How To Meditate on God's Word For Healing | Gloria Copeland | Healing School

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really it doesn't matter what any man says about using its what God says about human account and if you'll believe what he says faith will come and between doing what's right in the natural and doing what's right in the supernatural you can live in divine health when Kenneth prayed for need he said he felt the anointing going to him me he was about that surgery the pain is gone he can move his knee he has mobility he had not had before okay where I came in arm is limping like this that's a tiny brain copy truck or car I look at you let's look at proverbs 4 22 take a big dose of medicine today howl ouya be medicine the cure-all medicine this is the way you need to live your life and then your face stay strong and when sickness tries to come on your lack tries to come on you or other problems try to come on you you're ready this has a 10 my son attend to my words give attention to the Word of God that's what we're going to do this morning but it's what we should do every morning incline thine ear unto my sayings the amplified says I believe it's amplified it says consent and submit to my sayings you know it's it's one thing to hear but it's hearing and doing that actually brings deliverance and blessing into your life you hear them and then you do them let them the words of God not depart from your eyes keeps them in the midst of your heart this is the really the way you stay in divine health for they are life unto those that find the and how our healing can be translated either way how are healing to all their flesh we could just say they are live fun to those that find them and health and healing to all their flesh isn't that a great scripture the word is healing word you know if it's the word about prosperity it will heal your finances if it's the word about sickness and disease it will drive sickness and disease out of your body so because of that verse 23 says keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life if you want to live in life and peace and victory keep the Word of God going in your eyes in your ears so that it gets down into your heart and you do it that's the key to life now I'm telling you we've been doing it for a long time problems have come come and gone but victory has always come because we stay in the Word of God and anybody can do this you know it's not it's an open book test so to speak we can all pass this in Jesus name so today we're going to feed on some scriptures about healing and then we're just going to let the Lord heal our bodies heal our minds strengthen us glory to God healing come spirit soul and body from the Word of God so let's look at let's look at let's go back to Psalm 91 and just look at revisit the things we talked about but this time we'll be talking about deliverance from sickness and disease Psalm 91 is such a powerful wonderful Scripture and we'll just point out while our first of all read about taking refuge and it will point out some scriptures in there concerning healing he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide our Lodge under the shadow of the almighty the covering of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I trust we talked about the refuge esterday you need to take refuge in God for every situation in your life for the health to maintain the divine health it's great to get me off when you're sick but it's better to live in divine health and so we take that refuge in the area of our finances we go into the Lord as our refuge in the area of healing of our body and the divine health of our body glory to God so we take refuge there we expect to live heal and then let's look down at the the pestilence here we're just going to pick up some scriptures about sickness and disease says you will not be afraid in verse 5 for the terror by night nor for the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that walks in the darkness will not be afraid of sickness and disease nor the destruction that wastes and at noonday and it can be as quite a serious flag a thousand at one side ten thousand at the other john lake in his day and you studied his life because he was such a great man of faith strong man o man he had a revelation of Dominion and one of the plagues I think it was a Black Plague but it was even better than bubonic plague happened in his day and he went down to help the people because the you know the health that whatever they had they were taking care of the sick doctors and others and they said how come you don't get this sickness or disease and so he said we'll put some of that froth on my hand so he they put some on his hand they said now we'll put it under the microscope and they say I think they had the the microscope on them when they that on there when it hit his body it died every every teaming thing every germ everything they could see in the microscope when it came on to him he died it died he had the power of God in him and it was resisting the pestilence this says you know even if $1,000 1,000 on the other it shall not come near you and then it says there's other scriptures verse 10 there shel nonsense because you've made the Lord your which is my refuge even the most high your habitation because you've run into that refuge you've taken refuge in there today we're talking about sickness and disease you've taken refuge in this 91st summon in the Word of God and you are you have received your Redemption from sickness just the way you received your Redemption from sin because you did this verse 10 says there shall no evil befall thee nor any plague those are two different things no evil could be anything bad that could be somebody robbing you that could be a storm that could be any kind of a catastrophe but it says no evil neither shall any say inning does any mean no plagues neither shall any plague in other words no plague by any name shall come nigh thy dwelling we have a dwelling that we live in we can receive it for no plague will come now our house we have a dwelling physically that we live in we have a dwelling physically that we live in to this body my spirit lives in this body your spirit lives in your body the body is referred to as a tent in the scripture it's a covering for our spirit it's our physical covering for our spirit so this could be your house this could be your house could be your house as a building this could be your house as a covering for your spirit hallelujah glory to God we've got 210 almost everybody has 210 everybody has 110 this is 110 glory to God and if you don't have the other tent the Lord will help you get it it is well that you have a tent to live in an attempt to walk around in hallelujah glory to God amen no plague shall come nigh thee glory to God so that is the psalm 91 definitely includes our protection from sickness and disease but everything requires faith you know if you have a fear of sickness and disease you don't have the tent you're not you're not you're not taking provision for the protection of your tent a fear of anything says to the devil come on in whether it's a fear of lack of money a fear of sickness and disease a fear of being murdered a fear of this or that fear is give Satan territory to work the way faith give God territory to work and you and I are in the middle we can either focus on the Word of God get rid of fear not tolerate fear in our lives not take any kind of fear when it tries to come on us or we can be lazy we can live like the world we can just let fear in which lets sickness in which look lack in which let's all kind of the curse in but it's up to us that's the thing you got to realize about God he always told Israel what to do like I mentioned the other day I've been reading through Ezekiel in the in the Hebrew commentary books the art scroll book you see killin that one is big fat book but it is so good God sent Jeremiah to tell them what to do to avoid trouble the way they were going they were going to get in trouble because they weren't giving God any place in their lives and then he said as they kill to them we read some scriptures yesterday where God had sent Ezekiel to them it was not his will that they be overcome he wanted them to have victory but it was up to them to choose and it's the same way today God doesn't force his way on you but he offers you the way to healing and to health and to prosperity and you either get in the Word of God and put it in your eyes and your ears until it becomes a reality to you and then you act on it and you say it and you don't say anything else and if you do say something else you repent you begin to walk out faith and it's up to us it's it's our choice just like if you looked at the blessing in the curse and Deuteronomy Moses gave them the blessing he said this is what will happen I see I think he gave him the curse first but he gave him one first choice I think was good he gave him that this is what happen if you don't walk after God's work the curse this is what will come on you if you do walk after God's work the blessing and it's still that way today it's just God is waiting on us to hear and obey he's waiting on you to make a stand for the healing of your body for the healing of your family the prosperity healing of your finances in Jesus name now you can't just say it one time okay Lord I'm here I believe I receive it and that's it no you have to meditate on the word put it in your eyes and your ears until it gets into your heart in the midst of your heart it will talk to you because it will help you make the right decisions and then you have to do what it says all along the way I should say you get to do what it says because every time you take a step toward God and obeying him you're taking a step toward victory in your life and every time you resist it and you don't do it are you you get lazy or you just pay more attention to the things in the world and you do to the things of God you don't spend any time with him you're taking steps backward so it's up to us we can we can live free from sickness and disease we can be prosperous we can have our families intact we can have whatever the Bible says we can have hallelujah which is everything I haven't found anything good that you can't get out of the Word of God so in a script in the 91st psalm it talks about being delivered from sickness and disease it says in verse 16 with with the long well let's look at 14 because he has set his love upon me this man that's abiding in him because he set his love upon me therefore will I deliver him I will set him on high because he has known my name he shall call upon me and I will answer him who is he who is the heat he is the one who abides he is the one who takes refuge he is the one who comes under that shadow of the Almighty he is the one then who gets delivered from the noisome pestilence he is the one that no evil shall befall him neither shall any plague any plague come nigh his dwelling if he shall call upon me I will answer him I will be with him in trouble well that's a great scripture you've got people threatening to sue you or trouble here or trouble there God is with you in that trouble and if he's with you in that trouble he'll bring you out of that trouble if you listen to him and obey Him I will God says I will deliver him I will honor him with long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation it's one thing to live a long time it's one thing to live a long unhappy life it's another thing to live a long satisfied life Lori to God and that's what God has for us it's his will for us to live long and to live strong that's another message but it's a Bible message glory to God so you don't want to start thinking you know used to you know 60 seems old all those sixties of breeze you can breathe you can just go right through 60 70 is a breeze Ken's proving that to us it's a breeze you can just go right through it but you can't go right through it without God first thing you know you'll be old glory to God you've got to have him and you got to have that word and you've got to have the Spirit of God the Word of God renewing your youth hallelujah isn't that a great scripture that God will renew our youth caused us to matter as wings of eagles hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus when you see the old movies you know like the old John Wayne westerns or I remember one John Wayne Western that this woman was having her 60th birthday she was in a little black dress and she had a little bun on her head she was oh she looked about 85 by today's standards she looked about 85 and they were celebrating her 60th birthday like it was something oh it's not that way whoever it is our youth like the eagle God does hallelujah he renews our youth like the eagle and we get our strength from our walk with Him and from the Word of God so with long life it's not God's will for you to die young it's not God's will for you to die young you if if you've been diagnosed with a terminal illness I'm here to tell you it's not the will of God for you to be to die young this says with long life will i satisfy him how what does that mean that means you can live till you're satisfied I will satisfy him and show him my salvation we read the scripture yesterday but it's such a key to living healing I read it again in Proverbs 3 I'll just look it up this is amplified Bible and it says my son forget not my law or teachings but let your heart keep my Commandments for length of days that's long life length of days and years of a life worth living and tranquility or peace well-being inward and outward continuing through old age till death these shall be the words of God add to you now this says to me that you can go all the way through old age living a life worth living tranquil peaceful inward and outward this is an amplified bible through old age to death I think we ought to live a happy a peaceful a strong a well life all the way through until death what is death well death for us is departure when you depart your body it's going to be dead but you're not going to be dead you'll just be gone so all the way through life till departure I'm telling you old age all the Bible just says till you're satisfied so if you're not satisfied keep going continuing through old age till death these shall they these shall the Word of God add to you the Fountain of Youth is right here worried to God so words and laughs to you and you should live till you're satisfied hallelujah how long do you want to live I don't know until you're satisfied certainly certainly 70 or 80 would be young but you know go ahead if you want to the Lord leaves it up to us but the Word of God is medicine to our flash proverbs for it's medicine health and medicine to our flesh glory to go that's why you stay healed the way you get healed that's the way you stay here so let's look at Psalm so we got to take our medicine every day glory to God some not 145 oh I'm telling you the Bible's full of good news you just got to get in there and find it hallelujah prosperity blessing increase healing peace verse 16 says bow wait let me see where I want to start now open it's talking about God the whole time is wonderful thou open us thine hand and satisfies the divide of the desire of every living creature the Lord is righteous in all of his ways are gracious in all of his ways and holy in all of his works the Lord is nigh unto them that call upon him and to all that call upon him in truth he will fulfill the desire of them and all that call upon him in truth he will fulfill the desire of them that fear him he also will hear their cry and will save them the Lord preserveth all that love him but all the wicked will he destroy my mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord and let all flesh bless His Holy Name the Lord in verse 8 says the Lord is gracious and full of compassion slow to anger of great mercy the Lord is good to all well that includes me and all his tender mercies are over all his works hallelujah the Lord is good to all all his tender mercies are over all his works let's look at Psalm 31 19 I'm telling you not just sometimes not just when you're in church but all the time 31:19 says all how great is thy goodness which thou has laid up for them that fear thee what is fear thee that means those that honor you reverence youth if you honor God you reverence God than you do what he says oh how great is thy goodness which thou has laid up for them that fear thee our honor our reverence you we are no bay you which thou has wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men they shalt thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence now shall hide them in the secret of thy presence from the conspiracy or the pride of man men thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongue the Lord covers us the Lord makes a covering over us hallelujah I like to think about our protection and this would include protection from sickness and disease a lot and protection from disasters protection from attacks of any kind I like to think of it as a bubble when I pray for my family in the morning and I plead the blood of Jesus over them I thank God for the bubble for the hiding-place for the tent that he has put over us in Jesus name I actively believe God for protection for myself and my family I mean I believe it I believe in the bubble glory to God hallelujah the scripture refers to it as a hiding place you'll find scriptures about the hiding place you know what what happened was went with Jesus when they were going to throw him off the cliff there was a mob and there was Jesus and there was the cliff what happened to him he got in that hiding place he walked out through the mob God hid him protected him glory to God and he walked out through the mob with no hurt and you'll see that a lot David knew about the hiding place there's a lot of scriptures were where you see the hiding place because David knew about the protection of God and it talks about the hiding place we've got a hiding place this says thou shalt hide them how does he do it in the secret of thy presence I think Jesus just went totally in the spirit where you couldn't see his body you couldn't see anything about him you couldn't even see his clothes and he walked through the mob and the scripture will back that up calling it a hiding place thou shalt hotest them in the secret of thy presence this would also be true it is protection this bubble this hiding place hide you from sickness disease epidemic whatever it is can you can be in an epidemic like John Lake was through in this plague and when that when that when it touched his body it died glory to God hallelujah he was hidden by the power of God power of God can't rose up in him to such a degree that it killed the germs glory to God hallelujah thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence from the pride of men man thou shalt keep them secretly in preval Yin from the strife of tongues can tongues hurt you somebody else speaking ill about you not if you're in the secret place glory to God ask me I know you won't do it in Jesus name blessed be the Lord for he has showed me his marvelous kindness in a strong City and then it said and right across on my Bible across the page in 32 7 it says thou art my hiding place David David knew about that hiding place he could get victory when he was outnumbered he could get victory when he was he knew about it when he faced the John there was no way David could come out alive battling with that giant except that the power of God helps him cover him the liberty and he knew about it he was a warrior and I'm telling he he had a tough bunch running with him but they were tough because God was on them the Spirit of God was on him David said thou art my hiding place thou shalt preserve me from trouble thou shalt accomplish me about with songs and deliverance now when you do a study of this you'll find that circle is very prominent and and in your protection circle compass have you ever seen a square compass no compasses around it encompassed him the power of God encompassed him you need to get a picture of yourself encompassed by the power God surrounded by the power of God that's your bubble of glory to God hallelujah you're in the tent the tent encompasses you let Sid be God hallelujah and in the study of the scripture and you will see that that circle me see I think I brought the one today that talks about the circle and David let me see let me look for it here it said in in Psalm 16 one through four in this Hebrew translation it says protect me O God and this is the psalm of David protect me O God for in you how have I taken refuge see David depended on his refuge he didn't just take it one time and forgetting how to refuse no he depended on that refuse protect me O God for in you so where are we were in him in you I have I taken refuge you have said to the Shem you are my master you are not obliged to benefit you are not obliged to benefit me but for the Holy Ones who are in the earth for the mighty all my desires are due to them I protect me O God and it says about this where it says about the circle the crown this hebrew scholar says also these Hebrew scholars in here are you know they're they're not from modern days most of them I don't know if any of them are but this was a man that was your you know century ago or - I don't know how long ago anyway he says and all they did was study the scripture also he suggests as an alternative to a translation quote a crown David was accustomed to constantly repeat the following plea protect me O God for in you I take refuge he said that until it enveloped and encircled him like a crown protect me O Lord for I have taken refuge is what this translation says they said David would say protect me O God for in you have I taken refuge until it enveloped him that protects that power that anointing enveloped him until it encircled him like a crown so in studying the scripture and in studying these this these psalm books from the Hebrew scholars you see that a lot you see the incircle so so I in my prayer I just see I see myself I see my family a prayer pray on us that we are in circle thank you for encircling me I'm aware that I'm encircled by the power of God I have taken refuge when I go over here the refuge is with me when I go over here the refuge is around me I'm in circle glory to God and other what there is the scripture in here that talks about when when your enemies come against you when the enemies encircle me I am already encircled by someone greater than the enemy that's who the devil has two natural enemies as to somebody just a robber trying to come in your house threaten in your life and it's true like if you were in the cowboy days and you were surrounded by your by your enemy when they got there to ambush you you would already be encircled you would have already been ambushed by God it's real it's real this power of God is real to deliver us when the plague would come when the plague come it finds you in circle when sickness and disease comes you are encircled by your by the power of God by your protection by the blessing of God hallelujah now you know you have to you have to meditate on these scriptures until it becomes more real to you than the threat of sickness and disease you may not just get it because you can receive it because you hear it the first time but you go to the scripture and you you continually feed upon that until you have great faith in that area I'm in glory to God hallelujah I get excited about it because I believe it you are my hiding place you shall preserve me from trouble what does trouble cover anything you want it to cover any trouble any trouble financial trouble it covers a crash stock market crashes it would cover inflation deflation it would cover any kind of financial area it would cover any kind of threat to your physical body with sickness and disease it would cover you in war that's where David used it was in war glory to God hallelujah he lived to be an old man he fought the John as a young man a boy really and he kept fighting his enemies all of his life but he lived to be an old man hallelujah why because he knew the power of God was his protection he knew he was encircled by the power of God he knew he had a hiding place glory to God thank you Jesus he says in verse 10 many sorrows shall be to the wicked but he that trusts us in the Lord mercy shall compass him about glory to God hallelujah so so when sickness disease or plagues try to come people get sick don't don't get your fear up say I'm afraid I might catch this what is that actually sin I'm afraid I might catch this I'm afraid I might take this pneumonia see what you're doing with your mouth say I'll never have it in Jesus name you when something comes to you you say I'm not taking that I'm resisting there you know the devil has trained us to talk in the natural I'm so somebody needs well or what's happening well I'm taking the cold wolf dummy don't take a car take healing already God hallelujah I like this stuff this is truth okay so let's go - lets go - lets look at acts 10:38 this is New Testament we're just going to feed on some good healing scriptures today let's see what they said about about Jesus let me start with let's start with verse 35 well it started 34 I perceive the second part of 34 I perceive that God is no respecter of persons I perceive that God will treat you the same way he'll treat you the same way he'll treat me if we'll do the same thing he's no respecter of persons but he is a respecter of faith now the scripture says but in every nation verse 35 10x10 35 every nation he that feareth God our honors God if you don't obey God you're not honoring God if you don't obey God you're not fearing God it's not that you're afraid of him it is that you honor him and when he tells you to do something you do it that's the fear of God so if you want to get in on the blessing of the fear of God you need to know the definition of what that is that doesn't mean that just to say I'm a Christian it means that you obey God and the Scriptures holds that through all the way through the people that are blessed are those that actually do what he says well you know we just have a short time here I want you to get this so you can't tell we have to be plain about it I'm in you have to do the word of God the word which God sent to the children of Israel preaching peace now peace in the scripture if you look up the meaning of peace and your dictionary or your in your Bible dictionary or it is Shalom it means it basically means nothing missing nothing broken everything good is present peace well-being like if you have peace in your body you don't have sickness in your body if you have peace in your finances and you don't have lack in your finances peace preaching peace by Jesus Christ he is Lord of all that word I say you know which was published throughout all Judea and began from Galilee after the baptism which John preached how here it is here's the gospel how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him so Jesus in his earthly fulfilled the calling of God He fulfilled the will of God and his ministry is described as he healed all that were oppressed of the devil in other words the sickness was of the devil the healing was of God Jesus doing the will of God healed all it still his will today for you to be healed well you say y'all but I haven't been living right I haven't been doing right well the cure for that is to sincerely repent and turn around and you can do that before we finish this service so that you will be eligible God will take you on credit he will take you on your word you repent and you say I'm turning my back on that I'm not having that anymore I'm not talking that way anymore I'm not acting that way anymore and the Lord will take you at your word and he will forgive your past isn't it wonderful that the devil cannot control our lives with our past our past is what its past glory to God we pass over to another place hallelujah in a place of forgiveness and power and blessing and glory Jesus went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him the scripture says God is good to all hallelujah all of us isn't it wonderful that no matter where we come from in life where we were born how we were born what family we came from that he is good to us and we can run into his word and we can be barred over again into a new family glory to God you don't come from a good background well you need a new background how about God how about being born of God I'm telling you my life changed when I was born of God blessed be God and that's available to anybody that will choose to make Jesus Christ the Lord of his life so Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil look at let's look at Psalm 103 now let's save that a little bit let's come back to that a little later let's look at for instance let's look at Luke 13 all we're doing is just feeding on healing this morning what happens when you do that faith comes if you'll receive it and you'll be ready to pray the prayer of faith when we get through Luke 13 11 now now you know if you're out there saying well I don't believe jesus heals everybody I don't believe that well I can do nothing for you but preach you the Word of God and God can do nothing for you at except to tell you the truth and you have to decide whether you take it or not and then it's your decision and not his not mine my will is for you to be healed he as well is for you to be healed but faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God in other words you have to believe it you all faith believe it and so it says in Luke 13 let me see where I want to start reading well let's look at 11 see this this so this woman and behold behold there was a woman which had a spirit of Fermin see 18 years now that's a long time to be sick and she was vowed together or she was vowed over she had been bowed over for 18 years and could in no wise lift up herself she was bowed over she couldn't straighten up she had been that way a long time and when Jesus saw her he called her to him and said unto her woman you're loosed from that infirmity isn't that just like Jesus and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight see that's what happens when Jesus is the doctor they don't he doesn't have to put you in a brace he doesn't have to put you on the operating table and cut you open and all that he can just say the word he can just impart his healing power into you and a condition that you've had all your life be gone in the name of Jesus that's exactly what happened to this woman she couldn't even stand up straight when Jesus saw her he called her to him and said unto her woman you are loosed from that infirmity he laid his hands on her and immediately say immediately isn't that great she had been that way for 18 years and now immediately she was made straight and glorified God Oh glory to God God has healing anointing available it was even a bite available back there then Jesus has since become glorified he sitting on the throne of God he's the same loving wonderful marvelous healer that he was when he straighten this woman's body out and his desire is still for you to be healed you know it talked about the compassion of Jesus Jesus was full of compassion glory to God so he was criticized for that you know and the ruler of the synagogue immediately she was healed a ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation there's always some ruler around you know to try to pour water on the Jesus good works but anyway it says he was the ruler of the synagogue was indignant at this because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day he broke one of the rules and he said unto the people there are six days in which men ought to work in them therefore come and be healed you can come six days but you can't come today so so you know just think about this ruler of the synagogue would have had that thing come back on that woman and dump her over where she could in no wise lift up herself and she'd had to go around like this until for another week religion does strange religious tradition does strange things to people thinking and it says the Lord verse 15 and then he said there are six days in which men ought to work and in them therefore come and be healed now how long has she been in that condition 18 years well where had they been for 18 years that's my question there had been a lot of Sabbath's in 18 years that she could have missed and a lot of days before the Sabbath that she could have been healed the Lord answered and said you hypocrite does not each one of you on the Sabbath Lucy's office or is asked from the stall and lead him away to watering oh not here's Jesus attitude about the situation oh not this woman being a daughter of Abraham whom Satan has bound though these 18 years be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath Jesus attitude was she ought to be loosed that's his same attitude today for you and me we ought to be loved hallelujah glory to God and another key thing is here God hadn't bound her no no no according to Jesus Satan had bound her sickness and disease is not of God Satan had bound her for 18 years and then it says when he when he had said these things all of his adversaries were ashamed and all the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were being done by him hallelujah glory to God verse 22 says he went through the cities and villages teaching and journeying no yes and journeying towards arewe Salam then said one a one-of unto Him Lord there are few that be saved and he said strive to enter in at the strait gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and not be able to but who is the door when once the master of the house is risen in and shut the door you begin to stand without and knock at the door saying Lord Lord open to us so we know that we can open the door to the Lord at any time we know that he is good that he wants us well we can open the door to healing just to the healing part of his ministry anytime you can do it when you're at home by yourself you can do it when you're in a crowd you can do it anytime anywhere you receive your you act on your faith and you showing the Word of God for your healing God is there glory to God hallelujah well does it always come instantly no not always instantly but it'll come and it is dependent upon us and upon how how strong we are now the thing to do in your life where healings concern is to feed on healing scriptures when you're well and when you're sick you know just get a get a habit of the Word of God in every area that that we need help in get a habit of taking scriptures every day and going over them and standing your ground thank the Lord every day let's look at let's look at let's look at mark 10 now this is really one of my favorite examples this is a blind bartimaeus who's no longer blind hallelujah and Jesus this is the way Jesus did it went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil now who is it that never changed who is it that's the same yesterday today and forever Jesus he's the same this is why you can be healed today because he has never changed he's always willing to manifest himself on your behalf whether you're in church or whether you're in the car by yourself or at home by yourself or with your family when you release faith healing comes hallelujah it comes every every day if it's not innocent what do you do you just begin to thank God for it and you stand fast on it until every symptom leaves you take the Word of God like medicine mark 10 says about bartemaeus let me find him I love bartemaeus he's a man after my own heart and they came verse 46 they came to Jericho and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples a great number of people blind bartimaeus the son of Timaeus set by the highway side banging and when he had heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to cry out and say Jesus thou son of God have mercy on me and many told him then he charged him that he should be quiet he was crying out to Jesus he wanted healing the people around him was saying shut up you old blind man shut up barter man shut up bard unless you're making a spectacle of yourself knock it off barter man and here's what happened he cried but he cried the more a great deal they told him to shut up but he got louder and he said that son of David have mercy on me and look what happened Jesus Stood Still and he commanded him to be called and they called the blind man saying now they're going to be nice to him see be of good cheer be of good comfort rise he call us for thee and he bartimaeus throwing off his begging coat rose up and came to Jesus and Jesus said now here's his attitude toward you today Jesus said unto Him what will you you that I should do unto the oil in other words what can I do for you bartimaeus what would you have me do for you barn amass all glory to God he said Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever he's saying to you today what would you have me do for you Jesus is the healer and I'm telling you I would never lie to you he has always been in healing school we've never had healing school anywhere in the world that people didn't get healed he's always present what well now that I should do unto you what can I do for you Barnum s the blind man said unto Him Lord that I might receive my side now that simple isn't it Jesus said what can I do for you bartimaeus said Lord I want to be healed that's easy we can do that Jesus does his part we do our part we believe what he says Lord that I might receive my sight and jesus said unto him go thy way thy faith has made the whole so faith is involved in your healing whether you're in a group like this or whether you're at home by yourself it's you're believing what God says in his words he faced not hard we can all do it we just have to know what God says in his word and agree with it faith is believing what God says in his word your face you're believing has made you home and immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus hallelujah now I like the way the amplified reads did it says what do you want me to do for you master let me receive my side and jesus said unto him go your way your faith has healed you whoa reading and what was his face what did he do what did his faces his faith received it received the healing anointing now what does it say to us what did Jesus say let's just look at that while we're here let's look at mark eleven see he could he said he said in the amplified a master let me receive my sight now let's look this up in mark because this is the way you get heal this is where you get money this is where you get anything you know this scripture but it's not knowing that that makes it work it's actually doing it but to know it is the first step so it says he jesus said to them like the Figtree jesus said no man eat fruit of you again forever the fig tree died overnight it died from the roots up and when they passed by the next morning they questioned him and they said they saw the fig tree dried up from the roof now it started I mean when Jesus spoke to that fig tree no man eat fruit this you could think about this where cancer is concerned to some situation like that no man eat fruit of you again forever the root of that fig tree begin to drop and by the next morning you couldn't tell it instantly but by the next morning you could see it dried up from the roof now I think since it said from the roots there might have been a little green something left up here on the top to let them know how it worked they said it dried up from the roots whatever however they knew that it went the Word of God went right the word of Jesus went right to that root where the tree is fed and it cut off and supply instantly and it died now here's what he said the fig tree is withered away they were wanting to know about it they thought it was great you know they thought they heard it they saw it now it's dead jesus said unto them in verse 22 have faith in God that is the answer to any problem you've got whether it's money or health or whatever have faith in God for I'm telling you the truth verily I say unto you that whosoever visit whosoever whosoever shall say our words are involved whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said he shall have whatsoever whosoever shall have whatsoever he said therefore so now Jesus is going to to say unto Him tell us something therefore he's going to tell us how to do this therefore I say unto you whosoever shall have whatsoever Jesus is the whosoever and he's saying whatsoever right here in the next verse to tell you the truth I never saw that before right now he said he said whosoever shall have whatsoever therefore I say to you that what thing soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them that is a direct promise from the Lord Jesus Christ he put that thing right in motion at that moment and he said whosoever shall have whatsoever glory to God now I'm telling you faith is really easy you just got to have some background for it which is the Word of God so jesus said whosoever shall have what things we read it again 24 therefore I say unto you what things this is now he's he's generalizing it's not just healing but it's anything so a faith works for anything but but primarily right here they're talking about the power of your words therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray what is it we desire this morning when we pray a lot of people are desiring healing some people may need their bodies heal some people may need their finances heal some people may need their families heal this healing service can cover any ground that out there what thing soever you desire when we pray now when we today it's up to you to do this you believe that you receive them and you shall have them now what what is that receive believe that you receive them that's a very strong word in the Greek it means to take it means to say good word to say there would see but it would be seize it means to take to grasp the tape whatever you take it's not a passing word it's not just well you know whatever the Lord's will is here if it's your will to heal me okay and if you want me to die okay no you didn't take healing you didn't really take either one you're kind of in neutral there because you oughta know the will of God is for you to be healed when it says he bore your sicknesses and carried your diseases so we're supposed to know some things so jesus said therefore whatever I what therefore I say one time brother Hagin brought out him I'm sure he did it many times I heard him say this to take note of how often it talks about saying and those two scriptures how often it talks about saying it says say say say say glory to God and it talks about receiving one time that I'll teach you something about how to live by faith you say it you say it you say it you say it you say it you say it but you receive it once and you keep it and you lay hold of it whatever therefore I say unto you what things that would cover anything healing prosperity money rent grocery money any kind of money and he kind of needs what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you save them you take them you seize them this morning you cease healing you take it it's an action word it doesn't mean you agree with it it means you take it if I handed you a 10 10 $100 bills today and I said I've got something for you or let's just say you might be moved to take that easier let's just say let's just say if I had your birthday gift today and it was all wrapped up and I said I got this for you this is for you I'm giving it to you happy birthday and you just put your hands behind your back and you just wouldn't take that birthday gift why what would that mean well that means you didn't you wouldn't I wanted to give it but you wouldn't receive it and what else does that mean that means I'll keep it myself now that's exactly the way we are in the Word of God put finances or money or whatever it is when the when God gives it to us in the world we are to receive it by faith we are to take it we are to say God said it that settles it that's mine God says I'm healed by the stripes of Jesus that settles that I take it Lori to God that's just the way faith work now what listen to what he's so sober record is I don't have the the definition somewhere in all this stuff but on where but it means to take it it's an action work to receive there means to take it it means to lay hold of it it means to seize it so when you pray please it believe you receive it when you pray glory to God take it and then you don't let the devil take it away from you like today we're going to pray for your healing don't let the devil take it back away from you you've told it you seized it therefore he said in verse 24 what things soever you desire that would cover all territory when you pray believe you receive them believe you take them you seize them and you shall have them now what you seize it don't let it go sometimes it takes it takes sometimes sometimes especially when it's something like money and other people are involved but it'll always come to pass if you'll stay for it well I mean you know I've been years doing something some projects like it took years to to believe God for the house that I wanted it took years but how long would it have taken if I hadn't relieved I still wouldn't have it and so something take awhile so you just have to stay in there you have to hang in there you have to stay on the Word of God keep feeding on keep feeding on the prosperity scriptures keep feeding on the healing scriptures keep feeding on the scriptures that say you can have your children that they'll come into the kingdom of God and now this is a key part right here and I want to just tell you this because if you want to be healed today this is part of your receiving the next verse says and when you stand / let's just read 24 again therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray that covers all territory believe that you receive them or take them and seize them when you pray see yourself with it take it to yourself and you shall have them and so this is all one discourse and when you stand praying while your in this forgive if you have aught against any that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses but if you do not forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses now who said that Jesus it is out every every scripture there 20 22 says have faith in God 22 23 24 25 26 that's all out of the mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ now I'm telling you if you want to walk in the good things of God you can't hold things against people you have to forgive people you know you may have a husband that did you wrong you may have a wife that did you wrong you may have children that this you're wrong you may have strangers that did you wrong they're all in the same category believe to forgive you have to receive you have to forgive what is that that's walking in love love covers love forgives all love covers all that's the way God loves us what if he said well you know I see what they're saying on but but I remember how they used to be they'll need that they don't deserve that now they they just they send away their day of grace have you ever heard that they send away their day a great God didn't say that and we're supposed to be like who we're supposed to be like him we're created recreated in Christ Jesus hallelujah born anew so we can forgive now unforgiveness is one of the deadliest most dangerous sins that you can walk in it cuts you off from receiving your prayer sensor when when you stand praying how long can you stand well you might stand for two or three days I don't know but I'd like to think it wouldn't take that long but in other words it's something you do while you're standing I mean right now right now if there are people that you know it just curls your toes when their names are mentioned maybe they were absolutely awful to you but you have the power to forgive you're like God you have the power to forgive you know it's an awesome thing that we can forgive that's just another area where we're like God we can forgive that's a great power you can forgive so do that today I'm telling you let me just say this if you have aught against any that would cover all the territory there is you know you may not have forgiven your third-grade teacher for spanking you in front of class I don't know but whoever comes up and your thoughts just examine your heart before we pray this morning whoever comes up say I forgiving meaning it from your heart that means I'm not ever taking it back that means it's not saying I'm just going to forgive them right now all I'm here and then take it back again no you let it go you bless them you pray what does that say you pray for those that use in persecution glory to God hallelujah let's look at mark 5 verse 19 says he taught Jesus told him go home to your friends and tell them how great things the Lord has done for thee and has had compassion on thee so he began to depart and published and Decapolis the great things all men did marvel and when Jesus passed over again by ship unto the other side many people gathered unto Him and he was 9 to the sea and so Jesus you know he just went around being good to people delivering crazy people men's will a man full of devils and here it says when Jesus passed over again by ship to the other side verse 22 says in whole there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue Jairus coming and when he saw him he fell at his feet gyrus the ruler he was somebody big he was important to the people around him but he fell on his face he fell he fell at Jesus feet and besought him greatly saying my little daughter life at the point of death I pray thee come lay thy hands on her and she shall be healed and she shall live so he was saying his face he had faith words in his mouth that was like bartimaeus when when he said what would you have me do for you he said Lord that I might receive my sight this man came in faith and he said that she that you would lay a hands on her and she would live and Jesus went with him and much people followed him they Jesus what is it faded he went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil glory to God he always comes to the healing school because he's going about doing good and he's here to heal you today and he's easy to receive from and so while he was going a certain moment which had an issue of blood for 12 years came and she had suffered many things of many physicians had spent all that she had and was nothing better but rather grew worse when she heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched His garment for she said see she's got her words going for her in the right direction she said for if I may but touch his clothes I shall behold now what did that woman had been saying you know I never get healed I'm going to the healing service today but you know nothing ever happens to me I don't ever get healed what would have happened to her she wouldn't have gotten healed but this woman said the right thing she said if I but touch his clothes I shall be whole she declared her faith and Jesus and the Spirit of God the spirit of God was agreeing with her she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall behold and immediately the fountain when she touched him immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague immediately Jesus knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him now Jesus was there he was anointed she said what's her faith spoke and she touched him no she touched His garment and when she did power went in to her so it was her faith he was anointed there was there was an healing anointing on him in him in His garment she sat her face she did her faith and when that power left him jesus knew it she touched His garment and Jesus immediately knowing in himself that the power had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes he knew it he said he perceived he felt that power go and his disciples said unto him excuse me thou seest the multitude thronging me and saith thou who touched me and he looked around to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her fell down before and told him all the truth and he said to her daughter your faith has made you whole go in peace and be whole of that plague glory to God her faith her believing her sighing she said she believed if I just touch His garment I'll be healed it took faith for her to get out she wasn't supposed to be out a woman with Bishop floods not supposed to be out in public but she got out of her room she got down there she's been sick for a long time but she said and what she said came to pass and she was the the issue of her blood was instantly dried up she heard it she said it she did it and she received it hallelujah glory to God blessed be the Lord and then about gyruss it says that while he yet spake to this woman the ruler of the synagogue's house came one from the synagogue's house and he said to gyruss your daughter's dead now this is bad news your daughter's dead why trouble thou the master any further as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe don't let fear come in gyruss only believe see that's all he had to do he just had this I mean here it was it looked like by all accounts that it was too late this whole sick woman had gotten in the way I mean gyruss could have had a bad attitude you know she had gotten in the way she had stopped Jesus and who I see anyway she wasn't in part of Island for know what would have happened his daughter with a stay dead but jesus said be not afraid Jairus didn't have that attitude he said be not afraid only believe don't give place to fear only give place to faith do not be afraid only believe and he suffered no man to follow him say Peter James and John he came to the rulers house he put all the people out of the room he said the daughter the damsel is not dead but sleeps they laughed at him while he put him out glory to God and he entered in where she was lying he took the damsel by the hand and he said unto her I don't know what he sent unto her till he kakuni coo-coo me to my girl he said get up I saw arrived in Jesus name arise he said jesus said arise an immediately straightway the girl arose and walked glory to God and they were astonished at him here is the healer Jesus is the healer who is the same yesterday today and forever Jesus is the same who is here today to heal you Jesus is here to heal you glory to God this is your receiving day they're easy to receive from let's look at one more and then we'll go in a different direction but I love to read about Jesus and his goodness let's look at let's just look at before we go to somewhere else let's look at Galatians 3 I have not been there don't holler at me about that Galatians 3:13 now we know that in the book of Deuteronomy there's a list of blessings there's a list of curses and under the curses every sickness and every disease and many diseases are listed in the curse but then it says anything that's not listed in the curse is under this curse so the blessing all the good things are under the blessing all the bad things were under the curse every sickness and disease it says was under the curse and we have a Savior his name is Jesus and he has saved us from everything that was under that curse now look at the scripture in 3 let's go to 29 I think 26 let me go up here okay let's go to 2023 but before faith came we were kept under the law shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed and I could say that about our own life before faith came we were under the curse all of them and wherefore the law was wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ that we might be justified by faith but after faith is come we are no longer under a schoolmaster for use you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus how many is the child of God how many are you that are a child of God by faith in Christ Jesus that's where we are far as many of you have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus and if you be Christ's then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise Jesus himself for every curse for us on the tree he bore our sicknesses our diseases our sin the curse was put upon him in Jesus name we are free and we are blessed hallelujah glory to God he bore the curse for us now let's look at it in Isaiah I think I'll read it in the amplified bible Jesus bore the curse for us he he took that curse of sin upon himself Isaiah 54 oh my this is the greatest healing scripture in the whole Bible right here and there's some goodness I love the word of God I'm telling you you can have a healing you can have a healing meeting just you and God anytime right by yourself you just go through the healing scriptures and you act on your faith you rebuke sickness disease and tell it to come off of you really you shouldn't do it you should do it at the first symptom and you should do it every day you should proclaim your deliverance and healing and health every day just make that part of your daily prayer you say well I don't pray every day well that's the problem [Laughter] because you sure have problems every day and you sure have temptations every day and you sure have this and that and other stuff danger things that come from the devil you ought not leave your house till you spent some time with the Lord so well you know I just AM up late and have to get up early in the morning I have a revelation this may come as a shock to you but you could turn off the TV for a while and you could go to bed earlier and you could get up earlier think of that okay chapter 53 I was at 53 the amplified bible says surely it had a great word this is a sure thing surely he has borne our griefs sicknesses weaknesses and de-stresses and carried our sorrows and pain yet we considered him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions or our sins he was bruised for our guilt and iniquities the chastisement needful to obtain peace and wellbeing for us was upon him and with the stripes that wounded him we are healed and made whole now Peter says we were healed by His stripes this is looking as ask for seeing what's going to happen the cross Peters looking back at the cross and he said by His stripes you were healed if I were healed how are healed glory to God Jesus himself took the whole curse the same time he delivered you from the power sin he delivered you from the power of sickness and disease we have a pat we have authority over sickness and disease in the name of Jesus anytime 24/7 you've got power over sickness and disease you can tell it what to do in your life but now if you don't ever spend time in the words you won't have any faith so we have to live over the Word of God we have to feed our spirit on the word of God all the time so that when when trouble comes we're prepared jewelry to God I'm in you know you know y'all not have to hunt your Bible you ought to know where it is Laurie to God hallelujah so Jesus went about healing everywhere doing good healing the people he's still doing that today glory to God he's still going about doing good healing the people every day that you would get up at home and you have symptoms of sickness and disease Jesus is on duty and he's ready to deliver you he's just waiting on you to release your faith and what was that faith how do you release your faith when you play you believe you receive it and you shall have it this is the day to receive your healing we're going to pray and I'm going to lead you in a confession of faith I'm going to take power I'm going to take authority and power over sickness disease and I'm going to cast it out of here and when I do I want you to you see that your part is to receive it begin to act like you've got it in Jesus name if you couldn't lose something begin to move it if you couldn't walk walk if you couldn't stand up stand up glory to God this is the receiving time this is the time you act on your face hallelujah glory to God so let's just stand up and let's receive our healing right now if you have some of you have already been healed Kim's here to help me today glory to God earth and just as you began this morning you were talking about and and the Spirit of God through you said we resist that and I will not take it your lure Tomica and the word of the Lord came to me back there while you were talking about that that will not come on me and somebody right then just when Gloria said that somebody just hung up mentally right there and said well now wait a minute now that's just denial well it is denial but it's not to deny that the world talks about and and just remember when the word says and Jesus perceived the thoughts that were in their heart see faith begins for the will of God is known and you can get hung up on something mentally and not and just not go any fun and so the Lord instructed me to deal with this before you pray so that the person or persons that that had a problem with that can go and pass that because he wants them well now here's what the Lord said is it faith or is it denial see we denial has no reason and cause somebody in the world just says but I am never going to have that well do they have reason and cause to say that or they just 18 years old and think it in ever gonna happen arm or something akin to that and whatever the reason might be for instance a person just walk right into I was thinking about what you were talking about John G Lake had did that illustration had told them to put that that bubonic plague damn foam anything now a person right in the middle of that plague and he's just standing out there and people just die nor some chemical warfare kind of thing or something he's just standing out there and he said well please don't get old me or some other guy said then we'll have the need and it may have them then left me with that's denial see he doesn't have any reason or cause but now take the same fella and he puts on a biochemical suit that is resistant to that he takes certain immunizations now in his makeup he has reason and cause to think now that's not going to come on me yeah what has happened he took steps to prevent it you see where see where the Lord was what God was saying this to me back there we do there's a flip side of this the scripture says the curse causeless does not come there's no such thing as it just coming on you know there's cause behind all spiritual activity now here's what the Lord said to me back there we have reason and cause he said when you have a Bible reason it's called hope and faith is the substance of things hoped for that has become my reason now my call or you might say well why is that well because see this is our cause well because of the blessing protection so now I have taken steps to apropriate what is mine in Christ Jesus now I have reason to say you're not coming on me is not just some kind of then it's not as some kind of cause less denies cause we have been redeemed where I'm the car I have the redemption and I have appropriated and I was thinking about one matter I think I mentioned it not foolish when that flu epidemic was going through and we took steps to appropriate our redemption from the curse now that was when John was about four Kelly was about six and John today is the executive director of Kenneth Copeland ministries now this is a number of years ago their vows over 40 they're both over 40 years old and and with wien had the flu yet let me clarify that we had a number of opportunities Inglorious that we had a lot of opportunities but we passed them all by thank you very much where there were a couple of times when some very serious symptoms attached themselves to my body and and one time in a meeting then I'll tell you ever symptom hit me and and all of a sudden I just kept getting just sicker and sicker and sicker so I started not just denying it but I started activating it which is what we're about to do right here together see I had reason and cause because of what we had done before and I was activating and the appropriation that we had made I didn't try to reactivate it I mean faith says it's done up now I'm walking in what we appropriate I began to say I believe I received my healing he bore my sicknesses he carried my diseases and by stripes I'm healed and all the time I'm remembering in my mind what we do propria so I kept doing this I kept saying I thought well I'm just going to see how many times you have to say this to get it now depends on what your condition was at the time I was pretty I was pretty worn down because I was preaching the very life force out of me all the time you're here being built up so you're stronger right now than I was that night because I had just come out of them service that night I said it 829 times but now listen every time I said it I heard it every time I said it faith team think about a glass empty that glass is not empty but in full either hell now that didn't fill that up but it's being filled yeah now if I kept doing that eventually the same little drop that filled it up would eventually over float no Stan now there's been a religious idea that if it didn't happen instantly it wasn't faith and it wasn't healing is some milk that's not true faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God that's what's been happening here in these meeting glory has been feeding your faith feeding your faith and then the tide is rising that tide is rising I said that eight hundred and twenty nine times and and you have a tendency to say and nothing happening but that's no truth something was happening all the time but that eight hundred and thirtieth time I said it I got the old flow and the power of God hid I concealed it hit rapped on the back of my heels and came up up the back like this and out the over the top and just flooded me I mean well I could tell at the same time all of those symptoms went with it not perfectly on but what if I hadn't done that was it cause God didn't love me would it have been because Jesus said well he need to keep this a while no I've been called my buckets empty huh so we need to live with our buckets getting state keep you need to keep the vessel full all the time by continually pouring into it don't allow words on the curse side of life to seep in there and start contaminating your faith with their fear tolerated is faith contaminated Amen if you had a you had a jar of pure acid just a little drop of it just go through that acrylic throughout there just my mommy man and burn the carpet and just keep going by the way you take that same beaker of acid and you start pouring water in it you just keep it until you dilute it and contaminate it or something else finally I mean you'd finally get to the place we wouldn't do anything that's what happens to you face if you contaminate it with with words of curse words on the fear side all the time instead of staying with this Halloween good job you want to go ahead and write the power take this over that's where we weren't yeah but the mornings on you to do it you do it and then okay all right are you already in receipt how they leave put your my favours up in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I command every sickness every disease every evil spirit every malfunction to depart from your body right now [Applause] you're healing save your hailey receive your healing save your healing in Jesus name [Applause] ah [Applause] yeah I have [Applause] prayin for Isis [Applause] okay Hey [Applause] I want you to have concept of something I want you to be seeing this in your mind's eye I want you to be seeing this in your spirit you have just activated a high priestly ministry of Jesus I want you to see that you have activated his ministry you have activated the blessing you have activated that now do you see that do you see them you have appropriated something unto yourself a man now I want you to say this very boldly I speak from within the name of Jesus [Applause] sickness disease sin pain Devils fear I deny you access to my spirit access to my mind and access to my body you have no rights in my life now you leave now I receive you Jesus not only is my Lord and Savior but as my high priests the minister of God ministering life to me it's mine you're mine I'm yours I receive it I'm healed in my head I receive healing in my eyes I receive healing in my ears I receive healing in my nose I receive healing in my mouth not only my words but my tongue and my teeth gum disease you leave I receive healing in my throat I receive healing in my chest if my lungs in my bronchial tube in my windpipe and all of my breathing pipes I receive healing in my chest I rebuke you bronchitis I rebuke you asthma I rebuke you allergies I rebuke you viral infection I rebuke you pneumonia I deny your rights I'm healed out of me you can't have this body I'm healed in the stomach I'm healed in my liver healed in my spleen I'm healed in all the workings of my body I'm here in my lower intestines I'm healed in my mouth Nealon my kidneys I'm healed throughout my body all of my Bible organs Jesus is interested because their vital organs I receive healing in my spine the disks the burner brain no you can't stay in me disease author honestly any degenerative disease get out leave now I receive healing in my fingers and my wrists my hands my arms my elbows my shoulders my entire skeleton of bone all the ligaments all the tendons all the muscle every cell of my body my hip my hip joints my knees I receive from You Lord Jesus the replacement of cartilage the replacement of joints anything that author at us or any disease has stolen from me I receive my replacement my heart is healed I receive a new heart I receive new lon I receive nuni I receive new toys praise God every exit hey listen listen I receive deliverance from the wrong kind of food I put the knife to my throat I will not be in bondage to food drugs alcohol tobacco any kind of addictive thing is no part of my life I receive my deliverance from every extra pound of fat on my body in Jesus day I receive correction I receive direction I receive it in Jesus name I'm a heel I'll deliver from the top of my head to the souls of my happy feet [Applause] [Music] Gloria this is Nora from Delaware last night rather Tracy had a word of knowledge that there was someone with the right rotator cuff who was being healed yeah she said she had limited mobility last night but today she can move it freely hallelujah Wow and rotate amen hallelujah and high glory I am this is will from Florida he had an MRI he has a torn Mengsk Euler tendon it was damaged and torn when Kenneth prayed for knees he said he felt the anointing going to it me she was supposed to have surgery the pain is gone he can move his knee he has mobility he had not had before [Applause] haha okay when I gave you their armies wimping like this dr. Amy brakes on the truck or car but right here and you could reach down there and before there was like a cavity uh-huh thank heavens like pause I felt it push his way back up to decaf as he was praying praise Allah he's like a steady surgeon playing a good job ortho Jesus Gloria this is Mary she's from Glen Burnie Maryland for about 25 years she had a problem with her inner ear muscle it was dead and she could not hear clearly but today she received her healing she can hear clear and she her tenants and yourself all the way in the bed Steve who do you have here Gloria this is Annette it's her first time to be in a healing meeting she's been watching you on TV for many years now first time to come this morning 15 years of back pain and this morning it is gone this is Mary she's from here in Washington DC and she says that she had a lot of trouble with her right knee and it was in pain all the time and her legs were weak and now she's feeling sassy do you have any more pain no more pain [Applause] wonderful Mary thank you bless the Lord hallelujah glory to God glory meet Gloria she says her first time first time being in these meetings and actually the healing started last night of her rotator cuff she had appointment set for February but this morning she determined that she was the heel and she can demonstrate and she's already decided that the doctor is going to get a disappointment her appointment isn't going to be there but here's the big thing it's been six or eight years since the joy of the Lord has manifest in her life and this morning in this meeting her joy your name's Gloria a man Gloria praise God Amy thank you for a wonderful he got haven't yet so much praise ah hey this is Norma from Washington DC and she had like in our threaded condition in her left arm she couldn't lift it only a little bit and back stuff and all that now tell what happened when you prayed as I begin to raise my arms up and I heard something say hi and the office looked like your left hand was longer than the right hand because I couldn't move it ahead get like this here and so when I raised my hands up to receive from God it pop and my arm just jumped right straight up yeah but so good sure I like this lady's name joy y'all a man from Woodbridge Virginia she had two bouts of pneumonia in the same year which causes her to have difficulty breathing and when it gets cold she said today when Kenneth gave the word of knowledge about diseases of the lungs she could breathe to do that I came to every service squeezin and I get in the vestibule not going to hardly breathe and I just go and sit in the back and listen to the word and now I can take over it [Applause] hallelujah and in 2004 you taught Gloria on jesus healed them all she's the woman that was healed with the issue of blood well pray [Music] thank you lord well it will take those who got round now Barry and just whoever's in line run this is Marlena from Maryland she suffer from digestive problems and the word was spoken out for healing from digestive problems she said she has no pain in her stomach right she feels totally whole her knees she had pains in her knees stiffness is gone in her knees and she said she's been delivered today from depression Oh fine and the Lord of the Lord is on the souls of our pieces and I feel whole in every part of my body my heart cries God has the good testimony bless the Lord bless the Lord God is good pastor Steve Gloria this is Carrie from Meyers town of Pennsylvania and God loves 18 year olds avian oh and she's her first time being here but this morning on her hand she had a difficulty with some ring worm an infection there but all of the pain all of the symptoms all of the circumstances have gone away completely said okay fool for a sister shine who do you have with you I have John from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania he said - this must be rotator cuff day my story he said is besides another lady who got up and got healed he said have been going to a chiropractor for a year and a half and it hasn't done anything he said he felt real stupid but he said he had to come up and give his testimony about his shoulder it doesn't hurt anymore he said he was in the back trying to make it hurt and it just won't hurry to God here comes my wife shiny with somebody who's what's going on well Valerie's from DC and she was diagnosed with arthritis so bad that they they said all they saw I saw on her back was a black cloud on the x-ray but tell what happened this morning then this morning I mean when I used to get up I'd be over like this and it's so hard for me to stand up but within the healing I'm standing up straight it's like I can stand up to break my back ever oh boy [Applause] no playing hallelujah good he was the woman bent over to lift your life to new levels now be healthier live longer get stronger and live a more satisfied life fully enjoy your family work recreation and every blessing God has for your future begin your lifelong journey of health and wellness faith and strength with a get-well stay well packaged designed to help you live life without limits Gloria Copeland's book live long finish strong will show you how to take the promises of God for your life by faith with every scripture you'll discover how to live in God's blessing of homes every day the lifeline series healing and wellness your 10-day spiritual action plan by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland has everything you need to get well and stay well the plan includes daily readings for the morning and evening scripture cards worship music and video segments give yourself a lift get well and stay well [Music] Kenneth Copeland ministries wants to bless you request your FREE copy of the Get Well stay well packaged today take advantage of this free TV offer by calling us toll-free at 877 six one five four 267 or by going to KCMG org slash BB o VN offer God's will is that you receive your healing and walk into find health learn to stand on God's Word and receive your healing we are here for you so calls prepare at any time or visit our website to check out all the great resources we offer to help you grow in this faith remember God wants you well and Jesus is your healing [Music]
Channel: The Victory Channel
Views: 639,316
Rating: 4.6956396 out of 5
Keywords: Kenneth Copeland, BVOVN, Gloria Copeland, Believer's Voice of Victory Network, Healing, gloria copeland healing, gloria copeland fruit of the spirit, gloria copeland psalm 91, gloria copeland healing confessions, gloria copeland walk in the spirit, gloria copeland and kellie copeland, gloria copeland on faith, gloria copeland fear, gloria copeland faith takes it, gloria copeland believing for a house, meditate on gods word, how to meditate on gods word
Id: DwAaDL2C_C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 30sec (7110 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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