I dissect Xenos To learn Secrets! Spies & Vivisection | Ep 1 | Nemesis DLC | Stellaris

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with mia lathrix and of course welcome to a brand new playthrough where today we are going to be beginning our journey to becoming the end game crisis itself after being the good guys over in the honor bound it's now time for me to relax and maybe be slightly less good in general so today what we're going to be doing is starting our run we are currently in the brand new version which is 3.0.1 i do have the nemesis dlc installed and here is the empire i'm going to be playing as now there are so so many new things with this dlc and with the new patch things like the new spy system we have of course the actual nemesis system itself where we can become the ultimate end of the galaxy and loads of other reworks and i'll try to get into them as i apply originally i was going to do a full playthrough but then i did a test run earlier and there is why too much stuff for me to put into one video it would be utterly dreadful also i just knocked over a bottle on my desk so clearly this is gonna go incredibly well so here is the empire we are going with we are the latherian infiltrators absolutely nothing to do with the lathrixian people because we're good guys and the latherians might be a little bit off plus i'm actually naming this after the first leader it tried to give us which is lafayette which is one of the random names and i just had to go with it so we have the latherian infiltrators we are a necrophage and we are criminal heritage it's been a long time since i've played with criminal heritage and it just really fits the theme of this run because i am going to be focusing a lot on my spy networks and the criminal heritage will give us plus 20 infiltration speed for our spies which is the main reason i've gone with it we are then also public relations specialists which might not seem to fit the theme of this empire but it does because it gives you extra envoys the extra envoys are essentially your spymasters if you choose to use them like that but before we get more into the mechanics and everything let's talk about the story of this empire since i always love a good story even if telling one isn't always my strong point i always try so this is a letharian this is a species which originally dwelled over in the shroud before it was summoned into the material plane by a very very greedy species a horribly vicious and just disgusting species here which brought them here under promises of increased wealth under promises that they can truly be alleviated of all their problems by the latherians this was a lie the latherians are a greedy vicious and ultimately envious species they seek only to destroy and take everything for themselves they're not done though they're not going to be openly hostile all the time but they are pretty darn nasty hence why they are repugnant and everything else they're just not very pleasant to be around but they are charismatic enough to be a mega corporation and everything else they are xenophobes they are militarists and they are spiritualists now originally i wanted to go with materialists because i do go with spiritualists i think a little bit too much but i really want to rush unity which this really promotes i want the temples and everything else but also i want to go with the psycho stuff so spiritualist really is the way to go this is going to make everything flow a lot more smoothly i've already mentioned about our civics we are criminal heritage which allows us to put down branch offices even if we don't have a commercial pact which is good since we can't make them if we're criminal heritage and we are public relations specialists giving us more diplomatic rights to manipulate the galaxy at large and we have two extra envoys our species is thrifty our natural physicists and our intelligence whereas our human subjects are thrifty rapid breeders and traditional they are unruly and slow learners not really learning from them they're mistakes a lot of them wish to ascend and become latherians themselves even though again clearly not learning from past mistakes that's probably not a good idea we are going with the necroid voice and we are going with the new ship type the imperial ships now i'm not going to take sure if this really fits with the theme of everything but i do kind of love the look of them they're all i don't want to say steampunky but you'll see you'll see when you see them i will be looking all the ships a lot especially in the first few episodes we are starting off at entropy's promise because that was the random name assigned and i think it fits really really well so then we're done with that let's set up everything else uh the end game i'm going to set to 2300 yeah let's go with that crisis type i will keep as random actually i might set the end game a little bit later because that's not really the goal of this playthrough and i'm going to be doing things very inefficiently a lot of things have changed and i noticed i wasn't playing fantastically so we're going to set it like that apparently the game now also runs a lot better everyone i've spoke to from people with very bad computers to people with beasts like mine apparently the game runs way better in the new patch so really looking forward to that uh we're going to have a huge empire then to really test that maximum crisis strength when it does arrive we are going to have scaling difficulty for once because i really like scaling difficulty after playing with the ai mod and i want to use it again it also means we can be a little bit more aggressive in the early game we will be setting the difficulty though to maximum grand admiral so although they don't get the bonuses straight away they will get it over time and become scarier and scarier and scarier hoping i don't regret this decision trusting the ai here which isn't always a good idea but i really love scaling difficulty after the last few runs so i am going to be keeping that everything else is as it should be oh except for for some reason primitive civilizations are at max there we go back to normal let's not cheat because we really love primitive civil civilizations as a necrophage probably would be a little bit unfair there stumbling over every word let's go with a spiral galaxy because i just want something different and we are off ooh new art cool and so we begin very close to the core of the galaxy so the very first new thing then to showcase almost instantly is this you can see the ui has changed drastically for the planets themselves and we now have a brand new district type we have the industrial district giving us artisans and metallurgists essentially allowing our normal districts to now produce alloys and consumer goods however they have changed the actual buildings themselves so the alloy foundries and the civilian industries can no longer be built more than one per planet and i believe as you upgrade them they simply add more to the districts themselves uh giving more jobs per district or something similar rather than improving the building's normal output again we'll get a lot of this stuff wrong we'll find out together as we continue the next thing i want to quickly touch on is just the fact that the population growth has now changed as well not only are you affected by all the normal modifiers there we have rapid breeders xenophobe etc but also we have population growth 3.0 plus 2.51 from pops so this is the number of populations on the planet will actually affect how fast new populations are grown which makes complete sense more people means more people making more people so that all out the way let's get into the main thing i really want to do as fast as possible what i really want is temples temples will give us the lovely thing known as unity there we are eight unity five society research ten amenities it's also gonna have a very happy world and this is because the ascension perk become the crisis so with this we need to have at least two other ascension perks already unlocked and as soon as we get this this tab down here will unlock and then we can start contributing to our menace and then eventually unlock some really really powerful stuff and honestly end the galaxy that is our goal we are a spiteful and horrible lot and maybe it's gonna bring happiness to everyone the shroud is a very pretty place and bringing it into the material realm can only bring happiness and joy you know what yeah we're doing them a favor so we're gonna need lots of unity thus lots of temples building slots also are no longer affected by number of population they're now affected by your planetary administration and your city districts once you build like city districts you'll get one extra building slot open our recent encounter with alien life forms just over here on the desert world has reignited and made suddenly more urgent the old debate on how we should approach contacting any potential intelligent alien civilizations we may meet we'll also advocate a hostile pre-emptive action against them others advise caution pointing out that it would be wise to learn more about the aliens capabilities before we risk antagonizing them yes we can't do this one because you know we are xenophobes it'd be wise to be cautious or we must ward off those who would threaten us so this one we cannot attack neutral entities other nations will find it harder to establish communications with us negative first contact events are less likely to happen whereas this one we can attack neutral entities and enables hostile first contact options such as abduction and dissection whoops i slipped well it looks like you're gonna have to dissect the alien to make sure we know them you know we get to know them inside and out i love my job okay we found our first primitive civilization because we are the beautiful necrophages it means that our first two guaranteed habitable worlds are instead guaranteed um primitive civilizations so the question is do we go ahead and grab the abduction ascension perk and simply abduct them or do we just land i'm actually tempted to do the landing option now there's an argument for both sides of this and most people seem to believe that the writing option is the better and i actually am in that party at the moment but i don't want to spend my alloys and resources on enough ships to make that quick because it it's very slow with only three of our ships the problem with landing on the planet though is it takes a very long time for you to stop having stellar culture shock and you can't move them until then although as we'll see later the resettling has been drastically nerfed because now your populations can actually just move to other planets if there's not enough jobs and everything else on your planet it's automated which i love so so much but because of that it now costs energy and influence to move populations it's very expensive so what i think i'm going to do is land on the planet so let's get ready some ground forces and i am going to purge them and turn them into a straight away so i'm just going to use the necrophage purge option because we have xenophobes we'll have this and just convert all of them at once no need for the temple to convert them over time it'll just be us straight away and then we'll grow humans over there who will start doing the menial labor since our lovely litharians really really don't like doing manual labor right yeah there we go minus 10 worker pop output they need to be specialists and above they really do going to invest quite a bit in science ships we really do want to find other empires as soon as we can our ground forces are about to land there should be a very quick fight there we go and we now have this world oh we even have some precipice on that's interesting for lighter oh and they have a lovely um primitive ability there earthbound game giving plus 10 energy credits might not completely destroy them straight away okay but now perch type is necrophage so straight away undesirables they'll all be converted into our superior form oh yeah speaking of which humans yeah you're currently owned populations is that a problem uh no we have enough of the fear that you may as well just keep that yeah just keep being there that's fine i may have changed that later but not yet okay so temple we're gonna build a admin office here and then that's probably gonna be it for now yeah as soon as one of you goes you'll be converted why are none of the humans growing here they don't have migration oh it's not their own pops are they they should really be migrating automatically don't need to move one well definitely speed things along so there we go there's now a human here so in a second we should have a growth there we go some homegrown humans oh yes let's try and get some necks as soon as possible as well although we are spiritualist i am definitely going to be using robots anything to acquire more stuff oh we have a nasty thing over here ah but it will allow us now to showcase the new way of investigating an alien species so before normally you'd get the situation log events and then you'd have to pay sighted research but now you just send one of your envoys the daughter of tig for instance so this is very similar to the archaeology side except for it's a fair bit faster you'll have events and choices sometimes especially with other empires i'll cover it more in detail with the other empires because we're going to be a bit interesting with that one but now i just really prefer this system it's a lot smoother than having to spend everything on it has two more insights feel free to pause and read this if you wish okay there's the next primitive civilization now made contact with these fellows so as usual they're just the marauders once again i will read and go into way more detail with some of the others okay what i think i need to do though start sending some science vessels as true scout ships i am just surveying everything at the moment because i wanted to find all the primitives and everything but now can you just try and get over there and i'll just keep on sending you to explore until we find another empire wow we got lucky wait seriously that wasn't even one of our guaranteed ones and we found the alien logs as well okay uh i'm very happy with this start as you can imagine it said there was an encounter here but i can't see anything oh okay uh in that case i want to actually find the ship because some of the events don't work unless they're in range i believe and you know what let's build our very first industrial districts because i'm going to want alloys to defend myself and i'm going to want more consumer goods because i want more temples [Music] okay can you please just stay in the system also found our very first other empire we've made first contact with the mysterious aliens in the orim system for now we have codenamed them epsilon menace until we can find out more about them if they possess a language we should decipher it so that we can assess how much of a threat they pose and how delicious they will taste mistaken identification it seems our linguists have suffered a major setback in their attempts at codifying of the language used by the epsilon menace unfortunately what they had taken to be their language quite simply was not a language in her report envoy mubi daughter of states that after days of investigating the mata from every angle the linguist finally concluded that it was in fact probably an attempt at music that's minus two insights a system service with a casual insult thrown in there as well okay well we're definitely gonna want to survey all this area since you want to block them off we're not gonna be friendly with them as you can imagine i was saying at the start we might not be openly hostile straight away but that's not necessarily true because we are going to be trying to cut them apart potentially maybe we've had another encounter this time by looking things just the space whales i'll send my other envoy over to deal with that we all know what the space whales are nothing really too much of interest space-faring civilization discovered it has quickly become apparent that the so-called epsilon menace are in fact part of a major spacefaring civilization our probes in the system have detected starships flitting between the system's second planet and alpine planet which our scans show as supporting a considerable population and various space stations across the system we've been able to intercept considerable volumes of communication traffic but so far accurate translations have proven elusive let's nab some of them for closer inspection aliens captured a brave team of covert special forces escaped epsilon menace territory with hostages captured from one of their colonies in the system they are able to land on a remote part of the planet in the cover of darkness and see several live aliens as well as a large stash of technical hardware that is sure to help us decode their language and assess their technological level though the operation will now hitch and our operatives were able to escape without pursuits it is probably too much to hope that the epsilon menace remains ignorant of our actions interrogate or let the vivisection commence we will likely find out more from this approach but the epsilon menace will be extremely displeased when they find out but it's for science oh yeah they're instantly hostile to us we're gonna escape maybe i didn't actually need to be in the system maybe i could have been the system nearby oh please escape an enemy planet has been secured okay they didn't die at least they make sure to um get out in time and we have one more of the primitive worlds now under our control which we're going to do the same as before simply devour them oh i've just thought of something it's too late to change it now in the menace system assimilating or purging populations will give you menace points if you've unlocked the crisis ascension oh i should have done that earlier also we're gonna go one vision first since we want more unity and of course we are all unified in this pursuit what a shame i think we need more raw resources honestly at the moment we are really really lacking to make sure to grab this system and uh that system there then we can pretty much guarantee that he can't get through although no i don't get this one i'll be a bit too greedy just keep on trying to expand as best we can so next i'm actually going to grab harmony the reason is i really want unity of self necrophaging populations give unity which we're going to do lighter and i also want the extra stability and everything else though we could go potentially with discovery and really rush some tech since tech will help us with our spying efforts giving us extra encoding and extra um code breaking uh they're saying that dominion is great because it increases the output of our humans no domin domination because we also want the extra unity so there's lots of things there we really really want hey end of our homeworld we're about to convert some humans into la there okay alien study complete we have concluded our study on the epsilon menace aliens we recently captured the hostages proved unwilling to cooperate with us but this became a moot point as we've begun to cut them open we now know much about the internal functions of their gizzards ears claws and other body parts giving our genetics researchers valuable xenobiological data driven to terror by the cruelty of our actions a handful of aliens and my screen just turned off that's a great time you know what i'm leaving this in aha who we now know to be the figuri i'm going to and bob cooperated with us as we sought to translate their language and access their computer systems as a result we now have a considerable intelligence we are able to deploy against them should the need arise a most satisfying conclusion plus 20 influence ends the first contact procedure with the serene figure alliance research option gained hydroponics farming oh lovely and plus 50 towards that and our knowledge of their internal organs will be of use during espionage operations intel is set to 35 swings that you know a little bit about them we wish you no harm left here but i know that we do not look kindly upon our kind being subjugated to unspeakable atrocities on your operating tables you have already earned our eternal displeasure do not push us further so we can't do the first one here oh we should actually make them like us a bit more see i do love this the fact that these now actually have a point whereas before it was no matter what you said at the start it didn't really matter no it does uh so there's this one which is minus 33 spy network growth on us or we can go with this one which is the one i'm going to go with which will give us plus 33 growth on them that they won't like us much for it which we don't particularly care about so uh one thing you'll notice is that i don't instantly see their borders anymore because i don't have the intel i see some of them because they're close to us but i have no idea what's going on over here at all it's because we simply wouldn't know that our sensors don't reach there and we don't have any intel of course we can fix that through our spy network oh we just have internal organs over here as you can see this is the first time this has actually worked for me in the test run which was only in about an hour of ply through just make sure i got the very basics down i actually failed that and their ship escaped that's why i was so keen to have the ship close by i didn't get that that's just a i think that's a brain on a plate okay let's send in one of our fellows so now as you can see that's leveling up spy network established we have received our first clandestine report from spymaster movie daughter of fura inside the serene figure lions this marks the foundation of our first spy network within a zeno empire ideally positioned to warn us of their alien and duplicitous schemes instantly they close borders with us we are obviously very sad about this so sad so we have all different options here i think there's a few more which you unlock later things like gathering information preparing sleeper sales which just allows us to move away that all this going down acquiring assets this can be defectors on their side or just traitors and all that other good stuff i said the same thing there um extort favors so we get favors from even if they hate us steal their technology sabotage starbases basically blowing up things and arm privateers making privateers appear within their space now doing these things will also give us menace points once we have everything unlocked so you can see here we have the infiltration level and that will affect how much intel we have essentially it's the minimum we can have is our infiltration once it's above a certain amount and this will allow us to see things right now i have no idea how much fleet power they have for instance i don't know why they hate us i really don't know i couldn't hazard a guess why they don't like us could be anything honestly as the necrophage goes off there okay so i need to move over here as fast as possible so i can block them off um what would be the best way of doing this yeah i think i should try to be greedy and grabbing this system would be the best way so that system and that system that way we only need two bastions and that will completely block them off from our territory and we just found the space whales as mentioned before okay that'll become more stable as time goes on and we're making the necrophage pops oh we need more jobs yeah we need more resources so i think just basic jobs is probably what we want here not anything else we need minerals we need food energy you just need everything we have our first factions so we have the unity party which is the xenophobes uh we are probably gonna do that as it goes how invasive is he no studies you have no idea and then we have the militarist which currently is just upset about everything could just make you a rival already i mean we're not gonna like each other let's be real so sure harm relations and closed borders don't know why they're open honestly i have went blind there we go i'm completely blind then oh why why is that going bad oh just the intel felt i'm assuming that's because of the closed borders yeah i'm assuming closed borders affects your intel so that's fine that will go back up later once we have more of this oh that's something i didn't even consider i mean it makes complete sense if that is what just happened our economy will definitely bounce back quite a bit once all these worlds stop having stellar culture shock because right now we're getting minus 33 resources from jobs and then minor stability which is further decreasing resources from jobs so these two worlds are practically worthless that is definitely one of the reasons why going for the riding can be definitely better early on since you can avoid that by simply getting all the populations onto your home world and then dealing with them it doesn't help as well that the left lafayette don't like being workers and produce less resources so they're not actually giving us much anyway okay looks like this bit opens up which is good because i think we're about to hit a dead end over here right no no never mind i thought his dead end isn't fantastic oh hurry up and grab these worlds please i think they're expanding over there i saw the border kind of shift can we see the home world by any chance no we can't i'm hoping we can soon because once we can i can put down a criminal enterprise and that will give us a lot of energy so this time i won't be devouring all these straight or why because they live on a frost world which i can't really inhabit in fact i might just make them residents turn on population so migration controls make them residents you're not sure give them slightly better rights and everything else so they can do all their jobs and that way we can start using this world straight away again won't get too many resources from this purely because minus 33 less stability but we'll get something at least well our greed is apparently paid off i'm now building the next star base over here i mean i haven't been able to grab either of these worlds because all of my resources went into this but they should put it in a good position to not instantly be killed by them maybe so one thing i've noticed as well oh i just finished the tech so one thing i noticed when i was getting the tech is this minerals from constructions plus 20 it seems like they are pushing for more resources from space does this count as the stations as well or is it just the star bases in which case i need to find a right what does give you minerals in space is it the nebula it's the nebula right so if we try and shift over to this direction not sure i'm not sure if i'm actually hitting the mark there might be a bit wrong but it does seem like a lot of stuff which normally wasn't giving stuff from spanx now is so either they've just buffed it a little bit or they're trying to push it a bit more don't know we'll find out as we go so what more alloys more alloys would start to allow us to defend ourselves but we also need more of everything else so i think i'll do his temple and also build a industrial district here as well that's not giving as much crime as i'd hoped but that's fine hopefully soon they'll upgrade their building so i can add a second building as well uh still enough 16 energy a month it's gonna take a while to get our return back on that i'm now remembering that the criminal syndicate isn't the most powerful thing but i still wanted it for the plus 20 here anyways i don't really mind too much oh look we have loads more options let's try and acquire an asset can we send the organs the organs make it better of course they do skill bonus of four why why are the organs good here let's have a look say so the organs are good at subterfuge and manipulation acquire asset asset is manipulation okay so this is just subterfuge i can't say anything my all my words just blended them this one's manipulation and diplomacy subterfuge and government and government diplomacy and manipulation technology so the assets will hopefully be some traitors who will be good at some of the other options so really what i want is a technology one since i really want to steal the tech since we're going to be quite behind on that so yep let's send in the organs now we need 900 energy so uh you know i really want to do this right now before the end of the episode so let's send in some organs construction adventure completed so there it goes construction mobilizing operatives our deep cover operatives have stepped up their surveillance on potential targets narrowing the field a short list of targets has been drawn up these operatives who are no longer tasked with surveillance will provide cover for the others so doing this will also knock down our infiltration level which is a shame since we'll lose some of our intel for a while but having all these extra operatives will be very very good for us i also think what we should do is just throw down a few corvettes just so we can defend ourselves a little bit better construction and minerals are now being produced a lot faster since at least one of our worlds is no longer in stellar culture shock as well which is great the spymaster recently launched a quiet investigation into her own operatives [Music] within the alliance after noticing a recent drop in their performance she discovered these operatives skimming from the resources allocated to intelligent gathering and bribes these goods and currencies are being reinvested elsewhere in business concerns earning the operatives a comfortable profit at our expense as a result their attention and loyalties have clearly become divided progress has been put on hold for the moment until the spy master can reassert operational efficiency this cannot be tolerated dispose of these operatives which will lower our infiltration or get plus one percent trade value i'm guessing this is because we're a um a mega co-op but saying that would actually have the option well the little icon to say that so i'm going to go with the plus one percent dried value it's not much but sure as long as this is still moving along which it is as the operation nears its conclusion that the spymaster has moved to secure a new asset within the alliance our remaining operatives are poised to facilitate any cover she may need now the spymaster reports from the alliance a successful execution so far we have won the loyalty of a rebel whose desire for disruptive change may easily be molded to suit our goals as well fantastic it's a good look see our new operative there we are oh they want to go with the sabotage starbucks definitely all right it's military it's also only one of the two but still so this is a hacker okay i'm gonna do that again so what else we can get because you get all sorts of combos and because we have them as well we get plus five to our maximum infiltration level you know what they i'm just gonna try and grab a second one as well for now we're just stacking all this up for when we have the crisis all operational so we can start earning points towards that then we can be a lot more hostile with it well this is where i'm going to be calling the episode for now so we found our first empire about to find a second empire we have set up our spy network our very first one and we already have been using their organs to win the loyalty of their rebels it's a very weird thing admittedly but it is seemingly working you know what let's start this one as well so i don't forget there we go and with that concludes the first episode so if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows us tolaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future in the next episode we are definitely going to be able to unlock the become the crisis ascension perk this will allow us to start earning menace points for doing all sorts of naughty things within the galaxy which will finally let us become the crisis we always knew we could be if you put your heart and soul into things of course you can end the galaxy also it kind of looks like our empire is becoming britain which is very interesting weird shave thank you for watching have a lovely day and do take care and until next time goodbye now i'm finally off to get some sleep because apparently i always need to record at 2am for some reason
Channel: Lathland
Views: 109,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5cV62MDrl1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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