It's Not a Faith Problem, It's Your Unbelief | Andrew Wommack | Living Word Christian Center

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all right tonight I'm going to try and summarize everything let me just say that I've departed from my normal teaching I do on you've already got it and so if you want to get that material out there I've got a book study guide CDs DVDs it will be a little different than what I've shared here you guys just kind of draw things out on me I've taught things here that I don't normally teaching them so if you got that teaching it would complement the things that we've been talking about but how many of you this will be your first service that you've been through during this series could I see your hand yeah a bunch of you where were you we had a full house if everybody have been here but anyway real quickly I've just been talking about how that there's most people have this paradigm a way of looking at things that they think God can do anything but he has done nothing and so we have to beseech God and beg God and just stay after him until God moves but the truth is God has already done everything and I use creation as an example Adam and Eve when he created them he had anticipated every need that they had ever had he had already created their food he'd already created their irritably breathe I believe it's the same for the whole human race and especially for us in Christ when you get born again everything you will ever need was placed inside of you in the new birth you literally have the fullness of the Godhead dwelling in you bodily Colossians chapter 2 verses 9 and 10 of his fullness of all we received John chapter 1 verse 16 and on and on and on week ago as Jesus is so are we in this world first John chapter four verse 17 and we could just go on and on and talk about all of this so it's already in here it's not a matter of getting God to do something God's done his part we have to draw it out and you do this through the renewing of your mind and learning how the kingdom works last night I was talking about that there are laws that govern how God moves and people are ignorant of this and so they pray and then if they don't see what they've been I earned they get offended like God why didn't you heal this person why didn't you change this situation your God if you wanted to you could do this but God established spiritual laws the same way that he's established physical laws and God doesn't just violate these things you have to learn how to operate within them and in a sense we control the power of God it's not our power it's God's power but it's at our control Psalms 40 imeem isaiah 45:11 concerning the works of my hands command G me that's not saying that we're saying God I command you to do this no but God's already put this power within us and we have to take it and command it you have to command the devil to leave you alone you have to resist the devil and get him to flee from you and yet most people are just going to God as a beggar ask you know God would you please do this because I can do nothing and you're right there in unbelief because the truth is you can do all things through Christ so anyway these are the things that we've talked about I want to cover a number of things tonight and I want to try and hurry through this but let me start over here in Ephesians chapter 2 and in verse 8 this is a familiar passage of scripture to a lot of people but it says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast and there's a couple of ways that you can take that verse and interpret it and I think both of them are accurate according to scripture some most people I think would say that that salvation is not of yourselves you can't save yourself by grace are you saved through faith and that salvation is not of yourselves it's a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast and that's accurate but I believe that you could also say that that faith that you're saved by is not of yourselves it is a gift of God and the reason I'm trying to make this point is to say that you know all of the things I've been teaching faith is the answer this is how you release all of this is through faith but then the devil will come in and say oh you have faith is the problem is you just don't have any of it and so the people are sitting there basically letting the things that God has promised us go because we say well I know faith works but I just don't have any of it but Ephesians 2:8 says you were saved by grace through faith and that faith was not of yourselves it was the gift of God you were given faith at salvation and again you know I'm going to say some things that I'm not going to take time to explain so praise God makkal straighten all this out when I'm gone but I don't believe that you get baby faith and then your faith grows your faith was given to you full you got the full measure of faith again I'm trying not to teach on this because this is one of I teach on this sometimes for up to two hours but Romans chapter 12 verse 3 says that we're supposed to think soberly according as God hath dealt to every man and it's obvious by the context it's not every person in the world but every born-again person the measure of faith not a measure of faith but the measure of faith now if you have the reverse standard version it may say a measure of faith but the King James the one that Paul used says you were given the measure of faith and you know if we had a soup line or something and if you were coming by and if I had a big old ladle that I used for some people and dipped it out and then other people I used a tea spoon and other people a tablespoon and other people and I had dropper or something those would be different measures and everybody would get different amounts but if I had just one measure that means everybody gets the same amount you are given the same amount of faith as everybody else second Peter chapter one verse one Peter said Peter an apostle for them who have obtained not could obtain should obtain are in the process of the teaming but he said you have obtained like precious faith with us and that word like precious faith is talking about identical faith you got the identical faith that Peter had and then Paul said in Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God he did not say faith in the Son of God but the faith of the Son of God and verse 16 in that same chapter makes that same point that we are saved by the faith of Jesus so anyway without me going into a lot of explanation when you got born again you were given supernatural faith not in just a small amount your faith is perfect in your spirit your spirit isn't growing it's your soul that is growing and it's understanding and in its ability to appropriate and use what's already in your spirit but as first John chapter 4 verse 17 says as Jesus is how do you think Jesus is right now he's perfect he's not growing he's not a baby he's complete as Jesus is so are we in this world not in the one to come but in this world how do you understand the verse like that people go looking a mirror and they think this is like Jesus no and then they search their mind this is like Jesus no but in your spirit the part of you that was one again you are identical to Jesus and you aren't identical in the sense that you're a baby and you're growing know you as Jesus is that's exactly the way you are in your spirit right now so my point in saying all of this is to say that when you got born again you were given supernatural faith you do not have a faith problem you got a knowledge problem you don't know how to you first of all we don't know what we've got the average Christian will sit there and say oh yeah faith works but I just don't have any old God please give me more faith and right there see you've already defeated yourself because you aren't understanding and utilizing what you've got Philemon chapter one verse six Paul prayed a prayer for Philemon and he says I pray that the communication of your faith would become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus he didn't pray that you'd get more faith that your God to do something new he's praying that you'd get a revelation of what you've already got your faith against the work when you understand what you already have and the body of Christ as a whole has been ignorant of what they have they believe it's out there that they couldn't get it that God could do something but they don't see that we've already got everything in our spirit and you've even already got all of the faith that you'll ever need you got the same faith that Paul had because there's only one measure and he had the faith of the Son of God Peter said you had like precious faith with him and his faith was enough that he could walk by his shadow touch people and they'd get healed he saw Dorcas raised from the dead every person in here if you're born again have raising from the dead power you have enough power that your shadow could heal people if you would believe if you would just release and utilize what you've got the problem isn't faith we've got faith the problem is our lack of understanding faith is based on knowledge second Peter chapter one right I quoted verse one already and then verse three says a core as his divine power has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him everything that you need it says all things that includes healing that includes prosperity that includes joy peace wisdom leadership anything that you need all things are given unto us through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue and in verse 4 says and through this knowledge are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that's talking about the Bible the word is the knowledge of God and so we've got everything but you've got to have the faith to draw it out and even the faith that it needs is already in there it just has to be your mind has to be renewed so that you can draw all of this out so all of that being said now look over in Matthew chapter 17 and I want to show you something here that this God has really used this big time in my life major revelation Matthew chapter 17 is where Jesus took James Peter James and John and they went up to a mountain and he actually radiated light God appeared an audible voice came and all of these things so they were up on the Mount of Transfiguration and when they came down from the mountain verse 14 Matthew 17 14 says and when they were come to the multitude there came to him a certain man kneeling down to him and saying lord have mercy on my son for his lunatic and the King James here is you know this is a little strange but as you can go through this and also read in mark chapter 9 and in Luke chapter 9 this was some type of a sickness that caused seizures and stuff most people think it's something like epilepsy and he says he is lunatic and sore vex for oftentimes he falleth into the fire and oft into the water and I brought him to thy disciples and they could not cure him did you know that this is typical today today if a person with sickness when to the average church not this church but if you go to the average Church and if you were given a death sentence or if you had seizures or if you had some kind of a physical thing and you went to the average pastor and says you know I've got this problem would you please help me the average pastor and say well what do you want me to do have you been to the doctor have you tried this medication I guarantee you most churches would be offended that people looked to God for healing we basically let that go praise God this church believes in heal we've seen people healed this week we've seen good things happen but look at Jesus response here in verse 17 when his disciples couldn't cast this demon out in verse 17 then jesus answered and said o faithless and perverse generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring him hither to me how did Jesus respond to his disciples inability he said you faithless and perverse generation you didn't please him and based on this I don't believe it pleases God with the church as a general rule has not been meeting the needs of people and brothers and sisters this is one reason that our society is going the direction it's going because people don't see the relevance of the church to their everyday life the church has basically retreated to the position that all we're for is to get people born again so they don't they won't go to hell and that's that's important and I'm certainly not against that but that is such a cheapening of the gospel because the Lord provided for your healing of your body for your emotional well-being for your finances everything God deals with everything better than any social system that we've got but the average person they go to the church in if they said oh I'm sick they say we'll go to the doctor well I'm struggling with depression go try this medication go to the psychiatrist we need money well have you tried this program have you applied for food have you done this the church has basically advocated all of these areas how did Jesus respond he said you're a firt faithless and perverse generation he wasn't pleased with him I don't believe he's pleased with the church's inability today and because the unbelievers can't see that we have anything to offer them in this this physical life they basically don't see the importance of church they see Church is something that you do for eternity and again it is true that there is a heaven that gain and a hell to lose and if that's all we had to preach it would be worth it but there is so much more and people aren't you know they should be thinking about eternity but they aren't they're trying to just muddle through this week this day they're trying to figure out how am I going to keep this marriage together how am I going to balance everything I'm doing and all of this and they're so focused on their physical present temporal needs and the churches basically said we don't meet those it's only about spiritual stuff that we are the ones that have listened to our influence and man we need to change that that's the reason when you find a church like this that is preaching the full gospel and telling people that may God want you well he wants you prosperous and God has a plan for you well we need to get in and support that and be a part of it because this is this is the way the Lord intended it to be so he wasn't pleased with their inability to minister and let me let me just turn out keep your finger here Matthew 17 but let's turn over to mark chapter 9 because Mark chapter 9 also records this same instance and it gives different details Matthew 17 gives more of the details about this that I'm wanting to use tonight but in mark chapter 9 this same story is recorded and let me just start with verse 19 jesus answered and said old faithless generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring him hither to me and they brought him unto Him and when he saw him straightway the spirit tear him and he fell on the ground any wallet foaming well there are a lot of really great things here I haven't got time to go into all of this but you know what when things look like they're going bad that's really good the devil has been exposed and hits his last stand and he's just trying to instill fear in you or something so you'll back down man when I pray for people and the pain gets worse I said that's awesome we flushed the devil out in the open he's on his way out and stuff and so any way that you see this it looked like it got worse he fell down and foamed and in verse 21 he asked his father how long is it ago since this came unto Him you know why this was important it's not that it's hard to get a person healed getting a person healed is not hard but once you've had something for a long time it not only gets into your body it gets into your mind and into your emotions you think sick you plan sick there are people that have had allergies their whole life and you just plan on certain times of the year when the pollen is up when this happens and stuff you plan on things happening when the weather changes some people have had it just ingrained in them that they're going to start having pains and once you get that into your mind once you start dreaming sick that's tough it's easy to get the sickness out of your body but if this sickness is in your mind and in your emotions it's a problem so I believe that that's why Jesus asked this question and he said of a child and oftentimes off times it hath cast him into the fire and into the waters to destroy him but if thou canst do anything have compassion on us and help us now this man when he first brought his son to the disciples he was full of faith that's the reason he came you got to remember that when people came to Jesus they got kicked out of the synagogue you can read that in John chapter 9 you suffered for being associated with Jesus in that Society so this man had enough faith that he was willing to suffer some ridicule possibly being put out of the synagogue he had faith but after the disciples weren't able to meet the need his faith had begun to waver and he said here to Jesus if you can do anything have mercy on us he was beginning to falter in his faith and I talked about this the other night when I was talking about Elijah and how Elijah would not accept the total responsibility for meeting the needs of this widow in 2nd Kings chapter 4 he said what do you have and we talked about that on Monday night well Jesus here is doing the exact same thing he turned around you know most people would think well you know Jesus he'll just do everything for you he turned right around to this man he said if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes Jesus did not take total responsibility for this healing he put it back on this man you have to believe there's a great message in that in verse 24 it says straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears lord I believe help thou my unbelief did you know he would be criticized by a lot of people and this is the main thing that I'm wanting to get to let's turn back to Matthew 17 that most people think that you either believe or doubt but that you can't do both this man said I believe that I'm struggling with unbelief Jesus didn't rebuke him Jesus didn't say that's not right you either believe or don't believe if there's any doubt in you then you don't have any faith that's not true you can turn to another example in the fifth chapter of Mark we were there last night talking about the woman with the issue of the blood and right after this woman was healed of the issue of blood Jay Iris's servant came to him said don't trouble the master anymore the little girl is dead and when Jesus heard it he turned in he says fear not only believe why would he tell a person to only believe if you either believe or doubt it's because you can believe and doubt at the same time this is a new wrinkle in most people's brains they've never thought of this but keep all of this in mind and now let's go back to Matthew 17 and look at this in verse 18 it says Jesus rebuked the devil and he departed out of him and the child was cured from that very hour and in verse 19 then came the disciples to Jesus apart and said why could not we cast him out did you know anytime you go to preaching that God's already done it that God's already blessed us by His stripes we were healed that it's the done deal and you start preaching victory in every area of your life I can guarantee you somebody is going to fail in appropriating this and when they do the question will always come up why isn't everybody healed why doesn't this happen and it just stops most people they can't deal with that and rather than deal with the fact that you know there's reasons and stuff they just begin to back off I was with Oral Roberts just a couple of months before he died I was with a group of about 20 preachers or so that we're in his home and we got to ask him questions and one of the questions was something about this about you know why isn't every single person healed every time and boy Oral Roberts just gave some awesome awesome answers on that but he said that that was the biggest question the biggest problem that he ever had that it was so bad because he would see people come and leave the same as they came in that he started to just quit praying for people but then the Lord spoke to me at oral he says if you quit praying for him says you may not see everybody healed but then the people you are seeing heal won't be healed if you quit praying says you just got to go on and I specifically asked oral if he'd lay hands on Jamie and me and pray that we would see more healings manifest and he says I can't do it and I said why not he said because you're a pastor he says it won't work for you and I said I'm not a pastor I have a television radio ministry and stuff and I don't pass he says oh then I can pray for you and he laid hands on me and prayed and you know I really believe that we've we've seen an increase of miracles and some of you think of why wouldn't that work for a pastor you know what the reason is because if you go to preach and his gods will deal everybody somebody's not going to manifest it and you're going to have to deal with why wasn't this person healed and rather than just stand on what the word says and even if it cuts somebody and makes it look like it wasn't God's fault it's going to be most ministers and again I'm not saying this about Mac and linear an exception to the rule but most ministers will back off and say well maybe God doesn't heal every time maybe it's God trying to teach you something you will compromise the word because you have to deal with why isn't everybody an evangelist like me or a traveling teacher you go in and preach the word and pray for people and leave and you don't have to deal with the consequences and that's why Torah was talking about I don't know if you appreciate that but that's a big deal it's a big deal when you have to sit there and you've already prayed for somebody and you prayed for multiple times and you don't see something come to pass most people will be more moved by their circumstances than they are by the word most people will go by what they see over what the Word of God says most people do not let the Bible get in the way of what they believe they believe this and I don't care what the Bible says this is what I believe and that's just the way that most people are and because of that there's a problem these disciples says why couldn't we cast him out and what was the answer to that look at this in the next verse Jesus sent unto them because of your unbelief now if you're reading the nearly inspired version it says it's because of your little faith but that is not right matter of fact the nearly are not inspired version leaves out the 21st verse it's not even in the Bible they just took it out they didn't like that one I'm not against it if that's what you read read it but I'm saying that this the very context of this makes it clear that it's not little faith and that you needed more faith because look at the context of it he says it's because of your unbelief for verily I say unto you if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed ye shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou ow'st I was quoting mark 11 but anyway remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you so the very context of it he says if your faith is just like a grain of mustard seed I don't know if you've ever seen a grain of mustard seed but it's tiny it's like those sesame seeds that are on buns it's about half the size of one of those the point that he's making is he says you don't need a huge faith if your faith is only this big you could cast a mountain into the sea so the context of it is saying that you don't need a lot of faith and so the NIV the way it translates it because of your little faith would be contrary to the rest of this verse what Jesus was saying is it's not your faith that was the problem it's your unbelief that's the problem and again most people think well what's the deal if I've got unbelief I have no faith again Jesus told the father of this child Mark chapter 9 he says if you can't believe he says I believe it helped my unbelief Jesus didn't rebuke him you went ahead and ministered to him he told Jay iris he says believe only you can believe and disbelieve at the same time you know I've used this example before that if I had a big wade here I could hook a horse up to that weight and exert enough power to drag that way but if I had force of an equal size and strength up pulling in the opposite direction you could put a lot of pressure on that weight and it wouldn't move because they negate each other they cancel each other out and this is what happens with our faith you've got the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ on the inside now most people don't even know that they aren't using it but there are some people who have started using their faith and they know they've got faith I'm struggling to keep from preaching everything I know on this man I got some great let me just give one example that right after I saw my first person raised from the dead man I was fired up I was pumped like wow you can see a person raised from the dead we ought to be able to see anything happen and I was preaching in Omaha Nebraska and there was a man right down here on my left that was in a wheelchair and I could hardly wait for me to get through preaching so I could go pray for this guy I was going to see him come out of a wheelchair so I went over and I prayed over him and then I grabbed him by the hand and I just yanked him out of that wheelchair said walk in the name of Jesus and this guy just came up like this and went right over on his face and he was a quadriplegic he couldn't even catch himself and he landed on his face and just like you all are going oh there's all through the crowd there was moans and groans I was moaning and groaning and I got down on my hands and knees and hugged this guy and grabbed him and put him back in his wheelchair and said depart in peace be warmed and filled and didn't give him what he needed and I went to the hotel room saying God what's wrong when I see some people say well you just didn't believe give me a break how many of you grabbed somebody out of a wheelchair and yanked them out and seeing them fall on their face I was believing I expected to see this man healed and see this is confusing because some people will say well you that Pat answer is if you don't see something happen it's just because you didn't believe I think that's too simplistic and people who have believed and have seen miracles happen they say I know I was believing they can compare with other times when they did see the right results and because of it it causes confusion and if the only answer you have as to why something doesn't work is just because you didn't believe well then you're going to turn off a lot of people who knew that they were believing I knew I was believing when I pulled his guy out of the wheelchair and yet I didn't see the right results and it was probably four years later before I read a Smith Wigglesworth book and Smith Wigglesworth he used to see a lot of miracles happen and he would at his meetings he says the very first person who comes up here on the stage you'll be healed of whatever you have and that was his custom and so people knew it was coming in anyway because he did that these two ladies brought a friend who was an elderly lady she had a cancer that made it look like she was nine months pregnant she had this huge abdominal tumor and stuff and they grabbed her and put her on the state she was the first one up there and she was so weak she couldn't stand on her own and so Smith he just looked at her and he said let her go and they said we can't let her go she can't stand on her own and he held her I said let her go so they let her go and this woman fell over on that tumor and everybody in the crowd moaned and groaned just like they did when pulled this guy out of the wheelchair but you know what the difference was Smith he didn't get down and oh I'm sorry I apologized and start empathizing and sympathizing he just said pick her up so they picked her up and she was standing in front of him again he said let her go and they said we can't let her go in he yell let her go and they let her go and she fell on the tumour again so he said pick her up and so the third time he said let her go and they said we will not let her go and he said I said let her go and they wouldn't do it and finally a man in the crowd stood up and he said you Beast leave that poor woman alone and he yelled at the guy he says you mind your business I know my business and he said you let her go and they let her go in that tumor fell out on the stage and she walked out here and did you know when I read that I thought Smith Wigglesworth didn't have one ounce more faith than I had you know what the difference was he had less unbelief when something didn't go right I was thinking about water people thinking about me I've embarrassed this person I've hurt this person jesus said in John chapter 5 verse 44 how can you believe which receive honor one of another and seek not the honour that comes from God alone if you are worried about people's opinion if you are worried what people think about you you cannot operate in all of the faith that God has given you that's the fear of man brings a snare proverbs chapter 29 verse 25 and I was moved by people's opinion and I was moved by a parent opposite results you know what that was I had faith but I had unbelief that negated it and brothers and sisters this is where the vast majority of Christians are especially those of you that have been sitting under the word and have learned things you've got faith and you've seen your faith work at times but you also have unbelief fearful about what people are going to say I had a woman in eskalene Texas that had three huge tumors on her one was on the back of her neck shoulder right here one was on her side and one was on the inside of a leg and these tumors were six or seven inches across they were blood vessels were exposed she was spurting blood and the doctors had done everything they could and they sent her home to die in anyway they sent me over to talk to her I talked to this woman I spent a couple hours trying to encourage her and she says all right I'm ready pray for me and I said no I'm not going to pray for you I said if you really believe do something faith without works is dead I said come over to a Bible study that I'm holding tonight and they said we can't even get out of the house and I said if they told you that there was a treatment in Amarillo that would get you cured you'd rent an ambulance if you had to I said if you have any faith come to the Bible study and you'll get healed so anyway this woman showed up at the Bible study they borrowed a what do you call it a station wagon and put a mattress in the back and brought her over and I prayed for and in two days time those huge tumors had shrunk to the size of a quarter she had no problem she was up walking around she felt so good that she decided she'd go ahead and take a doctor's appointment that she had to cancel it was like a month out because she wasn't going to live that long so she went to this doctor and by the time she got there they were just little tiny things and he says he looked at her reports and says I don't know who told you you had cancer but these are just little skin blemishes and stuff says there's nothing wrong and so he cut them off in the doctor's office and but he says just to be sure you need to do chemotherapy so they put her through chemotherapy and she nearly died she had a reaction to it and spent two weeks in intensive care and when she got home I went over to see her and she was convalescing from all of these treatments and I told her I said you know that jesus healed you you know it was a miraculous thing why are you letting the doctors do this chemotherapy will kill a well person and she says well my family wouldn't understand they think that I just need to do all of this and I said you know what you aren't standing I said you've got faith you believed in received but you are letting the fear of what people will say about you and all of this affect you and I said it's negating your faith and she says I just couldn't offend people what would people think and so she went back for the second round of treatment and died and she was healthy she was totally healed she had faith but she also had unbelief and Satan used that to negate her faith and I'm telling you brothers and sisters this is where a lot of us are missing it because you've sat under the words you have faith and you will see your faith work in certain situations but then you will have something come against you and we don't deal with unbeli people just assume that if I'm having a problem what I need is more faith you may not need any more faith all it takes is a tiny bit of faith and I'm seeing a bunch of people raised from the dead and I'm not a faith giant at all the way that it had I mean God just set it up I've been praying with this one guy for months he was paralyzed and a long story but anyway over the months he had gotten where he was walking and he had gout and he was able to do and he he was doing good he was blind couldn't see pictures on the wall and he got to where he could see over a period of three or four months and I was getting up ready to start a service I had to my catarrh on I was going to lead the song service and his son came to the door motioned for me and I went over to see him and he grabbed me and the guitar and everything just threw me in his car this is in a town of a hundred and forty-four people so it didn't take long to get over to this guy's house thirty seconds and he wouldn't say anything but I knew something had to be up with his dad I didn't know how bad it was and I just walked in and there was the sheriff he was panicking you know this small-town sheriff he had a defibrillator and some other stuff but he didn't know how to use it and he was fumbling wondering what he was going to do and I walked in and saw him and I saw this guy laying in a recliner and then his wife was kneeling beside him and she was right and she says old God bringing back from the dead and when she said that's first time I knew that he had died I didn't know I just thought he had another pain or something if they would have told me a minute before that he had died probably from the church over to this guy's house would have been enough time for me to doubt but God just set it up I just walked in didn't know what was happening I heard her say that he was dead and I said Everett come back into that body and he just sat up and everything was fine it was him that's all there was to it it didn't take great faith it was just little unbelief if I had time I could go through Abraham did you know Abraham didn't he didn't have any more faith in any of us have if Abraham somehow was here tonight if he could have been just translated here without going through heaven for 4000 years but if he had just been translated to here and it heard me talk about these things Abraham had b-flat of his face he never understood all of the things of the gospel he didn't have a huge amount of faith but you know what Abraham had virtually no unbelief and you can read about this in Romans chapter 4 he considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith see most people are trying to build faith and yet they allow huge levels of unbelief in their life and they just try and build faith a little bit 11 wil 11 the whole lump it's like if you had a scale here and here's a thermometer one of these thermometer scales and if your faith is down here Jesus said all it takes is a tiny bit of faith and most people say well I need to build my faith and they need to get this huge faith but over here is your unbelief scale most people just let their unbelief scale be way up here they are riddled with unbelief we listen to unbelief we talk to unbelief we use it for entertainment we listen to things contrary and if you have your unbelief level up here well then you're going to have to call the prayer chain and get a thousand people to agree and pool your unbelief to over I mean your faith to overcome this level of unbelief a simpler way is just pull the plug on unbelief and get your unbelief down to where nothing and a little tiny amount of faith isn't enough to see a mountain remove faith is potent but it can be negated it can be canceled it can be voided by unbelief if God was to tell you that you were going to have a child when you were a hundred years old first of all most people would say I rebuked that man name of Jesus amen but let's suppose that you'd been believing for this for your whole life and you wanted it if God told you you were going to have a child when you were a hundred years old most people would get on the internet and say let's see what's the oldest that a person is ever given birth and then you'd go check your wife out has menopause ever been reversed have people ever you know and you'd go search it and then you'd go get a test and you'd test to see and you you accumulate a mountain of unbelief no it can't happen it doesn't happen the doctors are saying you're it's way past time and after you accumulate all of the unbelief then you'd go back and say God are you sure you say yes and then you'll say all right and then you say why is it so hard to believe God because you got all this unbelief over here all the stuff that you considered it says Abraham considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief it didn't say he didn't stagger because he had this great faith no it was through unbelief that that's what causes people to stagger so my point is see most others say well I need to build my faith but we have no sense of responsibility about the unbelief that comes to us you will listen to the sewage of this world on a daily basis paid big bucks to have it packed into your house sit down and watch these pundits that are saying everything contrary to the Word of God and most of us don't even know unbelief we just accept it a man ro me they'll tell you it's flu season they don't tell you for those havi that are believers you know it's not flu season jesus heals you all the time they never put anything in balance they'll just say it's flu season and they'll make you feel like an absolute idiot if you don't go get a shot that's unbelief there is no season that the Word of God doesn't work they'll go to telling you you know are you over 40 you better start watching it and they'll just speak unbelief and speak unbelief and speak unbelief and we'll sit there and let this unbelief flow through us and then when you have something happen you'll believe God and you'll say I know I'm in faith why aren't I seeing it happen because you got this huge mountain of unbelief that you've listened to for 20 30 40 years and it may gates your faith if you are going to be a strong person of faith if you are going to see the faith of God work you are going to have to live a different lifestyle than what the average Christian lives you know what I've missed out on 48 years of American culture we were talking about this a little bit tonight I'm so naive on certain things it's embarrassing to me sometimes but I've just been focused on God and you know what I if you want to play Trivial Pursuit I am NOT your men we used to play Trivial Pursuit with my in-laws and my sister-in-law brother-in-law when they'd come over and the boys would be against the girls and we'd sit there and play two or three hours and I just sit there and if it was history or geography I know those things but if it's like you know this sports team this music I just have missed 48 years of American culture I was with creflo dollar last week and he was singing some song talking about Lou Rawls I think it was why me I don't know who Lou Rawls I don't know anything if it's not in the Bible I don't know it and they were making fun on me and it's it's somewhat embarrassing we were playing Trivial Pursuit one time and I just I just been sitting there just like an odd on a log and I said I'm gonna answer this next one I said father I'm believing for a word of knowledge I started talking on the Holy Ghost and so I said I've got this next one and the question came up what magazine debuted April the 1st 1953 and God gave me a word to college and I said playboy it's the only it's the only question I answered all that long I knew when playboy debut you know I'm not very good on these stats about sports teams and stuff like that I just don't know that stuff but you know I I don't win many Trivial Pursuit games and I'm not very good at taking conversation my staff sent me on a tour I mean on what do you call these boats proves they send us on a cruise and you have to you have to sit with other people it was embarrassing they gave little games and stuff to play in one I'm is what's your favorite drink alcoholic drink they all went around they got to me and I said well I've never tasted alcohol in my life I've never drank a beer oh yeah you've done something I said I've never tasted a beer in my life and it just ended it and we all sat there in total silence and then another night what's the best thing that ever happened to you and I'm talking about my son being raised from the dead and they all didn't believe that after a while I'd sit down and everybody in pickup but I just I don't know how to talk to anybody about anything but the Lord and I'm not saying this his way it has to be I'm just saying that's the way it is but you know what I missed out on a lot I've missed out on a lot of unbelief I don't even know how to disbelieve now I'm not saying that perfectly but I'm saying I don't even know how to display there's a lot of things that you deal with that I don't even do because I don't go there I don't listen to that stuff anytime I hear something's contrary to the Word of God I'll reject it Isaiah chapter 54 verse 17 says no weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises against you in judgment you shall condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me thus saith the Lord notice it says no weapon formed against you'll prosper and then the next phrase and every tongue that rises against you in judgment did you know words are weapons death and life are in the power of the tongue words have power in them and I've learned it says every tongue that rises against you in judgment you shall condemn I've learned that words are like seeds and if somebody speaks unbelief over me or if I hear something if I will condemn it right then when I hear it that thing never germinates it never releases anything but if I don't want to offend somebody I would cause a scene and so I don't say anything and I wait until I get home it'll take me an hour or two hours to reject that because it just starts germinating immediately every time you hear people talk about man you're over 50 you better be careful this is going to happen this is genetic you're going to see this your great-aunt died of this your uncle died of that and they start speaking that and every time you listen to this stuff it starts sprouting and you got unbelief growing in you and then you go to using your faith and you say what's the problem I know I'm believing God what's wrong it's because you got 20 30 years of unbelief that you've entertained you got a crop coming up and that unbelief is negated your faith we don't need to be great huge people of faith Abraham was a great man of little unbelief Abraham didn't sit home and watch as the stomach turns on television he didn't read all of the magazines in the junk that we do he didn't listen to that I could be a great man of faith if I didn't have any unbelief that was countering me you know this isn't popular most people don't like this but the land you're taking away my sport you're taking away all of this you know there's nothing wrong with any of that stuff you can do anything in moderation but according to mark chapter 4 the cares of this life and other things are choking the word we are getting huge amounts of unbelief and most of us are very very very well-versed in all of the things of the world you know all of the trash that's going on you can argue and gripe about every political thing but you don't know what the word says and it's a detriment anyway I've got a whole teaching in title hardness a heart that this is one of the main teachings and at that teaching on hardness art changed my heart I'd encourage you to get it but let me go on and read the next verse which isn't even listed in the NIV if the problem isn't the fact that we don't have faith these disciples had faith they wouldn't have even asked this question why couldn't we cast him out if they'd have just said well we don't believe that you can cast out Devils the very fact that they asked the question showed that they did believe and that they did speak and if you turn over to Matthew chapter 10 he had already given them power over all sickness over all diseases over all demons they went out and used it and they didn't have this question that we have wasn't recorded so they had even seen success in this area but you know what I believe the problem was in this instance it says over there in mark chapter 9 that when they brought the boy to Jesus he had a seizure fell on the ground wallet and phone and I believe that the disciples saw something with their eyes that caused them to doubt that this had happened and they apparently may not have seen some of these things but in this instance there was a physical manifestation I don't know if you've ever been around the person having a seizure I remember when I was in high school we had a choir and we were on risers singing in an assembly and a girl right in front of me on these risers we went to church together she turned around and looked at me and she started having a seizure and did her tongue and passed out in my arms and I guarantee it scared the fire out of me if you've ever been around a person that has a seizure and stuff like this it's a fearful thing and when you see that it'll make unbelief rise up on the inside of you so how do you get rid of this look at this in verse 21 he says how big this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting this has been interpreted by most people is talking about this kind of demon but if you look at it in context the subject was unbelief this isn't saying that there are certain demons that won't respond to faith in the name of Jesus and you got to add to it fasting in prayer if you ever meet a demon that faith in Jesus isn't enough and you got a fast and pray to get rid of it you might as well give it up if faith in Jesus isn't enough your fasting prayers not going to change it fasting and prayer does not affect demons and casts certain demons out the problem was unbelief and this kind of unbelief only goes out through fasting and prayer so obviously there are different kinds of unbelief and this is just Andy ology I haven't got a verse that'll show you this this is just what I've encountered and the way I've understood I've categorized unbelief into three areas the first one is what I call just ignorance or for those of you that are more sensitive it's lack of knowledge but God just tells me sometimes you're ignorant I understand that I'd rather just somebody tell me what's going on so it was ignorance if you are ignorant you're going to have unbelief because you don't know you haven't heard the word on it and there's just going to be unbelief how do you overcome unbelief that comes through ignorance you tell a person the truth and once they learn the truth faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God and that kind of unbelief can be overcome by just telling a person the truth the second type of unbelief is what I call disbelief it is belief but it's belief in the wrong thing for instance I was raised in a Baptist Church and taught that miracles didn't happen today that all miracle things passed away with the Apostles there weren't apostles today I was taught things but I was taught wrong it's like if I had a whiteboard up here if there is nothing written on it well then it would be fairly easy to write on it and make my point but if the whole thing was already written on I have to erase it before I can write on if you just have unbelief that comes through ignorance well then just tell person the truth and they can overcome that but if they've been taught the wrong thing you got to go in and erase this unbelief this wrong teaching before you can teach them the truth but the answer is still the same the answer is just tell a person the truth but there is a process of renewing of the mind so those first two types of unbelief are basically you just get hold of the truth and the truth will set you free from those but the third type of unbelief that I've classified is what I call natural unbelief that when you pray for a person and they fall down and it looks like they died instead of God well you're going to just naturally think it didn't work there's just natural unbelief you pray for you know you got a pain and you rebuke it and speak and if it doesn't leave you are naturally going to just think nothing happened because you feel you see something to the contrary it's just it's not demonic it's not wrong teaching it's just that our five senses are telling us something what we believe and you know what there are times that you will have that happen Jesus had this boy fall down and it looked like things got worse so anyway what do you do when you have just this natural unbelief it's not sinful it's not because you've been taught wrong it's just your eyes your ears your sense knowledge is telling you that nothing happened nothing is working according to what God says how do you deal with that fasting and prayer and here's why fasting in a prayer will affect this natural form of unbelief because when you fast your your desire for food is probably one of your strongest senses that you have people have killed for food people have eaten other people for food I mean and it you know it doesn't take very long to aggravate your sense of hunger there's a lot of people that men I met you there's people right in here that have never fasted a day in your life if you go until noon you start getting headaches and weak and I've seen people just they just can't handle it that's one of the reasons fasting is so important because when you deny your flesh and you say man doesn't live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God and so you say I'm going to put all of my attention all of my focus on God even to the point that I'm not going to eat I guarantee you your flesh if there is carnality in you if you have been listening to unbelief if you are waving your flesh will rebel at that big time and it doesn't take long a few hours and I guarantee you you can flush your flesh to the surface a lot of people when they fast they think oh it's going to be a glorious experience you could read Isaiah chapter 58 a fast is not intended to be a glorious experience it's a day to humiliate yourself and it actually makes you worse when you fast and you get irritable and you get short-tempered and things but that's it's working it got all of this junk that you've been suppressing and hiding down there and not dealing with it will flush your carnality to the surface and I guarantee you if you get weak and upset and you just don't know if you can make it until sundown it's just showing you how you are being dominated and controlled by your flesh did you know you do not die after one day of fasting the medical profession will actually say it's better for you to fast one day a week it actually cleanses your body of toxins and things you're better off you don't physically begin to die from a fast until 40 days that's the reason it was so significant that Jesus on the 40th day Satan came to him because by that time it was beyond hunger until the 40th day now there's some balance to this because you can it depends how you're acting and what you're doing and stuff like that but as a general rule until the 40th day you aren't dying it's your appetite it's your flesh and when you sit there and say man the problem is I know I've got faith but my flesh my senses are exercising too much control on me and so senses I'm going too fast I'm going to deny you I'm going to reject this hunger and I'm going to put God first and I'm renouncing all of this and I'm putting God first when you do that your flesh will rebel and say I'm dying and you'll say all right we're going to go an extra day and your flesh will say an extra day I'll be dead for sure and say all right two extra days and you know what your flesh will eventually say I better shut up if I'm going to survive this I'll submit and it depends again how often you fast but you know if you fast on a regular basis you can get to where in a days you have just shut your flesh down and it's not rebelling at you if you haven't done it before it could take two or three days but usually within two or three days you can get to a place where you aren't hungry anymore and it doesn't bother you I know some of you thinking this is weird that's because you had never fasted but if you will fast you can actually get your flesh to where it isn't controlling you and then when you say body in the name of Jesus you're healed and your body says well I still hurt all you got to do is say you know your body if you fasted and if you've denied it your body will say oh this must be one of those things like a fast you know and it doesn't matter what I feel and stuff but if you haven't ever done that your body you'll sit there and say body in the name of Jesus paying you leave and your body will say who are you to tell me anything I tell you what to eat when to eat how much to eat you hadn't given me any commands in years and they'll just rebel I don't care what you say here's what I feel and you will your feelings will negate your faith and see prayer is the same thing because when you're praying you're talking to a person that you can't see you're hearing things that you can't hear and then you're acting on things that you didn't see and your flesh your sense knowledge this is just crazy your carnal self will say what good is any of this but you know if you pray and if you do a lot of praying God will speak things to you and then as you act on it you can see it like you know I could just give you a million examples but I've seen God come through I've seen God's supply I've seen my son raised from the dead my wife raised from the dead I've seen multiple people raised from the dead I've seen blind eyes open deaf ears open I've seen God's supply needs and I've done all of these things and over a while it says in Hebrews chapter five verse 14 that strongly belongs to those who by reason of use have their senses that's the mat your physical senses X sighs to discern both good and evil your feelings aren't necessarily evil they're just feelings and they've got to be trained if you don't train them they'll be spoiled they'll dominate you and control you but if you were praying fast you will your senses will say oh well I didn't feel a thing but he said God spoke to him and look at this it worked man we saw a person raised from the dead we saw this money coming we saw this happen over a period of time you can train your senses to where you have a sixth sense I believe God created man with six senses not five and the sixth sense was faith they used to walk by faith faith was more real to them than what they could see taste hear smell or feel but when they sinned their spiritual eyes closed their physical eyes became dominant never since then people have been controlled by their senses but now it says in second Corinthians 5:7 we walk by faith and not by sight we should go back to the way God intended us to be to where spiritual things are more real to us than physical things and so when God tells you that you're healed man you read it in here and even though you can't see it or feel it this has more influence on you than what you feel but it's not going to happen if you don't fast and pray if you don't deny your flesh and focus on God and operate in the supernatural realm so this is how you break the dominion of that flesh it's how you get to where what you believe is more real than what people tell you I was telling Mack and Lind this so it's fresh on my memory but we were talking about this in the green room but we were talking about going to the doctor and the only time I've gone to the doctor in the last 48 years is when my board made me go get a physical so I could take out a insurance policy they wanted to take out an insurance policy on me so anyway I went to this doctor and long story but I witnessed to this doctor and told him about my son being raised from the dead it just happened and man I was witnessing to them it was awesome and then they wanted me to do this EKG test on a treadmill and they wanted to shave my chest and put these things on I said this is virgin hair it's never been touched I said you can't shave my chest so anyway they put those things on me without shaving my chest and when I got to the 12-minute mark I was running and I was beginning to sweat and those things started falling off so the nurse was holding - the doctor was holding - and I was holding - and still running in anyway the tests got over with and you know I was fine as far as I could tell and then the doctor started looking through the thing and around the 12 minute part which I believe that it was because I was sweating and these things were falling off but anyway he started grunting and looking at this and saying oh and shaking his head you know and doing all of this stuff and then he wrote something down on this piece of paper he says this is a friend of mine I won't you don't you go back to the office he goes straight over there we're going to do tests we're going to put you in the hospital and we may do open-heart surgery on you before the day is over and you know why I just looked at that for a second and I thought said I just looked at him I said that's a lie he said I don't believe this and he just looked shocked I guess he wasn't used to people telling him he was lying and I say that's a lie said there's nothing wrong with me and he just you know he took offense at it and I said you look at that and tell me that that says that I have something wrong and he says well he showed me this thing and he says you were one hundredth of one percent raw in one place and he says everybody's hearts a little bit different you might be perfectly all right I just think we ought to go get more tests I say that's not what you told me you told me that I had a serious problem that you might do open-heart surgery I said you lied to me and I got on this guy's case and I said man it made me angry and this doctor just tore up this piece of paper and throw it in trash and said leaves and he kicked me out of his office and he flunked me on the test so anyway I've got a doctor that's a leading surgeon in Shreveport and I went down there and he did a nuclear stress test where they put this dye in and do it and anyway they said I have the heart of a 17 year old it was okay there wasn't a problem but my point is and they told me they said don't ever take one of those stress tests they're wrong as often as they're right never let a person tell you based something on little stress death my daddy in law had a stress test and they told him that he was going to die and they said because he was in his 70s just go home and die there's no point in even doing anything and his wife just cried and men for about a week they went through things and we said go get a second opinion they went got a second opinion there was nothing wrong with it I bet yours people in here that man you just take the word of a doctor and immediately unbelief comes because you've heard this but you know what I just and I'm not saying I'm doing everything right but I'm saying I spent enough time in the word that you know what when somebody tells me something contrary to what I believe I just don't believe it I believe what the word says and I know some of you think well you're weird well I think you're weird to just let to have God speak these awesome things over you and all you got to do is have somebody with a PhD behind their name and boy you honor them more than you honor the Word of God you know if this is a typical group in here I bet you that 80 to 90% of the people in a spirit-filled tongue talk and Word of Faith Church taking medicine on a regular basis I'm not against medicine if it wasn't for medicine all the Christians would be dead because they haven't been believing God but I'm saying that you don't you just you had bought into this world system and it's I don't think that's good and we listened to all of this and we there are many people right now that I can guarantee you think boy you are this is not wise what you're saying and yet a generation ago did you know a generation ago people didn't go to the hospital for a headache or a cold or the flu they would get over it but nowadays man there's people they even ask you says who's your doctor and I think who has a doctor why would somebody have a doctor you aren't even sick and you got a doctor what's wrong a generation ago people didn't do that stuff and yet boy we just bought into this stuff and anyway I know I've probably really messed up some people's theology but I'm just saying that we consider so many things against the Word of God and then wonder why's my faith struggling because you got this mountain of unbelief over here that you've listened to and they tell you if you have this if you have this it could be this and people self-diagnose and we just constantly are looking and listening to the wrong things I'm telling you you need to get to a place where man God's Word is absolute authority you fast you pray you get to a place that if your body doesn't feel like what God says it should tell your body it's wrong tell it to get in line amen and I know somehow everything and man I just don't agree with that well you know I've been in the last 44 45 years I've been sick twice because of my own stupidity just worked myself nearly to death and I had to lay in bed for a day or two but outside of 40 some years I've never taken an aspirin I don't take any medicine I don't do anything I've walked in health and until you get better results than I do maybe you ought to consider that there's a better way amen and this applies to everything I've been using healing because it's obvious but it applies to finances we've been taught that we're supposed to use this world system we're supposed to be going in debt we just do all of this stuff contrary to what God's Word says and we operate in fear and any way I could just make applications to every single area of our life and I'm telling you brothers and sisters most of you in this place to be out here on a Wednesday night you do not have a faith problem you've got the supernatural faith to God you've got enough faith to see the dead raised if you didn't doubt doubt is the problem unbelief is the problem and faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God unbelief comes by hearing anything contrary to the Word of God and if you would cut off the sources of unbelief that Satan is using in your life you'd find out that your faith would just naturally work you would see so much more happen when you really consider what the Word of God says you look at people like Abraham and others who really saw the supernatural power God and you compare their lifestyle against our lifestyle I'm surprised if we see as many miracles as we do this generation of believers is probably more in tune with the carnal natural world around them than any group of believers that have ever walked on this planet we hear more doubt and unbelief we hear more things that counter our faith and your parents grandparents ever thought about they lived in a very small world but now we get the problems of the entire world delivered to our doorstep live instantly we can we can obsess back you know a generation or two ago it took two or three weeks for bad news to get around the world and by that time all of the stuff that was trivial was over with and people who are able to dismiss it but now we're able to worry about everything in real time you remember when the bird flu or the avian flu came around I forget what did we call it here avian flu in England was called a bird flu and anyway I was over there when they piled birds up poultry as tall as this ceiling and Birnam and I was over there when the mad cow disease happen and stuff and people just panicked and did all of this stuff and I was in Scotland when the leading expert in Britain was asked a question can this mutate into a strain that could affect people and he says oh there's no question about it it's not a matter of if it happens it's just a matter of when it happens and one third of the world population will die through avian flu that was the leading British expert and I took it down when the date was and listened and two years later I was back in Scotland and I read an article that in the two years since that he said they said that there had been a total of I think two or three people worldwide that had died from avian flu it was a lie it wasn't true none of that was right and yet the leading expert in all of the UK said that and I can guarantee you thousand probably millions of people thousands of Christians immediately came into fear and started having unbelief because some person with a degree behind his name said something and they started dealing with it shouldn't have ever even been a question and yet I'm guarantee there's a lot of people that had fear over that and then the mad cow disease they did the same thing there was a guy in Boulder Colorado that predicts all of the Hurricanes and he has been predicting since Hurricane Katrina I think it will I forget all the names of these he's been predicting up to 20 major hurricanes per year and it has been one of the quietest seasons that we've had in the last few years there's been some that were I think there was one year that there was only two named storms and they didn't even hit the US and yet he's been predicting over 20 May your hurricanes devastation and there's a lot of people in here even they would say well they're just being cautious they're presenting worst-case scenarios so that people be prepared that's wrong they're prophesying in their false prophecies and people say well it doesn't do any damage oh yes it does your insurance rates go through the roof they're based on all of these prophecies it's caused people millions of dollars it's caused people a lot of fear there's people that will get up and move and do all kinds of things because we just take for granted all of this stuff I remember back when the Berlin Wall was still up I was in Hungary and I was talking to some people that I was ministering in their church and they had come to the u.s. and I was asking them their opinion of the US and they liked a lot of things about it but I said so did you have any problems with the US and he's and they said Americans are the most gullible people that they had ever seen in their life they said we don't trust anything our government or television says we question everything and you go over there and it fits on television or if it's on the internet they said man everybody just believes it that is absolutely true man we are listening they don't just report the news they make the news we had to scare at our business where that somebody that was on a terrorist list sent us a letter that had powder in it when they opened it of course we reported it the police came and shut all of our employees down and had to go through and check everything in anyway the news media came out and all of our people were shut up inside of our office there wasn't a single person that they had talked to nothing but they were out there and they were trying to make a story and they came out with it's a disgruntled employee that we fired that sent in this powder and did this and it was a terrorist attack that already a couple of people had died Oh No and none of it was true it was all it was baking powder there was nothing to it it was no big deal but they reported it and they never retracted so much of what you are hearing is out and out lie and most of us aren't even smart enough to discern it and even if you do why in the world even listen to it why even have this trash deposited on the inside of you in the first place did you know if we go to war somebody will tell you about it if there's a major earthquake you'll hear about it and then you can go check it out and stuff we do not have to sit there and every minute of every day just be checking what's happening what's happening it's part of what happened to Adam and Eve they wanted the knowledge of good and evil they just wanted to know more they were better off without all that knowledge a good need Bible says in Romans chapter 16 I'd have you to be wise concerning that which is good and simple concerning that which is evil the words simple there's a word we get simpleton from I wish you were when it comes to evil we are just we are so well versed and evil we know the potential man you will sit there and explore if God doesn't come through what could happen and you will explore every possible failure every possible problem that could possibly happen and then wonder why is my faith not working because you got all of this unbelief against it hey man ro me if what I'm saying is true which it is then you know why there needs to be a lifestyle change we need to get to where we're focused on the things of God and if you do it your little mustard seed amount of faith that you've got would be more than enough to see the blind eyes open deaf ears open I've seen great miracles happen and I'm not a huge man of faith I'm not anything special and I can guarantee you any person in here could do those things any person in here you had the faith of the Son of God on the inside of you you do not have a lack of equipment you did not miss out on anything you got everything that you need matter of fact you got more than you need more doubt and unbelief more junk than what any of us need amen so I encourage it praise God to pull the plug on unbelief get away from it stick your nose in the Bible start learning these things and you'll find out that you've already got everything and that your faith would go to working amen praise God
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 1,133,022
Rating: 4.7637596 out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Wommack, Andrew Wommack Sermons, Andrew Wommack Faith, Faith, Unbelief, Andrew Wommack 2021, Living Word Christian center, Faith Problem, Jesus, Bible Teaching, Faith and Unbelief, Andrew Wommack Unbelief, Charis Bible College, andrew wommack sermons, andrew wommack ministries, andrew wommack 2021, bible, christian sermons, christian preacher, living word church, living word, LW, lwcc, living word christian center
Id: lq6YjjxUY5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 50sec (4730 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2016
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.