Breath of the Wild but Link can't walk

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I am going to beat breath of the wild without walking no walking no sprinting no running you can hop you can climb you can use a paraglider you can use a horse and any other thing that isn't taking a step with link in cutscenes link will walk that is something I cannot control that is okay those are the rules if we ever do walk what I will allow myself to do is reload to a previous save that will keep the the file that we are playing on clean of all that disgusting walking cuz we're not about that exercise so here is how we will move no hey there we go this one is gonna be a bit wacky wait did someone redeem a chunky monkey visit there's no way there's no way oh my god Toki Rocky's gonna be here today sorry this is the first time this actually happened he is here my son he looks okay he's doing good hello look at that face he's so happy at all he'll hang out there today alright and now we're cruising dude ah no let me Aereo That's not me that's part of the cutscene just so we're clear this doesn't count just did it's only the gameplay segments I am not allowed to walk only the gameplay obviously great plateau is gonna be terribly slow but once we're done great plateau what's gonna speed up a lot because then we can just boom Azumi everywhere so we got the mad hops baby I reach 250 K subs on YouTube I did it is a wild to dude alright we got a weapon this is the the thickening challenge for link you know have you ever looked at link it's at home you know you know you it's got a pretty good physique but like he's kind of a stick I would much prefer link if he was thick that's this challenge get him thick just one second just give me a minute oh I press the wrong button let's try that again there we go that's better no more death yes I am only able to talk the talk in this challenge I cannot walk the walk Ravalli hora volley will be super helpful I think at the very least we should do ravioli because that'll be pretty helpful what about flying machines we don't need flying machines where we're going we got Bumi zoomies you do not exist anymore no bad there we go we're good it's so nice seeing chunky again yeah it's so nice seeing my son here today rubber armor for Thunder blades yeah I mean Thunder blade will be really easy if we have if we just have the things that wait what I took no damage from that huh right there you think that would have hurt you think that would take it's a damaged link is not okay link is not feeling good after that one I personally would politely decline taking the damage hmm tis but a scratch he has plot armor apparently if you'd never take a step in breath of the wild you just can't get hits who would have guessed cutscenes don't count four oh dear God he actually isn't taking a step when he is attacking now I'm looking at it he kind of just slides forwards run I mean John don't run do the opposite of running but not not moving yikes hey all right I'll wear the freaking shirt oh I walked I won't i pressed back all right we got we got some armor now wearing a shirt let's go I'm a me I dare you okay I just got to get this timing right that's all there we go see look it's easy okay you know what how did link pick up an arrow in the middle of this position what are you doing link what are you doing this is like a movie cinematic moment where the camera is like boom it's the matrix man was the guy to my right this guy right here he's my son chunky monkey someone redeemed him they paid a hundred and fifty thousand small coins to have him show up in the stream today pinkies redeemed to eat chunky rocky I'm sorry son but you know you've been business behaving a little bit today you know what is this a pencil shaving on your foot do you not keep yourself clean I cannot believe it I can't believe it you had to be heated I'm sorry I deserve to be eated no I do not check this out sick launch rate sick moves link whoo you actually have to be so precise if you want a low launch okay now we'll eat and when we land or totally be fine 100% we're good don't worry about it we'll be fine wait wait we're good okay okay I have an idea Ivan it's good it might seem dumb but it'll work trust me trust me trust me Chester Chester check this out now I need to eat this and we just got voided out right and so we'll be brought back to the shrine of Resurrection there we and now we're at the shrine of Resurrection and now all we need to do is just shield surf over to the other one once we get there I need to go over this I don't really know how exactly to get over it we don't have much stamina I kind of ate my stamina food without cooking it so like it seems like we're really right now kind of stuck in between a rock and a hard place haha no I just see people in chat no tuned in just in time for that pun I'll be going now lumpy gravy gifting us up to God I now have God back on my side that's a 3-month resub God God welcome back to the ant colony I'm glad you're on my side ena gifting us up to demon I have God and a demon on my side Oh Lord Wow no no no no oh ah how man his toes are freaking strong jeez I did not expect okay we're no no he didn't grab the walk oh I didn't even autosave anywhere close to your by yo Nick giving us up to anime I have the power of God and anime on my side there's nothing stopping us now look at him go look at him go ha ha you can already see him thicken it up a little bit right look at his thighs his cheeks he's kata you can kind of tell he's getting thick anyways what's up do it yes we got the one don't look good okay throw this bad boy on mmm nice and cozy and now all we need to do is uh get over to that and you know what I'm gonna take the fast route of course and we're just gonna casually you know just do one of these do one of those and yeah just like did I save yeah it autosave okay cool all right you know what ah I was trying to do sick tricks that would have been so sick let's do a baby now we just need a snack we have snacks to get survive yo let's go sick we're doing it we're not walking boys don't hit me let's go I baited the snowball into hitting on my movements baffle them they're so confused as to what I am doing it's working well just try it just try hit me that's right you can't Mike my movements are too confusing to read it seems like I'm moving at random but everything is deliberate you can never catch me sure we're in I think I've ever been at this part of the map fortunately though check this out haha that worked well here we go we're almost at the paraglider the moment where we are free you ready for this Matt hop whoo he's insane what is he doing I ran I walked damn it I walked when I hit the ground I did the trick with that he walks he's insane what is he doing oh my god ah oh look he did that that's so cool Wow that's clearly the first time we've ever seen that to the temple of time let's go you play pokemon please you know what sure one second okay let's see what do we got here okay crystal sure sounds sounds good you hear that here you go perfect you guys do you guys still want me to play pokemon yeah okay hello sorry to keep you waiting okay oh come on I want to play I'm sick of this I'm going to play pokemon next Wednesday I play pokemon on Wednesdays for anyone that isn't aware and we have the paraglider we can actually move now oh it's the dream come true and now he just goes straight north to Lake colum oh there we go yeah but yeah now what we're able to do stuff like that which is very nice well there's much was mass being throw this bad boy on I never have to worry about enemies anymore excellent we have zero food okay I think to move anywhere we're gonna go get some food real quick yeah here is the food I believe there's like over a hundred apples here all right that's enough if my memory serves me right the stadium should be oh there's this idiom there it is no how Linc this is not how this is not how the world is supposed to work Linc come on man and go here we go super launch let's go cute Oh phantom helmet okay oh he can actually attack you bye [Music] hello sir I am in the middle of something I am in the middle of something sir please go away thank you sir here we go we got it we got the Phantom Greaves let's go it seems to be the armor we need maybe yeah yeah we got all the armor we're full phantom now what we could do now is go over and do this divine beast come on get on the horse get on it there we go do this once I got onto the horse the keith's attacked me did i tame it I don't think I did oh yeah it definitely is tame look at that all right now we can actually move a little bit quicker Bant grant and eggplant it's close but I think eggplant might have it all right I am small ant and it is egg pull ant I should add the space okay eggplants there you go if you want to name this horse eggplant yes thank you all right we got the eggplants okay [Music] all right and the boy has been bounced just like that let's go we are in Rito village so let's see how much like a 20 pack costs or five pack costs okay yes I'm so gonna die I'm so dead there's no way I don't die here I didn't die here what where is he what teleports behind you not there personal kid watch your blind spot okay is my blind spot here here we go okay we killed them okay one more heart container let's go we're done easy fights man open her up there we go I think he Knox's would take far too long to kill we'll pick up on another pot lid friend and then make our way out of here one two three oh wait what what is it Chester what is in this chest yeah like the chest appeared is like please you'll need this I mean all right sure I'll need it sounds good to me just need to kill this boy now uh I guess ice arrows and this ball [Applause] but yeah we're just doing this there we go kill them just like that easy man see does he have any helpful weapons I do not know do I need to kill him all over again yeah right there there's a step yo yeah I couldn't I couldn't do it we're fine we're good no we're dead huh no no slow down let's go it's done now we have to how thank you five more bomberos what are we having bomb arrows we got to have like a lot 47 oh we're good you want to go you want to do this cuz I don't I just I want it out I I wanted right out of there let's leave this nerd behind see ya thinks he can hit me with a laser beam yeah I'm in the middle of some if you could stop Laser beaming me please it'd be great it'd be really great let's just go in let's just do it why not right okay thunder plates fun ah Jesus he has so much damage it's so much more than all of the other ones okay focus all I need to do he just one-hit ko me one-hit ko I have full armor in like eight hearts I got this I mean I do it's just a matter of time cuz I even if fire blade hits me he won't kill me with this much health I believe that'll be enough yeah okay done water blade Ravalli exists i should just hit him with the Ravalli after I make him stun all I need to do just Chuck ravioli Adam yeah exactly okay that'll do and then I can do this that was not a no okay that was not enough please okay I should probably switch to this ball ball ball okay that's that's one that's good that's the first one beautiful okay hit him with the ravioli Oh yikes yikes yikes yikes this is fine I'm fine with this hit me again with that laser oh crap laser yo I think we did it I think we did it yes he's dead now it's just uh you know calamity okay go excellent okay thank you here we go Shh does this put him to sleep I'm not exactly sure but where I'm face to that does not put him to sleep i I can't flurry rush because it doesn't oh my god there isn't enough time to backflip out of the way yeah hit me with another one [Music] there's the fireball okay this one should be easy there it is okay I'll hit him with the arrows once he's down okay just back up as much as I can get ready laser again yes I got a second try thank goodness good of arrows though come on yeah another laser I'm fine with this there we go great eagle ball broke all right just got a fairy hairy baby let's go let's go oh wait I this can work maybe finish him up with this one more yeah yo and now we're on the horse let's go it's egg pull ants back baby we got eggplant let's go well that hit what that's amazing please thank you man I must snipper dude I snip that I'm the Canadian snipper yep we're doing it this took way less time than I thought we need to go eggplants oh okay this is where we die nope what is going on I don't know but we're fine eggplants I need out please eggplant eggplant please go go a plate I need out I'm looking I'm looking come on there you go five hours 33 minutes I thought this was gonna take two days this took like way less time than I thought we just crushed him I don't have anything else planned today I don't think I have anything that could take a reasonable amount of time it doesn't take a super long amount of time to set up I know it's only been six hours but I think I'm gonna call it a day that I will see you all tomorrow thank you for watching
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,777,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: botw, breath of the wild, zelda breath of the wild, botw challenge, botw no walking, breath of the wild no walking, botw without walking, breath of the wild without walking, botw glitches, breath of the wild challenges, botw challenges, challenge botw, can you beat breath of the wild without, can you beat, breath of the wild no walk, point crow breath of the wild, no walking challenge, no walk, botw no walk, challenge, pointcrow
Id: w_uDqF4cApo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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