Doing the "impossible"

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all right so i will do my best to explain what we are doing today so super mario odyssey came out right came out about three years ago um and when it first came out there were a lot of youtube videos of a lot of things but one of the ones that was uh that i was most aware of were the impossible challenges they said where that's like the impossible jump now one of the impossible jumps is that so we're gonna be doing all of the things that were impossible in 2017 that's what we're doing today there i mean some of them might be as easy as that some of them might be harder but uh yeah this i we're gonna do a lot of different challenges today and i'm just gonna you know what here's what i'm going to do to find the challenges i'm going to open up youtube i'm going to type in i work i'm just going to impossible super mario odyssey challenge okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go to this and we're gonna be like okay impossible super mario odyssey challenge what do we got here the impossible challenge sinking ruins flowerless you want to try that you want to try these the sinking runes flowerless let's do it all right that's the first challenge of the day and i'm not even gonna watch the videos because apparently it's impossible but we're gonna find out i know exactly where the sinking runes are let's go do it let's give it a try and i think this will be fun today i really think this will be a good time figure eight thank you for the year so hard it's impossible oh man thank you alien i think a alien alien alien there we go ragnarok thank you for the subs uh tough lord of nature thank you for all the subs dummy stick chubby bub thank you i appreciate the support it's basically so-called impossible challenges yeah exactly so i'm just gonna do my best to to figure out if if this kind of stuff is possible we'll see i believe this is the one and yeah we need to get essentially to up there without using flowers i'm pretty sure that's the whole challenge okay well that's it's a little bit of a tough one it seems like that's okay though it'll take a little bit to figure this out i'm sure some of these now they did say impossible but we'll see we'll see should i dgr's impossible challenges oh yeah we'll do a bunch um i mean they are impossible yeah but it's not impossible all you gotta do is run over here and grab this what's so hard about that dude honestly though is it even it's probably possible to just like jump all the way across without even using that slope i bet turns out the first one is actually impossible that would suck i would imagine that they're not that bad okay we almost got up there it's an insanely hard jump yeah cozy thanks to tier one but it isn't it is possible okay so it looked like i was able to ground pound onto the slope there so we will have to try this triple jump you see how we were able to ground down there yes and also something that will help me a lot is they weren't really good at two-player mode in 2017 try assist mode this is assist mode so something that i can do is i can try and use two player mode as well that could help wait longer to lower the floor maybe perhaps but if i'm waiting longer then it is going a little bit harder but yeah this will be interesting to see yeah it seems like i am able to jump right on the very edge of it interesting captain esophagus thanks to the 12. and something that try a wall jump it won't let me wall jump oh you know what we could do yeah that's a good idea we could try something like this interesting okay just use the flowers nah star wars 26 months it's amazing yes can you run up in like in wooded i don't think so what if you triple jump i'll try a triple jump one two three oh now we almost made that almost made it i think if we delay a little bit like if i'm a little bit slower let it fall a little bit more that should work we'll see oh i missed the slope that's fine while jump will work we can get up and we will get good at this challenges like this could be doing today we're already making good progress on the impossible challenge there we go that's a start you can just stop a little bit there now this part i would i'm a little bit concerned about this part because this part you have to have some pretty good speed we got to keep rolling we can't just dive all the time don't know why you died and poisonous as well certain areas you do you do die on just trying to jump up boost and roll right before you hit the slope and then jump yeah it's just you have to have like a really really high amount of speed to get up this specific slope it seems like what's your goal to try and do the challenges okay it does not seem like oh i wasn't able to get up there triple jump did work better yeah you die here in assist mode because then the moon would be impossible if you didn't yes there wouldn't be any safe spots to land essentially one two three okay no we bonked okay we can get there timer timer timer all right you want a timer for each challenge that sounds good so when you consider a challenge impossible i honestly i don't know i really don't know here we'll add a timer for this challenge there you go good stuff it's not a run there's no need for a timer just so people how know how long i've been trying one specific impossible challenge for i think is is reasonable to have one oh i bought there apparently okay what challenge are we doing do i literally need to write it out i'll write it out sure current challenge let me write that up current challenge get the moon without touching without using a flower using a flower okay and boom yo kage gifting a sub let's go okay i think what's better is that if i do that okay we were able to jump on that one did you guys see that we were able to jump on that here we go that was we're making progress this is good okay close okay death count death count death count i'm not adding a death count nah timer is good you don't i can't just keep adding stuff to the stream to please you guys go okay no that was bad didn't give me much time okay that's interesting that we can get one jump on that slope but if we could potentially like if here's here's my thought if we can get on the top of that and then run around it before anything else this could work this one looks super hard this might be a hard one to start out with yes we might have to re retry it does feel impossible we'll see we'll see we got closer that time i think a long jump would be faster we'll see something that i'd like are we just able to like we could definitely make it across there with like some two-player stuff i bet right right like it feels like we could certainly make that jump maybe what is this challenge uh the challenge is reading what's on the screen that's a hard part apparently if we can make it on to here without having to do that then that's getting this moon without a flower and we don't have to worry about it that's all we gotta do that's it maybe wall jump yeah we would have to wall jump if we can get there hmm interesting isn't that an elite trick jump i don't know i i don't do trick jumps can't be that bad right can't be that bad roll cancel triple oh yeah a roll cancel triple jump would give me more speed that's true i should do that or just like a regular triple jump no i probably need a rule cancel be harder in two-player mode though let's roll cancel sucking two-player okay maybe practice with one flare to get one flower to get used to the layout perhaps we could probably make it with a with a triple jump i think okay if he had an extra file you could do without the slope in the way yeah i don't know if i have i don't i might actually oh we could totally make that we never mind we don't even need to here i'll do it on a different file i think there is a file that i have that hasn't finished this this kingdom will probably work we just need to hit the moon rock you can't wall jump because the wall wouldn't be there we'll see we'll see i think we're gonna we'll be able to do this without the flower because getting this moon without the flower i believe is possible and i don't like this outfit at all let's change this outfit this is gross dude ew let's just get right now regular mario not complete file strats yeah so now we can actually see what it looks good they didn't say you had to collect the moon before you don't have to play the moon well i i'm gonna collect the moon that's the point we're gonna do jump using the roll boost i don't think that's how it works a german youtuber named vic did an impossible challenge where he beat odyssey without jumps coins and damage at the same time no jumps coins and damage um come back when he's done it without cap throws too cause i did it without jumps cap throws coins in damage what a flex it's just easy dude okay super mario odyssey what a sav it's just you're bringing up these challenges like they're hard i guess it's not bad at all dude be great if you could change your clothes so i could see you thank you mario [Applause] which moon we'll see you'll see this is my darker side file that we did yesterday which is really convenient because it skips a lot of the sub areas which is probably where the challenge would be [Music] all right good stuff i'm the most humble guy oh thank you yes i'm the most humble i i i have pride in being the most humble guy nanny for thanks for the prime orca wizard thanks for the four and worse average thanks to the two okay i blocked you on twitter ethan is it because you kept spamming my dms because if you keep spamming my dms i'll do that or if if you have some other reason like you were just overwhelmingly negative and you kept showing up on my page my thing i just block you it's one of the two you either like just wouldn't stop messaging me or just overwhelmingly negative to the point where i was like you know what nah okay here we go so the challenge is to get across here and now that the slope isn't actually there this time which is good i might actually try this one on player i think i can do this in one player instead because like all we need to do is just we need to jump off of that railing and then we'll we'll make it most likely like that was a terrible jump and i very nearly made that like see that did you get up on the last one what do you mean last one this is the same challenge it's just i'm i have opened my mind to a new option instead of going all the way around why don't we just jump across do a triple throw it'll be much easier i don't know how to do triple throws how do you do triple throws again do you leave cappy behind i don't know a triple throw is a very it's a very uh not very used mechanic it's where you throw three times in on the third throw it uh it's essentially so here i'll show you what a triple throw is a triple throw is when you throw once throw again throw three times as he does that spin throw one two see how much faster cap he comes back after shaking that's what happens so all we need to do is jump off of this railing and apparently need to triple throw that was not a triple jump okay never knew that was the thing it's very useful in trick jumps because having cappy return to you really quick is super super good like it's actually really good like we're getting pretty close already homing gets more distance for that help i should yeah how do you throw him three times so essentially i'll have to have cappy return right as i'm doing a regular capture for the cap jump and then right after the cap jump i'll throw cappy again for the triple throw like so we almost made that very close that was the triple throw and it is not impossible it's just really awkward because i'm not used to doing triple throws and stuff hmm yeah we got close you're cheesing the challenge no i'm not are you playing 1.3 i am yes but you can't get the key moon was the goal to get the ki moon i don't know and that wasn't a triple throw because i didn't time it right there has to be no delay between all three throws correct could triple throw used to make snow jam easier yeah it needs to be faster still you do this thank you thank you i'm gonna do my best okay watch the video nah i don't wanna i don't want any tips from the videos the goal was to get a moon it's tough are you going to make this a video there's a very good chance yes i will an axle thanks to the four costumes your favorite pokemon game ever i'm excited to play okay you just walked out the edge excited to play tomorrow at another time for literally no reason yes all right i didn't have much speed there didn't have much speed we'll do it again someone redeemed chunky rugby visit let's go yeah you have to like bring cabbie back at the exact right time it sucks dude this is the first challenge yes and we might be like this one might actually be a little bit of a hard one to start with today i was thinking we should do like easier impossible challenges yeah how can you keep cappy in position after jumping uh you have to hold him in place essentially it's hard to explain god it's so tough i'm not used to trick jumping and this specific one requires trick jump stuff all right yeah so this won't triple throw we're getting closer i'm getting better at the whole trick jump stuff and ninja with the 15 months that's insane why don't you use assist mode assist mode insta kills you in this room anyways uh just for safety sake so you can restart the challenge more quickly uh yeah it doesn't work quite like that 2017 impossible challenges like beating the game with three captures ah i need to return kathy earlier than that it's so weird two players save yourself the trouble uh i don't know if two player makes it easier at all is the thing because two player makes roll cancels harder they're frame perfect why don't wall jump wall jump off of what the air almost okay i was a little bit late on a little bit early on the cap drill we got close there you guys see that you guys see that that was good that jump is almost frame perfect no it's not almost a year and a half i know it's crazy well i'll jump off the platform okay i'll jump off the platform it doesn't let me i can't do it so sad i tried to well jump just wouldn't make it so close little late on the returning cappy to me that's okay ah right squillium thanks to the two a little bit late on that the jump is right the jump is right but i'm bringing cappy back too late if there's no indicators telling the perfect timing to throw and jump it's just poison yeah there's no indicators of when to do things and i'm not used to it as well something that i am not used to is the triple throws if i was better at triple throws this would have been first try but this is this will get me better at the game because i'm not oh should have shook a little earlier than that that would have worked okay connect thanks to the two and spacey chicken thank you i just dropped my controller whoops okay good stuff got close though honestly if we bonk that means i pretty much almost got it at the end try and grab the ledge it's actually safer like it doesn't give you as much distance have you tried more gamer lean is that all you need i just need to lean all right gamer lean let's do this more lean we need more lean okay maybe this way nope not that way the other way do the samsung head bops okay no not quite right not quite right let's try this again okay lean the other way wait wait i have an idea this will work almost almost this is this is the this is the reverse gamer lean oh my god we almost did it all right i forgot chucky rocky was redeemed i'm so sorry fantastic posture thank you oh that's not gonna be a triple there was it no we bonked there and i messed up the triple throw that's insanity dude we're gonna make that work and play an ad all right we're gonna play an ad now we're gonna get it during the ad break you guys ready check this out whoa okay oh my god if we had just gotten the triple throw that would have worked i messed it up i messed it up and we nearly made it that's insanity dude like we're getting so close all right bro two adds 60 seconds someone click the button okay now do that without messing up no i said without messing up all right despite try practicing triple throats i am practicing triple throws by doing this it's timing the triple throw that's all i got to do i needed to time the triple throw properly that's it okay how do you not tilt when you play you got to understand that it's whoa we got close there you got to understand that it's a difficult challenge it is difficult but it's not impossible but i know it's hard i know i am doing stuff that i have never done before gotta understand that you gotta you gotta get in your head that you know you are not good enough to get this on the first try it's gonna take a little bit that's okay where you start getting frustrated is when you think you you're better than you actually are so in your expectations don't match your skill level that's when you start getting frustrated that's how it works i'm jumping early okay how much longer 20 minutes broccoli thanks to the prime by the way you wait a very small amount of time before catherine again and still get the triple just need a bit more vectoring i need to do a little bit better i need to it's so tight why do you need to jump off of the rail because it's slightly higher let's see how much higher that is we need that height we need that extra height but i'll get it try using separate joy-cons it doesn't help much since when you smell it on twitter since a while be if i can get this within the next few minutes maybe we'll come back to this later in the stream and maybe this is better for like a finale of the stream to sit and grind it near the end we'll see it's just tight to get that exact one reverse gamer lean you think try triple throw first i can triple throw oh i triple through hey you just gotta throw three times it's not practice jump from the other rail i don't like that we'll do this two-player mode kathy came back a little bit late and try to remember the vector i'm doing it yeah i don't want to wear myself out with this one at the start exactly these are all going to be relatively difficult challenges but they're not impossible i don't think they might be impossible i don't know maybe they still are maybe when the game came out they had god gamers is there a faster alternative yeah if i came in here but i was better first it would have been faster getting that landing on that tiny little spot that's all right okay what's better galaxy wanted galaxy 200 galaxy 2. gotta land on it gotta land on it it's definitely not impossible it just seems really hard it is really hard yes just ask nicely maybe it'll work hey mario could you uh just work please please we're going to get zero points today we most likely will hit zero coins yes it's a 2017 challenge i must revert one perhaps i held cappy for too long that would have worked if i didn't hold cappy for so long heck that's all right what do you start on the left and then go right because you got a vector and it gives you more space to set stuff up you got a vector vectoring is important an important mechanic of this game is when mario turns in midair he goes a little bit further than going straight forwards it's weird it's weird if i were to go in a straight line i would make it i would not make it as far like here i'll try and just go in a straight line and you you guys will see i won't make it like i i won't make it as far as all in fact i don't even think i could fit one there but yeah there's a mechanic called vectoring where you turn in mid-air a certain amount and you go slightly further forwards and for a jump this tight it is necessary oh we got close you guys see that to do the video actually completes the challenge oh i know and yet he still called it impossible we will get it do you know link is seven i do yes home cap throw downwards okay good to know i can do that i'm just gonna land on that railing it's the railing it's tough how do you know this is possible because i got so close and it was a sloppy jump that's what this is hard to watch thank you for telling me frank man you're hard to watch as well all right are you playing with regular joy guns yes i am okay we will get this i want you guys to trust me all right have faith in me maybe we'll take a few minute break try another jump another challenge we'll see depends what red do you use for 100 uh do you want me to describe it to you or like yeah holding cappy for too long why haven't you been on the odyssey street on discord server cause uh i keep getting bullied by 14 year olds and i really don't like it so i completely muted it completely like i keep getting picked on by 14 year olds and i'm like you know what i'm just not gonna go there if the mods aren't gonna do anything to stop it like i'm just not gonna be there like i'm a little bit i'm a little bit beyond that wait a little late get a server for 14 year olds well not every 14 year old is terrible okay we're getting there though for sure i definitely gotta figure out the timing for the triple throw though once i figure that out we're gonna be golden dude like i i think there is a timing that i would need to learn but once i learn it we are so good like you see how close we were there right don't put me with them yeah honestly just teleport if you prioritize distance over height you could jump onto the wall and you could wall jump and dive maybe it's hard to say that was close that was pretty close how long have we been here oh if only there was some way to know that was pixels away dude friggin pixels save that for last and move on we we nearly got it like if we don't get it within a few more tries sure but i think we i think we definitely have a a good shot to get it sometime soon zombie gave me a little shout out in a video recently really i know zombie is following me on twitch actually i think he watches me oh too big of a jump to make a jump that's all right try to go in the long way around it's way harder [Music] but yeah this jump isn't isn't an insanely hard trick jump which is why oh my god that was close which is why i wanted to try and get it oh you guys see that you see how close that was we're so close we're so close ah close norman thanks for the six are the vortex thanks to the four that was now that was pixels away yeah that was like if i had waited an extra frame or two on one of my jumps that would have that would have worked kind of thing how long have you been on this jump if only there was some way to know oh that is not gonna work at all yikes i believe in you you can do it yes ouch can you watch them about the side to get here's the thing to be able to wall jump you can't be in a dive animation sure i can make it to the wall but i can make it to the wall after a dive that won't work is this jump pixel perfect i mean the specific jump to land on the specific spot that i will land on i guess technically yes but no h mets thanks for the six wait a little bit less than that okay you also don't need to spin pound at the beginning well yeah but i mean it's faster to spin pound for me didn't land on it why do you need to cap throw before jumping it's a roll cancel so it keeps my speed and gets me forwards out of the roll so i'm canceling the roll but it also sets me up for a triple throw here i'll i'll clip it and explain what's going on so i'm doing a spin pound i'm rolling i'm cancelling the roll i'm holding cappy there until a precise moment as i'm triple jumping i need to release it after a triple jump at a certain point so cappy returns to me exactly as i need to throw it i need to throw cappy and dive into it but i needed to throw cappy at an angle so i can vector or something like that and then after i hit the cap jump i need to throw cappy out again for the triple throw shake the controller bring cappy back really fast press a the moment cappy comes back to me so i get an extra twirl and then i can cap throw and then vector that and dive to land on the corner and that's what i'm doing in this jump so really the plan is simple ah i landed on cafe back soon okay i tried to wall jump you guys saw it i tried to drift towards it in wall jump didn't quite make it almost held it a little too long okay he said the thing so why is it taking so long yeah it's just just doing my best i'm holding cappy there for too long because cap isn't coming back in time okay we try something else if you have no more coins i mean if you have no more coins you just respawn faster it's great it's great streamlight no your internet's bad could you target the other corner i mean i could but there's no reason to there's no reason to okay you guys ready here we go here we go after this we're getting close how long is going to take me honestly it can be within like any of these attempts like we are so close like we we you saw the one where he landed on the corner he says a few more attempts to produce like 50 more 50 is a few yeah it is it is a few attempts a little bit of a sloppy jump there and we almost made it that's amazing right you guys saw that that was i kept through a little bit early there getting close we are getting close if you have any questions just remember what i said but in slow motion exactly ah gotta bring cappy back earlier guardians devil thank you for the two months played small for the first time never realized how game plays normally watching streams broke my brain try to keep trying speedrun strats nice gotta land on that edge that's okay didn't someone say homing cap throw downwards i'm trying but it's going upwards sometimes i kind of just panic when i get there and just shake the controller wildly yikes okay all of these are just practice yeah it's it's totally chill a little slow there i'm gonna turn around okay gotta go for school but good luck you got it i do all right how about this out with us we'll try it for five more minutes if i can get it we'll come back to it later sound good how many challenges we completed so far technically just one whoa okay yes all right sounds good excellent why do so many messages get deleted in your chat because a lot of people don't read the rules and there's a lot of people here oh so close see that not quite not quite not quite that's okay i totally got this i do totally got this yes absolutely when's the next p.o box uh p.o box is open right now the next po box opening in a little bit bring cappy back too late gotta figure that out gotta make sure i don't get that really scary a bit later i need to release cappy earlier actually not later cappy isn't coming back early enough it's tough vector a bit more it's hard what i'm doing a bunch of stuff that i'm not used to it's tricky haven't been to twitchcon or any other events yes i've been to twitchcon once uh the most recent twitchcon that actually happened i've been to i was at dang all right here we go we just gotta be at the same time the dribble jump seems that would work that would be too early i need to release a little after was vectoring turning in midair and you get more speed didn't land on it maybe try using your feet we will later we will if you think you can do oh close if i didn't vector it at all and at sign tier three with the year thanks for all the great content thank you for the year of support at sign man you you made so much of this stream possible at sign at by the way if you guys didn't know at sign is the one that has made almost every single one of the pokemon challenges except for a few of them he's i i've been like i wonder if this is possible and then adson is like i can do that i can make that for you so like [ __ ] big huge shout outs to outside thanks for sticking around for so long i really appreciate you thank you that didn't work i'm starting to get onto the railing a little bit more consistently which is really nice like i'm starting to recognize one will work and what it won't tried to drift far enough so i could wall jump not quite what's wrong number one forts in all caps it must be important i don't want to worry about numbers during the stream i just want to be able to enjoy the stream and entertain you guys what's that button do you scared i don't know two player mode two player mode i don't know if that would help at all plus it makes it really hard to roll cancel so i don't know if i want to do that dang it snicked the edge didn't quite work okay this is the first one yes this is the first one we're trying for another 60 seconds before i give up for now i know for sure we can do it because we got really close on sloppy attempts it's just it's it's a tight jump it's it's not uh it's not easy but i don't think it's impossible dang it dude dang it okay [Music] okay damn i'm dumb i'm dumb why is the roll cancel hard in two player mode it's frame perfect whereas in one player mode you can press y and then like half a second later press jump and it'll roll cancel but in two player mode you have to press them on the literal exact frame it's a frame perfect roll cancels into player mode okay if you go straight would you be able to wall jump for less height i don't really know i i don't think we could do it straight oh it was so close come on dude we gotta give it one more try gotta just a few more tries come on a few more right right a few more like that was it was right there like we are right there you had less you had the distance that time yeah i just i did it slightly with with better uh cleaner lines it would have worked slightly cleaner lines yeah that one wasn't gonna work some costs fallacy no here's the thing here's the thing i'm in the zone for this one right now if i leave i'm going to lose all this muscle memory that i've just developed for this challenge right yo [Music] there we go not impossible at all easy dude we did it all right on to the next challenge sound good let's go turns out it's not impossible at all all right on to the next what's next what's the next challenge let's take a look at it zoom out a little bit okay oh here we go dan the man another metro kingdom impossible jump all right another metro kingdom impossible jump let's see what it is let's see what it is i'm just gonna mute it and see what he's trying to do okay he made it from from this area here to that area down there let's do it an impossible jump in metro kingdom we'll go to metro now lucky liam thanks for the four months okay do you have a file where you keep the save clips of the challenges you've done so far nope all right so this is another impossible challenge let's let's clear my timer let's uh make it less thick there we go that's better let's go to metro kingdom let's change the run jump to the island below i i i rated bay thanks to the tier one appreciate it okay so apparently you need to jump from the heliport down to the the commemorative park all right so we need to jump from here down to there you guys ready to try this i'm ready let's do this all right jump from here to there okay okay check this out check this out maybe first try oh i have an idea that's so dumb start the timer okay i'll start the timer some of the dolphin sounds ah okay okay this looks significantly easier it really does doesn't it it looks so much easier here we'll do a triple jump across nope hate that first try bro okay do a vault a vault is actually less height than a triple jump so i should probably do something like one two three go all the way down like so [Music] you see what i was going for there i was trying to have cappy capture the pole do some clever some real real cheeky solution uh but actually wait can we just do this yeah that would work right that's not so bad not quite not quite if you shake you go further yeah i am shaking that would work in one player perhaps are you allowed to see rc i don't think so wall jump ah maybe i don't think that's gonna give me the distance i need or the cause what whatever and lord thanks to the nine how do you do in the video i don't know i'm not watching i'm not watching them i haven't seen these videos oh wait a minute i have an idea i have an idea i have an idea check this out check this out we get the speed from the pole fling but land on the railing [Music] wait it didn't refresh my cap bounce never mind bro i can't believe i actually subbed well thank you for the support yeah let's see hmm what a pointed flick at the target here's the thing you you guys saw how close i got there right this is a really good example of vectoring i'm going to point and flick you see how close i got that's not very close at all but if i go 45 degrees and turn that's a bit different isn't it this is a good example of vectoring where if i do this and then turn you know i i just i just bonked on the wall that works great it's a substantial difference really round on stream but uh your vods make my day every day thank you for what you do thank you for watching the stream um [Music] i know we i guess we could just do it from here right if i vector that properly i bet we could make that oh for sure you think cap jump at the end oh that's a good idea i should yes yes that's true that's true all right all right here we go i'm gonna go at like a really wack angle i don't want to have to do this i feel like i could do it from here did i give me my cap jump no it took my cap jump okay this is whack yep all right that's not gonna work but if your role has a vector out the railing oh that's an idea yeah maybe if we roll cancel vector off of the railing i've never tried that so deemed impossible in 2017 no where does it say deemed impossible i never said deemed impossible i said the youtube video titles say impossible i i'm pretty sure all of these they just said impossible for clickbait and honestly same oh the command says deemed impossible oh yeah yeah sorry about that no they they were called impossible by all the youtubers at the time all right does this work is it wrong i guess it's right enough all kinds of troublesome factor yeah yeah yeah triple jump vector work will that do getting closer bastion thanks to the seven i should do this one on assist mode i agree but i just i don't feel like switching the modes i should though i am going to switch to assist mode just so we have faster reach rise on all of these attempts does that sound good it allows us to retry the jumps faster yeah i'm cap jumping early all right so many possibilities in this run yes let's try maybe over that way i need to see how strong the vector need vector the vector needs to be to make it yeah now instead of dying it'll just loop and we can try again please motion control pole i'm sure motion control pole every single time dude it's not working okay okay here we go getting closer for sure someone said try and fling yourself onto the railing and then roll immediately we'll try that we'll try that oh my god [Music] fastest roll i've ever seen my goodness what a roll now the timing is hard all right let's try it again can you reach that cap throw not really no i honestly think i i could probably make it from here into player mode do you see dan is in chat yes i saw it was in chat earlier it's cool this is his challenge his youtube video by the way no shade to anybody that called it impossible jump in 2017 i'm doing that in 2020 so like it's all good happy gabby i hate you sometimes it still works so why not exactly turok thanks for the gifted stuff man appreciate it gabby cappy gabby thank you sir huh we didn't capture them that's so weird two are off thanks to the two regan health i will now yeah you know what i'm just gonna cheese this know what i'm gonna do because i am getting a little bit antsy [Music] we did it easy jumps boys oh two player mode is dreamy dude not a problem all right on to the next what is the next impossible jump that we're doing now what is next let's look at it all right um impossible balloon world challenge racing the taxis four moons in 40 seconds uh silence is impossible here's one oh i is it possible okay sure we're gonna do this one this one is cool all right oh hello that's that this one we're gonna try get into the city hall without touching the ground is the next one get into city hall without music starting no touching ground round touch there we go that fits all right this is interesting we'll see do i have conveniently enough we have a metro kingdom save file already didn't you already do this i might have we'll see but this is from dgr let's try it i got this easy i hope so yeah see how quiet it is this is gonna be a tough challenge we're gonna have to essentially go all the way into city hall without touching the ground it's it's uh it's not gonna be easy for sure music started we reload the file okay but i believe this one dgr tried no music allowed is going to be completely silent timer all right timer yeah whenever you touch the ground in metro kingdom it starts playing music we need to make it all the way through without this song so i touched the ground the song played we need to do it without that happening didn't you do this last week youtube doesn't know that okay that'll i gotta grab the edge i believe there's a few things that make it so it doesn't start music it is um what are the few things that it does i believe it's grabbing railings or grabbing things on the side essentially is what you are able to do oh the music has already started that's whack okay can you go back to the odyssey instead of restarting save file no you have to reload the save file or else the music is still going yeah it's like ledges and lampposts essentially yes let's do it i don't believe this one will work because i can't do a jump actually maybe it will check this out we need to go and grab this now almost almost that'll do that'll do two-player mode is very useful by the way i am doing two player modes so i'm playing with my hands and feet simultaneously use two player mode it'll work helps a lot we just needed to jump over that pole and then we were good okay no no he accidentally cap jumped i tried to throw happy big cap jumps instead okay from greenland what's up wow pip thanks to the four does the challenge of speedrun times already it's not a speedrun i'm just doing this to show how long it takes all right let's do this good good we're gonna have to jump over this way oh i missed the pole we almost all we need to do is reach that pole if we get to that pole this challenge becomes easy as a heck do you actually play with your feet yes my hands and feet how do you roll into cappy and bounce press y hold y down and never let it go hold the y jump ground pound and then press x you have to do that relatively quickly hold y never let go you press x to roll but you always hold y what you're doing is you're letting go of y and so cappy is returning to you but this one will take five minutes we'll see oh heck why is the camera inverted i don't know okay here we go it's kind of embarrassing that he is refusing to grab the ledge when it's just so easy okay good also landing on the taxis also counts as touching the ground for whatever reason oh what he landed on this that counts okay um we'll try again we're getting close though peters thanks for the eight months i appreciate it this is the same jump you made at the beginning of the stream this is the same jump but slightly more precise scooter a scooter counts as the ground as well we did uh we have tested that in a previous stream that the scooter does apparently count as the ground stream is threatened by our minecraft skills so he's doing some mc speedruns right now fair very fair and he guess how long the next challenge will take 20 minutes or less that's all along [Music] okay this is good awesome good okay yes we're here okay okay all right green poles they're chill okay yes this looks like a bit of a tough one okay long jump there all right we gotta go across the street now all right uh heck i guess we're going to that poll now okay good just gotta get to that pole now yeah one more we're in and it's silent there we go we got in completely silent there's no music playing isn't that weird isn't it just oddly quiet and when we go out the music begins [Music] so strange so strange all right what's the next challenge we're doing what's next what are we doing now um all right youtube there's another one done impossible smo challenge lost kingdom impossible jump okay okay the next impossible jump is from dgr it is in dark side all right so we're going to dark side next which do i have a file on this actually no we do have one dark side is next i will show you guys let's do the next challenge okay the next impossible one is in darkseid reach the ground ground below without touching the wire all right set sail let's do it take off assist mode assist mode makes it so i respawn faster it doesn't make any of the jumps easier just so you know all right so the challenge is simple all i need to do is jump from here down to there without using this wire [Music] let's do it i'm just gonna give it a go [Music] oh well that was easy impossible on to the next all right oh the next challenge is in metro kingdom literally 20 seconds all right the next challenge that challenge was crazy hard i know oh my goodness it was tough the next challenge is in a sub-area it's in this sub-area and it is we need to get on top of that brick i can't even show you i can't even show you impossible jump by the way yep i need to get on top of that brick structure so i'm gonna say get on top of the bricks that's what i need to do get on top of the bricks let's do it guys ready and we need to get on the pipe first it's basically get onto the pipe yeah i guess so okay i already did it did i i forgot to start the timer my bad what keyboard you have i have an uh steel series a pex pro how do i get enough height to get up is my thought on the matter okay no two player i guess i could try two player multiplayer mode might be really easy okay hitbox is really weird yeah i'm not getting high enough gotta make sure i get the triple jump though one two three almost in superstar mode you do this but there is a flower to assist you there is a flower right in the center here so i have not done this i believe in superstar mode i've done this but there was a flower you think it's not hard we'll see i'm fairly sure the the hitbox is a bit dishonest for the pipe i'm fairly sure the pipe hit box is higher than it shows ah ah don't die you good boy mario good boy okay triple cap throw again i don't think we need to triple the cap throws for distance not for height almost could the pipette box be square yes but the square is quite high gurg thanks to the 16. let me see how long keep the streak going a while dude oh see see what i mean not quite up throw up throw what i don't know how an up throw would help it doesn't give you more height so close you're on assist mode yes assist mode doesn't change anything at the game mechanics the only thing assist mode does is this if i fall off of a ledge i can just respawn at the ledge rather than at the beginning of it it just saves time for retries oh there's an invisible warrior there dude we gotta we gotta aim maybe not that far up we went around at that time not quite the pipe is too thick what is up with that it's a thick thick pipe there's no benefit assist mode using speedruns not really i don't think so oh that probably would have worked if i didn't miss the button dude okay damn this pipe kind of thick though yup wall jump off the pipe i don't think we can make it that far to keep optimal height do the glitch in this room okay i'll do the glitch in this room you guys ever hate traveling through these mazes doesn't it suck having to travel through the maze turns out you don't have to why's he in two-player mode because i'm used to two-player mode this one looks impossible ah that's the point all those impossible challenges beatable where we're gonna find out you know what i'm gonna make this really easy i'm gonna do a style of two-player jump that'll make this pretty free so check this out i messed up the timing a little bit but it will make it free trust me i just gotta do it right it's so wacky trying to do this give me a sec not quite not quite maybe it doesn't make it as free as i thought is this one point zero one point three this is one point three one point three currently most recent version of the game i hate trying to roll cancel in two-player mode a little early okay okay imagine having your submessage ignored i can't i can't read all of them dude i'm sorry cf and it was why didn't you upload so long on youtube i was busy editing the whooper video i was i was busy i don't know what else there is to say i make it look harder with two-player yeah oh so close does it gain height when you up throw no it literally doesn't do anything different except you can't cap jump anymore boy video made it worth the wait it was a good video yup come on oh it's so close what is he bonking on even dude what is he bonking on there's a barrier i don't believe it barrier doesn't exist that's not gonna work how long have we been in this room for if only there was a timer to know if only if only we could tell somehow not quite is this superstar no oh that was such a good one too man seven days so far i suggest getting comfortable not quite getting close both of a pile of kansas stand on you actually can't stand on them they they they just go away from mario why are you doing this because it was titled as an impossible challenge back in 2017 or whatever and we're gonna try and not not uh not make them impossible although i don't think they were impossible back then either whoa okay there mario what happened to making this jump pretty free this jump was when did i say this jump was pretty free i said it's impossible are you talking about superstar mode where they give you a flower to slowly fly over you guys are probably thinking of superstar mode where they made this easier can you use the flower in some way could you tell me which flower what what flower where the the flower okay two-player mode is gonna make the jump free i thought it was but i changed my mind that is true i did say that i forgot should have been so close one two three it's right there man didn't dgr do this one yep but is it titled hmm it's about as close as you can get without getting it yeah [Music] we went around it you see that you see we just barely went around that there man need to jump off of both walls i don't believe you do one two i think we might be able to make it to the pipe any of these impossible challenges using speed runs one of them used to be one two three not quite just swap to luigi he jumps higher yeah we could try two wall jumps two wall jumps just lower your height doesn't work like that it feels like we're going lower now right from the exact corner of the glass perhaps [Music] uh i don't know actually i might just deliberately fall so it brings me up the pipe is further than the wall yeah but hmm let's see the pipe hitbox shouldn't be like that once we get up top we'll we'll see what the invisible walls are like oh my god it's so close can you do a double bounce no you're probably thinking about this which is actually lower than a triple jump regular bounce okay come on looks like i should be making it every time i know right like that it seems like i should make that maybe quadruple jump for 69 times the height that is an idea okay i didn't want to let's grab can you do a cap bounce midair are you not are you what like you mean like this oh my god we almost made it up there oh the flower behind the maze yeah the flower behind the maze doesn't help me at all if you're talking about can this help at all how how how we're going around it dude you're throwing cappy too early i think that might be the case we'll see piranha plants do be hating the walls oh if we made it on that attempt that would have been sick okay we're getting close we are getting close but a rainbow 12 rainbow twirl lowers you down but gets you further forwards we're not trying to get for the forwards we need to stay up it's right there what's the point of getting up there someone said it was impossible in their youtube title a while back it is so close um dgr already proved that this was possible braden please understand the point of this clearly all of these are possible it's just they called them impossible which is why it says the impossible please notice the quotation marks there's a reason why it says impossible and not impossible it says it in quotes for a reason it was click bait and we're making fun of the fact that it's clickbait now that i had to explain the joke it's not funny anymore braden oh my god [Music] we're getting so close you fool you expect us to know how to read we're getting so close dude we are literally like the title of this video is like it's just baiting the click bait it's it's so good it's like some galaxy brain moment that i had while making the schedule i was like why don't we just do the impossible challenges but show how easy they are in a single video because they're clearly not impossible that's so close though we're like going around it now you seeing that oh just barely missing man one two three nope okay literally competitive failing yep competitive failing yes yes this one this one maybe yeah that wasn't even close i'm happy you made the first one the first one was so sick we were there for like 40 minutes though it took so long just watch the tutorial i'm not about that tutorial life god you see him wanna get on there for a moment he like hesitated before he bonked i thought we got it man we are so close so what so close still on this huh it's been 17 minutes okay here we go ready ready one two nope never mind what what is that we need to watch that again like what is doing that what does that even mean like it excuse me like right here you see him he's like what is going on there dude air bunks air bombs dude are you throwing cappy a little bit early i think that is the problem yes i think there's a few different things that i'm messing up air dodge this isn't smash yeah that was way early no way that would have worked first i'm catching the stream what's up trident hello are you the only person with non-drifting joy-cons oh wait like do i have any left oh i use them all i got to order more i actually um or maybe they're over here i'll use them all i actually replaced my joysticks every like month or two fluffy bear thank you for the reset sorry for missing that just do the jump okay he's just going around it what's up with that dude i need to use the dn oh yeah use dn okay okay thank you for giving a sub me monster dgr did this really i i did not know that that's so strange yeah i totally just uh came up with this challenge myself just just on the fly didn't look at any youtube videos yeah we we've just been coming up with all of these challenges completely on our own and we're just calling them impossible just because we feel like it talk about muscle memory help with the first challenge muscle memory muscle memory muscle memory muscle memory no okay not quite we're getting so close you doing on the same version i don't think so which game is a sub area in metro kingdom it's the uh oops it's the kingdom with the manhole covers or the sub area with manual covers it's right in front of the shop like kind of slightly over from the shop close is this even possible i mean i don't know neutral shakes boy oh good idea don't even think about neutral shakes do those give you more height even when you're not against a wall or do you have to be against a wall they give you more height even when you're not against a wall really all right shoot try being right at the edge it's just the height the height is the problem okay it's right there dude you guys see that oh you'd wall jump off the front of the pipe you think i'll try it i don't know i feel like we won't be able to make it far enough over you know that actually was almost high enough it felt like hmm we'll see story time what kind of stories what do you think what kind of story could i tell well i'm trying to focus on this incredibly difficult super mario odyssey jump okay most annoyed you've been close 999 mad sex with the prime and gamer logic thanks to the three let's go have any good drunk stories not really i feel like i just get really tired 25 minutes boy this is actually embarrassing this is taking so long karen encounters i actually haven't really met a karen i don't think i've ever met a karen like a genuine karen didn't it take you one hour in superstar mode i don't know i don't really know that was so good dude i wonder if it's possible to bonk up there heck [Music] i i have okay here's the thing i haven't met any like um [Music] female karen's but i've met the male equivalent of karen's uh when i was in vancouver back in um was it like february or something i was at a park and we were just playing as kids do you know i i was a kid kevin kyle something weird getting a lot of phone calls lately that are spam it sucks anyways um but yeah i was we were mean oh that was so close just i was just in a park playing and you know those like animals on one spring one very um yo you okay pipe wait the pipe is disappearing you know like those animals on springs i was just like rocking away on one of those and this dude comes along walks into the park and he's like hey get off of that you're gonna break it no and i was like i mean okay dude whatever and like the thing is have you guys ever seen any of those ever broken is it even possible to break that like i i don't even think it's possible to break one of those because like we were going back and forth pretty hard like those springs are like vibranium or something they're indestructible like i would break before it broke so but this dude just comes along he's like get off of that you're gonna break it i'm like okay sure thing pretty sure they can break by russ this thing was brand new getting close they're like massive springs and like i wave probably like a hundred pounds lower than the weight limit and then you fought him yeah we had a fist fight in the uh in the tiny little the the in the in there that in the tiny little mini gravel just punched him right in the face he fell to the ground and then i pulled the animal back and it just flung back and hit him in the nuts it was great forget the word playground yeah that happened well that part didn't happen but after that i went down the uh the pole up but upside down um because uh in my in another life i was a pole dancer apparently okay good i'm glad i didn't get all in that attempt i don't need to include that sentence in the youtube video that one is on tick tock oh yeah that one's on tick tock by the way if you're not following tick tock get up mario what are you doing dude i'm not currently a pole dancer well not that chad is supposed to know about god it's so close did someone would even add all right how about we get the jump during the ad does that sound good what have you walked in on some incredible impossible challenges also wait a minute i'll play an ad the ad secret is me getting the jump guys you ready it's so close it's right there all right we got a 45 seconds come on are you trying to get on the pipe i am yes but it's seeming that actually might work wait a minute wait whoa whoa whoa wait wait a minute maybe not okay did you get it yet dad's over crap i still says i have eight seconds chasing the bag no i'm not it's someone redeeming that they press the button i press the button for them oh i guess they can see the stream that's true you happy no i'm leaving one i'm leaving one she's so close dude me monster thanks to the two months this one might take longer than the first that's a little embarrassing because the first one was definitely a harder jump he's right freaking there all right i'm gonna i'm gonna try something i'm gonna try something a little bit different what if we go from the front huh later on thanks to the four appreciate it pancake thanks to the prime if the hitboxes were honest we would have made this jump already did superstar mode put a moon on the pipe yes but i think they changed the hitboxes a little bit they changed something a little bit for sure delusional taco thanks to the tier one appreciate it man watch the video the dgr did on this jump to see what he did all right all right i will watch it for just a second [Music] see okay [Music] um yeah it's not possible all right check this though that's it we'll get it we'll get it it's just a matter of time it's just a matter of time if you jump water on the farthest right side you get more height out of your dive i'm trying huh gabby okay if you can't do it it's officially impossible yes i think it's so high zach thanks for the three found the tick tock video nice is that how you felt doing min cap skip the frog and cap yeah but this is harder than that when you say cappy it sounds like gabby i actually get that a lot well there's a lot of gabbies in chat they'll be like stop saying my name at least sounds like my name do you think they changed the hitbox i do not think they did no i doubt it also sounds like abby happy gabby abby could sound similar yeah i bet cj can do it there's no way cj could never whoops okay yeah they have no reason to change the hitbox so i doubt they would have it's right there dude all right all right i'm gonna go full focus for for for two or three attempts all right full focus no talking just get the jump ready okay yo thanks for a thousand bits feeling generous today thank you me monster for all the bits i appreciate it you're trying one player uh one player doesn't really change anything what i'm gonna go talking right right sorry sorry bro you've been doing this for 36 minutes i see you can read no you can't i've been doing it for 37. how about another approach like from where getting so close dude whoa come on one two right there the rank happy too early i'm always throwing cappy too early that's my problem freak dude it's right there man try collecting the moon for good luck that's it you're wondering about the side of the pipe i could but it doesn't help all right here's what we could do actually no wait wait we have a better one we have a better one this is the one i feel it okay it didn't help no it will it just takes a while to charge up [Music] day i think the one thing that i'm doing wrong is i'm starting to get to the pipe i'm too close to the pipe when i do the wall jump so what i need to do is stand slightly further away from the pipe that's all i need to do that's all i got to do like or wall jump slightly further away from the pipe so the peak of the dive hits the pipe at the right time because i think that's pretty important because we're starting to hit the pipe on a little bit of a low part that's all it is captain toad is up there there yeah if you get it before the timer it's 55 minutes you'll get 10 subs sounds good boss ah what so close try jumping down the corner of the glass it might help i don't know cuz like i don't think it will help because like the glass is the same height no matter what i could jump from further back further forwards it's it's all about keeping the optimal height and getting the optimal height is tough my idea is working i feel like we're getting a little bit higher for sure did you see that how much he hesitated you see that he like stopped for a moment he was thinking about it and then said no he's right there comic sans thanks to the nine months by the way thank you no we got up and i freaking rolled off dude i mean i got it but i rolled off oh we'll try that again that counts i mean i did technically do it but i rolled off by accident then cappy didn't come back to me i'm gonna switch to one player because of that because cappy didn't come back so i couldn't save it oh oh well that was easy 42 minutes we're up look at mario like floating and look at this hit box just look at look at this hit box what that is way above the pipe huh kirachu thanks for the prime no secret coins i don't think any they ever planned anyone to be up here in all honesty i wonder if there's collision around the backside there is okay interesting the pipe is square first try let's go that's that all right see ya thank you for the 10 subs me monster bye mario now we can just jump wherever the heck we want dude we can go i love how the camera just hates me it's kind of fun isn't it bye mario [Music] okay thank you so much what's the next challenge we're doing now switching to one player mode actually helped a lot for whatever reason i'm not sure why all right let's go to the next impossible challenge let's see impossible smo challenge okay let's see impossible jump let's see let's see let's see i'm just gonna scroll down um easy lake jump hardest impossible jump i don't want to do that one this is a really hard jump all right here we have wooded kingdom and possible jump apparently it's a really hard jump let's just look at it let's see what is it woody king impossible jump what's the jump what is it where's what is he trying to do so he's trying to jump from this railing here okay what's he doing oh and he's trying to land on that platform there okay okay we'll do that one he's trying to land on the lower platform i got it i got it let's do that then his recording is incredible it truly is isn't it will you get the late kingdom painting jump without scarecrow i mean that's super easy though would you mind changing the music back it'll change when i switch kingdoms 1500 bits if i get this first try all right all right we'll see we'll see wooded kingdom the highest quality of recordings all right we're doing it here we go good luck getting 1500 bits thank you so much i think this one will be a little bit easier in two-player mode so i will be switching to two-player mode for this one snow tram isn't hard yes no jam isn't hard not one bit so yeah we need to jump all the way around to land on that platform that's right there that's what this challenge is we need to land on that lower platform but we need to go around it this way to do it so that's what we're gonna do okay have you ever done jumps like these are just jumping in we're just jumping in all right here we are you ready oh i failed it okay i believe technically that is failing it as per the rules of the challenge because you can't touch the ground all right so that wasn't first try i mean i didn't technically die but whatever you'll give me another try okay okay sounds good sounds good oh no no that would have worked no i almost got it first try i almost saved it okay we'll try it again we'll try it again second try though it'll be second try check it dude nope it's not second try never mind frigg threw away so many bits man good attempt yeah that's a good attempt oh shag i'm gonna get it anyways no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not i tried to say i tried to wall jump in between those two things there didn't work mark robert thanks to the three dude look up elite trick jumps on youtube i really don't want to those are actually like hard okay oh they're actually quite a bit lower than i thought [Music] so hard to wall jump because the angles are like slightly off but we can't make that i bet okay we do actually this this might be harder than i initially expected psych 125 baby uh are there any other impossible jumps in this kingdom i don't know is it possible without wall jumping i don't know look up true goomba garden i'm not gonna do any true jumps i was gonna go for that okay what's next what is the next jump that we gotta do what is the next one let's see i'm just gonna open up a good old youtube and say impossible jumps did someone quit the first challenge i don't know youtube impossible smo challenge next okay try an old impossible jump let's do it an impossible jump this one right here i believe it's pretty basic you just uh let's see what is he doing oh he's just jumping down there okay well let's try it [Music] well let's go try that one then okay i got this i believe i do got this yup thank you annie dark i forgot to say if you get the pipe jump before 55 minutes that's your 1.5 cam's reminders here you go thank you so much thank you chucky rocky's face is boiling he's yeah he's felt better for sure [Music] are you ambidextrous no all right so the impossible jump is to get from here to down there let's do it first try oh my god really oh i was i could have done that if i was just slightly tighter on the jump i that was bad on my part it'll be second try like all i needed to do was the extra twirl i i forgot to start the timer um okay well that one was easy do it again with the timer okay i'll do it again with the timer okay okay you ready ready okay here we go the impossible jump wow that's a tough one guys nine seconds on to the next what's the next impossible jump what is it what's the next one impossible smo impossible smo challenge what do we got now what do we got now um [Laughter] what do we have here um the impossible jump in cascade all right let's watch it what is the imp i don't actually even know what this is the impossible jump in cascade what is it they're jumping from here okay to where to the dyno let's see what they i just want to see one attempt are they trying to get to the dyno i think they're trying to get from to the dyno are they just trying to get on the platform all right probably the dino they're trying to get to the dyno got it uh i will need to go to a file that this file will work well let's go do that one then get to get on the fossil land on the fossil okay here we go that's far it is pretty far yeah um how's quantity like it's good it's good did you do the impossible jump in mushroom kingdom the impossible jump in mushroom kingdom is actually insane the impossible jump in mushroom craving is one of the hardest i have done for sure alright so we need to start at the island in the sky don't forget the timer i won't we're gonna start the timer right here okay this oh that's gonna be a hard one that wasn't even close at all there's no way they made that i think they were just trying to land on this platform let me let me i need to open up the video again i'm gonna open up the video one more time just to see they're trying to land on this platform no no no that's wrong okay the impossible jump is land on the farthest platform farthest furthest [Music] okay maybe he actually meant impossible maybe all right here we go this is the challenge landing on the furthest platform let me drop my input come on man i was gonna make it on the first try farthest for physical distance so it is farthest i don't know which one furthest farthest i don't know dude whatever what man people sucked two or three years ago the most farthest one i don't know what else you want to see a true like a jump that's slightly more difficult this jump is slightly more difficult that's a harder jump than even that one two player mode yeah works great [Music] okay make it around the lighthouse and cap is that an impossible jump let's see youtube impossible smo cap the cap kingdom impossible jump all right impossible jump here it is let's look at it alright doesn't appear to be anything else to do here sure time to go oh okay so you stand and try and jump around okay he's trying to jump around and it is impossible jump cap kingdom tower how many views does this have fit 16k okay all right all right guys ready to do the impossible cap kingdom tower jump let's do it industrial great thanks to the tier one you brunching uh i don't feel like it uh cap kingdom let's go i just want an excuse to flex out good i am maybe [Music] we're doing the impossible yeah exactly sick flexing on those noobs yup timer we're not at the jump yet all right we need to jump from here around so let's do that [Music] it's just so easy dude what are they doing what are they doing like that it's just it's inexcusable it says impossible jump that all in all caps oh my god okay uh let's do uh bowser's kingdom impossible jump i i didn't even have time to change the thing all right we're gonna go to bowser's kingdom now um [Music] let's go to where am i going bowser's kingdom right impossible jump in bowser's kingdom jump to the mainland properties all right next one bowser's kingdom here we go best clickbait title it's so it's just we're going to be jumping from here to there that's the next jump is your great title for the video what was the title idea all right we gotta make it down there that's the plan it's gonna be a tough one we gotta do this in one player mode it takes so long it really does this one's actually kind of hard we'll see we'll see if it's actually kind of hard i don't trust him yet i don't trust him that's not gonna work is it this one might be kind of hard actually we do get going pretty fast though i can make it no we can didn't make it freak dude heck i like how the music is just like how about no i wonder if this is better to do it from up here you just [Music] if i was a better angle we would have totally made that we would have totally made that if it was a better angle right so i was too far right that means i gotta aim further left no okay um it's not a good angle either okay we just need a vector at the correct angle yeah exactly like if this was at the right direction we might be able to make that didn't make that attempt if i had just done it correctly i would have made that one man if only this one isn't going to make it at all i'm just going to ground pound that's what it says it's going well [Music] you can actually even do this with a normal roll you can just roll off of the edge just like this i'm gonna wait restore my health we'll see someone just said you can make it with a normal roll something tells me they were lying hmm you can make it to the void though roll but vector so you mean like just roll like that whoa okay we need to yeah actually that that'll work okay okay we just have to do that actually might work we need to turn 45 degrees though which is that way that might have been too much actually we'll see we'll see but this looks this looks good like if we were facing like my god we made it past the wall dude all we need to do is i was facing a little bit too far that way we need to just go just a little smidge this way turn and there we go perfect angle you can see we locked on we're going the right direction we are going fast not a hard jump at all i barely even need to cap jump i almost overshot it nice not bad at all okay you forgot to do the split now we're good we got it um what else is an impossible jump i don't even know do you want in moon kingdom the moon kingdom impossible jump okay let's do the moon kingdom impossible jump let's see impossible moon the impossible moon hop all right [Music] the impossible moon hop what is this he's jumping from what what's going on there is he just trying to get to the other side oh okay he's just trying to jump from the other side okay okay that's all right we'll do that the impossible moon hop do the same jump as you just did but to the odyssey is that even that's the way that's possible is it i guess it's a little bit lower who's youtube was that inside i think their name isn't a hop a small jump i guess they call it impossible so bad you need easy mode lmao it doesn't yeah i mean i i'm pretty sure you're just making a joke but for anyone that doesn't know assist mode doesn't actually make it easier it just makes you respawn faster so it gives you more attempts more quickly i'm pretty sure you were kidding all right so it looks like all they needed or wanted from me was to jump from this side over to the scarecrow platform i'm pretty sure that's all they were wanting we're gonna try and do that then we are going to try that [Music] i didn't even i i didn't even need to dive it's okay i'm gonna show you guys an actual hard jump you guys want to see an actual one that people didn't think was possible for a really long time you guys want to see a cool jump here i'll try and do a cool jump check this one out messed it up okay we'll try it again it's a new moon skip you know how this actually allows you to skip the moon cave without ever like touching the sphinx or anything like that do a dark side impossible jump all right we'll do a dark side impossible jump next that was a bit early almost we're getting there yeah this is what the kids are calling new moon skip there's a slow-mo chat notification always on uh i think they changed twitch recently timer okay i'll have the timer but i need to i need to change the thing then this isn't impossible this one is i like this one is fine is it why we'll do that okay here we go let's do an actual difficult jump a little early on that it's difficult to get it just right the timing is tricky you guys ready is this faster than the other by several seconds yes like 10 seconds faster i believe nice [Music] not quite we're getting there though we're gonna get it does the skip only work in two-player mode right this skip only works in two-player mode so you you have to be able to do this with your hands and feet simultaneously or be very coordinated with someone else oh probably won't work then or will it we got close you're pointing back at this emote now game nerd nice very close oh it was right there dude heck might be able to stand on the moon rocks no you can't all right whoa that's bad that's terrible there's no way this makes it yep not even close what is this strat now this is actually a speed running skip that i have not implemented because it's way too hard way too hard what what is the next impossible jump that i can think of what is because there's so many impossible jumps the dark side one isn't even that difficult that's that's the point it's to show how easy they are oh that's not gonna work at all is it nope didn't even get my cap jumped okay when's the next time you do 20 what i feel like can you do a triple jump you cannot triple jump with a rocket flower so no nope heck okay jump from above the moon cave to the platform with the flowers oh that's so easy i'm doing the opposite of that there we go that felt pretty good ah there we go we did it nice little skip you want to jump back now just for the fun of it try and jump right back all right cause someone said try and jump back easy dude right easy pretty good no dives needed exactly what snazz said if we haven't already what's not saying snatch nests fastness where are you at oh impossible jump with sand one player bottom of the stair room to the other side of the ruins is it like a like a trick jump or is there a youtube video that i can show okay what time is it right now where you live it is 3 44 p.m all right let's do another one let's do another one let's find one i'm just going to google it you go on youtube uh which kingdom do you guys want to do next i'm sure there's impossible in in every kingdom what do you guys think which next kingdom lake ruined darker side sand seaside cascade camp lake like okay i'm seeing a bunch of lakes impossible smo [Music] new impossible jump in lake kingdom very hard to jump oh this is from xd xbox this might actually be really difficult what is it oh you jump to all right we're gonna find out if it's possible we're not because apparently it's impossible so we clearly doesn't do it right because it does say impossible okay okay we'll do that next properties jump to the little zipper platform that's my rap name little zipper oh i guess that one says impossible yeah that's true feels like it wouldn't be too hard we'll see time will sell we're gonna go to lake kingdom and give it a try i wonder if huh yeah i don't know how it'll go ruined after lake i wonder i don't even know if there's any ruined kingdom and possible jumps are there oh there is one there is a ruined kingdom impossible jump yes yeah i just thought of one actually there is for sure the 2d jump in ruined kingdom all right this one's gonna be a little bit difficult that's fine though you have a weird green screen i agree it is weird there's a 2d section in ruined yes there is timer oh right timer all right i'll just start it all right that was just my first test run my bed i was going for the zipper so it would hit the zipper instead okay what's that on your mic it's my son don't worry about him uh fj cym thanks for the seven months i appreciate the support okay i gotta bring kathy back a little bit earlier here all right you have to do the rainbow spin first do i now i don't think i need to do it first i don't think i have to i think i can do this told you all right you want to do another impossible jump i don't know if this one's been con been called impossible but it's another fun one at least let's do it i haven't done this one in a long time two three [Music] not quite not quite okay i'm not taking a request that was backed by mods you said it was real difficult timer okay we'll do it again enter jaxy ruins without jaxy is that even possible i don't even know if that's even possible you can do this without the scarecrow what mario what are you doing are you aren't you doing impossible things though no technically not i'm doing impossible things not impossible things one wait for it one two three there we go done you know what i want to do i'm going to do one that's impossible and we're going to trick youtube okay do you guys want to trick youtube you guys want to trick youtube yeah okay we're gonna trick youtube i need to switch switches though oh man this switch is completely dead uh we're gonna we're well i'll have to charge my other switch though while we're waiting for we'll have to do one more jump yeah we're gonna trick youtube and i'm gonna show them a literally impossible jump if they don't know the setup first okay we i'm going to literally do an impossible jump but it'll have to be on the other switch um [Music] it's uh you you guys will see it it'll be fun but let's find another impossible jump while this switch is kind of charging a little bit because it won't turn on yet let's find one more jump to do and then we'll trick youtube i don't want to tell you guys what it is yet but you guys are it's gonna be so good just trust me it's gonna be a literal impossible jump um anyways uh smo impossible jump here we go smo impossible jump oh here we go prophasia gaming top five impossible jumps number five it's it's this one it's it's that jump okay normal long jump down jumping to there okay or no they they just ground pound roll to get over okay that's number four apparently this one okay we already did that one all right what's the lost kingdom we already did that one what's i want a new one what's the number one impossible jump number one impossible jump please don't be on the floating island of the sky we already did all of these come on okay what are you doing uh the hardest impossible jump explained do we do the hardest impossible jump i'm gonna make a okay you have to reach the top of that building from jumping from that platform let's do it all right next impossible jump get on top of the building this one looks hard that's what i want get on top of the building you guys ready to do some impossible jumps i gotta eat oh sorry ready ready ready there's gonna be an aggressive eat it's gonna be a mean year [Music] sorry buddy it was aggressive my son just wanted to try an impossible jump i don't know what to tell you someone being played at lmao okay okay i'll play an ad he got spiked his arm broke oh my god uh we do need to switch into uh uh assist mode though so we can retry easily have you done god jump in sand oh like i don't want to do that though apparently that's super hard all right take him to the hospital he'll be fine add you have no ad uh not everyone gets ads during an ad break the best eats when he hits a green screen i agree you can actually see him hit the wall it's it's the best for sure all right you aren't looking for jumps that are strict jumps no i'm not looking for trick jumps i am looking for youtube videos that have titled them as impossible which most of them happen to be trick jumps that are not bad all right so we just need to set this up the goal for this challenge this jump this so-called what this so-called impossible jump is [Music] um the so-called impossible jump is to get on top of this building uh i'll show you with the camera in just a second so we need to go from this moon to the top of the building um the top of the building is right there we need to get over there it's kind of close that was kind of close right dude in one player why why do it in one player i can use two player i know how to play with my hands and feet almost we're getting there and this is the hardest impossible jump as the youtube video said hardest impossible jump i wonder if you can just like can you just jump up here i think you can jump up there one sec that's not the point though it is you could definitely get up there wouldn't every impossible jump be the same difficulty yeah the fact that it's the hardest impossible jump just doesn't make any sense man that seems hard though oh my controls are locked i couldn't i can't okay anyways let's let's do this properly i said properly please not quite okay if it's impossible how can you do it that's the point try kicking off the wall blocking you okay we'll try that [Music] i don't know i don't think so how's dinner with your mom it was good it's really good thank you for asking oh okay um i think if we do a triple throw we might be able to make it a little bit better how do i do a triple throw with out throwing cappy yeah i think uh it might be easier to do this in one player mode we'll see just because in one player mode i can do this which allows me to instantly do a triple throw which is easier might be easier what did you eat at a restaurant a little bit slow i need to stop shaking that way yeah we have to do the triple throw right after we do the vault it seems like yeah this isn't so bad didn't grab the wall right away all right all right with the original one and one player as well yes i totally could have made that if i just tried the first time if i just dove you can't re-grab walls right away for the same wall yeah that seems right i think we can get this this is a tricky one this can't be hard at the snow jam no i can't imagine it [Music] no let's get some health back i could have made that if i tried hard enough yeah if i just tried harder could have made it no no no don't land on that i want to be able to warp all the way back up how charges you have other switch it's at one percent basically right when we get this jump we'll be able to do a truly i mean that'll work i guess we did a triple throw there okay you try this for six hours couldn't do it i'm gonna try it for another 15 minutes tops okay what's a triple throw it's a tech that is required for some of these tricks weird vector up yes okay well until you're done probably 20 minutes i would say all right i can't grab the wall soon after so i have to do the uh the twirl first okay yeah we're gonna we're gonna have to triple through after the vault triple throw return it and then do the cap jump and then we'll be able to make it up okay check this out not quite okay i chose to watch your stream instead of point crows thanks oh that wasn't a triple throw what are you doing there mario what are you doing we got to get up okay he wasn't so well i just whistle a lot hey oh i should have done a twirl there interesting so if you do that [Music] because i could have done a triple throw there because i did the triple throw animation it's an interesting jump this drone is so entertaining i'm glad you like it ollie you can triple throw after the wall jump just to throw cappy left not not to the wall you can triple throw after the wall jump just throw cappy to the left not at the wall okay okay okay okay chad is weird today i mean it was right there that's all i had to do okay that's pretty easy that's pretty straightforward that's not bad that is not bad at all now that i kind of know what i'm doing know the order of stuff that you have to do oh now that i know the order of buttons i need to press it ain't so bad do you think you'll ever each one mill on youtube yeah i think uh next year i'll reach a mill i know luigi bros did this that's where i got it from not quite making it a little bit tricky okay here we go we're so close i'm really excited about doing like an actual impossible jump break dude why are you about to go in the head i am bundy hunter thank you for the three months i appreciate the support thank you for the gift subs thank you for the 10 subs sheena valkyria thank you so much that's a lot i really do appreciate it all right we're getting close to that edge we just gotta make it just barely okay bonk farming today yes yeah yeah i got you lizzy i got you i got you that's what i'm going for close if i had just shake shook downwards there that would wear tech last december we asked how many subs i'd be at by this december and we really underestimated it how many like what what was our estimate do you remember the number oh i got it let's go we're up the hardest impossible jump done in under 11 minutes i estimated 400k damn yeah things are going well then the hardest one all right you guys want to do an actual impossible jump an actual impossible jump yeah yes all right all right let's do the actual impossible jump i'm so ready all right let's give me a sec i just gotta switch over my switches all right all right this is the truly impossible jump all right i challenge anyone to do this and i guarantee you won't be able to do it i was just saying that for youtube by the way i really hope we have a file it's at the end game i think glitches one is in the post game i got you what's the bounty on this jump i'll give you a high five timer okay here we go super mario odyssey whatever options load yes good we have one in post game excellent uh i do need to go to luncheon kingdom though is this 1.0 yeah it is okay we need to go to luncheon kingdom to do something just real quick yeah game nerd exactly that's my thoughts so with this jump i was the second person in the world to ever do it for if you guys aren't aware i am the second person in the world to ever do it for reasons which will be revealed in a very brief moment but we need to go through a painting really quick oops now fortunately we can play on assist mode and can we try okay remember coming here from billy nice okay the jump that you have to do is you need to jump from yoshi's island you need to jump from here down to there that is the jump didn't quite make it okay now we're gonna cut the youtube video because there is a force field there if you warp to the island we have to nut jump all the way up and then there's no force field and then you can jump down so we're gonna jump up we're not gonna tell youtube and then they're just gonna if people try it so we have to not jump all the way up it's literally impossible okay here we go i just need to jump up now which might take a few tries never mind okay you guys ready let's try the jump again oh i forgot to start the timer the first time my bad okay no no one talk about nuts no one talk about nuts clear the chat clear the chat clear the chat i don't want them to know get really hyped when i get it okay all right here we go and this this jump i would say is truly impossible if anyone tries this i really i really don't think they could do it set the timer to an hour yeah wait wait wait wait wait we're gonna set the timer to an hour or 46 minutes okay okay we're just gonna go for it now all right you guys ready come on come on we got this please make it not quite no that's okay that's okay we can always try again ah this jump is nutty this jump is pretty nutty yeah closest one yet nah i feel like we've had a closer one now the vector properly come on oh it's right there maybe a little bit a little bit stronger vectoring so close we're so close come on oh i thought we got it man it's just it's just like right there okay a little bit of a better angle on this oh there we go that's the way not quite pixels away yeah thanks for 100 bits do the snapshot thing that trick jumpers do like that not even hard what yeah you're right it's not even hard it's easy jump easy jump no it's right there [Music] you just tried last drive for the day all right all right okay last try last try i've been here for too long okay okay okay last last try this this has been going on for too long man so sad yet give another go okay last try last try come on i want to get it though that's right there i'm not going to give up i'm not going to give up though i can't give up yes it's pixels away dude okay i can't just give up all right i won't just give up oh come on it's right there we bonk every time man this should be good this should be good this looks good yes we got it finally all right and yeah i mean if you're watching on youtube don't try that one it's literally impossible you'll never get it oh it's so good all right we bamboozled them people we we're gonna have kids try on that and they just won't ever get it they won't even get close you know what it because here's what happens here's what happens when you try it normally when you try it after warping to a checkpoint this is what happens it does a force field it just doesn't let you do it technical fire thanks to the 20 subs [Laughter] it's lit it's impossible no it's so bad thank you technical fire all right all right what are we doing now what are we doing next um what is the next impossible jump the evidence was on the ledge the entire time yes that was cool i got the nudge on first ride though how many have left try to complete honestly i'm just searching up like which kingdom and then like impossible smo and we're finding like a bunch in every single one possible smo which kingdom now which kingdom ruined impossible tower climb in ruin no that's skelox impossible jump roulette tower okay casual okay you go up to the top of the tower and i think you try and jump all the way down which way is he going which way goes around the left side okay let's do it then search up possible jumps no every jump is possible oh heck that's weird why do i keep doing that today all right well let's go to ruined kingdom and we'll do that next we need a hard one like a legitimate hard one because all of these have been not too bad um what are we doing here uh ruined jump around the tower jump around the tower all right good stuff oh yeah timer crap oh no i need to read that out again zero all right next one we need to jump around the tower in the 2d section there we go there we go figured it out isaiah thanks for the seven can you try glitchy jump yes i like two player mode we're gonna switch to two player mode uh i just switched to two player mode i'm gonna have to plug my controller in real quick okay just looking into the code yes looking deep into the code of the game but yeah that'll be a good prank for youtube i think that's the first time we've ever like really messed with the youtube audience the youtube frogs as they're called that'll be fun it'll be fun there we go let's go what's up young gets youtube frogs youtube will never know pepe laughs all right you guys want to see something weird here's the impossible jump for this kingdom make it across here without pres without stopping it oh it's not physical it's not solid it might not be possible unless i look into the code of the game how did i make it this should be impossible [Music] what what happens i don't know if this one i'll make i don't know if i'll make this one not quite mario didn't quite make it i'm crying that was literally so funny it's so good it's so good just so you guys know like i i've been playing in two player mode and in two player mode you can hover uh i my controller isn't i can't i can't it the buttons aren't working he just walked off the edge like it just like controllers just started vibrating whatever holy crap i'm sick wait a minute you you think you think of what i'm thinking [Music] oh my god okay so we're actually at the impossible jump now [Music] uh the the impossible jump that was in the youtube video is uh is this by the way i'm pretty sure they want you to jump all the way around i'm fairly sure that's what that's what they want you to do you have to just jump around that way he's too oh yeah the timer right right the timer it's just it's just too easy dude it's just too easy honestly i want to try something really quick because i remember seeing something in the past and i want to give it a go is there like a really big skip in this section like can i jump around this no what about this is this possible yeah we could totally make that we could go through this entire section without pressing any of the buttons i bet that's the real challenge getting through this whole section without pressing the buttons you wanna you want a new one you wanna you guys wanna do a new challenge i don't think we need a new challenge are you sure that was impossible apparently this is a pretty tight jump though because like i don't think we can make it if we do like this yeah you need full speed this will be just be tough okay you're close i am very close yes oh okay it's right there it's just this it sucks that you can't like double jump or anything pixel perfect this might be like a true pixel perfect it sucks that the the camera also fights you do the eyes close speed run [Music] come on i think i need to hold it slightly later hover slightly later we'll do it what's the most difficult one so far honestly the first one was the hardest [Music] i think the first one was the hardest diet water thank you for the 14 months appreciate it are you ready you ready wow dan yeah the first one was the uh the trick jump how long top the pipe take a few minutes okay here we go here we go it is possible you can do this entire section without hitting the p switches because now you can do this jump which is like [Music] let's actually go through the entire area without in the p-switches i want to do it all the way through what you only get in the mall for 24 hours because you paid for it with coins instead of uh real bucks easy peasy yup change challenge title okay okay properties get up the tower without p switches okay let's just act like this one is uh is a new challenge i actually don't think this one has ever been done by like anyone before we're gonna get up the tower without p switches [Music] so i technically it wasn't possible up until this point but with two player mode i'm pretty sure you can do it except i know i can do it because we just did it and don't tell don't tell youtube um yeah now we just need to jump across should be pretty easy not first try not quite not quite another youtube prank maybe here we go here we go a little slow a little slow no assist mode ah the assist mode is fine assist mode is totally chill [Music] should work yes we're right there are you hovering like that two-player mode allows you to hover in the 2d section [Music] why watch impossible videos when you can make your own exactly my thoughts exactly my thoughts miss that dancing with madara thanks for the prime appreciate the support thank you turn this to start i'm doing it a little late a little late early early on the second jump okay let's try this again turn the camera so we can see where we're going it's right there where do you find those challenges you literally just search up impossible challenge smo and a kingdom name that's all it is that's all you got to do [Music] it's right there yeah like if you guys don't know i have a second controller on the ground that i'm pressing with my feet that's how i'm doing the like you get a second little jump in two-player mode you can see cappy comes out and helps you need the full run up yeah the full run up all the way hmm not quite not quite done he can't exacer one the first jump is a bit late maybe [Music] no definitely not [Music] can you land on those flashing platforms no so these flashing platforms are not solid arch link thanks to the prime [Music] early i'm talking to work you can get momentum earlier by jumping platform left before you get your running start that's true you mean like doing that doesn't seem to work i don't think that like we get enough momentum we got a huge running start the pro controller must be stinky no i don't got bad feet like we're not even getting close are you winning perennials absolutely you just got to make this jump this is a huge jump in 2d this is actually ridiculous how big this jump is but yeah i think you need to like it gives you some time after you run off of a ledge that allows you to jump we need to jump at the last possible moment that's it yo what's up barry check this out wasn't that cool uh barry check this out duh i was trying to show off for barry you have no clue where this is this is in ruined kingdom that was amazing thanks so much are going to disable comments of the youtube video no if people know they know it'll be it'll just be funny for the video itself until they check the comments come on let me up is there like wait is there a wall here [Music] crazy james see you then would that not be an incredible easter egg hiding something in that wall oh my god okay okay um well that's interesting just uh did i just will that into existence maybe [Music] dear god that's actually insane i wonder if we can die here it's a weird question to ask but i really wonder if we can if we can just [Music] no it looks like there's a solid wall there okay what wall apparently there's no wall yeah yeah i wonder if we're the first do you think we're the first person to find that heart or you think there's some other people managed to find that heart i bet some other people managed to find oh crap we fell along so maybe one person in chat already knew about that you knew about that all right not quite not quite it was a tough jump there wouldn't be a moon behind the wall yeah but not a moon but like just a secret you know like some extra coins you two knew about that of course you did crinos you know everything [Music] that's a good one oh that was a good attempt too man ready [Music] come on what are the chances there's more hidden blocks for you to run on yeah there's a hidden block up here and then mario maker style just trying to find the hidden blocks jumping in front dancing madara see you around thanks for the sub again come on here you go come on come on come on [Music] that's not gonna work we can back back up back up cutting the one where you made it no we're so close we're right there are you holding right after you jump oh yeah i'm holding run the whole time this is possible no it's impossible that's that's the definition it's impossible oh you were so close mario mario we're right there honestly i think we can just get like a running start just from like there like we almost make that burger hex thanks for the two hold it better okay there we go because like i can't hold it early i need to hold it late for sure are these challenges still impossible i highly doubt it you see how close that one was man i will donate 10 000 bits if you do it now real gamer 96 okay here we go i trust you [Music] well i didn't i didn't do it now it's that's sad you have to dive i never even considered that it might be pixel perfect maybe it's very close that's for sure ah small and dead thanks for the prime six months welcome back next to the 10 bucks josue keep up the great work man thank you i will 10 for effort thank you so much ah getting close [Music] he's like he just let's go at the last possible moment just fly farther further farther oh that felt like a good one so close so close start the float a touch later i'm trying we are right there a small dad actually your dad yes you can do this thank you he has vip a little late on the thing oh so that jump we were definitely off of the ground there you guys see that like let's look at this huh i think if i floated earlier that might have made it isn't that it's weird coyote time yeah it's cool i like it just popping to give prime usually lurk over mom's shoulder yes would crouching while floating do anything i don't know i think he gives the same amount of height yeah same amount of height okay okay yeah it's because people might miss on their jump yeah that's just good game design you know what we need [Music] that's what we need this is what we need [Music] blue knight thanks for the four hey dude we'll make this we'll make this as it's been done before not the whole hard to explain oh wait we got it [Music] oh [Music] z that one actually took a little bit though it took a little bit it was the music might have been what if we can make it to the top of this tower do we make it to the top i bet we can maybe we can [Music] oh definitely next challenge we would have to jump from the tip of this i think there's a ceiling i think i just hit a ceiling there is a ceiling there it doesn't let you go higher than that that's lame dude there's an invisible wall why put an invisible wall on the ceiling what [Music] camera's doing that so there's a ceiling yeah what's the point of adding a a wall to the ceiling that wonder how far it goes off like the camera goes up here so it makes me think that there isn't an invisible wall out here right [Music] makes me think there isn't an invisible wall out here we just need to reach it somehow [Music] ceiling is probably thick no the ceiling doesn't make sense to be thick it turns out you could like if this was low gravity we would be able to get up this actually you guys want to see a really cool you know what let's just i'm going to show you guys something really cool that's not even a challenge okay it's just a cool little detail about super mario odyssey it's really cool um what is a youtube video going up i don't know it's just something that's fancy as a heck okay uh we will need to hit this tricky towers i don't know what that means exactly you think we might we can get across like this without without the rocket flowers nope i don't think we can it's a little bit too much seeing the challenge we get the rid of the death berries at the bottom of the map do some glitch go to the rune tower and climb up uh you mean the one that skelox did with uh the one that skelox did where he got rid of the death barriers with hacks all right this could be a cool challenge could be you're grinding points felix what's up catch the other streamers are more time honestly i don't really like i think we're pretty much getting close to being out of challenges but i mean we'll see we'll see if we can if we can come up with more but like we did all the main ones that people know about right when do you post this whenever i get it done all right but the jump that i wanted to show you is this change of challenge name it's not like a challenge um we're gonna go into one player we're gonna get up to the top of that check this out did you know that the wall is considered wall jumpable if it's facing the opposite direction now with moon gravity these walls are considered the opposite direction so you're able to wall jump on them because the game thinks that they're the game thinks okay they're facing the opposite direction they must be facing each other that means he can climb up them so you are able to go all the way up and yes you can stand on this you did see that right we got some height going around and going up going all the way up all the way to the top baby is that enough to stand on that is enough to stand on excellent then we gotta very carefully walk up okay and we'll do it again this is what it means to go even further beyond yes the best camden with the year let's go dude and we are at the top of the sub area you guys want to see how big the sub area is let's see just let me go into oh we can look around oh my god it's hey there we go now we can look above look at that huh we are way up here dude switch back into two player modes we get another jump happy birthday thank you we're pretty high yeah two players it's interesting look at it's very strange isn't it you just look around see technically you can do this sub area and go through the pipe and now you don't get any moons but you can just skip the whole sub area without getting any moons and and just skip it pretty cool right pretty cool all right let's try and do let's try and find one at least one more because this has been short so far all right youtube we're gonna do another impossible challenge please please youtube okay okay okay impossible impossible smo the there's one in dark side smo impossible jump challenge in dark side by teammate and dan all right all right here's another impossible jump challenge what's he doing what's he doing he is okay oh man that happens so often i keep showing that that's what i see when i look at you guys uh all right we're gonna go to dark side i need to change switches and we're gonna do the impossible dark side challenge let's get on top of the blue pillar boom boom okay that's what we're gonna do let's do it when it's possible to grab a 2d moon with 3d mario i doubt it i really don't think so plus you can't go through the wall you'd have to go through the wall okay um there we go uh we go to dark side here play odyssey without touching the ground i already did that i already did that i beat that get to the top of the blue pillar reach the top of the blue pillar balm what capture next do you think will be skipped ruined most likely if anything finland thanks for the sub all right apparently this one's hard this one is apparently a tough one we'll see though how's this challenge work we're doing impossible challenges someone had been playing at lmao all right boss played an ad oh do i need to beat the uh i'm changing user i don't want to defeat it i'm going to go on my casual file where it's already unlocked add secret uh freak dude add secret what could i give you guys for a secret that's new and fresh um i don't know why is everyone purple just chants what's a good what's a good uh god i don't know dude here's your secret that's it that's that's all i got for you oh my goodness press the button what's going on all right we got all the moons it's messing up chad's colors what the freak dude whooper press a button yeah he took a screenshot he just wanted to see all you guys reaction it was cute it was very cute oh heck i need to check some stuff real quick [Music] all right we're good we're good so the the last the next and maybe final challenge today i know it's like super short but i feel like we kind of ran out of impossible challenges how do people make a youtube video for each of these anyways the the challenge here is to get on top of that pillar back there um right i forgot to tune the timer on is it is no there's no way it's this easy is it oh my god actually it might be a little bit difficult because we can't we don't have caffy still oh we died oh okay oh an assist mode doesn't even save you in this one interesting okay well let's start nice let's go okay do you just do this then oh the double whammy okay i'm surprised when i didn't get a first try yeah me too round pound jump backflip gives the same height so i think they get the same height like almost exactly the same okay we need to get as far over as we can i think we're dead and we need to essentially just jump up there okay it's not for no reason yeah i was dead anyways right yeah this room pretty pretty uh straight forwards now okay it's really just trying again is the tough part i wonder if a triple jump yeah triple jump might be worth it it's just i need to figure out how to turn mario so he grabs the wall as early as possible but that is a little bit tough almost almost i was aiming slightly too far to the left okay i was watching an old youtube video you saw yo as a mod it was weird yo-yo was still a mud oh oh what i got revenge yo-yo wasn't a mod oh yo-yo was not a mod never mind i take that back this has been a while back yo-yo has been a mod for a freak as long as heck time dude all right all right let's get up now with a one two three that's strange this is actually a tough one i'm glad this is a tough one we haven't had many tough impossible challenges oh we're fine i'm just gonna have to get through this without much of a floor left good save good save wow yeah pretty good uh i'll uh uh the the applause please apply i don't have a clap never mind don't don't laugh or don't clap that's gross it only see yeah this one only seems difficult because like if i could retry we would probably have this by now oh my controls are getting delayed i i pressed the y button i pressed the y button i swear to god camera okay my controller is getting an insane amount of lag my buttons aren't working okay what is going on my buttons weren't working like i was pressing them and they were coming out like half a second later i need to maybe it's oh right this is the other other switch isn't it no what is going on just give me a sec i need to like reconnect these bad boys because like i half the buttons weren't working and that was just like a there you go all right a good save on my part i think i i'm i'm kind of proud of that okay so we need to get up on to there that's the goal here get on top of the blue pillar i need to dive onto that hmm dead yep heck dude we'll get it okay boom boom boom can i just like yeah i can just do that okay you think of backflip it's just i don't think a backflip goes high enough is the problem like it doesn't it doesn't give me high enough whisk thanks to the four i think we had like half the triple jump oh i haven't i have an idea maybe we have to wall jump whoa mario where you going there buddy where you going big boy okay i have a better idea maybe we can backflip does that give me enough height to land on top of it i don't know that was close they said thousand bits boom yoon welcome to the stream man i'm playing games wrong as best i can just blj glitchy jump so close pretty dang close yeah maybe we can triple jump around the side or not or just don't yeah i think triple jumping around the side and then that'll work that should work we'll jump on the the the wall because then we're guaranteed to jump onto the lowest section for sure almost too high okay good good good oh come on he just doesn't get around the corner gonna follow you and bounce off they don't go high enough they don't quite go high enough i think this will go up on youtube i think this is a good youtube video idea yes i think this one will be a youtube upload is there a visible wall i don't think so i really don't think there's an invisible wall because we just got it let's go ready to split mario in half oh that's gotta hurt that looks oh we're standing on the peak we get a beautiful view of the area you okay that's a weird pose you're doing there man it's cool we made it yes you know i don't really have any more impossible jumps i honestly thought these were gonna take longer so i think i'm gonna call it a day and we'll have to do longer streams later in the week and we do have longer streams later in the week you have so many but yeah um so it turns out everyone in 2017 sucked because the game just came out and they didn't have 3 000 hours in the game like i do who would have thought okay well we're gonna find someone to raid though let's find someone to read and i'll call it a day but thank you so much for watching everybody who are we going to raid we're just going to raid grand pooh bear i don't think i've ever have i ever rated grandpa i don't even know rape grandpa bear thank you so much everyone for watching i really appreciate you sticking around it was a fun stream this was fun a little bit wacky i'm glad you guys liked it tomorrow i am playing super mario not super mario i am playing pokemon colosseum for the first time ever i have never played it before apparently it's the hardest pokemon game so i'm excited for that hopefully you guys enjoy it too if you don't like that breath of wild the hundo training on thursday minecraft jumpless on friday be sure to follow the stream check out twitter youtube whatever you're into i'm probably on it um but i will see you guys tomorrow thank you so much for watching let's go good stream really good stream it was fun
Channel: SmallAnt VODS
Views: 145,173
Rating: 4.9210525 out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, super mario odyssey challenge, super mario odyssey impossible jump, super mario odyssey impossible challenges, smallant vod, smallant vods, smallant stream, smallant twitch, smallant smo, smallant, smallant challenge, smallant smo challenge, smo, impossible challenge, doing the impossible, smallant impossible
Id: P5Cf_Jxac6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 18sec (13938 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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