My New Pet. (I'm a dad)

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so guys I'm proud to announce that I am a proud father that I am a proud pet owner but Bryson I can hear you asking what kind of rat is it well I'm glad you asked she's in this box right now let's open it shall we so guys we finally got the box I like turtle her name is egg and I love her with all my heart I named her egg because tortoises have shells and eggs also have shells egg egg egg egg Oh No you may notice that her shell is a little janked up this is how I got her and honestly I have grown to love her shell this way however she is young and if the shell went unchecked for a few more years it could be bad for her so to take care of her I actually sprinkled calcium and vitamins on her food every day to make sure her shell can grow big and strong I will do everything in my power to take care of my child because I love her so it all started about a month ago when me and my family visited a reptile place they let us hold snakes and lizards and most importantly tortoises now I've always been an animal lover but when I held that tortoise I fell in love their silly little faces their round little bodies and their stumpy it's just so adorable so I asked the reptile place where I would look if I wanted to get a tortoise and they told me that pet stores are actually a bad place to get them because of diseases and like other sketchy places that they get their courses from however they did recommend this nice family-owned pet store they got their tortoises from good places and so that's where I got them from also I bet some of you guys noticed this awesome shirt it's a hand pocket shirt that way the ham can go with you anywhere if you want this make sure to go to the link in the description and get it fast because it's only gonna be available for seven days then it's gone forever also look egg can fit in there and cannot go in there I've been teaching her to play the piano but she's not heavy enough to press the keys we played chess together and we jumped on the trampoline now I wanted to make sure that egg grows up with good role models so I made a PowerPoint for her guys also I forgot to mention that there's another tortoise this is scooter and he's gonna be eggs best friend for life now kiss originally egg was gonna belong to me while scooter was gonna belong to my little brother but like I paid for both of them I'm the one who feeds both of them I bought all the supplies for them me and my dad made the cage for them and I buy everything for them and take care of them also my little brothers mean to me so yeah they're both mine okay now it's time to watch me build the cage for them first me and my dad went to the store and bought all the supplies excuse me do you guys have any wood here Phillip please please I will Swift here for flex drill the easy way to create [Applause] all the wood we're gonna create the cage and attach it all together using only flex tape put it all together and sealed it up with flex seal and bing-bang-boom it was done without the nozzle we made the kids really big because I want my babies to grow up with enough space and as a fantastic father I want to give my children the world now they were both really personable and cute so these two are Russian tortoises and they can live up to 50 years also I named him scooter because because Wow scooters driving a scooter look at me I'm so cool dang he's good at that however scooter loves carrots but he now thinks fingers are carrots let's see what he thinks of the finger but Chum I'm such a proud father it's also really hilarious to watch how clumsy they can be I'm women scooter I wanna win Oh get rekt what why is that rock moving no please sniff sniff sniff nah no thanks it's absolutely vicious oh man she would kill me in an instant these guys boom oh she's so vicious cuz pit bulls are so vicious by nature and it isn't the owners fault or anything [Music] I'd I'm bout ahead out dumb wall I did it hello squirtle mmm give me that leaf quit touching me Oh killing kiss I love you okay scooter you need to share no leave me alone eggs cracking eggs follow my Instagram because I'll probably be posting about these little dudes a lot thank you so much and goodbye forever [Music] look it's ham and eggs now kiss [Music]
Channel: Haminations
Views: 3,663,518
Rating: 4.9284663 out of 5
Keywords: Haminations, Pet, new pet, tortoise, turtle, cute, shell, reptile, scooter, egg, ham and eggs, ham, meme, funny, face, reveal, tortoises, dog, chicken, pets
Id: 6wqVfYk6IOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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