Mario Odyssey is a perfect game with no glitches :)

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so odyssey has been out about three years now i've done speed runs i've done challenge runs and i realized recently that i know a lot of glitches so i decided to do a stream showing off all the cool ones it gets crazier the further and you get so i hope you enjoy oh and if you do enjoy remember to subscribe only around 30 of you are and it helps me out a lot uh thanks we're going to start right now we are in two player mode i left cappy on the top of the tower and i am going to park the scooter in a very precise spot and it will allow us to escape the mecca wiggler boss fight and then some very weird things will happen and the reason why i have cappy up at the top is because we need to get to the top of the tower and activate the boss fight before the scooter despawns okay that should work we'll see gotta get to the scooter now go on yes okay we're on and we've escaped and there we go we are out of the boss fight and now we are in night metro and we can just drive away yeah we can but you can see some things are a little strange buildings are just not around there's a pipe here where does it go that's where it goes there's just invisible walls i can't go through that there's just invisible buildings and we're just going to explore a little bit like the buildings are still here you just can't see them and there's a lot of weird stuff there's just floating stuff just around i'm gonna show you something is if i can get it on the first try i hope i can get it on the first try um i'm gonna do the infinite fall if i remember correctly there's a ledge here there's a ledge here i can wall jump between two walls here yes good good yes this is this is correct um i'm pretty sure there's a building that i can jump on over here wait what was that there's just something that cappy latched on to there all right just for anyone that's curious i am playing in two-player mode and what that means is i am simultaneously playing with my hands and feet with two controllers because we need to play in two-player mode for a lot of this most of the stuff i am showing you here today you can do on your game right now you could start up your game and do it including this one also um mario is just floating let's go in here or not okay maybe that's that's cool certain there's an invisible wall here how far does it go up oh um whoops the building doesn't exist apparently so it looks like the railing is still solid i'm gonna try and straight jump into the loading zone this is just odyssey 0.9 and we're in the interior let's go all right and now i'm going to show you the next glitch which is the infinite fall and it may take me a few tries because it is a little bit hardened frame perfect um just got to be very very perfect with this that should work please work yes we got it okay excellent um now we are outside of the area we've missed the death plane and we are um we're going down into the void and we can fall like this forever so that's the infinite fall yeah the world is going away now we're gonna go into cascade because i just did a moon clip i'm going to show you where some other moon clips can be done and we've loaded cascade excellent so i'm in bounds right now if you just cap through at the right time you can just go back out of bounds the water is invisible by the way of course there's a lot of clips in cascade kingdom you guys haven't seen if you crouch and anybody can do these by the way any of them that i that i'm doing here any you guys can do on like a most updated version of the game if you're careful you can walk into the dino's toe and just go through the wall and just go through the floor now there's a moon behind here right and if you don't want to use the chain chomp you can just get the moon by doing that that one is only possible on older versions of the game but it's still possible to get that moon without a capture by doing what i like to call the rock slide so there's the surface clip let me just get under okay let's go here there we go and now we can just slide along the ground and we can get into there if we wanted to but it's more fun to explore just turn around and hit just like don't hit me yeah well if i hit a slope of mario will fall so i need to be very oh there we go we hit the little slope on the the chain jump thing and we'll die which is why i have assist mode on so that's rockslide uh recently within the last few months a form of teleportation was discovered it's a little bit complicated all right so there's something called the crc and that's called a cappy return cancel where you can teleport cappy pretty much wherever you want so i'm just doing a setup to teleport cappy to a very specific spot on the map it all depends on how far cappy is from mario and then the exact direction and slope that mario is facing so mario i'm getting mario on a specific slope here and i'm facing mario in a very precise direction based on some visual cues and we're going to teleport cappy up there to hit that checkpoint and now we can go on to this island in the sky way before we're supposed to way before and there's the crc now we just have one moon to get before we leave so i'm just gonna go back out of bounds really quick here but we need to leave the kingdom and i want to show you guys something really cool okay our crc is possible everything that you're seeing me do is possible in 1.3 unless i specify the only thing that isn't possible is the spin throw clip on the rock right before rockslide but anyways we're gonna get um this moon now and finish off the kingdom which is um our first power moon oh you know what you know what i could do i'll do one more thing now that we finished that cappy just is apparently cloned and floats down below because he's just hanging out there i guess i mean you could see him just a vibin and the odyssey obviously hasn't been powered up yet but did you know you can get inside the odyssey before it's powered up might take me a try or two you'll see we go we're in the odyssey let's see what does the odyssey look like from the inside wow they really need to really need to clean this place up don't you think ah looks like they cleaned it up a little bit where does this even where do i even come out well all right let's go i had no idea that was a thing i didn't know you could go in the odyssey i just thought you could go in the shell of the odyssey but all right we're gonna do a glitch called uh globe storage next this should work we'll see yes okay we got it so now i'm trying to throw cappy you hear it we don't need cappy anymore so let's go get some moons why not so i'm gonna go over to the runes and we're gonna get some moons awesome good stuff it's just mario 64 now it's just super mario no odyssey no cappy easy stuff you guys don't realize it but i'm being very careful right now for a very specific reason that you will understand in a moment good just gonna get this moon and i should probably show you um some other stuff let's go to cascade kingdom uh if the camera ever turns towards the odyssey in that state you instantly teleport to it so i just wanted to show you something at cascade kingdom just wanted to jump right back uh you know how we never fought madame brutal we didn't get the moons you can never fight madame brutal and you can never get that moon so this save file is now it's broken you can never 100 the game on the save file never it's impossible it's impossible to get all the moons on this save file icicle clip might take me an attempt or two it's a bit finicky this one by rolling and roll canceling after a ground pound you can just go through walls why is he in assist mode it's easier to do certain glitches in assist mode or it's safer especially once we get into the nuke split it's glitches upon glitches oh there we go once we get to the nuke split it'll be glitches upon glitches upon glitches that will be very uh important that i do not die but yeah you can get moons out of bounds like cool things let me think you can i think enter this loading zone yeah you can enter that loading zone from the outside the one right after this is where things go start getting crazy um because we're gonna completely break this kingdom wide open get a story moon without cappy please it just brings cappy back to you we'll be and i i need to save a story moon for uh something that's very important hey there we go we got it okay it just pushes you through the sand all right that's that clip but yeah now we're gonna get into the uh the real juicy stuff in sand kingdom so obviously with roll cancel clips you can just go through walls this one is no exception we're in this area early normally you need to get two story moons to unlock this door but if you clip you can do some things where you start combining glitches a glitch which i have labeled on my splits as nuke you can you can do some stuff because yeah now we're going on to the bubble clip and we're starting the process you know what i did with the moon clips where i backflipped and i did a cap throw turns out you don't even need a moon and it might take me a few tries good good okay yes we have escaped the boss fight okay we're free that's a bubble clip where it recognizes you've left the arena but it does not place you back down in the correct spot and so now harriet's all alone up there and the camera always auto turns towards harriet which is very annoying but now we can start the process what is the process you ask well i'll show you but now because the camera auto turns towards harriet have you ever considered that while you're inside this the camera is always locked can do it backwards all right is this a meme oh there's a lot more there is way more this is just setting stuff up this is the tip of the iceberg i can't see ah okay we're fine all right so if you look at the boss fight now you can see harriet's just a vibing there right you could see harriet's in there but there's still that invisible wall you know wouldn't it be great if we could get rid of that wall and harriet could join us [Music] so by getting a story moon it gets rid of the wall but harriet is still there we need to help harry escape harriet always moves towards us so i'm gonna go stand on some specific points on the map and harriet will slowly make her way off of the pyramid once you see her start to throw bombs off that's when we know we can move all right okay the explosions are on the edge of the pyramid that means we can move all right we'll just sit and wait now now harriet if you look um see how every corner has a jacksie statue that one doesn't she is able to walk up onto that corner and jump off you can see she's very close to the edge it's just a matter of time now you can see her shadow below the pyramid yeah she's eating them off the cliff that's good and right when she gets oh oh there she goes there she goes let's go let's go see her she's going and she levitates harriet how are you doing that harriet what is she doing hey she's down okay come with me harriet i have something amazing to show you so yeah now harriet is just here uh now that she's down i can get her to move a lot faster yeah now we can nuke all right well i need a jaxie there's the nuke and yes it hurts you if you get close you get hurt so she's just beating the hell out of jaxy right now working as intended oh that's hot all right and if you ever bring it off screen it goes away what are we gonna do now what happens when she's in the water there's only frozen water right now kill her now all right we'll eat her off the cliff you gotta watch where you're walking this is a lesson all right oh goodbye oh she's taking a break from falling i guess see ya well there she goes and yes like i said everything that i just did is possible on a regular unmodified current version of super mario odyssey now we'll get super speed and then we'll do world peace which is necessary to unlock a bunch of stuff in this kingdom there is ice here and there is fire here now it might take me a few tries but if you get on fire mario moves very fast mario he moves he friggin zooms how far back can you make it you you can't you can't really make it further than this tiny square because the platforms are never lined up properly once you have world peace there's a super easy clip where you can just get onto this fence and just just walk into it and the great part about that is that you can just crouch walk forwards out of bounds it's so easy anybody can do it and then you're you're just in the buildings so yeah you just ground pound into it crouch walk and then you can see what the underside of the town looks like so yeah this is the underside of the town so that's what it looks like let's plop this bad boy back in on to the next oh yeah mario is still falling all right so hopefully i get this it's like frame perfect ish i messed it up didn't i nice there we go okay i got the clip so now we're out of bounds because it interrupted me and you can do a bunch of out of bounds movement if we look around oh won't let me look around it's not letting me look around never mind we're not going to take a look around i take it back we can get this moon while out of bounds and then jump up as the speed run does of course and this is also a glitch or you can just run up the slope all the way but that's not what we're here for we are here for the uproot because the uproot is something very special that it can do if it makes friends with glide on if you drop one of these on this something strange starts to happen hey there it is uh i just suggested glide on go down and so it did now what i'm going to try and do is i'm going to try and capture it while it's half out of bounds i'll only have one shot to do it and i don't want to wait again but if we can capture while we're out of bounds we can do something cool ah i missed it heck that's okay oh you can see a shadow you can see the shadow right there he's coming he's close like it's it's darker there it's stained oh there he is please capture it out of bounds ah no but we got glide on back all right and now i guess we should fly forever shouldn't we okay that's definitely going up yeah you can actually see him going up here good yeah so you walk off of the edge off of a steep slope and then you turn towards going up the slope and you have to shake the whole time and there we go we have escaped okay we escaped the camera lock we are higher than the camera lock yeah this is the top now we can turn and uh this is what the kingdom looks like from afar this is way higher than you should ever be that glitch essentially allows you to fly forever and we're back in the kingdom okay it didn't work in sand kingdom but i'm just going to do it right here [Music] you can just jump through the wall and yeah have you ever considered how this in this fire bro isn't possible to leave this area well what if it did what would happen you're never supposed to be able to capture them you're supposed to just oh yeah by the way i clipped again um you're never supposed to be able to take him out of this area he's just supposed to die in that area and never leave okay he's across the barrier now we are free to do whatever we want invincibro is free and some kind of cool that you can do is you can climb you can just go up walls just get them into a corner get them against the wall uh no i guess you're not supposed to be able to have a fire bro up here but they can just walk on slopes which totally chill we are going to do a glitch with some floating rocks now i need to go find out where the heck some rocks are so i'm just gonna grab one of these and you know how he's invincible right what happens if the rock can't be killed either and what if the rock floats if you throw it onto this platform make the platform fall and then catch it it makes it float but yeah this rock it's invincible it cannot be killed what happens will he die [Music] because i'm fairly sure sometimes some weird stuff happens yeah that sometimes happens he loses his hair and gains it somewhere else he's a bald bro now the law of equivalent exchange we are going to be doing a lot of things with these rocks because these rocks are very very broken so did you know that rocks can activate notes did you know that did you know that rocks can activate notes did you know there's multiple notes in the kingdom how the frick are there this many glitches i mean a lot of people played the game a lot of people discovered amazing things amazing terrible things it's brilliant okay finally and we're just gonna get out of here [Music] oops oh they aren't perfectly in sync oh that's even worse oh god let's take a look around the kingdom i wonder what's up [Music] um i'm in the middle of something i'm trying to look around the kingdom sir i'm fairly sure going into this pipe messes with things [Music] oh we need to now load pre-piece i need to switch profiles uh we're going to create a black hole um that's the easiest way to put it all right good so we have one floating rock and now i have some cool stuff to show you so obviously floating rocks are cool and all right but what if i told you we can go one step further we can have invincible floating invisible rocks and i'm getting this one because it's not fully invisible because it glows but this should be a rock that is uh that exists yes okay i can't remember how to make it invisible if i'm being completely honest oh that's how and there you go an invisible rock that's not the only thing you can do with rocks you can um how do i phrase this really it's just torture you can torture things this is gonna be loud oh all right i think you know what we did the nbc ouch i'm gonna do the black hole them out nice and proper starting to get into like the you know the what memes nice what's that 12. yeah they're fine they thought we weren't looking so they started jumping they party when we don't look okay gotta clear out all of this now so now it begins oh and now i need to make sure now that i've started creating the black hole i can never walk on that specific moving platform there but we're just gonna walk up and i'm gonna destroy the first rock by accident dang it i need to not do that good all right that's a start okay [Music] okay and you guys can't see it or feel it but my controller is vibrating oh no i see where this is going yeah good oh dear oh it's already happening you seeing this it's a black hole that eats all my freaking inputs oh okay yep rock there we go the last rock here we go all right so we've done it the game is now in slow motion okay oh god well jump cat throw dive okay we're moving okay you you want you want to see something incredibly satisfying now you know what we're gonna do now right we're gonna jump into it to see what happens and then ruin it [Applause] actually not too much we just added some rotation to it okay here we go and there we go and that's the black hole and now the game looks so fast i'm such a speedy speedrunner yeah now we need to do a coin coffer glitch which i don't quite know how it works but it's one of the most broken glitches in the game we need to capture the coin coffer as it takes damage i think oh it did work crap i failed it though okay good i guess we'll try it then [Music] so that's weird it's not exactly what i was going for it thinks mario is standing here [Music] i wonder what happens if we die bye i think we're in the pond well i'm gonna have to load a new save okay good mario will continue to fall into the void do you have to take damage while you're capturing this oh no that's how it works right i forgot yeah we just cloned mario there we go that's what you got to do see ya mario yeah yeah yeah that's what we're going for that's what i was trying to do you want to try it again with different captures the uproot was targeting the fake mario yes it was hit me please did it not work i don't know [Music] oh no it worked so mario is up by um no they're drowning breathe breathe uh mario is up where i captured the goomba right now and now we have some underwater goombas i can't done capture and there's pretty much nothing i can do except i guess i can go in the pipe please do with glide on as well it's really funny bye oh wait okay what when you press y it it goes with glide on but when you let go the camera is like how about no though oops oh god it's so broken it's so broken first person you can't go into first person and captures let's be free okay we're free all right that's the coin coffer glitch so now we are going to do one of the only sequence breaks in the game we are going to skip to metro kingdom if you've watched the speed run or the speed run that i do you know about it but i have some cool stuff to show you guys yeah we're doing the the cappy warp teleport thingy so we are in a different kingdom we're only supposed to access up to wooded kingdom right now but it does give you a nice preview of metro and we are going to we're going to make it all the way over there early metro kingdom is whack it has some problems is what i'll say uh i'm right now i'm sending cappy really far down into the abyss because it needs to go i'm going to convert the distance that i'm sending cappy downwards right now i'm going to convert that into horizontal distance to hit a checkpoint but i need to shake really aggressively like this okay it should work good please work i don't have to wait another like minute nice we got it okay so that's the crc and we got a few things that i want to show you now listen close listen do you hear that that's the sound of rain it thinks it's night metro outside when you're inside of the shop but when you go outside there's no rain that's the rain from night metro all right maybe i get the the warp here we'll see maybe i might get the warp yeah so that's a glitch um if you're standing near the ledge when you get that moon for whatever reason mario teleports but anyways um normally there's supposed to be a capture here that you capture move over and then you ground pound into the sewers right well you can't really do that here he's just stuck in a hole now um i guess i could show you some clips really quick because everybody loves a good clip anyways you can just ground pound and roll there and you go into the wall if you just face right and spin throw cappy just goes through the wall if you stand on this barrel or in between the barrel and the wall jump ground pound and roll in the right spot in the right spot please mario just goes through the wall you can go into the outfit room without ever getting the outfit i'm not sure if it was this room or the other room yeah if you walk into the corner of any of these little hallways you can just walk out of bounds any of these corner buildings you can just go into them [Music] yup you can just go in any of these i think i showed you all the clips you need to know i'm going to show you one more thing two more things actually so you know this sub area you know the pipe at the end of it how it's supposed to take you to a rocket to another sub area well it gets a little confused and it takes you to the odyssey but the odyssey isn't there or is it they kept the collision for only the tips of the poles so look at this infinite cap jumps in midair how is he doing it what all right i'm gonna have to focus here because i'm gonna show you guys a cool glitch i only have one shot to do it though so we're gonna go into late kingdom but we're not supposed to go into late kingdom through the painting the very first time we get into lake because that's supposed to be impossible so the painting isn't active and i can't turn the camera at all i can't turn it at all but i can activate the boss fight i had to get into the boss fight blind and yeah so you can fight the boss completely with the camera locked yeah and like even now like the camera will be like this oh no the camera wants to turn and like i no matter what i do the camera will not turn we got some fun stuff now we got some very fun stuff now so i'm going to show you guys the talk to glitch and i'm sure you guys know about talking to glitch it's pretty basic you hit talkatoo right after you're done doing something to it what you're able to do is it locks the camera in place and you can't undo it unless you talk to someone else i believe and it says talkatoos text and then it says their text but that's not the only thing you can do because this gets a bit funky it is pretty precise though that might work we'll see if you ground pound during the freeze mario is just standing in the air but there's more stuff you can do with it you guys ready bye but yeah it locks the camera and mario's just slowly walking yeah there's a lot of good stuff you can do with this glitch a lot of amazing stuff here i'll do one more i'll do one more jump rope glitch that's not gonna help you guys sure you can break jump rope but like what's the point of breaking jump rope when you can do it way easier oops all right well ready you ready don't blink whoa oh he's gone he's back [Music] and he's gone and he's back when you're in the tacotu glitch go into first-person mode and mario just disappears you know how there's kind of two different types of metro kingdom there's day metro and night metro what if you put them together now i might not get this on the first try because i'm gonna have to do a lot of blind walking should work yes awesome there we go it is night day metro we went into the city hall with the camera locked so we can still see this one we call this one orange metro here let's do it one more time with a wider view perfect what a view hey there we go it's the upside down what is this oh no it's just look at that look at the city all of the buildings are gone oh my god i i thought everything flipped upside down but that's just a silhouette or something that's crazy this is the first time i've seen it but now we're doing the letters the letters allow us to do some incredible and ridiculous things so you grab the a you face it up against this wall you grab the m you take it and you push it up so the red is facing out and there are invisible walls here and we're gonna pop it out of the invisible wall but yeah the a is the best one for what we're gonna be doing there we go that's nice and centered so now we can just hold up it'll walk into the a uncapture once it's touching and the a pops out awesome and we can do a few things with the a obviously you can get to an infinite score but also with the a if you just put it beside a building you can just go into that building oh we're in hey would you look at that that's what the inside of the shop looks a little bit empty these days huh so those are the a clips you can go into any building like that any wall you want wherever you want to go sky's the limit but speaking of actually i want to show you something we just need to go over to the rest of the kingdom uh the rest of the kingdom being the sub area that's the wrong warp what happened there was you know this taxi you're supposed to capture it and then it moves forwards into a boat this area and the game is like oh he's in a capture he's in this area okay let's send him to the sub area but you don't even have to use a letter to do that because what you can do i believe is just do that i have no idea why that works but you could just launch yourself into it but that's not all you can do with letters now i'm gonna take out that doesn't really matter i'm gonna take out the eye because that is not it at all there is so so much more we can do with these letters and oh boy am i excited for it this is not one you want to look away for there we go good yo robin stone six for the prime whoa okay i wanted to surprise you guys with that but um yeah the letters can be a bit glitchy and yeah so the eye is gone now we the eye is just gone forever so now it's just tomorrow good but if you want to do that with any letter leave the letter in the road carl drive right into it and just go out one of the corners and most of the time it'll work and you can get every one of the letters out yes for anyone curious whoa look at us go holy crap we're bouncing off invisible walls dear god no there goes the eight what um all right apparently our last safe location was inside city hall oh look at that there's a floor inside city hall no one ever knew about now i only have one question for you guys one question do you want more [Music] we haven't even gone to a parallel dimension yet or done any like front words long jumping backwards long jumps whatever you'll see okay let's go zoom we bumped on it now um now we got the suckage glitch [Music] uh i i can't really explain it i just want to surprise you we just need to take this oh gotta leave it right here we gotta go in here you have to so what i'm doing is i have assist mode and two player on right now and they're both necessary assist mode sets your safe spot and will bubble you to the last safe place that you were standing this might not work let me see assist mode bubbles you to the last safe space you were standing and so if we were standing in that room the game will bring us back to that room so this should work i think yes it did work all right so we're in this area metro kingdom has the kingdom and this area is actually always loaded this room is always loaded but it's really really far away and the thing with metro is it doesn't have invisible walls around the kingdom it has force fields and once you go past a certain threshold it starts to pull mario back it starts to suck him back and it sucks the further you go the more it sucks and so the reason why this is called the suckage glitch is that it sucks mario very hard check this out you've heard of backwards long jumps but have you heard of forward long jumps and there's your forwards long jump very nice and it brings us right back and yeah we're just interdimensional traveling not a big deal just launches them and if we get a good enough one we can make it back to the city i think that's the goal but if you're s yeah it does it just teleports mario like it's so wacky yeah like if i try and roll like it doesn't let me at all just because it's sucking me so hard [Music] let's go up please whoa whoa we made it back it sucked us back a baby incredible so that's the suckage glitch we got some fun ones now luncheon kingdom is where it gets cool also everything is cool what am i saying so now we're just gonna kill mario just give me a second see we're in the capture but uh mario is dead we have officially killed mario so this is that one that one's cool but that's not the only thing that we can do with uh with this kingdom there's a few more there okay now they're in sync this should work there we go we got it this is uh the surfing glitch let's uh get rid of cappy here we got mario uh we got mario surfing can you do be riding boom no mario get out of the pot no so this is the surfing glitch classic mo so that's podoboo surfing now we have the uh the time freeze this may take me a few tries because it is rather difficult but it involves a few different glitches but i will do my best so we need to take these goombas over to the other side uh now goombas aren't supposed to go over to the other side of the map but i'm going to anyways with glitches okay now goombas aren't supposed to be able to walk up this mountain but if you jump and if you spam the run button as hard as you can you can kind of coax them into going up and around it oh crap i might have messed it up we might be dead nope we're good okay okay we made it over the mountain i only get one shot at this and uh it takes a while to bring these goombas over but trust me it's worth it run into me please there we go so this is the time freeze glitch we uncaptured them while we were getting a life apart and everything is frozen nothing can hurt me not even the lava bye cappy but it's a pretty it's a pretty freaking cool glitch you got to admit like you you don't see this every day but yeah i'm pretty sure the only way to cancel this is to turn off my game all right let's see what dying does dying kills you i don't believe it well mario just suffering forever uh i need to change user anyways because we're going to the headless mario file because we're going to remove mario's head which outfit do we want to see mario without a head nips or skeleton let's see what both of them look like change now now all we need to do is die like it's a random chance but i maximize the odds it should happen pretty quick this is on 1.3 yes this is the most recent version of the game well there it is there it goes his head he's got no head it tried to put the 2d outfit on with another costume no hands as well no hands no arms you don't need none of that why does it happen um so when you buy an outfit it makes it so that specific outfit cannot be random anymore whenever you die but since i have them my cap set to randomize occasionally it randomizes the um oh we got it okay yo it's just not there that's the best one that's the best one what is this mysterious creature he has like chicken wings oh wait wait i've ready i have an idea my god what if we all right all right um we're gonna go do some exploring oh let's go to las kingdom i'm gonna i'm gonna do some stuff real quick oh wait load lost oh no well that's new uh we just discovered a new glitch this has never been seen before what the hell what the heck what i wonder if his hands are visible his hands are visible look you can see his hands they're right there you can see them the parts of them they're all smushed together they they're like crushed but they're there and the eyes are weird okay one more one more glitch to call it a day i am going to crash the game as fast as i can when do you think i am able to crash the game how far in will i need to go hmm i know already there's two places that i can think of where to crash the game if this if this one doesn't work that did not work so instead i'm going to crash it in another way we just got to defeat this box quickly as we can i defeated the boss but i didn't get the first moon all right we've done it time all the glitches five hours 11 minutes in one second that's it for the day i hope you guys liked all the glitches and stuff it was fun i'm glad i got to show you guys uh show you it all but thanks for watching i will see you tomorrow uh be sure to follow the stream if you haven't already check me out on twitter for the the top tier stuff that we live tweeted um and what else i don't know i'll see you tomorrow thanks for watching
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,489,762
Rating: 4.959096 out of 5
Keywords: Speedrun, Super Mario Odyssey, Speedrunning, Mario Odyssey Speedrun, smo Speedrun, smo challenges, smo glitches, mario, mario speedrun, Mario wr, smo
Id: kjCQ5_0DB9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 59sec (3479 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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