"Dropping the soap STILL makes me flinch"

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit ex-cons of reddit what was the hardest prison habit to break after being released I didn't use a fork for a few weeks ate everything with a spoon without thinking it's not the most interesting thing but I hadn't noticed it posted here I still did this from being in the military I hate eating with forks give me a spoon or some chopsticks edit thank you after boot camp it took me years to stop eating at a breakneck speed I still have trouble making myself slow down and it's been well over a decade taking as long as you wanted the shower for the longest time after I got out I took less than five minutes showers my friend did two and a half in Florida state prison said the first thing he did when he got home with shower until all the hot water ran out edit because this seems to be coming up a lot this was like 15 years ago tankless water heaters weren't really a thing back then I'm not totally sure if they even existed and if so they weren't common and lower-income households so yes it was very possible to run out of hot water well sounds like a weekday for me it's cooler Co Bryce I bye to work everyday doing laps in prison every time you get time on the yard you do laps seriously almost every single person does it too when you get doubt it's hard to break that habit oh yeah this is accurate this guy went to prison pacing back and forth in your court to to get that little bit of cardio in pretty much any time you've got the chance to lol do some laps maybe see a few people to get something for when you're locked in talk some [ __ ] then get ready for lock-in only to repeat it again the very next day every day for the next couple years I find myself hoarding toilet paper under my bed sometimes I do it without thinking and I'll look under there and have ten rolls of TP probably stupid question but why did you hoard it in prison in many prisons they're issued supplies on a regular basis I don't know the schedule because I didn't work in a prison I was a police officer so if you get one roll of TP per month you save and toward the rest the local jail food then one roll they had to turn in the paper center to get another roll and were limited to how often they could get another the hardest thing has been to talk without using the words duct ducting or a hole in every sentence become a trucker or construction worker and you should fit right in edit or apparently a chef cook software engineer slash programmer slash IT mechanic sailor slash Marine soldier or nurse Em's I'm a construction worker I've cussed while talking to a priest many times without realizing it my wife makes short yell at me later oops I spent 72 months in prison for a tragic car accident that I had caused after I was released I kept telling my wife exactly what I was doing without her asking she thought it was funny at first but after a few weeks of it she was starting to get bothered I am now putting IT in edit Mayo thanks for the gold I am going to plan your surprise birthday party as somewhat friend of mine did a few years and the one habit he couldn't shake was distrusting people he said that people in prison are never nice if they're nice it's because of a hidden motive up to this day he still doesn't trust people who act nice generous helpful dart towards him I've grown up in a sort of rough environment it's like that in general there too nothing is free everything at a price I had a guy want something from me as a teenager and I didn't do it for him he brought up to me that he told Emmy we're a good hardware store was didn't take me there buy me anything or even tell me that they for sure had what I was looking for just told me we're a supposed good one worse he thought this was leverage enough to get what he wanted out of me no that's funny it sounds a lot like my lawyer making prison commissary only food everyone around me thinks that his grosses held to throw summer sausages pickles cheese Doritos cheetah's and such into my ramen noodles but good lord I can't stop and I have been out for five years my dad was in and out of jail when I was a child when he was out he used to make me jailhouse slams basically whatever you can find to throw into ramen as you said I thought they were the best thing ever and it was so cool cause I ate what my dad ate right fast forward about 12 years and I'm telling my GF this story and she is just like dot you had dad fed you prison food edit a word edit to my highest comment is about my traumatizing childhood lol thanks guys my dad did the same growing up I never thought twice about it was probably one of my favorite things dad married marrying into a family of cops I mentioned slabs in passing and got a few looks from the in-laws not me but guy who worked for me when things were very busy I would often get carryout lunch for everyone and bring it back to the workplace this one guy would eat a cheeseburger and french fries in two minutes bro once I asked him why he ate so quickly he said well nobs former I spent seven years in a federal prison and if you didn't eat your meal in 10 minutes you didn't get anything that 10 minutes often included the time it took standing in line to get your food okay then I never said anything to him about it after that hey you you're a decent human being you hire an ex-con keep up the decency I'm not that great I lived in a small coastal community on the Gulf of Mexico of course seafood was the main business with lots of small boats and subsistence fishing crabbing oystering the FBI put together a sting and hired for fishermen to offload what was supposed to be bags of cocaine onto their boats from a large boat that could not go in shallow water it was actually not cocaine they were to be paid ten thousand dollars which was to them almost a year's income these four fishermen were busted and ended up spending seven years in federal prison and a prison far far away from their families so I had known this young man for years and for me his time in prison was like pfft you screwed up but whatever he was funny and hard-working and not really bitter about what happened he worked for me and my small wholesale seafood business and it was great PS I would have no qualms about hiring an ex-con not afraid of that as long as they didn't have 13 tattooed on their forehead my ex would sleep a certain way all the time to me it seemed like he was sleeping as if he was in a coffin his arms crossed and wouldn't move the entire night for a couple months he eventually broke that habit edit a word I did that too when I was in not because I was afraid of getting raped but because if someone came with me when I was sleeping it was the best position to be able to defend yourself I'm a stomach sleeper normally I'm sure this was his reason to when I would go visit him and see other inmates through the glass I would be so afraid for him some guys look like beasts and act very wild dude I work with said for the first little bit after getting out he would take a leg out of his pants when he'd [ __ ] not sure how common that was dudes a fighter though so maybe that had something to do with it is it weird that I sometimes do this just because it's more comfortable it will also allow you full range of motion if you know someone busts in on you while you're grunting a couple guys I know after being out for five ten years wrap their arms around their plates and shovel food in their mouths at the speed of light they are also super defensive of their food when I first got to know them I jokingly swiped a chip off one of their plates and he flipped his fork up and demanded I give it back freaked me out a lil I could just imagine them going on a date with one then people who says they don't want anything but then proceeded to grab something off your plate Joey doesn't share food I don't smoke but every time someone offered me a cig I would pocket it on the inside that's a bartering chip took me about a month or two to break what's the smoking policy in jails because aren't you only allowed two hours outside a day does that mean you can only smoke for two hours of the day or could you smoke inside I've always wondered I don't think you're allowed to smoke inside but many of them do it anyway my friend once told me he got hooked on watching news channels and crappy daytime television he said he also enjoyed listening to AM radio now even though he knows specific podcasts exists that are more tailored to him he killed himself three years ago after getting a twenty-year sentence just one year after getting out edit a lot of people asked in questions so I'll just go ahead and clarify here at 18 he served a little over a year in prison for moving marijuana got out violated parole and got caught moving mass amounts of marijuana and other things like breaking into homes petty theft which was going to send him back for a least 15 years after the jig was up he had a well way he was allowed to stay at home where he shot himself with a nine-millimeter pistol in the head he survived the initial shot but later died two days after going to the hospital was a great friend and knew him since elementary school top of our graduating class in high school just too much exposure to the wrong people that's something our society doesn't talk about once these guys get out a lot of them don't make it long before they commit suicide it's so ducking sad they survived hell and I'm not arguing to who deserved it or not that's not my point and then finally are released in just can't cope it's heartbreaking edit a word I think that guy killed himself because he was going back to prison for 20 years it was probably going to die in there anyway edit heyyou slash juicer box Shakur you slash sheriff you slash Sheriff cam you'd give us some clarity things are probably getting out of hand here edit 3.5 I guess I don't have the attention to detail I had thought that I had being paranoid always looks over my shoulder and never letting anyone stand behind me even people passing on the side of me I'm always turning my head to see what they're doing food I could be the last one to eat first one done and I still stand when I eat around people I'm not an ex-con but I hate people standing or walking behind me I'm not violent but that makes me really flip out join our community discord link in description constantly looking over my shoulder by far the hardest conditioning to break which I haven't in doubt I ever will is the constant pessimism and cautious optimism you see when you're waiting to work your way through court get a deal and get sentenced you will have your dates change fifty times hope for certain things only to be disappointed and anytime you are told something hopeful it doesn't work out as a result I never get excited for something until it actually happens when my wife told me we were pregnant I already knew from her symptoms that she was but still you never know for sure till you take the test I was obviously happy but because I'm always cautiously optimistic and rarely show emotion I couldn't feel comfortable or excited until I knew that my developing daughter was healthy even then it didn't really hit me till she was born you can't apply this to anything especially big events getting engaged planning the wedding buying a house anything I still hear from my wife how I wasn't crazy surprised or excited to be having a kid I was I actually was the half of the relationship who was dead set on a kid when my wife supposedly could have gone either way you just can't get your hopes up all look forward to anything until it is here or has happened I've been home over seven years now and with my wife 46.5 she's truly the catalyst that motivated me to truly change my life and to not give any more of my life to the system but she'll never know how happy she makes me because she misinterprets my cautious optimism realism for pessimism or indifference show this post to your wife seriously I'd be like you should read this but I do not want to talk about it just think on it but that's just me edit holy [ __ ] I guess thousands of people agree dim I second this it is stupid hard to be vulnerable as a male and telling her this makes you vulnerable no doubt I can only imagine how much harder being vulnerable is for someone that has been to prison but the emotional intimacy will develop with your wife is incredibly important you are probably saying to yourself that saying what you wrote would be too hard and that is okay but you already wrote it so what the hell may as well show it to her not an ex-con but good friends uncle did 20 years or so his habit was how he ate everything on the ate got immediately cut mixed and devoured fast as hell don't know why he always said it's how you did it there you ate and GTFO as quick as you could that's one thing that I'm still doing chowing down as fast as I can so nobody else has the chance to get you or take your food military does this a lot too it took me a long time to stop going through all my food in like two seconds like I was starving staring at sharp things like there's no desire to use them inappropriately but you are just kinda shocked there and available for use you might be surprised what qualifies as a sharp object I remember whenever someone tried to hand me a knife or something to cut veggies it to be afraid to touch it a glass was the biggest thing though just mirrors in all the bathrooms real once I could smash that [ __ ] and have a big jagged weapon I can't believe this Italian restaurant of such a dangerous thing in their bathroom stopping thinking of objects as weapons is hard hardest habit talking [ __ ] to number sold men who think they're right cuz they're old easiest habit I'm never eating Top Ramen or getting a bowl cut from a Mexican barber again I hated that [ __ ] in prison old guys think they know so much just because they're aged like mother duck er you're in prison you obviously don't know much better than I do and I'm still rockin my bad haircut right now yet I go to a barber college now so my bad haircut is free and costs me exactly zero soups not an ex-con but my stepdad has been in and out of prison for the majority of his life he always said that whenever he gets out of prison you're so used to it being loud all the time that when he got home he couldn't sleep because it was so quiet my friend who did a few years had to sleep with infomercials turned up quite loud just to get sleep at night always thought he was just accustomed to sleeping with the TV on now it makes sense sure seems like ex-military and ex-cons share a lot of habits not sure what to make of that my best friend did six years in prison I did eight and the military we concluded that the wire on his fence was to keep the enemy in mine was to keep the enemy out edit to note that was the only difference in our lives while serving our time secondary to cover down some comments the comparisons were while I was deployed I did three tours and it is very different than being home in garrison true in garrison is just like living a normal life but while you're deployed you're often wondering is this my last day live what's my family doing thinking experiencing while I'm out here you've gotta wait and line for the phone if you even get to use the phone internet was a rare option to even send an email so don't write how silly it is until you've sat down with your best friend thankful he made it out alive and he's thankful you did - never did prison or military but I spent 20 years getting the [ __ ] beaten out of me by my dad and I'm sitting here reading this [ __ ] and nodding along I do almost all of his stuff maybe it's a trauma thing sounds like there's a major epidemic of ex-prisoners with PTSD that society doesn't talk about it's part of the reason the US has such a high recidivism rate prisoners are dehumanized whatever issues that put them there are exacerbated and once released they have less options then before getting in trouble add to that PTSD and the never ending fear of going back it's a small wonder more prisoners don't lose their [ __ ] and be unable to function in society on the outside edit a word Society u.s. doesn't care about ex-cons every amount of pay no matter their crime they suffer in prison and the pain they suffer if they unfortunately get out is justified they deserve to be raped to be beaten to starve and to be poor the u.s. consciousness of punishment in prison is disgusting hoard feminine hygiene products we were super limited on the number of pads or tampons they gave us they didn't give any to the women in holding cells there was dried and fresh menstrual blood on the floor and concrete benches and a drain in the middle of the rooms like they intended to hose down the room but if they did it was not often enough that seems like a violation of Human Rights lack of Hygiene leads to unsanitary conditions which leads to infection which leads to illness how did they justify that nobody cares they're just criminals my uncle was in prison for a while and we've talked a bit about his experience and how it affected him he has a hard time not being violent you've never guessed since he mainly just sits in a corner and smokes but he's been out for nearly ten years and still always struggles with using his words the guy cannot stand Authority he tells me that it's hard to listen to bosses when you know you're probably smarter and tougher than them he knows most people feel this way but he just can't ignore it he's taken up professional carving so he can be his boss he's really in touch with our native roots now on account of joining a First Nations gang in prison doesn't talk much I don't know if that's because of prison but he really only speaks if he wants to not the type of guy who likes to talk just to talk doesn't have a lot he has some sort of abandonment issue or something so he doesn't want a lot of things to miss if he goes back to prison for all the time he doesn't spend with people he's out with nature or doing something in the wilderness I think it helps keep him calm and feel connected nice enough guy but prison kind of ducked him up I think and he's going to live his life being slightly disconnected with people be slow to speak quick to listen taking a [ __ ] with my underwear up to my thighs to hide my junk it took a long time to go back to pants around the ankles I still do that I forgot it wasn't normal until my girlfriend pointed it out I had to completely change my sense of time I agree with all the people who said they ade super fast but then we would slow walk back from the chow hall any excuse for a few minutes more outside I made sure I never consolidated enjoyable things if I had a snack I ate it and concentrated on it if there was something good on TV I watched it now I'll snack while I watch a movie because there aren't enough hours in the day but on the inside I was trying to make hours a days go away I've got a good job now and nice respectable friends but I still react too confrontational situations more quickly decisively and efficiently than they do I'm able to pull back at the last minute but it's pretty clear that violence is not a tool in their arsenal I think in the real world 90% of winning a fight is being willing to fight in the first place most people realize very quickly once a fight starts that they don't actually want to fight one of my foster son's came to us from juvie every meal his arm was around his plate and he wove down his food my Mastiff couldn't keep up he always ate back to the wall hunched took my wife and I a month to show him no one would take his food and we had plenty more funny parties he went in the Marines and did late years got out honorable and is now working in Corrections good for him seems like you guys must have really had a positive impact on him I had to win over his trust that takes time and a lot of understanding on both sides I have been very fortunate to have great boys that just needed to know someone gave a damn I always stuck to my word and was always fair and honest hard work on the farm and as much fun and care as they need all our boys went on to college or trade school or military careers out of 28 boys only one went the other way we took him in and got him through rehab but lost him in the end I managed to adopt most who wanted to be adopted but I did leave all in a much better place self-sufficient and capable of meeting life's challenges yes many nights were pain and tears but i woldn't trade it for anything it was all worth it in the end PS my wife and I never placed with females as we were good dealing with behavior problem males it was just an act we had the family farm made it easy to take boys on we had plenty at work our record of 28 stroke 1 is pretty good I think PSS our last boy is 50 does well in school which he attends with my grandson his best pal I'm finally hanging up my dad hat in three years at age 74 I still like having a stash of ramen packs somewhere even if I'm not going to eat them having your head on a swivel protecting your personal property in an obsessive manner and sizing everyone up when I was locked up I always knew what was going on 360 degrees around me only the last unit I was in had lockers with actually locks so before that I had to protect my commie paperwork and books all the time most people would fight you to take your [ __ ] because that is the respectful way to do it but cat burglars are the worst they sneak around and take [ __ ] they get ducked up by everyone when they get caught it is code you want my [ __ ] come get it not sneaking around and steal it I've been out for almost a year and a half that I still constantly size people up no matter where it is grocery store Bart walking down the street I still analyze each person and figure my best course of action if we have to fight does it stress you out a lot I imagine you didn't have to do this before you went to prison also what is a specific example of something happening where you almost didn't check yourself and remember you're not in prison anymore if that has happened yet thank you for taking your time to comment this whole thread has been very eye-opening I did not have to do that much when I was on the outside I grew up in a Philly suburb and when I did live in the city I didn't live in the hood so I am not accustomed to having constantly watch my back anyway yes it does stress me out a lot it's as if my fight response is constantly switched on one specific thing that I notice is how quickly I turn my head if I hear a noise commotion or people speaking loudly when I turn and look that direction I turn my neck as quickly as possible I'm surprised I haven't heard anything crack yet over the past few months I have noticed I am getting a bit more calm so hopefully this subsides completely thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 728,003
Rating: 4.9277306 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, reddit, r/askreddit, best of reddit, ex-cons share their hardest prison habit to break, ask reddit, askreddit funny, hardest prison habits to break, hardest prison habit to break, who was the most evil person there, reddit stories, reddit top posts, the hardest prison-habit, reddit cringe, what went through your head on the first day?, best of r/askreddit, prison stories, people of reddit, comment awards
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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