Stellaris - Hegemon Mechanics (This is My Favourite Origin on the Citadel)

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all right straight up right off the get-go we don't have any fancy footage here for today it's just stock b-roll because we're gonna be talking about what is possibly one of my favorite origins outside of shoulders of giants it is the head Jeremy start o Angemon I like your common ground brother you are so much more fun not such no such thing as democracy because you are in fact a person or Empire that says how it is hegemon cannot be understated I mean with how much fun it is in addition to this particular particular playthrough or least mechanics video common ground also somewhat applies here I'm not gonna do a separate video about common ground because I just think it's not all that great hegemon on the other hand is hegemon what does it do well you start as a head yeah a head as a hegemon I can't pronounce this word head Jenna me and Jenna me let's go with a hedge enemy Federation with two additional members rnjesus will roll the dice will roll up to ur and the men pyres and they will be with you the entire way what an exciting time that is all members will occupy any guaranteed habitable world slots near your home system so you're gonna be losing those guaranteed home system slots or at least those planetary slots which is a little bit annoying but don't you worry there is a way around this I'll talk about that soon and of course we start with that Federation tradition on lock so not only do we get the diplomatic tree unlocked after off the get-go we also get the Federation option so we get two to unity traditions right off the bat right off the get-go which is just wonderful we cannot be dished out we cannot be xenophobe we can it be fanatic xenophobe where we can be fanatic purifiers and inward perfection all of all of these not being able to be xenophobe is the most annoying one but we can offset all of that stuff with the wonders and beauty of of course authoritarianism ah that's right ah it's it's good it's an empire of course of course we got to be an empire it wouldn't be a hegemony without it being an empire I also enter in this particular case for fnatic militarist it will make sense later on top of that distinguished Admiralty for a little bit more firepower as well as the fleet command limit bonus which I adore and diplomatic or diplomatic horrors shaping up to be one of the best ethics in the game it has so much impact especially if you're going to be playing the Galactic community game yes it's so good the additional invoice is so strong the additional diplomatic weight it's it's it's basically fanatic Zena vile except instead of trade value we would get just even more diplomatic weight which is just wonderful but that's that's not part of this video at all this is just how we're gonna set things up it's all get fun let's dive in into hegemon see what it looks like so you started off it's interesting isn't it yes definitely is very interesting right off the get-go the thing with hegemony is is this is a purely mechanical origin there's no fancy stuff going on here there is a system in the game of course which is the hegemony which you can activate and in this particular case you get it for free at the start of the game with all the bells and whistles that come with that let's take a quick look at our environment we got our brothers and sisters we got ourselves some free traders I believe this is a mega Corp yes they are and you already saw the button there the button that's gonna make sense later on and of course we got these hedge imanakum pea realist s-- they're also militarist which is nice it it helps us later as you know file other xena files not all that great because of authoritarianism anyway let's take a quick look here at what we have we are of course starting off as the president of the hedge enemy and well right off the get-go we get the modifiers that nobody can leave their jeanna me unless the president and gives the approval that means that as long as you are in power you can do whatever the hell you want and that is great because not only do we have our own fleet we can also rely on the fleet's of our brothers and sisters a nearby plus the Federation fleet that they are going to be building for us because we are the leader of this hige enemy therefore we should be running the Federation fleet don't we yes I think so as well so this comes on all sorts of hilarious bells and whistles button first of all we're going to need to assign all of our end boys to the wonders and that is the human friendship sphere oh boy is there gonna be a lot of friendship here why are we assigning all of these envoy's well we want to get to the next level and specifically level three as soon as possible why do we want to get the level three has to do with this one join or Die one of the best bonuses in my opinion that comes with the Federation for Federation's in general really it's join or die it gives you a special CB that you can attack an enemy Empire and if they lose they have to join the enemy that's right their loss is your strength yes and that's great also it means that at the start of the game we have four fleets the two empires of my own and the Federation fleet early wars have never been this easy conquest is guaranteed but there's a couple of important things we need to do here first we are going to need to take control of these two empires in creative ways we don't want to end next them maybe later we'll get to that but first of all we want to completely lock them off we want to make sure that they cannot do anything except for having their own system their own internalized economy and just crank out ships because with the AI the higher the difficulty level is the more resources the AI gets so the AI can basically build infinite fleets regardless of what you do which is incredibly powerful lower difficulty levels it's less so but even then the strength is still there let's jump forward a little bit and see what this scenario looks like and what we do after this so as you can see we have effectively locked off these two hegemon empires butts in between those stars they've managed to get three planets in total we only have one but we're about to get a relic world over here which is currently being occupied by a wonderful wife might oh look it's Arrested Development on their leader I did not even see that still though with them locking with us locking all this stuff off they will need to spend insane amounts of influence in order to get any systems under their control which basically means that they're not gonna do be doing any expanding anytime soon but as you can see we have a federation fleet here which is of course called the second wave I don't know why it's probably because it was from this here empire but they send them over and we're just gonna use this second wave fleet to do all the fighting for us why are we sending the Alliance fleet out well it has to do with our diplomatic weight right now our diplomatic weight is on par with this Co NT Empire which is obviously not great we want to have as much weight as possible which means that we want to lock in the enemies well at least our frenemies for now and make sure that we can continue developing ourselves and that we get as much control of the economy as possible and stay in control of the hedge enemy forever that's right we want to stay in control the hegemony as long as we can preferably forever and on top of that we want to start leveling now we can take a look here at our laws because laws are very important in this particular thing we haven't really talked about this stuff within the videos so far for Federation's but this is really where the hegemon start really really shines now secession type in this particular case is strongest this means that the strongest Empire in this particular case with the diplomatic weight will become the Empire that becomes the next guy in charge which at the start of the game is fine you can make sure that you have enough diplomatic weight or diplomatic power within your empire and of course that's where the envoy's come in you can apply those in there to your Federation and with those envoy's applied you will have as much diplomatic wave as you need which is where the where the civic comes in as well now obviously we can space it off economy technology fleets we can always changes around but if we go further down its where stuff really really gets interesting specifically once diplomatic weight starts kicking in or the war declaration specifically the president decides ie you decide you want to invite members the president decides you want to kick members the president decides and specifically the war declaration the president decides basically means that you can just send all the fleets of your hedge enemy to the enemy without them well at least the members having any say in it you are in fact slowly but steadily politically maneuvering your Federation in order to become tough dog and there is no way in hell that anybody can do anything about it but at some point obviously you've properly established yourself within the galaxy you have got your and Jenna me you are clearly the strongest power would in set hedge enemy now you've got these two little lumps just hanging off what do you do at this point how do you make things interesting because these guys are donating naval capacity to your Federation fleet without them there is no Federation fleet and of course they are building them is it a good idea to keep them around let's keep take a look shall we so sooner or later you will find yourself in a scenario where you've managed to unlock level three and as you can see we get all of these Casas Bala at the top and that all means that we can use the hegemon cassis belly on our neighbors which is exactly what we're gonna be doing however it's important that if we want to go for a causes belly and actually enacted that we attack the enemy to a certain extent but also take their systems so for instance I would want to take this little cluster over here and it's got a world on it worlds are good worlds are economic and diplomatic power and just make sure that they are left with maybe two systems so that he can work on what they have available to themselves and they can continue donating naval capacity to your Federation fleet because the Federation fleet is a life I cannot say this enough in this particular case the Federation fleet is a little bit weak but we can always improve all of that stuff it is also important to note that unlike tributary or vassals the Dominion members or hegemony members will not be donating any resources to you yes that comes later on for instance at level 3 we get resource modifiers from pops all pups by 5 percent level 2 as well level 4 we get a 2 so overall we get a 15% pop bonus on top of our head Jenna me and we also get for instance the fact that a research agreements are no longer costs costing any influence Federation influence gain for instance is a thing as well and then also of course the last one Federation modifier every member transfers 10% of their diplomatic weight to the presidents and we always want to make sure that we are in fact the president however a join or Die is still the most important one and at this stage we have actually unlocked it so we are going to go to war with these guys over here take a bunch of their systems by claiming them of course through the clean system as you can see I've cleaned a couple of systems here it's gonna pick up this one as well while I'm at it and just go into clear war it's it's easy it's simple and we're just gonna do it as they do not seem to be having any friends whatsoever and we're just gonna go with that and as you can see establish hedge enemy and they will be joining us very soon I'm the one that declares the wars because I have decided that I am the one who can declare in fact the wars now sooner or later you will get into a position where you've effectively conquered the enemy territory let's the speed is up and making sure that we're getting all of these systems under our control because of ruined strategic coordination center is just absolutely yummy and is going to add even more fleet power to us in the late game but it's Poynter we're gonna be like hey yeah we're just gonna go ahead and achieve our goal or goals we'll get a bunch of systems out of this the best possible outcome of course and we have taking a taken a lot of additional territory but at the same time have added this alien species within our a jenna me which adds all sorts of a cool additional flavor as you can see the entity is now by far the weakest and diplomatic wave within our empire which is fine it's it's something that we can deal with but it does mean that we have more fleet power being added to our Federation fleet pretty much the entire time and at this point you can start making the decision am I going to say for instance take the next powerful Empire say to say the pinaka free traders they're starting to get a little bit uppity you're starting to get a little bit tough or you can just kick them from the Federation and then immediately claim their systems and take them oh yes you can do that you can take an enemy capital world incredibly quickly completely and properly developed and just take them and always just make sure that you have at least one other empire added within your hedge enemy to make sure that the hedge enemy survives and you can still use 2cb because that is really important but at this point the agenda me is getting so strong and completely rolling out of control that you can basically do whatever the hell you want what are the neighbors doing well probably not all that much it claims some of their systems a couple of their homeworlds some of these guys some of these guys some of these guys and as soon as that all is done we go to war we take the take the systems at at the same time turn them into a head you mini-sub subject pretty much at this point because let's be fair this is not a Federation this is a tributary system and just keep on adding them and every single one of them is gonna add more and more and more fleet power to your almighty Federation fleet and the best part is the AI is gonna build your Federation fleet for you don't have to deal at any of that stuff you don't want to go to war it's perfectly fine don't send your ships in they stay just stay at home your gigantic home fleet that is generating all your diplomatic power in the Galactic community stay leave it at home send in the Federation fleet let them die in a horrible fire because your diplomatic power is King Rama dozenn voice we had earlier on oh yes we're going to sign them all to the Galactic community and start pushing through all of our stuff we're already the biggest baddest member of the galactic community here we're not gonna leave absolutely not we're a Thor of our autocrats we gotta suppress the xenos they are gonna be doing our bidding and we are gonna push through whatever the hell we want I love this particular origin it is beautiful it adds so much flavor it is fun and it really really ties into the new diplomatic system within - in the game of course the common ground we origin is very similar in that respect it's good fun it's solid gameplay and I highly recommend for you to go and play it because this is some of the funnest stuff that I've had in solarz for quite some time I hope that you enjoyed this video for those of you who are still watching and are about to hear about my patreon my relationship and my might move my wife is going really steady she's currently sitting downstairs watching garbage a British television about people that are losing weight I'm not interested in that whatsoever but still if you want to you know support the channel and make sure that I can continue to make videos and make sure that I stay the hell away from watching television with my wife especially when it comes to these terrible British daytime TV shows then that would be great feel free to go down to the description below and check out the patreon if there's anything you like feel free to support in addition this particular origin is only part of Federation's if you like what you see here and you think hey this is get fun this is better than those ring worlds there are those habitats we saw earlier I want to try this out head over towards the paradox store there's a link down in the script below you can buy the expansion there I get a share of the profits so not only are you directly supporting the developers you're also supporting me even though it's not the patreon in this particular case which is a good time until next time take good care of yourselves and as always I am the hegemon
Channel: ASpec
Views: 152,641
Rating: 4.9511437 out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Federations, Origins, Origin, Shattered Ring, Mechanics, ASpec, Gemplay, 4x, Paradox Interactive, stellaris federations, stellaris origins, Let's Play, Overview, how to, Void Dwellers, Scion, Doomsday, Remnants, Galactic Doorstep, Tree of Life, Resource Consolidation, Hegemon, Common Ground
Id: 8Ydg457PhBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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