I was the FIRST to beat Super Mario Odyssey Blindfolded!

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you know i should probably explain what we're doing i'm back for a second try at this blindfolded run i failed the last one in escape sequence if you didn't know i've practiced a lot and basically we're just gonna do another one right now so here we go blindfolds on three two one go yeah last one took nine minutes maybe we can take like five minutes this time i feel like the only reason last attempt took nine minutes was because of the frog room so hopefully that goes better [Music] well that went well i don't know what happened there oh you know i do know what happened there i'm an idiot that's what happened there's two platforms [Music] nice okay [Music] nailed it [Music] all right well that went well there we go all right how's everybody doing that only took me oh it's a gold let's go the frog room was a little weird but i kind of had a good mental map of where i was you love me lambo i i like you as a friend okay we're going back in i'll uh see you at the end of cascade nice first try all the way to the right should just be able to dive into it good that went much better than last time where i was just running around in random directions until i picked up that moon so that was good i learned a lot from that last blindfolded run actually go for the the crazy stuff once or twice but then once i mess it up once just cut my losses and do what i know works okay good i got to admit something right now i can't actually remember the layout of the 2d area completely i'm not exactly sure where i am uh am i here okay not on the pipe bottom right of the stage i would guess probably should have practiced cascade that's the one kingdom that i didn't really look into at all there we go finally okay now i know where i am finally so now there should be one here yeah there they are nice what does this mean i don't know what this means i think it's am i oh god where am i [Music] this is what they call panic a little worrying to me oh that's promising [Music] oh let's go haha sheer luck that's what keeps me going on these runs [Music] good speedrun strats are easy so easy moving on to sand flying through the game you guys flying all right five moons down 119 to go all right how's chat doing how long that take me actually not bad wow you guys think i can do a sub hour sand i think so let's go back in we'll see you at the end of sand as i said last time it is incredibly incredibly important that i do not miss this first checkpoint nice we actually got it this time everything's going so well it's scary i'm using up all my luck at the beginning of the run sometime in this week i did think of a different setup for getting up to that crate moon we're gonna try that now and hopefully it works good all right this went well [Music] how am i in sand right now yes we're over to the checkpoint not exactly sure where i was i i probably didn't re-center the camera so now i know where mario's facing i'm going to center the camera this time and actually go in the right direction [Music] where am i gonna try and follow this wall oh there we go i know where i am all right thank god there we go um so now with this pretty sure i just hold down if i've done this right there should be a moon like directly in front of me which there wasn't wait what let's go that's not the setup i was trying to do but i'll take that how did that even happen oh my god all right you know we're gonna echo a little bit to find the moon [Music] sounds like it's right in front of the camera right now oh my god i've done it where is the moon though for real where is it how big can this pillar be oh god yes now i can't remember the answers that i need to give them good thing i can definitely read japanese and get all these right on the very first time okay my japanese isn't so so solid now the moment of truth have i learned have i truly learned how many times do i have to dive at the end of these shakes does chat know i bet chat knows what do you guys think is seven too many let's try three maybe pretty sure seven is is way way too far just i don't trust my memory i'm just gonna try eight just to be safe and then we'll work our way down from eight one two three four five okay it was eight wow that's you know what that was right there that was a 45 minute time save in this kingdom that should be it no i got all them nice that was so good dude man how long was that that wasn't bad at all wow how's everybody doing what is that luck what do you mean by luck it's all skill going back in gonna do late kingdom it should in theory be a quick one and just because i'm feeling a little frisky we're gonna do just not even do a setup to get over here oh my god i am a god no setups required and i'll try late clip just for the meme you know because light clip is so free right wait i'm hoping that was it if it was that was sick if not i just look like an idiot [Music] yeah i have a better setup for this one now this is like the only issue i had in my last late kingdom attempt and you can literally just dive once and line that up it takes so long to go down and get this moon gotta be at the bottom soon right ground pounding down a well for 15 minutes hey toad what's up what's up little buddy how you doing getting a little lonely down here it's okay here to keep you company nah i just wanted your moon see ya i kind of went well i don't think i missed anything i really want to know if i almost got lake clip there because that is insane if i did on the wood idiot what is the tough one what it might take a while but that was like 20 minutes this is insane by the way yeah mr lava i am insane we're going back into it here we go my blindfold on it's nice and comfy now i am an owl do owls echolocate or is that just a bat thing i mean i thought i thought owls do that too that might just be me maybe they just have really good ears no they owls definitely don't echo locate do they we're trying to get this rabbit now now you're around here somewhere you little thing stop taunting me no keep taunting me i need to hear where you are oh there's the rock okay good the rabbit should be somewhere around here i would hope i haven't even hit him once where is he i just want the bunny to taunt me again oh not that way is that the moon rock i think that's a moon rock i don't know i'll just walk around with this rock for a bit why not i'm pretty sure it's the moon rock there it is just trying to find the moon rock at this point i know i've been doing this for 10 minutes should probably just cut my losses but i really need an extra moon and that one will work good i'm gonna try the rabbit one more time yeah there we go that one went better again this jump is pretty tricky hopefully i don't mess it up first try all right now we're down here that was on purpose into the water [Music] wow all right well that worked out really really well [Music] it's landed in the perfect spot basically [Music] any strats for the win what that was incredible actually it's faster than some people do it with their eyes open oh my god [Music] there we go didn't kill all of the wrong ones this time so now we have maybe the hardest part about wooded kingdom is this tower and the moon before the tower as well it's really hard i needed a cap jump i forgot [Music] [Music] nice now i'm gonna try and jump all the way down i think we're going in that direction to get down no one more try i i really want to do one more nice all right this i don't expect to get on the first try [Music] yep 14 15 16 17 18. oh camera should be right now [Music] i'm not even bonking what is going on on something [Music] so we did bonk on it there might be lined up in the right spot oh my god that's why i need to tap forwards first ah i'm an idiot [Music] i am an idiot [Music] oh my god i was just going straight off the edge and i just needed to tap forwards first [Music] oh i made it let's go [Music] finally [Music] let's go that took me like 45 minutes last attempt now it was just 45 minutes to get into the tower [Music] check out these fast traps look at these fast strats the madman oh man how long was that yeah just tap forwards i know i know i had to just tap forwards i realized that after yeah how long did that take like half an hour to do that his blindfold percent counts if he takes the blindfold off during the run it does not but this isn't in the run we're in the main menu no one's ever done this i made the rules all right i think we're going back in i went for the speed strat all right but after this now we'll just look at this not a single flame couldn't touch my body not a single flame is touching mario's pristine and perfect body [Music] all right we're doing this phase again it's hard to find the hat when you can't see it strange it's almost like this game was designed with the expectation that you can actually see there oh the flames hit me you bowser it's the end of you now this is what you get all right kingdom over easy do this for like 20 minutes [Music] we're here nice all right nice ah we got gaby back excellent [Applause] [Music] what did i jump from one platform to the other yes yeah let's go [Music] nice and i believe i only need one more moon i'm pretty sure i need to go eight times on this one two three four five six seven eight [Music] now yeah i am so afraid of metro metro is going to be the scariest kingdom by far because yeah i forgot to check the notes for metro kingdom so i'm going into night metro not remembering any of the numbers like i don't know how many times i need to do things all right we're going back in see you guys at the end of night metro bye bye [Music] that's one of the setups that i could not remember i was like i think it's three and then you like dive twice and roll yes we'd try speedrun strats for once uh [Music] trying to get on that damn pole okay hmm well that was fun oh that was a mess [Music] screw it [Music] yes i couldn't remember how to get around so i was like i'll just jump across if anyone ever asks me what the most amazing thing i've ever done is that that was legendary oh there we go [Music] what's up [Music] no please tell me that he's still destroyed or that i don't have to shoot him all over again he's kidding me i've hit all of his segments again that sucks okay i almost got all of his segments he's probably got like one or two more let's go hey oh good old 30 cycle mega wiggler classic i think i have an enormous brain strat since i don't know the layout of this area you know what we're going to do find this checkpoint on the tower i'm pretty sure it lines us up so we can literally just jump and dive and roll straight to the other checkpoint my brain is enormous i just need to get that uh that girder moon why are you falling i'm a little confused you pop out here you're facing like directly south should be able to just like do this to be a wall here should be able to walk into this and just hold straight and you'll hit the moon why didn't that work before now that i have that moon out of the way okay [Applause] you guys think i'm at 30 yet oh good well that went uh all according to plan we're gonna get some paulie and stuff now hi hmm yay and now we'll get the trumpeter trumpeteer it's a trumpeter or trumpeteer i'm gonna try go for him it's not in the route but wouldn't it be cool if i did nope not even close probably gonna walk around tonight until something happens not sure where i am where am i no idea where i am like actually i have no idea i just want to try rc car should be here easy moons easy life now i think i have enough moons that was a long one oh man i am scared for snow kingdom i really hope the practice pays off yeah you can see this is how long snow kingdom took last time and this is how long we've been on this snow kingdom split i'm just taking a few minute break i'm going back in snow kingdom time we need to keep track of my regionals i do need 15 total i'm gonna get four over here oh there we go there's four now there's really only one thing that can like absolutely screw the run completely if i am buying the costume and like buy a sticker by accident [Music] nice well right hopefully this is the right direction nice good i'm getting better at like hearing where the moons are that's a tough jump as you guys could probably tell i'm just seeing if i can walk in a random direction and end up in a door goombas again [Music] why is it this room again how did i even make it into this room without touching the guy [Music] that's a star zoom there we go [Music] pop up [Music] okay thank goodness that that moon went much better than last time didn't take a full hour so we should have enough regionals and since i did this last time i'm just gonna try it again just to be [Music] oh cool so good at this game not that that helps me like i need to get to the shop now anyways moment of truth [Music] should be wearing the costume now really hope i am please yes thank god [Music] well there's only five i thought there were seven three there we go should have enough moons now that one it felt almost like an hour and a half still so i don't think i saved much time over my old snow i just saw a comment on my uh on my video my blindfolded video they said imma say it's fake we'll just come over here and see what i'm doing now and see that it's definitely not fake how long was that kingdom by the way i'm two hours ahead of pb let's go seaside here we go hopefully it goes as well as it does last time seaside went really well good this is the right spot you can hear like that little water sound that's how i know i'm in the right spot here there it is hey that was good did you move this way am i on the pipe right now i was on the pipe let's go there is one moon that i am really concerned about and that is the treasure chest moon with the fish i'll probably get that one last can i reach that from here by doing that i don't think so oh come on the moon's right there it's so close i can hear it there we go finally that took way too long it's basically the same thing but just a little bit longer to get over to the other checkpoint i'm not even gonna use this setup i feel like i can do it without i actually have no idea where i am right now i should really just use my setup i just need some like frame of reference how am i over here what we're going back to the odyssey i don't know where i am right now literally all you got to do here is jump and dive and that's all i did how am i in water what checkpoint should be here there it is that's what they call a rocket flower refresh where i'm from i think this is where i need to go yes it is excellent this is good nice all right we out in that pipe getting that pipe he's not getting in the pipe how hard is it to get into a fight mario fight finally good all right three more moons this is the moon i've been afraid of because i cannot remember the setup at all i think we're still in the tunnel i have no idea where i am i think it was you turn around you boost once you center the camera and then you hold up left seems like what it was you do this you boost once you send to the camera and you hold up left oh my god it actually worked haha that checkpoint where is it that checkpoint now we'll get this moon but i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to try and get the toad moon while i'm here because it would be really cool and just make everything better set to this camera maybe right there that toad is [Music] nice nice i think that's everything pretty sure i got all the moons i did that toe jump was sick dude luncheon is next and it was a disaster last time but i am more confident more confident than i've ever been luncheon ruined bowsers and moon four kingdoms left that's it wish me luck i'm going back in see you on the other side of luncheon at this point in the run last attempt i was so much more tired but now i'm just like i'm ready to go i am good we're solid we're gonna get this first moon under a minute guaranteed i want to grab the ledge come on grab it all right there we go easy under a minute he's free how am i so good moon sounds like it's right there i'm gonna do this fight [Music] i'll get it after [Music] all right easy fight uh you know what i wanted to try the speedrun strat to see if it would work because it would just save some time it totally did i think i might try the golden turnip i know i didn't do it last time but i think if i just listen i can get it i don't know which turn up that is though grab this one and just hope ah it was the golden turn up let's go yeah that's something i didn't even think about last run i could just i could place myself by listening to the sound of the pot i could kind of figure out where i am and i don't need to worry about any crazy backups nice all right there we go forks time [Music] there's moon number one [Music] fastest two moons in the entire run apparently now uh the cheese which is uh maybe the hardest part about about this kingdom awesome [Music] no i might need to do this again because i don't have i don't have the cheese to know which direction i'm facing holy yeah i think that might be the switch yes that's the hardest part about luncheon i think is that so it's good that that's all dealt with now while i'm here i'm gonna try and get the moon i got last time as a backup but if i get it then i won't need to do any extras afterwards screw up in the middle of something get out of here punk nice ha ha nice switch my meat pause the game just first you know just because oh there we go okay good one more moon it's not gonna work what is it all right at least i know how the camera reacts now hey all right there we go i think that's all i need a bit of a longer kingdom but still i think i might have saved time there it's probably less than two hours ruined and then two kingdoms that's it only eight hours in this is incredible i'll uh i'll see you guys at the end of ruined it'll be quick i hope all right you guys think it's gonna be like a first try dragon fight no death i sure hope so [Music] oh this been pound let's go there we go went a little too far forward easy fight it's basically any percent right all right messed up something real bad there got three of them there's three more uh rip this life yep whatever apparently they won't i'm gonna nearly die on the phase and only get one wow all right let's actually try this gonna get a clear head those last two uh last two fights kind of made me a little uh a little salty there we go finish off phase finally ah all right i've definitely knocked them all off now [Music] got it there we go that kingdom took way too long oh my god all right everybody eight more moons to go all right that's technically nine we are going to the moon that sucked how's everybody doing you're really scared about escape don't worry about it i practiced it a lot worry about just getting to the sphinx it's probably gonna take longer than escape we're going all right see you in an hour that's that's the dream that we're done in an hour [Music] we're mowing we're just zooming through this stage right now oh my god that was fast uh it's basically like i can almost see at this point can't exactly remember the setup for this now that i'm here uh am i between his legs i am between his legs and the pace the incredible pace is killed by the ogre [Music] good that's the proper setup [Music] just any present stuff let's go let's go all right let's not though [Music] all right um [Music] last shard is always a bit weird bye there we go you know boss fights should be pretty easy [Music] just hit like 400 hats or something that's what it sounded like all right there we go that's fine you dare run from me good this part is probably the hardest part of bowser's kingdom is getting up to the mech there's just so many enemies and bombs and everything it's just so easy to take damage in all of these places like it's actually have a good chance of dying believe there's one more maybe not oh there there is yep there's the other one that didn't work oh nice nice let's go [Music] nice [Music] where are we i hear flags to my left maybe i should go to my left pretty sure i'm on the bridge i could find the checkpoint that'd be great hey hey oh that's a checkpoint that's not the right checkpoint ayo i want to try something while i'm here oh i'm dead there it is [Music] yeah i need to grab two moons afterwards i was like i could just grab one now neck time ready for this i tried [Music] yeah this boss fight oh could take half an hour who knows we will in half an hour [Music] no come on [Music] all right there we go ah you have such a little time to destroy them there's a long fight i think this took me half an hour in the last attempts there we go halfway through the fight this phase is the most dangerous one so now he walks as well yeah there's just hazards everywhere and this phase is the hardest because he kneels instead of falls over so you have to hit like a really specific part to get up almost certainly walk past but the music i can't hear where they are like they make these really quiet noises where they're just like saying oh no and stuff i can't hear it over there of course it doesn't make it it doesn't make those sounds when they haven't fallen over yet now it starts screaming well i can't hear where they are yes yes [Music] come on come on yes finally all right we out of here we out of here boys all right you guys ready we are almost four hours ahead of my old run right now i need to make sure that my gamecube controller is in a place that i can find it because i switch to gamecube controller for the escape sequence because the notches help out a lot for angles here we go guys see you on the other side the next time i take this blindfold off i'll be the first person to ever complete super mario odyssey blindfolded this is exciting i'm actually like i feel prepared now so i'm actually feeling confident that we can finish this today the hardest part i think is going to be getting to the sphinx because i am not prepared for that i just want to notify you that there's a bunch of damn chat bots spam chatbots oh no there's a lot there's like hundreds oh my god oh my god it's bad it's bad it's really bad you'll see how many there are oh my god what the heck is going on surprisingly it's not upping your view count though yeah uh jeez that's a lot of people oh they said okay bye that was a lot of people all right well the next time i take this blindfold off i'll be the first person to who've ever been super mario blindfolded go on back down that was weird that's the first time that's ever happened to me pretty sure if we just do this we'll make it to the sphinx we are not in front of the sphinx are we though we might actually be on this face oh wait we were [Music] that's all right i mean cool if it was first try [Music] good let's second try [Music] no no did i fall off i hear the enemy we fell off all right guess we're doing moon skip again or no we're not i'm killing mario because then you'll respawn up at the moon cave should be back outside the moon cave all right i think we're on our way into the door [Music] knock knock wait knock knock no no not with your head mario knock knock bowser i'm a little late forgive me i couldn't see you can't hit me bowser you can't hit me not with your fire no nothing easy boss fight ah dang it he didn't hit me ow okay maybe you can't hit me but not with your fire and there we go one more hit and bowser's defeated look at this tactical damage so i don't get hit for the rest of the fire phase completely i'm about to say completely deliberate let's go bowser is defeated and the hardest part of the entire run it now starts the escape sequence is a freaking nightmare oh there we go we died and that's why it's the worst we just die i'm hitting something okay hitting my own death you practice escape but did you practice getting to bowser no that would be your downfall there we go and i am grabbing my lovely pink gamecube controller that is right i don't know if you guys can see that [Music] foreign good don't expect this to be first try guys this is gonna take me a while [Music] i'm not sure what happened there so [Music] [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the furthest i've ever made it with a blindfold on i've never made it this far but get ready for anime okay here we go [Music] that volume [Music] [Music] [Music] might not be lined up properly i don't think i am yeah i was misaligned after the second pillar so i i couldn't finish [Music] yeah come on where is it [Music] no that was all the pillars too [Music] [Music] that pillar man hardest part of the run has to be at the end let's throw ourselves at it until we get it i will finish ah i got to the pillar too [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this pillar is killing [Music] me is it [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on come on come on come on [Music] come on where is it yes yes yes oh my god [Music] i did it oh my god 12 hours oh i was in that room for like two hours finally i don't have to do this again all right you guys want to hear the most satisfying sound gamecube controllers spin pounds just listen to this
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 4,781,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Speedrun, Super Mario Odyssey, Speedrunning, Mario Odyssey Speedrun, smo Speedrun, smo wr, Speedrun fails, smo challenges, smo glitches, agdq, smo agdq, smo captureless, mario, mario speedrun, Mecha-b, Super mario odyssey blindfolded, bird box challenge, smo blind, smo blindfolded, blindfolded
Id: s0ZFtb9RH-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 14sec (3374 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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