Super Mario Odyssey but Mario can't walk

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today I am beating Super Mario Odyssey I am not using the less stick but I well I am okay um here's the thing you have to use it twice I just got to tell you guys that at the very start in the Frog section and at the very end at the Bowser section we're going to be using a lipstick there but other than that we're never touching this stick right here alright there are some moments where I have to use the d-pad on this controller but other than those very few moments we're rocking out with the right half of the joy cons that's pretty much it there's a few sections that we have to go into two-player mode but I might need to open up a certain video by Steve gaming shoutouts to C for proving that it is possible to do with this amount of stick presses timer starts the it's it's gonna be interesting so this is how we move so it's gonna be uh interesting I don't usually dive with these inputs yeah we're just gonna run through the game nice casually I have no idea how long it'll take will this be some 24 hours maybe alright in so once we get into the frog capture I'm allowed to use a left stick until I leave the room this is one of the two left stick presses that I am allowed to use in this run because it's absolutely necessary is right here so in this frog capture I'm gonna take out the other half of the controller and we're gonna do this section basically with the left stick other than this we're not pressing a left stick until the end of the game that moment right there so now I'm out of the frog I'm putting the controller back into the drawer closing the drawer I will need the left half in cascade for a reason that I will explain when we get there oh no oh no please let me turn it's not letting me turn so I got a lot myself up a little bit better now I think I'm gonna get onto this railing and we can get up using this there we go that should be able to turn myself up we go slowly getting up almost at the top I think we should be able to backflip up now yeah there it is into the top of eight would be a good time all right fast strats gonna take a while for me to get used to this every yoke and cap is done so this might take like three or four hours today is my prediction oh this is gonna suck we're gonna have to go over here and just wait here for him I think there's gonna be a lot of cool problem-solving for sure remember the triple jump strat where if I dive I can keep the momentum going with the triple jump I think I can make it up here so since the die node needs a lipstick to move we actually can't use the Dino - Dino skip because the 2d section requires the lipstick also to move we have to do some fancy stuff to get up we have to get up onto that platform over there to do this so what we're able to do is you see this ledge here we need to do like a ground pound jump a cap jump an up throw and then go into two-player mode in the air we have to line ourselves up a little bit better than this two player is allowed yes so I'm gonna take this out we're gonna have to go into two-player I'm not gonna use the stick and we need to use the d-pad to go up and down in this menu I think we need to go into two-player mode and I think we're able to move Cathy just like this so now we go boom boom up throw and then we jump with Cathy and then move back got it but so many inputs at once with two different controllers it's like 1 2 up up jump jeez oh we almost had that there up up throw jump yeah we got it no we fell down how we had it - there we go we're up now we need to rotate the camera so we can see them there's the checkpoint open up the warp menu go into this controller and we can warp using this one and we have gotten up without using the left stick [Music] it might take a little bit this one's gonna take a few tries it won't let me go in the first person mode in this area Oh No yeah what I landed directly on it I like how the split is named I know and we never touched the Dino once come on get a pole pole please be enough come on a little bit more a little bit more distance you can do it one more pull one more come on one more hey yo let's go yo I think we did it we're done boss fight is over easy boss easy life what's the hardest boss fight in this will probably be either like the cloud fights or the rematch with madam brutal and you may ask yourself there's a rematch with madam brutal at the end of the moon cave which we have to go through and there it is Kaskade done we are going to go over here I think all right there's that let's just do the easy stuff in the town for now yeah shake shake get in there nice there it is this one an easy moon you just need to get across that which is easier than it sounds I think okay so check us out big brain and we got the moon in this moon now easy moons all around just like that so let's go over here now and do deeds [Music] nice the strats though that works yo how perfect is that I can think of one that's relatively easy so we're gonna go with that one now all right so we are apparently a lot smarter than Steve you took like 20 minutes to get that moon when you could just jump in like that let's just get the one behind the shop it'll probably take us like a few minutes to get into it there we go easy just like that all right we need to position ourselves exactly centered on this door there video we can roll in now with this one Steve said it's not possible I mean Steve use two-player mode all the time so it is 100% possible Steve is wrong all right no bumping required easy as that we're done I really actually feel like we can make this without even capturing I'm gonna try in fact you just have to do some very well time jumps too easy man this game is too easy haha see where you at oh god I gotta be fast you make you can make it I believe and there's another one hey now we'll just go on a little taxi ride over here I believe we can make this hopefully we're lined up properly you can make it Mario I believe come on oh yeah we're good so we either fight Rango or we get three more guess you know what that means we're fighting Rango Rango time my buddy if you don't line ourselves up this fight isn't that bad let's go we're so dead Oh yo ha ha ha baby the fast rats first try it this bunny is gonna be fun [Music] bye Edie good easy game boys try what happened to sieve I'm doing all the tricks that seems that are really hard or impossible on the first try that's what's happening gig Noah or just significantly faster at least that's what's gonna be a bit tricky I think a little bit harder this one should be fine maybe not maybe not very hard I take it back yo ever in the tower [Music] what didn't have time to turn oh no now I'm all the way down man enter the camera we do it there we go there we go we're up now now check this out check this out gonna be the easiest boss that you've ever seen [Music] he just boss what you've ever seen just like that kill this onion boy real fast Oh onion boy ever revenge and he helps me up let's go look at the moon down here then it is possible yes what about done what have I done I'm in a terrible mistake I need to get there without taking damage holy fuzzy killed it no not like this kill me yo there we go this is it this is it no I didn't mean it wait this is fine yo we've done it and now we're stuck again oh wait you see in this you see what I'm seeing right now we don't need to warp we're going we're getting to the pipe let's go the strats freedom yes this suck now I don't know how this fights gonna go I wonder if it's gonna be as easy as the blindfolded run because blindfolded Bowser was easy I think it might be oh it's gonna be easy yo first drive boys first I fight easy-peasy dude klepto skip might be literally impossible but you know what we're gonna try it anyways just for them so the heck of it actually wait a minute there's a reasonable chance we can do it we almost did it it's definitely possible good what's so turning my camera around mood Mario's hitbox we slid off the hook come on you can make it Mario I believe in you I did the answer cap throw that totally would have worked I'm committed to this now no matter what I'm liking this let's go spook this dang ol bird heck in klepto you can't steal Cappy get hacked boom it's over what do you look at how slow it goes in the first-person mode here we got to do captain toad we gotta get our style Hayes in so now I'm going for it boys I'm going for it yo wrist rack oh no what have I done I can't talk to him cuz I get learn oh yes I can I can turn watch this okay check this out cuz all I need to do is back with ground pound and then right into it alright not even klepto wait oh no uh-huh we have to go through the whole thing I think this is the second time I've ever done this section just we skip it so often in speedruns you never get to see it you know I was a mistake No no suicide REM 2.0 and you need to line myself up a little better there we go we got it this room is great what's so bad about this room no no no no yes now they take this little guy a little more this way that'll work [Music] that's what I was going for it's not a bad room for all parts impossible even with wait three go up one comes down oh that's where they went I don't have a peach amiibo moon caves the beginnings gonna be way worse I do not own a peach amiibo my old roommate might have it and he lives in the same building as me now we got a turnaround with these little dudes this is the right stick that I'm using right now to move around I had to die to think about it for a moment why have they no transformed yet I do not know they're all dead I don't have the health for this now we're on now we're getting out of two-player mode I actually have to use the stick to aim no I don't if I put them together I don't have to okay I see how it's supposed to work you have to leave it if you leave it to dodge is you can't move in the tank I almost started moving backwards they're easy to cycle how's the run going Devin it's going good we just beat Mecca wiggler on my second try I'm uh wait go check out this is gonna be the most incredible straight you've ever seen right into another moon no way oh we're dead we're so dead I was hoping you would bring me down into that girder that would have been sick if it worked oh I just worked out so well you can go in the first-person mode here so easy to move I went out Oh they trap me the men they all teamed up together [Music] do you see copy I'm clearly not pressing your direction and cabbages went in the wrong direction now I'm stuck against this wall baited the bakflip for the rest of eternity I believe he's not fault he's done it [Music] solid is this game still enjoyable I wasn't enjoyable I wouldn't be playing at fish start no what have I done let me go I went out of this little purgatory runs dead we're stuck I'm kidding of course there we go almost dope almost dope got a few more of these little bad boys now we can just crouch and we'll slide along the floor see that little slide every time you crouch yeah yeah that's a little quirk approaching I bet you didn't know about whatever yes we're moving with this no no like this uh be nice if I could just get bit here but I unfortunately don't have the health for it so we're gonna do grow this bad boy out one more time we're gonna have him drunk down here to really use something to turn me around right about now what am I even gonna do [Music] no not like this Oh yo let's go okay um now we be very very careful is the next step what I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead there's no chance I don't know how it bumped me that way like I actually have no clue ere we go that'll work are we facing in now did he turn me around he faced me like against the wall what the heck how did he turn me [Music] he's spinning me no no let's go I think this is it Yosh oh that one took way too long my god we can get up this thing get up this I just got a backflip backflip turn a little bit more and we're out back let's bomb it's some easy moons is it even possible to get that moon we can't capture it and kill a few because we can't turn it around I can't move to capture once I'm in them we can do this we can do this and Nakhimov all one by one cuz it might take a little while haha the fall off eventually I'm sure another one there's another one there's another one it's working oh my god alright one more this one post quarters alright we've done it let's do the two upstairs and then worry about Rango ice Rango is gonna suck I don't think I can go first person here though I might be stuck not exactly sure how I can get out of this it sucks that they kill all of your own men too when you jump on their heads oh wait ivan at ivan a year I'm dumb check this out I'm dumb go ahead no let's go freedom there we go we got it Oh finally okay two more moves left alright now I'm leaving the hardest part for last as per usual the Rango fights hopefully I can make this what no what people all jumped yeah just to actually get into the arena somehow I would say the best way of one about that is standing here and then never getting into the arena fantastic okay so now I've learned you face the arena before you pull the plug and then you fight Rango you get real sad oh my goodness there aren't any other moons pwned new there aren't any there just aren't any other moons you can get they're a genius GFB or gosh darn genius we might go back to loss kingdom we need less stick for that though no we do not we do not need less stick for that we're getting out here screw rainbow [Music] all right do there we go and there we go is the last moon we need from Snow Kingdom we are so smart together you and me chat we have such a big brain javi is pretty smart you gotta give him that I think you'd get that one we can get a gushin to face the right way we could probably do it not that way yo we can actually move guns around by attacking look at this they gradually turn alright so I guess we're getting a bunch of moves now because uh now I know how to turn gush ins by doing a little shake shake seems good a damage boost from the hit you guys see that those strats I was all intentional I damage boosts it on purpose oh no what am I gonna do I can't I can't move forwards I can't move back open the chest oh I saw the ceiling at a little-little art shot it there and I was like wait we can get into the center clutch where will this bring me I don't think anywhere useful oh look at that there's one right there let's snag it let's brought a moon right to me how convenient it has not been done before you will see master no one has actually done the whole thing Seve tried it but he didn't get a few parts and so he I say submitted some videos that show that it was possible but I don't think Steve did it himself all right let's get it easy I don't think I can make that pretty sure we're we're destined to die here now unless I can do something real clutch movement viewer rematch please not that bad there we go see it's the easiest boss fight in the game alright I think this is probably a good stopping point for today I guess I'm gonna have to pause this and can you continue tomorrow I just don't have time today there we go we're back let's go we'll just get going please make this no I need I need that ah oh yeah I wasn't lined up right is crayons pronounced crayons or crayons that's crayons but about crowns yeah it's classic Cron's everyone's favorite childhood drawing utensil Oh my brain just shuts off in the sub area crayons okay we're really actually just gonna jump all the way across I am I'm done with this patience crap there we go that's the strat it's okay we got the shard that's all I needed it's rough I don't know if that was even a necessary moon but I mean we were in here so I figured I'd try it so we're just gonna hope for the best yeah we're gonna backflip and try and maybe long jump that works too good now we just need to make it across all of them without messing up at all I think a single dive is too far for that so we might have to backflip and dive across all of them one by one got to be very very patient no a little too patient there oh wait that works huh why did I not do this at first going into forts feels good that works oh no no not like this okay now there's been thrill now there's been to hook area we got it we're up alright I feel like a ground pound roll might make this nice let's go it would be very tough to get over there now that I'm thinking about it but I'm gonna try just in case it's possible ok I see what you got to do I see you have to throw copy and then dive under them so can you brought up into it yeah yeah ok ok ok Yoho we did it nice that is shrieky van jeez now I'm not actually sure if this is possible but I'm gonna try make this no it doesn't look like we can get enough height thank you think I can make it on the other side Luke alright I trust it you know we can totally do it Luke was right right on to it yo let's go ha ha ha so we need to move like perfectly aligned with this so he's facing me exactly I think that'll work so then we just capture a nun capture for eternity yeah I believe now we need to just get him to destroy all the stairs taking his sweet time I guess so you'll jump away you'll try and hit me and you'll jump towards me and we'll capture them then we can destroy all the stairs captain from behind there we kill now we're able to destroy yes just like that and now we do this and whilst gradually move him back oh god no oh jumping on capture you're a genius I'm an idiot I never even considered that no come on No oh thank y'all you know what try that look at that see that you've done it beautiful beautiful Sena nah I make the weirdest run categories you know Moo hey I didn't make this this is all seve little more to the right there and there we go there we go five and a half hours in three kingdoms left probably halfway down the run like I'm really really afraid of mech fight dragon needs to see a dentist teeth are pretty bird purple they're fine all right we should be lined up it looks like nailed it all right there's one hit yes there's another one fine there's two health on the ground ah man that's alright wasn't first try but who really expected it to be first try so I just got me man he's not it ooh that'll work let's this is fine you made that really easy ami didn't need is linked to me right up just so I could smack him to death we're mowing through this game i beat him faster without life sake than you in your first casual blue cat I'm just that good there we go we got it so these fights are gonna be tricky I wouldn't be surprised at these take a few tries I light it right on top of me ah I jumped on two and [Music] really oh we got it wow that was close topper is dead Oh God it was bound to happen whoa wait what the heck do you guys see that what happened excuse me you see that floating thing you don't run from me we go easy fights we're gonna stand here and wait for those birds to just hit all of these boxes we're gonna get a lot of coins but trust me ters of the strap I believe will not let me turn the camera still will not let me turn the camera better now okay so that was the hard part we got to get that bird to this wall over here but we need to kill this ogre first I'm pretty sure whoa you see just choked me all the way over there and he's dead good stuff you bring it all the way around so we're just gonna get down here oh you tell me this burden doesn't despawn oh I see how this works I check this out didn't work all right but you got to do something like that to bring them up onto that ledge we're dead we're so dead there's no way we survive this yep No why did it throw Kathy 4 hurts what the heck I don't know how to not capture him is the thing I press the jump button I swear I didn't press the calf sir okay or we'll just kill Mario that's cool I did it again I did it again I just rolled off the edge we rolled off the edge [Music] I almost had it run we've done it you have to health we can get hit once you leave them closer to the wall dog don't hit me dine me go for it no no you wouldn't know you monster it's right there wait wait a minute I have an idea it might be close enough I don't know what to do now oh okay I know what to do now yes and now we need to bring this Pocoyo like right to the very edge I think yeah we have to spin and basically bring him over so I think we're dead but that might be good enough let's see okay that one won't work clearly AEO let's go I just got a poke in the right spot woo please tell me that didn't bring me too far away hilarious that little ping brought me just too far away it's so hard to time this garbage there we go let's go [Music] he has done it now maybe the worst part of the run this is that this is a tricky spot make sure to do Harriet first all right so I say did this an assist mode when he did it we don't have that luxury so we have to do this without getting hit too much what's so all the other bums didn't hit me and then that one does hit it how hard is it I'm learning learning how to do this fight he said hit Harriet first is the strat I can still hit Harriet ah that's okay well capture another Pocoyo smackle leg again I guess okay I think I'm starting to figure out the strats if I could get up on there that would have worked there's one good Oh God don't go the pokey oh not like this the pokey oh it's so much to live for well hey I'm trying to save your life man get over your dude no oh poke Gil didn't have to die you're fine you're fine little pokey oh yeah okay one more cycle of walking towards me and then we'll roll towards the pokey Oh show no fear bird good bird that's my bird good bird all right good a little pokey oh that one is rainbow legs I forgot about rainbow legs ah danger noodles incoming no it's so much to live for No okay did you survive this is such an intense light what the heck the danger noodle and go come on shoot me shoot me and we miss alright we're gonna be here for a while boys we thought Boco survives never mind you kicked them into the danger doodle no not like this man this started that fight was bad anyways it's bad anyways no fear no fear boys no fear no not enough fear easy that you can make it I believe no I tried to save it I'm sorry I mean I did save it but I took damage in the process let's go we're gonna go get some health it's gonna get very close that's almost close enough you've done it doll let's go spin throw I need you to spin throw spin throw haha oh my god one more left got a bomb coming our way yes right it is Lake oh just missed all right I'm backed into a corner no fear no fear no fear no fear they're ready to roll we're rolling Mike come on Tokyo's in the perfect spot oh this is it this is it this is it perfect position both legs are hit ochio safe Tokyo is safe good that's perfect that light that's lined up come on come on no you're too far away you need one more hit come on come on what the pokeo stopped it why pokeo I want you to live no you wouldn't come on yes yes come on yes we did it haha we got it oh man that is it's a fight that might be the hardest part of the run it might be we'll see moon caves gonna be tricky but I don't know cuz yeah now we need to do moon caves yet is impossible without a life apart so we have to get a life apart I was mega brutal it uh like second or third try okay I say sorry that's true so how do we get across this again do you have to triple jump to get across let's say here all right it's probably easier with a ground pound roll I would guess yeah it's much easier like that no really it takes so long to get over there all right let's get back out of here I know so [Music] no no the tank got in the way so I couldn't jump what the heck we were there on the first try ah come ah there Oh God I made a mistake I think I didn't wait long enough after the dive alright we'll go grab another one we'll do it over and over and over again we'll get it we'll get it at least we're being a lot more pure not using the cheater peach amiibo or someone that needs help we're not using the system owed we're not using a peach amiibo we're better than that we don't need any of that garbage I know I'm good enough that I don't need it this doesn't faze me at all I know it's just a matter of time before I get it it's not a matter of can I get it it's how long is it gonna take hello [Music] the last one we're getting pretty good at moving back over to this part ah [Music] they shot Cappy out of the air excuse me did here's the thing I can't throw it too low or captain barrio will dive through it but if I throw too high they're just gonna shoot it ah try it I believe come on no no I know what I need to do but it's just very difficult when you're at one HP and there's seven enemies around you back get another heart try it again [Music] this is my last drive if we fail it it's done for the day and there it is they shot Cappy out of midair this is exactly where I left off the timer's pause up and unpause it and we're gonna keep going so that's why we need to get that heart and we died doing it because so yeah this is just gonna take a while all right [Music] we've done it I just gotta figure out how the heck to make this junk I just don't want to choke again no not like this not like this no no I was one more away come on back Oh Oh finally finally I just need to make it to the respawn point that's all I need wait a minute oh god there's that wall there what do I do with that wall can I jump over it you usually use a wiggler to go around it I might be able to go over it why did you see Cathy oh why did Cathy go in that direction Cathy went way over to the right [Music] do I gonna say Herbie for speedrunning like I know why Cathy actually went to the right there it's because there was a coin on the ground and Cathy was just trying to be a nice little companion you know I'm gonna grab this from Mario because I bet he wants this coin instead of his life that's right we've done it ah oh look clutch a save in speedrunning history Oh we're gonna jump on that platform on the right instead dive under this and we're gonna try and make it over top using this platform alone whoa finally we've made it to the respawn point boys certain how we need to make it across without turning at all a Bullet Bill so we somehow need to capture him what we need to do is knock the hat off apparently we didn't wait long enough basically you have to capture them right there Oh yo step number one completed now we just need to make it all the way over to the other side man so I need to make sure there's literally nothing in the way when we're on our way there yo this trick is free now guys ah um ah [Applause] that's not gonna work oh god we are so dead please maybe this might actually reach it's the perfect cycle Yeow yes yes come on oh this real quick it is so scary check us out let's go we've made it to the second respawn point now it's just boss flight and beyond so once I get Pat Oh God oh it sucks let's go is this gonna be tough huh because we can't turn the camera in this section at all it is impossible for me to turn the camera in this Bob fight well maybe we'll do it on the first try come on come on keep pulling yes ha ha yo first try let's go boys the hardest part of the run is over it's actually almost took as long as the blindfolded run that's insane 1 2 3 continue the punch oh it's over here we go the second left stick press incoming oh it feels good oh it feels good let's whoa you're freaking next he's ready x-d he is done it the world's first run without having Mario walk a single step here we go Super Mario Odyssey beat without letting Mario walk a single step in 10 hours 32 minutes 48 seconds that's a blogger than I expected oh my god
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,417,033
Rating: 4.9237728 out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, super mario, mario, odyssey, mario odyssey, odyssey challenge, ceave, no joystick mario, no joystick odyssey, odyssey no joystick, odyssey without moving, odyssey without walking, mario challenge, is it possible, nintendo, switch, challenge run, nintendo switch, super mario odyssey impossible, super mario odyssey challenge, without the joystick, smo speedrun, smo, speedrun fails, speedrun, speed run, speedrunning
Id: D93y8i1IKeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 50sec (3530 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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