Starfield - BEGINNERS GUIDE - Spoiler FREE - Inventory, O2, Skills, Ship Builder, Lockpicking & more

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hello everybody it is ebontist and in this video my goal is to give you guys tips that hopefully will make your journey through Starfield a little less bumpy uh I'm not gonna go deep on things like shipbuilding or Outpost that is a that's a whole 30 minute video guide those are big these are going to be a bunch of little tips for small situations um skills that I found very useful why I found those useful things that are going to improve your quality life in the game and just some things that hopefully will give your journey a bit more of a smoother ride through a game that I enjoyed my experience from but my beginning mini hours were rather bumpy so if you enjoy this one hopefully you'll learn something from it and when we get to the end of this if you really enjoy the content hopefully I'll see you back here on the channel but let's jump in to a lot of tips that hopefully are going to smooth out your journey through Starfield one of the first big tips that I want to cover is fast travel it's extremely useful so if I had run halfway across this Dusty desert and I wanted to get back to my ship I could bring up whether it's my scanner and I can see it whether I'm on the surface map and I want to see it I can just go right back to my ship and I would fast travel straight there which you can go even farther than that if you have been somewhere before and you are not in a specifically instanced area which would be like a couple nightclubs I've been in maybe in one or two Mission areas not very often though most times if you have been somewhere even you know systems away if I want to go back to this system here and maybe I want to go to oh let's see Mars for example and I want to go to this planet I could literally just go there and land and it would be skipping the get on the ship go back to orbit fly to orbit land and I would be straight there now if you're carrying Contraband which is stuff that you'll get scanned for it won't let you do that but as long as you've been somewhere you 100 percent can skip over a whole lot of the steps of getting on the ship going to orbit and all that and fast travel will save you a lot of time if you're down in a cave and you want to just fast travel to your ship real quick you'll pretty much warp right out of there so fast travel is a very very good quality of life thing and if you think you might be able to fast travel somewhere you probably can so the next thing to talk about is your kind of guidance arrows that you've got I'm going to do a lot of this on this Dusty Planet so sorry it's gonna look a little drab but the whole point is to avoid spoilers where I can so if I've got a certain Quest and did not expect that one landmines but if I've got a quest and the first step means that I need to get back on my ship what you can do is if you've got a quest marker telling you to head back to your shift or to head to a certain person's office or head to a different floor or whatever it may be you can use your scanner tool and if you look on the ground you're gonna see arrows that guide you where you need to go so you can actually see the path along the ground but right now it's like hey you need to get off the ship and go somewhere else so it's just telling me to go on my ship if I'm in a city that's very dense and there's a lot of locations I can almost get lost as long as you've got some type of quests and this will help you get where you're going so this will save you a lot of time and again if the arrows go away put your scanner away bring it back out and they will show back up again so depending on if you're going on like a long trip or something like that you might have to pull it out again but the scanner in the arrows have saved me more times than I can honestly count so make sure you use this thing because there are certain times where you need to maybe need to get somewhere quickly for example and it is very beneficial to know where you're going and not get lost in some of these Maze and corridors and different structures that you're going to be in so a user scanner use the arrows very beneficial similar to fast travel um there is a difference of if you've been somewhere before and if you have not now if you're trying to jump across the solar system and go to planets that you haven't been to before you're going to see the path that you have to jump to and you'll notice I can jump to probably here and that's going to cover quite a few different destinations now you'll notice when you go to jump you've got a couple limitations one is going to be your fuel consumption and I will show you a little later in the video one of the earliest and kind of only real ship upgrades that I would recommend early on to kind of help as you're jumping around and doing a bunch of quests because if every time you have to go from here to here and you do want to make that jump that may not be that far but then when you get to certain destinations and you want to go a little bit farther and if you want to make that jump your base fuel capacity is 50. I just upgraded the fuel tank up to 160 one of the best upgrades I ever did and I'll show you guys where that's at but also if you're going to a new destination I could travel all the way to here the destination I have been to but then I would have to stop there and orbit and then make the trip to the next step if I'm going on two steps I could make it to here then I would have to travel from this destination to this one then once you're in orbit you could go from this destination to this one so if you're going to a new place you're going to have to go through each step but if you have a big enough fuel tank and you want to go all the way back like say I do want to go to the decarion system and say my fuel is big enough so I probably can't go that far but say I'm here and maybe my fuel has enough to make the jump all the way back you can skip all of those steps that's why one a few big fuel tank for grab jumps is very helpful and then two once you've gone places coming back is much much easier so when you're in space you're going to have different things that you can interact with whether you blew up a ship and it had a little bit of cargo whether you're going to be interacting with space stations and other things whether you want to board it you immobilize the ship and you want to board it all of that stuff is going to interact at a certain distance so if you want to Target something you're going to use your targeting and you can lock onto them but when you get within 500 meters that's when you're going to be able to have the option to Dock and or pick up the you know debris pick up the stuff like that so 500 meters is your magical distance so if you're like boosting in on somebody and then you do want to dock 500 meters is when that pops up so you don't go crashing into the ship so remember that's the distance you need to be able to interact with things in space is about that far away hopefully that helps and just keep that in the back your mind all right there are no maps that are related to cities which I promise you I kind of wish there was and I'm sure some modders are going to put some random stuff like that in but for now the maps that you have are going to be your surface map which you can access depending on if you're on a planet but also if you bring up your scanner you can go to the surface map and that's going to show you kind of a general stuff that's around you and again this is your basic Planet surfaces you'll have your bespoke items which are like the abandoned mine which you can see from the surface and then each time you land it's going to generate a few things like a natural structure or maybe it's a big mountain range maybe it's a big like mining geode who knows and you've also got random structures you can go to the abandoned mines the you know deserted Barracks that type of stuff probably going to have a little more things that are valuable in there like resources and ammo and other things of that nature maybe a decent amount of enemies that you can fight the random structure that is just like part of the procedural generation a little more hit or miss on what you're going to find out there so sometimes you'll find things and a lot more of this is going to be resource based in what you do um but overall I would say that bespoke ones are a little more valuable then if you go to your actual map and you pick your planet then this is what a map is going to look like you can show resources so you can see where it's at so if you want to land near uranium you can land in this area if you specifically want to you can literally travel to that specific spot instead of that landing area maybe I'm looking for lead and you're looking for a lot of resources this is where this is going to come into play and then if you bring it out again we're gonna go to the system level you can actually see the gravity of the star and the planets and here's where you're gonna see if a destination has some of that stuff that's worthwhile take like this Holly for example it's a moon around this planet it does have an autonomous dog star Factory I don't even that is probably some reference to something but it's not anything that I'm gonna remember what it is off the top of my head right now but that is a facility that you would be able to go in probably has multi-levels a lot more stuff to explore than just coming back to this side of the planet and then once you fly there you just go to the back side and you can't scan a destination until you actually get there there's an upgrade if I travel to like a main Planet like this I can actually scan all of the moons that's one of the skills you can get might save you a little time depends on how much if you're surveying and doing those types of things but these little three dots that you see on everything means there's something unique there and again if it's got a big little bit of a structure on it you can see that that thing means there's a city or a pretty good size structure on it any of those you can actually see these when you get out to to your excuse me big star map is gonna be like this is an outpost icon if you've built outposts if you know places that have cities they're gonna have these icons so your main points are going to have those above them if you built outposts you'll see which systems they are but that's kind of the tiers of your levels of maps that you can go through so you know use them where you can but remember fast travel a lot of places you can cover a lot of ground very quickly sorry I try not to show you anything spoilery um yeah the different Maps some are better than others there definitely could be improvements on maps as well though okay there are a couple skills that I want to talk about that are going to make some quality of life improvements if you lean into them as I said on some of these planets you're just gonna have to go for a bit of a jog I gotta go almost half a kilometer if I want to go check out what this structure is over here so I gotta go running now you'll notice in the bottom left hand corner I'm using up my oxygen supply when I jump I don't use my oxygen supply when I use my Boost pack depending on how much gravity there is I'm also still flying in the air so I'm not using up that oxygen supply now the reason the oxygen supply is so crucial and again a planet that has less gravity if you use a little less oxygen line it with more gravity it's going to go a little bit quicker but as you use your oxygen when you are out of oxygen then you're going to start building up CO2 and if you hit the max it's gonna hurt you a little bit take a little bit of your health off and then it's also going to take a little while to recover so now I'm in the CO2 build up mode and then if I keep running and again you're not doing anything too bad yet but if the CO2 fills all the way up you're gonna take a chunk of your health up and then it's going to kind of stun you like that and then you'll be kind of in a slow walk now when you're walking in normal status even walking you will refill your oxygen and you could walk without ever using up oxygen but you'll notice if you jump then I'm definitely not using anything up but I can cover a little bit more ground that's why the Boost pack is very nice because if you start for a run you're using up some oxygen but you carry that momentum into your boosts and then I'm just hovering above the ground with a few of these boosts that you can find packs that function in different way but especially on a planet with like low gravity I could bounce like this for a long time and not use up any Oxygen so it's a way to be able to allow you to cover more ground if you've got a bit of a farther run to go like if I want to go to something that's a kilometer away that's a bit of a trek so making these pieces better there are ways to do that and it's all in the skills so let me show you so specifically related to traveling around you've got three things that are going to make a difference one is going to be weightlifting now weightlifting is going to increase your carrying capacity now this is something depending on how much of stuff in these Bethesda games you want to pick up if you want to pick up a bunch of weapons if you want to have a bunch of spacesuit options if you just want to find a cool a bunch of cool things and not be quite as limited by your inventory space this is definitely a way to do it so it was one of those because encumbrance is a real pain and when we get back to running around I'll show you why that's an issue um but the main issue is like I didn't want to deal with it as much so I boosted it up by a hundred kilograms like 10 doesn't feel that much when you get down to Rank 4 and really level this thing up it does make a drastic difference it goes from 140 to 240. so you really do start feeling it when you get to tier four on some of these skills so that's going to help you carry more and also avoid being over encumbered and I'll explain what that is here in a second if you want to go into fitness now the oxygen available depends on how much you're running and how much you're like doing stuff physically and running around if you get down to tier four sprinting and power attacks which you can do some like Melee attacks that use oxygen and stuff like that you can actually have those used less significantly less oxygen so then sprinting would be less of an issue um now if you went heavy on Fitness you might be able to avoid using your Boost pack at all if you're one of those people who just maybe it's a challenge some people do it without a boost pack you'd probably have to go into fitness and you'll notice that's kind of why I didn't go that deep on Fitness in my playthrough is because my Boost back training one if you want to use boost packs at all you got to pick the skill and if you pick a skill getting down into tier four really does make a difference so I'm at the point where it uses less Fuel and then if I completed the previous one when I have a skill point I'll be able to have it generate more quickly in return and then when you get to rank four both of those are doubled so it really makes your running around on planets even with like kind of heavier gravity much more manageable because again you wouldn't be using oxygen as you boost through the air and then also sometimes you just want to jump up to the second level of the building or a balcony to go directly after an enemy or something for me the Boost pack was like a must I mean it probably won't be for everyone but I can tell you it really makes the Early Travel before you get some of these skills up and stuff of it like that a little bit more manageable now the other thing is being over encumbered currently my Mass is 104 of 240. but again remember if I didn't have the weightlifting that would be 140 so I wouldn't take too long because you've got weapons that can um if I sort through you can see like their Mass so I mean one weapon is like five pounds if you get quite a few cool weapons you're not entirely sure which one you want to pick if you start running out of inventory space then you find another spacesuit that thing weighs nine pounds and then I got a jet pack that weighs six pounds and a helmet that weighs like three pounds if you find a couple different sets of those things and you're trying to see which one you want to use all of a sudden you're full kind of gets to be a little annoying you know some stuff is going to be pretty light like each one of these outfits are about a pound um you know your grenades and things they're you know half to a third of a pound they're not that much but if all of a sudden you have 16 grenades you know that's gonna add up a little bit here and there everything does just start adding up so having more freedom in your encumbrance is very very helpful but then also right now when I'm walking you'll see that I'm not using oxygen if you have like my mass capacity is 240 if I if my inventory was at 241 of 240 I am over encumbered and even just normal walking would be using up oxygen and you get to a point where just moving around to recover your oxygen you would have to just stop moving which is just an awful situation if you have like you got a bunch of cool stuff you don't really want to get rid of it right now but you just want to get back to your ship one you cannot fast travel when you're over encumbered so that is a really big pain in the butt so then you either just gotta drop some stuff or two you gotta run a little bit and then wait for it to come back and run a little bit and then try and get your air back I did it one time it was an absolute pain in the butt and that is why I specced into the things I did so I never really had to deal with it again so that is why managing your inventory but also having a lot more freedom in your inventory weight that you can carry made things a lot better being over encumbered sucked now we'll say one nice thing is your ammo now your ammo literally weighs nothing now I don't know if realistically that makes sense but in the game all of the ammo no however many bullets or shells or fuses or rounds or cartridges they have no Mass to them so all the little bit of exploring that you do whether it's an abandoned mind or a bunker or you just the chest that you're going to open if there's any point that you can pick up ammo do it because I have a thousand rat like laser rounds and it hurts me in no way I can hold as many as I've got I'm sure there's a Max like 999 or something crazy but again ammo weighs nothing so if you see it even if you have a gun that doesn't use it pick it up everywhere that is why for me like I explored a pretty good amount which you know I spent 80 hours and I probably could have used it more efficiently but I can tell you I never had an ammo issue never had to make sure I was running around and buying ammo because I was I found enough different weapons I could try and what you can do is you can go to your weapons and you can switch and see what ammo they actually use so if you're curious and be like all right I got these three weapons maybe you do need to go buy ammo you can actually go check and see I need 43 Ultra Mag 50 cal and seven millimeter and that way at least you don't have to like try and Hunt through the weapon see what it uses you can just kind of make a quick list maybe take a quick screenshot and then go to a vendor but honestly if you're running around exploring checking in office space opening a cabinet you know seeing ammo glowing things that sit on the ground pick all of the ammo up and keep it because there's no reason not to pick every piece of ammo up that you see it doesn't hurt you at all now a little thing is you're going to have companions that come with you some of are going to have Story related beats uh one there's a robot companion that's kind of always hanging out by the exit of your ship unless you ask them to follow you and some are campaigns that are just going to be for combat or for space stats whatever you want to call it but the nice thing is if you talk to them you're able to trade with them and for one you can give them different stuff so I give them if I want to give her an equinox rifle and then maybe a calibrated pistol maybe I can give her a certain spacesuit you can kind of help their gear a little bit but to also notice their mass is 7 of 35 so if I go into my inventory I don't want to trade you know 10 of these grenades over there I can definitely do that and you can pick how many you want to trade send them over and now she's holding on to some of the grenades I've got a little less weight in my inventory and if you're doing that with a bunch of weapons and spacesuits and if you start getting into resources where you've got like minerals that start weighing a lot and stuff like that it's really going to be a beneficial thing so don't forget that all of your companions can kind of work like mules that can help you hold a bit more storage especially the ones running around with you down in an abandoned mine you're like I really want to pick this thing up but I'm kind of full you know see if your companion still has space and just make sure you might need to clean them out at a later date but they are very helpful for that and there's been certain combat um certain combat encounters depending on what companion is with you if you've got one that's good at like rifles and sharp shooting and accuracy they may sit back and snipe and pick people off and you've got a really helpful companion while you get up close and personal so it may help kind of complement your play styles with companions too but the sharing of like the weight of inventory very very helpful now another thing you're gonna have to set up on your own to your favorites when you have so many different weapons that will come through your inventory I mean depending on how much you're holding and how many different weapon varieties you like you might have 10 different weapons so you're gonna have to set up your favorites and your hotkeys so like Weapon 2 is going to be this pistol weapon three is gonna be my machine gun weapon four is gonna be my logiver those I have to set up also when it comes to meds which I'll talk about in a second you can set up those for hotkeys you can set up your throwable things like a grenade and then a different grenade and there's probably a couple other things that you can slot in here as well but you have to pick them otherwise what you're going to have to do is if I want to use this weapon and then you haven't set something up as a favorite you got to come back in here switch over equip that one and then when you come back out then you can use it or you can just set it up as a favorite and switch on the Fly you can't like scroll through them to my understanding because that'll change my like first and third person perspective but at least I know I can switch because I've got them set up so setting up your favorites as you you know you get a few new weapons take a second set up your favorites freshen it up again and you're good to go for a while so favorites definitely helpful and speaking of favorites that comes to your Aid category and that is going to be everything from something you can eat that will give you some health back um you can have extra things besides just getting Health uh you've got the ability to answer nice because those are something where you can have faster movement speed double the jump height uh you've also got things that are going to help with ailments so you can see this one is going to treat burns constitutions frostbite infections lacerations and puncture wounds so you'll see the treatments up here is like I've got the the three like drops is going to be kind of a burn or frostbite then you've got the bandages which is going to be like bleeding and wounds then you've got also infections and things of that nature you've also got a couple other you've got one here that's more of like a lung injection and especially when you're dealing with your oxygen supply and things like that it can get a little bit limiting whether if you've got lung damage then you can't run as far and if you've got other damage your health bar might not be full so clearing those ailments that actually stick on you from whether it's a big fall and you don't quite catch yourself or something happens and you're out in an extreme environment you get frostbite you're going to want to clear those so this is another thing these don't tend to weigh that much uh there's certain things that don't weigh anything at all like Med packs they weigh zero these are one of the main ways that you're going to heal yourself um and they weigh nothing so again if you see Med packs pick them all up trauma kits and emergency kits they weigh a little bit but they're worth it now you can see this one is like a Mochi multi-pack it's just going to restore eight health but it also weighs a pound and a half now it's nice to have a little bit of Health that I can get back by literally just like eating some Ramen get four Health back sometimes I'll pick this stuff up but just like have it on me so if I want to sit there and eat a few things and get some health back I can do that but if you're not so worried about those I would still make sure you're picking up anything that's like going to help with ailments because usually they're not that heavy and two having a good mix of them like a snake oil which sounds hilarious but it's going to help me with my brain injury concussion stroke lung damage all that type of stuff it's always good to have a mix and there's something called like fantasy if you ever see those it literally cures everything um now it drains all of your oxygens you're gonna have to chill there for a second but it's going to clear all your ailments so those are a nice thing to pick up so you can get some nice benefits from these as well if you get to some of the you know less than uh kid-friendly products you can get like Chardonnay you'll have less oxygen recovery but if you're working on some quests and you need a little persuasion boosts that might be something that otherwise you might not really win a like be able to win the persuasion conversation this little nine percent boost may help you out so a lot of your Aid stuff has some interesting things to it so if you see all those types of items massive amount of damage resistance that can be pretty helpful at times so there's some really cool stuff to like alien genetic material I don't even know where I found this stuff but damage resistance and energy resistance for just a bit of time if you're getting if you're like you saved before something and you have a crazy fight to do and you pop a few of these into like favorites and you can use them right in the middle of a fight that may help you survive something you might have otherwise died from so Aid very helpful set up a if you like you know your basic heel packs and stuff for favorites and then you've got a couple other fun ones like you go to good supply of amps you want faster movement and jumps if you're going to do a whole bunch of running around planets here you go nice benefits from them so have a variety of AIDs that will help you with a lot of ailments and you know if you go to a medical doctor and you can buy medical supplies make sure you get a good variety they're usually not that expensive once you start getting a decent amount of money and keep yourself stocked up on these but also the exploration opening chests and bunkers and cabinets and finding these all over the place they're worth picking up they don't weigh much and they're worth the worth the inventory space more often than not now another thing in your inventory is going to be your Suits now if I'm running around on a hostile planet where there's not a lot of oxygen obviously I need a spacesuit no real question about that but if I'm just running around inside of a city what you can do is if you go into your spacesuits inventory see down here it's a show spacesuit in settlements or you can actually hide spacesuits and settlements so when you're running around you're just running around in your clothes and if you're having you know discussions and stuff you look a little ridiculous and sometimes people are like you don't need a spacesuit in here you're like well I just kind of have to have it on you can hide the spacesuits and helmet in breathable areas and that way you don't kind of look and look as ridiculous and it's just a cosmetic thing it's still going to be functional when you're outside but if you're indoors it'll be just a little reasonable the pack you're not ever going to hide it's just going to be there but it's the spacesuit and the helmets hide them in those environments just going to make things a little more reasonable when you're walking inside a city and normal people are there and you're in a funky looking spacesuit you look a little out of place now I will cover ship building a little bit more when we actually get back because there's one main thing I want to show you is the helium tanks that I talked about when it comes to traveling around space but if shipbuilding is something you are interested in two things you want to focus on for skills piloting this allows you to use thrusters and have a bit more maneuverability in combat and that stuff but also it allows you to Pilot higher class ships it then it also allows you when you are getting into the upgrading later on in the game because it's not something I recommend getting into early but a later game when you have more money and you have access sometimes there are ships that just land on planets by the way you can walk over and just hijack that ship depending on if you're stealth enough to do it you can get inside take out the crew but I've actually had a point where I did that I got all the way inside literally to the pilot seat and I am alone in there but the ship is too high of a class that I could not pilot it that was really really annoying the other side is Starship design if you want to mess around with Starship design you are going to want this as well it allows you to get all the cool modules Cutting Edge experimental depending on where you're building your ship you have access to different parts but there's a lot of stuff you won't have access to if you don't go deep in Starship design so if this is something you're gonna lean into those are the two main things related to Starship design and as I kind of really like tinkering with the ships this is stuff that I lented to or leaned into if you want to get into crafting you're going to have spacesuit design and weapon engineering and that type of stuff if you want to mess with outposts and resources you've got Outpost engineering and planetary habitations you can actually put outposts on Extreme planets skills are something that like the couple that I mentioned earlier for like the weight lifting and the Boost pack just for General quality of life that's fine but I highly recommend before you start putting your skills places reading through all these and figure out how do you want your playthrough to be because it is really going to be what role you play are you going to be a science Outpost guy it's gonna be kind of hard to go all the way down to planetary habitation the amount of time it takes to get down to that skill level and really Max it out it's gonna take even longer if you do app the hap the outposts first and then you wanted to get into ships you're going to have a lot of leveling to do to get there so you're going to want to kind of plan out the things that you want to focus on like I really wanted combat I leveled this thing out Max and I've got 30 weapon damage across the board and I boosted my range when on my later save that I have for my review but if you really want to just mess around with combat go everywhere that you can fight you could probably be a beast but then you're going to be giving up other things I wanted persuasion I leaned into that pretty hard intimidation isolation you've got negotiation you've got diplomacy currency a lot of different options here if you want to have fun with all the dialogue options if you don't have those selected you're probably not going to have those options so really take a second because you cannot reset your skills even when you do new game plus your skills that you've got allocated carry forward with you which is not a bad thing but if you're really looking to play in a certain style you're going to need to think through because if you just like sprinkle your points all over the place and you're like level one one in all of these top things you're not going to be getting a lot of those benefits that tier 4 gives and you're also just going to be spread so thin it's going to be really hard to get down to these lower tiers so just take some time in your initial play through look through the skills see what sounds appealing to you and you kind of do have to commit and again if you don't really love how things go there's enough choices that you can make in this game second playthroughs for some people are going to be just their second of many playthroughs I would imagine now this one I'm just gonna have to show you a picture on screen and I think there's one of these in the constellation headquarters so you'll probably bump into it I have seen like two maybe three of these other ones in like 80 hours now there's going to be guides out there probably showing where all of these are and I recommend using those because I happened upon a couple of these little magazine articles or whatever they are they're random pickups that I've seen just a few in all of my hours of playing but they give you a permanent little boost so I'm sure there's going to be a guide out there and the other thing is if you're looking for those kind of if you're like going to places if you go to a random planet in a random system and you're like oh I wonder if this destination is going to allow me to find one of these random pages if you go to a destination and it has the three dots on it you'll notice that it's going to have a bespoke structure like the abandoned Pharmaceuticals lab that's going to have that is a structure that has been made and somewhat curated by Bethesda but if you just go to a planet that has no bespoke structures on it you could land and then you're going to see those like random structures and natural things and geological things but if that's all the procedure generated stuff when it comes to some of those like pickups like rare magazine articles those are going to be in this bespoke sections not the completely random procedural Generations that you're going to be doing um so just keep that in mind if you're looking for them but my recommendation wait for a guide because I saw so few you would probably go crazy trying to find those things I think it's just going to be a collaborative effort like if you find one somebody's probably going to start making a post about it and be like where'd you find it where was it and it's just going to be a team effort because I bumped into a couple and I may have walked over 100 and not even know it so they're just they're random fines in all of my exploration now another thing in your inventory that you can do is actually check out your ship now that's just from your main character screen you can just click on your ship and it's going to bring you in here so you can look at your ship kind of check out the parts you can't do any building with it um but you can also see what's in your cargo hold if you're curious about that but another thing you do is you can check your crew and there's different people I've met I can see the benefits they have and currently they're unassigned but if I want to assign them to them proof from any location be assigned to The Landing ship so for some reason you may have lost a character somehow that sounds weird but trust me it's actually possible feel like you lost somebody assign them to your ship and then you can actually probably bring them to you quicker than trying to remember where you may have dumped somebody off on accident or told somebody to wait so feel like you missed some place somebody here's a good way to track them down but also this is for like Outpost and other things if you need to sign somebody somewhere this is where you find them another thing to mention is saving the game will Auto Save A Lot anytime you go through a loading screen you will save and you're going to be going through a lot of loading screens I will tell you it's just the way the game is designed but there's also times like if I'm running around here on this planet surface and I go and run over here and explore this thing and then I run down here and explore this thing and I'm still on the surface and I haven't actually gone through really a door to have a save system happen you might want to just save it if you think it's been a while since you went through a door or a loading screen it might be worth a save but you'll notice if I just like board my ship it's gonna auto save right there and then if I leave it's gonna auto save if you go inside a building it has a small loading screen it will auto save so the saves are good and you can even come out here to see settings gameplay on rest on weight on travel on pause all of those are going to be there but I'm also just going to say every soft and you should probably save mostly because there's no reason not to and some people be like hey I messed something up pretty drastically just go back to a save that you had before and then you should be okay because whether it's a combat encounter that gets kind of brutal maybe you need to set your inventory up a little different or maybe you go into a dialogue and you make different choices than you may you know thought have been a good idea you want to try that again save often there is no reason not to so definitely I mean I'm not saying some people like oh your safe's coming or I don't care save often it is going to be in your benefit you could always back up if something goes wrong it's not that big of a deal just save often the game does it a lot but if you're in say a big structure like if I go in that abandoned mine and I'm running around in that entire structure and it's just one big open area of different floors and levels and it's all just a connected cave and maybe I'm three quarters of the way through it and then I see a really like a big group of enemies before I start that encounter save real quick because then if something happens or your power goes out that three quarters of the mind that you did clear out that's still saved but since it's an open air area that autosave won't happen so that's just one of those instances where sometimes it doesn't hurt to save a little more often than you think you might need to all right so typically at every Spaceport you're going to have two things kind of close to where your ship lands by the way I love how the ships look like the scale of the ships when you land they're kind of awesome but um raving about some things about this aside you're gonna have a ship Services technician and use a little trade Authority kiosk now this is where you can just sell random stuff you pick up you got a couple too many weapons you want to sell something you always have to have your cutter by the way don't chunk that like I got four more weapons but I don't really love three of them so here you can come in and sell them or you got a couple spacesuits that are kind of generic you can sell them for a little while you'll get to a point where you have enough money you don't pick up as much stuff to sell and a lot of the value of things not nearly as high as it shows like if I come in here to sell something it's like 5 000 but if I go to my inventory and I go to sell that spacesuit it's going to be a little bit more because it says the value of it is like 4 400. but then when I go to sell the item actually at the kiosk you saw it was like 500. so the value of things don't trust that that statue that says it's worth like 500 and early on you're like I could pick up a few of those and sell them they're worth like 20 bucks but you also notice in the upper right hand corner it says vendor credits some of the things that you pick up say like Contraband and stuff like that that you can sell if you you wouldn't sell Contraband here it would be you would be scanned in orbit and then you'd be taken to jail and that's a whole different thing you'll probably have some fun figuring out but the vendor credits will run out so if you get to a point you pick up like three or four spacesuits and you're like five or six weapons you get some resources that you want to sell off and all these other things then all of a sudden it's going to tell you if you want to sell something especially like Contraband if you get to a point where you can sell it and it's expensive and maybe you sell like two or three pieces of Contraband that are worth like two or three thousand that third piece you're not gonna get full value and you sell anything else the vendor will take it off your hands but it will give you zero dollars for it so keep in mind how much you sell up to a vendor because the when that pop-up happens they're broke so if you have a lot of stuff to dump off you might have to spread it out between different trips so that's also why like picking up stuff like Aid that's valuable in ammo that you're not going to run out of space for nothing wrong with doing that but having 17 space suits that you think you're gonna dump off for a few dollars maybe but if you have things that are valuable later on in the game the vendors are not going to do you a whole lot of benefit so watch the vendor credits they can't actually be broken then you're getting nothing for what you sell them now the other thing is over here at the ship Services guy so when you talk to him you can do a couple things if you go through a space battle and you survive it but maybe you're a little hurt you can do one of two things you can either repair your ship which does you if you have repair parts in your inventory or ship parts sorry you can actually repair it on the fly like even in the middle of combat so if you can find ship parts somewhere they are worth picking up and then putting in the cargo hold because you know healing in the middle of battle may be actually what saves you but the other thing is if you make it through a battle don't use your ship parts just to heal if you're done with combat go to a port that you know is going to have one of these technicians and pay the Thousand credits to repair because the ship parts are way more valuable to be able to use in the middle of combat so don't sleep on this use it ever so often if you go through combat repair and then go back but the other thing is to modify your ships now this is not going to be a full how to build your ship that is a video all in and of itself but the one thing I mentioned was when it comes to space travel the distance you travel is going to be based on your helium tank now my helium tank currently sits right over here you can take the part off and look at it so this thing has a gravity jump fuel of a 160. when you start this game your grab your fuel tank is this guy it is a grab jump fuel of 50. it is not hard to jump farther than 50. but if you can get to a point where you can get this guy on there 160 will let you travel much much farther now depending on where you start your basic ship is only going to have so many options it's not going to look like this with these big cargo holds and stuff like that in my ship that I have now I have a lot more money to toy around with shipbuilding is a much later game thing I recommend you can toy with a few things but between balancing gear then if you put more cargo on then you got to have stronger engines and then if you have stronger engines then you may have me too maybe two inch weight and then you need to balance things out shipbuilding is very complicated but one of those things that will really really make a difference in your travels is your tank is going to allow you to fly much farther around so like if you travel four planets out and then you want to come right back to New Atlantis maybe your tank would actually let you do that if you had a big enough one and the mass up different upgrade difference is like 10 to 21. you might literally need to take one of your engines off and bump it up just a little bit it's like if your first engine is saying maybe the white dwarf 2000 I think that might be what your ship starts with and if one of your ships you bump up to a 2010 it's going to give you a little more thrust a little more engine health and just enough to probably be able to serve like get around with that new part on but if you start adding like 12 different weapons and massive cargo holds then you got to go through the whole process of building now the nice thing is if something's broken or you know something isn't working if you back out you have the option to always cancel the modifications before accepting them and just go right back where you were but that helium tank not gonna be too drastic of an upgrade and if you need to bump up your um engine just a little bit even one engine it can be slightly out of balance it's not gonna have to be perfect and that way you're going to be able to jump farther if you're doing a lot of questing that involves going out to planets and coming back and going out to planets and coming back especially depending on how far away some of that stuff is fuel tank will be big uh shipbuilding will take a lot of tinkering trial and error you've got like weight balancing and systems and gravity drives then you've got a reactor to power all these different parts that you have and weapons need assigned there's a lot to these systems so if you feel a little bit frustrated and you are interested in a ship building tutorial I wouldn't mind putting one of those together because I've got enough money as late as I am into the game that I can sit in the screen for like an hour just messing around with stuff so you can have fun in here but this is more later game stuff I promise you small things like a fuel tank and you know enough of an engine to manage it and then maybe a little bigger cargo hold and enough engines to manage that that's about as much as I would do for especially anything mid to early game anything beyond that it's going to get really cost prohibitive and just kind of be a bit of a mess so helium tank worth the upgrade though pretty early on now my ship's right over there and I know where these two little kiosks are but usually they're either going to be near a bar or kind of near a port um they're usually something to pay attention to you got a mission board which is going to be like different bounties that you can do by like hunt down a ship or go do this thing or whatever it may be in different also factions will have missions you've also got the Bounty clearance self-service board now if you get a bounty by doing something stupid you can clear it the thing to know is our records indicate that you have you're not wanted by any faction within the settled systems I'm clean right now but the thing is if you do want a clear bounding you can't go to a system where that Bounty is so this is a system that is faction UC colonies and then if I go up to another system you can see UC colonies free star Collective that's another faction if I have a bounty in the Freestar Collective I can't clear that one there but if I have a free star Collective Bounty I can clear it down here at this kiosk so if you do have a bounty you're probably going to want to go to a different system to clear it and then you should be good it's just going to take you some money as long as you didn't like go through and wipe out half of a town your Bounty shouldn't be too terrible if you did like little stuff but if you went through and did something very very drastic it's probably going to cost you a butt load of money so keep that in mind but if you need those it's not too bad and then a little farther in and this works for the cities but they're located in different places you have your Story related Companions and those are ones you can actually have relationships with some of them you'll notice when it gives you an option to flirt which ones those are but also you're going to have usually a a bar of some kind usually a place selling booze and drinks and snacks and stuff like that they're also going to have okay different companions that you can get citizens won't count but this one for example the fusion system specialist she's going to bring aeronautic fusion and she's going to bring that into your crew so if you leave her on your ship you're gonna have options for a little bit of that some of the ones that are going to be named bring a little bit more so she's got shotgun certification ballistics and also particle beam weapon systems so she will bring those benefits to your crew and if you're willing to work come aboard so you can pay them or if you've got persuasion you might be able to persuade them to work for you for a little cheaper and then you'll be able to bring these people they hang out on your ships you can bring them along when you go explore like different areas and stuff and they'll bring their combat weapons and stuff with you so these aren't going to have like deep stories and quest to them but if you want somebody just who's gonna bring a stat bonus to your travels that you have not a bad way to go so you're gonna have say this guy for example he's another one but if he stands up and we talk to him he's got ballistic weapon systems and Mission missile weapon systems if I could talk so if you're into space combat but you don't want to really spec into these two you can bring some nice benefits to you though so keep that in mind and they're gonna have all of your different people that you've got in all of the different like spaceports and things you're going to see a bunch of different variations of characters stat boosts levels of stat boosts so early on your companion may be able to do a little less than some you find later on with like way more stats or just different stats that are going to bring to what you're going for so companions typically going to find them in the bar or kind of Pub area of each of the main spaceports so if you need extra people hanging out with you this is where you find them now here in New Atlantis is where you're going to interact with a lot of your main quests there's a couple that you'll go to other destinations for and if you're wondering in how to tackle the game a lot of it is really up to you I will tell you that the game gives you a lot of freedom to go about the quest you want to the side quests or other things of that nature side quests are cool but where you're gonna get a large amount of experience unique like Legendary Weapons um just awesome story moments it's gonna be your main quests and again I'm not gonna go in there because I don't want to spoil anything your main quest with constellation and then anything related to factions all of those quests are the a lot of the best ones now there's some cool side quests with some very interesting choice moments as well so don't sleep on the miscellaneous side quests because some of those really are definitely worth the journey to kind of see how you're going to take it but overall I will say the main quest is going to be what you start on and the end of the main quest is what's going to roll the credits and take you into new game plus it's going to be where that goes the faction quests though are where a lot of the main course is going to reside as well so don't sleep on those so my recommendation is do a bit of both of those if you do a hundred side quests that's up to you but if you do like some of the main quests one of like a good chunk of one of the factions then some more of the main quests than maybe another good chunk of the faction then more of the main quests and then maybe finish up a faction Quest it's probably gonna kind of break up your experience in the game in a bit more of a favorable way I don't recommend just mainlining the constellation Quest and skipping everything else because you will miss a lot depends on how much time you wanted the game but I will tell you the more you put into the main quests and the faction quests the more that you're probably gonna get out of this game and that's also where a lot of your experience and monetary funds are going to come from are those bigger moments so without spoiling anything that's the best way I can describe that to you is the main quest in the faction quests will kind of give you a lot more options in your journey and then if you go into new game plus you're going to be able to take your skills that you've unlocked with you and then you can make a bunch of different decisions and kind of do whatever you want but again your first time through it's kind of my recommendation but you can take my recommendation completely throw it out the window and play however you want to that's just from my hours that I've put in again your mileage will completely vary probably on the choices that you make and which quests you want to partake in maybe one faction doesn't seem cool you can skip that one completely too that's up to you but that's just like kind of my feeling of how you want to do this one don't I mean I can spend an hour or two or 12 in the ship Builder as well but the shipbuilder is a little more late game and you'll have a lot more freedom in the shipbuilder as you unlock some of those shipbuilding skills that you can get and then also have you more money to Tinker with so that's just kind of my general recommendation of kind of a process to have a a better experience in the game is tackling those things and then if you've got a cool side quest you wanted to go do and you get a squirrel distraction moment be like squirrel shiny object do a couple of those two but don't forget about you know come back to some of those main infection quests uh to at least slowly bump the whole progress forward but you know enjoy all the other stuff that happens too that's part of the game if you get distracted building an outpost on another planet and you know you've got an outpost and it's making you like resources and stuff like that that you can Tinker with that's kind of one of those things I built a Outpost here very basic got it started and if you're looking for The Outpost that's going to be this icon so I can actually see if I come back here I've got my Outpost sitting right there that I can come back check on put some work in maybe get some resources and maybe work on one of my random side quests that's available too so Outpost and shipbuilding definitely going to be a little later in the game you know there's some deep diving that you can do in those but the main quests will allow you to have a lot more fun with those as opposed to trying to Tinker with stuff while you're broke and haven't unlocked a lot of stuff so just general recommendations but again play how you want so the final thing to mention is lock picking and this is going to be an optional skill for some people but I ran into it so many times um I know you could probably go without it you just may skip over this entire mini game completely but I will tell you for me it was one of those that became very handy in a lot of places and I can tell you some of the stuff you unlock you're gonna find like a few credits but there's occasional moments you open a door you find a weapon crate and I probably found a legendary weapon or at least many rare ones by doing that now one if you lean into the security thing you can actually for one Ed access advanced expert and Master Level locks if you don't you can't even touch those you can basically just mess with novice um and then the benefit of the second rank master is nice for three four is actually one that I probably would kind of do just because I lean so far into it but even if you just get to three you can mess with Master but two rings now turn blue when The Pick can be slotted so let me show you what that means so this is an extraction site that I can actually go into so I literally landed on a destination came down in here and it's an abandoned Outpost there's a few people outside I honestly could not do anything in the interior of this place that's all underground if I didn't have lock picking so you would miss out on just some places that you wouldn't do that's why I think it's a useful thing but some people will be like I don't care I'm just gonna do all the main quests and Skip all this stuff but a couple things when it comes to lock picking and of itself now the blue rings as you can kind of see this is a singular node and pretty much all you're doing is always lining up these little dashes with the breaks so you can see this one here has these two dashes and you'll notice the only blue ring is that second one in now there's multiple ways that you could line it up potentially sometimes there's only one and without the blue ring what you basically have to do is plan all four levels so you've got the outer ring that's white you've got the inner second ring like this blue ring and the fourth one in the inside this works on both of those and you need to be able to go through and have a plan where all of these work on at least some of the levels now on Master there's a lot of these when it's novice there's much easier stuff to do but each time you use one of these light little what like picks and if you get it right and you get all the way to the bottom you don't have to use another lock pick which is called a digipick but if you need to undo something like you get two or three levels in every single one of these that you have to undo counts for a digipick so one thing is if you get multiple tiers in and you're just like man I messed this up it's easier to back out lose one key and then come back in and try again as opposed to undoing four or five moves I promise you it's much more efficient because the digi keys while I have a lot if I go to vendors I buy every single one that I can and then I literally I explore and resource grab like a lot which probably has taken me some time but I have a lot of these things but I will tell you early on sometimes you're not around them if there's literally any vendor I access any trade Port any trade Authority area if there is a reasonable vendor who might sell some miscellaneous stuff I always look for digit picks but also if you like go three or four of these things in and you've got to undo seven moves and I weigh seven digit picks I wouldn't do that I would back out drop the one and then start over but this is also why lock picking works well this one that is just these two on the outside it only works on the outer ring and then the second ring and for me it just made it easier you can do it without it you can sit here and go through every one of them make sure you've got a plan you could probably get a little notebook if you want to however you want to tackle this like this one only goes on the second level so I can see it's like it doesn't fit there doesn't quite fit there so it's like there's only so many places this thing's gonna work so all right I know this one is second level only and it's gonna go right there so also on the second level I need one with a single Dash here and then one two three so actually I know this one is gonna go right here but also since it's the only one that fits that second ring it makes it a lot easier that's why at least two points will get you access to everything but Master but having these blue Rings kind of give you a little guidance will speed up your lock pick processing a lot unless you just want to sit here and like you know really take your time on every one of them that's fine but the blue Rings alone sped this process up a lot and I actually got to a point where I kind of enjoyed the mini game kind of really powering through it but this for example since it's a master door I would not even be able to explore whatever else is in this Outpost without lock picking so for me it's just something I got a lot of use out of and something that has a door that is master I bet you there's a good reward in here now I'm not gonna go record and show you the whole cleaning out but I bet you it's there so that pretty much wraps up my tips video for you guys I try to again do this with very minimal spoilers that's why you saw me running around Dusty planet and showing you basic random outposts but I'm not here to mess with factions or stories or anything of that nature um there's a lot that you guys are gonna get to experience on your own and I hope you enjoy it I'm probably going to do some couple other guide videos over certain systems shipbuilding and I can talk a decent amount about because I've got enough money to Tinker outposts I haven't done as much with so let me know what you guys want to see and also if you're playing along and you see this video a little later and maybe I forgot a couple tips or something throw those down in the comments but if you enjoyed the video drop a like below if you're enjoying my content and anything that I cover because I'm going to be covering a lot of Destiny stuff but also going to be covering a lot of variety stuff going forward hit that subscribe button hit the alert Bell it's a nice way to support the channel for free if you want to find me on Twitter twitch and see bontus if you want to go a little farther you can join as a YouTube member or you can also find my patreon but thank you to everybody for just watching the video hopefully you learned something and good uh good luck out there traveling with stars
Channel: Ebontis
Views: 596,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ebontis, How to get Started in Remnant 2, Beginner's Guide, Beginners Guide, Starfield, Starfield Gameplay, Starfield Beginngers Guide, Starfield Tips, Starfield Secrets, Ship Building, Boost Pack, Starfield Combat, Starfield O2, Crafting, Space Travel, Fuel, How to get Started in Starfield, Starfield Traits, Starfield Story, Starfield Guide, Starfield Walkthrough, Starfield Digipick, Starfield Lockpicking, Starfield Skill Tree, Starfield Review
Id: Qhfkh006du4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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