I Begin Project 'Space Plane'! | #1 | From The Depths 2022 | Adventure Mode

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greetings sir anserette and welcome back to from the depths of me lathrix and of course welcome to the start of a brand new adventure series now in the previous adventure series we ended up having a submarine only run so this time we're going to be doing the exact opposite instead of looking to the heavens and trying to go into space and then once we're there stay there for the entirety of the adventure mode playthrough which honestly sounds a lot easier than it is in my opinion because getting into space can be difficult in the adventure mode that's some weird stuff going on in the background there but then also making sure that your vehicle is combat capable and everything else and you can see what's going on since you're so far high up into the sky i think this is going to be a serious challenge and it could go wrong so so easily currently my thinking is that we start the series and we start off by making some kind of thruster craft or applying or to something which can make the transition into the skies a little bit easier so let's just get straight into it my goal for this episode is to make a functional plane or thruster craft or something like that and just make sure we can start harvesting resources after that well space and so we begin and there we are in our little raft so first things first as always is to just get the basics sorted so we need to start harvesting everything so i'll probably be skipping quite a lot of this in the editing because i have done this so so many times at this point so we have an engine we have some storage oh we've got some storage and then we can start harvesting as we rock around horribly then i need to start figuring out how exactly i'm going to make a small plane making a small sub or a small hovercraft or a small boat i think i could do quite easily but planes i'm surprisingly bad with especially more compact ones let's try that again there we go well i'm glad you can still harvest through the boat yep this stuff took a stop oh that's good third-person camera is now just enabled in adventure mode it's no longer a cheese you have to do by going like this which means i can now actually look out for things and it's not cheatings it's part of the base game lovely although to be perfectly honest a lot of people used to do that anyway and i wouldn't really consider it cheating it's just making the game look a lot better so you actually see what's going on i just stuck with it because i'm dumb most of anything okay now i need to make this thing transform into a plane uh guess we can make it into a hydro so if i extended like a crude body first just of the vague idea of one earth i'm doing [Music] then pop this down then we have hydrofoils on here maybe a couple of small propellers just to keep us up in the water then we can have all the actual wings and stuff on top including the thrusters for control to begin with i am going to most likely try and make this manually controlled which might be a terrible idea just have a really strong pid so it's manual controlled with an anti-dumb switch because it's me in control after all i'm going to need a live anti-dumb [Music] okay really weak roll controls then i'll have some really weak push controls later it's not really needed right now since we are made of wood but eventually that will be required kind of making the body a bit too big here but don't really care the first thing is just getting this thing airborne and controllable i don't really care too much about what it looks like or the future of it right now it's just once the enemies get here i want to be able to move okay i think i've solved the problems so the pid is pretty nice but it's not like hovercraft level it uses its wings for flying and everything else its speed is okay if i manually control as you can see we can have some seriously sharp turns but if i let go then the pids take back over and we stabilize this also goes for moving forwards and backwards there we are and the pid attacks back over there are some issues of roll at full speed but i can actually manually control oh it's because i'm running out of engine power okay that's a very easy problem to fix yeah it's running out of engine power so it's not sure how to distribute that but we can fix that by adding some proper stuff with the surface controls okay heading towards the next resource zone already things are looking pretty good actually added a little bit more engine power it's now very stable at 55 meters per second only a slight gain in altitude that'll level out in a second i actually quite like this craft gotta be honest so far it's pretty fun so now with this resource we need to actually make it combat ready though so we can at least do some hitting run action i'm thinking torpedoes i think that would be super fun well i was just about to say look i've made this thing more bug-like and a couple of enemies are on the horizon at least one of them is it was two ah oh there's three so that's the monkey barrel i think where it's actually called then small missile craft uh for now i think the best bet wow this thing is really balanced what okay sorry i'm a little bit shocked i just took off early i was still working on it and although we have finished off the resource zone i was yeah forced out a little bit quickly apparently all the pid stuff is stuck quite well wow we're really high up and it's still above us uh we could try and fight this thing it has cram cannons or small missiles but it's very very weak if it's the thing i'm thinking of i think just a regular small simple weapon might be enough to take it out is my thinking i know it's a bit weird putting it like this but still just so it's higher up there yeah it's a bit far away so this stuff might not make many hits here but in return it's not going to hit us oh that was pretty atrocious accuracy yeah this thing's it's a really high altitude there my little dragonfly doing quite well i always end up making everything insectoid i don't know what it is now this weapon sadly has a 30 second reload but the next time we should be a lot closer so i should do more damage what weapon do you have or is it bombs slow down a little bit let's go for the core i think i might messed up on the engines uh one that's overheated which shouldn't be possible okay i'm gonna go slowly like this and try and fix the engine problem before it becomes more of a problem at least we've got our first kill i really love how this thing's turned out so far there's so much left to do though at low speeds this thing turns actually surprisingly well just oui that's okay i've decided though i am going to stay and fight against that little missile enemy which means i'm gonna have to put weapons on the bottom i'd actually had some um resource storage there non-permanently attached to the bottom then i guess just like next to each other like this it looks goofy as anything but if we if we can get another kill that'll be such a good start for us right now i am going really slowly because i don't want to rush in and accidentally just die straight away missiles are not good though uh is it worth it you know what sure [Music] those are some short-range missiles like don't think we're going to be able to outrange of our little weapons anyway they guided on that i don't know what they are honestly after looking at it briefly to me they look like smolders unguided [Music] no i can't see it sorry i was gonna say they're on guided missiles so rockets but i can't see a turret [Music] maybe it'll just burn through all its ammo missiles are not cheap but i'm also running out of materials so can i play the game sadly [Music] [Music] they're definitely looking guided oh yeah sorry at the front there it is okay new zone then that lagged out i've lost the wing annoyingly i can't hold down fire and press any of the controls i don't know why just doesn't let you do that in this game yes okay we killed it how much damage did that do to us in the process just shattered our wings well it wasn't too bad like i've been a lot worse i've hit our core okay let's find a resource zone i need way more resources before we go to the next area let's try and save 20k then i'll go up to the next difficulty oh hello enemy aren't you teeny three kills two resource zones and we have an enemy as well a tiny little one have they finally fixed it so the adventure mode first zone only spawns in the smaller craft so many nightmarish moments of godly craft just appearing out of the blue and just destroying me well so this vehicle controller being here is really irritating when trying to aim like this please destroy this in one go so i can land or just float above the ring anyway well hopefully that just disabled anyway so i can just go and sit there and harvest a resource also controlling a plane like this is so weird in comparison to the hovercraft it's hard to explain but it is really disconcerting every time you try and do anything oh i stopped like dead where i wanted to that's rather lovely it's so boring just waiting for that to recharge so i'm going to go out and let's see if we can kill this enemy over here oh big enemy is that the jacob's folly never mind i'm going after that instead this little one i don't even know if it has weapons if it does oh no it can't fire something too bad i'm gonna have the bigger target games lagging a bit also yeah that brightness glitch is getting really annoying whoa okay i thought it fired at the other one guess who was not paying attention okay my weapons are stupidly short range and have a horribly long cooldown so i'm not wasting shots until we're a bit closer just keep ducking and diving the problem is when i start firing i'm not going to be able to actually steer the craft because that's just the joy of these controls oh that isn't what i thought i actually don't know what theirs i think there it's weapons on the front there it's got a huge wheel on the front is it a ramming craft i have no idea what it is i legitimately don't have a clue what that is and stay behind either way what is that oh my god that is so cool i actually think i may have seen that briefly at some point but still don't really know what it is slowing down huh that is so weird so so weird i'm going to try and stay at the same spot now just attacking the same spot here's the problem with being a proper plane and not just a hovercraft i can't just stay exactly still otherwise i'm gonna start losing altitude even at this speed i'm slowly losing altitude oh don't kill it i did oh we could have stole it either way showing these simple weapons can be really deadly versus the very first enemies well that was a very nice hole indeed there's a duel happening in the distance i've added a couple more weapons to the bottom of this craft just to make it a bit more hit and run and yes it's a missile craft using really quick missiles versus an old-school ship the missile's gonna be much more a threat to us i haven't seen the other ship fire yet oh okay just uh entered a new chunk yeah let's just go straight for the missile craft hopefully he doesn't kill the other one before we get there because it's being distracted right now i feel like we're gonna have one chance to knock it out because those missiles actually seem pretty nasty lots of stuff being knocked off and we are very frail now if we lose our wings that's not really the end of it because we are still thrust to craft i'll have to manually take control but we can still fly literally without the wings it's just way more fuel intensive okay weapons on the front so [Music] hopefully that'll be enough still firing and that was just done but good amount of damage still not aiming at us i'm going to stay in the area wait for 30 seconds and try again okay enough the larger ship which doesn't seem to be able to actually hit us so that should be fairly easy [Music] i just have a feeling like i want to destroy all the masts because that's entertaining to me beautiful okay we're at 20k that's what i said i was going to leave oh actually now i think about it i bought some more weapons so i could have left anyway so we're going towards a red portal now and we're going to retrofit ourselves to have more permanent weaponry so i'm thinking on top we have just on top of maybe i don't really know but somewhere we're gonna have one small anti-aircraft weapon but then we're probably gonna load ourselves with lovely lovely torps oh i did leave a corpse over there okay grab corpse go through the red portal i have no idea how often i should go through the red portals but honestly i want to become a spacecraft soon i think once we have about 100k worth of a craft of ship i was gonna say then i think then probably we should go to space and then stay in space forever but for now it's nice being a plane less people really want to see more plane stuff but i've done so much just regular aircraft stuff in the future in the past maybe in the future as well in the present at all times future athletics past lothric's current lothrics we like flying things that's a nuke isn't it also that thing's badly damaged oh well we didn't get to test our torps on this target then but would you get some free uh resource so sure yeah i have i have now set up the torps i'll just fire them anyway they get thrown down quite quickly they go in the water i think everything's gonna be okay but we do need to be lower to the water before we fire them which is actually quite difficult this thing glides too well there you go we're now at three percent drive there we go finally losing altitude it's gonna make using this thing a bit difficult that's with a lot of ejectors also we did not pick up all the resource then i did not know wings were this strong i'm on three percent drive right now and i'm gaining altitude three percent i am using less than a hundred engine power and this thing is maintaining altitude it's slightly listing to the right and i think i know what's causing that but yeah just i didn't realize wings were this good now of course their weaknesses they are incredibly fragile but still i also need to add some smaller weapons um there's a really small enemy over there which i literally can't hit with these torps because these torps won't register it as a target i mean it's probably not the best thing to do you know cutting off wings mid-flight but it's the kind of thing i would do oh lord okay um cutting off wings mid-flight while also taking away all of its roll capability [Music] thankfully right now it's rolling is quite simple when moving this slowly will they survive long enough so why are they so much faster than the others did i mean it was bigger bumstack hello oh that's some nice explosions [Music] all glory to the missile king [Music] you bring joy to the missile king when the life leaves your eyes you know i think we need to up the difficulty again and then go to space would you have enough resources so i'm going to call the episode here it's been a fun just getting back into the swing of things kind of episode but at the same time that was insanely easy we got very lucky with a lot of stuff this early on just ungrabbed all the resources let's increase speed so we can actually you know fly again i'm still getting used to the fact that ford momentum equals lift because i'm so not used to wings so in the next video we're either going to go straight to space or we're going to have one more episode as applying um i will leave it up to the comments for that i'll be more than happy to do either so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video like i have then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out with me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris and bad from the depths is a series you wish to see continued in the future i did that like three or four times the intro i called it kingdoms and castles at one point i think i called it terra tech my mind isn't here likes and comments means you want to watch more from the depths thank you for watching have a lovely day do take care i need some sleep and i may get some food goodbye i've really enjoyed today
Channel: Lathland
Views: 83,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vpx4lFoLfK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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