How to Appropriate THE BLESSING

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we're here at our place in southwest Arkansas that's our prayer cabin been in our family ever since glory I got married we just I tell you it has been a wonderful thing for our family gloria i was remembering this morning about that time i came up here in January of of 1983 there was a major change coming and in the in in the whole the whole spiritual atmosphere of the country and that and I was just I was just hanging right there in the middle and I'd I didn't know which way to go of which way to turn and I learned a long time ago that this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith there's not anything in this world order that faith won't overcome but you have you have to take the time to pull aside with the Lord and listen and pray and believe God and find out what his plan is not what your plan is what is planning in fact that was really the beginning of the time when I realized that God has his plan for every human being ever born on this planet and his plan is a grand plan you remember he started this with the Garden of Eden he didn't start it in a thorn patch he started it in the Garden of Eden and his will for all men for all time was to live in that kind of environment that's always been his plan so anyway I I realized that his is the plan of what I needed to do was what Jesus did when he said your will be done on earth as it is in heaven your will and the that was the best plan that was D plan anyway came up here and prayed stayed nearly the whole month and just prayed and believed God and the first part of it was really tough and really rough and there were some things that had to be dealt with in my life and I just right here in in this peaceful environment the Lord revealed the the glory of the Lord I never I'd heard brother Hagin talk about it I really I'd really never studied it I didn't didn't really know what it was but I got into it began to study it left here that January with the actual vision of this ministry which was far more than what I had accounted for it at that time from 67 to 83 so this place has just been right at the heart of this ministry ever since we've been in the Minish our children have have big memories of this place amen so we wanted you to enjoy it and we've come up this a 22nd year that we broadcasting here amen and and then the other thing I wanted to mention this morning was word bird you meant listen yesterday I meant to tell you this yesterday the minute you read the scripture that bird's location then now don't write me letters and tell me the sounds were turned up too high we don't phony up broadcast and stuff like that I just started reading the scriptures that bird has come in here I guess we've had that everything but I don't notice it any other time maybe it's just now he Father we thank you and we give you praise and honor they and in the name of Jesus we open our hearts we open our minds sir to receive revelation from heaven reveal yourself to us we thank you for manifestations of the Spirit of God all over this radio and television audience all over this earth and we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen praise God let's go back over here then we began last week talking about our benefits from the hundred and third Psalm bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits that's important here again to remember that he is stirring us he talking to his soul he wasn't talking to God that's of course he's blessing though but but he's he's praising God but he's stirring himself up to remember that he is blessed of the Lord that it is the blessing of the Lord that empowers it is the blessing of the Lord not your own wits and your own power that's what made him a great king not only that that's what made him that gave him the insight to walk not only as king but a prophet before God and it hasn't changed any Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles all the rest of us through Christ Jesus that we might receive the promise of the Spirit what the spirit promised Abraham when God blessed him and increased him and made him fruitful now david was walking in that blessing Jesus walked in that blessing in that blessing first of all let me say this this is important that you understand this when God created Adam and Eve the scripture said and God blessed them saying he blessed them saying the power of the blessing the activation of the blessing is faith Abraham's faith activated Abraham's blessing it still does 4th chapter of Romans we read it last week that it is a faith so that it might be by grace now you can understand a little bit about grace with this right here the literal meaning of the word blessed both in the Hebrew and in the Greek and in English means to say something good about isn't that interesting yeah now it also we bless our food we say now what is a curse to say something bad about I mean that's a simple you have to have help misunderstanding you know so religious help can help you do that but anyway it's that simple now it also means the same words mean to empower to prosper well to prosper is do it the word prosper doesn't mean money now money is related to it but to prosper me to excel to the highest place in something desired the problem is in the desire not that not they not the prosper to prosper in God is to excel to the highest place in him in his power in his word in his way seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you now see that's that's prospering in God things are added to you you're prospering increasing it is not prosperity to decrease God never intended to decrease anybody people that have the idea that God and poverty are tied together with a short rope don't know anything about his word about the blessing of the Lord the reason the blessing is so important is because it was on page 1 praise God of the Bible that that's where it began and that is God's perfect will for all time yes yes it isn't but he wanted people to prosper yes because he's good be fruitful increase subdue the earth and have dominion over it well to have dominion over it to cause it to be fruitful and to multiply when you just leave it alone and let it do whatever it's going to do the end the curse and its effect on the earth begins to do its thing then it becomes intolerable and it'll fight you but when the blessing of the Lord is upon it then God's empowerment to excel begins to have its effect on your surroundings it creates a wall of grace the scripture says his favor encompasses us as a shield and then the scripture says the blessing of the Lord is a wall about which Satan cannot penetrate unless he's allowed to penetrate penetrated there is a wall of separation between light and darkness life and death for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death there's a wall of separation there that wall is the law of blessing it's though what did you say the first thing he said was about the law of the blessing is a wall is the wall that's the wall Satan can't penetrate that a darkness can't penetrate light light penetrates darkness but now the key to all of this is in the spoken word god blessed them saying for be multiplied what's he doing he's saying something good now if he had just been complimenting them and they would have just said thank you I mean that had been over right there but that's not what he was doing he was not communicating with them he was empowering them words first place of authority is to exercise power and spiritual force their secondary function is to communicate ideas and thought between people but that's secondary because the scripture says that the tongue bridles the whole body the body and and if that what it does and all of its desires follow after what you've been saying now human beings instinctively know they're supposed to say something about everything they are supposed to be command in control in their entire environment with what they say and consequently they they they talk all the time about they say something about everything but not knowing the scripture not knowing the laws of life negative it flows in that negative streams and Satan's biggest desire is to get hold of your tongue and if you'll notice everything in the world's conversation its manner of life the words that it speaks all of its fad words all of the they what the world thinks are just nothing words but you notice if you hear sort that's all we call them yeah if you use those words in life they sound funny nobody out there in the world said it tickled them to life no it's what I mean where'd that come from why does it tickle you to death when people get mad they don't say go to heaven either did you notice they don't ever use any other entities word to curse except God they don't they they don't use Buddha's name they don't use other names to curse they use the name of Jesus they coupled the word God with the word damn now why is that according to the scripture using God's Word in vain or in a blasphemous manner yeah why he's not the Dever that the natural world thinks he is the natural world thinks he sends people to hell he's never said anybody to hell but the devil so the the you know listen to the world well you can go to hell for line just same as you can for stealing you don't go to hell for lying or stealing either one not after Jesus was raised from the dead the only thing that'll sin any person to hell is the rejection of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior because he has taken the punishment he was sin he is the sin sacrifice amen I don't care what you did in the past it's been covered brother the only way don't that it can't cover you is to reject it now let's let's get back to our benefits and the 103rd song well no the Lord won't let me off this for Zee to bless I could just be complimenting he could have said something nice to Adam but when you say it in power then you become that it's one thing to say something nice about somebody as a compliment but to say something nice about somebody by faith then you become that blessing that's the power of the blessing it got so far lost that the body of Christ so lost the power of the blessing that nobody even knew what it meant it got to the place where it had been bogged down to nothing and to the place where it was just a response to a sneeze I mean that that that's a terrible thing to let something that's that powerful something God started humanity and and his empowering the human race with and let the devil just take all the air and the power out of it well of course it's the biggest danger to him that's what he was so hacked off about when he got in God's face over Jobe and he said does he serve you for nothing you had blast him the Hebrew Texas look oh I like that Oh ticked off because the blessing of the Lord had made him rich he was the wealthiest man in the East and Satan couldn't get his hands on that money there was a protection wall there and it wasn't God that tore it down it was job that tore it down that's right he didn't know how he did it but he did it now here's the same picture for blessing law the blessing law I like in the King James is called a hedge he's hedged about well we know that the grace of God is a shield come first about so what is grace grace is God continuing to say good things about us and bless us in his power even who we don't deserve it it I mean we deserve the curse but instead of cursing us he's blessed us in Christ Jesus praise God now that's grace now to empower to increase is the blessing of the Lord and when you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life it was no longer on the outside when this man on the inside the real you was recreated or what the scripture calls being born again when that took place the scripture says any man in Christ is a new creation old things have passed away and all things are of God so that that seed of that blessing of Abraham then is inside this born-again man and the curse we been redeemed from the curse passed away oh yeah we've been redeemed from the curse of the law so the blessing didn't pass away the curse passed away in Jesus now the curse is still functioning but it's lost its power over us right when we resist it it can't overpower that resistance and come into our lodges cause the devil wants to now when you put I'm not talking about cussing them cussing is is a derivative prophetic of curse words death words poverty words sickness words the law of sin and death Romans 8 the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death these are laws these are spiritual laws and when you put those laws into motion then the the power and entity that you authorize with your words you are that you are the the witness out of the mouth of two witnesses let every word be established human beings are the establishing witness God's already said his part now I have placed before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore you choose life so if you if you made them a list here and separated them the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death over here would be the what is called the curse of the law everything on that side of the ledger that has to do with death sickness disease poverty lack all of those things death itself and and the fear of death that Hebrews 2:14 and 15 talks about put all of those over here on this side then you put all that has to do with life and the redemption from that curse law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus both of them are activated with words so as you speak those words then you you are the deciding deciding factor and as you speak those words you have whomever backs those words which is Satan and all principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world they're the ones causing these things to function in your life because whether you know it or not you've license them to do so but when you speak life Jesus all of his angels and all of heavens authority and life then is activated in your life that's when the wall goes up we're here in southwest Arkansas at our our family place our prayer cabin we'd call it and it this is you know really God has a place for everybody and if you look to the Lord about it he'll he'll provide your family with a place where you can go together and you need to be you need to be doing that well brother Kota widgets too busy well yeah you right you're too busy URI Witness trying to make a living well that that's your first problem right there did you think about it God's always been big on real estate oh absolutely amen he's at Easton he started real estate and he started it with a garden in Eden so now I mean pray over it and the Lord will begin to provide these kind of things because your children need to spend time with you and you don't need to spend time griping and fussing with one another yes but having a good time and saying good things about one another let me tell you about this cabin right here now the main house is over across the lot there and Gloria had always wanted a log cabin well so long yeah the real thing she didn't want to build a new it and that kind of thing she said you know she said I'm gonna Lords don't get me a log cabin here I said okay I agree with you yeah we're gonna have a long cabin it's gonna sit right down there okay yeah amen well you know what time went by and and and yeah thank you lord there's a long cabin some we didn't go out start searching papers and looking up and calling people we just began to say that don't Lord we thank you for that log cabin and you know where it is and we thank you for it we're on our way to town we had driven this road Ida used she's born only two miles up the road e I don't know how many times she drove past this thing all of her life we're driving along there one day and she said stop the car I support pull over I just pulled over that's what is it but she said I want to go look at that old house man it there was an old dilapidated falling over thing out there in the middle of this pasture and the where the kitchen had been built on the back of it had separated from the house and it had fallen one way in the houses on its side over on the other side just no shiplap house she said I'm going out there and look at that I said what for well I'm going out there looking so we walked out there she walked over to the corner of this thing and caught hold of that old ship left siding that somebody nailed on that and pulled that up and there were it was logs underneath there that log house was what that's probably what five six miles down the road here someplace it had been there all the time but you couldn't see it because of that that old siding that somebody had had put around the house and the Lord let her know the word of the Lord came to us he he knew where it was all the time so the blessing of the Lord was functioning because we spoken by faith now we're only few people in the world would have thought that house was a blessing though oh my goodness and so we we talked to the person that that owned it and told her what we were doing and blessed her and and we paid her what she wanted for it and which and my opinion was a little too much but we're not in the business of stripping people we're in the business of blessing people and and if it's more than you wanted to pay and you inquire the Lord he says pay it well then that's become a scene instead of instead of just buying something anyway that's the result and and it's it's back in its original condition it was so pristine because he somebody had protected it with that old ship and there was one little spot about a couple of foot square that had gotten exposed to the elements and it had to be there was some wood there that had rotted out but that was all the rest of those logs in pristine condition praise God we just moved it over here and they they squared it all off and reach inked the logs and it and it was there put a roof on it there it was very like it sounds so simple well it was simple when you when you realize that the blessing of the Lord provided it he provided the people to do it he provided the money to do it.why and so that's the way God intended for you and me to live by faith instead of living by our wits our wits hey dimwit nobody got wet enough we think you'd be blessed the way God wants to bless you amen let's get right back into our our benefits now all last week and yesterday we talked about the blessing of the Lord but now today in the hundred and third Psalm we want to get into the benefits side of this because these are our benefits as people that live in the kingdom of God now the kingdom of God is not a place jesus said seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness but then he told someone else he said the kingdom is within you the kingdom of God is a form of government it is a way of life and there are laws that govern this kingdom and they are the laws of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus amen so the blessing laws govern this kingdom they are separate from the laws of sin and death that govern this natural Babylonian system that started at the Tower of Babel that's confused trying to meet its own needs without God which it can't because it can't create increase you know they talk about all the time what creates jobs you know you can't create a job yeah but it's an amazing thing because we don't have the power of increase now if you listen to God he will begin to lead you and guide you and the blessing will begin to manifest and when the blessing manifest and prospers then people have to be employed because it's prospering it's increasing if you try to make it increase it will eventually get overloaded and it'll crash it's always done that anyway these are our benefits in the kingdom bless the Lord O my soul all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul forget not all of his benefits who forgiveth all your iniquities ha who heals all your diseases up the glory that's part of our benefit package that belongs to us yeah this is a perk to us right all right who redeems your life from destruction we talked about that destruction was under the curse of the law and Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law he's redeemed us from destruction but we need to know how to appropriate that Redemption this the scripture says let the redeemed of the Lord say so but it's not just just say anything that pops into your mind so we need to inquire of the Lord and seek his word let me let me go over here and show you something hold your place there and go to the 119th psalm just a few pages over this scripture was brought to my attention when I was going into flight training on the citation 10 and I my 69th birthday came the first week that I was in that train and all the devil's been beating me over the head about an old man and all that blah blah blah and then the our first day first morning the flight instructor got up I mean the ground school instructor said I'm retired Navy I've flown everything in the Navy's inventory and I'll tell you right now the most intensive flight and training and type of any aircraft I've ever had as a citation 10 everybody swallowed hard but look at this scripture which a very close friend of mine that he the Lord brought this to him when he was in pre-med 119 Psalm 98 first thou through your commandments has made me wiser than my enemies for they the commandments are ever with me I have more understanding than all my teachers for your testimonies or my meditation I understand more than the ancients because I keep your precepts he he didn't sit around saying I'll never get this I'll never learn this this is too hard for me no precepts had made him was her he kept that on his mind notice he said your testimonies are my meditation I think about that I meditate on what you have said in your word what you have said in your laws see you can go into the Word of God and meditate what God says about these things and you begin to think what he has said about it and you begin to say that then the Spirit of God who knows everything about everything he knows everything about flowers he knows everything about about cooking he knows everything about bad he knows everything about how to lose weight he knows everything about how to exercise he knows everything about how to paint a car he knows everything about how to build a house he is here Jesus sent him here to be in us to be our eyes and our ears our insight into his realm and it makes us wiser than our enemies in our contemporaries and what it puts us in position of the head and not the tail religion does just the opposite but when you meditate on his word this is part of our package our benefit I wonder the scripture says attend to it attend to my or you could say pay attention to my word proverbs 4 20 I'm in we would we had never had a thought of living out of debt when we begin we didn't understand begin to pay attention well when we saw that scripture it just dumbfounded me I've never heard of anybody doing anything like that and being in business without that way back when cause you go back to just being a just a young boy your dad will tell you you know your credit rating and your name is the best thing you got and then and all that so you take you down to the bank and you you borrow this is son Logan ROC borrow $50 and and and then your daddy keeps the $50 until it's time to pay it back and then you go back down there and pay it back now your your you got good good credit see he didn't know either my daddy would have never told me that had he known that's all he knew the scripture that says raise up a child and the way that he should go on he's old he won't turn from it if you read the verses surrounding that scripture it's talking about teaching to stay out of debt and so when you borrow money you have you have tapped into that Babylonian system now we didn't know how but we began to meditate that word because we had committed to his word now like this word right here he redeems your life from destruction who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercy loving-kindness and tender mercies translating translation of the word Heston in Hebrew which means covenant protection you're shielded and covered in covenant with God okay well we begin to talk about that and meditate that how can we do this Lord how can I do this I mean I had an assignment from God that that just to even start what after what he had told me to do I had to have $50,000 and I've never seen $50,000 I've seen 50,000 borrowed dollars but I've never seen cash $50,000 whoa but my thinking didn't even that didn't even go there but rather than to spend my time thinking about that I inquired of the Lord about it I stopped at a signal line and I was just sitting there looking at that light and I said lord I hear you and and I'm committed to do this I will do it and and you you will get it done but at this point I do not know how and I heard it Gloria just this plane I don't mean with these ears here I mean in here where the Holy Ghost is in the air where the Holy Spirit lives in your spirit and being that's where he is and if you learn to listen here he'll get you out ahead I heard him say yes you do I set out well I do and I heard it in here I just heard the scripture verse give and it'll be given unto you ah then I heard another scripture the kingdom of God is likened unto a man the cash seed into the ground got up went to bed got up the seed come up he didn't know how but when the harvest came he put in the sickle I didn't have to know how all I had to do is sow the seed and it's he like that one step at a time we began to learn the laws that govern that kingdom he'll lead you to the scriptures that govern that Kingdom and all the time I was not subject by debt and borrowed money the more we learned the more it expanded he taught us there were times that he would he spoke to glory and me and told us to go do a thing we went and did it and and it it put all of that property in Eagle Mountain in our hands God had a plan to get that to us we didn't have the money to do it but he did it and and it was without compromise praise God so we were learning how to listen to him that's what David said he was doing this is one of our benefits see now being redeemed from destruction he's crowned you with protection so as you meditate on that and you begin to say my life is from destruction this is one of my benefits I'm supposed to be redeemed from destruction so I have no fear about flying I have no fear about driving I have no fear about anything I'm not afraid to launch out and whatever God's told me to do but I don't do it on my own wits I inquire the Lord and listen take it one step at a time he doesn't say anything I don't do anything that works now in there what Jesus said he did he said I only say what I hear my father say I only do what I see him do so if he didn't hear the father say anything didn't see him do anything he didn't do anything now when you learn that process and you get up every morning before you do anything else you read a chapter every day and particularly from the New Testament at least one and and you say Lord I opened my heart to you word today to feed my spirit because a strong spirit will get you through all afflictions and troubles the word says a disobedient tongue our skin an obedient tongue will save you from much trouble so we begin to learn these laws of the Spirit and and put them into motion you go out there that first thing in the morning and you feed on his word you read that chapter we've been in this ministry 45 years and still I go out there in the morning I like it outside I go out on the deck and and even it if it's cold out it's bottled up I'm going out there I like to be outside and and and I read enough whoa what he did there and I'm seeing Jesus do these things and your ever expanding revelry ever expanding revelation amen that that is an excellent way to say that okay yeah Lord what just came across my spirit there I'll show it to you on tomorrow's broadcast now as you do these things your benefits begin to grow you begin to see how to apropriate them by speaking them and as you speak by faith jesus said have faith in God and then he said whosoever shall say unto this mountain say say now listen whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea nine words and shall not doubt in his heart but believe that those things those words which he says will come to pass he will have whatever he know oh it's huge that's faith in God that's the way faith functions nopprage well I just don't see how that well you don't really have to see it you have to believe it and and do it and then you'll see God and teach you in training listen to this proverbs 4 24 put away from you a disobedient mouth proverbs 12:18 the tongue of the wise is health proverbs 13 2 and 3 a man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth proverbs 15 for a wholesome tongue is a tree of life proverbs 18 7 a fool's mouth is his destruction remember our lives this is one of our benefits our lives have been redeemed from destruction so you can see right now a fool's mouth is his destruction will to be redeemed from that you're gonna you're you got to put God's words and your faith in your mouth in your heart and speak them amen and appropriate that redemption shield and maintain it by forgiveness walking in love don't allow anybody to get inside that area with you and cause you to get distracted and go over and partake of the destructive part of this world yeah amen then proverbs 18:21 death and life are in the power of the tongue let the words of my mouth be acceptable some 19:40 amen let's open our Bibles Gloria once more to write they hum one hundred and third Psalm which is our benefits in the blessing in Christ Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on the tree Galatians 3:13 1 now for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on the tree this is when he went to the cross now so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles might come on the rest of us through him that we might receive what the Spirit promised to Abraham hallelujah it's just huge it's God's original purpose in the beginning that's right and He blessed them saying be fruitful multiply replenish the earth subdue it have dominion over it had they obeyed there would have been nothing ever but the blessing oh well see the the perfect plan of God was manifest there the Bible said that God planted a garden Easter then he put the man in it and then he blessed him saying subdue the earth all the rest of it replenish it by empowering him with the same power what we know as the blessing that God used to create all material things so he started him off of that little garden there and his plan was to be expanded until the whole planet became the garden spot of the universe and then it was to go from there all the rest of those planets out there they're still empty now but that was man's assignment oh yeah to do that yes with God's instruction God's help God's teaching and training I just get a picture this place what it looked like for mankind rocks frogs no grass but she weaves around up here and we begin to pray and we begin to seek the Lord and we spoke the words of faith and gratitude over this place and as we learned and as we progress and and the peace of God came on this place and the blessing of the Lord began to do that for instance God promised Israel a land that flowed with milk and honey now you can you can check out you can just just check out the rest of the earth and see what's going on see where the bees are you know where the bees were for so long in the United States that's where most of the bee population was you know where the most of them are now in Israel you know we're also like oh right here they come in here and they have to come out here and get to honey out of it every year to keep the roof from caving in I mean you check it out see it's I said the blessing the blessing is like God said it was because God said it and when your land is milk and honey man has no he has no concept of what God has in store for those that love it the the the likes of it has never entered into the heart of man the Garden of Eden in the heart and mind of God would have been the worst condition man would have ever experienced because it would have just got better from there as he learned as it grew as it expanded oh ho ho I mean exceeding abundantly beyond all we can ask or think but God has revealed them unto us by his Spirit it's in us to be revealed now you know ever had thought about this until right now about the bees but in in the early days the Bible they say think how wonderful and precious honey would have been they didn't have sugar they didn't have a sugar bowl no never candy bar they had fruit and they had honey and they were healthy now when they got into meeting their own needs without God and got into the curse the bees leave and you can check it out for yourself I mean just go do the research on it it's it's a very eye-opening and very interesting subject and but when the blessing of the Lord comes on a place our place there - Eagle Mountain for their one-man a retired military feel great officer and he would just drive out there and he'd ask permission if he could just come out and he would just drive out there and just walk around and then one of the guys asked him said sir why do you do that he said I enjoy the peace he said I come out here and said man they said God's peace all over this place well we know it because we live in it we don't I can go glory and I go and our family we can go into a place that's just ravaged and but we still have peace we live in this peace we have the shield of peace round bells now we were talking yesterday about who redeems our life from destruction and the fact that Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law crowned us with loving-kindness and tender mercies satisfies our mouth with good words so that our youth is renewed like the eagle and the Lord executed of righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed now we we have to know how to appropriate these things now think about what religion has taught us oh how hard it is oh how difficult it is oh it's hard serving God oh it'll cost you everything oh no it'll cost you everything you got is living in Babylon that's right now you ask most I mean you just ask most preachers what it's like serving Jesus well you know it's it's a struggle it's hard particularly financially doing the things that and they get a little twisted in their talk usually you know yes I'm on it's a it's a bit difficult yes that ain't what he said no how many preachers do you know if he walked up to them and asked them that question they'd said are you kidding this easy man this is this thing I ever did in my life well then nobody says that yet that's what Jesus said my yoke is easy he said learn this of me now that that's right they're the key you learn it from him by listening to him by doing what he says do by being unwilling to say anything you don't hear him say or do anything you don't see him do instead of just going off on your own thing it is hard when you're in the wrong place doing the wrong thing in the wrong way and trying to borrow the money so you don't have any faith it's hard yeah religion doesn't produce faith and you then you're begging people for the money to do what God told you to do and for the most part what you think God told you to do was actually for somebody else said you all of it but now this is what I was going to read to you yesterday and I ran out of time it was in my book but I ran out of time for him get to it now listen to this from Matthew 11:27 through 30 where Jesus said learn this of me that my burden is light my yoke is easy say it right now where you are right now being yoked up to Jesus is easy not hard being yoked up to Jesus is easy and not hard now this is from the message translation Jesus resumed talking to the people but now tenderly now this listen to the words of Jesus the father has given me all things to do and say so Jesus didn't just take off and just say anything you want to say or do anything you want to do cause he's son of God he didn't do anything his son of God while he was in the earth except go to the cross everything he did in his ministry he did as a prophet under the Ministry of the blessing of Abraham as a man an obedient man anointed baptized in the Holy Ghost and he didn't do anything that's out of the realm of our ability to do exactly the same thing if we do it the way he did it if we say what he says do what he does obey Him let the word convert us the way we talk the way we think the way we act living under the laws of the kingdom of God instead of the laws of sin and death we get his results he said that over and over and over again now the father has given me all things to do and say this is a unique father-son operation coming out of father and son intimacy's knowledge no one knows the son the way the father does nor the father the way the son does let me read it again this is a unique father-son operation coming out of father and son intimacy's and knowledge no one knows the son the way the father does nor the father the way the son does but I am not keeping it to myself listen now I'm not keeping it to myself I'm ready to go over it line by line with anyone who will listen are you tired worn out burned out on religion come get away with me or in other words can't go get in the world look at me what's me in the world you'll recover your life listen to this I'll show you how to make to take a real rest praise God oh good are you listening that listen I'll show you how to take a real rest walk with me work with me watch how I do it learn the unforced rhythms of grace that's just faith now how do you work with you I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you keep company with me and you will learn to live freely and lightly lightly you depend on the blessing you're not trying to work it out yourself you're not trying to earn it you're not trying to get it you allowed a blessing to produce it now how did he say that seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness you seek Him you get in the word you walk right along beside him in in in the in Matthew Mark Luke and John you see yourself stop looking at yourself when you're reading here in the in the Gospels stop seeing yourself as the woman with the issue above that's fine and and that's that's part of it don't misunderstand me but that's not the main example the main example is you're walking right there with him you're watching how he does things you're listening to him because you are his disciple you are his offspring he is your example he is teaching you he's saying you work with me when he's preaching you listen to him see fresh he say works that I do shall you do also and greater works than these shall you do because I go to my works think of it now why did he go to his father he went to his father in order to send the Holy Ghost and that the Holy Spirit Himself is the one he said did the work that's the father within he does the work right let me show you here an example of this because this is the way we apropriate our benefits in the eleventh chapter of mark I began studying this eleventh chapter of mark forty five and a half years ago amen now when you walk with him into a situation instead of being on the other end of it all the time and I was I was doing this and I'm listening to him I'm walking with him I'm standing there with him I'm one of his disciples he's my lord he's my Savior and I had become so aware just a few days before of his saying I only say what I hear my father say oh that began to get bigger and bigger it's always been big in me but it just it just began to be like a look like a fire and a floodlight on the inside he said in verse eleven Jesus entered into Jerusalem into the temple when he had looked around about upon all things and now the evening was come he went out unto Bethany with the twelve and and I stopped it not Oh Oh see I'm right there with him wait a minute these guys are acting just as ugly today as they're going to be acting tomorrow when he when he goes in there and chases him all around but he didn't say anything and notice it says what evening was coming he would uh hey he was in there all day boy and he didn't say a word he didn't do a thing why not his father didn't say and he didn't see his father do anything went back spent the night well now you know what he did overnight he inquired of the Lord about what he saw he knew he was supposed to be there but the first step of faith is to keep your mouth shut and inquire of God what to say what to do when to say it how to do it and and get the plan from him his plan he's an owner now he goes over there the next day he goes in to the temple and began to cast out then that sold and bought in the temple overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold now Gloria everybody knows Jesus did that everybody that's ever been to Sunday School knows Jesus did that every Christian has been the church knows Jesus did that that was not what he went in there to do but when you become his disciple and you're in there with him and you're allowing the Lord to reveal these things to you because you only say what you hear even saying you only do what you you're following this example what do you doing what he said there I'm working with him I'm watching him and the unforced rhythms of grace look at this and he taught unto them is it not written he took a text from the Word of God in Jeremiah the seventh chapter and he began to teach and listen when evening was come he left hey he'd cast that bunch out of there but here's the big thing he taught all day long he had something to say and he had something to do but he knew what the plan was before he ever entered into it and he did not have to go to the to the outside world and get the resources to do it now what shocked me in all of these years I had never put this together because I had been reading it and and preaching on it in sections and so forth but the Lord helped me and he put all this together then came the fig tree incident but what was he doing he was headed back over there to the temple glory he spent three days in that temple there were all kinds of things happened in there he preached and he taught he was in the presence of some of those elders that that he met when he was 12 years old I didn't learn all of that until I began to work with him I'm watching him flow in unforced rhythms of grace I'm cause he knew what he's supposed to do and he's depending on the God within him to get it done he's depending on the blessing wall around him they can't touch him until he says they can't and when they tried to hurt him or get on him he just walked out from there it's why the blessing wall was up the grace was around him and he was walking in the very same thing that he's provided for us in which to walk praise isn't this marvelous and we have these benefits in closing let's get over here and and look again the Lord executed righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed how do you do that I found that out right in the middle of a strong oppression that came against this ministry just a short few years ago and the Lord took me to a scripture that said don't defend yourself make room for vengeance is mine saith the Lord I will repay well I'll make room for vengeance is mine says the Lord hey don't touch me I didn't have to sweat through the thing and the power of God was there and instead of our income going down like it was like the folks that attacked us thought it would it would praise God but if we've got a nerd the thing with the Lord with all that it would have done what they planned for it to do it would have gone down and our expenses going up and it would have put us under financial pressure which it did not because we're their strife there's confusion and every evil but what were we doing functioning in the unforced rhythms of grace now it's it's not you have to resist it you have to put into action those things that God has benefited us well let's get back into the Word of God let's go back off the hundred and third Psalm everybody talks about their benefits well what are my benefits what do I get if I come to work here what are your benefit people are so into that now they're they're more into what are the benefits and when can I retire see it's that the life is not about quitting that's right amen well brother Copeland don't you believe that a Christian can be anything they want to want to be no no ma'am no sir we cannot not if we're serious about being a Christian and being a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ and if you're serious about prospering to the very highest degree then he's the one you want to follow because you can't prosper out in this out in this world without him it'll eventually kill you so now know our plan is already laid out and it's the best plan oh I mean it is over the top the best plan because his plan already has in it oh that it takes everything for Lyman that had a godliness being a partaker of his divine nature did you like anything they said nay Lord already you know he said now don't take anything with you don't take scrip don't take an extra pair of clothes and so forth they didn't mean that they weren't going to get those things no it didn't mean they couldn't have them it meant they weren't supposed to supply them they did better under him than they did when they were in business when Matthew was a tax collector when Peter was a fisherman and and so they did better under him than they had ever done in their lives as did we remember in the in the 10th chapter of Mara lujah when when Jesus talked about is harder for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God and for I can't yeah and they said they they were astonished out of measure and said how then can anybody be saved they were Jews they knew they were supposed to be wrath they knew that they were supposed to be blessed they didn't know how to function in it but they knew they're supposed to be that way and so God said Jesus said yeah God said with God all things are possible with men it's impossible he just laid it out right there amen amen so we have benefits what does it benefit me bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all your iniquities who healeth all your diseases you go to work from Walmart they can't guarantee that now they may have a health plan but na nothing like that who redeems your life from destruction who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercy loving-kindness and tender mercies translation of the hebrew word hesed which means covenant protection the wall of blessing now listen to this one who satisfies your mouth with good words so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles the Lord executes a--the righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed you need to be very very cautious and aware of the word judgment justice social justice social judgment it it is man trying to do it on his own without God and his idea of social justice is to take it away from somebody and give it somebody else no no no no that's not the way God does it God blesses someone and that person gives it somebody else and that person reaps more and harvest more than so does up that's God's word on it now listen to this he made known his ways unto Moses and his acts under the children of Israel Ephesians 1:9 Gloria says he has made known to us the mysteries of his will you can find out his way of doing things his way of prospering his way of living in the blessing the way Jesus did when he was on the earth and there were people at in the middle of a desert place with no water and nothing to eat they set out there and listen to him preach and his disciples came to him said hey we need to let these people go they need to go buy food Jesus said no you feed can you imagine the look on her face what no he said you feed him now the Sunday School quarterly says Jesus fed that the thousands with the loaves and the fishes he really didn't the disciples fed them Jesus is the one that took the loaves and fishes and He blessed them that's right now what do you think he said O Lord bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies and bless the fisherman that caught him and the Baker that make them no no he said I only say what my father says he said be fruitful multiply replenish these people and fill them to the full thank you Father for the blessing of the Lord which maketh rich and he adds no sorrow with it praise God but then he gave it to his disciples and they fed the people now that's his plan now so enough follow it on down say he has made known to us the mystery of his will he reveals these things to us he reveals how to live in the midst of a hurting and dying world in the blessing and he sends us into those places to be a blessing he didn't send us to go over be poor with him he sends us over there and and and put that blessing appropriate that blessing apropriate our benefits rat in the middle of that place sow the seed of the word of god and the kingdom begins to flourish that's our purpose in this earth and then the Lord is merciful and gracious slow to anger and plenteous in mercy he will not always chide nor does he hold a grudge so his mercy endures forever don't get hung up on the sin repent when you miss it repent of the sin and receive your forgiveness right on the spot don't go off in the hide and be guilty and feel sorry for yourself for two weeks or a month you don't want to do the word says sorrow not we're not a people without hope so learn to walk in the unforced rhythms of grace phrase that we read yesterday when Jesus said come work with me now he has not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded US according to our iniquities no no he deals with us according to the blessing he's not looking for a way to keep people out of heaven he's looking for every every way he can to get us in there he's looking for every way he can to get us blessed he's looking for every way he can to bring the joy of the Lord to bring the happiness into our lives to bring right in the middle of hell on earth when that's what gives testimony that Jesus lives go Ritter go amen this is all our benefit as far as the east is from the west so far he has removed our transgressions from us like a father cares for his children so the Lord cares for them that reverence and honoring he knows our frame he remembers that we're dust he knows he knows we have to deal with this physical body and he's given us the new birth and he's given us the healings that that it takes place to take care of this thing he in his word he told us the foods to eat he told us the words to say he told us the thoughts to think and then he gave us his promise and and taught us in the book of James and taught us in the Ministry of Jesus these are the words you speak these are the foods that you eat don't fall into that trap out there and eat that junk that the world is eating their food itself or kill you no get over here and go his way about it I don't like that stuff that's because you keeps you don't like it that's because you give you your mouth is obese it is your body is following your mouth according to the third chapter of the book exchange them your tongue is the bridle of your body and wherever that tongue goes the by the body follows it like a horse follows the bit that's in his mouth she'll put the word of God in your mouth give the reins to Jesus and the Holy Spirit and allow him to guide you with his words your body of this father so you begin to say these are the foods that I like because God has said so these these are my ways of life amen the word says don't eat those things they weren't created to eat then I don't eat them yeah but I like them though that's that's no reason to eat them when you were out there in the world there are other stuff you like you ain't got no minutes drinking alcohol either because the body wasn't wasn't created to to to it take that in and not equipped for it so the thing we're saying here he has us that when you get over here in this I'll tell you as Gore has pointed out them to me over the years you go out into another country and when you get there you don't go out and eat everything they eat and just go around and try things it won't be three days you be looking for something like you eat at home it's what you eat all the time the way you talk all the time that's where your desires go that's where that's what you like but when you get into the word and you begin to begin to change your way of thinking you begin to change what you say it begins to change your desires and change the way you think and change the way you eat after a while it really tastes good to you the things that God has ordained for you to eat and your body because of your words are quick to take hold of that and it won't take long you do it first out of obedience but then it won't take long and all of the things you've been having such a hard time with all kinds of problems and pains and and overweight and all these kind of things they you become to see God's Way and all of a sudden all of these things begin to work together for the good of them that love God called according to his purpose these are our benefits amen now hang on okay he knows our frame as for man his days are as grass as a flower of the field so he flourishes for the wind passes over it it's gone and the place thereof shall know it no more but the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting praise God so don't get your eyes on these temporal things that just burn up and go away no hey no no the mercy of the Lord is everlasting this time we spend here on this earth is the shortest period of our life but it is the governing period about how eternity is spit and the quality thereof if you will follow Jesus and do what he says and go where he says go and enjoy the blessing of the Lord here on this earth then you are set up to become the ruling class and the ruling people from now on this is not a small thing but I can tell you what the least one in heaven or be sure glad is there glory to God now then the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that reverence him and his righteousness unto children's children amen this this is a long ongoing thing raising your children to live in the blessing of the Lord instead of Church kids they can't wait till they get out of out of sight of their parents I aren't our children are not like that our grandchildren are not like that and now we have great grandchildren that are big children great grandchildren that are being raised and they're happy and they're full of life and full of love and see and they're healed in a well they're living in their benefits they've learned how to appropriate them Nathan listen to this the Lord has prepared to such as keep his covenant to those that remember his Commandments to do them let me remind you of John 14:21 Jesus said he that has my Commandments and keepeth him he's not talking about just the Ten Commandments but but we have our ear toward him we are led by the Spirit of God we look to him we inquire of him what he says do we do what he says stop we stop where he says go we go amen we don't look to the world for anything he is our source and our only source the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and he adds no sorrow with it amen I mean these are our benefits now so he said he that has my Commandments and keepeth them or does them he it is that loves me brother Copeland I love the Lord well do you do what he says sometimes well why didn't you do such answer brother Copeland fight have done that ain't no way in the world I'd have been able to live with my husband what so you love him more than you do the Lord oh no no no oh yeah you do according to John 14:21 if you love the Lord and do what he says that's when he steps in and takes care of your husband that's right amen that's when you have faith in him because listen what he said he that has my Commandments keepeth them he it is that loves me I will love him my father will love him now your benefits begin to kick in and I will manifest myself to him or her he'll take care of the husband he'll take care of the wife he'll take care of the boss when you're doing what he said though when you choose to protect yourself but and do what somebody else wanted you to do or didn't want you to do then you have stepped away from your benefits and you've stepped off back out into that place where the the blessing wall is not functioning like it's supposed to function then you begin to say things that you know but ya know Ben is saying now oh listen to this the Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens and his kingdom rules over all the kingdom of God is here it'll work anywhere on earth under any kind of condition we've seen it happen we saw it happen in when the Soviet bloc was still in power we saw it happen in Russia we saw it happen in Moscow praise God we preached the gospel inside the Soviet Union when it was still the Soviet Union I guess the biggest Church we've ever preached in was in Africa nice church oh yeah it wasn't fifty thousand people it four thousand on Sunday morning and have made they have in the choir I forgot oh it's 20 some-odd or something like that no it was about twelve thousand but they've had to go to two services on some that there weren't people maybe Oh God's Word they believed God and they went out get that church right out in the middle of a jungle paid cash for if I remember right yeah and without any American dollars without any borrowed money and they've got at the time based they had two hundred and fifty million in the bank to take care of the next stage that go had told them today the word will work anyway hey man under any condition when when somebody said to Bishop oh you - PO he said well that's an American prosperity gospel and he's a such a kind and sweet man he said oh no Jesus wasn't born in America he just took the Bible and began to exercise his benefits and now right out there in the minute of that jungle he has a full full university built on the the same pattern and model as all Roberts University he has they have their own schools that go from kindergarten all the way up through yeah all the way through graduate school level complete university them professors that that and Bob Holmes on campus and so forth praise God praise God bless the Lord you his angels that excel in strength and do his commandments harkening under the voice of the word that's one of your benefit they hear what you say when you speak the Word of God and they go whoo hallelujah praise a man on the clothes of yesterday's broadcast well in fact let's let's open the broadcast today whether with this scripture remember we had we had just gone to Oral Roberts University and had just gotten started in school and we had to go back to Fort Worth and we were had a meeting there at brother Nichols church and so we're staying that mother and dad's home now I said mother you got in it you got any tapes or anything we can be listening to she said yeah well back in those days you know the tape player was about this big about that high and good big old webcore yeah a tape machine that had set an inch reels like this and it was the first Kenneth E Hagin tape I ever heard you can have what you say on one side and you can write your own ticket with God yeah well I turned that on I'm telling you I never have looking funny it was their very answer to the questions that I had been holding before God God down there close to the end of one of those tapes and he turned to this scripture in the book of Hebrews oh my chapter one of the book of Hebrews and he's he he stopped a minute I'm talking about brother Hagin on this tape he said yes sir yes sir I'm gonna do it I'm going to do it I've never had freedom to talk about this but I'm gonna do it and I and and I said yeah and it's on account of me too because he's talking right to me I'm telling you he's talking about the authority of the written word of God and mark 11:23 you have what you say and faith took oh man I just I just my spirit just took off and he got down here to the 13th and 14th verses of Hebrews chapter 1 to which of the Angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool never he never said that to any angel no angel sits in the presence of God their angel that they they don't have the authority to sit there Jesus sits at the right hand of God at God's invitation and he said sit on my right hand said this to Jesus till I make your enemies your footstool then the scripture tells us to come boldly to the throne of grace and find obtain mercy and find grace to help in a time of need then say come boat then come crawl up to the throne of grace he's actually telling us to come sit with him the book the word says in the book of Ephesians we've been raised and made to sit with him in heavenly places where on the throne of grace hallelujah John tears joint heirs with Christ Jesus are you ready for this we're ready are they talking about the ministering of the Angels are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them not just to then for them who shall be heirs of salvation Oh mine it hit me so hard if you remember gladly he did me so hard I was on my back on the floor and then brother Hagin went ahead to say don't you remember in the word where it said that that our angels are always before the face of God he said you have a personal angel you have angels assigned to you to minister for you but when you just talking like the world talks then that's part of your benefit package let's go back over there now to the hundred and third song these are our benefits bless the Lord you his angels verse twenty that excel in strength that do His commandments harkening unto the voice of his word now we are the voice of the word of faith in this earth we are the voice of Jesus we speak the word of the Living God he is upholding all things by the word of his power and we are his joint heirs we are the ones in the earth that are supposed to be speaking that upholding that's right and when we do those angels are ready to go into action and see that the wall is up that though that grace is in place and to see that nothing touches us and they lift us up lest we - our footage and they keep us in all of our ways but not when you're going around talking well I'll tell you scared me to death last night I'll do you know and I just get so sick and tired now am i bla bla bla bla bla bla bla just saying all that junk all that curse from the world and all of that you know well I tell you I'm just damn for doing damn for no time and you know and all that comes just going on like it all the time and there and there they said oh no he no I mean why why does why does he want to say things like that why does he want the flu he keeps saying he gets the flu every year why does he say things like that why does he say all the time I have these allergies why does he say I have a slow metabolism is why I get that all the time what why does he say things like this all the time is what he wants that he know his life is redeemed from destruction yes no he doesn't know that and you've got angels that just have folded wings and they're there they're assigned to you but if you get it you can get to a place where you frustrate your angels and they'll be withdrawn scripture says so there are certain scriptures that say that's because of the Angels there are angels there are church angels assigned to that church for revelation knowledge to come into that church but you and you just keep preaching and denying the power of the gospel and that kind of stuff jesus said I will remove your angel from that church but when you preach faith you preach the redemption power of God you that the redeemed of the Lord say so praise God amen and you're not dependent on the government you're not dependent on handouts from from anybody else banks nobody else you stand on the word you stand on the blessing in this house we serve God hallelujah and we don't bow our confession to the world to the laws of sin is death or anything else we are in the body and the life of Jesus hallelujah praise God yeah remember remember Jacob's Ladder Jacob attempted to get the blessing by trickery and he and his mother pulled that devilish stunt try and deceive his dad trying to get the blessing well it didn't work and and he knew something was wrong with it and he but and God was what was after him and on him because this is Abraham Isaac and Jacob he he is supposed to be walking in this blessing and it's extremely important that this heritage in this line not be broken because this is the Covenant line from which Jesus will carry that blessing and then become the curse so that it comes the blessing is put back where it belongs we see then angels he's he saw angels coming and going from heaven to the earth on certain particular assignments but you see Adam had turned authority over the earth to Satan and at that time until Jesus be thrown him he was he was using Adams authority to control to steal kill and to destroy and what the what had been the blessing became the curse so now here's this man that is supposed to be in the blessing and and the devil set up a situation trying to get his hands on it you don't get blessed from God by lying and stealing so God is dealing with it here's an angel that comes on the scene and then it got into Jacob so strong I mean it then I have to have this blessing I'm supposed to be blessed I'm supposed to do this he grabbed that angel he said don't you leave till you bless me I'm then and it gave was so supernatural in him that he was overpowering that angel so you can't you can you can see what what strength this this blessing had in just this just this mortal man not even born again nobody got born again until after Jesus raised from the dead so he said you blessed me that's when the blessing of the Lord came into his life but I wanted you to see the Angels on this ladder and this this particular way of coming and going because that's all air the authority to do then at the birth of Jesus they were they manifested themselves in this natural realm but they came and they went but this scripture is talking about after Jesus is raised from the dead appointed by God as heir of all things then the ministering angels of God all of them that were created by God to be part of the blessing operation in this earth they're part of that that's what they were created to be in to do they came forth and came back in here it happened on the day of Pentecost now the only way that the prophet of God had to describe what happened on the day of Pentecost the only way they could describe it was there came a sound it didn't say it was a rushing mighty wind it said it sounded like one it sounded like a tornado it sounded like a hurricane it was the loudest noise they had ever heard and that that's the only thing they could by which they could compare it and always rushing well a hurricane a tempest tornado that's the loudest thing they ever heard so that's the way they described it it was not just heard in Jerusalem where they were it was heard all over the earth this roar this enormous sound was the sound of the Spirit of the Living God and all of those angels a myriad of angels in one place they're numbered in the trillions can you imagine over a trillion beings coming into this planet their wings their voices their their shouting the glory of God and they come into this thing oh wow and it was it was a happening they all are still here because Satan is not in charge anymore he has been dethroned his principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world and wicked spirits in heavenly places have been pulled down and they are subject to our authority in the name of Jesus by the power of the blessing of Abraham that is in US and on us and and and the the power forces angelic beings the only way that they are superior to us they are not superior in their creation they are not superior beings when the scripture says man was created just a little below the angel actually the word translated angel there is Elohim just a little below God but then man gave himself over to a fallen angel and he fell in Authority through high treason to a place under the heel of that fallen angel and that angel took Adam's place which is a place he was not created to have no or shity of it but he had a right to do it because Adam gave it to it but Jesus pulled him down and took his authority away from him and now the second and the last Adam is enthroned and the blessing is in charge that is just beyond my ability to express it it is so wonderful now the angels are subject to the church they know according to scripture now according the New Testament you look it up for yourself they understand and have revealed unto them the manifold wisdom of God through the church they receive revelation from us they receive assignment from us as we hear from God and we speak forth the word then they go into action amen they're in our authority where they excel is in their their physical being they they don't have flesh and blood and bone bodies they have spiritual bodies and they're they excel in strength oh they are mighty through God through God yes so now if this is vitally important information as we speak forth the blessing they go forth and you need to expect them to do so they go forth to bring that to pass now don't say things that frustrate them don't say things well I guess it ain't gonna work this time you know don't say things like that stay in the Word of God stay in a forgiveness look mode stay in and walk in love all the time oh if you have out against any forgive when you stand praying Jesus said why because of the angelic forces because of the Holy Spirit because of the Lord Jesus Christ and and in his his assignment in your life hallelujah we are supposed to prosper we are supposed to be blessed we are supposed to be strong we are supposed to go we're gonna men are afraid to go we are supposed to take authority over this earth we are he is upholding all things by the word of his power but I say again we are joint heirs unto him and we are the word in this earth is supposed to be holding it up he said in my name go yes and speak through the works we are the mouthpiece of faith we're supposed to be speaking the words of deliverance as well are the body of Christ the Anointed One is glory don't don't blame the politicians it's our fault we are the ones that just sit there and let it happen don't blame the schoolteachers for preaching and teaching socialism we're the one that let it happen don't blame them for taking the prayer out of the schools we're the one that let it happen oh we sit there and grab first at the TV but I blablablabla but you but then don't vote and when you if you do go votes you go vote because of the economy or something go pray and seek the Lord and find out for whom he says vote if you don't you gonna get more of the same if you don't vote then you just voted for the wrong one I mean that's just the way it is neither one didn't your business to like either one of them it is your business to go to God and see what he says do amen amen we've our manifestation of the word in this earth let me go back here now and read to you again Jesus Matthew 11:27 through 30 in the message translation Jesus resumed talking to the people but now tenderly the father tenderly he said the father has given me all things to do and say this is a unique father-son operation coming out of father and son intimacy's and knowledge no one knows the son the way the father does nor the father the way the son does but I'm not keeping it to myself I'm ready to go over it line by line with anyone who will listen are you tired worn out burned out on religion come to me get away with me you'll recover your life I'll show you how to take a real rest walk with me work with me watch how I do it learn the unforced rhythms of grace I will not lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you keep company with me you will learn to live freely and lightly it's not tough and hard serving God serving Jesus he came for you to have life and have it till it overflows in abundance and you've got angels ganged up around you there to help you there's a wall of separation between you and the curse and the carnate has come through and you said not on my house yeah the wall is up around us my life is redeemed from destruction that gather here in the name of Jesus that they will rise up I've seen it we've done it over and over and over for over 40 years glory to God that tornado that day and they're playing with the sky yes ma'am glory that's the way those things are supposed to be controlled in the earth by the body of Christ not just sit there don't oh oh Lord I hope it don't hit God went through town last night destroyed that whole neighborhood he straight knocked them sinners that's a life and hell the storm wasn't from heaven is hell Satan did it it's the same way and did it to joke amen preach it brother preach it I wish I wish adds more time door and I'll be right back it just [Music] find out how you can live free from stress anxiety and depression with God's Word no matter what is going on around you God has provided the way for you to stay in a state of rest learn how with the overcoming package in the stir yourself up look Kenneth Copeland teaches you eight steps to get out of a spiritual drought learn how to stir up all the goodness God has already placed within you by his spirit the 10-day spiritual action plan for overcoming stress anxiety and depression gives you tools to keep your mind at peace at all times using the peaceful praise worship CD scriptures on CD read by Kenneth Copeland teaching message DVD with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland take along scripture cards and the daily devotional lessons with study guides you'll be able to completely immerse yourself in God's Word to renew your mind and fill your heart don't leave stressed live blessed learn how to stir up all the goodness God has placed within you by his Spirit order the overcoming package for only $29.99 go to KCMG org / TV special or call eight hundred 676 eped a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God all these blessings and these benefits are in the kingdom of God so the moment you get born again the moment you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior all these benefits are already there they belong to you yeah but how do I do that alright if you shall confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord believe in your heart god raised him from the dead you shall be saved or you shall be born again 2nd Corinthians in Christ Jesus is a new creature old things passed away and behold now all of God's yeah now here's what he said for with the heart man believes to righteousness where the mouth confession is made unto salvation so we're gonna lead you in prayer right now and we're gonna pray this prayer you pray it out loud with glory and me right now Oh God in heaven Oh God in heaven I believe with all my heart I believe with all my God raised you from the dead God raised you from the dead and he did it for me and he did it for me come into my heart Lord change come into my heart I receive you as my lord I receive you as my Lord and my suit I repent of sin I repent of sin I repent of the past I repent of the past I renounce the devil and everything he stands for I renounce the devil and everything he stands for I have you now I have you now I receive my new birth I receive my lujah fill me sir fill me with your precious Holy Spirit precious holy Spira sieve now I received I received my supernatural prayer language I received my supernatural prayer life in Jesus name thank you in Jesus name thanks I give Him praise Thanksgiving praise God you just made that too easy I didn't do that God did that he did everything it takes all of - but not including your and my prayer he can't pray your prayer for yes he couldn't make your decisions you've but you've done that any man now here's what I want to do with you I want to send you this little free book because it is so vitally important that you know how and get into the studying of your Bible it's not hard it written for you to understand and to live for the Word of God is everything all things are possible to him that believes yeah I am that believe us gotta get you got to get in here that's what this is right and it works and we want to give it to you praise God do you want to get the most out of this teaching we have you covered download your FREE copy of the easy-to-use study notes for today's broadcast on KCM org slash notes follow along with key teaching points scriptures faith-filled prayers interactive questions and more use them for your personal Bible study or to share with others go to KCMO org slash notes and download years now we're here for you today's offering day Friday is always offering day on the believers wasn't Victor broadcast sewing is the jesus said the whole kingdom of God is compared to a man sowing seed in the ground now he says here in Galatians 6 let him that's taught in the word respond to him that teaches and all good things don't be deceived God is not mocked whatsoever man shows that shall he also reap now we're sewing all the time yeah everything you do and everything you see and everything you say is a seed this is so important yes it is for he that shows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption he that shows to the spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting now which would he stick that right in there talking about communicating to with somebody that has just taught you the Word of God because in order to receive what you just heard and get it past your your ears down into your heart where it can take root and stand against the devil when he comes to try to steal it sowing is involved sowing is involved in everything and so that's the reason God's just put sandwiched that right in there because it is so vitally important father we pray over thank you I'm asking you to reveal to the people what this offering is about this offering is not so that our needs can be met no no our needs are met by our giving it is an offering giving people an opportunity to show into the Word of God and have it take root in their heart so I'm asking you sir to give people revelation of that yes and show them exactly what their seed is today thank we receive it by faith we open our hearts and minds to you sir in Jesus name Amen amen glory to God you just do what the Lord tells you to though that's what makes it work and I remember that sewers our receivers whatever it is you reap what you sow yes I mean if you saw if you so abundant and it doesn't mean a lot it means a you know a $5 to some people would be in abundance they didn't have yeah but Tia obedience is the key that's the key that's the key to it already God now all next week Gloria and our daughter Kelly gonna be on the broadcast teaching on being free indeed so we'll see you then until then this your Kenneth and glory mining you again that Jesus is thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory for this week's broadcasts on DVD or mp3 on CD go to KCMO org or call or write to us today be sure to request your gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland it is designed to help you grow in the things of God receive it and make it a part of your life go to KCMG org and request your gift today remember this week's product offer these ministry tools are designed to help you get the word working in your life so you can experience all God has for you if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today be sure to request your free salvation package this will help you understand who you are in Christ and how to start living your new life and victory [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 3,725
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, the blessing, week@once, wao, gloria copeland, kenneth copeland, faith
Id: rbzAPe_Qk0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 59sec (7139 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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