How to beat Mario Odyssey with only 3 CAPTURES (Full Commentated Speedrun)

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Is he actually doing the whole thing with hand and foot, or does the foot only come in at specific times?

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/Gwinbar 📅︎︎ May 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I would love to see and at GDQ

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Alpha-Burrito 📅︎︎ May 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ant is such a good boy

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/GoodSmarts 📅︎︎ May 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

wAiT bUt IsN't ThIs A cHaLlEnGe RuN!!1ElEvEn!!!

👍︎︎ 82 👤︎︎ u/_selfishPersonReborn 📅︎︎ May 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

"so I'll be playing with my hands and feet" record scratch

what?? -- not that I doubt you, it's just kind of like a hanging mouth open kind of moment

can we have a foot cam please?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right so this is a Super Mario Odyssey minimum captors run starting nap so a capture in Super Mario Odyssey if you don't know is when you throw copy onto something and Mario transforms into it that's a capture I'm gonna be doing that the minimum amount of times the minimum amount in one player is 12 captures and the minimum in two-player mode is three captures today I'm doing a hybrid of those runs so I'll be capturing eight things and now you know eight isn't three captures as as title suggests but by the end of the run you'll understand why I'm doing eight it's mostly to better explain the tricks and not waste your time later on you'll see but because I am doing eight captures the hybrid run I will be playing the entirety of the run with my hands and feet simultaneously with two controllers it opens up some extra movement options you'll see here right at the start after this cutscene when we get capi you can see that you can jump instantly once on the ground and once in the air with capi whenever I press the jump button on the second controller also you can see there I hit the lever with capi a little bit early just by separating the two characters you can control caffee and Mario independently in two-player mode I'll be using that occasionally but it's pretty hard to manage but again here opening the door with capi with the second controller but going in the first room here you can see the frogs on the right they are the first intended captures of the game the tutorial and well obviously I'm able to skip that as you can see there but I'm just gonna finish off the rest of the kingdom I have a lot to explain cascade Kingdom is coming up next there's a lot to talk about so cascade Kingdom has a boss which takes three captures to beat it and beating the boss unlocks like everything in the kingdom it spawns a bunch of moons you do need five moons to leave the kingdom and for a long time like everyone thought the boss was a hundred percent required because it just weren't enough available moons but coincidentally there actually exists exactly five moons before the boss has been defeated but like all of the moons were locked behind captures and speaking of captures this is the first capture in the run capture number one this is currently completely unskipable there's no way to skip this one but anyways the five moons in cascade Kingdom they're either locked behind like captures or the boss fight or they're just unreachable after a long enough the community ended up figuring out ways to get every single one without any captures at all but to that the kingdom is completely broken open so you'll see here the kingdom is pretty insane going into cascading here there's just a few cutscenes we have to skip before we arrive and then the fun will begin now normally in this kingdom what you want to do is capture the Chain Chomp to break open that rock on the left to get the first moon I'm not gonna do that because I can't capture anything so cuz start by clipping out of balance by doing a roll cancel to do a surface clip through and then we're just gonna swim through some invisible water onto some invisible platforms to get the first moon in the kingdom which is in this chest right here pop inbounds really quick to grab the moon and that'll be the first moon of the kingdom now I am back in bounds no I am out of bounds just kidding and clip right back out and jump onto the invisible platform there a few invisible platforms to actually get to the next moon which is in the 2d section which I'm just jumping around the kingdom to going into this pipe here next to enter the 2d section and this 2d section normally acquires that big Chain Chomp on the right there and just got to navigate through the 2d section now which is just some jumps in you can see like I can't see anything at all so I just memorized this section it's pretty basic the second moon in the kingdom grabbing that one behind the waterfall and then we're gonna make our way to the top of the kingdom here for the next moon the next moon it's a moon on the island in the sky and then won't be able to see it here for a little bit until I get to it but but it took a it took a really long time to figure this one out and there's actually multiple ways to do it now but this is the easiest and fastest way I'll be doing now and it's it's pretty wild so you'll see what it is in a moment but I would rather not spoil it but you'll see here I'll be able to turn the camera up in just a sec once I get into place here [Music] here we go there's the island and Cappy hit the checkpoint awesome so I am warping up there and that is one way to get up on the island of the sky just teleported Cappy up to the island I will explain how to do that later normally to get this boon here you take the painting from a completely different kingdom to get up here but obviously I didn't do that and just some to point out is that the checkpoint isn't actually capture the game doesn't consider to capture another moon here need a chain job to get it no you don't just didn't throw when you clip right through the rocks there and then the last moon in the kingdom here is it's just under this which by the way there's just no wall in that section I didn't even clip out of bounds there there's just no wall you can just jump through it so that's it's kind of like what you get in the last moon now there we go okay and swimming again in the water and basically just memorize where it all exists just jump out now and get the last moon in the kingdom which is called our first power moon so that's pretty funny get the first one last completely broke open the kingdom here now it's just some cutscenes and then we'll be able to go over to the Odyssey for the first time so bridge is gonna fall Cathy is gonna be surprised that we found a power moon then we'll be able to roll up here you can see I am going to the left side of this bridge for whatever reason this cutscene trigger extends a little bit further out on the left side so jump onto that rock to activate a little earlier and then just throw all the moons into the Odyssey to finish off the second Kingdom in the run there are I think 13 14 kingdoms I'm not exactly sure we'll get 124 moons over the course of this run so that's the first five the Odyssey is gonna power up and like I said earlier pretty much every Kingdom does require a certain amount of moons to collect to be able to power it up this one takes five the next king of sand I think it takes 16 or 18 I guess we'll see when we get there but San Kingdom is next and it used to be really similar to any percent except like the minimum characters were out to skipped a few boons that required captures now the kingdom has become really unique because of a recent discovery I'm gonna be doing an extra bit of story progression and a boss fight to set up a sequence break which as far as I'm aware is the only sequence break in any full game Super Mario Odyssey speedrun so that's pretty exciting yeah right now it's just Caffey giving us some tips and such but the game is in English right now the fastest language is actually Chinese they just say the same thing with less characters there aren't any language exclusive tricks I could go into the settings right now and change it into Chinese but I'm leaving it in English just to help explain things so I am losing a few seconds but it's no big deal gonna plant this seed here at right at the start that takes 20 minutes to grow hopefully I'll be able to grab that in 20 minutes or so but just gonna grab some more moons just gonna get the bird here and then a few more in the town there's uh there's two more one on the building here and then one of the pipe on the right there some basic movement no crazy tricks just rolling around grab the moons and the moon in this room there's a ground pound spot just memorize where you got to go and actually wait a minute let me just check something yes and that's wrong one second okay let's just change the date and time really quick Honolulu now there we go that's it's very okay cool so in a hollow Lulu now it just feels better running around in Honolulu so that's nice and it will leave the room now to progress the rest of the kingdom and grabbing how convenient yes it's been 20 minutes already that's nice able to move along now and grab the last moon in the town for real though that is actually the slow way to get that moon going into the menu and manually changing the time zone to to force the game on our forwards in like any percent speedruns and speedruns that are just more optimized in general they actually set a specific time before the run starts so when they get to the seed they plant it within like a ten-second window and when they're in that little room with the ground pound moon in it daylight savings time hits which shifts the game at our forwards and they skip all of the menuing so they just instantly grow the seed which is so cool right here is a cool strat coming up here as I get this moon I'm approaching it from kind of a specific angle and taking a certain amount of time I'm gonna delay a little bit before I jump across right there and that'll manipulate the Bullet Bill to without capturing it hit this block for me so I'm able to get that moon nice and fast she's got to get a few more moons in the runes now and I am making sure to get this checkpoint here that is important I'll be able to use that a little bit later one more moon in the crate here okay okay okay three grand bounds because look nice now normally with this Kingdom to go into the inverted pyramid you would need to go up the round tower that's in these ruins here get the story moon up there then jump across to another section of the kingdom where there's some moon shards grab like five of them spawn a moon watch a cutscene it's it's a bunch of stuff but you'll see that that takes far too long so I won't be doing that and you'll see that I'm not going to get any story moons in the new something else instead just roll it over to the door now for the inverted pyramid which is locked and Kathy is going to say doesn't seem like you can brute-force that well you can and I did so we're in the inverted pyramid now able to go through the rest of it something I should mention is that it is actually possible to skip this whole interior of the inverted pyramid section there's a clip that is possible where you can jump out of bounds outside of the pyramid and climb it from the outside but it's really difficult and it's it's not really worth going for it in this category yet just a little bit more 2d section oh yeah Mario can float by the way in two-player mode if you press the jump button on the second controller he actually just floats so use the use the float ability to grab a few extra coins it's it's a limited amount of time so it's not like infinite floating but it's it's essentially like a little double jump that you can get with two-player mode so just kind of nice able to get the coins all in one go I am getting a lot of coins whenever I can because over the course of this run I do need to get 420 coins total for a bunch of moons I'm gonna be buying four moons from shops and then getting two moons from a little slots minigame so most of the corns in this run I will be getting from this room as I grab this moon also just kind of convenient there grab the moon and then take the pipe back out and this movement here I really like it so satisfying two-player mode just makes everything so smooth now top of the pyramid so I do need four more moons to finish off the kingdom so just gonna grab one right before the Harriet boss the boss will give me three moons a multi moon so just got to get one extra here and I should probably explain why I have to beat Harriet beating Harriet turns San Kingdom tonight and nights and activates a wart painting which leads to Metro Kingdom the painting is just supposed to be like a preview of the kingdom you go through it you can see the kingdom from afar like it's a little teaser of what's to come essentially but what we get there we're not just gonna get a preview of the kingdom just finish you got the Harriet boss fight now hitting the bombs back whenever I can grabbing coins do still need them every boss does have fast rats so you'll see me knocking the bombs right back at her that's normally in a casual playthrough you probably wouldn't do that you'd she'd throw the bombs until she has like a special phase where it's she's really easy to hit but finish the boss fight able to get the multi moon the last three moons for the kingdom to be able to leave I did mention earlier that there are you know one player and two player minimum captures runs there's more than just that there's also version 1.0 and version 1.3 runs of the game so that makes for a total of four minimum capture categories because there have been some tricks that been patched out in the the newer versions I am playing right now on version 1.0 it allows for the most tricks and capture skips if you do have one point three which is the most recent version of the game there are still minimum captures runs for those they are only slightly different I think like one or two tricks or patched like one of the moons and cascade is a little bit different and there's a trick in Bowser's Kingdom that was just completely removed but it's still a really run yeah you can see it's a nighttime sand now the war painting is unlocked and I could go through it if I really wanted to but I do have to leave the kingdom and do one more first so gonna dump the moons in they gotta see right now waiting for the cutscene to end there's a lot of downtime it's really just waiting and mashing pretty simple stuff world map here and I have the option between lake Kingdom and wooded Kingdom the default is Lakes but I'll go down and select wooded and we're gonna finish wooded and then go back to sand after this if you played the game casually you probably didn't notice it but whenever the game gives you an option like this between two kingdoms the kingdom that you pick it permanently changes the destinations of all of them not all of them but most of the war paintings in the game and going to wooded Kingdom first is really important it sets up a war painting later in the run to save like 30 seconds or so grab the rockier beat up a rabbit or just give the moon rock here and then backtracking to the rabbit takes a while to spawn that moon so able to dive back here and grab that I am going to the first shop moon the first moon we're gonna buy in the run and it does cost a hundred coins so just get that heart there nice it's really easy to accidentally press a on that heart and accidentally try and buy it but got that moon able to move past start of the kingdom now and this kingdom it has some really fancy movement I really like it when it's done well it does a really good job of utilizing all of the two-player jumps like this tree right here normally you need a little onion boy to capture to get up but two-player mode you just jump all the way up it coming up after this is a moon clip I already did one in Cascade Kingdom but I kind of glossed over that when I was there if a moon is close to a wall or a ceiling when you spawn the moon if you do a backflip and capped rope with proper timing the moon grab animation like interrupts it and you just go through the wall you only have one shot to do it so hopefully I get this here yeah okay got it now this part see and harder so one sec this one it's really easy to accidentally clip back in bounds cuz the moon is in bounds here you can just run up this wall by the way yeah if you just hit it with good enough speed you can just mash a jump and it goes all the way up so it's pretty cool that's all the hard stuff for nut clip done now it's pretty much just some two-player movement for for a bit I kind of want to explain in some of the categories history minimum captures was at like 13 for a really long time there were seven wire captures in the run there was a pokeo bird and Bowser's Kingdom and a tank capture in Metro for the the mecha wiggler boss and then three captures of course in cascade Kingdom like it was essentially a normal Odyssey run got moons reported captures his best you could and then there was like a stupid difficult trick at the end of the run they had to do to skip a capture I wasn't really until the Cascade Kingdom tricks were found that the category started to get like more distinct from the other ones in cascade Kingdom I did that little cap eat warp trick right to get up on the island at the checkpoint that wasn't the original way that was figured out how to do it it's actually possible to jump from the highest point of the waterfall separate Kathy and Mario and blindly fly Kathy all the way onto the island it's brutally difficult but that specific trick is only possible on two-player mode flower road skip here one sec get big jump across just a few second times Dave but still pretty cool before all that cascade Kingdom stuff was found all of the minimum captures runs were done on one player so like you know it just opened up the category to two player mode stuff and it really invigorated the run like two player mode is just awesome to watch and it's really fun like just look at this tower climate it's so good normally you need the up route to slowly jump up everything walk across some grass platforms put in two player mode you don't need to do any of that you're just all the way up and the moon after this I think in a 1 player mode it requires a capture to reach it but like with two-player mode I can just barely reach it yeah there it is but anyways after the Cascade Kingdom tricks were found which we ended up calling them brood don't cuz he's skipping down brutal the minimum captures was ten at that point and the only capture we could really imagine skipping was the pokey oh and Bowser's Kingdom all you do with it is just climb up a wall if you could just get Mario up the wall Tokyo could be skipped and like people tried everything to get up onto that wall and nothing happened for nine months but then somebody found something it turns out in that specific section of Bowser's Kingdom there's invisible moving platforms out of bounds that make it just barely possible to get up the wall and skip the bird and like then the minimum was nine captures and like at the time at least I did I was like I that's it that's minimum captures there's no way any other captors can be skipped like there's seven necessary wires in the game there's the tank which is required for the boss fight in Metro Kingdom and then there's Bowser at the end which is require for the ending sequence the only way to skip the wires would be some infinite height glitch and the non wire captures were like obviously necessary like you need the tank to beat the boss in Metro Kingdom and then like Bowser again you need Bowser to get through the ending sequence to finish the game and that was it nine captures that was the minimum never gonna get lower than that and that lasted about three weeks so three weeks after pokey Oh skip was discovered someone discovered something called CRC's you saw me do one in cascade genome where I've warped capi up to the island a Cappy return canceled and like a CRC the way it works is when you're in two-player mode and you press a cat throw input on the second controller it puts Cappy into a flight mode and then when you press capital input again it brings Cappy back it's like a return to Mario state if Kathy is really far away in flight mode and you press another cap input on the second controller Cappy starts return to you but if there's another cap input on the second controller 3.1 three seconds after Cappy starts to return within a two frame window instead of continuing to return to mario kappa just teleports instead to a different direction depending on the way mario was facing that trick skipped a ton of captures and the first one is really unexpected it's the tank capture in Metro Kingdom the first time you arrived in Metro Kingdom it's supposed to be Knight Metro and Knight Metro I think is around five moons to collect so you have to capture the tank beat the boss and turn it today to unlock the rest of the moons but as you can see if you go to Metro through the painting it's not nighttime yet so right now I am doing a CRC to get all the way over to the mainland and this all lava to get enough moons before Knight Metro is a thing but this CRC specifically I'm gonna be ground-pounding with Kathy exactly 45 times it's for 90 seconds total that gets Kathy far enough away that what I do the CRC Kathy will be the exact distance from Mario that the checkpoint is and I'll be able to change the distance into a different direction to hit that checkpoint but this CRC is I think the hardest in any minimum captures run because I'm not doing a metronome or anything I have to do a slightly more difficult version for this one I'll be doing two CRC's back-to-back I'll be doing one right here I'm standing on a very specific slope with Mario and then after that CRC I'll have three point one three seconds to climb Mario up onto the left wall position him perfectly so I can do the next CRC and hit the checkpoint and that whole series of movement has I think less than a quarter second of leniency so I have to make sure I get it and if I mess it up I'll lose around 90 seconds so hopefully I can get it here we'll see how it goes Mario's taking a nap and I am ground-pounding with Kathy every two seconds so every two seconds is another ground-pound with Kathy timing right and counting out to 2:45 here and 8990 okay for CRC switching into 1 player mode here to get first person you [Music] and got it okay cool that is the trick that is the CRC in the Metro Kingdom I am in Metro Kingdom early it's easy to mess that up in several ways if I wasn't perfectly lined up I may have it the binoculars the green binoculars rape side the checkpoint but got it planting some seeds and able to move on here and get school clip real quick oh no nevermind yeah well there we go little clip to make sure I don't have to get a capture do that and one sec it's just change this Honolulu isn't doing it for me there we go that's better now able to buy the second moon in the run now so just uh Metro Kingdom shop avoiding that heart again two hundred coins spent still 220 left that I will need for the rest of the run and something read about the shot that I just notice is normally when you enter a shot for the first time there's supposed to be music playing but instead you can just hear the rain from night metro so apparently inside the shop it thinks it's night metros dollars just interesting I guess anyways has been 20 minutes since I planted that seat of course so able to get that moon nice and fast and now able to get a few more here in this kingdom there are a lot of like orange poll captures you'd see them pretty much everywhere when I'm rolling around so I'm making sure to avoid them because if I ever accidentally throw Pappy I could just capture one and then the run is invalid so making sure not to do that hasn't happened in an incredibly long time so should be fine I am in Metro Kingdom early and I am able to get enough moons to leave I am able to get all 20 moons to power up the Odyssey but other than skipping the tank capture and the boss fight night metro not really anything is gained by being here early the kingdom isn't technically unlock yet so the Odyssey doesn't exist in this kingdom yet and there's no way to leave normally because I can't power up the Odyssey obviously if some way was discovered that you were able to make the Odyssey appear it would save like 10 to 15 minutes and any percent but no discoveries yet maybe one day someone will figure out how to do it without the game soft locking so because the Odyssey isn't here I can't leave the kingdom normally but I did do something to work around that I did go to a wooded Kingdom to change the other painting in metro to leaked lake Kingdom so instead of using the Odyssey I'll be using the warp painting to leave a kingdom and once at the polls in this room can be really finicky okay there you go sometimes the polls you just Mario doesn't grab on to them you'll dive straight in and Mario just slide all the way down without grabbing it so that worked it's fine this room is done now it's just gonna be some climbing up the buildings and two-player mode so pretty cool movement here I like it a lot just jump in all the way up the building so fast able to get the moon this moon is usually the first moon you getting night metro so kind of interesting seeing it in daytime it's not something that happens very often in speedruns take note that I'm looking at this hint art here it allows me to do something clever later on so I just finish it up the moon's now gonna get the other seed moon talk to a musician talk to captain toad here as adorable as he is best music in the game by the way [Music] [Music] welcome back to the start to get those the moons and here you can actually see the binoculars I was talking about before the green ones on the right they're super easy to capture that on and the CRC that we did but given the moon been 20 minutes of course and then talked about a musician [Music] naturally I was born there and now just go into the last sub area now that'll be entering and there is something really interesting about this uh berry actually there's a a wrong warp in in this sub area I'll be entering through the door but I'll be leaving through that pipe right there and that pipe is supposed to take me to another sub area with like a rocket capture in it but instead of taking me to the sub area for whatever reason probably due to the fact that I'm in Metro Kingdom early it gets confused and will not send me to the sub area and it instead it sends me to where the Odyssey is supposed to be so I'm able to get up here without having to capture that wire to get up so super convenient but keep an eye on the moon tracker in the top left right now you can see now that I got that moon you can see I only have 19 moons out of the 20 I need so I'm definitely missing a moon but I will be able to get around that now into lake Kingdom this part of the run is really nice everything just falls into place right we went to wooded Kingdom first which change the metro painting to Lake and it unlocked lake Kingdom so the Odyssey actually exists here so I'm able to do this and just warp right to the Odyssey also going through the painting gives me the fast moon right up top there overall it makes the whole route link together in a really nice way no the thing about lake Kingdom is it's a little bit slow because you can't capture the fish but two-player movement makes it pretty smooth still like you can see here it's it's still pretty fast despite me not being able to swim too much like really this is probably the slowest section in the kingdom where you go underwater for just a really short period of time but it still so fast [Music] you get to see some water moving here in two-player mode which is a little bit funny you'll see that a little bit more in snow Kingdom but the next one coming up here yeah pay attention to it it's the Metro Kingdom moon I was missing so by looking at that hint art in Metro Kingdom it spawns the moon and lake Kingdom so I can actually collect the last moon in Metro while I'm in lake which is just awesome but this Wrangell fight here it's just a bunch of backflips and ground pounds grabbing points whenever I can pretty basic fight as long as you don't mess it up again the last three moons from Rango here the last four kingdoms I think is a really good example of why minimum captures is so amazing the route is so unique compared to any other run of this game it's such a diverse collection of all the best tricks it's so unique that is the whole sequence break I will be playing to the rest of the game with the relatively intended path some minor skips here and there but I will actually end up going into Metro King and briefly because you do need to pass through it but you'll see that is late Kingdom done able to dump the moons into the Odyssey and you can see it's only dumping the late king of moons into the Odyssey that's because it it doesn't let you dump the metro moons into the Odyssey until you're in Metro so you'll see that happen when we get there that's why we briefly need to go into Metro [Music] going to cloud Kingdom now it's pretty much just a boss fight all the way through that's all of the kingdom is traveling over to that and here we are at the boss fight nice and quick good no bonk speed Walker this boss does have some fast strats able to grab the hats instantly normally in a casual playthrough you get down a little bit more slowly but with the speedrun strats I'm able to just jump and pick them up right away and these hats aren't considered captures I'm not transforming into them it's just taking control of them so not considered captured by the game also I take damage here and that is intended it doesn't save or lose any time it just makes us threat a little bit easier so that that damage is totally fine and with the boss fight done able to move into Los Kingdom now Lost Kingdom any percent doesn't capture anything so the moons that I'll be getting is the same at any percent but the two-player movement is pretty stylish so it looks a little bit different that doesn't mean the the loss scanner out isn't like important I am doing a jump across this tree here and that's called a meme tree jump that is important because if I didn't do that like in a casual playthrough you'd walk across the bridge Cappy would be stolen by klepto you have to go through like a minute-long sequence where you have to get Cappy back and there's some cutscenes involved but by by jumping up onto that tree there and across the gap you can avoid the trigger for klepto completely and just keep at Cappy the entire time [Music] and after this moon here be able to jump over to the klepto platform and landing on that platform there and having that music play indicates that klepto has been deactivated and no matter what klepto won't be stealing cap anymore so don't have to worry about klepto anymore I can explore the entirety of the kingdom now for the last few moons and just another note these trap beetles here that I'm giving Cappy to again not a capture and not transforming into them just grabbing Cappy and this guy is pretty cool yeah I love that able to roll down to the next moon and that is the Kingdom done able to pick us up the Odyssey now so I can leave so pretty good loss kingdom [Music] so with las complete Odyssey is repaired able to move on now I will be going into Metro legitimately now since the game thinks it's the first time I've been in Metro Kingdom it will be night Metro you can see here in night metro the mecca wigglers on the tower but because I already have moons that won't show the initial cutscene when you enter the kingdom of the mission that you have to do so able to dump the moons right in the Odyssey and this cutscene is probably my favorite in the run this Odyssey powering up cutscene because you dump all of the moons into the Odyssey and in the top right you can see peach screaming for help as you're leaving so completely skip the boss fight able to move on to snow kingdom now snow kingdom is is the the default when the options come up but it does change the order of the paintings but the faintings I don't need anymore so just able to move on snow kingdom is usually considered like a really boring and slow Kingdom because all the moons are really far apart and there's lots of loading zones but the minimum captures route plus the two player mode stuff makes a really good showcase of two player movement at the start of the kingdom I will be doing a trick called snow DRAM but it is a bit special because it's done in two player mode so here we go there we go hit that so what happened there was I jumped from the Odyssey and got high enough that I could separate Cappy and Mario and just fly copy with with my foot controller and I'll be able to walk to that checkpoint at the end of the kingdom talking captain toad here before we entered Chavarria [Music] severe eeeh again this kingdom is so many loading zones there's a bunch of rooms and each room has only two moons in itself I'll be grabbing all the fast moons I can that are outside of the individual rooms but I do have to enter three rooms to get enough moons to leave but get in the shop moon getting some other moons so this will be the third moon I'll be getting or I guess fourth moon technically I've spent three hundred ten coins now need 110 more by the time we get to luncheon Kingdom and this is what I meant with cool two-player movement in this Kingdom there's a huge blind jump here got it nice also this moon here against this wall it is possible to clip through the wall I didn't get it it saves only a second in this kingdom so that's not so bad but your pick you are able to clip through the wall in that section there with this room that I'm going into here it makes it pretty clear of how far apart all the moons in this kingdom are look I'm going into this room just for a single moon because the there's two moons in this one one of them is a Rangel vas light that gives you a one moon so just getting this one and then able to leave this room here just the big jump down and this next room is my favorite in the whites it's like my favorite and least favorite it's my least favorite if I mess it up but it's probably my favorite room in the kingdom if I get it right so it's really cool if it's done well the movements super smooth yeah I like it a lot see if I can get it and you know that was pretty good yeah just just being able to to do ground pounds and then the two player jumps all the way up those ice snakes it wasn't perfect but it's pretty dang good one more cutscene force to get some story moon's here and then the one last room into the the poison room here the wind blowing enemies and using the win here to get a big jump all the way across to get this hidden moon in the room and then able to warp up to that checkpoint I got at the start for a snow DRAM to get the final moon before I leave and in 1 player mode speedruns you can't do snow DRAM like that where you separate Cappy at 1 player mode speed runs you just make the jump all the way from the Odyssey on to that island it's it's actually way more difficult in 1 player mode so it's kind of nice that I am able to do this run in two player mode because it makes that really really difficult trick a lot easier because failing that trick loses like 30 seconds I think Odyssey is powering up I am going into seaside Kingdom now seaside Kingdom it used to be the worst Kingdom in the entire run it was really slow like without capturing a fish or a gushin it's really difficult to move around the Kingdom because it's mostly water but someone came up with a much faster route that has some absurd jumps that get a bunch of moons that aren't in the water the start of the kingdom is somewhat similar to any percent I will be getting some moons that are in the 80% route but in a slightly different order just jumping up here this one this moon usually is intended to have a gushing capture to get up there obviously can't do that into the pipe here to get a ground pound moon again this one similar to the room in sand Kingdom where I can just memorize the spot and ground pound it but these are where the the bit of ridiculous jump start just able to jump up huge cliffs really fast with two-player mode it's awesome and the the next strat here is my favorite bit of this Kingdom so here we go yeah there it is up to toad yeah that that cliff there there's very thin areas where Mario can just barely stand on - so if I dive into the right spot able to land on the little ledges and climb all the way up that cliff pretty awesome just jumping down this section here does another really good job of showing off two-player movement and how fast it can be just so smooth all the way through with the two player jumps in and the rolls and stuff so it's nice something that I kind of glossed over a little bit that you may not have noticed was the the water movement with two-player mode and you'll see that coming up here because I do need to get some moons in the water still but right here you can see our wacky two-player movement on water is where you can just do jumps across the water just cap jump instantly with two-player mode right when you hit the surface of the water it's bounced across it last two moons here the last two moons in the kingdom here are underwater not able to get up all of the moon's above water but these are still pretty quick just a little bit of swimming also it's kind of nice because I am short on coins so able to get these coins here to get a little bit closer to that 110 total I need going into lunch in Kingdom but last move the kingdom warping away luncheon Kingdom after this powering up the Odyssey waiting for the cutscenes yeah I am going in to luncheon Kingdom like I said and luncheon Kingdom is a really long Kingdom most of the moons in the kingdom are locked behind captures or story progression that's locked behind captures so there's really not many options for moons I think you need it's like 16 moons to leave there's there's not a lot of options for moons in the kingdom so the limited amount of moons really forced the route to be really creative to get them as fast as possible in it and it makes lunch and Kingdom really impressive to watch later on the start is pretty basic but the further you get into the kingdom the crazier it seems to get but it does start out with the kingdom with so many percent moons because the start of any percent does get the fast moons at the start here without any capture so just jumping up this wall [Music] going over the boss right now one more moon before the boss fight and jumping into it into the spirit fight to get one moon and this boss fight is actually possible to be skipped it's possible to go around the right side of the arena completely around it skipping the the trigger and skipping this boss is technically faster to do so but by skipping spirit it makes the rest of the route a lot more difficult the moon to replace the spirit fight is really difficult and doesn't say much time so it's not done yet but I expect in the future we'll probably get to the point where I'm skipping a spirit fight it's just not worth it yet but I think that is the only story moon in the kingdom that I can get without a capture so that will be the last story mode I'm able to get and the route so far has pretty much just followed any percent but after I get the moon in this sub area it is where it changes have to get the second moon in the sub area because like I said they're very few and despite it being pretty slow do you have to get it if I do it right it won't lose too much time but ok taking damage doesn't really help whenever you take damage when you collect a moon I think if you've been hit once it takes like an extra second or two and if you get been hit twice it takes like 3 or 4 seconds to heal up so not great that I took damage there the those platforms can be pretty finicky for stealing jumps quite often when you roll on those platforms there the game thinks you're in the air so it gives you an aerial cab jump rather than the one on the ground but that's ok fancy movement here yeah roll right across the top of those rocks nice and smooth I am short a few coins so I do need to grab some right here there's a little pile of backup coins just in case I need them so grab them so that was a little short wasn't that that 110 yet dukkha to spend 10 more coins here in the slots again just cheese them should be throwing capi and timing it right to be able to hit all them cuz fortunately the slots do start with all moons so able to just have Cappy go across them to get that moon nice and fast this game has so many captures in it it has like Forks and pan bros and lava bubbles and they're all just they're just everywhere like right here if I were to bunk while going across that I would have dropped down below the fork and Cappy were to return to Mario hitting the fork on the way so making any mistakes in this kingdom is pretty costly it it's really easy to accidentally capture something in this kingdom so I definitely need to be careful not to accidentally capture anything in this one [Music] but jumping across here as you can see this area pretty much requires lava bubbles to move but obviously I can't use that so I'm gonna be doing some damage boost strats instead with two-player mode there it goes there you go all right got it that movement right there is why I love two-player mode so much it's like I didn't use the capture and it was still so fast to be able to get all the way up of this like completely different section a little skip here with the turn up chuck it across nice and yeah just getting some other moons had to backtrack a little bit for the golden turn up because like I said they're really few and far between for the moon's in this kingdom without captors able to get these two moons here and then buy a moon in the shop right after for the the last bit of coins were spending [Music] [Music] so now that I bought that moon coins don't matter anymore I can die and lose 10 coins whenever I like if I need to so a lot less pressure now the next section I'll be going to normally you have to get the story moon to unlock this whole section of the kingdom I'm going to next but with some damage boosting able to get to that section of the kingdom pretty easily in bad strats nice hey there we go okay yes so that is a skip across the kingdom normally you get the story moon in the the glass cage and it unlocks like the whole section you're able to walk across there but requires a pan bro to get so just skip that and now just get in the last few last few moons going into the sub area this scarecrow it's not a capture by the way didn't transform into it but able to get this and this sub area I don't have Cappy so I do have to use 1 player mode movement which I've actually played 2 player mode for so long that I've gotten worse and 1 player mode movement so this is probably the hardest sub area in the game for me [Music] but with dives it generally makes it pretty easy able to make it right through there we go and then just one more moon but we're back to the Odyssey because the moon is behind the Odyssey here just jump up from the Odyssey okay uh the if you're too close to the center of the Odyssey there it actually thinks for whatever reason that you're in the air when you do that jump so it doesn't give you an aerial cab jump afterwards but able to get that last spoon nice and fast jump on the Scarecrow to get cab you back finish off the kingdom so luncheon Kingdom done there are now three kingdoms left ruined Bowser's and the Moon Kingdom ruined pretty straight forwards there's a very small risk but it's it's really Bowser's is the Kingdom that's the stressful one you so far the run is at one capture the only thing I've captured in this run so far is the wire and cap Kingdom and this Kingdom okay this kingdom has not sure I was going there the second capture which is this wire it is currently unskipable to get into the boss fight here and this wire can't be skipped with a CRC cap your return canceled because there's no checkpoint in the arena to hit with Kathy so have to take that wire and this dragon boss it's basically an autoscroller if I die then I'll have to capture that wire again but I can't remember the last time that's happened if it's ever happened at all the wire in cat kingdom is 100% necessary I believe you're surrounded by like an invisible barrier after you beat that boss fight and then to enter the Cascade Kingdom loading zone I think you have to be in a capture to trigger it so no way to skip that no theories of how to skip that even it might be possible to skip the wire in this kingdom not with the CRC but there's a glitch that was discovered recently where if you capture something and die on the same frame I think it actually doesn't kill Mario it it actually warps him to the coordinates like zero zero zero which those coordinates are right in this boss fight currently there is no way to actually warp to 0 0 with a capture so nothing came of that there might be another way to skip the capture actually you see I'm getting the multi moon here the three moons to leave the kingdom all you need is three moons to fix the Odyssey so if it's possible to get three moons before this boss fight you might be able to throw them into the Odyssey to fix it and leave but currently there is only one moon available beforehand it's a chest hidden underneath the wire but if there's some way to like duplicate that moon or happen to go into a sub area somehow then it might just be possible but again nothing yet but this kingdom is done now similar to cloud Kingdom just a basic boss like dumping the moons into the Odyssey to fix it up and Bowser's Kingdom is the next and Bowser's Kingdom and minimum captures is the hardest Kingdom by far in two-player mode has a bunch of CRC's and in 1 player mode it has pokeo skip which i mentioned earlier for the sake of time and so i can show off pokeo skip i'm gonna be doing the one player Bowser's kingdom route and they each take several minutes to set up and it's literally just ground-pounding with capi like you saw in Metro Kingdom and I don't think I could talk for that long and make it entertaining so I am going to be capturing the wires in this Kingdom like the 1 player mode minimum captures run does but just believe me the wires that I am capturing in this kingdom are possible to be skipped I'm just choosing not to for the sake of your time if you do want to watch the CRC's you can watch the three captures world record I currently have it I'll probably throw it in the description of the video or something just getting the the story moon here to make some progress this game is really frustrating from a skip standpoint because with the CRC's you are able to warp a copy to the very end of the kingdom and hit the checkpoint and warp to it to skip the entire thing but the mech fight at the end of the kingdom it doesn't even activate unless you have all of the story moons and so I have to get all of the story moons on the pedestals one after another you and something else with this kingdom is it doesn't tell you on the top left but you do need eight moons to leave the kingdom it doesn't tell you that until you've finished the mech flight at the end so I will be grabbing two extra moons because you do get six required moons through the story just getting the required story moon on this island getting the moon shards here right now oh come on I didn't miss a cycle those shards are possible to do a little bit faster if you separate Cappy and Mario and get each of the shards kind of independently with each controller but like I don't I don't have a big enough brain for that so I did it a little bit slower but it's really not that bad [Music] I'm gonna get the first extra moon in the kingdom now just a really fast one just right over here able to grab that [Music] now just taking the wires over to the boss fights and as you can see these wires in a 1 player mode speedrun are pretty much all of the captures like it's they're saying five required wires and Bowser's kingdom so so the CRC discovery really helped with cutting out all of these wire captures em going into the top four boss right now and you saw it in cap Kingdom briefly but just able to jump on him whenever he hides under his hat or falls over and just jump onto his body with some good timing and there's a bus like done and then it's Harriet after this boss fighting again with some good timing able to just smack the bombs right back at Harriet just like in sand Kingdom this bus let's the this next Harriet fight is a little bit more difficult but it's really not that much different you just got to move to the right a little bit [Music] [Music] after this boss fight is the last required story moon before we go and click the MEK but before the mech fight we have the two most difficult tricks in the run the first one is Pocoyo skip which I've been talking about a lot you'll finally get to see it here now Pocoyo skip is a one of the major potential time losses in the run Pocoyo skip can be really finicky because there's a lot of things that can go wrong and if you mess it up you can lose up to like 60 seconds I wouldn't be surprised if I lose a little bit of time here because it is incredibly difficult but you'll see it'll you'll see when we get there but as I'm going up there I guess I'll explain the trick again I'm gonna be clipping half out of bounds using the ogre there's some invisible walls and some invisible moving platforms out of bounds that I'll be jumping across to navigate up the wall and there's the invisible moving platforms so hopefully I get it here but this clip can be pretty finicky hopefully I get a pretty quick it's it's kind of luck based but you can influence a little bit but ultimately this is a really finicky clip let's see alright second try not bad yeah okay miss what's with all the invisible platforms so I'll be able to try it again here the camera in this section is like always fighting me it like it it's like I doesn't want me to be out of bounds or something just got a clip back in and try again here shouldn't shouldn't take too long there you okay and got it nice and I did get that checkpoint just in case but now for the next trick which is even harder by a longshot it's nuts this is the hardest trick in the run by far that I'm gonna do next I'm taking this nut throwing it into the pond down below to get it wet and now I'm just waiting for it to respawn up here once it respawns it'll still be wet and we don't really know what changes but after it respawns I'll be able to throw the nut dive into it to bounce on it and grab it at the same time and it gives a little bit of height but it's a one twentieth of a second window to do that and I'm gonna have to do it twenty to thirty times in a row without making a mistake to skip a wire capture and you'll see here it's not really a rhythm or anything you kinda just have to react to whenever Mario hits the nut to time the next one so I'm gonna need I need to adjust my timing for each specific one but this first one doesn't really have any risk here if I mess up this trick at all once we get up top we lose like 90 seconds though we'll probably stop talking for this one for a long time I actually used to have to not jump all the way up to Bowser's face down from this carpet but recently figured out that you can actually throw the nut up top onto the archway here so I'm just gonna do that throw it onto the arch before so I can jump a little bit less it actually cut the number of nut jumps that we have to do in half all right here's the nut jump hopefully I get a first try okay okay I got it first try nice and getting the one extra moon that I need it for the kingdom and then just jumping up to the MEC fight which is not free this jump is really difficult also but not definitely not as bad as the nut jump just got to get up on Bowser's hair here okay cool got onto the MEC fight that is the hardest trick in the run ton and now onto the MEC flight which is still difficult with the MEC fight casually the game and expects you to use a pokeo to shoot the bombs at its legs and have it fall over so you can hit the bubbles but using speedrun strats it is possible to see alright okay you see using the speedrun strats you are able to climb up the MEC without using any captures at all but that is the harder part of the MEC done so should be fine the phase that the MEC is in right now the low rainbow-like phase the bubbles are invulnerable here so I gotta wait until it goes back to the center to be able to hit the bubbles just getting this last one and there yeah that's the hard part done so should be fine for the rest of the MEC flight just gotta hit one more to finish it off okay this is fine still fine still fine I'm sure just got to climb back up ideally you don't get that close to death but I can climb up all right cool finish off the mech just a little little close to death there yeah ideally you don't fall off the mech and get hit but just manage to say that Bowser's Kingdom is pretty much the climax of the run there's no more really like huge time losses that are possible to happen there is one last big skip that is in Moon Kingdom but I'll mention it when we get there I did get enough moon to leave the kingdom so I'll be brought right back to the Odyssey and they'll be able to dump them in and go to moon Kingdom we have all of the moons we need to finish off the game here's a bit of a cutscene though now the Bowser's kingdom is finished I am currently at seven captures seven wires one in cap one in ruined and then the five in this kingdom which again it is possible this give him two player mode but I just chose not to for the sake of your time and we are just waiting for cutscenes now to go to moon Kingdom but there I am at a hundred and twenty four moons now in the Odyssey good to go just a matter of waiting for it to power up the Odyssey is complete here we go to the moon and Moon Kingdom in eighty percent it only captures Bowser and Bowser is the only required capture in Moon Kingdom so this is gonna be pretty similar to any percent but with two-player mode it makes it a little bit different there's some small optimizations that I can do and I will be doing save a little bit of time start the kingdom off by just rolling and doing some triple jumps you can see I am turning with Mario here and that's called vectoring it speed for whatever reason it just speeds up Mario by turning in the air so turning with the jumps whenever I can just to save a little bit of time here and there small optimizations like that doing them as best I can but I am going to be doing the technically single largest time save in the run which is to moon cave skip so you know at the end of the game you're supposed to go through that cave on the left there big end game gauntlet takes like five minutes to get through as a boss right in the middle of it by jumping all this wigs is head there I will be skipping the entirety of that and this is possible in both 1 and 2 player mode but two player modes it's done a little bit differently and then just roll it up to Bowser and peaches wedding I did mention some minor to play our little time saves like in this room you can see I'm taking Kathy bringing them a little bit ahead to open the store slightly earlier it's like maybe a second of time save but just something free for two-player mode and then into the boss fight again for Bowser it's almost exactly the same as the one in cloud Kingdom and again hat not a capture but just gotta smack Bowers we're really the only difference this fight has is Bowser spins a little bit more and then he goes and shoots fire so pretty low pressure just gonna wait for the fire face and to smack his hats again [Music] there you go nope Hey nope it's supposed to be easier a mess up that one the hole yeah you can see they're eating two spins whereas in cloud Kingdom I think he only spins once on the final phase but he does spend a little bit more other than that exactly the same just messing around it casually the fight is a bit harder but from a speedrun it's pretty much exactly the same difficulty as the first time you do it that is Bowser defeated and now I'm able to get to the final capture in the run Bowser himself right there the eighth capture the last capture now it's just a matter of escaping the moon as it collapses no big speed strats here that I'll be doing just trying to take the most optimal line to the end small skip I'll be doing a triple jump to get up to the bridge a little bit faster the 2d sections coming up actually and there is a skip that was found recently where it's possible to skip this entire 2d section by jumping on really really thin ledges that are invisible outside to climb up that wall all the way up but it's like a seven second time saving is really difficult I am not even sure if this category will ever have it done also with Bowser in the 2d section like in San Kingdom in the 2d section I am able to double jump with two-player mode so able to do a little 2-d skip there and then a second 2d Skip called XD skip right there jumping on that platform from the right side to go through the three section now just the the final little bit breaking open the ending sequence the last room the pillars which I happen to suck at something kind of interesting is if you remember the sequence in the game playing through you'll know that at the very end I'm gonna be jumping into a wire with Bowser it turns out the wire at the end of this room isn't actually a capture if you take capi off of Bowser's head in two-player mode and try and smack the wire to capture it it doesn't do anything it just like bounces off so the game actually doesn't treat it as a capture at all so by jumping into the wire with Bowser at the end the game doesn't register it as a capture it's just like a cutscene trigger or something so this one despite looking like a capture really isn't but that is it that is super Mario Odyssey minimum captures finishing off right when Bowser flies out of this wire here there it goes run is done so yeah that is minimum captures so hopefully you'll like it I don't think it's gonna be something that's gonna be done very often if you did like it be sure to subscribe and if you want to watch runs like this live I do stream on Twitch so you can follow me there but that is it for now thank you for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,546,220
Rating: 4.9295092 out of 5
Keywords: wet nut, wet nut glitch, wet nut jumping, min cap, min capture run, minimum captures mario odyssey, minimum captures wr, Speedrun, Super Mario Odyssey, Speedrunning, Mario Odyssey Speedrun, smo Speedrun, smo wr, Speedrun fails, smo challenges, smo glitches, smo captureless, mario, mario speedrun, Mario wr, no captures mario odyssey, super mario odyssey, 3 caps, 3 captures, crc, cappy, speedrun commentary, sgdq, gdq, games done quick, agdq
Id: lDgdDq62p6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 20sec (4460 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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