BUILDING A GIANT SPIKE TRAP MAZE To Exploit The Game - Going Medieval Is Perfectly Balanced

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ahh yess maze

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Funny-Pumpkin6457 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Rim World but better graphics at cost of everything else. IMO still a good video

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Cosmic_Homie 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
right siemens step forward step forward out dwight steps forward and get stuck then lambert then icon is just dead and cyprint is also taking incredible damage this is the trap maze it is horrible hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing the fantastic game of going medieval now this is an early access game all about leading a ragtag band of medieval peasants in their quest to try and survive a post-apocalyptic world now this game is very similar to rimworld including the fact that it has cannibalism as well as random ai villagers who are going to absolutely break your mind by making completely and utterly stupid decisions but today we're going to be playing the game in a completely different way by building a perfect society as you see our society shall exist behind a gigantic maze of spikes that's right as this gigantic wonderful death may should allow us to survive any incoming raiders because we will have no walls no gates people can just walk into our lovely village however in order to get to its center they must go for the gigantic maze of death anyway without further ado ladies and gentlemen make sure your sat back relax you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like this video now without further ado let's dive into a brand new game ah now we're going to be playing on standard normal mode you can't play on very easy but the game just becomes a walk in the park and if you play them very hard well you're just going to get a trebuchet every five seconds and yeah trebuchets ain't fun now the game has a few default little starting situations you can get a new life the nice default way a lone wolf a little bit more challenging you're just by yourself or my personal favorite custom scenario war crime wonderland welcome to war crime wonderland it's a fantastic start which gives you a whole bunch of mechanical components and sticks as well as a decent bit of wood and some fine long moments this setup is going to allow us to build the ultimate trap maze of death which is going to give us incredible power ladies and gentlemen so without further ado let's dive into our brand new world oh and yes we actually need to create our settlement now we're going to build it in the lovely valley because that will give us access to more trees and at the same time we need a name for our lovely maze of death now the thing is our entire settlement is going to be a death trap anywhere you step you might not know whether you're actually falling into a pitfall trap or maybe a gigantic swinging log that's going to take your head off there's just no way of knowing however we still want people to visit consequently we're going to be calling it disneyland because we want people to come visit the wonderful world of dozens now we actually just need to come up with a logo as well and i think i have a perfect idea well ladies and gentlemen i've created the perfect flag for disneyland um i'm calling it the phallicus flag because i just love how creative you can get with the heraldry system in this game it's incredible you can just move everything around so i've crafted the beautiful purnes that would not just represent the mighty battle wang but also it should intimidate all of our enemies as well as stop people from stealing any of our flags because why would you want to steal a flag with a gigantic furnace on it anyway let's dive into this wonderful world order here is like a huge giant at 182 centimeters and then we just have nigel here who's only 100 centimeters tall he's one meter tall and fully renamed this is going to be our entire squad for the setup of course led by the legendary big dave combined they're going to be incredibly powerful now without further ado let's throw ourselves into this wonderful world war crime wonderland war crimes ahoy arty game is confident defiant even we will make this work we will take our share of land we will build there and we will defend it many have tried some have fallen beset by bandits defeated by drought yet many have also prevailed yes have faith we're going to do it after many travails they've arrived in a valley with golden plains cut through by a snaking river for craig it conjured visions of a bountiful harvest songs and wine a place to put down roots a homeland they decided to title it dawson land perfect war crimes are ahoy so welcome to our lovely setup this is going to be home for the next while it is just a it's basically just set slap bang in the middle of a valley forest now we might not be able to survive for too long but we have one very important setup and that is to build a nice basic base and then surround the base with these incredible metal traps or alternatively wooden traps either one works or heck if we're feeling a bit cheap we can go for stick traps now before we make our maze of death we do actually need to create a house for our lovely friends so the first building we'll make will just be a very basic barracks building and so i've laid down the foundations for our first starting house and then i've surrounded it all with one gigantic wooden wall this entire area here is going to be the core setup of our entire base and then our main focus is going to be trying to lure people into this base varane bay's very spooky little traps now we're going to need a lot of wood for all of this so i'm going to designate a huge quantity of trees all around us just to be chopped on out there we go we just want to get rid of all of those all of those lovely trees fantastic stuff right now the setup is going quite well we've started construction on all of this lovely stuff here we're going to allow all of these items here so that our people actually have some food to eat i know we might as well also allow all of this random stuff lying on the ground as at the end of the day it's basically just free resources oh now what's this oh it's a herb bush nice now already our lovely little works doing a fantastic job setting up the core area of our base and we don't really have to worry about immediately getting rushed by invaders but it will happen sooner or later so it's best that we're prepared for it as soon as we finished off this house we'll start laying down the amazing foundations necessary to create the maze of death now early game food is relatively easy to come by there are berry bushes everywhere and berry bushes are very much overpowered like if you're looking at food sources in this game and you think oh yes i'll grow some cabbages or you're an absolute maniac because berry bushes just work they provide insane quantities of food as well as sticks and they pretty much work in every single environment making them the most powerful food source in the game truly perfectly balanced and i think by the time we're finished with the setup there's gonna basically be no trees left on the map as my goodness we are doing an incredible amount of damage but all of it is necessary right now my settlers are exhausted so they're going to be going to sleep for their first night tonight and whilst the house i don't think is fully finished actually it might be let's go turn the roof on and come go take a look at it yep our first house is almost finished there's a slight gap in the roof but for the most part we've actually built a lovely setup and fantastic we've now unlocked the research panel and we can actually get to work researching things now we start off the game with defensive structures and defensive structures too being researched but ideally we want to rush to agriculture as soon as possible so that we can start growing our own source of wood as well as also our own berry bushes because just like in age of empires 2 berry bushes dear lord they be powerful boys now with all of this wood basically just being dumped off outside of our base it's time for us to start actually constructing stuff so we're going to start actually making ourselves the maze now the maze is going to be effectively a gigantic nightmare snake trap of death we shall start it like so by going out this way then cutting up this way and then just going all the way along down here so that we can go down like so and then along the side of the base and then up the side of the base a bit yep you can start seeing where this is going just a nightmarish trap of death now this current maze run that we've got here is relatively decent it's not 100 fantastic but it is relatively solid it is quite long and that's very important for us because that means we're going to be able to place down a lot of traps now traps are actually really good value for money in this game in room world every time a trap is activated you kind of have to replace it again but not in this game no no no no no when a trap has been placed it can be rearmed and rearming it is cheap as chips so naturally we're going to start spamming down wooden traps all the way from this entrance onwards now the only issue is the game doesn't really want you to spam down traps and so consequently i'm just going to use my auto clicker and drag along because otherwise the game doesn't really like you building multiple traps it really was only designed for you to place maybe like five or six traps down around outside your base rather than you know all of this now of course the biggest issue with this setup is that it now makes it a nightmare to get in and out of our base which is a challenge and for the time being we still do actually need to go inside and outside of our base so because no one's actually attacking us we're going to simply deconstruct two little bits of the wall here on either side allowing us a nice easy way to get in and out now all of our lovely settlers are now going to sleep for their first night and whilst they're not necessarily the happiest tools in the shed they'll be fine eventually you know they're just getting started laying down the first few traps and and it's going to be very exciting when they all get triggered all right now we are of course going to have to install the legendary backgammon table which every society needs as well as a nice view shrine just so that everyone gets their little religious fix yeah good perfect now that should stop all of our fantastic settlers from complaining that i've been neglecting them and honestly trap maze is starting to look quite good you know it's a nice small little simple base but but it is going to grow and grow and become even more powerful now we will have to of course adapt to the raids as and when they come because we don't exactly know what kind of assaults are going to be hitting our base i think one thing to be prepared is the fact that we're going to maybe need to use archers to actually soften up people going into the trap basin so i'm going to build up this little staircase here so that we can have people run around on top of the walls the only downside is i didn't realize but only one of our actual members can wield a bow everyone else is unable to actually use the bows and arrows we've provided because i accidentally got slightly too powerful long moments instead of you know baby's first longbow now pro tip to bug out the ai the ai won't actually really bring siege weapons if they have a direct line to your colonist beds however you want to keep your colony's beds behind doors otherwise you know your colonies are going to be upset that they're sleeping outside every night however an exception can be made simply put a sleeping spot outside you know need the stock powers of your base and just make sure no one sleeps in it it is as simple as that but because it counts as a place where your colonists are going to sleep all raiders will just be lined their way straight to this bed and try and destroy it bam i've jumped into the midpoint of the video to give you a wonderful offer that's right an all expenses paid trip to disneyland all you need to do is like the video and arrive at the entrance of disneyland then simply walk through this weird snaky corridor where i 100 promise you will not be immediately murdered and have all of your goods and resources stolen so make sure to like the video for your one free entrance to disneyland today welcome back ladies and gentlemen to dawson land as you can see we've built this fantastic trench all the way around the outside of our base this trench is amazing because it does one very simple thing it means even if the enemies do bring trebuchets into the map and try and hit a portion of the side of our wall it will do absolutely nothing because there will be a trench in the way stopping them from scaling inside meaning all enemies will always have to go through the trap maze of death it's fantastic it's completely perfectly balanced and it is 100 abusing the pathfinding ai but at the end of the day as the wise todd howard once said it just works now some of you might have actually been to disneyland before and you'll tell me that you've never seen the 100 floor spikes and that's simply because they're all hidden at the entrance ladies and gentlemen as soon as you complain about spending 200 pounds on a single bottle of water that spike will immediately rise up out of the ground and then suck you back in that's why you never see anyone complaining and doesn't land oh my goodness we have far too many berries at this point now scientists might say that a human being can't sustain themselves by eating just berries for months on end and to those so-called smartypants i say well how have i managed to survive on my diet comprised of just tea leaves for the last 400 years and i turned out fine science honestly i think it's kind of unfair giving european people all of these games about medieval warfare seriously don't developers know how many times we've fought the french at this point basically every single english child is just built with the innate knowledge of how to manage trebuchet oh yes timmy today we shall be teaching you all of the fine studies of mathematics english latin and of course most importantly learning how to launch a 90 kilogram stone projectile over 300 meters you know what as the seasons are starting to change it's naturally time for us to have a discount that's right it's now 50 off all medieval torture devices down at disneyland worst of course stocks last you know we're gonna name this colonist after my favorite medieval spy ladies and gentlemen it is of course going to be none other than the legendary surveillance i know okay right you can pat me on the back i'm somewhat of an expert when it comes to puns ladies and gentlemen for example when does a medieval soldier go to sleep night time oh god no i've decided to call one of my colonists lance because you see lance is such an uncommon name nowadays but in medieval times people were called lance a lot okay that one is the worst that is actually terrible oh my goodness okay now some thomas parsons who last joined us and we've made some fantastic progress as you can see we've expanded the base a bit we're now up to three stories we've actually started production of alcoholic beverages if you can believe it and i've even dug really really really deep into the ground to build an underground food store and trying to stop our food from rotting slightly too quickly outside but of course we're having to go down even deeper to the bottom layer of the map just to try and get the coldest room possible now we are successfully managing to preserve all of our various meats which is lovely is preserved meats are going to last for about the next two years which is you know pretty decent indeed at the same time we're going to start pickling vegetables because i imagine pickled beetroot is going to last for about a millennia as well so we should be set for life at the same time we've actually managed to start gathering up just a little bit more wood meaning i can finally start building yet more wooden traps i know time is now my friends more wooden traps there we go perfect look at that all of these wonderful traps deployed note i actually want to count just how many traps i have so i've done the maps and in total there are 232 wooden traps now laid out in this region which is truly fantastic we've also been growing our own wood here because you know we needed more wood it became a huge issue you know because these wooden traps they take a lot of resources all the wood we're using that's a lot of resources there's not exactly an endless quantity of trees on the map although we are going to actually be stealing the remaining quantity of trees there we go they shall all be mine now we've got this gigantic food store underground now but we also have a nice little dining room set up next to the food store just for efficient eating purposes i've also built this nice little airlock region so that it's harder to get to the food stores and we keep and we keep the temperature down which is fantastic and we're building an even deeper food store just because this one will be even colder so that just in case summer lasts slightly too long which i don't think it will we can keep our food fresh for basically the rest of the known universe oh no everyone for some reason runs up here and starts their day by just taking a gigantic swig of all this rough wine we have and i guess that partially satisfies their alcoholic requirement although apparently it's not enough apparently these raging alcoholics need more booze than i can actually cook up if that's the case the entire top floor of this house is just going to become brewing stations for our raging alcoholics now the things we spawned into this map with a gigantic quantity of mechanical components and we have actually reached the stage of the research tree where we can make our own mechanical components via blacksmithing i'm pretty sure they just require a basic quantity of iron which actually isn't that bad at all because iron is exceedingly easy to find especially when you're just glitching your way through the terrain of the map like so until you find all of the lovely iron deposits oh look we found a hidden underground iron deposit it really is as easy as that ah fantastic news ladies and gentlemen mindless assassins have heard about the wonders of dazny land and they want to come here to fight for us they're beyond reason so naturally we're going to fight them there's apparently free adept forest banded archers and then free forest bandits and they have just all arrived immediately oh this is splendid well you know what that means it means we have to immediately deconstruct our lovely clay walls and get everyone back inside as soon as possible right we must deconstruct everything and then we are once again going to be safe all right splendid we've severed ourselves from the outside world and now they'll probably send their radar away but it's okay you know we sat inside our base we've got our food stores as long as we could possibly need and we even have free archers now that's right we can even defend ourselves ever so slightly from them now there is actually an exploit that you can do against the ai in this game which is quite fun if you can basically predict the areas where the raiders will attack you from you can basically hollow out all of the ground in the area and they'll spawn in trapped in the ground unable to attack you which is very very good and cheesy but of course it's slightly illegal anyway we're running everyone back inside of our base and service you need to run back now please please run back don't get stuck in the trap base and fall asleep right now the ai is struggling to pathfind towards us but it is starting to kick into life now here we go the ai this game really does struggle to par fight but then again pathfinding is insanely difficult we're just gonna have her stand there and be bait i guess meanwhile i should probably actually wake everyone else up now that i think about it so shooty susan you're drafted come stand up on top of this wall rtgames also drafted come stand up on top of this wall big dave you're also drafted come stand up on top of this wall oh and it has begun uh already thick here is down to basically no health and he is about to die oh meanwhile i completely forgot that we actually left a gap in our wall there so run away right away get down tfk is dead vincent is also about to die meanwhile we're going to send our archers over here to attack their archers now our archers aren't the best but they will get the job done which is all that matters and there we go we've killed all of them just two arches remaining and they will dive splendid apparently rtgame took the most damage defending disneyland in its time of need good job rt splendid well we murdered all of them lovely stuff and honestly basically no loss is on our end at all uh they didn't really get that far into the trap maze they sent three soldiers into the trap maze and the archers tried to stand around the side because i left the walls up and that has kind of resulted in just a large quantity of dead bodies which is lovely anyway let's get our clay walls added back in so that we can actually exit our base up the side again ah that went absolutely fantastically well also down here our food just doesn't spoil looks how lovely and cold it is we can store red currants down here permanently look at this stew pile it shall maintain here indefinitely splendid stuff even keep the wine down there right well i guess i just simply have to wait until the next raid comes because my goodness this has been a complete another walk in the park but then again you never know maybe as soon as winter hits we're gonna have huge problems finally we've been attacked by yet another wave of bandits this time we have seven bandits now coming towards us which is really good stuff this will keep us nice and busy uh we were a little bit busy out in the fields actually harvesting all of our beetroot you know we're really interested in pickling but nope sadly we have to all come back inside yep everyone will start having to wander back indoors which is a real shame oh and now they've all decided to begin their attack splendid right now this has to of course begin with the quick demolishing of this bit of clay wool so lance will do that and then we need to get all of our farmers out of the field so in they come and then finally we'll demolish this clay wall as well and with that everyone is back inside the base and we are ready for whatever they throw away now this time we've actually added a door to this uh little moat section here so they can no longer shoot through in order to actually do damage i will need to quickly actually prioritize locking this door however uh so they don't try and think they can shoot their way through and they do have to actually yes wander around perfect and now we actually opened fire but i mean we really want to just murder them with arrows no i want to actually let some people get inside the track maze today so even though they have some ranged boys everyone has to go inside the trap maze here they come ladies and gentlemen first trap goes off with us with an absolute bang then the next one lovely so all three traps are fired right siemens step forward step forward out dwight steps forward and get stuck then lambert then icon is just dead and cyprint is also taking incredible damage lovely stuff let's just speed this bad boy up because you know they've got quite a few traps to wander through oh my goodness look at that look at them try and step through the best thing is when you actually go underground you can see all of the traps they appear like this this is the trap maze it is horrible now we did get a run of trap misfires there but then of course one fired and it's all good cuff but here just had i think it all of his clothes break off this is splendid stuff and he's dead and cedric is going to wander forward dwight oh my goodness poor dwight arnold oh oh this is fantastic absolutely fantastic stuff they're all dead splendid we've won lovely stuff right well i guess we just get everyone up onto the battlements uh to gain some nice experience for gunning them down shooty susan is here shooting susan kill them kill dwight perfect right well i think that was his glorious and splendid success oh my goodness and with that raid defeated i think it proves just how incredible the amazing trap maze is no one can actually defeat the trap maze because the larger raids get the larger we can just make the maze it's fantastic if they bring trebuchets what are they gonna do well they'll try and break down the wall but the issue is breaking the issue is trebuchets only target one point like say this point here if they break it down no difference is made because the moat exists and you can't move past the moat at which point it might kill a few of our colonists but we do have a way to circumnavigate that we can easily begin the process of simply moving everyone to live underground like sweaty more men which is exactly what we're doing we can just put everyone's bedroom down here we store all of our amazing food down here that's never going to rot away it is incredible and we have now become completely and utterly unstoppable we've got a huge quantity of wine stored down here got a gigantic quantity of beetroot it's wonderful look at all this pickled vegetables so many pickled vegetables ah fantastic well there you have it ladies and gentlemen this is how to completely and utterly destroy going medieval if you've enjoyed what you've seen here today then make sure to give the video a like and heck why not give this perfectly balanced technique a go yourself feel free to tweet me your amazing bases that you've constructed because this is one heck of a beautiful game especially when people get nice and creative as always if you've enjoyed what you've seen here today you can even subscribe to see more of it i know it would be fantastic if you could do that and as always a gigantic thank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you lovely sausages and if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be perfect for you anyway i'll see each and everyone in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 442,133
Rating: 4.9704113 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, going medieval, going medieval gameplay, going medieval tips, going medieval trap, trap maze, GIANT SPIKE TRAP, giant maze, giant maze trap, GIANT SPIKE TRAP MAZE, perfectly balanced, going medieval exploit, going medieval game, spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, going medieval guide, going medieval steam, game break, the spiffing brit, going medieval playthrough, going medieval lets play, Exploit The Game, early access, game, video game, rt game
Id: nOAvio1zcDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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