Making a 100 Player Ant Farm in Minecraft

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[Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen to the stream I've got my aunt's we're gonna shove him in a bloody tank with a shove him in a glass box we're gonna watch him we're gonna bully them maybe we're gonna drown them maybe we're gonna set them on fire maybe maybe we'll destroy them [Music] coming at you it's Wilbur now I know you may be thinking to yourself like Oh like what's so great about ants like I remade civilization there can't be something better than literally rebuilding the world from the ground up right well the issue with civilization is that people have too much free will they've too much free will and freedom they can go around like they can hurry-scurry snips nabbing around you know eaten up all the world's resources and stuff and just being just right shoots humans are you know their rights so I thought what's a way of simulating being God without actually you know having to be like God over people you know cause people they kill they hate their dicks ants ant farms so what's the great thing about ants well they're small they make cool little tunnels they have a hierarchy they've got a queen they got drones they got I don't know much about ants but I know they've got that right so with this knowledge we're gonna get people on so here's the world Joshua set up a hierarchy for us here I am I'm the leggy boy apparently we've got spicy boys hair you look like you could use a little spice kid gangly boys that's not a real that's not real is it no I refuse to believe those are real tiny boys brainy boys look at [ __ ] brain and flappy boys so previously lost I'm with the six commandments now we have the six ants here's the ant farm we've got it's lovely so we've got a little setup for them we've got some logs so we got some hay bales just I want to start them off with some food you know a little pond here with some with some what's that yellow stuff sand sand sand um we have logs gravel we've got stone and right down here we got diamonds and lava so yeah we should have people joining anytime soon now Oh another thing to mention when the ants die there's no respawning it's hardcore again the ants will die uh-oh bye-bye ants we have we have won and who the Frick are you what are you doing here you just got one end oh we got more ants more ants in the way okay is this guy hacking Josh or is he just glitching Oh Oh Josh they shouldn't be able to jump Josh oh no Josh we're losing like huge swaths of my population jar we need barrier blocks oh my god hold on hold on let me set this up I'm losing my ants guys don't jump all Frick Oh Frick Oh God oh no Josh I'm losing ants Josh look look they're digging though they're digging they're killing each other oh okay only the strong will survive barrier is that work barrier yes yes okay we have a barrier now they can't fall they can't fall now so we have we have ants they're all murdering each other right now honestly I should have predicted it to go like this honestly okay so here's a little farm getting to work we already have a couple of tunnels being made these guys are just going straight down these guys are just straight digging right now this bunch have found the edge of the world they're just they're just discussing the points of life over here at the edge yes so this is kind of how I was expecting it to go at the beginning just lots and lots of little crappy tunnels this person has just sealed themselves away away from the world excuse me ants this is your aunt master speaking I want arme know what's the word I want societies just talk I don't care just make societies make friends I'll pick a queen eventually this sore surface area is gonna be a state especially around here we can see very clearly where we just got a mess I don't like this skin at all I don't like this skin the surface area is already getting munched apart I've got to be honest with you guys I've always wanted ants when I was a kid I always wanted an ant farm I never got one because my parents thought they would all die this is the test mum we're gonna see if the ants will die okay I've just realized something so you see on this tab menu you see all the grayed out italic names those are dead ants Josh is there a way we can revive everyone is that possible yeah just revive all the dead people we're gonna bring you all back to life we're gonna give you a second chance at an ting oh we brought them all back we've brought them all oh you put me in survival Josh right so you guys want to see what it looks like to be an ant right now let me give you a quick demonstration so as we can see from here this is the kind of view they have it's just a state right now this place looks disgusting I spent a long time making this lovely ant farm and they've already made it into a complete travesty I want to see some civilizations being made I want to see some stuff I'm just gonna open that up don't don't come through here you'll die I did leave out some wood but I'm not seeing any wooden things being made has anyone got wood don't take that out of context no wood huh okay this person is already making a lovely little area hold on you know what they're getting some wood hey go all ants to the surface all ants to the surface I repeat all ants to the surface any ant that comes to the surface is gonna get some wood all right high logs for all get involved this is a team effort come on locks for everyone logs for everyone so you're getting trapped in logs that's how many logs you're getting look at this I'm like I'm such a little friendly guy giving everyone anything they could ever want they've all got their logs now perfect although I am NOT God this time I just own an ant farm I still want to dispense my love because they are my pets after all they're my pets they deserve to have my love so that's what I'm gonna be doing but the only issue is that I you know I can't I can't give them everything they want because then what's the point in watching this experiment what is the e what did I [ __ ] say about the lottery hold on hold on let me just fix this what did I say about the letter E you cretins cretinous ants my god you just will the people outside and we're stuck oh yeah sucks to be them I guess they're not ants honor these people of the deepest we've got some people right here on the corners working together it's already so destroyed what has happened to the surface man well but we need justice for unfair deaths okay we'll give you justice Josh ban all dead ants oh I'm so evil I'm so evil over the dirty crying boy what'd you expect I don't know what's going on here we have a colony who looks to be the queen in Jambres Jambres I love the name Jambres get over here jammers hi jammers hi welcome congratulations you're the queen jammers you are the Queen everyone's our queen now these are your simpler over here jammers these are your simps you seem all seemed well digging away look at them all Jambres right you're their queen and you know why they're gonna look after you Jambres because you're bringing the things that they want you've got cake Jambres slay queen you've got cake and you know what those with the food have the power and if anyone tries to challenge you Jambres hit me with one of these hit him with that Jambres hit him with the gong show me show me at chambers no that's a Jambres that's a carrot Jam this is a bit slow but you know what we're not looking for intelligence in our Queens we're just looking for responsibility people I made it Stanley no we won't read those ones we're all ten dude almost this is this pocket I'm not an ant what kind of Cyberman is this I don't think I'm an ant right you're an ant you're an ant you're an ant yeah that's what I thought you're an ant get to work get an ting that's the rules it's so simple I can't believe some people would make this mistake house corner tried looking we are quirky bring us wood don't break this why not ones who have a break it okay can I break this let's be honest to the rest of you not not at me not at me if you know all right who's in charge right now mm-hmm pixel pixel man why please okay looks like I've got it looks like I've got a sore thumb thing out here come back that wasn't me great time we're over the one little time this ant farms going great oh look at this nice area was this same Bryce free waterslide I love it I love the waterslide there's a tech boys terribly doing techno blade you okay I mean it's fine techno blades just asserting himself as the dominant and Jambres well jammers is alive here he is serious right Oh Gambas isn't taking [ __ ] where are you going Jambres do you just move where you please the gang rid of the water they don't want the water here I guess look we've got speed Jihu x' being a really good symbol speed you're doing a great job jammers you should give speeches and cake dude Oh his tanto blade templates currently just sneaking around hunting the answer how are all these people dead Wilbur I need food what too antsy you look you need to go find the Queen Egypt okay okay so the issue here is that all those red helmets of the ant's helmets look at this colony down here the redstone colony we've got a bunch of guys it look they've got a farm and everything odd dude I'm gonna help them out oh oh oh oh no oh dear oh god swim fellow the only Orpheus has risen up against swim fella that was stupid that was really dumb this is why you need to work together what's this say the lonely community population one I mean it looks like about to get another population member but I think they know that one block away from us he look I don't want you to be lonely let's just give him a punch see look friends look they're doing a friendly dance he says hi on his shirt I think these guys are refugees from the from the redstone colony look at the first interactions dude good good we're getting a community building what's over here we got ah people murdering on top of the heart okay creeper captain has shown his dominance hey wall Bert can I be the King and I will marry the Queen nope you have to ask jumbo for that was her name Jonas jammers where is he I thought he'd have more people following him to be honest he's actually on the surface Jambres is he's got his own little colony that's fair enough how's Tecna bleeding what do you want technoboy will but I need food well then go and find food okay fine look okay the ants want food the ants have been demanding food they're like oh please give me food please please give me food so I'm thinking how about when they can [ __ ] work for their food if the ants want to eat they're gonna have to work for it all right what are we given what do we give them say what we're gonna give us some cows just a bunch of cows on the surface just litter them around like this the cows will find their way oh those those are just some some losses for that colony got very confused by the falling cows oh there's another one for you lads so the Queen can now chop up the cows for people and if techno blade wants to get himself some meat he can come up and get some cows carne Oh twitch crashed but hey the majority of us are back we're gonna carry on so what I've done III mean we kind of ruined our own farm didn't we I mean we kind of messed up so what I've done here is I've done a really good thing I've completely remade the ant farm we're gonna have some new faces some old faces I reckon you know we're just gonna start again and see how what they do oh here they come so here are our ants flooding in Oh okay they're getting straight off to work I guess basically I'm hoping to see some communities flourish this time I've also got some ideas for some events that are gonna happen just to test our ants you know just to see how they do in the long run I want to make sure that they can work together and become you know a colony that's what we're looking for we're looking for a colony at the end of the day look all them ants I wish people would expand out in like a regular sort of like outwards fashion because always you get things like this happening it's their own fault oh no techno blades on where is he oh my god okay it's gonna begin Oh No okay he's he's leaving me I thought he was gonna start killing people maybe he's ready to join the community at first when I saw him join I was like oh god it's the end of so many people's lives but I reckon he's just here to join and be friends with the colony reckon some fact ants are the only animals apart from humans that wage wars what's going on up here my flower is gone from the reset oh we didn't do grass oh I'm such a bad an owner I shouldn't be allowed to own a colony dude we have a little friendly situation here what'd they say don't look at that edit that out don't look at that good job good job yes good job does that say I'm on one heart please I why did I look it I shouldn't have given them that much - oh he's dead as well well I I kind of egged him on I act him on by staring at him why did I egg him on why did I egg him on an eighth of the group had dead here comes the sneeze yeah we aren't ants don't making us ants issue again right I remember you what kind of size scrum is this I don't think I'm an ant right he demanded he said I'm not on an I promise I'm not an ant huh what are you what are you write it on a sign write it write it on the set that's it it's how you'll earn your life ten nine eight seven six who the [ __ ] is Anthony who the I'm not having any [ __ ] Anthony's in my game get out of here let that be a lesson to you what's going on down here we got the crouching boys crouched eboo incorporated how you doing crouched you boys incorporated I'm giving you chainmail helmets that's how I'll identify grouchy boys incorporated you're my first colony kouchi boys incorporated welcome welcome welcome up grouchy boys run crouch avoids it's time it's time to leave no no no [ __ ] ah it's time to leave crouching know you've messed up grouchy boy's incorporated oh no come on Thoreau main dog oh man you got a run they kill Teno blade they killed him it's gone he's he's dead crab rave techno it's gone techno is gone they ended him his reign of terror is over crouching boys incorporated lives they said it couldn't be done they said it would be impossible but they managed it right I'm adding more wood more wood on the surface guys everyone for you guys good aunt owner dude aunts Canada you watching this aunts Canada yep you [ __ ] yeah you heard me right this is a call out to aunts Canada right [ __ ] you and Canada [ __ ] aunts Canada I said it I'm a better an owner than than they oh this is looking cool now we've got like this weird like system of tunnels really cool Tecna revived you better not have arrived Tech now he's alive why is Tecna both alive oh he's he's asking for friends he's made a friend that's not like techno blade Jeff man I would be careful this man is a disruption to the colony ants this man needs to be gone okay it's night time so it's time to test my ants worth it's been all sunshine and roses for them for quite a while so I really want to see how they fare against a threat you know and what's the biggest threat to ants you might ask spiders oh I've just killing them all okay there we go there wait haunts so spiders in the wild are a really bad threat to ants right why cave spiders because they have poison and ants are allergic to spiders to the ants that survive will go on to breed and then they'll be even stronger luck see it's evolution survival of the fittest the weak will die the strong will survive look at this look at them all they're all they're committing suicide okay I'm gonna put some of them in caves go out find your prey you're hungry yeah look at them go see they're looking for snacks they're looking for tasty food tax evasion POC what's this thing what have you done I'm just testing you guys look when daylight come the spiders will go okay that's the rules look at the redstone boys look at them in a queue my redstone boys what's Colton want to say gate cool lovely redstone boys what are you oh oh so redstone boys are kind of vicious dude redstone boys be kind of wild in right now they'd be kind of making sure they'd be the only boys around here oh look are they making friends - identify yourselves just make make pink hats make pink hats you losers all right that's how we'll identify the redstone boys up here we have a colony hibbett we've made art the ants have progressed to art POG make some tunes make some tunes go go go yeah music boys bro bro I'm so happy with this get the white hats on that's your that's your identification now home home [ __ ] clock [ __ ] okay what's going on in this corner with the flower oh yeah they died I forgot they died two spiders the Sun's up guys you've made it another day you know what that means surface food cooked rabbit cooked rabbit ants eat rabbits cooked rabbit for the ants cooked rabbit cooked rabbit cooked rabbit for the ants ants eat cooked rabbits and now they won't go hungry look let's watch him feast feast feast yes hog doing down here Wilbur I killed my friend why did you do that why did you do that if you like your friends so much why did you do that he says no I'm just gonna leave him I'm just gonna leave him I'm tired of this okay we're down to a quarter of the ants whoa Park we've lost one fourth of my ants oh I'm not a very good ruler nether gang rise up okay so we've got the nether gang it's giving some black dye this is for you another gang we're working on some colonies right now oh look there's so many oh you guys are powerful dude nether gang rise up dude hello party rockers uh-huh is that yep you spent want me to see that yeah okay bye-bye what's going on here what's this move mr. Searls humbly for seeds I'll give you seeds but I want you to come up with a name you can name your colony I will give you seeds and a hat so maybe dude do that now what are you gonna name it what are you gonna name it pee pee piss land alright peepee piss land I'm not gonna question it you know I want you to be yellow I'm so [ __ ] clever there you go have fun pee pee pissed land techno blades still just kind of hanging out need wood you there's one of the red stone boys techno I think they want you dead dude I don't know how this is gonna go to the techno blades colony used to be to people and then techno babe murdered his other member I mean tender blade you shouldn't even be alive right now what is this what do you have to say to me will the help I'm scat I'm scat red red will the help I'm scat red I'm sorry dude I'm sorry you're doing well all of you doing well existence is pain okay guys I'm starting to fill up my ants aren't too happy my I feel like I I and Canada would be judging me right now I need to make my ants happier okay so ants quality of life is high they have a lot of room to explore but the issue is that despite having all of this to their name they're still not happy and I want to know why they're unhappy so I'm gonna give them something to celebrate there we are everyone gets six fireworks everyone have fun whoo celebrate yay see they're celebrating away hold on let's see look how happy they are I've done such a good job I have to be the best an owner I've ever seen but it is becoming nighttime which means it's time for our next and challenge I've been thinking right we're gonna quickly fill the entire colony with water and we're just gonna see how they do this is what kids do when they find an ant's nest this is why I used to excel as a [ __ ] psychopath you just fill it with water so low we replace air with water see now we just see how they'll manage living in this colony our water is spilling over the edge that's not what I wanted to do oh no oh oh dear do that hey em hey Josh can you fix this Josh help oops I'm currently ruining everything there we go right now it's time to drown them again but this time I won't mess up this time we'll drown them properly so look if we now do this and then we replace air with water there we go we should see some drowning boys soon a lot of them are finding survivability by standing in signs which if I look we've got quite a few of them drowning now yep there they're dropping you fill the entire colony with water and they all start to drown you know what's going on here give us a tune music boys give us a tune come on yes yes yes oh you get more you get more banjo banjo yes ah the music colony we get a round of applause for the music colony please guys they see what's going on down here in the nether go oh my um were they supposed to do this aren't supposed to have technology guys the ants have opened a portal to Hell okay you know what the ants are getting too strong so let that be a lesson to the rest of you all right I don't want to see any more help or tools all right okay we're down to okay unflagging now just don't don't open portals to hell that's all I ask all right no more portals to hell we're down to our last quarter and a bit of ants oh no I knew it was only a matter of time Oh take no blade why can't you just make friends look all these dead bodies of ants dude I'm not we can't watch this oh how the music boys doing see the music boys I've oh my god they've got drum they've got a beat now play your beat play your tunes yeah go go yeah yeah Chat Chat listen listen right no [ __ ] portals to health plus all I want no portals to hell music mmm good ants making music mmm give that a good give that a thumb right ants making balls to help I don't normally check near the top oh we've got a couple of the redstone boys up here oh I need to bring unity it's almost day it's shat how do I bring unity they're falling apart they're falling away from each other we're losing society how do we bring the ants together as friends food cake feast this go make a queen give them ant coochie sniggering that will help give ants sugar yes ants love sugar sugar 2 million Oh No my games crashed that was too much sugar I knew ants like sugar I didn't think you give them that much Josh is it broken forever oh the server's back guys I haven't [ __ ] everything I haven't [ __ ] everything we're gonna keep going unity friendship and society friends and unity everything's fine sugar nananana na na oh honey the place is full of water now Oh everyone's drowning everyone's drowning there we go there we go drowning is over what is this too lonely and the music and give us a tune then I can't play my music why players music okay good good the music's not broken no matter how much sugar the music boys will live on music boys you are the king of the ants right okay unity unity was a bad move I went looking for unity and all I got was I gave everyone too much sugar and I crashed the server we need a new system chat and I think I know what system I need as this is Wilbur listen I know you all have your colonies and that's cool but there can only be one the spoils of war are dragged out into the sunlight it's the sad part of life I have evolved past the need of owning ends but resistance is futile in the face of such overwhelming odds there must be only ten the smaller colony doesn't stand a chance I want there to be no more hands find each other kill each other I want to see no more ants at the end of this come on oh my gosh 10 invade your one be fighting them I can't watch this we've we've already dropped down below 30 ends the music ants all they've got a third wait have they made friends with the lonely music on give us some music oh ok ok so so I may have asked for total eradication of the ants but this is cool I like this I'm happy with this I made a friend you made friend I'm so happy for them dude maybe these girls will be the last tenants dude Starly Starly Starly Starly Starly do it Starling okay I won't recruit you I don't recruit anyone it's fun it's fine oh oh dear I missed this I didn't even seeing this this is not looking good this guy's still making his music okay you're just surrounded by corpses only Orpheus I think we messed up guys Orpheus is dead that is an art piece there no war only music with just all the dead body surround them we're losing everyone you know what I can't afford to look after an City Hall it was just one of those occasions Rogers couldn't afford the upkeep of an C so I had to I had to end it all but look this is what we ended up with look at the beauty that our sort of community made I'm very happy I'm very happy with how all of this one ants are you happy see they're happy they're very happy ants this is exactly what I was looking for and I'm so happy that you guys all came to join me for it hey little blue Guidry message as well I'm gonna be doing this again very soon if you want to know when follow me on Twitter at Wilbur sir and sub to me on Twitch and sub to me here I keep track of all my sub analytics so we'll compare how many subs we got in this one in the next video [Music]
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 8,586,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: lLzkcBQOQLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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