Time freezes for one day. What do you do in those 24 hours?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit time freezes for exactly one day you are the only person an affected and can freely wander around and do whatever you like what do you do in those 24 hours tie everyone's shoelaces together och you take my upvote some men just want to watch the world burn or trim I can finally loot stuff without a consequence but I'll just take everyone outside and just lay them down in their front yard so when time continues at least 200 people would be wondering how the up did I get here and why did this happen to 100 people coincidentally then the story will become the stuff of legends and you can finally die knowing your name is written in stone everyone wakes up with a sunburn lol their skin wouldn't burn the heat energy isn't transferring technically if time is frozen that much then the person who is not frozen in time would die of hypothermia as their body radiates heat away but has no way to get it back even if we ignore that you would be blind as photons would not be moving into your eyeballs I think I would just like to go into different houses and look around just become a real estate agent then you can do that all day I've thought of this but it's not quite the same if someone is hiring a realtor sometimes people are moved out halfway or cleaned up big time and you don't see what everyday life is like you don't see bills on the table or the cardboard box people keep for the cat I love things like that how do you know about my cardboard box for the cat that's supposed to be secret at first I was thinking of robbing banks and large department stores hide the cash in various caches on second thought I'd bring a ladder to the zoo and pet a whole bunch of animals sleep next to a bear oMG how delightful when else could you ever petal on an eagle and meerkat all in one day I'm touching all the Penguins and the tapir I want to know if its fur is as while we as I'm becoming it is and I'll finally get to see those damn wolves always hiding out every time I go to the zoo at least the tiger prowls visibly as far as the wolves are concerned everyone can knock off great until you oversleep and you're in the bear pen with a live pair Rob steal and plunder also take a nap and people start calling the police because their valuables are gone why would you call the police on someone taking a nap he took someone else's nap I think I'd borrow a tow truck and swap as men in identical cars that I can find in my neighborhood just to see what happens family with white minivan sweats all the minivan families won't notice anything different and just go on with their day until their car keys unlock their neighbors car enter Parliament while it's in session sharpie everyone with funny faces pick off everybody I know and place them in bed naked of course with their eggs then sit back and relax waiting for all hell to break loose that's evil but also brilliant some people want to watch the world burn and Here I am wanting to be the one who sets it on fire first why watch it burn when you can get full access to the flames give a man a fire warm him for a day set a man on fire warm him to the rest of his life I'm gonna try on some clothes that I think might fit but I'm embarrassed to get stuck yet while we're really all out here living the same life but if you get stuck no one will be able to help you for 24 hours I can Hulk out of a blouse if it pisses me off I'll be real with you here and not give you some corny answer that I would personally and gladly rob a whole lot of banks same and if I did hit up all the banks within a specified radius I'd probably hit the registers of large franchised businesses too honestly you'd probably be better off skipping the banks entirely most banks don't hold very much cash anymore and most of the time they know the serial numbers on the money they have so unless you know how to launder money you get caught if you ever tried to spend that money on top of that even without factoring in other people it would take a significant amount of time and effort to break into a bank vault cash registers on the other hand would only take a crowbar in a few seconds and the store safes could be broken into relatively easily as well in all honesty though you would be much better off taking valuable non unique items than cash items can be explained away as we based purchases inherited items auction Lots and other such plausible excuses massive amounts of cash suddenly appearing is really hard to explain away and believe it or not the IRS is likely to check that sort of thing out my plan would be take a lot of valuable items and then get into the storage unit business if I start buying the contents of used storage units at auction I can shuffle the stolen items into the Lots and no one could ever prove anything then I resell all the valuable items from the lots as well as the stolen items until I've made a massive profit this guy lenders go around the neighborhood and move all furniture slightly to the right put paintings and slightly off angles tilt laptops creams small things that would make everything seem off but no one would be able to realize exactly what was wrong oh yeah it's big brain time it goes steal some cash and then if I didn't know everyone would be coming back in 24 hours start freaking out and probably go to sleep hoping that I was having a weird dream and things will go back to normal if I sleep and wake up again slaughter people in video games as they cannot move and destroy their KD and maybe finally find out what a girl's n looks like this took quite a turn no need to stop time for the last one incognito mode does the job well enough go to a store get as many flowers and ice cream cones as possible they won't melt because time is standing still and give a flower and an ice cream cone to everyone I see also I'd rob a bank wholesome and realistic or thank you I just wanted to bring joy to everyone's day everyone except for the people at the bank remain unnoticed by anyone for yet another day I suppose but there are lots of us sitting quietly at home in our rooms in a way we're all sitting together I go back to sleep I just realized I might not even notice if it happened at the wrong time [ __ ] edit spelling you'd have to be away from anything that normally moves for a whole 24 hours that means no people no clocks no environment etc eventually you'd notice the Sun isn't moving neither are the clouds you can't hear anything et Cie etcetera you underestimate my power find the largest bookstore I can and steal every book I want to read hundreds and hundreds make sure you take extra good care of your glasses I've got three pair of reading glasses I learned a valuable lesson from that episode that's not fair that's not fair at all pull up never gonna give you up on everyone's devices when time unfreezes everyone gets recalled at the same time pure comedy I would go to all my loners offices and wipe my files college loans medical bills mortgages etc you sit in front of the computer and are greeted with please enter your password yet I don't think you're gonna be able to wipe all of that the password is on a post-it note on the Mon cher it's one two three four bad bad things your bad-boy Scottie sterling but he's a damn good goalie find some nearby construction vehicles and smash IT on top of a filthy toaster I came here seeking answers but it was you do Roeder allah okay so first you grab all the knives in your kitchen za warudo mutant una muller muta and then what what's second yes break into a movie theater and steal the projector and popcorn maker in that realm go to all stores that sell TVs and speakers and set the volume to max perhaps have them play media from the hub breaking news 80% of National Lego supply disappeared out of thin air everyone is shocked unexpected answer considering user name go to the prison where my rapist is and shoot him leave and never be blamed for it also I'd go visit the museum's I like some are really crowded so being able to wander alone is nice edit thank you guys for all of the kind words it makes the bad days a lot easier I seriously want this to happen wall into Canada without my passport edit so obviously I meant walk autocorrect once a wall though Who am I to argue then walk back not having to worry about the u.s. Border Patrol asking you 100 million unnecessary questions about weed uh can rebel take a tour of area 51 probably plot twist they put you in a simulation cut Donald Trump's hair at first I thought no way I can do that in 24 hours then realized wait a minute no traffic I can easily hijack any car when I run out of fuel no one to stop me from entering the White House how long is it from my state a TC anyway I can totally make it steal a motorcycle it'll be easier to navigate through frozen cars on the street change his wig superglue that [ __ ] working more still sheltering in place with husband and drink wine hot bath chick flick and a nap all those self-care things I'm missing see how many people I could pants in 24 hours I try to find out why time froze then sleep join our community discord link in description Robin hoodie down steal from the rich and help the poor me I'm the poor you well thanks I'm rich now Robin Hood squint sighs you're what the real question is with the reflection on mirrors change well considering that time is frozen but only you're not light wouldn't bounce off you because it's not moving so the reflection on mirrors would be the same as what it was before time froze lits behind him for the sake of eliminating weirdness that anything inside you still moves and isn't affected by the time freeze so you don't end up eating food that stays in your throat also anything that is molecularly bonded does not break apart so you can pick up entire objects and such if like doesn't bounce off you then it wouldn't hit your retinas and you'd be blind your pranks and shenanigans just got a lot harder huh I didn't think of that but Hindon that light still moves then because otherwise it kinda doesn't work I break into Tiffany's at midnight do I go for the vault no I go for the chandelier it's priceless as I'm taking it down a woman catches me she tells me to stop it's her father's business she's Tiffany I say no we make love all night in the morning the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms I tell her to meet me in Mexico but I go to Canada I don't trust her besides I like the cold thirty years later I get a postcard I have a son and he's the chief on police this is where the story gets interesting I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero she's been waiting for me all these years she's never taken another lover I don't care I don't show up I go to Berlin that's where I stashed the chandelier I will go delete Trump's Twitter account acknow that time freeze oh I think that'd be hilarious wait that's illegal steal kill and eat can't food paper children children children and children touch arrow of someone who isn't my wife then go to my wife and beg for forgiveness for the remaining time but she's frozen in time exactly for 24 hours or I'll feel guilty as hell and then she'll kill me when she's not frozen in time plenty of Quicksilver shenanigans walk into places I would never get into otherwise into bikers club houses drug dens guff secret laps evidence lockers people's houses move stuff if the are / glitch in the matrix goes off it was me there are a number of museums in my area I would go to as many as possible and look at everything I can without the crowds and staff depends on how things are frozen automatic doors I behind him don't work and the same go to computers but how about normal unlocked doors are they frozen in place or am I able to move them if everything except myself and the clothes I wear are completely frozen I'd probably be trapped inside for 24 hours if I can still apply force to stuff properly I just spend the day weeding a book eating packaged stuff and fruit once I gain better blooming that I can't cook since the flame ztc would be frozen maybe do it all while wearing my lab gear also shopping leaving behind the correct currency as I exert it had probably caused a bit of trouble at the tilt stock audits but all things considered it had caused less chaos than most other things in this thread so basically anything you touch can be moved life still works normally and light sources still produce light automatic doors by default wouldn't be automatic but nothing's stopping you from prying them open or smashing the glass out the same goes for normal unlocked doors and windows if you hit them enough the glass will break and you can just push the frozen glass shards out the way and head through yes flames would be frozen however this also means you can bend them and mess with them since their heat energy isn't transferring if everything in the universe is suddenly frozen except me I would be thrown at the rotational speed of the earth over 1,600 kilometres per hour so I would die instantly people would be pretty confused 24 hours later about the human residue that rocketed through the walls of ten houses well yes but actually no if everything in the universe became frozen instantly that also means that the kinetic energy you experience based on Earth's gravity would freeze therefore you'd stay where you were air molecules would also be frozen unless you touch them meaning you'd stay put and no you wouldn't asphyxiated because anything you affect via direct force can still move so when you breathe in you'll still breathe an air and breathing out would push the carbon dioxide out of the way rob a bank cash only afterward spend the day swapping bills with all the local businesses so I end up with in traceable cash and leaving behind the bank that was seemingly robbed by all the shop owners within a couple miles googly eyes on everything hahaha considering I have 24 hours and that there would be cars still on the road then I would take a motorbike or four-wheeler and attach a trailer to it I then take that to all the stores nearby and use it to loot em of video games computers and Funko pops then I go to the next store then I go to a bank that I ain't part of and looted off money I think you're forgetting the grocery store steal all the bread and you'll never need to buy bread again bread empty them out of toilet paper and keep the panic buying going settle scores yikes shoplift a little metric ton of girl clothes step 1 go to web games step 2 steel gtav step 3 why steal gtav when you can do a live-action reenactment of the game on the frozen streets that's why step 3 is blank vaccinate some carrots that just make them live longer vaccinate their kids cause they ain't Karen's steal as many toilets as possible purchase all the sex toys edit wait I mean steal why the yuck would I pay for them get some addresses of people I can get you some addresses of people if it means that much to you basically on this thread you are either a pervert or a liar I walk around the downtown of my city I miss walking around there so much after school our queue covered 19 anything I what there's nobody talking about any sexual options all the sexual options in this scenario are rape but if time freezes how is 24 hours going to pass time is frozen but since time is a human measurement based on our position in the universe there's technically no time at all it's just a seemingly random point in the universe's history at which time stops flowing in the fourth dimension freezes everything in the universe is frozen for exactly 24 human hours and become I'm frozen after 24 human hours you can still measure time even when time is frozen because our brains have a neuron set up that ticks every several milliseconds allowing us to apply an artificial scale off time technically time does not exist and neither does wait height length size volume parts per million kilometres per hour hotdog stands for football field that's an American measurement right density ionic charge per cubic centimeter pulses per node et Cie etc every measurement is an artificial human construct designed so that how complex minds can comprehend the universe we live in so / mom you just described my thoughts while I am trying to sleep and only when I'm trying to sleep and nowhere else did you have that argument lined up waiting for me to ask my dumb question actually we measure things with donuts / bald eagle in a marvel thanks for asking I would probably raid the shopping center to be honest lucky for me it's walking distance if the time stopped midday then there would be cars on the street frozen in time and completely impenetrable movable oh yeah and find a bra that fits in store well I'm a 12 year old boy so you could take a guess I would rob every store bank I can in the biggest city near me after which I would become a legend people would have no clue I stole everything kinky [ __ ] take a [ __ ] in the display toilets lows thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 950,745
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Keywords: ask reddit, Time freezes for one day. What do you do in those 24 hours?, planet reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit, updoot reddit, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, tz reddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, askreddit scary, funny askreddit, askreddit stupid, askreddit question
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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