Starfield - ALL 82 Skills Deep Dive!

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[Music] foreign [Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to Starfield my name is camel and in this video today we will be taking a look at all of the skills in game what they do and whether or not they are worth it now there are 82 skills in Starfield and each skill has four ranks so to Max everything out that's a total of 328 skill points then you minus the three skills you begin with based on your character backgrounds and you'd need to be like Level 325 to fully max out every skill now when you level up you get one skill point you spend these skill points to unlock a new skill or to rank up an existing skill but to rank up an existing skill you will need to complete the skill rank challenge each challenge to rank up a skill it's always a task associated with that skill for example to unlock Rank 2 of weight lifting we need to Sprint at 75 total carry capacity for 1000 meters then to unlock rank 3 we need to Sprint for 2500 meters at 75 percent carrying opacity and then to unlock Rank 4 we need to do the same thing for 5000 meters the same task it just increases in number this makes sense we're not going to run through all of the required numbers for each skill and each skill rank I will be here forever I'll just tell you what you need to do now after about 140 hours of playing Star feels I think my highest level characters about level 35 so skill points in Star field are always in demand and you will always wish that you had more this scarcity and skill points makes choosing where to spend your skill points all the more important so in this video we will take a look at what every skill does for your character so that you can better choose which skills to get and to rank up and where to spend your ever ever valuable skill points now with this kind of stuff interests you be sure to check out my other Starfield videos they can be found down in the description via the Starfield playlist link and down there you can also find all my social media be sure to follow me on all of that after the video so without further the hesitation let's get into all four ranks of all 82 skills in Starfield now there are five skill categories those being physical social combat Science and Tech now each skill category has four different tiers of skills tier one skills you can unlock whenever tier 2 skills require you to spend four skill points in that skill category already to unlock tier 3 skills you'll have to spend 8 skill points in that skill category already and to unlock tier 4 skills you will have to have spent 12 skill points in that skill category this is something to keep in mind that you will have to dedicate a lot of your skill points to a specific skill category if you want to unlock these tier 4 even tier 3 skills and with all that we're just gonna start from left to right from tier one in the physical skill tree all the way to tier 4 over in the tech skill tree or skill category whatever you want to call them so first up we have boxing two to unlock each rank you will need to kill enemies with unarmed attacks now rank 1 unarmed attacks to 25 more damage and 25 percent less O2 is used when using a Power Attack O2 is of course just the stamina of Starfield Rank 2 doubles all of these values then we get to rank three unarmed attacks to 75 more damage and while in a fight and unarmed running consumes 30 percent less O2 this is obviously very useful but then we get to Rank 4 unarmed attacks to 100 more damage and have a chance to knock down your opponents so with this skill tree you can double your unarmed damage you will consume 50 less O2 when using power attacks you will consume 30 loss or two when running in an unarmed fight and you have a chance to knock down your opponent so if you want to run around Starfield punching stuff this is the skill tree for you next we have Fitness to rank this up you will have to use all available oxygen x amount of times so rank 1 you have 10 more oxygen available Rank 2 20 more oxygen available rank three thirty percent more oxygen available and Rank 4 sprinting and power attacks use significantly less oxygen so if you're running around a lot and you're using a melee or unarmed build that uses power attacks that use O2 this is a great skill to get next we have stealth to unlock the ranks of this you'll have to perform x amount of sneak attacks you will be able to level this up really quickly as sneak attacks are not hard to do at all so rank 1 adds a stealth meter you are 25 more difficult to detect when sneaking suppressed weapons do an additional five percent sneak attack damage Rank 2 upgrades the stealth meter you are now 50 more difficult to detect when sneaking suppressed weapons do an additional 10 sneak attack damage rank 3 you are now 75 more difficult to detect when sneaking suppressed weapons do an additional 15 sneak attack damage and a Rank 4 you are 100 more difficult to detect when sneaking suppressed weapons doing an additional 20 snake damage and doors you interact with while and stealth no longer alert enemies okay so if you don't have the stealth skill at all when you sneak there is no sneak meter so whether you're detected or undetected you literally do not know so getting rank 1 of the stealth meter I think is something pretty important for just about every playstyle as at some point you'll probably have to sneak and of course knowing whether you're actually undetected or detected is huge now if you really want to be a sneaky character ranking this up to Rank 4 would be pretty important because doors you interact with while in stealth no longer alert enemies there's nothing more annoying than sneaking around successfully and then you open a hatch or something and suddenly every enemy knows you're there because you touched a door so getting this to Rank 4 is pretty important and of course if you want to use suppressed weapons while sneaking getting the um damage bonus from this is pretty good next we have weight lifting to unlock these ranks you'll have to Sprint for x amount of meters while at 75 or more of your your maximum load capacity that beam carry capacity so rank 1 increases your total carry capacity by 10 kilograms the next one is 25 kilograms then 50 kilograms and then Rank 4 increases your total carry capacity by 100 kilograms and you gain 50 resistance to stagger now I will admit I haven't really noticed being staggered in game at all so I don't know if this 50 resistance to stagger is actually a big deal at all but me being me an absolute hoarder in Bethesda game studios games having an increased carry capacity of 100 kilograms is huge if you don't think you're going to be carrying stuff around much then yeah who cares but if you like picking things up in Star Fields I think getting weightlifting to Rank 4 is going to be really important for you next we have Wellness now to increase these ranks you need to heal for x amount of damage now this can be done really easily and really quickly for all four ranks if you have the skill points available like to unlock Rank 2 Unity heal for 200 damage you could just jump up a rock take some damage heal will jump off the rock heal jump off the rock heal like in five minutes you could get all of the ranks unlocked pretty easily I think anyway rank 1 increases your maximum health by 10 then 20 then 30 and then Rank 4 increases your max Health by forty percent very simple um if health is a problem or you just want a character that has tons of Health Wellness is a skill you should look into but overall it's not super important it's very simple but something like wellness is not going to be a build defining skill at all and now we're moving into the tier two skills of the physical skill category of skill tree next we have energy weapon dissipation to rank these up you need to take x amount of points of energy damage this won't be hard to level up at all now rank 1 energy damage was reduced by five percent then two is ten percent then rank 3 is 15 Rank 4 25 chance to reflect energy damage back at an attacker when your health is below 50 now Rank 4 the 25 chance to reflect energy damage is really good but it requires requires you to be at 50 or less Health if you're not at 50 or less Health a lot then you won't see much benefit from this at all again pretty cool and like a handy thing to have off to the side but this might be something you look into really late game as there are way more important skills to spend your skill points in early game next we have environmental conditioning take x amount of environmental damage to rank these up easy peasy just go to a really crappy planet that hurts you and you know you can do this quick smart so rank one you gain 10 resistance to Airborne environmental damage rank two gain 10 resistance to Thermal environmental damage Rank 3 gain 10 resistance to corrosive and radiation environmental damage and Rank 4 reduced chance to gain afflictions from environmental damage sources overall this is pretty handy as something I mean my character's been wearing the Hazmat suit the entire game and this gives 10 resistance to damage resistance but all three environmental damage resistances that these skill ranks give you so if you get environmental conditioning up to rank 3 you're basically wearing another hazmat suit so that's actually pretty handy and Rank 4 of course reducing chance to gain afflictions from environmental damage sources is pretty good the amount of times I went to a planet and got like some kind of lung disease just from the crappy atmosphere it happened a fair bit so being able to avoid that is pretty useful but again I don't think this is build defining at all next we have gymnastics to unlock these ranks you'll have to take x amount of fall damage again easy peasy find a rock jump off it rinse and repeat and you're going to unlock all the ranks of gymnastics pretty quickly provided you have the skill points to put into each rank of course so rank 1 unlocks the ability to combat slide and you take 15 less full damage Rank 2 you move faster in zero g and take 20 less fall damage rank 3 become more stable while firing in zero g and you take 30 less full damage and you replenish some O2 after mantling and Rank 4 increased jump height run faster after combat sliding or mentally okay so there's actually a lot of different things you get from the gymnastics skill unlocking the ability combat slide is good if you sprint and then go into sneaky or do a combat slide taking less full damage is of course good especially with Boost packs I find a lot of the time you can boost really high into the air but then when you come to go back to the ground you end up just like breaking your shins so taking less damage there is very useful now moving around in zero g better is useful but I end I think after 140 hours of playing Starfield I was in zero g twice so while it is useful zero g is not really something that happens that often now with Rank 3 where you replenish some O2 after mantling mantling is just the ledge grab mechanic in Starfield if you jump up to a Cliffside or something your character will grab onto it and get on top of it that's mantling so replenishing some O2 from doing that is pretty useful especially considering you can either mantle just about anywhere anytime and slash or on top of that I find myself mentally stuff constantly so I'll constantly be replenishing O2 and of course for Rank 4 increased jump height is great there's a lot of places to jump in Starfield and of course running faster after combat sliding or mantling is also great as you can combat slider whenever and you mantle a lot and constantly so overall gymnastics is pretty cool and if you have a character that you want zipping around you know like a ninja gymnastics I would definitely suggest you Max this out ASAP next we have nutrition all you have to do to rank these up is consume food and drink items easy peasy so rank one food and drink items are 10 more effective rank two is twenty percent Rank 3 is 30 and rank four is fifty percent now there are tons and tons and did I mention there are tons of food and drink items in Starfield and most of them do have some kind of unique actually quite beneficial uh benefit or buff that you get from them like increased experience or something like I mean there's some I haven't really looked into it that much but I mean just look here on screen there are tons of food items and there are tons of unique effects and benefits and bonuses and Buffs that you can get from them so if you really want to get into food and drink items and their Buffs I think nutrition would be a great skill for you to have next we have pain tolerance to rank this up you'll have to take x amount of points of physical damage this is super easy to rank up just take physical damage most guns are physical damage or if you get hit with a melee weapon most of those are physical damage as well if someone punches you that's physical damage if a creature attacks You by biting you that's physical damage you'll take physical damage constantly and you'll be able to rank this up really quickly so rank one physical damage is reduced by five percent then Rank 2 is 10 rank 3 is 15 then rank four five percent chance to ignore physical damage when your health is low now again I don't think pain tolerance is really a build defining thing it's a great bonus to have but it would definitely be something you look into late game um having a five percent chance to ignore physical damage when your health is low that's pretty good but your health needs to be low and to be honest you don't really want to be in a situation where your health is low but if you have a bunch of skill points burning a hole in your skill wallet pain tolerance isn't the worst thing you could put them into and next we're moving into the tier 3 skills for the physical skill tree first we have cellular regeneration to rank these up we need to recover from x amount of injuries this should be pretty easy as you will be getting injured a lot if you boost pack and land funnily you're going to sprain your ankle I'm constantly getting a physical injuries while just playing the game of Starfield so recovering from them is going to be just as easy as it is getting them so rank 1 slightly increased chance to recover from injuries naturally Rank 2 moderately increased chance to recover from injuries naturally rank 3 noticeably increased chance to recover from injuries naturally and Rank 4 20 chance of not gaining an injury when you otherwise would overall cellular regeneration is not build defining again it's a good bonus to have on the side but not where you you'll want to dump skill points early in the game this is definitely a late game bonus you'll probably want to pick up next we have decontamination now to rank these up you'll need to recover from x amount of infections again just like injuries this would be easy to rank up as I was catching more infections than a freshman in college now rank one slightly increased chance to recover from infections Rank 2 moderately Rank 3 noticeably and rank for 20 chance of not gaining an infection when you otherwise would this is basically the exact same thing as cellular regeneration except instead of recovering from physical injuries or avoiding physical injuries it's just the same thing with infections it's a nice late game bonus but not something you'll probably want to look into early game at all and then we have martial arts now to increase the ranks of this you'll need to deal x amount of damage with unarmed attacks not melee attacks unarmed attacks so hand-to-hand combat so rank 1 15 increased chance to crit with a melee or unarmed attack rank two 15 to disarm an opponent with a melee or unarmed Power Attack rank 3 while unarmed all-wielding a melee weapon take 10 percent less damage and Rank 4 reflect 50 damage back when blocking a melee or unarmed attack okay so the martial arts skill has a lot of different stuff here all of which is incredibly beneficial to anyone who wants to play a melee build or an unarmed build and just to clarify even though the rank increased challenges require you to deal damage specifically with unarmed attacks all of the skilled bonuses affect unarmed attacks and melee attacks so if you're going to go unarmed build or melee build martial arts is definitely a skill you want to get maxed out as soon as you can and then we get to the tier 4 skills of the physical skill tree first up is concealment to unlock the ranks of this you will have to perform x amount of melee slash unarmed sneak attacks this should be pretty easy to level up and unlock all the ranks especially if you combine it with a skill like stealth um doing sneaky attacks is pretty easy although they do have to be melee or unarmed sneak attacks but even then and this should be pretty simple so rank one you no longer set off enemy mines ranged sneak attacks to 2.5 times normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do four times normal damage rank two running while sneaking doesn't affect stealth that's huge ranged sneak attacks to three times normal damage and your melee sneak attacks to five times normal damage Rank 3 you gain a chameleon like ability when completely still and sneaking ranged sneak attacks do 3.5 times normal damage and your melee sneak attacks to 8 times normal damage and Rank 4 engaging stealth causes distant enemies to lose you ranged sneak attacks do four times normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 10 times normal damage okay so overall there's so many stealth benefits to the concealment skill obviously getting all of the sneak damage attack increases and bonuses multiplies whatever you want to call them is huge no longer setting off enemy mines is great one you might be killed by landmines two it means you can easily just look at the ground and pick them up and then sell them or use them against the enemy running while sneaking doesn't affect stealth that is huge gaining a chameleon-like ability when completely still and sneaking is huge it basically turns you mostly invisible kind of like the Predator from Predator an engaging stealth causes distant enemies to lose you so if you're already detected and then just go into stealth your enemies are going to lose track of where you are overall I mean concealment speaks for itself this is an absolutely build defining skill to max out if you want to have some kind of sneaky character next we have neuro strikes now to unlock the ranks of this we will need to stun enemies with unarmed attacks now this might be difficult and or slow to rank up it's definitely not impossible but if you do want to rank this skill up fully I'll definitely look into unlocking this skill early on so you can slowly unlock it as you go so rank one there's a 10 chance to stun an NPC with an unarmed attack rank two unarmed attacks now do additional em damage em is one of the damage types electromagnetic damage which disrupts electrical impulses and is highly effective against robots and ships although you're not going to be punching ships but it can also stun human enemies so that's not crazy but it is a cool bonus to have and rank three there's a 20 chance to stun an NPC with an unarmed attack and Rank 4 after stunning an enemy you will also knock down any enemies within close range so you can neutralize an entire group of enemies by punching just one of them in the nuts if you're going with an unarmed attack build hand-to-hand combat this is pretty cool I wouldn't say it's build defining but it's definitely like probably the second or third most important skill to max out if you're going for an unarmed guy next we have Rejuvenation to rank this up we'll have to fall below 25 Health x amount of times and fully heal this shouldn't be too hard although it can be kind of risky falling below 25 Health but fully healing easy peasy now rank 1 slowly regenerate Health outside of combat Rank 2 regenerate Health more quickly outside of combat Rank 3 regenerate Health much faster outside of combat and you can now slowly regenerate Health while in combat and Rank 4 regenerate Health even faster outside of combat and you can now regenerate Health quickly while in combat now again I wouldn't call this skill build defining however in terms of like the cool side skills to get some bonuses this is definitely up there as in Starfield your health does not regenerate naturally either in combat or outside of combat and there have been a fair few cases where I've finished a fight just come through with a tiny bit of health and then just forgotten about my health and then gotten into another fight and died instantly because they hadn't healed so getting this healing outside of combat automatically and even healing in combat that is massively beneficial and now we're moving on to the social skill tree obviously starting with the tier one skills you can get these at any time first up is Commerce us to rank this up we need to buy or sell x amount of unique items now when it says unique it does not mean unique as in like the mace of malag Bal what it means by unique is like singular items this can be leveled up really quickly if you just go to one mining Outpost then loot all the wrenches and bolt cutters and cups and plates and knives and forks and all that crap you can easily probably get this from rank 1 to Rank 4 in one interaction with one Merchant now rank one buy for five percent less and sell for 10 more rank two buy it for ten percent less and sell for 15 more rank three buy for 15 less and sell for 20 more and rank four buy for twenty percent less and sell for 25 more obviously if you're into credits if you're into making money this skill is like absolutely must have next up is gastronomy to rank these up we need to create x amount of food or drink items this is so easy to rank up as well now rank one you can craft specialty food and drinks and research additional recipes at the research lab rank two you can research and craft gourmet food and drinks wearing three you can research and craft Delicacies and Rank 4 crafting food and drinks occasionally doesn't use up resources you can research and craft exotic recipes now if you want to get super into food stuff and all the bonuses they give and things like that Gastronomy is definitely something you'll want to rank up quickly and also if you're into making credits Gastronomy might be something you want to look into as there are some food and drink items that sell for a lot of credits if you can turn a bottle of milk and some spices into some gourmet meal or exotic meal that sells for like 2 000 credits that's a really good way of turning some crappy ingredients you can buy from a merchant really cheaply and easily into again a lot of credits next we have persuasion to rank this up we need to succeed in x amount of speech challenges now if you want to get into persuasion which I think most characters should but we'll touch more on that in a minute but if you want to get into persuasion I would definitely recommend getting this early on as speech challenges don't come up that often so there isn't really a great way to level this up quickly so you will have to level it up over time therefore if you want to get it get in early so rank one 10 increased chance of success when persuading someone then 20 then 30 and then Rank 4 is 50 increased chance of success when persuading someone now persuasion is actually huge in stuff I wouldn't say it's huge but it's pretty pretty big a lot of times requests or something like that you can either persuade someone and get them to do what you want or you cannot persuade them and then have to do like an hour of messing around doing some Side Quests for them or doing some elaborate like sneaking through event system through an entire corporate building to get into the room to get the thing or you can avoid all of that by just persuading said NPC in the first place so so personally for me I find persuasion to be a great tool in Starfield it saves you time to get NPCs to do what you want or you can even persuade people and gain access to special rewards and quest lines and things like that that you otherwise would not be able to access if you were not able to persuade them so persuasion I think is beneficial to everyone and it's slow to level up so if you want to get into it get in early next up we have Scavenging to level this up we need to loot x amount of containers super easy to level this up you are looting you could probably level this up in one visit to some big location so rank one there's a chance you'll find extra credits when searching containers rank two there's a chance you'll find extra ammo when searching containers rank three there's a chance you'll find extra eight items like Med packs or chems when searching containers and Rank 4 tracked resources will get highlighted when using the hand scanner now I'll be honest with Rank 4 tracked resources I don't even know what that means I've played for 140 hours and I've never seen anything about tracking a resource however obviously with it mention that is some in-game mechanics so if you want to track resources this is great for you but I think overall Scavenging it's not build defining but it is one of the way better bonuses to have getting extra ammo getting extra credits and fighting extra eight items like Med packs or chems it's just overall beneficial for any build now the next skill is theft to rank these up we need to successfully pickpocket x amount of times this would be really easy to level up as you can just farm this in like a city so rank one unlock the ability to pickpocket Targets this is one of those skills where if you don't have it if you don't have rank 1 pickpocketing will not be an option at all so if you want a pickpocket you have to get rank one then rank two ten percent greater chance to successfully pickpocket rank 3's 30 chance to successfully pickpocket and rank four fifty percent greater chance to successfully pickpocket and you can now pickpocket holstered weapons so if you're sneaking around you could would actually pickpocket every single holstered weapon off of your enemies before they know you're there and then go to fight them and they won't have any weapons to fight you with because you have stolen them all so not only if you want to be a Thief character the skill theft is really cool and beneficial but also if you want to just play a sneaking build that sneaks around and screws with your enemies theft is also a great skill to get then we move to the tier 2 skills of the social skill tree first up is deception to rank this up we need to convince x amount of ships to surrender this can be pretty easily done you run into a ship in space and you say hey give me all your stuff and if they say yes then you've successfully convinced the ship to surrender now rank 1 ships 10 stronger will automatically surrender to piracy demands and enemy Contraband scans are 10 less effective rank two doubles this and rank three triples this and then Rank 4 ships 50 stronger will automatically surrender to piracy demands and enemy Contraband scans of 50 percent less effective now when it says stronger ships what it means is if you're in an X-Wing Fighter and you go up to the Death Star and say hey give me all your stuff the Death Star is way stronger than your ship therefore they'll be less likely to say oh my god of course we'll give in straight away so ranking this up even if your ship ain't that great you can still get away with making much stronger ships given to your piracy demands and the other bonus having Contraband scans being less effective obviously if you want to play a smugger or something like that this is a must-have but also for every single build I think this is also pretty beneficial as the amount of times I would take over a ship then go to flight back to New Atlantis and I would be scanned and the ship I just stole was full of Contraband I would get sent to prison for having Contraband not knowing that the ship I just took control of was full of Contraband now this I found pretty annoying so being able to avoid those Contraband scans when this is maxed out out fifty percent of the time Ah that's pretty good that's pretty good next up is diplomacy to unlock the ranks of this you'll have to successfully use diplomacy on x amount of different people that shouldn't be too hard to rank up uh rank one you can force a Target NPC at or below your level to stop fighting for a while rank two you can force a Target NPC up to 10 levels higher than you to stop fighting for a while rank three same thing is just 20 levels higher than you and Rank 4 you can force Target NPCs to permanently stop fighting in Brackets unless they're attacked again personally for me this kind of skill doesn't Tickle My Fancy as I want to kill stuff and kill stuff as quickly as possible and kill as much stuff as quickly as possible to loot as much stuff as quickly as possible to stopping people from fighting sounds like it just gets in the way of that but if you want to go with some I don't know diplomatic build or if it just sounds interesting to you or if you're in a situation where you're kind of getting wrecked being able to stop everyone from fighting could be beneficial but again it just personally for my taste doesn't Tickle My Fancy that much next we have intimidation to rank these up we need to successfully intimidate x amount of different people again should be pretty easy to level up rank one you can force a Target NPC at or below your level to flee for a limited time rank two you can force a Target NPC up to 10 levels higher than you to flee for a limited time rank three you can force a Target NPC up to 20 levels higher than you to flee for a limited time and rank for intimidated targets now Flee for substantial amount of time again kind of on the flip side of the diplomacy coin this sounds like it just makes fights slower although if you are getting wrecked you can make them run away from you so you can shoot them in the back like a coward next up we have isolation to rank these up we need to kill x amount of enemies while not in command of a follower so you need to be playing solo super easy to level up to be honest so rank 1 do plus 10 weapon damage and gain 15 damage resistance for each spacesuit and helmet equipped when you don't have a companion or any crew Rank 2 is 20 weapon damage and 30 damage resistance Rank 3 is 30 weapon damage and 45 damage resistance and Rank 4 do 40 more weapon damage and gain 60 damage resistance for each spacesuit and helmet equipped when you don't have a companion or any crew and when it says each spacesuit and helmet obviously you can only wear one spacesuit at a time and one helmet at a time but if you wear a spacesuit and a helmet you will get this bonus twice so if you have a space suit and a helmet and you have Rank 4 you'll get 80 weapon damage and 120 damage resistance provided you don't have a follower obviously if you don't like having a follower um this is a great skill to get into for your build next we have negotiation to rank this up we need a bribe x amount of times through persuasion should be pretty simple to level up it just might be slow as again having these options in dialogue aren't that common so rank one you now have access to bribery in speech challenges Rank 2 reduces bribery cost by 25 Rank 3 reduces bribery cost by 50 and Rank 4 occasionally bribery won't cost any money now if you want to get into bribery obviously this is the skill for you overall this is not something that most builds will need it's not that game changing bribery doesn't come up that often but if it is in the realm of your character build it could be something you want to look into leveling up and now we're moving on to the tier 3 skills in the social skill tree next we have instigation to rank these up we need to successfully instigate x amount of different people so rank one you can force a Target NPC at or below your level to attack their allies for a limited time Rank 2 you can force a Target NPC up to 10 levels higher than you to attack their allies for a limited time rank 3 you can force a Target NPC up to 20 levels higher than you to attack their allies for a limited time and Rank 4 enemies affected by instigation will attack their allies until they are dead for me I think instigation is in the same vein as diplomacy and intimidation you just force NPCs to do something that they wouldn't normally do but it could be a handy skill to have if this is the kind of playstyle you want and you can basically make an NPC kill your enemies for you next up we have leadership to level up these ranks we will need to Sprint x amount of meters with an active follower easy peasy lemon squeezy to level this one up rank 1 companions gain Affinity 25 faster Rank 2 companions have 50 more health and 50 kilograms more carry capacity rank 3 companions will occasionally heal you when you get low health and Rank 4 doubles the bonuses of combat and physical crew skills on companions companions have a chance to pick themselves up from a downed state but basically all this leadership skill does is massively buff your followers and Companions and make them way more useful so on the flip side to the isolation skill if you want to have Companions and followers and crew all the time this is totally a skill you should look into next we have Outpost management to rank this up we will have to build cargo links on x amount of different planets this should be pretty easy to do as you can build cargo links wherever you want whatever you want really rank one additional cargo links can be placed at outposts rank two additional robots can be constructed at outposts rank three additional crew can be assigned at outposts and Rank 4 Outpost extractors produced twice as fast so if you want to do anything Outpost based this Outpost management skill funnily enough is something you should definitely level up quickly and then we move on to the tier 4 skills of the social skill tree first up is manipulation to upgrade the challenge ranks of this we'll have to successfully manipulate x amount of different people rank 1 you can force a Target NPC at or below your level to obey commands for a limited time Rank 2 you can force the target NPC up to 10 levels higher than you to obey commands for a limited time Rank 3 you can force a Target NPC up to 20 levels higher than YouTuber big commands for a limited time and Rank 4 manipulated targets Now obey commands for a substantial amount of time now just like diplomacy intimidation and instigation if you want to control NPCs by telling them what to do well this is the skill for you personally doesn't Tickle My Fancy but if this is something you're really into definitely look into the manipulation skill next is the skill ship command to level up the ranks of this we will have to destroy all board x amount of ships with a crew of two or more now I don't know if this means that you need a crew of two or more or the ship that you're boarding or destroying has to have a crew of two or more either way you will pretty much always have a crew of two or more on your ship and pretty much any ship you board will have a crew of two or more so it should be pretty easy to level this one up now rank 1 you can have up to four active crew members rank two five crew members rank three six crew members and rank four you can have up to eight active crew members now if your ship is big enough and you have an active crew of eight this could be a huge buff to your ship as each crew member has specific skills that they're good at certain ranks of certain skills as well so if you deck your ship out with a crew of eight who are all really good at ship related skills your ship is going to be way more powerful than it was without the crew so Having Eight crew members is hugely hugely beneficial to anyone who wants to get really into ship stuff and finally we have Xeno sociology to rank this up we will have to successfully use pacify on x amount of different aliens it might take a while but it should be pretty easy to do as most planets with aliens have aliens all over the place so they're not in short supply so rank 1 you can force a Target alien creature up to 10 levels higher than you to stop fighting for a limited time Rank 2 you can force a Target alien creature up to 10 levels higher than you to flee for a limited time Rank 3 you can force a Target alien creature up to 10 levels higher than you to attack their allies for a limited time and Rank 4 you can force a Target creature up to 10 levels higher than you to obey commands for a limited time now this kind of skill isn't my cup of tea however if it is your cup of tea this could be really cool and useful and fun to play with especially if you run to something like a terramorph being able to make it stop fighting or make it flee or make it attack its fellow Terra morphs or being able to command a terramorph what to do that could be pretty fun personally for me and my like preferred play style there are a million other skills I would prefer to put my skill points into but if this is your kind of thing this could be really fun to play with and now we're moving on to the combat skills beginning with the Tier 1 combat skills so you can get these at any time first up is ballistics to rank this up we have to kill x amount of of enemies with a ballistic weapon now as far as I'm aware a ballistic weapon is any weapon that does physical damage which is most of them so this should be really easy to level up a rank 1 ballistic weapons do 10 more damage rank two Ballistic weapons do 20 more damage rank three ballistic weapons do 30 more damage and Rank 4 Ballistic weapon range is increased by 30 percent so it just makes you do more damage with Ballistic weapons and finally Rank 4 you get an increased range so if you want to go with some kind of snipey thing uh getting this to rank four is definitely definitely recommended next we have dueling to rank this up we have to kill x amount of enemies with a melee weapon rank 1 melee weapons do 25 more damage and you take 10 less damage while wielding a melee weapon Rank 2 melee kills make you run 20 faster for 10 seconds rank three melee weapons do 50 more damage and you take 15 less damage while wielding a melee weapon and Rank 4 melee kills heal you for 10 of your health now obviously if you want to melee build this is an absolute must-have taking less damage while wielding a melee weapon doing 50 more damage with the melee weapon killing people makes you run 10 faster with a melee weapon and killing people with melee weapons heals you for 10 of your health this is really really like number one top tier melee weapon skill you gotta get this maxed out as soon as possible if you're going to go with a melee build next we have lasers to rank this up we will have to kill x amount of enemies with a laser weapon rank 1 laser weapons do 10 more damage then two is twenty percent rank threes 30 and Rank 4 laser weapons have a five percent chance to set a Target on fire they're much like ballistics if you want to use laser weapons this just makes you do more damage and you have a chance of setting them on fire which will do even more damage so if you're gonna go lasers get this laser skill leveled up next we have pistol certificate Nation to rank this up we'll have to kill x amount of enemies with a pistol rank 1 pistol do 10 more damage rank Two Pistols to 25 percent more damage and rank 3 pistols to 50 percent more damage Rank 4 pistol kills Grant plus 25 critical hit chance for 5 seconds obviously if you want to be a gunslinger you want to use pistols this is definitely something you will want to level up as quickly as possible 50 increase damage and 25 critical hit chance for 5 seconds after killing someone with a pistol huge hugely beneficial and this is just the pistol gun type so you can then combine this with other skills like ballistic or lasers depending on the damage type of your said chosen pistols to get even more juice out of your pistols next we have shotgun certification to rank this up we will have to kill x amount of enemies with a shotgun easy peasy to do if you're using you won't believe it a shotgun now rank 1 shotguns do 10 more damage than 20 then 30 then rank four kills Grant a small chance to stun additional targets with shotguns for a limited time so if you kill someone with a shotgun for a limited time whatever that is you have a chance of stunning you have a chance of stunning targets with your shotgun obviously if you want to use shotguns this is a skill for you now we're moving on to the tier 2 skills in the combat skill tree first up is demolitions we have to kill x amount of enemies with explosives this could be a bit harder to level up than say pistols or shotguns or something like that as for example with a pistol you can turn a corner boom you kill an enemy instantly with your pistol with a grenade you know you got to throw it you've got to lob it you've got to time it you've got to figure out where the grenade's going to be when it goes off where the enemy is going to be or a land mine or something like that can be a bit more fiddly and time consuming and require a lot more planning to kill enemies with explosives it's not super difficult but it would be way more difficult compared to a pistol or a shotgun or another weapon type now rank 1 throwing grenades now shows a trajectory Arc explosions have a 20 larger radius Rank 2 explosions to 25 more damage Rank 3 reduced damage taken from explosives by 25 and rank for all previous bonuses are doubled so if you get this to Rank 4 your explosions will have a 50 larger radius they will do 50 more damage and you will take 50 less damage from explosions and you will have the trajectory Arc from throwing grenades goes without saying if you want to use explosives for things this is a skill you gotta rank up to Rank 4 as quickly as possible next we have heavy weapons certification to rank this up we will have to kill x amount of enemies with a heavy weapon should be pretty easy to do use a heavy weapon go through a few locations you will have this maxed out really quickly provided you have the available skill points of course a rank 1 heavy weapons do 10 more damage rank twos 20 rank 3 is 30 and Rank 4 gained 25 physical resistance while aiming downsides with a heavy weapon goes without saying if you want to use heavy weapons get this skill maxed out ASAP next we have incapacitation to rank this up we will have to deal x amount of em damage that being electromagnetic damage which is one of the damage types so you will need a weapon that deals em damage to rank this up now rank 1 em weapons to 5 more damage than Rank 2 is 10 then Rank 3 is 15 and then Rank 4 em weapons have a 15 chance to do 300 em damage now rank one two and three are good but they're half as good as the other damage increases you get from weapon skills but Rank 4 15 chance to do 300 which would be three times damage that is huge the 15 is a bit all could be it's like super worth it and kind of not worth it at the same time it's weird but if you want to get into em weapons and incapacitating people or just destroying robots definitely look into the incapacitation skill next up we have the particle beams skill to rank this up we will have to kill x amount of enemies with a particle beam weapon rank 1 particle beam weapons do 10 more damage rank twos 20 more damage Rank 3 30 more damage and Rank 4 particle beam weapons have a plus five percent crit chance and one of the damage types is energy which is delivered by laser weapons and with particle beam weapons so if you specifically want to use particle beam weapons well this skills for you next we have rifle certification to rank this up we will have to kill x amount of enemies with a rifle obviously if you're using a rifle you can rank this up really quickly now rank 1 rifles do 10 more damage Rank 2 is 20 more damage rank 3 30 more damage and Rank 4 reload rifles 30 faster while you're standing still obviously the damage bonuses are great and speak themselves reloading 30 faster is great but it requires you to stand and still I feel like making sure you're standing still while reloading might be just a little bit too micro managing if you're doing something like sniping or you're specifically hiding behind a crate or something and taking your enemies out with Precision this could be really useful but if you're running around crazily with a machine gun like Rambo you're probably not going to be standing still that often so you won't get the benefit of this 30 faster reload because you won't be standing still next we're moving into the tier three skills in the combat skill tree first up is Marksmanship to rank this up we will need to deal x amount of ranged critical hits should be pretty easy I was getting crits pretty often without having any kind of crit build so you should be able to get this ranked up pretty quickly now rank 1 increases critical hit chance with non-automatic ranged weapons by three percent rank two is the same thing but eight percent rank three is the same thing but 15 and Rank 4 Critical Hits using a non-automatic ranged weapon without a scope to double damage and those with Scopes knock down enemies on the next shot this is pretty cool because you get benefits both if you no scope or if you do use the scope but important to note that it only works with non-automatic ranged weapons like rifles like some kind of sniper rifle where you pull the trigger down and it fires once so this skill would definitely be something you'll want to look into if you plan on having some kind of sniper build next up we have rapid reloading to rank this up we have to reload x amount of empty magazines if you just go out and about for a couple of hours going about your business you should be able to rank this up pretty easily and quickly without any issues at all as you will be dumping clips and reloading quite often now rank 1 reload ballistic weapons 30 faster Rank 2 reload energy and EM weapons 30 faster rank 3 reload particle beam weapons 30 faster and you have have a 50 chance to avoid getting interrupted while reloading and Rank 4 chance on hitting enemies to increase reload speed for all weapons by 50 for 15 seconds so this doesn't really slot into any specific build type anything using a gun this kind of covers all the bases for increasing reload speed and all kinds of benefits to reloading I wouldn't say it's build defining but it's definitely like in the second tier of important skills to have for anyone using uh guns this is definitely up there next we have the sniper certification skill to rank this up we will need to kill x amount of enemies using a scoped weapon this is a big jump as rank one is 50 enemies most of the other weapons are like 20 enemies with a weapon type this is specifically with a scoped weapon so this might take quite a while to rank up fully anyway rank 1 scoped weapons are steadier and have less sway very useful rank two you can hold your breath longer with scoped weapons Rank 3 headshots while aiming with a scoped weapon have a plus 25 critical hit chance and Rank 4 scoped weapons do 50 more damage while using the scope obviously if you want to be a sniper and you want to use the scoped weapon this is top tier top shelf you must have this skill maxed out it will take you a while to get there and it will probably take a while to rank up fully but when you do you'll be a sniping Master next we have the targeting skill to rank this up we will have to kill x amount of enemies without aiming with a ranged weapon ranking this up is is just like sniping just don't use the scope basically now rank one increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming marks up to one enemy within 25 meters that damages you rank 2 notably increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming marks up to two enemies within 50 meters that damage you rank 3 greatly increase accuracy and range when shooting without aiming marks up to three enemies within 75 meters to damage you and Rank 4 10 chance to disarm targets hit when shooting without aiming marks up to four enemies within 100 meters that damage you so marking the enemies is useful if you want to keep track of the enemies increasing the accuracy is great especially because you're not aiming which is of course less accurate so having this better accuracy while not aiming kind of closes the gap of that disadvantage of not aiming with a weapon and having a 10 chance to disarm targets when shooting without aiming is great disarming is a Target in any situation is very beneficial it's only beneficial really but are you going to be running around not aiming that much I don't know I guess that's up to you but just as a reflex I usually aim down sight without really thinking about all I need to aim or oh I don't need to aim right now is just kind of happens so it might bring in a level of micromanagement to your gun play that might be kind of annoying but I don't know now we're moving into the tier 4 skills in the combat skill tree first up is armor penetration to rank this up we will have to kill x amount of enemies with a non-automatic weapon rank 1 attacks ignore 15 of a target's armor Rank 2 is 30 Rank 3 is 50 and Rank 4 enemy armor is decreased by 25 for 6 seconds after a critical hit now there are a couple of other skills like the skills that increase critical hit chance that you'll probably want to look into and despite the challenge requiring you to use a non-automatic weapon all of the bonuses are applied to just all attacks May attacks on armed attacks ranged attacks all weapon types automatic non-automatic scoped non-scoped all of the benefits from this apply to every single play style when it comes to combat so that's something to keep in mind and this could be very very useful especially when you're fighting against really heavily armored enemies ignoring 50 of their armor is great and decreasing at 25 further for six seconds after a critical hit you could really mess up some otherwise incredibly tanky enemies now the next skill is crippling to rank this up we have to put x amount of enemies into the bleed out State now I don't actually know what a bleed out state is I know it's the downed state is you know you beat someone up enough and instead of standing up and fighting you they're on all fours like coughing on their last legs kind of thing and I don't know if this down state is the same as a bleed out state if it is this should be no problem to rank up if it's not the same thing I don't know what a bleed out state is and good luck to you now rank one human enemies have a 30 increased chance to enter a downed state after taking enough damage rank two humanoid enemies have a 50 increased chance to not naturally recover from a down state rank three human enemies can now enter a downstate earlier and Rank 4 previous ranks now apply to all enemy types and you now do 100 more damage to downed enemies 100 more damage is double damage now obviously if an enemies standing on their two feet with their gun in hand pointing at you that's danger if they're crawling around on all fours dying that is not danger so making enemies go into this state more often more quickly and having this now apply to not just human enemies but all enemy types super beneficial while I don't think this is build defining in terms of like secondary skills you'll probably want to look into this is definitely up there as it basically is beneficial to every playstyle next we have the skill Sharp Shooting to rank this up we will have to deal x amount of ranged Critical Hits now this won't be quick to level up but it shouldn't be too bad either pretty much every fight you go into if there's 10 20 or so uh enemies you should be able to get a dozen or two ranged Critical Hits so you probably won't be on a speed run racking this up but it shouldn't be too hard either now rank 1 increase headshot critical damage by 50 with ranged weapons Rank 2 increase critical damage to enemy legs by 50 with ranged weapons Rank 3 increase all critical damage to enemies by 50 with ranged weapons and Rank 4 ranged critical hit kills increase your critical hit chance with all ranged weapons by 25 for 20 seconds don't think we need to go into this much if you want to use ranged weapons to screw your enemies over if you want any kind of sniper build this Sharp Shooting skill is 100 top tier you must Max this out as quickly as you can this will turn you from a sniping Master into a sniping God and now we're moving on to the science skill category beginning with the Tier 1 skills which you can unlock at any time so first up is Astro Dynamics to rank this up we will have to make x amount of grab jumps you'll be grab jumping quite a lot so this would be leveled up pretty quickly I would think now rank one increase grav jump range of jump drives by 15 Rank 2 reduced fuel cost of jump drives by 15 rank three increased grab jump range and reduced fuel cost of jump drives by 30 Jesus tongue twisting everywhere and Rank 4 reduced fuel cost of jump drives by 50 if exploration is your number one goal and you want to get it super into ship stuff this is a hundred percent something you should look into leveling up quickly its benefits are beneficial to pretty much every playstyle of course this is Starfield you're going to be jumping between Star systems a lot it's not the end of the world if you you get 15 extra range or not or something like that but it is helpful so it's not build defining but it's not terrible it's just an extra bonus thing you might want to look into late in game unless you are specifically going with a space exploration build next we have geology to rank this up we have to harvest inorganic resources from x amount of sources in organic resources being like metals and minerals and stuff like that organic resources are things you get off of killing aliens or harvesting plants so leveling this up will be really really quickly you can land on any Planet rich with resources spend like 30 minutes Mining and you can probably get this from rank 1 to rank four if you have the skill points available in like 30 minutes to an hour easy peasy now rank one get more common and uncommon inorganic resources from surface objects Rank 2 get more rare inorganic resources from surface objects rank 3 get more exotic inorganic resources from surface object and Rank 4 occasionally Harvest additional rarer resources from surface objects now I'm not 100 sure what surface objects are I'm assuming it just means naturally occurring resource nodes like if I buy 10 pieces of iron off a vendor and have this perk maxed out I'm not going to get 15 iron off the vendor because I get extra resources from this skill so by surface objects I'm assuming like naturally occurring nodes slash sources of a material like you're running out and about and you mine some iron with your laser cutter that you found on a rock that is a Surface object obviously if you want to run around harvesting stuff and that's important to you this skill is important to you overall not amazing it's not build defining but all the bonuses it gives can be useful to pretty much every play style but I wouldn't go out of my way to spend skill points in this especially early on in the game there are way way more important skills to spend your skill points on next we have medicine to rank this up we will have to use healing items x amount of times while wounded now I'm assuming wounded means you've taken damage and not wounded as in like you've got a cut which might be one of the many afflictions you can get in game so I don't know if you need to have a specific Affliction that counts as a wound or if it's just whenever you don't have full health but either way this shouldn't be too hard to level up I get wounded slash I've got like I'm suffering from lacerations as an Affliction that happens quite often and obviously I'm not at full health even more often so leveling this up shouldn't be an issue now rank 1 Med packs trauma packs and emergency kits restore 10 additional Health 10 faster Rank 2 is the same thing but it's all 20 faster rank three is the same thing but it's all 30 percent faster and the rank 4 Med packs trauma packs and emergency kits were still 50 additional Health 50 faster and have a chance to cure an Affliction now in game all the things that heal you they don't heal you instantly they heal over time so having them heal you more quickly faster is better having them heal you more is better and having a chance to cure an Affliction is better again wouldn't call this a build defining skill but in terms of like secondary I might put some points into this this is a pretty good one next we have research methods to rank this up we have to craft x amount of unique food drinks drugs weapon mods or equipment mods now again just like the bartering thing when it says unique it just means singular it just means different types of things like if you craft 100 of the same food that's just going to count as one but if you craft a hundred different things that's going to be 100 unique food drinks drugs weapons mods or equipment mods now rank one resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 10 Rank 2 takes it to 20 rank 3 takes it to 40 percent and Rank 4 sudden developments during research are twice as common resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 60 now this is really beneficial if you want to get into any kind of crafting at all you must you must dive deep into the research station there are so many things to research when you start the game you cannot craft most things in the game you have to research them and you need specific ranks of specific skills to be able to research and craft specific things like if you want to build the best Starship engine you're going to need a higher rank of like Starship engine skill or whatever it's called we'll get there in a minute but if you want to craft stuff at all in any capacity in any of the categories you're going to want to be researching quite a lot so all of the benefits you get from this research method skill are extremely beneficial and again I wouldn't call this skill build defining however in regards to the non-build defining skills I think this is the number one skill you'll want to get it will benefit every single play style next we have the skills surveying to rank this up we will have to use the hand scanner to scan x amount of unique resources Flora or fauna again unique just means different types this should be really easy any planet with life will have more than 10 unique resources Flora or fauna so you can probably Max this out by visiting just a couple of planets now rank 1 adds an optional Zoom to the hand scanner and scan distance is increased to 20 meters Rank 2 makes the zoom better and 30 meters scan distance Rank 3 makes the zoom even better and increases the scan distance to 40 meters and Rank 4 adds another level of Zoom to the hand scanner and scan distance is increased to 50 meters again not build defining but if you're going to be running around scanning stuff this is definitely up there taking the scan distance from 10 with no rank of the skill all the way up to 50 is really beneficial you can basically snipe scan stuff if you want to scan a really dangerous alien you can do it safely from behind a rock 50 meters away opposed to having to get up into the alien's armpit to scan it and while the zoom function is cool I didn't really ever use this to any like beneficial capacity so if you want to run around doing a lot of scanning this is definitely up there in terms of Handy skills but it's not vital to any real build unless your build is like the scan man or something like that next we're moving on to the tier 2 skills of the science skill tree first up is botany to rank this up we will have to harvest x amount of organic resources from Plants this is super easy you could get this from rank 1 to Rank 4 in a matter of like 10 minutes 20 minutes of course if you have the available skill points to rank it up each time anyway rank 1 get more common and uncommon organic resources from Plants learn additional info about them from the scanner and allow some plants to be cultivated at your outposts Rank 2 get more rare organic resources from plants and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner rank 3 get more exotic organic resources from plants and learn information about them while quickly using the scanner and Rank 4 occasionally Harvest additional rarer resources from plants and learn additional information about them more quickly using the scanner so with this you can grow plants you can Harvest more stuff from plants and you can scan plants more quickly if you're into plants and scanning plants and anything plant related this is the skill for you next we have the skill scanning to rank this up we have to scan x amount of planets or moons now leveling this up can be really quick if you go to a moon that has two resources and that's it you can scan that moon in 10 seconds but if you go to a planet that's got 10 aliens 10 pieces of Flora and 12 resources and three traits that planet is going to take hours to fully scan so you could level this up really quickly if you choose the right planets that have absolutely nothing on them so rank one you can detect uncommon inorganic resources on planet and moon surfaces and more information about ships in space Rank 2 you can detect rare inorganic resources on planet and moon surfaces and more specific information about ships in space Rank 3 you can detect exotic inorganic resources on planet and moon surfaces and gain better combat information on ships in space and Rank 4 you can detect unique inorganic resources on planet and moon services and gain a complete list of cargo on ships in space now what this means is from a planet's orbits when you're in space above a planet you can scan the planet and it will show you the location of all the different resources on it being able to detect unique inorganic resources can be extremely beneficial as of course unique resources are unique to that planet and they are quite rare so instead of landing on the planet running around for hours trying to find this unique resources if you can scan it from your ship and show you the location of it that is pretty handy and on the flip side being able to scan ships and see a full inventory of their cargo well if you're a pirate build or something like that and you want to figure out which ships are worth raiding um having the scanner skill maxed out could be hugely beneficial next we have spacesuit design to level this up we will have to craft x amount of space suit Helmet or pack mods it shouldn't be too hard provided you have researched the appropriate mods at the research station slash lab so that you can actually craft these but once you've unlocked those crafting them is no problem at all so rank one you can craft improved space suit helmet and pack mods and research additional mods at a research lab Rank 2 you can research and craft Superior spacesuit helmet and pack mods Rank 3 you can research and craft Cutting Edge spacesuit helmet and pack mods and Rank 4 construction of spacesuit helmet and pack mods occasionally doesn't cost resources so if you want to get into crafting and you want to get into totally kidding out your spacesuits helmets and packs opposed to having to rely on finding them or buying them or getting rewarded them through request this is 100 a skill you will want to max out you can spend hours if not tens of hours if not hundreds of hours trying to get a specific item that has a specific mod on it so if you can just craft it when ever you want or you are winning next we have weapon engineering to rank this up we will have to craft x amount of weapon mods easily done if you can craft the weapon mods I.E if you've researched them now rank 1 you can craft improved weapon mods at a weapon workbench and research additional weapon mods at a research lab rank two you can research and craft Superior weapon mods Rank 3 you can research and craft Cutting Edge weapon mods and Rank 4 you can research and craft Master Level weapon mods now just like the previous skills spacesuit design weapon engineering is a skill you will want to totally max out if you want to get really into crafting or again if you don't want to have to spend hours and hours and hours looking for a specific weapon with a specific modification you can just craft it you are on top of the world next we have the skill zoology to rank this up we will have to harvest organic resources from 20 creatures it should be super easy to do every alien is a uh a creature so go and kill some aliens and you'll rank this up in no time at all now rank one get more common organic resources from creatures and harvest from them without harming them learn additional info about them from the scanner and allows you to produce animal resources at your outposts wow that's a lot of stuff in one rank now rank two get more Uncommon organic resources from creatures and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner get more rare organic resources from creatures and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner and Rank 4 occasionally Harvest additional rarer resources from creatures and learn information about them more quickly with a scanner so with this you can make animal resources at your Outpost if you want to like you've got some kind of I don't know Dairy plants or something you milk in those juicy alien teats like Luke's sucking that blue milk out of whatever that thing was you can of course get more more organic resources from them you can scan them more quickly and interestingly you can Harvest resources from creatures without harming them so I guess if you pair this with something like Xeno sociology where you can stop creatures from attacking you could pacify them and then Harvest from them without actually having to kill them so if you want to play like a vegan build you can I guess next we're moving on to the tier 3 skills of the science skill tree first up is astrophysics to rank this up we will have to scan x amount of unique planets or moons now I don't know if this means scan from space or fully scan as in land on them and scanned every single piece of flora fauna and resource and traits if so that's going to take ages if it's just scanning from space that's easy and should be quick so rank one you can scan the moons of your current Planet you have a 10 chance to discover a trait when scanning Rank 2 you can scan any planet or moon in the system you have a twenty percent chance to discover a trait when scanning Rank 3 you can scan any planet or Moon within 16 light years you have a 30 chance to discover a trait when scanning and Rank 4 you can scan any planet or Moon within 30 light years and you have a 50 chance to discover a trade when scanning so this is pretty cool normally you can only scan a planet or Moon if you were in orbit above it being able to scan a planet or Moon without having to travel to it is huge if you can I mean it's just scanning the moons of the planet you're on is great scanning anything in the star system is even better scanning anything within 16 or 30 light years is massive also having a 50 chance to discover a trait when scanning this is hugely beneficial as the thing that takes the longest on any planet to scan is the traits any moon or planet that has a trait you have to find a specific thing on that Planet 2 scan that will unlock that trait I have spent hours and hours on some moons and planets looking for their traits and not finding them so having a 50 chance of Unlocking The Trait just by scanning them from anywhere hugely beneficial this will save you hundreds of hours so if you are interested in scanning everything in Starfield astrophysics is the number one thing you must get next we have the chemistry skill to rank this up we have to create x amount of chems this should be easy if you've researched them and you can craft them you can do this in like a minute provided you've got the resources and you've unlocked the ability to craft cams easy peasy so rank one you can create improved chems and research additional chems at a research lab rank two you can research and create Superior chems rank three you can research and create Cutting Edge chems and Rank 4 crafting chems occasionally triples the amount created now if you want to use chems a lot to buff your character if you've got some kind of like drug addict build 100 want to Max this out or if you just want to create chems because you've got a bunch of leftover resources you can craft chems and then sell them because oftentimes they are worth a fair chunk of credits so there are actually a few different applications of this and if either of those sound good to you then chemistry is definitely a skill you should look into next we have Outpost engineering to rank this up we have to build x amount of different Outpost modules this can be done really easily and really quickly you could probably get it from rank 1 to Rank 4 just building one Outpost if of course you've got the skill points to sink into raking it up four times so rank one you can construct improved Outpost modules and research additional modules at a research lab rank two you can research and construct Superior Outpost modules rank 3 you can research and construct Cutting Edge Outpost modules and Rank 4 Outpost modules now cost fifty percent fewer resources to build obviously if Outpost building is something you're into this is like like number one in regards to important skills that you will want to max out ASAP if you want to get really into Outpost building and now we're moving on to the tier 4 skills of the science skill tree first up is a new electronic Fusion I think that's how you say that to rank this up we will have to destroy x amount of ships this should be done pretty quickly although there is another skill piloting that has the same requirements to rank up and it did actually take a while so I would say if you want to get into this get in early but it is in the tier 4 so you will have already had to have had put a lot of skills into the science skill tree to even unlock this so I guess I'll say if you want to get into this skill you will want to unlock it as soon as you can anyway rank 1 ship reactors produce one extra unit of power rank two is two extra units of power rank three is three extra units of power and Rank 4 ship reactors produce five extra units of power Now power is what powers your ship the more power your ship has the more power you have to put into the different modules of the ship to make it short and simple the more power your ship has the better your ship is going to be so if you want to get super into Shippy stuff and you won't have the best ship possible getting this skill maxed out will massively benefit you next we have planetary habitation to rank this up we will have to build habitable outposts on x amount of different planets this could take some time and take some resources it shouldn't be too hard but it could be a little bit time consuming now rank one you can build outposts on planets with extreme temperatures in Brackets deep freeze and Inferno increase the maximum number of outposts you can build by four rank two you can build outposts on planets with extreme pressure increase the maximum number of outposts you can build by eight rank three you can build an outpost on planets with toxic or corrosive atmospheres increases the maximum number of outposts you can build by 12 and Rank 4 you can build outposts on planets with extreme gravity increase the maximum number of outposts you can build by 16. obviously if you want to get into Outpost stuff this is one of if not the most important skills you will want to max out as soon as you can next we have the skill special projects to rank this up we will have to craft x amount of common or uncommon manufactured components it should be pretty easy to rank up this one it will just take some resources and you will have to have researched the components that you want to make now rank one you can research experimental projects at a research lab Rank 2 you can craft a rare manufactured components at an industrial workbench Rank 3 you can craft exotic manufactured components at an industrial workbench and Rank 4 You Can Craft unique manufactured components at an industrial workbench Outpost extractors have a chance to produce a dish national resources so if you want to get really industrial with your Outpost building this is something you should really look into and your outposts will extract more resources so again if you basically want to have an outpost that's like a mining company this is a skill you should get into and now we move on to the tech skill tree starting of course with the tier one skills and the tech skill treats so you can get these at any time first up is ballistic weapon systems to rank this up we will have to deal x amount of damage to enemy ships with Ballistic weapons pretty easy it might take some time to get up to Rank 4 as you don't I mean like fighting other ships in space it's definitely part of the game but it's not happening constantly so it won't be hard to level this up it just might take a bit of time or jumping around different planets and star systems intentionally looking for spaceships to fight now rank 1 ballistic ship weapons have 10 increased damage and cost 20 less to use in targeting mode Rank 2 Ballistic ship weapons of 20 increased damage and recharge 15 faster Rank 3 ballistic ship weapons have 30 increased damage and recharge 30 faster and Rank 4 Ballistic ship weapons do 50 more damage to individual systems so obviously more damage is good having a recharge 30 faster is good having it cost 20 Less in targeting mode is good and doing 50 more damage to individual systems is really good as well overall this really only shines if you have the targeting system skill but we'll get on to that in a minute but this skill and pretty much every skill in the tech tree save for a couple they all ship things so if you want to get into ship stuff you could very well want to look into this ballistic weapon systems next we have Boost pack training one of the tech skills that isn't ship related but Oyo boy do you want to get this quick smart now to rank this up we will need a boost jump x amount of times while in combat this is easy to do you're in combat a lot you could probably get this from rank 1 to Rank 4 in one combat encounter to be honest you would need the skill points to put into it but you could do it now rank one you can utilize boost packs this is important because if you don't have this skill you cannot use boost packs and with Boost packs being in my opinion one of the great parts of the game you're going to want to get boost pack training like straight away like we're talking like level one you want boost pack training now Rank 2 using a boost pack expends less fuel rank 3 boost pack fuel regenerates more quickly and Rank 4 doubles previous bonuses these are all great boost packing is a great part of the game it lets you get places that you otherwise wouldn't be able to get to it lets you do cool stuff in combat it lets you explore more freely anything and everything to do with Boost pack I would 100 suggest that you max out I wouldn't quite call them build defining but if you just want to move around with ease and enjoy the game of Starfield a lot more boost pack training at least get rank one so you can at least use them next we have the piloting skill now to rank this up we have to destroy x amount of ships again it's pretty easy to do but by the time you get to trying to unlock Rank 4 I think it's you have to destroy 30 ships to do that and finding 30 ships of the story could take hours so if you do want to get into flying stuff I would definitely suggest getting piloting really early on so you can start upgrading these ranks as soon as possible so rank 1 you can now utilize ship thrusters this is like your Boost in space again if you're flying ships and you want to be into flying ships using your thrusters is a big thing Rank 2 increased ship turning rate and maneuverability huge some of the ships feel like you're trying to turn you know an aircraft carrier so if you can make a more Zippy more pod racery that is fantastic rank 3 unlock the ability to Pilot b-class ships and Rank 4 unlock the ability to Pilot C-Class ships now each ship its class is based on the class of its reactor the lower level reactors are class A the mid ones are class B and the big dick ships are Class C if you want to get into ships get this maxed out ASAP because I spent a boatload of money buying this ship without realizing I couldn't actually fly it because it was a Class C ship and I could only use Class A ships so again if you want to be a ship Master get piloting maxed out ASAP next up we have the security skill to rank this up we have to pick x amount of locks this can be ranked up pretty easily as there is locked stuff everywhere now rank one you can attempt to hack Advanced locks and two Auto attempts can be banked rank two you can attempt to hack expert locks and three Auto attempts can be banked Rings now turn blue when The Pick can be slotted very useful Rank 3 you can attempt to hack Master Level locks and 4 attempts can be banked and Rank 4 expanded Digi Peak to eliminate keys that aren't required to solve the puzzle five Auto attempts can be banked so this is super useful and I would 100 suggest that you get it to at least Rank 3 as quickly as you can as pretty much every single location has like 10 if not 20 if not more locked containers and doors and you will be using the security skill way more than you would in any other Bethesda game studios game so even if you don't want to get super into lockpicking stuff I would still suggest that like in terms of a secondary skill to get this is absolutely up there next we have the targeting control systems to rank this up we will have to destroy x amount of enemy ships while in targeting mode this can be pretty easily done again the real challenge is just finding enough ships to destroy so rank 1 unlocks ship targeting functionality this is huge if you don't have this you cannot specifically Target parts of a ship Rank 2 time to lock onto enemy ships is reduced by 15 Target locked ships fire at you 25 slower Rank 3 time to lock onto enemy ships is reduced by 30 percent you have a 10 increased chance of critically hitting a Target locked ship and Rank 4 time to lock onto enemy ships is reduced by 60 percent deal 20 increased system damage in targeting mode now this will just make dog fighting for you so much easier but for me the biggest benefit you go into Target controlled mode blow out an enemy ship's engines then they can't move and you can dock with them you get to go on board kill everyone on the ship then take the ship and you own the ship if you've registered the ship under your name you can then sell the ship you can make tons of money you can keep the ship you can modify the ship for me the huge benefit of targeting Control Systems is being able to take out enemy engines and take a ship this is one of the most fun things I love to do and even without that this just makes you a God in dog fighting so if you want to get into ship stuff if you want to get into stealing ships targeting Control Systems is a must-have that you must max out as soon as you can and now we're moving on to tier two of the tech skill tree skills starting with energy weapon systems to rank this up we will need to deal x amount of damage to enemy ships with energy weapons should be pretty easy to rank up you'll just have to find enough enemy ships to shoot with energy weapons to do so now rank one energy ship weapons have 10 increased damage and cost 15 percent less to use in targeting mode Rank 2 energy ship weapons have 20 increased damage and cost 30 less to use in targeting mode rank 3 energy ship weapons have 30 increased damage and cost 45 less to use in targeting mode and Rank 4 energy ship weapons recharge 30 faster all across the board really beneficial especially if you're going to be using energy weapon systems on your ship next we have Engine Systems to rank this up we will have to boost x amount of times with your spaceship while in combat this is the easiest thing ever to rank up you could probably get this from rank 1 to rank four in one ship battle again you would need all skill points available to do so but leveling this up would be easy so rank 1 your ship's top speed has increased by 10 percent Rank 2 ship boosts last longer and the cooldown is shorter Rank 3 your ship's top speed is increased by 20 and Rank 4 while boosting all enemies disengage the player and can only reacquire them as a Target after the player stops boosting again if you want to get into ship stuff this is very useful having a faster ship is great reducing the cooldown of your Boost is great and when you are boosting your enemy can't Target you very useful next we have payloads to rank the sample you'll have to make x amount of grab jumps with 75 or more of your maximum cargo capacity this shouldn't be too hard you do grab jump a lot but you don't really want to roam around at 75 cargo capacity although this shouldn't really matter if you have a ship with a massive cargo capacity so it shouldn't be too hard you'll just have to be a bit cautious that you don't end up on a planet with a full ship and a full inventory because there is nothing more annoying than not being able to take stuff with you however the payload skill pays itself off as rank 1 ship cargo holds 10 percent more capacity Rank 2 is 20 rank 3's 30 and Rank 4 ship cargo holds have 50 percent more capacity now if your max carry capacity on your characters like 250 I think I've got a ship with like 1400 ship cargo carry capacity which is already like seven times what my character can carry so if you can then increase that by another 50 you are laughing you'll be at a store so much stuff on your ship so again if you're like me you like to pick everything up you like The Horde stuff and you're constantly over encumbered definitely definitely put points into the payload skill next we have Shield systems to rank this up we will have to take x amount of Shield damage this should be pretty easy pretty much anytime you're in a dogfight in space you're gonna have your Shields up I hope and people are going to be shooting those Shields which will be damaging them so again it should be quite simple to rank this one up so rank one your ship has 20 increased Shield capacity rank two it's 40 rank three sixty percent and Rank 4 your Shields will occasionally resist 100 of all damage received again if you want to get super into dog fighting and stuff like that this is really beneficial this will just make you way more defensive then we're moving on to the tier 3 skills of the tech skill tree to rank this up we will have to deal x amount of damage to enemy ships with missile weapons this might be a little bit harder because missiles as far as I'm aware I haven't encountered any ship that has a missile system that locks on you shoot it and it just goes in a straight line so you kind of need to be pretty good at aiming or be really close to the enemy ship so when you shoot the missile it just hits them straight away rather than there being a long travel time because in that travel time the enemy can move way out of the way so it won't be super hard to rank this up you just have to pay a little bit more attention anyway rank 1 ship missile weapons do 10 more damage and targeting mode cost is reduced by 20 rank two ship missile weapons do 20 more damage and their targeting mode cost is reduced by 40 rank three ship missile weapons to 30 more damage and their targeting mode costs reduced by 60 and Rank 4 ship and missiles have a 20 increased Range travel speed and reload speed again all of this is super beneficial pretty much every ship has missile systems on it so getting all this stuff buffed up like this very useful next we have particle beam weapon systems to rank this up we need to deal x amount of damage to enemy ships with particle beam weapons again pretty easy use particle beam weapons damage ships you'll rank it up now rank 1 ship particle beam weapons do 10 more damage and targeting mode cost is reduced by 10 Rank 2 takes all this to 20 rank 3 takes it all to thirty percent and Rank 4 increased critical hit chance with ship particle beam weapons if you've got particle beam weapons get this skill next we have robotics to rank this up we have to destroy x amount of robots should be pretty easy although robotic enemies are nowhere near as common as any of the other enemy types so you might have to look around and go to like a robotics Factory or something like that now rank 1 and you deal 10 more damage to robots and turrets you can force a Target robot up to 10 levels higher than you to stop fighting for a limited time Rank 2 you deal 20 more damage to robots and turrets you can force a Target robot up to 10 levels higher than you two Flee for a limited time Rank 3 you can deal 30 more damage to robots and turrets and you can force a Target robot up to 10 levels higher than you to attack their allies for a limited time and Rank 4 you can force a Target robot up to 10 levels higher than you to obey commands for a limited time now much like the other ones to let you make enemies flee and stuff like that not really my cup of tea it's kind of like a mechanic that I feel like would just make combat a lot slower and more finicky and micro managing but if you're into this kind of thing here's this skill go for it next we have Starship design to level up the ranks of this we will need to install x amount of unique ship modules again unique just means separate different ones which shouldn't be too hard you can make them or you can use the shipbuilder and buy buy them whatever it should be pretty simple to rank this up now rank 1 allows the installation of improved ship modules Rank 2 allows the installation of superior ship modules Rank 3 allows the installation of Cutting Edge ship modules and Rank 4 allows the installation of experimental ship modules so if you want to get into shipbuilding and you want to build the coolest ships get Starship design leveled up ASAP next we have Starship engineering to rank this up we need to use x amount of ship repair kits this won't be that difficult but it probably won't be happening that often either so if you do want to get into this you might want to unlock this skill as soon as possible so you can begin leveling up the ranks ASAP now rank 1 all ship Systems Repair 10 faster Rank 2 ship systems have 25 increased damage mitigation rank 3 all ship Systems Repair 25 faster and Rank 4 occasionally pairing one block of a system will repair the entire system basically this just makes your ship more damage resistant and makes it heal more quickly and makes you better at healing slash repairing your ship and finally we move on to the tier 4 skills for the tech skill tree first up is automated weapon systems to level up the ranks of this we need to deal x amount of damage to enemy ships with automated turret weapons those might be a bit slow to level up as most ships don't have automated turret weapons and installing them can be costly or even require certain skills so this could be a bit finicky however rank 1 automated ship weapons do 10 more damage and reduce all targeting mode costs by 20 rank two automated ship weapons to 20 more damage and reduce all targeting mode costs by 30 your ship takes 20 less damage while in targeting mode rank three automated ship weapons do 30 more damage and reduce all targeting mode costs by 40 increases crit chance against targeted subsystems by 20 and Rank 4 ship turret weapons recharge 40 faster and do 20 more damage to targeted subsystems so basically while it helps automated weapon systems what it really does is make targeting mode way better next we have Boost assault training to rank this up we need to deal x amount of damage to enemies using the a boost pack and yes this does mean literally using the Boost pack not while using the Boost pack but by actually using the Boost pack you need to damage them how's that work well it works with rank one as rank 1 nearby enemies take damage when you boost and have a chance to catch on fire that is how you damage enemies using the Boost pack and Rank 2 chance to knock down nearby enemies when you boost Rank 3 aiming down sights while boosting will let you hover in place fuel is expended until empty and Rank 4 while hovering time slows down and the world moves 70 slower around you this is really cool if you love the Boost pack and love using it in combat this is going to turn you from a little boost pack ninja into basically a boost pack God where you can essentially like freeze time and hover in the air make everything slower so you can take your time and snipe people whether you fly around like an angel or you know an angel of death and the final skill oh we have em weapon systems to rank this up we need to deal x amount of damage to enemy ships with em weapons again speaks for itself use em weapons and you'll rank this up rank 1 em ship weapons have 10 increased damage and cost 15 less to use in targeting mode rank two em ship weapons have 20 increased damage and cost 30 less to use in targeting mode Rank 3 em ship weapons have 30 increased damage and cost 45 less to use in targeting mode and Rank 4 em ship weapons have a small chance of instantly disabling enemy engines overall if you want to use em weapons the uh you know damage increase is great blah blah blah blah but Rank 4 that is really cool as again disabling enemy engines means you can dock with them you can board them kill them and then take the ship for your own so I love that although you can do this with targeting systems you have to use the targeting systems to destroy the engines whereas this way you can just disable them so that when you board you don't have a broken ship on your hands so that was uh four hours of me recording this because there's a lot of skills in Starfield 82 skills each having four ranks anyway I do hope that you found this video useful and gave you a better look into all of the skills what they do so that you can better decide where to spend your ever ever valuable skill points again skill points are always in high high demand so making thought out decisions of where to spend them is very very important and I really hope this video helped you in deciding where to spend your precious skill points I would love to know what builds what skill combinations you're thinking about using and also if you've found any cool secret uses for any of the skills and their ranks that I didn't think of or cover in this video I'd love to hear about all that but given this video has already gone for however long I mean the recording is four hours long Jesus I won't take up any more of your time I hope you found this useful I've been camel all social media down in the description be sure to subscribe for more Starfield content you can also find the Starfield playlist down below for more Starfield videos all my social media years down there as well be sure to follow me on whatever your chosen platform is and I will see you very shortly in the next video I will see you there soon here
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 256,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, field, starfield, bethesda, game, studios, softworks, zenimax, elder, scrolls, fallout, camelworks, camel, works, secrets, hidden, mysteries, lore, gameplay, confirmed, trailer, teaser, sci-fi, science, space, RPG, todd, howard, e3, analysis, discussion, epic, planet, ship, alien, pete, hines, release, date, what, info, leak, all, we, know, everything, play, travel, fantasy, time, xbox, showcase, officially, leaked, concept, art, technology, deep, dive, ancient, mystery, story, character, combat, dev, meaning, diagram, starborn, on, skills, rare, unique
Id: YQPbBj9hZeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 0sec (5520 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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