Heirs of God - What Is Yours In Christ

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hello everybody I'm Gloria Copeland and welcome to the believers voice of victory pastor George is back and he is still talking about prosperity that's right hundred and thirty six broadcast later here we are a hundred talking about prosthetics so this is one hundred and thirty one hundred thirty-six today yes we're getting it we're getting we are getting it fact we'd like to hear your testimonies about how you're getting and how it's working for you you know everything you hear it you have to put it to work you can't just hear it and think oh well I'll take that know you put it in your eyes in your ears in your heart and it comes out your mouth and that's how it's activated in your life that's really good job that's right praise God wisdom well you know in all of the times that we have done the broadcast 335 thousand of these notes have been downloaded no Joe so if you go online you can go to KCMO org look at the picture of glory and me click on to it and it will take you to the outlines of this series that we're doing so you can download them print them out follow us they're already there for the rest of this time God you can print them give them out pastors just print them give them to all of your congregation we want you to grow in the Word of God that's why we're doing this we are we are capturing Gloria all of these important thoughts like what you said last week and I quote don't be mad at me because I'm wealthy I inherited it so today we've been talking about being heirs of God and receiving our inheritance and that this whole series that we're doing right now it was inspired by an article that you wrote in an April 1996 believers voice of victory magazine called receive your inheritance so I read that Gloria and I started building this series from it I taught it in church and now we're teaching it here heirs of God receiving our inheritance in Christ and so here's what we talked about last week let me do a quick recap from your article this is what you said I quote Gloria I became heir to a fortune more than 40 years ago in Little Rock Arkansas when I gave my life to Jesus at that moment I was born again into the richest family ever no I was born into the royal family that owns and operates the universe I received an inheritance so vast it will take me all of eternity to fully comprehend it and that's what we're talking about that is good not really a vision but I thought of that place in a little rock that little one one-room building bedroom apartment yeah we we hear about the Tulsa place but not that little rock plate that was the beginning of beginnings why yes yeah Wow well the purpose gloria of our study is for us to renew our minds and to see ourselves as the heirs of God that he's made us and to discover what's included in our inheritance and how to take it now this is what we learned last week we'll do this quickly in Galatians chapter 4 we are heirs of God in 1st Peter 1 we are heirs by birth in Romans 8 we are joint heirs with Jesus in Galatians 4 we are heirs of everything our heirs and of Colossians 1 we are heirs of everything now price right now now that that's what we talked about it's very interesting what a week we had last week I enjoyed it it was outstanding and so today we're gonna be talking about the subject heirs according to the promise heirs according to the promise and right before we started taping Gloria asked me she said what's the title of today's message I said heirs a court of the core according to the promise she said that would be me that's right so the subtitle of this series heirs according to the promise is that would be me yeah I like that Lauria let's look at Galatians chapter 3 to begin with Galatians chapter 3 we are heirs according to the promise of God it says it right here in Galatians 3:29 if you be Christ's or you could say it this way if you be in Christ yeah then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise there you have it right there that's it that settles it that's it I may have already said this during the study but that old movie where they hid there out in Texas and they stuck all oh and the goat took his head off and all the oil went out went into his hat and they were just dirt or you know and he said that's a good confession right there hallelu we ain't poor no more no hallelujah it's like Leroy Thompson used to say I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be poor another day in my life I'll never I'll never be poor another day thank you that's right I'll never be poor we are heirs you've already made me happen hallelujah when when glory is happy everybody's that's right Amen well the message translation says if yes since you're in Christ family then you are Abraham's famous descendant that's the message translation famous display miss descendant I never had noticed heirs according the covenant promise in the amplified bible it says you are abraham's offspring and in spiritual heirs according to the promise Christ God the New Living Translation it says you are his heirs and God's promise to Abraham belongs to you to you to you to me it belongs to us and so if you go to your second page there of the notes of Gloria I'll quote you if I may in the article that Gloria wrote she said this as a Christian you are the seed of Abraham what does that mean it means everything God promised him belongs to you you did say that it has been passed down to you through Jesus Abraham's blessing is your inheritance it has been willed to you by the word of God price so then you said this let's read the will today let's look in the Bible and find out how God treated Abraham because that's how God promised to treat us price so we're going to look at Gloria a few scriptures here have a Bible study together and what did God promise always open to increase you are you are and you're always you're all here Bible is always open to you too let's look let's look together at Genesis chapter 12 okay we'll answer the question what did God promised Abraham and we need to know this because whatever God promised Abraham Apollo according to what we just read here in Galatians chapter 3 we are heirs according to the promise whatever God promised Abraham is ours it reminds me of that song Abraham's blessings our minds that's right that's it whatever was his is ours right so let's take a look at this and do you have your is that your amplified or is that if you would Gloria take a look at Genesis chapter 12 I want to look at it in the amplified because it it really says some things in the King James while you're turning there to Genesis 12 it says in the King James I'll make of you a great nation I'll bless you and I'll make your name great and you shall be a blessing I will bless them that bless you and I will curse them that curse you and in you shall all the families of the earth be blessed that's Abraham's blessing right there do you have Genesis 12 first you started with 2 right started with 2 it says now the Lord said to Abram go for yourself for your own advantage oh that's good Gloria out away from your country and your relatives father's house Wow to the land that I will show you he had to teach Abraham a whole new way of life he had to renew his money that's why I had to get out right and I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you with abundant increase of favor I like that and make your name famous and distinguished that's part of the bus that's part of the bless you shall be a blessing yes dispensing blessing to dispensing good to others and I will bless those that bless you well that was a powerful word wasn't it what does it keep reading there I will bless those that bless who bless you who confer prosperity our happiness upon you and curse him who curses are useless insolent language towards you that's good don't be talkin to glean Abraham and you shall all the families and kindred of the earth be blessed by you they shall bless themselves in other words when they bless you they're blessing them so in that an awesome word because I am an heir according to the promise an heir of Abraham that right there is my inheritance that's true that's mine that's good as a matter of fact a little while ago I was reading through my notes preparing for this session and where it said there in the amplified translation I will bless you with abundant increase of favors I just wrote George that's mine that's mine I care too that inheritance good you have to take it if you're going enjoy that's right it's mine Abraham's blessing his mind now you made a quote you made a comment or a little commentary about that scripture we just read in it you said this in your article to fully grasp what God is saying here you must realize that when he blesses someone he's not just telling them to have a good day he's conferring upon them the power to increase and prosper in every area of life that's the blessing is good and that blessing that blessing is my inheritance you said in fact according to W Yvonne and Webster's dictionary the true definition of bless is to cause to prosper to make happy to bestow favor upon to consecrate to holy purposes to make successful to make prosperous in temporal concerns pertaining to this life to guard and to preserve hallelujah glory to God powerful I'm glad you reminded me of that and that's mine Amen that's yours a blessing that belongs to you blessing you said a lot you've said it all when you say the blessing everything good you went on to say it was actually the blessing of God that made Abraham rich it caused him to prosper wherever he went the blessing is our inheritance the blessing of the Lord proverbs 10:22 says the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and he adds no sorrow or toil I'll carve it no curse to it and again before we we started the broadcast I looked at another scripts you don't have to turn there but I looked at Genesis 1:28 and it said that God's God blessed them and Genesis 1:28 gives a perfect description and definition of what the blessing is he told them be fruitful multiply replenish the earth subdue it and have dominion over it that blessing is mine have dominion over it that means there will be nothing back over you that's right you can leave the things that are good in force right but you don't have to put up with anything bad oh that's good glory I like that you don't have to repeat that scripture that she just said her about Dominion Genesis 1:28 god bless them he said be fruitful multiply replenish the earth subdue it and have dominion over it have dominion the earth over the earth oh I mean everything in it around it on it everything it tries to do we have dominion over that that is the blessing that God conferred over men that blessing is already true you know you just sometimes have to stop and take a scripture yes and let it in oh Thanksgiving you know happened to me what would that mean that would mean over everything you have the power of God to work glory to God I like that George I just I just wrote that down cuz I'll use that with with the Word of God you have to stop number this is that's a message okay here's glorious here here's hot-off-the-press glorious new message she's pretty concerning the Word of God number one you have to stop number two you have to take a scripture number three you have to let that scripture in that's right that's what you have you have to let it out awesome you can I use that sure I'll make you I'm a copy of myself glory to God and I love the word I do too and I love the way you love the word we all do we love the word to get we love the word together and let me just what we can turn over there Genesis chapter 13 I'm gonna run through a couple of these scriptures this is our inheritance this is what belongs to you and me Tom back our stuff our stuff is right this is ours in Genesis 13 - in the oh the amplified what does the amplified say Genesis like it okay tell me now Abram yeah was extremely rich in livestock and in silver and in gold praise God now if I'm gonna err to Abraham that's yours I should be extremely rich yes and silver yes in livestock I don't want any livestock but you know livestock yes I wanted them I should be rich in okay and in silver and and go wow what a word and we are heirs that's wrong you know there's a lot of people listening to us today and they think I've come from a poor family my family didn't have anything I don't have any inheritance oh yeah you do if you're a believer you've got a new family you got it right new Genesis 13 to sinesses third Abraham was extremely rich in livestock silver and gold and you know what so am I amen so I love cuz I'm an heir I'm an heir h-e that's wrong err that means what his stuff comes to me you know what we've been giving our grandbabies justice Jesse I Lee Kalyn for Christmas ever since they were born gold and silver well see you're they're already inheriting they're already an interesting thing in Genesis 13 verse 6 I'll give you some gold Genesis 13 6 and let's see amplified it says now the land was not able to nourish and support them so they could live together for their possessions were too great mercy mercy that's right and so are mine so are you want so much stuff because they had so much god bless them so much look at look at Genesis 15 let's mosey on over to Genesis 15 and again in the Amplified Bible is so good Genesis 15 after all these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision saying fear not Abram I am your shield your abundant compensation and your reward shall be exceedingly great you know what I wrote a lot of Abraham he was saying he sure did you know you made a commentary about this scripture right here your commentary was years ago when Ken and I first started to walk with the Lord we were facing debts and problems that seemed overwhelming so I took that promise from God to Abraham and put my name in it I read it like this fear not Gloria God is your shield your abundant compensation and your reward shall be exceedingly great now Leroy Thompson was here many years ago he preached to us and I'm not sure exactly where he got this I can find it but he found a translation of this scripture that said God was his rapidly increasing money supply Thank You Leroy no no I wrote that down before oh I read that in you he is our rapidly increasing money supply or as Leroy would say money money why do you come it you said I decided that since I was an heir to Abraham these words were just as true for me as they were for him and sure enough they have been go to the third page Gloria in the years since God has protected me and rewarded me beyond anything I could ask her thing he has been as faithful to me as he was to Abraham now I'm going to give our congregation out here an assignment in their assignment after school today after after class today you need to go to your Bible and read Deuteronomy chapter 28 verses 1 through 14 and realize that the blessing of Abraham is your inheritance so you want him to go read them I want them to go read the words wael the will yeah read the will yeah I want you as Gloria said a few moments ago I want you to stop take Deuteronomy 28 1 through 14 let it in and then let it out Oh beacon declare it and I'll finish up with this you said this Gloria the blessing of Abraham will enable you to prosper no matter what's happening around you it don't caused you to increase in the midst of recession/depression in every kind of economic calamity the devils from dream up if you're the seed of Abraham you shouldn't even worry about such things they don't affect you you're not dependent on the economic cycles and then this natural rail you're not dependent on what the Federal Reserve does right you are dependent on your covenant with Almighty God and that never changes he never alters the word that comes out of his mouth and he has said you are blessed we are dependent on the word and through the word we're dependent on the blessing last thing has to keep working because it's the Word of God this day 130 700 you millet of days of all of our days and prosperity isn't this exciting it's all on the internet so if you all gather there get it if you want a prosperous and all the notes from this series that we're teaching on heirs of God receiving your inheritance in Christ we started teaching last week we're teaching this week all of them are available on KCMG org look for the picture of glory and me on the home page click onto that it'll take you over to the outlines and you can download those print those print those as many times as you want to give them to your congregation pastors use them they're there for you for your benefit because we wanted to capture all of this information all of these scriptures and make it available to the people yeah it really did you know the blessing when you think about the the worm's days of heaven on the earth yes it's a blessing that makes days on the earth because it's not days of heaven on the earth when you don't have a place to live it's knowing you can't get to work in the morning because you don't have a car or you're sick in your body right that's not all of those black sickness every bad thing is under that curse that's right and every good thing even abundance right under the blessing I'm living there me too and I want you guys to live there as well to be able to enjoy the blessing of the Lord so today I'd like to welcome you Gloria to the reading of the will oh good I like that and it's a good one I know it's a good one there I'm an air you know we're talking today about knowing your inheritance and we're gonna be looking at the seven Old Testament Scriptures about your inheritance right and it's so important to know what belongs to you that's why I was so thankful when I first started listening to you and Kenneth on cassette tape back then yeah I began to discover what belonged to me in Christ what was mine it was already yours it was already yours and the scripture that we'll use at the top of this is Ephesians 1:18 read it to us glory in the amplified translation if you would please 118 by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light so that you can know and understand the hope to which he has called you and how rich is his glorious inheritance in the Saints his set apart once and that he was he had said before that in 17 for I always pray the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory that he may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation so we know that this insight is a spiritual grant I mean it comes to this we don't know you're not born with it you don't grow up with it unless you get it out of the scripture and learn it for I always pray that the the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory that he may grant you glory you George and you everybody a spirit of wisdom and revelation of insight into the mysteries and secrets and in the deep and intimate knowledge of him say this is not something that's available to Tom Dick and Harry or ever guy that's on the street yeah it has to be revealed it has to be real God wants to reveal it to his children he not revealing it to the Devils children they're not his children this is our inheritance or inheritance it is hello in verse 14 the Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance there you go the spirit that's good glory to God that's what I like it is earnest of our inheritance that's right God go ahead George well preaching so that well that's quite all I'll sit back and listen I just enjoyed this but I did get a revelation there you did get a revelation enjoy that Wow the spirit is the guarantee otherwise think about it it's verse you wouldn't even know about it if it weren't revealed to you by the word in the spirit hallelujah that's right you wouldn't know about it unless it was revealed by revela by the word you remember I remember when I did let me say do you remember before you had the revelation I do I do it wasn't very good and pleasant wow that's awesome glory thank you notice what we'll add that in the notes for sure so we're going to read the will I'm glad that you're here I'm glad that you all are assembled here with us today for the reading of the will and these things belong to you they are yours of God your heirs by the new birth we renew our joint heirs with Jesus everything he has is yours and everything he has is yours no you are heirs according to the promise we were born into a very rich yes yep family of God who owns all the cattle on the a vast for everything in the earth Wow okay well let's go through this happy George what we might do glue it look dude look what we might do Gloria's just go through these scriptures together from your notes because of the time they just held up a card all those and so here's the first one First Samuel 2:8 we are we are heirs to the throne of glory Wow it says in the New King James Version he raises the poor from the dust he lifts the beggar from the ash heap he's to set them among princes and makes them inherit the throne of glory glory for the pillars of the earth other lords and he set the world upon them so we are inheritors of the throne of glory the glory of God as we have here in our notes the glory of God is the presence of God yeah heavy yes with everything good praise God that's all I really think you could say there that we've inherited the throne of the presence of God heavy with everything good all right to God how long hours that's ours today it says in the new and the New International Version that we've inherited the throne of Honor that belongs to us it's ours well we're children of the Most High God we are we are children of the Most High God with that being somebody so I have inherited the presence of God heavy and so can everybody else so everybody that's right it says in Proverbs 335 the wise shall inherit glory and then Romans 8:17 aa stuck a a New Testament one in here since we are as children we are his heirs in fact together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory oh thank you Jesus for that yeah so in the reading of the will yes the glory belongs to us in this scripture here psalm 2:8 the nation's belong to us it says ask of me and I will give you the nation's as your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth as your possession I like what you remember when we go into other nations yes to act on this scripture oh that's good we must remember that because he said he'd give us the nations he'd give us the nations I'll do that yes I will the next time we go to the nations I'll stand on that that they're giving us the nation as our inheritance the uttermost the uttermost parts of the earth as our possession Laurita I like what you said Gloria in this article here that we've been reading from Genesis 41 tells us Abraham's great-grandson Joseph started out as a slave in the ungodly nation of Egypt but because he was the seed of Abraham he ended up saving the nation from being destroyed by famine not only that he became the most powerful man in the nation next to Pharaoh himself the entire country was blessed because Joseph of Joseph in his covenant with God praise God that's true so the nations are ours I know that in this ministry the Lord is doing something truly amazing in South America for several years now a number of years brother köppen has been going to Venezuela something is happening between Kenneth Copeland ministries and the nation of South America something's taking place the Word of God is taking hold and these nations our are the they are the inheritance that belong to us and great churches are rising up and great churches great passengers because of the revelation Gloria because of this revelation that's right the the nations I remember that Kenneth had a word from the Lord some years ago and we're looking for this to take place that a nation will be taken in a day yeah that's what a nation will be taken in a day and those nations he's been declaring over Haiti Haiti shall be saved and that there is a move of God in the awakening that's taking place in Haiti he he has bit down on that won't let go of that the nations are the inheritance of God and that we have every right to go into these nations and declare the Word of God like their great works going on already and where is Joseph where is it that Joseph Francis I'm trying to remember I'm Singapore thing appease in Singapore when you go into his he's a he's a young minister that came up under the faith teaching right and in Singapore that's a not a God you know necessarily a godly nation so he went in there and he there's no room left in Singapore the city has no land everything's used up you know high-rise anything so Joseph Prince Lord gave him a plan to build a church he had to have a church he's got a nice big auditorium first-class Church the only thing is its underground I don't mean underground secret I mean you go in the interests of the church get in the elevator and instead of going up you go down and there's things like eight floors I'm not sure about that figure but yes there somewhere it's a big auditorium AZ that's a god thing that is a god thing it was a great place to tarry and I went to Russia last year yeah - Rick renders Church what a church what an amazing Church yes and there they will be in this year their new facility Gloria and it's built right next to right attached to actually the new sanctuary is built attached to the Russian version of NASA NASA Russians NASA is is right there with the spaceport and Rick and Venise went into an impossible situation and basically took a nation of Braun left either I mean his heart it's American it is miraculous Billy sweat was there Joseph Prince is there was no no spice available on top of the ground so he went underground and you'd never know it's a beautiful church a beautiful auditorium God is God is good keep him out so in the reading of the will and I must I must hurry along with the reading of the will because we're running out of time but the throne of glory is ours the nation is ours the nations are ours look at this some sixteen five the Lord is our inheritance it says the Lord you alone are my inheritance my cup of blessing you know what that's great I like it beautiful yeah my cup of blessing the Lord you are alone my inheritance my cup of blessing you guard all that is mine Christ the Lord is your inheritance everything he is everything he has and everything he can do amen some 25:13 the earth is our inheritance it says he himself shall dwell in prosperity and his descendants shall inherit the earth praise God Psalm 31 11 says but the meek shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace and then over in the New Testament Matthew 5:5 blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth the earth is ours that's great in the reading of the will of our inheritance Psalm 37 29 the land is ours it says the righteous shall inherit the land and dwell in it forever in Joshua 1 6 it says this be strong and courageous because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them and then glory it says in Psalm 16 6 the land you've given me is a pleasant land what a wonderful inheritance sorry - God you know I'm thinking about this where the land is concerned I'm thinking about the very property that we are broadcasting from right now what a what an inheritance we were I was with you the other day we were driving back from Pastor Nichols home going yeah driving out here back to bring you guys home and and we Kenneth started talking about this property out here and how some people told him is crazy for you to move out here they're way out there in the country but the way the Lord worked that out we are here sitting on our inheritance and yes it is blessed do you know this when I cook on my guest stove yes that gas comes right out of the ground praise God not true you know not through something somewhere else but it comes out of the ground into my stove on our property the land the land is both physically and figuratively the land the to the children of Israel was the promised land everything in it that they needed oh that's for us to our land whether it's a physical land or the land that God has given us you know George the only thing they the thing that holds it back yes people's vision yes and what you're doing here today is opening up opening this is the blessing to the impossible not the things that are just natural yes but to the impossible things that will open up God's will manifest how okay so proverbs 8:17 through 21 wealth is our inheritance it says those who love me inherit wealth now what does it say about who are the ones that love him what does the Bible how did this Bible describe them the ones that are the ones that do that do okay yes to the word yes love the word glory to God God those who love me in the Herot wealth I will fill their Treasuries I like this from the verses 20 and 21 from the NIV I walk in the way of righteousness along the paths of justice bestowing wealth bestowing wealth on those who love me in taking their Treasury's full and those that love him are the ones that do what he says that's right and then verse 21 from the amplified that I may cause those who love me to inherit true riches and that I may fill their Treasuries now this one Gloria I read this and I did a little bit of study on this when protection is part of our inheritance listen to this isaiah 54:17 of course we've quoted that before no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper every tongue that rises against us we condemn for this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me saith the Lord Gloria the word heritage in the Hebrew is the word inheritance Wow this is the inheritance of the servants of the Lord this belongs to us it belongs to us and in the God's word translation it says this no weapon that has been made to be used against you will succeed you have an answer for every one who accuses you this is the inheritance of the Lord's servants their victory comes from me declares the Lord hallelujah now that really they've given me one minute so I'm going to finish up with this victory they said in here victory comes from me say Oh three minutes oh good victory comes from me declares the Lord now here's a testimony that came to us and it's so and I don't have a copy of it I just pulled this one just the other day dear pastor George and Gloria thank you so very much for the broadcast that you and Gloria we're getting mail you've got mail Gloria thank you for the broadcast that you and Gloria have been doing on prosperity they are great blessing to me in fact I've been able to pay off three bills in 40 days I'm pressing on until everything is paid off my wife and I made a quality decision to never go back into debt as such excuse me I refuse to lack I refuse to be in debt I refuse to quit surrender now listen to this victory is my name victory is my calling victory is my inheritance aim a lorry to go I just shook them up in the audio department victory is my inheritance and then I found this scripture victory is your inheritance this is the victory that overcomes the world even faith okay so victory is our inheritance and I found this scripture that I just I just wrote this down psalm 118 14 psalm 118 14 in the New Living Translation and I've been I've been declaring this over my life the Lord is my strength and song he has become my victory oh what a great transpose au vin our inheritance so what we found out today in the reading of the will the throne of glory is your inheritance the nations are your inheritance the Lord Himself is your inheritance the earth is your inheritance the land is your inheritance wealth is your inheritance protect I'm rich rich with protection is your inheritance and it said in that translation their victory comes from me you can add on to that that victory is our inheritance father we receive this yes we take it we take our inheritance because we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus amen glorious praise God they made us start this broadcast because we started preaching before cameras were rolling because we were talking about being heirs of God and how many people out there there is unclaimed property yeah there's unclaimed Freight there's unclaimed treasure there's unclaimed finances they're unclaimed inheritance this what that would cover this subject last week I was talking about that man that they found frozen under a bridge in London he was heir to a three million dollar inheritance and he lived his entire life and didn't know it he didn't know it he didn't know what belonged to him and there are too many Christians right now that are frozen underneath the railway bridge not knowing what belongs to them and we need to thaw out we were quiet we were Christians quite a few years before we found out but buddy when we heard it we took we didn't say that's not our doctrine we said bring it on bring it on I like that bring it on so we're here today you've got me all excited where we're at the reading of the will yes amen have we started yesterday and we read seven where air is sure that's right seven scriptures that talk to us about what belongs to us in our inheritance and today we're reading again the will I'm so glad that you're back so glad that you're with us I'm so glad I'm back at the rehab that's your back too at the reading of the will and so we're going to read seven more things that belong to us in our inheritance and we begin with Ephesians 1:18 and it talks about the eyes of your understanding being enlightened yes that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints so Gloria we have to have knowledge of that we need to know what belongs to us that's right before I came here I was I was student at over you before that I lived in New England and very early in my Christian walk but when I first met Terry oru and I was introduced to the two of you and what you were teaching I was so hungry for that and Kenneth when when Terry knife I guess we got the cart before the horse I asked her to marry me before I talked to him may I have your daughter your daughter's hand in marriage and we wait kind of kind of like yeah so after we'd gotten engaged I came here during the Christmas break with Terry from oru sat down we were out at Lake Arlington at the office there at the time I went back there all the way back to the end of the building to his office you remember his office back there I sat down opposite him it was a little building but it seemed big it seemed big then he asked me he said George knowing that you're going to marry my daughter he said he didn't say that but he may have thought it but he said what do you want to do with your life what do you want to be and I looked at him I said I want to be a man of God he said he said I'm going to send you my Bible course and Gloria I thought maybe it's a pamphlet a book maybe something like this I got back - oh are you after that Christmas break and they called me from the post office the campus post office they said come pick up your boxes Kenneth Copeland sent me every see every tape said no CDs and no CDs every tape set that he had it took three huge boxes and you know something I was talking to Richard your brother about that the other day and Richard was there when Kenneth came back there and gave him the order he said Richard I want you to send George Pearson's every series that I have and Richard was the one who packed it up yeah he saw he thought themselves I did every did it change her life it did praise God I listened to every last one of them and I would say what I learned from that Gloria was what I learned what belonged to me in Christ I learned what my inheritance was I learned that I had Dominion and authority over sickness disease poverty and lack I had I listened to the image of God in you I listened to the integrity of the word I listened to the realities of redemption praise God to who you are in Christ I listen to the power of the tongue I listen to the healing power of God I listen to every one of those and I found out what belonged to me praise God did it change your life it completely transformed me - it revolutionized me when I found out those things it really did but if you don't have a lot you can't walk in line no you can't so that's why it happens when you get the word according to this scripture in Ephesians 1:18 that we have to know what our inheritance is that's right so in these last 15 minutes that you have to know the amplified says and understand so the support of God it's not just reading words the Spirit of God has to reveal those yeah no understand yes our inheritance glory to God so if you look at your notes their glory and if you have your notes with you you can look at them - they're available on KCMG org go to the homepage click to the picture of glory and make right and it'll take you right to the notes you can download them print them follow along the broadcast go back to the broadcast on KCMG org they're all there Christ College they're all there for you so we're going to go through these there are seven of these from the New Testament today welcome to the reading of the will yes here is what belongs to you in Matthew 25:34 the kingdom it says then the king will say to those on his right come you who are blessed by my father take your inheritance the kingdom like it prepared for you since the creation of the world the kingdom of God is our inheritance right everything he said everything that's in the kingdom of God the Amplified Bible says inherit receive as your own the kingdom prepared to you from the foundation of the world you know you and I have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness and we've been into the King we've been delivered from the kingdom of dark translated into the kingdom of his dear sent translator one intern out of one into the other into the kingdom of God and everything in that kingdom is ours by right of royal birth by right of creation Romans says righteousness here's the kingdom peace and joy in the Holy Ghost that's right Oh glory to God I did a little research here glory and I'm gonna let everybody out there know this okay if you want to know more about what is in the kingdom of God go on KCMG org and look for the notes on 10 days of kingdom prosperity it's the believers voice of victory broadcast that she and I did together they are days 151 through 60 and you'll find out there an in-depth study of everything that's available in the kingdom of guys God so if you want to go back we know that we let me put an asterisk there that that we we've done research a lot of it but I'm sure there's a lot more we're still researching we are still researching but the kingdom of God is part of your inheritance we've been delivered from Darkness translated over to the kingdom of his dear son God oh yeah in Romans 4:13 the world is our inheritance listen to this for the promise to Abraham in his offspring that he would be heir of the world did not come through the law but through the righteousness of faith faith for the promise to Abraham and his offspring who are his offspring we are we are that he would be heir of the world didn't come through the law but it came through faith so we receive our inheritance by faith and we find here that we are heir of the world right that's big that's about as big as you can get without a spaceship that's it Gloria I did research it's there in your notes on on the world word of the word world in the Greek mm-hm it is the word cosmos and it means the arrangement the order the government the adornment the decoration the arrangement of the stars the inhabitants of the earth the human family but look at this world means the ungodly multitude the whole mass of men alienated from God and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ well that's some definition we have inherited the world we have inherited the mass of men alienated from God hostile to the cause of Christ we have this harvest price God that is out there that is ready for us to go reach them take them and bring them into the kingdom of Bale's all right with harvest fields are white with hallelujah and I remember there is a word and I keep hearing brother Copeland saith over and over again we are in the time of the greatest harvest that mankind has ever known the greatest sweeping of souls into the kingdom of God he said we are there now right that's right and these people these are are these people are our inheritance and inheritance in the sense of birthing new people into the kingdom of God the world and that I like this last one here it says the whole circuit of earthly Goods endowment of riches advantages and pleasures that's the definition of world that is the wealth of the sinner yeah lay the wealth of the wicked lay made up for the just I've also heard brother Copeland say this that we are in the greatest time of wealth transfer in the history of mankind by the Spirit of God he said that so that everything in the world you know we're we are Gloria believed in God in Kenneth excuse me gave us the assignment gave the church the assignment to believe God for the next citation ten or whatever aircraft we need to get around the world in because we find ourselves in a place where we are in conflicting schedules with each other where we're going all over the place not of us and so he's given us that responsibility and I was talking to Kody my son-in-law who is Billy brims grandson my there's a jet pilot jet pilot and my my daughter's husband yet it's all in the family yeah but he was saying to me the other day because Cody Cody is wanting us to look at a Gulfstream that sounds good I'll use and you'll get one are you okay when you get one you can use the Gulfstream anytime hallelujah and Cody told me he said there are so many airplanes that are sitting out there not being used because people can't the world can't afford to use them they're just sitting there he said he believes that somebody's gonna give us a Gulfstream somebody might see this broadcast and say that's what I can do with that gosh and that that's the world that is the wealth the wealth of the wicked or the wealth of the believer laid up for the righteous to come into and you know Cody used the scripture we're talking about the donkey and that jesus told his disciples to go say the Lord has need of it yeah yeah and he believes that same thing but that's Gloria that's great for inheritance that's our inheritance crazy Herod's okay that's exciting George I like that what else is our inheritance Titus three six and seven eternal life that's the big one he generously poured out the spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior because of his grace he declared us righteous gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life so we are inheritors of eternal life and it's both it's both in the quantity of life and the quality of life yes we have eternal life with Jesus forever and ever and ever and ever but eternal life does not start the moment we die eternal life has begun the moment we made Jesus the Lord of our lives so eternal life and over again into eternal life into eternal life hallelujah and that eternal life has begun now and we should be living that way here on this earth the quality of life that you and I live in Gloria I must say that since I've met you and Kenneth and since you guys have taught me and I received all those tapes at oru and I've been listening listening listening through the years I must say this my quality of life has changed praise God you and Kenneth have set a standard before Terry and me you've set a standard before John and Marty Kelly and Steve all of the grandchildren the great cringe you guys have set a standard and I'll say this right now that Kenneth and Gloria Copeland are marvelous parents grandparents great-grandparents and they set an example before us and there's not a one of us in this family that's fighting it one bit we we we want everything that you have in revelation from God we want it we want to live it we want to operate it and we look to you all as our example praise God well we're honored to be having such marvelous children every one of you every time every one of them as a matter of fact I'll tell you this quickly this is something that I was during the break I was back there I checked my phone for messages and long story short I won't get into it because we're running out of time here but but Jenny sent me a copy of attend our grant your granddaughter Kelly's daughter a text that she had sent Kenneth and it was a text of a scripture that she had ministered to him and she wanted me to do a drawing for Papa based on this seeing us being a because he called himself super Papa she wants me to do a cartoon of him like that but she sent me the text that she sent him in with the scripture then she sent me the response to the game and he in his response to Jenny he said thank you dear one for that scripture that you bless Papa with all of us are so angry God for this quality of life quality of life that we live and you can live that same quality of life all you have to do is make Jesus the Lord of your life and know what's in your inheritance you know you might Jesus the Lord of your life you've course you get born over again yeah but another thing you do is your translated out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of light and it's it's a difference between daylight and dark as we say that's right it's that's two different atmospheres places rules completely different from the Babylonians that you have to grow up in that new system if you you have to have the word really do learn how to flow in that new system yes yes get born again yes a lot of times and they never learn how to operate in the kingdom they've even been born into so they don't have they don't enjoy the perks just like a Yankee who came here to Texas had to acclimate to a new George West they had a new culture we have to acclimate to a new culture in the kingdom of God okay they've given me like a little time my the greater life is Hebrews 1 4 and listen with all the information that we have here if you if you we don't get through it now what you can look at the notes because it's all on there we have inherited the name of Jesus Hebrews 1 for being made so much better than the Angels as he has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they and then he said in mark 16 these signs shall follow them that believe in my name what Jesus did was delegate the use of the name of Jesus and Jesus name is above every name a man's above the name of cancer it's above the name of lack it's above the name of fear it's above the name of debt its above the name of the curse of the law its above every name and he's giving you full use of the name of Jesus we have the name we are heirs of salvation Hebrews 1:14 are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation we have an angelic team angelic team ministering to the heirs of salvation salvation is sotiria it means deliverance preservation safety health it means to save and rescue it means that God delivers believers out of the destruction into a safety and it means prosperity praise God good things then hebrews 6:12 we've inherited the promises of God be not slothful that's what followers of them who through faith and patience yeah I've heard you preach on the power of patience so much what a power that is undergirding all right it's a force from God that causes you to stand that's right and not waver quick not quit through faith and patience we inherit the promises one of the promises of the word of God yes it says in 2nd Peter 1:4 we're about whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises so if we go to the last page glory in this last minute that we have together look at your third page okay revelation 21 6 and 7 you and I have inherited all things Wow he who overcomes shall inherit all things oh yeah and he shall be my son Christ God I like this the NIV translation to him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the springs of water - of life he who overcomes will inherit all this and I will be as God and he will be my son we are heirs of God and we need to know everything that belongs to us in our hair this has been so good and as I've said from the beginning of this series the inspiration for this teaching on heirs of God knowing receiving your full inheritance it came from that article that you wrote in the 1996 April edition of the believers voice of victory magazine Wow here it is right here receive your inheritance by Gloria Copeland I read this you know I I read this and it stirred me so much that I taught a series in church on being heirs of God receiving your inheritance and then when you invited me to do this I just said this is what we need to do we need it's so good what you've taught on this and we'll go with it I've needed to hear it again and we are you really do need to hear these things again listening just over a know feeding on the Word of God and since you and I have been teaching on prosperity together on the believers voice victory broadcast today is day 139 Jorge for that I am very a lot of Revelation over 330,000 notes have been downloaded by you a hundred Wow what I believe they're working on them doing it yes I in it yes and let's ask for testimonies okay ask them we'll do that we want your testimony well speaking of testimony let me I've got one that was have you had one work the word let us know it there's that'll make us rejoice I have one right here would you like to hear testimony I would like to pastor George and Gloria my husband and I really caught hold of debt freedom from what you and others have been teaching we made the decision to be debt-free and God has helped us do it collectively we had close to thirty thousand dollars in debt plus the house we just bought last year in approximately six months God wiped out thirty thousand dollars as dad that's awesome God and we see the house paid in full yeah I agree we're expecting the bank to see it that way too my god Georgian I agree with you amen Oh father we agree right now over this testimony that their house is paid for in full and that Lord they are living debt-free and we pray over every one who's watching us right and thank you Lord that debt freedom is theirs that's right once they make the quality decision to live father you see them get free and we thank you for the victory this is the victory that overcomes debt even our faith even in Jesus Christ Jesus amen glory to God I remember when you and I were teaching on debt freedom and in the the teaching of it you said your only one decision away from living dead first right I thought that was so good awesome one decision away what does you know people think well if I make that commitment I won't have this or I won't have that or I'll not be able to get my new house right right now a commitment to the Word of God doesn't cost you something it makes all things possible if you can believe all things are possible to him that believeth well you said they don't walk in fear about it on the broadcast you said the other day when you and Kenneth found Romans 13:8 yeah in the amplified thought we were doomed but stay out of debt but you said the other day and I'll quote you that you said it didn't tie us down it set us free oh absolutely it makes all things possible Wow dad is you know somebody doesn't loan you the money you shot down but when you start believing God it makes all things possible yeah what think about paying for a house for 40 years old deer or just believing for I don't know what if you had to believe for two years or three years compared to 40 years what's that but you might not have to believe but for a day I'm telling you God's working yes he's working it's not cost us anything it's only increased us hasn't cost you a thing it's not boring money has not crazy it's and really Gloria this is really part of what we're talking about here we're talking about being heirs of God and developing an heir of God a a royalty mentality we are heirs of God we are joint heirs with Jesus and everything he has is ours it belongs to us part of our inheritance and we faith will produce anything good that's right all right now we're talking today about our full inheritance and let me just quickly review a couple of things then we'll go into Joshua's job of this we've loved it oh thank you great fun and I know the people have been blessed thank you pastor with thank you for having me and thank you and Kenneth for teaching this this Laura to God I like to hear it where it all came from anyway I've learned it from them and I've just been a good student over all of these 37 years good everything together so we're heirs of God that's it and and we have an inheritance and that inheritance I was reading Galatians 4 7 from the New Living Translation since you are his child everything he has belongs to you everything we're in the family we're in the family hallelujah the message translation if you're a child you're also an heir with complete access boy is that a good one complete access to your inheritance a man he's not withholding it he's not keeping it back it's not set aside somewhere for you to get it one day it is released to you now praise God everything that belongs to us the inheritance is the full scope of God's provision everything glory that we would ever need spirit soul body financially socially in every realm of life that's true it's the full inheritance glory to God a couple of scriptures here Ephesians 1:3 all praise to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual spiritual blessing every spiritual blessing in the heaven Realms why because we're united with Christ where we are born again man we're in the family we're in the fact I like that glory work in the family it's good to be in the family it is second Peter 1:3 NIV translation His divine power has given us everything everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of him now this comes back again to the knowledge you've got you know you know the word says if you don't know it you can't believe it if you can't believe it you're not gonna get it supernaturally you might get it that's right that's right if you don't know it you won't believe it if you don't believe it you won't get it that's simple enough for me his divine power has given us everything that we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who's called us by his own glory and goodness our inheritance as an heir of God includes everything we would need in Romans 21 7 he'll he who overcomes shall inherit all things I will be his God he will be my son now I want us to look today at Joshua chapter 18 and this is the account of Joshua the children of Israel this promised land it was promised to them by God it was theirs it belonged to them but Gloria they got to a place where some believers get to to where they do not take what rightfully belongs to them what is theirs in Christ so excuse me I'm gonna make a statement here and we'll probably come back to it but we're our inheritance is concerned don't leave anything on the table that's right receive it don't leave anything on the table that made me think about the psalm 23 hold your place there in Joshua 18 Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I'll fear no evil for you are with me your rod and staff they comfort me you prepared a table before me yea in the presence of my enemies all you had to do was eat take it all you had to do tank was taking it now now let's go since we're going down that road let's look at the face scripture mark mark 11 mark 11 okay I'm with you I'm with you mark 11 all right Oh mark 2011 22 Jesus just what Jesus said about have faith in God now did he say if it's easy to do that or maybe you'd like to have faith in God no he said do it do it have faith in God yeah for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say that's a key word in this teaching right right to this mountain be thou removed and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe here's the key that those things which he saith that would be the things which I say in my own life that he's who was he that but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass in other words believe in your words he shall have whatsoever he says therefore jesus said I say unto you what things the system of things yes however you desire when you pray here is the key believe that you receive them and you shall have them now here's the thing they'll help you one of them is the wrist word receive that word receive and the Greek is take take them when you pray believe you that you take them when you pray and you shall have them so if we're asking God for healing right we are supposed to take it when we pray if we don't take it when we pray we don't have it faith receives the promise it takes it when it prays and you have to watch it because it's easy to just you know if you're if you're not doing things on purpose what you should be doing it's easy to pray about it pray about it pray about every day pray about it God do this God do that but you don't ever take it ever taken you know I can't remember where this one little lady was but I think this might have been in brother Hagin story and she was she was in a service take take it take it Jesus make it so so he wanted to know what she was praying about and I think he asked her or somebody asked her yeah and she said take it what are you praying about she said this good old Smokey's Asst well not jesus only takes your stuff when you say I'm done with it do I do you take this good I'll snuff Wow oh me so believe that you receive it or believe that you take them yes and you shall have them that's right and here's what we find Gloria there is I'll put it very simply there is an inheritance that belongs to us it's in the will and it's in the were long stay but there are some people that have not taken it yet most people haven't taken it I could most haven't taken it and that's where it let's now go over to Joshua chapter 18 that's perfect Lord that leads us right into where we need to go Joshua 18 and starting in verse 1 it says and the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together Shiloh and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there and the land was subdued before them now that's that word subdued right that means conquered that land had already been conquered that land past tense it was taken yeah you know it was as if the enemy was once there and you had to tell the people now don't go over there because the enemy's there you might get killed over there but the land was taken it's open right that's it's open yeah the land was taken before them and in verse 2 it says and there remain among the children of Israel seven tribes which had not received their inheritance Wow now that were you just talk about that verse three says Joshua said unto the children of Israel how long are you slack to go to possess the land yeah how long you just going to sit here and do nothing in other words you and the lands been given to you and that's what people do a lot of times yes instead of just going on out and receiving by faith they just sit around and gripe and complain and you know tell everybody how bad it is they left it on the table why don't you take the land why don't you take I'm taking it and it really that verse to goes along with what you just taught us in mark 11 the the they remained among the children of Israel seven tribes which had not yet received or you just told us that the word received is take that's right they did not take their inheritance no they left it on the table they left it on the table and look at the kind of rise that got out of Joshua he was not very happy with them he was he was not pleased one he was a warrior that's why he was used to taking land yeah you know he knew if you didn't take it you weren't gonna get it and to see them not take it that was an affront to everything that had been paid for how long are you slack to go to possess the land which the Lord God of your father's has already given you we could say how long are you gonna wait before you take the land and get out of debt Oh No you're stepping up Meadows for you Matt you got you gone to Medellin yeah well when you're in debt it's gonna cost you lot everything costs you lots more yeah so how long are you gonna wait to take the land and get out of debt that's right quit playing all that interest we get a lot of criticism as you well know because of it because of the they call it the prosperity gospel it's true yes it is true and but there's something about that that this ministry has been debt-free ever since its establishment now this this may be too complex but okay I've been George 967 that's when you and Kenneth made the decision to not go into debt yeah 1967 and live we like for anything you have lacked for nothing success that's what the scripture says did you like anything when you know lack for nothing praise God and so all through those years you have endeavored to learn about what belonged to you and to take it but this shows me here that Joshua said to the children of Israel how long are you slack to go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your father's has given you the the word slack Gloria means lazy that's right people can be spiritually lazy about taking what rightfully belongs to them that's right Oh take this healing I mean take this sickness off me take this sickness on me not realizing that that's already been paid for that's part of your inheritance and you need to exercise your faith and believe God and take it I'm in which we'll talk some more tomorrow about that as well but it's important that you take everything that belongs to us Joshua standing there look guys the land has been conquered it's there for the taking why are you leaving it why are we just standing around here doing nothing doing nothing that's right and not taking it and I like the message translation it says how long are you gonna sit around on your hands putting off taking the possession of the land that God taking possession of the land exactly I'm circling that work yes has already in other words but you gotta go take you gotta take everything we see in this book that's promised to us has been given to us yes how long are we gonna wait to take it I'm not waiting I'm doing it I'm taking it right now when I I shared this yesterday when I first heard those cassette tapes that brother Copeland sent me when I was up at oru I took it every bit of it yeah you did I got it and then that summer when I came down to work which began the longest summer job of my life maybe seven years of running and I would go back there into the the tape room where Richard was working your brother at the time and I go back there and look for some tape that I hadn't heard before I wanted to get everything I could my eyes were open and I saw what belonged to me and I saw what you and Kenneth were teaching and I thought I'm not leaving anything on the table it pleases the father for us to take that full inheritance now look at your third the second page their glory of your notes and I'm going to read this and then we'll pick it up tomorrow and really talk about what does it take to take your inheritance what do you do to take your inheritance but this is a word from the Lord that brother Copeland had on November 10th of 2011 listen to this I have a great store house much more has been stored up in the storehouse of riches beyond your wildest dream that I've laid up for you before the foundation of the world much more is stored up there than what the church has ever asked for Oh yard then the church has ever asked for I've never held back on the church saith the Lord and the god of plenty I've made it available to you I put it in my word I gave you promise and stood behind it with the blood the precious blood of the Savior but there has been a backwardness in my people about laying hold of the things that I provided for you Lord but I will say this there is a people in the land yes Amen and I'm raising I'm raising my hand right now Gloria how about how about you how about you use your hands is there a people in the land yes there's a people in the land around the world there's a people strong and mighty growing much stronger and much mightier and more bold to lay hold oh and put a lighthouse put their claim of faith on the things that I have laid up for you and it thrills me saith the Lord because it's been yours all the time oh my goodness don't you like that bold bold to lay hold glory that's my old tool a holy man father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we see in your word that there's an inheritance that provides for everything in our lives and we're not leaving anything on the table we are taking the full possession of what Jesus paid for when he was hung on the cross and he went into the pit of hell he took our sickness disease poverty lack and fear and Lord we are not going to insult you by leaving anything behind we by faith are taking the full inheritance and Lord take it we are bold to lay hold of what rightfully belongs to us in Christ Jesus as heirs of God joint heirs with Jesus in Jesus name we praise amen and amen let's don't forget that Thank You Jay praise God oh yeah I did let me let me say this really quick I know that we're out of time but let me just say this and we'll put this up on the screen this this word from the Lord you and I preached 10 days on that word although I have told Alejo and that's if you go to the website KCMG org those outlines and those broadcasts are day 71 through let's say 71 through 80 and they're into our 71 to 74 sorry 71 through 74 entitled God's great storehouse now if you want to get an in-depth study of this what we just talked about yeah the website it's there the information is right there for you all today ho be bold to a heart of what rightfully belongs to you good job Christ Jesus hallelujah today is day 140 a hundred and four hundred and forty days per hundred forty broadcasts we've done parity there is no reason for anybody to stay in poverty yeah and we have over over three hundred and thirty-five thousand outlines that have been downloaded these outline the outlines of this series that we've been doing the last two weeks they're available to you KCM org go to the home page click on the Gloria picture of glory and me Gloria and it'll be taking you over to where the notes are and you can go back to KCM dot org and watch these over and over they're all out there for you to see and we would be most privileged for you give them to your friends and family and and to your church and do whatever you want to do with them and I'm just so glad that we've had this time that we can be together so much it's fed my spirit it is and I've said this to you before but it is a highlight of my life to be able to teach the word with you and we and we just appreciate you so much and thank you the wonderful things that you and Kenneth have brought to the body of Christ it's just been good to all of us to teach us know you know there have been generations that have not seen into the Word of God for this generation seat that's right because it's time it's time it's time today Gloria we're wrapping up this two-week teaching we've been talking about being heirs of God and we're talking today about how do we take our inheritance oh I like that part and it began two weeks ago and we started and I told you that the inspiration from this came from your article from the believers voice of victory magazine April of 1996 look what mint-condition that you take care of you publishing let me borrow this I have to take it back but in it you said in this article and I read the whole article and that's really where I've gotten this information you said I became heir to a fortune more than 40 years ago in Little Rock Arkansas I gave my life to Jesus cooking potatoes in a coffin cooking potatoes in a everything at that moment I was born again into the richest family ever known I was born into the royal family that owns and operates the universe I received an inheritance so vast it will take me all of eternity that's to fully comprehend God no limits so the purpose of the study threefold number one we've been renewing our minds to see ourselves as heirs of God number two we've been discovering what is included in our inheritance number three we've been learning how to take our inheritance and let me just run through these scriptures really quick we'll put them on the screen Galatians 4:4 through seven we are heirs of God 1st Peter 1:3 through 4 we are heirs by birth yes the new birth romans 8:14 through 17 we are joint heirs with Jesus Galatians 4 7 since you are his child everything he has belongs to you Colossians 1 12 and 13 we are heirs of everything now this Galatians 3:29 we are heirs according to the promise Ephesians 1:18 we must know what is included in our inheritance and Joshua 18 one through three we must take our full inheritance don't leave anything on the table I agree what up what a great two weeks we've had on this oh it's been great then yesterday Gloria we read that word from the Lord we're gonna read it again brother Copeland gave this word at the Washington DC victory campaign on 11 10 11 November the 10th 2011 and it says this I have a great store house much more has been stored up in the store house of riches beyond your wildest dream that I've laid up before the foundation of the world for you much more is stored up there than what the church has ever called fours waiting to be called for it is unclaimed Freight a man unclaimed revelation oh that belongs to us more much more we claim it has been stored up there than what the church has ever called phone and listen to what the Lord said I've never held back on the church saith the Lord and the god of plenty I've made it available to you I put it in my word I gave you promise and stood behind it with the blood the precious blood of your Savior God but there has been a backwardness and my people about laying hold of the things I provided for you but I will say this there is a people in the land there is a people around the world there's a people strong and mighty growing much stronger and much mightier and more bold to lay hold put their claim of faith on the things that I've laid up for you that's good in it reals me saith the Lord because it's been yours the time you know it says I know that's true George because you know when we first just from our own experience I know it's true from the word because he said it but from our own experience when we had nothing and we had nothing for quite a while no when I say nothing I mean zilch and when we begin to hear about faith and we begin to lay hold things that we needed our house clothes whatever begin to come we laid hold and it was just you know we started out with nothing just a little rent house with early good will stuff in it no refrigerator I had a refrigerator in the cardboard I mean I had a cardboard box and put things in you know during the winter I'm I guess I moved during the summer I don't have enough of what I did in summer but anyway all that time from the time we started believing God for groceries and a place to live until now when we you know gone around the world and have everything that it takes to do those things God's never failed faith works faith works it'll work for everybody it'll work for you if you'll put it to work if you'll just get in the word let faith calm put it in your eyes your ears and then let it get in your heart say it out your mouth ask for it and say it out your mouth and it'll begin to produce in your life and God is no respecter a respecter of persons what he did for you in Kenneth what God has done for Terri and myself he'll do for you if and this is it this is the key to taking your inheritance you have to boldly claim it by faith and that's that that's the last point of what we're gonna wrap up with these two weeks about boldly take it taking it by faith hey you need to get grip on that yes take it yes you receive it and that means to take it in the Greek that's what the word means just take it so if you don't take it when you pray right you have not prayed in faith right exactly and we're looking at I mean there's a number of scriptures we can look at but this for this series we're looking at Hebrews 11 33 and 34 so let's take a look at that Gloria how do we take our inherence we boldly claim it by faith or like brother Copeland said there's a people strong and mighty growing much stronger and much mightier and more bold to lay hold and put their claim of faith on the things that I've laid up for them more bold to lay hold now look at that's the attitude of faith that's what faith does that's right there's nothing mealy-mouthed or soft about faith it is as a forceful thing God himself said let there be light yes when he was really yes he he operates he operated that same way that was the oldest that you have to have that's the same that's he operated that's his methodology that's our methodology that's how we do it that's how we receive it that's what I've learned from you and Kenneth thirty-seven years now running that that I'm I take these things by faith when I discover something in the word I take it that's it take hold of it take hold of and that's the item in your mouth let it get in your heart yes word get it in your mouth take it don't ever go back and you get it don't ever let it go faith has an attitude it certainly it has an attitude it's the spirit of faith that operates on the inside of us that we release that faith and hebrews chapter 11 is this faith chapter it's just the holiday all of Fame of those in faith and listen to how they acted in verse 32 and what shall I more say for time would fail me to tell of gideon in Barak and of Samson and Jeptha of David and Samuel and of the prophet speaking about faith who through faith now listen to this what did they do they subdued kingdoms that's right they wrought righteousness they obtained promises and they stopped the mouths of lions they quenched the violence of the fire they escaped the edge of the sword out of weakness they were made strong they wax valiant in fight and they turned to flight the armies of the aliens amen they had to know something they had to know their covenant and I wanted to draw our attention to this right here in verse 33 who through faith they subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness obtained promises stopped the mouths of lions in the New Living Translation Gloria it says by faith these people overthrew kingdoms they ruled with justice and they received what God had promised them praise God that's what saved us what guy beliefs and receives what God has already promised you what is already yours in your inheritance in Christ Jesus the message translation says this through acts of faith they took the promises for themselves that's what you need that's what we need to do Gloria every article of the will which God's will is his word every article of the will of God we have to take it when you go in the lounge dance yes you know some word you better know that's right Daniel Wow glory took and that's how we do it it says and he it have been lunch meat if he had known the Word of God God and His Word that's right the faith that was operating in Daniel shut the mouths of the lion we've got a lot of a lot of heroes of faith before I said yes we example about it's not things we have examples wish to know we know how people in the Bible received we've learned these last two weeks we've talked about what belongs to us yeah what's in our inheritance in its vast glory even in that word from the Lord what the Lord said that that God has a storehouse much mores been stored up in the storehouse of riches beyond your wildest dream that I've laid up for you before the foundation of the world and much more is stored up there than what the church has ever called for so I'm calling stories they're still we're gonna take it take it the followers of them Hebrews 6:12 says who through faith and patience inherit the promises a man that's important and then this last scripture this is Romans 4:17 calling we can look at that role 4:7 how much time five minutes we've got it Romans 4:17 Romans 4:17 and it says as it is written I've made thee the father of many nations before him whom he believed even God who quickeneth the dead and calleth those things which be not as though they were believed you receive when you pray to God you take it when you pray and you call it right and you haven't taken it yo you've not prayed in faith if you got out from your place of prayer and you the phone answers and says how are you feeling and you say well I'm not doing too good you didn't take it somebody says well how are you coming along did you get that situation taken care of did the money come well no I don't have it you've lost it by faith yep you didn't take it well what could you say if the money had not manifested yet I believe I believed I received when I pray and I have it yes I will have it but I took it when I prayed now if you can remember that you'll get answers to prayer you take it when you pray yes then you see the answer but faith takes it when it prays that's believe you receive that's the scripture for it when you pray that's it glory that's it you know some people don't pray for healing maybe they're sick they'll pray for healing and then somebody I'll call and say well how are you feeling well I've just had the worst day I've ever had I still got that pain you didn't take it you still got it too don't you that's the way faith yep when you take it when you find in the word what belongs to you yeah then you make that decision I'm taking everything that God has said in his word Gloria I am way beyond question about God's will to hear I'm so far beyond though that's I'm so far beyond that it's God's will for us to hardly ever have a symptom I know I don't think about it I know I don't consider it and it surprises me that well out we were criticized just not too long ago in the newspapers last year about some things and they quoted in this article they said they said that Gloria Copeland had a recent convention stood up before this congregation and declared it's God's will to heal all of their diseases I probably was guilty of that you're guilty they printed the truth I shouldn't have looked at it anyway you know what Kenneth says about that don't read anything about you but I read that because I saw your name in there and I saw I saw that you said and then and then they criticized you because you weren't taking medication even if I wasn't sick I was supposed to take medication oh they were criticizing you for that and I thought you know out in the world people scientist want to come and study you they're not taking it in good health we believe we receive we that's right that's the key and if we find it and the word it's mine buddy that is that you take it but if you don't know what word says you don't you can't tell you're a mystery you're a mystery so you have to call it in you have to call it in in that awesome I have a confession of faith I read here I'd like to say it and then if you'd repeat it and you repeat it after I pray this is our confession about being heirs of God say this after me I am I am a child of the king I became heir I became heir to his fortune to his fortune when I was born again when I was born again I am an heir of God in a joint heir with Jesus joint heir with everything he has everything he has belongs to me it is included in my inheritance it is included in inherence I take it all I take it oh my faith my faith in Jesus name praise praise not what I see that's right the symptoms that's right but when I pray that's what makes the symptoms now Gloria we have we have partners that have followed this teaching they've stood on the word and what what I want to do right now is I want to show this testimony this is Alexandria Connelly good and she was raised up by a single mother who the mother had died early in life and then Alexandra was taken from home to home she was abused sexually physically emotionally but God lifted her up and she learned she learned through the Word of God how to live like a child of the king and let me read this scripture this is the scripture that the Lord gave me I was thinking about this testimony here's the scripture this is First Samuel 2:8 he raises up the poor out of the dust he lifts up the beggar from the dunghill to set them among princes and to make them inherit the throne of glory I want you to watch this testimony Alexandra and you'll see how God has lifted her up praise her inheritance into his throne of glory thank you Laurie and I'll be right back rick has done an in death in-depth study of what happened in that time leading up to and including the garden of gethsemane all the way through the resurrection you won't want to miss these special broadcasts partnership includes the Prophet's reward your own enigma basis with all the rest of particularly with Doran made for preaching it ever ever sold it got saved you get equal reward for it as if you had preached the message cuz which is the most important person to preach the message of the person that bought the clothes that I wore while uh preaching or the person had bought the fuel that got us here amen see we have witness together and you have with the seed sown in this ministry is reaping a harvest of individual from children to disasters to souls and that's the main reason that we partner through partnership God rewards you on the same level as the Copeland's crediting you for every salvation healing deliverance or blessing encountered as we discuss last will and testament reveals all that will be recessed from a loved one's life work that includes approximately 500 billion dollars in cash six hundred thousand triple-a rated bonds do you realize that you are an heir to a fortune 20,000 as a child of God well you have a royal birthright by police and a family that operates the universe you are a joint air drop rate inheritance through Christ Jesus fears of God packages a timely teaching series on DVD or CD accompanied by study notes of each session by Gloria Copeland and pastor George Pearson's 10 messages that will open your eyes to all God has provided for you don't leave your inheritance on the table receive your full benefits that Jesus paid the price for you to have understand God's will and your part in his plan see yourself as God sees you receive your full inheritance today order the heirs of God package today for only $24.99 received the 10 day teaching series taught by Gloria Copeland and George Pearson's on DVD or CD along with the study notes for each day go to KCMG org slash TV special or call our toll-free number discover your royal birthright as a child of God learn who you are in Christ and what is yours in Christ for an additional 10% off order your heirs of God package online praise God there's only one way to get your inheritance and that's to receive Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life in Matthew 25:34 it says the kingdom this NIV the king will say to those on his right come you who are blessed by my father take your inheritance yes glory of God take it so you if you want to be in the kingdom of God there's only one door and his name is the Lord Jesus Christ pastor George is gonna lead us in prayer for those of you who have never made Jesus the Lord of your life that's when you get born again that's when the blessings become yours that's when the curse is pushed off glory to God you know Gloria I do have another quote of yours I was watching the broadcast a few weeks ago and you said something that I think it's very important right at this moment for those who do not know Jesus you said it doesn't matter what is behind you that's right it's what's ahead of you that counts oh I like that George thank you for you like that glory isn't for me all you have to do is ask Jesus into your heart and that's everything in his kingdom belongs to you his life his love his compassion check every everything all things are ours and so let's do this right now I want you to pray this afternoon Heavenly Father Heavenly Father I received Jesus I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior as my Lord and say Jesus come into my heart come into my heart do something with my life do something with my life change it Lord change it and I will serve you and I will walk with you I will walk with you all the days of my life fill me with your Holy Spirit fill me with your Holy Spirit and I shall speak in another tone and I shall speak in another time in Jesus name of Jesus name I pray amen amen praise God Lori to God how those of you that just made that commandment if you'd write us addresses there we've got this beautiful book for you he did it all for you talking about your life in Christ there's information in here about how to study your Bible couple of brochures and you can get started you can get in that place where you can learn all about Jesus come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event living victory Orlando faith encounter Champions Gate Florida April 18th through 19th with Kenneth Copeland and dr. Steven and Kelly Swisher living victory Las Vegas faith encounter Henderson Nevada May 30th through 31st with Kenneth Copeland and dr. Steven and Kelly Swisher the 2014 Peru victory campaign Kenneth Copeland will be in Lima Peru June 6 to the seventh of the Eduardo Diwas Coliseum KCM partner Alexandria Connelly grew up in New York but her early years were very difficult and disappointing Alexandria's mother died way too soon and with no family able to care for a little girl Alexandria became a ward of the state silence the foster care system which really I think changed my life pretty dramatically it was really hard I suffered a lot of abuse at the hands of people and was just kind of told I wasn't gonna be anything I lived with multiple families and I moved around and the thing about the foster care system is the social worker will just come and take you and you never have anything that really belongs to you so the only thing I have for my mom is a pitcher or old pitcher and a handkerchief she when she was when she was younger and do all my life I just felt like I needed to keep those things like no matter what I used to go to school keep it in my book bag so nobody would just take it away from me I was just mean and angry I started from depression a lot I thought oftentimes but how can I kill myself my life was just terrible and I really believe that God had his hand on me no matter how stupid I was or how dumb I was I really believe that he never forgot me he never first sucked me and I'm just so grateful for that cuz even when I didn't love God he still loved me in school Alexandria excelled in sports and she was a good student but the anger and resentment that continued to grow kept her disconnected and self-destructive the protection and faithfulness of God led her to a pastor and his family that would change her life so when I was around 20 years old this wonderful family Lorenzo and Marco Martinez and they were just so wonderful and I would just sit in church angry and that's the Martinez you just talk to me all the time I would sit there like why are you talking to me like don't you see my face I'm angry you didn't care like he just came and he always loved on me and they kind of took me in as their own kid I dropped out of college you know cuz it was just too hard to work and go to college and my mom really convinced me to go back which I'm so grateful for and in the middle of this I got saved somehow somehow God touched my heart and I got saved before what the Holy Ghost and then one of my brothers had a DVD called a fit of carnality but Jesse Duplantis I saw this video and it just changed my life because I realized that that was me but I I lived in a fit of carnality like Romans 8 that was my life and so I watched the DVD over and over and over again probably about a hundred times before I watched anything else and my mom said oh you want to go to convention with us I said you mean Church I said you people go on vacation you go to church she said yeah I said okay I'm fine and then she said brother Jesse would be there I said really and so I came and I sat during convention I just heard things that just ministered to me I remember sitting one time brother Copeland spoke and I just sat between the breaks and I just began to cry because I realized that God's love for me was so much greater than any hurt that man could do to me and then I just started coming to convention every year and haven't stopped since and so you know you start listening to the most Copeland tapes they change your life and so I started just trying to do research to see if this was true and then just became just born-again faithful believer just and you know everything was about confession and believing God for the word and you know I can I can get through this because God loves me and he wants me to look this abundant life and so not only did I make a decision to come to this meeting now Southwest but I found that they were other so I just started going up as many minions as that kind of year so now I take my vacation I sell off people I tell people I'm going to church they think I'm pretty see Alexandria continues to attend and serve as often as her schedule permits she has earned four college degrees and is a certified teacher and administrator working in her hometown teaching and ministering to the children Alexandria Connelly now knows who she is in Christ before I was a partner I was just somebody who was blessed by this ministry I was just somebody who was broken and just just had no future and because somebody from somewhere I don't even know soda to this ministry I'm not able to help other people but look Oakland often talks about excellence you know and I think that's one thing that's that he is really instilled in the excellence and ministry excellence and professionalism excellence academics have you gonna do something for Jesus do it right [Music] God's love dramatically changed Alexandria's life God took a young girl who was alone and rejected and brought her to a family who showed her the love of God it changed everything for her she became part of the family part of a family which she hadn't had today she's a strong woman of God helping other children realize the hope and love of Jesus glory to God hallelujah you may think there's no hope for you but that's not true Jesus is always there if you'll turn to him he'll be there and he'll help you glory to God today is offering day pastor George is going to receive the offer yes ma'am I have a testimony I will read to you unless your partners and this is just proof positive of when you're investing in the gospel what God will do for you when you so listen to this dear pastor George and Gloria our family has been in a time of famine since May we've used every resource of KCM including days of prosperity debt freedom Jesse Duplantis Keith Moore every time we had a doubt or question almost immediately we would receive a letter a B vo V broadcast or a CD responding exactly to our need we have received exactly what we needed for each bill we thank God for that we're maturing into financial stability in debt freedom but today seemed bleak as an unexpected and unavoidable bill used all the money we had for groceries and gas they're saying see no way to pay the fifteen hundred dollars in bills due immediately we prayed and stood on the Word of God we came home instead of grocery shopping his plan and confess the word now these are people that are so errs tithers listen to this we received a letter in the mailbox that caught our attention in it was a check for forty five thousand seven hundred dollars a partial disbursement on an inheritance that was not expected until much later we certainly didn't think that much money was coming thank you phrase to believe God and that is to stand having done all this all this dance stand and so partners we appreciate you for your giving for your supporting this ministry and let me tell you right now this is the attitude of Kenneth and Gloria same attitude the Apostle Paul had where the Philippines are concerned he said not that I desired a gift but I desire fruit that may abound to your account fruit abounded to their account and that Gloria is what gives us joy around here for our partners and friends right how much we love them for their support but even more than that that fruit is abounding right there Carl thank you Father we pray every offering we believe we receive the blessing of it all the people that participate and we thank you for increasing them Lord mightily show them what to do give them your words in construction and increase thank you and we give you all the glory in Jesus Jesus amen Alleluia Jesus is coming soon and I'm gonna be ready thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory to purchase this week's broadcasts on DVD or mp3 on CD go to our website or call us today remember this week's product offer these ministry tools are designed to help you live a happy and successful life in Christ get the word working in your life and experience all God has free if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today be sure to request your free salvation package this will help you understand who you are in Christ and how to start living in victory [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 6,898
Rating: 4.8169932 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, week@once, bible, kenneth copeland ministries, wao, christian, bvov-youtube, gloria copeland, ken copeland, kenneth copeland, kenneth
Id: n9lECWDxAOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 51sec (7071 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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