Starfield XP Farm Speedrun, level 1 to 150 in 180 MINUTES, outpost guide, money farm, level up FAST

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this is an XP farm speedrun I'm going to be going from a brand new save file all the way up to level 150 as fast as I possibly can so let's go ahead and start this thing up so in the beginning there's a lot of unskippable stuff I don't know if you remember it from your playr but we got a lot of cut scenes we can't really do anything about so in this speedrun I'm going to be leveling as fast as I can so we're going to be doing this with a lot of crazy Outpost stuff so if you haven't seen my YouTube I'm one of the main Starfield creators at the time of making this at least I'm sure I'll move on someday but uh one of the main Starfield creators for Outpost stuff I've done tons of stuff with outposts I was the original person to find the 20,000 XP per minute Farm although I was doing with Cobalt nickel which was not as great when I first found it and I went on to make the 40,000 XP doing PA magnon no doing um how no it was com relays com relays for 40,000 and then you could do the param magnon conductors for 60,000 and then indite Wafers for 140,000 XP per minute and then I finally went I do the vitium fuel rod for 200,000 or 300,000 with auto hotkey potentially but I didn't really want to do that one cuz that one took like 40 hours to make uh but I've done a ton of stuff with Outpost so you're going to see some crazy Outpost stuff in this game uh especially at a speed that you might not be familiar with so a lot of these videos I've made people are always commenting not always there's people who comment and say oh yeah it takes you know like 8 hours 10 hours 20 hours of setup just to get this XP farm or something and in this video you'll be able to see firsthand what it actually takes to get the one of these Farms so uh the 20,000 XP per in farm we could do that one it' be a similar speed maybe a little bit slower maybe a little faster than what we're going to do here but uh first off that be not as much fun to watch second it falls off so uh 20,000 XP per minute is kind of fine till level 100 and then up to level 150 it starts to be really slow and then if you want to go any further than that it's like torture because it's not that fast actually so in this video I'm going to be doing the fastest manual XP farm that you can reasonably do which is going to be 60,000 XP per minute it's going to take a decent amount of set up uh so we are going to have to do the 20,000 XP per minute along the way just to get some money and to get some initial levels that we need and stuff but then we're going to abandon that for some more advanced Outpost stuff which also makes this whole thing way more interesting so I've seen speedruns and stuff and speedr runs are cool and all but in my opinion for a game like this it's just not that entertaining uh so I thought it'd be really fun to do what we're doing right now in this video and uh I just think it's a really good concept it's also not only a fun thing to watch and it's really cool to see all the technical in this one but also it's applicable to your game after you see this you go oh wow it's that easy okay I guess I can just do it then and then you can you know set up your own 60,000 XP per minute Farm if you want to if you're into that kind of thing it just depends if you're into Outpost or not so this first part here we can't really do anything we just got to stick with her till a certain point and then we can run on ahead and Skip something so that it's not really much here other than just following her uh but yeah so one of the best parts about this game is Outpost and it's a shame they didn't put more development work into it cuz for a lot of us if you're into games like satisfactory factorio Rim World um uh auction not included Etc then you might be like me where the Outpost part of the game is like the hands down most appealing part of the game uh I've played the game for 370 hours so far and I would say at least two to 300 of those hours are playing with outposts I've probably built 100 outposts or more and I've done every combo of things I've made all the a bunch of different Farms not all of them cuz some of them are practical to make and uh I've done just so many videos man I've done guides and XP farms and all of them all right so once she gets to hear this is where we can move on ahead uh we just need to wait for her to get through that interaction cuz if we go too far away she'll never do it she has to be within a certain range of us or else her AI just pauses so we're going to go up and just grab this cutter ahead of time and we can actually get a secret dialogue by going in here ahead of time so you might remember this from earlier on in the game and this is where where we have to just you know destroy these deposits and if we do this while she's on her way down then we come out and there's this second dialogue that can happen that you might not normally see where she'll say something about like you know she'll applaud us for having initiative come on with me well bonus dialog showing some initiative all right let's go come I don't know why she like vaguely reminds me of um I can't remember his name the uh uh the guy from yaka like a dragon the older guy who was in charge of guy anyway anyway so now we got to wait for this thing and we got to slip by we don't want to get up like this cuz we can get stuck when it backs up so we just want to hang off to the side of it we're getting to our first bit of actual doing stuff here and it's going to speed up really fast after this and then after that it'll slow down a little bit and then once we get off this planet things will speed up significantly and once we get to gemon that's when this speedrun really opens up and it's going to be it starts to go fast like there's so many things we're going to be doing things we're going to be buying outposts we're going to be making and one of the most fun things about this also real fast we're just going to shoot this while spamming e and grab it all right unskipable cting so one of the best things about this is that there's a lot of RNG in this round that I'm doing here and that makes it kind of fun honestly because then what happens is you have to think on your feet in a run like this so it's not about like oh who has the exact like yeah there's there's a certain strategy that I follow of oh we're going to do this then that then this then that there's like a whole process but uh there's a lot of things we run into where it's like oh I could do this or that or this or oh this happened so now I need this or oh the shop only had three lubricant now I got to improvise what's the solution you know like so it's just really fun it's a really fun all right so after this we get to pick our character we're just going to go with whatever it gives us and we're going to make a soldier with alien DNA extrovert and terma and then just go ahead and accept any of this look familiar okay so we're going to go to background and Soldier and then traits and alien DNA extrovert Terra Firma we're going to finish a level 150 XP speedrun and confirm all right from here we can start skipping dialogue and that's where things get a little bit faster and then just whatever option way all this and now we're going to go to this door going to open that and then we're going to go to this door and open it while we're waiting and then we're going to head over to this door and we're going to try to stick our hand through here and grab this um space suit here God I'm having bad luck with this one right now there it was I think there it was oh my god oh I'm having such this is like the worst one I've ever done this is crazy how bad this is okay well there it was there it was did I get it I think I got it right uh no I didn't grab it what the hell did I not grab it okay hold on there we go I got it whoops didn't mean to press tab all right well that was annoying but uh whatever normally I think this is the first time I've done that bad normally I got that in about like 5 Seconds not 30 so now we're going to run up to here we're going to put on the helmet we're going to put on that pack we have to get that pack that pack is absolutely critical so we're going to go here till they get into here and then we got to back away from this door a little bit if too far to the door it thinks we're too far away so we just got to get to where she's walking in and then we're just going to stare at her and wait she'll put her helmet on and then she'll open the door and now we need to take a bunch of stuff we're going to steal a bunch of stuff it's not really stealing cuz it's just going to let us take it uh we just walk through the door at that point we're going to go over here and we're going to go I don't know why I went this far around but we're going to go over to this grab everything out of that and then we're going to go over here and grab all these and then we're we're going to go over here and grab these pliers we're going to grab this we're going to grab the reactive gauge going to go over to this and grab everything out of it we're going to grab the wrench and all this stuff the duct tape it seems trivial but there's nothing else for us to do while we're waiting so we just want to get as much money as we can we actually need money in this speedrun so now we just got to wait for this guy I think it Barrett was his name what is his name yeah it's Barrett um so not much we can do here we just got to wait he's going to talk to Lynn and then once he's done talking to Lynn he is going uh to talk to us and then after that we can get in position and get ready for the space pirates so this is where I said it slows down a little bit we got to wait for a little bit of stuff here and then we got to do a few more tutorials and then we got to go like hypers speed with the speedrun to do as much stuff as we can as fast as possible so we're going to be doing crazy stuff man we're going to be doing split biome Outpost we're going to be getting three resource biomes we're going to be doing shot manipulation um we're going to be doing reset outposts uh we're going to be researching things we're going to be getting manufacturing three we're going to extractor extractors level three uh we're just going to be doing a lot of crazy stuff right here it all right he should talk to us right here just like minerals or right after okay never mind's a little more dialogue but yeah so here we go all right so you can call it that and then after that these space pirates will come and try to kill us all so now we just need to get in position for the space pirates so we're just going to head over here now if you don't know how to do this you can go over to one of these you can hold the button to talk which is E on mouse and keyboard I don't know what is on controller a or X you just hold it when looking at one of these and you can pick it up you now you can left click and right click in order to rotate it but also you can press the reload button and it'll throw it so the big thing here is throwing it so these space pirates are going to come down and we're going to want to uh throw this thing into there and then shoot it which is kind of hard to get the perfect thing on this cuz it doesn't always kill all of them or they might one of them might run up and melee you and then stun you and it can just get real weird so we'll see but we press the reload button and it'll throw it so once this comes down going to run up into it and throw it like that and then it didn't kill all of them but that's fine all right so now we're going to grab everything from here we want all their weapons because um we need the money from these all right there we go now we're going to run over here and talk to Barrett okay and then he'll give me a watch and after the watch we just need to back out of the dialogue fine get out of here just go all right now he's going to give us a watch oh hey now here's the watch and now after this it'll give some dialogue and we don't need to talk at all we just leave so once he's done with this it should pop up some dialogue hey options and we just back out and now we can get out of here so on the way in we're going to grab the med packs just so we can sell them for that extra little bit of money so there's one here and there's a synapse Alpha so that was not the best thing one of I think the best thing you can probably find in that with RNG is an amp which I did find on a previous round but I had to throw the run away cuz I messed up something real bad in it all right so now we're just going to get into the cockpit SE and we're going to take off I will attemp to Bo The Shield all right so now for one of the most annoying parts of the the tutorial so the problem with this one is there's these crazy downtimes in this part of the tutorial so when you do this tutorial in the space part it's like all right kill you know change your power system and you do it and then you got to wait like 30 seconds of just nothing happening like it's one of the worst design tutorials in a video is really bad one of the worst ones in a video game so we're just going to put one point in grab we're going to put a bunch of points into our weapons and uh the reason we're doing this we we have to reassign the grab he's lit going to kick it off once he's done with his dialogue here but I mean obviously they're trying to teach us how to use the ship and I already know to use the ship but we still got to wait for everything so my notes up I'm going to start using my notes soon so I have notes on what things I need to buy although I have I have mostly memorized but sometimes I just forget so put point and graph and then I'm just going to uh move some things around make sure it registered that and then some a ship's going to come in and we're going to have to blow it up so we don't need our engine or our Shield really for this I have the game on very easy we're going to playing on very easy the whole time but here's I mean we literally did what he said and there nothing happens for like 10 seconds 20 seconds and now dialogue happens so hopefully we get good RNG on whatever this guy drops credits and ship parts that's pretty good uh we'll actually sell those that's pretty nice but here's another example I'm talking about so um we got done with that and now we're just going to have to wait there's nothing we can do just wait but yeah so after this this next part that's where things immediately start speeding up and we're going to go so fast man it it goes so fast there's so many things to do it's hard for me to keep up there's actually so many things to do it's very easy for me to get a little bit disoriented and be like oh what was I doing oh I need more of this I need less of this like you'll see in a little bitot the am of all right I want to see if I can see the other ship before it goes away ANP at Contin assault all right there we go I I could leave right then but I wanted whatever was in there just in case there were credits now we're going to head to cre and once we get to cre we're going to try I'm going to try to use a glitch I saw in the speedrunner thing but I actually don't know how it works so we're going to get up arrived and then open the map right there and then go to the create research lab I think that was what they did maybe there's something else they did I just think it's fun to try whatever it is they did it doesn't really matter like it can save a little bit of time but I think there was something else they did because then they would go here and then go like this maybe we'll see if that works I don't even know what they did I'm just guessing it worked so that's what they did okay so that's how they do it okay it kind of just made it up as I went but hey you know it worked um okay the route that that they went I don't know how they made that jump I have no idea how they made that jump I don't remember so we're just going to go the alternate route so um because we have a boost pack we can go up this way and we can just jump across I don't know how they made that jump right there okay going to go up here and then we're going to pull out the cutter no I messed up damn it got be okay well now we got to back out of this if you're not fast enough to blow this up then then you got to wait for a lot of stuff but whatever didn't lose any real time there so uh vasco's talking to us and I can't do anything okay I think it's I don't know what is going on but I can't loot them unless the scanners up so I got to do this real fast there we go all right now scanner take it away open the map hopefully we're not in combat yet or else it's going to be the most annoying thing ever uh we're going to go to Alpha centuri now so we can just leave now I think that was a bug I literally could couldn't loot unless the scanner was open all right so we're going to get here I want to see do we have an amp I don't know if we have one or not Aid we don't have an amp okay that's unfortunate we don't have an amp if we have an amp it saves us a decent amount of time on uh Jamon all right so scan pass we're going to go to new Atlantis and now here's where things start going real fast so we're going to do a bunch of stuff we're going to buy stuff uh we got to go to Mast we got to pick some things up and it's just going to go faster and faster and faster and faster from here so hopefully you can keep up with everything we're doing here it's not too hard to keep up other than shop buying and selling all right so we're going to exit the ship and then we're going to head over this way and oh god what the all right I never fell in that hole before we're going to get up on this and then we're going to jump up to this and this is a little shortcut that just makes things faster and now we're going to head over this way and we're heading over to gemson mertile so we got to do a little bit of shopping we got to sell some things and we got to buy a bunch of things depends on what she has in stock hi there thanks for stopping I can take care of all right let's see what you have for sale please have a few adaptive frames so first we're going to sell cuz we don't have any money um we're going to oh I messed up already all right we're going to sell all our ship parts we're going to see what's in here um I have molecular cves and semimetal Wafers which I don't need so now we're going to go sell miscellaneous the random stuff we picked up and then we're going to sell our synaps Alpha we'll sell most of our Med packs and then we're going to sell our extra weapons and then we're going to sell the mining pack that was extra we're going to sell all our clothes and and then we're going to see I don't think I have anything else to really sell I could sell a hyper Catalyst and stuff but it really doesn't matter all right so we're going to buy adaptive frames we're going to buy aluminum we're going to buy argon we're also going to buy u a little bit of benzene and then we're going to buy burum and then we're going to buy cesium we'll buy a little bit of chlorine I forget how much I think one or two but I'll buy five buy chloros Salin buy Cobalt copper we're also going to buy a little bit of fiber we'll buy like 10 and then we're going to buy ionic liquids iron lead lithium oh she has lubricant that's huge metabolic agent and we need nickel and we need sealant as well as Tetra fluorides titanium toxins and tungsten as well as zero wire all right so now we're going to back out of this thanks for coming in we're close enough to our ship we can just go straight to the cargo hold and put our stuff away and now we can be on our way to the mass District so now we got to head over to the train or whatever it's called I forget there's a name for it's not a train it's not a Subway it's it's a something this is so we're going to go here and we're going to go to mass District now there's an important thing to know about with the mass District here it so uh you want to grab um so there's a fast TR there's a what you even call like a hit box like a trigger box it's called in Unreal Engine you actually got to run all the way to the end if you skip the corner you won't get that right right there the location discovered if you jump the corner too soon you won't get that you won't be able to travel back fast travel there you have to run all the way back and that loses annoying amount of time for what we're going to do second in this run cuz after we get done with this stuff right here we got to go to uh the commercial district and do a tiny bit more shopping but anyway we're going to go up to here and we're going to go to the lodge now we're going to do a few different things here should unlock if you hold up the watch that Barrett gave you I have messaged the other me and once we get in here we're going to do some fangling with stuff so first we just rush to sore going to talk to her will be and we just want to get through this dialogue as fast as we can welcome to conell would you I see all right so we just get through this it's always funny and interesting every time I do this being reminded how disagreeable Sarah Morgan's facial expressions are in the beginning and after I I played this game 370 hours and I've had her follow me the whole time so I like Max like like whatever it is the thing where they like you and I'm just not used to seeing her face look so like Angry looking a lot of the time so it's kind of funny every time I see this all right so we're going to go around while they're talking and we're going to steal a bunch of stuff because it's worth money and uh we can do it without any stealing penalties and then we're going to go in here and grab this also going to grab that and then we're actually just going to leave and then come back and see if that will or won't skip the dialogue for us uh I don't know the ins and outs of why or how or what to skip the dialogue I saw speedrunners do that and you see now it's like okay go ahead and put it down so that skips something then while they're doing that I'm going to go up to the second floor and I'm going to steal more stuff so I just got to be careful not to uh oh my God it's so hard to click these things it's not a lot of money but um it's just nice to uh get more because we need to go shopping and we need every bit of money that we can get so I'm just having the biggest easiest to click things and uh then we're going to get out of here so we'll get that get that and then uh we'll get this as well those are books oh my God I didn't mean to grab the books all right so now also going to grab that and now we're going to leave and come back and see if it'll skip the rest of the dialogue all right here we go let's see if that dialogue skipped it looks like the dialogue skipped so that's perfect you should take some time come find me all right so she's going to say do whatever you want and then we're just going to talk to her again immediately and tell her hey I'm ready let's go let's go let's go she gave us 8,000 credits as well which is also extremely nice I'm going to be we'll need to head to mass and listen every member of all right understood all right now she's with us and before we go though we're going to go down here go down here and then we're going to go straight to This research lab and then we're going to go to pharmacology and research this and then we're going to back out I'm going to grab the credits from there cuz why not going to get this gun get that is there something else on there oh no okay and then we're going to grab these and we're going to go to this pharmaceutical bench and we're going to make as many amps as we were able to buy the materials for whoops okay there we go and now I don't think we can fast travel till we actually leave so now we're going to head up here here we're going to leave now we can fast travel this is why we wanted to get that mass District fast travel because that'll let us get back to the train system faster otherwise we would have to run for like 30 seconds just to get to where we are right now and then we're going to take this to the commercial district and the main reason we go here is we're hoping for some good RNG please God let there be lubricant at UC distributions that's what I'm hoping for here because lubricant is an extremely rare find at zarts Outfitters which is the main place we'll be shopping you know the second phase of this and if he doesn't have it by the time we're done shopping as Garts Outfitters then uh we'll have to come back to gemon for a cycle which is something I would love to avoid but it's not always possible so if she doesn't have good lubricant right now then it's not going to be great all right here we go we're going to go to resources and and we're going to buy aluminum we're going to buy um more argon we're also going to buy brillium and we're going to buy chloros Salin Cobalt copper as well as ionic liquids iron lead lubric 15 oh that's so huge okay metabolic agents nickel and sealant as well as silver and we'll need titanium Toxin and that's all that she has then we're going to go to sell and we're going to sell all that miscellaneous crap that we found found more like stole and then we're going to go to um we're going to go to weapons and then we're going to sell the extra weapons and then we're going to go to ammo and we'll sell this ammo cuz we don't care and then we're going to go to our pack sell the pack we stole and then we're going to go to Aid and we're going to sell those but we're going to keep those and then we're going to sell these notes and I accidentally backed out whoops okay and then we're going to go to resources we don't have any resources okay sell from ship inventory we don't have anything in here okay we're good you're welc so real quick I'm going to go in here I'm going to buy uh astrodynamics and I'm also going to buy weightlifting and get working on those if you don't mind and then we're going to talk to Sarah trade gear and we're going to go to my inventory and we're going to put stuff away into Sarah's inventory until we can fast travel so that much and then we're going to let me see how much money I have okay I have enough all right so we're going to go to the new Atlantis district and we're going to do a small upgrade to the ship for the sake of convenience right now so we're going to view modify ship and then ship Builder Okay and then we're going to add and then we're going to go to structural and we're going to look for the damos hall pull these legs off stick the hall on right here we're going to put two of them on and then put on a few more like that we're going to put this engine on over here and then stick this on right here we'll put on right okay right there and right there then we'll go over to Cargo and we'll put on whatever the best one is we can get on here so we'll stick on one right here and one right here and we just want to make sure it doesn't get too heavy so our jump range is only 16 um but that's not really affected too much by this okay so put okay we can't put that last one on whatever and it gave us an air all right so we're going to accept that gives us a little bit more cargo space and that's really nice and convenient so now we can go in here and we can put all of our stuff in there and then we can talk to Sarah and get our stuff and this will make it a little bit better so oh whoops we need to go to her and then take all and then we need to go to cargo hold do that and now we're ready for our first Outpost so we're going to back out we're going to go all the way to naron we're going to go to the classic starter Outpost which is andron so we're going to go here and we need to just go ahead and jump there thankfully we can get there it was a jump range of 15.9 to get here all right so we're going to scan and then we're going to find an area between mountains and craters so I'm going to go to The Sunny Side of the plantet so I can actually see and then we're going going to find a split bond between mountains and craters there's craters there's mountains craters mountains mountains crators we'll see we'll see if it's a split B we'll just generate another if not uh so here's an RNG element in the speedrun because even if you do it perfect there's a chance you just don't get to split bi them anyway and you have to just keep resetting them uh like often I'll get it first try but it's literally just RNG I mean you have the perfect Pixel Perfect split on the map and just not get it anyway okay I see it there is one for sure so now what we're going to do is we have those amps we're going to open up our inventory we're going to go to our inventory we're going to go to a we're going to go to the amps we're going to set them to one and then we're going to pop an amp so we can run faster and then we're going to boost pack our way over there and I need to double check real fast that this is okay we have aluminum we're good so this is also another huge RNG element now because if you are unlucky um you can run down the seam of the two biomes for 5 minutes before finding a split now iron aluminum is not very hard so I shouldn't you know I'd be really unlucky to be here for 5 minutes but you never know uh but other planers like Lana that seven that we'll go to later on it can be a big issue so one thing I know I made I made a video about 19 best Outpost and I had a bunch of comments from people who were like why only two resources per planet that was one thing I saw a lot of people they're like why not like Bessel 3 you can get a tri biome split and get you know all these res Cobalt nickel uh iron aluminum and something else and the reality is that I've done outposts for a crazy amount of time like 300 hours probably of outpost and I can tell you as an actual expert on this yeah those outposts are nice and all if you like have a ton of free time and you know you're doing things based on Theory but if you're actually out here just grinding uh they're so bad man because just the amount of time that it takes in order to uh get those set up and find the resources you want in one little section it's a literal nightmare like you'll see when I get to Lana 7 just trying to find four is like the worst thing ever all right so we're going to try to see where the center is maybe right here and now we'll see if it's enough I really want three okay that's plenty of aluminum and then the iron is okay we're good all right so I just need at least three but we might be able to get four so let's set this up up uh there's three and then I mean hell I have enough I bought enough materials I can actually just go Ahad and slap the fourth one on and a fifth one right now okay and then we'll go to the aluminum and we're going to stick on this one two 3 4 and five Perfect all right now we need solar arrays hopefully we have enough power here for these solar arrays I don't want to waste too many resources I'll make sure I make just enough then we're going to go to solid storage actually we're going to first go to Industrial workbench um here's the center we're going to put down industrial workbench um we're also I don't think I need the research lab here but I'll put one down anyway and um I guess I'll put a pharmaceutical lab as well uh actually I don't need it I don't need it I'll save it all right so then we're going to go sleeping bag put a sleeping bag down and then we're going to go to a landing pth ship Builder but I need adap the frame so we'll deal with that in a sec so we're going to go to the industrial workbench we're going to make a few more adaptive frames I'll make like say uh 15 okay now we're going to open up the map no not the map you know this stuff and then we're going to go to the solid storages we're going to put one over here and then we're going to put one over here and then we're going to connect all of them to them like this and then we're going to go over to the aluminum and we're going to do the same thing I should have done it while I was over there it's lost a few seconds not a big deal though just cuz we have controller controls even though on PC so we can only pan so fast all right put those up and then we're going to go to where's where the where's the sleeping oh it's behind it uh we're just going to sleep um we don't need to actually sleep 14 hours I just it's just faster just click off to the right somewhere and just go and then cancel so now we're going to cancel and then go back to this we're going to make a few more adaptive frames like 999 just a few you know 99 just a few okay so now we're going to go back to this and we're going to set up our storages for this so we'll put three at first and then we'll do another three over here and then we'll go as far as it'll let us go basically all right there we go and then uh what we want to do is go back to modify mode and then we want to connect these to each other so we're going to connect this one to this and then we're going to connect this one over to this one and then we've got to connect the storages to one another like this and then we're going to do the same thing over here I of these controls if you you've never done Outpost the controls are at the bottom right okay that's set up now we're going to wait a little bit longer and uh then we're going to do a few more things and then we might change planets and after we uh do a few things here we're going to craft some stuff get some money basically and then after that we've got to oh before this I need to adapt the frames then we've got to do a crazy pit stop that takes a little while of buying stuff okay that should be enough to get all these built so now we just need to stack these up real high so we're going to take these uh 1 2 3 4 five we'll do five okay and then we just need to do this this is so hard to do with these little ones because we have uh PC controls as controller controls but improvised for PC and so we can't just pan slowly we can only pan at full speed because we can't do like a the joystick can do on a controller where you can do like 1% of Max Speed 5% 20% 50% it's just 100% or don't move at all and that makes us okay well that's great all right um that makes us very complicated to do basically also you can change to uh build mode and then back to modify mode to realign so that's 2 3 4 5 okay I need to count the first one that I can visualize it but yeah if you like otherwise you go down and you just got wait for it to realign but if you change modes back and forth it'll update instantly so that saves a lot of time when uh building and it takes a little while to get the muscle memory to do it as fast as I'm doing it but I've you can see right now by how fast I do this that I've made a ton of outposts okay there we go and then these ones connected from that side to that side so we're going to take these and this is something where if you've done all of outposts a lot of outpost you'll know this is one of the most tedious jobs you'll have I've probably done this to connect at least 2,000 storages in my lifetime of playing this game because I've just made that many outposts whoops that's going to okay I don't know how I just I don't know what's going on um whatever that it'll it'll all figure itself out okay I really quick want to take storage and I want to put one here I want to put one here then okay and then we're going to take this top one and we're going to connect it down to this this one just so we can keep uh so we can keep track of where the end output is in case we end up needing it actually we will end up needing it so it's actually be really helpful to do what we just did all right so we just got to finish this row or this uh box these boxes and then we're ready for the next step of this process now another thing is if you've ever done a lot of outpost you'll notice you get start getting game freezes and hangs and stuff and people thought it was Cargo Link some sometimes but it's not it's literally storages if you have too many storages connected to extractors then that can run a big problem all right so now we're going to take the landing padder ship Builder we're going to put it ideally like this and then we're going to take the transfer container and we're going to put it over here and then we're going to take these and we're going to connect them to the transfer container which we're not going to use right now but we'll we'll use at some point all right so now all that is set I'm going to quick save in case the game crashes while traveling and then we're going to uh actually I have something in my inventory I need to drop I need to drop the Adaptive frames okay now we go to the map and we back out and we go to Soul and we're going to jump the soul actually crap we have to go back I forgot I I did this last time too um we've got to go back to naron I messed up I needed to craft a few more levels I think uh actually let me check did I craft enough levels I have two skill points yep I didn't craft enough levels okay all righty well I just lost lost like 45 seconds but you know it'll it'll be fine it's not much in the grand scheme of things um I actually need to level up my um I need to get unlock scanning so I need to sleep here for a couple hours and then just grind uh the Adaptive frames real fast so I need to oh my God I can't see anything what where is it okay here it is uh we're going to sleep we just need to generate a a little bit more iron a little bit more aluminum and then bang out like a th000 adaptive frames or something something and then at that point we have the skills that we need okay we'll wait one more hour and then we'll go to this okay so we have a glitch we have to save and load so we've run into our first Outpost bug um I remember saying one my videos once Outpost the buggiest thing ever on launch I people saying it's a skill issue you don't know what you're talking about you'll see in this video potentially just how many bugs there are and it's really crazy um so I have workarounds for most of the bugs but I uh but not all of them some of of them are almost impossible to work around but we'll see if which ones we run into all right and then I wanted to all right I don't know where the Adaptive frames went it's so damn dark I can't see them but that should get us level up enough now we can go in here and we can buy geology research methods surveying and then we can get scanning which was the only thing I've really cared about in any of that now we're going to back out and we're going to go to Soul and we're going to go to Venus oh man all right so now we're at Venus we're going to scan ven and then uh we're just going to land literally anywhere we're not here for resources we are here for the Easter egg that I discovered like 7 days after launch so this is something I originally discovered here uh and people talk about all over the place now so no one even realizes I was the person who first posted about this but uh Venus is like an Easter egg and uh there's other planets like this but they're rare where an hour here is 100 hours everywhere else in the solar system so we can do this to do a lot of things but I think the main thing is we can use this in order to uh generate resources of outpost way faster so we can go here we can sleep 24 we're we're not actually going to sleep 24 it's just faster on mouse and keyboard just swipe it over and sleep 24 uh we're going to sleep like 8 or 12 or something like that and uh that should be good enough so we'll stop at 15 here there we go um and then we're going to back out and we're going to go over to naron my God why okay sorry all right now we're going to go to andron and we are going to go to The Outpost so now we should have um a crazy amount of iron and aluminum and we probably won't be able to craft cuz this one's bugged so let's see can we yep it's bugged all right quick save load and then load the quick save so that we can craft here so now every time we go here to craft we're going to lose like 10 seconds to that but that's really not a big deal so uh before I do this we're going to be doing a bunch of this so Now's the Time to rebind my keys I'm going to go to bindings and I'm going to scroll here we'll talk about controller in a sec how to go faster on controller but go to accept I can make it right click and then I'm going to back out and accept and then I'm going to go here and I'm going to click the Adaptive frame with it at the top get my mouse off the mouse pad right here if I can it's actually really hard to get the mouse off the mouse pad on the right spot cuz it wants to jump well this is the slowest I've ever done it there we go all right so now I can do this now if you are on um controller it's right on the d-pad hold right on the left thumb stick and spam the right bumper and you can rebind uh right on the d-pad to like the right trigger it's just called right under menu navigation the bindings if you're mouse and keyboard you can do it like me or I mean if you're really into Programming type stuff you can obviously use like a auto hot key or something like that it's up to you uh but I personally prefer keeping it all within the game game whenever I can like this so right now I have the mouse up in the air with the butt of the mouse on the mouse pad and it's facing me like the the Laser's facing me and I have my hand on my thumbs are on the bottom and my pointer my index finger and my middle finger are both on the right and like so my right hand has the pointer finger and the middle finger on the left click and my left hand has the pointer finger and the middle finger on the right click and I'm just like clicking as fast as I can with both my first two fingers and that's how I'm doing something like this now if that made no sense to you that's fine because that was extremely hard to explain with words it' be much easier if I just had a picture to pop up but no way I'm going to actually put that in the video I'm 10,000 times too lazy to go and take a picture of my phone and transfer it to Discord then transfer off of Discord onto my computer and then add it to the video editor and then sticking to the right spot I won't even remember to be honest with you we'll get to the end this I have no memory of even saying that anyway so we're going to pick up these adaptive frames we're going to see how many we have we have 23,000 so that's not as many as I want we're going to do another batch also we're going to go to our skills now and we're going to buy this this this this this and this and then we're going to go uh to physical and see if we can get weightlifting now no we can't and uh we're going to go to Social and we're going to get Commerce I don't know if it even works but we're just going to get it now we're going to go to Venus one more time so we'll head over to Venus and if it'll let me click I uh oh uh oh it's bugged okay so we have to save and load because the map is now bugged so we're going to quick save and load so uh Outpost break the game man like they were not tested correctly at all there's not a development time put into them which is a shame cuz they're the most fun system most fun game system in the game so we're going to go to this landing area we're going to land and now that we've been here before it'll kick us out faster but it'll put us outside of the ship and we're going to have to run over to the ship to get back in um I could pop an amp I'm going to pop an amp it's literally going to save me like 5 seconds or 3 seconds but it's whatever I'm going to make more so it'll be fine okay so now we're going to go to the bed and we're going to sleep 24 hours so that cargo upgrade for our ship um we're going to use it a little bit but we're actually not going to use it a bunch until um The Next Step so we're going to craft a bunch of stuff and then we're going to start finally taking advantage of that cargo hold upgrade that we made and you'll see why in a very short amount of time we're actually about to move to phase two of the run and that's where things are going to just change dramatically so from this point in theory we could just keep grinding the um adaptive frames we could upgrade the storage and just keep going on this but it actually is slower in the long run so we're going to pick up the Adaptive frames um somehow three turned into two but whatever all right so we still the bug we got a quick save we got a load and then uh also I need to see is my ship here oh thank God the ship's here at least all right so we're going to go to Adaptive frames and try to get the mouse off the mouse pad right here and then we're going to craft out a bunch more of these and I'm going to do this until I see less than 999 plus of either iron or aluminum and that's cuz I want to take 1,000 iron aluminum with me on my ship uh the cargo hold won't hold it but we're it won't hold these either but that's fine you're going to see um it's basically a glitch but I'm glad they have it I hope they never remove it cuz if they do it's just dumb cuz you just can't carry enough stuff in this game man like I know late game you might to get like a 100,000 cargo cargo ship but uh but then you won't be able to grab jump anymore so it's crazy all right so should just should be done with this very soon going to keep my eye at the top right I'm looking at that 999 plus and looking for it to be less than that and thing is if I go too fast here it can actually backfire because it can some of these crafts are not 99 crafts even though the visual almost always shows 99 sometimes it just crafts one so it's just weird so if I if I go too faster in a bad Rhythm I actually craft slower it's kind of weird all right we should be getting down to less than 999 there it is okay um so now we're going to back out and now we're going to go to the transfer container and we're going to take the uh last of the iron and the aluminum so it's not letting me grab it while looking at it which is terrifying because I really don't want to run into this bug uh later on or it's going to suck okay cuz in the um in the neodymium Outpost if it does what we just had their happen then um we are screwed all right so now we're going to go to our ship and we won't be back here for a little while hopefully so actually I'm going to go into the cargo hold and I'm going to go to resources I'm actually going to put in like 40 adaptive frames I'm going to put in like 60 aluminum and like 60 Iron uh I don't want to forget to do that I'm just going to do it now because otherwise I'll forget to do it uh because I will need a little bit of that stuff uh in a little bit so we're going to take resources now we're going to drop all these on the ground and then we're going to go to the map and now we're going to travel to Aran or Olympus whichever one it makes us go to here and then we're going to open the map and we're going to scan this planet just to get that scanning XP and then we're going to move on over to volley um so we don't need any engine we don't need any weapons so we're just going to put everything into the grab drive and engine if you haven't already all right so now we're going to arrive at volley we're going to open up the map we're going to scan just to get our scanning XP and then we're going to get scanned from them for Contraband which we don't have no big deal and then after that we can oh I I hit the button too soon I had my finger on the button and just kind of flinched all right there we go and now we can go to Neon so now we got to go to Neon and we've got to run our resources to Neon core because we can't go straight out of the cargo hold so these items are not in the cargo what is this camera I don't know have I ever seen this camera angle coming in all right so yeah we're going to um get up from here we're going to grab our stuff we're going to manually run it into town it's the only way to actually be able to get it there and this is where having these amps is very nice we're going to pop an amp I think just pop two I don't know um and then going grab those I want make sure I'm not missing one somewhere cuz they can get thrown around yeah I knew it I knew it I knew it okay um so when you move around the ship and you come back they can just get teleported all over the place inside of there so you won't die from this but uh it'll make it so it stops your run every little bit so we're going to just have to remember to press the shift key or Sprint Key every like 3 seconds here or so maybe 2 seconds I think it's every two seconds seconds it makes you stop running so now we're just going to run back to here into the elevator and then we're going to come down here all right so now we're here and we're going to go to the mining league and there's a few things we need to buy so we're going to be alternating between shops now and resetting them and we're going to making a new Outpost for resetting the shops so we're going to pick the top option and then after that we're going to pick the bottom option so he just shuts up and we can just go ahead and buy stuff basically say we don't care to help all right so we're going to go to resources we don't have any credits so we need to sell actually so we're going to go to our resources we're going to sell adaptive frames and we're going to buy out all his money and then we're going to go to the Buy Tab we're going to buy uh we don't need aluminum but we need brillium and we need cium and we need Cobalt we need copper as well as iron lead and we need nickel and we need silver titanium and tungsten and uh then after that uh we can sell more stuff to get our credits back again and then back out you have a glor now we're going to go to the trade Authority just to get a little bit extra money real fast so this guy has 11,000 credits uh every time you go here and so uh we're going to use him a few times just to speed things up so we're going to sell resources adap the frames we're going to sell enough to buy them out basically and then we're also going to look at his Aid and see if he has amps which he does and then we're going to look at his resources to see if he has anything useful which he has toxins which I'll buy just to make sure that I have enough right all right and then we're going to head over to one of my favorites it's zot outfitz and this guy is amazing although he has a ton of dialog at the beginning I'm going to try something I never tried before I'm going to pick the bottom option okay no that was a waste of time so he just click the top option every single one and he has three different dialogues to go through I have a lot this is a prime and then after that this is one of our favorite guys here but also it's just RNG how this goes so we want a um we want allite drilling rigs which he doesn't have we want argon okay I messed that up somehow all right um great now he's bugged okay so or I don't may I tried to sell I don't know what happened there absolutely okay whatever um we're going to redo it and then we're going to buy argon and we're going to BU buy brillium cesium we're also buy chloros salins Cobalt copper drilling rigs we're also going to buy ionic liquids um not iron we need isovic coolant we need lead we need mag pressure tanks metabolic agent we need nickel and we need uh positron batteries yeah positron batteries reactive gauge silver we need uh tetrafluorides titanium toxin tungsten zero water all right then we're going to go to sell and we're going to buy our money back basically and then back out okay so now we need to head back to the Spaceport and then we can put our we'll be close enough that we can put all of our stuff into the cargo hold I also want to check to see how much space we have left in the cargo hold so we have let's see uh a decent amount okay uh I just messed up okay I forgot to drop my adapter fr frames all right so we're going to go back to the frontier here take those adapter frames back go to our resources and we're going have to manually put these in cuz I forgot to drop everything okay so now I need to drop all these things but I really don't want to drop them right here so we're going to take the elevator and go back real fast and then we're going to drop these things on the ground right here instead so drop that drop that and drop that now oh God I just oh my God I just realized the problem all right so now we have another problem because I accidentally messed up my inventory management from earlier by messing that up so instead we have to drop these and we're going to drop all but okay we're just going to drop all but those okay I don't know how it didn't drop it um confirm oh I know why I did backwards all right put it here confirm and then I just want to get this smaller so I can do a more nuanced amount uh and then we're going to drop like that many okay I need 18 all right now the aluminum we're going to drop uh most of it have 61 that's perfect and then this one will put like this many and then good I have enough I can fast travel and I made up for my mistake all right so now we're going to back out we're going to go to volley gamma I didn't need to actually click that I need to just press X when I was looking at it okay open the map scan it for the scanning XP and then land literally anywhere doesn't matter where and now we've got to make a little Outpost here with a few different things so once we get here we're going to jump right out of the ship all right we're going to exit ship and then we're going to pull down an outpost we don't need any resources we just want to get away from our ship just a little bit like that and then we're going to go to The Landing Pad of ship Builder and we're going to to put it here and then we're going to go to furniture and we're going to put a sleeping bag right here and then we're going to go to the crafting and we're going to put down an industrial workbench going to put down a pharmaceutical lab and we're going to put down a research bench and then we're also while we're here we're going to put down um an outpost airlock and then a four- wall Hab H that's great okay well can I put it here okay there we go go um and then a hydroponic wall and then the science one if it will let us put it somewhere and then the military Hab and I there we go okay now we can get Outpost engineering too all right so now we go to science Outpost engineering so we place those weird things over there just to get Outpost engineering that was why we needed lead all right so now what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at the research and see what materials we have and what we don't have so now what we need is manufacturing one we need zero wire we need adaptive frames iron and sealant so so uh we have enough right now for this one but I'm I'm going to have to craft some adaptive frames so back out of that in the manufacturing two we'll need zero wire reactive gauge uh iron and then sealant and luckily we got the Lucky Craft and didn't use the lubricant now manufacturing three we need more zero wire but we have reactive gauge positron battery we need to make adaptive frames and stuff we have enough lubricant okay I'm so glad we have enough Lube all right let's go over to this place industrial workbench we're going to craft uh um I don't know 20 for now I might come back and craft cuz the other ones might also and then we need zero wire which will make like 26 or something sure whatever I'm not worried about getting an exact I'm not too worried about coming back and forth if I need to I want make sure get this one done then we'll look at the next one these are in my brain if I just do one at a time so we'll do that then the positron battery the Adaptive frames which we didn't even have enough of uh tungston sealant and Lube we didn't have enough sealant all right so now we're going to take a look at resource extraction we need drilling rigs uh mag pressure tanks and then aluminum copper and the Chlor Salen is whatever now we need resource extraction two which needs the Alemite drilling rig as well as aluminum and cesium and the chloros Salin so now we just need adaptive frames so we need adaptive frames and we need sealant and then I think we're done with all the research so adaptive frames and sealant I can get the Adaptive frames right now potentially I already forgot how many I needed uh we'll make 10 because I'm out of resources already and hopefully 10's enough I don't think 10 was enough I to buy some at zarts all right let's see it was that enough uh it was not enough and I'm too short all right well and there's going to be something else after this I think right or is there no there's not that's it all right perfect okay so now we're going to um go to the resources is actually we're going to go to the cargo hold and then our resources stuff them away just clean up our inventory and now we're going to back out going to go to volley uh Alpha so we're going to go back and we're going to do oh we're not going to go to valy Alpha sorry too many things going on at once and I just had a you know brain malfunction there for a second uh we actually have to go back now so I just lost a little bit of time going back and forth uh we're going back to the volley gamma Outpost one I forgot to sleep the reason we do the Voli Outpost is not just to have an outpost some random place like this to do research the research is actually a coincidence of this Outpost The Outpost is not needed for the research The Outpost is needed for a bed on this planet because 3 hours on this planet is 57 universal time hours it takes 48 universal time hours to reset a shop vendor so that's why we go here it's faster to go here and sleep there then go back to Neon core it's faster to do that than it is to just sleep on Neon core that's how slow neon core's like ratio is of local hours to universal time all right so now we're going to head over here we're going to just grab the Adaptive frames if we can and then we're going to head over to this place uh we're just going to keep stocking up on resources don't forget all right let's see we have for sale and then we're going to buy his uh let's see we need I don't think I need aluminum okay so we're going to buy buril Cobalt copper and then we we need not lithium uh we need nickel and we need I'll buy some silver to be safe but I don't think I need it and then we buy the tungsten and then we're going to sell the Adaptive frames to him to get our money and then back out all right so now we're going to head over to the trade Authority and unload more of these um adaptive frames unfortunately I caught him in the middle of an animation okay I caught him in in a double animation that is such bad luck my God he's glitched he's just what is he doing he's just doing the animation over and over and over again okay so want to see if he has any resources I need uh I don't see anything that I need uh we're going to go back to buy we're going look at Aid he has amps I'll stock up on more uh we're going to now U sell and we're going to sell enough to buy out all of his money I've never seen him stuck like that he was just transitioning back and forth I forgot to pop an amp I should have popped at the beginning it's pointless to pop it now but I just did it anyway I don't know all right now it's the zarts Outfitters so going to go to resources um we needed to buy just a few adaptive frames we'll just buy like that oh I don't know why I'm buying them I have't never mind that was dumb I forgot I need to separate mine anyway so whatever brillium cesium and we need we don't need Chlor salins anymore we need Cobalt we need copper we need drilling rigs and we need uh um ionic liquids I said upic coolant uh we have enough mag pressure tanks I'm going to buy more cuz I don't remember but I thought we had enough and I don't think we need microsc Regulators but I'm buying some just because I think in a different video I need them so I just don't have time to double check I can't remember what I need there's so many things all right um reactive gauges I think I had enough but I'll buy a few more sealant we I know we needed more of that and then we needed tetrafluorides tungsten and uh they think that's it and then we're going to sell the Adaptive frames okay so now we're going to head back to the Spaceport but before we do we're going to drop our adaptive frames on the ground and we're going to just drop most of them and then we're going to drop a few more here and now we have 47 that's a much more reasonable amount to put into our cargo hold and I think we needed those in order to finish research also I have enough materials now to make more amps but I might wait on them so we're going to go to the cargo hold and resources stuff all those away back out go to the map back up and we're going to volley gamma yet again so now it's going to be a lot faster there's no more fangling at Vol gamma we just got to go in these quick little Cycles before I forget let me sleep the 3 hours first because I have forgotten many a time to do this after doing the other stuff it's easier remember right away if I do it right away all right so now we're going to do the research bench and we're going to Outpost development manufacturing three sealant okay that's that and then resource extraction adaptive frame and now we're all done with the research so I think that's all the research we need in the entire run now we're going to go to the farm actually ah whatever we'll go to the farm I go ahead and make the um the amps I don't know how I just crafted like that that was weird all right now we have enough amps to last the rest of the Run even spamming them and um now I think we're good so we're just going to go ahead and go back so we have yet to see an alumite drilling rig that is a problem so zarts Outfitter has about a one in four chance of stocking up with uh being stocked with the uh hold on I wanted to buy something even though I don't think it matters but I'm just curious buying Commerce oh also do I get the one for weightlifting no I didn't okay never mind um but yeah zards Outfitter has SEC Outfitters has like a maybe one in four chance of being stocked with Alemite drilling rigs and I need as many as I can get in this run and I can't craft them I I can craft them but it's just so unreasonable to do that I don't do it Cobalt copper uh we need nickel and I'll buy more silver and then titanium and tungsten and then we'll sell more adaptive frames and then we're done here I hope you have a glorious day my friend so we are going to go to trade Authority again though um just to quickly unload another 10,000 I caught him in the middle of an animation again unfortunately all I want to see does he have I don't need amps I don't know why I'm even looking are we just going to sell I I don't think he can have Alemite drilling rigs maybe I should have checked uh I know we can have some rare stuff I don't recall ever seeing him have Alemite drilling rigs though so I don't think it's worth checking him and then I almost stole oh that would been really annoying okay resources uh he has no alite drilling rigs that sucks we don't need argon anymore we just need brillium we don't need cesium anymore we don't need chlorine we need Cobalt copper drilling rigs and we need ionic liquid just to be safe IOP coolant and then we need nickel as well as I'll buy more sealing even though I think I'm done with it and then um tetrafluorides tungsten and that's it then we're going to sell okay all right we're almost done we're almost done thankfully we got the lubricant from we got lucky with the lubricant at the start of the run on gemon I shouldn't call it the start of the run but earlier in the Run let me drop these on the ground nearest oh whoops so thankfully we got lucky with the lubricant earlier in the run and that makes it so we don't have to go back to gems and merti so we can just farm this a few more like one or two more times and then we should be good for the rest of the run so going to go resource stuff these away uh our ship is maxed so we need it's time to upgrade the ship so we're going to fast travel to Neon not neon core this is literally right where we're at right now but it just saves us a little bit of time um we're going to go into here talk to this guy anything I can help you okay no problem and then we're going to go back to the ship Builder again and now it's time for some more upgrades so um we're going to oh we can't okay we need a different one cuz he doesn't have any of those we need a stoud mid bracer from this guy instead uh is that my God we can go so much further than I thought all right so now we're going to go to the fuel tanks and we're going to take this not this wrong one we need this fuel tank that ESS is M40 put it on like that and then that will let us go over to the um Docker no freck they're called gear get the ACU Lander 11 make sure press Z for the symmetrical one stuff it on right there then what we can do is we can go to the cargo and put on these crazy storage ones and we're going to just put on a ton and uh I guess we can't actually put that there then what we're going to do let's see what the airor is it's too heavy to grab jump so we're going to take off the grav drive and we're going to put on a new grav Drive um I think they only go as high as 23 with A's and uh I don't have the abilities to do I don't I can I do it whatever I'm not worried we're putting the Helios whatever we'll get as much storage we can get with this put on this and now we can go a little bit further so we're going to take these and we're going to put them on the whole way they don't weigh very much so I can kind of just slam them on and then um we're going to take this no we're not going to take does he have these he doesn't even have those all right so we're going to stick these on right here and then we're going to go down and put them right here and then also right here and we're going to do this until our our jump range is 18 ideally so all right this is very hard to do from this angle um put that there and there and there all right so now we have cargo 7,500 and um we can still grab jump pretty far which is all we really need okay so now we're going to reset the shops again and really we're just praying and hoping here praying and hoping that we can get um an some almite drilling rigs also we're going to go to here we're going to buy special projects because we can I forgot to buy it we have Al engineering four that means we can buy special projects all right so now we're just going to sleep for 3 hours okay and now we're going to head back to volley uh is it just called volley volley Alpha all right and then neon core and you guys see what I mean about when after we get through that tutorial this thing sped up so much and it's about to get crazy again so this is actually in my mind this is like downtime right now this is like the easy part so cuz like this is like just slow and steady filling up on things Crossing all my te's dotting my eyes getting all the details finished then we've got to do the actual hardest part which is uh the last outpost so we're going to buy brillium Cobalt copper as well as nickel and tungsten and he doesn't have titanium I don't think we need money anymore but I'll go ahead and sell to him anyway just cuz it takes like 3 seconds to do we're not going to go to the trade Authority anymore I only went to the trade authority to make sure I had enough money when I ran into the problem I just ran into a second ago I don't actually need it anymore so we're done on money um I mean I could try to there's a troubleshooting one I can do if I can get a for 50,000 but it's not worth the time to try to get one so we're going to see he doesn't have any alite drilling rigs oh my God I'll give him one more shot all right burum and then Cobalt and copper and we need nickel and then we need the oh did I buy the drilling rigs does he have drilling rigs drilling rigs I think I have way too many but I'll keep buying them and then we're going to buy the titanium and the tungsten then we're just going to go ahead and sell because why not we need to get rid of these anyway we can't keep this many actually we can actually actually um you know what I have a plan making this up on the fly but I think it's a good idea all right so we're going to go and stuff this back into the ship so we don't need any more money from these adaptive frames so I'm actually to put them back in the ship so I never have to make them again and since I have to run back to the ship anyway I might as well just do it and throw the iron and the aluminum on the ground well really fast h no I better do this this order cuz then I can just press the store all resources button if I try to put in the resources right now I have to do it manually one by one and I don't want to do it that way it'll take too long I should have popped an amp I don't know why I didn't pop an amp this whole run just now this whole trip on this planet would have been faster every time I come here came here I was supposed to pop an amp it's just hard to remember all right so we're going to go in here and we're going to drop the at least drop the Adaptive frames on the ground and then I don't need okay we're just going to drop most of the aluminum on the ground and then we're going to drop uh none of the iron on the ground actually and then we're going to back out go to the cargo hold resources stuff all that in the cargo hold and then I want to see okay we have 5,000 space available that's plenty all right now it's just one more check of zarts Outfitters but this time uh we don't have to actually um sell things or anything don't need to pick anything up so now that we're done picking that stuff up for the moment I'm really quick going to go to my Aid I'm going to put these Med packs on four just for the sake of convenience and you'll I'll explain in a sec so uh when you're 1 HP basically the colors get all screwy when you're playing and it's just so unbelievably annoying that I don't want us to have to look at it anymore so I'm going to put med packs on and I'm going to use them periodically it also makes building very difficult because the outlines of connecting storages is blue and it just gets messed up with colors it's crazy all right so I'm going to pop an amp I'm actually going to go to the mining League too though cuz I I just have to try to make make sure I get enough Cobalt buril nickel and um whatever the other one was copper all right resources so buril not that though Cobalt copper and then nickel and titanium and tungsten okaywell now we just need to go to zot outfit us and then I just man I hope so bad he just has some Alemite drilling R like this is actually such bad luck to not have found any alite drilling rigs please nope no alite drilling rigs all right so we have to do without almite drilling rigs which is awful um God I want to keep trying but it's just not worth the time risk so cuz there's a risk that I just do this like you know 10 more times without anything it can happen I might come back and check one at a time cuz there is a thing in the game that would make it more likely if I don't come back for a little bit um but yeah it's that's really unfortunate I really just I just needed a handful I just needed like four of them that's it just one stock of them was all I needed and he just did not have them zart did not come through for me this time unfortunately so that'll slow us down God it'll slow us down some like it's actually going to cost us like 5 minutes or something maybe more in the long run we'll see it's actually unfortunate okay so now we're all done here so now what we need to do is we need to go to jafa oh crap I forgot okay uh we're going to go to the map we're going to go to Neon uh I forgot one thing there is one thing I forgot to do uh I'm going to go back to the ship Builder I did not put fuel tanks on the ship I just forgot okay so we're going to go in here and ship Builder and then we're going to take this and I'm going to try to do it on the um oh God I don't know which way to do this okay we're going to do it on this side put that on there and then go to fuel tanks and take the Titan whatever and good jump range still 18 that's all I need oh wait what's wrong oh unattached modules some kind of bug let's see where it is it's the grav drive there we go there's so many bugs with building in there's so many bugs in this game man okay we're done quick save just in case something goes wrong and then back out now we need to go to jafa so we're going to go to lunara first I have for you going to um open the map and scan and now I got that leveled up and then I'm going to go to jafa now and I'm going to really quick open my skills and level up scanning oh I'm also going to level up uh astrodynamics even though I don't think I'm going to make 15 grab jumps by the end of this but uh I need to test it sometime I didn't I won't be able to test in this run but if I get astrodynamics 2 then I could probably put on a little bit more cargo which would have been really nice to think about ahead of time okay so now we're going to go to jafa [Music] 7B yeah jafa 7B man that is a terrible terrible RNG so the planets rotate around each other the moons rotate around the planet over time and so as RNG is it going to be on the left the top the right the bottom and it being on the top is extremely annoying cuz it's really hard to click so we're going to scan and then now that we've scanning high enough we can see the tungsten and the titanium so we're just going to pick an outpost on the border of those two and then we're going to come down here and hopefully it'll just be right in our faces and then we'll stick down an outpost and uh I don't think we'll need the tungsten but we will need the titanium there's about 100% chance we'll need titanium so we're going to go up here and see do we have both we do we're going to make an outpost here and then we're going to go to The Landing paded ship Builder and we're going to put one right here and then we are going to put uh just in case we need it for just a few materials with a sleeping bag probably won't need it and then we're going to go to storage now we can put the big storages uh oh we actually are going to need an industrial workbench because I don't have enough adaptive frames on me so we're going to have to craft some so we'll just Craft um 100 it's fine that levels up my special projects by the way which I better deal with now let me go ahead and level up special projects level two we actually need that for this run and then we're going to open up this and we're going to put down titanium extractors uh I'm going to put level two ones just cuz I have so many materials that it's fine um damn the radius of these is so big that I can only fit three three of these on this there's one over here too though I put two over here and then we need to put down some uh if we can ever put down wind turbines we put down wind turbines cuz there's a planet later on that we have to have solar so we don't want to have use solar unless we have to just yet okay so now we're just going to put down some storages and then we're going to take all these and we're going to connect them to a storage and then after that we'll just connect the stores to one another and this planet is ready to go okay and then I'm going to um got I mean maybe I can just sleep here I mean it's got a decent conversion I just need like 500 to a th000 titanium I I'm not sure the exact amount um 1,000 I think will be safe that's 100 storage containers I think maybe question mark um so we'll just have to see here in a sec okay we'll wait till there's we'll sleep 12 hours okay and then we'll see what the situation is how full are these uh that's not very much um no never mind that's a th okay that's perfect um can I even put my stuff away I can my sh spaceship's here somehow all right so now we're done at Jaa maybe forever now for the final step well second to final step so now we need to go to up planet on Lana I have something for have a all right going scan Lana and then we're going to look for oh this is not Lana that we want we want Lana 7 I scan that anyway just to level up my um my scanning skill but not going to need it in this run but if I was going to continue on which I'm not going to continue on this character but if I was it would be nice to have done all right now we need to scan and now for the hellish part so we're look where it's daytime over here and and then find Plateau right next to um what is this Rocky desert so a spot like this and the plateau Rocky desert Plateau Plateau Plateau to I can't find the rocky desert there we go please let it be a split biom it's not a split biome is going to be super annoying so now for oh man this is the run killer moment this is the run killer moment it either either this works now or life's going to suck I think that's a split biome up there I see the spikey rocks I think that's a split biome so this is the run killer moment and this is why I said talked about finding a triple biome with like six resources is like torture like why would you want to do that to yourself because you're going to see just how how unless I get really lucky here you're going to see just how bad this can be so I'm going check we have silver I want to make sure we can find silver before we get to the biome split assuming there is one I think there is I see spiky looking rocks and I don't think there's any behind me that are spiky looking other than that that looks like a plant is there a PL are there plants on here I don't think there's any floor AR FAA here it was a c it was a mineral guys it was a mineral anyway so we just need to get to the Border I think that is yeah that's a different biome over there okay almost just ran through a corrosive gas event which can be very annoying don't want to be Tak any lung damage also I should probably scan things as I go um oh never mind doesn't matter I would need to uh I would need to get the uh unique traits of the planet discovered in order to actually get anything so we're going to put down an outpost here just so that we can fast travel back here later if we don't find this going one way so we're going to go in One Direction and look for the resources and then we're going to go in the other direction look for the resources so the reason we do that is uh from my experience when looking for resources like this if you go too far then there's a chance that not a chance once you go too far the resources get less and less common like they're more and more spread out and sparse and then you'll just never find the split of gold and all this stuff so uh I'm only going to go maybe like 1,000 M this way Max and then after that uh I'll head back to that Outpost I made and then um then I'll go the other way so I'm going to look and I just want to make sure we can even find gold so I'm hanging out more on the side that can have the gold cuz I just need to confirm that it spawned a biome that has gold cuz it is possible to have these where there's just none and if that happens it's it's bad like it'll be only copper or something and we just want to make 100% sure before we spend 10 minutes running around that we can actually um we can actually find gold like if we can't find gold then we're literally just wasting time and we have to go regenerate it okay there's copper also I got such such a bad biome split here this is insane because I'm on like mountains like I'm like one side is literally just mountainous like I don't even know if I'm on the split anymore is this even a split I don't even know if I'm on the split anymore okay we're going to go back we're going to try to go the other way I got like the worst RNG ever on this split this split is like on the one side just like the most steep Mount Everest mountains ever and it looks like the same thing over here I think we cut our loss oh wait no no no no this one looks more reasonable okay I can do this one because even though there's mountains uh the biome split is at the base of the mountains instead of running through the mountains so this way will give us a better shot but I still need to double check is can we even find gold like we have to check can we find gold also want to make sure I have an amp going I'm I'm just going to run deep into this biome here and just see if I find a single gold cuz if not we have to regenerate in order to try to make sure that there's gold so I'll give it another 30 seconds of me running here and if I don't see any gold at the top left then we're going to have to cut our losses and regenerate cuz I don't TR I'm starting to lose trust I have not seen a single gold deposit I did not mean to okay so I sto sprinting right before doing that this is crazy I don't see copper this is so Barren okay there's Copper at least all right like I said we'll give it just a little bit more time here if I don't see a gold then I'm going to back out of this one and we're going to generate a new one so I'm probably going to have to cut my losses this is I don't think there's any gold I I think it's one of those ones where it's only copper I'm going to cut my losses this one sucks ass anyway let's go find a different one so let's try how about uh right here looks like it might be good let's make let's start from Plateau instead of Rocky desert all right there's Plateau hopefully this will be a split biome and if it's not a split biome it's going to suck okay I dude to me it's it's bad weather I literally can't see so we're going to have to go back to the other Outpost and come back and hope that the weather changes well it will the weather's just random when you spawn in but I I literally can't there's no way for me to check if there's a spute biome when it's like you have a view distance of like 100 met all right there we go all right let's jump up on the ship and see if if I can even spot a split I I don't think I see any oh is that one maybe I I can't tell if that's a split or not it's so hard man this is one of the worst and the reason I want to start in Plateau is because I want to make sure there's gold so there's gold that's good I mean that looks different it's different color but somehow I feel like that's not it but we'll see here when I get closer to it I mean I guess it is maybe it is it's got those weird things I was calling minerals and I think that was only in the other biome well we'll just see we'll see when we get closer I mean it looks maybe it's a biome split watch it just it's just the shining Hill it's just like the hill made entirely of gold um that is looking like it is not a biome split so it's one of the worst things about biome splits is depending on the planet they can be almost impossible to identify like this is one of the harder ones to do it's harder to spawn on a plateau and then see the rocky desert uh so that was not a biome split that was a cave I should have scanned and looked I I can't see I just can't I have to regenerate I cannot identify anything this is impossible okay uh let's try over here uh maybe over here yeah this will work all right I was really hoping I'd get lucky and this would be like a f minute job but unfortunately I'm getting unlucky I really hope I'm able to find something in the next 5 minutes cuz it's just damn it always sucks I I've had to restart runs before because of spending 30 minutes looking for stuff it's dude is that a biome split like I I I can't even tell oh wait that that's it that's it okay wait I think that was it yeah that's it oh my God man it's so it's so hard it's so hard to see the biome split it's crazy I mean it's not that hard but it's still hard like there are planets that are worse I forget which planet was I was trying but there was some planet that I was trying where uh they were almost identical man they were so hard to tell the difference between like it was like you know you have a brown and a brown and one of the Browns is less brown is basically the situation I almost just place that Outpost that have been super annoying all right so this train is awful on one side but the other side's not so bad oh I see I see gold already oh damn maybe we get lucky silver gold um nope oh silver and gold but no copper right there's going to be zero copper I wait there's copper oh my god did we find it no way oh it's a miracle it's a literal Miracle guys although I'm terrified cuz there's a structure nearby it might mess everything up we might get attacked by Pirates and things all right let me get on this rock and then try to identify it so silver copper silver copper all right I'm going to say like right around here and see what we got so um we got a decent copper here and then the silver is decent okay all righty let's smack down some level two Silvers and now it took a little while but now we can get on with the last bit of this uh speedrun um I just got to try to minmax this placement though cuz I don't have the best of spawns here but it'll be good enough damn I was hoping I could fit one over there if I can fit two here that'd be huge I can't okay we have five um you know I might want to re-evaluate here can I can I adjust this at all where's the copper there's the copper there's the silver where's the gold though oh there's the gold wait okay quick save in case it messes up The Outpost cuz it can just mutilate them Outpost when doing this sometimes so let's pick it back up it'll give me my resources back and then we're going to move the Outpost up like here now we're going to take a look uh that's much more silver and the copper is still good it's even better and the gold still there it's not a lot of gold though unfortunat that is that is oh there's another gold oh yes okay this is perfect this is like the best case I start it going fast I'm getting distracted all right so we need level two silver extractors now let's put these down for real I I I should have thought of that before even putting those last ones down but now I don't have to be as particular with the placement because I have so much of it that I can just go ahead and just slap them down however put one there and then one there and maybe I can fit oh yeah I can even fit in the other okay um we'll put one here and we'll also put one up here and then maybe we can even fit another right here and is there one right here no okay now the copper we need level two coppers and put one there okay I need to zoom in this is too hard all right put one there and there and right there and um right damn it oh that works okay and then see if we can jam in two if we're lucky please oh my God we fit two hell yeah all right uh we're almost out of isotopic coolant now so um we'll have to make some actually so let me just go ahead and make four of these real fast okay and we need adaptive frame and isotopic coolant so we're going to go over to here and we're going to put down an industrial workbench we're going to see um adaptive frame we're going to make like 60 well we're going to need a lot let's just let's just make like 70 and then isotopic coolant we just need a little bit more we'll make like 12 and then back out oh not the map oh man I always open the map for some reason all right uh toggle View and then back to this and we're going to go back to the extractors and do the gold so we just need to fit another oh we could only fit one more couldn't we so I only needed two uh I don't think I don't think there's any other way it's a shame I wasn't able to get any alite drilling rigs but it's whatever okay and then we need power and we need storage and we need Fabricators I'm just a double check oh yeah before I do anything let me make sure that I have a paded land or ship landing pad with ship Builder or whatever this is really important so let's get this set down like right here and then let's go ahead and put down a transfer or I don't need a transfer storage on this one actually okay and then we need power so let me double check that I didn't miss any resources around here so copper and these to make sure I didn't miss anything oh I had the gold right here oh yeah I mean I might as well take a few more I'm I don't even care about being precise with it it's whatever we gold is not a big deal all right now we just Spam wind turbines till we're out of materials or until we have enough power so I just usually put them around the outside normally I'd be a little bit more particular than this uh we're out of aluminum so so that's not good not great um did we have I'm fairly certain we had aluminum on the ship so uh we can't move the ship without the only way to move the ship is to go away and come back uh otherwise if we if we do it by changing the color to fix the bug of it being gone then uh it'll delete everything inside so we're going to have to travel away and travel back I'm going to quick save though cuz sometimes when I travel back doing this I'll I'll fall through the ground and I don't want that to happen after setting all that up I don't mind loading the game back after a crash but I don't want to load the game back 10 minutes in the past so just want to go fast okay um is the ship here the ship is here let's grab that aluminum and we'll just grab everything out of there and then we'll get to work so I'm going going pop amps in order to run faster and something you might be interested in um I thought for sure I had aluminum in here but I apparently I had aluminum in here but I modified my ship I forgot I modified the ship well that sucks okay so now we've got to go back to naron so I modified the ship while the aluminum was inside of it and that deleted my uh aluminum and anything else I had inside the ship I think I adapt the frames in there as well yeah we deleted 12,000 adaptive frames as well uh that's that's bad we just lost like two to 3 minutes um and then this planet doesn't have enough oh it has oh it has a lot of stuff okay all right so this planet is BU so we need a quick save uh my ship is here which is good all right quick save load so yeah that was a big mistake I needed to modify the ship and then put the stuff in it and that cost me like 3 minutes all right so now we got to make adaptive frames let me get my mouse off the mouse pad in the right spot if I can all right there we go um I don't need an insane amount of adaptive frame so I'll just make like what feels like 6,000 or something okay now we're going to go over to this transfer container and we're going to spam as fast so we can't pick everything up now if yours isn't like this uh one of the things that makes it like this for me is uh if I have a small storage as the final thing that connects to it for some reason if a large storage connects to a transfer container it won't let you do this I don't know why I tested and that was what I came up to man I had so much more aluminum here than I thought I did holy crap all right we're going to be here for just a moment while I grab it all and then I'm going I'm going to process depending much iron I have I'm going to process even more um okay did I like have like no iron I feel like there was no iron in that 5,000 okay uh yeah we're going to need a little bit more adaptive frames so we'll we'll craft a few more so we'll make like sure we'll make that many let me check my ratios now uh 3,000 4,000 okay that should be good that should last us for the rest of the Run hopefully all right so now we need to get back into the ship and we need to put these things back on the ground so like it wasn't a huge time loss but it was unfortunate that I just discarded all my uh materials without realizing all right now now we can go back to Lana and we are almost done already like we are getting close to the end basically so we have two outposts and I need to remember which one's which uh I'm probably going to rename this one so I don't get mixed up when I come back and forth I have things for you so I'm going to rename this as just a bunch of capital letters okay and then we're going to need uh I'm really quick going to put a bed down down just for troubleshooting purposes uh my God I can't select it there we go and now we've got to do we got to build out this Outpost as quick as we can so we're going to go to oh I have to go inside my ship I have to go grab those things since they're not in my ship they're I they're in my ship but they're not in the cargo hold I have to uh actually grab them all right there's the iron and there's that make sure I grabbed it all there's not like a hidden one so somewhere okay we got it okay for let me get away from the ship even though I don't need to and then we're going to start building all righty here we go so we have uh this was copper over here and then there was uh some gold over here and then there was silver over here now I'm going to connect all these and the silver and the copper they don't need very much storage oh I got to fix this hold up um there it is I got to heal myself so it'll stop like tripping balls on the screen it's so annoying it makes it so hard to build all right and then we're going to connect this stuff all right so this is the silver we got one more to connect all right there's that and then we got to connect the gold to the gold box um I also realized I need more isotopic coolant but I think I have enough materials for it because I bought enough tetrafluorides and ionic liquids at zots outfit us so is this gold yeah this is gold okay we're good and then these are the copper this is great this is actually going to um we actually have such good extractors and stuff and it's a shame we didn't get any ald white ons though but but it's actually going to make this way better okay so we don't need storage to be all together we just need it to exist um so I'm going to see how far this goes if that's as far as it goes then that will have to be the the thing the copper if we can get one that's lucky and has a giant strip it'll be the gold perfect that'll be the gold okay and then the um silver that's all we need okay now we're going to connect this to this all right that's all set up oh I should probably to make sure I can remember um then we're going to connect that to that that'll be the output box and then we don't need a gold output box but um we need a copper one and I'll still make a gold one anyway just cuz I get confused later if I mess something up I need to change something all right so we're going to take these connect these and then connect it to the output box and then the gold is going to connect over here or no wa it doesn't matter and then connect all these and now we need to up the gold so we need to let's see one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 that'll be more than enough I don't even think I I I'll actually make this one less High there we'll go like that high I might be wondering why we need so much gold well we don't need a crazy amount but um the zero wire and the silver get processed in or sorry the silver and the copper get processed into zero wire and so because the silver and the copper get processed into zero wire uh they don't need storage cuz the zero wire is all we need for storage and we can't speed up that process uh manually so I we can but not in any reasonable way not any way that's faster than what we're going to else what the other thing we're going to be doing so they don't they don't need storage long story short they don't need storage going delete that all right so the Gold's almost done this Outpost is really close to done now we are almost there just a few more steps here and then we're ready to the last outpost and then we're done sort of we got to actually grind it okay so we went from that way to this way and then we're going to connect this to this and now we just have to go through the trouble of connecting them all which takes a moment but it's worth it we just want to make sure we have enough so like I said I have done this I've connected so many of these so many thousand of storages man I really hope someday someone makes a mod or the game itself has a patch that makes a better system also if you miss one of these mess them up you have to delete everything above it and try to replace the storage box if you want to fix it so people who have like OCD building habits you are going to lose your mind messing with these storages like they're the absolute worst thing that you may ever deal with but uh if you're like me I I'm not a perfectionist so I'll just be like oh whatever I mean I still hate it but it's like whatever and I just skip over it mainly look at how hard it is to fix it like why even bother okay going to go up here and we're on the last row now which is great they're not even that laggy okay and then we're going to delete these ones on top just cuz it'll be prettier that way oh okay I didn't delete it there we go and then connect that one down to this one just for organizational purposes now what we need is we need to find a good spot for a massive manufacturing warehouse storage so I can't really see the elevation very well I'm going to see maybe this is downhill we want to go downhill oh we got lucky this is downhill this is perfect okay Foundation Too Tall this will be perfect all right so this is the one thing that needs to be massive so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 uh maybe not 15 um let's let's do like 12 we'll do 12 and then if I want another bit we'll add on the next two layers because I don't want this to be totally insane to start clicking on the final row to connect them cuz this is like 10 long so this will be like 150 storages or something and now that I visualize that I can tell you I probably connected 5 to 8,000 storages in my lifetime all right so we didn't have enough titanium um we have enough adaptive frames and aluminum though all right so what we're going to do is we're going to come down to here and we're going to drop these on the ground and then we're going to go over to uh jafa good old jafa 7B and I think we've waited somewhere haven't we oh man we might not have waited anywhere I P um did we wait okay we waited no we didn't we didn't wait anywhere okay well um we will wait here I would go to Venus but since we already went here it's just going to be slower to go to Venus now so we'll just go ahead and wait it out here for about 12 to uh trying to think how many I need I probably need 1,000 titanium maybe 12200 I need to make like 100 more around 100 more storage boxes so I want to make sure I get like 2,000 probably be safe so let's give it just a little bit more time all right that that's probably fine all right let's go grab our Bounty 600 1,200 yeah that's perfect okay it should fit in the cargo hold too perfect how much is how much cargo hold oh my God we should put everything in the cargo hold when I get back to Lana I'm stuffing it all in the cargo hold because our cargo hold can actually hold it now for now anyway Lana Lana 7 going back to the Outpost it's almost done guys then we got to do one quick Outpost and then we're ready for the grind and man I am making such good time even with that like 20 minute loss of looking for this Outpost or whatever it was uh still great time being made here all right so we're going to try putting this in the cargo hold I'm going to see if I can I actually can wow cargo hold completely full though not for long oh not that okay all right let's finish these off oh not like that so the reason we do these is because we're going to be making param magnon conductors and param magnon conductors they use three zero wire one gold and one neodymium now the reason we make param magnon conductors instead of semimetal Wafers even though semi metal Wafers are better for um other things like nuclear fuel rods and indite Wafers the reason we make param mag non conductors is because they give 3 XP per craft instead of uh giving we'll just say less than that cuz I'm trying to multitask okay so we're going to put one down here and then I'll just put one here even though I don't need it I just like being organized okay and then simple Fabricators make sure you press Q or whatever change it to zero say produces zero wire on the left all right so we're going to put these down here I'm going to put down um I don't know how many we need so four five six seven oh I don't have enough zero wire I don't enough sealant uh six will be enough yeah six will be fine yeah maybe I go grab more sealant you know what I have an idea I'll go grab more seal after I connect all these and everything because maybe he'll have almite drilling rigs now sometimes when you let real game time pass then suddenly you go back and he just has like eight almite drilling rigs which would be very nice nice cuz it will dramatically decrease my weight time for one of the things I'm going to be doing my God I almost overshot going vertically while doing the storage connectors that's the hard part like going left to right it's easy to not accidentally go up a row but man when you go up or down it's hard not to skip a row oh what the hell did I I don't I don't trust it we're skipping it like this I don't want to break my I don't want storage to get clogged or not filled I mean uh I don't know what happened there something didn't look right okay now I might add another depending on how much lag we get here I might add another couple layers of warehouse storage we'll have to see I want to push it right to the line of causing lag because uh this is the biggest Kink point we will run into when farming the XP and how fast we can grind it out is going to be dependent on how big this Warehouse cluster is so I really really really want to oh my God to uh do this okay we're getting to the point of lag I'm probably not going to add more now cuz I have to slow down or else I I'll misclick because I have to wait in order to be able to right click after each one I mean I I could add two more layers I guess I could add them we'll see yeah I mean I'll add them why not I mean I have enough materials okay uh let's add those ones um let's go back to this and do Warehouse big large I mean damn it okay one there I'm going to use up all my titanium this is going to feel so good to be that clean on titanium oh it uses 16 titanium per I thought it was 10 okay well I did my math wrong but got lucky all right so now last row is here so this isn't even the most I've done back when I did my Cobalt nickel farm for 20,000 XP per minute my first video I didn't know how extreme I was going I probably had like 600 to 800 storages of nickel and 8 100 storages of cobalt or something and it was literally like four times this much or something or three times as much and the game was lagging for 25 seconds every time I would click these buttons right here to connect storages okay so we're going to take that connect that to there back out quick save cuz I don't want to have to do that again all right now what we're going to do is we're going to go over here and make two small storages we'll make one right here and one right here and then we'll connect oh the copper already has one just sitting right there well it's still for organization I'll just connect this it'll be fine all right and then the silver we got to connect it over here just for convenience and now before I even connect these let's do that that run I was going to talk I was talking about let's check to see if there's any alite drilling rigs and also while we're at it we can get more sealant unless we're unlucky because zarts Outfitters only like often because he stalks rare materials that'll crowd out the common ones you may just not have sealant so I didn't buy sealant one of the times I was here and that was a huge mistake I should have kept buying I knew I need it for something but I forgot what it was and so it's like oh I don't need much more and I was wrong I need fabricators all right so we need um alite drilling rigs damn he doesn't have any all right does he have sealant please don't make me have wasted my time seven sealant that's all we get to work with all right it's better it's better at least I don't feel like going to gems and mertile or any of those we don't need like 30 of these things we just need like 5 to 10 to keep up with theand maybe um I don't know if I'll be able to test it though to see if it's running into a problem but if it is I can always upgrade it but I I I think this will probably be fine like let's see uh simple fabricator make sure it's on zero wire again oh I need zero wire so let's Craft um some of that real fast all right zero wire it needed was it 12 I'll just make like 30 I don't want to accidentally need more okay make sure it's on zero wire on the left and then um oh my God I actually need Alum you gota be kidding me I actually need aluminum like I don't want to have to go back to that planet I well that means I need aluminum anyway wait how much do I have cuz I need I need I need more stuff for storage for the next planet um hold up cargo hold resources uh aluminum none iron 2,000 I literally just need to go grab aluminum wait how many adaptive frames do I have how many adaptive frames we got inventory check 900 uh maybe enough here let's go over there and um not a lot of time has passed so I don't know how many there will be oh I waited that's right I waited for the titanium over on jafa so these will have enough there'll be enough here so we're going to grab everything from the transfer storage evaluate and then make adaptive frames if possible so we're going to go over to this and we're going to spam to grab everything all right and now we're going to see evaluate what we have we have um a lot of aluminum okay we can make a few hundred adaptive frames which I'll have to Quick wait can I just stuff these in storage cuz I'd rather make those at the other planet yes I can thank God I upgraded the storage so massively all right so now we're going to back out and that was a little bit of a detour that wasn't too bad though so now we're going to go to lach Lana and back to Lana 7 I am very happy with the pace that we're making this is literally the fastest I've done this by a lot and which is good cuz these speedruns take so long I've done four of them and that took me two days basically I have to like time it between eating okay zero wire or whatever Fabricators fabricator okay we're out of tungsten wait a minute that's an issue we'll have to deal with that but we'll deal with it in a sec let's finish connec these okay so we going to connect this to this and connect we're basically going to connect this Silver Box to all of these and then we've got to connect the copper box oh sorry this is the copper box we're connecting the copper box to everything now we connect the Silver Box to everything which is why we made these connector boxes it's way better than going halfway across the map then bringing your Crosshair all the way back okay now we got to make sure the new ones are connected to the system and then we need to make sure that it's working which I I can't tell if that's full or not um oh we don't have power it's not working we don't have power oh God we might have a problem with power we'll see um maybe I mean that's why I bought so much Cobalt nickel cuz I knew this would happen even though I'd forgotten until just now but I remember why I bought so much now is because okay I made way too many of those I didn't even need that many all right we're good okay so now all I need to do is I just need to run over here and just check this box to make sure that it's working I really don't want to run into an issue later and have to try to fix it I just want to make sure that while it's on my mind and I'm focused on all the connections and knowing what everything's doing okay it's it's working perfect okay so now we're done here for the moment so now we need to go get that tungsten so we're going to head over to jafa and unfortunately we got to upgrade this will only take a few minutes though I don't need anything crazy I just need like not even a thousand I just need like a few hundred okay so we got the bug I think uh I'll quick save just in case but let's see um I don't know what's going on with this but all right and then we need need the it takes money to make money guys we need okay we're going to delete one of the titanium ones and then that will give us enough materials to make the tungsten one and then we're going to make a Tungsten one and then we're going to make solid storage um like this two three okay three and then can I put any this way four five Perfect all right connect that one over to this and then connect that one over to all these and then we will um where's the bad there's the bad we'll wait 1 hour that'll give us the tungsten we need for the rest um isotopic coolant I should make that while I'm here cuz I'm while I'm thinking about it I'm not going to actually make any more of these ones I don't need to use isotopic coolant on this okay uh we'll just do level ones and then put one here and oh my God I can't click it dude there we go okay and then connect all those okay and then we just got to wait a little bit here and um I mean I could go to Venus but we literally need just like a few hundred I think so like four to 6 hours of waiting should be good so going to Venus is actually going to be slower cuz we just need a little bit that ought to be good I think we only need like 100 let's see yeah 150 yeah that's fine okay let's stuff it in storage okay we're ready last outpost backing out we're going to head over to naron and then we're going to go to griffi and uh we're just going to travel there cuz we can't scan or anything we can't do anything we have to get there first all right open the map scanning and then we're going to pick a spot with neodymium right in the center of the neodymium all right so now we're going to land here God this is a God awful spawn right next to a crater like right next to a building this is terrible this is one of the worst spawns like holy crap okay um we're going to readjust this spawn a little uh um okay we're going to put it back here and see what the neodymium is like uh that is a decent chunk of neodymium and so is that ah this is more than enough neodymium okay uh let's see we're going to start putting these things down um actually you know what we're going to do going to get this thing out of my face man it's actually in the way so we're going to put down a landing pad of ship Builder and then we're going to put down in case I need it we're going to oh I know we're going to need transfer container we're also in case I need it we're going to put down an industrial workbench and then we're also in case I need it we're going to put down uh a bed I don't have enough for sleeping bag but it'll be fine um so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to travel away and then travel back P that'll get my ship out of my way and it takes a moment to do it but it's it's just worth it cuz that is really cluttering I need to it was literally covering some of the neodymium that I need to put the drilling rigs on so it's best I just get out of the way I picked up something you might be interested in all right neodymium level two um where' I put that first one I didn't even put it down did I okay start putting these down so we're trying to compromise right now between going fast but also not being as not being too sloppy with these okay put one there and then this is a pain in the ass right here okay uh these rocks are always so annoying to deal with cuz these the level two ones don't actually displace rocks so it's uh okay I know I saw one that was gray there it was Zoom it in I'm wasting time here but it's just going to bother me okay there's that and then uh can I fit any over here yeah I can fit one here oh I can fit one right here okay perfect all right now um solid storage and we'll connect all these to a solid storage uh I actually have an idea I'm going I'm going to try something risky no I'm not no no no no I was going to try something I remember there's a so I was going to make multiple lines of storage connected to a transfer container but then I realized knowing this game when I connect everything to a transfer container it'll probably be the same thing as if I just had them all in a single line anyway a storage line so I'll just make it all in one storage line all right we'll connect all these to this and then I will make um more neodymium over here but I'm probably just going to make well I mean I can only make one of the level one level twoos and then we'll just make the level ones now these ones I care less but it might seem like Overkill but uh this will make a difference all right there we go and then over here I'll put a storage box for these ones just for the sake of putting them on it faster all right now I need to find a good spot for the solid storage and this elevation is abysmal so right here maybe let's see if I start it right here maybe it'll work perfect wow okay that's amazing oh my God that's such a long one okay so we're going to take these and we're going to connect them over to this one now we're going to upgrade these one okay because of how long it is I probably only want three four like five maybe I'll do six I'll risk it for the biscuit on this okay cuz if I make too many then it will actually be slower because I won't be able to withdraw them fast enough so um man I'm having a second thought and I'm going to do five first and see how it is and then try six I mean I guess I could just make the six and then not link the top row so let me do that we'll see how the lag is as I connect them I can usually tell by oh okay we have the materials this is why I made the ad I knew it I can't P much more of this okay so all right that should be enough I don't want to waste all my aluminum cuz I need that too I'm so excited we're on the home stretch here okay all right now we put these up to here all righty so uh they're all connected to this so we're going to connect this to this and we're going to do the same old thing all right it's looking good yeah I don't think I should do the top layer this is a lot of storage already I'm not even going to do I'm not do the fifth layer that's already getting a tiny bit laggy all right let's see it um let me troubleshoot with the bed oh I don't have power wait I got to do power I was like wait a minute something's not right okay uh let's see what we got for about all we do here is solar so that's why we wanted to save as much as we could for the solar arrays on this planet that's what we did any planet that would let us do uh wind power we did wind power because I knew on this planet it would have not only have solar but a not great conversion of solar it's only four per solar array and oh man it's going to be close it's going to be close it's going to be close we had enough power oh hell yeah all right perfect everything went smooth and according to plan there have been a few mishaps along the way but last time I did this run so I did this run four times over two days 3 days maybe cuz I I have to do it between eating cuz I have like an eat I have certain health issues let's say where I I have to eat like every 4 hours or else I get really sick feeling and um so I have to time this between meals so I literally only had two chances per day so I would do it between my two meals I could wake up and then eat and then do a run and then I'd eat and then I'd do a run and then after I didn't want to do another cuz I'd be up to like 5:00 a.m. I did that two days in a row and this is the third day now and the other two times that I actually finished it uh it was I was like 2:40 when I was done with this or 2:30 all right let's see if it works oh god oh that's right I forgot okay in order to fix this please I hope it works today cuz if not the whole runs dead over something that literally worked in practice okay um so we're going to delete that we're going to connect it to this and then we're going to connect it to this please work yes okay it works this is fine this works okay so now what we're going to do is drop uh the neodymium on the ground and then we're going to go to our ship and stuff away these adaptive frames and now um we're going to go to Soul and we're going to go to Venus and we're going to go to the landing area yeah I can't I can't 2 hours and 4 minutes it's all dude if I was doing adaptive frame so we had adaptive frame set up at 4 minutes right something like that not 4 40 minutes oh my God how the hell do I get in here wait how do I get in here where's the oh oh God that is that is bad I'm going have to do new Landing areas when I do the I'm going to do new Landing areas maybe if it's that far away holy crap that's really bad actually oh I can go to the ship no I can't no never mind well oh God I oh man all right I've got an idea I have an idea on an adjustment real quick though I'm going to try uh sleeping just till it says 17 and I'm going to see if that fills all of the storage containers cuz I need to know because I can figure out the minimum amount of waiting time it'll save uh a lot of time not a lot but you know a minute 30 second 3 minutes I don't know what it'll be but it'll matter I have for you okay so what all got filled everything wow I barely left to wait on Venus okay so now really Qui before I do this before I forget let me try to fix my ship it'll literally save me time if I do this fast enough um okay it's bugged I have to save and load it's going to be the most insane looking ship you guys will ever see this is no not as bad as that one video of my Invincible ship exploit okay well well the plan's not going to work so we're just going to have to run it because this one's broken in order to fix it delete it and replace it which I'm not going to do okay so now painstakingly double tapping one of my fingers with my two fingers from my other hand in order to go as fast as I can this is where if you're big on auto hotkey and things like that you know if you like those things this might be a good one to have just a clicker or clicker but the letter e or whatever okay so now we're going to go down here and add it oh let me let me collect these so it you know doesn't make the pile ridiculous and there's 35,000 uh only 35,000 okay wait wait wait uh I am going to connect the next row I'm pretty sure it can handle another row and how many rows you can handle probably depends on your processor uh I have a processor that's like 4 GHz per core without overclocking and so an Xbox would probably handle less I would assume unless it's based on like your SSD transfer raate or some bus thing or something I don't know uh I told myself I was going to land on a new area but I I don't know I did it anyway I used to keep my suits short until I learned you can go to the bathroom I mean it's not that long of a run but like oh I know a simple man if I ever did the speed run again all I got to do is put the cargo on the right side instead of the left side and then done I guess I did use both s but the short side should be on the left side instead of the right side all we'll see we'll go for uh six local hours and see if that fills all the storages all right does that fill all the storages let's find out out back to Griffith all right here we go the moment of truth and is it laggy now I'm curious I have things for you uh it looks like it filled all of them okay maybe we try last time on the next one uh this is still pretty fast but it does look it's a team bit slower so I don't want to connect the next row even this row was maybe a bad idea yeah I think connecting this row was a bad idea yeah ah God I'm going to delete them feel like I'm hearing noises like someone trying to break into my house going insane too much speed running all right take these drop those yeah I'm I that was a I made a mistake it's not worth it uh maybe I can just fix it by deleting the one on the end uh is it this one no not that one I need to delete the one on the other end there we go uh and then connect that okay so the limit was about that many that doing that many made it too slow and it makes it so it actually slows down how fast I can pull them out of the storage so even though it fills fast even though I can fill more per per load it's not worth having it to where I click slower like that it's just not going to be worth all right so I'm going to try to get enough to do this in one cycle but I don't remember like I couldn't find online at least right now I haven't been able to find any XP tables that go beyond level 100 so I don't know the total amount of XP that I need to get to 150 I I think it's like 300,000 but might be more than that try think um trying to think how much I need then oh I'm waiting way too long I didn't to wait that long I'm trying to think how much xp that I need to get to level 150 from level 30 uh it's going to be maybe I probably already have enough neodymium realistically but I picked up something you might we'll see grab all those and then get this neodymium and we might have enough after this but it's better to just get this out of the way now than have to go back and forth and back and forth cuz I'm making mistakes so I might do one more one more cycle of this we'll see and I would just do this and then the other and back and forth and you'll know what I mean by that in a sec well the problem is I have to run this neodymium onto my ship manually and that just takes so damn long okay uh let's see how much do we have 106,000 that's 600,000 XP we'll go for it we can always come back it's not a huge time loss at all if we just have to come back so we're going to take this and we're going to run it into the ship oh we got weightlifting upgraded but there's no point in me even dealing with it now cuz we're already done so uh we move that drop that in here and then we're going to go to none other than the one the only Lana 7 all right so we're going to now hopefully fingers crossed hopefully everything works correctly here and hopefully it doesn't lag when I try to craft okay wow there's some kind of deficit what's the deficit it's the silver the Silver's running a deficit compared to the Copper which is fine but damn okay that's fine we we only wait okay okay I think I know what to do all right whatever it's fine um so now what we're going to do and the gold is full so uh this one's bugged so every time we come we to save and load oh we also have to go and get our materials so in order to fill the zero wire I'm probably going to have to wait like 30 hours on Venus or something we'll find out I'll figure it out on the next cycle is that everything no that's everything right yes that's right it will only ever drop into two stacks I think no matter how much you have it's like oh I have a th it drops two oh have a million it drops two two of 500,000 it's so weird it's so weird Okay so we're going to go down to oh I don't want to break a leg okay uh I have to save and load and if this doesn't work I have to travel away and come back to fix it welcome to Outpost bugs so the save load usually works but if that doesn't work you have to um leave and come back but it worked all right so now we just scroll down until the par magnon conductor is at the top and we have to special projects 2 which we have so we're going to get here and get the mouse off the mouse pad in the right position like that and now we can grind for 60,000 XP per minute if you have a perfect Auto hotkey script you can do 990,000 XP per minute but I feel like using an auto hot key script in a speedrun feels like using a tazbot or something so like it kind of Breaks the Rules in my mind to just use a uh use an auto hotkey script on something like this it just doesn't feel right on a speedrun type thing I don't know how to get the right Rhythm if I get the right Rhythm I can do this really fast there's like an offset Rhythm if I go if I click both buttons at the same time then I think it has it presses confirm before it actually registers that I moved it up to 99 and then it crafts one and that's like the big thing I want to avoid but it's easier said than done to avoid I think I just go erratically on these and hope for the best yeah erratics Prime my best bet it keeps me from getting into sync getting in sync in a bad way holy crap 5,000 uh so the the XP in the middle that's just how much you got every like 5 seconds or something like that so I'm not getting 5,000 per click I'm getting uh 3 297 per click what else you man if I could consistently get the 5,000 XP every 5 Seconds that would be how much would that be 5,000 000 time 10 50,000 oh uh I mean that is the 60,000 so really I I can't really get 60,000 unless I'm Flawless um which is unfortunate oh my God we have so many materials here and that zero wire storage isn't even full oh this is so good man this is so good I don't know if it is every 5 Seconds one 2 3 1 2 3 four it's every 4 seconds maybe so if I was able to get the 4,000 XP every popup then that would be 4,000 * 10 40,000 plus yeah so all I need is to see have it say 4,000 XP every time that pops up and uh I mean that's easier said than done obviously but it's hard to be that consistent but I feel like if you practiced long enough you could okay we're out of zero wire which is what I expected to run out of God I wonder how much gold we ran through God we ran through almost all the freaking gold holy crap okay uh resources burn through that we have 40,000 paam magnon conductors uh we are now level 65 so we're definitely going to need more of the stuff but let's process one more batch of this before we go back to the other planet so um my game's broken so I have to save and load I can't move the map or anything it's completely bugged out definitely has nothing to do with me breaking the game with XP sure they're completely unrelated nothing to do with one another it just happened to happen by coincidence I'm absolutely almost not really certain all right so back to Venus we've got to get back in the ship and I'm going to wait 24 hours and see I need to know for the future Cycles I need to know how much of the storage fills in 24 hours and then from there I can estimate how many hours I need to sleep on Venus to fill all of the zero wire storage something you might be interested in so we're going to wait 24 hours and we're going to see if I have a feeling this is not going to fill the zero wire storage it's going to fill if it do either fills all of it or it fills like 34s of it maybe I'm not sure cuz I think we waited for oh we might have only waited for 18 hours 19 hours something like that when we when we did the three cycles of the of the grabbing the neodymium unless we did four cycles of the neodymium if we did four cycles of the neodymium then yeah we're going to have to wait like 36 hours to fill the zero wire storage it's just hard to know it's hard to know cuz so much is going on and I can't really review it while in the middle of a speedrun but you know you know you know the thing yeah all right so after after this we'll see so oh my God I'm actually so thrilled with where with where we are at in this speedrun this is so good like this is not that it can't be done faster obviously like I think about how much time I could have shaved off if this acid Outpost if I had gotten to that Outpost found in like 3 minutes instead of 20 it took me 20 minutes or 15 minutes just to find the biome split with a gold a copper silver split I have to lose all that time there even that alone like we'd be like you know 20 minutes faster all right grab the neodymium and then all right it's obstructed so we have to save and load I remember messing with this uh it's obstructed thing before and uh okay we have to wait 48 Hours let's see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 we need to wait 40 hours something like that all right so here magnon conductors let's get back in position all righty I'm just going to click as fast as I can and hope that it's not I'm not sinking myself there's a certain thing if I go too fast it'll you'll see that like window will like slow pop up but man if I can get 5,000 XP every popup that's that's nuts so now my life is just going to be doing this for a little bit it's not even that long we're almost level 150 like literally dude it's going to be so fast now hold on I need more Mouse cord there we go my mouse cord was like stuck on something I if you guys can hear the clicking when I'm talking like I have a noise gate on my microphone so it shouldn't pick up the clicking if I'm just clicking but if I'm talking the noise Gates then open and you might be able to hear in the background the that's my fingers clicking the mouse if you can hear that all right it's hard to talk while doing it but I don't want to just sit in awkward silence and just like you know so this is Outpost guys this is what I did for 300 hour not this specifically but you know Outpost and uh it's really not that hard to do so I've done it all man like I I was the founder of most of the things that you see on YouTube like I will take credit and anyone who wants to argue can just suck my you know what like where I can literally show you the publish date of my 20,000 XP per minute farm and you wouldn't be able to find a single person on the internet who could show their publish date on their video that would be sooner than mine I was literally the first person it was me and then the next day literally everyone copied it because they were like holy crap there's the same thing I mean and I don't find everything on my channel like I'm just one guy on the internet but there are a lot of cool things that I personally have found over the years like uh I don't know if there's a better one now but back on Elden ring there was a 500,000 Rune speedrun hour whatever and it was this glitch with a dragon that was me that found it everybody copied it and their copies got more views than the original of me posting it which made me sad I didn't mind them copying but them getting twice as many views made me really sad uh but yeah I've actually found some cool stuff the main thing is Outpost is what I've done on this game and it's what I keep planning on doing the rest of the time I play this game until I move on to the next game I I might move on soon with Lords of the Fallen or something but Outpost are my thing I really love Outpost so like as you can tell from this video now if you watch the whole thing you'll probably realize damn this guy literally is like a Master with these Outpost cuz I am I've I've live 200 hours on this stuff so like I know I don't know everything right not off hand Ian have a rough idea of everything but if you ask me see those poly textiles like what do I what items are used to make I I don't know was it sterile Nano tubes or something like I don't freaking know man like but I I know roughly everything that's going on okay uh my UI is broken I can't drop any items so we're going quick save and load can you imagine I load without quick saving that would feel so bad all right so let's see we're level 80 5 uh going to drop that drop that and now what we're going to do now that I have a better idea of what we need we're going to go back to naron and we're going to go back to Griffith because it should be full now I can grab another batch but I realize now yeah we're going to need like 200,000 more neodymium I think in order to finish this off because leveling just gets you know more and more per level God Sarah get the hell out of the way what are you doing so going to grind this out so I'm going to have to do this what is this how many times I have to press this button 250 * 10 is 2,000 * 100 22 I have to press this button a th times effectively I eff depress it a thousand times all right resources we're going to drop that on the ground and then now we got to head back to Venus and then and landing area Okay so if you realistically going to do this yourself uh I mean now you can do what I'm doing here to grind as much xp as you want but it might be a good idea at some point if you're actually playing a real save and you're just do I don't know why you're going to do this stuff for so long but if you do um you might want to look up the um animal XP farm and uh that you can get your combat skills leveled up real fast uh that one would be really good to do if you're actually I was doing this to actually make a character for use like a character that I'm actually going to play like I'm just trying to like create the save file of a character that's level 200 with a bunch of good skills unlocked oh not andron oh my God uh then yeah you definitely want to do a pit stop with the animal farm I think that'd be a really smart idea also um I have so many helpful guides by the way that I've made for this game so if you're actually new to the game and you're watching this uh you can always check the description of this video and you'll see I have guides for XP Farms ship building guides Outpost building guides I have just random guides how to join the Crimson Fleet all that one's a pretty skimped guide to be fair if you ever see that specific one but uh lots of of good things in the description and um if you just think there might be something else you need just scroll through there and see if anything else you know looks interesting to you you might want to know and uh then another thing is if you are enjoying the video and you appreciate all this work that I put into this and many my other videos it does help the algorithm if after you're done with this one once we finish this one out if you watch another guide full you know for full makes you'll think that like oh you're really interested in this YouTube so you really want to see more so we should push it more you know that kind of thing anyway so uh one of the things I did was a vum fuel Rod farm and so here's the thing I'm going to I'm going to while we're doing this I'm going to you know explain some about these f farm so the absolute technically fastest Farm is the vum fuel Rod farm and that's cuz it gives 10 XP per craft the problem is you can't really do it manually like what I'm doing here that's not not really an option like it kind of could be but it's it's not it's really just not and uh so what happens is oh I'm waiting way too long um so what happens is like you can get with a a a an auto hotkey script or like you know some controller that has like you know programmable buttons or something uh you could get maybe not a controller but you could get 300,000 XP per minute when crafting the problem is it took 19 outposts in order to set it up and you have to wait for cargo links which cargo links don't work while waiting so they only work in real time so what happens is you have to for the vum fuel Rod Farm the best one and it's the same with the indicate wafer one but not as bad you have to spend like 40 hours that's think think how fast I'm doing these outposts for you with me doing it it would take 20 to 40 hours to set up a Venum fuel Rod Outpost and that's cuz I don't use cheats I don't know I just hate using cheats so I do it all manually with you know Gathering resources and stuff but it would take uh 20 to 40 hours to make a veium fuel Rod farm and then after that you can only Harvest it assuming it works cargo links are so buggy something's going to break and you're going have to constantly re so realistically to get it work where it's not broken it might take 40 to 60 hours of rebuilding Outpost to finally get a lucky Outpost combo where cargo links don't break down uh and then after all that uh even if it works perfectly and you have the perfect setup like I made in my video so the batter one there's two of the final outposts so you get the max amount of reasonable amount to get you still have to wait real life time for like 2 hours to fill all the storages on the final planets and then that would only give you like 1 minute of crafting so you get like 300,000 XP every hour or something like that or maybe less and uh so it's like even though it's like yeah you go there craft them done okay that was good XP right okay cool uh but it's not realistic cuz it's just like okay but then I have to go wait for 2 hours to do that again and realistically then you'll have to play the game for 100 hours if you remember to go there every hour or two you play the game for 100 hours just to get to level like 200 something because of how intermittent it is so oh I thought these storages weren't filling for a second um so unfortunately the vum fuel Rod Farm not worth it it's just not worth it man it was it was a fun novelty video it's a fun thing to to do to feel like you beat the game which I mean I was glad I did it cuz it made it feel like I beat the game I was done right like I finished what I started almost uh so that was fun but if you were going to make the ones with cargo links it's better to stop at indite wafer because then you could for the same number of outpost you could have four indite wafer Spa Farms that gives 7 XP per craft instead of 10 so it's like 140,000 a minute instead of 200,000 or 210 instead of 300 um but then and also because it uses less stuff you can fill more in the storage cuz uh V what is it semi metal Wafers weigh significantly less than um indite Wafers and nuclear fuel rods so you can fit more of them in a warehouse and then on top of that you can have four of the outposts so then every hour instead of having two things that give 300,000 you can have um four things that give uh 210,000 but Additionally you can do it for twice the amount of time CU you can jam like almost twice as many of them into warehouses compared to the end products or something like that so uh realistically that would be the better Farm if you were going to do it with that way and I might make a video on it but I'll be honest with you guys I'm so burned out on on on like those ones just they just take so damn long like if I was going to make it and do anything other than just explain the concept I mean it's like a 20h hour job to do it and at this point the game the player base has fallen so much that if I do that what'll happen is I'll spend 20 hours for a video that gets like if I'm lucky like 50,000 views at this point and so I'll get like I don't know like $3 $5 an hour hour on my time or something I don't know what the math is I'm just trying to rough math in my head maybe more but but it's like oh man and then it's just like slug fast grind on top of that so it's like I think I'm done doing the super ones I think I'll stick to Novelties what I really want to do now and I I don't know that I could do this what I really want is if somebody would make a mod a randomizer mod that randomizes what resources are on the planet so you go to Venus and it's got like it's like a random moon it's got swapped out with a moon and it's just got helium and aluminum you go to some random Moon That was supposed to have helium and and iron and instead of that it just has like 12 different resources like it has the veium planet or something uh that would be fun because then I would love if that was a thing then I would love love so much to make um an Iron Man kaiso challenge for outposts on this game so what the rule set would be for it would be that you can't sleep or wait like I'm doing right now and you can't use any shops and if you die to anything then it's game over so you have to be careful of space pirates so what happens is you and you have to play on very hard so that way you're more likely to die and then what you got to do is since the planets are random you can't just be like oh I'll go here go here go here I'm done you got to go find planets that have resources that you need you got to build the Outpost you need to build multiple Outpost just to get enough resources and then you've got to go build everything and then have it be like the goal be like what I did in this video right for the kaiso challenge or for the harder one it'd be set up oh God forbid you I would probably stop it at this one because even the indite wafer one as a kaiso challenge might take like 12 to 20 hours just to have one setup that you don't even actually you know use uh so realistically the challenge I'm doing right now would be the best okay we have 200,000 damn that didn't that didn't take very long at all it took what like 10 minutes yeah we're at 230 that took like 10 minutes maybe less I wasn't paying attention to where we started but okay all righty this hopefully will finish the job oh I just need to drop I almost I was out of habit I almost ran over to go sleep all right so now we're going back to Lana Lana 7 and we're going to go back to as okay so my goal I want to get 150 in a sub three hours so in my previous personal best on this uh speedrun I was getting I got oh are these are these full oh my God they're not even all full are they maybe I I don't know I don't think they are it's so hard to see cuz my gu tripping ball so I I don't know what's going on can't see anything all right so quick save load so on my previous personal best I got level 100 at 3 hours and 3 minutes and after that I just decided I was going to change the challenge to level 150 because otherwise it's just pointless to do not it's just stupid to do this as opposed to just doing adaptive frames but at level 150 then suddenly this one starts to shine through where it's maybe a little bit slower maybe a little bit faster but it's at least comparable and the problem is I would have done a level 200 challenge but the problem is what you're seeing me do right now I would have to do this for 30 40 minutes and I don't want to do it that long I just want to do this for like 10 minutes and be done type of thing so that's why uh I settled on these it was like the compromise between the two opposing forces on this challenge but yeah so a kaiso challenge would be so much fun so like you wouldn't be able to use shops so you have to get your materials from shooting asteroids from destroying other ships and looting them from D attacking outposts in order to find things and then once you get enough resources to get going uh you're like you know you have this goal you're like all right I got to get a titanium Outpost I've got to get uh I got to get a titanium Outpost I've got to get iron I got to get aluminum I've got to get Titanium or or a Tung copper burum um potentially Cobalt nickel and then after that you go down the chain okay now I need to get neodymium silver uh copper um proba some lead like all those things would be so hard to get on a kaiso challenge it' be so much fun though like I would actually enjoy that so much but the problem is without randomizing the planets it's just not quite the same wait oh H I was like I was so confused man I was like wait what we burn through 200,000 neodymium already uh I didn't grab it out of the ship wonder how many amps I have left I made like 20 I feel like I've used 15 things for you oh no no ah damn something you might be I always forget sometimes I forget that there's two that drop I almost grabbed it before the animation was done of opening the door that would been that would have been sick I would have felt so so good at video games all right how you can grab it while in the air and just teleport you down I didn't even realize I got to get my mouse off the mouse pad again there we go and I just got to click as fast as I can all right so now the goal we just got to burn through these as fast as we can all I want now is a sub three hour sub three hour and I will be absolutely thrilled at this speedrun so another thing I saw that was very interesting I never made a video cuz I'm just I've burned out and I'm so tired of everything now but you can make mega cities in this game with the crappy Outpost system of habs it was like you have to make the circular one and stack them and then connect out from it or something and then you can get like skyscrapers and I really needed to make a video but just damn the burnout is just too much like I have to try to stick to videos that I feel like I'll have fun or else I'm just not going to do anything like this video I spent 3 days making this how did I do this when I'm so burned out well because this actually sounded fun and every time I did it I wanted to do it more I was like I want to get a better run that was a bad run I want to do a better run I want to do a run that is impressive actually and I kept going so uh it's fun so like that's why I wish the kaiso challenge was a thing because or the planet randomizer was the thing so I could make a kaiso challenge because I would have fun making trying to beat a kaiso challenge and then making a video about it even though it's bad on time it would it would be fun on my experience so okay I really got to try to focus harder on these clicks there's like a rhythm I have to get into or else it does it wrong oh my God this is so hard to get the Rhythm man like if I get the Rhythm it's so fast but it's just so hard get the Rhythm there's the Rhythm kind of and how did I get those 5 th I think my fingers are just tired man like my forearm muscles are tired from making my fingers retract so often which is why if you were going to do this to level 300 max level whatever it is I think max level like 360 or something 320 I don't remember it was uh I think it was not well it wasn't act max level but oh my God we ran out of gold oh God the gold I'm not even going to try why am I over here okay um now I'm going to try to fix the gold uh the Gold's now the Kink problem but only by a little bit so we're just going to ignore the problem Oh not n Aron damn it we got to go to Soul yeah if there was a challenge with kaiso that would be extremely fun so I mean I've recently been addicted to watching people do the Pokemon ironon kaiso challenges and I even got it was so appealing to me that I downloaded all the stuff I needed to download in order to do myself and then my first real run I got going I got like all the way to fuchsia City and I was like damn that was fire red and I was like that was pretty fun but then I just kept thinking like man what other games would benefit from kaiso and then I remember that's what I thought like man Starfield would be an amazing kaiso Iron Man challenge if it was if it was about Outpost if it was just beating the game that could be fun too you know like beat the game without dying on very hard basically is all it really is without being able to use any shops or anything but I feel like that's almost it's not that it's too easy but it's too simple right right it's just like okay you just sneak around and kill things and do whatever um The Outpost one though is like okay like I have to find these things to figure this out and that's why if planets were randomized holy crap that'd be so much fun cuz one of the problems is after you play this game so long you're like okay I need iron and aluminum let go to andron why would I explore I have a planet that works that's easy to set up on I have no reason at all then to actually go any further than that like that's fine but if it was randomized then suddenly it's like oh man check a moon scan check this place scan and then you're just like you know you you go and do that and then it's like oh man this planet oh God it has you know neodymium and you're just like yes neodymium I found it yes like cuz that actually was a fun experience when I first started playing the game the first few days of the game every time I found a planet with something cool that I might need I was excited I was like dude I found a planet that has these two resources like when I found Andros that would let me get uh there's a moon and Andros that you can do burum and copper which lets you make on a split biome by the way and that lets you make um oh I went to the wrong Outpost hold on uh brillium copper lets you make I think it was tow grade riat which is worth more than adaptive frame even though it's the exact same thing as far as 1 XP per craft and uh but then it was like more money and I thought I was going to make a money farm video from it originally and I was like oh my God I found the Holy Grail I thought and I was so excited and uh you know you can't you can't bring that stuff back unless you randomize the planets then suddenly you know the potential is it's like endless almost of how much fun you can have like exploring um I was actually disappointed when I found out the planets were not randomized at all in this game I was actually that was a huge disappointment but at the same time it was it it worked out for me though because it makes it easier to make money cuz I make a I can make guides and be like go here to this planet and do this thing on this spot and it's the same for everyone so I don't have to be I don't have to generalize people can't be like oh this didn't help because it's not the same like I didn't run any of those issues but uh it's uh is way less fun for the individual especially people who don't look up guides if it's not randomized um I a Remnant 2 was randomized that was fun I still was able like guides cuz I make General guides and be like okay okay I'll beat this version of it and hopefully it helps and just show people like you know help Le to fight all the enemies and stuff so same thing with this like okay you know you'll learn all right the param magnon conductor is maybe one of the best manual it's it is the best manual one realistically but uh the best manual XP farm you can do so let's do that well then you know what you're looking for and if everything was random well that's fine but you know you still can look up guides that help as far as like knowing what you're looking for but then it's still like your gameplay of trying to find it dude why is it so laggy like I can't get it in Rhythm and I think it's because of the game itself at this point I think it's just hard to do while I'm talking I think like it's hard to do both at the same time for some reason so one thing here is uh if you didn't know so this thing it requires special project strength too and that was one of the skills we got but you might have missed it or maybe just you know it was so fast that maybe you missed it that's in the tech tree you get to the bottom of the tech tree and the special projects which unlocks all these crazy XP Farms without that the best one is Comm relay which gives 2 XP per craft but uh you can't make any of the better ones unless you unlock special projects but they're easy to unlock once you get them unlocked like I would already be able to get special projects three cuz I made these param magn non conductors and now I just have to make 10 of some like you know rare thing like a nuclear fuel Rod or something and then I'd unlocked the last one and uh the later you get in the game the easier it is and know a lot of the resources you can just buy from UC distributions gemson mertile or uh zat's outfit us I love Z's outfit he's so such a good character um but yeah that's a big thing I discovering that was huge unlocked all the XP farms and uh I realized that was a thing about 5 days after launch I think and that's when I started doing all the math um and then I I made the indite wafer farm and I stopped after that because like I said about the nuclear fuel Rod Farm was hard and I was burned out but I ran into the bigger issue was I ran into this thing of at the time the game was popping off and it was like all right I can spend 3 days making the Venum fuel Rod farm for maybe 100 200,000 views or I can go and make like 10 videos of other things that also can get potentially that many views and I was like so I ended up just putting it off till eventually someone else beat me to it and then you know stole all the Thunder for it and then uh when I finally made my version which was better I some I think a lot of people knew it was different some people accus it of copying but it was I don't know how can you how can you not copy when it's all right make Venum fuel rods okay someone else makes Venum fuel rods it's like oh you're copying it's like well there's only one vum fuel Rod you can't you can't make some other version of it other than I made a better version of the setup I had one where there were two vitium fuel Rod Outpost at the end instead of one and that was the whole point of my video was this perfect setup it was instead of 16 outposts it was 19 outposts and your reward for making those three extra outposts is you get two of the end products so then you can per every hour get twice as much XP and uh made it a lot more practical all we're level 118 118 that's insane that's crazy okay I have things for you so we got to sleep again and uh we ran out of gold again because I slept long enough to completely fill the zero wire um I mean if I had known I would have made another one or two layers of gold stores but I did a pretty good job for just guessing man those things are almost um in tandem or whatever the gold and the zero wire are both like you know when the gold runs out there's only like a few thousand zerowire left over so that's that's about as balanced as it can get um although it's funny cuz waiting look how long it takes to wait now and even this is not that long but it's because I have so many outputs it's so funny when when I first start the save file I wait and each of these ticks for these hours is like half as long as this and then the more Outpost you get and the more stuff it has to process every tick the longer it gets on my game with the 19 Outpost I think I have 23 outposts cuz I have other ones are not for I have like you know iron aluminum Outpost and other random things but on my um main save each of these ticks like when I wait 24 hours each of these ticks takes like 10 or 15 seconds instead of like four or three or whatever this is so it's just crazy like how much Outpost screw the game up like I mean they did a good job I'll be honest they did a decent job with Outpost there's a few problems with it but overall it's actually pretty performant it's actually surprisingly performant for a AAA game for a system like that now obviously it could be better but uh my bigger issue is not that it's not performant cuz I mean it's not performant it's okay perform I did the same thing I went to the wrong Outpost um my issue is it's not fleshed out quite enough there's not really a reason to make outposts other than money and XP that's it that's and amps would be the only other thing you want an outpost for cuz amps have like a utility um but that's it and that's the part that I'm the most disappointed on like one of the possibilities I thought of this would be an amazing mod think about this okay there was a mod where the different nations of the UN of the solar system if they could go to war and then you'd get in battles and things and you'd have to like Supply the war with outposts and things so it's like you know so you're not the leader whoever is in charge the president basically of uh I can't remember the names uh Crimson Fleet and whatever else all the different ones uh each one has a leader and you're not the leader instead you're like you know an officer basically maybe become a governor of a solar system or something but then it' be like okay take away the weight command so it all matters actually then and then be like okay you know in order to make more uh makes like a bunch of your spaceship types and it's like okay they all their pros and cons in combat one is longer range cuz it has the Electron Beam but it uses you know indite Wafers and whatever to make it and then this other one it uses param magnon conductors and roite magnets but it's like a battleship and and all that and so then you're like okay you have a reason to get Outpost you a reason to have these slowly ACW uh so and you have a reason to optimize your outposts so that way they'll get more resources per hour and then you will to make more ships per hour and hopefully win the wars and then the game would be like a domination gameplay where it's like okay I I join the Crimson Fleet and I'm going to help them take over the solar system or the the Galaxy I mean and then maybe at some point you're halfway through that and you're like you know what I'm going to leave the Crimson Fleet I'm going to go join the uh I can't remember the names of the normal ones what are their names it's not I just keep thinking of UC distribution United Colonies I'm going to leave the Crimson Fleet I'm going to join the United Colonies and now I'm going to fight back against the Crimson Fleet and then you join as an officer of the Crimson or the uh United Colonies fight for them and you just change around like that that would be an amazing mod I would play that mod oh man and then Space Battles would have a purpose instead of just like a side thing that you just do to get through the main story and a nuisance when you're trying to build Outpost instead the Space Battles are like all right uh the Battle of Andros 3 and it's just like all right they're trying to take control of the planet and you get into a space battle where there's like 12 of them and six of you or something whatever the game engine can handle so 20 and 5 6 and four whatever the game engine can handle uh the Max the game can handle and then also have it to be like okay you're working on your Outpost and it's like Oh no you're being raided or invaded oh crap and you're like say I'm right here building and you're like oh no and then suddenly it's like all right I have a bunch of soldiers and things and we get in like a 20 on 40 battle or something and spaceships are coming down and it's like almost like zombie defense in away zombie waves in way uh things like that like and you defend and take planets that way dude that would be sick like that if they would have gone that route like if they would just scrapped the main story and just gone that route instead and with their de development time dude like I would I personally at least would play the hell out of this game I play for like 1,000 hours long term probably then that'd be insane that'd be such a fun game like I don't know how anyone wouldn't have fun on that kind of game like it would just it'd be such a good time there was a game called Romance of the Three Kingdom 7 man I played the hell out of that game and it works simp like that but with like way less Concepts and less fun but you know there's something amazing in a game where you don't have to be the leader one of the worst Parts about games is they're always like oh you're going to be the leader and you're going to make all the decisions and it's just like oh God they're like here's 12 uis and 700 things that you can do and all these things that you're supposed to do and you're just like dude this is just too much stuff like I don't want to deal with this like oh my God that's the problem that's the problem with being the leader and like you know you play a war game or something or you play a strategy game it's like because is information overload the best thing is if a game lets you be like you know a general or officer and someone else is the leader the AI is a leader you just play and then you learn and you there's way less stuff to learn at first and then you slowly work your way up to strategy that's more fun so I just think that'd be an insane mod I would love that maybe you and this game since it's you know just like Skyrim should be modded a lot in the long term uh and they're going to have a lot of modding tools uh that's a mod I would love to see I think that's a mod that would be I mean it'd be hard to make but it wouldn't be the hardest to make like I think all the pieces of the game are already there so I think it's like it would be kind of hard to make but not really like it it would definitely take a few months depending on the size of the team working on it maybe a few weeks if be had a huge team uh but you know normally moders there like what like one to six people or something what the freak I heard some crazy noise like my floor was about to fall through in real life I was like I was like oh well time to die right at the end of the speed run oh okay just gonna fall to my death um not that I'm like you know high enough up to die but damn can you imagine falling down through your floor from a second floor to a first floor that would be not fun um but yeah something else about this game I never did the main story so I uh as far as we are in this speedrun right now that is how far I am in my 370 hour game it's crazy to think about but uh I know there's a lot of arguments and you guys saw you know like you like asmin gold right or somebody like that and they're this game sucks they like a 5 out of 10 6 out of 10 uh I forget who else there were a bunch of high-profile people who were like this game sucks and the thing was when I would go and see what those people were doing on their games i' go watch like a stream or something almost every single time I'd go to one of their streams they were fighting enemies and or doing quests and I was like man if you're coming from World of Warcraft to this game you're going to hate this game this is like the most budget single player world of warcraft experience you you're going to get if you're just like a game has to have quests and interesting things in the quests oh I just made mono propellant damn it then then that that's that's the audience that they're going to have the least fun on a game like Starfield like that part of the game is not that great it's not it's really not that great like if you're into the style the slow style of this game then it's all right you know it's okay if you're into like you know the pacing of it and all that and the gun play is decent but realistically the people who really are going to love this game are the people who get into outposts they like exploring they you know want to do the botney they want to do the uh uh zoology they want to explore all the planets and you know scan everything uh people who want to do do all the crafting people want to unlock all the research they want to find all the resources on the planets they want to find all the unique resources like Venum indite roite uh almite you know all that uh that's that's the audience that actually will would give this game a 10 out of 10 straight up but if you're like if the audience who comes from a game like World of Warcraft and they're like a game has to have quests and it has to have like mechanics that are like hand fed to me and then I do what the game developers told me to do and it was fun that is not Starfield to me at least that is that will never be this game like yeah World of Warcraft go play Wild classic that's fun that's fun I I like I you know cuz that it was well done the original the original design Quest and all that and it's like just you know they tell you what to do and you do it almost like that's fun but a game like Starfield that is not what I experienc I second I got freedom I never looked back and I just ran around doing Outpost I learned all the the stores I learned all the exploits not that I even care to use them I just do them cuz I have to for my YouTube um and then learned where all the resources were like man the thrill of Adventure I felt when I figured out where memory substrate is it's such a niche thing memory substrate you guys know what memory substrate is do you know what it's used for so memory substrate is the equivalent of rothy indite vum is one of those um exotic resources but it's an organic exotic resource and it's used in order to make it's one of the components that you need in the chain of components in order to make substrate molecular cves which are used in order to make level three um was it liquid extractors or gas extractors maybe both think might be both so if you need a helium extractor that's level three or you need a cesium extractor that's level three uh you're going to need substrate molecular civs and seard Outfitters does not have them often and memory substrate you can't get very often from like UC distributions zarts outfit is like they just don't have them very often so it's like something you if you don't craft them in bulk you never get level three extractors so like when I first found memory substrate I was like this is amazing this is like I was so thrilled I like hell yeah I on my main save I have like 500 of it in my ship cuz if I ever need substrate molecular cves that material is the Kink point oh God we're out of neodymium oh no we're not going to hit the 3- hour mark boys all right what level are we at 140 damn okay here's what we're going to do I know we're not going to hit three hours unfortunately there's I don't think it's physically possible but we'll do our best here um we're going to go to Griffith we're going to take everything we're going to throw it on the ground oh I I'm losing time okay I need to land I can't travel there we go uh resources drop drop and then you know what's crazy this speedrun that I'm doing I'm convinced this can be done in under 3 hours cuz I know throughout all this I lost a minute here a minute there I mean I lost 10 minutes just trying to find the Lana Outpost there's no reason I could have just right out of the gate there's a split run to the split bam there it is perfect everything went great like there's no reason that couldn't have been a thing and if that was the case that'd be at 2 hours and 45 minutes right the second and it'd be like all right it's almost done like that would been so cool so we're going to do this and then we're going to go to Venus and wait since we have to anyway and then we'll come back and grab another batch throw it in the ship and then go to Lana and that should finish us out to 150 all right so we're going to take this resources drop those and then we need to go to Soul and this should be the last time we go to Venus if we're lucky here so because it's the last time on Venus we're going to have to wait for the 30 hours or whatever to fill up Lana again and uh if I if I would have got more neodymium instead of having to do it right now I still don't think I could have hit 3 hours because uh I'm seeing now it's just there's not quite enough time because at the time I lost finding the Lana Outpost but my point still stands that Um this can be done another 3 hours which is insane I would argue that probably the absolute fast Fest this could be done would be around 230 maybe somewhere between 220 and 245 assuming no one finds like crazy exploits or something that make this go faster like I mean I could use the ship duplication exploit in order to get credits I guess but it's like will that save me any time not really like yeah it'll save me a little bit of time I guess but I need the iron and the aluminum the Adaptive frames anyway so I need to make that andron planet regardless and have it built out fleshed out like that so it's like there's a if you added together all the methods that you can shortcut in order to go faster and you get lucky and The Outpost where you have to do biome splits you find those immediately as fast as physically possible all that you might be able to save 20 30 minutes off what I have here maybe 45 or something probably like 20 to 30 and uh so that would be crazy like I would have loved to be able to say you know oh I did this in 2 and 1/2 hours can you imagine like it's already crazy you have to stay 3 hours but 2 and a half that's even crazier man that's nuts all right so this looks like it's going to be like it's going to be crazy it's going to be like 3 minutes and it's going to be 3 hours and 3 minutes but instead of level 100 I'm going to have level 1 15 so it's basically going to be my same speedrun that I had my previous personal best but with 50 additional levels those 50 additional levels are like 100 additional levels cuz the EXP not exponential scaling it kind of gets exponential but um level 100 level 150 is as much like twice as much xp as 1 to 100 or something like that so yeah you get the point okay just got to get up here and then got to throw these on the ground and then we got to head back over to Lana for hopefully the home stretch all right Lana I mean know this is enough materials like this is for sure enough materials Lana 7 we need to go to all right okay I got to get the materials I got to go down here quick save load and then bang out the last 10 levels so pop an amp speed this up that little extra bit I don't know how I'm not out of amps yet man I thought I only made like 20 oh no oh God okay I oh Jesus Christ I thought the game crashed and I was like dude why the load screens are so long right now this is terrifying I think it's going to crash okay uh and then I have to quick save load so we're loading the game at the 3-h hour mark and now it's just how many minutes here does it take to get 10 levels which right now a level is 177,000 XP so here magnon conductors and then God that's so hard to do come on there we go all right here we go the home stretch for all the marbles guys this is it this is the moment we've all been waiting for this is Is What It Takes guys to get to level 150 you know what's insane about this when I do this I realize that even with how insane these exp not well it's not really an exploit but these game mechanics are for leveling even with how ridiculous it seems when you're like dude 60,000 XP per minute that's so fast it makes you realize though that to get to the max level that's not really practical is it like I mean it's practical but like dude if you were going to level normally you better play the game for like 10,000 hours to hit Level 300 like my God can you imagine you're just running around killing stuff like dude this would take so damn long I couldn't even imagine leveling up like you might play for 300 hours and be like level 50 or level 70 like I don't think you can hit level 100 just normal gameplay like there's no way not in a normal person's play time at least your average person's play time I realistically your average player has a play time of like 6 hours or 12 hours or something I think like most games it's only like 1 or 2% of people who beat the game or like 5% 10 it depends on the game like 2 to 25% beat the game by halfway through the game you've already lost half the players and I know this because of achievements on games there'll be achievements that are based on progression and it'll be like okay you get so far in the game and then uh it's like okay there's a achievement for getting this far there's achievement for getting that far there's achievement for getting this level getting that level uh getting to this Zone getting to that zone and if a game's linear then you just look at the achievements and see like it says what percentage of people have this achievement and it'll be like okay the achievement for beating the final boss and it'll be like 5% of players have this achievement or something and you're like what or it'll be like okay beating this boss just halfway through the game and it'll be like 40% of players beat this or got this achievement which means like this it's probably skew cuz there's a huge chunk of players who buy a game and then they just play for like an hour and go I screw this and they can't refund it and they quit and they don't play it anymore uh so that probably ex there probably 10 or 20% of people players who have that experience I bet that would suck pay like $60 for a game and play for two hours and be like I change my mind it sucks all right we're going to stop here and see if it's level 150 please be level 150 please be level 150 149 no damn I was I got greedy I was so close I was so close I wanted to do it 3 hours and 3 minutes all right let's just Overkill a little bit here make sure another 4,000 another 4,000 I mean can only be 20,000 all right there we go I know for sure it's done all right let me see the number pop up there it is stop the timer three hours 3 minutes and 32 seconds and I am level 150 uh Jesus man and it's it's 19,000 for the next level that was that was crazy that was that my that was my new personal best on this I'll probably not do another one just cuz it takes so long to do these runs um that was it I'm this one's going to YouTube this is absolutely going to YouTube we have 130 skill points we have a cutter as our weapon I have to see how how many of these things did we make we have oh my God look at look at these things these param magnon conductors let's see how many we have oh that's monopropellant man mono propellant looks weird all right so we made in order to get this from level 30 to 150 we made 286,000 param magnon conductors so when I was getting neodymium for the leveling I should have grabbed 300,000 is what I needed to grab this weighs 1,1 15636 for Mass whatever Mass is measured in is metric then I guess or something I don't know moles anyway that was it man that's it we did it we did it I'm just damn I'm so glad I can move on and make some other videos now or do other things I I wanted to do this before I did something I was really excited about doing this so I hope you guys enjoyed this if you stuck around till the end and I appreciate you man boosting my algorithm numbers um if you want to watch something else just check the description I have guides and things if you want to see more stuff like this just let me know this is a very Niche thing for me to make videos like this uh I me I can make up some other fun speedrun ideas like this like I prefer speedruns that make up when I do a speedrun like this I prefer making it a concept that's not only usable but also like something fun like it's just beating the game like that's pretty boring to me like that's just generic I want to be something where it's like all right set up a crazy XP farm use it for like 40 minutes and hit this level to show that it can be done and not only done but done quickly like after this now you know that like I have comments on the videos like I made a video about this param magnon conductor thing and I know for a fact on that video there were comments people go oh this is not worth the setup like I'm not going to spend the hours and hours and hours to set this up just to get that XP I rather just play the game the reality is if you actually know what you're doing or have any kind of guide at all for it then you can actually set this up in full in like realistically an hour cuz I'd say 40 minutes of this speedrun was I'm a new character and I have to get money like if you're already playing and you have money and you've done things already uh you can just buy the stuff and go get started and go craft like bang out these outposts and probably get the whole thing done in an hour and a half uh an hour maybe to get this all set up and then you're making 60,000 XP per minute so why stop at the 20,000 XP per minute the aluminum uh iron the Adaptive frames or the to grade Rio stats or any of those why stop at those there's no reason you just go and do this one this is the best manual one so if you want to grind it out manually I recommend this this is going to be your best bet just bang out the pair Magnum on conductors manually like this with the method methods I did in the speedrun but I hope you guys appreciated this man I hope you guys enjoyed this this was fun it was a lot of time there was three days of my life gone getting this run that actually went well um and I got better at as I went so yeah it's another reason why it took this long for it to go well I had to learn it really um but that's it guys hope you guys appreciate it do me a favor sub you know subscribe watch another video feel free to join my Discord if you want chat ever and talk about the game or something you know I'm I'm always there in my Discord paying attention but that's it for me guys thanks for watching man it was a good speedrun hopefully it helps you out hopefully you enjoyed it and I'll see you guys in the next Starfield video or whatever my next video is if I end up changing games soon for Lords of the fallers but I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Kibbles Gaming
Views: 319,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield xp farm, Starfield level up fast, Starfield money farm, Starfield experience farm, Starfield speedrun, Starfield outpost guide, Starfield base building, Starfield best xp farm, Starfield fast xp, Starfield easy xp, Starfield tips and tricks, Starfield guide, Starfield playthrough, Starfield let's play, Starfield walkthrough, Starfield leveling guide, Starfield outpost xp farm, Starfield speed leveling, Starfield level up, Starfield leveling, Starfield tips, guide
Id: 6fO6q3OfxM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 27sec (11247 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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