They updated Superstar mode. It's Brutal.

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the plan for today's stream is i am revisiting superstar mode in super mario odyssey because recently it was updated there's more stuff in it now wooded kingdom has a lot more stuff in it and the last time i did superstar mode i think i missed out on a lot of stuff i missed out on dark side and darker side i missed out on a lot of so we will be doing that uh if you don't know what superstar mode is essentially it's like kaizo super mario odyssey or just a really really ramped up difficulty super mario odyssey like by like an insane amount i expect we're probably gonna get like the 600 moons required to unlock darker side and we will be doing darker side let's do it but i'm gonna like take my time and explore i remember that goomba there because i hit him the first time i did it so i'm fairly sure they removed the frog so you actually have to do frogless to start now i do this all the time in minimum captures so like these jumps aren't difficult uh those enemies are a little bit more numerous than usu than they usually are yeah i don't think the topper boss fight oh the topper boss fight has changed yep that's that's not usually how the topper boss fight goes in cap kingdom pretty sure that's like the end game topper fight right at the start shout out to skelooks by the way skelet is the person that made this s-k-e-l-o-u-x but here's cascade kingdom you can see it's um it looks a little bit different why are the chain chomps soulless they're actually not soulless if you look at them closely the creator of the mod his logo is a chain chomp with swirly eyes as you can see that that's uh that's his sort of logo this is not a speed run this is a regular playthrough i'm just gonna try to beat it there we go we opened it up excellent um we're going to do just a quick play through of this to finish the game and then we'll revisit all the kingdoms once we have the moon rocks so we can unlock all of the kingdom all at the same time and we'll take some extra time in wooded kingdom because it's different sand kingdom is really incredible the sand is lava i wonder is this lava okay yeah everything is lava the the every everything is lava uh i think we could probably make it to that ice right i believe we could probably make it to the next ice i think the ground is spicy it do be very spicy no oh we died okay oh we're fine okay ready for the most incredible skip ever ah we're gonna definitely die in here i'm gonna i'm totally gonna take damage or am i wait there's okay apparently that's the intended strat for this and it's not a skip i take it back i did not realize there's just an invisible wall there oh wait a minute oh nice fastest jump farming superstar mode he's bouncing dude that was like a thousand jumps just like that uh we do need to get into the pyramid oh no you know what no no i want to get in without taking damage i actually refuse all right whatever i just wanted to get from here without damage because i feel like i can do oh that's all i wanted that's all i wanted i imagine this is gonna instantly hurt me when i jump in oh or i just can't do it wait there's another pipe out there the goomba pipe you think it's the goomba pipe we'll try jumping off the goomba midair get it let's go yeah this is the harder harriet boss light this is the one in bowser's kingdom so we get to do this harder harriet is still easy harriet yes i'm underage and earlier twitch gave me a condom ad maybe it was directed towards your parents i'm so sorry i had to i just killed them bro it was too easy i had to do not put that in the video we'll see i want to will this pop the goomba stack if i keep trying or does it just push me back what all right we're fine just need to walk over this way walk over that way okay i've done it and then oh that makes a little harder um guess i gotta jump up can i make this with a with a backflip oh yeah easy dude okay yeah now we need to try and get these coins how the heck how like oh that is i think what you have to do is like yeah okay there's gotta be okay let's go we got the coins baby excellent oh this is gonna be fun isn't it ah you got a few extra enemies in this one huh this is fine we're good we're totally fine no problems couldn't possibly die it's easy dude look at that all right wooded kingdom wooded kingdom apparently has been changed there's some chaos in wooded what's different what's different it it do be looking a little bit different it's pink like it i don't know what's different but it is different but this is where the a lot of the new content comes in is this kingdom so i'm excited for it i have a crush on all my viewers i might yo what what the rabbit's on top of the odyssey all right let's go grab the rabbit i swear if you jump it had so much to live for okay check this out check this out did i get it yeah i got it let's go easy rabbits wait is that a c as far as i remember there's no seed moons in wooded kingdom usually wait is there gonna be a pot up here how like i guess this okay that works that works okay okay no damn grab this okay what we're going to do is we're going to put it on this side yeah that'll work okay we just got it we just got to do that fast let's go the seed has been planted now we just wait 20 minutes this isn't too different they added a few more enemies oh wait what is that oh oh okay oh that is a really cool change you have to go through the whole thing backwards and like there's poison on the floor there so you'll die if you fall don't hit me okay a regular jump just barely made it i'm gonna wait yeah that's what i thought there we go and then we can get the moon that is cool we have to kill all of these guys but i think we may need to bring a rock down into there to uh to get that so we're gonna one two three there we go that'll do don't break but we gotta do them one at a time okay no oh god like i don't think it's possible to do it now unless there's like other rocks around which i mean there might be oh they're oh there's rocks right here come here boys i want to kill both you at once i think i can same frame same frame boom nope give it a good low back and that's the moon i imagine this just doesn't do anything oh it does that neat we can use that to get across you're cute you kidding me there we go you think i need that garbage ramp to get across what is this okay well come on what even is this oh the lava goes up okay um i think we're fine i think we're good come on land on the okay come on come on come on stop grabbing the ledge we're fine we're good we just need to make it out now it's speeding up okay the floor is literally lava what is this boss fight gonna be my god let's get this first let's get this first what is this is it that moon i think it's that moon should just barely make it all right there you go easy moon this fight just looks like chaos like what is this fight okay oh oh you get okay i see um it's um it's a little bit difficult the fight's a little harder i didn't hit him easy as ever you know spew it's easy guys come on whoever said it was hard this nut around the corner this could be interesting to check out i wonder how different this would be oh looks like it's a little bit harder no it's not check this out someone forgot the game was 2d or 3d it's easy be great if it showed me where the moon is but is that it right there what there's no way you can make that well maybe there is actually we got a zoom okay i'm going to say that you can make that it's just really difficult and we're going to do it we're going to zoom baby oh um all right all right here's what we're gonna do here's what we're gonna do we're gonna just fight the we're gonna finish off the boss we'll finish off the boss and then we'll come back to this moon oh my god what the hell oh okay um what is this jesus it's bullet hat uh okay uh well that [Music] that was a little unexpected now we'll do the boss fight all right well this is gonna be a fun boss oh apparently he dies no he's alive we're good okay he survived we can hit him now oh my god oh real what but like how though okay he's dead oh he survived he survived okay jesus we got hit once but we're fine everything's fine i don't know how are we gonna hit that one we died all right god this is hard okay oh god okay apparently we didn't make it back on that one give me give me one i need one please give me one i want to beat this boss let's go finally god that boss is hard that was a really cool boss fight it's tough you know what we're doing we got to get the other moon the rockets this looks good oh come on did you see that we got to check out deep woods after this deep woods is gonna be cool go straight towards the moon it doesn't reach it doesn't reach though like i'll try and go straight to the moon but it won't make it [Music] so apparently all you had to do was jump in vector straight to the moon okay okay sure sure all right let's go into deep woods let's explore let's see what we've got in store oh mommy's okay run they're just they just don't uh like just look at all of them they're just relentless go away it's like a zombie apocalypse what the heck yo wait is this glitched because i didn't pick up these maybe it's like a superstar mode glitch or something because i definitely didn't pick him up maybe we just can't whatever maybe if we leave him come back it'll fix itself ah okay you enormous terrifying chain chomp all right we got it no big deal wait seriously it's pick a pipe but you don't get to pick up oh my god this one there's there's more pipes they're all over the place aren't they i'm fairly sure there's more pipes around they're just like hidden or something are they inside the like here's another one here's another one right this is a different one mario's looking at this one this is the right one okay okay he's looking at this one he's looking at this one oh god he's looking at all of them really it's actually just pick a pipe is there one underneath i bet there's one underneath no i feel like it's this one at least i know where which ones i need to pick now all right they change every time all right second pipe death i want to try something all right so there is nothing below like oh hello mario looks at the correct pipes for the first two stages but he looks at all of the pipes for the last stage so there's no way to know for the last stage which one wait a minute wait i i just thought of something look at this when i fail one of these it brings me right here right oh my god when i fail it it brings me back to the start it doesn't bring me to another area that must mean that maybe those pipes aren't any of the pipes you're supposed to take maybe those are just distract every single one of those pipes is always gonna mess up maybe we have to jump back down this way and there's some pipes around here this is the pipe it oh my god that is so dumb [Laughter] oh it was just a huge troll the whole time those pipes were all distractions that would kill you 100 percent of the time it they would just kill you oh my god that is so good oh i love that it's so bad but it's so good but like once you try all the pipes you're like there's no way there's no way all right let's try this where does this go oh you have to get the dino up here let's go have some fun with the dino yeah no i'm right here i'm right hey no it broke it open too that's what you're supposed to do don't you dare oh no you've got to be kidding me he hit me anyways yo let's go i did it no damage baby you just gotta sneak to one side and then jump to the other i think that's all of them in deep woods all right let's get the heck out of here all right what else we got what other moons are here i guess we haven't done any sub areas let's do a sub area there's no i i i got you okay i see i see it yikes okay okay nice good damage we can damage this we can damage waste okay never mind oh why didn't what am i doing all right we'll explore the rest of wooded later once we're done the game let's do the post game now all right i remember snow or this kingdom yeah it is a little bit cold it's winterized above the tunnel yeah easy let's see what is is rango any different i guess not is he just like the harder version of rango i guess you guys rango ain't too bad he's the dead version of rango apparently we'll never know if he was harder because i never gotten the chance i'm fairly sure that the moon spawns here i'm going to try long jumping as well here because we need to get that moon up there because there's no other way to actually get up there because the painting has been moved it just dumps you into the ground there we go easy jumps viewing balcony secret path of lake la mode question mark because it's not actually the secret path let's get out of here let's get the heck out of here guys die two more times no no no we'll die two more times in the next kingdom we will but yeah as you can see cloud kingdom has been changed a little bit um the boss fight is just just a just a little more difficult just a just a tiny bit but i'm starting to get hungry i'm starting to get a little tired so we'll do cloud kingdoms starting tomorrow so uh yeah i'll see you guys uh tomorrow let's uh let's go
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,236,208
Rating: 4.9493051 out of 5
Keywords: livestream, highlights, twitch highlights, stream highlights, funny moments, fails, mario odyssey, master mode, superstar mode, modding, Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, smo challenges, mario, mario speedrun, Mario wr, Super mario speedrun, speedrun mario, super mario odyssey, mario all moons, darker side, superstar
Id: QfTweY5pL64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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