So We Won the Minecraft Championship ft. Tommy, Wilbur & Ph1lza

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right you see this these are the past winners we go for minecraft championship week one I'm a dude here though three you know who's going in the jungle let's pose in front of the stand I was gonna put winter POV in our title but I figured that would be BM so I put it in the description what's that you wanted to see tournament footage too bad surprise you twos commercial techno plane drops next week May 1st $29.99 free worldwide shipping you know the drill I mean just look at oh look at it it's beautiful it's beauty I hear also there's a ready giveaway sub to the u2's read it in comment on the thread winner gets picked at 15k up votes good luck ok video time you want all vote for big sales I don't want to do big sales buddy yeah if I wanted to be worth no points so I'm voting it it's gonna be sky balls sky block all stresses me out like I've done well at it but it stresses me out because you just follow up one exactly ok Wilbert you bridge on bridge one block builder told me can you shot us the cyberbullying is off to a good start ok so we have to get blocks as fast as possible and then we'll bird to start bridging so stressed I'm so stressed I'm gonna start bridging I mean there's no way anyone who's ranged weapons already that wouldn't even make sense how many blocks do have should we force Wilbur to start bridge and already I think we yeah he's diverging throny the cobble here we go here's stumping extra time to bridge how much is my life worth just so I can sort of judge you know there's a every time any time I play I buckle this game stresses me out and Wilbur does not help a nice Bank floor as well yes it's time to ghost there's no rules against it yes nice I have 43 blocks I'm just gonna go in there are loyal T no no loyalty yeah oh I could have made a topical joke this is stressing me out no one's here and I'm still stressed out dude the mid blue kind of sucks doesn't it loyalty hello I'm here give me loyalty please oh yeah please but I want to win please get cheated thank you I feel as though I could go and kill all of those people I think I might let's just stay alive actually why are you going new job Tommy good job Tommy good job Tommy getting pills all symmetry fall symmetry get full symmetry you're doing a good job Tommy all right back southeast back southeast they're breaking in back southeast they're almost in yeah okay we got another another coming straight south he's on his own and he has no water you can knock him off techno you got him you got him just hit that hit that oh oh he's back he's back the guy that you hit with the Dryden's back I see this okay they're all they're all here they're all here they've taken a palisade and told me careful they've taken a palisade oh there's another team there good work I could pull on these guys and murder them are good do it do it they have nothing they have little ones dinosaur one has a diamond sword he's just gone out god I have three Trident illuminations this is so much fun we have to kill red team they have all four players and that's one of the big threats we attack help clean up clean up right I didn't get the class and get the same two players really oh yeah inside the middle literally just open it and lower it down they have a small opening on the U so I got six do Tommy you're carryin Tommy with the carry Tommy it it Redemption arc I'd like to thank Wilbur for carries I got six you don't you need someone else to do eight plus six Tommy redemption arc is canceled guys use to go back to elementary school [Music] wasn't here last time cuz he was getting married what a simp what a simp where do you keep your inventory when you die what what do you mean you keep a little bit yeah of course you keep the tools oh they're the different colored buttons this game is bad this is fine this is fine and this is birch this is birch we're doing so much better than last time I'm bringing the court you guys I think it might be a game changer I'm not bringing the courts that's kind of how do you keep dying you know and it just kind of go is that you just kept going I don't seem a little bit I did I tell you I hit shift how do you get this weight class is there a class section I need to finish that build 60 seconds left where did you get glass guys worst glass I know my glasses where's glass Tommy there's 48 seconds left Andrew team done escort no I'm so butter right now you don't understand guys guys hey I'd like to quote my chat this sounds like my parents sounds like my parents says the check survival game PvP enabled get weapons guys there's James Charles just strong I just kill them no we don't have enough loot guys I think let's just kill them raw raw we have to go get kills now go here kills I see green team over here how did they escape so far now we need to get a fight but people just keep running you want to do a bit of leaving we've got them they I'm far away from you guys south west southwest southwest Oh Pete's team - I'll kill him I have to eat with the flame slow get them I think the border is it gonna cut us off shouldn't I'm gonna rage back off back off you're on your own Tommy you're on your own don't get owned the team are coming up there that they're circling back to the dropping else they're trapping us at once we just get out down from the gap from that was a damaged part to the right what hit me I have half a heart I am so low I'm dead please give me more food someone please I have no health people people in here that's quick those guys are looted every time I play this game I'm sorry will anything to survive up there over here guys what are they doing are they dying that's not allowed don't tie to the border I want those kills I have an iron sword sick oh my entire chat ceiling have you oh what a coincidence we need we need to kill someone and take their food clean up because that getting killed so if you secure these points on the kill James Charles in double yes yes good Eileen team hiding rascal hiding yeah oh my god you did oh they're low no one in out Quigs like full help Oh what that's red team let them let them fight each other go around the back around the back that's just camp let's just camp let them fight that's the border though let's be careful with the border yes I guess I poured or if you could chill if you can chill border go go go go well get them kill Vic it's nice cleaning cleaning nice we win these I got 5 kills it's fine it's fine good yeah we did good that was a good round for us Kelvin the god wait what jerome wins no oh I was so happy for Kelvin and then Jerome just operates out of nowhere so this is good for us because look at the teams that beat us it's not green it's not red so we don't care about them we're in first now I like and be like nothing but we're in first two games that we don't play at all and at this point we can hope it's not bingo dude the admins are moving the rabbits Riggs Riggs they have a magnet did you see that look at that please to get to the other side please yes I've waited three this game looked so fun and both the tournaments I played and it got skipped even when we played eight out of nine games that got skipped it's to get the other side it's bad wolves it's bed wall yeah you just have to make a bridge and get to the speed bridging time oh well oh wait we have to get over this oh I just fell off first Tommy and second the 1000 bed Wars win streak was all over this dude third third bro we've got in first every time I think first third 1340 we're killing red Roberts not all mostly - oh they're gone they're gone good day still pretty good still pretty good whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who is this audience member named techno sucks who put this in the game what is this excuse me excuse me why is I'm a squid kid in this mmm I failed nice fourth fourth and fifth good enough and techno blade MVP wait Wilbur's in fort to Wilbur when were you carrying I didn't even notice dude the parkour practice is working oh they did the tweet they did the tweet all right audience take over at MC championships for the next five minutes you control vote for the game you'd like to see your favorite streamers play do we have to rig this guy so we have to rig the vote Rockets believe I'm retreating vote Rockets belief go to Twitter and vote Rockets believe rig to vote we have 56 thousand viewers nobody else gets to vote Rockets bleep go go go guys 632 81% yes look at that look at what we've done dude parkour warrior was gonna win and I was just like no no your vote does not matter our vote matters we win these all right all right if you fall unplug your router and you'll stay floating really doesn't didn't work I just did it it worked for me I just did it 90 degrees then it's not working for me all right I'll leave that up to you guys and I'll chill I just killed Jerome it's oh that's you don't don't look at me get out of here red team get out of here Pete oh no all right we're relying on Phil and Wilber for the fat no I'm dead all of green team is alive we picked their best game what was that is that in the quote was that going good what was the connotation Bailey that would have made that better Irie follow him I messed up yes I got eight more points take that run the dog all right we got a second place overall because he's a guy al box please please no they're moving bangle traders reason a coupie footrace yes okay we have thought we have to destroy this all right I will Birkin wall everyone bow spam that's the stretch wool we gotta kill don't cap before we've killed them all that way we get even more points all right okay okay I'm ready to captain we went to cap time we went to cap tell me when tell me when now okay there was now and tell me what yeah he what are you doing we win these there's no dude there's no melee weapon oh yeah the only one with a sword then ya know you can bow do you think she is actually this year's what damage do the shears do you could just punch them with the bow in that rate [Music] watch out in the middle help help help middle is that everyone we got it perfect run we win these dude I'm telling you battle box battle boxes where we win oh I can load both of my crossbows dual wield crossbows let's go hello mate nah sorry sorry that's my job sorry can you please kill my camera please [Music] alright now do I hear 9 oh why is reloading this crossbow such a pain oh he's going in on it go on may just say right oh god Scott on me score me with a sword 1 keep getting Block in my arrows and we win we win the know if you talk sick time versus orange I'm gonna get a snack you guys can three before it there's a sword on you I go I go I got salt again there's a little me I'm backing them back in someone's sword our G game ok good going back into the middle again Oh plum Bella we win right we kill them all function I need help now I need help now help now in the middle my I'm on haha oh I have no help [Music] told me please defend me I feel like the melee person you should go down yeah we'll do a the sword I'm being sordid I'm being sorted I'm being heavily sordid here I'm dead I'm dead like how are they all alive what happened what did you guys do I might have a little bit of a costly to admit I thought my healing was a a harming potion so I did throw healing on the enemy team what is he throwing dude yeah he's throwing healing potions at the other TV see the problem is the teams we really didn't want to get points on us got points but it's barely anything man it's barely anything further larger but rice migrate migrate get peer pressured get peer pressure go go go go go go no have enough time to get a quick tasty snack no nope do 40 seconds get your head in the game man thank you I do not like this wait nobody died everyone made it lost James Charles I did not enjoy this game person I read died we win these just 45 seconds guys you can just walk through what the heck oh I have to win died with a second-place player so it's fine how do I get let's do that I'm hacking no I live I live I'm hacking I'm hacking what is this I'm hacking yes give me the win points yes Thank You America I guess got 500 points that's way too much that's way too much I'm going for first individual this time boys so everyone won everyone went 30 seconds we got this oh my god dude it's worth way too many points a minute there's three of us alive we got this it's up to me it's up to techno blade 28 seconds please you've got this you've got this please what egg is this one no look at that leaderboard your aim is to make it through the course each challenge scores you points and also I've decided to throw I don't want to be in the top two Wilbur you are not earning enough points to get away with being like this my chest being supportive for once the power of techno support lets me do a flawless trigger the power of techno support lets me do a flawless run starting now there's Skippy Skippy's cheering me on the first time he shows up to a Minecraft championships on time flawless I do not like this world crouched but it doesn't matter the techno support it keeps me going the techno support keeps me going boys we're in first we win these do I hear first try do I hear first try part 2 please have some manners Jesus first try part 3 do I hear first try part 4 Oh snowing and first try part 4 boys you know we got 2nd place yeah I'm happy we just had to not lose my 3,000 points and look we did not lose by 3,000 likes yeah that would have been fine but you still would have been in second and get to the finals thought was realized she would enjoy that one Oh top five good enough good enough boys guys were in the finals I want to see the individual scoreboard oh what's that what's that I see individual first place by 1,000 boys oh look at that oh let's get a screenshot got the new soundtrack man oh it's an egg weighted they just reskin arrow who's advanced tooltips this is just a reskin bow there's still arrows they just used a texture pack oh there take oh they're giving it to Vic okay kill Vic he's there he's the guy actually shooting I'm out already they get me and told me at the same time oh come on to be one but he's got both hey miss this is it come on Phil come on Phil come on Phil where's the other one Oh [Music] that's one one more round that's one more round and we win kill Vic star and people just their feet in their feet in the arrows - Vic star a nice nice nice nice I'll look I'll stand in the middle I'll stand in the middle to lure shots no killer they're going for me man they know the strap nice nice I hit the wrong one nah not happening Vic all right Vic knows the stretch shoot techno blade oh it's up to you guys yes we win minecraft championship we win we win I can't see my eyes cuz the crown covers it I can't see anything my skin looks so dumb in this screenshot the dream team from the beginning of the stream oh the jungle oh look at those points ah this is the individual score I want to see yes we win these [Music]
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 16,336,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Minecraft Championship, Minecraft Tournament
Id: bMMYWpS900M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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