No More Limits - Part 2

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[Music] hello everybody I'm Gloria Copeland pastor George is with us today and he's ready he's got it all ready he's got it all organized don't miss a minute of it I am George I am so ready I'm so pumped I'm so excited there are so many things that are going on around here there's so many things going on around the body of Christ and and there's an outpouring of the Holy Spirit we've got one going on over at the church it just it just keeps escalating and escalating yeah we've just got we've got miracles signs wonders we you laugh at this but one day about three months ago the Lord spoke to me on a Saturday and he said I want you to take the clock down and so you know you had a clock back up there for years and years and he said I want you to take the clock down and so I said okay and so we went to church the next morning and I forgot and I remembered in the middle of the service so I stopped and I said take the clock down and everybody cheered they cheered and so he took the clock down and after we took the clock down I had such a lightness on the inside and the Lord spoke to me and said the reason I had you take the clock down is because I want you to be led by the spirit I want to I want to train you as to when a service is over not by the clock but by my spirit so after after we did that we've just had not only the preaching of the word but we've had signs and wonders and miracles following like we've never had before take the clock down so and on top of that Gloria there's so much that's going on here and I just have to tell you that I have never seen Kenneth and Gloria Copeland so excited and so I mean you're on the road all the time Kenneth is on the road all the time I have not all of us around here talking about it you all you all are the buzz of the place because there is a us a power of God that is compelling new zip I think that's a really good way to put it there's some there's some new zip going on here and and what we see actually in the church is what he's doing on the road just that you know one of the guys on the road tech they text me and they let me know what he's preaching I want to keep up with what he's doing when he's on the road and one one day one of the guys text me and he said well he's been moving in the gifts of the Spirit in the healing ministry for the last hour before he got to them awesome meeting so there is so much going on and so much happening and there there are that's happening Gloria we're here what was prophesied so many years ago about the outpouring of God it's here there has been a change and you know sometimes I stand at the pulpit in our church and they're there people from one side to the other and just just you can sense the swelling in the presence of God and the glory of God and there's just so much happening and there's so much that the Lord is calling us to do I remember not too long ago Kenneth called Terry and me and he was talking about what the Lord reminded him about every available voice when I was here I when I first came in 1976 and this is my 40th year we're into 2016 years old we hardly we are what but I must tell you something you know I'm 62 years old I'll be 63 this years exactly 10 years no I'm 11 years old 11 years older than me and I they do on campus here we have a clinic and they do the biometric testing yeah and it tells you what age you you are you really are well I'm actually 47 great good job toward my youth my youth is renewed like the Eagles we have some buddies we've got somebody in church that he's a he's a minister and he comes to our church Spencer Nordyke he's a good friend of ours and he just comes up with some of the most outlandish things talking about the move of God and the supernatural and stretching your faith stretching your faith to see things that you've never seen before one of the things he shared with us in church the other day he said in believing God and this is what we're talking about actually no more limits we're talking about enlarging our capacity for faith and Spencer got up and he said you know when you're talking about the supernatural the supernatural is when you wake up in the morning and you look younger than you did the day before yeah I like that and we're all like we'll take that we'll take that the supernatural is when money is supernaturally transferred into your account I like that I'm hearing testimonies about this yes I am well I'll tell you it's happening and that's exciting another one another one issue and it's just stretching our faith to go beyond the limitations of what we what we think we know here's one that he said he said what would happen if one day ten hundred thousand people showed up on the property for church I believe that's going to happen and God God built a supernatural tent for people - there would be a tent because in the Old Testament there was a tent there would be a tent what the Lord is doing is Gloria there is so much that we're believing for right now the in the church the things that we're believing for in the ministry that we're believing for and the Lord told me he said to me not too long ago he said you need to step up your faith we we all need to come into a place Gloria where we we are enlarging our capacity to believe God for these things and to receive these things you know had you and Kenneth not been stretching your faith where the citation 10 is concerned and as I remember the story the two of you got that at the same time you were in you were in the convention and I forgot exactly the way it goes exactly the way it goes best but but you you came I believe you came backstage to Kenneth and you you said I've got something to tell you and Kenneth said no I've got something to tell you and it both hit the two of you about the citation ten well your faith came up to another level your faith and this is what you've taught me over all of these years our faith glory is limitless that's right I know that's right the only thing that limits us is our own capacity to receive it the only thing that limits us just this thing between our ears and we have to renew our minds to the Word of God to see the glorious and wonderful and magnificent things you know gloriously one of the things that really I think about this often and I think about 40 years ago when I first came at that time we were in Lake Arlington and we had a we had a facility there that was an actually an old Country Club yeah and I tell people that I look at what God has done just since the time I was here I mean you you were here from the beginning of it but I was nine years later and I think about where you were in 1967 and what God was doing in you at that time and then jump to the year I got here in 76 you were you were in that new facility it was a to the ministry it was a big facility but then I look at us now and you can take that same facility and fit it in the sanctuary what look what God has done and look what faith has done increase increase supernatural increase so Gloria what we're talking about is I mean I'll just give you another thing that we're believing for brother Copeland I shared this last week on this on the broadcast he came back from David Oh yet opposed church and he oh that's an inspiring place for services 200,000 people total 54,000 in each service Kenneth Kenneth then went on to Rhema collies Church where where he did a victory campaign and I was listening to it online and he said he talked about David David's church and how many they have and he said I'm gonna get me one of those and he said I'm not just talking he said I'm gonna get me one of those he said Eagle Mountain International Church is gonna have a hundred thousand people in it and we're gonna have a fifty thousand seat facility well don't you know that my faith needs to come up yes and you know that's awesome George you get it's built like this there's I mean I think I'm right about this there's 50,000 this way fifty thousand this way fifty thousand seats this way fifty thousand seats and then fifty thousand or thirty maybe it's 30,000 or 50,000 in the middle I can't get in I can't get inside that yeah and I understand now I heard that you're going next year yes I'm they built you a house they built me house you know Gloria I'm actually I'm actually considering going with you okay I'll let you stay at my house okay I want to go with you and Kenneth because I want to get a vision oh it's I want to see it's just amazing i it was when I was there last and lots of things if it happened since I was there last I want to see what that looks like Gloria I want to get back I need to get a picture of that okay we must say let me let me read a couple of things here to you the Lord has challenged us to go up to the next level of prosperity he's challenging you to go up to the next level of prosperity and what we have to do in doing that we must apply then there are certain things we have to do there are certain things that must be done you just can't sit around and watch television all day and not expect your faith to grow so we talked last week Gloria about this and one of the major things that we talked about was applying the principle of total immersion we must become totally immersed oh well in the Word of God you know like Kenneth in the same way that you you learn a language and the faster the more totally immersed you can be in that atmosphere the faster you learn it well in the early days of your ministry he went out into the garage and he went out there for seven days to be totally immersed in the word and it changed his life well we have to become totally immersed in the Word of God and I wrote this down here we must apply the principle of total immersion in God's Word in order to break through the limitations and enlarge our capacity to receive in a greater way that's good torrent I like that there is so much Gloria that the Lord wants to bless us with yes we must here we go we must feed on the word meditate the word be a doer of the word and believe the word now that those four major points there are what you and I are going to focus on this week but that would be great we're gonna talk about feeding on the word we're going to be talking about meditating on the word being a doer of the word believing the word these are all things that you taught me these are all things that I learned from you when I came here from Oral Roberts University and began working here Gloria I listened to every every possible tape at the time that I could I was determined to get this you got it I got it I got it and so today let's talk about feeding on the Word of God and let's look at Romans chapter 10 Romans chapter 10 and verse 17 this is extremely foundational for those of you who are wanting your faith to be enlarged to be able to believe God believe God for that house so way to do it yeah there's a way to do it there is a strategic plan for us a strategic step-by-step plan for us to be able to increase the capacity of our faith that's right we don't have to be starting you know there are too many people that have been born again for many years and their their faith has not grown they've not developed spiritually they've stayed on the same level but in the same way that we progress through school I'm thankful certain things that really encourage you to develop your faith tell me we're not borrowing any more money well there you go there you go that's exactly right you made a quality decision things like that in 1967 you made that quality decision to not borrow money and we didn't you know we needed everything was the way back we first started it really gives you a lot of incentive infinity it's insane today yeah yeah and that's what that's what Terry and I did when we were getting out of debt Gloria we were pressing into that we were pressing into the word we kept that word around us we were feeding on the word all the time we were listening one of the things we were listening to was pastor Leroy money come to me now I don't know if he still has it but he had like a twenty four tape series twenty four messages on money cometh and Gloria we listened to it and listened to it and got it down on the inside of us and I really I can tell you that my faith has grown my faith has developed I I feel so strong on the inside right I feel so strong that the the the building and the what we're believing for on this property what we're believing for and every available voice what we're believing for in the move of God I am so charged up we're believing for a second citation ten face and that citation ten is going to come a whole lot faster than the last one did I see it I see it I see it like Keith Moore says if you can see it you can have it I believe it I believe it so let's talk about this glory let's talk about this first step that you take to enlarging your fate you've got to feed on the word I remember in your book this is where I originally heard it or read it and then I heard you preach it but you you you can't in your life you've got to make time for the word you can't you can't it's a decision that you have to make and you guys saying right is it's a decision that you make yeah yeah you can't you can't here's what you said you can't try to fit the word into your busy schedule you have to make the word part of your schedule you have to put the word of God first place that's right and folks that's the key that's the key that I believe got Kenneth and Gloria to where they are today in this ministry a debt-free ministry preaching all over the world you are healthy strong you're not on prescription drugs there was a there was an article that was written in a newspaper about you and I I must I must admit I did read it I repent for reading about us but it was written about you and it was talking about this this was laughable this was talking about the Convention and how he this reporter was at the convention and you were preaching on how God heals every disease imagine that he said how God can heal every disease and Gloria and Kenneth were we're talking about how how they don't have to take any prescriptive drugs as if it were something bad that you were doing not taking prescriptive well you don't need to hear any more of it but all that to say you don't need drugs why take in there that's right I'm not sick I'm not in pain I have plenty of energy you all heavenly seventy-three you've enlarged the capacity of your faith to live strong to lit to finish strong it can be done brother Copeland will be 80 80 years old young this year and the man I mean I'm looking at y'all I'm what I'm studying the both of you too I'm not to tell you something that won't go over big with a lot of people so don't tell him you've heard it here first can decided we were gonna health food a long long time ago mmm-hmm and so all of the preservatives and all the in the DDT I used you know my people my dad a granddad used to have peach orchards right put poison on those peaches to kill all kind of stuff they go Dustin yeah yeah and then people would eat them and a lot of people that don't know about peaches ain't appealing so you just see you get stuff like that like we don't know what this pears been through unless it's organ well you are a stunning example body of Christ of how the Word of God we only have a couple of minutes left word works let me just read this this last part here to you we can get faith for greater prosperity comes by daily feeding on God's words I believe that the Word of God paints the inner image of how he wants us to live and what he wants us to have whatever we keep before our eyes and take into our spirit is what we will eventually possess that's right the more of God's Word we ingest the more we're able to break through the limitations and step over into the greater capacity to receive all that God desires for us to have isn't that true glory as well say it George and then finally this scripture here proverbs 834 blessed is the man that hears me watching daily at my gates waiting at the post of my door daily is the key for whoever finds me finds life and shall obtain favor of the Lord that that is the daily part of it we've got to feed on the word everyday and how much time do we have left here two minutes okay we can do the last would you oh they are let I wanted to remind everybody all of these are on KC org you can go and download them glory we've had over half a million since we started of these downloaded so look at Part D Part D and I'll just read this to you we'll finish up the broadcast your faith this is from the loss of prosperity by Kenneth Copeland your faith is in direct relation to the level of the word in you get your word level up so that you can believe spiritually mentally physically financially and socially thus you'll be in position to handle any problem that comes your way according to the Word of God the deeper you get into the word and the more you learn the more you will expand the more you expand the more Satan will fight the more he fights the bigger your victory the bigger your victory the more glory to God the more glory to God the more you will expand it is a constant growth here's the last part here the first and most important rule free to follow in operating in the power of God and living by faith is this 100% committal to the Word of God and it's Authority in your life as God told Joshua yes the best way to prosper is by meditation in the word and that's where we're going to take up tomorrow you and I are gonna talk tomorrow about meditating in the Word of God so father right now we make a quality decision to read the word every day to ingest the Word of God because it will enlarge our capability to believe you and to receive everything that you want us to have father we thank you for the living breathing Word of God in Jesus name Amen that's good praise God glory we're talking about no more limits or how to enlarge our capacity for faith to believe God and we talked we're talking this week about how to do it and yesterday we talked about you have to feed on the word you've got to feed on the word tell me where you are you don't know very much you don't never get there no none of us know that's true that's true we started yeah we kept on and that's what you do and then the more you know the more you want to know you get hungry for it because it's blessing and it's all the things you desire in your life personally materially your family how do I lay hold of the good things of God that's that's good encouragement to start right where you are and start in the word start reading the words start developing a daily regimen of reading the Word of God feeding it this is God talking to me this is my life come on now Bridget Gloria that's awesome that is it's God speaking to us the Word of God is God speaking to you and me personally and whatever he says we can have we can have that's faith coming yep you can do you can read the Word of God all day and all night for 10 years but if you don't take it yeah it's God talking to you and something that's real a word that's real and will come to pass in your life that's exactly what's about we might cover this one day but the scripture says Joshua think said meditating my word God said meditating my word day and night so that you prosper and you'll be able to do it well that is actually one of the scriptures so let's take a look at let's take a look at okay in Joshua 1 and let's see you were going to start in verse 6 I believe it says be strong and of a good courage this is - Joshua he was getting ready to go to battle to take the land that God had promised and given a big job he had been given a big job and he was he had stepped in to Moses place I mean here's a guy that's been following Moses all of these years he's seen a lot he has and he was a good servant and he followed Moses and now it's his turn now it's time for him to do this and God is about to give him what sister Gloria calls God's success formula now listen to this he said to him in verse 6 be strong and of a good courage for under this people shall pout divided for an inheritance the land which I will swear unto thy fathers to give them only be strong and very courageous that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded turn not from it from the right hand or to the left that you may prosper wherever you go now saying George let's say do all of it yeah do always yes and I wanted to mention to you also before we read verse eight which is very important when he says here do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left that you may prosper he's really talking about something we discussed last week about enlarging your faith and that is being single-minded on the word you stay focused on the Word of God all the time keep your heart have your mind your words every day on the word don't turn from the right hand to the left what what we read from proverbs chapter 4 attend unto my word pay attention to it here's here's what they hear is what we're supposed to do verse 8 this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth in other words we are to confess the word we are to speak the words speak the word only then you shall meditate therein day and night so that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein for then you shall make your way prosperous and then what you shall have good success meditating the word think about it apply it to your life that's it say it that's it it's mine you know like you the people that have followed our ministry know that we believe God for a house to pay cash for the house mm-hmm well we were you know we knew these things we started that right when we started believing God for a house but you have to you just have to it didn't just jump out there that's it you know and paid for yeah you had to believe God part believe you receive it take it when you praise I was hearing Kenneth preach about this a few weeks ago talking about the process that you went through in building that house and I remember I mean you were you were really you are applying the Word of God to it and I remember at the the old house that you were in before this one here we used to come in through the mud the mud room yeah I guess that the mud room area and I can remember one of the first times that I came through there you walk through in there's there was a bookshelf just just the shelves but these these weren't just books these were architectural digests and and they all had little colored stickies in them oh yeah and I would stand there and look at that Gloria and think she's getting a vision she's getting a vision for this house I remember another day that we came in to that house and you had laid out on the the dining room table plans and we were all standing around I think Kelly was there and John we're all standing around looking at this house and you had you had little little pieces of paper that you're moving for furniture in the different rooms you you had gotten the vision on that you were meditating in the word about it and it was building such a vision that you had to go to Kenneth and say we've either got to do this or we got to let it alone because it's getting so big on the inside of now I did and that's what happens Gloria as we meditate the word the word gets so big on the inside of us it takes it takes substance yes yes to have substance it's the substance of the things that are we hoped for at one time I hope for that house but it didn't have substance but when I applied the word to it and stepped out in faith and you begin to put it on paper and all that it took on itself and you would meditate on the word and meditate on us and the Lord literally painted the picture on the inside of you I mean we've been in the house about 15 years right right and it has been such a blessing to us such a blessing Lord every time it was all paid for we'd paid as we went and we spare nothing every time every time we go in the house floor it never fails every time I just look around and just take in the beauty of it and Gloria is an amazing designer and and decorator and I mean we've been studying you for years and years and years and I even think about you sometimes we'll walk through our own house and just the influence that you've had on Terry and me the influence that you've had on Kelly and John and and how we decorate our house we always keep the the Gloria factor in mind you've taught us how to apply the word to our situation yeah and you believe God for the best because he wants to offer us the best when you don't have any money you have to believe God so you might as well just believe it you might as well just meditate on the word you know I share this with you before the the broadcast started today that just over the years I've collected just different sayings and thoughts that others have said about meditating on the Word of God the one from brother Hagin the most spiritual people that I know are ones that spend time meditating the word just meditating on the word Kenneth he said he said this again and is written about it that meditation in the word enlarges your capacity for faith so there are times when I will just take the word into my office at home I'll sit in my prayer chair and I will just sit and I'll just begin to meditate the Word of God I'll just say Lord give me your thoughts what do you think about this what do you think about the future of the church here what do you think about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit give me some new thoughts that I've never really quite considered before show me some things that I've never dreamed up before show me and reveal to me what you want this to look like or how we want that done and I'll just go to the word and I'll take he does it paints the picture on the inside of what he wants and then as we declare the word and speak the word that becomes the reality in our lives yeah what do you know about did we read the meditation scripture today in that scripture we read this day in night scripture but glory there's another one that we need to read and that's over in the Book of Psalms Psalm 1 and this is one of my favorite scriptures I just so love this scripture and I just take time and meditate on it and it just it builds on the inside of me a capacity to see things I've never seen before yeah I want to see I want to see what God sees I want to see what he envisions I want to get a picture of that you know this is interesting Gloria before I came here to work for you all 40 years ago this year I was at oru and I've been thinking about this lately the Lord showed me the end from the beginning I'll tell you why when I was at oru Oral Roberts was the premier broadcaster Christian Christian broadcaster of his day when Terry and I were there they were doing they had a weekly program on Sunday they had primetime programs and television that they were doing Terry was working on crew I was on crew and the Lord showed me what a major ministry looked like and then he took me from there and brought me here at the time we had 12 people on staff no television barely on radio and the Lord showed me what the end was going to look like and now 40 years later I look where we are we're in a television studio on our property preaching from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around well that's what happens the Lord will show us the end from the beginning as you meditate on the word he'll show you what your house is going to look like he'll show you what your future is going to be he will reveal these things what your job is going to be but we have to spend time meditating meditating meditating on the Word of God in order to be able to build that on the inside in Psalm 1 it says in Psalm 1 verse 1 blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly he doesn't stand in the way of sinners he does not sit in the seat of the scornful but what his delight is in the law of the Lord or you could say there his delight is in the word he delights in the word like Gloria Copeland delights in the word if there's any woman that the Word of God it's Gloria Copeland is Sheela and she she impresses that upon all of us in the family and presses it upon you but she truly fits the description her delight is in the Word of God and in his word does does she do we meditate day and night that's important right there that phrase day in there meditate the word what one meaning of that is to apply it to your life to your family your future yes so you sit and you meditate the word and you begin to apply it to your own life how does this like Kenneth says you ask how does this apply to my life yeah now personally I people you know they think about meditating is right yeah but personally to me it's just receiving it to myself yeah this is God talking to me yes this is what he says to me I'm applying let's just take you it okay fine okay healing scriptures my body to me it's applying more than just Danielle but when you do take a scoop can you meditate it you do see into it more but to me the thing is acting on the word acting on it well like you said in healing you can take the hundred and third psalm he heals all my diseases and you take that scripture and you begin to meditate on it and measure yourself and you act on it meditate you active in it you see yourself healed completely and totally healed you meditate and allow that word well one of the words and I wrote a few words down here on what meditate means it means to ponder it means these are over in the notes here on ponder imagine to think about it is fixing your mind on the word it's setting your thoughts on the Lord it's spending time Keith Moore said this it's spending time beholding him in the word yes I mean wasn't that wonderful now here in Joshua yes yes seven Joshua to seven the Lord said to Joshua he had a big job I mean he was got a big one she was gonna have to take territory what's only be strong only be though strong and very courageous that you made it observe to do all of the law or all of the word mmm-hmm which Moses my servant commanded you turn not from it from to the right hand or to the left get on the word think about it meditate it apply it to your life yes yes yes and do it that you may prosper wherever you go whatever wheresoever school that's good see that's what we did George yes we started out with nothing we didn't have any money we didn't have a good house we had a little red house we had a used car and we began to apply what the Bible said to our lives I mean you know we just begin to if we saw it in the word we believed we could have they took it and the scripture says believe you receive when you pray so it begins that instead of just saying I need this I need this I want this I got we begin to take that scripture and whatever it was that met that need and we applied it to our lives that's that's faith that's what faith does faith reads about we boy your sicknesses and carried your diseases by His stripes you were healed in us and face says I am healed I've been healed Jesus bore my success I'm healed that's taking that's taking you that's what we have that's what we get to do that's exactly that's what exactly and what you were reading here the book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth you shall meditate therein day and night there's that grace day and night again apply it then so that you might observe to do according to all that is written therein and the result you'll make your way prosperous you'll have good success and listen to this Gloria this is I wrote this in my Bible this is the amplified translation you will deal wisely in the affairs of life look at this Georgian versa what is that nine mmm-hmm have I commanded hell have not I commanded thee be strong and of a good courage and yes yes and don't be dismayed right right as part of it that's part of the success formula don't not be afraid that's good Gloria see when we found out that the Bible says don't oh no the Bible says oh no men anything but to love him right we made that commitment yes although we didn't have anything it's time we didn't well we had a used car but we didn't have a house you know we hadn't used furniture stuff but we made the commitment to do that to stay on the Word of God if the Bible says don't borrow money we're not gonna borrow money but we didn't we didn't believe we'd have to do with our we believed God would provide he says that and that's a better way than what we've been doing because we were in debt at that time so we got out of debt we quit borrowing money yeah we like nothing else well you you spent some time meditating on Romans 13:8 yeah stay out of dehl no man no man anything but tell them and you meditated on that Scripture we've got just a couple of moments left here I mean it was well listen look at page 2 Gloria I'm just gonna hit a couple of these scriptures in meditating the word Isaiah 26:3 that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusts in thee I like this I found this perfect peace in the Hebrew it means Shalom Shalom prosperity prosperity double prosperity that's what perfect peace is when you when you keep your mind stayed on the Lord or you meditate on the word you will keep your mind in perfect peace which that means Shalom Shalom prosperity prosperity complete lists soundness health contentment nothing missing nothing broke that happens when you get your mind renewed that's it you know you get your in agreement yeah with what God says and you can live in perfect exactly whatever comes up you'll have the answer for I like the amplified translation of that scripture you'll guard him and keep him in perfect peace and constant peace whose mind both its inclination and its character is stayed on you because he commits himself to you leans on you and hopes confidently in you how and then what I did here we really don't have time to go into great detail but it's on these notes for you this is from the loss of prosperity by brother Copeland he said remember the basic fundamental law for establishing your heart and the Covenant of God is meditation on the Word of God thinking about it apply yes you taking it doing it doing it you must commit yourself to the fact that God's Word works meditation is fixing your mind on the word and then he gate listen as he gave these seven steps to help you learn how to meditate God's Word number one apply the word to your self personally number two allow the Holy Spirit to make God's Word a reality in your heart number three carefully ponder how this word applies to your life number four dwell on how this word from the Lord changes your situation five place yourself in agreement with what God's Word says about you six see yourself as God sees you seven begin to realize the integrity of God's Word now that's why they need to get this glory and I would recommend I'd like to also recommend that you can you can order this online the laws of prosperity I'll tell you I would I would I'm in the process right now of reading the book and listening again to the laws of prosperity that was taught many years ago but how applicable it is for today and in the laws of prosperity he goes through brother Copeland goes through these steps in greater detail and also in glorious book God's will is prosperity you also talk about meditation in the Word of God and what I've done in their notes glory I've I've added the parsh borsch ins of the chapters from your book in kennis book so that they can have those in no we couldn't go through it today but it's there for them for their research so Gloria we're gonna meditate on the word and our faith is gonna grow let me just say this I've got one second okay we have never gone after anything like that believe God for it a house a car an airplane a healing that we didn't receive it that is it what is the word work that is something in your ears get it in your heart put it in your mouth and apply you can have it glory to God I just want to read this scripture to you Gloria shared it with us and it I mean it just so stunned me and it listen to this this is this Wow in Psalm 109 17 it says as he loved cursing so let it come on to him as he delighted not in blessing so let it be far from him as he clothed himself with cursing like as with His garment so let it come into his bowels the Hebrew there on the side reference says come within him like water and like oil into his bones let it be unto him as a garment which covers him and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually Gloria that was when you read that we were just talking about we were actually going to one of the scriptures we were going to teach and she went by this scripture here and that is absolutely stunning it is it is a stunning scripture well don't think anything about a lot you know you knew if you're a churchgoer your spiritual but a lot of people just talk awful yeah and they don't think anything about it and I don't realize it's it has here's what to say it has repercussions it does comes back it does so if you if you use slang terms and words that are not nice I'm not good you stop it don't call us don't call yourself those things or or if you're one of those that you say about yourself I'm so stupid I can't remember I can't remember where I leave things I can't remember that's that is cussing in the spirit I mean that's the spirit cousin and if this works and we'll move on from here but if this works as he loved cursing so let it come unto Him as he delighted not in blessings so let it be far from him this this applies to speaking well over yourself if you love the word so let it come unto you and you know a lot of people I realize a lot of people are raised with people that curse anyway but and it's just you know you don't thinking about it but really it's deadly it is deadly right and so teach your children we all try everybody tries to teach their children that but it's but you got to get it do it you've got to do don't do it yourself and certainly not in front of your children but you shouldn't do it yourself well you were you were talking a moment ago and I won't say the word but but I was talking a moment ago about growing up in the people that you grew up around and and an answer like a slang answer to something like you tell them something like oh wow the the bridge collapsed down there and he said well I'll be yeah and when you say that that actually according to the word goes down into you like water and goes into you like oil that's what the Bible says so not only do we clean up our mouths where that kind of language is concerned we also clean up our mouths we're speaking doubt unbelief things against ourselves our kids always our kids always get sick before we go on vacation you know I laugh once you get the revelation of Mark 11 yeah once you get work the revelation imarco that's good Gloria that's good I remember you and Kenneth talking about when when you discovered the power of your spoken words and he he would say something and you'd correct him in he he said I didn't say that you say yeah you did get it you said that and you were helping each other or you know Terry and I have done this before we're we'll say well I'll agree with that if that's what you why would they call curse word oh because they are out they broke open the door to the curse so that settles it that settles it that's it no more cursing we're talking about enlarging our capacity for faith and I mean if you're cursing then you can't enlarge your capacity for faith you're gonna slow your faith down yes your mouth you're always enlarging your capacity for something but what you're saying depends on what capacity for what so think about it you know if you talk poverty all the time if you talk being a rope all the time we're always broke we can't afford this we can't afford our cars always breaking down really that's equivalent to cursing you're putting a curse on yourself in your car no wonder your car's not even good stupid car that's right my car it's an old car well we had an old car but we talked good about it cuz it was the only old car we had that's it so we about our car you know it when Jeremy was in elementary school he had a science project and in this science project he took two planets and we used we used the scripture life and death is in the power of the time and with one plant he spoke wonderful words over that plant you're a good plant you're growing you're strong he spoke to the other plant you're not a good plan you're not growing you're and Gloria you treated the same trait yep same water same sunlight same position except for the words and Terry now we're watching this experiment it took he took two weeks to do it and we were watching the plants and we're coming closer and closer to the day that it's due in school and nothing was changing until the last day and on the last day the one that he was speaking words against began to shrivel up I kid you not I have I have pictures Gloria so it was an answer but it happened it kept working on that plant and we were all like oh my the works that shows me something else too now that's the negative side yes it's the positive side even that's the way faith works you can't see what it's doing you you can't when you release your faith many times like let's just say you release your faith for money you need some money mm-hmm you don't know what's happening right now to get that money to you and so if you start talking negative words you will never know cuz still the process will never finish it's like that it's like that plant that's right so we that's we learn to say oh yes we want to come to pass that's right and that is that that is part of what we're talking about today in enlarging your capacity for faith we have to act on the word acting on the word is speaking the Word of God that's one of the things that you do when you're acting on the Word of God and to enlarge our capacity for faith as I wrote here we must apply the principle of total immersion we've got to become single-minded on the word we have to feed on the word we have to meditate the word and you have to act on the word yeah a scripture that we read yesterday and we'll read it here from the amplified in Joshua 1:8 this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night that you may observe and do according to all that is written therein for then you'll make your way prosperous you'll deal wisely and you'll have good success that's it this scripture here in James Gloria is so so important James 1:22 be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves that is important when we're talking about enlarging your capacity to believe God we must be doers of the word of God so if you're not a doer you're kidding yourself you're deceiving yourself if you're not a doer you are kidding yourself yep you're not going to get what yeah that's right so you think you might but you won't be you doers of the word and not here's only so we have we obey the word if we want to have faith we do what the word says yes individ you know as an individual artist what's written here that's right and it brings success the couple of translations that I found here the NIV do not merely listen to the word like that and so deceive yourselves do what it says and again that's the way you build your capacity for faith you be a doer of the word you exercise your faith the message translation says don't fool yourself into thinking that you're a listener when you're anything else but letting the word go in one ear and out the other act on what you hear act on the thing is that you hear act on the things that we're talking about here because if we're ever going to go up to a higher level of greater faith then we're going to have to be doers of the word of God we're gonna have to act on the things that we see no please that means we believe what we say according to the Word of God we know you got to come to a place where you know your words have power yes yes now how are you gonna use your words you're gonna use them in in your behalf for your benefit are you gonna say those words to turn things away that's it give you problems I mean you have to you have to you cannot receive by faith and talk negative about it about what's right in other words if you're believing for healing and you know every time somebody comes around to see you you tell them how you hurt and how sick you are right how miserable you are no no miracles gonna happen in that everything's gonna happen you say I'm healed I believe I received my healing I'm healed in Jesus name you say yeah but I still heard you don't have to tell it do you don't have to say it say your heals so you got a opportunity to change things amen so what you're saying right there Gloria is speaking the Word of God is probably foundation - acting on the Word of God solutely speaking the word over yourself is being a doer of the word here's the thing what does the Bible say out of the abundance of the heart mm-hmm amount of space so if you're having trouble speaking positive what you put down not a change this down here how do you do that with the Word of God put it in your eyes in your ears get in your heart what is the Bible saying meditate on it day and night can't rid of that negative I like the Gloria Copeland version of that Scripture you know what that is from the abundance of the heart the mouth leaks I remember when you said that so what's ever done in there it's going to come out I have to be careful when Jorge's around he remembers what I say look look at page two I want to show you something Gloria there was a word from the Lord that brother Copeland gave at November 10th of 2011 this was in Washington DC listen to this word Gloria the Lord said I have a great store house oh yeah much more has been stored up in the storehouse of riches beyond your wildest dream that I've laid up for you before the foundation of the world much more is stored up there than what the church has ever called forever called yeah I've never held back on the church saith the Lord and the god of the twenty I've made it available to you I put it in my word I gave you promise and stood behind it with the blood the precious blood of your Savior but there has been a backwardness in my people about laying hold of the things that I've provided for you but I will say this there's a people in the land there's a people around the world there's a people strong and mighty growing much stronger and much mightier and more bold vallejo and put their claim of faith on the things that I've laid before you and it thrills me saith the Lord because it's been yours all the time start saying I'm more bold to lejos I am more bold I'm more bold to lay hold I'm getting stronger I see I see in Jesus name a facility out here that would hold 50,000 people I see a hundred thousand people in this church I see and you know I don't know if this is the will of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland but I I I would love to see a convention center that we could have more conventions in think about that Gloria think about not having to have to stay in a hotel to go to conventions Laurie and I and so and you know marvel to lay home more bold Tulane what does the Bible say George all things are possible to him that believes right you want a Convention Center get you a good attention center would you and Kenneth like a paid-for convention yes you can have convention out here okay okay let's lay hold and you know something this scripture we just have a few moments left but listen list the scripture in Joshua 18 you don't have to turn to it because it's right there we have to take it all and we cannot hold back it says and the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together as sheilo and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there the land was subdued before them and there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes which had not yet taken their inheritance and Joshua said unto the children of Israel how long are you slack to go possess the land which the Lord your the God of your father's has given unto you how long the New Living Translation says are you gonna wait before taking possession of the remaining land the Lord the God of your ancestors has given unto you now I like this message translation how long you gonna sit around on your hands and put off taking possession of the land that God has given to you and the question I ask here is how long are you gonna keep putting off taking the next level of prosperity in your life oh man read the three there deuteronomy 1:8 behold I have set the land before you going and possess the land the land was there yep it was right there it was a good land Bible says what what did they have to do they had to take it to take it to go in what do we have ahead to get it we have to do the same thing we have to be look at mark 11 it says believe you receive when you pray yes if you look that word up receive it means to take it take it when you pray what is my last point there Gloria mark 11:24 what things soever you desire you're gonna be right on target yeah when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them in the word receive and the Greek means to take it you must seize it with a grip that cannot you cannot shake it off that really helped me on faith when I felt when I realized that the word received translated received in the Greek is take it's one thing to give me an apple you give me that Apple I don't take it it's another thing here's a pillar I take it if she took it there you have there you got it I may have got it and that's what we have to do we we have to be doers of the word of God you know I remember the account in scripture about the the man who was a here but not a doer and he built a house one of them built a house and he built his house on sand the other one built his house on the rock on the rock and he was likening that to the difference between the person who is a doer and new is not a doer the storm came I came and just blew down the house of the one who was not a doer of the word of God but the one who was a doer he was in the same storm same condition same situation but that storm could not touch his house praise God George we've said some good things here today some things have been declared excited and so my faith works glory to God let's just pray right now together as we become greater doers of the word yes father in the name of Jesus we come before you and we say we thank you Lord that you've given us your word we thank you that you laid out a land before this that we all we have to do is take possession of it but father we recognize that we must be doers of the word of God in order for our faith to be exercised and for us to come up to the next level of faith and to see ourselves enlarging in our capacity to receive everything that we have so we declare before you we say this after me glory we're all saying at each other say this after me in Jesus name in Jesus name I am a doer of the word and not a here only not a hearer only I act on the word of God I act on the word of God the more I act on God's Word the more I act on God's the stronger my faith becomes stronger my faith because I am walking in strong faith I am walking in strong faith and I'm getting stronger every day I'm getting stronger every day I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind the power of his I am able to see what God sees I am able to see what God sees and fulfill what he wants done and fulfill what he wants to I believe I receive I believe I receive and I will do it in Jesus name praise God praise God glory to God thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah Gloria I'm thinking about just just all of the different things that you and Kenneth have done through the years and how you have been you have been doers of the word of God right you you have have been an example before us and I've just watched you I've just watched you over and over again I remember the day that that brother Copeland I remember one of the thirty in excess of 30 aircraft that have been given from this ministry yeah I remember one of them in particular we were in a position where we could have sold that airplane in order to put the money towards the citation ten but the Lord spoke a clear word to brother Copeland and he obeyed and sewed the airplane instead now we were there when that aircraft was sowed and the person that received it was just me beside themselves I guess but what what I see what I've learned through Kenneth and Gloria Copeland over the years is they're they're not just hearers of the word of God they are doers to such a degree that that you don't even see what we see here behind the scenes of all of the giving that takes place the sowing that takes place his sowing is stunning isn't it it is it is it takes breath taking is it is a breathtaking it is but he is a man you are a woman who you both of you are doers of the word of God and because of that I have watched your faith gets stronger and stronger I'm telling you I'm right behind you all right I'm right behind you guys and my faith is getting stronger and stronger too I am a doer of the word of God I am and because of that our faith is increasing and it is glory to God actually you know what this is Gloria what we've done in these broadcasts over the last five years is a fulfillment of one of the things that God has called this ministry to do I heard brother Copeland say many years ago when I was on the road with him traveling he said one of the callings that God has placed on this ministry is to teach the laws that govern supernatural abundance and prosperity and so that's what we're doing here we are teaching about the abundant prosperity that is available to us what belongs to us and on these series of broadcasts which by the way all of these outlines are available to you on KCMO org all you have to do is go there and you can find them and download them teach them share them and not only these two weeks that Gloria and I are teaching but also every outline that we have taught thus far is God all 219 of them how many of them and yes absolutely I would be most happy to and you know we're talking Gloria about enlarging our capacity for faith there is so much that God has yet for us to possess like we talked about yesterday Joshua said to the children of Israel why are you so slack to take possession of the land that belongs to you so there is much more that has been stored us up for us that belongs to us that we need to lay hold of and we need to enlarge our capacity to receive what God has for us and we've been doing that by and this is what we did last week we talked about like in point four there we have to apply the principle of total immersion we need to become single-minded on the Word of God we must feed on the word we must meditate on the word we must act on the word and what we're going to be talking about today is we must believe the word that's you have to believe the word and believing the word is a spiritual exercise you exercise faith muscles when you believe the Word of God when you say I believe that I believe that when I take that I take that when you're listening to the word preached or you're in church and and you're hearing a strong faith message you say to yourself I believe that that's for me I believe that word you know I'm gonna quote you Gloria in point number three you said God operates by faith you are not going to come up to a new level of faith believing what you believed on the old level you're going to have to stretch your faith so that you can come up into that place oh man that's a great great stretch that's a key word right there stretching your faith and the things that I just read to you those are the things that will stretch your faith you know we we when we started out we were believing God pay the rent on a little apartment we had to get it too you know I've never I'm not heard much about the little apartment I've heard more about but we began to we begin stretch we got it we got a lease house that was nicer mm-hmm and then we bought a we ultimately got to the house we want to live in from the now you know yeah yeah excuse me and you just have to start where you are because we didn't know we didn't have all this written down for us you know at that time we had to find it the Lord had to reveal it to us so we began to hear brother Hagin and we learned about faith right and we got going buddy you know you made one of the decisions that you all made was about the Word of God that whatever you saw in the word you were going to take that and act on it believe it believe that word and you know that's what we're talking about we're talking about enlarging our capacity to believe and receive people don't realize how limited they can become in their believing you know many people have chokeholds they are they come up to a certain level and I can I can believe that I can believe that and then they cross over and go I don't know about that I don't know about that airplane business I don't know about that preachers on television business well you've just hit your choke point if God wants you to have an airplane then start believing him for an airplane you can have one we we must break through the limitations of what has kept us back from believing what he wants to do for us no one can probably when he first believed for his first airplane for the ministry there weren't many brother Roberts had one and a few others not very meaningful that's true that's true now there's lots of airplanes in the middle yes there are there are somebody had to believe God somebody had to be bold in believing God for that and I don't know any other two more bold people in faith than Kenneth and Gloria Copeland us to believe God I mean we you you get around brother Copeland and you just the the the faith of God it takes your breath away sir yes it does yes ition - no because he he was head of the ministry myth financially for a you know in business mmm-hmm and and he died name he didn't even started it he the man doesn't flinch he does not flinch you know when we were making the decision about going on Dish TV that was Gloria I'm just so amazed at myself i amaze myself because when the opportunity came up for Dish TV we were all we knew it was a great thing but we were all wondering should we do it should we do it and I knew I knew in the back of my mind that I thought brother Copeland he's gonna do this I don't see him holding back he's going to do this and when we got the word about it that he did it something went off in me his faith helped me I'm like it's like the story he tells about traveling with granddad his father aww Copeland and they went into this hotel lobby and Kenneth was watching these guys play the show okay he touched the the rosin and the guy yelled him and granddad came out and said if you're going to talk to that boy you talked to me and he pushed Kenneth back behind them and Kenneth stuck his head around grandad and said and that goes for your whatever - and that's exactly the way I felt when when Kenneth made the decision something went off in me I was like yeah yeah at that point yeah believe for that Ken didn't realize that his father was a prizefighter at one time oh my god no oh you know I remember him talking about that he was a prizefighter don't mess with that he in some other always my friend or relative or whatever he was I don't remember now they go from town to town and they'd have price pies we did about granddad I think I'm not making that up I think you're absolutely right yeah when that funny and then you go around buying cheese and selling it well when all that to say that brother Copeland's faith for that inspired me and I'm I am pursuing personally pursuing the enlarging of my own faith because I know there's so much more that God wants for us that we we shouldn't be limited in our thinking I want to read to you this this scripture here glory in Deuteronomy 39 30 verse 9 the amplified and the Lord your God will make you abundantly prosperous not was I was just reading this this came to me the and the Lord your God will make you abundantly prosperous and I'm going to stop and say I believe that yeah I believe that in every good work of your hand I believe that in the fruit of your body I believe that of the cattle I believe that of your land I believe that for good I believe that too for the Lord will again delight in prospering you I believe that and he took Ella as he took delight in your father's I believe that and Gloria I put a quote down here this is a quote from you from the product that we're offering on the broadcast from faith school and you said don't be asked and I love the the love the tone of voice with which you said it you'll just have to get it and hear what she said but she said don't be asking me to live sparingly when the Bible says the Lord your God will make you abundantly prosperous yeah don't expect me to drive an old worn-out car fly an old worn-out airplane or live in an old worn-out house I don't serve an old worn-out God as he said he would make us abundantly prosperous that means more than just prosperous that means abundantly prosperous Deuteronomy 28 says your storehouses will be blessed storehouses over and above what you need that's abundance that's right and so what we need to do is say out loud I believe I receive that word I believe I receive that word I receive it I believe I believe the word God that scripture we this quoted here is Deuteronomy 30 39 in the Amplified Bible yeah I did not make that up yeah that's Lauren I do believe it I believe I believe it too I am a believer well as we look here in a second page of our notes a couple of scriptures Hebrews 10 in verse 38 says now the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him but we know the reason that the gods soul will not have pleasure is because it gives him great pleasure to prosper in his will is not done his will is not done he's fixed the earth there's an abundance of everything you need the Garden of Eden did they have any lack mm-hmm no laughs the curse no lack net one the Garden of Eden anymore I guess so the just shall live by faith we live by faith but he says if any men draws back from the life of faith my soul shall have no pleasure in him but we are not of them who draw back unto perdition but we are of them that believe to the saving of the soul now that says George and that scripture just read that if you draw back hmm you're not giving God any pleasure right so if you don't draw back what you will give him pleasure good and he gives us pleasure you can he'll bless you that's right he's a blessing he's even want you to be cursed he wants you to be broke exactly exactly we don't draw back we don't and we love the blessing the more you believes the word that's good the more you actively believe the word the greater your faith will become the stronger your faith will become the more pleasure God has the more pleasure he has because he's able to bless you once you don't cut him off don't cut him off we cut off God when we stop the development of our faith because we receive these things by faith and once you cut you have that cut-off point one you have I think you said to me one time that that prosperity doesn't have an expiration date once you cut that off then it stops him because the only limitation is is with us it's our capacity to receive what he has and he has so much more that he wants to pour out over us he has so much more that he wants for you to experience so many good things that he wants you to see so just simply being a believer of the word that gets you on the road to the development of your faith first of all you have all the faith that you'll ever need you don't need any more faith you must however develop the faith that's right and for for 40 years really since I was introduced to the teachings of this ministry and came to work here I have been on a 40-year quest of the development of my faith and Gloria I'm seeing it work I'm seeing it work I so enjoy and appreciate this account in Romans 4 that's number 2 on your okay good go right ahead the Lord said I have made thee a father writing nations right at that time he was not a father exactly but God said now you're it you know they didn't have any children they didn't have any seed he said I have made you a father of many nations before him whom he believed even God who quickeneth the dead who makes alive the dead and call us yes those things which be not as though they were now that's the wife faith work that's it you call us it yep you believe for a house you call that house you believe you receive it you take it you believe it call it in call it in glory to need or call it call it call it in I believe I receive that's what mark says yes I believe mark 11 mark says I believe I receive it says believe you receive you pray and you'll have it well we know and we don't believe over that that were we receive it take so it's saying yes if you need a house you need a car you need healing you need a husband a wife take it thank you can you pray I like that Gloria I believe for the right you take the right one take it when you pray yes if you don't like it oh you haven't released faith not to me that makes it so simple it is it is it is simple glory to God you know you just read that I have all I have made thee a father of many nations you could put in there I have already yeah I've already it's already done what about the rest of it before him whom he believed even God who quickeneth the dead and calleth those things things which be not as though they were what does that mean he calls them he quicken or he must revive the dead by calling him alive that's good Gloria that's good so why you call it in a card you call it because in a car because you take the words right God and you call it in I believe you look up the healing scriptures you say I take those scriptures my body is he I call my body healed I call it delivered I stand on it it's been the works been done Jesus or thus it has been it has been like it when are you kidding me you take five minutes five minutes that's not right he skipped a 10 minute there oh you take it you know I read one time I did a study on the word call calleth things and it means in the he in the in the Greek it means to summons oh I like that summons you know every once in a while we receive a jury summons where you have to go report and says you are hereby ordered to report to their calleth in me and that's what we do you call those things that be not as though they were in Abraham it when it says here before him whom he believed even God that simply means he believed just like God believes and it says who now this is the act of believing who against hope he believed in hope that what he might become the father of many nations why according to that which was spoken according to the word of the Lord so shall thy seed be he didn't just believe it out of thin air believed it in according to or the word according their means in agreement with he was in agreement with the word he believed the word he took he was in agreement with it being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead the problem didn't consider the problem no consider the issue when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb he staggered not at the promise of God he was he was single-minded on the promise of God he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but he was strong in faith giving glory to God and fully persuaded Oh Gloria I just we could spend a week on this scripture right here fully fully persuaded fully persuaded that what God had promised he was able also to perform amen and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him but for us also I'm fully persuaded that if we believe on him that raised up Jesus from the dead who who delivered who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification so abraham believed God he believed God and he was strong in faith I'm just telling you today the more you believe God the stronger your faith is going to be the more you believe God the the Comora capacity that you will have to receive everything that God wants to pour out on you all right pastor George we just got a few minutes okay tackle too much but you lead the people in what you tell them what you would do if you didn't have the money in your bank account and you know the ability to do it right now what you would do if you needed a new car if I needed a new car and you didn't oh you didn't he couldn't just write a check for it - right I would I would begin to call it in I would begin to believe God and call that car in call those things that be not as though they were so let's do that with the car say this after me in Jesus name Jesus according to the Word of God according to the Word of God that tells me that tells me he supplies all of my needs according to his riches in glory his riches in glory by faith I think I called my car in I called my car in right now right now how are you come to me car you come to midday today in the name of Jesus completely debt-free completely debt-free I received my car I receive my car right now I take it right I seize it I take hold of it I won't let go of it I have it by faith in Jesus name Amen amen thank you Father praise You Lord thank you Jesus I'm just gonna say I have my car I have my believed I received it I take it so if I take that's it that's it I don't know but I've got it I believe I receive when I pray that's we have less than one minute and I'm turning here as quickly as I can to this scripture because we're gonna finish up with this one it's Jesus said have faith in God for verily I say unto you in mark 11 22 and 23 and 24 verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the scene shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe yea leave believe that those things which he says shall come to pass he will have whatsoever he says therefore I say unto you what car so ever you desire when you pray believe that you receive it and you shall have it now that's how you apply the word that's how to do it the natural thing that's the way you do it with healing if you need healing you do the same thing if you if you need your children to be obedient you do the same thing there might do other things like you might need to spank them I don't know about that but circumstances but we take it we take it and we have it that's right glory way to go Gloria at these two weeks that we've been talking no more limits I've been taking off the limits and we've been enlarging enlarging our capacity to believe God for more and we do that we learned by total immersion in the word we are we are single-minded on the word of God the right way to say the right words we believe the word we we stand on the word we meditate the word we act on the Word of God all of these things are available these notes are available to you right now on KCM org all you have to do is go to the website and you'll find them there this is day 220 of our prosperity series Gloria and today we are going to be talking about a new realm of super prosperity this particular broadcast today is designed specifically to enlarger faith for us to go to a new level and a new realm of prosperity now the word super when you're talking about prosperity the word super means over above and beyond beyond the natural realm beyond the realm of income from a job beyond the realm of what men says can or cannot be done we're talking about a supernatural realm a miraculous realm of prosperity that we've never seen before and I think Gloria that that something that you said right before we went on the air I wrote it down you said the only limit to the blessing is what you are willing to receive that's right what how much are you willing to receive how much are you willing to develop your faith to receive everything that God has for you so let me take us take us through this Gloria on this realm of super prosperity this was on Saturday April the 25th 2015 a year ago yesterday on this day we were given an assignment by God through brother Copeland to release our faith for the second citation 10 we believe we have that aircraft now now that assignment came during the tenth meeting that we had here on property where we invited all of the partners to come and to celebrate the the victory that we had where the the airplanes and so forth are concerned and so we had them come and be a part of that and we announced to them on that date that we were believing for the second citation 10 and so we were all excited about it and I mean immediately our faith was online okay we it is official we are believing for the second one and the next morning Gloria the next morning I woke up and we were getting ready to have Church in the big tent out here that was the next day and I woke up with the Lord speaking to me about a new level of giving and receiving that started that day yeah he said it's a new realm of super prosperity super harvest and super abundance it's an abundance that is over above and beyond the natural realm super abundance now what your job in this series today in this session today is to simply say I believe that I received that I take leave it I receive it I take it take it and he said now I was receiving the offering that day and he said to tell the congregation as the congregation gives their tithes and sews their seed they are to believe for a new supernatural over and above degree of harvest and abundant return than they ever have believed before so that's what we that's what I told them that maligned that's what we're telling you today I want you today release your faith that's it release your faith for a new supernatural over and above and beyond degree of harvest and abundant return more than you have ever experienced before he said they are to believe for the glory realm of super prosperity super harvest and super abundance he said this is a miraculous harvest of unprecedented return praise God impressive all of the things you've done here the outlines beyond they're all in the internet they're all available to everybody so you can go back and read these words study these words like this the glory realm of super prosperity yeah I was as I was meditating some title one of the things that you have to do to enlarge your faith is to meditate the word in Gloria as I was as I was meditating on this the Lord was giving me these phrases he was telling me things like provision at the speed of the glory hallelujah Oh precision at the seed of the glory here's another one he said supernatural acceleration of abundance and harvest these are just phrases little phrases that he was giving you supernatural acceleration of abundance and harvest take it financial miracles are part of the glory they're part of the outpouring of the glory of God the glory of the Lord he said take the limits off we must take the limits off of our believing he said he said this phrase supernatural debt cancellation how about you do you receive that today do you receive supernatural debt cancellation in your life I do I believe it yeah I believe it maybe you're in your home right now and you owe on a mortgage you need to stop right now and just say this out loud after me I believe I receive supernatural debt cancellation cancellation I receive provisional miracles I receive provisional mirror I receive wealth transfer I receive wealth transfer I was talking to somebody the other day glory that told me they're gonna send me a testimony about they they are now checking their bank account daily because money has been showing up how long their bank accounts and on one particular occasion they went back to the the bank and said this money is in our account and and we don't know where it came from they tried to research it well we don't know where it came from either so you might as well just keep it right so they kept it hallelujah so we're going to see this more and more bill Winston bill Winston said this and bill Winston is when you talk about supernatural provision he's got it he's got it and he was talking about on one of his messages he was talking about how supernaturally money was going to start through wealth transfer money is gonna start showing up in bank accounts I received that so we need take I'll take it I believe it I believe it and so we are enlarging ourselves to the place of seeing that the realm of super prosperity now if you go to your next page there Gloria the Lord gave me three scriptures the first one was Leviticus 26 10 the New Living Translation says you will have such a surplus of crops that you'll need to get rid of the leftovers from the previous year to make room for each new harvest I like the NIV you'll still be eating last year's harvest when you'll have to make room for the new now that is that's abundant harvest yes that is a supernatural harvest you know that's where we all live exactly no we have to believe God to restore let's live in super super natural abundance that's it Gloria Alleluia second scripture that he gave me in the New Living Translation was Amos 9 13 the time will come says the Lord when the grain and the grapes will grow faster than they can be harvested we are there now we are in the time of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Gloria this unprecedented time of the outpouring the former and the latter rain coming together we are in a time we are in a time like none other we are we are wrapping this thing up and things are moving along faster than they ever have anything can happen now Gloria that's it anything anything can happen now I like the time is now the third scripture he gave me was Ephesians 3:20 says now to him by the action of his power that's at work within us is able to carry out his purpose and do super abundantly far over and above all that we dare Astra think infinitely beyond our highest prayers desires thoughts hopes or dreams we're there now now let's look at right there no yes ma'am the power that is at work within us yes that power come from that power comes from the Word of God even the word who live on the word yes which equals fight that's nice I'm young according to the power that's it work within us you don't spend any time in the word you're not gonna have that kind of you if you don't spend time in the word you unplug from the power that's right that's right far over and above our there s car think that's where I'm gonna be that's great to me to the Lord the Lord said tell them that whatever they need to release their faith for the full amount with much leftover tell them to believe for it to come immediately right now see we are we are exercising our faith in a new realm of immediately immediately that's gonna much left over and it's gonna happen he says fed multitude there was much there was much exactly there was much and there was much there was much leftover you know before we make before we release our faith in this Gloria I have something I wanted to read to you I didn't have it in our notes but I thought about it last night I'm thinking about the the realm of prosperity in the Old Covenant and how we should be operating on a much higher level yeah so I went back and I read this scripture and I just allowed this scripture to expand my thinking to enlarge my capacity to believe God on a level that I've never believed him before to be able to see things that I've never seen before to experience things I've never experienced before in Gloria I'm gonna read this scripture to you this is second this is 2nd chronicles 9 starting at verse 13 and I want to read to you in to our friends that's not on that I just got it last night second chronicles 9 starting in verse 13 this is talk this is in the New Living Translation and it's talking about Solomon's wealth and his listen listen okay this this is an example of super prosperity the kind of super prosperity that you and I should be living in each year Solomon received about 25 tons of gold this did not include the additional revenue that he received from merchants and traders all the kings of Arabia and the governors and the profit of the provinces also brought gold and silver to Solomon 25 tons tons King Solomon made 200 large 200 large shields of hammered gold each weighing more than 15 pounds he also made 300 smaller shields of hammered gold each weighing more than seven and a half pounds the King placed these shields in the palace of the forest of Lebanon then the King made a huge throne decorated with ivory overlaid with pure gold the throne had six steps with a footstool of gold there were armed wrists on both sides of the seat and the figure of a lion stood on each side of the throne there were also 12 other lions one standing on each end of the six steps those steps had to be huge no other throne in all of the world could compare to it all of King Solomon's drinking cups were solid gold George would you like something to drink sure well what did you keep that as a gift all this all of them were solid gold has worth all the utensils in the palace of the forest of Lebanon they were not made of silver for silver was considered worthless in Solomon's day way to go Solomon super prosperity the king the King had a fleet of trading ships men by the sailors sent bhai room once every three years the ships returned loaded with gold silver ivory Apes what the go in peacocks peacocks we used to have a peacock on probably he turned up he would show up at the front door and just sit there Marnell named him King James well we don't know exactly he was really making the mess up there was an hour peak I think somebody took care of the peacock but anyway he brought peacocks back so King Solomon became richer and wiser than any other King on earth Richard I just think a moment you and I are one thing but richer and wiser rich or something and wiser than any other King on earth on earth you think about this right now we are in the new covenant we are Kings yeah in priests now I don't have this written down there I had that on my phone I'm gonna write it down for you I'm gonna get it for you okay so Kings came from every nation to consult with him and to hear the wisdom that God gave him year after year everyone who visited brought him gifts of silver now they must have used the silver for something else because it was worthless and gold clothing weapons spices horses and mules Solomon had four thousand stalls for his horses and chariots and he had twelve thousand horses he stations some of them in the chariot cities I mean if you're believing for a car just read this scripture he he at the time the only mode of transportation was a horse he had four thousand stalls up for twenty that for twelve thousand horses he stations some of them in the chariot cities and some near him in Jerusalem he ruled over all the Kings from the Euphrates River in the north to the land of the Philistines and the border of Egypt in the south the king made silver as plentiful in Giroux solemn as stone as plentiful in silver was as plentiful as stone and valuable cedar timber was as common as the sycamore fig trees that grow in the foothills of Judah Solomon's horses were imported from Egypt and from many other countries Gloria this is just I just know from the Word of God how did Solomon get that he got it he got it from the word he got it through God he got it mm-hmm through the Word of God yep so you know people what what if brother Copeland hell that out here just I'll stand around there oh yeah yeah the Star Telegram would God gave them God gave him that treasure and I just believe Gloria will begin to finish it up with this folks we've got to be belief thinking and believing on a much higher level than we have we have got to break through every limitation every chokehold everything that has held us back from everything that what God wants to bless us with and we've got to come up to this new level we have got to come up to a new level because because based on the word from the Lord and what we see coming there are some tough times coming there are some tough things that are going to be happening but in the midst of those tough times there's going to be an outpouring of the glory of God so huge that that everything is going to be alright for those in the household of faith we're doing this series right now mm-hmm we're in perilous times we are in perilous times and there's the church is going to rise up the church is going to take her place the church is going to be a place of refuge for people to come when things are happening I mean you know at the time of this broadcast we've taped several months in advance there were people that were being evacuated from Syria and Damascus and they were crossing borders and they were going I mean there's been a displacement of people because something big is coming something big is coming and we need to believe God on a much higher level than we ever had before no you're right people to be able to help others to be able to reach out and minister to the needs of others so that's what this is all about true prosperity brother Copeland has written in his book the laws of prosperity true prosperity is the ability to use the power of God to meet the needs of mankind spirit soul body financially socially and in every realm and that is the whole motivation for what we do that's the whole motivation for what you should do is that whatever God gives us it is a tool for the gospel and it is to be used to bless mankind and I believe that there are those of you that are watching right now that these two weeks glory we've come up a know a whole new level in believing God and receiving from him and I could just keep talking and talking and talking but now they've only given us 30 seconds Lauria thank you what was it I want to decide did you fight the rub the juice I'll tell you what I'll tell you what though we do have a testimony that we're going to show okay and this is a testimony of super prosperity these folks are from our church and they they have explained received an abundance of the Magnificent glory of God you watch this and you'll be blessed right along with us we'll be right back I'm Don West from Wichita Falls Texas president of Christian covenant riders motorcycle ministry we also attend Eagle mountain church and in Newark this is my wife Jill I've been my partner brother Copeland since seventy-nine and hung on every word he and Gloria have said if Jesus said I could raise the dead that I could raise the dead I could heal the sick I could cast out devils and that's what we do it was January the 31st started out in the morning early and had a load going up into Oklahoma City he was leaving out he I hollered to him from the bedroom we did this every day sometimes several times a day our greatest blessing Evers coming to us today because great grace is upon us and this is the year of victory over death the year of the manifested love of God and everything we've been believing God for is coming to us today we'd learned that from brother Copeland the word of the Lord that came to brother Copeland dawn hollered that exact same thing back to me we said I love you and he left out on the truck when I got back to Wichita Falls I had to stop a trucking company and take care of some business there during the process I started to feel faint I've started feeling dizzy and then I started feeling clammy and I started getting out of breath I knew I was in serious trouble at that point and my first thought was to call 9-1-1 and I thought no I need God's Word declared over me this is attack of the devil so I called her and after I called her she asked me where I was I told her what was going on and where I was and that's the last I remember they had found Dawn slumped over the steering wheel unresponsive gone and so I get up in there and it was obvious he was dead they just flew all over me scripture just began rolling out of me no weapon formed against you shall prosper and then all of a sudden I mean this was a roar this is the year a victory over death and then I just started punching him as hard as I could punch him and all of a sudden and now this is funny now but it was really serious at the time too but his arm went up in the air and I had heard all of our married life that that's what his mother did as she was leaving to go be with Jesus well it flew all over me and I whacked his arm and I screamed I don't know you don't you're not going anywhere and then the ambulance pulls up and it took a plan to tie him to a board and work his lifeless heavy body out of there well I called my daughter-in-law I called my son and then I called KCM prayer line so this precious man answers and he said hello my name is and before he could hardly say anything else I just screamed just agree with me my husband shall not die but live and tell of the works of the Lord and then I just screamed this is the year of victory over death well I found out later he had put me on speakerphone and all of the prayer room was I could hear all these people just yet you know all these voices just started scripture and speaking of praying in tongues and everybody just cheered me on me and in agreement major agreement with no prior history Don West was rushed to the hospital where he was examined by a leading cardiologist tests revealed that a large artery of Don's heart was completely blocked and that his blood flow had been cut off for over 40 minutes with less than a 5 percent survival rate emergency surgery was performed the next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital with a doctor over me and I said man I feel good and he said we ought to he said I just restored all your blood flow it was totally cut off and I got to go into the room where they had him when all of a sudden the thought came to me Oh I said Don oh my word I said our greatest blessing ever came to us today we had victory over death today everything we had been declaring all these hunts came to us too without the Word of God and without the knowledge of his word well I wouldn't be sitting there talking to you it is the powerful Word of the Living God that remember how brother Copeland has taught us it's a tool it changes things there might be a fact over here but you apply that word and it changes that fact the truth of the word and that's what happened it raised him up we knew that we were attacked by the enemy but we know that we're more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who strengthens us so we stood on his word in faith believing God he is faithful and he never changes [Music] but wait that's not all with this testimony that we just saw and in the raising up of this wonderful man of God the part that we didn't tell in it was the fact that they were in excess of $60,000 that they owed to the hospital and that debt was completely wiped out completely wiped out how there was someone who gave them a very large check and then on top of that the church got together our church got together brought them to the front and just started having people come and bring the money I mean they were bringing the money and then then we we gathered a group around them and we just wanted to see what it was like to throw money at somebody so we all counted to three and then threw money at them well between the gift that they received before that and the gift that they got in church it completely totally wiped out the debt and what they did Gloria was they took the checks that we wrote to the various hospitals and various doctors they took those checks one by one to each one of the doctors and places and gave the testimony of what God did for them praise God so that that was that was super that was a supernatural miraculous thing that took place in their lives and and I'm telling you God will do no less for you in that respect and on our on our offering day-to-day as we give our offerings today I have this confession you have it on page two and we're going I'm going to read this to your glory or repeat it and so I want you to say this after me father as we tithe and so today father as we tithe and so today we release our faith we release our faith for a new realm for a new round of unprecedented super prosperity of unprecedented super prosperity we call in our super harvest we call in our super harvest we believe we receive a super abundant supply we believe we receive a super abundant supply over and above / animal in extraordinary amounts an extraordinary amount we believe we received our citation 10 right now our citation 10 right now we believe we receive we believe we recess ministry on every available voice this ministry on every available voice right now we believe we receive we believe we receive all of our needs met all of our needs man according to his riches and glory according to my Christ Jesus by Christ Jesus right now right now let's just give God praise for that father we thank you we thank you for supplying every need of every partner yeah we thank you that they're debt-free we thank you that we're all moving up to the next level of supernatural prosperity glory to God ever wondered what it would be like to have Kenneth ax Gloria Copeland study notes now you can for this week's broadcasts you can download your own copy of what they're teaching follow along with the key teaching points scriptures prayers and even interactive questions to help you go further in your study of the word download your free easy to use outlines for the believers voice of victory broadcast now at KCM dot org / notes we are here for you limitless infinite boundless having no more limits the no more limits package by Gloria Copeland and pastor George Pearson's will help you cultivate and strengthen the spirit of faith within you you don't have to wonder where is it going to come from or how am I ever going to have enough you can put your trust securely in God and fully focus on his unlimited supply totally immerse yourself in these messages of faith with the no more limit CDs or DVDs and study guide the study guide includes all of the broadcast notes and extra teaching materials also included in this package is faith school a five CD set by Gloria Copeland teaching you how to strengthen your faith to live without limits live life without limits order them no more limits packaged on CD for $34.99 or on DVD for only $39.99 go to kc m dot org slash TV special or call or write today you were never created to struggle with everyday life God has called you to live boundlessly and larger faith to break through whatever limits have held you back and receive God's unlimited supplies receive all that God's Word provides for your abundant life order them no more limits packaged on CD or dvd en KCM gorg / TV special for call or write today if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life there is a new amazing life oh yes I know that before I was saved what things were like I know that you know the same thing that the give me enough money to go back no you don't want to go back there though and it was very simple that by the time you realize Kenneth realized I realized that I needed Jesus as my Lord are all of our lives changed Oh everybody's lives was everything our lives are completely transformed by the Living Word of God and you know what it's very simple all you have to do is confess Jesus as the Lord of your life if you never made him Lord let's do that right now say this after me Heavenly Father Heavenly Father thank you for loving me thank you for loving thank you for sending Jesus thank you for sending Jesus to take my place to take my place to receive the blessing to receive the blessed he has for me daddy has for me Jesus you are my lord jesus you are mouthpart I ask you to come into my heart now I ask you to come into my heart now and do something amazing with my life and do something amazing with my life thank you for all that you're doing thank you for all that you're doing in Jesus name in Jesus name Amen man amen you know I believe that there are some people out there right now that just made Jesus the Lord of their lives you know one thing I didn't know too much you know when I got born again well that's probably an overstatement but I've never heard any word to speak up and and I I prayed to the war I was we were in a jam you know financially and different things I said take my life and do something with it with it I would never have thought about preaching myself you know RT being a teacher or me look what the Lord can do a whole lot more than you can do he's doing it for you as well I just want to remind everybody we want to give you these books absolutely free the information is right there this book by Kenneth and Gloria he did it all for you go ahead and order this online you can have that as well as some brochures reading through the New Testament Psalms and proverbs in one year that's a really good thing it's a very good thing to do and how to study your Bible and we have other materials at KCMG org that are absolutely free so that you can begin your life of growing your faith and becoming everything that God is calling glory to God praise God praise God hallelujah read your Bible watch the broadcast go to a good word Church feed your spirit with the word a good word diet is essential to being strong spiritually this is Gloria Copeland and George Pearson's reminding you that Jesus is Lord learn more about beginning your new life in Christ Jesus request your free salvation package today at KCM dot org slash salvation jesus did it all for you it's time to receive his love and live the abundant life God provided for you for additional teaching and free information on salvation go to KCM dot org slash salvation created exclusively for the partners of Kenneth Copeland ministries the online partner community a safe place to meet and connect with other KCM partners go to KCM org and click on community login and enjoy a social experience sharing with other believers who have the same foundation of faith it's easy to use with lots of features and fun meat and have conversations with other KC and partners around the world encourage and build each other up share your testimonies Kenneth and Gloria Copeland pray for their partners every day here's a great way to pray for one another you can also fellowship with other KCM partners who share similar interests and goals God never meant for us to be alone the online partner community brings us all together visit KCMO org and check out the online partner community today and see what a difference being connected makes come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event jesus said how faith in God well that we've we agreed with that that is the key I need wisdom out faith in God I need to hear from God how faith in God I need to know what to do have faith go see the informations already here's and it's already on the insider April seventh through ninth Kenneth I Gloria Copeland welcome you to the 2016 Branson victory campaign at faith Life Church in Branson Missouri April 22nd and 23rd get connected at the 2016 live in victory Chicago faith encounter with Thema Copeland and Kelly Copeland swisher in chicago illinois July 4 through 9th joined Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their special guests for the 2016 Southwest believers convention in Fort Worth Texas August 19th through 20th get involved at the 2016 living victory Anaheim faith encounter with Kenneth Copeland and Kelly Copeland swisher in Anaheim California [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 21,747
Rating: 4.8125 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, week@once, george pearsons, wao, gloria copeland, kenneth copeland, prosperity, finance
Id: JJx6_1VFzQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 30sec (7110 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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