fine.. I'LL PLAY IT! (Friday Night Funkin')

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my childhood youtuber

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PhantomPhoenix650 📅︎︎ May 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

beggars: DO PART 2 SDO PART 2 DO PART 222222222222222222222222

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Fair_Replacement_232 📅︎︎ May 24 2021 🗫︎ replies



But he better play the Whitty mod as well

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/_Koishi-Komeiji 📅︎︎ May 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

On normal mode 😔

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ShoveRec 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
fine fine fine fine i'll play it all right i'll play it right now welcome to friday night funkin you guys have been begging me to play this i'm really late on the train uh the friday night funking train but uh let's play anyway i guess he's kind of like guitar hero with a keyboard so i am down let's do a story mode to kick her off straight away let's see what's going down do we need a tutorial i think we should do this tutorial let's do normal i i think i know how to do this but i'm not too sure oh who's this who's sitting on the speaker is this me i've got my blue hair back oh this game's easy so far i feel like this game's gonna have to be raging left right all right got it [Music] yo we're chilling oh this is good this is where it's gonna get confusing left up down right big points huge points down down up down down right i feel like i could do uh oh wait are we battling i'm in i'm in deep i'm ready oh i'm ready okay so it's like we've got a health bar down the bottom we ain't ten thousand score already i'm ready to destroy this all right remember i said that just in case it gets a little bit too crazy what would hard be though tracks both people fresh and dad is this dad that looks kind of scary oh this is daddy dearest oh we we're in big trouble are we about to meet the dad for the first time is that my girlfriend oh he's terrifying wait [Music] got it yeah this is like it's like a rabbit hole [Music] this is gonna be perfect i'm gonna smash this it kind of looks confusing when you're not playing it [Music] but when you are playing it it like makes way more sense does that make sense i promise i will be best boyfriend it feels like he should be in undertale or something he's kind of that scary right he's like cute but scary at the same time is that a weird thing to say about your um your girlfriend's dad i think so i think it might be i miss one no there goes my perfect streak [Music] what no i think he's using auto-tune we both are it's just warming me up i feel like i stood on hard i think as well it's kind of structured like five nights at freddy's where there's different knights and stuff which has different tracks yo take that dad onto the next track already oh my god never mind that was not cool i'm dead [Music] oh no it lured me into a full sense of security oh i missed it these tracks kind of slap though [Music] oh come on let's stay in the zone it needs to be muscle memory [Music] yes [Music] yeah this track is waver that intro was not cool though like i said i'm a massive fan of guitar hero i played it for years [Music] it kind of gives those vibes and dance dance revolution i wonder if you could hook this up to a uh [Music] a dance match somehow that would be dope oh did i get it did i get it i think i did oh i did the wrong side it kind of like prop for the rapper too this is what it's like oh this is fast big intro freestyle video freestyle let's hit it [Music] oh oh it's all gone wrong he's beating me oh this track is good okay these songs getting better and better [Music] i probably should this has like k-pop vibes i probably should watch the other side oh this is a long bit we realized we were covering blackpink yes let's go [Music] did i miss a couple i guess when the screen shakes that's when you've missed [Music] big vibes from this track oh i missed one i think we're destroying him though we don't want to be too mean because this is our girlfriend's dad so i think we got a 100 win rate there right i feel like i'm gonna do them in normal how many weeks are there six i feel like doing them all on normal and then we'll go up right who's this sans is baby twins that's who this is right all right let's do this i'm gonna stick to normal and then go through again if you guys like it enough to do uh hard is this gonna ramp up the difficulty like crazy okay this isn't too bad [Music] definitely looks like sans he can be sans vibes [Music] oh we're like duetting at the same time that sounds awesome [Music] okay some of those notes like off time so i miss them i think they're missing some as well [Music] i'm guessing when you go up a difficulty as well my fingers get confused when you go up a difficulty i'm guessing there's extra notes and they're better as well it's like a vowel [Music] oh my god i think these are these all original tracks for the game [Music] oh no that was bad that was a bad run on that one oh no my brain [Music] my brain my brain's not working help these guys don't even have a brain they're skeletons ultra concentration is activated oh that stressed me out it's only two tracks on this week though there's one more oh we're getting kind of scary up in here yeah my guy is like i'm not sure if i want to be here oh [Music] oh that slaps what a track what [Music] oh no [Music] okay yes okay it helps to look at the other side i'm not watching that bit's hard oh i'm doing terrible on that baby [Music] it's like really quick in the middle part that is not nice [Music] oh i'm dead oh my god oh that was awful that was so bad that one's hard i bet that one's ridiculous on like the actual hard difficulty as well did i win am i good it doesn't give you any feedback okay we're done week two so we survived let's do week three we've got three songs against this guy he's got a gun we shouldn't feel too threatened is going to come down is pico philly and blamed right oh he's aiming that gun straight at us too that's that's not nice it's quite aggressive aggressive tactics here oh my god my brain is not working after that last track it's frazzled it [Music] yes i love the artwork by the way i think this is hosted on new grounds originally and it gives that kind of vibe i'm missing some really easy notes as well i think this is my mouse hand i don't normally use this oh we've got this uh going on [Music] yeah that's better i added an extra note but we won't talk about it they don't necessarily copy the guy before either we're smashing these even though i feel like i'm not doing great on some of them we're actually doing pretty well considering the like the boss bar oh this is all the the temple this one is quick [Music] this one's dangerous i feel like if we get like a bridge part it could bust out a solo gotcha i think i might just play all weeks if i play all the weeks on normal and then if you guys like this enough then i can try them on hard but that might i might lose my mind yeah 19 000 i wonder what like the highest scores are too again all of these tracks have been absolute bangers yes i wish i would show you like their score to compare it [Music] i keep thinking when it bumps i'm doing it wrong but that's not it's not it's only when the guy has like the anime blue going on [Music] it's kind of distracting though they're gonna lie yo we smashed that one too i feel like we're killing it i kinda just wanna get through the tracks i think we've got one more track on this week and then is this week three i can't even remember oh copy it be like a dirty trap tune that'll be dope she just gets to sit in the middle and enjoy the music [Music] or try and concentrate no vibes too hard oh this is exactly what i thought it was gonna be holy [Music] this track is great oh my god this is so good it gets heavier [Music] we almost missed that one as well i got like a bad i think or maybe it's a good [Music] oh no i miss those ones embarrassing [Music] yeah let's go dude this guy's like glitching to the beat as well [Music] that would have been a sick chance for a uh a mic drop there but he didn't do it he didn't do it even though i was threatened at gunpoint i pulled through and we absolutely destroyed him so that's week three i'm kind of tempted to go into like uh hard mode but i feel like going um going into hard mode in week four probably isn't the best idea so let's say abnormal for the rest mommy must murder what a great oh wait it's mommy mama's here that's that bro in the background he's kind of freaky i like how there's like the duet bits sometimes [Music] oh i wasn't even looking [Music] see i get all fine with your parents we sing beautifully we rap together oh i find the arrow key is really awkward to use whenever it says down that's the one that i don't do properly [Music] oh yeah i'm glad i didn't do hard yet mind you the boss parts like completely green on my eyes my old eyes can't handle this some modes i just have to skip [Music] oh that was pretty good but again they start off easy and they get harder so we'll see see if we can rock with uh with mama here okay it wasn't what i was expecting oh that actually the beginnings sound like baby shark i don't want to be singing that when i see notes on the other side i keep thinking that i'm not having to play but i do there's lots of duets in this one oh no [Music] she is an animated singer oh i missed that down note ah i'm actually losing this one wait but i'm gonna use a use boyfriend's here so now i'm using [Music] okay let me concentrate so i don't want to lose this yes oh we hit the note at the end i hit my microphone i was so excited so i'm using two hands now i'm using my my left hand to do just the down arrow big strats are coming out here oh my god how am i going to concentrate oh my god i miss to concentrate with songs like these [Music] that's a heavy kick drum [Music] man i'm still struggling with this those quick notes the up and downs oh oh we lost major points there [Music] i think sometimes i think i'm doing bad but i'm not holy oh no oh no [Music] oh i missed so many of those is this only track two oh my god oh no holy cow dude [Music] nah this is not fair this is not fair we're still doing pretty good but holy [Music] okay we got the end we saved at the end no red on the bar oh my god okay look out look at the differences so tutorial was 10 000 83 77 11 128 oh this is both of them red snow and then finally we got hating simulator fantastic i feel like there's a week seven as well i'm not too sure though right two more weeks oh my i'm stressed i'm full and stressed it's christmas time let's go back [Music] no this is horrible [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there we go you guys are beautiful together but why that why are you trying to why are you coming at santa like that huh [Music] there we go beautiful music but i don't think you should be pointed out santa not like that come on now be rational yes okay this one feels tame there's three songs on this one too i think that was [Laughter] [Music] easy easy dub i don't want to get too confident though maybe it's because it's christmas that will knows and they'll just bust out on the second and third tracks okay never mind that's one never mind i'm trash i'm trash i'm absolutely [Music] that last bit was so embarrassing so embarrassing you don't need to see that that's fine with a resell next song it's when it goes from like right to i'm so i just my brain can't handle it i need to get the dance mate out [Music] the guy dribbling in the back [Music] there we go little guy cheese in it is that super meat boy it looks like it [Music] good rhythm to this one i like it i like all the tracks so far [Music] i wasn't paying attention didn't give me much to the break there [Music] did i miss the last one did i do it too fast yeah i feel like the heart is going to be insane [Music] rocking the duet [Music] sometimes i just have to let my brain take over [Music] and just trust that my brain is going to do the right thing uh are we are we okay there's gonna be another like oh look at that guy at the bottom [Music] he's my favorite character so far look at him he's so creepy i like creepy things i like it it seems free [Music] really he's like super happy [Music] it's like uh like nightmare before christmas but a little bit creepier i don't know why but like [Music] scary and christmas kind of go together i don't even know what they're saying [Music] let's go we've got this one in the bag you're giving us a brownie recipe i think he is yeah she is unless he's like giving us the recipe for like cooking up children or something [Music] oh that was a weird one we did it though what week was that that was week five we're on week six already against a guy in a in a computer hating simulator all right here we go week six week six on normal oh this is kawaii ah a new fair maiden has come in search of true love get out of here punk she's mine a serenade between gentlemen she'll decide where her beautiful heart should be bobop i can't even talk i speak like an undertale character oh this one's even harder to see we're singing love songs [Music] he's gone all soft it's like yandere simulator in the back [Music] and before he's actually the other guy in disguise the christmas guy [Music] oh we're destroying this guy he's holding the microphone like like this why [Music] hey i'm starting to get a quick notes down just taking some practice hey i think i missed a couple in there so you can hear lots of notes that extra notes they'll probably add in hard [Music] oh see those bits aren't kind of in here not with all the notes anyway [Music] nevermind [Music] get out of here boy get out of here all right two songs are going we've done it uh not bad for an ugly excuse me people babysitting bet take that boy take that i guess they're getting angry [Music] he's getting mad angry i think uh what's gonna happen here is um he's gonna turn into someone mad evil for the next song [Music] maybe even an encore who knows let's escape rather quickly [Music] very quickly oh he's hitting me with a quick noise hold up [Music] ah i keep doing the wrong notes at the wrong time [Music] my old brain cannot handle this this is gonna be wild in hard mode he's showing off now there we go we're hanging on there but he's he's going in hey only 20 points to one of those though which is bad [Music] got it oh you can news wsd i've only just noticed let me try wsd see if it's my secret power [Music] no it's not my secret power at all still beat you though get better kid oh here we go i told you i told you he's mad evil yo excuse me oh hello direct contact with real humans after being trapped in here for so long and her of all people i'll make her father pay for what he's done to me and all the others law i'll beat you and make you take my place you don't mind your bodies being borrowed right it's only fair uh why are we he's a dismembered floating head where did you even come from [Music] probably you probably shouldn't try and date the devil's daughter this is this is the kind of trouble that gets you into all right oh wait wait this is where i struggle these ones [Music] man i missed a couple but not too bad you will not be taking on my body today sir or maybe you will maybe i scuffed that so bad [Music] we're in trouble guys we're in big trouble big trouble if it gets any faster wait isn't it this is the last song isn't it did you see my brain just stopped working then did you see it i went into buffering mode oh my god oh my god i'm gonna die i'm actually gonna die i'm gonna i'm gonna lose it on the last level [Music] got it okay got it we brought it back brought back a few points sir [Music] yes oh we made it thank god our bodies are saved right we did it we did it let's do a week seven on normal i like the title track dude the side track is kind of kind of nice here we go who is this again i missed the character's name oh well well what do we got here there's voice acting apart from you but what it's been a boring day let's see what you got it's the new grounds man excuse me [Music] that's not kind that's not kind of a week seven like this no oh my [Music] i need to practice some of these holy [Music] it's being nice to me because i'm failing hard here [Music] there we go okay that's better this track is dope [Music] i can get a baseline as soon as i get that i think i'll be fine [Music] how we're not losing what it was [Music] oh oh that's only track one that's only track one isn't it pretty tight bars for a little dude who's sipping over an ugly boring little teenager that wears her mom's clothes what that's wild what a guy okay bit more rocky down [Music] this is kind of similar [Music] man i just let my brain do the controlling of my fingers oh my god i'm gonna lose i think okay put it back a little bit [Music] i'm gonna i'm gonna lose i'm gonna lose a week seven [Music] i'm dead i'm dead my first i'm gonna die i hope you're not seeing internet stream or screaming like a sociopath right now no i'm i'm very very chilled out nothing to see here all right i will get my revenge on you holy it starts at the beginning of the track as well oh my god dude that's nuts i i survived this one pretty well but that second one i just couldn't get [Music] i got this i can do it maybe not maybe i haven't got this at all oh god we brought it back a little bit but i don't know if i'm going to do this oh wait this is the track wait i thought it was a different track for a second it restarts on the same track i didn't realize dude this is this is this is real hard i don't have to practice this thing this is normal or they put on hard like an idiot i put on hard [Music] oh i'd rather play geometry dash than this holy i suck i actually suck at this [Music] is it the same as his i'm missing so many notes i'm getting like tiny points at the end [Music] oh i bought a little bit back oh my brain i actually can't comprehend this [Music] i hate this i hate this so much oh my god i'm gonna try one more time that is horrific they really changed it up here huh got minus 20 score already which is kind of [Music] nice [Music] i'm full concentration right now oh my god my fingers aren't working they literally aren't working [Music] i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done no no can you even walk straight [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 5,136,928
Rating: 4.9505892 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, funny, gaming
Id: lXIYwHHtGo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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