us even though those those tough times are ahead everything is going to be alright in the household of faith those who will stand on the word and believe God and believe for the supernatural believe for the miraculous believe for the unusual believe for finances coming in over and above our our salary or whatever income you might have that there is a supernatural provision that's waiting for us to tap into it and we cannot be backward thinking about that we need to enlarge our capacity to receive the supernatural that God has for us you know let me just say it this way you know healing is the will of God yes Jesus himself that's the will of God but unless we find that out in the word and we lay holder right right we will do without supernatural healing that's right and that's the same thing with our money unless we find out what's in the word sowing tithing believe God on the finances in word will live like the world is financial exactly so we are word people we are word people and we have scriptures that tell us we're gonna prosper all the time that's wrong there tithers and so that's that's the key to it you know I believe the word and I believe the word of the Prophet and the word of the Prophet came to us at the southwest believers convention we have already entered the supernatural environment that God has been looking for all these years God and you mentioned the other day when I read this on the broadcast we've already we have already entered into the supernatural environment that God has been looking for for all of these years he's been looking for a people who will believe him I try and receive from him and so some of the things that we talked about last week we talked about God being our supernatural provider we talked about tithing and sowing and supernatural provision how you were just saying how important it is and it just seems like Gloria when you and I talk on this broadcast tithing and sowing is a recurring theme that just keeps coming up you have to be at either you have to be a sower if you want to enter into the supernatural don't break as you said the other day don't break this the circle the circle of supernatural provision which is tithing sowing reaping tithing sowing reaping tithing sowing reaping don't break that circle don't break the circle we spent a couple of days last week talking about Old Testament examples of supernatural provision and I here have here in our notes today some examples of supernatural provision in the New Testament and the way that I want to approach is there's so many of them Gloria that we might not get to all of them but that's why you need to get the notes these would be very helpful for you if you're teaching a Bible class if you are for instance where we have this week a testimony that we're showing from a prison minister that takes our notes into the prisons and teaches the prisoners how to prosper praise God we'll have that we'll have that this week and so we're looking though today and the reason why I've been studying the Old Testament and the New Testament about this supernatural provision and honestly Gloria I've been not just supernatural provision but I've been studying the supernatural in the Bible I've been reading through the book of Acts and looking at all of the demonstrations of the supernatural that took place with supernatural provision we have now let's look at this one Matthew 17 and in verse 24 and we'll just go through as many as we can today good and then you get the notes and you pick up on the ones that we didn't cover so that's your assignment in Matthew 17 24 when they were come to Capernaum they that received tribute money tax money came to Peter and said does not your master pay tribute he said yes and when he was come into the house Jesus prevented him saying what do you think Simon of whom to the kings of the earth take customer tribute of their own children or of strangers and Peter said unto them of strangers and Jesus sent unto Him then the children are free notwithstanding lest we should offend them go to the sea cast a hook take up the fish that first comes up and when you've opened his mouth you shall find a piece of money take that and give it to them for me are you and me so Jesus supernaturally paid taxes from the mouth of a fish that is supernatural I believe I read this Gloria and I was I was thinking to myself how how we apply this in a present-day situation Lord show me show me how to apply this well Jesus told Peter to go down to the shore the first fish the first fish and you start thinking about how supernatural that was I mean up in Arkansas when we go up to Arkansas to the prayer prayer cabin it may be a summer afternoon and we're sitting on the back porch and we're looking out over the pond yeah the catfish are out there and they're huge yeah they're huge they're just there just idly swimming by the house quite immersive moss eaters they are lake up for us and they do a good job too yeah and one day I decided to go down and I thought I'm gonna catch one with my hand oh joy I just thought more this big I know they're huge so I went down there I rolled up my sleeve too many moons I stuck well you know I've watched those shows before I forget what they call it maybe somebody here knows where they guys go into what is it doodling noodling and they go into the water and they stick their they stick their hands in these underwater coves and so forth and pull out catfish not me well I didn't do that but I went down there and I reached down and when I reach down into the water they fled they scattered they went in all kinds of directions Jesus said go to the first fish this fish came up to him and he reached down and pulled him out of the water this was a total supernatural act it reminds me of the time and you know we're talking about we're just talking about how God has unusual ways to get it to you if you are facing a tax situation today read this scripture he will show you where your tax money is going to come from Jesus will pay your taxes amen amen and everything else you need and everything else you need and I remember I've told this before Laura again we were up in Arkansas and we had the kids with us and we went jet skiing on the water we got finished we were coming in put it pulling the jet skis in from the the lake that's up there and Jeremy standing out in the water he was about knee-deep in water he bent over reached his hand into the water pulled up his hand and pulled out money really yeah this is up in Arkansas this is the the lake that's up in Arkansas big lake up there big lake and there was 20 dollar bill and we all gathered around encino good you know a twenty dollar bill was laying on the end of the water returns got to come from somewhere and so Jeremy we had two cars with us he had to go back for something we kept all Bree and her friend with us so Jeremy and his friend went back they got in the car they're driving home they stopped to get gas it's a five-hour drive from your place up there two hours he got out and his his credit card wouldn't work he didn't have any cash except the twenty dollar bill that he pulled out of the water it's that right that twenty dollar bill got him home that is a great testimony in in the light supernatural super nice super natural vision and folks I'm expecting supernatural provision to come to me every day in the Word of God it talks about how a daily loads us with benefits every day I am expecting supernatural precious supernatural and there's a scripture in line with this isaiah 45 3 in the message i will lead you to buried treasures yeah secret caches of valuables confirmations that it is in fact i god who calls you by name what our scripture that one is right there that's it that's that from and it's he he'll find that for us so that's one way of supernatural provision let's go to another one i'm gonna skip down here to this one in the book of luke turn to Luke chapter 5 this again we're talking about fish but Jesus was dealing with what he had available to him at the time I read about him last year year before yeah if I've got it I hope I have the details right this woman was digging in her backyard yeah do you move this - no and she found hordes of money dollars okay paper money yeah and some and it came it came that I figured out then that some but a bank robber had buried his money in her yard and I don't know how long ago it was but she found it in her yard Lauria isn't that cool that's hidden trench that that those are hidden treasures for sure and you know what that happens to me all the time oh yeah I like that I received you should be saying that too we find we find all the time lead you to buried treasure secret caches of valuable confirmations that I God called you by name that is Isaiah 45 3 and the message that's Kyle Ike yeah I receive it Gloria they just showed us the five minute market we've got so much I don't know what happened we've just talked let me just can I just read a couple of them let me do that let me just read these to you in Mark 11 we find that the Lord had need of a donkey transportation yeah so he got transportation supernatural transportation if you need if you need a car believe God for a super natural car car not a donkey not a donkey we don't need we don't need donkeys we need cars and the scripture that I found for that when Isaiah 51 it says everyone that thirsts come to the waters he that has no money come and buy and eat come buy wine and milk without money and without price that's that's super nice supernatural we were about to read this but we're running short on time the supernatural the great catch of fish when Jesus preached on Peters boat and then said throw out the nets for a catch what what Jesus was doing was providing an instant harvest for the use of his boat and they they got here a net breaking boat synching load of fish and Gloria the the Lord showed me a couple of things about that as I meditated on it they were toiling it said to catch fish that night the fish market was down at that time and they were really running into a very tough place in their business and Jesus came into their business and he told them what to do and he prevented them from entering bankruptcy I mean these are all things that I was getting as I was meditating on this Scripture he gave them such a catch of fish that it said their partners were beckoned and they had to fill both ships and they began to sink there there was that day on the Galilee the fish market exploded it exploded and as I said Peters business was on the verge of bankruptcy and Jesus wanted to have Peter come join him so he made absolutely sure that their family was going to thrive that's right I mean this is all this is all supernatural good look at look at the second page they've given me three minutes here but I believe we can do it because we have supernatural acceleration when Jesus turned the water and the wine he turned a hundred and eighty gallons of water into wine and I'll just read to you what bill Winston said about this he supernaturally jumped the natural steps and dominated the time constraints of producing wine what does it take to produce wine you've got to plant the seed you got to wait nine months for the vine to grow the harvest the grapes mash the grapes let the wine ferment and the longer the time the better the wine Jesus supernaturally jumped over time and produced a hundred and eighty gallons of the best wine now when I was listening to Bill Winston it when he said in verse 10 you've kept the best wine until now two minutes okay I see that he said bill Winston did some research on this three the the he researched that the best bottle of wine would cost three hundred and twenty thousand dollars okay that's what a bottle of wine good fermenting for two hundred years would cost Jesus produced the best another one that bill said pastor bill said the gifts couldn't possibly drink it all it was a wedding gift from Jesus Wow it was a wedding gift to the wedding couple from Jesus and pastor bill said that they could sell it and they they would not have to work for their first year or maybe beyond what I had never thought about that before oh that's interest I laughed out loud when I was listening and we're offering the supernatural Church is a series by Bill [Laughter] when he said that when he said and then he brought out the scripture in Genesis 1:28 that part of the blessing is to replenish the earth if it runs out fill it back up and then it said this was the beginning of miracles that is this this this was the beginning of miracles a supernatural intervention in the ordinary course of events you got to believe for the supernatural you've got to believe for miracles just like Keith Moore and Jeremy we're on the broadcast not too long ago faith for miracles we've got to have faith for miracles let me read the last one here I've got 30 seconds left now supernatural distribution Jesus fed the 5000 it looked impossible they didn't have the finances they didn't have the place to go by money so they had to have a super natural distribution of the fish and the loaves 20,000 people were fed that day by the multiplication of the fish and lows now let me read this last word to you I know we have barely seconds left but this is a word Gloria I had lost this word I've been looking for it and I finally found it the other day this was a word from brother Copeland November 19th of 2005 and listen to this I've been looking and looking for this one he said to us to the body of Christ you are going to be the ones that God uses to supernaturally feed the lost when disasters come only it is not going to be like it was in the past in many cases you're not even going to have to need the trucks and the airplanes in a lot of cases you're just going to have to take one little meal and divide it and delight it and divide it that is super that's great I don't remember that word crazy yeah we are not natural people we're supernatural supernatural born of God yes remember that we are born of God yes everything knows we're not normal but they don't know why it's a warrior no bird you just said something what you just said something okay we are supernatural people we are excuse us for just a minute we are we are working on something here we we we are supernatural people we have been created in the image of God and we are supernatural people we are and we operate in the supernatural wow man Wow right that day that's we are super not we are supernatural people we are Wow hallelujah yes that's really something I'll take that okay take it okay so here we are we're talking about supernatural provision and we're entering into a place that we've never been before because it's going to be necessary absolutely necessary that you know this information that you know how to prosper heavens way that you know how to operate in the supernatural that's why we're teaching this glorious right that's why we spent all of last week and this week that's why we're making all of the outlines available to you on KCMO org go to the picture of glory and me click on to it and it'll take you right to these notes you can print them out you can share them you can go back and watch the broadcast over and over again and glory and I want your supernatural provision testimonies we want to know the unusual in unlimited ways that God is providing for you that God is supplying for you you know I said something just a moment ago about supernatural provision I'm working on something in my own life I am endeavoring to enlarge and my capability and capacity to believe God for the supernet to believe God for what he wants for us and to walk in that same supernatural that the book of Acts was and that Jesus walked in and in the Old Testament and how they walked in that God has unusual way in unlimited avenues of supplying whatever we need that goes beyond a paycheck people have a paycheck mentality that that's it that's the only way God supplies but he has so many ways to supply for us and one of the ways that he has is what we're going to talk about today and that is supernatural wealth transfer that sounds good I like that I like that too and you know something Gloria we have to keep bringing that up you and I have been teaching together on this broadcast this is day 167 I think I'll go back and check it but we've been teaching together since 2010 and several times during the course of our teachings we have talked about the subject of supernatural wealth transfer we have to keep our faith alive on these things we do we do we we cannot let these things slip from our thinking we've got to keep them before the forefront all the time and I am calling in the wealth transfer hey we're gonna take a look at a couple of scriptures and a couple of words from the Lord that have been delivered about wealth transfer and you can believe God for wealth transfer it's a promise from the word about it's in his golden amid promises yes proverbs 13 let's take a look at it proverbs 13:20 2 it says here a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just I was laughing here because the amplified bible says it finds its way eventually to the justice that you're amplified that you know no but here I think it says it if you find it finds its way it eventually finds its way to you so a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children and I'm believing I'm saying this right now by faith I am believing God that this proves that God wants you to prosper that's right you don't have anything there's nothing to leave there's nothing to leave to your children I am believing God right now Gloria for Supernatural wealth transfer into my household so that I can leave an inheritance to justice and Jesse and I Lee and Kahlan and they they will adorn their poppy and they love their poppy now but oh they will adorn their poppy leaving it for their children's children did you find ya proverbs 13:20 - what does that say a good man good man Thank You Gloria I receive heritance of moral stability and goodness to his children children and the wealth of the sinner finds its way eventually into the hands of the righteous it's interesting that he put those two together isn't it it is interesting the inheritance and the wealth of the sinner coming to those who are upright and right with God I'm taking that yes I'm taking that right now you do that it's an inheritance to his children's children to scrunch up and the wealth of the sinner finds its way eventually into the hands of the righteous now get this part says for home it was laid up oh praise God the sinner there it is right there I just saw thank you for whom for whom it is laid up so the the wealth is light up for those who are right with God yes did you know I've never seen exactly that is knocked over to mine I'm like but that is really it's laid up for us yeah laid up for the just laid up for the righteous if you are in Christ Jesus this is for you the only way to get right the only way to get right listen to this glory this isn't have this on your notes this is a word that we bring up over and over and over again a very significant word from Charles Capps praise God for Charles Capps Wow Charles is in heaven right now just feasting on the goodness of God financial inversion shall increase in these days well this was delivered in 1978 but we are still in those days an inversion is a turning upside turning upside down financial inversion shall increase in these days for you see it is desire to move in the realm of your financial prosperity but release me saying if the Lord release me that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf for yes there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there well have we not seen that the economy shall go up and it will go down but those oh that's us who will learn to walk in the word they shall see the prosperity of the word come forth in this hour in a way that has not been seen by men in days past so that includes the Old Testament yeah that's right you read the rest of it Gloria we're coming a financial inversion in the world system that's a turning upside bathing upside down it's been held in reservoirs of wicked men for days on end but the end is nigh now if you're a wicked man listen to this you need to make Jesus the Lord of your life and you can hold on to it because then you'd be righteous that's the only way we get righteous really is to make him Lord and be born over again a summation you said and though it says here the end is nigh that was 1978 we are 9 tonigh dire to the end there than that then when he spoke that word but release me saith the Lord you see it's my desire to move in the realm of your financial prosperity but release me saith the Lord release me that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf yes o manifestation that I make that's it and manifest myself that's it or yes there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there the economy shall go up and it will go down but those who learn to walk in the word we're doing that's us they shall see the prosperity of the word come forth in this hour in a way that meant that it has not been seen by men in days past yes there's coming a financial inversion in the world system it's been held in reservoirs a wicked man reservoir for days on end but the end is nigh those reservoirs shall be tapped and shall be drained into the gospel of Jesus Christ it shall be done in the time allotted it'll be on time and so shall it be that the word of the Lord shall come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the judge there's the word that's it that's it was a word of prophecy by Charles Capps but it's also a word written in the scripture exactly the wealth of the sinner just light up for the judge now we receive that we we are super I tell you every time you say that that does something to me on the incident we we our supernatural provision and supernatural provision comes to us and wealth transfer is ours it's being transferred to us right now right now let's look at this next one on page two here in Proverbs looking back at Proverbs here proverbs 105 37 it says I'm unpaid here that's here right there problems Psalms 105 30 some 105 37 it says he brought them forth also with silver and gold and there was not one feeble person among their tribes he brought them forth rich and healed rich I like that that's the glory of : translation rich and healed I like that I like that and that that that was the largest most significant wealth transfer up to that point the the children of Israel leaving Egypt with all the stuff that they had they said here take it get out and they left out bad they wanted him out so bad that they just loaded them up and they sent them out and I wanted to read this word from the Lord this was through brother Copeland March the 8th of 2012 I believe this was at the Branson meeting at Keith and Phyllis Moore's Church listen to this he was it was actually this let me explain this it he was talking along and then all of a sudden he just caught up and got caught up in that word he was just talking but then got caught up in the word and here's what he was saying the largest most significant transfer of property Goods wealth and people from the hands of the devil into the hands of God's people who are prepared to receive it he said I'm telling you the biggest transfer of property in the history of mankind the history of mankind has just begun and it's swinging in two and then that's when brother Copeland jumped into this word from the Lord it has moved into its final stage that was March 8th 2012 in Branson and those who will listen to me and follow me and trust me those who I have taught my word and have given the authority to walk in these things it is the most outstanding things that human eyes have ever seen right and then he said it is time now and the time is now your time has come your hour has come so rise and do those things by faith that you know to do and all that belongs to heaven will come into your hands for your joy Christ so what brother Copeland what the Lord was saying through brother Copeland was the largest most significant transfer is upon us the largest so what we have to do is we have to receive it by faith I believe it when Israel left they did they left loaded they left from being servants yes yes good night from servants too loaded that's exactly what they were doing Gloria and it happened almost overnight I guess I believe with all of my heart and I'm working on this I'm working I remember when bill Winston was talking about he had had the day at the office at the church he came home to his wife and she was in the kitchen and he started complaining about some people and she said wait a minute wait a minute stop right there you need a wife she said she said don't talk to me about that right now she said I'm working on something mark you know I'm working on something and I'm telling you I'm working on something I'm working on this supernatural wealth transfer and when the Prophet says the largest most significant the largest must see what people do sometimes I study these words I go through them with a fine-tooth comb well I meditate on every word of these work every word of the word in every word of these words and it says the largest the largest the largest most significant transfer of property goods wealth and people from the hands of the devil into the hands of God's people who are prepared to receive it Gloria that's what we're doing on these broadcasts we're preparing people to receive that wealth transfer it's happened before and forth with silver and gold and there was not one feeble among them so they got the silver the gold of healing and out they can we just talk supernaturally here let's do it have a little supernatural conversation you know we're we're talking about needing another citation ten there we get we got folks going in all kinds of directions and I just really I'm just I'm just meditating on this and thinking about there's probably a citation ten out there sitting to come to you trying to come great they're trying to cut me sitting on the tarmac just saying I want to preach the gospel I'm tired of flying these smoking people and these these drinking people I want I want to be in the presence of the righteous because I want to take the gospel all over the world I believe and I believe we have one coming to us there is a wealth transfer taking place and I take it let's look at this last one I'm going to jump over here to James chapter 5 and I'll just oh let me read this because they just got the five-minute mark here in James chapter 5 one through three we're talking here about last days wealth transfer last days wealth transfer it says go to now you rich men weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you your riches are corrupted your garments are moth eaten your gold and silver is cankered and the rest of them shall be the witness against you she'll eat your flesh as if it were fire you've heaped treasure together for the last days behold the higher of the laborers who have reaped down your fields which is of you kept back by fraud cries and the cries of them which have reaped have entered into the ears of the Lord of the Sabbath we're talking about here you've reaped you've heaped treasure together for the last days and in the last few moments of the broadcast let me read this word this is from bill Winston it was an article that he wrote pastor bill Winston called supernatural wealth transfer God is restoring the earth back into the hands of its rightful owners as well as restoring the power or blessing to government because of Adam's sin the earth was not in the hands of God's family now God is working his redemptive plan to get it all back what I refer to as a supernatural transfer of wealth as we get closer to the Lord's return there's an invasion of the Kingdom of Heaven into this world the imposing of God's will on the plans of the devil earthly systems laws rules policies and values must now come in line with heavens order or heavens government the government of the kingdom of heaven Psalm 103 19 his kingdom rules over all one of the major things coming in this hour is an explosion of wealth in the body of Christ right through divine favor witty inventions and the grace of giving we are at the season of the greatest wealth transfer in the history of this planet there will be inventions that will make the iPhone seem like child's play this is a prophetic time in history the same as the set time that triggered the release of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage this is a season what is happening now that is happening now it is a set time or season which is the consummation of something pledged or promised by God the reservoirs of the wicked will now be drained as the Babylonian system of the world fails the system of the kingdom of God will prevail now listen to this this last part we are even going to see money supernaturally transfer into the bank accounts of the people of God why the transfer of wealth mainly for the advancing of the kingdom and bringing in the end time harvest of souls God needs the wealth in our hands to fulfill the call that is in our lives for this generation and to reclaim what Jesus has redeemed we are talking about supernatural provision and how God has unlimited avenues unusual ways of supplying for us that we probably have not seen before but our eyes are being open our ears are hearing and our spirits are receiving everything that the father has for us and our cup is running over yes and we've been talking about examples from the Old Testament in the New Testament we talked yesterday about wealth transfers supernatural wealth transfer and all of these outlines even the things that we don't get to on the broadcast plus other articles are available to you on KCMG org go to the home page you'll find the picture of glory and me will click on to it and it'll take you right over to the place where you can watch the broadcasts over and over and you can get the outlines right print them out yourself and follow along and make notes we want your supernatural provision testimonies yeah he wants to know what God is doing supernaturally in your life and how the miraculous is taking place in the supply that he has for you I mean it is a glorious thing to live the next in the word prosperity we can read some of those testimony we will read some of those testimonies supernatural probably won't give your name we won't reveal anything praise God it's wonderful it's wonderful today Gloria we're talking about really one of my favorite subjects to talk about and that is supernatural debt cancellation oh what a difference a day makes it does and I just want to mention to them you know you and I we barely have a few minutes to talk about this today but you and I have a product that we put together some time ago we took 21 days to your debt freedom we 21 days to your debt freedom and we did that on a series of broadcasts we have that on a product the information is there for you so if you want to get even more immerse yes that's in this and have more understanding about how to get out of debt we have that we have some other products as well it's time to get out of debt it's a series that that I have messages by Kenneth Gloria and George on it about debt freedom race we just want you to renew your minds and get free and Kenneth and Gloria and George are still out of date we are still out of debt to stay that way you taught me how to get out of debt it was right here in this studio Allen brother Copeland looked at me and said George you got out of debt why did you go back into debt oh he said it it well he did that by the unction of the Spirit of God and boy it got me going in my faith and we just made a determination we are getting out of debt we are staying out of debt and we did it and you did it so it can be done can be done worried and it will be done supernatural debt cancellation Allen let's look at Luke chapter 4 verse 18 this is the account where Jesus stood up in the synagogue he read from the book of Isaiah and verse 18 says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he's anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord yes amen that is the year when all debts were cancelled crazy all debts wiped out and he said down in verse 21 he said to them this day this scripture is fulfilled in your ears so I'm saying this to you right now this day this scripture the year of Jubilee the year of debt cancellation I believe the Amplified Bible says the year when free divers say favors abound do you have your amplified bible could you look that up for it is that look that's Luke for Luke 419 and the it's like the profuse favors of God abound this is it this is your time to to proclaim the acceptable and the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord the day when free free when salvation and the free favours of God that's it don't just abound but they profusely abound that's it that's it that's it we are profuse profusely abound and Jesus said this day this day this day debt cancellations supernatural debt cancellation is available to you grace God Gloria on the outlines let's just take a look at this here together on these outlines will will go down through this you know as I've been studying debt cancellation over the years and just becoming more and more immersed in it to help others I found out some things about it here I found out that in Supernatural debt cancellation he does it in so many different ways like this this first one up here it says he provides the finances he will provide the finances for you to get out of debt here's another one he removes the debt the debt will be completely removed from your life supernaturally removed here's another way he moves upon others there may be someone that God just puts them in their heart to get them out of debt and I was talking to Jerry Savelle the other day actually we are as a family all we all went over to his house for a picnic we took all the grandkids with us had a great time over there and as we were talking with brother Jerry we were talking about how the Lord has led him and directed him to pay off churches or to pay off someone's home led by the Spirit of God now you don't go to a person and say now God's talking to you isn't he Gloria God's talking to you isn't he about paying off the house right right right right right you know faith never puts pressure on anyone let me just say this I had to figure it up mm-hmm we have been out of debt for 47 years 47 years and it is better to be out of debt better the in debt in that awesome and you've never been then we've done quite a few things you and Kenneth made a most significant quality decision in your lives about debt freedom and I took that to heart Kenneth said to me back when we were on the broadcast he and I were on the broadcast together and he asked me that question and he said to me he said the moment you make the quality decision to live debt-free God sees you debt-free amen what happens is when you make that decision there's a super natural track that begins to engage that that then begins to lead you in that direction of supernatural debt cancellation in every decision and everything you do is centered around that to the degree that you met you start with the decision you begin with the quality decision to live debt-free that's what Terry and I had to do here's another thing I'll add to that yeah we didn't make that decision after we've had everything no we made that decision when we needed a car a house everything well you and Kenneth we're sitting there you'd think well you'd never get it but now you're on God still he's you're his program now you found Romans 13:8 or rather Romans 13:8 found them oh well the King James oh no man anything but to love me yeah but then you thought you guys would look at the amplified and see if there was an out it is it is oh no man anything but to love him keep out of debt oh yeah I thought the Amplified Bible might help but it just said keep out of debt so and the scripture talks about we didn't have anything we were a little rent house that and we had our our house was burning than just odds and ends I call it early goodwill early goodwill and and now we finally but we've got weird living in Tulsa Ken's going to oru and we're determining to do what we find in the work and what is brother Hagin yes and going here Smith yes and that year he just for us he had these 10-day seminars and we got to go and so we were doing everything we could to follow the word we did not know this was in the word at that point and it looked like I mean you know we'd never seen anybody do it never heard anybody do it but the Bible said stay out of debt so that's what we determined you determined to do this focus 11 months to get our debts that is supernatural it is and I usually tell people that I married Kenneth Copeland and his notes he was in debt I didn't know enough you think before we married but God got us out in 11 my less than a year we were out of debt that was a supernatural act of God it was because you know folks that have a 40-year mortgage that's a long time paying that house that's a lot of interest that you have to pay the Bible talks about so many instances where the borrower is the servant to the lender 40-year note takes 40 years it takes if you don't do it right it takes 40 years and you know the way that Terry my approach you've probably paid for the house I don't know the way that Terry and I approached our house was that we well we bought it from Scott and Missy or your sister they were leaving town because they were starting a church in Amarillo and they were trying to sell the house couldn't sell the house because we were supposed to have it and so we determined that we would we first paid off the house I mean we just took their mortgage and we paid off the house and paid off that house within about 11 months see we we were born we were boring down into revelation about debt freedom and we were keeping our faith high and I mean just just cranking out those payments and the money was coming in we got the house paid off and then Terry wanted to to renovate it well that took five years but we did it with cash believing God and you know you know I've talked about this before about the renovation of that house it's really nice I mean the things that they did and you you talked to me one time about the arches that we put in the house and how an arch softens a room I'll never forget that you taught me about about decorating an arch softens a room well we we now the house is paid for had we borrowed we would have been paying and paying and paying and I'll tell you something Gloria there is such freedom and not having a monthly mortgage payment that chunk of money we've got you got money you've got money left and that's the kind of life that God wants you to live in that is the kind of supernatural life that's available that is bondage there's no way it is bondage other way you can look at it it is bondage but God is our Father and he's willing to help us mrs. ever will release our faith for miss a couple of payments and they can come take the house but I think about that when I walk through our house and I think about it's dead for I think about the arches and I think I forgot I said that and you know we've been through a lot believing God over that house and we also be you and I did another series on how to believe God for houses so so you can get that too but but Terri and I the the time that went by as an in retrospect we were struggling with that but I'm so glad now that we exercise patience in it because now we're in it yeah and it's a beautiful place yes and we made that decision she and I made that decision and you can make that same decision to live debt-free God we did that free yes you did it on the word and I have a page I've got a page in my Bible here it is right here and I wrote down a number of significant things about you and Kenneth on this page and I do I do I have I have a section here where it says what Kenneth inglorious settled at oru in 1967 you settled never to ask anybody for a place to preach don't ever ask anybody for money to meet your needs never preached anywhere for anybody based on a financial arrangement you also made the determination this was in 1968 don't borrow money yes now you and Kenneth did that 1968 Kenneth Copeland ministries does not borrow money never have and I'm so grateful to you and Kenneth for making that quality decisions as a stand for the rest of us that a ministry a church a business can operate without having to borrow money and I think you you look at the 40 what is a 40 million or so dollars of interest that we calculated we calculate they calculated and in the accounting department of how much interest we would have paid on all of the equipment building property thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars that instead have gone directly into the kingdom of God I think it was 40 plus 40 about 42 million that we would have paid in interest had you borrowed the money but you didn't do it yeah and what what a signs supernatural sign this taught me something you can count on this whatever God tells you to do in the word it's for your good and you'll come out ahead whatever God tells you to do in the word it's for your benefit your benefit and it'll be a blessing to you you can follow it and you'll be out ahead as a result of it it might take some patience yeah but yeah hey you'd still be playing on yes well and I think we calculated this to the executive building that we have here very nice building it was finished in 1986 I think we moved in an 86 I figured it out one day we'd have a few more years left on the mortgage Oh me had we borrowed the money on that building but we did it by faith and even when the building was shut down and we didn't we weren't working on it yeah we were still using our faith we were still believing go ahead to stop the construction because we didn't have right yes right Wow but we took it back up before very long the bill has been finished a long a long time without any interest interest free whatsoever everything everything on this property is debt-free I tell the people in church when they sit in their seats I said just rub around in that church a little empty a little bit that's a debt-free seat you take that with you you take that same anointing with you and I believe oh I believe that every pastor should get this material studied out and get their church out of debt as fast as possible because how do you expect your people to be out of debt if your church is not out of debt I'm speaking to pastors right now in the name of Jesus I claim and I commend Supernatural debt cancellation over your church praise God over your ministry get rid of that right now in Jesus name praise God man glory we just got a couple of moments left go to your second page there I want you to see this word from the Lord and again there's lots of scriptures that we wrote down lots of information you get these online and read them and study them out you'll find out some scriptures about how he provides the finances and how he removes the debt and how he moves upon others to be able to pay that debt for you and so but I want to read this word from the Lord because of our time this was at the West Coast believers convention July the 9th of 2007 the manifestation of the blessing is at an all-time high hallelujah you are approaching a blessing manifestation of glory that is an explosion in ways and intensity that the human race has never seen the blessing will surround you the blessing will encase you you will learn to walk in the secret place of the Most High God blessed in his blessing blessed in his glory blessed in your comings blessed in your goings and blessed in your pocketbook all debt will have to get up and leave you the way leprosy left the lepers of old Auto our debt is financial sickness it is financial lepers see it is an attempt to do with the world's natural worlds monies and abilities what I created the blessing to do for you only it is a burden and not a blessing debt is part of the curse yes it is it is you will begin to confess the word you'll be shocked and thrilled at how quickly you'll have the glory arise and drive debt out of your life if you'll bring me your tithe and see here Gloria once again tithing tithing comes into the picture tithing is part God it's part of the circle of supernatural provision if you'll bring your tithe to me and spend time I will show you how to be debt-free I will bless you beyond your means I will bless you beyond your income I will bless you beyond your salaries I will bless you beyond anything that you've ever known before I will show you things that you've never heard of before you will take advantage of those things and be financially blessed I will bring such a financial blessing upon you that you won't have any idea where it came from it'll come to an explosive place I am ready saith the Lord if you'll begin to confess it walk in it make it a priority in your life then the glory will manifest in your midst and you'll give me praise I will come and visit you and together we will have a grand time so leprosy it is a spiritual leprosy that will get up and leave your presence right let me say something here Julie's the things George and I are talking about really always and whether it's healing or whatever we're assuming that you're acting on the word leaving the word saying yes when we say you can live debt-free and so on you can't do it on your own strength right but if you're if you take the word put it in your eyes in your ears put it down in your heart bring it out your mouth and have the patience to bring it forth that's it'll come to pass that's it it'll come to pass but you can't just say okay I believe I'm gonna be debt-free and it happened mm-hmm and it'll happen but you're gonna have to use your faith gonna have to renew your study the word get the scriptures meditate them speak them declare them get an agreement with each other it is a process that Terry and I went through that you and Kenneth have gone through but it is a it was a joyful process it built our faith and we scaled the mountain and God led us helped us directed us guide us and we've liked for naught and we've lacked for nothing but we have to use our faith we've got to give God something to you know we've something to work with praise God Gloria we are walking in Supernatural debt cancellation yes once you take that on and you learn how to buy a car and pay cash or buy a house and pay cash everything else is it comes eat I mean you still have to walk with faith but you know now it works I can do this we have second I have a short word for partners partners I speak debt cancellation over you yes I speak because of your connection with Kenneth Copeland ministries Kenneth debt-free Copeland ministries that you take hold of that anointing you live debt-free I declare that every here we go Gloria I declare that every partner with Kenneth Copeland ministries is debt oh you're free Jesus name walking supernatural debt cancellation grace God we receive it we believe it and we claim it yes Jesus name every part every partner I grew debt-free hallelujah I take it you take it in Jesus name I write that down that's good every partner debt-free every partner experiencing super natural provision in your life thank you Lord right now everyone Gloria we're talking about supernatural provision provision that comes from a higher place in the higher way unusual ways unlimited unlimited magnificent ways that God has and supplying for us and let me just say this before we get in to the word that all of the outlines that we're teaching from are available to you right now on KCM org just click on to the picture of glory and me on the home page it'll take you over to the broadcasts and to the notes and Gloria we have to this date there have been people who have downloaded almost 400,000 this this series that we're doing right now will put us over the 400,000 oh my there been a lot of folks who are interested in prosperity and I know you are and I know you're interested in what we're going to be talking about today because we're gonna be talking about how to receive your supernatural house now I really would enjoy you being here in between our broadcasts and before we start rolling tape because you know the things that are said and the things that are done you just have to be really quick and catch them but before we started the broadcast today Gloria said several things that I wrote down and this is great you said the first thing you said was something that you had in your Bible says today I want you to reconsider your situation according to the word yes and then take it that's right and I think that's a really great phrase today I want you to reconsider your situation according to the word shifting over according to the world it's a shift shift and then you said we was sitting here and I said Gloria we're gonna talk today about receiving a supernatural house and you said your supernatural house is the best kind of house because it has no debt on it since it's supernatural you might as well believe you might as well build what you want without sparing hey I'm for that I am so glad did you catch that mary did you catch that one I am so glad that you said that because we're gonna include it in the notes here and so we're talking today about believing God for in receiving a supernatural house a supernatural house as as you said it it's without sparing it's a delightful house delightful it's a delightful place to be and the Lord really cares about where we live doesn't it he cares tell that by what's gonna be in heaven what is it no no condos in heaven no shacks nothing wrong with the condo cuz those can be nice we better there are no shacks in heaven no no there are no shacks in heaven it's only mansions just mansions that'll go straight on the gold streets they spare not I'm gonna come over to your mansion okay do and have lunch with you and here's another thing we won't be doing TV so we'll just let you come and enjoy okay we'll do that we'll just sit and talk about Jesus and probably Jesus he'll come I was just gonna say that he'll come and be with us oh the Lord the Lord cares about where you live he cares about he takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servants track he loves to bless us he loves to to just shower us with good things and it really does you know it really the kind of surrounding that you have has a direct impact on your life your physical body your thinking your health to be able to go home every night creative yes a creative atmosphere and Terry and I when we go home every night it's a sanctuary for us sure on those nights when we don't have something where we have to go or me we I shouldn't even admit this but we do it we're sometimes we're in our pajamas by about 7 6:30 now we didn't do that we didn't do that when the kids were growing of course you homework and ballgames and all of that but but it's a different day now and so those nights that we come home all about and a whole day at work we'll go home put our pajamas on maybe sit on the couch and watch a movie or watch the broadcast or something like that and just enjoy the presence of our house and that's what God wants to do that's what Eden was all about days of heaven on the earth you know I read this scripture yes days of heaven days of heaven in your home and that's what he wants Genesis to 8 says in the amplified translation and the Lord God planted a garden toward the east and Eden which the word Eden in the amplified says delight and there he put the man whom he had formed now the word Eden in the Hebrew is the region of Adam's home yeah that's what it says in the Hebrew the area the region of the area of Adam's home and then it is also described as the house of pleasure a place of luxury for there a place of luxury yes and the Garden of Eden was God's original intent for our earthly homes that was the pattern and to be set for our earthly homes our home should be a refuge it should be a supernatural place that ministers the life of God back to Gloria I so enjoy my study at home Terry built me a beautiful study I've thought about you a lot of times enough and the way you prepare for television everything you go into such depth and I could just imagine how you do love to study the word it's it's a marvelous place to be and she built on to the house this particular area because down below we wanted to enlarge the the master suite and build it out so we built that out and above she has my my study which has a wall of windows beautiful it looks like New England looks like where I grew up and it has a beautiful wood and and the crown molding and a chandelier in the middle of a man chandelier man a man's a man cave man cave and there's an outer court and an inner court I've got a keyboard that I can play piano she put a little kitchenette in there with a refrigerator I mean I could live up there actually but it's a place where I can go I have a prayer chair and I sit in that prayer chair and I just bask in the presence of the Lord and receive the goodness of God halibuts Terry did that to bless me she knew what I wanted and she did it to bless me how much more does the father God want to bless you in your home those of you that have children and it's time to enlarge it's time to expand it's time for those kids to have their own room and it's it's doable it's it's possible not only possible but doable because God wants to supply a supernatural home that has that has your taste that has everything in it that is designed for you you're sick it's a mental you know supernatural house so let's go to the second page of Gloria and we're going to look at Isaiah 32 as a authority there are there are other things that were saying on these notes that's why it's so important for you to get the notes as well as and you can order this product Lori and I did a tenday series of how to believe God for a house you and I did that together on the believers voice of victory we have a lot of downloads on that did you ever change we did Gloria we had a lot of downloads that seems to be a very very important topic our partners and Friends is the home that they live in and glory and I did this together we have the outlines articles we have a piece that Terry wrote about our own journey from house to house and how the Lord led us how to believe God for a house and what you have to do is get in the word and find out what the word says you have to do what Gloria said here you you have to to reconsider your situation according to the word and that's what we're doing about your house so Isaiah 32 18 it says my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation and ensure dwellings and in quiet resting graces yes praise God did Gloria take a look at your notes there and I think what we'll do is you know just kind of go back and forth on the notes and I'll give you one scripture I'll take another one and you can comment on it but the one we just read number one there at the top my people the NIV says my people will live in peaceful dwelling places in secure homes in undisturbed places of rest the message translation says my people will live in a peaceful neighborhood in safe houses and in quiet gardens Ealing for the page yes did you find okay quiet garden oh yes beautiful you're beautiful your hours days of heaven on the earth that's right and then in the New Living my people will have safe in safety quietly at home they will be at rest so all of that in those f/32 is talking about the atmosphere the the way it is the way it feels to you the way administers made you it does it ministers to quiet Gardens the natural house a supernatural supernatural house and I just have to laugh I'm thinking again about what I told you about the arches in our house and how you said it softens a room and I can hardly I hardly go through a room that has an arch that I think about glory saying and I'll stand there and I'll look at the room I go yeah it softens the room softens the room instead of having a yeah a doorframe like that and so we have rooms that are softened over the house Gloria pick up on number two read that to us Psalm 107 107 he led them forth by the straight and right way that they might go to a city where they could establish their homes so that when I like that isn't that right so he wants us to have home and the message says he puts your feet on a wonderful road that took you straight to a good place to live now that's a really good scripture for good reason maybe moving from one yeah oh we're looking for a home this is your scripture right here he puts your feet on a wonderful road and took you straight to a good place to live you'll save a lot of time looking around looking at all kinds of places you'll find the right home when it clicks there there is let me see how the Lord put this to me there's an address looking for you that's job there's an address out there and it has your name on it and the Lord will lead you to it and he will provide the way to be able to receive it so that was some 107 7 in 2nd Samuel 727 read that one glorious Lord God Lord Almighty God of Israel you have revealed this to your servant saying I will build a house for you how I will build a house for you no well no that came that's the scripture but let me read to you what came from your your book on God's will as prosperity this was glorious story and the Lord built her a house he built her a house Gloria had I'm speaking for you but I just finished reading this that you had a desire for a home and at the moment he made that commitment I can now were young and not that we aren't still young but 30 years ago young I would you know my my deal was I wanted a home his deal was he wanted a airplane yeah we could live in the airplane yep you know it's a guy thing in a woman thing but the Lord will satisfy both of us he will glory to God Lord God Lord Almighty God of Israel you everything - your servant saying I will build a house for you now listen to this this is from God's will as prosperity this is Gloria writing we began believing God for the perfect home when we lived in Tulsa Oklahoma in 1968 at the same time say at the same time same time there was a lady in Fort Worth Texas who started building her home it was several years before I saw that home but the floor plan was exactly what we needed to meet our needs as a family it was perfect for us she began to build it at the very time we began to believe for it I like that phrase that she wrote she began to build it that was right the time that you began to believe for it think Gloria about now finish this and just so then that last one was God started to work I mean God started I couldn't see that woman here in Fort Worth I think we were still living at all you weren't old I couldn't see her building that house but God started immediately to square that house something he began at the moment you released your faith how how many times have we underestimated the power of our words and faith really sees him but faith is believing it receives when you pray and pray not when you sleep the foundation or the brick or whatever else when you pray glory to God so you had a desire for a house and she she had started building this house the moment that you began believing for it and God started working immediately and then in your book you said after moving back to Fort Worth Kenneth and Gloria looked at the house the owners tried to sell it even give it away but it was given back and then you said in the book they couldn't even give it away that was our house I'm trying to think of his chest that was I guess it was the one that overlooked that was like was that Green River yeah okay so that was the that was the first house when I first came when Terry brought me on the scene that was the first house and I remember going through that house going Wow God so the Lord has a house he has a house just for you I like I like this one this first Chronicles read that one glorious first Chronicles 28:19 here are the blueprints for the whole project as God gave me to understand it that's car that's Chronicles and the message here are the blueprint or the blueprint whole project is God gave me to understanding for second Samuel 17 you know B says and I will provide a place for my people Israel and still plant them so that they can have a home of their own home of their own and no longer be disturbed wicked people will not oppress them any more as they did in the beginning God yeah we read the last yeah go ahead Psalm 18 19 and the amplified says he brought me forth also into a large place a large place he was delivering me because he was pleased with me and delighted in me in a large place in the Hebrew means a roomy place a roomy place with why in the NIV says I guess that was Hebrew translation in a vase has a spacious spacious place see these scriptures you get a vision for what your house looks like and you get a you get an image of the expansion on the inside of being able to believe God for a house take a look at your last page their glory we've got two minutes left you know you don't ever want to be critical of people and what they believe for no never if you think well though they didn't need that big house well that was what the Lord gave up the Lord get large that's right Who am I to criticize this last one and we just have a few moments with this but the Lord will furnish your house you know you don't only get a house but you get the furnishings and the scripture that I used for that the hundred and twelfth Psalm it says in verse three wealth and riches shall be in his house his righteousness and everybody argue with their wealth and riches will be in his house let's see here I used those scriptures you did as a matter of fact I'll read this the from the faith to faith November 13th kenneth rights I'll never forget the time Gloria discovered that scripture that one in Psalm 112 we didn't have any money at the time and the walls in our house were as bare as they could be but she was ready to decorate she took that promise wealth and riches shall be in his house and laid claim to it by faith suddenly everywhere we went everybody was giving us a painting or other little treasure for our house unfortunately many believers aren't as quick to believe God for that kind of thing as Gloria is some even claim God doesn't promise us New Testament believers physical prosperity just spiritual but the truth is you cannot separate the true - that's why Jesus says if you'll seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness then all these material things will be added to you he knows the spiritual realm and the material realm are connected so the last paragraph says don't let anybody talk you out of God's promises of prosperity you don't have to choose between financial and spiritual prosperity both belong to you lay claim on them by faith and then we're out of time here but this last scriptural I'll read it furnishings furnishings furnishings proverbs 24:3 and for by wisdom a house is built and through understanding is it it is establish use their knowledge it's rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures the message translation says it takes knowledge to furnish its room with fine furniture and furniture and beautiful drapes the new living new living testament through knowledge its rooms are filled with all sorts of precious riches and valuables and finally proverbs 15 6 and they amplified the house in the house of the uncompromising ly righteous is great priceless treasure he will not only provide you a house he'll fill it we are 80 God's supernatural provision he this is how it works he prospers us then we help to prosper others we are used by God to be supernatural agents so we're eight that's right great that's exactly right sewing we keep increasing you keep providing we keep going keeps increase yeah it's a good plan you know I'll tell you this Kenneth Copeland is an agent of supernatural provision yes he is you and I can both attest to the fact that he is a giving giving man and when you were a head of the ministry and in control of the finances I seriously doubt if he ever called you and said can we afford to do this oh my goodness I've never heard that before that's right that's exactly right he hears from God we do it and if he finds out that somebody needed something and the Lord was speaking to him about it he became an agent of supernatural provision for that person I mean it isn't it interesting how I'm sure you've done this I know you've done this and this has happened in my life as well but the Lord might be talking to you about someone and he'll say I want you to call that person and I want you to give them so much money and when you call you know they'll they'll say this came just in the right time just at the right time this is exactly what we needed oh praise God for supplying and I would say that through Kenneth Copeland ministries the money that has been sewn to ministries all over the world they they were probably echoing that same sentiment that we this came right exactly when we needed that I know that for instance the ministry has supplied for many years Reinhart banquise meetings that we are contributors to those meetings and have helped him conduct those African meetings that he's had we lots of souls many souls but that has been what has been in our heart to do and that we are as God has prospered us we prosper others and we help others and we contribute to others and we sew into others Gloria it has been a wonderful thing to be with you for these last 10 days to be ministering on supernatural provision with you it has been an honor to do that I always love coming here and being with you at this table at any table I enjoy with you and we inevitably our conversation always goes to the word yes and I am just so appreciative of you and Kenneth and what you have done personally for my life Terry brought me into this family and I had she did a good thing and I'm so where Boston he did yeah yeah here he comes in he's got jeans he's trying to look Texas you know he's got jeans on but they're just a little short so we call him floods but he was doing his best and how did we ever guess that he'd end up running the whole ministry for salt how many years for seven years seven years I ran the ministry yeah now you passed as to the church here you come in really handy Laurie or whatever you need I'm here whatever needs to be done let George do but it has been it's been an honor to do that and I have learned so much from you and Kenneth not only about receiving but about giving and as you and I both know Kenneth giving will take your breath away yes it'll so this give that that's right and we have all learned I mean I'm talking we family Terry and myself and Kelly and John and all of us in the family are sewers and givers and we've all become agents of supernatural provision right God because you you talked to any one of us we have some giving project knowing somewhere we are sowing something we are giving something we're putting something into somebody's hands and that's what we've been taught by you and Kenneth to do is to be agents of this plan natural prosperity and it's a supernatural provision and for the last 10 days we've been talking about this in all different ways we've been talking about supernatural provision how God has unusual ways has infinite ways of supplying for our needs in ways that we've never considered we've never thought about before but of course he supplies all of our need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus and so the next step that we take as we've been learning how to receive from this is what do we do about giving and we were reading a scripture just before we went on the air and confirming the pronunciation of a town that this man came from but it's in sure you've got it's in second Kings 442 I'll be sure to ask Billy about that yes sure but in second Kings 442 and we'll just read a couple of examples to you today about being an agent of supernatural provision I mean haven't you ever thought about this and Terry and I've done this too we've gone we've gone to people before and then we will ask them what is your monthly mortgage and they'll tell us what it is it may be a thousand fifteen hundred twenty-five hundred dollars a month and the Lord has moved upon us to say we'll pay for this month's mortgage or we'll take care of that or we'll handle that or we'll buy a house for this one and that's when you're really starting to stretch out there at the big time buying a car or sewing a car or whatever that is that the Lord puts on your heart to do you become an agent through which this this supernatural provision will flow to where you get in to the point where you are entering into supernatural giving yes and receive and receiving this cycle yeah it's a circle it keeps going around and around and in this particular instance in verse 42 there K and I'm going to read this from the New Living Translation it's a little bit clearer one day a man from baile chalisa Elisha brought the man of God a sack this was Elijah he brought it to a sack of fresh grain and 20 loaves of barley bread made from the first grain of his harvest Elisha said to him give it to the people so they can eat in verse 43 it the servant exclaimed what feed a hundred people with only this see that's an only mentality that is a limited lack non miracle anti supernatural mentality and we need to think supernaturally we need to think miracle we need to think abut insane this is a friend of ours Tommy Williams who goes to our church a preacher that you've known for years you know I've known him for years he said we have to get to the place where we can't even think like oh I like that phrase God can't even think it we need to get to the place it's not even part of our mental faculties of thinking about lack that we get to that place where we are thinking supernaturally and this servant was not thinking supernaturally he said what see yeah you got to be kidding me you got to be kidding me feed a hundred people with only this it's by Jewish accent but Elijah repeated give it to the people so that they can eat for this is what the Lord says everyone will eat and there will even be some left over now that's very familiar that's very familiar to another one we're gonna read in just a minute about Jesus feeding the 5,000 that's very familiar to that and I'm sure Jesus was well aware of this account in verse 44 then they gave it to the people there was plenty for all plenty plenty plenty plenty plenty for all and some leftover just as the Lord provided and what we found here was that Elijah used the men from belch Elisha as an agent of supernatural provision supernatural multiplication came through his hands Gloria one of my greatest dreams and greatest desires and greatest pursuits is to give right - so to be an agent of supernatural provision - where there's so much coming into my household there is so much that is coming to us that we need to know how to distribute it and where it needs to go and what direction it needs to go I don't know of any other Minister there may be one but I don't know of any other Minister or ministry that is sown in excess of 30 aircraft I can't say that's that is where the air that is what Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have done right you all have been agents of supernatural provision for so many ministers of the gospel and when God speaks to you I was there the day that you all showed an aircraft into Billy brims ministry I was there I was actually in the next room it was at your house and Terry and I were in the next room you and Kenneth gave her the keys to the plane and we heard this shout shout came out from that room that Billy had just received an airplane through Kenneth Copeland ministry thanks guys and you two were agents of God agents of supernatural God and brought in provision and that's what happened to this man and I believe that this man increased as a result of it because it is it's a cycle and we talked about earlier this week or last week rather we talked about the circle of supernatural provision it's tithing sowing reaping tithing sowing reaping oh I'm getting a revelation okay give it the circle begins small you start in that place tithing sowing reaping but as you continue in that tithing sowing reaping tithing sowing reaping you're an agent of Supernatural prosperity it gets bigger the circle gets bigger it's bigger and bigger and it gets to the place where the circle becomes so big that now you are literally affecting nations it becomes that large it becomes that supernatural that you are touching all over the world that's my heart that's your heart that's what you've done I want to do more right let's look at this one now let's jump over to the New Testament to John chapter 6 John chapter 6 and we find here with Jesus again we're familiar with this account but I'll start off with where do I want to go here in verse five when Jesus lifted up his eyes saw a great company come to him he said to Philip where will we buy bread that these may eat and this he said to prove him for he knew himself what he would do Philip answered him two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little it's not sufficient he had a lack mentality he wasn't thinking about giving he had a not sufficient yet a not sufficient yeah mentality about this and Jesus said he said one of his disciples Andrew simon Peters brother verse eight said to him there's a lad here which has five barley loaves and two small fishes but what are they among so many again he had a lack mentality he was not seeing himself as an agent of supernatural provision Jesus set said make the men sit down there was much grass so the men sat down the number of them 5,000 so we figured out there's about 20,000 people there Jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks he distributed them to his disciples and his disciples to them that were set down and likewise of the fishes as much as they would now they had them gather up the fragments there were over and above that remained and but what the point that we're making here is and I'm gonna read something to you Gloria this is a New Living Translation of the same Scripture and it's incorrect it's wrong it says then Jesus took the loaves gave thanks to God and distributed them to the people no he didn't he distributed them to the disciples and the disciples distributed them to the people Jesus gave the fish and loaves to the disciples and the disciples then distributed into the to the people the disciples became a part of the supernatural multiply and distribution right along with Jesus it was multiplying in their hands Jesus gave thanks to God gave it to them in its multiplying through them they became agents of supernatural multiplication praise God's provision was going through them and let me jump to the second page here because there's something I wanted to read if you look to your second page Gloria and at the bottom at the bottom of that page there's a word from the Lord through Kenneth and this was from the Washington DC victory campaign on November of 2005 and this is this goes right along with being an agent of supernatural provision I mean the supernatural coming through us you're going to be the ones that God uses supernaturally to supernaturally feed the lost when disasters come only it's not going to be like it was in the past in many cases you're not even going to need you're not even going to need the trucks and the airplanes in a lot of cases you are just going to take one little meal and divide it and divide it and divide it Gloria we are going to see we're gonna see the loaves and the fishes dividing we're gonna see the finances divided right right in front of our eyes a miracle okay miracle that's it I said it multiplication miracle multiplication is going to be taking place through us taking place through us and let me let me just read this to you in the last moments of this broadcast today and again all the all that all the notes are available to you KCM or click onto the picture of glory and me you can go to it get all of these and study them and look at them and read them and get this down on the inside of you but we are agents of supernatural provision there are bill Winston said this there are two kinds of supernatural provision the provision that is for us and the supernatural provision that comes through us and so we have here in second corinthians 9:8 in the amplified god is able to make all grace every favor and earthly blessing come to you in abundance so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient possessing enough to require no aid or support and here we go furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation furnished in abundance so that we can be distributors of supernatural provision praise god we've got to think out of the box we've got to think out of this small limited realm that we've been in blessing an increase Lessing increase we have to think nations we have to think abundance we have to think like Kenneth Copeland thinks and how does Kenneth Copeland thinks Kenneth Copeland thinks about paying off the deficit in the nation that's how Kenneth Copeland thinks I mean we're thinking about paying off the bill that we have to pay off he's thinking about paying off the debt of the nation but you see we have to do that because had you and Kenneth not thought of I remember gosh two minutes left I can do it I can remember we were in California in 1977 it was the year that Terry and I got married we were doing a tour of Southern California at that time and we were I forgot where we were exactly but we were with brother Copeland you weren't on that trip and he called us to his room and he sat down with a notebook and he began to read to us the vision that God gave him in the Arkansas River Bank walking along the Arkansas River in 1967 and he began to read to us about what the Lord was going to do and this was back in 1977 and he was reading to us the vision that God gave to him of this ministry and he those things that he was reading to us I watched those things come yes he he dared he dared to think beyond he dared to have a mentality of seeing himself reach the nations from the top of this world to the bottom and all the way around he was God gave him that word while you were still in Tulsa you were still in that little house driving a used car and he see the words telling him that you're gonna preach the words from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around and basically telling him you will be an agent of Supernatural provisions we need to take hold of that Gloria and we - we need to enlarge our thinking and I'll finish up with this scripture the one that we began with in Ephesians 3:20 I've got it here I'm just I'm just jumping all over the place Hebrews 3:20 in the Amplified Bible now to him who by the action of his power that is at work within us in he Ephesians 3:20 is able to carry out his purpose and do super abundantly far over and above all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers desires thoughts hopes and dreams father we are we receive supernatural provision thank you and we receive the assignments to be distributors agents of your supernatural provision and we are growing and enlarging and the circle of supernatural provision is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and our outreaches are enlarging and enlarging and enlarging and covering the earth father thank you thank you for the supernatural we are supernatural people who serve a soup in Jesus name we pray amen lorry to God amen take the limits off take the limits off for you glory degrees Georgie's now be right back [Music] God has awesome ways and unlimited avenues of supply that supersede all natural limitations they're all part of his supernatural provision for you the supernatural provision package includes a 10 part series with Gloria Copeland and pastor George Pearson's and large your capacity to believe and begin receiving on a higher level than you ever thought possible also included our two bonus CDs by Pastor George that will take you higher in your understanding of the word and help you access God's unlimited storehouse the study notes of all 10 sessions are great for teaching small groups or for your personal Bible study then get ready to go to the next level with the supernatural Church CD series by pastor bill Winston a dynamic teaching that tells you the exceeding abundance that's available to you now when you purchase your package you'll also receive the supernatural provision confession card free tap into God's unlimited storehouse take the limits off and live in the realm of God's super abundance live in the realm of God's super abundance order the supernatural provision package for only $39.99 and discover the unlimited ways God can provide all your needs log on to KCMG org slash TV special or call toll-free 800 673 9 5 and request your package today receive the supernatural abundance that only God can supply before an additional 10% off order the supernatural provision package online I'm Oscar Rivera I'm innocent all the prisoners of Oklahoma my wife and I we always believe that this ministry along deposited a lot of teachings in our lives but the anointing that we have caught but the teachers have really increased us in the way we believe I don't believe the way I used to believe five years ago the teachings came out four years ago and that's when I started teaching it maybe two months after it came out on television I started teaching it in the prisons so in one month I would teach this 46 times they told me nobody tells us what you're teaching us here he said what you're teaching us here we don't hear that here and it says but what you're teaching is something that we need in order to walk out of here with that kind of faith I don't like to reinvent the wheel if the wheel is always rolling why I gonna reinvent the wheel you know and so I just printed the material out on us and this is great the first one that I thought I thought of being rich I have an individual there his name is Roger he comes to my service all the time he never misses and he was just amazed he said velasca he says every time you come and you teach these things to us he says when I leave here [Music] he says I know that I'm not ever coming back because I'm gonna trust God for everything and and he was so excited because he said well Alaska he said see when you walked out the other day he says I never knew that was rich he said I heard about it but the way that you did you put it the way that you taught the lesson he says he went inside my spirit and from that day on I started to claim that I was rich and I week later I received a check for $89 and then a week after that I received a note said $4,000 when we learned things is not for just for us to hold him on inside and to see ourselves increase but is to share it with other people and to see other lives change [Music] and so I believe that we are called to be a voice an extension not only of the gospel part of this ministry because the material it's not just material there's an anointing that comes with it on October 29th 2012 hurricane sandy hit the Rockaways so there's waters on both sides Elizabeth and when hurricane sandy did strike the waters came from both sides and just completely over discovered all of the Rockaways the ground floor my home was completely flooded about four feet just above the doorknob was the waterline while I was driving down my block I remember turning the corner I saw pieces of the boardwalk on my block I saw cars piled up on top of each other against the end of the gate and in front of my door the boardwalk was at my door I always like moving by the father I was a little too close but the boardwalk pieces were in front of my door it was um mud water stench everywhere but while I was turning with Marc I said Lord how do I go pay for this for what I'm about to see and the first thought that came was watch your words the first words that you speak I walked into my home and and there was mud everywhere and I was looking for my Bible and I looked around the floor and I saw it by the chair I picked it up it was all wet of mud and I layed it by the windowpane and I just I said God if ever I needed a word it's now and I flipped open the Bible and it opened to the second book of Samuel chapter 7 27 I will build you a house that's okay you said you said it and you're wearing and I took it and I lifted my head and I said I receive it six months after the hurricane I got a call from the prayer line he said hey you hear that you're a partner with the KCM ministry and we'd like you to know that brother Copeland takes his partnership seriously and we hear that you're also out of your home as a result of Hurricane sandy and I said yes when I'm thinking they're calling for prayer you know to pray for minutes again they say well we'd like to calm down and rebuild your home I had no cost to you I I just lifted my hands you know and I'm gonna fold it up and that was the day that it began that following weekend they just came down just partners helping partners they came in to my home and the first one of the first things they did they cradled my home they began to clean up they they wrote Bible verses on the beams of my house there have been so many people that have heard the story and have come even to my home and have given their hearts to the Lord based solely on hitting the the mone of how the team came and how you know we waited on God he said he's gonna build me a house and we stood on the word and the partners came out I'm continually ministered to my man I walk into my house is just the visuals ministered to me it's like God this is my house Laura I'm so excited today to lead people to the Lord Jesus what a trip it is he wasn't sure but a trip what a trip it is and you know the scripture that came to me we're talking about debt cancellation listen to what Jesus did for us when we made him Lord it says in Colossians 2:13 and 14 in the amplified Jesus canceled and blotted out and wiped away the handwriting of the note with its legal decrees and demands he set it aside and peered it completely out of our way by nailing it to the cross he canceled the praise God he canceled the dancing that was against us you know you begin this life by making Jesus the Lord of your life I remember the very day that I made Jesus my life I invited him into my heart and Gloria everything changed seriously everything changed I even looked differently if you look at a picture of me before I was saved and look a picture at me tell it's it it's darkness and light and that's what he does he just takes a person and Bryn takes them out delivers them from the kingdom of darkness and translate them over on into the kingdom of his dear son and you begin to experience days of heaven on earth he works from the inside out he works from the inside I like that that's good glory let's lead them in a confession of faith if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life I want you to begin to repeat this after me right now say Heavenly Father Heavenly Father thank you thank you for loving me for loving I received Jesus as my Lord I received Jesus come into my heart right now come into my heart change my life change my life do something with my life there's something with mommy and I'll give you all the praise and honor and I'll give you all the praise and honor farm thank you for canceling the dead of sin thank you for canceling the dead of sin I'm free in Jesus I'm free and Jesus in Jesus name Amen if you just made that if you may yes we are blessed we are blessed they are blessed if you made that decision we've got some things that we want to give to you this book by Kenneth and Gloria he did it all for you there's a brochure here with it about how to study your Bible information that's available we want to bless you with this praise God and get you started on the right Road hallelujah you're gonna like this man you don't like this trip I went to the e/m I see faith meeting and I felt like after that meeting the Lord put it in my heart to believe for another car having a car to me means being able to have opportunities like going to college whenever I'm in college I need a car I need to get groceries I need to go back home and see mom and dad because they enjoy that I need to go on an internship to Texas whenever I came to Texas my or the Honda it seemed like it was starting to have more transmission issues which I was not looking forward to except for the first time I was like oh it's not gonna be fun you know cuz last time it was out for two weeks and I had to get rides from everybody else to get to and from work and so whenever I went to that meeting I really felt like the Lord said you need to take your new car now when we pray in faith over situation we take you pray for it and you take it and then it's like it's like your dad when every Pope tells you were going to steal it you don't second-guess them you're going to Disneyland yeah and so you believe that you are going there and so it was the same thing I believed I was getting a car because God said I did just the steps like I have been taught all my life I so towards it and I had a scripture to stand on and I had a confession that I'd say the part that I really honed in on was the part where he said I even feed the birds because at the time with the car messing up I felt like it was like it's a need now and so he was like I even feed the birds how I can take care of you of course I can take care of you so when I was looking at cars I decided to buy it or to look at a Jeep online and like build it and so I went online and started building the Jeep and put all my features on it and the color I wanted in the addition because for jeep wranglers there's like four different editions or something like that and so you have to pick the Edition and pick exactly what you want for each feature so I was at the car lot and I drove it once and then they were like well why don't you drive it again before you leave you know and so I went and drove it again came back and someone who I knew was at the car lot and they were like swish do and I was like oh I'm just looking at the Jeep just thought they were out looking you know and the salesman came up and they were like so what you think you know you think you're gonna buy it today and the person is like like they looked at cell lingo I have a check for this much I'll buy the Jeep for me right now and I was like hey I was trying to kind of hide the shock because I mean I didn't want the salesmen who know the whole time I was like what you know and I was like in the person or the sales were walked away to double-check that he could do the mountain stuff and I was like what - what and the person said that guy told them the dealership told them the amount to write on the check and only to bring one cheque and that it was gonna be quick painless and before Southwest I was like man it was one of those like I was really trying not to cry I came really close because it was just it was the manifestation of that life and just knowing that yeah he does love me and he cares about the things in my life and that's a good dad and God is like the ultimate good dad and he'll he'll buy you Oh buy you whatever you need we like what Sara said the ultimate good dad I mean he provided that beautiful that's a great-looking Jeep that blue color and everything but Gloria this is interesting today is offering day on the broadcast and she laid out as she was talking I wrote some notes down here and she laid out the perfect faith steps to believe God she wrote number one I sowed there you go that's the beginning I sowed number two she found her scripture to stand on in Matthew chapter six number three she confessed the Word of God over it number four she thanked God for it number five she got it she received it isn't that good that's how we do everything right there it works Lori do so she sewed and we appreciate all of our partners and friends that's so faithfully so and give into this ministry and you better know today that we are believing God together for Supernatural harvest for you whatever cars you need houses supplies equipment it's the blessing of the Lord that's upon you and we are just so grateful for every one of you that contributes to this work here and you just need to know that you are in line for multiplication you're in line for supernatural multiplication father we pray over our partners and friends and thank you that they are prospering in every way as they give in to this ministry other ministries we call abundance into them in Jesus name Amen amen hallelujah glory to God praise God when you can and I learned many years ago that when we sow mm-hmm we should pray over it and believe God you don't just put it in the buckets you believe God you release your faith that's the key release your faith and then like if you're sowing for cars for sowing for a house you release your faith you receive it when you sow or whatever however you were you act on the Word of God receive it and you'll if you want if you want waiver it will come to pass right it might be short it might be a little longer and you want but it will come fast hallelujah pastor George thank you so much is Gloria Copeland and George Pearson's pastor of Eagle Mountain Church reminding you that Jesus is Lord thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory for this week's broadcasts on DVD or mp3 on CD go to KCMG org or call or write to us today remember this week's product offer these ministry tools are designed to help you get the word working in your life so you can experience all God has for you if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today be sure to request your free salvation package this will help you understand who you are in Christ and how to start living your new life and victory you [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 40,420
Rating: 4.8205805 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, week@once, george pearsons, kenneth copeland ministries, wao, provision, bvov-youtube, gloria copeland, ken copeland, kenneth copeland, faith, finances
Id: B6rVYqV-9vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 28sec (7168 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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