STELLARIS IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - Excluding the infinite energy challenge

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👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/imaginary_num6er 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I thought they fixed that, at the very least to be a lot less effective.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/termiAurthur 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Spiff is the best. Heil the spiff.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Milky_nuggets 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Even if its a old version:

I never get the idea of paradox to not beta test their DLCs and large patches, but they beta test their gazillion bug fix and balance patches that fix all the crap they did not test before.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/clone1337 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

looks like it's tea time

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/GunslingerPenguin 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Spiffing Brit puts a boner in my heart.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Spiff is love

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Penginh 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

...said no one ever.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/iami3rian 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good god. First the bug, but damn this is a great video.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Enigma_789 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
as you can see we're now at 12 K energy credits and we haven't actually gone down any minerals hmmm this is rather interesting spiff might some say that perhaps the market is potentially a little bit broken at the moment hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing bridge and today we are playing stellaris and absolutely wonderful game created by Paradox Interactive I know isn't it glorious now this is a fun little game which is fun for all of the family and it can cater for almost all gameplay styles be that purging the xenos purging the xenos or purging the xenos with a cup of tea but of course what are we doing here today in the game oh look that I've titled it infinite money again oh my oh my oh my I did that in the civilization video and what did we end up with oh that's right we ended up with infinite money in free units what about today where Smith going to take her today what a day Smith is instead going to show you an infinite money game break along with one of my favourite cheesiest strategies that stellaris has to offer so yes I'm very excited to demonstrate this game for you all today ah so ladies and gentlemen I guess it's time we dive right into a fair bit of Solaris so make sure you've got your cup of tea with you your sat down you are very very comfortable maybe you've got the fireplace on maybe you're watching this video with your favorite pet or family member but most importantly you've given your Union Jack that you have flying above your PC a quick wave and it's time we dive into this video as always if you enjoy what you're seeing here today ladies and gentlemen then make sure to give the video a like as at the end of the day it really will help me out but of course where do we begin well we always begin by creating a brand new species when it comes to designing a species we need to build a species around our plan today today we're going to be playing a very special race of cheezer's who know where all of the exploits are in this game and would love to just break it it's naturally we need an aggressive evil looking deceitful race who look like they're definitely going to go behind your back and then go on to destroy the entire galaxy oh those evil monsters of course I'm talking about the butterfly people look at them my goodness that's our butterfly people organize now we just need to give them a natural name for those of you that aren't aware we're going to be playing a hive mind so it makes sense that we come up with a name which is all about inclusivity and groups of people I've got it ladies and gentlemen it's the community ladies and gentlemen here we have it ladies and gentlemen there are a community built on the foundations of enjoying tea just like us you see this might be our final form actually I hope our final form is not butterflies I hope our final form is whatever I can find on the stock photo search for standard British man yes that will be our final form ladies and gentlemen now of course we need a ship prefix this goes in front of all of our ships so for example in the UK we have HMS standing for Her Majesty's ship but for the community they are going to instead have te a this of course stands for tea extraction automobile and when it comes to the traits of the community we're naturally gonna go for rapid breeders who are not adaptive at very intelligence because whilst there was a chance that we could have gone for I don't know ingenious and get extra energy credits which are the currency in this game I just thought well it's probably not the best idea there are much better ways of getting currency in this game for our home world it's going to naturally be called T Prime and be a continental world because I presume that is probably the best environment to grow tea in and the star will be known as spiff and this is where we get to have some fun you see when it comes to picking ethics there are some wonderful things we can do but alas we're gonna go for a hive mind we don't need any of these other ethics look at them they're really boring so here we have it we are a hive mind these great mostly due to the fact that we have an extra 25% pop growth speed and at the end of the day for pop growth speed is everything in this game and when it comes to our traits we're going for devouring swarm and divided attention ference forms a very interesting gameplay mechanic and they cannot technically engage in diplomacy however they can still do the one thing that I need them to do for infinite gold so for that reason we're playing a devouring swarm for all of that crazy increased army damage and ship cost reduction and when it comes to our Empire name we will be known as the commune of tea [Music] and here we have it I've designed the perfect flag for the community it's not quite a hammer and sickle but it's close enough in my opinion to robot arm in a pic of some kind right and here we have it I think we are in a perfect situation to prepare for a wonderful game as the commune of T now normally in paradox games they're actually perfectly fun of you cheating however I've decided to turn on Ironman mode its disables access to the console and allows the game to be eligible for achievements that's right ladies and gentlemen what we're going to do here today is perfectly accepted by the game developers sir nothing is wrong we're just playing with the absolute default settings it's gonna be very interesting to see where we take the game one thing I will do to save myself quite a lot of time used to reduce the tech tradition cost down to naught point to 5% it's basically just makes the games faster which is exactly what I want to do because as fun as it is to sit fruit my goodness 20 hours of stellaris I am quite happy just to you know sit for about 40 cups of teas worth of stellaris oh what a good tea it is today thank you Yorkshire tea for those lovely milky goodness and I think you know it it's time we dive right into the game here we have it we're in the game as the commune of tea oh it's gonna be very interesting to where we go now we need to set our physics society and engineering research for physics we might as well go for the increased physics research speed for biology we're gonna go for the extra unity for engineering we're going for the increased minerals and of course in our capital there are a few important things that we need to produce in our Empire and no they are not alloys who could need any of those instead we're going to focus entirely on building minerals and then once we have a lot of minerals will be building resource silos trust me there's method to this madness so yes early on in this game we go into what to build up as much mineral production as possible and generally just have a large population reason why I've selected a hive mind over all of a species isn't hide wines at the moment are pretty broken the reason being that they can grow faster than any other species and in the current update having a faster growth rate is everything as more growth it means more population and more population means more resources so yes everything hinges upon a large and fast-growing population so if that reason we're gonna go to our policies selection here to change our food policy to nutritional plenitude for the extra 33 percent growth speed my goodness that is lovely and our first tradition can be selected and there's quite a few lovely traditions out there for us to grab but my favorite want to grab immediately is the expansion one mostly due to the fact that it increases our colony development speed and if there's one thing I love it's a fast growing colony Azar's of the British Empire oh wait no but we'll play the British Empire nonetheless we need the expansion Civic and now for our society research we're going to try and rush unlocking the wonderful eco simulation for increased food from farmers at unlocks food subsidies mmm very exciting to the moment as you can see our food is running a little low in fact so much say it's worth going onto the marketplace to buy some we've managed to unlock pop speed growth plus 10% lovely so now if we're to go into our planet and take a look at our population we can see that growth speed is at 6.09 a month which is certainly not something that you'd normally run into only one year into the game as I say ladies and gentlemen this cheesy strategy is perfectly balanced and for engineering going to start researching powered exoskeletons the reason why it's increased minerals from jobs basically all of our flappy butterflies are gonna be going around with really bulky arms like almost as if you've seen a seagull with arms they're going to become that and they're gonna use this really powerful strength to lift massive crates of tea around it's those huge crates of T which are gonna power this economy trust me now our first system that we've completely surveyed is the engi Zuma's system that's gonna have to be renamed it's absolutely perfect for us because it has nine minerals inside it that is going to fuel our economy very nicely ah and here's the other research that I was looking for the genome mapping is increases pop growth speed by another 10% mm hang on a second spife if population is everything and you suddenly appear to be growing at a ridiculous speed is something wrong with the game no don't worry ladies and gentlemen everything is fine this galaxy is actually really really big and so it will take us quite a long time to expand across the entire thing however we've the advantage of being a devouring swarm and that quite literally everything is food for us so I can't wait to see what happens when we stumble across our first civilization but of course where is our infinite money going to come from well I'm afraid at the moment we can't have access to it I know we need to wait around and be patient before we can unlock infinite money infinite money doesn't just fall into your lap you do actually have to work for us but of course once you've achieved it just about anything's possible after that and now that we've completed the expansion civic we've managed to unlock our first ascension / these are a list of perks which allow us to ascend into the realms of just general godhood some late-game ones include hive worlds which are absolutely broken sorry I mean perfectly balanced and also galactic wanders allowing you to build ridiculous things like matter decompresses eventually manage to balance some of these mega structures rather well there's one thing they forgot to balance when releasing this update and don't worry I'll show that off to you today but for our first ascendant perk we are naturally going to go for technological ascendancy just for that base 10% research speed lovely and lovely we've finally discovered ah the single greatest research in physics technology it's automated exploration protocols reason why it's allowed you to unlock automatic exploration instead of having to manually click your sign ships through hey you've done this system now come to this system we can hopefully eventually just press a button and they will just go out into the universe and do it all themselves this saves you so much micromanagement why is it even considered a research Finland it's just so tedious our still our stoves I love you please don't ban me now one of the fun other features we can get is in the edicts section we can activate the drone campaign this outright cost us 500 food which is quite a lot but it's gonna increase pop growth speed by 20% away it goes Oh perfectly balanced now if we hop onto our capital and go to the population section you can see that we're growing at six point nine nine a month mm-hmm that's very good most normal civilizations around six years into the game will probably grow around four so yes you can probably see where I'm going to be going with this and for our next ascension poke we're going to go for discovery and finally automatic exploration has been researched I no longer need to micromanagement all these very annoying science ships away you go release yourselves into this world and enjoy it and we can also grab cloning for an extra 10% pop growth speed oh this is getting very exciting we've achieved 40 population and out of our empire load no we need to do is try and settle ourselves onto a new planet at the moment we really need to expand our colonial outreach seven years into the game and we don't even have a colony up and running my oh my oh my we can hardly say that we descend from the British oh we've discovered an absolutely big go away monster which is not going to allow us to get anywhere near it we've discovered the matriarch this is an absolutely massive space whale and we have no chance of defeating it at the moment hey that's our first love - we've discovered in the game now we just need to make sure we stay away from it we've had our first contact with a lovely little trading AI these account like the city-states in Civilization six the only issue is as a devouring swarm to us they simply pray nothing more nothing less our first colonised will planet lovely it's go meteor warden to be honest though it sounds a little bit like no meteor hmm you've been owned are they go just a little bit of a brief roaming there just to keep you on your toes you never know when you're gonna be known in this world it's 2019 so here we have we have Gomez you too now what is this planet like ah immediately we have an issue it's got high gravity meaning everyone we put on this planet is going to develop into big chunk is over here nonetheless it's still a planet which can be colonized and so we probably should grab it as at the end of the day it's just an area to put more of our population and now that go measure is now within our space we can finally do the most important thing which is to send over a team to go and color now rename this system to no Misha BAM the most important job is done it's no media and nummies you - okay now we can go colonize it oh here we are we've discovered them it's the far-out collective and they've immediately closed their borders what do they not like about me oh that's right - 1000 devouring swarm hmm they're going to hate me for the entire game even though they themselves are a hive mind some people are so difficult to please and at the moment we're about 50 percent complete on our colonization of nomizu prime as soon as we get this set up and running we should be able to immediately begin spawning pops out Nicholas peed on our home planet for example were ready at 7.29 very balanced at somewhere around one new population on this planet per year which in this game is an absolute ton when our drone campaign edict has just expired what a shame good thing we just immediately reactivate that for an extra 20 percent growth speed oh we've discovered a wreckage of the fear l collective the Empire to our north this wreckage contains 300 minerals now if we grab these 400 minerals they're ours forever but it will displease them we need those minerals we don't really but I just don't like the federal collective so why not BAM no media prime is set up as our first colony Oh apparently it's come to their attention that a supply ship went missing coming near us and apparently they think we did it so a supply ship would supply ship or we could return the supplies I didn't see any supply ship do you in the comment section see any supply ships I didn't see any supply ships I don't know what they're all about look at that they can't even fly as effectively as us butterfly people so much more majestic oh good news everyone we've discovered our first primitive civilization on the Daphney planet it's a civilization currently in the heat of their Renaissance age and there's 12 of them on this planet oh that is great now what can we do with these twelve populations well we can go to war that's right ladies and gentlemen they have something that we want so we're going to get it what's that well it's mostly that they're carbon-based life forms which means their bodies can be used for food so that's exactly what we'll be using them for we finally finished the discovery tradition allows us to grab our second ascension perk we're naturally gonna go for the one vision for the increased monthly unity that's gonna be very important we've discovered another AI Empire this time it's the circuit autocracy once again they're not very friendly towards us I see due to the fact that our entire empire is based around eating them but it's nonetheless I'm sure we can one day be good friends and by that I mean wipe them out from existence and for an extradition we're going to go for prosperity we've discovered the automated dreadnought bye oh my oh my check out this fing look at the size of that thing an absolute unit some might say oh and we've managed to grab our first proper primitive world the lovely region of Delft need now could build an observation post here but realistically speaking that is not what we want to do we're going to be grabbing our fleet over here and we're going to be sending it round to the planet of course we're also going to need to start building up an army we've come across one of the loveliest event chains this entire game has the Lost amiibo event chain which is going to give us access to a cute little space amoeba and we've finally recruited our army these are just free basic units and that is all that we need to give them a general so naturally we're going to choose a glory seeker that increased morale and damage oh yes general Turan lead my men to glory Oh lovely ah space amoeba has finally grown up and he's fully fledged so now we need to give him a name what a great idea I think we should go for bubbles of course bubbles the space amoeba okay this single space amoeba is 514 I mean this one space Reaper is more powerful than our entire fleet of our existing fleet that's floating around here we're going to take them and we're going to have them bombard this planet oh where we go it might be in the middle of a Renaissance age but at the moment they're busy getting completely bombarded now that the invasion is over their planet is currently going for a bit of a culture shock in fact they're not even really too certain what's going to happen to them and so naturally they've become undesirables the moment these guys are completely and utterly buggered they've been marked as non Desirables meaning that they're going to be used as food yes food that's all they can be useful now now at the moment as you might have seen our Empire is facing an issue we're losing 15 energy credits a turn energy credits or everything in this game I'm afraid ladies and gentlemen so we need to find a way of making a lot more of them so which is gonna sell some apples because at the end of the day we don't need this many apples so that we're up to a nice round 2,000 also going to sell a few of these rare crystals because at the moment we're just not using them and whilst we're at it we'll also sell 250 alloys there we go now if we come over here to our minerals we're going to sell 5,000 minerals for 3,500 and away the minerals go now we're then going to buy these minerals back for 1950 so the minerals have been purchased that allows us to sell the minerals back again for 3,500 so we go up three thousand five hundred and then to buy back the five thousand minerals that we just sold it's only going to cost us two thousand well wha-bam wha-bam wha-bam wha-bam wha-bam wha-bam wha-bam for them as you can see we're not' 12k energy credits and we haven't actually gone down any minerals hmmm this is rather interesting spiff might some say that perhaps the market is potentially a little bit broken at the moment well some could say that I alternatively like to use the term it's completely in a silly bucket and it gets even better when we buy ten thousand minerals and then just do the same because you can sell for eleven thousand and buy back for three thousand nine hundred sell for eleven buy back for three thousand nine hundred say go ladies gentlemen that's how to properly do trade in this game but of course we can make it a lot better we're just going to need to have more resource storage locations at the moment we don't have enough mineral storage to really turn this into a ridiculous profit luckily in our brand new fringe planet over here this is going to be the perfect place to wet down a resource silo away we go oh I do enjoy this game is it not perfectly balanced like all things should be Fanus really would be proud no we really need to work on is just making sure we have enough storage space in this entire empire for what we have planned as soon as we've got that snailed everything is going to be jazzy I'm wondering if we actually try and go for the skate autocracy these guys have rather impressive boasting a mighty worn planet and that is all if also managed to successfully rival everyone else meeting people weren't particularly mind if I attack them now of course to attack them we're going to need a larger fleet so we're going to find our main fleet over here we're going to add in a few little destroyers yes oh what a shame there's only one of the undesirables left on this planet oh and thank God there we go we've just tapped this planet drive all of the food it gave us very nice now many of you might be wondering that probably the best way to build up a good economy is to make sure that you have a lot of diversified buildings going for example on your capital plight making sure that you're able to produce some of the more advanced resources like alloys however as we know with this wonderful exploit with infinite gold there suddenly actually no need to build alloys of your own when you can just use the infinite gold that you have to buy more alloys so for that reason we're just going to be building resource silos for the increased storage capacity as the only thing holding us back from having unlimited gold is our ability to store it that's the one thing that makes this exploit different realization six in six they don't care how much money you have there we go another of storage capacity is at 22,000 we can once again cap off our energy credits by selling 5,000 minerals and then buying them back for 2,000 sell for 3,000 buy for mm lovely and our up to 20,000 energy credits but of course we just stay completely stuck at the top of our energy credits cap only we had more storage capacity oh I just need more storage now I would like to build up our fleet but of course to do so we're going to need a ridiculous amount of alloys mm to be exact now we can't afford alloys but what we can do is buy an absolute ton off of them off of the market so that's what we're going to do we go to buy 2500 alloys or BAM that's going to drop our energy credits by quite a lot don't worry we can counterbalance it by selling some minerals flying them back and selling some minerals buying the back at sell say I don't know ten thousand minerals and buy them back for two thousand six hundred yes this seems balanced you sell the minerals for eleven thousand and then you buy them back for two thousand six hundred yep I can't see anything wrong with this gameplay mechanic there we go now we have two thousand alloys and our money basically hasn't changed at all which will allow us to just completely reinforce our fleet for free thank you very much Dolores I do love this balance as we can see our fleet is filling out quite nicely we've got two destroyers a couple of rebel cruisers and of course a massive space amoeba and now that we're considering war I think it naturally makes sense that we're going under stop going down the supremacy tradition mostly so that I can grab the overwhelming force option here which is going to increase our ship fire rate by 10% this is quite a ludicrous upgrade which if you face-off against anyone that doesn't have this they're just carp we're buying our lawyers is so very expensive it's a good thing we have infinite money though because we can just buy 1,250 alloys and of course that set us back down to 8.6 K but don't worry ladies and gentlemen we can simply sell ten thousand minerals and buy them all back or BAM and were BAM there we go we've unlocked our for a civic which allows us to addint brand-new civic to our government of course we can't reform out of being at variance forum because we've chosen that life but we can add in some wonderful new possibilities so hey we're forming our government to add even more ships to our arsenal and we've just grabbed that increased ship fire rates suddenly our ships have become much more powerful and some interesting news from our lovely science ship has just paid a visit to solve free also known as Earth F is currently in the late medieval age however after visiting the planet the side ship flew back up to the skies and discovered that they've managed to grab a beast from the planet I've no idea what it is but apparently we going to need to assemble a rescue force to save them right it's time to summon the fleet only sure is we have a thousand days to do it in can the police even get over here in a thousand days oh they can just we're going to do the men will exploit just a bit more so that we can buy a few alloys say we go we're gonna buy 2500 alloys for 20 grand ouch that's a lot of money and then we're going to sell some minerals and buy them back sell for 8,000 buy for 3,000 and rinse and repeat until we hit our cap and here we have it our fleet is in to save the day in this one ship which for some reason has managed to capture a wild beast fur to run a guess I would say was probably some kind of tea eating monster I've discovered something rather interesting the Sacketts autocracy which has never really been a big fan of us is now considered pathetic which allows us to declare war on them for the simple goal of just absorption due to the fact that we're devouring swarm you know what I think we might as well our fleet is apparently much much better than their soap we go into naturally for ourselves right in there also aim well our aim is to basically take everything so we come into our first system and naturally we engage the outpost and we're going to completely Natalie destroy it success and I was just onto the next system also we have finished the supremacy focus which allows us to decide our war doctrine and naturally we've gone for the no retreat option I'll very Russian this basically means we can never run from combat but it does mean our ships are going to put up one hell of a fight our entire fleet has jumped into their homeworld and naturally they've left it entirely undefended allowing us to take out their station with relative ease there are 40 free pops on this planet making it very valuable to grab hold off busy Susan grab listen to our planet they get converted into food so we're going to land our army and the battle will now begin lovely the planet is now ours and they all get turned into food which is great isn't it now the war's getting exciting we have our first battle about to happen as you can tell I've been very kind and I'm only sailing a fleet of roughly about 4 K into a fleet of war yeah this is going to be a perfectly balanced battle home AI what have you signed yourself up for and that is a glorious battle with absolutely no survivors massive success Roth fleet at the moment our food stockpile is going absolutely insane for the reason this entire planet here is currently having 45 pops be disassembled into food I'm going to take our fleet and we're going to actually go and finish this war it's time we actually send our armies along with our fleets straight into the enemy space rev all of their planets peace out and take their entire empire all in one go and you're almost ready to go for the complete absorption war god we just need to take out their final two planets and then we should be good that is the entire end of their empire and everything they want controlled now belongs to us goodness so just realize that our Empire is a bit for Wiggly mess there is absolutely no coherent border now that we've got our massive fleet on this border it's time we go to war sorry for all collective she's gonna easily breeze on through and grab all of your planets oh my goodness our entire fleet is chasing down the colonies ship which is trying to escape the system pretty sure this counts as civilian casualties and goes against the Geneva Convention but I guess when in space there is no Geneva Convention right we've bombarded to such an extent there are no armies left on this planet I think it's our just land our army and I do believe this is the end of the war is absolutely no-one defending this entire system now that's ours that's the end of their entire empire so you have it ladies and gentlemen - cheesy little exploits the first one of which is to simply be a hive mind because they're broken gross beat and the second one of course which is to exploit the market by pausing the game and just buying and selling minerals over and over again sell for 11,000 buy back for 3,000 you're basically creating money out of thin air and of course this works with basically all the resources in the game you have a load of exotic gases lying around well that's fine sell them for 11,000 buy them back for 3,000 just about any resource can be used in this case if you've enjoyed this exploit and you want to give it a try then feel free to do so if you enjoyed the video then make sure to give two like and if you're new here and you might want to join the community then feel free to subscribe as it would be absolutely lovely to have you here if you want to see more still Loras then make sure to tell me down in the comments section by shouting gay over if you don't see another sellers video then make sure to say nay and also give me a recommendation as to what game or cheesy exploit you want to see next thank you as always to my lovely patrons you make all of these wonderful videos possible you guys are absolutely majestic thank you very much if you would like a video to watch next and I strongly recommend this one on screen now trust me if you've enjoyed this one you're going to like as well anyway I've been this fishing bridge and I'll see all of you in the next one have a lovely day I'd make sure to go refill that cup of tea again [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,037,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STELLARIS IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - Excluding the infinite energy challenge, STELLARIS IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, stellaris, stellaris funny, funny video, funny moments, game exploit, civ 6 funny, aoe 2 funny, montage, game glitches, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit, rts meme, rts cheese, rt game, funny clips, civ 6 exploit, unlimited gold, funny challenge
Id: wj_dJeg-GxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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