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hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the smithing Brit and today we are going to be playing Starfield that's right bethesda's latest brand new magnificent AAA game is suddenly in my grasp when you know exactly what that means it means I have to see if there are exploits to see if there are unknown features mechanics doodads and glitches all left by our Lord and savior Todd Howard for me to enjoy we will be seeing if once and for all Starfield is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits at all or if perhaps um there's a little bit of shenanigans going on so before we introduce our lovely hero for today make sure to give the video a like grab yourself a nice warm cup of Yorkshire Tea gold as this is going to be a beautiful Adventure let us begin ladies and gentlemen our hero today is none other than the wonderful the breathtaking the devouring Rihanna keeves now brought back to life in the Glorious world of Starfield that's right we've escaped the bounds of Skyrim and we are now on a universe-wide adventure after becoming an Unstoppable God in Skyrim that could one hit Dragons using just a fork I felt that now was the time to experiment with a wider world now immediately if you've never met this man you think hang on a second this looks a bit like Keanu Reeves but no this is Keanu Reeves long-lost cousin and whilst he's similarly breathtaking in Rihanna's case it's a little bit more literal the man has the ability to collapse your lung from 50 meters away using just his mind he's a little bit of an Eldritch Horror and I've just Unleashed him on the Galaxy so um let's go see what he can destroy now first things first today's video is going to avoid as many spoilers as possible because well who indeed story when you have exploits besides the game like Skyrim plays massively like a Sandbox which gives me a lot of flexibility for shenanigans now starting out today's video Rihanna keeps is only level 17. he's not exactly the greatest fighter in the shed with a couple of decent weapons that will shred our enemies but our character is certainly not overpowered we do not have the ability to one hit everything we run into yet and I really do mean emphasis on yet for my goal at the end of this video is to turn Rihanna keeps into a god an Unstoppable being of unfathomable power and luckily because I'm British I'll be willing to do anything to make that a reality oh oh dear Hangouts that person yep you've got to look out for the floor Madam I hear it's a little bit temperamental at times and you know what that brings us to our first exploit in today's video as we are going to be making our way over to the Spaceport now like all good classical RPGs the most important resource of all is money everybody needs money everybody wants money and you can buy pretty much everything with money any problems solve it with money need a better gun just use money accidentally committed a war crime pay the guards off with money everything's possible when you have money now I have been saving up some money so I do have over 100 000 credits but that's not exactly Gonna Save The Day I do have a habit of burning through a lot of ammunition because I love firing with an auto clicker so consequently I need money to buy more ammo but luckily uh this gentleman's about to help us whether he knows it or not this man is a ship Services technician and what we can do is we can buy and sell ships to him now ships are very very expensive and because of that as a Trader he needs to have a lot of money in his inventory this man has 72 000. now of course you might be thinking hang on a second spiff we could be super cheeky here what we could do is uh surely we could Rob him so yes if we went down behind him and pickpocketed him uh no you can't steal any money from him this is because Todd Howard wisely decides to separate the actual traders in inventory with the character's inventory this means that he can have thousands and thousands of money stored away somewhere safely off map also you would think because the Legendary game of Skyrim taught us one lovely design feature that Bethesda loves to employ which is that this man here does actually have his money stored in an inventory it is stored in a chest somewhere nearby to him and if we can get to that chest we can get to all of his money and that's exactly what we're going to do now this does require you to think a little bit outside of the box but that's my favorite thing to do Dance Rihanna dance okay well as you can probably tell already some of the physics engines in this game are a little bit broken now once you've made your way up here above the actual landing area I mean there are some other ships hanging out here which I guess you could probably steal or something but you know theft is a crime and what we're doing is uh Shenanigans not a crime yep Shenanigans are not a crime there is a clear legal distinction of which I'm an expert anyway over by this big Orange Tower we're going to find a very interesting area because over here we're able to leave the city of New Atlantis now this entire area is technically completely lovingly rendered you can go out here go on adventures go see whatever that structure is over there 700 meters away go see all of the wildlife kill it loot it whatever you name it what a wonderful little Adventure however the reason I've come over here is because uh this area is actually unique to some uh let's just call it terrain anomalies yeah that's what I'm gonna name them that we can export using one Jazzy skill in the gymnastics tree you unlock the ability to do a combat slide this very simply allows you while sprinting to slide which normally isn't that beneficial but this does allow you to technically go a bit lower in the terrain for example when I crouch I'm ever so slightly lowered in this rock and you'll see that my knees are starting to clip through this is very good and if I can get all the way to the other side I will be able to clip into the terrain so in what can only be described as a 1 000 IQ gymnastics maneuver I am going to shift Sprint my way into the terrain and then power slide underneath it this does take make many attempts and I haven't necessarily found a very reliable way of pulling it off but when there's a will there's a way right okay and we've made our way down okay nope that one that one failed uh it just slid me down the hill but that's a good start we are we are making good progress we're a little we're not too far out from getting underneath the Rock right oh there we go we did it ow my feet all right so welcome ladies and gentlemen we are now under the terrain just a little bit now there are probably a hundred ways to get under the terrain but getting under the terrain is the goal as as soon as you can sequence your way underneath the textures of the map we're able to start making our way over to exactly where we want to go underneath the Spaceport so that's where we're gonna be heading over now whatever you do make sure not to jump too high or else you might technically clip above the terrain that would be a terrible thing you'd lose all of these wonderful benefits anyway so I'm going to be taking this pathway over here and this is going to bring me close towards where our lovely uh ship man was oh hello there's someone above me I'm not too sure if you can shoot up through the floor of the terrain uh there's a chance you can the Skyrim didn't let you but this game might and we've made our way up to the lovely security kiosk and you'll notice ah yes just over here underneath exactly where the ship technician is standing is a suspiciously placed box and in this box is oh yeah 72 000 credits we can take that and it's technically not stealing just like that we now have 188 000 credits in the bearing technically from this point on I think if we were to exit and reload the game this inventory would reset and we'd get even more money from it but for now I think we've done a good job robbing this man blind so it's over to our next little trade area for a bit of shenanigans if you see I noticed just over here there's some kind of nice fancy little shop a very fancy shop indeed that sells lots of good things and tucked away here is their entire inventory complete with a sidearm 5000 credits a bunch of ammunition and we can just take it all all medpack's digipick they have this rare pistol which seems okay they've got some space suits none of which are useful and there we go we're able to just Rob this entire inventory and they can't even notice that happening I mean we can technically also sequence break a bit and go into their Mercantile store room I guess who knows where that's actually located off map but yes we can access it but yes as soon as we're done with our exploit we can simply jump on up and re-enter Society like so huzzah don't worry people do not be alarmed it is perfectly fine to clip through the terrain I've seen some of you doing it earlier though no complaining so brilliant stuff we managed to escape the reality of the map in order to benefit from some Financial Shenanigans however we can put this money to good use and by putting it to good use I mean we can use it to make more money so what we're going to do is fly off to the greatest den of debauchery the world has ever seen and now I do not mean America I mean the city of neon neon is effectively a weird planet whereby most things that are illegal in other areas are suddenly legal so now that we're in neon City we're going to use a little bit of a left behind feature yeah let's um let's call it that for you see if you can make your way up onto this railing here you'll notice there is a gap of sunlight well technically it's not sunlight so we're technically in a enclosed loaded environment and if you're not very good at jetpacking uh just use amp it doubles your jump height which as you can imagine is uh pretty useful when it comes to escaping the boundaries of the map so yeah we're going to uh jump on up here and then you'll see there's an exit to the map there we're going to quite simply jump on out of it so now that I'm here I'm going to Simply jump my way over and out of the map okay fantastic and uh once you've climbed up here we are now on the roof of the map you're definitely going to want to drop down to save because uh it's hard to tell where the floor is up here or if there even is a floor but it's completely viable for you to accidentally fall back into the sky so what I'm going to do is quite simply find an area where there is likely to be a no Trader chest located I mean there's a coffee shop there but food wanted coffee shops trading inventory just horrible beans no instead I want to climb on top of this section of the map and oh dear do not fall out of the world that would be very bad I said I'm going to jump over here jump on over here work my way around the edge of this wall like so no I fell in hello doubly to a love anyone oh this is the trade Authority okay I've made my way the a long way around neon City and I've made my way over to ryujin Industries as they appeared to probably be the largest building on the entire map so I'm hoping that underneath here there should be a healthy supply of lootable trade chests for me yep there are there are that's a chest right in front of me what do we got here what do we got here hello lovely come to Daddy we've got money and what is this corpo power suits corpo business suit okay well I'll take the money already an executive suit diplomacy chance plus five percent instigation charts these all seem like quite valuable and good items considering how much they sell for very Jazzy but there are other chests over there oh they're probably gonna be way better okay right drop down a save as I do not know what the terrain is looking like from here and oh yep thing I did because I'm now back up here hello oh so you're the man who sells the apparel that I just stole from hello hello oh and I guess you sell the weapons oh oh hello there's a bit of a glitchy woman over there oh wow look at some of these weapons ryujin 110 damage that sounds very fancy well I guess I do have to just loot you and Tranquility oh a Tea Company oh my goodness oh well I'll take the to-go cup why not and what is this teapots tea cups Todd you didn't have to oh this is brilliant right okay uh I need I need access to the t-chest Todd you have no idea how amazing it is that you actually have an inbuilt hidden tea chest it's my greatest dream all right British people everywhere now rating this game a 10 out of 10. okay let's uh jump our way down here uh Yep this is solid terrain so we can actually navigate using this it's hard to tell where the Solitaire ends I jump to here yeah whatever I do I don't want to fall off the map that would be most embarrassing indeed there we go right okay I've made it underneath the chest I just need to make my way up to the chest I know this is a little bit of a weird way to navigate my way for a video game but trust me this is the British way right now all I need to do is simply wait for my Boost to refresh hop on up to the next level of floor hello just like so and ah yes hello there Trader chests oh my goodness thank you for building all of these for me Todd that was incredibly nice of you alright so I guess the best thing for me to do is a running jump and then I press transfer and yep here we go 4500 credits I'll NAB that oh wow this is a lot of ammunition don't mind if I do and ow my legs are broken I've got to work my way all the way back up again I'm gonna get to that t-chest ah finally right the t-chest uh 1 500 credits I'll take that Breakfast Tea oh it's overpowered plus two percent experience gains let's grab all of the tea all of it yes classic T oh greaty oh my goodness this is all amazing I was like a British person's best dream imaginable oh fantastic I think I've looted enough of the underground chest for my liking there are a few others over there somewhere but yeah reaching them is going to be annoying so I think it's time I put some of my new goodies to use and we're gonna do something very simple a little bit of debt collection actually wait I realize I don't even need to escape here I can just fast travel away from here yeah sure that seems fine I'll fast travel away from the pit I've gone outside of the neon City because I realize there's another ship Services man over there so logically as a chest hidden away underneath this platform so um my goal is to get underneath it uh this might take me a couple hours to do but I will find a way now one new ability I did also get which I guess is a minor spoiler is uh my super space Power Dash and the super space Power Dash is useful because it also helps kind of move you into the terrain a bit which in our sequence breaking becomes very useful anyway I've got to basically find a spot that allows me to clip on and climb into the terrain all right come on around we go around we go there we go good stuff okay I found a clip in this corner here that allows you to pull up along this seam here but it takes a very long time to pull off so um Good Luck doing that uh next up there should hopefully be a trading chest under here let me take a look come on please game please the man's over in his house over there so I guess I'll run in that direction and hopefully just not fall into the abyss uh because uh that's a big Abyss do not want to get in there now this looks like a gap let me just drop down a safe is this a gap yep there is a gap in the train right well if you get yourself to that section there you're also going to be able to climb up through because that's non-existent pulling that off would probably require quite a few more skill points into jet packing than I currently have but still it's always useful to know these things okay I'm over here and ah I went past the chest there is a chest there okay normally it is underneath the trader but nope is this the ship chest uh yes it is ship Services vendor 7 two thousand thank you very much Don't Mind If I Do robbing the world living in your floorboards you can't stop me right welcome ladies and gentlemen now the main thing holding what are we doing a Dorking fan shut up shut up I'm trying to record a video okay well um welcome everyone we're back in Starfield and I've realized that whilst we do have infinite money there's only one thing holding us back our character's ability and level that means our next goal is to find the cheesiest way to level up as fast as possible and luckily for everyone I've done just that all you need to do is find yourself any planet with an incredibly abundant supply of fauna the higher the level of the planet the better as it is still relatively early game I found this planet here which is level 40. if you haven't upgraded ship then what you want to do is probably travel over to this system celebrate which is level 70 as there's a very well populated Planet there as well now the reason we want to find a very populated planet is simply because it allows us to effectively abuse the wildlife but before we become a menace to the local environment what you want to do is make sure to go into the settings and raise your game difficulty to very hard this increases the chance of high-level enemies spawning which is actually actually exactly what we want right next up I'm going to make sure to land over on the daytime side of the planet in a forest that way we can actually see and I imagine most of the wildlife lives in the bushy forest and now that we've finally arrived on the planet the game is going to spawn in all of the wildlife based off of our difficulty settings this means it will spawn a large amount of legendary creatures because I've selected very hard and now that we're actually on the planet we're going to crank down those difficulty settings too very easy any living creatures already spawned in will already be their respective levels anyway fantastic we have arrived on the planet and what we're going to want to do is find ourselves some local Target luckily for us there are life zones in this direction for us to uh go and investigate but our mission is very simple we want to find wildlife and luckily for me I can already see over there there are some weird dinosaur looking things and if I kill them you can see I get 55 experience look here's a hunting nightmare he's level 45 however I should be able to very easily murder him because he's just a wild animal there we go that's 75 experienced lovely jubbly now I chose a planet with abundant Wildlife because it increases the chance of us running into other living creatures and said living creatures are made of experience well I noticed I think there's a living creature over there yes there is right can I kill it um it's just flying there I don't think I can kill it I might have killed it yes I did okay there's some flying orb creatures that are worth 49 experience they're all dead but our main target is some kind of herding creature like these Beetle crab grazers these are peaceful creatures uh that take literally two bullets to kill and drop 54 experience oh there's some more of those hunting nightmares we can get them peeled off easy experience there we go 130 and because they're wild animals they generally don't bother fighting back up there's some more Bam Bam Bam you're all Dead come on round that corner so I can shoot you better lovely jubbly there we go all right I've now made my way over to uh celibari two because well it's a level 70 Planet as opposed to level 40 which means we should get more experience from the creatures here so bam here I am and uh yep immediately there's a lion bear so that should be quite good let us crank down the difficulty and hello there my level 70 friend uh there you go you're worth 114 experience oh and there's a birdie hello birdie birdie is dead uh that was just worth four experience well birdie you're not very impressive little Beatles oh my God there's so many of them right you're dead you're worth some experience how about you you're dead as well uh you guys take apparently a few more shots to murder well I guess the more shots the more experienced which is always a decent side I like the way you roll down the hill when you're dead though oh my goodness and there's more line Bears this is just like one giant ecological Adventure party I always kill that scaraby thing let's kill that lion bear I guess I can kill the sky birds as well okay come on line bear You've Gotta Die come on there we go you're dead there's another one of you and you're dead as well splendid oh my goodness we're going to level up in no time as a birdie on birdie die there we go birdie dead oh there's another linebacker you're dead as well Splendid oh and there's another one jeez guys this is just almost like infinite spawning enemies oh and of course then there's some more beetles everywhere because of course there's beetles everywhere in this game oh there's some blind Bears behind me and beetles behind me all right let me quickly murder them all there we go oh my goodness you take a lot of bullets oh you're dead Splendid oh and there's a bunch braids of shells in front of me lovely God let me murder my way for all of you yeah we're level 22 already oh my goodness you guys are brilliant you're so good you're just made of money and you hardly do any damage honestly the difficulty setting here doesn't make really much of a difference other than the fact that we just use less ammunition to kill all of them I know we got more uh shell boys down here we can just murder them all there we go oh and there's another one in front of me lovely and over here oh I'm gonna run out of bullets after a while but yes this planet is absolutely brilliant it is rammed with life I'm gonna have to start switching to using my shotgun because I've got to start burning through some of this ammunition oh and on Route here is a herd of stuff there we go you're dead you're going to be next hello come on over krabby's yes yes lovely jubbly flee flee you fool as if you can escape the might of me I'm the bird that's a dead bird now what do we got over here more crabbies Hello crabby bye bye Krabby uh there's some other crabs over there in the distance uh I'm now up to level 23 which is very nice and uh effectively I've started realizing the main issue with Todd Howard's design here is it largely boils down to the fact that a level 70 pirate gives the exact same amount of experience as a level 70 herding creature the only difference is the level 70 pirate can have a gun that does a bunch of damage and wear armor whereas this random lion bear can't uh and consequently it makes it exceeding easy to murder and the fact I get basically the exact same reward for killing it doesn't seem to be an issue in Todd's eyes but that's fine for me Todd that is clearly a line bear over there you can die I hope we got another one over here there we go pack line bear oh and there's another one and you're dead and there's another one and you're dead as well there you go we're literally already halfway through a level and I've only been at this level for a handful of moments oh there's a longhorn Grazer you see that's a level 65 creature um it's just a little grazing bug they don't even fight back there's a level 71. he was worth 93 experience that random little boy he can't fight back he's a grazing bug what's he meant to do right we're almost at level 24 we are pulling very very close and luckily for me there is a whole bunch of boys right in front of me there we go you can all die Splendid stuff you should be enough to tip me over the edge there we go level 24. brilliant stuff now whose ship is this hello hello humans you're a spacer Troublemaker you're now a spacer dead maker and you're dead as well does help that I am a stealth Boy now you're a level 48. see this is the issue this guy can shoot back and actually do damage to me and my guns don't do as much damage to him because well he's quite high level anyway there we go he's dead now oh no the ship's taking off no don't you dare take off no you bastard come back oh I wanted this ship oh well right it is finally time for us to become horrifically overpowered yes that's right incredibly disconcerting looking human being do not make that face with me for I have found our Dream weapon well it's almost our Dream weapon there's one weapon that's better than this in the entirety of the game uh but unfortunately I haven't found it so we will have to do with the professionals Hard Target this is a 50 caliber rifle each shot deals 179 physical damage which when increased by my lovely stealth attack modifiers it's incredibly silly that's right we've brought back Skyrim stealth Archer and we've turned it into stealth sniper man however I need to actually level up a bit more because we could be doing a lot more damage for example an extra 50 more damage when you're actually using the scope plus a further like 60 more damage here an extra 60 more damage here as well yep the sky's the limit ladies and gentlemen all I need is perk points so we're gonna go and do a little bit of a side quest we're going to collect some debt a delinquent CEO has gone missing and is presumably being held hostage at this mineral plant so Rihanna keeves is on the way to save the day and collect some debt now admittedly my track record is that everyone I've collected debt from has died oh hello we've got some spaces coming to say hello okay well these fellas look like they want to murder me however luckily I am full of infinite money so I do not need to worry about spaces as I can just simply pay off anyone who's a problem anyway let's land on this planet I know fantastic here we are and already I think I can see an enemy standing in front of me oh lovely now who have we got here see that's my thermal side can tell me that there is an enemy standing right over there oh in fact we can see him so I can just shift up fire shot and that's 1224 damage yeah that's quite good I mean he could have been an innocent civilian for all I know but I'm of the shoot first questions later school of thought besides our Target somewhere safely stealed way up there all we need to do is go and uh rescue them from the suffering of their mortal existence how I've just given myself Burns that is annoying where's this man I murdered ah there you are oh hello there's a robot in here oh there's a Merc there right bam he's dead and then they're going to uh stealth on over and try and find out who did that oh okay so there's a man here we know he's there fortunately this isn't cyberpunk so I can't chew through the walls okay they've spotted me right well still it should just be one shot to kill everyone yep and that was a crit for 492 lovely well my stealth cover has been diminished but that won't be stopping the fact that I should still be able to murder anyone I run into oh and they appear to lost where I'm located what a shame what a shame indeed all right so this way we go over towards the enemies all right so there should be a bunch of bad people in here evil doodas and the like but over here is the glowing uh Target I guess oh there's an enemy oh there we go they've some of them have seen me right you're oh don't move your head like that that's rude don't throw a grenade either that's also rude anyway hello you're dead oh someone's running away over there where are you going stop running me that's also rude I am a terrifying force to be reckoned with aren't I am I getting shot from oh you're up there right now you're dead Okay hello who are you yep you look like the person I'm here to rescue let me go and have a chat hello delinquent CEO haven't you had enough do your worst oh do you want me to murder you I mean I suppose I can can we talk now okay she wants to die okay no hey I'm with gal Bank I'm collecting on your loan oh I don't have to kill her brilliant all right so there we go I've just saved a delinquent CEO from being held hostage by a bunch of evil nerdwells so I guess that's a success I mean the highest amount of damage we did there was 1200 which is very very good but I can't help but feel like it could be better oh there's a high level enemy hello just take that grenade catch catch again okay where where is these oh you're up there shooting me hello God you're level 26 you're actually a fancy bastard all right well what I can do when there's level 26 enemy the smartest thing to do is to uh leave the room to reset the encounter and go into stealth mode that's right all I need to do to avoid him is make a bit of a runaway and there we go the combat encounter is now finishing and then I should be able to go back in there and one shot him for a thousand damage yes look there he is running around trying to find me all smart silly sausage can't see me through this glass window all right job done we are now hidden again so I should be able to come in here and all I need to do is find yep there's our level 26 legendary friend right so I just shift up like so quick shot to the head for 567 damage oh and can I shoot through the wall come on yes yes I can 881 nice follow-up sneak attack two shots on that enemy died one shot for you yeah sounds quite a high level enemy he had a lot of Health unfortunately for him I am no mere mortal and I exist to stack modifiers surely there's someone in here oh my goodness there's literally a man outside the poor guy he went all the way out there well I mean I saved the day and by save the day I mean I killed a bunch of people that was a good success however 1 200 damage just isn't high enough I mean sure it was enough to pretty much one hit every enemy I ran into we could be doing so much better than that and I'm not one to rest on my Laurels so it's back to the planet grind but we're going to cheese out a few more levels right I have been massively improving Rihanna's capabilities as we are now up to an astonishing level 45. now because of this our ability to deal damage has been greatly increased for a start we have now maxed out our concealment meaning from sneaker ranged attacks to four times more damage we also do an extra 20 more damage when we are using a suppressed weapon which we always are we get an extra 40 damage from isolation we then add on a further 60 or so from ballistics and an extra 30 from rifle certification my main goal at the moment is to reach the end of the sniper certification tree and honestly any points into Marksmanship as well would be very useful in order to do this I just simply need to get as many kills as possible this is made slightly Easier by the fact that this gun here which normally would be doing like 40 damage is now hitting for about 300. as you can imagine that makes it pretty darn good however I wonder how my actual Professional Sniper fares let's equip the bad boy professional Hard Target damage apparently in up to 279 so um let's give it a go bam okay that was 1115 damage yeah that was 1170 as well I think this bad boy is gonna be pretty good good I'm guessing that basically no matter the difficulty this thing's going to murder anyway Let's uh finish mopping up all of these little guys Splendid stuff more kills equals more skill grains equals more experience everybody wins oh hello tiger God I love this planet it is just filled with Wildlife or at least it was filled with Wildlife until I came along and uh that was just filled with a bunch of corpses oh there we go and we've just gotten a few more kills in again all right so if we go over to this tree we should be able to do I want to get rifle certification or do I want to get sniper certification I mean I think I need to start making progress on you first 125 kills is what I need to get jeez okay and rifle certification I'll grab you I won't bother getting the final one of rifle certification we don't really need to be able to reload faster but hey we should now be able to do a little bit more damage and yep it seems like we can hit a bird for 352 so I'd say we're doing pretty decent so for example when I'm standing still uh if I shoot this enemy I only do 67 damage but if I crouch and I stealth suddenly I'm doing 400. this is the power of stealth oh there was 650. do you have any idea how cheap these bullets are this is insane like it's genuinely a non-issue for me to murder this entire planet's ecosystem let me kill some birds guys they're easy and relatively stationary half the time let me stay up here on my lovely hunting ground dead dead dead dead dead very much dead even more dead dead dead branded oh and we also level up of course we do dead bird it's nice that the birds literally come to fly over at me that's really generous of them I still can't believe that this terrible rifle is now doing 870 damage it is literally it's not even a fancy rifle it's like a bit to be pretty darn Bad come on hit that bird I think I'm actually gonna move myself to a different uh biome on this planet now because I've certainly massacred most of that area so let's go over to the Frozen planes what do we got oh they look like wild animals to me make that dead wild animals Lovely jubbly isn't it just great when all of the enemies just slowly walk towards you in one big line behind each other one by one oh my goodness oh don't worry there's enough bullets for all of you if you just line up so carefully like this that's wonderful there we go up apologies I have to reload oh but don't worry there's even more enemies behind me now wonderful oh my goodness there's like 40 enemies in this area you've got to die as well you've got to die as well oh I think I found myself a it's normally like an abandoned listening post which is yeah where Pirates hang out so there is a level 40 Legendary Pirate right there so I'm just gonna Hazard a guess and say that if I stand atop my lovely uh solar panel here and I switch to my insanely upgraded sniper rifle aim in on this lovely Fella's head and Bam 2 000 damage okay hello hello hello oh friend you were not ready for that I'm afraid you're dead now we could go into that facility and clear it out and interestingly the facilities are pretty useful because they always spawn magazines and the magazines are effectively a way of adding permanent stat modifiers onto yourself but for the moment I just need to kill things as humanly fast as possible I found my first new Wildlife on this planet poor samanda Grazer okay you guys are brand new let me kill you there you go you still die to just one bullet so um that's kind of embarrassing anyway we've got more enemies up ahead there we go just get them all finished off lovely jubbly I love discovering new Wildlife oh hello you're dead you're dead too oh and there's a whole herd of them over there let's Splendid oh there we go I've all sort of leveled up there we go level 47 very nice and all more enemies all dead and oh look at that a ship coming into land wonderful and all more Wildlife Leaf back all of you are dead anyway oh my goodness you're Landing right in front of me at some kind of military structure oh how exciting oh we might have some Pirates to murder right what did we level up okay headshots while aiming with a scope weapon now have an increased critical chance okay and we just need to kill 250 enemies to get the next skill up on this for an extra 50 damage I mean that sounds insane but 250 Birds well that's only 250 bullets but first things first we should say hello to these people over here although I am actually going to try something a little bit different which is that I know the lower my health is the more damage I do so I'm just gonna stand on top of this toxic vent uh until it bleeds away a lot of my health all right so there we go I will now uh walk up off of the vent I mean we are now exceedingly low Health but I'm expecting that this means we should be able to do an exceedingly larger quantity of damage and yes it is exactly what I was expecting there is shooting going on here yes it looks like some human beings are trying to fight those ice creatures however this military facility is mine and so there shall be no survivors no survivors I tell you hello humans and I'll have a quick sip of my uh lovely classic tea and that should get me in the spirit for a good bit of murdering so let me pull out my uh perfect calibrated sniper rifle for the job and um deal with the these humans yeah it's probably Pirates don't let their civilian clothing fool you there we go 3 800 damage yep see they're called hunters and what do Hunters do they get hunted that's uh probably how it works anyway 4 500 damage you are all dead Splendid alright so I've not got to go kill 250 members of the local wildlife in order to um get the next skill perk that allows me to do nearly 100 extra damage so yeah I've got to get to work now you might say that hey it's bad that I murdered those people but let's be realistic here ladies and gents they were called Hunters they were going to kill my Wildlife this is my Wildlife to hunt not yours anyway yes it would seem that uh literally being at low Health adds nearly an extra of 100 to 200 damage to all of my shots which in this game is the difference between immediately killing your Target and immediately killing your target look I've got a little bit too far but when has that ever been a problem I won't stop until I've got all of my purse works like I finally found a true high level enemy this is a level 98 pirate Legend in front of us uh definitely an incredibly dangerous enemy and I've already done several thousand damage to them and yet here they come they still keep coming I mean luckily for me I think that final shot of the head was enough and yeah I don't know what you're even trying plunderer that was never gonna go anywhere still thanks for dropping some high-powered weapons at my feet right what is on your body level 98 enemy concussive Advanced Bridger okay weapons that okay has rounded a bigger but but can occasionally fail well you sound brilliant aren't a MAG storm weapon I mean okay I just might as well take this just for fun just to see what it's like oh my goodness this weapon actually also seems to be quite it might just be doing 447 physical damage because it has depleted uranium rounds but um either way that sounds pretty fun let's go find an unwilling volunteer to shoot some depleted uranium into I finally did it okay it has uh taken a pretty decent amount of work but I have achieved sniper certification rank 4. we now do 50 more damage while using a sculpture is this gun that was previously doing 300 damage is now doing a very very Jazzy 482 very nice let me try out my sniper rifle instead well that was 1978 against an enemy that probably could see me and that was 2 300 damage very nice indeed yep I think it's safe to say we're slightly over leveled now for the rest of the game well uh time to go find myself a boss to kill ladies and gentlemen I think we're now ready to finish our video with a bang and buy a bang that means a good show for about free little more perfectly balanced features that I discovered perfectly balanced feature number one customized ship designs now of course you can customize your ship and turn it into the most efficient mobile dog fighting machine possible that way you can improve your chances of winning space combat or alternatively you can do what I've done here and create the ultimate spaceship now this is the ultimate spaceship not because it's the most maneuverable or makes the most sense this is the ultimate spaceship because for some reason Todd how designed the game so that the center point of your spaceship is exactly where all of the AIS will Target and by making the center point of our spaceship a very slim area it means our ship is a lot harder for the AI to hit in a perfect world what you want to do is effectively create the letter L or a hollow square and that way the enemy AI will shoot directly into the center of your non-existent ship meaning that you simply don't take damage you might not like the look of it and you might think it's ugly but this is what Peak Performance looks like Anyway time for me to set off because we're going to a very special place ah yes look at my wonderful ship oh dear I'm going to take off I don't even know what This ship's gonna look like when it's taking off because it's certainly silly go on let's go I love the way it kind of bends oh God it's so slow find out for those buildings you might clip them ah my lovely ship anyway yes we are now in orbit so as you can see this Center section is where AIS are likely to actually Target us now of course this ship is terrible it has no arm or anything like that but um but just to double check and demonstrate this I'm going to uh kill this ship in front of me I mean I say kill um it's gonna be quite challenging but already you can see that pretty much all of the shots of people targeting me are simply flying mostly harmlessly by yeah they're just aiming for this Center section now I should be long dead because I am getting murdered by at least 400 ships but no I can live because they are all simply missing me oh this is is very silly now this isn't even the most optimal way of doing this you can get some very silly designs I'm sure but thank you Todd Howard for designing a perfectly balanced hitbox right now I've been traversing much of space and I've become incredibly powerful by that I mean I now have a wonderful calibrated hard target rifle which has a base damage of 425 however I have modified my character into the stratosphere so that no we will not be doing 425 damage instead I will test by shooting that security guard in the head right so I've popped a bunch of drugs and I've and I've stacked all of my modifiers and now aiming at this man's head 7 000 damage and I'm still hidden I am still hidden oh my goodness this is incredible everyone's running for their lives someone killed the security guard we will never know who did it what a tragedy it could have been anyone it could have been the man with the sniper we may never know right now in order to finish today's video evidently I can one hit everyone like some kind of terrifying God so I think it's best we finish it with um a little bit of fireworks and by fireworks I mean I'm going to place down as many landmines as humanly possible inside of this tiny weapon shot so I will simply Begin by just placing down as many normal landmines as possible this is going to take quite a little while indeed oh you you like the good decisions I make well Anya I'm making some good decisions by placing down uh 40 land oh well that one got a little bit too close I'm terribly sorry what are you doing Andrew I'm so so sorry let me quickly uh I'm gonna redo that okay no placing the landmines on top of Anya else you may or may not explode I really should kill this little robot though because that robot has a chance of detonating everything so sorry robot you have to die here we go land mine time right I have um designed something um yeah let's call it that uh I have placed a few landmines around um and I think I think we should have a a little bit of a discussion Anya because you might have noticed that there are currently 60 landmines everywhere oh there's no way they can ensure personal safety like a firearm well Anya what about um what about what about land Vines how does a firearm protect you from landmines and you I I don't think it does I'll tell you what Anya I've I'm gonna cut a deal with you I'm going to I'm going to shoot you okay and then you're going to probably summon the police and then if they step through that door around you they are going to explode everyone we're going to go out together and you goodbye 650 Bounty added and yeah come on you know what to do yes it worked oh my god oh the flaves of the screams the screams and your the screams I tell you it's wonderful geez you are really on fire anyway uh lovely to meet you Anya ah what a great game what a great game right members of new Atlantis it was wonderful to meet you but I'm afraid this is the end of the road for all of you Rihanna keeves is going to kill you all but we'll see each and every one of you in the next one hopefully subscribe subscribe ah lovely don't mind me just reloading my hand Cannon you're all going to die friends nice try you can't hide behind your security fences if I fire 160 bullets in really fast succession I'll try and flee you fools there's a man over here called Bobby Cat hello Bobby Bobby die oh wait those were your parents oh you're a child child come back child child how about we play a game I call it fetch you run and [ __ ] and there we go ladies and gentlemen this has been a wonderful look into Starfield in 2023. what a brilliant game I love it anyway if you enjoyed what you've seen in today's video make sure to give us a like why not hop down into the comment section and tell me if you'd like to see more Starfield videos about five other exploits that I discovered in my time playing that I wasn't able to fit into today's video so consequently if you want to see more let me know hello Atlantis Security man bye bye but yes thank you very much for watching thank you for subscribing and of course there's always a massive thank you to each and every one of our amazing patrons and channel members for funding us I hope you all have a lovely and wonderful Majestic day and I'll see each and every one of you in the next one goodbye for now foreign
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 2,563,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield game, STARFIELD IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, STARFIELD IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, starfield gameplay, the spiffing brit, starfield bug, starfield funny, funny, bug, glitch, exploit, starfield glitch, gameplay, starfield exploit, funny moments, starfield funny moments, spiffing brit, brit, money exploit, game, ign, funny video, meme, starfield money glitch, starfield mods, skyrim, todd howard, rt game, starfield glitches
Id: de2GFWsG9Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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