I was paid to speedrun Cooking Mama

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october of last year jaiden animations she decided to speedrun the game she chose to speedrun was cooking mama 2 dinner with friends now because she is such an incredible animator create some incredible youtube content that video did very well and so a lot of people came to me because i also speed run a lot of people came and said hey will you do a cooking mama speed run and i said you know what i'll set it as a sub goal and jaden animations gifting 10 subs yo thanks for the 10 subs jaden we're gonna be doing the exact same run that jaden did all gold medals my goal is to just just beat jaden okay that's my goal let's just do it three two one go cooking with mama i guess wait no wait this is pre-played never mind this i need to reset the game files we already have a medals okay never mind let me just and go okay the timer started cooking with mama choose the correct ingredient to add to the bowl uh okay uh that one okay that one yeah do i just stir it fast i guess is this is there can you stir it too fast i don't know did not too fast we'll see very well done even better than mama okay spinning it turning it swiping it even better than mama bonus let's go my god this takes so long touch at this size okay that was too early no i pressed it but then it went down i have to restart now oh my god just gotta focus knead the dough is this kneading is this what kneading is like in real life i haven't ever needed dough like this before usually you just like punch it on a table touched it let's go easy squash until gauge is full oh just gonna squash it i'm squashing even better than mama that's a little aggressive it seemed like i mean we're trying to go fast wait what do i do okay even better than mama even better than mama i hope it's just like this is so these okay even better than mama it just keeps going what the heck spread it on thick this is so stressful if you mess up like way late into a recipe you just gotta restart oh my god touch the icon it's like ingredient arrange them nicely okay okay let's hope that's good i don't know if that's good or not even better than mama she likes olives okay um almost finished all right pick settings i don't know what uh 250 i didn't see what it said no no back go back no it's only 25 degrees that's not gonna cook it [Music] i'm going to press the zero but i saw the zero and the i saw the o in okay is zero ah this pizza sucks we're gonna have to try that again we just got this it's raw okay it may be a raw pizza but that's okay died shrunk i hate that ah i'm gonna skip the pizza for now i'm sure it can't get harder than the first recipe guys okay we're gonna make some peanut butter okay what do we got to do blend it what do i do why don't you just put your other hand on the blender put your other hand on the top of the blender what are you doing stop why just put your other hand on it it's not stop it's not that hard very well done even better than mama [Music] it's perfect we got no bonus apparently that's a gold medal on to the next first medal let's go corn soup why are there so why can't it just be one move the butter around the pan until it melts okay [Music] that was really fast okay both ingredients but follow the instructions okay need to follow the instructions wait okay stir now add now stir didn't realize this was basically like a auto scroll it's like guitar hero well done even better than mama was that the last step oh my god why are there a hundred more steps why don't you just dump the corn in why do you have to shred it like this shred the corn that's a weird sentence why are they making me shred this corn and why are you only using one hand uh strain strain without spilling any how i think i messed up we'll see maybe maybe it won't count it and it's not great it's not great the effort was bad why is this recipe so long okay we do not spill don't spill the corn don't spill the corn do not just be careful i barely touched it i barely touched it it's it's not this hard in real life but does it count does it work is that oh it's still very well done it's better than mama that counts i'll boil the ingredients for all the instructions top of the screen okay it still counts we're good add okay yeah uh-huh salt more salt that's pepper never mind [Music] is that it is the is the soup done perfect it's a hundred let's go okay on to the next let's make some t-bone steak this does not look like a steak my steaks generally don't look like broccoli boil it uh wait what am i missing something oh i missed the first blow what i missed what what did i miss i missed something i missed the steak that's what i missed where's the steak i can scream instead of blow okay oh apparently talking counts is blowing i didn't realize talking over your food can ruin it we have to be quiet just really quiet to make sure that the soup doesn't get upset quieter we need to be even quieter there we go wait a minute i have an idea perfect oh okay please tell me there's not another step oh no um arrange them nicely what does that mean oh even better than mama could do it it's perfect i think it's time to go back to the pizza i i'm a more experienced chef now we return to the pizza what frick the pizza we're making apple pie pizza sucks i hate pizza it's the worst it's the worst food group stupid pizza honestly why do i even need to peel these i prefer my apple pie with skin it ain't my recipe i don't care about mama's recipe i'm making pies like my mama used to make my mom is never this picky right mom are you in chat right now mom by the way no uh separate the egg whites from the yolk by pouring the ingredients from one shell to another no i hate pouring oh this is fine never mind you're pouring everything it's just pouring everything i'm just following the instructions what i hate i hate the soup i hate the soup part i hate this i hate this i hate this no screw apple pie we'll come back to it later it's the same thing i hate this i hate that i don't want to do it again slowly slide the cells along the arrow okay slowly okay i had to oh god we got to do it [Music] again this one only has three steps though okay i'm gonna put this on my desk i'm gonna focus for this one [Music] nice and slow nice and calm nice and calm don't mess them up just go slow and steady it's not a speed run you're cooking some ill for your family and friends who are coming over tonight you want to make it as best you can for them to make sure damn it make sure they have a good experience damn it it's still better than mama okay let's do this one now you can just dump the rice out into the sink i just did what it told me to the rice isn't supposed to fall out news to me slow pour dump slowly there you i got i got it we're good we're good yes oh terrific even better than mama we're making pizza i hate this one i hate this but i got it okay i'm a good smacker smack the dough baby 250 30 minutes it's a perfect pizza okay finally finished with the pizza are there any like easy ones can i get a break that's that oh my god jaden thank you for the 20 subs how did you do this in six hours what the heck jade and thank you for the 20 gift subs is he trying to get world record oh i think it's a little too too far for that at this point um how many recipes are in this game by the way we've done about eight eighty i'll get better throughout the day this looks easy bagels uh need the dough pick it up and drop it okay you have two hands so apparently you do have two hands a little bit suspicious why they use the blender and don't put their other hand on it i hate this part this is just like a bunch of gunk on a plate this can't be that hard right what is this thing we're just making a spear it's literally just a sphere apparently we're about to kill dracula [Music] nice and now we have the garlic just to make sure that the vampire dies weirdest looking garlic i've ever seen perfect finally we haven't got a gold medal in like an hour um let's do this one no that's the sweet potatoes whatever sweet potato would up set the heat as you like i what do i like [Music] it's perfect we got the sweet potato now that i know how the cooking works we're going to go back to the apple pie because i want to finish off the first date i need to finish the first date all right it speeds up what the heck why does it speed up but we got the apple part done let's do mama cookie i hate mama cookies but let's do mama cookies okay don't mess this up i don't know how we yielded that but whatever okay uh touch the dough this one sucks this one's miserable how how do you get two more i'm gonna have to practice how many are there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven one two three four five just have to do that i guess but now i need to do it during the recipe [Music] okay even better than mama let's go we have okay we have 16 done let's let's move on oh my my ds is on red okay uh i'm gonna find the charger charger where did i put it it was around here somewhere uh did i put it away oh god [Music] we're good we're good it's charging now we're all good mango hoping this is an easy one no not mango pudding oh god is it worse is it that bad doesn't seem so bad so far remember use the numbers ingredients whatever oh god what i wasn't paying attention we'll come back to that one um let's do loco moco tap on the crack okay we cracked the eggs i can do that good good that hand looks uncomfy it really does it's not in a good place just cracking the egg it's a tough way to hold an egg grab the meat yes caress the meat get real close and sensual with it mmm that's some meat isn't it yum grab it hold it squish it delicious you just can't help yourself squeeze the meat toss the mixture left and right to a hamburger shape wait do i tap do what do i do oh okay i see i'm dragging it back and forth real fast this probably looks a bit weird i'm just throwing the meat around okay it didn't i was tapping on it i was tapping on it i'm not doing this it's drink time i need some alcohol perfect let's make okay just pour it on the table i still got a silver for that really let's try that one more time let's not pour it on the counter mama i'm just gonna ruin your kitchen i'm sorry your kitchen is nothing to me lemon juice everywhere just gotta i'm just dumping it out the counter is thirsty too yeah it's just you just why does the pineapple juice want to dump itself onto the table okay we got it it's that easy it's just uh tilt oh we have to tilt it i hate this [Music] okay okay okay i got a cinderella let's try an easy one mango pudding [Music] everyone said the desserts are easy i've already tried this one i mean i remember peeling mangoes wasn't that for a different thing okay right this one has like the 200 ingredients that i need to memorize right six different things [Music] nailed it let's go tilt and pour until it reaches i hate this this is really hard that precise huh [Music] uh rearrange the item so you can fit it on the shelf on the inside okay [Music] let's hope that was fine yeah still got it very well done that's good shaking the direction to empty it out on a dish okay yeah yeah okay good that was an easy one ravioli honestly i i need some easy what oh god what's going on is this really this easy is that it is that it oh [Music] yeah a nice easy one okay wait how many are we at i need to check okay 8 16 plus 7 is 25 plus 7 is 32 plus 3 is 35 plus 2 is 37 38 we're not even half done 16 plus 7 is 23 oh yeah sorry we don't even have that so yeah about 20 minutes left i want to get this cracker i want to get this i want to make this happen that sucks i only messed up two maybe you can't even mess up any mama demands perfection i'm pissed too that's me right now i'm gonna try i think i figured out a way to do it close one eye look at exactly where it's pointing and tap it okay well maybe that didn't work that didn't that didn't i didn't expect failing that honestly oh my god my finger slipped you aren't doing it in the middle no i know that but like like i'm pretty sure the game is just picking a random spot and they're just disrespecting me by giving me bonuses anyways we'll try it one more time we're doing it we're just gonna go for it i'm just gonna get it i think we will have to try again next friday i couldn't get it last time we're getting it this time i'm finishing the run i'm gonna do it go we're going okay uh cook with mama and our pizza perfect there's one all right that's five done we are cruising apple pie is kind of one of the worst recipes i remember it took me probably like an hour just to do this recipe last time uh it's just a lot of steps followed by like one hard step separate the egg whites i learned how to do this last time this is what i struggled with initially but i am an egg white pro well i mean i got all the egg whites i also got the rest of the egg but i got the egg whites too okay all right told you i was an egg master easy yeah yeah i got it perfect score flawless [Music] if you guys watched last week you'll know that we had maybe two gold medals at this point and i don't think i'm exaggerating can't mess up the egg i am the egg master master of the both the yellow and the white i'm like an egg bender like avatar it's the fifth element eggs [Music] i think i got it in time i think i got in time we should be fine i i think that's 15 easy dude we're picking up the pace baby [Music] no this was jaden's least favorite oh no there's a worse one it's the mama rice cracker is worse than this got it all right mama cookies are done oh those are one of the hard ones those cut out ones just are the worst it's that the one on the top right there that she was going insane on and i will go insane on that one be patient it's the one where you brand mama's face into it because she's some self-centered [Music] person wait i think i need to be quiet here whoa whoa whoa hey did you do the rice cracker no i'm leaving that for last ravioli oh i hate ravioli all right it's just there's so many like easy steps and then one brutally hard step like or like two brutally hard steps near the end i had a little focus for this one i was swiping and it just kept going and now we get to restart i could why is it so fast wait ravioli [Music] it didn't even register that one is this worse than apple pie oh [Music] absolutely i swear to i cut it screw off mama mama will fix this i'm gonna fix your ugly face mama where's your nose huh i bet you can't even taste the food your nose isn't even there personal about mama well mama's deliberately sabotaging this speedrun and i do not respect that now we have several hard steps after that please tell me it's only one more step in an easy step [Music] yes okay oh that's one of the hardest recipes oh wait we're done we're done uh we're done 30 now it took me about six hours to get this far last last run nailed it that's 35 done good now we are done 55 gold medals there's only 25 left we're so good so good easy 55 let's go we're just gonna make chocolate okay wait is this are we just cutting up chocolate to make chocolate we're just infinite chocolate hacks we're turning some chocolate into more chocolate it's a perfect perfect little chocolate heart better than mama uh you suck mama i'm better than you okay whatever i don't even care what this is remember remember what what do i do i remembered you never told me to do anything but remember i was out here remembering like okay i'm remembering oh so they actually expect you to cut it not just remember like the step says got it i did it this time please tell me that's good oh i hate you mama it's good but not better than mama i want full superiority over mama all right i want mama to be inferior to me in every way it is unacceptable if mama thinks she is better than me her whole career is based off of cooking and i want to perfect every single one of her recipes in a single day just to make her feel bad does that make me a bad person maybe but mama has wronged me in ways that you cannot fully understand shark fin soup isn't this like kind of bad it's illegal cooking mama i'm reporting you i can get cooking mama arrested right now is shark fin soup illegal to make here's some information for is eating shark fin illegal according to bbc the country is the largest importer of shark fins outside asia though shock thinning in the domestic fishery has been illegal since 1994. we can get her arrested it's cool you're going to jail mama cooking mama 3 mama goes to prison let's go prison mama we caught you red-handed you thought i would sit here and do nothing good i didn't need to do it again the court doesn't need any more evidence [Music] you're going to jail mama is that 60 no that's not 60. we skipped one or no is that is that sick no yeah that is we're at 60 there's only 20 left i'm honestly not even paying attention to what i'm making anymore i'm kind of just going for it uh small knife this is not a chicken leg you cannot get this this is like pork or something this is the weirdest chicken leg i have ever seen it's like a huge mutant chicken chicken leg my ass i don't think it's your ass either though sauteed liver and chives all right should be pretty easy doesn't even say what kind of liver it is mama's going to prison she might as well go for the forbidden the forbidden fruit of cooking human flesh i mean she's already going to jail for that shark fin soup like the game did say dinner with friends and because you don't see the friends in the game it means they must be the food it makes sense it makes sense welcome to game theory yeah yeah i guess the title makes sense dinner with friends you know it's like steak with potatoes yeah the friends are just the side dish maybe dessert i'm just gonna make some ice cream split for 75. ice cream's done all right five recipes left bento box choose your favorite treats okay those are my favorites what you said pick my favorites not those favorites apparently there we go okay [Music] mama lunchbox perfect anyways uh we have one recipe left so we're about halfway done the run now this is the final boss we do need to do get a gold on this recipe did you say halfway yeah this recipe should take me about six hours to complete once might be exaggerating might not be i don't know [Music] i hate these i hate these i need to practice the last step we're gonna we're gonna take a moment mess that one up not that one missed that one miss that one i figured it out i figured it out [Music] i can do it okay that doesn't count though because that was just in practice mode if we get there we can do it but i figured it out the ds touchscreen isn't perfectly accurate as to where you press you have to press slightly further into the screen than it looks which is why i noticed the edge ones were always going on the left side too far left and the ones on the right side were always going too far to the right i already calibrated my ds so i know it's not a ds issue it must be a cooking mama issue is that why the pasta game was kind of a nightmare does it probably yeah [Music] okay [Music] silver medal it's not good enough why are you moving your hand so slowly mama it's a speed run [Music] mess up two man two [Music] [Music] let's go okay that's it we did it it's done oh finally even better than mama six hours 24 minutes and 50 seconds all golds [Music] that is every single recipe gold it not a single one failed and mama is going to prison my time six hours 24 minutes seventh place 20 minutes ahead of jaden one last thing i gotta do before we go though hey mama [Music] that's it
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,234,868
Rating: 4.9729857 out of 5
Keywords: cooking mama, speedrun, all golds, world record, wr, cooking mama 2, cooking mama 2 speedrun, dinner with friends, jaidenanimations, jaiden, jaiden animations, cooking mama game, any
Id: YtmmHqEnw3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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