Stealing Art Styles w/ @BrodyAnimates

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hey guys a few weeks ago I asked you all on Twitter for some video ideas go follow me I looked through them all and they were all pretty bad so saying is this is my channel I decided to do my own idea so I'm here today with Brody animates say hi and together we're going to be and together we're gonna be stealing people's styles category number one is poke a mom that's an are here I think I want to make an entirely new one I don't know if I'm creative what's your spirit animal yeah let me search on my spirit animal I'll take a quiz don't take a quiz I'm just drawing a dog I need to make it more obviously of water dude yes dog with a fire hydrant on his head that's such a good Pokemon idea if they could just pee right away mm-hmm he looks kind of creepy without highlights in his eyes no he's precious feel bad just drawing myself as a Pokemon while you creatively comp with these ideas and try if you feel bad I don't know what I would be bro all right I guess I got time to draw my own Pokemon you know I don't know what I'm gonna be though I don't know how I'm gonna make this dog water so far I'm just drawing a dog new I'll give him like kind of like a long tail because like he's gotta be aquatic okay now it just looks like the water evolution of Eevee ah this sugar glider is a good reference point for me because I was really big eyes just like my character she's like give him flippers all right I'm starting over on the body of this guy yeah he's gonna be a dog and water so he's like a seal he's like oh he's a dog seal that's all that's all seals are there just dog mermaids also who there's dog mermaids bro you're so right who's the genius that called a killer whale an orca and not a panda mermaid that's what they are existential crisis I don't like this I'm deleting this entire sketch no I'm doing a poisoned sugar glider real poison sugar gliders yeah I just put the hair on top of his head that looks so goofy where are you and your your drawing stage all right all right I've been there I've been there precious baby this reminds me my dog Dixie she's such a precious isn't your dog's name Shelby yeah Oh precious baby I want to pet the pup all right we reveal it okay the next category is Steven universe we're gonna draw ourselves as crystal jams and yeah here's that I really liked the movie did you like the movie I thought it was pretty good so I guess my guy is probably just gonna be half human half gem like Steven you're gonna be a Steven we should get some like art tips practice that's my practice like well I mean I get why everyone says that because like there's not like a magical tip to being good at art it's just practice like that's all the only thing and I used to be the person who'd be like no don't say that give me the cheat code all right now guys think about my weapon would be I think I would probably do it like a hockey stick I would fight with a hockey stick but that would be ineffective well if you're in a zombie apocalypse what weapons you use chainsaw or like a here's a thing maybe I'd like you know how it really hurts to have like a scooter hit your ankle bricen come so do you know so like I'd sharpen the edges of that and motorized it and just like hold it in front of me no such thing no such thing she honestly think remember that shamelessly shamelessly thing yeah making a character's eyes slightly crossed makes it look like they're looking at you and usually makes it more endearing but sometimes it's really creepy yeah this is just creepy yeah man I can't wait to put my gemstone on deviantART gemsona do not steal everytime little kids would say paw patrol I would think they were saying Papa troll cuz little kids like slow their words like that yeah it's like paw Patrol and I'm like yeah let's talk about pet peeves my biggest pet peeve is when something is designed to do like a specific task and it just doesn't do it no matter yeah that anime thank you work like castle crashers I love the art style of that game so much and it has so much nostalgia for me because like I would play all the time with my brothers like growing up like I actually didn't really play video games I would watch my brothers play them all right I'm done crap what didn't need a heart attack okay okay now I just have to color this thing then I'll do it quick crap crap crap crap all right it's done only took me two minutes only two minutes no more than that no I'm not lying no man isn't it crazy how we finished at the exact same time [Music] you are a peridot oh the crystal axe did you have to go with the Crocs on to the next category Mario so we're drawing ourselves as Mario characters I'm doing the Mario Bros 3 style so they don't really they hardly have next they really don't alright so I'm not liking you know this has started yeah my Mario guys kind of cursed right now yeah mine too his body is a bean that's it I was gonna draw myself with like a fire flower or something but I think I'm just gonna drive myself normally because I want to like have a color scheme for this let's go to the garden I'm actually kind of proud of my mom I'm doesn't look that bad mine does look like Mario he kind of has long legs because in real life I have long dude Mario Galaxy was such a good game I would love in Mario Galaxy 3 I would even take just like an HD remake yeah I was like all the only games yeah well I had a dog named Duke and he was really precious and he had heterochromia which is like two different eyes one was like this starburst blue then the other one was brown and he was precious and it's like like and I'm having trouble trouble trying these hands they're thick and gloved up up up up up up straight did it that did it but we have a counter how many times bracing this song in the city no okay so we're just gonna kind of take this whole body drawing here I'm gonna show you this trick to make it look a lot better are you ready there that's good everybody's doesn't need to like expand mymusictaste beyond Disney music and video game soundtracks don't you listen to musicals oh yeah I also listen to some musicals but like I've never been like hmm today I'm gonna listen to some music and put my headphones in I've never done that this is a really stiff and bad pose I'm like rotating the leg oh I kinda like that oh he's like jumping forward alright I think I've done mine you're done yeah that's really cool you're done right I'm just gonna skip to the part where I'm done and then I'll be like wow so fast no they need it suffer with me yeah I'm just gonna speed up the drawing footage and make it look like I can draw really fast I'm screen shouting it now okay okay okay three two one here's me as a Mario bro Brody you just you're Mario what's that's not Mario I do that Brody you just drew Mario I'm trying to Jonna Mario Bros 3 style this is just Mario I like yours but I feel like that should have taken an hour and a half I'm sorry next category spider-man by Adrian we're doing this especially spider-verse was such a good movie I'm so frustrated that it's like the lowest grossing one when obviously they poured their soul into it dang it man hands are hard I wouldn't know I just draw kind of nub things I'm drawing myself in this really crazy pose but like my body can't do this yeah maybe my spider-man won't hide his identity because I've done a face reveal I always hated the way school did art they were like like or like at least I don't want to be told what to draw yeah cuz in public school if they're like first you do this then you do this step then you do this step then you do this stuff and then boom everyone the class made the same art piece and I'm like that's not art thanks for having me do you chose chose the wrong video I didn't really choose Brice and demanded like have you ever like one time I mom saw a spider and then she like went to come get me to get away then she came back and it was really big and it was just gone and then we moved out yeah man I try to do some perspective funky and funky monkey and then it just did not go my way Brice it are you just mad that I'm just such a fast artist and I'm really good yeah can he swing from a web he's a radioactive pleb hey there there goes the spider pleb [Music] yes you do that's my alarm it just like hacked into your brain frame a minor brain aneurysm dude I would never be able to break the law honestly like I'd be so guilty that I just turned myself in one time I live I haven't turned myself in yet yet you will do it yeah after this cold is over I promise that's the right thing to do Brody I'm proud I know it is proud of you I have to get this spider thing right all right Bryson it's a race against the clock I'm gonna let this mac and cheese cool and then I'm going to eat it and if you're not done drawing by the time I have an empty container I'm going to poop on you please no not again not again now I can start coloring I see yes okay are you ready I'm ready all right three three I really like yours oh dude you look sick that you have good Anatomy though the back has a bit of an art to it but it's fine and dude the ham spider let's go what was your favorite one to do Brody I gotta say it was definitely the Steven universe one I don't know why but it was just like a lot of fun to do it yeah I have to say that Spiderman was my favorite one to do I might say this fireman was my lessor one I love spider-verse and I feel like the head of my guy I pulled off really well it looks pretty good but the body I just totally barf taun all the proportions like look at how big this arm is yeah it's so big I was trying to do it like where it's getting like closer to the to the camera but that's not what it looks like yeah foreshortenings really hard okay this was really fun and thanks for thanks for coming on with me Brody you're welcome Bryson thank you for inviting me I might have had to wait a long time but it was coming it was worth it it was really fun to draw these pictures and everybody go subscribe to Brody and follow us on our social medias my social medias are Brody an amazing [Music]
Channel: Haminations
Views: 3,249,707
Rating: 4.9123979 out of 5
Keywords: Haminations, Drawing, Spiderman, steven universe, pokemon, mario, brody animates, crystal gems, spiderverse, panda mermaind, dog mermaid, twitter
Id: Pk5L6SpN4eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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