Students, Have You EVER Totally Lost Your TEMPER With A Teacher? (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit students have read it have you ever lost your temper with a teacher what's your story oh yes art teacher final year of secondary school this teacher had a serious problem with favoring the naturally talented students and just letting everyone else sit around and get on with it she'd then criticized whatever those students did and moved on without any attempt to acknow teach it pissed off a lot of students but she was quite disliked as it was so there were never any serious altercations no one wanted to get mad in a class where they could just [ __ ] around and draw for an hour now I'd been going through some personal problems in those final couple of years some bad [ __ ] happened in my life that altered me a great deal and in particular my tendency to anger I was the goody two-shoes head down sort of kid who never got into trouble but by final year a lot of rage towards the school had manifested because of how unfairly they treat us as students one day this teacher comes up to me when I've been sat working on a piece for three hours and I'm feeling okay with my progress considering I've been out of school for months at a time it should go without saying that I was not one of these students she fought over and I was chill with that I just wanted to do as well as I could she comes up behind me glances over my shoulder and says something to the effect of well that's not very good you're not doing it right and walks off I lost it just completely blew up I screamed at her demanding to know what on earth she thought she was doing saying something so hurtful and unhelpful where did she get off telling students that what they are doing isn't good enough without ever actually helping them once how had she managed to get this far in her teaching career without once ever helping a student a back and forth went on for a good ten minutes and my anger sloshed forth in a rage tide of fury to add to the mental image I was a chubby four feet eight inches the spectacled white girl who'd received maybe two detentions during their schooling career the teacher a pale fragile Wraith of a woman was incensed but her voice was so quiet she couldn't match my ferocity eventually she sends me out everyone in the class is stunned none of the usual jeering when someone gets in trouble on the way out a couple of people cheered me on yeah I know the whole everyone clapped but it was more just a few individual whoops which felt really [ __ ] good at that school when someone got into trouble they'd have a teacher on call with a walkie-talkie who'd be wandering the halls waiting to discipline the student I went and sat in the stairwell and sobbed for a good 20 minutes anxiety was screaming through every pore you know the feeling but I was incredibly lucky that the teacher on call was my dry as [ __ ] cynical science teacher his eyebrows shot up when he saw me crumpled in the stairwell and he sat down next to me while I had a further good cry he asked me what the hell had happened through my angry tears I explained the whole situation and I'm still so grateful for his response yeah she's a [ __ ] you did good I should you not that teacher stayed with me for the next hour just letting me vent I think he might have been aware of my home situation or at least saw there was a legitimate problem as I lost my rag so completely having validation from an authority figure confirming that it's okay to question that authority when it's not doing its job helped immensely long story short GCSEs went wonderfully but I walked out on my last day of proper schooling as another teacher decided to start screaming at me for forgetting a file on the way to an English class because of my science teacher I finally understood that you don't need to take [ __ ] from people who are using their power to treat you in a way that hurts you're as deserving as respect as they are and they need to learn it first I went to a small high school my graduating class was less than 50 we all knew each other and all the teachers and administrators on a personal level I was a senior at the time I was essentially the mom friend of the group of bullied kids my two best friends had both tried suicide at that point one of them was constantly bullied the administration knew about this and refused to do anything I was also the golden child of the administration I never talked back never acted out and was salutatorian senior sat at the front during our school assemblies and I sat in the very front row middle near the very end of the assembly the high school principal came on stage and started talking about bullying they were going to start a seven week long program to prevent bullying okay that's cool probably won't work but w /e then she goes into a long speech about how she knows that bullying isn't a problem we currently faced and that this is only preventative this was not sarcasm she very clearly truly believed this my best friend had to go to a mental hospital because of suicide less than two years ago at that point I spent the entire assembly glaring daggers at her at one point she looked down at me and noticed we maintained eye contact for a few seconds before she very uncomfortably looked away she had the golden child's disapproval and she knew it when the head administrator got up to finish the assembly he too started talking about how bullying wasn't an issue he got the same treatment and had the same reaction I met with her later that day in her office and as calmly as I could laid out my complaints she kept spouting the same [ __ ] she did earlier eventually I just stormed out which might not be an explosion but for me then it was pretty dramatic I hated her my band teacher he didn't direct [ __ ] in middle school there was a kid in middle school who couldn't play his saxophone I mean not a note came out right he called got called out a lot early on so he just started fingering the notes as best he could to avoid derision I played drums and watched all of this happens right behind him the teacher rather never noticed or didn't care one day out of the blue he does care he makes the kid play some thing on his own surprise the cat can't so he stops everyone he makes him try it over and over and over maybe 15 minutes into not making it past three notes the kid starts crying this isn't even hard and I could probably have played this by now it goes on for a while longer and everyone is quiet and uncomfortable finally I can't take it anymore I say hey kid can you play that shakes head no if we sit here the rest of class are you going to be able to figure it out shakes head no do you promise to go home and practice and try again tomorrow week nod alright but now leave kid alone and move on that teacher lost his [ __ ] mind he starts going red starts yelling something at me calls me something and makes a vague threat something like stay out of this or there will be consequences well his wife had been fired from her elementary job because she had taped it tied a kid to his chair so what are you going to do tie me to a chair everyone goes silent for a few seconds and then one girl next to the teacher starts laughing her ass off everyone loses their minds laughing even kid I realize I said it out loud about this time as an addendum that first girl to laugh I eventually married edit doubt all day but this is a true story told by my best friend at our wedding who was another drama the entire reason we are together is because of that interaction she realized I gave zero [ __ ] and finally realized I existed in her deffence she was a foot taller than me when we first met our 20th anniversary is in January edit gold thanks to my internet arrow only once in high school and I was a prick about it we had one of those Spanish teachers that loved Spanish culture but not in what I guess you would call an authentic way she was one of those people who go to foreign countries just to see how bad they have it and then come back to the states and openly [ __ ] on them for no reason immigrants especially being Mexican this pissed me off and we got in heated exchanges frequently so she had this [ __ ] program called pesos that was twenty five percent of our grade if we earned so many throughout a span of time we would get a certain grade she pushed it as participation based but it never really seemed fair after one of her racist rants I finally got fed up with her and started documenting for pesos every day I would write down the person what they did the time and how much they earned it was detailed enough that I could calculate their grades I kept a record for three months you could plainly see she was only picking favorites to boost their class rank the tipping point was midterm week our examined Spanish was a semester long project that we had already completed since we had nothing to do during the 2.5 hour exam period she made us watch a movie I had an up chemical exam the next period so I was studying for that in the room quietly eventually she sees me not watching the movie and starts trying to make me put my stuff up I tried to reason with her that the exam was important and we weren't doing anything in the class but she was just looking for an excuse she sends me to the principal's office principal walks in asks my side of the story and then tells me I must not be telling the whole story I tell him no and reach into my bag with the biggest grin I've had all year and present my notebook I walk him through the entire thing every pesos to tell over the past three months the guy looks flabbergasted he asks me to make copies and tells me to hold onto the notebook tells me I'll need to have a parent at the school tomorrow a.m. and lets me stay in the office to finish studying for my next exam the next day my dad and I walk into the office the principal and Spanish teacher are already sitting in a conference room we start off just going through the situation and the principal starts grilling the teacher is there any sort of paper trail on these grades have you noticed your giving more opportunities and higher amounts to students in your clubs all of it she goes on the defensive in my dad and I are wondering why we are even there suddenly she goes off on my father your son is targeting me I am the victim here this was all organized and I want to know if you had anything to do with it it was straight absurd then she starts crying in front of all of us about her sister dying six months prior and how hard this year was it was insane my dad has no idea what to do at this point but the principal calls it shortly after the tears start rolling we leave the office in my dad just laughs when we get to the car come to find out she was put on a pit afterwards her entire curriculum and grading system were put under review and her senior level classes were put on hold best part was that when her senior level classes were conditionally approved she needed a minimum amount of students for the school to sign off on the class guess who was the last qualified student she had to ask three professors English professor made the entire class hunt down New York Times newspaper articles because she once won an award for doing that everyone in her class had to hunt down and cut up New York Times articles to put in our little diary entries if you were missing even two of the 35 entries you got an F on that entire grade doesn't matter if the other 33 entries were the best ever you missed two there or laughs this is in college English too bTW two computer science professor who is head of the computer science division in this college I took an online course with him as a professor after a long delay after the semester started like two weeks after rich who have started he finally showed us the two different sites he set up one had all our hardware questions one had all our software questions and we had our College ml app which lets professors announce to the class new assignments or stuff like that well I go through the entire class super easy and he keeps announcing jokes to the class I take mice green shirts just in case and keep going through it all well I get my final grade an F for apparently no reason well instead of announcing a super important project that was worth over 30 percent of our grade he kept announcing jokes and I never had the ability to learn about this project that I needed to do got an F in that class three philosophy professor also head of the philosophy division in the same school wanted around two hours of work put into an essay for every hour of class time not too bad but annoying well snow days come and now he wants four hours of essay writing to try and make up for the snow days which is illegal where I am then he decides he wanted to give a final early and demanded over six hours of essay writing per hour of class this would be okay if he was my only class but I had four other classes and couldn't handle the workload also his midterm and final were all Exum's for no reason and graded you seemingly randomly on them he had popped tests randomly - he'd just walking could test what his Socrates's art preferences and kicked you out if you took out your notebook at all not just at a teacher but at an entire department the English department at my first college was staffed by people who by and large were our souls their idea of a Writing Workshop was having you email the assignment to the teacher and then making you pay at least ten dollars to print out enough copies of your story for the entire class why we couldn't just put it up on a message board somewhere they were built into our schools online infrastructure I don't [ __ ] know the teacher of this workshop also made it abundantly clear that he didn't give a flying [ __ ] about his students I'm pretty sure he was a grad student teaching the class for credit but he acted like a major douche and pretty clearly didn't read any of the stories beyond a basic skimming we took quizzes on computers and he didn't give a [ __ ] if we googled the answers as long as we got it done before class ended he drove one of his students to a panic attack on the last day because he had acted like such a creep to them micromanaging one of their stories it was bizarre they also had this weird thing where they would gather every English major and the college into the chapel on campus every Thursday in order to have you listen to someone read from their work it was advertised as creative writing common time but it literally just meant sit down shut up listen to someone read their works that were ejected from a lit magazine no laptops no phones no books and if you missed one session of this out of an entire semester you failed the class and you had to take four semesters of this if you wanted to pass by the end of the first semester I'd had enough I'd missed a session and the mchupe assignment was just as bizarre you had to find an audio recording of a work online read by the author and analyze how they read it like what it really really got bad on the last day undergrad students were finally allowed to read and either they didn't vet them at all or they vetted them really poorly because there was a student who read a graphic depiction of a rape and murder and the teachers just let them a few of the other students in the building left and discussed I almost joined them needless to say I dropped out of the English program at this college and transferred to a University whose English department isn't staffed by psychopaths took me an extra year to graduate don't care it was better than that a couple of weeks into my senior year of high school the president gave a speech about the importance of school or something I don't know I wasn't really paying attention anyway all of the teachers in my school had to set up their projectors so we could watch it my math teacher couldn't figure out how to get a projector working so me being the nerdy kid I offered to help she had a fit started screaming about how she wasn't stupid and how I needed to just sit down and shut up after a few more minutes of her failing to fix it she pointed at me and ordered me to fix it I said fix it yourself she told the whole class to go next door to watch the speech in that teachers room when we got up to leave she pulled me to the side and told me that when the class got back I was going to stand up and apologize for being so rude to her I refused and went to join the rest of the class she spent the rest of the year making my life miserable she told me on several occasions that she was going to make sure that I failed her class sure enough I failed her class only class I ever failed edit since people are asking why I didn't report it I did my parents went to the administrators but they didn't want to do anything and said it was an issue for the math department head the department head was a good friend of my teacher and took her side the class wasn't a requirement for graduation and it was the last semester before I was done with high school so I didn't care to waste any more time on it edit - people are also asking how she can fail me at math since the answers are either right or wrong I would turn in homework assignments and she would not get them students weren't allowed to keep a copy of the tests because the school was worried about test compromises so she could basically give me whatever she wanted on them and I couldn't prove anything if there was a dispute about the test grades the school's policy was to have the department head regrade the test but as I mentioned the department head was a friend of hers and found that all of the tests that I disputed were graded correctly whether or not that was true I don't know since I never got to see them so when I was in seventh grade there was an old English teacher who really shouldn't have been working with kids sitting in her class was like hell because everyone was walking in eggshells to not be the one that she would target out for harassment that day I would say she was in her mid to late sixties in the best way I could describe it is that she was just fully miserable and took it out on her students one day I did something to upset her not really sure what it was but ultimately I was a good student and never really did anything intentionally to upset the teachers while I can't remember exactly what it was probably because it was quite insignificant I do remember the way she proceeded to treat me she walked around handing out an assignment and when she got to me she just looked at my gave me an evil smile and kept walking knowing I would take a zero for this paper I raised my hand and said excuse me I didn't get a paper to which she replied don't talk to me I told her I needed a paper to do my work and again she responded the same I went off telling her that it was extremely unprofessional of her to tell a student not to talk to her and prevent him from learning I told her she was disgraceful and that I was going to the principal I walked out and marched right down to the office where I told the principal who spoke with my mom and she came down right away to formally file a complaint apparently this wasn't the first complaints against this teacher but since she had been 10 year it was basically impossible to terminate her she resigned at the end of the year I'm assuming it was somewhat of a forced resignation but either way good riddance as a mature age student taking on a second degree I ran into an external lecturer who treated my class like we were 15 year-old children the youngest in my class was 20 at the time but has more maturity than I tend to have whatever the external lecturer is a pretty big name in the local industry so I sucked it up as best I could no matter what condescending rule lecture she threw at me the first time I lost my cool was when I made a soft joke to my classmate and she laid into my classmate for somehow inciting the joke even though I had been fully responsible for the interaction my classmate hadn't even responded to me I tried to point this out and the external lecturer brushed me off saying it's done we are moving on the second time I lost my cool was a few days before our final external lecturer had been making us practice drills a very specific way in our classroom and was very particular about the specificity we then moved into actual venue for final drills and all of us were [ __ ] up one way or the other because we were all stressed out of our minds trying to recalibrate to the new venue while the external lecturer berated us on every little thing we changed that was not tena liking finally she stopped me in the middle of the drill and asked me very sarcastically why I chose to do what I did and I answered that's how we had practiced it in the classroom and I apologize that I cannot read your mind on how you would like to adjust it but I'm doing my best silence for an eternity she moved on to the rate another classmate for another adjustment and then finally she came back to me don't you dare say things like you can't read my mind just do your work and actually try I stirred up taller and said I was trying very hard that's what we were all doing and it was very difficult to adjust to the venue to her liking without some guideline and would have liked to provide us with one she told me to get out I burned that bridge real good I hadn't been doing well in calculus all year but I was trying my best and just struggling my teacher was one of the cool ones are kind to act laid-back and crack jokes and all that I think this guy just thought I wasn't trying and he was as frustrated with me as I was with myself one day in class he made a sort of passive-aggressive joke at my expense something about if you would just try harder he didn't even say it in front of other students just to me that I was so over him thinking I wasn't trying that I got up and walked straight out and of the school counselor's office I would have been sent there anyway for walking out in class so I decided to expedite the process she was really kind and talked me down from being so upset anyway that was on a Friday so I didn't see my calculus teacher again until Monday I was hoping we could just pretend it didn't happen but no such luck he pulled me into the hallway to talk and truly genuinely apologized he offered to adjust his office hours which didn't work for me to give me extra help he ended up helping me pass the class barely but I still passed I wouldn't have graduated without it in retrospect just talking to him more openly from the get-go probably would have been the more mature thing to do but I was an awkward self-doubting teenager who didn't know how to ask for help in the end the experience helped me improve that skill and advocate for myself I still hate calculus though eighth grade science class god I hated her for the sake of this let's say her name was mrs. B early on in the year mrs. B had given us a science fair project due in January we had several class periods over the course of those months as well to work on it my project was creating an unbeatable tic-tac-toe program did work properly but that's beside the point right now because it would take significantly longer to have twenty people the amount of tests we had to do each play three rounds with the thing so I asked her if I could do fewer and she agreed allowing me to only do seven people which I got done shortly before Christmas break only about one and a half school weeks until the project was due I make sure to thank her for letting me do fewer as I would never have gotten it done in time otherwise she turns to me with this confused look as says something to the effect of I never said that you have to do 20 trials like everyone else I was so insanely furious I even got a witness who had overheard her give me a lower number coming as evidence both me and my witness ended up in detention I did end up getting the project done but barely and it was rushed as hell I still occasionally think of it and want to punch a wall edit apparently I had a typo I had meant to type didn't work properly but the way it came out not only do I sound like a humbler brag but I also started an argument later down the comment chain OOP obligatory not me when I was in high school a girl absolutely lost her [ __ ] on my math teacher the way class generally went was we'd go in and he'd had the day's assignment written on the board then he'd spend the first 20 minutes of class teaching new concepts and going over problems then he'd give us about 30 minutes to work on our assignments and he'd sit at his desk and answer questions overall I really like this style but some did not this girl did not about 3/4 of the way through the year she snapped the class was no different than any other he explained the new staff and did some examples and then said anyone who needs individual help just line up at my desk and I'll be happy to help she [ __ ] lost it what do you mean that's it I don't wanna wait in line for 20 minutes help me now this is [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you she was getting angrier and angrier and to my teachers credit the angrier she got the comer and quarter my teacher got and the comer and quieter he was the more furious she would get teacher come I understand you're upset how about we go to the hallway and talk about it students yelling no [ __ ] helped me with this [ __ ] here and now teacher karma quieter than before now there's no need for that kind of language we can discuss this civically I'm happy help you why way I can student even angrier and louder [ __ ] you [ __ ] this I hate this [ __ ] school teacher still very calm I'm sorry you're so frustrated what can I do student now screaming as loud as she possibly can get [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] that [ __ ] everything incoherent screaming and cursing this is when the principal walked in and took the girl out of class the teacher left for a moment to talk to the principal while we could hear this girl screaming all the way to the office just every expletive in the book all directed at the teacher when it was all over the teacher calmly walked back in stood at the front and said well anyone else have a problem with me I'm happy to discuss it if we can be civil no one said a word okay then anyone who needs help come see me class went on like normal after that in retrospect that teacher handled that [ __ ] like a [ __ ] pro in every possible way never saw that girl in class or in school again so something had to have been going on to set her off like that but I've never seen a student go off like that before or since and I've worked as a teacher and sub for nearly a decade editor wet something had to be going on with that girl that I have no back story I don't know if she was struggling with grades or with that class or if that teacher said or did something to set her off I don't know about I just know what I saw in class I'm certain something was going on with that girl to set her off though either at home or school I just think that math class was her last straw for whatever reason thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
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Id: IktyYX9Tqfk
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Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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