The Blessing of Abraham - Part 1

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hello everybody I'm Gloria Copeland and welcome to the believers voice of victory we are going to talk about the blessing today think of Abraham pastor George Pearson's here from Eagle Mountain International Church and this is our one hundred and fifty first day of preaching prosperity now listen if you haven't gotten it yet you just stay with it and you'll get it that isn't you know awesome what you're gonna be I think we should give you an honorary Doctorate a doctorate in prosperity thank you sister cope well you know when we first began these series of broadcasts on prosperity I had talked to you about this and I said Gloria you just can't exhaust the subject of prosperity you said let's try so here so here we are and we still got good stuff coming out it is the will of God that we be prosperous that we not lack anything and that we are completely and totally full of His goodness that he meets and supplies every need that we have I'm getting stirred up already we are obedient that we are obedience that's what it takes to walk in the blessing and we've had a number of testimonies I like what Gloria called it the last time we were on victory over lack yes letters and I have a couple here that I wanted to read to you this one this woman owed a debt on a car that she had wrecked I love these testimony she had been sowing into the ministry and confessing debt cancellation and she received a letter in the mail stamped cancellation of debt Wow for the total amount which was $14,000 that's supernatural debt cancellation we preached about that some time ago supernatural debt cancellation listen there may be other testimonies out there I'm sure there are maybe you'll sent them to Oh we'd love to hear them read them it really does it does you know Gloria you and I did a series some time ago about how to believe God for a house free house and this couple and they were they heard that message that we preached and it says they paid off their house within five months of hearing how to believe God for a house isn't that wonderful yes the Lord is so good so good you just have to take it you have to take it you have to say it say it act on it act on it lead God believe God that's a message right there Gloria well today we're beginning a study this on the the blessing of Abraham and particularly it's a study on Deuteronomy 28 1 through 14 the blessing of Abraham and this this particular series is really something special to me as a matter of fact let me reach over here I want to show you something this Deuteronomy 28 1 through 14 I had read it before but it wasn't until August the 27th of 1977 that it became real to me and that was the day that brother Copeland read that to Terry in me at our wedding and that's a picture of Kenneth there at the altar those are everybody has sideburns Terry is looking at George was such well you know that's a picture right there Gloria that it was at that time that brother Copeland read to us Deuteronomy 28 1 through 14 at our wedding and that scripture was never the same after that that really became our scripture right and it's something that we read and what qualitied be like if everybody when they got married they got a revelation of redeemed from oh my goodness wow that would really be something and that for us for Terry and me that became our scripture and that that we are blessed coming in we are blessed going out we are blessed in the city and in the field everything we set our hands to is blessed and the Lord has given that to us he has redeemed us from the curse of the law and he has caused us to walk in the blessing of Abraham God and that's what this series all about well that's right oh no lack and I want to say thank you so we'll show everybody this you'll see the picture of those interested to see brother Copeland inside those those were those were pretty massive I'll tell you but it was a day and I can really pinpoint the very day that Deuteronomy 28 1 through 14 and Galatians 3:13 that became our scripture that at a time like that you were thinking about the Bible well I was and I was I actually Gloria I had to go back and listen to the tape we have a tape of that wedding so I go back and I listen to it because that day I was a little bit you know my head weren't in the clouds our ceremony was will you take this man to be your husband your this woman be your wife yes we will I mean wow it was a little longer than that but not me well I'll tell you how special that wedding was we took the transcript of the wedding and here at the ministry we turned it into a book called ceremony of marriage you can order it online and pastors ministers use that all over the world they're using our ceremony we don't want any for better or worse no better no better and I must say Gloria that Terry and I have walked in the blessing of Abraham all of our days we've walked in the blessing of Abraham and you know what you can - yeah you can walk in that blessing so are you ready to begin yes good let's start with Galatians chapter 3 we're going to look at verses 13 and 14 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being a curse being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree why so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith from the redeemed from the curse and in our notes here which all of our notes are available to you all you have to do is go online KCMO org look at the home page there with the picture of glory and me click onto it and these notes are for you right now and Gloria in the study of this let's begin here let's talk about the curse fall first of all the curse is a declaration which dooms someone to failure actually that was you yeah you you had mentioned that to me I neglected here to give you credit on this I did not but but it goes right along with the amplified translation the amplified translation says and I wrote this in my own notes here Christ purchased our freedom redeeming us from the curse or the doom of the law and its condemnation by being coming a curse for us and so Gloria I looked up the word curse and the Hebrew and listen to this this is what the curse does it means to destroy to do away with to cease to terminate to render idle now this is what the Hebrews said unemployed inactive as part of the curse they need to get under the blessing of Abraham I've been redeemed they've been redeemed from that curse will cause a person or a thing to have no further efficiency to deprive of force influence in power and as I was meditating on this study I came up with this phrase the curse everything that could go wrong goes wrong I remember that do don't you everything that could go wrong days that could go wrong it goes wrong and the curse and we won't be going into this on this study but the curse is found in Deuteronomy 28 verses 15 through 68 but I think the interesting thing on those scriptures of the curse we've read that before but in the light of the fact I've been redeemed from this I've been I've been set free from that the word redeemed means to be purchased from ransomed paid for Jesus set us free from it and I like this definition of the word redeemed rescued he rescued us yeah so Christ has purchased us he's ransomed us he's rescued us from the curse of doom destruction and failure exactly what he did for Ken and me he delivered us from that Gloria he set us free from the curse of the law dead from death everything dead black sickness disease fear I mean you name it we've been redeemed from it I'm telling you it is a foul and we have proved it apiece Wow like it says himself Christ himself yes he redeemed us from the curse not an angel not anybody else nope but himself in it look at these two scriptures here first Corinthians 6:20 God bought you with a high price yes first Peter 1:18 and 19 knowing that you are not redeemed with corruptible things but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish or without spot that's on the first down okay so Galatians 3:13 we've been redeemed from the curse now let's look at Galatians 3:14 we've been redeemed from the curse so that the blessing of Abraham the blessing of Abraham can come on us it was so God's will for us to be laughs yes it was and there was nobody else but the son who could take the redemption for who could take the cursor because he was the only one that wasn't cursed that's wrong that hadn't done and he took it they took it he took he took all our sickness he took all our disease he took all of our pain he took all of our suffering he took all of our fear he took all of our lack insufficiency he took all of our poverty we've been redeemed from all of that hallelujah so that the blessing of Abraham can come on us now here's the definition as we read a few moments ago the definition of the curse it's a declaration which dooms someone to failure were the blessing is a declaration which empowers someone to succeed that's right that's what the blessing does hallelujah and in Genesis 1:28 and God blessed them he empowered them and said to them be fruitful multiply replenish the earth subdue it have dominion over everything in it and listen to this proverbs 10:22 the blessing of the Lord it truly makes rich and he adds no sorrow with it neither does toiling increase it Wow that's what the blessing does and we've proved it over and over had a used car and bought it used it was still used and used more and more and we lived in a little project type house you know how the little houses all look alike not not like a nice neighborhood but I'm talking about really price right right right two-bedroom job two-and-a-half bedroom a little job and we had debt I married brother Copeland in his mouth notes I was so young and in love and I didn't say do you any money anybody I didn't even know better no I don't know anything can Newport and I did he had a godly raising more than but but we married and we we started believing got we heard about the Word of God we started here and then from brother Hagin we moved to Tulsa we started going to those seminars hearing that we'd been ridiculous yes yes we started act on it within 11 months we were out of there is God and we everything that's been done has been believe for you received and done when you were in Tulsa especially as I'm listening to brother Hagin heat in those seminars that you went to he taught on the reality of Redemption the realities of the the new creation realities and included in that was the this scripture Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the law and that's where your eyes were opened to those months one semester time yeah he was they started having those 10-day seminars right and that was really our Bible School and of course canvas with brother Roberts in the meeting so he heard a lot mm-hmm saw alonzo miracles that I didn't see I was home with the little kids you know in my little house yes oh thank god you've been redeemed Oh they've been redeemed from the curse yes so that we could walk in the blessing of Abraham that's what you and Kenneth were learning that's what I was learning when I first came here I was devouring those tapes at the time I was listening to everything that I could get my hands on renewing my mind to the fact that I've been redeemed from the curse of the law I'll tell you something Gloria this just came to me in the very first meeting that I went on with Kenneth it was in the in the summer of 1976 and I was with the road crew which there were three of us and we were in a van three Hope three whole people and back then what we would do is we would drive straight through to the location I didn't know any better they we drove through middle of the night we I mean we just drove straight through and I could remember reading this scripture all in one van one van one one van one van and I remember on that trip I set myself out to memorize this Scripture Christ has redeemed me from the person oh it says multitude that scripture and I put that down in my spirit I let that come out of my mouth and I saw that I was blessed and I saw that the blessing of the Lord it makes rich I read Deuteronomy 8:18 remember the Lord your God he's the one that gives you the power he empowers you to be successful in order to fulfill the Covenant that he confirmed with our ancestors God so the curse everything that could go wrong goes wrong that's true the blessing everything that could go right it goes everything that could go goes could go right goes right we weren't you know we're all good friends with Milan lefeber and Milan is a real he's country I think he's I think he's more country than you who he's country he's more country yeah did you hear that so that's on entry and but I came from the no he's from Boston yes so City Place from George I came from I was born in New York and I came Cape Cod yeah he came to text and he thinks he's fine anyway I would teach him so much you'd be amazed at what he had to learn after he came I had to learn how to say y'all [Laughter] God glorious congratulations anyway so mile ins in church and he's preaching and he comes up with a statement he says he all he says I've got reverse paranoia reverse paranoia he said everybody's out to bless me that's good isn't that good that sounds like instead of everybody's out to get me everybody's out to bless me when the Blessed when you have a revelation of the blessing of Abraham that's upon you there is something different that takes place in your life that no matter where you go you are establishing the Garden of Eden you carry that blessing with you it's on us it's awesome like Milan said everybody's out to bless me that's good now the blessing of Abraham it's found in Deuteronomy chapter 28 1 through 14 and we we find if we look on page 2 there okay we'll let you write I'm writing this down from hallelujah now a lot of people think just opposite everybody but everybody's out to bless me now y'all told me yeah y'all taught me how to get well you do pretty good to get me know everybody's out to bless me because within the context of the blessing of Abraham we have favor favor is favor it's what God goes with us everywhere we go this revelation will change your mentality it will change the way you look at yourself it'll change the way you think about yourself it will completely renew and rejuvenate your life you know what it does it get you out of yourself where you're not thinking about yourself oh that's good it's not you know it's not me it's God it's the blessing on me we can depend on him that's right but God won't mess up that's right the blessing on me that makes the difference so we've been blessed with Abraham and if we look at these scriptures just have a couple of moments left look at these these scriptures Galatians 3 14 says that the blessing of Abraham might come on us through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith we are to receive by faith everything that the period promised Abraham everything and it says in the New Living Translation through Christ Jesus God has blessed the Gentiles with the same blessing he promised Abraham the exact same blessing that he promised Abraham in verse 9 of Galatians 3 it says those who are a faith are blessed along with Abraham the men of faith and then look at verse 9 look at verse 29 in Galatians 3 and as you're turning there I'm rushing to another scripture here that I that just came to my thank you thank you for the world praise God and count on it praise God this says I'm blessed I'm blessed I'm blessed and I am blessed I'm blessed it says in verse 29 if you be in Christ then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to everything God promised Abraham which was that's right world that's right in in in Isaiah and Isaiah it talks about how we've been how we have been cut from the rock yeah of Abraham hallelujah so everything that God promised Abraham is ours and Gloria tomorrow we sing that song the blessing of a the blessing of Abraham is ours oh and tomorrow you and I and then for the rest of our time together you and I are going through a verse by verse study leader anima 28 1 through 14 and let me close my part out with this now I'm quoting Gloria Copeland from our 50 days of prosperity volume 2 day 100 and this is what you said on day 100 under the curse you diminish things flow away from under the blessing you increase things flow into you I agree with her that's right she's really good that's a good way to say it attention hallelujah you go we're talking about our Redemption from the curse the curse came because of sin redemption comes because Jesus bore our sins and carried our sicknesses and disease and the poverty and everything that was under the curse Bible says he was made a curse for us you know that weight could be blast yes pastor George is doing an awesome job of telling us well Gloria thank you for having me on and thank you for teaching me the Word of God you and Kenneth all of these 38 years now and it's working it's working whew Yankees on staff for many years well actually I was the first one you were the first first one and everybody that was there let me know it oh man it's so good I'm so glad to be here I'm so glad I've been part of this and to still be part of this for so many years and that's part of the blessing of Abraham the Lord has been so good to me and he is so good to you you who you have been redeemed from the curse of the law so that you can walk in the blessing of it you know it all through the scripture and if you go to the Old Testament it's very very clear if they would obey God yes the blessing you manifest that's right I mean big that's right well that's right and nothing's changed that's right well do you you're absolutely right and that's you know our foundation scripture for this study and we're talking about the blessing of Abraham and all of these notes are available to you online go to KCMO org click on the picture of glory and me and you'll find the notes there and you can follow right along with us and our foundation Scripture I've gotta correct myself nothing has changed since the blessing of Abraham everything is everything has because Jesus since that blessing God could bless them even when the curse was going full blast exactly right but now the curse is not going full blast for us those who have been redeemed from the curse by the Lord Jesus Christ so it's not it's it's not the same it's been weakened it's been it's been taken away if you yes Jesus is the Lord of your life so we can come out from under the curse amen if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life you just do it just say Jesus I tell you what I told him I said take my life and do something with it I had no idea to be this but it's a good thing that's a good plan for you actually any plan out for under the curse is good yes but you don't get there except through the Lord Jesus that's right okay George now that's also go ahead no keep going I like that oh that's it Galatians 3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law Ilia he was made a curse for us for it's written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles having my Bible came on me through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith so the blessing we found out yesterday that we've been redeemed from the curse the doom of the curse and now we walk in the blessing the empowerment to prosper of the blessing of Abraham that same blessing that God conferred on Abraham that's for us because we've been cut from the rock that's right of mighty Abel the father of our faith amen so today we begin our study of Deuteronomy 28 1 through 14 let's turn over there right now let's look at it Deuteronomy Deuteronomy and verse in chapter 28 and verse 1 and Gloria what we're going to do is the days go on will cover one or two or three scriptures at a time by the time we reach the end of our two weeks we will have covered 1 through 14 Deuteronomy 28 1 through 14 and as I shared yesterday when Terry and I were married brother Copeland read that scripture over us and I've done that in every wedding that I performed ever since that I've been involved in we conclude the service with the reading of the blessing of Abraham that's an awesome thing it really really is so let's begin with this glory and today we're going to look at at verse 1 we're calling this day high above all nations it says yes and it shall come to pass well I'm in the wrong chapter who are you Deuteronomy 28 okay I got it it shall come to pass if you shall hearken diligently on the voice of the LORD thy God to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set you on high above all the nations of the earth praise what a tremendous look at this chapter look at your pay no mortgage limbs oh I like this lorry I'd like to include that in our in our outline package I think the people would blame would you like to have glorious page from Deuteronomy 28 it's good writing all are oh it's good I'll do that I'll do that well it begins here it'll come to pass if and I thought that was very interesting as I was studying this because there there are conditions to receiving that blessing and we have to understand first of all God is not trying to keep the blessing from us he's trying to get that blessing to us he wants us to walk in the fullness of the blessing and what he has so wonderfully graced us with here are the instructions of how to do that he said if you will listen diligently diligently right it's not some efforts gonna take some dedication yes ma'am now I want to show you something before you go any sure go ahead you look at that verb that word hearken yes you know what that says yes it says here can know is that that is here the word is so personal isn't it if you will hear ken diligent and obviously brother Kenneth did he did he did if you will harvest listen diligently to the voice of the Lord your God to observe in to do all his commandments which I command thee this day the Lord will set you on high so let's take a look at this first of all on our notes Gloria it says here if you listen diligently to the voice of the Lord your God I just wrote down some scriptures Matthew 13 16 blessed are your eyes for they see we're on page 1 page 1 okay number 3 number 3 blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear I like John 10:27 my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and Psalm 85 8 I will hear what the Lord will speak so if we listen diligently to the voice of the Lord and I heard brother Keith teach this one time in the development of how to hear the voice of the Lord and that's a whole other teaching but brother Keith said this about hearing our brother Keith hearing the brother Keith Moore hearing the voice of the Lord begins with hearing the voice of the word yeah to hear to hear the voice of God through the Word of God and that's how we begin to develop a hearing ear we hear the word we hear what the word is saying to us are so if you listen diligently to the voice of the Lord your God and then number four there it says if you will observe His commandments you hear it and do it you do it God explained the blessing in detail to the children of Israel what it included how it operated and what he was doing Gloria he was wanting to renew their minds from a bondage and lack mentality of Egypt to a blessing and prosperity mentality in Canaan land a man and that's exactly what he will if we will observe about we were bound up like that except we weren't you know it wasn't just so obvious we weren't right in bondage to any nation right we were in bondage when God came to us that's right because we were under that curse and what you and Kenneth is the curse it's not made Jesus right that's right and what you and Kenneth did you observed his Commandments the word commandment there is basically the word word word of God if you will observe the Word of God and you and Kenneth dug into the Word of God we did whatever the Word of God said to you you would adapt that as part of your life yes whatever it told you that that happened when you read Romans 13:8 oh no man anything that's right keep out of debt boy that was a biggie there that's an example right there of the two of you observing the commandment observing the word observing what God's Word says now God was doing this with the Jews because the he wanted the blessing on them and he wanted that Garden of Eden to be created wherever they went and he wants the same thing for us that he wants that blessing traveling with us wherever we go whatever we do is his well that's the blessing was in the garden they had everything everything was just right it was nuts right miss yes no curse yes until they blew it and disobey God and then the curse came so he through Jesus we come back to the garden that's good the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus or the curse for us and he he lets us back in the garden but there with you know healing and blessing and everything right but it it still all depends on whether we obey or not through Jesus we have come back to the garden that's it right there and we do that we experience that garden that blessing by listening to the voice of the Lord by a serving his word or or I attend I attend to my words reverbs 420 attend to my words it'll be life to your body health to all your flesh and so we observe the commandment and then he said like this through Jesus we get back in the garden through Jesus we get back in the garden excellent glory praise God and then it says here if will do His commandments if will not only be hearers of the word of God but doers of the word and we find that in James 1:22 don't just listen to God's Word you must do it it says Joshua 1:8 the book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth you meditate on it day and night so that you may observe and do that's all that is written therein for then you shall make your way prosperous you'll deal wisely and have good so first of all in the blessing that's what we need to do we need to hearken to the voice observe and do the that's all we have to do so we have to do and when Ken and I started doing that we started prospering and being blessed and well we started coming up well into our seventies where we're healed we're strong not on any prescription drugs I don't have to take anything to keep going glory to God neither to skin now what is that that's the blessing of the blessing oh man tearing blast so obedient if we will do that the first article of the blessing of Abraham here is that the Lord will set you on high above all the nations of the earth praise God that's the first article of the blessing and glory throughout this I'm gonna mention some study that I did several very good commentaries and then the homage whoo mush oh yeah I'm so impressed a beautiful beautiful book I learned that from Billy but in the end the homage it says here in a commentary written by the Jewish rabbis and sages it says about the scripture God your God will make you an elite nation above all the nations of the earth an elite nation nation in Proverbs 1111 in the NIV through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed Oh through the blessing of the upright a city upright blessing the city yeah what it's saying yep yeah upright blessing the city this its exalted but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed yes I'm gonna live where the blessing is howl ooh yeah and in the blessing of Abraham in verses 7 and 12 it makes clear that this includes military and economic supremacy over other nations verse 7 the Lord will conquer your enemies when they attack you they'll attack you from one direction and they'll scatter from you in seven men in verse 12 the Lord will reign send rain at the proper time from his rich Treasury in the heavens and will bless all the work that you do you'll lend to many nations but you will never need to borrow from them now that I believe is something that our nation's should be standing on stop borrowing money an exalted nation doesn't have to borrow money and he said I'll set you on high above the nations I'll think about this Gloria and I just I made this note last night as I was going back through these outlines I did a little bit of research and I've been looking at this through the years about the Jews and about Israel and just what God has done for them I've had the privilege of traveling with Billy for about four or five times into Israel and to see you can you can feel the blessing of Abraham the presence of the blessing of Abraham and this is very interesting and this is just a little tidbit of of research that I have done on this but listen to this that you're familiar with the Nobel Peace Prize the Nobel Prize not just the Nobel Peace Prize but the Nobel prizes that they give out 22% of the Nobel Prize winners are Jewish 22 22 percent of the countries of all the countries of the world are Jewish and Israel the Jews make up only 0.2 percent of the world population Wow that says a lot that is a demonstration of the blessing that is God setting a nation high above all the nations of the earth I have a list of things I'm going to share later on oh that week about those inventions they I'll give you an example they they develop the cell phone isn't this they develop the cell phone they develop the flashdrive they developed in in medicine they have something called that they developed and it's it's from the blessing they developed the pill cam it is a camera in a pill that a person can swallow that in it will it's a video that they will take of their digestive tract Wow George they develop tell me something I didn't know for sure that is really something else and the more I read about that in the door cam I've more I read about the developments that they've come I see that's the blessing of Abraham and the Lord has set has set that tiny little nation the size of New Jersey in the Middle East surrounded by enemies they continue to flourish and thrive and win wars and attacks and just keep coming up on top God has set them above the nations of the earth Wow now how do we how do we take this in our context because of Jesus we have been set on up on high with him Asians 2 6 if you look there at your notes there on c1 Asians 2 6 from the amplified he has raised us up together with us with him and made us sit down together giving us joint seating with him in the heavenly sphere by virtue of our being in Christ Jesus so we've been raised up with him listen to this and the message then he picked us up and set us down in the highest heaven in company with Jesus our Messiah isn't that good glory to God isn't license 1:13 we have been delivered from this is a big one here from the power of darkness and we have been translated into the kingdom of God not when we die but when we made Jesus the Lord of our lives we were born again and we were translated into that Kingdom yes well yes sat on high these are Georgia's notes but we've been set on high in dominion over powers and principalities we have Authority that's right that's right that's right and we rule over darkness that's exactly right but you know we have to rule if we don't want the devil coming into our affairs our body our marriages our finances we have to say you're not coming in here devil that's right we have to stay in grammar and we have to say right words if we talk to feet if we say we're you know we're going bankrupt or we're sick we're gonna die or whatever we and we talk the curse and we take the curse we can have the curse that's right but I'm not taking it I'm not talking it either from every evil work in the name of Jesus Jesus empties out more of my sicknesses and carried my people will read something like that and it'll be read religiously they won't spend any time with it and it'll go right over their head and my determination glory is determining yeah Hennis determinations Terry's determination the determination of this ministry and the that this ministry exists is to teach you how to take that authority stand on it he set you up on high places he's put us in a place above powers and principalities and rulers of the darkness he set us on high above all the nations which includes the denominations as well that's that let's just run over here really quick to Ephesians I'm running over to Ephesians we just have a couple of moments left but this phrase God this came into my heart as I was saying that we we have been set on high above all nations what chapter chapter six Chapter six we have been set on high it says here in verse 10 finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil in other words with the armor of God you can't stay that's right that's right for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but in hairs that demonic nations right here we do not wrestle against flesh and blood powers of Prince but against principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places where four take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all my right cross-reference says having overcome all to stand stand therefore and then it goes on in in talking about the armor of God Gloria we have been set on high up above the demonic nations above the poverty in the lack and the sickness and the disease and now it's up to us to take that authority to take that dominion because Jesus has set us on high God I'm up there with you George Amen Gloria Amen God this says take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day having done all to stand stand stand the evil day that's whatever evil day comes we've got armor we've got power we can stand still free how we're talking about the blessing I get excited I do too I remember when I didn't have the blessing working oh you don't want to go back there look good no that's not good we've been redeemed from the curse of the law Galatians 3:13 Christ his right has redeemed us from the curse of the law oh that says volumes it really does we've been set free we've been purchased from the curse the Amplified Bible says the doom of condemnation the empowerment to fail we've been freed from the empowerment to fail so that freed from the empowerment to fail I like that Gloria like that freed we you've been freed from the empowerment to failure no more failure only success amen and that's what comes from the blessing of Abraham galatians 3:13 and 14 we've been redeemed from the curse so that we can have the blessing of Abraham come on us and overtake us for we found that out I'll remember what it was like to be broke Oh serious I live in a house car God have any new clothes that is occurred that's a curse not be able to sew you know you didn't have any money you just hoped you could pay your bills being in debt that's part of the curse I've been redeemed from the curse now we are experiencing days of heaven on earth now we're experiencing the kingdom of God on earth now that's right healing well prosperous free from fear debt free from sickness disease free from lack of any kind we are walking in the blessing of Abraham and the purpose of this study is Gloria that we are taking Deuteronomy 28 which is the blessing of Abraham and each day we're going through one or two scriptures we're working our way through this on these two weeks all of the outlines are available to you on KCM dot or just go to the home page you'll see the picture of glory and me click on to it and it'll take you to the notes that we're working from right here and you can enrich your life you can grow you your mind can be renewed to the Word of God about Deuteronomy 28 the blessing of Abraham is upon us hallelujah so let's take a look we'll get right into this Gloria oh that's good helpful very helpful Deuteronomy 28 we talked yesterday about verse 1 and it shall come to pass if you'll hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy jealous circle diligently yes doesn't know it doesn't come just if you agree to it no you meditate on it you take it you apply it to your life and then it comes that's a good word Gloria that's a good word diligence diligently under the if we were to do an a massive study on this even beyond these two weeks we would include a day talking about diligence that's true so we have to hearken diligently under the voice of the LORD thy God to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set you on high above all nations of the earth and we talked about that yesterday today and all these blessings shall come on you and overtake you if you will hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God in other words they feel obey what he says if you'll obey what he says and they'll manifest how all these blessings but you know what you to obey what he says you have to know what he says so that goes back to meditating on the word day and not as the scripture tells us to do to obey to obey what he says you have to know to know what to know and receive and receive it God okay got it now we're called word that's why we're called word people we're taking everything that he has for us it says here in verse two all these blessings all these blessings he's not only about to talk about what is ahead in through verse 14 but he's talking about every but every possible blessing that God has belongs to us in my study of this if you look at your notes there Gloria on number one I was reading again from the the commentary the homage the the sages and the the writings of the rabbis before the Torah recounts the dire consequences of sin which we find in verses 15 through the end of the chapter it gives the blessings that will accrue to the nation for fulfilling the commandments these blessings are wide-ranging and involve every area of material life thus reassuring the people that their spiritual accomplishments will bring them untold benefits in every area of life every area no that's right all these blessed areas that all these blessings and I think they said it very well they're in there a couple of scriptures that I wrote down that back this up Psalm 103 1 through 5 bless the Lord O my soul and all that was is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all of his benefits in that glory the amplified bible says forget not one of all that's good forget not that's good don't leave don't leave it don't leave anything on the table I take it all he forgives our iniquities he heals all all our diseases he redeems our life from destruction he crowns us with loving-kindness and tender mercies he satisfies our mouths with good things so that our youth is renewed like the Eagles now go back to that first one who forgives all your iniquities yes well there's a lot of people have led a very bad life just very bad I mean you know we don't want to go and do what all they might have done yeah and and it doesn't matter how how proficient a sooner you were God the Father and Jesus the Lord heals all your diseases and he forgives all all all your iniquities Wow isn't it it is you know I've spent time with the with sometimes on occasion I've spent time with the girls on death row that's right that's right mm-hm sweet girl I mean I uh I felt I just felt just right at home with them I don't know at that time there was seven or eight that's been a few years ago so I don't have any there are no but now and these girls had been born again I mean they got the word since I've been in prison and they I think every one of them were born again one was several were serial killers worse now they're born again and now and they're in love with God I one of them has was executed that was in that but she went to heaven when she died because she knew God in that awesome is awesome hallelujah you know you'd think well it'd be a little nervous around because we were just in a little room with it I think they're about eight girls there when I was saying I remember when you did that yes you hadn't they ever one of them in that room had been born-again and most of them filled with the spirit so were they still no forgiving they were forgiven born again that's how big and that's how good god is that's how big and that's how good the blessing is all these blessings heals all your diseases your sins awesome this one Gloria number three second Peter three in the amplified for his divine power has bestowed upon us bestowed really gives the connotation of royalty it has been bestowed upon us all things that are requisite and suited to life and godliness through the portfolio knowledge knowledge of him who has called us to buy into his own glory and excellence if you don't know it you don't walk in it okay you have to have the knowledge of it you have to receipt you have to see it in the word you have to receive it take it speak it glory to God know it and you get it you don't walk in it and that's why we're doing what we're doing right here so that you can know about it so that you can know what belongs to you in the blessing of Abraham in some 84 11 for the Lord God as a son and a shield the Lord gives grace and glory no good thing will he withhold from those who walk upright no good thing he will not uphold anything he'll not withhold rather anything from those who will walk with him that's right we found that to be true glory to God all these blessings include everything that it will take to empower us to succeed yeah in the process in everything that we do so that's the blessing excuse me and so it says in verse 2 all these blessings so what will all these blessings do sister Gloria they will come on us yeah and they will overtake us and then it talks about showers well yes and that's what weren't that's really it says in the message translation all these blessings will come down on you I like that the blessings are coming down on us and you just mentioned that if we can look quickly at Ezekiel Ezekiel 34 you just said that about showers of blessings in Ezekiel 34 and it says in verse 26 I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing I will cause the shower to come down in his season and there will be showers of blessing and the tree of the field shall yield her fruit and the earth shall yield her increase so it says here that there will be showers of blessings and when I looked at that word shower Gloria in the Hebrew it means to pour down and rain violently so powerful I mean we all know what a downpour is like yeah we've all experienced a downpour I remember last year we took the kids the grandkids to Disney World in Florida and one day we had a downpour all of us we were all drenched soaked there at that time and that's exactly not the blessing is life so we would be drenched in blessings so blessing were soaked in blessing and drenched good word so that's good and drenched in the blessing giving us the connotation that and I looked up the word shower in the in the dictionary it said a falling of things from the air in thick succession in great and large quantities that's the blessing it's awesome the blessing of the Lord will come on you without even a breather it'll come on you don't have time to do anything but take it without even a breather hallelujah and then it says in Malachi 3:10 I will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room to receive it room enough to receive it so much blessing it just covers you up it just covers you a place to put blessing one translation keeps coming one translate it does it just keeps coming and coming and incoming it is a it is a non-stop continual out dream and outpouring of the blessing of God in our lives yeah one translation about the windows of heaven it calls it the torrents of heaven glory to God the floodgates of heaven and this one translation says I will open the windows of heaven and flood you flood you with blessings yes or blessing what is that see evening that is the Christian certainly I will investigate a lot with blessing after blessing with blessing after blessing and then it says the blessing shall come on you and they will overtake you now if you've been overtaken with blessing there's nothing left it's extreme there's no bad stuff left it's all right it's just extreme take over your life yeah overwhelm you in golf you pile up on pile up on you cover you over and load you up with excessive amount that's what it you looked at it looks at that's the Hebrew right there and Avalanche Oh blood he he peepee sweet a swamp swamp us with blessings overflow us with blessing flood us with blessing that's what the Hebrew word means I take it I take it glory I take and you what you just said there you take it we have to believe it speak it receive it I take it I take I take this plan to getthat George the blessing shall come on us and overtake us and the scripture that came to me was the one word were Peter had let Jesus use his boat to preach from and then Jesus said to Peter throw over the nets throw over the nets hoping that somebody says Nets up nets that's cute more let's keep more Nessa but what did Peter do he threw out the net yeah he was limited in his concept of the blessing the bloke a here we go go go the blessing of the Lord was in his boat the blessing of the Lord was standing in his ship and the blessing of the Lord was about to come on him and overtake him Gloria there in lished there in the fishing business that's his business he's a professional fisherman and Jesus is about to bless that business I'm getting it from the Lord right now but if you'll take hold of this if you'll receive this if you'll stand on this the lord of the harvest and the blessing will stand up in your business and if you listen to him and observe him and obey what he's saying to you the blessing will come on your business and overtake your business what happened with Peter for your church for the church yes for this ministry that Jesus the blessing stand up in the midst of whatever it is you have and obey him had Peter obeyed him see Peter didn't realize that the reason that Jesus wanted him to put the nets out there was because Jesus had dominion over the fish of the sea that was part of the blessing and he was operating under the blessing that God spoke over men right that he was have to have dominion over the fish of the sea and so Jesus stood there and release the blessing and every fish in the sea of galilee made its way to that boat this just fast is that good that's the fastest thing this in your notes here it says the sale of the the sale of those fish Lots Peter into his full-time ministry I hadn't thought of that I was thinking about that the other day as I was putting this together and just really made it they need it Nate all those fish no no but but Peter he was in business with his father and mother and and others were of an involved in business and Jesus Jesus saw that he was good he was gonna get Peter out there on the road with him but he wasn't going to leave that family destitute and I wouldn't be surprised if they had been struggling anyway I hadn't be I wouldn't be surprised if the fish market was down that year for some reason or they weren't biting until the blessing showed up and now they're swamped with fish and what Jesus did Gloria was he demonstrated Deuteronomy 28 - they were so swamped with fish that his Oral Roberts said it was a net breaking boat sinking load and they were sinking the boats were sinking and Jian and Peter was up to his neck in fish the blessing overtook him and overtook it was something blessing shout glory evades never seen anything like that before that had never been seen on the Sea of Galilee they ever before because they had never operated in the fullness of the blessing of God it's over taking your life it's over taking your business it's over taking your church it's over taking your body with the healing power of God it is over taking you it's taking over your life it's overwhelming you engulfing you piling up on you covering you over and loading you up with an excessive avalanche but you have to flow with it you got to flow with you got to say with it you can't say words of lack and other things done belief if you want it to manifest and listen to what Thursday listen to what verse 2 miles as all these blessings show come on you and overtake you if yes you will hearken unto the voice of the Lord your God I am in Christ the second time in two verses that that's been said very very important and in those last points that I have there Gloria in Deuteronomy 28 - in the english standard version if you obey the voice of the Lord your God these blessings will come on you and they will overtake you like brother Copeland has been teaching us I only say what I hear my father say I only do what I see my father do because when I do that I will be overtaken by the blessing the blessing of the Lord is continue is conditional to our obedience to his voice and obedience to the word and we know we won't go in it today but we know the Bible teaches us we have what we say that's what we have to say right that's right that's exactly relaxing and not curse we have to obey the Lord in our our words that we speak the things that we do obedience to his voice opens the door to the blessing to overtake us and the blessing listen to this the blessing always supplies the best Isaiah 1:19 if you're willing and obedient this is from the NIV if you're willing and obedient you will eat the best the best out on the land and I like this last one here Gloria and the message translation if you'll willingly obey you'll feast like kings the blessing of the Lord is coming on you and it's overtaking what a word hallelujah it's God Gloria we are talking about the blessing of Abraham and we started this series beginning with Galatians chapter 3 and let me remind you all of these notes that we're working from here they're available to you online go to the home page click onto the picture of George and Gloria and you can go right to the notes download them print them out share them with your friends teach them at church where we are we are capturing all of these thoughts putting them on paper for you so that you can continue in the study with this study with your family at home and oh this has just been a joy to do and this this blessing of Abraham in Galatians 3:13 we read Christ has redeemed us he has he has paid for us he's rescued us out of the curse of the law for it is written cursed is there that hangeth on a tree so that the blessing of Abraham may come on us through Christ Jesus that's plain as you can get that's just straightforward that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith so we found out Gloria that and these are on your notes there at the top that the blessing is a declaration which empowers someone to succeed at whatever they do curse is a declaration which empowers someone to fail yeah at whatever they do but we are under the blessing we are of Abraham in Genesis 1:28 God empowered man when He blessed him to be fruitful to multiply replenish the earth subdue it have dominion over it and that man was created by God to establish the Garden of Eden wherever he went by the blessing by that blessing in Christ Jesus we are to experience the fullness of the blessing of Abraham and we read in Galatians 3:29 will flip over there Galatians 3:29 if you be in Christ then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise and it says in the message translation this is really good in the message translation it says there on your notes also since you are Christ's family then you are Abraham's famous descendent heirs according to the Covenant promises that's the message translation of what of the Galatians 3:29 we are Abraham's famous descendant and heirs according to the promise we are the children of Abraham in verse 7 and verse 9 of Galatians 3 we are blessed with Abraham faithful Abraham that's right that's right and faithful you yes so we're talking about glory if we turn over to Deuteronomy chapter 28 we're doing a scripture by scripture study you can go back on the ark you can watch these if you haven't been able to tune in with us but we're going through Deuteronomy 28 1 through 14 in these 2 weeks talking about the blessing Alleluia of Abraham so so far we've talked about verses 1 & 2 it says and it shall come to pass if you shall hearken diligently under the voice of the LORD thy God to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set you on high above all the nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come on you and overtake you if you shall hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God today Gloria the subject of what we're talking about here verses 3 4 5 & 6 okay we're talking about the fullness of the blessing and it says I'll read verse 3 blessed shall you be in the city blessed shall you be in the field Gloria read verse 4 blessed shall be the fruit of your body the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your cattle and the increase of thy kind and the flocks of thy sheep verse 5 black shall be thy basket in thy store and Gloria verse everything is play everything black shalt thou shalt thou be when thou comest in and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out so coming and going coming and going we're coming going all the time that's right we are in one way or another coming in and going out so what I did here Gloria in the notes is I found out something as I was studying this that there are four particular areas that we are we are blessed in four general areas and that's what we're going to look at but let me go let me give them to you first and I didn't write this down on yours I just wrote it right before we get out here but the first one is we're blessed wherever we are oh I like that wherever we are we're blessed that's pretty much every word the site that's everywhere the second one is we are blue are blessed in whatever we do we're blessed in wherever we are we're blessed in whatever we do we are blessed in whatever we have that's the next one and we are blessed in wherever we go now it's very flat this is interesting Gloria and I talked about this that's good a couple of days on the broadcast a few days ago but I want to repeat this and add something to it the fullness of the blessing the the Jewish people walk in this blessing of Abraham and if we've made Jesus the Lord of our lives we we walk in this blessing of Abraham but this is very interesting some of the research that I did on this I found out that Israel has the highest rate of entrepreneurship in the world isn't that right what would what would account for that the blessing the blessing of Abraham and this is good has the highest entre entre Punto entrepreneurial rate among women well that's a surprise and I wrote this down these are all some notes before you got here I wrote down cuz I just got the blessing is neither male nor female neither male nor female and I thought about proverbs 31 mmm-hmm that is a picture of a woman who was walking in the blessing of God the blessing and in Israel it's the art the highest rate of entrepreneurship is highest also among those for 55 and older hey I'm in there twice about that and then now this is interesting only 0.2 percent of the world population is made up of the Jews alright but point 2 point 2 percent but they have been winners of 22 percent of the Nobel prizes and listen to some of the areas that they have innovated that they have developed we're talking about the fullness of the blessing yeah and I've been over in Israel with Billy a number of times and she's taking us to different places and and and we've gone to places where they have done this developing they have done this innovation over there and literally Gloria it's in the air you you go there and you just sense they believe they believe it they believe it they developed the flash drive the cellphone the voicemail instant messenger the smallest video camera in the world which which fits in an endoscope and it goes down into the body they also develop what is called the pill cam that someone can swallow a pill that has a camera in it that's a law it goes down and and doctors can do the research they need to do they developed a vaccine vaccination against West Nile virus they developed and invented than a nano they call it a nanowire and it's used for transmission and so forth but the nanowire is what is a thousand times thinner than the human hair Oh George just like invisible it's just about Wow and then they've done some things militarily but one of the things that I read about was they developed the iron dome the iron dome which is to intercept uncoming missiles and they've had a they've had a 99% success rate at that and they're the ones who developed it awesome I read all of these things Gloria and I see the blessing it's the blessing of Abraham that's working on these people and we can have that same blessing working on us that's right so let's take a look at this Gloria on your notes point be on the notes Deuteronomy 28 3 through 6 represents the fullness of the blessing in every area of life every area are you say Oh page you go to page one okay Part B down there so it represents the fullness in every area of your life whatever wherever we are whatever we do bless whatever we have increased wherever we go everywhere yeah in everything and we have to renew our minds to this like when we get up in the morning we're blessed yes when we go out to work we're blessed yes when we come home we're blessed yes when we go to bed we're playing yeah we get up in the morning room Oreos we are blessed coming yes bless going out that's so true I took each one of these Gloria I started with the the verse 3 where it says blessed shall you be in the city so let's show you be in the city that's where ever you are and I did again I did some research different if the different commentaries now listen to this it says not only in the city of Jerusalem are you blessed where the temple would be built and where there maybe they would be blessed with the service the worship and the ordinance of ordinances of God but in all other cities of the land where they should dwell in large and spacious houses and their cities should be walled and fenced and be very populous yet should enjoy health and have plenty of all sorts of creation God brought into them as well as prosper in all kinds of merchandise there Wow wow that is quite a page - that really does say it all I mean the blessing yeah you could say it this way I'm doing a George ISM ok George the blessing says it all the blessing says it all the blessing covers all covers nothing it's natural to configure right that's right it's blessed list it's blessed when you got born again you got blessed I know we're having to renew our mind you learn about what it means to be blessed and as brother Copeland has preached before we need to get beyond bless you as being an answer to a sneeze yeah that's right it's so much bigger the minute you're gonna have to meditate meditate on it alright we're here on page two you'll be blessed in the field and this particular commentator said in the country villages and in all the rural employments in sowing and planting as that same writer observes in all kinds of husbandry in the I just read that of course husbandry has to do with cultivation but it also can deal with a husband you could you could take it that way in the culture of the fields for corn of the vineyards and all of yards all oh should prosper and succeed and bring forth fruit abundantly praise God so that not only deals with we're blessed in our field now that was talking about that the farmer in that field but also we're blessed in every field take it and whatever we are whatever field that we are in whatever field that that you might be in this is saying here you're blessed in your field you're blessed in your field all right then it goes on blessed in the fruit of your body your ground your cattle the increase of your kind and the flocks of your sheep so I put here that's whatever you do you might be saying well I can't say my children have been a blessing well yeah you can't you can't you sure can you can do claret say that's good your children are blessed according to the words that's I hadn't thought about that so you just said it that that if your children have been away from the Lord or they've been away from you you can start declaring over them blessed my children are coming to say my children are in the blessing my children I'm blessing very good bless very good yeah so I broke that down and I said blessed shall you be in the fruit of your body which means their children oh and this is the art their offspring and this is a commentary some of the commentaries I read their children of which they should have many and these live be healthful thrive and arrived to manhood and increase and perpetuate their families all right god bless she'll be there children and then I wrote this scripture down it's not their glory someone 15 14 the Lord will increase you and your children more and more so our children are blessed amen then it says in the fruit of your ground this commentary said of their gardens their orchards their fields the grass for the cattle and the wheat the barley the vines the figs the pomegranates the olives and the dates for the use of men so we see here whatever is sown is blessed yeah so we can take that which is increase and we can take that the fruit of your ground can be for instance Terry and I so into Kenneth Copeland ministries we have for years and years and years the fruit of our ground is blessed we are reaping our harvest all the time praise God because our the fruit of our ground is blessed then it says this blessed in the fruit of that cattle the increase of that kind and the flocks of thy sheep which simply means that we will be extremely productive in all that we do that's right we are really whatever we do in the produce or the results or the fruit of whatever it is we do we are extremely productive and I was I was reading here this scripture before you came in I wrote a lot think Stephin on this paper Genesis 13 - from the amplified Abram was extremely rich extremely in livestock and silver and gold he wasn't just a little bit he was extreme livestock silver and gold what's the best one of the best things to do with money today silver and gold silver and gold glory and I don't know probably livestock but I haven't got any that well if you've got livestock if you have livestock it's blessed it's blessed in like our our father Abraham we are to be dreamily blessed I like that word extremely extremely blessed Gloria has come up with some great titles for books yeah she wants me to write the book called so write s o w right yeah she wants me to write the book called done with debt yeah and now you want me to write a book called what we extremely bleh extremely blessed extremely blessed man extreme yeah but they don't finish it no extremely bless extremely blessed so then we go on here into the verse where it says in verse five blessed in your basket in your store and that represents everything that we have a basket and I'll condense the study that I did on this Gloria but the basket is what holds the reserves the surplus the increase in the overflow in the scripture surplus increase that's what holds the reserves and I thought about that scripture from John six that talked about when when Jesus multiplied the fish in the loaves it says they gathered and filled twelve baskets of the remains that those baskets that remain over and above so the baskets that you have are blessed because they contain what is over and above now the store would you say I'm sorry I said Amen okay the store represents or another word for the store is the kneading trough and the kneading trough is the preparation place for what is daily consumed the bread the daily bread Matthew six 11 the daily bread that is blessed so whatever you have it is blessed and I thought about this I'll add this in here we have somebody in our church who at one time was the the manager of a Walmart store here close by they had just completed the renovation of the Walmart store that they did completely freshened it up he invited me to come and do a dead service and so I tried to envision what that was going to be like I thought well maybe a couple of us will be there together they had the mayor the sheriff they had the staff they had other managers from other Walmart's that came around I had a crowd and you know what scripture I used when I when it was my turn for the dedication and the blessing I went and I got one of their baskets and I pushed the basket I put my Bible on it and I used this scripture I said blessed shall be your basket yeah and blessed shall be your store so these things that's code that be wanting you to go all over the world there are twenty first century applications it has glorious it has so much to the grease that they moved him they moved him to another city and he's running a bigger bigger store and so whatever we have is blessed well now look at this in verse 6 blessed shall you be when you come in and blessed shall you be when you go out so that means wherever you go and the research I did this on this glory of the commentary I didn't going you're going you're blessed it says when you come in from your employment you shall find that no evil has happened to the family or dwelling in your app that's on that's on number five number five point be okay when you come in at the end of the day you'll find that no evil has happened to the family or the dwelling no absence Alleluia and I found this scripture that goes right along with it in Psalm 121 eight the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth even forevermore everything blessed blessed blessed blessed if we receive it another commentary said when you go out your way will be made prosperous before you and you shall have the divine blessing in all your labors in this last one here Gloria it says in all their business and employments of life where with indoors or without in the administration of every office whether more public or private and in all their journeys going out and coming home and particularly when they went out to war and returned all should be attended with success from John gales exposition of these are very good research research I'll get that for you which you probably would get that for in this last point that we finish up in Genesis 39 Joseph experienced the fullness of the blessing he was blessed wherever wherever he was he was blessed in whatever he did he was blessed in whatever he had he was blessed wherever he went in Genesis 39 5 the blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had in the house and in the field that is some Scripture the blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had in the house in his house Lauria we are experiencing the blessing father we pray over you right now and I thank you that they're experiencing the fullness of the blessing in everything they do everywhere they go everywhere they are everything that they have it's blessed it's empowered to prosper it's empowered to go to the next level and succeed they're succeeding and everything that they do nothing fails but everything succeeds because Lord we walk in the blessing of Abraham glory in Jesus name yeah amen well George go ahead I'm ready Gloria thank you thank you thank you for having me on here with you were talking about the blessing of Abraham Galatians 3 13 and 14 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the laws amen so that the blessing of Abraham can come on us through Christ Jesus everything good is in the blessing everything bad is in the curse everything write it down like in what there's no meeting there all good is in the blessing all bad is in the curse I'm going for the blessing myself I lived under the curse as long as I want to that's good yes that's it everything good is in the blessing everything bad is in the curse and like Milan lefeber says he has reverse paranoia everybody's out to bless me so let's go over to Deuteronomy 28 what we've done so far this week is we've talked about verses 1 through 6 and let's just read through those it shall come to pass if you'll hearken diligently under the voice of the LORD thy God to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set you on high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings will come on you and overtake you run you down take you over if you'll hearken unto the voice of the Lord your God blessed shall you be in the city blessed shall you be in the field blessed shall be the fruit of your body the fruit of your ground the fruit of your cattle the increase of your kind blessed shall be that basket in my store blessed which means it's the empowerment to prosper blessed shall you be when you come in increase increase increase alert bless you be increase increase alert blessed shall you be when you come in and blessed shall you be when you go out now verse 7 this is a this is a scripture by scripture verse by verse study of the blessing of Abraham verse 7 says the Lord shall cause your enemies that rise up against you to be smitten before your face and they stopped yah whooped looked and they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways so Gloria let's take a look at our notes notes here together first of all let's talk about this first part of the scripture the Lord shall cause your own enemies that rise up against you to be smitten before your face and the word smitten in the Hebrew means sudden quick a sudden quick decisive fatal blow that's it with the intent to utterly conquer and destroy it only takes one blowed you know she only just one it's so powerful it's so powerful well I use an example here now that you mentioned that in First Samuel 18-49 David put his back hand in the bag and he took out a stone and he slang it and smote the Philistine in the forehead that the stone sunk into his forehead and he fell upon his face to the earth now that was some little fella there was a whole army afraid that's right and one Rock when Rock in the right place it was it was a sudden quick decisive fatal blow with the entire yeah to utterly conquer and destroy yes this commentary this Adam Clark's commentary on the Bible it says this is a promise of security from foreign invasion or total discomfort sure that's number two like that total discomfort sure these notes that I'm reading from they're available on KCMO org on the homepage click to the picture of us it'll take you to your notes that you can follow along with us but this is a promise of security from foreign invasion homeland security more total discomfiture of the invaders should they ever enter the land so this covers actually both areas of the promise of security in our land if they happen to get in too bad cartons hurt curtains curtains for the enemy that's right but David he was operating under the anointing of the blessing and the confrontation ended quickly it was a decisive fatal blow that resulted in victory Exodus 23 22 the English standard version it says if you carefully obey his voice and do all that I say then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversary now we've got the key to victory right that is the key to victory - be careful or watch watch watch you do everything go obey obey the Lord when you do that then you're blessed that's right everything's good but no curse can start first can stay worried to God another feat no defeat you just do what he says Exodus 23 27 and the New Living Translation I will send my terror ahead of you and create panic among all the people whose lands you invade I will make all your enemies turn and run that's awesome in it glory oh good word so it says the enemies will be smitten before our face now this next part here where it says in the scripture they shall come out against you and they will flee seven ways the message translation says God will defeat your enemies who attack you they'll come out at you on runt one road and run away on seven roads I like that were they panic yeah where they paid it's common for people who flee in panic dispersed and run off in all directions discarding every semblance of military discipline they just split they split glory to God hallelujah that's good what you just saying that there this is from the Hamas a commentary on this Jewish commentary on the scripture and just now it made me think about Jesus sending Legion into the pigs yeah and the pigs went crazy and went over the cliff that's destroyed destroyed that's right this one goes on to say now it says the juxtaposition of this verse with the next which speaks about the blessed storehouses suggest that the fleeing enemy will leave behind a wealth of supplies and provision for the Jews to take it will sky like that I like that page 2 of our notes another victory victory another commentary they shall come out against you one way in the firmest and most United matter manner and flee seven ways they shall be utterly broken confounded and finally routed which sent the road or routed defeated and caused to be defeated so as I was thinking about this Gloria I was considering just how interesting it was they'll come against you one way they'll flee before you seven and I was just thinking about the seven what's what is so significant about the seven and the seven we know in scripture means perfection its completion it means total total victory so I got to thinking about this and I want I would like to present a revelation to you for your judgment all right I'll receive it I'm thinking about it and I thought and one thing that came to me were the seven redemptive names of God you've heard studies about that before the seven redemptive names of God and I I started looking into that and I saw where the seven redemptive names of God completely cover the total defeat of seven major enemies of life and when I was thinking about this I thought about this massive army coming in to destroy and the massive army was made up of seven divisions and the seven divisions were and and I'll read these out to you and I'll let me let you know about this first we have Gloria here somebody in the marketing department liked this so much because I did a pre-production meeting with a group of folks and I went through this with that they liked it so much they put together a brochure that we want to make available to you just go online you can order this get it it's free I want it and it has the seven redemptive names of God and it's called seven defeated enemies seven defeated enemies so we want him there she goes you can take it home Lori so oh I like that so I'm thinking about these seven thinking about this this massive division or this massive army coming and marching in and it's made up of seven divisions and the seven divisions are made up of various enemies one of the divisions was lack another one was sickness another one was failure another one was worried another one was confusion another one was fear in they're all marching in and they confront the God of Israel they confront I should know they they confront the seven names of God which are designed to defeat every one of those seven enemies so let's go through this together let's go through this together okay the first one and you have it there on your your page on point c7 defeated enemies of light let life we have we have the first one which is the enemy of lack yeah and I thought about the the name the redemptive name for God which is Jehovah year a which that's not Jehovah Jireh it's your over year a that's what brother Keith Moore taught me so I got smart from Keith Jehovah year a which really messes up the song Jehovah Jireh he's my provider doesn't sound the same but anyway nonetheless Jehovah year a which means the Lord will provide and we get that from Genesis 22 13 and 14 Abraham looked up he saw a ram caught it by its horns in a thicket so he took the RAM sacrificed it as a burnt offering in place of his son and abraham named the place yahweh year--a which means the Lord will provide Gloria one of the seven enemies that come in that flee seven ways is defeated by the name of the Lord Jehovah Irae the defeat of lack comes from the Lord will provide praise God that's good George so what we see here is the the enemy of lack they're going down the road down one of the seven roads that they're I mean they're fleeing yeah they're fleeing the next one the enemy of sickness now Jehovah Rapha which means the Lord that heals and we get that from Exodus 15:26 he said if you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his sight obeying his commands and keeping in all of his decrees then I will not make you suffer any of the diseases I sent on the Egyptians for I am the Lord who heals you Jehovah Rapha listen carefully to the voice of the Lord and do what is right in his sight mm-hmm that's what word people do yes yes they obey the word that's exactly they obey the word praise God someone or a word P IR word people - one of the enemies one of the senate seven enemies of life is sickness and disease but we have one of the redemptive names of God Jehovah Rapha the God that heals praise there goes the enemy of sickness down that road yeah one of the seven that come against you one way they flee before you seven here's the next one the enemy of failure the enemy of failure that's number three Jehovah Nissi the Lord our banner in our victory victory he is our victory and it says in Exodus 17 eight after the victory the Lord instructed Moses write this down on a scroll as a permanent reminder and read it aloud to Joshua I will erase the memory of Amalek from under heaven and Moses built an altar there and named it Yahweh nisi which means the Lord is my banner or the Lord as my victory amen so the enemy of failure is defeated by the Lord our victory yes a the enemy of sickness is defeated by Jehovah Rapha the Lord that heals the enemy of is defeated by Jehovah year a the Lord will provide so that enemy is running from us then we have the enemy of worry there is Jehovah Shalom the Lord our peace judges 6:24 in Gibeon Gideon built an army to the Lord an altar to the Lord there and named it Yahweh Shalom which means the Lord is peace he is our peace nothing missing not to worry not to worry oh yeah the enemy in your life one of the major enemies of our lives is worry anxiety care that's an enemy that comes in strong what would we be worried about sickness lack failure I mean and God is all he's the opposite of everybody what we need in every situation and he is jehova sholom not to worry not to worry the Lord our peace so worry and care and when we exercise our faith and we release the name of Jesus which really encompasses it all the blessing encompasses at all when we declare that we literally we resist the devil and he will flee I heard brother Hagin say this one time we resist the devil and he will flee in stark terror I remember from us the enemy of confusion that's the fifth enemy which is Jehovah raaaah which is the Lord my shepherd you see in Psalm 23 1 through 3 the Lord is my shepherd he's my leader he's my god I shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake the Lord my shepherd he leads us so there is no confusion whatsoever as to what we are to do the enemy of confusion he's the shepherd led the flock led the flock yes yes water to safety he's protected yes if something would come out get his staff and clap them so many people are confused Gloria they're confused about what and it's an enemy confusion is an enemy that will move in and try to build a fog around you so that you don't know what to do you forget about God that's right so that's why we keep the word going in our eyes in our ears constantly constantly then number six the enemy of tonight condemnation but we have Jehovah sidqa knew the Lord our righteousness right the time comes says the Lord in jeremiah 23:5 when i will raise up a righteous descendant of king david's line he will be a king who rules with wisdom he will do what is just and right through the land and this will be his name the Lord our righteousness in that day Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety so instead of being condemned he is our righteousness so the enemy of condemnation there he goes down that that sixth road there goes the enemy down that six Road and just like we that we just saw going that we saw the enemy of lat going down the first road we saw the enemy of sickness going out the second road we saw the enemy of failure going out the third road we saw the enemy of worry going out the fourth road we saw the enemy of confucian going out the fifth road we saw the enemy of condemnation going out the sixth road and on the seventh road the enemy of fear jehova shamma the Lord is there he's with you he's by your side he's there is no fear around all around us Ezekiel 4835 in the New Living Translation and from that day the name of the city will be the Lord is there hallelu so on the seventh road gloria goes the enemy of fear they will come out against you one way and flee before you said waise enemy awesome because of the blessing yeah the enemy is defeated how can that be possible because Jesus bore the curse he did he bore the curse for us glory to God he was made with it a curse for us not only did he take sin but he took all of the that's right that's wrong that we can be free in Christ Jesus and in our Shepard that's right Lord is my shepherd all right Oh God good teaching come against you one way yeah and they flee before you said the enemy is de phrase God glory he's Georgian I'll be right back hallelujah [Music] now God loves everybody to save me you love me anymore are you anymore or me any less are you any less and there's nothing you do to make him stop loving okay he'd have to not be loved come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event the 2014 Venezuela victory campaign Kenneth Copeland will be in Maracaibo Venezuela September 5th through the 6th join Kenneth Copeland and dr. Steven and Kelly Swisher for the living victory New York faith encounter September 12 through 13th in new york new york word explosions september 25th through 27th with Kenneth Copeland bill Winston and chaplain al downing in Columbia South Carolina the 2014 Washington DC victory campaign November 13th through 15th with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland at the Hilton Memorial Chapel in Woodbridge Virginia for more information on these and other events go to the KCM website and all these blessings shall come on me and overtake thee if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God some people have very low expectations of what God will provide for them they trust him to feed and clothe them but just not very well somehow they've gotten the idea that he'll do little more than put rags on their backs and beans on their tables but that's not what Jesus tells us in Matthew 6 God wants to do more than just meet our basic needs he wants to bless us abundantly 1st Timothy 6:17 says for he gives us richly all things to enjoy God is a loving father he gets great pleasure out of blessing his children he's extravagant where we're concerned but don't let that concern you he can afford it well it just seems like I can't catch a break you know everything I touch has been falling apart it seems like you never have a bad day how do you do it it's not that I don't have any bad days or any challenges it's the blessing in my life Deuteronomy 28 tells us everything that we're guaranteed explain well Gloria Copeland and pastor George Pearson's break it down in the blessing of Abraham package is a series that you can get on CD or DVD with study notes along with Kenneth Copeland's book the blessing it shows you exactly how God's promise works for you sounds like more than just a theory oh no it's a way of life pastor George breaks down what it means the heavier enemies will run from you seven ways and in brother Copeland's book the blessing he shares all the things that he's learned in ministry over the past 40 years and how God wants to bless us so when I believe what I'm saying good or bad then I'll see those things in my life exactly you can live in the blessing no matter what comes your way live in the blessing no matter what comes your way order the blessing of Abraham package on CD or DVD for a special price of $39.99 and save 20% go to KCMG org slash TV special or call us toll free know that wherever you are whatever you do whatever you have wherever you go you are blessed for an additional 10% off order your package online how do we begin our lives in this place of being overtaken by the blessing of God you have to make Jesus the Lord of your life you have to get into the blessing you have to get into the blessing that way and then after you make Jesus the Lord of your life we begin to learn and he begins to teach us and we begin to grow in the knowledge of the Lord but it all begins with making Jesus the Lord of your life if you've never made him Lord before I want you to repeat this after me right now Heavenly Father I believe father thank you for your love thank you for your love thank you for coming into my life thank you for coming into my life I receive Jesus I receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior my Lord and Savior right now right I received the blessing I received the bless into my heart into my heart changed my life changed my life and I'll follow you I'll follow you all the days of my life all the days of mine in Jesus name Jesus name Amen man how you just made that decision we want you to go ahead and write us get online and and we have a book available to you he did it all for you help you get started and find some material on the Internet oh this is outstanding it'll help you get started my goodness read your Bible pray find a good church that teaches you the Word of God and seek after God and His Word hallelujah and what you see in there do it no but it'll lead you to a life being overtaken by the blessing hallelujah Russ Robinson was born and raised in Sparta Missouri his mother was a woman of strong faith who taught her children the Word of God at the age of 12 Russ was forced to leave his family farm and move to a new home with his mother and siblings his parents marriage had dissolved and his father's single life seemed distant from the things of God Russ entered college as an eighteen year old athlete overwhelmed with temptations I started drifting away from the Lord and I started enjoying that so much but you know saying oh he is fine for a while especially when you got a mom that's praying every night and you know I consider that one of the things that kept me alive as he grew into manhood Russ married a beautiful young woman and became the father of two children his young family motivated Russ to return to his faith but he had no real understanding of a relationship with Jesus in 2007 when his father died Russ was tormented with guilt regret and questions about his father's salvation yeah I fell in a deep depression just I've got a little work come on so much and my honor and I'm used sanic dr. Pavone that's like it's like I wasn't sleeping I would go down his farm after work the law and said if some of my favorite places you know and I drove down there and sometimes I would just shoot stuff but that day was different cause it was just I was so tired and wore out and selfish because I would think about my little kids a 401 year-old wife I was just thinking about myself and I was tired of the onus my head and I was deciding to take my life I said I'm gonna tell ya if I pick up right next to this gully neck in a hay field and put it up to my head and pull the trigger and go up we're not pool and then I was a little bit missed because it wouldn't go off and so there's some cans that they're that in that ditch and I turned shot one of those in his bang I figure I think I'm that grass and bunnies and then my face buried in the tailgate my truck and started ever been and I'm sorry Lord okay I get it you know I get it now you obviously alright guys so the next day my sister she handed me a Walmart site just full of CDs and I was watching brother Cullen's it was about taking the authority and authority of the believer and I just listened to him constantly he started killing me you know and I just just cleared up a lot of things I was able to let go when I didn't write it gonna do dad his grave once a week and Crawley I was I was okay he wasn't there russ began to walk in true freedom and through prayer faith and standing on the Word of God he was delivered from the deception and guilt when Russ finally visited a trusted pastor he was surprised to learn that his father had not only stayed in contact with this man but that he had indeed confirmed his decision to accept and confess Jesus as Lord Russ was overjoyed to know that his dad would spend eternity in heaven in path of destruction and path of great dreams and visions the Lord has shown me in the ministry that he wants me to do I know and you know he's saved my life if he's kept me alive I'll be 40 next month and well look at it I've got 80 more years to serve Lord and this is just 120 years that I believe that 525 in years I never really was it was alive and total Christ getting his life the enemy of lack is defeated in your life glory it's under the curse it is under the curse I mean we could go back to Deuteronomy 28 and look at the curse and see all of the areas where Lac is and go look at it and say I'm redeemed from the curse I'm delivered from the curse and that enemy of Lac is defeated the enemy of poverty is defeated in your life and you know God has given a seed to sow into the kingdom good ground to sow into to be able to produce a harvest from I'll tell you something that is of the heart of Kenneth and Gloria it is their desire and this is offering died on the broadcast and we thank all of you all of the partners yes I'm so into this ministry but you know something the highest desire and I know this for a fact of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland is that your account would abound that you adjust through your sowing into good ground that your account would just absolutely explode that you would become extremely rich extremely wealthy extremely blessed so that you can be an extreme blessing to others the Lord is your provider the Lord is your supplier just keep giving keep sowing don't quit giving to this ministry don't quit giving to your church don't quit giving to other ministries and I believe that God is supplying more than enough a supernatural abundance for you to be involved in the work of the kingdom of God and remember this he is your provider and father I speak right now over the finances of our partners and friends and I thank you that every every bill is paid every need is supplied and every debt is wiped out yes Jesus name gone she's gone in the name of Jesus because we have our Living God Jehovah year--a that God will provide Jesus name Amen praise God glory oh Jesus Ken and I pray for you partners every day if you missed any of the broadcast watch or download them free on KCM dot org spend time in the word yourself get in a good word Church and have a marvelous weekend in in the word sing Georgian I'll be back on Monday teaching on Deuteronomy 28 and the blessing of Abraham this is Gloria Copeland and George Pearson's reminding you that Jesus is Lord thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory to purchase this week's broadcasts on DVD or mp3 on CD go to our website or call us today remember this week's product offer these ministry tools are designed to help you live a happy and successful life in Christ get the word working in your life and experience all God has for you if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today be sure to request your free salvation package this will help you understand who you are in Christ and how to start living in victory [Music] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 50,281
Rating: 4.8425531 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, week@once, bible, kenneth copeland ministries, wao, bvov-youtube, gloria copeland, ken copeland
Id: SN1C94JtYLo
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Length: 119min 55sec (7195 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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