STARFIELD - 10 Things You DIDN'T Need To Know (but secretly need to know) - Face On Mars Snow Globe

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[Music] foreign [Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to Starfield my name is camel today we are going to delve into the random facts helpful tips hidden secrets and obscure particulars of the game and run through 10 things that you didn't need to know about Starfield but secretly you totally need to know them now with this kind of stuff interests you my other Starfield videos can be found down in the description via the playlist link be sure to check all of them out as after all I did make them for you now down there you can also find all of my social media links along with timestamps for each Topic in this video star field is packed with a million tiny details so if you do know of any interesting trivia facts or secrets about Starfield be sure to let me and everyone else know down in the comments and we might just cover it in the next video but for today's video you are in for quite a treat as I have discovered an item in Starfield that as far as I'm aware no one else has ever found before and I'm going to show you how to get it so if you watch this video you will be one of the first people ever to get this item in game so on that exciting front without further hesitation let's dive into 10 things that you didn't need to know about Starfield but actually you totally do need to know them so for the first two we will be heading to Sidonia on Mars Humanity's oldest extraterrestrial colony where to this day it acts primarily as a Mining facility for demos diad's INC now between the harsh environment of Mars and the risks involved with explosive underground mining techniques and laser cutter swinging from side to side to donium is a pretty dangerous place especially when you gain bugs out and all the miners spawn in with no clothes on it looks like Bethesda took some of their code and stripped it now with Sedonia being so bloody dangerous well when we first entered the city if we look up in the main hallway we will see that there is a sign that says hours without incidents stay vigilant stay alive Above This is a digital display panel where in red numbers it tells us how many years until the Elder Scrolls 6 comes out which also happens to be the same number as hours that have passed since an incident occurred within Sedonia but did you know that I don't know if you wanted to or you can actually reset the timer by causing an incident AKA you know shooting someone in the head with a shotgun naturally the locals won't be too happy but personally I think it's their fault I think this timer incentivizes causing an incident just to reset the timer it's kind of like having a button that says don't press well you want to press it but hey there's a pretty funny goofy little detail that you may not have known about but now that we're in Sedonia let's move on to the second detail in Starfield that you didn't need to know but in all truth actually actually you you really do need to know this one so firstly Sedonia is a region on Mars in real life not only that but cydonia is the section of Mars where the famous photograph was taken of the face on Mars and if we head down towards the mining pits in the city of cedonia we can actually see a statue and plaque dedicated to the face on Mars and we can actually read the information plot to learn more the face on Mars on July 25 1976 the Viking 1 Orbiter spacecraft took its first photos of the Sidonia region of Mars among them was an image of what appeared to be a humanoid face on the surface of Mars the image inspired the imaginations of millions cementing Humanity's passion for space exploration and once again begging the question are we alone out there later photography would reveal that the face was no more than a Mountain Shadows and perhaps Humanity's greatest case of paradolia a tendency to perceive specific meaningful imagery in an otherwise ambiguous or random visual pattern nevertheless the legend of the face on Mars remains an important inspiration for many to this day so that's pretty cool the bgs put a city in Star fuels on a real region of Mars and even referenced you know the most notable part of Sidonia that being the face on Mars now if we exit the interior of cydonia and head outside well behind the city off in the distance we can see a big hill now the player character would never ever know this but this big hill is actually the face on Mars now the reason the player character would never know this is because the hill the face on Mars is about 10 times the size of the city of sedonium and through normal gameplay you would never be able to get the camera high enough where you could look down on this hill and potentially see a face on does luckily for you with a few console commands I have placed the camera way above the face on Mars and we can see it kind of looks like a face I did make the game time pass a lot faster so I could potentially get the right angle with the right Shadows at the right time of day so you hit that sweet spot and go oh there's the face but to be honest at no point did it really look heaps faceish nevertheless though this is a super cool detail and I love that they put this in here especially considering that the player character is never going to say this unless they use console commands to randomly fly the camera up and look down in the hopes of seeing the face on Mars well for the one in a million who thought about doing that aka me well it's here it's actually there but it doesn't end there as I decided to walk over there and have a look around the face on Mars AKA this giant Hill because you know most players wouldn't even know that this hill is the face on Mars so maybe the devs hid something here how cool would that be well all I found was a whole load of resources which is fine but after running around for about 20 minutes I came out empty-handed until I did find something as I was zipping around the face on Mars with the scanner up in free cam mode well you know what's snooping around looking at resource notes seeing if I could find anything that stood out really and then I went over this hill and there was a tiny blue dot what on Earth could that be well as I got closer I realized what it was and I'm sure you have too so I decided to get out of free cam mode and run over with my character to inspect further and sitting here on the ground in the right hand eye socket of the face on Mars there it was the Sidonia snow globe now if you don't know there's a dozen or so collectibles in Starfield which are snow globes but in my experience you can only find these snow globes if you pick up a particular item usually a book or something of the sort which will give you an activity to go to a specific location when you arrive at said location there will be a little Quest marker if you're tracking the activity that is at which is a snow globe relevant to whatever the location is that you went to now the only way to have these locations revealed is to pick up that particular item to get the activity if you don't do that these locations will not appear and you cannot travel to them therefore you cannot get the corresponding snow globe now when I found my first snow globe I thought I wonder how many snow globes are in the game so I searched snow globe in the console so when I did this search I could see all the snow globes in the game files and saw the Sidonia one and thought Oh I just haven't got the quest item yet that sends me there to get the snow globe hang on if you need the quest item to go to the location to get the snow globe then how did I just find this one how do you get the Sidonia snow globe normally so I Googled star fueled cydonia snow globe and guess what there are no results nothing Sidonia snow globe is never mentioned there are plenty of links that list how to get all of the snow globes guess what's missing from every single one of these lists the Sedonia one although I will say the Sedonia snow globe is actually referenced once on this website The Duchess shout out but when we get to it we can see Sidonia snow globe suspected cut content at this stage It is believed that this is cut content I will update this guide if I find evidence that it does exist in game so the only place on the entire internet that references the Sedonia snow globe in Starfield doesn't actually have any information on it and I would imagine that they knew it existed in the first place the same way that I did a couple of weeks ago by searching for snow globe in the console so again as far as I can tell no one's actually ever found this before in game and you will be one of the first people to ever get it as I will now do my very very best to show you how to get this as the hill that makes up the face on Mars is humongous and as you probably know the local maps and such in Starfield they really do suck so the Sedonia snow globe is found right here right where my character's standing I know this isn't actually helpful but just to give you some sense of scale we are in the right eye of the face on Mars which when looking down on the face from our perspective it's the eye on the left now if we open the surface map we can see that Sedonia is here and the face on Mars is this big raised area and the Sedonia snow globe is located right where my character's standing again local maps in Starfield they're kind of crap but we can see that the face on Mars is not a marked location so normal players would never know that this even exists as the only way to know that it is the face on Mars is to get the camera about a kilometer in the sky above it which again through normal gameplay you can't do so because people don't know it's here they wouldn't even cross their mind to explore here which has of course led to No One having found the Sedonia snow globe until now of course but anyway okay let's actually get this thing for you so the face on Mars has two eye sockets the left eye socket which is on our right is orange whereas the right eye socket which is on our left is much darker it's full of gray dust this is the one we want to go into the dark eye keep that in mind so when we land in cedonia we can see that the city is just in front of us and to the right there's a big crane behind which is a giant Hill that's the face on Mars that's where we gotta go but if we keep to turning to the right we can see that there is a fracking station if you haven't discovered that it will show up as structure it's about 600 meters away from where your ship lands it's pretty obvious big Silo tank cranes the whole works so just head over to the fracking station so once we arrive at the fracking station we can see that there's our ship and there's Sedonia if we keep turning to the right we can see there's the big hill that's the face on Mars but if we turn to the right a little bit more we can see that there is a structure way off in the distance now from this structure if we turn to the left up the hill we'll see there is a piece of concrete with some metal work on top of it head to that we're going straight for that little Gadget there so when we arrive here we can see the fracking stations there and the other structure we saw is just there well we want to turn around and go uphill at the moment we're basically like on the hairline of the face of Mars and we need to go into the eye socket so we need to run up the hill over the forehead and basically down the nose and over the eyebrow now of course given the scale of the hill and the face on Mars knowing where you are is actually pretty difficult but just keep running in a straight line up the hill and once there's no more Hill to go up we should see on the left hand side will be a kind of flat raised area this is the bridge of the nose of the face to the right of this there is a big crater this is the eye socket that we need to go into so head into the eye socket but stay in the eye socket kind of near the nose imagine like where the tear duct is and as you do so keep your scanner up you'll see a couple of resources but you will also see sitting in front of a bunch of rocks is the Sedonia snow globe which is now all yours now just because getting here is so obscure I will bring up the surface map again and as we can see where my character is standing is exactly where the snow globe is now if you do get lost there's a good cross section if we go due east from the fracking station just below Sedonia and to the southeast of the NASA launch pad where these two lines intersect almost exactly where the snow globe is found so if you do get lost open up your surface map draw to imaginary lines between those two locations and you should be on the money or at least in the eye socket and there you go you have now got the mysterious hidden thought to be cut content Sidonia snow globe how awesome is that and given you can't read a book in game to tell you the location of this snow globe what you saw books anyway well now I'm going to show you how to turn some books into some very quick and big bugs as you probably know all throughout Starfield we can find books in just about every single location and you may have noticed that a lot of them are Charles Dickens for some reason as you can see much like in real life I've been collecting all of them although just like real life reading very few of them anyway there seems to be one character in Starfield who is as into box as I am and that would be anjong Sinclair in Aquila City who runs Sinclair's books we are going to want to go and have a chat with her now I find Aquila City pretty difficult to navigate so if you don't know how to get to Sinclair's books when you enter the city run towards the statue of Solomon Co just before you get to him turn to the left and head up the staircase towards the building with the big golden gong on it it's one of the religions I can't remember which keep hitting straight ahead go down the stairs and right in front of us on the corner will be Sinclair's books when we get here find Mrs Sinclair she looks like this and if she's not in the shop she's probably outside the shop sitting at one of these stalls now when we first meet her we can see at the bottom there is a dialogue option are there any books that you're looking for click on this and then we'll have a conversation about how cool books are and finally she references how even she is sick of Charles Dickens I'll pay handsomely for any books you find like that except Charles Dickens definitely not Charles tickets after this conversation there will be a new dialogue option if I have any books for your old Earth collection I'll sell them to you now while she doesn't tell tell you this in game I will tell you now there are eight books she's looking for and that you can sell to her for a lot of credits the eight books she wants are Dracula history of the Pirates Moby Dick Omega the last days Tales of space and time the comet The Count of Monte Cristo and War of the Worlds if you have any of these books and come to her and click on this option if I have any books for your old Earth collection I'll sell them to you she will automatically celebrate and take the book from your inventory but in return she will give you 2 000 credits per book now I will say I did test this you can only sell her one copy of each book once you do so her collection will be completed and this dialogue option will vanish so it does suck that it's a one-off but also is better than not having this option at all as again 8 books for 2 000 credits each that's 16 000 credits now depending on the book these 2 000 credits that she gives us for them is between like 20 and 70 times the price we could get for just selling it to her as we can see The Count of Monte Cristo we can sell it to her for 88 credits or Moby Dick for 86 credits or Dracula for 82 credits or Omega the last date for 15 credits and while I am a mathematician even if you're not 15 credits versus 2 000 credits it's pretty clear which one's better so this is a really cool secret way to turn some otherwise probably useless books into some very fast credits so next time you're out and about exploring star Fields make sure to keep your eyes peeled for these checkbook page Turners and log them over to Aquila City and sell them to Sinclair for 2 000 credits each now speaking of books what are they made out of paper what's paper made out of trees or the trees plants and that Segways is seamlessly onto our next topic as in the last episode we went and saw that there are actually known routes on the ECS constant and yes we still don't know what that hell is going on with that weird root decal thing but since then I've explored more nooks and crannies of Starfield and I've actually found more known routes as when you're out and about exploring you can sometimes come across science Laboratories and abandoned farms at both of these if you look closely you might just find some little pot plants some of which contain little known roots of course known roots are probably the most famous plants slash alchemy ingredient from the Elder Scrolls series although sadly the known herbs in Starfield don't glow but luckily the known roots in Starfield don't make that annoying noise so while you're exploring the cosmos be sure to keep an eye out for any known roots and if you do find any be sure to let me know and speaking of no that is what a God would say if they caught you stealing but stealing is so fun in Starfield a great activity for the whole family the kids love it in all seriousness though stealing is actually a really fun thing to do in Starfield it's a great way to make make a bunch of money by just stealing a bunch of valuable objects and selling them to the trade Authority but of course you can steal not random objects and actually useful objects and keep them for yourself but as I'm sure you know when you steal an item in Starfield it is marked as stolen with this dirty filthy look disgusting Red Square now these items that are marked as stolen well these aren't good as if you ever break the law and get caught by the guards all of the stolen items on you will be taken off of you so you can lose them very easily and if you do store them away safely because they're stolen and marked as stolen they don't stack with the same item that isn't stolen so for example if you store a bunch of food items that are stolen well they won't stack with the ones that aren't stolen so what you end up doing is actually doubling the length of the list of items in the inventory you're storing them because you've got two of everything the stolen ones and the not stolen ones so overall just in general having items that are marked as stolen well it's not good but did you know that you can actually clean stolen items that's right you can get rid of that dirty Red Square forever all you have to do is head to the nearest Trade Authority who buy stolen items so once we get to the trade Authority ask to trade with the vendor and then sell the vendor all of your stolen items that you want cleaned all those items with that dirty Red Square that you want to keep sell them to the vendor once you've done that tab over from selling to buying and at the bottom of the list we can see there is buy back here we can buy back any items we've sold the vendor or the exact same price that we sold them to them for so we're not losing or gaining any credits all we're doing is basically giving them the items and then taking them back but when we get them back guess what they are missing the stolen marker I will warn you though do not exit the trade window while doing this because if you exit and go back in the buyback option will not be there so if you do this correctly you have now at no cost to anyone taking a bunch of stolen items and cleaned them they are now just normal items that you can store wherever the hell you want and they will stack for the rest of those items that you already own obviously this cleaning technique is super useful and it's a good thing to do every now and then grab all your stolen stuff go and clean it bring it back and it's safe it's all yours the game will never take it away from you it's safe and sound and clean now if you're wondering where to store all of these items well in the last episode we took a look at the personal storage safe in your room in constellation which has an infinite storage capacity but there's actually some more convenient infinite storage spaces within the lodge so obviously having a place to store items that has an infinite carrying capacity is very useful the annoying thing about this is your personal storage safe is not linked to any crafting tables so even though you can store a million kilograms of resources in here if you want to use them to craft you've got to pull them all out and then painfully slowly lumber on down to the crafting tables in the basement of the lodge well down here in the basement of the lodge next to all the crafting tables there's actually six containers that have infinite storage capacity so if we head down into the basement of the lodge behind the weapon workbench there are three ammunition boxes two up on crates and one down on the floor all three of these have an infinite storage capacity then if we turn around on the bench behind the research lab there is a storage box which has an infinite storage capacity if we walk on Straight Ahead down the hall over to the right on this table next to the ladder there is another storage box this also has infinite storage capacity and from this storage box if we turn around to the left and go into Cora's room on her desk there is a another storage box that has infinite carry capacity now these last two are a little bit more annoying and probably won't be used but the three ammunition boxes and the storage box behind the research lab use these this is a great place to store all of your stuff especially your resources and eight items because they're the things that you're going to use when crafting so you can take your resources out and basically click on any of the workbenches without really having to move opposed to storing your resources in the safe in your room and then having to Lug all the resources down here so that's super handy but the other thing that I do like about having multiple infinite storage boxes all right next to each other is that you can put items of different categories in different boxes like store all the missed items in one you can store all the eight items in the other store all the resources in the other ones there are the weapons and armor and another one well that's what I've done anyway or you can dump them all in one or not use them at all I don't know but now you know about them and you can do with that information as you wish but now that we know where to store stuff let's take a look at one particular item that has me quite lost as you may remember from the last episode of 10 things you didn't need to know about Starfield but you actually do need to know them well we took a look at a mysterious book called book well to go along with the book book we have a similar item here today as the first time we arrive in the den Ebola star system we'll get a distress call that will give us the mission failure to communicate we won't go into Quest details but during this Mission we will find ourselves on the retrofitted star station now there are two main halves to this and as we cross the bridge into the second half right in front of us we will see a set of stairs we want to go up these stairs and then once at the top we want to turn to the right where we can see an open Locker although I think it's closed when you get here I actually don't remember if I opened this or not regardless of the status of the door when you arrive here inside of it we can find a thermos but this isn't just any old thermos this is the Lost thermos which has a massive zero and a value of zero as well now I've played quite a bit of Starfield and I have come across many many thermoses thermi in my time but all of the other thermoses that I've come across are just that just thermos this one here is the only lost thermos that I've ever come across I don't know if it is actually the only one in the game all I can say is that after about 300 hours of playing Starfield I've never seen another and I do loot every single item from every single location so in terms of thoroughness well you couldn't really get more thorough than that so as far as I can tell this is the only lost thermos in the game but that begs the question who lost it why is it the Lost thermos what was in it is it still warm well sadly I have none of the answers to those questions all I can provide is the mystery of the Lost thermos but be warned the Lost thermos can be very easily lost from you as if we pick up the Lost thermos well it's not a quest item so we can drop it we can sell it if you're not careful it will just vanish from your playthrough if you misplace it which again ironically it would be once again the Lost thermos so hopefully someone can make a mod that adds a quest tag to the Lost thermos so that when we do find it it can never be lost again but who do you think lost it how do you think they lost it what were they drinking from it well I think quite frankly we're so far off answering those questions and much like the Lost thermos when not even lukewarm but I'd love to know what you think about this and if you do find this in game please give it a good home and speaking of lost items let's go and get a bunch of the opposite found items well at least items that we found what am I talking about good question for this next one we're going to want to have a hell of a lot of inventory space and also we're gonna want to come to a killer City once we arrive here as soon as we walk through the city Gates we want to turn to the left where we can see Shepherd's General store inside we can find Emerson Shepard who is just a general store Trader as if we click to trade with him we can see that he sells all kinds of stuff pretty good stuff lots and lots of stuff in fact I would hate to think what all of that would cost to purchase well none of us will ever have to think about that ever again as we head out the front of Shepherd's General Store we will see this metal spinny thing in front of this is a puddle on the ground how cool is that well it's about to be cool trust me if we Crouch down and hover over the top of the puddle we can see that a container appears Emerson Shepherd supplies if we open this up we can see that it's actually the entire vendor inventory for Emerson Shepard I'll explain why this happens in a couple of minutes but for now we're going to take full advantage of this as we can see none of the items are marked with a stolen symbol so we don't even have to steal them we can just take them and that's that yeah we've just gained a thousand kilograms of mass because for free in an instant we've just taken an entire vendor's inventory and this includes the vendor credits in this case it was 5 000 credits along with all of the items in stock now just up the road from Shepherd's General Store is Roland arms inside we can find Belle Roland too if we speak to her she is a vendor that sells weapons and ammunition well much like Shepherds if we head out the front of the store we will see that there is a puddle on the ground we hover over the top of this puddle and Crouch and go into third person for whatever reason it doesn't work in first person we can see that a container pops up Bell Roland weapons and if we click transfer go through it well yeah it's the entire vendor inventory for Bell Rollins and again there's no stolen tags on anything so we can take all of this with Clean Hands and again along with all the items we have the vendor credits as well so just click take all and uh yeah all those items are yours as well now what's cool as that is as you may or may not know every 48 Hours of universal time in Starfield vendors will restock their credits and their items so if we just find the nearest bench stool or chair in Aquila City and then wait for 24 hours of local time which is equal to 28 hours of universal time and then once that's done we just need to wait for 18 hours of local time which will add 21 hours of universal time which will bring us up to 49 hours of universal time aka the amount of time it takes for vendors to restock their inventories so once that's done hop up go back to the puddle and guess what it's still empty hmm well after doing a hell of a lot of testing I figured out what needs to be done what we need to do is go back inside and speak to whatever vendor we're dealing with once we do this this is what restocks the vendor's credits and items as you can see Amazon has a full inventory so once we do that and head back outside to the magic puddle we can see the container is now fully stocked with everything that he has in stock so for whatever reason the right amount of time needs to have passed 48 Hours universal time and we need to interact with the merchant themselves this is what triggers Merchants restocking it doesn't just automatically happen with time itself and of course if we go up to the Roland's arm puddle same thing it will be empty this is because we need to go inside speak to her ask to trade this will refresh her inventory and credits then we can just exit this window go back outside to the magic puddle and that crate will be fully restocked now if you're wondering what the hell is going on here in Bethesda game studios game games when it comes to vendors slash Merchants slash just any NPC that buys and sells stuff the merchant inventory is never kept on the NPC themselves there is always a container out of bounds of the playable area connected to a particular Merchant as we can see if we clip through the grounds here it is Amazon's supply Crate now the reason the Bethesda game studios does this keeping the NPC and their stock separate is so that we don't have the power as the player to just sneak behind a vendor and pickpocket every single item from them so these off map containers connected to Merchants is the solution well it's meant to be the solution but it's not much of a solution when there's two magic puddles that we can clip through and interact with these two vendors entire stocks but hey I'm not complaining now of course you don't need to do this if this uh rubs you up the wrong way morally and you want to shake your fist in the air that's an exploit yeah yeah it is and it's also a single player game so do whatever you want don't do it to do it as long as you can sleep at night that's all that matters and I can definitely sleep very soundly doing this now I don't know if there is a faster way to wait because honestly waiting slash sleeping in Starfield feels like it takes forever and I am aware that there are some planets where waiting say one hour is the equivalent to waiting like 86 days or something in Universal time which I thought about I traveled to one of these planets waited and then traveled back but doing that actually took longer than just staying in Aquila City and waiting normally so as far as my testing has revealed the best way to do this is to just wait in the city and the best place to wait is in Emerson Shepherd's chair behind his desk but you can only access this chair if he's standing up obviously if he's sitting in his chair you can't also sit there but fret not as all throughout this central part of Aquila City there's tons of chairs you can sit on and wait now just fair warning every time you pick up Emerson Shepherd's supply Crate it will add about a thousand kilograms of Mass to you so you're going to be massively over encumbered even if you just do it once let alone like five times like I did but hate crawling around with low health I think is a very good trade-off for what you're getting from this now as I said I think think I did this five times where I got both of the merchants entire inventories five times each and as you can see I've got 7 000 mass at the moment but I also have like probably over a million credits worth of stuff in my inventory and when I say a million credits I mean a million credits in terms of sell value and not just display value but along with getting a bunch of stuff to sell you will also be getting a bunch of very useful items like Digi picks or tons and tons of resources or all of the eight items or maybe you'll just get some weapons and armor that you actually want to use obviously the benefits of this kind of speak for themselves so I'll shut up now in regards to this so do use it don't use it it'll probably be patched out soon as you're definitely not meant to be able to do this but hey whatever you want to do with that information you at least now know about the two magic puddles of Aquila City but speaking of Puddles well they are filled with water and what happens to water when it gets below freezing point that's right it freezes it turns to ice well with another seamless segue that brings us on to our next detail in Star fields that you didn't need to know but actually you do need to know this especially if you're a Skyrim fan and especially especially if you're A thieving Skyrim fan as on the frozen planet serverov in the crix star system we can find a now abandoned UC supermax prison known as the lock this is the very prison in which Jasper Creeks was once imprisoned who after breaking out after a successful Revolt founded the Crimson Fleet you can learn more about that law in the video above anyway if you just come to the lock randomly you won't actually be able to get inside but during one of the opening Quests for the Crimson Fleet faction we will head inside the lock where in the Deep icy bowels of the institution we can find a guard control tower within the prison inside this we can find the D-Block guard post workstation on this we can access files that log all of the inmates and their cell numbers if we open the first file called prisoner records and then the first file d-blocks section01 prisoner list and scroll all the way to the bottom we can find inmate d-01-119 namely Mallory Delvin which much like roll call at school for whatever reason has the last name first and the first name last so this guy's name was Delvin Mallory and if that sounds familiar to you well it's for good reason as this delven Mallory is of course a nod to the Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim character Delvin Mallory who was a high-ranking member of the Riften Thieves Guild is basically the Jason Statham of Skyrim and all round well-loved character but if we really do think about it it's actually kind of funny and pretty fitting that a thief would end up in prison although I am surprised that Delvin didn't pay off Maven black Briar to let him out it seems that her influence doesn't quite reach subarov but along with Delvin Mallory's name we also got his cell number which I did painstakingly locate in this Labyrinth of ice and iron sadly inside his cell there is nothing that extends the Easter egg further as I poked around here for a couple of minutes and the only thing I could find that were even interactable was just some empty food trees so a bit of an L there it would have been cool if bgs added something to his cell to further reference Delvin Mallory from Skyrim as a reward for the few people that did actually go and locate his cell you know it would have been cool to see something like a note to Astrid or Maven or something like that just something vague but also obviously a direct nod to Skyrim that would have been nice but I guess his name logged in the computer will have to suffice as ironically the potential of the Easter egg was stolen from us by none other than the master Thief himself Delvin Mallory and finally speaking of Delvin well we're going to be delving into some weird stuff right now as I stumbled upon probably the weirdest thing that I have found while exploring Starfield now I don't know if this is here for everyone but I did test this on Two playthroughs And this exact same location was in the exact same spot on the exact same planet in both but I would love for you to let me know if you could find it as well so let's start at the start early on in the Starfield main quest line we will be sent to the eye to meet Vladimir Saul when we speak to him there's a bunch of dialogue options blah blah blah blah but at some point he will tell us to go and visit his house which will unlock the location marker on the moon surma 7A which is a moon of Summer 7 which can be found in the surma system which is found right here on the star map which is out in the middle of nowhere so if you do want to come here which I suggest you do it's a beautiful moon but just keep in mind that this thing is really far away so we'll probably take a couple of grab jumps to get here and it's a pretty high level Planet so make sure you're ready for that anyway once we arrive at the location of vlad's villa if we Face our character directly north you can tell which way is North by looking at the chronomark compass in the bottom left and you will see there are eight cardinal markers and the big fat one that's North if that's pointing up then your character's facing north so we're at vlad's Villa we're facing north what we want to do is turn to the right 45 degrees so we're facing north east then if we bring up the scanner we can see that there is a natural location about 700 meters away we want to head to that once we come out of the thick forest there will be a big open area and this is where that natural location is when we arrive here we will see that this is called Boneyard now if I bring up the local surface map we can see the boneyardis here which which is to the northeast of vlad's villa and before we start looking around at the love of crafty and horror show before us I would like to just clarify that on this character at the moment I've fully surveyed 123 planets so I feel like I've seen my fair share of natural locations on planets and moons which most of the time you know it's the kind of the repeat of the same 10 or 15 ones with that said I will say that I've never seen a Boneyard anywhere else in Starfield I don't know if this location is unique or if there are more of these boneyards all I can say is that after about 300 hours of gameplay and after fully surveying 123 planets I've never seen another one now this location is strange to say the least I don't really know where to start when trying to show you all the stuff so let's start with the most obvious thing most of this location is a big crater so I don't know if something crashed down out of the sky and created this crater like a media right or something else but in the crater around the crater and on the rim of the crater are these unmissable ungodly unearthly unfathomable Twisted mutated objects are they Rock are they Machinery are they flesh are they fossils are they bone are they muscle are they plant are they fungus are they limbs or faces tendrils tentacles well again in a truly lovecraftian Cosmic horror way they're kind of all of them at the same time now before we go on poking around I want to give you a sense of the scale of these things as you can see andresia is standing next to this big warm looking thing and it is huge compared to her even my player character can stand fully upright inside the what I'm calling eye socket of this thing so regardless of what this thing actually is we can confirm that it's humongous now before we send ourselves insane trying to figure out what these things are I think the answer is we don't know and can't know and that is the whole point of them as this whole location the Boneyard it screams Cosmic horror now if you don't know what Cosmic horror is it's basically a genre of writing that was invented by H.P Lovecraft who was an American writer primarily active in the early 1900s but he fused kind of weird fiction science actual science fantasy horror fiction and science fiction he kind of took all of them and mixed them into this weird genre which is now known as Cosmic horror which instead of focusing on things like Gore or elements of shock it emphasizes the horror of the unknowable and incomprehensible like Cosmic dread forbidden and dangerous knowledge that humans should not have access to stuff like non-human extraterrestrial influences on Humanity T through ancient religions and forgotten gods and scientific discoveries and progress of humanity unlocking access to things that humans should not know so while at the time the genre of horror was things like ghosts and vampires well Lovecraft was sitting there writing about things like Cthulhu and yog savoth Nyala thotep shogoths and a whole range of other unpronounceable great old ones which are basically a Pantheon of gods slash aliens from the depths of the Universe from a Time unknown who once ruled Earth and still influenced Humanity today now throughout lovecraft's work all of these deities and creatures none of them have physical forms that can easily be described or pictured which is exactly the vibe I'm getting from whatever we find here in the Boneyard we can see it physically but we can't really explain it or describe it as if even before our eyes it is beyond our comprehension now of course with love craft being so early and inventing this huge leap in kind of fiction and science fiction and horror writing styles and themes well Lovecraft has basically influenced everything to do with sci-fi and fantasy written in like the last 100 years and yes Lovecraft and his Cosmic horror have influenced the Elder Scrolls and Fallout and Bethesda game studios before as the shadow over hack dirt Quest and Oblivion is a complete allusion to the shadow of ainsmith story from HP Lovecraft in Fallout 76 we can find the interloper or in Fallout 3 we have the Dunwich Obelisk this ancient powerful forgotten relic of religion or alien influence who knows that's the whole point we don't know all that we do know is that we don't know and that's where that Cosmic tread comes in but I bring this up because we know for a fact that I Bethesda game studios there are writers and designers who have been influenced by H.B lovecrafts like just about everyone else therefore finding something like this in Star Fields well it just makes me go heart is 100 being influenced by Lovecraft so what's Lovecraft done cosmikara and this fits the build perfectly but someone else that HB Lovecraft influenced is the Swiss artist H.R Geiger who was best known for his art style or theme of biomechanical where much like what we find here in Starfield in the Boneyard the things he drew in his Works were difficult to distinguish we get both sides of the same coin at the same time you recognize elements of it but as a whole you really don't know what you're looking at is that flesh is that plant is that a tentacle are they veins or are they wires are they bones and spinal patterns or is that Machinery interlinked chains I don't know what I'm looking at now HR gig is probably best known for Designing the xenomorph from the Alien series but this whole theme of physicality that is hard to Define is exactly what we've got here in Starfield especially these kind of ribbed spinal patterns we find throughout it are 100 definitely influenced by H.R Geiger as we see this exact pattern in just about all of his artworks but with all of this in mind now that we know what cosmicar is and the whole point is to kind of know that you can't know and that's what conjures that Cosmic horror that existential dread and that is the energy that I get from the Boneyard here in Starfield like these bones of these giant Barnacles giant insects is this the spinal column is that an eye socket maybe it's a weapon limbs that look like bird beaks while at the same time looking like lobster claws Twisted amalgamations of mechanical patterns they're rib-like but tentacles they look mechanical but they look like fossilized bone are they horns or gnarled limbs or is it a fungus is that a plant or are these frayed wires we just don't know it's kind of all of them at once but none of them together Cosmic dread other parts now to add to the mystery well over on this side of the crater of the Boneyard we can see this big almost circle shaped Shadow pretty weird why is there a shadow here well if we stand in this dark patch and look up we will see above us that there is nothing there's clear skies and we can clearly see the Sun so there's nothing there to cast this Shadow or is there something there that we just can't see like a big invisible spaceship I don't know if this particular scenario is ripped straight from a movie or something like that but uh this is pretty weird given the context of this lovecraftian horror crater but it's all filling and Dread Conjuring the surfaces if we clip through the grounds well the nulled Sea of whatever these things are just gets bigger and scarier but given through normal gameplay you can't get your camera down here let's not spend too much time down here mirrors these underground bits aren't part of the level design and if they were they would be above ground now at the center of the Boneyard we can find a big rock and some small rocks and a few more of these bony weird Lemmy mechanical thingies there's also a tree and some plants and some little insect scavenger dudes that are native to the planet so them being here isn't particularly special unless they got to this planet because they crashed here from another ungodly Dimension who knows now in the large rock at the center here there's a little Nook in this Nook there is a locked safe and there's also two skulls along with other bones kind of scattered about so two very long dead people what's the story behind this no idea now this safe has a Master Level lock on it so it will be a bit of a pain to unlock but once you do get it open as far as I can tell it will just contain random leveled loot now just across from this we can find a dung pile well I don't know uh what left this pile have done but it must have been pretty big anyway in here we will once again I'm pretty sure just find some random leveled loots now just across the way between two smaller rocks there is a storage box which has some more random level loots and weirdly on the outside of the crater on the ground I found some heel gel no idea what that's doing here or how it got here now just across from the safe I actually found a kind of rake type thing now you can't pick it up and add it to your inventory but you can hover over it and hold down a and move it around so I don't know if this is some kind of pun like the Bone Yard as in like a garden and this is here to maintain the garden of Bones so I'm not too sure what we're meant to do with this or take away with it so I thought I'd just do a little bit of gardening while I was here but with that that is everything I could find here at the Boneyard and I would love to know what you think an in-game backstory for this location is first of all obviously what the hell are we looking at and why is there a big crater here do you think that an Infinity ago an old God some ancient terrestrial being yelled from the heavens and crashed here and created this crater and left this whatever it is their remains at this location if so do you think that this creature in in-game lore might be akin to the Varun Great Serpent an interesting thought and of course why is there a Giant Shadow on the hill when there is nothing but clear skies above it all we can do is speculate and I'm very much looking forward to your speculation on it and I would love to know if you could come here if this location was here for you or if you have found this same Boneyard natural location anywhere else in Starfield as I said I've never seen one before and I've been all over a whole bunch of planets so as far as my personal experience goes I've never seen another one but with that both horrifying yet intriguing mystery we we have concluded the 10 things that you didn't need to know about Starfield but secretly you do in fact totally need to know them now I learned so much from you guys down in the comments so if you do know any interesting trivia facts or secrets about Starfield be sure to let me know down in the comments and I'll cover them in the next video I'd also love to know what you think about everything we covered here today in this video I do hope that you found it helpful I do hope that you learned something or that you know you just found it enjoyable I can't wait to hear about your thoughts on all the things we covered and of course about the secrets that you have found in starfields if you did enjoy this video please consider subscribing there is plenty more Starfield content coming all of the videos that I've already done can be found down in the description via the Starfield playlist link now down there you can also find all of my social media links be sure to check all of them out if you did enjoy this video and you would like to support the channel in a more personal way please feel free to leave a super thanks right here on YouTube by clicking the love heart down below that would be greatly appreciated myself and other YouTube content creators make about one cent per full video view so even just one dollar is the equivalent of you watching this video 100 times of course no pressure to do so at all but if it is something that you would like to do the super thanks is a great way to help support channels that you enjoy so with that I've been camel and I would like to thank you very much for watching and I'll see you very shortly in the next video I'll see you there soon [Music] thank you
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 168,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, field, starfield, bethesda, game, studios, softworks, zenimax, elder, scrolls, fallout, camelworks, camel, works, secrets, hidden, mysteries, lore, gameplay, trailer, sci-fi, science, space, RPG, todd, howard, e3, analysis, discussion, epic, planet, ship, alien, release, date, what, all, know, everything, play, travel, fantasy, xbox, showcase, officially, leaked, concept, technology, deep, dive, ancient, mystery, story, character, combat, starborn, on, skills, rare, unique, 10, things, details, didn't, need, to, secret, easter, egg, tip, Cydonia, Snow, Globe
Id: SLrN-5Kb06I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 47sec (3047 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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