My Art Journey

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[Music] hey guys quick thing before the video starts we now have a new merch store featuring the long-awaited and highly requested Han plush it's super soft and so cute and it's my favorite merch item I've made so far there's also some cool shirts a hat and a super nice sweater if you enjoy what I do then please consider buying something because that's the best way to support me and help me keep making these videos use the link in the description down below to buy some merch and while you're down there please consider subscribing also the supply for the ham is very limited so act fast if you want one thank you now into the video I have been an aspiring artist for quite some time now and I thought I might tell you guys some of my experiences from my art journey so let's start at the beginning I remember sitting in class in 6th grade and noticing Paul drawing little cartoon characters and all I could think was whoa that kid is cool immediately I began imitating the drawings he was making they were crappy and unoriginal but I was instantly in love I went home got on YouTube and looked up how to draw videos and just followed a ton of tutorials pretty much immediately I realized I wasn't a good artist and my drawings were sloppy and copied but I didn't give up I wanted to be cool like Paul it was discouraging to look at people who were world's better than me but I knew that I really cared about art and that I wanted to be good at it so I'd ruined my class notebooks I doodled in the corners of worksheets and I rummaged my house to find old journals that had empty pages all of which I filled with my drawings I was having a blast just making these little doodles however I was discouraged because at this point all of my drawings were copies of things I had seen before because I didn't know how to make up things on my own but it's okay that I copied because I didn't post my drawings online and claimed that they were my own original artworks unlike some of you gremlins I was just using copying as a way to learn how did Leonardo da Vinci learn how to paint people he looked at people and copied them down it's okay to use reference and copy things to learn it's just like training wheels but the thing about training wheels is that they got to come off eventually even in this early stage I was trying to put my own artistic flair on my drawings for example instead of exactly copying the tutorials I would change up the hair or the facial expression it was a great learning experience for me as I was watching more and more tutorials I noticed that there were multiple different art styles there was one tutorial that was drawing cartoons and I loved their simple style and from one of those videos I learned how to draw the classic cartoon cat mouth you know the really cutesy mouth people putting on things I thought it was so cute and I wanted to use it to make my own cute creature I looked at the drawings I had been making and decided to combine them in a unique way oh this thing is cute what should I call it ham ham ham that's perfect and thus the ham was born the mascot of this channel and no it's not a piece of ham I just liked the way the word ham sounded and I thought it was a cute name it was pretty much my first original creature and I wanted to show everyone the next day at school I showed the hymn to all my friends and they loved it we started drawing comics together where one person would draw one panel and then past the paper and the next person would draw the next panel we called them double comics and we made them all the time and the ham was always in them unfortunately those comics are all long gone but I do remember what one of them was like here watch a recreation of it oh look a ham I should take him to the ham store hello I found this ham does he belong here because he was scared to go free bringing him back what was he scared of [Music] okay the boss is evil we have to run before he gets us we're gonna be friends forever that was basically the beginning of my art journey following tutorials making comics and slowly starting to develop my own unique style years past I kept drawing I was filling more sketchbooks and making my own original characters and drawings but being an art kid you start to notice patterns and people's behaviors for example whenever people would see my sketchbook they would almost always say hey that's a pretty good drawing I can't even draw a stick figure every time if you're one of those people who suppose that they can't draw a stick figure then please follow this helpful tutorial bing-bang-boom there you go if you ever run into anybody and they say I can't even draw stuff Ferger then set them down show them this video and educate them there problem solved within a few short weeks the term I can't even draw a stick figure should be completely eradicated artists and animators alike rejoice also sometimes another art kid would see my sketchbook and ask to see it so I'd show them and that I've asked to see theirs but then they'd shut it and hide it like excuse me I just showed you my hopes and dreams and now you're gonna hide yours that's like being like hey if you tell me a secret then I'll tell you one okay now what's your secret haha I'm not telling you my secret and now that I know your secret I'm gonna go tell everybody bye my my secret like okay wow whatever be like that unless there are non advertiser friendly things in there in that case keep your secrets anyways asking to see my sketchbook is all fine and good but the people who didn't ask and we'll just hover over me as I drew always threw me off I would just sit there feeling really awkward and pretending not to see them as they slowly stared into my soul and then with a little more drawing under my belt I decided to take it to the next level because one day when I came home I discovered an old drawing tablet in the computer room of my house and I decided to set it up and using a crappy default animation software I created my first digital animation geez this guy can't even draw stick figure hey you hmm you know you've got a point okay so I take it back the term I can barely draw a stick figure is now allowed again because apparently it applies to me and then one day my friend recommended a youtuber to me he was an animator and I mean he was only slightly better than me and only a little bit more popular I mean whatever this animator is a pretty small channel you've probably never heard of them but anyways he was doing something called story time animation where you would make little animations that would play over stories and I was instantly in love with the genre and I knew that I wanted to do that too my art was still pretty bad but I knew that this was the next step because even though my art was bad I was gonna try anyway you gotta start somewhere kids I watched a tutorial on YouTube created a character to animate recorded a funny story and I created a YouTube channel and you all know where that led Oh anyways before we end the video let me just clarify something I said earlier that that stick figure animation was my first digital animation but there are other types of animation than digital for example stop-motion ladies and gentlemen let me show you what I'm counting is my true first animation I did it with my friend Cole also just so you know this is a different Cole than the Cole that told the story in my friends stories video where I lived there were actually three kids named Cole there was best friend Cole friend Cole and acquaintances Cole this animation was with friend Cole because me and him were in the same class so without further ado please enjoy my first animation a stop-motion called the great rock adventure the great rock adventure I hate being Rockets boring yeah me too you know what what I'm so tired of this Wow you have to try this okay we should go explore the world okay let's go mission got to the air [Music] [Music] [Music] can't believe we just did that wait a second how do I play this thing ah what is this it looks like a secret door let's go in is that a boat yeah butter looks pretty damaged though I saw some trees outside I'm sure we can fix it up in no time mission repair the bum get off the island 3 2 1 level 2 complete tomorrow let's go home I agree [Music] the next day avoid the waves and get home avoid the big waves the three complete you know I kind of like being rocked behoove it's too dangerous yeah me too [Music] well that was an experience I gotta be honest though that was still probably better than the first video I ever posted to this channel huh what if I used that guy as my avatar hello Internet hey what's up guys don't forget to buy some merch using the link down below our own screen it would help me out a ton these videos are a lot of hard work so any support from you really does mean the world to me please subscribe and share the video the hand plush is seriously so soft and cute I love it so much if you want a ham though you've got to act fast because they will probably be sold out very quickly so don't miss out anyways thanks for the wonderful fan art and for subscribing and for all the support making these animations is my passion and it really warms my heart that so many people actually like what I do so thank you this video is the longest one I've ever made and oh boy did it take forever I'm gonna start making shorter videos because making 10 minute long videos all by myself while trying to maintain a decent upload schedule is kind of impossible I actually have a huge list of possible videos so get ready for those to come your way okay that's it for me I'll see you guys later and I'll try to get the new video out soon is it gone
Channel: Haminations
Views: 20,737,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Haminations, Merch, first video, art, journey, Ham plush, plushie, haminations plushie, drawing, sketchbook, sketch, draw, stopmotion, the great rock adventure, origin, tutorial, cringe
Id: CiNQGacNHak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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