Starfield - Wish I Knew Sooner | Outpost Guide, Tips & Tricks

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there's a whole galaxy out there to explore but which planet do you set down roots on it's a rabbit hole we wanted to explore no man could we learn a ton my name is Kodiak this is Legacy gaming and today we're sharing everything we wish we knew sooner about outposts in Starfield there's no doubt about it when it comes to daunting topics in Starfield you'll be hard-pressed to find one more complex than the Outpost system at the same time you won't find one that's more rewarding either for those of you who had no plans of jumping into this aspect of the game livid spent dozens of hours learning the ins and outs of every single subsystem and we're here to say maybe you should reconsider outposts in Starfield are where you can fine-tune weapons and armor into their Pinnacle forms it's also where you'll cook gourmet food and create extremely potent chems that offer powerful Buffs and effects it can even be your One-Stop shop for creating rare manufactured components not just for crafting but for selling as well giving you a nearly fully automated method of generating a steady flow of credits sure a fully Decked Out Starship can help accomplish some of these things when compared to a full network of outposts Starfield becomes a whole other experience entirely [Music] creating and managing a successful series of outposts hinges on a preliminary buildup of resources and careful planning slapping down an outpost in the first pretty place you see and investing a ton of time to build it up is a serious mistake one you'll end up fixing later on for that reason we're going to start out with a whole host of best practices both new and experienced players should be implementing as soon as they've taken to the stars as you're traveling make sure to take the time to scan various planets and moons this will reveal crucial information about the atmosphere weather conditions whether or not there's life in the form of flora and fauna and most importantly how the resource veins unique to each planet flow when looking at a scanned Planet you'll be able to see exactly where resource veins will spawn on a planet's surface denoted by their respective colors at this point we all know that starfield's planets aren't seamless they're a series of procedurally generated tiles that take on the properties of whatever is within roughly four kilometers each direction of where you touch down if you select a local location that only has gold around you the only resource that will spawn in the ground to harvest is gold conversely if you find a location that has multiple resource types converging in a point or very close to it then that location will have a diverse range of resources you'll be able to take advantage of with just one Outpost we fully recommend players get a rough Outpost down immediately purely to serve as a place to store your loot because you should be picking up and scrolling away every single mineral liquid gas and manufactured component you come across even raw food ingredients like packets of meat or fresh produce you'll want to save for the cooking side of things despite them not being listed as crafting materials that being said selecting the perfect location will catapult your growth what do I mean by that well it all begins with resource composition starting out and even well into the mid-tier of outpost progression the most important resources will be aluminum iron copper and titanium these are core materials used in just about every single item you'll be building from core structures to tiny decorations because of that you'll want to find a planet that has at best all four of those minerals but at the very least aluminum and iron these two resources are the only two things required to produce adaptive frames easily the most important manufacturer component needed to get all your buildings and storage containers up and running we'll be leaning into some simple manufacturing to generate a steady supply of these but we'll talk about that a bit later on in the video all this means is that you won't be at the mercy of RNG when looting or visiting shops saving you a ton of time and credits additionally as I mentioned before make sure the planet also has a breathable atmosphere flora and fauna allowing you to reap those rewards down the line as well find the right Planet find a location where minerals converge set a landing point and you'll be Off to the Races now with all that being said before we construct anything I also want to touch on how we can utilize major cities and planets like new Atlantis on jemisin to get ourselves supplied you can actually hail various NPC Starships in orbit around major are populated planets and request to trade with them often they'll have an abundance of basic materials but will also have some of the most elusive resources in the game major cities are also home to a good number of shops that should be your go-to location for just about anything else you're missing stores like Jemison Mercantile and UC Distribution on new Atlantis have a robust stock materials that will refresh simply by sitting down and waiting 24 hours in game for a couple thousand credits and using your companion as a pack mule you can walk away with every foundational resource you need for not only construction but also a solid chunk of your future Outpost research needs one last tip in regards to resources is to farm asteroids blowing these up in space with your ship's weapons will yield a varying amount of resources depending on their size these asteroids can also contain more Rare Minerals and sometimes even random caches of loot if you're lucky this is a great way to quickly Farm a ton of iron in the early game short of just buying it so we thought it was worth pointing out the last thing I want to talk about that ties back to Outpost prep are the skills you're going to need to advance your Outpost in both the short and long term these will live primarily in the science tree with a few additional skills hanging out in the social trait a skill you should invest in immediately no questions asked is research methods this skill will not only massively reduce the cost of your research over time but will also allow you to gain unexpected insights essentially granting you the passive ability to have sudden developments happening while you're researching something every time you engage in research you'll need to manually input each of the required resources whenever you fill one resource in completely your research can randomly overflow and fill in other resources required to complete that research for free sometimes even filling in resources you don't currently own I can't even begin to tell you how valuable that is over time geology is another skill staple allowing you to gain more for minerals you harvest sometimes even getting other Rare Minerals in the process then comes Outpost engineering this skill is not only required if you want to research more advanced structures but at max level we'll cut the cost of everything you build in half and some of these things are extremely expensive you'll also want at least rank 1 in both botany and zoology if you're on a planet with oxygen flora and fauna as we recommend because it's required if you want to research and build greenhouses and animal husbandry facilities that generate organic resources later on skills like chemistry spacesuit design and weapon engineering open up an entirely new crafting Loop that comes with having fully functional outposts even planetary habitation enables you to not only build more outposts but also allows you to build on planets with extreme temperatures to be honest the entire science skill tree is stacked within the social skill tree there are three big ones Outpost management will enable you to have more crew and robots per Outpost Gastronomy will allow you to research new food to craft for more potent effects and XP Buffs and finally Commerce will allow you to buy materials you need for cheaper while also allowing you to sell what you produce later on for significantly more if you're watching this guide before starting your first star field playthrough and outposts are a feature you plan to dive into keep all of this in mind when choosing your starting background as some of these can give you a serious leg up right out of the gate unlocking some core skills that will make the entire process smoother from the start with all of this initial knowledge under our belt let's begin by finding a planet with a breathable atmosphere and at least the aluminum and iron resources I mentioned earlier after that we'll find a spot where the minerals converge and set a landing Zone once on the ground open up your scanner and press the Outpost button here this will bring up an outpost Beacon that will generate a large AOE when placed denoting exactly where you'll be able to build additionally in the top left of your screen you'll also see what resources are available to be harvested within the radius of that Beacon you'll never find a location that has everything you're looking for but you can optimize your placement to sometimes get three or even four of the materials you're looking for if you landed in an area where they all converge again you're looking to get at least aluminum and iron once your beacon is placed this unlocks the ability to now fast travel to your outpost on this planet at any time from anywhere in the universe this marks a location on the planet or Moon you built on denoted by this little bunker icon additionally whenever you fast travel to your Outpost you'll spawn directly in in front of the beacon so place it somewhere convenient in relation to your base that brings us to some more basic controls now that we have an outpost claim bring up your scanner and press the Outpost button again this will bring you into the build mode by default but if you look down at the bottom right of the UI you can swap between modify and build modes by pressing the respective key build mode allows you to cycle between different types of modules storage options decorations and even crafting stations make sure to take note that a lot of these structures and decorations also have variations denoted by the variance hotkey that will pop up if that's the case cycling through these variants can bring up completely different cosmetic options or even stronger versions of things like storage containers and extractors if you've researched them on the other hand modify mode is how you'll be able to readjust items you've already placed down or interact with different properties a structure might have like power management or linking their inputs and outputs modify is also how you can interact with the random knickknacks you may have collected on your travels simply go and to your inventory drop them on the ground and then use modify mode to pick them up and place them where you want them modify mode is also how you can optimize the placement of your beacon allowing you to reposition it anywhere within the claimed area it originally generated once a claim is set it can't be altered unless you completely delete the beacon itself so keep that in mind you can also toggle your View to a more bird's eye perspective by pressing the key here this is essential for mapping out large building placement reorganizing your smaller structures and even planning out where you'll eventually be setting down your resource extractors if you're on a PC we highly recommend using a controller for this process as it gives you incredibly fine controls over the exact angles of the objects you want to place at the time of making this video this can bug out and become inaccessible and if that's the case simply save your game and reload the safe everything should return back to normal to build anything you just need to be in your build menu select the module from the interface on the right and place it within your claimed area the UI on the top left will tell you exactly what resources you need what the operating costs are for production-based structures and defenses and even what it might produce this all varies based on what modules you have selected and even what skills you have reducing the overall cost of the structure there is another feature here that I want to mention quickly and that's the track feature pressing this will track the resources for the specific module you have highlighted which will show up on those resources in stores or while you're adventuring personally I didn't use this much as it becomes cumbersome to remove the track after the fact but it's there if you want it when you first start out your build menu will look more limited than ours here and that's because at the start you have next to nothing unlocked which brings us to one of the most important systems for the success of your Outpost research foreign to unlock more advanced structures and cosmetics such as power generators greenhouses and even defenses you'll need to engage with the research system at the research laboratory crafting station you can actually do this well before you even have an outpost down by using the crafting station aboard your starting ship the frontier or the one in the basement of the lodge back at constellation HQ interact with the research station and you'll notice you only have a few options such as manufacturing one decoration one and robots one other research projects require you to not only Advance the base level projects but also invest skill points into Outpost engineering botany zoology Gastronomy and much more you'll be able to see what skills are required under the required skills section and what materials you'll need under the required materials section clicking on a research project you'll be presented with this follow-up menu here you'll find a list of all the materials you'll need how many are needed to input and how much of that material you have in your inventory clicking on a material allows you to submit it one line at a time remember that research method scale we talked about a few minutes ago this is where unexpected insights can proc giving you the chance at free resources because of that always try and fill in the materials you have the most of first in hopes that you'll get a few lucky procs you'll notice that research requires basic resources which can be harvested while also often requiring manufactured components again you'll have to either pick these up during your adventures purchase them from a vendor or manufacture them yourself via the industrial workbench crafting station you can also find the station in the lodge basement or in your starter ship but for ease of access we recommend you build these at your Outpost as soon as possible all right we've gotten through the bulk of the fundamentals so now I think it's important we dive into the building menu and break down what you can create on each tab some of these I'll go more into detail about because they can be incredibly complex livid spent hours truly hours bashing his head against a wall just trying to get some of these to work so hopefully we can save you some frustration the first tab is one I really don't want to spoil for those of you still progressing just know any current and future Quest based structures will go here in the case of this one just know placing Quest items Downing your Outpost will increase the frequency and potency of future attacks the second main tab you'll interact with is extractors the contents of this tab will change based on the resources available to you on the planet and within your claimed Zone in our case we have access to water aluminum iron and alkanes once you complete all the extraction research you'll have access to the regular extractors the commercial versions and the industrial versions as these get larger their cost and power operating cost increases but so too does their output as we mentioned mentioned at the start of this video once you have a specific extractor selected you'll be able to see the vein of its respective mineral colored on the ground depending on the size of the vein you'll only be able to support a certain amount of extractors in proximity to one another also keep in mind for maximum output efficiency pay attention to the ring each extractor generates keeping other extractors outside of their Zone in order to get these running you'll need to hop over to our next tab power inside this third tab you'll gradually have access to more and more potent forms of power generation depending on how far you've researched you start with only small solar wind and fuel based generators but keep in mind depending on the thickness of the atmosphere rotation speed of the planet you're on and even distance to the Sun solar or wind generators will fluctuate in viability which is why we suggest you try and secure habitable atmosphere-based planets to start as you progress further you'll get access to nuclear powered reactors to help make your Outpost function at Peak efficiency with as few structures as possible that's important since don't forget there is a large large but finite structure build limit by default as long as your generators are placed and you have enough total power to meet the demands of your needed power things will get powered by default you do however have the option to run wires from a generator to a specific item or even switches this allows you to keep certain systems better protected during a pirate raid or allows you to control which production structures are actively running the fourth tab brings us to Containers probably the most important structure to build and manage across all of your outposts long term these containers allow your crafting stations to directly use everything contained within them for production eliminating the need to carry things around in your inventory first up is the transfer container which you'll only need one of this allows you to access your Outpost inventory from your ship or your ship's inventory from your Outpost allowing you to quickly land Shuffle around resources and head out then you have storage options for solids liquids and gases but also a warehouse option which is specifically used to store manufactured resources again as you complete Outpost research you'll gain access to these in small medium and large varieties this is also where our automation starts to take form as you can directly link an extractors output to a storage container of the resources perspective type you do this by switching to modify mode hovering over the object you want to move from and hitting the respective create output link key and Link it to your output destination in this case a container you can take this this a step further and Link the outputs of one container to another in a chain allowing resources to overflow to the next container at any time you can hover over the red line generated from the output link and delete the link to break the chain this does get a little more complicated with containers that are right next to each other often requiring you to delete and replace the container entirely in our fifth tab we doubled down on heavy automation with Builders these will intake resources that are linked up to them and combine them to output something else namely a manufactured good you start with a simple fabricator at a base level but as you complete more research for manufacturing you'll unlock more expensive and robust options such as the compound and Multiplex Fabricators which produce more rare and expensive components to get a fabricator running you'll need to link storage containers to the fabricator with the corresponding resources inside in the case of our planet here we're making adaptive frames created by fusing aluminum and iron together we have our extractors sending the resources to their respective solid storage containers will then link the iron and aluminum containers to the fabricator and Link the fabricator to a warehouse storage container normally this would automatically start going due to the power being supplied but if we want to control when this fabricator is running depending on if we want to be stockpiling aluminum in iron or not we'll need to place down a powered switch we'll then directly link a generator to the powered switch and finally link the powered switch to the fabricator this now gives us precise control over when and what we want to be manufacturing there's also the matter of the greenhouse and animal husbandry facilities these are only available under very specific conditions first the greenhouse requires the botany skill while the animal husbandry facility requires the zoology skill from here your planet must also contain the respective life be it Flora or fauna you'll then need to go out and explore fully scanning the respective Beast or plant enough times to fully document it on the planet if you haven't done that it won't be available to utilize at the facilities lastly the environment must also be conducive to life it took a little practice but livid did manage to set up 1 one location that actively supports both a greenhouse and animal husbandry facility just like a fabricator you'll need to supply these facilities with a specific combination of resources and manage where the manufactured output goes the six tab is straightforward structures this is where you'll find all the modules both big and small that allow you to effectively create a sealed base on the planet inside you'll be free to decorate and customize to your heart's content making bedrooms mess Halls control centers you get the picture one important thing to note to give you a bit more flexibility is that once your structures are built and linked together on certain walls and doorways you get the option to change them allowing for wider or narrower hallways and even alternate walls or Windows to look out of you have a lot of options at your disposal but I do hope the team expands this further in the future tab is again straightforward we're talking crafting here simply put these are relatively cheap to build and significantly open up the functionality of your Outpost like we mentioned at the start of this video crafting is a Surefire way to outfit yourself with the best gear come end game or future content defenses make up our eighth tap and again you'll need to have done the appropriate research to unlock all the available tiers at your disposal because you only have six turret slots per Outpost making sure you have the best version of them out at all times is important your Outpost can be attacked by all manner of things angry Wildlife annoyed spacers and even persistent bounty hunters these will play a pivotal role in helping you fend off enemies and keeping your infrastructure intact if anything does get destroyed during a skirmish be sure to head up to it after the fact and repair it to return it to full functionality then we get robots the ninth tab on our list these of course open up with research and provide numerous potential benefits to your entire Outpost you can have three robots in total by default but upgrades in The Outpost management skill increase that threshold the sanitation minibot will increase the production rate of all inorganic resources the garden minibot will increase the production rate of all organic resources the engineering robot increases the production rate of all manufactured items the logistics robot provides an increase to the production rate of all resource types by half the amount the power management robot increases the output of all generators providing you with maximum efficiency finally there's the security robots the mini bot is worthless while the biped and quadruped versions are extremely potent and deadly Furniture is our 10th Tab and it's exactly what you think it is as you progress your research more options will open up to you on each category within the list the 11th tab decorations not only provides you with some homey Comforts but also grants you access to various storage chest options perfect restoring Contraband knickknacks and crafting materials for food and Medicine skills just know these chests do not get pulled into the crafting process for reasons that are beyond my comprehension displays the 12th tab are there for those players who like to proudly display sets of armor weapons and even data slates finally we get to the last and honestly most loaded category miscellaneous this features several really big features that we'll need to dive into separately first up are scan boosters and simply put these increase the distance and potency of your hand scanner across the entire planet it's installed on next we have cargo links one of the more frustrating systems we've wrestled with early on but arguably the most foundational element to have on every single Outpost because no Outpost can produce every resource in the game you'll need to link up the various outposts you build across different planets and even solar systems the standard Cargo Link will link together two outposts that are within the same system while the inter-system Cargo Link will you guessed it link two outposts together that are in different systems at the cost of some helium-3 on both cargo links you'll have an outgoing and incoming connection point for outgoing you'll connect whatever storage containers you want the Cargo Link to pull resources from to the outgoing connection for incoming you'll connect the incoming connection point to whatever storage containers or Fabricators you want to directly feed incoming resources too in the case of the inner system Cargo Link there's also a helium-3 container at the back that you'll need to link to a gas storage container filled with helium-3 to pull from Once you have this all set up you'll interact with the console near the stairs and assign two outposts to be linked together this will begin the process of having a cargo ship arrive picking up or dropping off resources and travel off to your other Outpost it's a really cool system that if linked properly can allow a single Outpost of yours to eventually maintain stockpiles of every resource in the game on this tab is also the crew station which is required for each crew member you assign to an outpost at a base level your Outpost can support three of these but this can be increased via The Outpost management skill crew as you know have varying degrees of skill potency and these NPCs will bring their expertise to help increase the functionality of The Outpost they're assigned to additionally keeping your crew assigned to an outpost geared and armed allows them to Aid in fighting off Pirates and other threats which is always a plus there are also two Landing Pad options the small landing pad that can support a ship the size of the frontier and the superior landing pad with shipbuilder not only can this support up to the largest Class C ship you could throw at it but you can also fully manage and customize your ship here to your heart's content with nearly the entire library of ship parts short of the premium grade Parts directly from the manufacturers last up we have the various Mission boards and Bounty clearance terminals these provide you with an easy and safe way to accept missions and clear bounties without invoking the wrath of whatever faction you'd normally annoy by visiting to take care of these issues these have both at times been a lifesaver for our entire team so don't forget to build them whenever you do set down routes when it comes to an immersive and true RPG experience nothing in Starfield hits quite like outposts it's truly you against the environment staking your claim and establishing your Empire in the far-off corners of various solar systems fast traveling is in its fastest form automated crafting provides you with more Goods to sell than you know what to do with hell it's even the best place to mod your gear and customize the Starship of your dreams when that's all taken care of your Outpost is still your own slice of the Galaxy to do with As You Wish whether that's decorating your base or simply enjoying a galactic Sunset what we're saying is don't sleep on outposts and hopefully this video gave you the perfect introduction to every system it currently has to offer who knows what modding will bring to the table but we're excited to find out if you know of any ways we could have made this guide even better feel free to leave us a comment down below as always we're here to have a great time playing games we enjoy while also helping out our community so don't be shy of course you can also join us on Discord if you want to talk about new and upcoming games interact with the Legacy team and enter daily giveaways for your chance at awesome prizes that link as always is below my name is Cody Atkin from everyone here at Legacy gaming thanks for watching and play on [Music]
Channel: Legacy Gaming
Views: 821,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Legacy Gaming, starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield news, starfield game, starfield 2023, starfield outpost, starfield outpost guide, how to build an outpost starfield, best planet to build outpost starfield, starfield outpost building, starfield outpost money making, best outpost locations starfield, best outpost starfield, starfield outpost location, starfield outpost storage, starfield outpost cargo link, starfield outpost building guide, outpost, build, guide, tips, tricks
Id: 1YfoXjD05CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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