STARFIELD - 42 Features You Need To Know For Scanning Any Planet FAST

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[Music] foreign [Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to Starfield my name is camel you will have to excuse my voice while I do feel fine I went to a wedding slept for 19 hours and now my voice sounds like the voice of a very dry biscuit not too sure what's happening but we will get through it in today's video I'm going to show you how to easily scan any planet or Moon and share all of my tips and tricks that I've picked up along the way as you can see here I've fully surveyed 60 planets which isn't insane but after doing it 60 times you do pick up a couple of things so I'm going to share all of my knowledge with you to make your scanning and surveying life much easier and most importantly more efficient scanning moons and planets can actually be very relaxing chill laid back exploration activity you can go out explore all the nooks and crannies of the thousands of planets and moons that Starfield has to offer and along the way you will get a whole bunch of experience and it's actually very lucrative as the scan data is very valuable you can see here some survey data is worth 4500 credits and it goes all the way up to 40 000 credits with a couple in between and I'll also show you the best place to sell your survey data as well so you'll get the most out of your hard work but to some myself included when I started playing the idea of landing on a planet with 11 fauna and seven flora and eight resources and three traits well it can definitely seem very daunting and even off-putting so I'm not just going to talk the talk as at the end of the video we will be doing a real time entire 100 Planet scan just like one of the ones we mentioned above with tons of fauna tons of Flora tons of resources and tons of traits and so that you can see just how easy it actually is and I'll talk you along the whole way through so you know exactly what's happening and why I'm doing it now if this kind of stuff interests you my other style field videos can be found down in the description via the playlist link down there you can also find all of my social media links be sure to help me out and check them out after the video and if you have any other tips and tricks for scanning and surveying planets for myself and everyone else be sure to let us all know down in the comments now there are also a couple of skills to make scanning and surveying a lot easier but we will run through those later on as if scanning planets and moons is new to you you probably won't have any of those skills leveled up right so we'll run through all of the basics without skills in mind to make this more of an entry level guide to begin with and get into the deeper stuff deeper in the video funnily enough but without further hesitation let's get you turned into a scanning master so firstly when it comes to scanning slash surveying a planet there are four categories that we will be dealing with the fauna these being all of the animals the aliens the creatures the monsters and the like there is also the Flora that being all of the plants and such thirdly there is the resources these are of course the actual literal resources that can be found on said Cosmic body like iron and water and finally is the traits these are naturally occurring points of interests and can be tricky to find but I will explain how to easily find them a little later on now when you hover over a moon or a planet in the star map it will show you over on the left hand side how many of each of these four categories are present on that particular planet on moon for you to scan and when you're actually standing on the planet or Moon and bring up your scanner it will show you your current progress over on the left hand side as well as so you can more easily keep track of how you're going now some planets and moons don't have any fauna any Flora any resources or any traits and they cannot be landed on these are any planet that are labeled as a gas giant or an ice Giant and any Moon that is labeled as an asteroid and is basically shaped like a potato while none of these three can be landed on all of these gas giants ice giants and potato moons will have nothing show up in their stats so if you're unsure if you can land on it or not well this is a quick way to know that you can't land on it if it just has nothing show up at all but despite having nothing to offer at face value if we actually go into said planet or moon's orbit where we will see that we can actually still scan it from our spaceship and if we do scan a gas giant and Ice giant or an asteroid moon but we will actually get the survey data for it and while this will be the least valuable survey data with a value of 4 500 credits that's still a pretty serious sum of credits and only takes seconds to acquire so you can snoop around solar systems traveling to gas giants and ice giants and potato moons to scan them from their orbit and make quick bucks with ease and quite frankly in a comically short amount of time now stepping up just a little bit there are plenty of planets and moons that don't have any fauna or Flora or any traits and have just two or three resources well these can be landed on and in a minute or so you can scan the two resource than you're done you've got the survey data again very quickly so these are just some beginner ways that you can make some very fast money scanning and surveying but when it comes to planets and moons that do have a large collection of things to be scanned and surveyed when we do get our feet on the ground and are ready to begin wandering around scanning stuff well there are a few things that you should know firstly I'd suggest walking around with the scanner up as anything yet to be surveyed or completed will be highlighted in blue and anything you've already collected the data 4 will be highlighted in green so you know that you've done that already and you don't need to bother with it now a great little detail and pro tip missed by many is that actually harvesting resources and minerals counts as scanning them along with this harvesting resources from any plant or killing any animal also counts as scanning them so you don't have to try and scan an animal as they're charging at you or bring up a scanner after a battle and scan all their corpses as simply by killing them you've scanned them or when it comes to plants simply by picking their fruit or nuts or berries or whatever you've scanned them and by mining a mineral you've scanned it also so technically you could actually scan all of the fauna all of the Flora and all of the resources on a planet without ever actually pulling up your scanner but of course I'll suggest using the scanner just so you can actually see what's what and how you're progressing now when it comes to resources you don't even need to find a resource node to scan it as you will quite often see these large areas on the ground highlighted in a particular resources designated color this highlighted area is actually for Outpost building as if you build an extractor in the highlighted area it will harvest that resource but from the scanner you can just click on the highlighted area on the ground and it will counter scanning that particular resource this is very handy as obviously finding a big highlighted area on the ground is much easier than finding an actual resource node so be sure to use that as you can collect all of the data for resources much faster this way now you can also enter Outpost building mode and it will actually show you in the top left all of the nearby resources that are within the Outpost beacons range this can be a quick and handy way to see what's actually around you now all of the resources on any given Planet only need to be scanned once to have their data collected and a pro tip if you do want to run around mining stuff with the cutter well if you have the cutter out and hold down the left trigger on a controller or the right button on the mouse this will actually like supercharge the cutter and when we do fire it will shoot out a much more powerful beam that harvests materials seven times faster and it uses half as much charge to harvest the same resource so that is a very handy tip that I want everyone to know this will make your life much much easier and if you do want the unique orange cutter that I'm using in the video check the card above for that full guide so with resource closed captioning not available it can't be scanned again as it will go from a blue Highlight to being a solid blue this is to let you know that you've already scanned this one and you can't get any more out of it so again make sure to have the scanner up and keep an eye out for anything with a blue outline that means you haven't collected all its data and you can scan whatever that thing is anything that's solid blue or green don't worry about it you're done with it now some plants and animals are tricky to find or simply just spawn less frequently than others so again I'd suggest having your scanner up quite often as you can spot that flora and fauna highlighted in blue from a mile off but another very important thing to know is that some planets and moons have multiple biomes so if you've been running around a forest for a while and seem to have scanned all of the fauna and Flora with nothing new to discover but you're not even halfway done with finding all that the planet has to offer well you will probably need to head to a different biome to find plants and animals unique to those environments that cannot be found in the forest now to do this you will need to bring up the planet map and click on different spots on the planet you will see over on the right hand side it actually tells you what the biome of that exact spot that you've selected is and it will also tell you what percentage of the fauna and Flora that you have discovered that can be found in that particular biome now some plants and animals can be found in all of the biomes and sometimes they can only be found in one bio so sometimes you you'll see that you've partially completed the data scanning in a particular biome even though you haven't been to that bio before now knowing this is very handy as you can click around the planet or moon's surface and specifically pinpoint areas that still hold things for you to discover and if you are unsure if you've completed the biome you're currently in you can open the planet map and just click where your character is currently standing this will show you the percentage that you've completed in that biome you can also just bring up your scanner and it will say on the left hand side for both fauna and Flora biome completed now of course if it says biome completed or on the planet map it says 100 biome completed well guess what you're done with that biome and you can move on to another one and just a quick tip if you are on a planet and you're skipping from biome to biome you don't actually have to head back to your ship to do this you can just be out wherever you are open the planet map click on spot and fast travel there this will just take you straight there and it will load your ship there as well so you can save a bit of time not going back to your ship every time you want to travel somewhere you can just do it whenever you want now another thing to keep in mind particularly when looking for fauna is any flying creatures can be scanned from very very far away unlike the ground dwelling friends so if you see anything zipping around the sky or bobbing through the air even if it does seem quite a way away give it a scan and you should be good this is obviously much easier than having to try and get right underneath them or shoot at them so they come down to you you can scan them from a really far away now the other fauna trick that sends a lot of players walking in circles for hours to no avail is the Aquatic Wildlife some planets and moons have oceans or massive bodies of water let's not get technical now while not all of the oceans contain life some of them do contain life so if you're wandering around and you just can't seem to find those last few fauna and the planet or Moon that you're on has an ocean well it's a pretty good bet that they're in the ocean so just travel to the coast and suss out the Water by the shoreline with a scanner up as you might just find a couple of sneaky water dwellers hiding in there fair warning though I do have some tips for this as the coast can actually be tricky to find when you bring up the planet map you will need to select a piece of land right next to the ocean this is most easily done when you zoom in as far as you can as it will give you much more playroom when trying to pick the exact spot right next to the ocean now as you click around you'll see the biome come up but eventually you'll see the biome come up and then in Brackets it will see Coast this is what you want or even what you need so once you've got a location select that says Coast after the biome what you want to do is travel there now when you arrive it seems like you're just surrounded by land I'm not sure why it does this but for whatever reason when you travel to a coastline you travel near the coastline and then have to walk for a couple of minutes to get to the actual water now trying to figure out which direction the water is is pretty confusing using it first you can look around and look for sand colored Hills this will probably be the sand of the beach or you can look where the terrain goes the lowest on the horizon that's probably dipping down towards the ocean but I don't know if this is how the game actually works but I did test this a whole bunch of times and every time this is what happened for me when you land at a coastal location the ship will be facing the water and when you hop out of your ship your character will be facing the water so when in doubt just look where your ship is facing and go straight ahead this will lead you to the water again not 100 confirmed but I tested this five or six times and every time my ship just so happened to be pointing exactly at the ocean so once you've got your bearings just walk in that direction and you will eventually get to the beach and you will hit the ocean now fair warning be aware that some oceans are very harmful to we humans so sauce out the water dip your toe in before before you dive head first and get dissolved in an ocean of acid and once you're at the shoreline and looking into the water bring up the scanner and any aquatic Wildlife will be highlighted in blue and much like flying creatures you can scan these watery friends from a very far distance so you don't actually have to get into the water and swim around to try and scan these things I will say however that I often find the Aquatic Wildlife to be fairly spread out so you'll probably have to walk up and down the coast for a couple of minutes to find all of the fish friends that you're looking for now with air type Pokemon and water type Pokemon out of the way most planets with fauna also have three main types of fauna there are the predators the hunters there is the prey there's usually some kind of herd animal and there are the Scavengers often times you'll stumble across some kind of pack of herbivore-like creatures being absolutely destroyed and run down by something more aggressive some kind of carnivore creature both of these are pretty easy spot as they are usually large and usually in groups and they're usually seen running around frantically in packs also worth noting if you do stumble upon a big pile of dead animals you can actually scan the dead corpses to collect their survey data as well you don't have to be the one that killed them now while the Predators and the prey are pretty easy to find the Scavengers can be a bit trickier so if you do find a bunch of dead creatures or you kill a bunch of creatures and end up with a pile of dead creatures if you wait around for a little bit the Scavengers will actually show up to feed on the remains these scavengers are often quite little like they're little bug-like creatures that can sometimes be otherwise difficult to find but if you don't want to wait around at a pile of dead animals for scavengers to show up a good tip that I found is to listen for them for example on this planet I was struggling to find these little Beetle dudes as they were headed in the grass they were really short and the grass was quite thick and the grass was taller than they were were so even though I was probably surrounded by them I couldn't really see them even with a scanner up they were hard to spot but they made a lot of noise so if you're walking around and hear notably squeaky insect noises coming from the ground around your feet well look down and you'll likely find a gang of little scavengers that you would have otherwise missed so now that we know how to find all of the fauna all of the Flora and all of the resources on a planet let's talk about traits some planets and moons have no traits some have one some have two and the most that I've personally seen is three there might be moons and planets with more I just haven't seen them yet now traits for me was initially the hardest thing to find and scan as I didn't know what I was looking for I would just wander around randomly hoping to run across a treat which of course led me to just aimlessly walking around and getting frustrated that these damn traits weren't just spawning in front of me but after fully scanning 60 planets what I have found is that all of the traits will always show up at a natural location or a life science location so when you land on a planet you bring up your scanner and you scan the Horizon when you do this you will see a bunch of icons pop up if you hover over one of the icons and click a or whatever a is on a keyboard it will give you a little bit more information about that location that you're pointing at it could be an outpost it could be a structure it could be a cave or it could be a natural location or a life science location these last two natural and life signs are what you want to keep an eye out for if you're looking for traits so when you land on a planet look around for natural and life science and whichever one is closest to you head in that direction and I guarantee you will run into a trait very infrequently there are natural formations or life sign formations that aren't traits but most the time like 99 of the time these natural locations and life sign locations are traits so walk in that direction and when you get there you'll find some kind of interesting geological goings-ons with a large section that is highlighted in blue when you bring the scanner up just like everything else with the scanner up click it and you will scan it now some traits at their location there will be one thing to be scanned or there will be two things to be scanned or there will be three things to be scanned from memory the most I've ever seen is three this is no problem you just need to look around and click on the blue things and if you're unsure of how you're going scanning said trait it will tell you how many scannable Parts there are to said trait and show you your progress as well so once you arrive of course scan the scannable section or sections of the location and you will discover that trait and I've seen scanning traits give between 100 and 300 experience upon scanning completion so that's a nice way to get some extra XP along with all the experience you'll get from scanning the flora fauna and resources now when you do find one of these trait locations it's always worth having a look around as they often have some kind of rock pile or dung pile which sometimes contains very little loot but sometimes they contain a lot of loot so we've given you went to all the effort of walking out here you might as well reap the full benefits now unlike fauna and Flora I personally have not noticed any traits being tied to specific biomes as in my experience I usually find all of the traits even when there's three of them in a single bio I land in one spot look around walk to the three natural life science spots and get all three traits but sometimes you will land in a spot and scan the Horizon and there aren't any natural or lifestyle locations showing up in the nearby area so of course in these cases just move to a different spot now it is worth noting that if a planet or moon has more than one trait these multiple traits will always be different so if you find a natural location and see it off in the distance and it's a giant blue crystal thing sticking out of the Horizon well you head over there you discover it is in fact a trait you scan it you turn around and you see another big blue crystal thing off on the horizon well don't bother going there as all it will provide is the same trait that you've already just discovered the big blue crystal thing so when looking for multiple traits keep an eye out for any unique natural formations that you haven't seen yet and avoid the ones you have seen and scared so while it might take a couple of minutes to find all of the traits on a planet just keep an eye out for any natural locations and life sign locations and if you do want to get all the traits I find the easiest is to go to a flat bio like a desert or a Savannah or a frozen ice field or something this way there's no trees and hills and mountains in the way you can very clearly look around and see the trait even if it's quite far away you can see some weird geological things sticking out of the Horizon this will help you avoid going to the same trait twice as you can literally see what it is from quite a distance now if you do have traits to go out and discover I think it is often worth heading out to find the traits straight away as on the way to them you can scan the phone up Flora and resources on your journey maximizing the usage of your time and killing four birds with one sojourn now it is also worth noting that I do believe this isn't confirmed but I have got a lot of survey data slates and I have noticed that the value of a survey data slate seems to be determined by how many traits the planet or Moon had if it had no traits it will have a value of 4500 if it had one trait it will have a value of nine thousand if it had two traits it will have a value of 24 000 and if it has three traits it will have a value of 40 000 credits now this huge ramp in value as the traits go up might just make you inclined to seek out planets and moons that actually do have more traits rather than you know avoiding them especially now that we know how easy it is to find traits so now that we know how to best find all of the fauna Flora resources and traits with our feet on the ground let's talk about the skills that will help you in your scanning Journey all of these skills can be found in the science skill tree and to be very clear and not mislead anyone each skill tree has skilled tears Tier 1 skills at the top can be acquired at any time tier 2 skills in the second row require you to have already spent at least four skills in that particular skill tree to unlock tier 3 skills in the third row require you to have already spent at least eight skill points in that particular skill tree to unlock and finally tier 4 skills in the very bottom row require you to have already spent at least 12 skill points in that particular skill tree to unlock so this is something to keep in mind as if you think all that skill will be handy well it might require you to sync a ton of skill points into that science skill tree to unlock it so just keep that in mind as so that you aren't disappointed when you go to grab a skill and you can't so firstly the only tier one skill that will help us on our scanning journey is surveying this will add a zoom function while the scanner is up which can be handy for spotting things off in the distance but will also increase the range at which we can scan things from the default range is 10 meters and for every rank we go up it adds 10 meters so when we get to Rank 4 the scanning range will now be 50 meters now having a scan range of 50 meters can be very handy for basically scan sniping things opposed to having to get up close and personal with everything to scan it next is the tier 2 skills the first of which is botany which will allow you to harvest more resources from Flora which is great but more importantly it will also increase the amount of data collected from scanning plants so with no points in this skill as we know we need to scan eight of a specific plant to fully collect its data with rank 1 this will drop down to seven scans with Rank 2 this will drop down to 6 scans with rank three it will go to 5 scans and with Rank 4 it will drop down to only four scans to 100 collect a plant's data so with Rank 4 or you will collect 25 of the data offset plant per scan literally halving the required scans which of course halves the time that you need to invest in scanning plants so this is hugely beneficial next is scanning this skill will allow you to detect uncommon rare exotic and unique inorganic resources on the surface of a planet or Moon inorganic resources being things that are not organic funnily enough like iron and helium now this skill is specific to the planetary scan that you can do from the planet map so when you do scan a planet here it will show you the General locations of specific inorganic Resources by highlighting areas in that resources color this could be handy to use if you're struggling to find a particular resource or on the hunt for a particular resource but I will admit with that said I don't think this skill is absolutely necessary as I've never had to rely on this feature to find a particular resource so you may or may not want to put points into this now the next skill is zoology this is the exact same thing as botany but instead of for Flora it is for fauna for all the creatures and much like botany at Rank 4 you will only have to scan four of each creature to collect all of its data so again this is very handy and will halve your time scanning animals and the final skill that will be handy for scanning and surveying is the tier 3 skill astrophysics with rank 1 you can scan the moons of your current planet and you have a 10 chance to discover a trait when scanning Rank 2 you can scan any planet or Moon within the system and you have a 20 chance to discover a trait when scanning with Rank 3 you can scan any planet or Moon within 16 light years of where you're standing and you have a 30 chance to discover a trait when scanning and with Rank 4 you can now scan any planet or Moon within 30 light years and you have a 50 chance to discover a trait when scanning now scanning in this sense is again the planetary scanning so this skill is super handy being able to scan any planet or Moon within 30 light years is great especially for farming those gas giants ice giants and potato moons that we spoke of earlier but the real benefit here is at Rank 4 having a 50 chance to discover Retreat just by scanning a planet from the star map this is super helpful especially considering that finding the traits can be one of the more time consuming aspects of scanning and surveying planets and moons so to just get a trait for free in an instant fifty percent of the time is absolutely Wicked and in the long run will save you so much time by not having to look for traits by walking around because you've got it for free from Simply scanning the planet from the map and also the challenge to increase the ranks of astrophysics require you to scan planets and moons from the star map so this can be leveled from rank 1 to Rank 4 in a couple of minutes if you have the skill points available so this one is super easy to get and super helpful but it is a tier 3 skill so you will have had to have invested at least eight skill points in the science tree already to gain access to it but in my opinion this is totally worth it so now that you are a scanning God what do you do with all of this survey data well we sell it of course but don't sell it to just any old fool willing to buy it as we can see despite this survey data being worth 4 500 credits when we go to sell it we can only sell it for 717 credits and to clarify on my character I've got the Commerce skill maxed out of Rank 4 allowing me to sell items for 25 more so this is the best price you can get at any old vendor now this huge cut in displayed value versus vend value is universal across all of the items in the game but there is one character in Starfield who will buy survey data for more than the standard selling value in fact he will buy them for double and this absolute Legend is none other than Vladimir's Soul now Vladimir is of course part of constellation and he can either be found on constellation star station the eye which is in Orbit above the planet Jemison or he can be found within the lodge in new Atlantis also on the planet Jamison now you will meet Vladimir very early on in the main quest line so if you haven't gotten up to that point I was just getting there now when we first met Vladimir saw we'll have a good chat with him and eventually we will see this option come up at the bottom of the dialogue your artifact search must be a full-time job click on this and after some back and forth conversation at the top of his dialogue options we will see there is now I've got some survey data for you click this option and it will open up Vlad as a vendor who will only purchase survey data but get this as far as I'm aware he actually has the largest amount of vendor credits of any vendor in Starfield as he has 20 000 credits now most vendors in Starfield only carry 5 000 credits even the trade Authority usually only carries 11 000 by default so the fact that Vlad has almost doubled what the trade Authority has well it's not the only thing being doubled as Vlad will actually purchase survey data for twice as much as any the other vendor remember those 4.5 K survey data slate that we could only sell for 717 credits to a random vendor well Vlad will buy them for 1434 credits which is exactly double 717 so you can make quite a lot of very pretty pennies by selling survey data specifically and exclusively to Vladimir making surveying and scanning all the more enticing now just to quickly clarify there is some bloke from list in the bar in Sedonia on Mars called Phil Hill he will also offer to purchase survey data slates and there's a rumor going around in this kind of Starfield community that Phil Hill is in fact the best person to sell them to now as far as I can tell this is a big fat fallacy as he appears to buy survey data for the exact same price that any other random vendor buys them as we can see all of these 4.5 K survey data slates can sold to Phil Hill for 717 credits just like every other vendor and if we've run down the road to the trade Authority well as we can see they will purchase these same survey data slates for 717. so it turns out that Phil Hill from list is no different to any other vendor and he's got a measly amount of credits and can't even afford the more expensive slates so again my friends make sure to sell all of your survey data to Vladimir saw he will pay double what anyone else will and he's got 20 000 credits to spare as his default vendor credits absolutely mad and I wish this was something that I knew a long time ago because I have sold a lot of survey data slates to random vendors and missed out on a whole lot of credits now you can actually get missions to survey planets but I'm not entirely sure if they are worth it I guess it's up to you as if we head into the basement of the lodge in new Atlantis we can find the constellation Mission board from here you can usually pick up a mission asking for you to fully survey a planet or moon now when you accept one of these quests and complete the survey of said planet or Moon you will get some XP for completing the mission and some credits too but you don't also get the survey data as we can see here I completed the mission I get 150 experience and 1 000 credits but if I look in my inventory there's no survey data so it seems that the mission experience and the credit reward is in exchange for the data slate now this is fine but I tested this and loaded a save before I accepted the mission and came and scanned the same Moon that the mission had me do and once I completed it I got 50 experience but I also got the data slate which I could sell to Vlad for 1434 credits so when it comes to doing the mission versus not doing the mission well I got 150 experience and a thousand credits for doing the mission and I got 50 experience in 1434 credits for not doing the mission but selling the Slate to Vlad instead so it's 100 more experience in favor of doing the mission but it's 434 more credits in favor of not doing the mission so I do guess that it boils down to your personal preference whether you want more XP or you want more credits but to be honest 100 XP or 434 credits here and there is not super important but it is something to keep in mind before you go out smashing these survey quests now there is actually one other way to discover traits on planets as very infrequently when you're out and about exploring a planet you can run across a random location that looks like this it's an abandoned research tower now if you do make your way into one of these locations and fight through 50 enemies and 17 floors of science labs and unlock a door or two using specific terminals where we can actually find this computer from which you can download planetary data when you do this it will discover one of the traits of whatever planet or Moon that you are on now this can be handy if you happen to be here already but in regards to speed if you're specifically going into a research Tower to discover one of the traits well this process is most certainly much slower than have you just found the trait the normal way which you can do in a couple of minutes but if you come here again it's a huge location it's very complicated and there's also no exaggeration about 40 to 50 enemies in here so it might take 10 15 20 30 minutes to actually get to the computer and get the trade or you could have just looked for a life sign or a natural location and got that same trait in a couple of minutes so I would highly discourage anyone from actively seeking out these towers to get trait data as even just to get footage of one of these research Towers I had to load onto random spots on the same planet for two hours and I was just zipping around in 3K I'm looking for one of these damn things so searching for them is a big time sync and even if you do find one it's like five six times slower to get the same one trait compared to if you just ran out and found it yourself however if you do want to come into the research Tower and kill all the enemies and get all the loot while you're here here might as well get the research data and with that I cannot think of a single molecule related to planet and moon scanning that we have not covered so now that we are fully loaded with scanning knowledge and know-how as promised at the start of the video I will scan a planet from first arrival to 100 completion in real time so you can see how all of what we talked about in the video was actually applied in action now for this I wanted to find a planet that had the most stuff to be scanned and I looked at about 50 star systems searching for a moon or a planet that I haven't already been to and had a large number of fauna Flora resources and traits and I finally found one a planet called Zeta official one in the Zeta ofichu star system I wanted to find the most difficult place that I could as I wanted to make sure to show you that despite talking the talk throughout the video that we can actually walk the the walk too and hopefully in the process it will fully dispel the initially daunting task of fully scanning a planet like this now as we can see Zeta official one has 10 fauna 10 Flora eight resources and three traits so with all of the fauna Flora resources and traits combined we have a total of 31 things to survey to fully scan this planet now Zeta oathichu 1 also has a ton of different biomes and it has an ocean so as far as scanning a planet goes this is about as difficult as it will ever get now just to be clear I do have the surveying botany scanning zoology and astrophysics skills all maxed out at Rank 4 so skill wise my character is totally decked out and ready for this challenge but without further delay come along with me as we 100 scan this planet saido feature one which at face value might seem really scary and it's going to take hours and hours but hopefully with this literal walkthrough you will see that scanning and surveying even the most difficult of planets or moons can be quite a breeze alrighty currently in the lodge in new Atlantis and we're going to be traveling to Zeta of feature star system and two Zeta feature one the planet it's the planet I spent hours looking for to basically challenge our scanning and surveying knowledge as much as we can alrighty so here we are in orbit above it now like I said before I think the easiest place to go first is a flat kind of terrain a flat biome which we have here at Savannah this is so when we're looking around for traits we can basically from a very far distance there's a better chance we can see what that trait is like if it's a natural location or a life science location we can see if it's one we haven't been to or we can see if it's one we have been to and we can do so without having to run all the way over to it if we're in something like a dense jungle or something like that that can be uh more challenging so as you can see we've got zero out of ten four zero out of ten Flora we've got zero out of eight resources and zero out of three traits so let's land as soon as I get out of my ship I'm going to start a timer just so we can kind of keep track of how hopefully quickly we're doing this struts primed retrospiring [Music] okay we've landed and I wouldn't normally do this but I'm actually gonna land in a different spot just for the video's sake there's currently a sandstorm which makes for some really boring viewing so I still want to do the Savannah we just need to find another Savannah spot mountains Savannah okay so Savannah that's a swamp doesn't look particularly savannary yeah but all right see what happens beginning Landing side much better okay so we can see what's happening all right exiting the ship and I'll start the timer all right first thing we're going to do is pull up the scanner and look for natural things and life science so there's a natural thing there there's a structure there we don't want that structure what's that natural and life science okay so we might get all three traits in this one Landing let's grab these resources okay we've got four of eight resources already grab that guy grab that plants grab you probably won't be stopping to fight stuff just for Speed sake okay we've got that bug he's done so well rather than heading out and about to find plants and animals first we'll find all of the traits because on the way to them we can scan the plants and animals and resources uh we're pretty good here we've got one of the fauna and four of the resources just a minute in now having that 50 meter scan range is very helpful so we don't have to run all the way over to each thing to scan it we can do it from quite a distance and there's tons of stuff I've got some flying dudes level 100 Jesus it'd be kind of hard to pinpoint but there we go flying jellyfish dudes fully scanned okay 200 meters away there's another life science probably that's one and a half kilometers away I don't really want to be doing that after we get this one we'll probably head back to the ship uh is this the one with three no good it's got one so we found a trait already very good get the dung pile very good oops bring up the scanner and we'll travel back to the landing area just because the other natural and life science locations were on the other side of the ship this way and on the way we'll get these guys see we're making use of that big highlighted resource area on the grounds rather than having to find the actual node silver do we have that well what happened there I have not seen that before okay we've got these hack Tusk frogs there we go we got them 100 oh and now we can see that we have the fauna for this biome completed okay we've got a plant so what's left a couple of plants it seems oh yeah we can see them the blue fellas whoa what is going on with that so weird okay six out of eight resources very good for only four minutes in literally just hit four minutes here is a second trait probably scan it from here 100 scan 200 XP we've got two out of three treats not even five minutes in uh just have a quick look around the base for a dung pile or a rock pile like this plenty of loot very nice it's quite rare to get that much loot out of a rock pile or a dumb pile all right so we'll make our way to this life sign so what do we have we have the ditch with the white spiky things and we had that big rock so unfortunately from here we can't really see what that is okay it looks like some kind of groovy Forest thing so we know that we haven't been to that trade so this will be a new trait third and final trait see anything useful foreign would it be nice if these traits were a bit closer together but oh well actually I can see some blue in there might be some plants in there that we haven't got yet [Music] unexplored chemistry feature okay grab that plant so we need to scan this twice so there's one was to the there we go got it easy peasy and we've got that plant as well there's still um a plan we don't have there we go okay we've got fauna for this biome complete we've got Flora for this biome complete and we have all three treats and we're just six and a half minutes in so we don't even need to go back to the ship we're done with the Savannah biome so let's go to the tropical forest we've got 29 there so we don't need to look for traits now we just need to look for fauna and Flora and those last two resources all right here we go but I just saw a resource come up though I don't have yep cool we've got seven out of eight resources and all these new plants [Music] later finds some fauna though lots of plants now for Here We Go some little scavengers what are you shooting caterpillars okay we've got that we've got that plant I think there's some blue there what is that oh man it's a huge pack of whatever that is but we got it now oh there's a resource there we don't have there we go so we've got all the resources now we've got the floor off this biome completed we are just missing the fauna but what are we missing [Applause] got all the caterpillars we got those dudes and treasure I haven't scanned her all right we can see some blue over here oh that's weird a plant even though we've finished the floor for the biome well don't know what that means but uh we'll scan it because it's blue there we go okay apparently it is a plant that we've now completed it's just not from this biome the game thinks it's not from bio oh I've got some long neck dudes just need one more of them again I'll normally go a bit slower and like fire them and stuff but more Flora okay oh we've actually changed biome we're in a different biomes than when we entered I mean that's fine saves the Fast Travel is that a long neck dude oh it's a long neck cactus the hell is that okay so there's one plant left which I think is this long Cactus thing for Japan so we need one more frigid palm and then we have all of the floor for the planet now hunting dodo that's new now these guys look pretty tough and they're all super high level so I'm um very thankful that we have the 50 meter scan range all right one more of these guys okay perfect so we've got biome complete for fauna and Flora so we've got all the traits all the resources all the Flora we just need three more fauna and we're done and we're just ten and a half minutes in don't forget this is the most daunting surveying challenge I could find tropical forest Savannah's 100 mountains 100 tropical forest seems to be at 86 percent swamp Coastal is it 70 percent let's try you know what let's I have a suspicion that two of the remaining fauna are in the ocean so let's find a coastal spots there we go we can see we've got swamp Coastal and because we have to walk a little distance from the landing spot to the beach I'm hoping that we can run into whatever that extra missing fauna is that isn't the ones that I think are in the ocean um so again the direction we're facing should be the ocean foreign remember hearing that before but it's nothing blue okay giving this a structure there um I don't think that is the direction of the ocean just going with gut instinct here I think the lowest point in the left oh okay it's probably this way that's weird I I tested this like five times and every time the way the ship and my character was facing was always pointing directly at the ocean but this time it's not so apparently that's a fallacy now obviously if the Horizon dips down and in all the other directions there's mountains everywhere the ocean's going to be in the bit where it dips down right which is really quickly check yeah where are we we're down here so North is the beach is basically South South West now on the compass I'm pretty sure that big Market is north so that's South and that would be Southwest so yeah this way ish you can hear a lot of like tropical bird noises but I don't see oh is that something blue there my eyes deceive me what the that is a scary noise whatever that is stream Heat okay cool there's the ocean unfortunately we didn't run into whatever that other fauna is I'm hoping that there's two fauna in the ocean from my experience every time there are creatures in the ocean there's always two level one there's never three it's always two so I'm really hoping that there are creatures in this ocean because that would count us two what what's that [Music] ha and your scan shows I'm hoping where there's one caterpillar there's more caterpillars yes there we go perfect the plan worked after all okay so we just have two four on the left which I'm hoping are the ones in the ocean I've never seen ocean animal on beach before but okay so now let's get the scanner up which was already up and we can see how's this ocean by the way is it safe or it is safe is this first friendly ocean I've come across okay there's a whale shark there and again we can scan ocean stuff from quite the distance so this is what a shark whale and there's some kind of manta ray thing that's on the beach gonna find more of those and we're good oh there's plenty of fellas out here come on okay we've got them we just need the manta ray things and there is some kind of bug as you can see we've 100 scanned all the floor of and even when we hover over that it says 100 scanned for whatever reason it's showing up as blue sure I'll get the XP twice thank you so we just need the manta rays lots of shark whales bloody hell or these in stingrays there's two of them oh so we needed there we go 100 done that was in 16 minutes and 40 seconds 16 minutes and 40 seconds is all it took to fully survey Zeto of feature one which had 10 fauna 10 Flora eight resources and three traits 16 minutes 40 seconds so as you can see when you apply some know-how with a whole bunch of tips and tricks you can actually conquer what at face value seems to be like the most daunting task possible in just over 15 minutes easy peasy and we should now have a sore by value that's easy way to do it there we go Zeta feature one survey data 40 000 credits which we should be able to sell to Vladimir's soul for 12 750 credits 15 minutes for 12K and a bunch of XP and if I took my time a little bit and fought some things and looted some plants and stuff get a whole bunch of resources as well so yeah easy peasy I hope you now see how how truly easy and potentially relaxing scanning and surveying planets is and of course it is quite lucrative so now you know everything there is to know about scanning and surveying planets in starfields I do hope that you have found this helpful and I'd love to know what other Secrets or advice you have for myself and other players Starfield is colossal but it's also filled with a million tiny details and hidden things and I'd love to hear about what you find or figure out if you enjoyed this video please subscribe be sure to check out my other videos via the Starfield playlist link down in the description down there you can also find all of my social media links be sure to check all of them out as well and if you would like to support my channel in a more personal way please feel free to leave a super thanks right here on YouTube it would be greatly appreciated and with that I've been camel I would like to thank you very much much for watching I would like to thank you very much for supporting my channel and I will see you very shortly in the next video I'll see you there soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 156,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, field, starfield, bethesda, game, studios, softworks, zenimax, elder, scrolls, fallout, camelworks, camel, works, secrets, hidden, mysteries, lore, gameplay, trailer, sci-fi, science, space, RPG, todd, howard, e3, analysis, discussion, epic, planet, ship, alien, release, date, what, all, know, everything, play, travel, fantasy, xbox, showcase, officially, leaked, concept, deep, dive, ancient, mystery, story, character, combat, starborn, skills, rare, unique, 10, things, details, didn't, need, to, secret, easter, egg, tip, Scan, Survey, Scanning, features, data
Id: venGn3eVeZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 15sec (3555 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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